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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 48 KB, 480x206, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7901453 No.7901453 [Reply] [Original]

Last one has long since died.

Questions, comments and general discussion.

>> No.7901457

Why that picture for general?
Horse faces and ho make up everywhere.

>> No.7901461

Honest answer; it was the first picture in my folder I clicked.

>> No.7901468

Does anybody know what that summer dream JSK by magic cat street looks like irl?

>> No.7901490
File: 291 KB, 800x1269, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys.
So I'm buying my first dress and would like some suggestions/advice.
I look best in green but I also look good in brown/gold.
I'm eyeing this crystal dream dress ATM but I want my first dress to be perfect as I can get it.

Pic related.

>> No.7901511

It'd be helpful if you'd provide your measurements, style preference, notable problem areas (broad shoulders, large bust, long torso etc.), and a budget. Looking good in green, brown, and gold is pretty useless information.

>> No.7901536

I wouldn't recommend such an ott dress. That's not really something you'll be able to wear outside of some events

>> No.7901551

I don't have a set style yet. From what I can tell I'm leaning towards classic.
I have a long waist and I'm 5'3.
Bust is 34.
All I have off the top of my head.

>> No.7901554


Can we just get a picture on you?
That would be the easiest remedy.

>> No.7901558

What shopping service isn't a piece of crap for auction sites? I was thinking about TenshiShop but shes away until November and I have a listing I want to buy

>> No.7901565

I'm new to lolita and would like to start buying off mbok. My only problem is that I notice most of the listings don't say anything about the size. Am I retard who missed where to look, or do I need to ask the seller?

>> No.7901606

Look up the dress on hellolace or lolibrary.

>> No.7901665 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 440x132, a71a9d0ajw1elpkg6luljj21040awmzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana strikes again! E-famous lolita princess Lydia uses her university dorm address to buy from baby and got this. Wow am I glad I don't buy Baby.

>> No.7901681


>> No.7901688 [DELETED] 

wait is sana that one bitchy baby rep everybody talks about?

>> No.7901690

Actually, the new one was posted yesterday >>7899878

>> No.7901700

Why are you tripfagging

>> No.7901705 [DELETED] 

ughhh Sana.... you biiiiitch. Anyone have the "We must sue you" meme?

>> No.7901723


What's your point?

>> No.7901726 [DELETED] 
File: 416 KB, 502x683, 1370420745926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.7901737

she has 1 yellow tooth.

>> No.7901748

Maybe if people actually tried to help new community members instead of ignoring them we'd have less ita's in the world.

>> No.7901749 [DELETED] 

Shoot me.
But whys she a bitch?
Stories? DRAMU.

>> No.7901753
File: 39 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's me again.
So I found one dress, and while it's not green I do like.
AP Chess Chocolate OP (Ivory)
Yay or nay?

>> No.7901767

Atleast you have good taste. But if your new you might want to try something easier to coord. Look at bodyline or maybe innocent world.

>> No.7901777

Go for jumperskirts. They'll be way more versatile and you can buy different blouses to go along with them.

>> No.7901779

If she has a long waist that may look off though.

>> No.7901787

Wouldn't one pieces look worse on girls with longer torsos? At least with the jumperskirts they have buttons to make them shorter or longer. That, and she's only 5'3. If she was 5'6 it would be more understandable

>> No.7901835

I just got a confirmation email from btssb and noticed that they charged me the price with taxes included. Are they supposed to do that for people out of the country? My last order with them didn't include it, so I'm a little confused.

>> No.7901844

Bunny House closed her shop due to drama?

>> No.7901845 [DELETED] 

Not drama. Hi everyone ~ thank you all for your purchase and supported, we will closing to upgrade our shop to make it become more better looks. We promise we will give you the best service when we get back. Have a nice day!~

Unless there is some hidden story behind it?

>> No.7901848

youre so new it hurts. youre going to look ita

>> No.7901876 [DELETED] 

There was a whole thing where she had a problem with a customer and posted the whole thing on her Facebook. It made her look really unprofessional and brought other previous unhappy customers out of the woodwork to pile on.

>> No.7901884 [DELETED] 

The post Bunny House made was deleted but this explains

fb.com /groups/rufflechat/permalink/679452708816750/

>> No.7901892

I think she'll be fine at 5'3", but yeah OPs are generally less forgiving on people with longer torsos. Anon also didn't mention her shoulder width and that's pretty important for the fit of an OP.

You sound pretty new yourself, anon.

