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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 38 KB, 189x165, 1400055134786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7901814 No.7901814 [Reply] [Original]

>photo of female cosplay
>"the cosplayer in this photo is a guy"
>the cosplayer is "trans" without actually having done any HRT and/or "genderqueer"

>> No.7901819

>photo of female cosplay
>"this is rape"

>> No.7901830
File: 486 KB, 1280x720, titty dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks tumblr

>> No.7901868

any examples of this actually happening? sounds like classic 4chan-tumblr exaggeration.

>> No.7901874

aaaaand thread derailed to cosplay is consent thread

>> No.7901897


This kind of shit.

>> No.7901900

What's the problem here?

>> No.7901902
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More like Panting and Stocky.

>> No.7901903

>Guys who clearly put quite a bit of time, effort, and/or money into an outfit, then wear dirty, beat up tennis shoes with it.
>Girls who do pretty much the same except wear uncharacteristic stripper heels instead.

>> No.7901906
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144 notes and this bullshit won.
Everyone knows it only got passed around because ~person of color~. Bother to look at the shitty quality of these costumes, there's fucking safety pins and frayed shit falling out everywhere. Also, those goddamned wigs.

No, these people didn't try and I'm tired of people feigning "tolerance". This is shit and they look like shit.

>> No.7901919
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>> No.7901927
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>> No.7901930

Oh, didn't see that bit about how they won a contest. But yeah, those outfits and wigs just aren't good. In a way, unless there was like no competition, the judges probably didn't want to seem racist so they would let them win, which... in a way, seems even more racist, by going, "we're not racist, we swear!" if that makes any sense.

>> No.7901951

Or even worse
>guys who wear the stripper heels for a character that wears regular man shoes, because they're insecure about their height

>> No.7901982

>should cosplay more girls
>more girls
>Implying she tried to look like a man once

>> No.7902003
File: 26 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mjooa99lCe1rqu9cco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking deadpool cosplayers holy fuck
most untalented annoying piece of shits

>> No.7902012
File: 89 KB, 800x948, sexy spongebob cosplayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7902015

who knew you could sexualize a sponge

>> No.7902017

People have sexualized notebooks and clocks before.

>> No.7902019

>do you wanna live in my pineapple ;)))))

>> No.7902023
File: 210 KB, 476x320, sb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?

>> No.7902024

>pool skimmer
>not a fucking butterfly net
0/10 would not go jellyfish fishing with

>> No.7902036

add a midriff and cleavage to something and there you go it's serialized. Only a cleavage works too.

>> No.7902074

>Cosplay is for fun!!!

And then they're all pissy because they don't end up getting any photos taken of their outfits. If you want photos taken, put effort into it. Show that you care.

Sort of on the same token but the instant you offer any sort of gentle criticism, "This looks good but might look better if you did this", people immediately think you're being an asshole. I've seen alot of people who do the "What do you think guys ^.^" and then get upset when you try and give them good advice. You get the "ignore the haters anon it looks great."

>> No.7902094

Alternatively, what rustles me is when people say that but don't actually act upon it. I also agree with the second part, no one seems to take critique well at all nowadays.

Even if it's said matter of factly like "i think you should try this out" or "you should work on these details", it's seen as like a personal attack.

>> No.7902132

People like you must have spent their whole life inside their small, convenient bubble so anything they see that doesn't fit within their range of experience becomes automatically dumb or pointless or a fad.

Tumblr is retarded as fuck and has made a joke out of these things but people like you are just as bad.

I guess this is my pet peeve, looking at the current community: group of fuckers #1 using people's identities and issues as accessories to look specials, and then there's group of fuckers #2, using the first to prove that said issues and identities aren't real.

>> No.7902152

>Crying over 144 notes

I hate white guilt reblogging as much as the next guy, but seriously? That's an unsuccessful post imo.

>> No.7902467

what makes you so sure the other contestants weren't even worse

>> No.7902472

No because it doesn't happen

>> No.7902477
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right when I thought it couldn't get worse

>> No.7902479

On that now, my cosplay pet peeve is shit sailor moon wigs

>> No.7902481
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>> No.7902735

is this tumblrtard being serious right now? i'm gonna pretend that you are. fuck. how can you be so retarded? it's hard to even converse with you, without feeling like an idiot myself. ok, just for you, i'm gonna dumb this shit down by 50 percentile points on the IQ scale. basically, your post doesn't hold any weight. where did you get your sources from? you literally made up your post as you went along. you don't know anything. next time you try to make a logical statement, i suggest you do a little homework first. if you're gonna contribute to a thread, then at least know the facts of the topic at hand. i'm not gonna legitimize your ramblings with a reply, because your post is so far off base, that i don't even know where to begin. seriously bro, check your facts, you fucking retard.

>> No.7902740
File: 17 KB, 403x312, handsome lad squirting cream inside man with cool glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pissed off crossplaying trans on hrt that was raped detected

>> No.7902794

I feel you so hard.

>> No.7902801

How is she doing this? Pecs?

>> No.7902807
File: 1020 KB, 400x229, pyr slap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tries to call fairly well spoken anon they were replying to dumb
>Unleashes this unintelligible diatribe
I seriously cannot even understand what you are trying to say other than that you are angry and hate tumblr.

>> No.7902818

Won what? Also
>144 notes
That's so fucking small tumblr-wise, what are you mad about?

>> No.7902885

As a genderfluid panromantic non-binary two-spirit transvestite with asexual tendencies who prefers neutral pronouns (they/them/their), you're both idiots.

>> No.7902889


How bad were the other entries for this to win. All I can see are those unfinished seams and bad wigs.

>> No.7902899

See, I wanna believe you're joking with the tumblr garbage, but you never can be sure these days.

>> No.7902911


>> No.7902914

>literally for anything
>i've yet to see it used in something and it turned out decent

>> No.7902922

>Hahaha l think I am so clever using all of these unrelated identies in a string and make fun of "tumblr" people by pointing out how "ridiculous" they are, but I really sound like a fucking moron because the people I'm replying to aren't tumblr

>> No.7902956
File: 57 KB, 444x450, durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is tumblr 'round here

>> No.7902979

You are somehow ruining an already bad joke

>> No.7903096

>cosplay shit that rustles your jimmies
/cgl/ and tumblrfags

>> No.7903130

Bridal [dull] satins with a low sheen aren't offensive. They can look quite lovely if the person can sew.

A costume full of super shiny costume-tier satin is an entirely different beast though. That said, decent quality shiny satin can be used for an accent sometimes, but yea, I have a feeling you mean the aforementioned costume full o' shitty, shiny, unironed satin, possibly paired with an equally shitty, shiny Party City-tier wig?

>> No.7903239

>Subaru camui
>spelling Kamui wrong
>jimmies rustled

>> No.7903355

I doubt she spelled it wrong, it's probably because the URL is taken.

>> No.7903361

Still rustleworthy.

Also naming your page after two characters' names is pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.7903419

Techinically, "Camui" is also a correct romanization. For example, Gackt uses it too.

>> No.7903564

trans is a real thing in about 10% of cases where people call themselves trans.

they/their/them/"gender neutral" is not fucking real. you have a penis or a vagina. it doesn't mean you have a standard of masculinity or femininity to live up to. You can dress and act however the fuck you want, just don't reject your womanhood and call yourself a feminist.

99% of people who call themselves "gender neutral" are girls anyway. It's like being bi-curious in high school.

there's some fucking marceline cosplayer circulating on tumblr where the caption is "one of these cosplayers is a guy" and the one who is supposedly trans is like "actually we're both guys." and everyone is like "MINDBLOWN" when it's really just a bitch with short hair who wants to look like an anime boy when it's convenient.

>> No.7903573

Oh my god was that at the Otakuthon Halloween dance/party? Because I'm pretty damn sure that's the same one I saw.

>> No.7903579

you're good anon

>> No.7903844
File: 37 KB, 251x242, 1397972940191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to lolita meet
>OTT lolita
>"oh she looks so cute!"
>"actually I'm a boy..."

