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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 30 KB, 341x455, 1387046494074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7899681 No.7899681 [Reply] [Original]

Post your latest coord and get feeback.

>> No.7899688
File: 392 KB, 1612x1312, guhug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought Melty Cream Doughnut and I'm stuck one what to do for shoes and socks. Any thoughts?

>> No.7899691

man, you got too much mix-matched cookie and chocolate going on here. I'd scrap this whole mess and start over.

>> No.7899699

This gives me the impression that MCD is your first dessert print. Not all baked sweets are created equal, anon. Even that donut bracelet looks really out of place because the icing is so brightly-colored on the pink ones (and the rainbow sprinkles are tacky). The wig is a nice style and color (though enabling choke and her overpriced wigs is a poor choice financially imo).

Also, I personally hate it when people wear a bolero instead of a blouse with a JSK because I think it looks really lazy.

Just...ew to this whole thing.

>> No.7899700

Kill the Eat Me bag, it doesn't match the casual classy look you have going on. I would also just use a plain white beret with a pink bow on it, and sheer white tights or pink/ white otks. The shoes aren't amazing, but will work fine. I know heart bags are a bit overdone, but I think a white one would look super cute with this.

>> No.7899706

>white beret and bag with an ivory JSK
Great suggestion, anon. Really great. A+.

>> No.7899707

diff anon, i thought it was fine, but I'm classic, I dont know shit about coordinating sweet

>> No.7899708
File: 136 KB, 500x280, Beemo unamused side eye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah actually now that you mention it, wtf.

>> No.7899712

the whole coord you have so far is a bit... beige. i'd try to highlight some of the dark browns or pink in the print more so you don't look so washed out. also the beret is more white that ivory, so it will look a bit off tbh

>> No.7899713

It's not really an issue of sweet vs. classic though, it's an issue of combining too many motifs that are not represented in the print. You wouldn't wear mums, lilies, and violets with a rose print, would you??
I would have much less of an issue with this many motifs being represented if anon was trying to coordinate one of ETCs dessert clusterfuck prints or something, but MCD is pretty much exclusively donuts and cutlery. There are small hearts and pretzels in the print as well but I don't think those should be major elements in the rest of the coordinate.

>> No.7899716
File: 324 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ivory
oh god why didn't i google it
please ignore me

>> No.7899719

because sweet isn't a clusterfuck of moons stars planets clouds ice cream ponies bunnies castles unicorns at any given point

>> No.7899723

I read penis.

>> No.7899724

lol it's cool anon
at least you didn't know and acknowledge the mistake, some people are just too autistic to understand that mixing various shades of white/ivory looks bad and then they get all kinds of pissy about it when people call them out on it

>> No.7899726
File: 185 KB, 1072x1164, guhug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, MCD is my first sweet-styled dress. Everything else I own is classic. I took everyone's advice and now I'm at the bare necessities. Not sure what the heck I should do for accessories.

>> No.7899728

What is reading comprehension
You can't rustle any jimmies if you don't pay attention to the conversation lol

>> No.7899731

Rather than the ivory colour, I'm probably going to try and find a latte coloured beret. Sorry for failing miserably at this. Though, I'm really glad I can get feedback before going out and embarrassing myself. Thanks everyone.

>> No.7899748

There's really nothing inherently wrong with what you've got now, it's just boring as fuck.
T-Strap shoes many be a little bit too classic depending on the rest of your coordinate and I'd recommend finding some simple mary-janes instead. You're definitely going to want some sort of subtle pattern on your legwear (just avoid polka dots or horizontal stripes that would clash with the vertical stripes in the print). You can also add some lacy ankle socks too, depending on how sweet you wanna go.
That beret is really plain and looks cheap, if you found one that was a little bit better quality you could always clip some cute little bows or pins to it to sweeten it up.
I'd still go for a blouse instead of the bolero if I were you, that way you'll have an easier neckline to coordinate necklaces with, especially since that bolero in particular not only has the scalloped edging but also ties in a bow and whatever necklace you pick will probably hang awkwardly or be hard to see with all of that other stuff going on.
Man, I'm trying really hard to not be angry at you for owning one of my dream pieces and not having any idea how to coordinate it, but it's really difficult.

>> No.7899761

theres nothing wrong with boring coords. oh wait.... thats right, lolitas are full of attention whores

>> No.7899774
File: 82 KB, 500x357, uhurdme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I'm getting help instead of wearing the dress and putting it to shame, anon. Imagine how mad you would be then, eh?

>> No.7899784

You're an idiot if you're taking this board that seriously, your coord will never be good enough. someone will always find something they would change. Personally, I like the first coord best lol

>> No.7899788
File: 932 KB, 1116x762, mcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, it happens so often and it never hurts any less
Bless you for asking for help and being really chill about concrit, anon.

This isn't really a full coordinate collage but I grabbed a couple of things that are still pictured on various brand sites that might inspire you.

I picked the necklace primarily because you can adjust the length a lot more with the ribbon as opposed to a chain and clasp. Gave you a non-beret option for headwear too, Innocent World actually has a ton of versatile brown headbows with beige or cafe au lait lace on them that would be really cute with this print too!

And it just occurred to me that I forgot to include a bag option, gimme a sec to go dig us a couple of things.

>> No.7899790

Step up your bait game, this is weak shit.

You're an idiot of it you think that the point of asking for concrit is to please everyone.

>> No.7899795
File: 559 KB, 732x698, mcdbags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some bags for your consideration.

>> No.7899811

That IW headbow and the top IW bag would be great with this, MCD anon.

>> No.7899822
File: 651 KB, 1840x2320, guhug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a saint. I really appreciate your help, anon. Sorry again for any frustration I'm causing.