>> No.7902005
File: 1.38 MB, 2824x2148, What They Gave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the anon who posted the attached wardrobe for suggestions, I've done it and once more I can't post a link but it's the newest post on Roli's Ramblings.

Hope it's helpful!

>> No.7902013


Thanks! I like your suggestions and will be looking for similar items.

>> No.7902021

You're welcome, I loved all the gold details in you wardrobe.

>> No.7902332

So why not give advice to jell her avoid becoming ita?
Like I said before if we actually help new people they may not turn out ita.
So instead or being a jerk help the girl.

Tl;dr stop being such a bitch.

>> No.7902353

Link doesn't work, just redirects to rufflechat main page.

Also, it sucks, cuz I really need a new petti and a few of my friends have one from Bunny House and it looks fantastic. Anyone know what material they use? I might just try and make my own instead... I mean, it's basically just an elastic-waist skirt, right?

>> No.7902364

Go back to tumblr.

>> No.7902365

We tend to be a self destructive community.
I would give advice but I'm not tier enough.

>> No.7902418

So I'm a cosplayer here and just curious.
I knew I've seen people on this board say walolita isn't a type of Lolita.
But what about others I've seen?
Like euro or guro or aristocratic?
Are these considers Lolita's?

>> No.7902426

No such thing as euro. Guro...well that's usually more common during Halloween, don't quote me on this since it's been a while since I noticed it. Maybe someone else can chime in about guro.
Aristocrat is usually not considered part of lolita at all but as its own thing.

>> No.7902441

Maybe she meant ero?

>> No.7902442

Wa, Guro, and Ero are all technically types of lolita. It's just that they tend to be very costumey, so they are difficult to do in a way that doesn't look bad. Also Guro and Ero are not really appropriate for most standard meetups (although Guro does pop up sometimes around Halloween). Simultaneously they are the styles that attract noob snowflakes with horrible taste. It's hard to show people how to do them since some of the better examples are really old and thus out of style by regular lolita standards. So they exist, but they are rare, and it might be easier to tell an overexcited weeb noob that they "aren't real lolita" rather than try to hold their hand through a style they are going to fail at.

Aristocrat definitely exists but is more of a style that co-exists with lolita, it isn't a substyle of lolita. Aristocrat is another one that can be hard to pull off, as it overlaps a lot with western goth, and looks best on a specific body type (tall and willowy) so sometimes people miss the mark and end up looking like bad vampire costumes.

>> No.7902445

Ah. That makes more sense.

Ero is a touchy subject. Some say yes, some say no and a big debate ensues. Either way, its rarely done well.

>> No.7902474

since apparently this thread took over as the general

>> No.7902554

Very informative. Thanks!
I was mostly curious about the aristocrat I admit as I had a penchant for southern belle gowns in my youth.
At a harvest festival when I was 16 I was asked if I was aristocratic lolita and it slightly peaked my interest ever since.

>> No.7902567

This tumblr reblogs a lot of good aristocrat http://porphyria-ashenden.tumblr.com/

Brands to look for: Atelier Boz, Atelier Pierrot, Moitie
Offbrands: Fan Plus Friend, Surface Spell Gothic

And you can use some items from western gothic (and even sometimes from steampunk, if it's something from the victorian side and not from the gadgetry/clockwork side) but if you want it to be actual Aristocrat in the Japanese street style sense of it, you have to keep the overal look within the context of how the Japanese style is worn. That being said, if you are just wearing it around for fun (i.e. not wearing it to lolita meetups or posting photos to lolita groups/tagging it as aristocrat on tumblr) feel free to play around within the larger idea of "neo Victorian" or Victorian Gothic styles.

>> No.7902587

Thank you!
I think I will stay with the more southern styles as it is something I'm already use too.
And people say /Cgl/ is full of salty women. Thanks for all the help, especially brand names!

>> No.7902596

I have no idea why everyone says people who use cgl are so horrible... Really I don't... I assume this comes from people like that girl on CoF yesterday who said that we were lolita elitists for giving a girl con crit when she asked for it. She "apologized" for pretentiousness but it really just made her look naive.

>> No.7902605

Oh man, thanks for reminding me of this coord help thread
This girl got as far as putting together two "Euro lolita" coordinates before realizing it wasn't a thing and it was hilarious

>> No.7902625

I like /Cgl/ because everyone's honest. If it looks like shit then we say so. I prefer it this way though because all the tumblr praise and love in the world can't make me a better cosplayer/Lolita.