>> No.7904095
File: 41 KB, 720x480, 10505524_664532566971468_5546082542680027423_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how anime cons practically aren't about anime anymore. or how the modern anime fan doesn't know about anything pre-2000 when it comes to anime unless it was toonami. it is suffering being a gundam cosplayer, hell i was cosplaying full frontal because the director of gundam unicorn was there and all i got was mostly "OH LOOK ITS ZECHS FROM GUNDAM WING". i fucking hate modern anime fans, especially when the director was so upset nobody was bringing gundam stuff for him to sign.

fuck modern fans, seriously, fuck them. when people refuse to watch anime that is cel animated because "its too old" is like saying you refuse to play anything that older than a PS2 game or watch any movie that was pre-2000. i just want to beat these people and make them watch some macross or some votoms or yamato.

now if you excuse me, i got some goddamn macross 7 to watch

>> No.7904307

>they/their/them/"gender neutral" is not fucking real. you have a penis or a vagina.
Intersex people exist. Like, yes, you can biologically be in between and in several ways.
You are however confusing gender with sex.
Tumblr is filled with special snowflakes and that's one thing, but androgynity as an identity is real. Some people experience dysphoria that wouldn't go away by transitioning (completely, at least) because they don't feel "right" being at either end of the spectrum. This is a valid and recognized thing and also a subject of clinical and psychological research.
Source: I work with doctors and therapists studying and treating gender issues. One of my closest friends has been suffering from dysphoria since childhood and identifies as neither male nor female.
Like the other anons said, I'm sorry Tumblr trivialized things that are very much real for many people.

>> No.7904323

But that's way more complicated to understand than "tumblr is st00pid and everyone I don't like is st00pid and therefore must be from there lolololol u mad" so I don't see it catching on, sorry anon.

>> No.7904339

Isn't it canon that stocking eats a lot of cake but DOESN'T get fat? jfc

>> No.7904350

I prefer calling them UWOs or "Unidentified Walking Objects"

>> No.7904356
File: 152 KB, 894x894, marco_bodt_from_attack_on_titan_by_kittenergy-d7pjlt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tumblr kids throwing flower crowns onto their cosplays

>unsealed bodypaint

>> No.7904376

What's up with those flower crowns anyway?

>> No.7904377

Honestly, this needed to be said. I know it's super hip and fun to go against everything cumblr here, but being blatantly ignorant is just as obnoxious.

>> No.7904384


'Camui' isn't really wrong, it's just the more chuuni-faggot way of romanizing the name. Like >>7903419 mentioned, Gackt uses it.

>> No.7904391


My favorite thing is when half the people in line to get an autograph from a guest have no idea who the guest is.

>> No.7904413

>or how the modern anime fan doesn't know about anything pre-2000 when it comes to anime unless it was toonami

Thats because half the fanbase wasn't even born yet to watch those shows or were under the age of 5 when these shows came out. Walk up to a random con attendee and ask them if they've heard of Ranma 1/2, Bubblegum Crisis, Excel Saga or Slayers. Chances are that they've never heard of those shows...

>> No.7904423
File: 112 KB, 777x1027, ebony_panty_and_stocking_by_chain_619-d4k7ktq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love some tall, sexy, black chicks doing Panty & Stocking. Unfortunately this is not it.

>> No.7904425

Or Astro Boy, Lupin III, Akira... Gonna get blank stares all around.

>> No.7904431

tfw i realize....i was easily in the top 10% of the oldest people at SDCC, im only 26....fuck....

>> No.7904435

But you can still go back and watch stuff like that.

>> No.7904436

my personal favourite:
>help how do i get my hair this colour for a cosplay???
>but no wigs, dyes, or sprays tho
>i need it in 4 days
>budget under $15 plz!

And then they get pissed off when no one has answers for them

>> No.7904438

Sucks, doesn't it? I'm 23 and already I feel decades older than some of the kids running around cons these days. Admittedly just eight years ago I myself was a complete weeb bouncing off the walls, going on about pocky and ramune and trying to get Itachi and Sasuke cosplayers to kiss each other. As much as the younger attendees annoy me and I cannot relate to them anymore, it's so strange thinking that I was there too once.

>> No.7904450

Oh, Cosplay.com, never change.

>> No.7904488

I know that feel, I've been going to cons for over a decade and it feels like I'm getting older and older while all the cute fans keep staying the same age.

>> No.7904514

I can't even talk about my gender issues on Tumblr because they've made it into a joke and almost delegitimized it for actual trans people (and those seriously questioning/suffering from dysphoria). Right now my followers for the most part don't even know what gender I am and have no idea what pronouns I use, although the ones who have met IRL (like at cons) know I'm FAAB (at least I'm pretty sure they do). And if they ever ask I have no idea what to tell them because I'm so deep in the closet and so early in my transition. For a while (between the ages of 18-23, and I'll be 24 in December, so I've been questioning before Tumblr even fucking existed) I subscribed to the idea of being androgynous and using singular they, but realized only Tumblrites and people in genderqueer/nonbinary circles would understand/appreciate that and it's going to take at least a century for the rest of society to catch up to that concept. So I'm being forced to choose between being a failure of a woman who only feels comfortable in men's clothing or risking everything to become a man (who may never become 100% man because FTM SRS sucks at this point in time).

>>it is suffering being a gundam cosplayer
It is, man, it is.

>> No.7904529

Harry styles from one direction made a comment on twitter about wearing a crown of flowers . Fans saw it and started bringing flower crowns to concerts. Harry wore said flower crowns while on stage thus fueling the fandom. There was also something separate that happened with the TV show Hannibal and a character made a mention about wearing a crown of roses. Then tumblr got a hold of both of these instances and ran with them. There's a YouTube video of it.I'll look it up after work

>> No.7904550

That hardly makes any sense, but what can you expect from Twitter/tumblr?

>> No.7904553

>>the cosplayer is "trans" without actually having done any HRT and/or "genderqueer"
that's because both transgender and transvestite get shortened to trans.

Though I will concede that lately the latter is referred to as crossdress

>> No.7904562

I've never met a transvestite who called themselves "trans".

I think he's referring to special snowflakes who declare that they're "trans" for attention or so they can creep in the women's room. The ones who don't actually have gender dysphoria.

>> No.7904571

says they won best skit, which is possible with poor costumes. They mention best costume as well but I don't think they actually got two major awards. Though they are in journeymen division, they might have only been competing against a couple people who weren't much better?

>> No.7904572

People who complain about losing a follower, or not getting interaction from their like for like / share for share only followers.

>> No.7904586

It's even worse when they don't specify those requirements up front but only after people try to help them.

>I need blue hair for my cosplay!
>buy a wig
>but i only have $10 on me XDDD
>then get dye?
>noooo my mom would kill me ( ; O ; )
>....spray I guess?
>r u retarded they don't sell those in my shithole >_>
>*people lose patience and move on*
>oh okay I'm gonna write about how shitty you are all over my fanpage then THANKS FOR NOTHING ASSHOLES

>> No.7904597
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>unsealed body paint

>> No.7904608

Well to be fair there is always a budget option, like that kook aid packet temp dye thing.

Seems like cosplay is getting ridic expensive for some reason over the last decade.

It used to be glorified Halloween costumes done up like ff7 characters for fun

Now it's literally a job

>> No.7904629

Holy shit, I was there too and I saw this.
All of my cringe, why.

>> No.7904641

I fucking hate steampunk and all those shits who take nerf guns and spray them bronze and stick some gears into them and dress up in "Victorian" clothes. I even hate well done steampunk because it's just so pompous in its appearance. I also hate people who "steampunk" characters for their cosplays. I even had a dream where I was a cosplay judge and one of the contestants went in as Steampunk Rocketeer. I went into a fucking rage and gave this huge tirade about how a steampunk aesthetic would contradict the tone of the Rocketeer film and would drastically change Cliff Secord's character. I think I ended up permanently banning the guy and all the contestants and I ended up in a mental asylum.

>> No.7904695

Well done. Fucking steampunks have to stop stepping on Dieselpunk turf.

>> No.7904699

We need a new "-punk." I'm all for cyberpunk taking steampunk's place although the science fiction subgenre itself is a little dry. Dieselpunk? Atompunk?


Though what the hell that would look like is beyond me.

