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File: 108 KB, 640x393, angelic-pretty-logo-on-mook-packaging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7934853 No.7934853 [Reply] [Original]

>Lolita themed tattoos y/n?
>What print/design would make a good tattoo?
>Would a lolita themed tattoo ever be acceptable in a lolita coordinate?
>Would you ever consider getting one?

Pic related, im tempted to get the Angelic Pretty logo tattooed in white ink, not sure where yet, or how practical it would rly be considering the complications associated with white ink.

>> No.7934862

I don't hate the idea of lolita print themed tattoos, but I really think you should reconsider getting a tattoo of the actual brand logo! You may really like the brand and their style right now, but what happens in a couple years when they take a direction you really don't care for? Or pick up some stigma or implications down the line? Even if you end up loving them forever, it's still a little tacky, unless you alter the design in some way.

I mean, I do like the idea a bit too, but I would wait at least five more years before committing to a brand logo tattoo! Just my two cents, though.

>> No.7934873
File: 95 KB, 600x292, Holy Lantern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I feel like most prints aren't well suited to be used as tattoos without heavy modification or going for a full-sleeve sort of thing, but I do love the idea of just having one of the little motifs from Holy Lantern on the back of the neck or upper back or something. Little bat-winged candelabra with a couple stars on either side. Way cute.

Alternately, Imai Kira drawings in lieu of pinups.

>> No.7934901


>> No.7934908

as someone with (admittedly video game themed) tattoos and piercings
>you are a fucking retard

>> No.7934910

>Lolita themed tattoos y/n?
For me? No. For you? If you want to.

>What print/design would make a good tattoo?
Something small that doesn't involve the brand logo at all. Maybe one of the doughnuts from Melty Cream Doughnut with a few smaller designs around to frame and or "anchor" it, but I don't think getting one of the unicorns of horses from any of the Carnival prints.
>mfw someone already did that a while ago and posted it all over.
It looked terrible.

>Would a lolita themed tattoo ever be acceptable in a lolita coordinate?
I doubt it. Any place where someone would normally get a tattoo (upper arm, back, thighs, etc) is usually covered in lolita. I guess if you get one on the wrist you can kinda show it, but I doubt many people would think it part of the actual outfit.

>Would you ever consider getting one?
Nah, I'm good.

>> No.7934919

/r/'ing the picture of the girl with the off-color AP tattoo.

>> No.7934925

I wouldn't get a brand name on me, even lolita brands.
>not a billboard

I'm modeling a large tattoo off of Gardenberries; it needs modification to actually suit a tattoo but it will be really cute when it's done.

Most prints may be ok as templates to model a design from but they won't necessarily transfer well to a tattoo.

Also, white ink will turn brown over time and unless you're super pale, will hardly even be visible.

>> No.7934928

Its fucking stupid and tacky as fuck. You wouldnt get a CHANEL logo tattoo, would you? The concept is similar to why stylish/ classy people avoid purchasing anything that resembles a obnoxious advertisement for the brand.

>> No.7934957

I think a brand logo is a bad idea, but taking a part of a print you like and altering it to suit a tattoo design seems fine. I know lolitas are known for being anti-tattoo, but I'm not getting the reason for calling the OP a retard for asking opinions on it. If she was a retard she would have gone out, got it, then spammed it everywhere expecting asspats.

>> No.7934965

It's been done...http://egl.livejournal.com/18352012.html
Brand logos, however, are retarded as a tattoo.

>> No.7934966

I have a lolita tattoo. Is the promo art by Kira imai for one of a.p's releases. It's really cute and unless you know about ap and their promo art it just looks like a really cute girl.

>> No.7934991

Don't do white ink! You might as well just go ahead and get it done in yellow.

>> No.7935041

I can't imagine being over the age of 25 and wanting that Sanrio style shit on your skin, let alone wanting it permanently. Tacky as all hell.

>> No.7935501

I have the perfume bottle cameo from cinema doll on my forearm. Love it to bits.

>> No.7935611

I think a lot of the prints inside of a cameo can look good as a tattoo like >>7935501 said they have. I thought about getting one of the Melty Mermaid Princess cameos before.

Logos (for anything, not just lolita) on the other hand I think are tacky.

>> No.7935627

I wouldn't mind having some motifs on this prints on my ankle, these are cute...