>> No.7902634

Oh god lol
It might be cool if there was like, mod style lolita but then again probably not

>> No.7902647


I'm kind of sad that we never really found out what she thought euro lolita was. I kept reading the thread but I think she was so embarrassed she didn't come back.

Fair play to her for taking crit so well though, some of it not so constructive. I wouldn't be as strong (hence why I hardly ever self post here).

>> No.7902671

Anon from before.
Yeah I don't really do lolita, I just cosplay and see things around the board.
Though I must admit I've always secretly wished I could do lollita.

>> No.7902673

Why direct her to bodyline? Not everyone's first dress has to be bodyline...

>> No.7902687

Not the same anon but I think she meant it to be ' simple ' styled so it's easy to coordinate.
I do to agree with her but that's what I think they mean.

>> No.7902688

Meant to say I don't agree with them.

>> No.7902699

Why can't you? What us physically stopping you from trying lolita?

>> No.7902778

>Owns Nameless Poem
>Owns Die Walkure
>Owns the green version of that dress thats only ever for sale in black

You can't fathom the levels of jelly I've reached.
For real though, I love your wardrobe.

>> No.7902859

How are Baby and AP's coat sizings ? What are the coats that came out bigger than expected ?

I'm especially looking at the Little Princess coat from Baby since it still looks good opened, in case I have to wait until I lose all my extra weight, but the Snow Bird coat from AP is my dream coat and is on sale right now. I'm afraid the collar will be too tight on that one.

>> No.7902860

You're welcome!

I think cgl is what you make it. There are definitely cunts, trolls, and bitches here. A few years back, someone (never figured out who it was) used to go out of their way to post the most unflattering candid photos of me and others for the express purpose of making fun. It hurt my feelings, but I tried to pick what critique and advice I could out of the pile of feces and I think I improved as a result. Some version of that is always going to exist, on an anon site where there are people who have too much free time, in a hobby based largely on appearance and artistic expression. So in order to balance things a bit, to try to make this place as much a resource as a gossip rag, I try to help where I can, in a way that hopefully isn't insulting or mean. That's just how I roll.

>> No.7902967
File: 71 KB, 400x607, JSK_purple02_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else reserve this? Only a few hours left and I can't decide on a color.

>> No.7902991


Aww thanks anon!

>> No.7902997

I work outdoors doing hard labor at a job that requires muscle.
So tan lolita?
Muscular lolita?
Lolita who has scars of her labor?

I will just sit and wish from afar.

>> No.7903012

I wear gothic, try to tan whenever I can and have a massive amount of scars. No fucks were given.
Honestly, if you know how to dress for your skin type you'll be okay. No one cares about your scars.

>> No.7903020


>So tan lolita?
Why not? Who cares what your skincolor looks like. Plenty darker skinned Loli's in the fashion you know.
>Muscular lolita?
Muscle can be hidden under clothes, Lolita has a lot of layers (blouse, petti, jsk/op, etc).
Depending where you've got muscle of course, but if it's your arms, you can wear wide sleeves.
Legs, you could wear tea length.
>Lolita who has scars of her labor?
Lolita is a modest fashion, if the scars are on your body, not your face, it's possible to hide them.
Think tights, long sleeves, high collars, etc.
Now I don't know your situation but maybe we can help you out?

>> No.7903025

There's nothing wrong with any of those. Just wear sleeves that disguise your tanlines if you're self-concious and avoid puffy shoulders on your blouses (they make even slim bodies look like linebackers) and you're golden.

Do it.

My legs are covered with scars from years of taking softball cleans in the shins. My hands are scarred from taking printmaking and sculpture coursework at university. No one has ever noticed or cared if they did. Just do it.

>> No.7903040
File: 1.17 MB, 1500x1200, country2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Country lolita. Gingham, straw hat, and a basket of the produce you worked from the land. Do it.

>> No.7903076

Well my biggest things are my face scars. I'd never tell my family this but I'm saving and using maderma (sp) to get them removed.

I have a scar on the apex of my lip left side that is about 3 cm long and jagged.
I have a chicken pix scar on my forehead.
A scar by my eyebrow going up for about 4 cms and one last face scar by my ear that's a burn scar and is shiny.

It's just something I'm ashamed of and refuse to admit unless I'm a faceless person behind a computer. If I ever get rid of them id love to try it.

>> No.7903085

I think a wig would hide most of those anon? Not the lip one but I don't think it would be a big issue?

>> No.7903091

I think this is the first time I've ever come to /Cgl/ and felt good about myself.
Maybe I will try it.

