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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, australia-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7918573 No.7918573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's happening across oz?

>> No.7918699

Fuck all m8.

>> No.7918723

we got one more con left yeah? Madman finals at brisnova then done for the year?

>> No.7918738

I wonder who will win. Wirru is looking awesome so far.

>> No.7918785

well there's adelaide nova as well... but it doesn't really count since hardly anyone will go. Also nova seem desperate for traders for Brisbane since as of a week or so ago they were still offering people early bird rates; which I think was meant to end months ago?

>> No.7918797

I got some photos at PAX Melbourne.

>> No.7918807

There are cons in New Zealand?

>> No.7918847

Someone used Ardella and Eve's real names in their 'cosfamous' panel at PAX. Didn't go down well apparently

>> No.7918849

I was there the whole time. Dave, the host, stuffed up Eve's name once and they joked about it and moved on. Sorry to disappoint, anon.

>> No.7918853

I'm just glad it's in the convention centre this year, and after all uni exams are done.
Turn out should be good, considering all the weebs who were stuck at home studying last year will probably attend this time

>> No.7918934

Got a link to an album or anything m8?

>> No.7918962 [DELETED] 

Fuck I hate that guy
Sure he makes awesome stuff but he is really egotistical and has to link anything and everything he sees in public to anime.
I remember last year everything was ATTACK ON TITAN.
He is pretty much an annoying weeb that can cosplay well

>> No.7919033
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Just some shitty ipad / phone photos I got for my own amusement. I can upload them somewhere if you want (recommend me a website that makes it easy)

They talked a bit about keeping cosplay and personal lives separate (including use of handles / real names), but it seemed liked they were simply talking about another subject rather than criticising the use of their real names in the panel.

>> No.7920561

If that's you on the left, I took a photo with you. Upload your photos mate!

Rather not say who I was cosplaying though.

>> No.7920594

Wide spread death and suffering

>> No.7922539

I heard there is some epic cosplay dramu on Maria Jupiter's Facebook page. supposedly a good read. Anybody got screenshots?

>> No.7922566 [DELETED] 

It's just about her and her ex breaking up and the fact she has been posting photos of her in bed with another dude. I know people have lost respect for her for kinda rubbing it in his face.

>> No.7922574

This is OZ flag but yeah we have cons in NZ too, Armageddon is the first that comes to mind.

>> No.7922692 [DELETED] 

Second that. Sauce please? And who's this 'other dude'?

>> No.7922704 [DELETED] 

Alex Towner - guy who looked like a retarded Jesus dressed in a white bikini at oz comic con.

Both are great for each other. Both are completely devoid if braincells too.

>> No.7922732 [DELETED] 

miley guyrus? ooooh now that's some drama/gossip

>> No.7922756

>do fairly well at PAX, get a lot of photos taken, a lot of compliments
>almost no photos show up online afterward

So how did everyone else do?

>> No.7922809

Cosplay from well known series. Try to be as accurate as possible with my cosplay. Hardly recognized. Y_Y still got photos taken which is awesome.

>> No.7922813

I was pretty happy with my cosplay, it was pretty accurate and well-made but unfortunately it was from a niche game series, so I didn't get much photos taken. Haven't seen any online though.

The people who did recognise me showered me in compliments though, so I wasn't too bummed.

>> No.7922930
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Exactly the same but expected as much. If you want to get a lot of photos online you got to pander to what is hype at the moment with the professional photographers. LoL and popular shit like the male mistys and sailor moons are what are getting the biggest exposure just like LOL and deadpool was last year. That said if you start pandering to get more attention its a pretty sad affair, just cosplay what you love and if it ends up online consider it a bonus.

Also self posting because why the fuck not.

>> No.7922933

So. Which are you?

>> No.7922935

Gamagori on the left. Wish I was Artorias his cosplay was 10 out of fucking 10.

>> No.7922937

My friend was squealing over you when we passed you in the hall. I don't know if she ever managed to get a photo later, but she was extremely excited when we spotted you (we were in a rush to meet someone, so we couldn't stop).

>> No.7922939
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Went with a roomate who did a pretty good Ed from FMA, automail arm and all. Honestly thought my cosplay was shit tier but hey got a good response from people and best I could throw together in a month.

>> No.7922941
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Thats pretty awesome, hope she caught me later on because all the people who asked for photos with were really cool. Had my doubts about going as an anime character to a vidya convention but hey turns out quite a few people were KlK fans.

Damn shame I somehow missed the two girls who went dresses as Ryuko this year, would have been a cool group photo.

Anyway thats enough shameless selfposting from friends phone. Going to have to step it up for next year as the quality in cosplay at PAX was insane compared to last year.

>> No.7922986

cosplay anime to a GAMING convention. Complain about lack of photos

yeah alright mate.