>> No.7935691

I don't have a lolita style tattoo, but I'm a lolita with a Harry Potter tattoo.
It's a small deathly hallows on the inside of my wrist, it's simple and tasteful.
Harry Potter was/is a large part of my life, especially when I was growing up. Helped me through hard times.
It's something I feel I won't ever regret getting, or get sick of. Perhaps I might one day.

>> No.7935704

The most I'd get is probably a small chain of details around an ankle, things like >>7934873 mentioned, or maybe just a couple in easily hidden places. Maybe a cameo like other girls have mentioned. Certainly not a brand logo because I know my tastes in clothing change frequently enough for that to be a bad idea, but to each their own, I guess.

>> No.7935710
File: 54 KB, 502x414, e22d0524495d9fc02ac7aa17c01e5af9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7935763
File: 40 KB, 276x400, Delft Lotta fawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting a Lotta tattoo within the next 6 months, but I really don't like the idea of the logo tattoo. At least when I'm older I can just say "Oh it's a cute deer"

>> No.7935764

/r/ing carousel horse with dick leg tattoo

>> No.7935806

Pics? both sound adorable!

>> No.7935807

Please post pics when you do it! Also, I'm in love with that deer, what dress is it?

>> No.7935926

m8, do u read?
>Innocent World

>> No.7935930

God damn, I'm an idiot. sorry anon.

>> No.7935941
File: 569 KB, 784x416, Screen Shot 2014-11-13 at 9.47.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't me

I definitely will! And it's from the Delft Lotta dress specifically. I prefer the Delft Lotta to regular Lotta for a tattoo because I think they'd look better than the solid coloured deer

>> No.7935967

I have one tattoo and its not lolita, but I wish it was. I hate explaining what the tattoo is to people because I got it when I was a teenager and it doesn't have a lot of meaning to me. I'm considering getting a cover up tattoo over top of it of a crown because I am absolutely obsessed with crown prints.

I'm going to give it another year or two before I decide though, to make sure its not just a phase.

I wish my tattoo was harry potter, I fucking love those books.

>> No.7936185
File: 145 KB, 920x1632, IMG_36149953717020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my tattoo. The photo was taken the day it got done. I really love it. I plan on getting a gothic lolita as well

>> No.7936202
File: 741 KB, 371x202, haterbabymetal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As Lolita and a Tattoo artist this makes me happy. However, a phew things about the art work, I think, are a little off but other wise very cute Anon.

>> No.7936260

Yea he had to really simplify it to make it work. Otherwise the colors would have bled together. Thank you! I'm really interested to hear your critique of it though. Maybe to ensure I get better quality in the future?

>> No.7936303

Oh wow I LOVE this!!

>> No.7936304

The shape of the cup is a little off, at the bottom .
Cherry on top shading isn't the best but not bad.
The girls face has no details so it looks she has bags under her eyes and not that Angelic pretty style art you were going for. However, I can tell who she is.
Good parts:
>shading on the cup.
>skirt of the dress's line work.
>Very 3D feel and good use of space.
>Love how deep he went in with the colors.

the deep colors well be good in not keeping it from fading to much.

>> No.7936312

Anon, brand logo or not, you'll still have tog get the wordy part hand lettered.

Also for the love of god don't do it in white.

>> No.7936421
File: 1.43 MB, 1386x2008, imaisundae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Original promo art for reference.

>> No.7936431
File: 49 KB, 540x960, 10754835_10205364186453217_775764621_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't get as clear of a picture as I wanted but we did darken and tweak the colors to suit my tastes and to make it more viable for the long term. I just love perfume bottles.

>> No.7936440

this is so badly executed but it could've been a whole lot worse too

>> No.7936444
File: 23 KB, 473x638, AP_tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this is the one you mean anon

>> No.7936454

Sorry, anon, that looks like shit.

>> No.7936459

I was seriously considering getting the deathly hallows there. I wanted the Dark Mark but my boyfriend said that'd be too edgy. He's probably right.

I also want a little Totoro on my hip./

>> No.7936488
File: 22 KB, 800x650, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dark Mark is the wizard equivalent of the swastika. So yeah.

And anyway you'd just lump yourself in with the "2edgy4u" crowd.

I don't know, I kind of want to get a Harry Potter or MAYBE a Homestuck tattoo, but there's a lot of deathly hollows out there so IDK.

I'd like to get pic related on my back (left side, back view of where my actual heart would be) but I've heard that solid colours which aren't black bleed something awful.