>> No.7904761
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>pic related

And in relation to thread, fucking facebook whiners who complain about bing 'too fat to cosplay oh I'll never cosplay again I'm so uglyyyy' and then five seconds later they're putting up new pictures. I'm so glad I left every cosplay facebook group I was in.

>> No.7904766

I joined cosplay fb groups to keep up with the dramu

>> No.7904768

You are a braver man than I, anon.

>> No.7904772

I need my daily dose of cringe, anon.

>> No.7904808

>We need a new "-punk."
No, we really, really don't.
>I'm all for cyberpunk taking steampunk's place
All "cyberpunks" I've met think they're so tough and so much better than steampunk tards, like they're not embarrassing nerds as well. What's the point of eliminating steampunk if you're just gonna have cables and whathaveyou hot glued to clothes instead of gears?

>> No.7904815

Honestly cosplaying from old stuff is way better. The people you meet who recognize you are more likely to be serious fans rather than dumb kids who only watch what's popular.
When my BF and I cosplayed from SDF Macross, we met tons of really cool people. So in a way, older series filters out the retarded weebs.

>> No.7904833

Huh, interesting, though somehow not surprising. It may be due to a combination of two things. First, people who were alive back then (when Ranma 1/2 and such reached western audiences) are older than the average con attendee, and thus more likely (but not guaranteed) to be more mature. Second, those who were not yet born, but watched those old Yahoo's anyway, probably went out of their way to search for "classics" in anime, not just whatever is current.

>> No.7904849

and to all the trans things in this thread.
Tran-sexuality should be classified as a mental disorder and be corrected instead of encouraged. It comes from a misunderstanding of sexes because of the way society treats it. Males have a dick, girls have a vagina and other sexual organs attached. You don't -feel- like one or the other, you just think you feel that way because of whatever random reason you have.
There are reasons someone might want a sex-change, and cross dressing is fine although weird, but you can't -feel- like another gender because the only real differences are physical and arise from those physical differences.

>> No.7904865
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>cosplaying from things they've never seen/played/read
>cosplaying from things they hate
>trans cosplayers giving themselves out to be cis when cosplaying a character of the opposite gender
>"i'm a humanized genderbent casual hillbilly version of ___!

>> No.7904881

>cosplaying from things they've never seen/played/read

This so much. I bet that dumb broad Yaya Han doesn't know a damn thing about whatever the hell her newest cosplay is.

>> No.7904906

This. I want to slap every tumlbrtard who thinks "hmm, I don't like stereotypical wimmin things, I don't scream at spiders or want babbies.. I must be a man!" that's sexist as fuck and not how it works at all. Why does no one ever call that out as sexist?!

>> No.7904914

exactly, you're not the other gender because you're not a walking stereotype.
I love sewing and going shopping, I've learned how to do make-up and learned how to make lolita-cords. Does that make me feel like a woman? not in the slightest.

>> No.7904936

I would go so far as to say I have majority "male" thoughts/attitudes over "female" ones, according to society but I'm still a goddamn woman, I would never want to be a guy or be called a guy. I don't even do that ~one of the guyzz~ shit because it's retarded. It's just furthering stereotypes, any interesting women with unusual views, attitudes and hobbies are now men while women continue to fit a stereotype from the early 1900s.

>> No.7904942

Does it matter? Don't really see your complaint here

>> No.7904957

>>Tran-sexuality should be classified as a mental disorder and be corrected instead of encouraged.
It... kinda is? DSM V calls it "gender dysphoria" and you have to legitimately have it in order to gain access to hormones and surgery as far as I know.

Tumblr and other "socially progressive" communities are really warping gender (and sexuality) as we know it. What I love is how these kids think so many people in the world are either trans or queer and that everyone who is cis and/or het should die... Welp, that's a fuckton of people who are gonna die, including many of the people who HELP legitimate trans and queer people. Retards.

As for me, I absolutely realize it is so much more than stereotypes and social mores and shit that makes a woman or a man, but what fills me with so much doubt about being trans is that my reasoning for even questioning my assigned gender is more complicated than simply "man in woman's body." Goddammit, nothing is ever simple for me.

>> No.7904959
File: 2.07 MB, 372x347, 1412510030031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw "Landwhales" think they're the sexiest piece of ass in ultra reviling cosplay

>> No.7904960

Gross, no. Why is everyone obsessed with changing races of characters now. There's nothing wrong with them as they are.

>> No.7904963

Your /pol is showing, anon.

>> No.7904975

The thing is you just have to recognize there is no difference between a woman and a man mentally. Everything thats different is explained with physical differences

>> No.7904976

>Female cosplaying as a male
>Tits out. Even if the original design didn't call for it.

>Deadpool and Harley Quinns

>> No.7904980

Why the hell is steampunk so popular?

>> No.7904981

You can't handle a "curvy" woman?

>> No.7904989

That's a lady, m'lady.

>> No.7904991

There are differences, but they exist on a pretty wide spectrum, and there are more differences within sexes than between them. So no its not the venus vs. mars bullshit popular culture loves.

>> No.7904992

One big curve versus hourglass curves.

>> No.7904993
File: 53 KB, 720x480, 1395016767462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, more like I'm annoyed by this Tumblrtier crap. Obviously, I like cartoons and I don't see why there's a need to make art changing the races, as if it's going to somehow make the creators listen, trash their series, and make you your baw baw no moar whyte washing XDDD i wanna blak elsa!1!!! wet dream.

Yeah, no. I'm just fucking being realistic here.

>> No.7904996

What I'm saying is that the main differences between males and females that are due to being male and female, can usually be explained by hormones and social conditioning, which are physical in nature.

>> No.7904997

Really, scribbling brown over something in MSPaint doesn't make you an artist.

>> No.7905001

My dysphoria has basis in me being severely disappointed in and disgusted by my body (because of things that I most likely would not have if I were born with a Y chromosome), so maybe I'm headed in the right direction...

Also, as an artist, I'm paranoid about the theory that men have better spacial reasoning and my penis envy goes through the roof over that, but its not like taking T is gonna improve that part of my brain anyway.

>> No.7905466

The flower crown video i promised.

>> No.7905473

Plenty of people call it out, but tons of people on tumblr refuse to believe that gender roles are different than actual gender.

>> No.7905497

Those things worry me too, but I kinda think they should be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.7905512

This particular thing has little to do with tumblr bs and more to do with fetishizing delicious brown animu girls.

>> No.7905520

Uh, seriously? Because SJWs pitched a shitstorm and began creating a bunch of pictures of Elsa as a black girl, essentially shopping over Frozen posters made by Disney, screaming about how it's whitewashing and blah blah. It's happened with other characters and it's almost always some self loathing Tumblrtard with white guilt, yelling about how everything is cultural appropriation and racism.

>> No.7905529
File: 270 KB, 650x728, hera_cg_by_blueorca2-d7hrh4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys do you have any rule 34 or fanart of Hera? I kinda want to rape her.

>> No.7905535

Well within the otaku community, there is tons of fan art that is pretty much simply turning animu characters darker, they usually use the official art as well. Also it would be fair to mention that they're usually seen as southasian/okinawan rather than even close to black.

>> No.7905542

I'm talking about things like black PSG, black Sailor Moon, black Elsa and Anna, and complaining about how it's somehow more "politically correct" for Cinderella to be black, because she was "abused and a slave and white people don't endure racism".

Completely disregarding that the original tale was set in fucking Europe..

>> No.7905547

I'm pretty sure most weebs, even the most oblivious ones, can recognize Astroboy (and to a slightly lesser extent, Akira---though that probably only extends to Kaneda's iconic jacket).

>> No.7905556

Really? I was under the assumption it was a Lana Del Rey thing (though i'm pr much oblivious to anything 1D or LDR related).

>> No.7905574

yeah, see, what i don't understand is why any of you need to identify with anything and call it a stupid name on top of that

>> No.7905585

>but being blatantly ignorant is just as obnoxious.
And this is why trans people are just mentally ill attention whores.

>> No.7905601

Truscum detected.

>> No.7905613

Here are things that rustle my jimmies about cosplay. Not sure if they're already mentioned, but I'm too lazy to read through all the posts.