>> No.7903097

Wig would definitely hide the ones on your forehead and near your ear. The one above your lip could probably be toned down with make up if you really want to.

But honestly, I'm not bothered seeing someone with a couple of scars. I think you should give it a go!

>> No.7903108
File: 103 KB, 311x400, 191207-1539-2014-10-09337564[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another new lolita here—I love sailor lolita and I want to start my wardrobe but like >>7901490 i need to be perfect.

I'm 5'8 and about 120, will Innocent World's Vilma be too short? I want to coord it with below hat, white block tights and navy mary janes. I'm thinking maybe gold accents too.

Also I'm not sure where to get it? The only one for sale I can find is on Lacemarket for $250.


>> No.7903116

Try yahoo auctions, closet child, mbok, egl, lolita sales on facebook, etc you can put out wtb's and stuff too.
I don't know why they're selling it for so much on LM, IW pieces don't normally retain too much value.

>> No.7903155

I kind of want Euro lolita to be a thing now...

>> No.7903180

I'm trans so I'm pretty male bodied but I still wear lolita. Albeit I'm not tan, I'm sure my physique is a lot less suitable for the fashion than yours (and my face which is pretty meh)
I don't have scars really but lolita being as modest as it is I'm sure the clothing will either cover or distract people from noticing your scars.
Also, as long as you aren't dressed poorly thereby representing the fashion in a bad way, fuck what people say about you/your body and whether you are suitable for it or not. Yes there is an ideal image tied to the fashion but if you wanna wear it no one can tell you not to. It's clothes. If you like it then go for it.

>> No.7903233

So many deleted posts in this thread. We aren't allowed to talk about brands fucking up anymore?

>> No.7903253
File: 49 KB, 240x320, JosephineJSK-ivory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this dress? Green isn't a popular color in Lolita btw

AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, don't buy a dress first, buy a petticoat

>> No.7903271
File: 39 KB, 345x437, 143705-s-03-dl_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there are plenty of European print themes, so it's not really a thing, but we can pretend it's a thing!

>> No.7903289

That specific dress might be pretty hard to find, though I think your advice to start simple is good.

A girl in my comm made the same mistake - her first two dresses were Chess Chocolate and CDC because she thought that by getting a fancier dress she could "get away with" simple coordinates and offbrand stuff. (For example, she took a long while to get around to getting actual lolita shoes or blouses and was wearing her dresses with office blouses and loafer type shoes.) The opposite is true - you can start with a fancy dress like that, but you have to account for time or budget to build up all your basics to the same level.

What I would suggest, if you're starting out, is to pick a color or motif you really like (and even better if you have some lolita appropriate accessories/jewelry/etc in that color/motif in your wardrobe) and find a relatively simple dress that goes with. Then buy a petticoat, and start filling in the other bits (blouse, shoes etc.) as needed.

You should actually buy the dress before you get a petticoat - the dress will determine what shape and length of petticoat you need, after all. But unless your first outing is a super casual noob-friendly thing, don't _wear_ the dress until you have the petticoat.

>> No.7903302
File: 67 KB, 360x420, 120410251609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, missed where you said you like green. Green is hard to find, like the other anon said, but Meta has a couple options, including this one which is fairly simple. http://www.metamorphose.gr.jp/category/select/cid/313/pid/10152

If that's not to your taste, maybe try lacemarket or one of the sales groups on facebook?

>> No.7903328

IMO I think old school-style dresses are the perfect first dresses, like the karami or shirring princess for example.
They're great for that tonned down look. Not to mention they have regular releases year around.

Only thing is Wouldn't an OP be better for a first piece?

I had no idea about Josephine jsk! I keep seeing it on LM so I assumed that it was somewhat common.

>> No.7903353
File: 68 KB, 450x600, uglyuglu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby, this is such an ugly dress. I appreciate that you tired, but it's so god damn ugly

Why would you do this?

>> No.7903364

JSKs are usually better as a first piece because you can co-ord them in several different ways/

>> No.7903377

ugh I love country lolita. Sauce on upper right dress? Thats IW right? Just forgot its name...

>> No.7903378
File: 71 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n7pmke1woq1slooudo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a beautiful dress with unfortunate stock photos. Half of the colourways, including that one, are just unfortunate, but its still a very nice design.

>> No.7903430

Could this cardigan be considered loli-able?


>> No.7903438

It is very simple but good for a casual look.

>> No.7903742

I might go to Italy soon and was wondering if there was an italian lolita comm?