I tried going for dusty pinks and ivory colours for the first collage and I followed your example with the second. I think I'll need to spend more time looking for stockings.

You have to learn before you can succeed. Instead of going out an making an ass out of myself and my comm, I prefer hearing concrit from multiple people.

>> No.7899833

I love the first one, but the legwear is so plain. I'd either get some sheer tights (google translate "lace tights" into Chinese then taobao for the best selection) or some ruffle topped socks. An anon in the previous thread actually stacked ruffle socks so there was pink and white in them, something similar could work here.

>> No.7899834
File: 165 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic. Also, I love your consideration towards your comm members.

>> No.7899843

Great! I'll start my hunt now.

Thanks a bunch everyone.

>> No.7899853
File: 225 KB, 511x770, infanta_tangled_print_one_piece_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could i get some help with this one?
I got a suggestion earlier but i'd like to see more options

>> No.7899858
File: 978 KB, 804x1001, bored1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made some coords with stuff that was already in us stores tell me what u think

>> No.7899859
File: 896 KB, 781x1341, bored2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7899881
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inb4 fatty replica debate.
Yes, it's a replica. Bought it to see if the print would work for me.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'd need tights instead of knee socks, but what else needs improvement? I'm gothic, but I'm a sucker for sweet prints, so I don't have much to work with in the way of sweet items. Also, excuse the room - in the middle of revamping everything and it's all a bit muddled.
Oh and no, I didn't go out like this. This is just a trial.

>> No.7899882

Fuck you, mane. Turning my pics sideways n shit...

>> No.7899905
File: 75 KB, 345x437, 143912-m-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're still at a loss for legwear, IW's Antique Cutlery OTKs would be cute with MCD!

>> No.7899951

I feel really important that you used my pic. Thanks anon!

>> No.7899964
File: 147 KB, 235x417, sugaryc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a Dream of Lolita replica. I hope you burn that thing after you've upgraded, and maybe sprinkle some holy water on the remains to keep that thing from crawling back out of the depths from whence it came.

Please get a long sleeved blouse. Short puff sleeves DO NOT flatter full busted ladies. And don't feel obligated to pile on the black accessories. It'll make the coord seem lazy and boring.
There's a lot of colour to pull from this print. Try white or pale pink with small pastel accessories, and a matching headbow or candy fascinator. Headbow might be easiest, since it already exists to match.

Look at attached photo for a bright and easy coord. Substitute long sleeves.

>> No.7899967

i teckon a fuller petticoat, and long blouse would look good. maybe shoes in a colour from the print and a nice full curly black wig?

>> No.7899969


She probably isn't even wearing a petticoat anon...

>> No.7900004

reckon* damn need sleep

>> No.7900006

in that case, a nice full petti. i can't really tell cause plus size loli's always seem to give their dresses some poof at the top with their bodies lol

>> No.7900070

She is taking everyone's advice seriously and thinks she would have seriously embarrassed herself had she not.

>> No.7900083
File: 31 KB, 800x800, $_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure where else to ask, maybe you guys can help.

A while ago I bought this early 20's vintage, bonnet and I'm having a hard time looking for shoes and a bag to match. I'm a daily lolita, so its not for any particular coordinate. With shoes and/or a bag to match I can wear it with damn near anything in my closet. I wear sweet-classic, and the picture is slightly off in colour but true enough. Might be slightly pinker irl but not too much.

Feel free throw anything you can find at me, even if you're not sure. Thanks a bunch!

>> No.7900204
File: 38 KB, 600x450, gjtts_aatp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought a galactic journey to the stars skirt om navy, which comes with the matching bonnet and ivory socks from the series, but i have no idea how to coord a non-sweet skirt

please help me with my choice of top - what colour and cut would suit such a skirt?

>> No.7900224

yo I'm autistic as fuck and if anyone complains about mixing white/ivory it's me
I think you meant to use "retarded"
>jimmies: rustled

>> No.7900322

Oh yeah, I know. It's all shiny and very dull. I did have the real thing a few months ago (bought it from here actually) and I sold it because I couldn't stand the idea of altering it just to fit into it and bought this on a whim just cause it was $20. I now want to get my hands on the real thing again.

>> No.7900504

If you wear a cardigan is it suggested to wear a blouse underneath as well?

>> No.7900525


>> No.7900528

It depends of the cut of the jsk and the cut of the cardigan. I personally hate the look of sleeves under cardigans so I have made/modified some sleeveless blouses since I almost always wear boleros or cardigans.

>> No.7900717
File: 111 KB, 350x467, ista mori nameless poem black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a somewhat oldschool gothic coord with this, black platforms and all that. But I don't know what kind of bag to wear with it. Any thoughts?

>> No.7900737

also I was thinking something like >>7895006. I have no clue where to find anything similar, though. Maybe it's just me but I never see this kind of bag pop up.

>> No.7900765

Honestly, I live in a humid climate so I say fuck that. An open neckline makes all the difference in the world between something being bearable and something not.

>> No.7900769

This bag is meta from 2000. They still make some nice bags like that.

>> No.7900778

Similar to this can a square necked jsk be worn with a bolero for a more elegant look?

>> No.7900781

No you can't every thing not cookie cuter AP is forbidden. What's with these questions already ? Bolero without a blouse is perfectly acceptable, the whole thing is about not showing the back of your neck and your shoulders.

>> No.7900785

CGL is VEEERY picky about shit like that. I don't want to be dubbed an ita because people can see a part of my chest (not cleavage though).
Whats this about the back of the neck not showing? My bolero isn't high backed...