>> No.7923013

If you read the post above the one you are linking to you will see I said i didn't expect many photos exactly for that reason. If you are going to make a thread you may as well read it.

>> No.7923033

This sounds delicious. I need screenshots

>> No.7923072 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7923538 [DELETED] 

You need to post some of the photos of her and Alex together.

>> No.7923584 [DELETED] 

>Broken up for a month
>Fucking miley guyrus almost immediately

Not suss at all

>Calls ex-bf attention-seeking and needy
>Dresses up in slutty costumes and lingerie for attention and calling it 'cosplay'
>Posts private details about her state of her relationship with ex-bf
>Asks people to 'act like adults'

This is why everyone hates her

>> No.7923935


>> No.7924081
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>> No.7924186
File: 29 KB, 590x350, conchita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me, or does Amir look a lot like Conchita Wurst? Pic related, just add wig, false lashes, fabulous gown and VOILA!

>> No.7924411

Nope, not me.

>> No.7924415

i want cosplayers to lurk

who do we like and who do we not like

>> No.7924433

Anyone read the minutes from the waicon general meeting explaining the postponement to a 2016 con? I cbf reading 84 pages of infighting but surely some dramawhore will.

>> No.7924440
File: 41 KB, 478x394, waicon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, they clearly said that they're in debt.

>> No.7925913

We all know that.

Anon, the minutes is basically that many pages of "where the fuck did the money go" and people blaming everyone else, and the realisation that it's like fourteen grand of debt. A part from the exact numbers it's not very exciting except for drama.

>> No.7925953

I saw they were asking for donations to help get the con back on it's feet for 2016 and I am not ok with giving money out like that.

I'd like it if they could do little mini meets - you know, do some fundraising like primary schools do. They could have Cosplay sausage sizzles in parks for cosplay groups with gold coin donations for some activities and games and stuff. Like, inject a bit of fun back into the Perth scene. Maybe even hire out a Scitech After Dark night and sell tickets for the event.

>> No.7926017
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Not everyone was keen on the idea of donations, but some individuals have come forth to help.
There will be fundraisers in the future, but big events will be out of reach for some time.
During the meeting there was also talk of investigating cheaper venue options for future Wai-cons, but nothing was set in stone.

If anyone wants a short version of what was said in the meeting, then the last few pages of the minutes have a summary.

>> No.7926204

Oh god MCC shut up..

>> No.7926212

shut up maria jfc no one gives a fuck

>> No.7926213

Is captain patch-it mcc admin?

>> No.7926216

go go power rangers

>> No.7926218
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>> No.7926227

literally I can hear is insistent crying here

>> No.7926249

Drama in the MCC again? Can't see anything on the page, what happened?

>> No.7926255

Did dat delete his fb profile over a Facebook fight or

>> No.7926257

Lol at the free! Sydney scene replicating war between Will and Miyukiko. One posts and then another. Looks like will trying to grab all those likes.

>> No.7926262

he went to the rsd seminar in melbourne and said some girls pissed on the boat/threw used tampons (which i highly doubt because there were cops there to escort the people who went, but anyway). it sparked a fight and i assume that's why he's deleted his facebook profile.

>> No.7926269
File: 221 KB, 1199x1200, 1415078432477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanfuckingtastic. Only sleezeballs or guys with no idea go to those seminars but it's only set in stone that he's fucking scum

>> No.7926278

i didn't have anything against him prior to reading the status and comments but he set off sooo many red flags. he handled it horribly and i have so much secondhand embarrassment rn

>> No.7926345

screen shots?

>> No.7927201

What was this fight? also, does anybody have a screenshot of Maria's deleted rant on MCC.

Those two cosplayers are the worst for different reasons.

>> No.7928214

what are thier real names anyways ?

>> No.7928236

Rebecca Borkman and Ally Mclean, respectively.

>> No.7928327

please somebody have caps of the 'bondage yoshi and twink toad' shitstorm on the PAX cosplay group...

>> No.7928344

Unfortunately not but that shit was fucking ridiculous.

It's not like they were fucking on the con floor. They used bondage gear, sure, but how is that worse than girls walking around in their underwear and calling it sexy cosplay?

>> No.7928367

Because they don't have tits and neckbeards can't perve on them. Their costumes were great.

>> No.7928381

unfortunately i don't have caps
wish i did though

>> No.7928416

So your full of shit then

>> No.7928436

idk, probably unpopular opinion anon here but I really hope that Tess and Nai curbstomp Wirru in the MNCC because Will is an egomaniacal shit and Tess+Nai are his only competition imo.

>> No.7928437

Does anyone actually have caps?

>> No.7928440

Haven't heard of them, who are they?

>> No.7928447

Nai im fine with but no offense Tess really needs to get her teeth fixed.

though their skills at amking costumes are top notch from what i can see

>> No.7928448
File: 39 KB, 569x624, 10799616_10152824827032070_1743364836_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have caps of the status he made/comments but i have this

>> No.7928450


i know wirru but not the other two, what are their facebook pages?