>Fake looking facial hair
>When a cosplayer uses so much make-up that it looks unnatural and you could see crust lines on their face
>Cosplayers who don't shave when doing a non-facial hair character
>When a cosplayer wears a wig but their real hair sticks out
>Cosplayers who don't take their glasses off in photos unless it's part of the costume
>Hate it most when they bastardize a serious character by acting goofy in skit videos. Also smiling or acting "kawaii" in pictures when the character never or rarely smiles.
>"Size doesn't matter, cosplay whoever you want"
It it doesn't mean you won't look awful or get hell for doing it. People who think that never imagined their favorite character being cosplayed by a 400 grease ball. I still go by the saying that goes "just because you can doesn't mean you should." Cosplay is no different than wearing any other type of clothes, wear what looks flattering and fits your body type. I also hate when people get reamed for saying this.

>> No.7905614

Stop this shit now. Trolling and pretending to be tumblr is not funny, and infact it is going to make them think they are right.

>> No.7905646

>When a cosplayer mispronounces their character's name and throws a hissy fit when someone corrects them.

>> No.7905652

Poe's law in action. You're right, people who can't take jokes certainly won't be able to recognize satire.

>> No.7905657

I wouldn't ream you, anon. I hate when fatasses shit up perfectly good characters and then everyone who is mollycoddling or a fetishist runs to their defense, as if they're some brain damaged retard who didn't know any better and was just "trying to have fun". Fuck you, your way of "having fun" is disgusting and the rest of the world shouldn't be subjected to seeing your whale ass in a Mileena cosplay just because you think there's health at every size. This entire attitude is so goddamned entitled and these people are never going to lose weight and get better with everyone just telling them that it's okay to be a disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.7905678

I think it really depends on the cosplay they're doing. If they're doing something sexy with lots of skin showing, then yeah weight and looks matter. But if its just something that's fairly covered, then imo its fine because at that point its more about the costume than the look.

>> No.7905680

It's still gross.
Sorry, no. Fat people are disgusting to look at and be around. Especially when they're reaching Ivy Doomkitty levels of arrogance and shit craftsmanship.

>> No.7905686

In that case fat people should just never leave the house because they might offend your delicate princess eyes.

>> No.7905687

Anon, I'll simuply ask you to re-watch the gif posted with my previous comment.

>> No.7905691

I understand where you're coming from, but when done well I see no issue with it.

>> No.7905693

They're not barred from leaving their homes (if they can even get up, that is), but needing to see them in skimpy clothing or clothes that barely fit? Mooseknuckle sweat piles? Sharing elevators? Buses? These people are really gross and yeah, it's pretty bad when you're taking up like two seats.

>> No.7905702
File: 68 KB, 571x429, curvesvscurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this is a better illustration.

>> No.7905703

What's with the intense fat hatred, you're going for ridiculous levels here.
Sure fat people are disgusting, but they can by hygienic and they don't always smell. Plus as I said in my post if its a covered character then you're not seeing their skin.
Fat people aren't always sweating pigs with too tight clothes. I'm just as disgusted when I see a 13 y/o weeb who hasn't showered in 5 days wearing crappy make up and weighs 90 pounds.

>> No.7905708

Lol if they want darker skinned characters maybe try going to school for animation instead of chewing the asses of creators who actually worked for their careers in the field and be the person to change that. You know, instead of scribbling brown over art that isn't yours and acting like notes on Tumblr for it mean jack shit in the grand scheme.


Lots of shits hard. It's called working. These artists aren't obligated to just hand you shit you demand of them because you feel like being "tolerant", when it's just white guilt 2.0 pushed by college students going through a phase they'll eventually drop come late 20s/early 30s.


>> No.7905712
File: 38 KB, 500x458, 1411407315415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fat people aren't always sweating pigs with too tight clothes.

>> No.7905723

That made me laugh harder than I expected, anon.
I guess your right I simply can not handle the single curve, it's demands a "Real" man.

>> No.7905728

It's as if the second one swallowed Mars..

>> No.7905805

You do realize that no one does that, right? Like you're most likely quoting troll accounts or crazies.
That's like someone saying "everyone on 4chan is raging neckbeard loser!!!" based on one thread from /b/.
95% of the time when someone race swaps a character is because they're interested in seeing more diversity, not shaming the animators or whatever you're claiming.

>Black people never existed in Europe!

>> No.7905810

Never said blacks didn't exist in Europe, but Cinderella wasn't black. If people want to pretend in their minds that the Brandy movie was accurate, lolokay.

>> No.7905818

>using pretend statistics
>trying to sound smart by misquoting on purpose and then making fun of someone for something they never said
You are tumblr, you are the cancer.

>> No.7905822

Bitch, the Brandy movie was actually an okay thing because they made everyone fucking black.

Inserting a black girl where there should be a 'slave' is racist bullshit, but an all black cast isn't.

Besides, Cinderella was originally a rich bitch. SJWs are too stupid to understand life.

>> No.7905823

>implying the crazies aren't irritating and to find this shit becoming more and more prevalent is just a figment of everyone's imagination

k, sure.

>> No.7905830

>everyone was black

The Prince is Filipino and the King is White.

>> No.7905854
File: 409 KB, 250x188, all good now.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, she wasn't, I just don't understand the hate for race swap fan art.
Brandy movie? The singer Brandy? Hold on, let me Google this.
Whoa man, are you saying I'm shaming? That's some pretty far reaching you're doing there. Tumblr is pretty SJW-crazy, but honestly 50.9999% of the time, the stories about them are 100% bullshit.

My pronoun isn't tumblr, btw

>> No.7905858

>SJWs being offended on my behalf
I'm Asian and half the shit they get worked up over isn't even that offensive, not worth being mad about, or maybe it's even funny to me. Pretty sure I have a grasp on language enough to speak for myself.

>that one friend who won't stfu about a secret cosplay.
If it's secret, stop fucking talking about it and work on making it.

Such an old argument, do people even know what the book definitions of blackface and racism are? I seriously doubt it these days!

>that other friend or acquaintance that posts about every negative comment they get on FB looking for asspats. Nothing more, nothing less.
I just don't understand the people who base their entire self-worth on internet comments. Added bonus would be if this friend asks for advice but never does anything to try and change e.g. "I'm look so ugly. I am bad at makeup, why try" or "I'm too fat to cosplay X character, I'll never be like her". Help friend learn more about makeup and offer to work out together etc., friend goes back to doing nothing and not trying so they have more to complain about. gfdi why

>> No.7905864

>>SJWs being offended on my behalf
>I'm Asian and

Feel you on that, but I'm only half. Therefore, I am somehow racist against myself because my Mom's side is pure Russian.

>> No.7905865

Crazies are irritating but I do think most of these crazy sjw post here are fictional. Are you implying that people never lie for more cred?

>> No.7906169

the main issue is, these anime fans refuse to even learn about the shows that even made anime what it is today. but at least there are those of us who aren't stupid and actually give a damn about animation history and the amazing shows of the past like gundam, votoms, macross, etc.

>> No.7906336

Omfg who cares about accuracy its a story about magic shoes god you guys are as bad as the sjws

>> No.7906339

thanks for the spoiler, faggot.

>> No.7906348

This is what happens when you give all the kids trophies: they turn into tedious adults.

Are you tired of being binned into gender roles that you have given some apparent weight to despite the blending of said gender roles for the last thirty years? What specifically do you have against gendered pronouns? Do you resist the idea that men and women at a fundamental level have physical differences on average and by saying him or her the viewer can clue into the fundamental differences making life easier? Or do you want the world to cater to your personal need to be special?

>> No.7906362

you're too much tumblr already, you're too far for us to reach you.

i'm sorry you're disgusted by your vagina, but you'd better get used to it, because even with a sex change you'll still have it, only dick shaped.

>> No.7906605

Read >>7904514 again, dipshit. Tumblr didn't influence this way of thinking, shitty DNA did.

"Dick-shaped vagina?" Do you even know how how SRS works? Are you confusing vaginoplasty with one of the FTM procedures--because yes, they do turn penises into vaginas, but not the other way around? And yes, I understand it would technically still "be there" but no one could see it, have access to it, it would no longer function, depending on what and how much I get done.