>> No.7900796
File: 124 KB, 480x640, IW Cesky Krumlov JSK blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love this dress and I've been thinking about buying it but I'm new and i've never seen a good coord with it...
I was thinking cream blouse, red/orangy beret... blue shoes of some sort?
So lost.

>> No.7900799

In Japan, the back of your neck (lower back) is considered as sexy, but as long as you don't show it totally that's not a probleM. Who cares for /cgl/ seel of approval, most of them can't dress themselves anyway.

>> No.7900808

I did this a couple of times when I first started wearing lolita, but I hate the way it feels to have brand dresses against my bare skin. I hate the feeling of sweating on my dresses, even though I clean them regularly. That, and I think some sort of visible collar just looks nicer with lolita in general, but that's just me.
>>7900781 is just trying to rustle jimmies, please disregard.

>> No.7900809

*seal, m8

I personally think a bolero without a blouse is disgusting, you're rubbing your pits all over your dress (how do people who wear OPs cope??) but so many people do it now, meh

>> No.7900814

And for what it's worth, I hate the feeling of sweating on my non-brand/non-lolita dresses just as much and prefer looser fits of my non-lolita blouses/tops/dresses/whatever. Lolita is actually the tightest-fitting fashion I wear lel.

>> No.7900815

>how do people who wear OPs cope??

Washing that shit after every wear. I wear OPs, and I make sure to wash the top every time I wear it. Also making sure my pits are freshly shaved, and wearing clear drying antiperspirant. OPs can get so gross if you're one of those lolitas that's terrified of washing her burando.

>> No.7900831

I put adhesive padding under my armpits with any brand item that can touch my armpits. Pittu smells and stains are disgusting.

>> No.7901091

Black and brown is the worst color combo. It looks bad and doesnt match at all. The hairbow/headband could be white or lighter brown or both would look nice. Or white/gold or brown/gold etc..

>> No.7901143

Anon, who are you talking to?

>> No.7901313

Oh shit. Meant for >>7899822
Thanks for catching that.

>> No.7901414

Unless I'm blind or my screen colour is off, I don't see any black. The headband is two different fabrics with a slightly darker shade of dark brown. Not that I'm disagreeing with you or anything. IW does have different hairbows with white lace that would look a lot better.

>> No.7901441

I wear pit guards with my OPs, and even my solid long sleeve blouses. Saves having to wash them as often as they don't smell or get stained that way.

>> No.7901469
File: 455 KB, 592x599, Screen_20Shot_202014-07-23_20at_201.14.03_20AM_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying anon here.
I really want to get into lolita, but I'm very new to it and don't want to start out ita as fuck.
What do you all think about making a coord based around this dress? Or is it a huge no?

>> No.7901472
File: 343 KB, 486x923, putmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted this in the autosaging lolita general before this thread was started. thank you op for making this thread

i feel like i'm going in the wrong direction with this dress, crit would be much appreciated.

>> No.7901479

Way too short, anon.

>> No.7901482


Alright thanks. I'll try something else.

>> No.7901483

Sorry for bad english. The major problem of this dress is that its waaay too short for lolita. Lolita dresses are above the knee.

>> No.7901485

I don't like pairing navy with blue, unless the dress is navy. Can you show a picture with everything seperated? it's super hard to tell whats happening with this one.

>> No.7901488

What the fuck did I type lmao
>I don't like pairing black with navy, unless the dress has navy as well.

>> No.7901498

>just testing before I buy real one lel :,)
That's a shitty excuse seeing as you'll barely fit the original without looking squashed .

>> No.7901503

Sauce on shoes?
I love this dress with the tights. Not keen on the blouse or bolero. Get a princess sleeved bolero, some emblem jewellery, and use red and gold accents.

>> No.7901509

Can you post a link? I'm interested on it

>> No.7901513

Totally looked black to me, might just be the fabric. IW is pretty hit and miss with me, some things are beautiful or just strange looking. But then again thats basically all brand. (What was AP thinking with that creepy print with all the babies??)

>> No.7901519
File: 899 KB, 1000x1000, lskdfmsldkfm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure bro! the dress is black

some edits i did on the cobbled together picture: i removed the ribbon on the bolero and the star on the bow

>> No.7901524

okay! i'll look around a little bit and will report back. those are great suggestions, thank you. here are the shoes. i forgot to check for other replies before posting again, sorry, polite sage


>> No.7901564
File: 121 KB, 1022x584, coord help please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(As you can tell I'm pretty new/noobita at coords)

Please help!
I would like some help on how to co-ord this particular skirt, preferably more of a classicly sweet/Ame/Kote!

I have in the past coordinated it very OTT sweet but now I'd like to see what else I can do with it.

(Also any ideas on how to bring out the little bits of yellow and green?)

>> No.7901608

Apparently, you're too autistic to read any of my other posts.
And thanks for the implied "lel ;-)"

>> No.7901613

I have that blouse and I don't think it works very well. I would suggest a white blouse with a light bolero in pink. You can bring out the yellow with some yellow flowers in your hair or some yellow bracelets. You can even make it your secondary color with a yellow bolero and yellow shoes.

>> No.7901634



There you go anon! I really like the mint too. It's just a cute dress imo

>> No.7901659

I have it, and it's cute in person as well (just way too short for any type of lolita). The fabric isn't something I would wear very often though.

>> No.7901666

The original is from taobao though/

>> No.7901682

as a general rule, mixing cold and warm browns will most likely not work.

>> No.7901729
File: 266 KB, 938x1133, 264394604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help with this coord?
I'm normally used to coording sweet so I'm a little out of my depth (pun intended lmao).

>> No.7901788

The roses on the headpiece and wrist-cuffs kinda seem off to me. Maybe find something with star motifs?