>> No.7928452

I looked them up on the Madman Competition site and they have tumblrs

Nai/Dalfe: http://dalfe.co.vu/
Tess: http://tessucosplay.tumblr.com/

>> No.7928456


She's one of Australia's best cosplayers imo because she has that perfect blank anime face that suits so many characters. Her makeup and photography is always great, and her craftsmanship is impeccable.

That said, I don't think they will beat Wirru because he's going the giant armour route which will be quite impressive on stage.

>> No.7928462


ohhhhh i've seen pictures of them around

they're a bit too into the ships and such for me to really follow them.
was dalfe one of the people who got heaps of shit for photoshopping her chest for the haru cos?

>> No.7928482

So you have 1 picture from a nobody. gg

>> No.7928487

I honestly thought that was some andro guy into crossplay

>> No.7929146

DAT! wtf man

ur better than that

>> No.7929157

alright dat calm down lol

>> No.7929600

>Moves from brisbane
>Asks for money to come to brisnova


>> No.7929773

Just did it as a joke

>> No.7929807

Can't see the campaign. Who was this by?

>> No.7929835

This whole thread is a joke.

Dick move whoever posted the gofundme link. It was a personal link for friends to help out a friend who we love and want to support (As an early birthday present). He is a wonderful person and the fact that you want to start drama is terrible. You should feel ashamed, anonymous.

>> No.7929847

If Dat just acknoledged going to that seminar was a mistake, then people might not be so active in hating on him. I'm so disappointed he is sexist. I thought his cosplay was okay and he seemed really nice the times I met him.

>> No.7929871
File: 27 KB, 518x246, nonnono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're reading this thread, Dat.

You need to realise the problem isn't the cosplay community because this came out on CGL?
The problem is you visiting a seminar about abusing women and not realizing your problem.

How about you actually take your own advice and really tear yourself a new asshole.

>> No.7929881
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welcome to cgl. Now fuck off.

>> No.7929910

> birthday present
>not being good friends and paying for it yourselves


>> No.7929961

The gofundme was an easy way for US (the friends) to gift the money, NOT the public - until someone leaked it.

>> No.7929966

If you're the cosplayer i think you are, then my respect for you just skyrocketed. My opinion was always high of you and this just confirms it.

>> No.7929969
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>thinking anyone really sincerely gives a fuck

no one cares.

>> No.7930043

Dear Beethy,

Don't come back.

- Everyone.

>> No.7930048

Yay let's donate our money to a shitty photographer who has had his flights paid for every convention he went to this year. Top kek implying this is the first time his friends have 'donated'.

>> No.7930050

Why don't you crawl back to MCC

>> No.7930062

What the fuck is MCC?

>> No.7930072

Problem is with a jealous community not Dat. He has never hurt anybody no one around him thinks badly of him and he's done nothing wrong and hurt no body unlike some creepers

>> No.7930087

u both look shit as fuck mayb that's why you didn't get many photos hmm :~)

>> No.7930101

Hahaha omg all that denial. Wow, if you condone going to a seminar about sexually abusing women, you deserve to burn.

>hasn't hurt anyone

That's the thing.

>> No.7930113

shit well i can't be friends with dat anymore good thing he deleted his facebook #bye

>> No.7930119

melbourne cosplay community, where constructive critic is satanic and slut-shaming is not tolerated

>> No.7930120

say that to all the women he has cheated on

>> No.7930130


>> No.7930139



>> No.7930141

And somehow their all still friends with him

>> No.7930149

Because they're better than him. They pity him. Lol, anyone who cheats on someone and then goes to a pua seminar hosted by a guy who is known to emotionally, mentally and sexually harass women?

Sounds like a real keeper.

>> No.7930157

You keep believing that

>> No.7930160
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>> No.7930255

^^ this post

what a bloody jerk Dat is

>> No.7930303

Gj replying to yourself

>> No.7930317
File: 258 KB, 500x554, 1393134557521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat can't believe more than one person hates him.

I bet he's already burst into treats.

>> No.7930351

dat you okay?

>> No.7930429

I don't give one fuck about this whole Dat situation.

What I want to see is this "Bondage" cosplay, that was at PAX. I'm out of the loop and now only finding out about it. Pics?

>> No.7930434

Nice divert

>> No.7930436

Are you serious? No one with half a brain is jealous. Just sick of a self-absorbed misogynist who thinks fb likes validates his worth.

>> No.7930442

spot on.

>> No.7930453

so anyone in the cosplay community people do like?