I'd also love one of those water colour tattoos, like a fox or something, but they're still fairly new and I want to see how they age.

>> No.7936490

good god do not get a homestuck tattoo

>> No.7936491

The heart is the one I'd get in that case. It's not going to happen for at least a few years, but some day maybe.

A friend and I were actually toying with the idea of a sleeve, nothing we'd get ourselves but it'd be cool to see. With lord english at the shoulder and then maybe toying with the cairo overcoat and characters like the felt or team Doc or the carpacians.
Lord English is a pretty good motive anyway, huge green skullmonster with cueballs for eyes.

>> No.7936500

I've entertained the idea of getting Meta's swans. Cute enough to be normal without being an in-your-face brand logo.

>> No.7936503

That's so fucking stupid sounding.

>> No.7937023

I have a Yugioh tattoo and even I know this is a bad idea. Sure there's a lot of Deathly Hallows tattoos out there (my only other tattoo is one) but it's a series that's over 15 years old and something that shaped so many childhoods, I don't think you can pick a good tattoo idea from it that hasn't already been inked onto hundreds of thousands of people.
Homestuck's only been going for 5 years any way, even if you're set on this, wait a few years before getting it to be certain that you wont fall out of love.
Sorry for continuing the fandom tattoo discussion.

>Lolita themed tattoos y/n?
They can be cute if done well. Another person who's not a fan of bran logos though
>What print/design would make a good tattoo?
I'd love to see stuff based off more gothic designs but a lot of prints from any subset of lolita could work.
>Would a lolita themed tattoo ever be acceptable in a lolita coordinate?
I don't view tattoos as part of coords as they aren't something someone puts on specifically to match this JSK and that blouse.
>Would you ever consider getting one?
Cosplayer, not a lolita (yet) so no. I only get tattoos from things that have significantly shaped or changed my life so even if I get into lolita I can't see anything meeting my personal criteria for having it permanently put on me.

>> No.7937043

I once considered getting a YuGiOh tattoo.
Can I ask what you got?

>> No.7937084
File: 46 KB, 640x360, 425779_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiryu's marker around my wrist.

>> No.7937182

What's it of?

>> No.7937185

That's super cute anon!

>> No.7937187

Love it!

>> No.7937193
File: 15 KB, 309x174, sneakysneak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this sneaky little guy on my ankle at some point, punpun has been a huge part of my life ever since I began reading it, but I can't ever see myself getting a lolita tattoo despite being into it since I was a wee teenager

if I had to get something I'd definitely get a tribute to ETC's biscuit print, I covet it so much; or maybe their mermaid print

>> No.7938128

I've considered a little twin stars tattoo on my wrist
And a old style lisa Simpson on my arm for my father with "butterfly kisses" written somewhere.

>> No.7938167

whats wrong with white ink?

>> No.7938169
File: 30 KB, 600x338, 1527862_590522841030352_771592888_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? Literally just talked about getting this on my wrist. Do you want to get them done at the same time, anon?

>> No.7938171

It fades super fast and oftentimes just looks like scarring. A lot of artists apparently refuse to do it (which is kind of silly, considering people have to get that shit touched up CONSTANTLY which just = more money.)

>> No.7938177

those spider legs...

>> No.7938365

Voldie, why would you get a lolita tattoo when you literally just started wearing lolita?

>> No.7938369

this looks like garbage, should have found a better artist

>> No.7938390

Unrelated, but I think I know who you are because I literally only know one person who likes Punpun so much.

>> No.7938399 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 113x114, 1393272763332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool, take a guess, and if you're right, message me maybe? My love for punpun burns like no other. If you know me irl then we really could get matching sassy triangles.

>> No.7938694

You can't just touch it up either, as you can't use light ink over dark in that way so every time you touch up your white ink tattoo it'll just get darker.

>> No.7938784

why the triangle version? I'd go for the more iconic first version

>> No.7939462

I've actually been interested in the fashion since 2010, despite only wearing it recently. Though it's mainly an aesthetic tattoo, I just really love the look of the delft lotta fawn.

>> No.7939498

..how could you tell it was voldie tho.

>> No.7939508

You should get it retouched!