Actually, I think you're probably one of those morons who confuses "vagina" with "vulva" so why am I even bothering to respond...

>> No.7906626

Well, to be fair early medicine did think the vagina was dick shaped and there are pictures of a cut-section depicting this in medical journals, maybe that anon just was taught from a really old book.

>> No.7906637

>early medicine did think the vagina was dick shaped
so you're saying those people have never seen a pussy in their life yet went on as if they knew shit about it?
/r9k/ confirmed for time-travelling medics

>> No.7906659

>Person of color cosplaying white character
>Its fine, you do what you want to do
>tumblr worships them and they get more attention than white cosplayers

>> No.7906684

I feel your feels, only insert
>I'm disabled

>> No.7906695

I'll post some:
>The SJW-Neckbeard war is getting tiring.
>Really fat people sitting next to me because I'm small, and they can take up 1.5 seats.
>People at cons treating the disabled like shit.
Please let me use the elevator in my wheelchair without waiting 30 minutes. People will push my chair out of the way running in.
Please hold a door open.
Please let me sit down on a chair for a moment when using a cane.
>Really fat people wearing revealing clothes.
[spolier]I hate really fat people at cons because they act like they have a real physical disability and are the worst offenders of ignoring/ actively hindering me. [spoilerdoesntwork]

>> No.7906704

Yes, that sums it up.

>> No.7906720

But anon, you're skinny so therefore privileged and you must think you're better than they are.

>> No.7906722

>gfdi why
because it's much easier to be lazy and throw self pity all over the place than it is to try. it's the easiest way to receive validation.

>> No.7906726

Not entirely sure what they meant; really hope they don't think surgeons can actually invert the vaginal canal and shape it into a penis though.

Also, a true Tumblrtard gender special would not know or care as much about dysphoria and the transition process as I do anyway--they would be much more concerned with shoving their Klingon pronouns down your throat while presenting as very obviously female.

>> No.7906766
File: 69 KB, 800x540, Anna-Anthropy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they would be much more concerned with shoving their Klingon pronouns down your throat while presenting as very obviously female.

Those are the worst - the ones who make no effort, and then get angry at you for not magically knowing they're pretending to be the other gender when they're obviously not.

>> No.7906773

That's a beautiful girl.

>> No.7906791

Reminds me of the berries and cream lad

>> No.7906809

Except that was funny, this is dead serious.

>> No.7906828

>Please let me use the elevator in my wheelchair without waiting 30 minutes. People will push my chair out of the way running in.

Reading this pissed me off so much. What the fuck anon. What the actual fuck.

>> No.7906842

>implying berries and cream isn't serious
You fool

>> No.7906861

>it is suffering being a gundam cosplayer

I know your pain..

>> No.7906892

So some chick gets mad about boys being prettier than them?
git gud daughteru

>> No.7907040

>People who feel the need to overly criticize other cosplays but throw a shit when someone criticizes theirs, then claim that person is being "disrespectful."

>> No.7907075

On the note of elevators:

>People are waiting for an elevator
>*BING* Elevator arrives, doors open. Waiting people rush towards elevator
>People already in the elevator can't get out.
>No one can free up space for the people waiting.
>Dumbasses crunch into elevator, trapping people who want to get off on that floor

I always hate that, but it's not just an elevator thing. When people do that shit with public transit, it annoys me too. Some trains have big enough doors where people can leave single file while others may enter, single file. But yea, con elevators are such a clusterfuck because people can't think. Unless people have figured out a way that 2 solids can occupy the same space at the same time... let people out of the elevator first. Let people in wheelchairs and crutches go first.

>> No.7907272

I was in a wheelchair for over a year after a bad accident. I found, by and large, people everywhere, especially at cons, were nicer to me.

Except for:
>I hate really fat people at cons because they act like they have a real physical disability and are the worst offenders of ignoring/ actively hindering me.


The "what are you complaining for, you're sitting!" assholes who think their endless overeating should give them special privileges.

The "You can't be crippled, you're still skinny" jerks. If I can make a point of being active enough to not gain to much weight when I CANT FUCKING WALK you sure as fuck can survive standing up for 5 minutes at a time.

>> No.7908547

Wow, skinny AND get to sit all the time? Anything else you desire, princess?

I'll have you know being fat is a -REAL- handicap. How would you feel if you couldn't unwrap a cupcake without getting exhausted?

Maybe you should show some compassion once in a while.

>> No.7908592


>> No.7908594

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.7908614

>cinderella wasn't black
wasn't she actually originally egyptian or some shit?

>> No.7908615

Made my day brighter thank you anon

>> No.7908634 [DELETED] 

This. Even if their cosplay is shit, tumblr lauds them as if they're the best cosplayer in existence.

>> No.7908637

on the flip side
>white person cosplaying a non-white character
>tumblr freaks the fuck out
people should just be able to cosplay whoever they want without the double standards jesus christ

>> No.7908649

You made my day. 10/10
I feel like I can always seperate the classless from the classy by how they behave at an elevator/train/door. I was taught you let everyone else go out first.
True story. Honestly, people are pretty nice when there's just a few of them. But if there is a crowd, they all become raging assholes. Except, weirdly, really /fit/ white guys, older gentlemen, and tough matronly figures. These three groups of people will manhandle/ command/ yell at others to get out of my way.

>> No.7908654

It is always the ~fat is beautiful~ or self-proclaimed fierce fat women that are the worst. The dudes are oblivious at best. For some reason, I seem to get a stereotype version that is the worst.
>If you can't fix your personality, then at least fix your appearance. You get slack that way.
On a side note: Shy fat girls tend to be kind. They'll often ask if I need water or something. They are really sweet. I just want to cuddle them. Often, they have good cosplay, too.

>> No.7908737
File: 17 KB, 300x390, 3004207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would you feel if you couldn't unwrap a cupcake without getting exhausted?
Holy fuck.

>> No.7908851

You misspelled "funposting"

>> No.7908869
File: 314 KB, 3788x1052, 468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would you feel if you couldn't unwrap a cupcake without getting exhausted?
of course you couldn't, that's why you have "disability" sgooders, to remind you of the terrible malady that is totally not your fault

>> No.7908908

Shy fat girls are literally 10/10.

>> No.7908931

>it is suffering being a gundam cosplayer
Disagree. Sure, you get a lot of stupid stuff shouted at you and not many people know what you're cosplaying, but those that do lose their fucking minds over it, and 9/10 times you have a new con friend to catch up with later. At least in my experience. That genuine excitement and camaraderie is so much more rewarding, imo, than cosplaying something more recent or popular and having people go "oh I know that!", snap a pic, and walk away, or not even that because you're the millionth x at the con.

>> No.7908957

Surely you've read interviews from creators or people trying to become creators stating that their projects featuring minority characters were either changed or rejected. I'm sure it's not like everyone in every industry is actively trying to make more inclusive media, but it's not a stretch to accept that no, it's not easy to just "make it urself!!"

And besides, success in creative industries has a lot to do with who you know, and companies often associate with creators who are established or who are willing to play it safe, so it's not always easy for new creators to get started on a large scale, or even for recognized creators to push more inclusive material past the pitch.

>tl;dr "MAKE IT URSELF" is not the best defense, bruh

>> No.7909023

Only when black face is used
Literally that is the only time tumblr freaks out about whites cosplaying non-whites.

Tumblr lets a lot of things pass, just as long as it doesn't trigger their sense of "white guilt" AKA White savior BS

>> No.7909038

That's not entirely true, there are people who claim white people cosplaying darker characters without changing skin tone is white washing, or that they should choose a different, lightskinned character because "you have so many why are you trying to take this from us???"

>> No.7909050
File: 123 KB, 487x589, v014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I don't know what tumblr you've been using but POCs don't really complain about that. That's really a white guilt mindset.

Now if you're talking about the whining that happens with minority fanart, then yeah I can totally see your point.

>> No.7909458

>>having people go "oh I know that!", snap a pic, and walk away
I still only get that as a Gundam cosplayer. I keep thinking that I'll make deeper connections with con-goers because I'm the only cosplayer of a particular character and because they found me, they'll be so overjoyed/impressed/whatever that we'd actually talk more, hang out, become friends. BUT NOPE. Guess I'm delusional.