>> No.7930463

i think this is how a majority of people felt

i thought it was cool that he was trying to put himself out there and be more social but then this was just awful

he also went on to say he didn't support julien blanc's actions but the seminars were really good and informative for people like him

>> No.7930473

nah it's all damage control. shit damage control but damage control noetheless

>> No.7930485

Speaking honestly, I dont know a lot about the scenario involving Dat and RSD
But I've known Dat for years and have never once been given the slightest hint that he was in any way sexist, misogynistic or similarly inclined to Julian Blanc in his actions.

IS IT IN ANYWAY POSSIBLE that he attended this seminar with the intention of gaining social skills whilst not being fully aware of the disgusting content the seminar would discuss?

I just think everyone should put away their pitchforks and give him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.7930490

RSDJulien is nothing a but a pick up artist. With his background, I'm sure he's the last person you'd ever go to purely just to get social skills.

>> No.7930492

True Dat's one of the most innocent people I know. i don't know why people are bullying him.

>> No.7930495

He is now woooo

>> No.7930502

it's discrimination really

>> No.7930503
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>> No.7930507

top kek

>> No.7930509

I've seen Dat take advantage of girls so drunk they were almost comatose before. (also white girls with low self esteems but tbqh that's to be expected.) Not even surprised he got busted.

>> No.7930510

Buuuut how else will Dat attend his women hitting seminars without being discriminated against... the cosplay community is hitting rock bottom.

>> No.7930516

making shit up is whats causing the cosplay community to hit tockbottom

>> No.7930517

Hi Dat.

>> No.7930518

yeah that sounds like absolute bullshit

>> No.7930520

O hi Dat didn't see you there

>> No.7930525

Ok we get it no one likes Dat anymore because he's shit

Now what the fuck is happening with MCC not being a "personal army"

>> No.7930531

>implying everyone in this thread is from Melbourne


>> No.7930532

i think maybe all the people (like one of the chicks from audette jupiter most recently) posting that they've been spoken about meanly here on cgl and expecting something?

>> No.7930533

Genuinely asking because I saw the sticky on the page and was wondering why they're saying that now...?

>> No.7930536

Lmao because half of MCC isn't on cgl or anything nope

>> No.7930560

Winners focus on winning,
Losers focus on winners.

Don't become a loser

>> No.7930566

Sounds like something a loser would say

>> No.7930573

The seminar wasn't even done by Julien Blanc was it?
I thought it was a seminar just on regaining confidence and such which is understandable

>> No.7930575


>> No.7930579


That's basically what Beethy's entire identity is built around as well.
Has anyone noticed him pretty much clinging to jessica nigri's ass in every single Journey photo yet?

>> No.7930616

Anybody else disappointed that Wai-con got rid of their debt and is now going to start making shit conventions again?

>> No.7930617

It wasn't done by Blanc because his visa was cancelled.

>> No.7930620

tbh i'd rather not have any cons at all than have wai-con running shit

>> No.7930773
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>> No.7930775
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>> No.7930783
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Help me out here, were you a guy or a gal?

>> No.7930885

So people were outraged over this? This is tame as fuck. Where's the actual bondage?

>> No.7931167


>> No.7931230

Top 5 (+any special mentions) most hated cosplayers/photographers at the moment:
Audette Jupiter
Ally McLean (Eve Beauregard)

Special mention: Logan V, Ardella & whatabigcamera

>> No.7931297

Doubt it.
Odin doesn't do anything besides powerstances/transformation. So it'll be impressive to look at - which is all Will seems to care about these days - but a boring as crap skit.
Then again all the MNCC entries skits have been boring, seems to be a running theme this year

>> No.7931435
File: 34 KB, 350x525, 10356012_747698488639075_1662905183843084008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ardella just posted a video about picking up women. Think shes been reading this thread?

>> No.7931462
File: 53 KB, 365x295, 1412144118492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what has Dat done exactly?

Has he entered and won any contests or done anything aside from suck the collective phallus of the azn loving weebs?

>> No.7931506

why do we hate eve tho

>> No.7931528

He hasnt done anything wrong either

>> No.7931533

Oh god just fucking read the thread. He's a sexist asswipe.

>> No.7931538

I get that, but what has he done to gain popularity?

>> No.7931547 [DELETED] 

What about Carlos Mayenco cosplayer Faketographer? hes moved from briz to syd, and is still terrible, his work is shit and he thinks he is topshit

>> No.7931549
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>> No.7931554

not only that, he's constantly putting up movies/photos of them together and boasting about it, such as getting to meet nigri's parents - even his profile photo is with her now. note he didnt even shoot with everyone from journey beyond like the poor gullible people paid for - that's just shitty behaviour.
oh well, wouldnt be the first time beethy's abused other people's goodwill into making opputunities/money for himself.

>> No.7931555

sounds like someone's a bit jealous...

>> No.7931559

Ally enjoys her popularity and that of her 'friends' - meaning if you don't have 10k likes, don't even breathe near her. On top of that, she has a good history of having other people make her costumes and then claiming them as her own - Elizabeth from Bioshock anyone?