>> No.7904135

whispers loudly lucy it looks amaze the only thing is roses seem a bit odd yo ily babe kissie kissie

>> No.7904139

wtf is this shit

>> No.7904456
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x800, 1408390794451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7904561

Have you tried it on or are you just looking at things on TB? I feel like the white of the tights are a bit too ivory and that the blue is also different to the dress, but I say that only knowing what the tights are like IRL and not the dress. I think the roses are kind of odd as well.

>> No.7904603
File: 1.92 MB, 1424x1338, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see I'm not really imaginative. Is this ok or better change something?

>> No.7904626
File: 101 KB, 800x600, C29Qngth8_mJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for pic related?
I have a rather simple coord in mine but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a more daring or vintage inspire coord?

>> No.7904632

The purse/shoes seem a bit too random, as does the blouse color--I would do a white blouse and navy shoes with white lace tights. Or, to keep the silver shoes, add silver jewellery, ditch the purse, and use a navy or white blouse.

>> No.7904653

Keep that kind of language on tumblr, please.

>> No.7904655

Not advice but wow, I see half a dozen anons post that dress in the dream dress thread every time, grats on such a lovely dress!

>> No.7904760

Vintage idea: cream tea gloves, a simple pearl necklace, brown t-strap heels or oxfords with cream tights or socks, a brown vintage style handbag, maybe a simple blue or cream cardigan, and blue flowers or ribbon in the hair. A braid crown or curls would look especially cute.

>> No.7904809

the purse and shoes are not random there's a silver moon charm smack center of the bodice. Not to mention a moon in the print as well. If the shirt matches the print it should be fine also.

>> No.7904819

Sorry, I didn't notice that. I would definitely do a moon ring or bracelet, then, to really draw that out.

>> No.7904834
File: 75 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mrai6ohiZh1r3o680o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is related enough. If not, sorry! For those of you with chocolate main pieces, what color shirts do you lean toward? I'm looking to jazz up my wardrobe and have pic related and a few other chocolate main pieces. Do you go for rich colors, pastels, staples like white?

There's this gorgeous ETC cutsew with bows on the back and 3/4 length sleeves in brown that I lean on but that much brown can start to look dour.

>> No.7904838

It would be lovely to see lots of lace and sheer things (gloves, tights, etc) and dark blue accessories like shoes or a sunhat with matching blue roses.

This makes me think of a summery Sunday date. Congrats on such a beautiful dress!

>> No.7904900

Thank you kindly anon, I hope the people in the dream dress thread get this dress too.

Thank you for the suggestion anon I really like it. Based on your suggestions I will come up with a coord later and post it to see if I am able to match the vision you had in mind.

I really like this idea anon and I believe a lot of lace would suit the dress too. I often seen this op worn with blouses would you recommend one? I love the idea of using blue shoes and the hat.
Thank you it was my ultimate dream dress.

>> No.7904988

It depends on the style of the piece for me. The more sweet AP style pieces I like with pastel pink, lavender, or mint, but otome/ETC-style pieces work better with gold, salmon, lighter shades of brown, or cream.

Gold is my number one pick to really fancy up a coord, especially with a blouse and socks/tights in cream, and shoes and accessories in gold.

But I think brown on brown can work! I think a pale mocha brown pairs really nicely with chocolate prints, to add variety and visual interest.

>> No.7905117
File: 112 KB, 1240x1754, Coord planning-page-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what I got based on your suggestions.

>> No.7905130

Yes, that's exactly what I thought! I love vintage inspiration in classic so much.

>> No.7905206

I'm so glad I got it right, your idea was lovely. Me too.

Are you working on any coords at the moment anon?

>> No.7905604
File: 74 KB, 380x550, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I just bought one of my dream dresses, the Surface Spell Nun OP, and while I have two coords for it I'm stumped as for how I can style it in any other ways.
First coord is the obvious nun inspired one (black shoes and tights, rosary, black headdress) and second is old school (white tights, black shoes, black headbow with white lace).
I really would love to find a way to coordinate it in a more classic or mature-looking way, but everything else I try comes out looking too 14-year-old-goth-girl... Would love suggestions!

>> No.7905626

I've been looking for this style of shoe for a while, have you got a source? I don't even know what search terms to use for it.

>> No.7906518

Source for the gloves please?

>> No.7906617

Someone will probably yell at me for this, but I would wear black shoes with it.

>> No.7906780

>that jacket

>> No.7906854

Most of my wardrobe are chocolate based pieces and almost all of those are mint. I rotate between mint, beige, brown or even pink blouses depending on the prints accents.

>> No.7908267

It's a cardigan.
What would you suggest anon?

>> No.7908284

don't wear those tattoo tights, they're really hard to pull off in most Lolita substyles.
ehhhh not a big fan of those shoes with the socks. open toe plus sock/tights is kinda meh

>> No.7908286
File: 67 KB, 321x480, vmboots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations anon.
Both coords sounds good.
Have you considered wearing a hat with the op, white opaque tights or lace tights, black heels? It's a rather simple idea maybe you could incorporate fancier footwear like pic related.

>> No.7908981

it looks like an oxford shoe with a heel?

>> No.7908984

they arent tattoo tights theyre part of r-series auralia knockoff

>> No.7908990
File: 285 KB, 500x750, Infanta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought Infanta's Cathedral Chiffon JSK and I'm having trouble figuring out things that will go nice with it. Right now I'm thinking a black blouse would look better than white, but I am on the fence about it. I also am unsure about accessories. Any help?

>> No.7909009

I don't think a black blouse with a navy dress would look very nice, anon.
I would to a white or cream one, with gold heels and gold jewelry.