I want to remember this year's Otakon fondly because in terms of the turnout of Gundam cosplayers it was phenomenal, but a bunch of things bug me, two being the weird paradox that people seemed really happy to see a Harry Ord cosplayer but kinda avoided me at the same time because I was the only Turn A character/because I'm fucking weird/because I'm not a space nazi, and the second being how fucking buttmad I am that people (and I'm talking about Gundam fans here) confused my Mashymre with Garma. HURR DURR PURPLE HAIR + GREEN ZEON UNIFORM = GAY ASS ZABI AMIRITE?

>> No.7909492

I dunno what to tell you, dude. I cosplay UC characters and haven't struggled to make friends with the Gundam cosplayers I've found.

>> No.7909501

I am so sorry because I love Marshmellow and ZZ is my favorite

>> No.7909530

>>I cosplay UC characters
That's probably why. I have to be a goddamn hipster and cosplay fucking Turn A (and ZZ) and it's only going to get worse--the dudes I wanna cosplay in the future include that Mask guy from G Reco, Chronicle from Victory (UC, but LATE UC, which no one gives a fuck about), Jamil from X, and Schwarz from G (notice a pattern yet?). I may even do Mark from G-Saviour to be a real shithead, but I don't know if I want to spend the time and money on him.

I am the epitome of shit taste, I guess.

>> No.7909562

Okay, people are going to flip over Schwarz (I've been Allenby with a Master Asia, both of which are more well-known probably than Schwarz, but I still think that has a way higher recognition rate than Turn A stuff, for example), and I definitely foresee G-Reco having a decent fanbase as it picks up, so you shouldn't worry too much. I'm sorry you haven't had much luck, though, and hope you can make heaps of cosplay friends in the future! I've gotten luckier, maybe, or picked more well-known Gundam characters, but I do also know that obscure cosplay feel. Don't let it get you down.

>> No.7909586
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Yeah, just gotta keep fighting the good fight. Guess what really hurts is I really love Harry, and wish more people loved him too... And not just "ironically."

Still don't understand the sheer stupidity of Mashed Potatoes = Char's fucktoy #2. I mean, I see some similarities, but there are plenty of differences. It's make way more sense if I were cosplaying Dorel Ronah and people got me confused with Angelo Sauper.

>> No.7909626
File: 53 KB, 480x640, hw003q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people don't try to make their wigs look presentable before selling them.

>> No.7909631

What rustles my jimmies is when drama ends up here, but it's only half the story, and you know the full story but you just want the drama to go away so you don't add to it, but then /cgl/ bullshits out a full story and touts said story as being true, despite it being completely false at this point. Then they continue to repeat the false story for months or years, and jumps down the throat of anyone who says otherwise.
It would be funny if it wasn't so infuriating.

>> No.7909904

lol did you get posted here? .

>> No.7909957

>tfw I did this once, many many years ago
>Went up to the guest, asked him who he was
>He was doing drawings with his autographs
>Asked him to draw me
>Friend asked him to draw a manga (he was famous for drawing mainly Batman)

oh the cringe.

What pisses me off in cosplay? Bad bad BAD make up jobs. This is mainly aimed at Attack on Titan crossplayers. I'd post a photo to go with this, but I can't find it. You know which one I'm talking about.

>> No.7909997

As a con photographer what rustles me is when people ask

>why don't you take a picture of me, why you don't like my costume?

>Asking someone "hey whats your costume" OH MY GOD YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW WHAT XXXXYX IS - YOUR NOT A REAL ANIME FAN

>women being camera shy in public when their costume is practically a strip-tease

>When your working a pannel and some sloot trys to coozy up to you to get into the pannel

Bessh i aint helping you to suck stan lees dick

>> No.7910056

Ugh with a side of ugh. I make sure wigs I give away or sell are re-styled and look as close to the original as possible. And I don't charge more for the service because I just want to get rid of my wigs plus it's good styling practice.

>> No.7910077
File: 370 KB, 1600x1200, 108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or people making sure their wigs look presentable, period. I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one but i've seen so many people who don't comb out their wigs at all. There are so many different tutorials up on how to comb a wig out now so i feel like there's no excuse other than "I'm lazy". Also, wig clips and tucking in/covering up your hairline.

>> No.7910126

I'm 23 and none of the people in ny age group that claim to have their shit together in anime when it comes to classics, NONE of them know Slayers, Cobra, Berusaiyu no Bara or BBC and it makes me cry.

>> No.7910130

> When someone got a major detail in a costume wrong (e.g. colour) and they claim it's right till death.
Fuck you, white Mokona is WHITE. NOT PINK. WHITE.

Excuse my vendetta, I had to let it out.

>> No.7911351

>Even if it's said matter of factly like "i think you should try this out" or "you should work on these details", it's seen as like a personal attack.

you should reconsider why people put on costumes. they're whores craving for attention. POSITIVE attention.

>> No.7911354

Goddammit sometimes I almost feel like I should apologize on behalf of all the other fats shits like me because why are they such assholes??

>> No.7911356

>I'm pretty sure most weebs, even the most oblivious ones, can recognize Astroboy

Well there is no question about this.

After all, Tezuka took everything Disney made, made the headers bigger and the torsos smaller, and called it a day.

>> No.7911358

Darling, it's the other way around.

>> No.7911368

Not that anon but I've seen it a few times unfortunately. I remember seeing it kick off when some girls cosplayed as some of the nightvale characters and There were loads o people re blogging with but your white and posting proof that the character should be poc and white washi etc.

My biggest pet peeve is seeing people who have shoddy cosplays nitpicking other people's outfits, if your seams aren't pressed and edges are finished you've no right to be treating people like shit

>> No.7911370

No, not really.
>Astroboy: 1952
>Bambi: 1942
>Mickey Mouse: 1928

>> No.7911902

Both of you are sort of right. Tezuka drew very heavily from Disney originally, became hugely successful doing so, and so in return Disney drew from him.

>> No.7911922

Not to mention that would just be androgyny.

I think it's really unhealthy of you're someone putting such stress on what is feminine or masculine and then go "oh I don't fit either of these. I must be gender fluid!"

>> No.7911974
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 10174900_10205049686744945_4084034571414296327_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. How hard is it to comb your wig and and make it look nice for sale photos.

>> No.7912006

Ha, no, someone I know tangentially did. See the Texas thread. That shit show continues to shit show because people keep bringing up a completely false story, claiming it is fact, and because they guy who was posted doesn't know how to let a dead horse rest in peace.
I've seen it happen with different stories a couple times though, so don't act like this is a "lol you must have gotten posted you jelly fat hambeast" thing.
>inb4 the Texas shit show then leaks over to this thread
If that happens, I am sincerely sorry, it's all my fault.

>> No.7912230

Isn't "genderfluid" just another term for bigender or whatever (in other words, one switches between male and female, butch and femme, etc)?

But yeah, it's really difficult to truly be without a gender--agender, neutrois, whatever you want to call it--as a human being. Kids don't realize several factors that exist that allow the gender binary to have such power: one, the vast majority of clothing is gendered. No, clothes themselves don't have genders, but clothes are made for mens' and womens' bodies (and generally tastes) while there really aren't much options for unisex or gender neutral clothes. The reason for gendered clothing is directly related to the second reason: sexual dimorphism, biology's cruel joke. With all this in mind, how exactly do these agenders intend to pull off a truly genderless look? How exactly would one transition from female (or male) to no gender at all?

From what I've seen on Dumblr, these genderqueer/nonbinary people fail miserably at "smashing the binary hurdeedurr" ESPECIALLY when they go and slap a qualifier like "femme" alongside their agender label. They either are perfectly cis but are incredibly desperate to be special, or for the non-femme ones they may be really confused/uncertain about being transmen so they feel safe with the nonbinary nonsense (like I did for a while). I have encountered very few MAAB NBs so I don't know what their deal is other than they too probably suffer special snowflake syndrome. In the end though, if they are still uncomfortable with switching completely over to what is opposite of their assigned gender, why not just go with androgynous? AT LEAST PEOPLE KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THAT IS and it can be done... at least, presentation-wise. I have no idea how one can truly achieve an "androgynous" body though besides either being extremely thin or obese. Oh, and having ambiguous genitalia (or none at all!).

tl;dr: I'm the truscum gender police.