>> No.7931564

yeah lol so whered her mass efect armor go as well? never seen photos or anything of it

>> No.7931570

sounds like a certain Canadian is buttmad he flew all the way to Oz for what he assumed would be a booty call and it never happened.

>> No.7931618

the thread was a massive shitfight over the normal sort of topics when this sort (sexualised) of costume gets posted

>that's not appropriate for a family audience/convention like pax
>sexualising characters is bad


>pax is m15+
>people can do whatever they want
>girls can have skimpy costumes, why can't men

>> No.7931664

sounds like a certain Aussie is buttmad she tried to seduce a certain Canadian but got shot down in flames

>> No.7931685

Is anyone suspicious that her page has 300,000 likes but her post get about 600 likes on average? Where as Reika has about 200,000 likes and all her posts get 2000+ likes.

>> No.7931686

Hi Nathan. As if someone who would fuck anything with a pulse would turn her down.

>> No.7931753

Oh please, way to point ot the obvious. Ardella, Eve and I'm sure many more of Australia's "Higher level" cosplayers have bought likes.

>> No.7931833

This idea has been shot down and proven wrong so many times now I can't believe it's still coming up.

>> No.7931840

It must be difficult to have been dumped by someone when they realised they could be doing so much better than you.

>> No.7931880

Anyone who hates ally has no reason too at all. Put your jelly away.
She is literally one of the kindest people I have ever met.

>> No.7931883

I don't have anywhere near 10k and she's always been there to chat to me.

>> No.7931891

She's accused one of my friends of a horrible thing which is completely untrue.
Also tells other people who they can and can't like.

Ally is just a shit person to the core.

>> No.7931909

I don't even have a page and Ally has always been lovely to me. Maybe your friend is the horrible one.

>> No.7931938


secret documents for /cgl/ eyes only

>> No.7931970

hey it's that misty guy

>> No.7932007

Maybe it's because she thinks that she can use you in some way and then ignore you once she's done

>> No.7932020


>> No.7932099

Wow, wtf. The way people were acting it sounded like it was much worse. This is nothing.

>> No.7932150

It was only a select few who voiced their distain for their costumes.

Really didn't need 4 threads with 200+ comments

>> No.7932162

How old is dat? Always see his hands on some highschool girls

>> No.7932176

I would tap that toad, if he really is a twink

>> No.7932243

I think he is turning 22 next year, that or 21 maybe? He has told me before but I keep forgetting (and yeah it's pretty common to see him having his hands all over girls under 18)

>> No.7932275

He's just turned 21.

>> No.7932288
File: 394 KB, 477x509, Brisbane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough crowd funding money left over to do any more freebies?

>> No.7932302

you have to enjoy kris ez's latest status though please dig at beethy more simply because hes had more success than u both of them suck

>> No.7932311

have some standards man

>> No.7932315

Screenshot anon?

>> No.7932325

taking a jab at beethy deciding to only do paid shoots there

>> No.7932326
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>> No.7932327

The maturity levels are high with this one.

>> No.7932359
File: 6 KB, 216x200, Mfw+my+parents+watch+fox+news+every+night+just+because+_dc0092ccb8b2c0570e1f47a00f122fe5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw people defend dat in this thread
mfw dat has forced himself on drunk girls frequently, repeatedly and often (latest i heard of was over PAX at karaoke)
mfw dat gets girls who are in relationships to sleep with him (kara anyone?)
mfw dat's fans whiteknight him in this thread cos they met him once at a con

>> No.7932372

I've hung out with Dat at cons and outside of cons and as far as I know he's an alright person (though he does some shady stuff to girls a lot). But seriously, yeah, he makes some fucked up decisions and though he's generally nice to people on the surface, when you get down to it he's an asshole with just the things he's done.

>> No.7932374

>heard of
Oh, no proof then.

>> No.7932380

I've personally never hung out or spoken to Dat, and honestly after everything I've read here, I have come to the conclusion that you all need to move a long and get lives.

>> No.7932381

I think you will find that a clear dig at this thread, especially with the previous stat3mnt on here aboht getting white girls drunk

>> No.7932384
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>> No.7932385

I don't even know who he is, but its all just talk they're doing.

>i heard those girls bought 50 dildoes on ebay and sucked them all

>> No.7932396

Its obviously a dig at this thread

>> No.7932397

Wat? Lol

>> No.7932405

Ladies and Gentlemen. I rest my case.

>> No.7932419
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Dat, pls go

>> No.7932434

Yeah I heard this too, from more than one person. Isn't Kara barely 19 or something?

In b4 Dat Mc 'no proof' asks for proof because yeah anyone is going to name names in a cgl thread lol

>> No.7932439

a 19 year old and a 21 year old? THATS MESSED UP!