>> No.7909117
File: 158 KB, 500x600, 132744-3821-2014-08-01745672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a bit of a loss on how to coord pleats a la mode in white. I have an AATP sailor cutsew that matches the colors quite well, but I'd like other ideas for a less overtly sailor outfit. I'm also stuck for headwear, and legwear ideas. I'm worried about balance if I use too much navy, but I also would prefer to avoid all white. Any ideas would be very appreciated.

>> No.7909136

If you really want to go with black, at least make it chiffon. I would personally go with maroon but I'm having a wee bit of a maroon x navy thing at the moment.

>> No.7909391
File: 8 KB, 194x259, jhgfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an hard time to sort out how to coordinate in a different way this salopette, i mean in a more space-y way. Seems what i try is too plain or not interesting so i want to give a theme to this coord.

>> No.7909473

thank you for reading the logo that is already on the picture.
have a cookie.

>> No.7909489
File: 498 KB, 660x663, adfdaswfasdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7909491

my point was they aren't tattoo tights

>> No.7909494

where is that headband from?? it's adorable!!

>> No.7909497

angelic pretty cosmic series

>> No.7909513
File: 185 KB, 700x750, navy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noob begginer here
I buyed this dress, but I'm totally lost about this style
I think a hat like that would look decent (but I can't find one in black, my bad)
Maybe black shoes and solid white tights (?)
But idk what to put on my wrists
Any suggestion?
Thank you

>> No.7909516

Wear those tights over white tights perhaps?

>> No.7909521

I never thought about navy with black, it looks unsual as combo but cute, thank you! Maybe also a pink/lavender combo could be possible?

>> No.7910101
File: 6 KB, 360x420, meta_regotk2014_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta has regimental stripe socks which have navy, a lighter blue, and white in them. You could make the navy an accent colour and try working with lighter blue, maybe with white boots and hairbow to match the dress

>> No.7910163

Suggestion: burn it.

>> No.7910166

Ooh, that's a great idea!
I love the shoes, thank you!

>> No.7910253

That's a great idea. Thanks anon.

>> No.7910313

Good suggestion; sure it will help her a lot

>> No.7910324
File: 677 KB, 931x1109, villagepeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7910813

Same Anon from >>7908990
I bought the blouse that's in the picture and I bought some gold shoes, but I need a purse/bag to go with it. Any ideas?

>> No.7910865

dif anon, i have the OP and im having trouble finding headwear because the bonnet is sold out, any suggestions? would it be completely off to do a dark red rose headband, dark red rose broach and shoes like in the stock photos? or if anyone knows where besides mylolitadress, aliexpress, clobba and taobao i can find the blue bonnet.

>> No.7912236
File: 971 KB, 1000x1000, puts3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7901472 here

i couldn't find a red bolero with princess sleeves that was readily available but i thought this one was okay. the blouse has gold accents but i'm having trouble finding a nice gold brooch/gold accessories in general

>> No.7912266

Just an FYI, I own those shoes from an tai na and they are the most uncomfortable shoes I own. After about 4 hours of wear at a con, they ground down parts of several of my toenails all the way to the quick and gave me huge, bleeding blisters (even though I was wearing tights and socks, and I had put padded insoles inside the shoes). They're my fucking size too, I have really small and narrow feet so it's not like I was trying to cram a couple of hams into them.

>> No.7912285

Well, I have the same shoes in brown and they're my most comfortable shoes.
I've worn them with tights, and with nothing, and I've never had problems.

tldr: antaina shoes are a luck of the draw.

>> No.7912299

man fuck you an tai na
I want my fucking toenails back

>> No.7912364

this dress is adorable though, i'd love a link anon

>> No.7912368

how about going for the real thing instead of a shit taobao replica

>> No.7912411
File: 24 KB, 270x354, neo-classic-long-wavvy-blended-lolita-hairpiece-2-colors-1-myw-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so I have styled my wig into low pigtails like pic related, and I have those cocomint ponytail holders with the pom poms in them, should I do a head bow too or do you think that would be to much?

>> No.7912522


damn. thanks for the advice, seagulls. at least this gives me an excuse to go browse the internet for cute red shoes again

>> No.7913342

it actually will? That dress is ita as fuck.

>> No.7913352

I don't think it's a replica
>>7901469 seems like a generic sailor dress design with a generic color scheme to me. It's not even trying to be a lolita dress. It looks like general jfashion.

>> No.7913360


I think that they mistook the dress that the original anon posted as the Half Milk replica of Fairy Marine, I agree with you though it just looks like a generic sailor dress to me.

>> No.7913377
File: 372 KB, 1020x740, MPhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got Milky Planet OP off Lace Market, and I'm looking to coord it in a way that doesn't look like kawaii pastel vomit. The shoes I have here aren't mandatory, I just want something that is not a toddler shoe. I wear mainly classic but really want to make this work.
Biggest help would be to find some legwear

>> No.7913387
File: 479 KB, 617x552, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got those second coord blues. Here's what I've thought of so far, the skirt is the only thing I have so far.

>> No.7913391

Your mistake was getting the OP. I think it could be worked if you had the JSK... But those puff sleeves and bodice put it strictly in the sweet category.

>> No.7913467
File: 93 KB, 600x600, 509753-01-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'll have to use pastels with it, but I was thinking white tights with a star motif, pale pink knee high boots (not sweet lolita ones, maybe something like dreamv has), pale pink blazer (think ETC/VM/MM rather than baby or AP blazers with all the lace and frills), white satchel bag and simple updo with small white hairbow.