>> No.7913406

check your privilege, cis scum

>> No.7913458

Similar to that when people are talking about anime they fucking love to talk about "Character development" out of curiosity I just asked them how many of them had seen NG:E fucking 0 out of 5 people had

>> No.7913465

Check your bait, troll scum. Just because I question other supposed trans people doesn't make me cis. Shithead.

>> No.7913527

im confused
was the person a tumblrtrans or an actual guy? i dont see the issue if its the latter

>> No.7913545

hi potsy

>> No.7913594

...who? What? I Google "Potsy" I get a fucking Happy Days character or a Tumblr blog... with a few pictures of pots.

Holy shit, I'm starting to think venturing away from my home board to other boards was a really, really bad idea now...

And no, my favorite board is probably not what you think it is.

>> No.7913601

Mate 'the sponge' is designed to soak up semen as a contraceptive to begin with lol

>> No.7913873
File: 73 KB, 450x308, Screen Shot 2014-11-02 at 6.45.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when con thirst is THIS BAD

So much secondhand embarrassment.

>> No.7913929

doesn't potsy say the exact opposite of that?

cray-cray irish somethingorother that got banned, hopefully long-term.

>> No.7914049

Ah, found them on the archive and apparently they have an ED page about them? Bitch, please, I wrote (most of) an ED page on someone else... a billion years ago.

>> No.7914609

what anime is this from

>> No.7914616


I'm sexually attracted to Monty in women's clothing ;;

>> No.7914620

It's Minerva Mink from Animaniacs.

>> No.7914664

Attention whore cosplayer just posted that she's going to cosplay one of my favorite comic book characters. I normally don't care what this bitch does, but this time, I guess it's just knowing that she probably doesn't know a single god damn thing about this character that is so important to me, who is so much more than a sexy outfit, but that's all it's going to be with this bitch, and I'm rustled as fuck.

>> No.7914747

> People who have amazing cosplays but act like a stuck-up cunt when you compliment their craftmanship

>People cosplaying from the same series as me wanting a picture together, only to crop me out of it afterwards

> People who are known for publicly fatshaming people at cons preaching on social media about how everyone should be able to cosplay regardless of their looks

>> No.7914826

He looks better than his girlfriend kek

>> No.7915132

Seems like 90% of all my acquaintances in the cosplay crowd are fakebois or ~*~*genderfluid~*~* like at some point just being a girl became unacceptable to everyone.

Incredibly obnoxious, but if I were to call them out on this crap, I'd be branded a bully and a bigot in record time, I'm sure.

>> No.7915514

Oh wow that's a pretty nice wi-
>opens thumbnail

>> No.7915694
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>> People who have amazing cosplays but act like a stuck-up cunt when you compliment their craftsmanship

To be fair, some people who make fuck all amazing things know every flaw and fault with their work, and knowing these things can make accepting compliments difficult because of the worries of
"oh shit dont thank me for this piece of shit, its two pieces of foam and hot glue calm down yo ughhhhh."

I think its more self dread of somebody saying something shitty so you defend yourself by blowing off good compliments or joining in on hating your costume with whoever is giving shit.

I don't make the best cosplays around, if I'm lucky 1 in 3 will look pretty good, But Its hard for me to take praise for stuff when I feel I could do so much better than what I made.

I've personally tried to be better about this myself, and if I ever run into somebody pulling this stuff I like to talk to them about whats worried them about the cosplay and try and talk up their work.

It all really plays into self esteem and self image issues I think.

But the people who actually do like top quality stuff and are so full of themselves THEN blow off somebody for trying to fan the flame that is their ego. Bitches like yoyo megatits, although im pretty damned sure she doesnt make all her own shit either.....

>> No.7915715
File: 65 KB, 483x272, 1321758417137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I think about it, here's the Biggest thing in the tokusatsu cosplay community that rustles my jimmies so much they become sprinkles.

>Talentless fuck

>"I wanna cosplay a power ranger, thatll gib me all the atenshun."

>drops $500+ and a year and a half later aniki gives shitbeard his MMPR red or green

>immediately posts of FB rangers about his amazing suit

>makes a cosplay page

>cant comprehend that some people can't fit Anikis helmets/costumes or afford them, then scrutinizes people for making their own, being inaccurate, being too fat/skinny/small/tall, calling them not real fans

>"Whats Zyuranger? Im red/green Ranger not Tyranno/dragon ranger"

>"lol faggot work harder maybe you can buy one too"

If you've ever wanted to see a tall fatman dressed like a karate bugman beat the shit out of a normie, This is all I have to see. I can get if its a really really shitty, but seeing how a bunch of toku fans can make them and make them better than anikis stuff, they don't have room to talk.

I have very little tolerance for people with bought cosplay ripping on people who put forth the effort to make something they enjoy wearing.
its fucking cool you spent a ton of money for a nice outfit, But I'm sure as shit it didnt come with a " Tokusatsu cosplay authority card" that lets you treat people like shit for trying to make something.

I just don't get how people can't understand that these shows we like have the simple message of dont be a dick and try and be nice.

>> No.7918959
File: 84 KB, 960x960, 1395154_765647100188559_6617191421994142272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Victoria Secret? More like Victoria HOlyTITBALLs
>*claps for cleavage* The suit being tight helps though. XD

Scrolled through my fb feed and someone had shared this girls costume pic. What's green texted is what this girl has as a description on her pic. I used to enjoy her stuff but now i feel it's just more "hey look at me look at me" and doing anything to get that attention. To be fair this is alot of cosplayers in the community and it's sad. No one's really made to feel like they can say anything anymore. Cosplaying is suppose to be just this magical land of butterflies, rainbows, and hand holding where no one "bullies" you. Like others have mentioned above, no one can say "Well this looks nice but try adding more of this here." You're immediately called out on being a hater. When i saw this pic come through my feed i really wanted to say alot of things but felt like i'd get swarmed with white knights. It just wasn't worth wasting my breath over.

>> No.7919106
File: 20 KB, 295x300, 0-spyro-pose-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexy Spyro

>> No.7919162

I seconded that response when I saw her pic initially. On her page she has some fanart or something that it's based off of

>> No.7919271

She was French

>> No.7919274

I'm actually a little impressed someone managed to sexualize Spyro of all things. And its not even a basic, I'm wearing purple underwear and horns so I'm spyro type deal.

>> No.7923973
File: 9 KB, 246x374, nanjokouji_found_my_fandom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly how that feels.

>> No.7924016

>"Why the hell are you buying that? I can make that for you don't worry about it anon!"
>They work for an hour, get bored and stop working

Goddamnit. If you're offering to do something for me, that's fine, but don't flip shit when I expect you to follow through with the shit you're offering. ESPECIALLY IF I'M PAYING YOU TOO.

>> No.7924026

>tfw a local convention is having a "Deadpool Cafe" instead of a Maid Cafe

Goddamnit will this shit ever end

>> No.7924054

You also gotta love the assholes who have one of those shitty digital cameras that try to pass off as DSLRs, and try to use it to pass themselves off as a *legitimate fashion photographer* and charges $10 a pic for something with god-awful lighting and set to auto white balance.

>> No.7924137

don't you know what "What do you think guys ^.^" means? It means "I did this and put effort into it, please give me compliments". They don't like critique, they are like children.

>> No.7924149

Are you kidding? most of them got mobbed in school and have anger and insecurity issues. I often have shy fat girls yelling at me when their friends are around for "backup" because a skinny chick with no friends like me is a good target for them to let the steam out

>> No.7924421
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>Going to this shit of a con Halloween thing
Very bad, anons.

>> No.7924449

First time I cosplayed it was a gag $40 play complete with duct tape. But since it was a popular character I still got like 10 photos from randos

Is getting none a common theme

>> No.7924451


>> No.7924863

The original story was Chinese

>> No.7924883
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Other people might need to buy fabric too, though

>> No.7924888

You have not adressed people who are 2 to 3 times as wide as a normal human, which is uncomfortable for and rude to people who have to be in close quarters with them, on top of being fucking unhealthy.