>> No.7939512

she owns or owned deft lotta

>> No.7939518

>because voldie is the only one to ever like/own deft lotta

>> No.7939522

I've posted about it on my tumblr before

>> No.7939648

>Lolita themed tattoos y/n?
>What print/design would make a good tattoo?
Alot, take one element from the print
>Would a lolita themed tattoo ever be acceptable in a lolita coordinate?
Sure if its subtle
>Would you ever consider getting one?
I have an ap one on my wrist

>> No.7941717

Thank you! My artist is actually a Lolita too... I traded a vampire forest set for this. Perfect trade.

>> No.7941733

You don't seem to know half of tumblr then. Huge fandom there.
I get that it's a seriously important image to you, related to your dad, but please know that if you get a Simpsons tattoo then people will make some very negative assumptions about you for it.

>> No.7941734

Nobody likes deft Lotta as much as voldie tbh

>> No.7941738

> negative assumptions
Diff anon but what exactly?

>> No.7942063

Ap tattoo? like the logo?

>> No.7946503
File: 189 KB, 320x480, angelic_pretty_iphone_sc_by_yvette_chan-d41uhms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like, just the horse from sugary carnival, no other elements or features but the exact same design and colours

>> No.7947004
File: 737 KB, 1171x677, Alphonse-Mucha-The-Precious-Stones-Ruby-Emerald-Amethyst-Topaz1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a classic lolita and I'm getting an Alfons Mucha tattoo. It's going to start just below my right armpit and reach the beginning my thigh. It won't be visible when wearing lolita but I'm still gonna be a walking Art Nouveau paiting and that's awesome.

>> No.7947038

As someone who has a concept of permanency, getting a pretty lolita style tattoo is about 8,00000x better than getting a shitty video game tattoo. Like, you might hate that video game next year, but if the tattoo is aesthetically pleasing (example, a chandelier from the image above your post) it will always look okay. Sit you're trashy ass down.

>> No.7947041

Yeah seriously, this.
>Considered getting metal gear tat after MGS3 had just come out
>Cringe thinking about how stupid I would look today after "muh card game" and "muh vagina bombs"

>> No.7947042

>trashy ass
>says the one getting a shitty tattoo
>says the one unable to spell your

>> No.7947045

>Lolita themed tattoos y/n?
>What print/design would make a good tattoo?
Maybe something super simple and tiny like >>7934873 but IMHO anything with colours is probably going to look like a blotchy mess.
>Would a lolita themed tattoo ever be acceptable in a lolita coordinate?
No. Get it somewhere you can hide it.
>Would you ever consider getting one?

I genuinely hope you have a really amazing tattoo artist, anon. At least better than the people who did >>7936185 , >>7936431 or >>7936444.

>> No.7947057

>I have no tattoos
>fuck you I'm on mobile
>point still stands

>> No.7947092

The only reason I haven't got it done yet is because I'm saving money so I can afford the best artist in my region. I want perfect thin lines and amazing colors.
I also haven't decided which of his paintings it's gonna be yet. I love all of them.

>> No.7947094

stuckfag gtfo you are the 2edgy4u crowd

>> No.7947096

For e-fame why she does everything

>> No.7947124

>Like, you might hate that video game next year

I have a video game tattoo, even planning a few more from a particular game in the series, but those games are about twenty-two years old, with the ones I'm getting art from being ten.

I feel like people should really wait to get a tattoo from a video game (or lolita, in this case), at least a few years, just because that initial, "Wow, I love this so much, this is the best thing I've ever seen," will fade, and if you've lost your enthusiasm, then you're just stuck with a tattoo from some game/dress you don't give a fuck about anymore.

>> No.7947129

Sit your ass down, it's a stylized heart and if you just saw it on the beach you wouldn't think twice of it.

>> No.7947130

This. Around season 2 I was thinking about getting a tiny ward from LoL and now look at it. Everyone in the cosplay world hates it, and it's a shit game.

>> No.7947133

calm down your grey paint is starting to bleed

>> No.7947136

Caring what the cosplay world thinks
>Attention whore detected

>> No.7947147

Nah. I really just meant that LoL is pretty much the cancer in the community and I hate what it's become.

>> No.7947162

What's wrong with >>7936431?

>> No.7947296


you got a shitty artist

you can't be serious about a sleeve with homestuck

>> No.7947298

should've made this a haiku, you blew it anon

and you're wrong you don't speak for everyone

>> No.7947350

I wouldn't get it, I'm not enthusiastic enough about tattoos for that, but it could definitely look good if care was taken into composition and no just mismatching random characters like I can't see any of the trolls making a good tattoo.