>> No.7913481

I really like the main pieces you've chosen, very glamorous and elegant. You've got great color balance between the skirt, blouse, wig, and hairpiece (I'd go with the red roses). The accessories could use a little work. The shoes and bag look a little too casual, or maybe too modern. ASOS has a black scalloped satchel that would be just as versatile, but the feminine detail will tie it into the overall outfit better. Vintage style lace-up boots will work better than the oxfords. The earrings are throwing me off; would they even show underneath the wig and hairpiece? If they do, it could be too much interest in one spot. Perhaps simple pearl studs, instead? As for the gloves - I love gloves, but the ones in the picture look cheap and scratchy. Etsy sometimes has very nice vintage gloves, and they shouldn't be too expensive. You've got a great foundation, a couple small tweaks will push it into excellent territory!

>> No.7913484

Yeah, now I see what you mean, though I think I might still be able to work with them
Awesome ideas, thank you so much! I was thinking of something to wear on top and a blazer like that sounds great

>> No.7913530

A small one might be cute, but it's one of those big centered ones then forget it.

>> No.7913565
File: 40 KB, 290x370, image1xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon! This is really helpful and kind advice. I've just had a quick look on ASOS, and they have one adorable scalloped satchel that's sold out, but I found pic related in the outlet section. Do you think it will work?

Also, thanks for the advice on the earrings! I have some pearl studs anyway. Also, vintage lace-up boots are great, I'm glad I have an excuse to buy some now.

>> No.7913567
File: 1.03 MB, 612x1000, nss093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babby's first coord without help! I know I don't have a wig and most of the time that's encouraged, but I didn't even think I was going to be wearing it until it was too late to order anything and I didn't want to buy a cheap/shoddy one from a Halloween store. The hat was part of it as well, but the penguin stole it for the photo.

So... How'd I do? Any suggestions on improvements? Makeup help would also be appreciated because I'm a super n00b on that front!

>> No.7913570

Not bad for a newbie, but I don't think the tights really fit in with the outfit and I'm not a fan of the pigtails. I know you said you don't have a wig, but you could style your own hair too. Overall solid enough, though, keep at it.

>> No.7913788

So much sand, dear
I have it and you can do great coords...
Maybe you can't do a decent one.
/ita detected (?)/

>> No.7913793

other than tights and hair (you've pointed out that you have a hat but pigtails don't really suit you), maybe your shoes (can't tell what they are, feel free to ignore if they're tea parties) you look great for your first coord

>> No.7913829

Hair-wise: I would've gone with french plaits or something a bit more elegant. It's not a wig you need, just a decent hairstyle.
Tights: black tights/shoes means the blouse is the only white - I would go with white lace tights or tights with a motif matching the dress.
Shoes:I assume you were doing a lot of walking, so the shoes get a pass from that point of view but if you wanted to make this a bit more elegant, I would go with low-heeled mary janes or victorian styled boots.

Not quite feeling this as a coord - there's a bit too much pull in opposite directions. As mentioned, the bag and oxfords are casual whilst the rest of the coord has an elegant feel. Those lace gloves look like cheap ass dollar store ones and given that they're bodyline, are probably on par. I'm also not sold on tights and earrings.
I'd nix the gloves, find more interestingly patterned tights (maybe flocked rose ones, which I'm sure I saw at H&M earlier today), go with dangly black/red rose earrings, get low-heeled victorian style boots and consider red rose shoe clips (you can use hairclips with an alligator back). The bag you chose is pretty cute, but you could also make the bag a statement - there's a perfume shaped one and cat shaped on asos as well.

>> No.7913861

I'll probably go with the ASOS satchel, since I'm only starting out my wardrobe and need some versatility. My only black handbag is pretty old, so I think I'll invest in something more basic for now. I'll totally cop that cat bag at some point though.

Yeah, Bodyline was the only place I saw lace gloves initially. When the other anon alerted me to Etsy I did find a few nice pairs, is your problem the Bodyline ones in particular or do you think I should just scrap the idea altogether?

I've seen a lot of cute tights in high street shops lately, so that particular detail shouldn't be a problem. Failing that, there's always Taobao. The earring idea is nice.

Finally, boots! I've looked at every shoe shop we have here that I can think of, and I can't find anything of interest. I don't know online shops so well though. Does anyone know where I could find some?

Thank you anon!

>> No.7913902

I don't think they work in this outfit, and I don't think they will be versatile if you're just starting out either. Boots-wise, what's your price range and where are you located? Hush Puppies have the gorgeous Vivianna boots, and 'alternative' brands like TUK and Funtasma (costume shoes) usually have them. Otherwise, Forever21 has some in stock that are labelled 'lace up combat boots' that IMO have a nice shape to them and would look fantastic if you replaced the laces with velvet ribbon and added shoe clips.

>> No.7914338

gloves source?

>> No.7914368
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1413863144658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, I have a problem.
I really really love lolita, and I really want to get into it. I've been lurking for awhile, and perusing second hand sites for some nice stuff.

But I noticed, after looking at some of my collages, that every coord I like, and that I want to make, is essentially the same. I have no idea how to break free from this, because each collage is exactly what I'd do- what I find really really pretty. It's so frustrating because I can't justify spending money on it if I'm not going to look good, or if I'm going to look the same in every coord. Help

>> No.7914374
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1414109692390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one I did as an example

>> No.7914377
File: 183 KB, 450x657, T2bAxBXpxXXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im kind of stuck on what to do. the bonnets sold out..ive looked on a few resellers but i cant find any still ins tock in navy.
I was thinking about doing gold rose headpiece and shoes.. but i cant find any nice ones on etsy. most gold rose headcrowns are for events and raves.

>> No.7914410

From just these two it looks that you're a bit classic leaning and like pairing long sleeved blouses with high-waisted skirts. Provided you accessorise well you're not going to look same-y. If high-waist skirts look good on you there's nothing wrong with building a wardrobe full of high-waisted skirts. Like, I'm not sure what you think the problem is?

