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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 518 KB, 1600x1066, 15514548647_ee1f296211_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7921088 No.7921088 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread on autosage >>7917144

>> No.7921092


What a mess.

>> No.7921094

Isn't that supposed to be an halloween j-fashion walk ?

>> No.7921103

>the guy
Kind of impressed how Hilde isn't the worst looking person, though. That woman in the pink wig is terrifying. 10/10 spoopy Halloween coord.

>> No.7921105

Half of them are passable, and the guy is gorgeous. Could be worse.

>> No.7921111
File: 171 KB, 426x640, tumblr_ne85p7s5e11r3p789o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, tumblr wasn't coughing up much of anything that hasn't already been posted recently, the alternative was this image.

>> No.7921113

The woman in the red Wednesday Addams dress looks like she wants to steal my soul, tie between her and pink wig as to who I least want to meet down a dark alley at night

>> No.7921303

Pfft no the French comm is a group I wish I could know

>> No.7921430

>The guy brings up the average

>> No.7921499

only 4 of them are ita, not bad

>> No.7921541

radiant candlelight girl is pretty cute
also girl with purple hair at the front is cute even though shes not in lolita
theyre arrighhht

>> No.7921717
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>> No.7921720
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>> No.7921722


>> No.7921730

I think we need a new nitpick thread... They're all ending up here.

>> No.7921736
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>> No.7921742

I can agree that >>7921720 is a nitpick
but >>7921717 is making me cringe hard.

>> No.7921744

Is that leftmost girl in the middle row wearing the jesus dress?

>> No.7921752
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>> No.7921772

I find this really cute even though it is missmatchy and that looks like a cosplay wig.

>> No.7921800

Same for me. And she looks adorable.

>> No.7921820

Only nitpick on this is to switch the tights. Its her first coord. Its pretty goddanm good for a first coord.

>> No.7921847

This is so painful. True, she is beautiful but beauty doesn't mean her outfit is good.

>> No.7921853

This outfit is painful. Why has no one on COF'S said "This is not lolita it's just old lady clothes" ?

>> No.7921855

I like it.
She went for a bonnet on her first coord? Holy shit the balls in her.

>> No.7921869

Oh god I can't stand Mila with her rat face thinking she's something special by sucking Marie for more fame.

>Lunie Snowflake-chan is in the meet
I always found her a ressemblance to Milkyfawn except she really think she's hot shit because her parents are rich so the burando flows

>the ugly weeb brolitas
Just get out already

>Hipster glasses
>Horse cock dress
>Bright Orange Mini Hat
hell no

We need moar french comm thread though it's hilarious how pathetic they are

>> No.7921883

pick one

>> No.7921978

At least Milkyfawn is pretty. Lunie has a very unfortunate face imo, she's not ugly but more average.
Mila is pretty too, but she's always dress the same when not borrowing clothes to Sirius C. I had a quick conversation with her last summer during the Garden Party and her fake attitude wasn't very pleasant to my friends and me, but it's her, heh.

But I find the girl with the Jesus dress very beautiful. Her face is lovely for what I can see.

>> No.7922014

All the ""famous"" roris act fakely kawaii and sweet i just can't bear it that's why i'm a lone lolita.
Lunie isn't really ugly but she's just famous because she's rich so she can afford anything. Also she tires so hard to be special with her coords sometimes and if you don't agree you are omg jealous for her "fans"

>> No.7922021


I used to think lunie hade cute outfits a few years ago, but she just seems really try-hard with her coords now. They end up looking like a giant clusterfuck now.

>> No.7922129
File: 81 KB, 540x720, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love how they white-washed their faces

>> No.7922144

Lunie is one of the most influential and creative lolitas around. You guys have stupidly high standards.

>> No.7922160

I really need to compile s list of all the dumb things I've heard followed by ".. And that's why I'ma lone lolita! "

>> No.7922165
File: 17 KB, 453x59, Screen Shot 2014-11-07 at 12.53.27 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened?

>> No.7922169

Is there something bad with not liking shit coords and ugly people?

>> No.7922263

wtf does that even mean?

>> No.7922278

WTF anon, this one is for halloween, is well done

>> No.7922283

It's just a terrible attempt at trolling, no-one types like so much of a retard unless they think they're being funny.

The girls coord is a train wreck if its Russian inspired I've no idea why adding a cardigan would take away from the folk inspiration that she's trying to achieve

>> No.7922301

not the anon that posted, but no, it's not.
the lack of blouse and tights kill it for me. and she needs better hair. it's not flattering to her face imo

>> No.7922335

The ugh thing is the gold think in her hands and his crown? tacky as hell

>> No.7922375 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 540x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is so annoying.
Nobody wanted to compliment her on the Daily Brazilian so she went fishing in COF

>> No.7922377
File: 41 KB, 540x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is so annoying.
Nobody wanted to compliment her on the brazilian Daily so she went fishing in COF

>> No.7922386


Oh god she's Brasilian? Fuck. Then what's with the whole... homeless Incan aesthetic she's going for? Folk Lolita or whatever she called it? None of what she's wearing is even close to anything of ours...?