>> No.7903761

While I thought that it was funny that people are still getting scammed by Lisa, did anyone think that the reason people kept buying was because sales are now spread out over several websites? Before, most people sold amongst friends, their comm, or egl-comm-sales, but now that LM and LSE came into the picture, having a centralized scammer list is rather difficult. What do you guys think? I only thought this because several people mentioned on LSE that they didn't know about Lisa.

>> No.7904054

Are you joking? I fucking love it and if I had a spare $300 I would drop it on this so quick.

>> No.7904073

Same. I cant imagine it being a very popular release so Ill get it later when its cheaper.

>> No.7904075

Yes but like all Italians they're kind of insane.

>> No.7904079

The less popular colour ways usually end up in the outlet eventually.

>> No.7904781 [DELETED] 

I got banned for making a lolita comm general thread lol

Is there a place we can talk about what the mods are doing now that /q/ is gone or can I say moot's name three times in a row to get him to appear

>> No.7904811

There are a few possible places. I could email where to you.

>> No.7904827

Ah neat. email's in the field

>> No.7904829

Oh wait now it's in the field

>> No.7904845

Venus angelic is going to be at a con in my country next month.
I don't know weather to get her autograph or laugh.

>> No.7904851

I don't like the outlets, I get my cheap stuff secondhand.

>> No.7904854

What's going on in closet child's bust sizes anyway? They're like ~40cm. Is there other way of measuring or something?

>> No.7904871

Sounds like it's a flat measurement, so you need to double it. That's the only thing I can think of.

>> No.7904953

I believe >>7904871 is correct, if you look up the same item on Lolibrary, the measurement doubled is usually close to the stock listing.

>> No.7904995


>> No.7905004

T-thank you anon!

>> No.7905011

Yeah, agree. I've noticed other blacklisted people popping up on lacemarket. How do you keep track of it? But I honestly don't care because I'm not an idiot who lets 45 days go by without filing a claim and I don't do trades with people that don't have a shitton of proven feedback

>> No.7905042
File: 36 KB, 285x400, Water Lilly of Monet Tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a dress that would work with these tights?

>> No.7905044

I just got my first petticoat but I'm not too sure the best way to store it. Any ideas?

>> No.7905063

Solid white or sax would probably work best, it might be too busy to pair them with a print. It would depend on the print. A floral a la Innocent World or Mary Magdalene might work. I wouldn't do a border print.

>> No.7905070

I've heard if you hang it upside down it'll hold its poof longer.

>> No.7905152

Welcome to the fashion!!
I would recommend starting with either an OP or a JSK. With an OP, you don't need to worry about a blouse, and you just focus on the basics. A JSK can be co-orded in several different ways, so it is more versatile.
If I were you, I would start with something a little simpler. I started out with some of my simpler dress dresses, like Unico in Bloomland over CDC. For me personally, even that was kind of hard to do! If you are really confident in your skills, though... go for anything but a skirt!
Good luck!

>> No.7905153

You sound new as fuck yourself.

>> No.7905154

Innocent World's Hydrangeas and Butterflies would look beautiful with those socks! I wish I had them now!

>> No.7905159

I joined the fashion in 2011, which does make me kind of new. I've learned a lot since then, though. I'm not sure what kind of dream dresses they have, so my advice isn't too specific. I just know that personally, a skirt is the hardest to co-ord for me and starting with simpler designs or color schemes seems to have more versatility when starting a wardrobe in the long run.

>> No.7905201
File: 71 KB, 232x313, iw_jsk_rosechiffon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impulse ordered yesterday lol
I was thinking Rose Chiffon but Hydrangeas and Butterflies would look less busy. Thanks :D

>> No.7905222

You're welcome. Rose Chiffon is lovely! Definitely try the tights with it, as the porcelain blue might look really good! You're right about it being busy, though.

>> No.7905268


>> No.7905276

I keep mine stuffed in a cloth bag and they seem to do fine.

>> No.7905689

how so? any stories?

is there a link to their facebook or other page?

>> No.7905739
File: 77 KB, 400x600, T1CrH9FXBdXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look good in person? Is it worth?
>not knowing if this is my dream dress or not

>> No.7906105

Anyone ever order from Lolitadesu? Want to know if they're legit.

>> No.7906106

there's tons of reviews, just fucking google it or search on tumblr, they're perfectly fine.

>> No.7906108

Hmm, I saw it in person the other day and I thought it looked nice. The glitter on the sheer tulle bits is a little chunky but otherwise I liked it. I might even get it myself.