>> No.7914438
File: 16 KB, 240x240, 147e_thumb_medium[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you've already received the dress, you could try taking it down to your local hair accessories places and see if you can find a matching navy hairpiece. A simple headband or a simple ribbon can be dressed up by doing your hair up, maybe try a braid crown or adding braid extensions. Wigs can be braided, too, but you'd have to be careful to do it in a way that does not expose the base of the hair.

If you're okay with not sticking to a rose theme, you could look for a gold headband whose gold matches your dress, or if you want to look less monotone you could pick up either a gold and rhinestone or gold and pearl headband, and then add rhinestones or pearls (depending on which one is on your headband) into your coordinate. You can keep the gold headband simple and low-key for a normal coord, or look for the bridal ones, and do your hair up in fancy updos, for a more OTT look.

I'm not much help with the shoes though.

>> No.7914549
File: 212 KB, 495x709, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this in white and I've now realise I've now idea how to coord it. Starting to think I should have gone for black instead

>> No.7914571

Haha, that's actually the one I was thinking of! And if it's on clearance, I might have to snatch it up myself...
As for boots, you might try Demonia. They're mostly all about the stompy goth boots, but they have the lovely Tesla series. Modcloth periodically gets Victorian-style boots in, especially in fall/winter. DSW and 6pm both have great search engines and carry hundreds of brands, you might have good luck there.

>> No.7915204
File: 703 KB, 955x808, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have a price range, I'd prefer to get boots on the cheaper side though. I live in Ireland which is pretty rubbish for shoes, but I'll look in those places!

Oh good! I ordered it yesterday, it was £17 (the site listed it as €24 but Bodyline has taught me to know better). Those Demonia boots are gorgeous, but the heel might be a little high for my liking.

I updated the coord with what I'm currently thinking of, including a pair of boots that seem to have very good reviews and all. The tights are potentially only temporary because the H&M website is awful so I just chose a pair from F21 that are similar to the suggestions I've received.

>> No.7915208

that is 10000% better! looking good, boots look fab

>> No.7915238
File: 79 KB, 426x640, 14_11_2_34_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this off closet child, pretty lost with it it has so many colors c.c

>> No.7915251


>> No.7915313

Congrats on the great taste, anon!

You could go several directions with this dress, really. If you're going for a toned-down, more casual lolita look I would say to use white as your base color and pick just one of the colors featured in the print to play off of with your other coordinated items. Also, try to avoid using extra motifs elsewhere in your coordinate since the print is so busy; avoid items with hearts, stars, or other common "neutral" motifs that would make your coordinate look super cluttered and stick to playing up the bows in the print.
OR, you could cruise the otome kei thread and draw some inspiration from the quirky use of color, texture, and pattern to put together something busy but harmonious. I would just avoid patterns like plaid that would compete with the print for your visual attention, but you've got a lot to play with considering the patterns already featured in the dress. In the print, I see polka dots, what looks like gingham, a dress with an applique, and one with a small all-over print that could all be exploitable in your other coordinated items. Extra kudos if you can find a bag or shoes like one shown on the dress, too!
...does any of that make sense? lol

>> No.7915374

Oh man, that's cute! How do you feel about white, gold stars and pearl motifs? I was thinking white chiffon high collar blouse, chocomint star clips (the metallic not the fuzzy) with the pearl dangles, pearl jewellery with gold findings, white tights with gold stars/sparkly bits on them (I'm sure I've seen ones with little gold glitter dots on them as well as with teeny stars before, but can't find them right now - maybe look at someone who does custom printing on etsy), and gold shoes with a pearl chain.

Ah, fair enough. If you're struggling with heel height, Clarks has the Madelyn Ella but that'll probably set you back at least €70 - I would suggest looking on amazon or ebay if you're having trouble finding nice affordable ones in person.

Pink is the obvious choice.

>> No.7915388

>Pink is the obvious choice.
Maybe the light pink of the bows, but the darker pink that's on the dresses may be too heavy with the brown dress.
Blue would be a good choice too.

>> No.7915433

Point taken, it's probably not that obvious. I did mean the lighter pink.

>> No.7915678
File: 39 KB, 357x464, T192X9XCNeXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_600x600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, I wrote a whole reply and then deleted it by mistake.

Thank you, you did make sense!
I thought of these when I was thinking about the ribbon motifs but, I don't like them as much as I thought I did. Maybe some white polkadot tights? I saw some tights with ribbon lace too. I'll keep looking around
Also do I go with white or ivory, the lace on the bodice is ivory but the print is white.
And burgundy shoes to match the dress (or is the dress brown)
I guess I'll just wait till I get it.
Yeah I was thinking about either a pink or white/ivory blouse.

>> No.7917032
File: 321 KB, 645x851, shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me anons... I reserved this dress a while ago and I'm not sure which shoes I should pick for it.
Which ones do you think would go better with this dress? Purple shoes or the black VM replica boots? The high-heeled purple shoes or the flat ones?
In case of purple shoes I have a coord in mind with an ivory blouse + legwear and some purple accessoires and in case of black shoes a mix of ivory and black items.
Also what kind of bag would you recommend? I don't have anything that would match this color.

>> No.7917291
File: 738 KB, 1022x1200, nameless poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(A very late) thanks! I'll be on the lookout for Meta then.

Also I have my coord somewhat together right now, but I still have trouble with the bag. Any advice would be greatly appreciated since this is my second coord ever and I'm stuck.

>> No.7917308

I would like to know where those short heeled shoes are from

>> No.7917715

A suggestion for the purse with the chain. I've seen this in bags before, but maybe thread a ribbon into the chain to make it cuter?
Ah I really like both, but I feel like the purple might be too sweet. Maybe some tan or gold shoes instead?