>> No.7922404
File: 48 KB, 720x478, itai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gosh, she wants to be edgy but she seems like a babushka. She needs an intervention asap.

>> No.7922406

This is so awful, I really want to believe this girl is a troll.

>> No.7922419
File: 58 KB, 920x611, image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She likes some strange cultures like the Incas, Peru and Russians. I also read somewhere that she's going to Ireland soon.
It's such a shame, because she owns brand (like this skirt, is from BTSSB) and is not fat.

>> No.7922616

She's so effin cute! Coord Meh. heavy nit pick for me since it's halloween. diff tights could have almost sold the look.. almost.

>> No.7922855

There's no way this bitch is Brazilian, look at them eyebrows. No Brazilian mom would let that shit slide. 'Youre beautiful just the way you aaarrreeee' is for American moms. If this chick doesn't want to arch those fuckers then by god you hold her ass down and pluck those beasts into shape. Or your aunt or your cousin does or grandma tells you you look ridiculous. Letting a kid out of the house looking like that is just cruel. What is family for if not being honest enough to tell you you look like a caveman in a skirt?

>> No.7922884

I actually like this coord. Like someone else said, switch the tights but this is 10/10 for a first coord. Most first coords look like shit, anon.

>> No.7922887

Is this the "folk lolita" girl? Her coords are always shit.

>> No.7922896

Russian culture is goat, what are you talking about

>> No.7922900

Pretty sure that 'she' is a 'he'

>> No.7922942

HAHAHA you're so right anon! My mom always says I'm fat and need to fix my hair, brazilian moms are so mean. But believe or not she IS brazilian. I think she no longer live with her parents, maybe live at Uni campus.


C'mon, she is a real girl... I guess.

>> No.7922946

>I also read somewhere that she's going to Ireland soon.
Fuck, keep her awaaaay.

>> No.7922966

Can't be worse than the weeby tumblrinas and heritagefags

>> No.7922988

They're not that strange, anon. But fuck, what made her think those outfits were a good idea?

>> No.7923014
File: 91 KB, 500x669, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7923032

Yeah, that think where you only button the top few buttons of a cardigan doesn't work with a gut like that. Now it just looks like she (or he, if it's that weird brolita) tried to button the cardigan the whole way but their gut busted it open.

>> No.7923034


>> No.7923040

Yes, and I wish she would stand up straight so we can see jesus in all his glory

>> No.7923045

Repeating shapes is a composition method but boy it gets hilarious when it happens in real life.

>them gourds

>> No.7923069
File: 22 KB, 307x640, DSC02242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a couple of examples of what I look like (on good days ^^) from my 'Daily ita' blog :D

>> No.7923070
File: 142 KB, 900x1200, __me_in_lolita_dress___by_xxannavanityxx-d5hg7qv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7923088


Considering what we deal with already, it can't get much worse than that.

>> No.7923094

I'm okay with this. It's super super super casual to the point that it can't really be considered lolita anymore, but I think it would be a really cute outfit if she did something more with her hair (bring out the pink in the rest of the outfit, maybe?) and maybe got longer socks. UTKs are so unflattering on most people.

>> No.7923164

>Pretty sure that 'she' is a 'he'

Like hell that would slide. Gorgeous trans people is one of our prime exports. Man, woman, whatever this thing is, it needs to get its shit together.

I'm going to go back to mysubarashiholidays to feel great about my country and terrible about myself, kaythanks.

>> No.7923222

You know that's fucking true, Hispanic families are so much more critical lmao.
Brb plucking my brows.

>> No.7923270

That's not even the French comm.
That's the Belgian comm (Lunie, Kitch, Dody, Bee, Giru, Nancy)... plus some french girls and Ludwig.
Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.7923279

Boohoo. This changes nothing, you're still ugly.

>> No.7923287

What do we deal with already?

>> No.7923356
File: 106 KB, 675x900, wtfisdis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chick keeps posting her random creations in sew_loli and she just posted this to d_l.

>> No.7923366

And didn't have 20 inch arms

>> No.7923371

She looks like she's in her forties too.

>> No.7923374

her accompanying text is funny too, we don't get to see the whole outfit because her husband isn't home (presumably to take her picture). Why would you post this?

>> No.7923394

Should we make a d-l thread ? I don't like this platfrom dying out.

>> No.7923401
File: 38 KB, 506x506, onepiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no because nobody posts there anymore so the thread would die. But here, have another ita.

Yes, this was actually meant to be lolita.

>> No.7923417

She is one ugly girl

>> No.7923418


Is that a grandmother wearing lolita?

>> No.7923428

Yes. She actually does sew "lolita clothes" and cosplays for her adult children.

>> No.7923433


Well, I can tell you right now she doesn't give a fuck about what you think.

>> No.7923470

The outfit is bad but I like how she doesn't give a fuck about her age.

>> No.7923488

This could legitimately be super cute if she didn't do the toddler/"naughty Catholic schoolgirl" pigtails. If she had the same fluffy white perm as my grandmother has and stuck a bow in it that could be adorable.

>> No.7923512

that... is actually really cute.

loving the idea of grandma lolita. if there is a way to wear lolita when reaching old age without looking like an idiot, i hope somebody figures it out. i have a feeling i'll be one of those people who never grows out of it.


>> No.7923521

Meh, most people think we look like idiots even when we are young. I can see myself being a granny and still wearing pastel vomit shit.

>> No.7923532

Yeah, the fluffy white grandma afro would work so much better than this. I feel like straight, longer hair never looks good on women over 40.

>> No.7923667

Wait what? That's actually awesome.

>> No.7923768

I think I'm one of those sour people growing old and hating everything I'd used to love back in the day. Like I'm always thinking I want to look like a fancy old lady when I grow old, and wouldn't wear such extravagant fashion at such an old age.
Oh fuck I'm thinking like a hag already.
Props to anyone not giving a fuck. And I think its sweet if the granny cosplays for her grandkids, but...

>> No.7923773

>over 40
Yeah, that hideous jennifer aniston needs to chop it all off already. What is trying to look like, a teenager?

>> No.7923817

There was lady at a retirement home I worked at with long, well taken care of, beautiful steel grey hair. She wore it a bun. She always looked so elegant. I think she could have pulled off classic.

>> No.7923889
File: 48 KB, 452x800, 1379719_658549554243870_3057214887895776612_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LFM is a joke

>> No.7923984

>grandma lolita
my grandma loves lolita and I secretly want to dress her up

>> No.7924070

You should have a dress up day with her just for fun.

>> No.7924304
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>> No.7924312
File: 99 KB, 720x1280, dcb1f5d0-3c47-4b8c-a8ff-864aa6822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could anyone think this looks good?

>> No.7924340
File: 838 KB, 662x794, kawaiigranni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls do

>> No.7924341
File: 58 KB, 603x960, tumblr_nepsnzxAaL1qjj1ako1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress is beautiful, but then. The shoes.

>> No.7924342

Is it just because its black and pastel you've dumped this here?

>> No.7924343


>> No.7924344

Needs legwear, needs to replace the shoes, possibly nix the red lipstick. 3 strike rule.

>> No.7924353

not ita

>> No.7924359

What's wrong with the shoes?

>> No.7924366

There is no 3 strike rule. That's a thing people made up in order to justify their nitpicks being in the ita thread.
Like you're doing.

>> No.7924366,1 [INTERNAL] 

uh, brazilians aren't hispanic. Brazil was a former Portuguese colony. Anyway I think special snowflake syndrome is sort of universal.

>> No.7924407

3 strike rule is a thing cosplay lolitas made up.

>> No.7924416


Nitpick, not ita.
I don't like her shoes either and the lack of legwear. Her lipstick is fine imo.

>> No.7924443

This is a lovely coord, looks like she's going to a summer wedding. Personally I think the shoes work and since I hate peep-toe shoes with socks or tights, I can live with the lack of legwear.

>> No.7924460

what dress is this?

>> No.7924467

Those are eyes of a crazy woman.

>> No.7924468
File: 819 KB, 700x467, mmReserve2_zps4873c9ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mary Magdalene Antoinette OP, there have been a few releases in different fabric combos but these pale florals are my favorite.

>> No.7924481

thanks anon!

>> No.7924546

It's dumped here because it looked horrendous. The cosplay wig, the stars that don't match anything, the OTT clown make-up, the fact that her blouse is fucking hideous, the striped socks that don't go with anything- the damn bat bag that she only carried because it was Halloween and "hellobatty", the velvet witch hat which looks so off kilter compared to the rest of the black in her outfit.

This outfit is a hot mess- just like most of her outfits. This is not a good example of pastels and black together.

>> No.7924572


Okay, look, given she is a very cute ita. But she is still ita. Imagine her dressed correctly anon, she'd then be gorgeous.

Just because your pretty doesn't mean you can't be ita.

>> No.7924659

Dody is a manfaced bitch, Lunie and Kitch are thinking they're better than anyone else because lol rich (burando,trips to japan,photoshoots) and their edgy sub par coords because every stupid person loves what's edgy. Bee is sucking Lunie and Kitch hard but fails at it (did i mentionned the time she was caught bitching and being dumb on a secret group with some likely uninteresting lolitas and then they all acted as if they were innocent?). Nothing to say about Giru in particular and no idea of who Nancy is.
Wonder if any belgian lolita out of the famous clique you talked about broses /cgl/

>inb4 "ermargerd u r jealous"
yeah keep telling yourself that loli-chan

>> No.7924669

Stop sucking her clit whiteknight-chan

>> No.7924674

>fatty chan in Mary Magdalene
fuck no also those gross fat legs

>> No.7924685

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7924925
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>> No.7924927

you know what? I'm happy for her. The first dress is a big thing for new lolitas and those who had been following the fashion for a very long time, but have been unable to acquire one.
It means a lot to many.

>> No.7924931
File: 175 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_neq20gJAer1s9so2xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7924932

I... I thought that was meant to be bedroom clothes.

>> No.7924933

change the shoes and get a petti and hair piece.. Then she's okay.

Looks like nightclothes.

try harder

>> No.7924936

I'm considering it. We always go to tea when one of us visits the other, and she's coming for christmas. May just have to.

>> No.7924940

>I can't wait to make a full coord with this
looks like she was just trying on her dress anon. I'm happy for her, first dresses are the best. And it's a nice dress.

>> No.7924958

it looks like a nice dress and it's a try-on shot. no problems here.

>> No.7925009

Vendetta? It's her first dress and she knows this isn't a full coord. Calm your bitchtits, anon.

>> No.7925029

Omg, what shoes are those? I need them

>> No.7925173

(not that anon)
Go to hell, she looks awful and that boobloaf and fat calves doesn't help at all,

why does everyone has to be a fucking tumblr level whiteknight lately? Everyone acts like if these girls were made of paper even tho they look like a mess and go out in public without hesitation. It's pathetic.

>> No.7925188

That one girl furthest left in the middle row has absolutely beautiful hair, wig or otherwise. 10/10 would cop 5000% dreamy. everything else is lol worthy

>> No.7925264
File: 92 KB, 473x720, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7925289

Balloon bear girl had so much hope but she fucked it up with those too-big balloons, flat hair, ugly makeup and the pink sock. If she left this with two striped socks, a blond twintail wig, less makeup and smaller balloons I would have been all over it.
The other one has zero hope.

>> No.7925339

Definitely not ita. This is NOT cringeworthy. She could have done better but it is still nice.

Three strike rule is bull but especially when one of the strikes is a "possibly".

>> No.7925352
File: 473 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_neqx29Dy231so1edbo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7925353

eugh god is she fucking blind

>> No.7925354
File: 537 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_neqx29Dy231so1edbo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7925359

that fucking bright red wig

>> No.7925369

I'm happy for her. Getting the first dress is the best feeling short of making the first decent coord.

>> No.7925377

That 5 o clock shadow

>> No.7925381
File: 44 KB, 482x208, Screen Shot 2014-11-08 at 9.41.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> no paypal
> not signing up for one

>> No.7925386

are those two traps?

>> No.7925396

I'm assuming she is under 18...

>> No.7925399

you could just not sign up for one and use your bank/credit card though.

>> No.7925429

Wow, you sound like a cunt.

>> No.7925526

I had a paypal when I was underaged though.

>> No.7925537
File: 57 KB, 409x750, tumblr_nephicQLAs1razdrfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7925573

how is this ita? fuck off.
also, isn't that an Anna House jsk? it's pretty cute

>> No.7925603

The little peak of her ankle socks are like the cherry on the sundae

>> No.7925604

*peek oh my god

>> No.7925606

Cos she's fat.

>> No.7925608

Um... they are both men.

>> No.7925620

she's chubby i'd say, not so much fat.
then again, i'm use to ungodly un-proportionate morbidly obese people posted on here so...

>> No.7925631


Pick one and only one.

>> No.7925635

She's bigger than me and I am fat.

>> No.7925640

Nah she's pretty fat. Chubby is more like just a liiiittle extra. Look at her waist.

>> No.7925666

so what if shes fat, she aint ita. u cant categorize all fat people into ita. ppl who cant dress for shit are itas

>> No.7925711

these are so bad i showed my boyfriend and he didn't think this was suppose to be lolita

>> No.7925733

From now on, no more 3 strike rule. We just ask our boyfriends. The boyfriend rule, the new measure of ita.

>> No.7925742


We've all fought that good fight, bro. After a while you just realise that in America, Hispanic generally seems to mean Latino and just live with it. If you're from one of those more racist families in Brasil, which, let's be frank, is always likely (we are a remarkably racist country after all,) just call yourself White Hispanic and move on. Do it if only because particularly racist moms tend to flip their shit because 'Mexicans!!11'

Sorry for the derail, CGL. Brasilian lolitas gotta stick together.
Except the homeless incan chick with the fug eyebrows. Don't worry, we'll find her, and by God we will get her some tweezers.

>> No.7925744

Well fine then. Replace any female pronouns with male ones. If you're gonna dress like a girl and put on makeup to look like a girl, I'm going to call you a girl regardless of how you identify, unless you tell me otherwise.
The one on the right is passable as a drag queen outfit, they dress weird. left could be a lolita fine if he switched out the pink checkered sock for the other striped one and put normal sized balloons (the ones on the right on his collar) in his hair, and got a fucking wig. Also that makeup needs to go.

>> No.7925759

i can dig it

>> No.7925865

yeah, she is fat, but cute, so fuck off anon

>> No.7925879


>> No.7925888

talking about black sheeps, did you see that girl trying to sell those awful sock toppers?

" I know all about lolita" my ass.

>> No.7925932

ok, don't, but you have to admit that she is cute, not like gbl model level, but cute for a fat chick.

>> No.7925942

anon this is too cute

>> No.7926089
File: 63 KB, 400x533, 3028085984_1_4_B4E8jljc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7926104

>purposely revolting-kei

>> No.7926107

>AH does custom sizing
>still painful-looking boobloaf

>> No.7926129

Nah, she's fat alright, but she looks put-together, not ita.

>> No.7926234

Basic looking weeb but not really ita.

>> No.7926247

maybe but she could wear blouse at least.

>> No.7926296

It doesn't look like boob loaf to me, just that she has big ass tits. it happens. especially when your bust is signifigantly larger then your waist

>> No.7926309

Looks like baby's first bodyline. Although I did think that the Naruto poster was shooped in like a comparison picture and took me second to realize it's part of the wall.

>> No.7926322

And get the bangs out of her eyes, and balance out her accessories, and wear some makeup, and not do the "ageplay-coquette" finger-to-mouth pose, and...

>> No.7926338

It really bunches my bloomers when people post nitpicks in an ita thread.
>some boobloaf
>need to wear dark/neutral toned shoes rather than that stoplight red
I came here for itas, step up your game.

>> No.7926354

Yea it's not boobloaf. She still has room in there, she just has a huge bust.

>> No.7926421

Yeah keep telling yourself that, fatties.
She's fat sorry not sorry ;) enjoy being fat

>> No.7926426

there is no words for that level of edgy bullshit it's horrifying
The edgier you get the uglier it is

>> No.7926427

yeah she's fat, so what? it's not like she's shoving herself in too small clothes or taking crotch pics or wearing cat ears or clashing prints

>> No.7926430

>twintail wig
no anon

the dress in this colourway is fugly it's cuter in a pastel one. It's trying so hard to make bittersweet happen

>> No.7926437

still fat you fatty i'm so happy to starve myself at least i'm pretty

>> No.7926448

I hate to break it to you, but you can be thin and still have an ugly horse face.

I see ugly thin girls every day. Thin just means thin. Nothing more

>> No.7926472

anon you took the bait

>> No.7926480

>fitting into MM
pick one

>> No.7926697
File: 412 KB, 784x1920, a904b65b-fba4-4bdd-a8f1-cb7bc81db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7926741
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>> No.7926838

I dont think this is ita, she really just needs a different blouse and it would be passable

>> No.7926847
File: 539 KB, 535x540, edgy filename.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to screencap this off tumblr because the unenlarged version was for ants.

>> No.7926852
File: 338 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nesc234v231qi02ego1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7926856

Fuck is that- is that Zeruda??

>> No.7926862

mmm yeah I feel bad for her. Dress had potential but she screwed it up before she even got started with that fabric.
That said the fabric would be adorable for a country style dress.

>> No.7926870

I think she said her aunt sewed it for her.

>> No.7926875

Her aunt sewed it for her, but she picked the fabric and design.

>> No.7926882

Clearly her aunt is wasted on her.

>> No.7926904


>> No.7926912

They have nice lines. A fun, frisky use of color. All and all, I'd have to say they're really... NOT BAD!

>> No.7926919

The design wasn't that bad just really complicated.
Also idk why the waist part is at her hips too.

>> No.7926922
File: 146 KB, 570x570, tumblr_neseik7shU1u398d5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This one is a bit short to be considered Lolita. However, Cyber Lolita seems to be a little more accepting of shorter skirts. You could wear this dress for the Cyber element of a co-ord, and then everything else be Lolita.

Christ on a stick, why.

>> No.7926959

stop trying to make cyber lolita happen

>> No.7926962

Someone needs to straighten her ideas of lolita out.

>> No.7926972

>Cyber Lolita seems to be a little more accepting of shorter skirts
Where is she getting this from? "Cyber lolita" is not a thing. Is she just making shit up or does she actually think this is a thing?

>> No.7927083

Didn't she post this in a mentoring group though?

>> No.7927129

Itas tend to think sticking a random word on the front of "lolita" means they've created a new substyle, when, at best, it's one of the usual substyles just with a particular theme.

>> No.7927144
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>> No.7927160
File: 1.48 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-11-09-15-06-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to see full body pics of this disaster.

>> No.7927172
File: 49 KB, 716x716, somegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7927176

she looks young, with concrit and a guiding hand she could make it

>> No.7927179
File: 98 KB, 339x797, dontopendeadinside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking for coords of my dream print
>when suddenly

what is it with musee de chocolat and fantastic dolly that tempt people to coord it horrendously?

>> No.7927185

is it bad that i'm even more offended by the utter lack of ironing than i am of the fursuit head at this point?

>> No.7927200

I'm don't have anything against her coord since being fat doesn't make you ita. She's cute and all but fat is fat regardless, so calm your tits.

>> No.7927214

I'm so sad to see Lolita has evolved to this pastel kawaii vomit shit

>> No.7927216

Asuka sama why must you betray us this way?

>> No.7927218

is that asuka? holy cow

>> No.7927222

Anon, I'm fairly certain she's over 20.

>> No.7927229

wow she is beautiful

>> No.7927240

>mfw I thought she was 16 or something
my mistake

>> No.7927252

oh my god you're right, i didn't even realise.
too busy being blinded by those b&w striped socks

>> No.7927262
File: 32 KB, 570x570, tumblr_nese978ISs1u398d5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But wait, there's more!

>This skirt is high waisted, and comes above the knee. However, to make it fit with lolita, I betcha ordering a size larger then you would normally take, you could probably have it sit on your hips.

>> No.7927268

>lustful doll
girl stop
just stop

>> No.7927269
File: 29 KB, 500x500, sgreblu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mrw i realize she tucked her cardigan into her skirt

>> No.7927274
File: 426 KB, 1000x1235, tumblr_nepf1iYT781u398d5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She also suggested to put a petti under this cyberdog skirt.

My sides are in orbit.

If you more want shits and giggles, fyeahcyberlolita.tumblr.com. It's "The ONLY cyber lolita blog on the planet."

>> No.7927277

Tell me that's a replica...

>> No.7927299

I'd wear it, but, this is not lolita. At all.

>> No.7927300

bitch, that it's fucking Asuka, you can't tell the designer that she wear the piece wrong. Give some respect.

>> No.7927319

Cardigans under dresses or tucked in makes me more pissed off than it should.

>captcha: affects ndawaym

>> No.7927368

this dress is actually a lot prettier than i imagined it would be from the stock photos

>> No.7927371

except that she's wearing it so very very wrong

>> No.7927373

But NOTHING matches. Look at her socks. The cardigan. The skirt. Those are 3 different coords squished into one. Its not eye-bleedingly bad but its pretty awkward looking.

What would you say if it /wasn't/ Asuka in the outfit? It would be called ita or at the very least a nitpick

>> No.7927385

i feel like there's gotta be some sort of context or joke behind this, like maybe they were getting her to try on things at a booth and the red and b/w were part of her own coord, with just the musee stuff slapped on top?

i just feel like no one, especially her, would willingly go out and be photographed coorded like this

>> No.7927389

I feel the same but, she's posing sort of, and looking right at the camera which makes me doubtful.

>> No.7927512

Jeeze, what's up with these shoes being put into Lolita coords recently? First it was that girl in Haenuli and now this chick. I understand wanting to do something different, but those shoes are just awful.

>> No.7927520

People have been wearing those shoes for ages with lolita. They dropped off for a while because of Taobao gaining popularity, but they were the "go to" gothic shoes for a while because you could get them from Amazon.

>> No.7927522

Those bordellos? I used to be obsessed with them but now more interested in VM tongueless boots style, they are so much more elegant than bordellos.

>> No.7927530

They've been around forever. I really like them and own them in purple, but I don't think they're go-with-anything shoes like others seem to think - they work well with more costumey coords (e.g. circus themed, doll themed) and I've seen them look fantastic with velvet dresses as well.

>> No.7927550

>sitting on your hips
Do you even lolita? Christ on a cracker. Cyber lolita looks good when someone who knows what they are doing does it, but it always atracts retards like this :/

>> No.7927566

It looks like shit tho. It's weirdly mismatched and not even in a cute otome way. It looks like she got dressed in the dark. Why would you tuck your cardigan into your skirt?

>> No.7927567

>Cyber lolita looks good

>> No.7927569

Wow, eat my ass with a spoon.

>> No.7927571

You must be kidding.

>> No.7927585

I tuck my cardigan into my skirt if its too long/loosebut kind of un-tuck it enough that it sits just on the waistband so its not too obvious. I didn't know it was wrong to do that so I guess I'll stop.

>> No.7927591

I think lolita-inspired cyber is cool, but cyber lolita is not real.

>> No.7927592

velvetbat is like Cyber Lolita royalty

>> No.7927605

what ever happened to her anyways? All of her d_l photos are gone and she deleted her blog and i never heard of her again. I really wish I could go back and look at her photos. I was so in love with her style!

>> No.7927609
File: 74 KB, 600x896, Gothic_lolita_by_Dennymiaoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7927614
File: 91 KB, 600x800, Gothic_Lolita_by_Hime_emiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7927615

how sad she's really cute

>> No.7927628

Yeah, with a decent coord she would look lovely, but she insist that "Costume Lolita" is a legit style amongst the community, and that she likes it like that because is comfy...
How sad.

>> No.7927638
File: 539 KB, 1280x1917, FrillyHell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My eyes are on fire.

>> No.7927651

From what I got from the blog while it was up, lolita wasnt really something practical anymore. I think Velvetbat has fib or some sort of medical issue that makes going to meet ups pretty taxing, and with the trans thing (ftm now and going to therapy to start the process, goes by Gabriël) being lolita at times conflicted with that. I think he stopped wearing lolita because it was too girly to try to be as manly as possible but then decided that he liked lolita and that being a girly guy isnt a bad thing. But dressing so feminine brought up a lot of dysphoria. I dont think he wears it often at all with how much pain going outside seems to give afterwards. He once talked about how going outside for an outing meant a few days of pain afterwards.

The deletion of the blog was because he felt that posting so much personal stuff online was not worth it anymore, wanting to be a man and known for that not known for talking about being a trans man.

He still is online, his tumblr is velvetbat, although it is all inspo. There is another onethat still has posts from the blog (mostly dolls), which is the-velvetbat. You can find a bit of the coord if you look up the tag velvetbat, but it isnt that much.

>> No.7927653

he cute doe

>> No.7927654

This makes me so happy. So, so happy. It serves right to the bitches who keep throwing a tantrum over people's coordinates if they're not completely matchy matchy.

I also love that people are trying to find excuses that can justify how a designer chose to dress because it doesn't fit their standards.

>> No.7927718

This makes me weirdly happy. Maybe because the wig matches the sky

>> No.7927779

looks wierdly shooped. Also she makes merveille doll look like milanoo

>> No.7927786

To be fair, Merveille Doll kind of looked like Milanoo to begin with. Meta does raschel better

>> No.7927824

tfw you thought she was wearing milanoo.

>> No.7927884

i have plenty of good brand coords that are comfy. it's called full back shirring. anyways she looks smaller then me so she'd have even more leway with shirring for comfort anyways

>> No.7928050

She has so much potential for chubby cuteness and she just...flushed it. Egh.

>> No.7928061
File: 62 KB, 434x578, wedding?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wore this to get married in.
From D_L

>> No.7928082
File: 88 KB, 644x960, 10565045_367252990104759_6824485521522301990_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that poor woman with her

>> No.7928109

how dare someone, especially someone famous in the lolita world, not coord my dream dress the way I'd choose to.
Don't like it. Suck it up, pull up your big girl bloomers, buy the fucking dress and coord it the way you'd want. I'm sure with your master coordination skills, overflowing wardrobe, and limitless access to everything you could possibly need, you will be purely flawless.

>everyone fucks up now and then. sometimes there is photographic evidence. oh no.

>> No.7928125

so you feel the same way about girls posted in ita threads, right? 'cause you'd be kind of a hypocrite otherwise.

>> No.7928136

people still use D_L?

>> No.7928147

She said it was her mother in law, too...

>> No.7928152


She also looks much older, tired and isn't smiling.

Wonder what the story behind this pic is.

>> No.7928153

Im pretty high too anon

>> No.7928156
File: 119 KB, 960x863, 1798783_575546192578667_6325333975536820348_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coord is a ridiculous clusterfuck. I really wish people would stop turning this fashion into an incoherent costume just for the sake of being the most OTT.

>> No.7928163

i think it's cute as fuck. I think it's pretty acceptable to do something crazy and OTT at big events like tea parties. If you're going to a cafe or out to tea or something with a normal meetup, not so much. But it looks like it was in a hotel so I highly doubt they ran into many normalfags so what's the deal?

>> No.7928185

I have nothing against OTT coords in general. This one in particular is just really bad. The colors don't match, the hair is cartoon tier and literally looks like a painted styrofoam cone that doesn't match the wig at all, the shitty flowers in the dress have no elegance and consistency, that piss yellow on the scepter doesn't match anything, like she couldn't have just bought a different colour ribbon? everything here is just bad. It could have been better, it's not a horrible concept, but it's executed so poorly.

>> No.7928188

It does look very costume-y to me, but I don't think it's ita. It's not a coordinate I'd ever want to wear, because I don't like drawing attention to myself, but for a big event like a tea party? It's eye-catching and it doesn't look THAT bad. Just very, very OTT.

>> No.7928193

For a minute, I thought the horns were her hair and I really liked it.

>> No.7928195

I think it looks adorable. Big tea parties (especially at anime conventions like this one seems to be) are pretty much the only time its acceptable to go all-out like this.

>> No.7928197

She's probably at an event or prepping for a fashion show. Asuka rarely smiles in photos to begin with, and if she's at an event overseas, jetlag would account for the tired expression.

>> No.7928358

the only things that I see that don't match are that yellow staff/wand thing and the brown-ish socks. I mean yes it's OTT but once in a while that's ok :)

>> No.7928362

I think the socks are sheer and it's her skin colour that we see as brown.

>> No.7928395
File: 120 KB, 640x1384, IMG_38035502143443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She... Sorta has potential?
I hate those wrist cuffs. And huge pink bow? Also; contacts, and a wig. Please. And that bag. Stop. I just feel like the pink does not go well with this dress

>> No.7928397

is that a legit midget

>> No.7928398

I find her face fucking horrifying, theres no fixing that

>> No.7928399

Nah she is just fricken short.

>> No.7928400

Nit pick but I agree on wrist cuffs.

>> No.7928404

theres pink on the dress, I think i get why she is trying to wear the pink wrist cuffs and shoes to to match that.

has she blurred her face, or is just a really bad photo?

>> No.7928417

it's an awful photo and what looks like a terrible angle making her look even shorter and more stumpy then she actually is.
I personally don't care for that bow. but maybe if she had a decent wig on or something it would look better

>> No.7928427

She just does not have the face for lolita, surgery is the only thing that's going to fix that

>> No.7928428

Plus she looks like an old granny

>> No.7928433

Nitpick (and shit hair "naughty catholic schoolgirl who's all innocent desu" + lack of makeup)
The coord is ok if it was a kawaii japanese girl wearing it you wouldn't have said shit.

>> No.7928495
File: 273 KB, 941x1255, IMG_52085232619733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7928497


Did she dress in the dark?

>> No.7928500

Literal definition of ita.

>> No.7928514

Is it me or is her head weirdly small compared to her body?

>> No.7928518

She could make this 100% better by changing out the shoes to red, wearing plain white tights and replacing the awful cardigan with a nice white blouse. I think she tried to match the tights to her hair which almost worked, but it's just not the right shade.

>> No.7928525

this is the most hideous thing i have ever seen, what's she even aiming for?

>> No.7928532

Even if they were the right shade, they would look just as hideous with the rest of the outfit.

>> No.7928592

I find this outfit so weird, because she has worn much better ones in the past.

>> No.7928602
File: 367 KB, 2000x2000, IMG_59178213132527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7928605

Yeaaah you can't be a fatty and fit into MM. No shirring, 88cm bust, 70cm waist. Could be the petti or the style dress.

>> No.7928607

Needs to be ironed but honestly I love this.

>> No.7928608

I know she was really gunning for old school bxw, but I feel like it fell short. Not ita really (except for that fucking weird cross and patterned tights under the otks) but also not on the mark? Maybe a heavy nitpick.

>> No.7928615

Spin doctor jacket. Oh lawd.

>> No.7928618

It might be cold where she lives. I layer tights with socks all the time when it gets cold

>> No.7928619

I usually think half the coords in these threads don't belong here, but this is 100% ita.

>> No.7928621

>using a wall ornament as a necklace
Other than that I kind of like it, and usually I hate oldschool.

>> No.7928622

Asking for no con crit = "I know this outfit is ugly."

>> No.7928629

That's the girl who keeps posting the nw comm

>> No.7928657


There is so much wrong with this.
Apron skirt that is simply too small for her, that huge silly necklace that doesn't go with an old school sweet look, pattered tights under otks, gothic shoes with a sweet co-ord

>> No.7928670

That's the lolita equivalent of ghetto-sized cross

>> No.7928708
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>> No.7928763
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>> No.7928819

I like that she's got going on, even the braids kinda work. But that necklace has got to go, it's so tacky and doesn't even match.

>> No.7928962
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, oof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodness gracious

>> No.7928968
File: 317 KB, 1280x720, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7929385

i love this, its like a fairytale!!
she even said it was very OTT so i dont see a problem with someone who is conscious of what theyre doing.

>> No.7929390

this is so creative and cool
idk why some of you are so scared of the unusual

>> No.7930294

It's not terrible, but it's very nitpick-worthy, don't flatter yourself.

>> No.7930320

This isn't really bad. I'm not digging the color of her hair, but her coord is mediocre at worst. Definitely not ita.

>> No.7930777

This is a nitpick. I like the old school feel but i agree that the skirt is a bit too short for her. Maybe an underskirt? the otk socks i'll give a pass on, maybe without the bows on them and i like how she styled her braided hair.

just put grandma's wall cross back on her wall, eh?
seriously, what the hell is it with people posting nitpicks here? y'all don't know what a fucking ita is?

>> No.7933951

this isnt the nitpick thread last time i checked

>> No.7933964

The worst thing in this photo is that fat spoderman.