... do you even listen to yourselves when you talk, because you sound fucking retarded

>> No.7932440

speaking of underage girls sunday got himself a catch there didnt he? still in school too to top it off

>> No.7932441


Hi Tom

>> No.7932442

17 and 23 from memory.

>> No.7932444

I was more referring to the "drunk girls thing" (the age question was just a question but really)

>> No.7932446

wtf pedophilia alert

>> No.7932461

There's like 3 Kara's in the MCC.
Which one out of curiosity

>> No.7932558

Pedophilia? Legal age in Australia is 16/17 bro depending on the state you're in. Tasmania and SA are the only states were the legal age is 17, the rest are 16.

>> No.7932570


>> No.7932576

It's not so bad but damn these guys are ugly.

>> No.7932596

nope sorry wrong its 16-17 can legally consent only to those in that age bracket. anyone over 18 cant bang anyone under 18, not matter how old. still pedophilia.

>> No.7932632

got it

Absolutely nowhere does it say that, unless you're a a teacher, foster parent, religious official or spiritual leader, a medical practitioner, an employer of the child or a custodial official, which isn't going to be the case 99.97% of the time

>> No.7932651

Right? This was not one of Lukes standard shit tier costumes. The costume AND he looks shit.

>> No.7932715
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You weren't talking about the cute guy in the middle, right? Any girl would be lucky to have that mega-hottie as a bf

>> No.7932724
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>> No.7932758

Dat and some girl apparently in a relationship were fucking in the bathrooms at karaoke. They disappeared and a friend went to pee and was scarred for life.

Dat's disgusting.

>> No.7932760

but it's ok guys oz comic con will take their place.

Instead of weebs, you get neckbeards! Everyone wins!

>> No.7932787

Cannot believe he is still totally stalking Beethy
Pretty sad sight

>> No.7933871

Whatever the legal age is, a 6 year age gap at that young an age isn't an equal relationship

>> No.7933958
File: 207 KB, 486x522, Untitledbutts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't be saved yo. best laugh I've had in a while.

>> No.7934083

Whatever it takes to sling mud at a great guy right?

>> No.7934153

hey there sunday

>> No.7934158

if you think a highschooler and a dude close to his mid-twenties have an equal relationship i really fear for your partner

>> No.7934510

16 and over is legally fine.
Morally however is a different story. but each to their own.

>> No.7934533

no it legally isn't. 16 and 18 is fine. until you're 18 there must be a maximum 2 year gap between partners in australia. 16 and 20 is questionable.

>> No.7934537

Pew pew, you all talk fucking shit.

>> No.7934543

Thanks Anon, that is hilarity.

>> No.7934616


did you literally pay no attention to


>> No.7934624

Agreed. 16 year olds should be banging other 16 year olds. Regardless of how 'grown up' they look, 16 year olds are still more kids than adults. The kind of people in their twenties who fuck 16-17 year olds are broken losers who can't find anyone their own age so have to groom impressionable young ones who don't know better or dumb fucks who think fucking naive teenagers is a power trip.

>> No.7934633

wait elsa kara? or a different kara?

>> No.7934763

Can confirm dat does take advantage of people. (i have seen things, made out with multiple girls in one night)

>> No.7934768

hi dat

>> No.7934810



Please read before you talk shit bro.

>> No.7934846
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>mfw Dat was and will always be that weird asian kid in highschool


>> No.7934850

hebophile. get it right

>> No.7935296

it's 18 and 21.

>> No.7935310

16 and over is legally fine.
Morally however is a different story. but each to their own.

you seriously took nothing away from this.
true idiot in every sense of the word

>> No.7935711

no way he is 21, and she just turned 18 - it wasnt that originally. still isnt right.

>> No.7935803

>16 and over is legally fine.
Not quite. Did you read the link? The laws on age of consent are slightly different in each state, and two of them have 17 as minimum age.

>> No.7935996

I think anon just meant in the case VIC, rather than the country as a whole

>> No.7936032

yes guys

sorry... meant VIC

>> No.7936037
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someone's got their panties in a twist.

>> No.7936269

There are parts to this I agree with. But we've all moved on. Clearly come haven't.

Also, I'd like to highlight that Sean is a complete and utter weirdo

>> No.7936272

Some :-)

>> No.7936287

Sean Berry, the feces of Australian cosplay. Good riddance.

>> No.7936429

Shittest Robocunt ever....

>> No.7936563

what did he dew?

>> No.7936589

He really isn't. But sluts beg for his cock, so he'd have no motivation to take something like RSD seriously.

>> No.7936594

Misogynist? Crawl back to tumblr you filthy leg beard.

Dat can be a dick, but being a scum sjw is worse than being a Dat.

>> No.7936596

I've seen Dat basically comatose worse than the girl trying to get stuck into him. What's your point?

>> No.7936603

Now that it's out, I don't mind saying this. I overheard Kara -boasting- about sleeping with Dat to others. Don't paint her as some innocent girl who was taken advantage of.

>mfw dat gets girls who are in relationships to sleep with him (kara anyone?)

The one who is in the wrong here is the person in the relationship cheating. I'm sure Dat's done that before, but this time it's the other way around.

Dat doesn't have good control of his dick while drunk, and you have some of the cosplayers which can usually be found following Dat around where ever that'll be happy to jump on his dick and then later get disappointed and butt hurt about it when that means they're not together forever.

>> No.7936605

Who gives a fuck? 16 is legal,


What isn't right? A 3 year age gap? Mate are you in junior high? Once you get out of high school you'll realise that 3 years isn't even an age gap.

16 is legal. Meaning if they both make consenting choices, even if it's 16 and 40, you can be all 'eww gross' about it you want, but your subjective opinion doesn't make it wrong, it's simply their choice, however dumb of a choice people want to make is up to them, they have to live with it after all, not you/

>> No.7936608


I'm 21 and my girl is 16

>> No.7936614

im 21 and my hand is 16 ;_;

>> No.7936617
File: 98 KB, 707x1050, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know them feels

>> No.7936624

>Dat isn't my feminist-friendly prince charming/mindless servant who'll marry me after I lead him while he's drunk until he fucks me. SCUM. MISOGYNIST.

>> No.7936642

It's legal except in two states where the min age is 17, but yeah, sure

that won't stop me judging you though, just like how I judge 50yo men with 20yo wives and girlfriends, but if you think it's fine then why does the opinion of internet strangers matter???? As long as you're both happy, whatevs, love who you want

>> No.7936644

Why do anything? Why even bother getting out of bed in the morning?

>> No.7936645

dude why are you cradle snatching ew date someone your own age legal or no im sure shes lovely but her maturity vs urs just life experience wouldnt be the same at all

um pretty sure rape is illegal and not throwing allegations here but leading dat on or not if he fucks a comatose girl drunk or not thats fucking illegal

>> No.7936646

Fuck off you misogynistic scumbag. The only kind of men who refuse to say they're feminist that I would date are celebrities / actors (and most of them say they're feminists too anyway).

>> No.7936647

If I don't score at Brisnova I guess I'll blame her.

>> No.7936648

Seems like you're implying shit. The only thing I've seen like that has been the other way around, a girl doing that to him.

The point I was making Dat is easy as fuck when he's drunk, and there's constantly a handful of girls hanging off him wanting it.

If anyone has been taken advantage of in a drunk stupor, I would say he's had it done to him more often than others.

>> No.7936649

I ask myself that all the time, actually

>> No.7936654

Not being a hate filled feminist = misogynist. Got it.

>The only kind of men who refuse to say they're feminist that I would date are celebrities / actors.

I can smell your filthy leg beard from. Smells like an old sweaty bakery.

>Implying anyone would want to date you

Pull the other one anon.

Pls go and take your misanthropic tumblr ideological fundamentalism with you too.

I'm glad people are wising up and distancing themselves from you hate filled fucks.

>> No.7936732

and this would be why you can only score with high school kids. there we have it folks.

>> No.7936735

She is actually my cousin. I grew up with her.

>> No.7936746

Feminism is synonymous with equality you neckbeard sh*tlord. Educate yourself, listen and believe.


>> No.7936762
File: 308 KB, 546x700, tum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feminism is synonymous with overly sensitive menopausing feminazis, not equality. Equality is not prioritising the rights of one gender over the other because they "need" it more, equality is not putting down men while telling women they have all the rights in the world without sharing any of the responsibilities.
"Your rights end where my feelings begin" is not equality, it's being a dumb cunt.

>> No.7937115

Girls, remember to push you know what button on this /r9k/ fucker.

>> No.7937269

Ahahahaha. Good one anon. Feminism is not a synonym for equality.

People who believe in equality will call themselves, an egalitarian, a humanist, etc, or simply not call themselves anything at all.

People who believe in a special brand of "equality" and desire heinous "solutions" for problems they invent, who wish to be a professional victim and believe in additional retarded baggage like "rape culture", "patriarchy" etc will call themselves a feminist, and try to tell you how equality pure and simple is feminism. Along with the same people who will bitch about t-shirts, traffic lights being 'sexist', and 'only white people can be racist' crap.

That's like saying soft drink = coke, and therefore pepsi is not soft drink, rather than saying coke is -a- soft drink, and pepsi is -a- soft drink.

Except in this case, it's moke like turps.

>> No.7937347


>Implying that I'm physically capable of growing a beard
>Implying secondary male sex characteristics are something bad to be ashamed of
>Implying I'm male

>Implying not getting laid is bad
>Simultaneously slut shaming high schoolers by implying they're easy

Wow sure sounds like equality to me anon, you huge bigot.