>> No.7917766
File: 77 KB, 500x689, tinfoilhatchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A recent co-ord idea.

>> No.7917776

that hat is ridiculous

>> No.7917784


>> No.7917791
File: 260 KB, 500x281, 1411685557499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7917804

I don't like the shape of the purple shoes as the round toe/lowish heel/bow pushes them into sweet territory for me, the Queen Transcendent Elizabeth would be better. I'm surprised you're not using any of the blues and golds in this print, certainly I'd be more interested in those colours which may give you more bag/shoe inspiration - there's definitely a gold unicorn shaped bag on eBay, although it's a very yellow gold...

>> No.7918439

Haven't decided on a purse or accessories yet, just wanted to get some advice on the main coord I have in mind.

>> No.7918445
File: 292 KB, 1390x1330, infanta-JSK1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7918461

Source on the bag?

>> No.7918812

would white wonder party OTK's look weird with the pink skirt is the rest of the coord was primarily pink as well?

>> No.7918838

I don't feel like the shoes match too well, perhaps a red pair would be nice and then add smaller red accessories as well? Also,t he tights seem a little plain, maybe switch them for a lace pair?

>> No.7922336

Trying to put together my coord, tell me what you guys think

>> No.7922338
File: 91 KB, 576x561, chess choco coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7922345

I love the beret with this dress! Everything else is so cute, especially those socks and shoes. Id love to see this with a chocolate embossed bag, but the one pictured is cute. Not keen on the star clips, but then again I never like them in coords that dont have space themes. Gold jewellery would be nice too if you can find it!

>> No.7922353

Thank you for the feedback!!
I'm putting together my first coord after just purchasing my first brand piece- I'm making sure I don't f it up lol.
I only added the gold star to accent the gold detailing on the dress, but you're right, it's definitely not necessary.
I'd love to get that damn elusive Melty Chocolate Bag, I'll go on the lookout!

>> No.7922354

Where is that beret from?

>> No.7922358


>> No.7922359

I recently started putting my wardrobe (mostly lolita but some offbrand and "lolita inspired" stuff in there too) up on Pinterest. I've got most of the main pieces, missing a pair of shoes, most socks, and accessories. After I add more things to the board, would anyone be keen on making me some outfits? I feel a bit uninspired at the moment with my wardrobe, I want to have some more interesting coords.
It is still a beginners wardrobe, it is really tiny. I think it is quite cohesive, although I'm lacking some base pieces at the moment.

>> No.7922388

I'll help you out. I love stuff like that. Do you want suggestions on what to buy?

>> No.7922391
File: 47 KB, 478x432, chesschoco_princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Chess Chocolate anon here. I'm not entirely sure how this will all work together in person since I'm waiting on the blouse and socks, suggestions please? I want something different for the head wear, but I'm not sure what way to take this. I'm trying to go a little more opulent/classic as oppose to AP full set.

>> No.7922393

also, I forgot to add I have jewelry, but I'm too lazy to add it to the collage.

>> No.7922480

I'm sure this is a really stupid question but can I get a link to those baby replica socks?

>> No.7922504

mu-fish on taobao.

>> No.7922519


If you're using the headbow you're going to want some poofy hair to balance it out.

I think this looks fine. It doesn't really come across as classic to me, but it's a nicely done coord.

>> No.7922528
File: 17 KB, 450x367, betseypink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggestions are always ok! Im including a link to my wish list as well, if you recommend items from there that would be even better. There are a lot of items not included on it that I want, so don't feel obligated.

Missing from this is a lot of accessories and tights, as well as headwear. Im going to go take pictures right now so they'll be up in 5-10 minutes.

And wishlist:

Also before you suggest a purse (I know I need one), Im getting pic related in a dark brown, almost black color. The edges of the white pleather are red, it is really pretty but there are no pics online.

>> No.7922543

I'll have to work on it tomorrow, I'm heading to bed right now.

>> No.7922547


Personally I wouldn't wear that blouse with that dress. Its got a kind of classic/romantic feel to it whereas the dress is fun and flirty. If you want to stick with this color scheme, I would probably go with a short sleeved white blouse and then get brown wristcuffs with pink bows on them so the amount of white is still limited. Like, in the print theres only spots of white here and there so I feel like there should be as minimal white as possible in the rest of the outfit. I really just feel like that classic blouse would clash with the sweet dress, plus there are a lot of chest ruffles involved with that combo and I think it'd bring too much attention to your chest. Also I like the idea of finding chocolate brown tights and wearing the socks over them to really show off the diamond pattern on them and repeat the harlequin print on the dress.

>> No.7922548

>the dress is fun and flirty.
bitch are you high?

>> No.7922551


Oh, I forgot to add that I don't think this dress can be worn as classic. Its too inherently sweet and flirty fun, if wearing AP as classic is something you want to do I'd get either something without a print or a less in your face trip. Victorian Letter, Chocolate Quartet and Cameo Window could definitely be worn as classic but Chess Chocolate? I just don't see it happening, anon.

>> No.7922553
File: 45 KB, 500x281, 1384406454983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out.

>> No.7922554


Its a flirty cut, deal with it.

>> No.7922568

Pink chess choco anon here. Just so everyone knows, >>7922553 is not me. Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll keep it in mind. I wasn't sure if cc in a classic styling is possible and I don't want to force the issue.

>> No.7922570

It is classic, "flirty" anon is either a troll or an idiot.

>> No.7922571


Obviously you're welcome to try whatever you'd like with it but my personal opinion is that it may not work out. By all means though, prove me wrong. