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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 86 KB, 461x604, Camey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7928352 No.7928352 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been a bit curious after attending a local con and staring at the massive quantities of Cammy butt.

Has anyone ever had a massive embarrassing cosplay malfunction? e.g a tit flying out or your dick hanging out.

Bit curious as I don't think I've ever heard it happen in the years I've been attending conventions.

>> No.7928357

Massive? No, but I had my skirt seam rip at the top when I was wearing the first costume I made. I think I ended up safety pinning it and holding my hand over it all the time because I was embarrassed. It was almost 12 years ago, so the memory is vague.

>> No.7928371

Never happened to me. Always wear tights + lots of tape. Brit cons are pretty rife with it though. Tab's fallen out her tops a few times. Stacey Rebecca went commando without ensuring her shorts would stay fully up and totally exposed her ass. ai-honey flashed her gash in one costume and fell out her top in another. It's pretty hard to go to a UK con and not see somebody's nipple out in the breeze.

>> No.7928386

God, I don't know how anybody could do that.
I wore Kamui Ryuko and was checking myself every five minutes. Everything was taped down. EVERYTHING.

>> No.7928389

That red sonia cosplayer who flashed everyone on the stairs when she wasn't wearing underwear is the only one I know of. I don't know if that's considered a malfunction if it's intentional.

>> No.7928396

Hmm, probably would be classed as a malfunction.

Even if they were creepy weirdos. xD

>> No.7928406

The tape on my top gave out and I flashed a voice actor. Somehow wasn't as horrific as it sounds though.

>> No.7928472


Tab as in the transdude?

as for the others, pics would be appreciated for research.

>> No.7928474

It happened to me. I was wearing pads in my bra and one of it fell out on the floor.

Everyone saw it, but nobody said anything, so it was ok.

>> No.7928506

>so it was ok.

Well as long as you think so, dear.

>> No.7928524

reminds me of the swimming episode of ToraDora

>> No.7928542

First con I went to there was some guy in an Optimus Prime cosplay. It looked well made, like you couldn't tell it was cardboard, except that he literally started putting it on next to me and I got a close look. He had a helper help put it on, and shit took forever to get done. I went in and did one round of the artist alley, and got out just as they were done getting all the pieces on.

I thought I could finally take pics, as they started to make a grand entrance into the cosplay hall. But then a piece fell off. And then another, and another, and about five steps in, the Optimus Prime was unable to move, he was surrounded by bits of his broken cosplay and his helper was frantically running around picking up the fallen pieces as they were standing right in front of the main entrance, blocking everyone.

When I left the con they were standing in a corner of the cosplay hall surrounded by other people holding tape and scissors... I'm not sure if they ever managed to put the costume back together before the con ended, there were people talking about an Optimus Prime cosplay afterwards on the forum, but it seems everyone was waiting for the costume to be put together to take photos.

Sorry there's no nudity for you to fap to, but it's an embarasssing story, I guess?

>> No.7928601

When I was at otakon two guys came in wearing homemade sentai armor or something. On guys bracer fell of and broke in half on the floor. He just started fucking screaming and ripping pieces off of himself, breaking them and throwing them in the trash.
His friends just sort of stood there awkwardly while the entire convention stared.
Also, while not a malfunction, my girlfriend made a huge ass sword for a costume and hated how it looked but took it anyway. Shit weighed like 50lbs. We had to strap it to the top of the car. She was so done with it halfway through the day she just left it in the dealers room for someone to find. I wonder what ever happened to it...

>> No.7929211

I was cosplaying Yoko at a con and some dillhole thought it'd be funny to untie the back of my bikini top while we were going up the escalator. He did it right at the top and ran off into the crowd so I didn't catch him.

Jokes on him, though, I tape that shit to my tits so all he did was make the strings flop around for the two minutes it took for my friend to re-tie them for me.

>> No.7929265

nicely played

>> No.7929272

common sense isn't so common at conventions huh

>> No.7929329

The last time I ever crossplayed, I wore some super tight black pants and they ended up ripping in half while I was on my way back to my room on the first day.
I was by no means fat or even close to being fat back then, it's more that I owned about 5 different black pants and accidently brought the wrong pair with me which was two sizes too small.
I didn't mind too bad because I thought my costume looked bad and it was a nice excuse to not wear it again, but I was hanging out with a guy friend that I had a crush on when it happened. It was pretty awful having to play it cool while I could hear people behind me laughing repeatedly because my butt was hanging out.

never again.

>> No.7929337

>not cosplay, skip if you want cosplay
I wore OTT to a convention and left a crowded bathroom with my skirts very obviously tucked in, my bloomers and petti showing and the tops of my thighs. People were nice, girls rushed to help me untuck, but pretty sure some of the "at least you got nice legs and had shorts on" commenters took pics, so woohoo, there's pics of my thighs with black bloomers and mis matched petti under a pastel dress on the Internet. Enjoy.

>> No.7929341

if you have a nice butt I don't see the problem
I wouldn't see why your crush wouldn't talk to you again

wink wonk

>> No.7929372

I should probably add that it happened a few years ago and that crush and I kind of despise each other now. But that's completely unrelated to the above incident.
I managed to keep my shit together back then because I was in pretty good shape and knew that at least it wasn't an ugly sight.
And that said, I'm bringing back the costume in it's improved form, with slightly better fitting pants pretty soon, so hopefully it'll go better this time so I can forget about that whole thing haha.

>> No.7929464

I was wearing my Kamui Satsuki cosplay and one of the straps in front fell down. Luckily everything was taped down because..... yeah but it was at the KLK meetup and half the people there decided it would be a good idea to keep snapping pictures, I saw a few floating around after the con urgh. After that, I kept trying to put it back since it was attached with velcro but I would move a little and then it would fall back down. I couldn't really turn around to fix it because I was going full booty. Priorities?
Only later I realized the edge of the mesh covering my boob window had gotten stuck in the barbs of the velcro... until then it was just a lot of awkward holding onto everythng.

>> No.7929472
File: 32 KB, 400x300, 1409450428862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's my girl

mind telling me the cosplay?

>> No.7929497

>He just started fucking screaming and ripping pieces off of himself, breaking them and throwing them in the trash.

Autistic nerd or frustrated artist are both good answers here

>> No.7929540

I've never had anything too bad, I wore pants that were a little too big and they fell down further that I would have liked but meh. What actually bothered me was when my EL wire got torn and went out, couldn't fix them until after the con. I've also had stuff chip, but nothing that was that noticeable or that I couldn't fix.

AN 2014, I remember that, that was unfortunate.

>> No.7929639

Both at the same time

>> No.7929781

blood on the petti, 'nuff said

>> No.7929801

most of the time i've been pretty lucky, but i remember on one of my first few cosplays i didn't sew the rise quite right on a pair of shorts, made it out of the flimsiest broadcloth, and they just completely ripped open at the waistband. had to get my friend to help me put it together with some safety pins and a strategically positioned belt. Of course that's exactly the moment when i bumped into a seagull i recognised.
>still dying a little inside

>> No.7929918

I don't know how it happened, but somehow the zipper on my skirt came undone while I was waiting in line for my badge. I was wearing tights, so it's not like I was completely exposed, but you could see my underwear through the tights. I have no clue how long it was unzipped, and I didn't even notice until the girl in line behind me said something. For the rest of the con I was constantly checking my zipper.

>> No.7930148

Otakon 2012. I was a moron and took on something way too complex as my first handmade cosplay and at that point it had taken me a year to make (and it still wasn't 100% complete by time of the con, GJ me). The two biggest offenders were the tunic and the glasses.

The tunic was very poorly constructed as I made things too snug and it was made from broadcloth (I felt guilty for having spent so much money on materials for this failure of a cosplay already), so I nearly dislocated my shoulder getting the thing on and off (it didn't help that I put a tiny zipper in the front and not one of a more useful length in the back). And in getting it on/off, the tunic ripped at some of the seams. So I had to go buy some safety pins (thankfully they came in black!) to hold the piece of shit together. There was no point in stitching it back together because it was just going to rip again.

Then there was the glasses. I fucked up on those too but fabricating them was trickier than making the tunic for different reasons. They ended up rendering everything I saw into blurry red blobs. I couldn't just put them on and take them off whenever I wanted either because the way I ended up having to make them forced me to wear them underneath my wig, so donning and removing them was a hassle. I ended up wearing some cheapo gold aviators around the BCC and then during the Saturday Gundam shoot wore the real glasses. On the rare occasion someone wanted a photo in the hallway or lobby I got stressed because it took so long to get the idiotic contraption on for them, but they were patient for little retarded me.

>> No.7930172

I got my period in a WHITE spandex bodysuit at SDCC this year.
Thankfully it happened when I was already on my way back to the hotel, but I did pose with some kids along the way and kneel down for pictures with them. Some poor parent somewhere has a picture of my bloody crotch next to their child.

>> No.7930227 [DELETED] 

So you can masturbate to the idea of it happening?

>> No.7930229

So you can masturbate to the thought of it happening?

>> No.7930250
File: 97 KB, 740x559, 1351268519668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a mishap with a bunny suit, but thankfully I had put a lot of steel boning in it or else it could have been so, so much worse.

Between losing a bunch of weight (after mockup, during sewing the final garment) and barely having a chest to start with, the top of the suit didn't have any curves to hug. Some parts ended up baggy.. but I worked so hard on it that I decided fashion tape should be enough to keep me safe. Like an idiot.

I went to a panel first thing in the morning, no makeup, looking like a rushed mess, with bunny ears that had come loose from the headband during travel. I sit down too quick, and hear and feel ALL the tape ripping off my skin and the back of my suit snapping down. Turns out, since my leg holes were too small and totally rigid, the suit couldn't actually accommodate my mysteriously-expanding ass. Since it couldn't relieve pressure through leg holes I guess it decided to borrow fabric from above.

The good news is that boob petals and the boning holding the front up kept my chest from being too exposed, despite the bagginess up top. The bad news is that since the tape made such a sound, people around me immediately turned to witness my shame.

Anyway, it was only my second cosplay and it was a pretty good lesson. Never wear a cosplay you know doesn't fit you.

>> No.7930435

Otakon 2013 right?
heheheh i know the guy.
more so the first one but yeah

>> No.7930450

Yeah I had that happen with a cosplay. My friend untucked my skirt for me, felt paranoid the rest of the day.

>> No.7930582

Same thing happened to me, but in red spandex, so it probably just looked like I'd pissed myself.

>> No.7930585

>TFW my friends and I did this to each other in the pool when we were 13

>> No.7930586

Nt a malfunction per se, but I had a migraine and had just taken my wig off (I threw on my headband that went with the cosplay, but my hair was 100% the wrong color) and someone immediately snapped my pic. Found people making fun of it later, even though you can see the wig in my hands.

I was too sick/tired to complain at the guy who did it though.

>> No.7930618
File: 26 KB, 300x376, Columbia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly cosplay but I used to play Columbia at the local rocky horror. There is something at our theater called the curse of columbia , anyone who plays the character for whatever reason eventually had a wardrobe malfunction.

Normally it is a nip slip or a top that won't stay up. Not me... After a year of dodging the curse I got snagged on a cast member's costume and the little side clip panties came off like a rubber band snapping.

Music cues up, the show must go on... Trying to hide myself with a boa while doing the routine. And then sneak off stage to find something to put on before the scene is over.

>> No.7930621

at least if you had failed to hide yourself, it would have gone with the theme of the show. you didn't shit yourself or anything.

>> No.7930646
File: 71 KB, 335x500, dffdf4c6d0c4778d2ee6e219f96a53b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't very hidden. I had one other issue with a FFXI mithra cosplay that would not stay in place. Constantly giving me a wedgie or the top shifting too much.

PS: not my costume... But I wanna make it soooooooooo bad.

>> No.7930670

Doesn't Columbia have a nipple sticking out in the movie?

Like she had a costume which covered the whole breast except the nipple.

>> No.7930683
File: 27 KB, 495x300, 10-31-00-columbia_front_shot-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and anon was talking about her panties coming off, not her nips showing.

>> No.7930704
File: 122 KB, 300x400, Columbia___Dinner_Scene_4_by_nelphaba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Columbia has 3 wardrobe malfunctions in the movie. One in the pajmas. "Well I've had enough!" One during the floor show. "Rose tint my world". And one more in the pool scene. Hence the curse of Columbia.

>> No.7930743
File: 18 KB, 236x354, 4f9fea45232b7c57ac23182b19f2c9b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strangely I never had an issue with the leloo costume. Always thought id rip a strap or turn wrong and flash megacon.

>> No.7930746

Once my strapless dress dropped exposing me down to my waist. I was wearing a bra and was standing in a nearly empty hallway.
Wouldn't have been too bad if it weren't for the fact that it happened while I was posing for the most notorious pervert of the convention.

>> No.7930767

Wow, he's so perverted he's gained telepathic powers.

>> No.7930774
File: 74 KB, 480x720, 9544f4950f45aab3f3bf84087116d46a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it feel like the consensus opinion is that any photographer with a dick is a pervert?

>> No.7930782

Telekinetic you stupid fuck

>> No.7930788

I don't think that's really the general consensus. It just seems like that because people only tend to post their bad experiences on this board.

>> No.7930808

Why does it feel like you're a perverted male photographer trying to derail the thread with a topic that has nothing to do with it?

>> No.7930843
File: 56 KB, 540x720, IMG_441653842785783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose that is the case. ..
PS, for the other poster. I think it would be hard to be the creepy photographer guy... Without a dick.

>> No.7930852

Fuck, my bad.

>> No.7930855

Men don't have to have penises to be men! Check your privilege shitlord!

>> No.7930895
File: 111 KB, 960x640, IMG_128997541630837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... What the fuck?

Back on topic I have seen it happen all the time to guys at the local ten fair."kilt malfunction " is a common term.

>> No.7930908


nigga got owned

>> No.7930913

That anon was referring to transmen. The thing is though, many legit FTMs will do anything to have penises but often give up because current SRS procedures for them fucking sucks (not mention they are expensive/not covered by most insurances like pretty much anything related to gender transitioning).

So the mentality "you don't need a dick to be a true man" isn't present in all of us.

>> No.7930932
File: 60 KB, 480x720, IMG_441617292320351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trans gender aside you need a dick to be biologically male. I'd even go so far as to say sex reassignment is more of a personal choice than an inborn nature like homosexuality. I know I'm kicking the beehive but I believe that biology sex and mental wiring can be completely separate from each other.

>> No.7930952

guys. please don't.

>> No.7930958 [DELETED] 

Sorry. Just a topic very near and dear to me and I'm sick of Tumblr poisoning people's perception of it (or people just being ignorant about it in general).

>> No.7930960

Sorry. Just a topic very near and dear to me and I'm sick of Tumblr poisoning people's perception of it (or people just being ignorant about it in general).

>> No.7930974

Some times I wish we could discuss this here, we'd get a far more rational take on it then we could get at /lgbt/ or /pol/.

>> No.7930984

once when I was much much younger, I decided to cosplay Blair from Soul Eater.
I got my period and didn't realize until I was home and had all my white underskirt dyed red. I used to bleed a lot so I'm sure it was really obvious in any view

I ended up throwing it in the trash.

>> No.7931024

Worst feeling ever, get all dressed up 2 hours of body paint or makeup for a costume than ... "A wild mensuration appears!" First happened in my Misty costume. Now I always Cary emergency supplies.

>> No.7931048

Agreed. Without opening the floor to trolls on either side I think we could discuss the topic rationally. People always want to make some huge combative stance on the subject rather than looking at the greater picture.

>> No.7931141
File: 72 KB, 712x406, 1394675956983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there was this.

>> No.7931168

Thats fucking boss.

>> No.7931186

This is so awesome.

>> No.7931200

Now that's how to handle "Cosplay is not Consent" issues.

>> No.7931225

The usual response to "what is under the kilt?" Is "my boots what else?"

>> No.7931251

aaaaand there is a perfect example of shit that didn't happen but that nerds dreamed would.

>> No.7931259
File: 371 KB, 500x281, 04c4f553-1b68-4764-807f-03e6cf1c6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then he made a huge public post on his fb about the girl who sexually harassed him at a con and got her arrested.
Who just walks up to a man and lifts up his kilt!? Seriously. What a creep!!1! I'm so sorry that happened to you!! As a gentlelady I would never do such a thing! I'm truly sickened by my own gender. I'm here for you if you ever need to talk Scottish King!

>> No.7931262

How does a girl does that without sounding like a whore

>> No.7931264

They can't. Blame the crippling structure of society.

>> No.7931301

By making it obvious that they're being obnoxious.

...a thick fake Scottish accent probably helps too.

>> No.7931306

I can make a gr8 texan accent, will it work in an emergency?

>> No.7931316

It should. Be as over the top as possible.


>> No.7931657

I lurk for these kind of responses. Kek!

>> No.7931809

whose the character theyre cosplaying?

>> No.7931890
File: 73 KB, 466x423, 1375840755757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be twelve at akon (ages ago, age twenty now)
>theres a mini dance floor outlined in tape in that huge first floor room with artist's alley while people wait for the rave to open up
>chillin with the homies watching people dance while waiting for parents to pick us up
>notice in the corner of the dance area some intense oscillations
>bikini hamplanet dancing like a shaman summoning tsunamis in oceania
>physically cannot remove eyes from her; her sheer gravity bends spacetime and bends all light towards her
>suddenly, one side of her bikini bottom falls off, exposing massive left ass cheek.
>appetite demolished as if her ass cheek were Michelle Obama wiping out childhood obesity
>tell friend to look over at the dancefloor
>he brings up how I ruined his purity to this day

>> No.7931896

this was a good read, topkeks

>> No.7932057

you worry me

>> No.7932420
File: 476 KB, 718x1000, Leeloo__s_Rear_by_Neumatic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? Leloo from the 5th element.

>> No.7932423

Why the fuck did you post the shittiest Leeloo you could find

>> No.7932584

please, for the love of all that is sacred, post better.

>> No.7933771
File: 132 KB, 1024x601, multipass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7933774
File: 82 KB, 560x420, Leeloo-Costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7933812

I wore Append Miku and had the bodysuit with the split down the middle taped onto my body for dear life. However, it was the middle of summer in Florida and the heat had other plans so eventually the tape completely stopped sticking. Cue boobs nearly spilling out the middle for everyone to see before I caught them. Ran back to hotel room clutching boobs.