Even Hitler wasn't this hypocritically prejudiced.

>> No.7937369

>The Australian thread is full of shitposting

>> No.7937386

What do you expect when it's full of sjws and buttmad little shits jealous that Dat will never love them.

>> No.7937409

Do you think Dat even bothers pretending he's not in here shit posting?

>> No.7937417

Dunno, though I doubt he'd be up at anytime with an AM next to it. Unless you're Dat?

>> No.7937801

>She's my cousin

But! Doesn't she look? Almost exactly like Laura Palmer?

>> No.7937814

i dare someone to hold a coslay meet during the summit

>> No.7937952

>implying you are anything but a male neckbeard
I fucking love this meme when /r9k/ comes here and says that they're "a girl" who's "anti-feminism" and claims that feminism is not about equality.

>> No.7938008

Seriously not enough slut shaming on thus thread :-p

>> No.7938094

I fucking love when tumblr shits think someone's gender negates what they have to say, and that they can somehow "know" anon's gender.

Yeah because no girl ever is against feminism, right?

Crawl on back to your tumblr cesspool.

>> No.7938097
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>> No.7938232
File: 896 KB, 1278x720, Aku no hana teh rei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the summit, and what's a cosplay meet?

>> No.7938467

G20 anon

>> No.7938576

It does negate it and you just confirmed (with your butthurt about it) that you were indeed a loser neckbeard pretending to be a girl all along. If you wouldn't agree with me yourself, that your opinion as a male on the issues of feminism (equality) is worthless, then you wouldn't pretend to be a girl to begin with. Checkmate.

>> No.7938602

>tumblr "logic"

It's just your assumption that anon is male, I don't know if that is worse, or the fact you assume they are male so you can write off their argument as "worthless" because of that assumption.

Listen, newfriend, you can't say anything about anon, you can't judge anon, except for the content and quality of their actual post, everything else is irrelevant, that's why anon is anon.

Equality isn't feminism. That is like saying fruit is apple, therefore banana isn't fruit. Instead of saying an apple is a fruit. You have your terms in the wrong order. Feminism isn't the root/parent you idiot.

Not only that, but equality is equality plain and simple, it doesn't come with any ideological baggage attached to it. So even with the terms in the correct order, and referring to equality as the parent, feminism isn't equality either when you include such shit as dismissing male opinions as worthless, that is literally the opposite of equality your tumblr bigot.

>> No.7938611

So do you dumb niggers ever talk about anything besides drama?

>> No.7938622

Equality is feminism. The fact that you denied it means your whole post is worthless and not worth reading. It's a logical fallacy to claim otherwise, when equality is literally the definition of feminism. It's like arguing with some sub-50 IQ neckbeard misogynist.

>> No.7938634

I miss these threads being about Lily.

>> No.7938637


Feminism is not equality. Equality can be had without Feminism.

Feminism is a method for obtaining such equality which is focused around females, though there are other ways too.

Also it depends on how you define equality, you can have scientific equality or role based equality. Its inconsistent to have parts of both which people tend to do.

The idea itself is fine, the implementation is often very skewiff.

>> No.7938643

Feminism is equality. We don't have equality (which is why we need feminism), but we were a lot less equal before feminism came around.

>> No.7938652

she's up to 302' of vines!

>> No.7938653

Yo so there are defs feminazis out there that dont actually work torwards feminism, but feminism was simply coined by ye ol' females. It's idea is justice and equality for all people - unfortunately it just happens to have a more female friendly name.

>> No.7938659

tumblr has kind of bastardised 'feminism' in my opinion.

>> No.7938664


True, but there are many better ways.

For example, the USSR did more for female liberalization in the few years following the October revolution than the feminists did within the west for many, many years to come. Their socialist policies were put in place by the Politburo (which was mainly men) and it guaranteed the basic social principle of equal but different ("each according to his ability to each according to his need"). I mean that's just one well known example, but there's a lot of others out there.

Anyway, you can only have so much success with the current Feminist formula, to much pitting male against female, its not good. Whats the term for someone that wants female equality but doesn't subscribe to the feminist ideology?

>> No.7938665
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Communism is also feminism.

>> No.7938676



Both have intersecting parts, but they are mutually exclusive.

I do hate it how they hijack things though, people don't know or understand what communism or socialism is, its not just unopposed liberalism, much of the time its the opposite. All of our socialist organisations have been torn down now by rampant SJW's, the only ones that still hold out are the super oldschool ones like the CPA that still hold to Leninist values.

Anyway, maybe back on topic, i dont come here often at all, but how big is the whole cosplay thing here in Aus? I know one girl on my fb who is obsessed with it, but i never hear about any big events like they have in the US.

I'd never want to participate, but i do like many of the costumes from an artistic point of view and i find the whole thing kinda weirdly interesting,