>> No.7906764
File: 42 KB, 385x578, krad_lanrete_auralia-lost_in_sea_blue_headbow_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way (resellers, ebay, second-hand, shit) to buy this headdress separately? I fucked up buying only jsk and blouse.

>> No.7906876


I've been after it for almost two years. I missed every single chance I got and the price of the dress continued to inflate month after month. I copped out and bought it in a different cut and colorway but I hated it.

I'm trying so hard to contain my excitement at work. I had such an awful day yesterday and this just made my entire week!!!

The price shot up 20,000yen in under 30 min and I was so afraid I was going to get outbid. LUCKILY IT STOPPED CLOSE TO MY MAX BID or else I would have thrown my phone outside my car or.. or something.

SORRY FOR RAMBLING I'm just so goddamn ecstatic. I will also never pay this fucking much for a dress. Ever. I do feel fucking liberated though
>95,000 for the salopette, beret, headbow, barrette, otk WHY

>> No.7906882

Oh my god and I just looked at it again and they're all new with tags. I think I might cry LOL

>> No.7906883

I actually got the socks that are supposed to match with this print. I hope to own the skirt one day so that I can finally use them.

>> No.7906884

Congratulations, anon! What dress is it?

>> No.7906886

Is it correct that Axes Femme does not offer international shipping? If not, what would be a good shopping service to buy from them? I've only ever used Taobao shopping services. I also live in Europe, if that matters.

>> No.7906893
File: 185 KB, 500x687, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!! It's the Chocolate Rosette salopette in navy. I just bought loyal rosette a week ago to satisfy my urge and then this came up.

>> No.7906917

The Japanese shop does not ship internationally, you're right, but you may be interested in purchasing from the shop in Paris - I know they ship worldwide and since you're in Europe, you'd have less of a chance of custom fees through them.
Otherwise, Tenso is probably the most recommended when purchasing from a webstore.

>> No.7906978

The red JSK is one of my ultimate dream dresses! Congrats, anon.

>> No.7907010

>shop in Paris
omg why did I not know about this
anon you are the best

It seems like the French website doesn't have a real webstore, though. I'm supposed to send them an email with the items I want to buy, but I'm not sure where to find what they have available. Do they have the same stock as the Japanese webstore?
Has anyone else ordered from the French Axes Femme website before?

>> No.7907225

Clobba or my-lolita-dress stock it separately I think.

>> No.7907250

Wait, wait, what? I can't find the website of their paris store, can someone direct me to it?

>> No.7907253

Congrats anon, but that's really expensive for a salopette. Is that the going price?

>> No.7907354

Seconding >>7906917 in recommending Tenso. I used them of order from Axes Femme recently and had no issues.

>> No.7907417

The red is definitely up there for me as well - going to try for that next. I hope you're able to find it soon!

I guess in japan it is? I have no idea for the western market. I've bid on it at least 6 times this year and it went from 45,000yen to 75,000yen. So if you take into account all the accessories I got that I don't have to pay extra for on SS fees, it's about right. I know it's an excessive amount for something that's not considered lolita but it's worth it to me (kind of!!!).

>> No.7908400

They seem to have pictures of most of their stock on their facebook page and I think there's instructions on how to order on there too

>> No.7908413


>tfw have only ever admired Meta from afar and don't own any pieces

>> No.7908421

>* The object should be a woman this time.
Brolitas gtfo!

>> No.7908440

What would you be willing it pay for a handmade light coat/jacket?

>> No.7908446

Any white or light blue dress by Victorian Maiden, make sure the pattern don't clash too much:

>> No.7908450
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Does anyone know if there are any new scans of upcoming Baby prints out there?

>> No.7908461
File: 77 KB, 600x700, 2014contest-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aww anon, stop admiring from afar and buy yourself some Meta. Their stuff is wonderful, everyone should at least own 1 Meta item!

>> No.7908470


Depends on the quality and design. Materials used, if its lined or not, serged, etc.
Sizing is important too, you'll find plus sized Lolita's are willing to pay more for well fitting custom items, same goes for the extra extra small ladies.
I'd pay up to $200 for a coat, less for a jacket, perhaps up to $150. Not sure if that's fair or not, but that's what I as a customer am willing to pay.
Your main competitor will be Etsy & Taobao shops and Oo Jia, and the latter two have in the advantage of cheap labour and material costs due to being in China.
Now if your product is much better looking, custom made and high quality, you can definitely charge more than them.
Hope this helps anon!
Will you also be making more than just jackets/coats?
Perhaps, if you really want to start as a commissioner, you should also consider things like bustiers, blouses, jsk/op/skirt, etc

>> No.7908471

I know! I'm stalking both their website and secondhand sales but every time something comes up it's either not to my taste or I'm too slow to grab it. I need to up my game.