This isn't even a joke. If you take up half an elevator and you can walk, take the damn stairs, you inconsiderate fuck.

>> No.7924915

I fucking recognize that house and wighead

>> No.7925013

>You are however confusing gender with sex.

They are the exact same thing. Stop saying this bullshit you fucking mongs.

>> No.7925062

aniki costs so much fucking money too lol

>> No.7925104

Yes, I'm sure Random Shitty Anon #68769475 is a much more reliable source than a team of doctors and actual researchers. Thanks for your imput.

>> No.7925172

It's actually Sociology 101, sorry that you can't handle that.

>> No.7925275

>>the cosplayer is "trans" without actually having done any HRT and/or "genderqueer"
W-what does this even mean? I don't understand.

>> No.7925415

I sit next to a fatty in my physics class. He doesn't smell at all and he's really considerate. He takes up a lot of room and sometimes his fat spills over to my side, but he don't care if i hit his fat flabs because he knows he takes up room.
>what is bullshit science?
I believe someone cited earlier in this thread that transgenderism is a mental disorder because there is NO difference between gender and sex.
Plus psychology is a fake science anyways.

>> No.7925419

I think anon is saying that they're calling themselves trans without actually going through any of the procedures or actually being crazy enough to believe its a real thing. They just want the attention so they pretend its real and they have it

>> No.7925668

Fucking this. Watch some pre 2000s shit. Sure, I like myself some Gurren Lagaan, but for the love of god watch something else for once.

>> No.7925676

Okay, but what do you do when people call you trans and you're not?

>> No.7925678

Nothing you can do there, but from the way OP stated it I saw it as they looked up or met the "crossplayer" later and its tumblr trans.

>> No.7925875

But Gundam Wing is pre-2000.

>> No.7925922

are you okay?

>> No.7925969

Just let the fake oldfags tire themselves out.

Speaking of Gundams nobody likes, it upsets me that that no one cosplays G Fighter that much

>> No.7926026
File: 98 KB, 300x199, 1402363567649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw been into Deadpool since reading Joe Kelly's run years ago
>tfw suddenly everyone and their mother talks about Deadpool
>tfw 99% of people have literally never seen him outside of internet memes
>tfw seeing Deadpool cosplays with no fucked up skin

>> No.7926178

And you gotta love how most of them are scrawny teenagers using it as an excuse to act like a jackass in public.

Too bad Youmacon having to deal with one of the convention centers having a partial ban on masks and weapons did nothing to stop Deadpools.

>> No.7926180

this trans shit is really starting to piss me off. Is this some feminism thing? A woman in jeans is normal, but a man in a skirt is a genderqueer transsexual? It sure sounds like some stupid woman thing to ridicule men

As a man, I feel entitled to wear whatever the fuck I want. If a female is feeling threatened that men are catching up on gender equality, then that's their fucking problem and they should get their panties out of a twist and leave me the fuck alone

>> No.7926182

Ha! faaaaag

>> No.7926184
File: 36 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off cunt

>> No.7926239

G Fighter? Don't you mean G Gundam? If you're going to be a Gundam fan or an oldfag, at least do it right.

>> No.7928539
File: 14 KB, 251x241, only-the-dead-can-know-peace-from-this-rustling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously comparing a kilt with a skirt?

>> No.7928641
File: 58 KB, 898x628, SPURDO SPÄRDEdeadpeaveevil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I went as my original character

>> No.7928715 [DELETED] 

Transgender people are people who suffer from Gender Dysphoria, yes its a real thing. It's not a mental illness (we've known this since the 70's) and its treatment is in fact transitioning,there is even a standard of care because its more common than you'd think. Transitioning usually happens by living as the desired gender, HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and in some cases SRS (sexual reassignment surgery.) No it is not a feminist thing in any way and no the trans people are not "gender queer" those are two different things.
Yes a man or a woman can where "whatever the fuck they want" but trans people aren't just playing dress up here or trying something out for a bit. They are just living their lives as whatever gender they happen to be mentally. The end.

>> No.7928722

Transgender people are people who suffer from Gender Dysphoria, yes its a real thing. It's not a mental illness (we've known this since the 70's) and its treatment is in fact transitioning,there is even a standard of care because its more common than you'd think. Transitioning usually happens by living as the desired gender, HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and in some cases SRS (sexual reassignment surgery.) No it is not a feminist thing in any way and no the trans people are not "gender queer" those are two different things.
Yes a man or a woman can wear "whatever the fuck they want" but trans people aren't just playing dress up here or trying something out for a bit. They are just living their lives as whatever gender they happen to be mentally. The end.

>> No.7928753

You are wonderful. That is all <3

>> No.7928788
File: 44 KB, 644x480, 1401447573330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me anon-san, I think you misunderstood what I said.

Last couple of years there's been a growing interest for some guys to pass as girls, this is called crossplay. This has nothing to do with transgenders, transsexuals, gender dysphoria or mental illnesses. These are just guys having fun dressing up as a female character

And then, in come a whole lot of idiots claiming that crossplayers are transgenders in denial, or they're gender queers for not acting up to their gender roles, and general discontent towards crossplayers in general for their reasons of doing it. Don't you see the irony? Just like the feminist movement made it possible for chicks to wear jeans, a masculism movement will make it possible for guys to wear skirts.

>> No.7928796

>implying males that want to wear skirts are masculine

>> No.7928823


Too bad G-reco is garbage, and I was going in pretty excited too.

>> No.7928835

>implying females that want to wear jeans are feminine

fixed it for you

>> No.7928845

Toughen up, you skirt wearing faggot. How bad do you want your boy pussy penetrated?

>> No.7928994

Toughen up, you pants wearing lesbo. How bad do you want your girl dick jacked off?

>> No.7929002
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>pic related

>> No.7929009

Its a mental disorder whether you like it or not.
I personally believe treating them the way they do and supporting transitioning is the wrong way to handle it. But that's a topic that should be reserved to experts in the field and not random anons on the Internet.
>Implying I don't have to start busting heads because some ignorant faggot for displaying my proud Scottish heritage.

>> No.7929016

If you're implying that a kilt is a skirt, then you're not exactly proud of your Scottish heritage you sissy twink.

>> No.7930978
File: 214 KB, 1024x768, imagejpeg_0_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't agree more.
I made my first eva foam armor cosplay recently and I could only see what was wrong with it.
Apparently it turned out well because I won best novice at a contest with it but DAMN, shit was slowly breaking all con
>pic related, the only picture on my phone, that's me in the middle

>> No.7935779

Maybe i've been way too sheltered all of my life but this terminology like pansexual or demisexual, seems very tumblr to me. I've never heard of such a thing and it all sounds very special snowflake to me in some cases. Yes, i'm aware that just because i haven't heard of something, doesn't mean it's nonexistant. What i'm saying is: It feels like tumblr hit and that's all i ever hear about. Someone sees X costume but as someone else had mentioned, cosplayer gets upset over wrong pronoun use. I'm sure this probably happened before but i feel like tumblr blew it all out proportion and some people use this as a way to get attention.

>> No.7935819

Wanted to point out that you can be trans and not do HRT. Look up susans forums. Not sure if that's banned here or not.

>> No.7935863

Pansexuality, at least, has been around for about a decade to earliest of my knowledge. I know that because I remember being about 14 and deciding I was pan because it seems cool, and that is not the case now that I'm in my mid-twenties. Can't say for demi, but I personally think it's kind of a stupid distinction.

>> No.7935868

It's not thaaat bad. Nowhere near SEED levels of nope, at least imo.

>> No.7935922
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Anyone who thinks G-Reco is as bad as SEED should die.

>> No.7936916
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>> No.7940341


i find it fine that they were dressing in cute stuff, but the fact that they didnt bind threw me off. if you're trans that means you dont like the look of your original body so you change it yourself to look like a different/opposite gender.
shit :"(

>> No.7941729

People who get mad at you for not cosplaying a mainstream character