>> No.7908477


I find the Japanese auction sites and 2nd hand shops have much more to offer than the western sales communities, mainly because Meta seems very unappreciated by western Lolitas.
If you stalk those sites I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for anon.

>> No.7908483

Are feels threads no longer allowed? I have a lolita feel but don't want the janitor to ban me for starting one. I wish the janitor was more communicative in what is and isn't allowed.

>> No.7908489
File: 15 KB, 250x333, accidental penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mostly stalking Closet Child nowadays because it's relatively easy to buy from. I really love Meta's sailor and velveteen pieces but so does everyone else, which makes them harder to get a hold of. I'll deal.

In other news this ring is still up on CC and nobody has bought it. I'm disappointed in you guys.

>> No.7908509

Clobba is a site I bought those items & it's currently out of stock and my-lolita-dress is on the hellolace's scammer list so I'm quite afraid of buing it from them. Does somebody have experiences with this site?

>> No.7908512

m-l-d is simply a reseller. Plenty of people have good reviews, anything that has been bad has been out of the site owner's control.

>> No.7908539
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Well shit, this stinks.

>> No.7908541

I hope you come on here more often and see that underneath all the crap cgl produces and we are all people who all have flaws. You'll be fine! Stop admiring the fashion from afar and join us!

>> No.7908548
File: 97 KB, 497x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is/cgl/ full of bitchy and catty girls that like to make fun of other lolitas while the coords in the self post threads are not great themselves...

>> No.7908557

because they know they're gross so they put others down to feel better about their own insecurities

>> No.7908562

Hi! Does anyone have any makeup ideas for halloween/gothic lolita?
I'm looking specifically for plum tones around the eyes/lips with the general circle lens/lashes look - not in a western style.
I believe I may have seen some tutorials in an old GLB but unfortunately I have mine in storage.

Any help would be appreciated!

>> No.7908572

Meta is my favorite brand, but my coord skills are not good enough yet to feel comfortable entering a contest, and I'm not cute in the face.

>> No.7908587

It's not even on this site anymore

>> No.7908642

Nah, everyone is a hypothetical master coordinator, but when it comes down to it they are held back by the same things the girls they nit pick are held back by, funds and item availability etc etc

Of course all common sense goes out the window, when critiquing someone else's outfit though. I like to think that deep down inside they are aware of the sheer stupidity of it all and this is all for shits and giggles.

>> No.7908656
File: 378 KB, 500x750, 004_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indie brand Ista Mori just released some sweet prints. I kinda want this blue one...but ugh winter is nearby and all muh moneys.

>> No.7908661

Isn't it a bit late for summer?

>> No.7908662

>tfw x2
I love Meta. Two of my favorite dresses of all time are theirs.

>> No.7908664

What are those dresses anon?

>> No.7908688

How can I make a big bonnet not look silly? I bought a gorgeous half bonnet with flowers under the brim, but I have a pretty small head so it looks a bit odd. Would having a big elaborate hairdo with it help or would it just look silly?

>> No.7908700

>implying you could win with that manface

>> No.7908703

anyone know why posts don't show up in tumblr? ive been trying to make a lolita inspirational tumblr and it just aint letting me post anything under the tags

>> No.7908792

Ok, thanks! My plan is to not start as a commissioner, but to sew single pieces (as 'icing' pieces for myself). I'm not really a full fledged seamstress, nor a pattern drafter. I like to sew as a hobby and would like to make a bit of extra cash. I would feel terrible taking on commissions as it would take me forever to get them out (currently have a 13hr day haha).

I like to sew pretty things that I won't wear.

>> No.7908816

That's pretty cute.

>> No.7908828
File: 477 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20140623_080752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A voluminous hairstyle would definitely help balance it something with curls around your face would probably work well, the back isn't as important unless you're letting people take pictures from behind. I have a giant bonnet that I usually wear with a shoulder length curly wig, which I think works pretty well, pic related.

>> No.7908832

Don't go over 5 tags or one of them won't show.

Also, tumblr just updated so something somewhere on the site is probably broken.

>> No.7908917

thanks anon!

>> No.7908937

Lolitas are kind of split in terms of how much they'll pay for stuff - often we'll 'shop the look' and do it as cheap as possible, but also shell out for unique and interesting pieces.
I think if you want to make extra cash you're better off going for nicer jackets and coats in unusual colours. The sort of things I would be interested in paying decent money for are nicely made jackets in a similar style to VM/MM, rather than boleros or generic blazers with ruffles and a bit of lace. I would also be interested in a decent lolita raincoat (although once you've taped the seams, lined it etc. it can be a lot of work) and in non-standard coat colours (e.g dark green, purple)
Brand coats are fairly cheap second hand - just look on closet child, it's pretty hard to compete with that price point (often only 10000 yen for a lightweight coat...) once you factor in labour as well as your materials.

>> No.7908952

This is only true for poorfags.

>> No.7909017

No, not really. I have a closet full of brand but I prefer my accessories and blouses to be offbrand.

>> No.7909040

If you are only reblogged your posts don't appear in tags, only your original posts. The search no longer uses just one tag so you can with as much as you want to show up in a search just make sure the first five are most relevant for when people are looking through the tags directly.

>> No.7909077

I really wished you left lolita. You're just an awful sissy.

Same. MB is better than what he can pull off.

>> No.7909084

yeah it's original posts, still doesn't show up on tags. I read that new blogs have like a waiting period but it's been weeks. that seems extreme to me

>> No.7909085

ok! thanks for the advice. I'll probably try to keep my price points in the $150 and under at least to start, and bank mostly on US customers since the shipping is less expensive. (flat rate FTW)

>> No.7909086

Am I the only one who can't go on Maiden Clothing ? Everything was fine two days ago but now I can't reach it for some reason.

>> No.7909102

It's just you, it's working fine.

>> No.7909113

Me too. I've never really understood people who get angry at concrit. I'd rather improve, ya know? And why post anywhere if you don't want people to have an opinion on your outfit?

>> No.7909121

Anon, you're in luck.
I'm 5'8" and weigh 115. Not sure about that particular dress, but Innocent world fits me great, so it'll probably fit you unless you carry your weight a lot differently.
Seconding>>7903116 on buying

>> No.7909123

>AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, don't buy a dress first, buy a petticoat
I think accessories and blouses are better to buy first, since you can wear them with your normal stuff easier. I layered skirts when I was new. It wasn't ideal, but good for a budget.
>only a temporary solution though

>> No.7909124

>oh my post hit the 1,000+ note mark!
>browse through
>lots of reblogs and comments
>"Pwease daddy?"
>latest 200 notes are all diaper shitting lovers

How the fuck can I get ageplayers to stop reblogging my shit on tumblr? I just use the #angelic pretty tag, NOTHING else and I was horrified to see that they're all from grown men and women wearing diapers. I know it's not possible to get rid of all of them but anything to reduce the amount of ageplayer followers/rebloggers would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.7909126

Try blocking them?

>> No.7909142

I've tried but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I just googled "tumblr blocking what does it do" and.......... my assumptions were correct.

>If you ‘ignore’ someone, they can still follow you, and they can still easily access your blog.

>If someone you ‘ignored’ is following you and you change your username, they can see the change and they can still easily access your blog.

>There is no block feature on Tumblr. There is NO way to forcibly stop someone from following you, sending you messages (they can send messages, and they are held until a time when you unignore them), and viewing your blog.

>> No.7909212

Wow, what the fuck tumblr?

Maybe consider moving to facebook and making a public figure page for yourself and only posting to Closet of Frills or something? I mean I wouldnt normally recommend this, but 200 notes is a lot of diaper shitters

>> No.7909218

actually, public figure is a bad idea, people can still see your pictures even if you block them. so just a separate regular page for lolita

>> No.7909257

I hate that shit.

>> No.7909280

Facebook seems too... I don't know, too high maintenance to keep up. With tumblr I take a photo, upload it, add < 5 hash tags and that's it. With facebook there's common courtesy to "like" things, reply to questions/comments, or just be more responsive/socialable than tumblr. I could be entirely wrong

yeah I REALLY don't like seeing that when I check out my activity level

>> No.7909282

Honestly, if you're sweet you'll just have to deal with it, a lot of ddlg enthusiasts are also half-assed sweet lolita fans. It sucks and it's gross and I can see how uncomfortable it would make you, but I don't think there's any real way of dealing with it.

>> No.7909303

I mean there's not really a rule that says you have to like and/or reply to every comment someone makes, I certainly don't. As far as questions go, it;s basically the same kinds of questions you might get via your tumblr, asking about where you got X or how something fits, etc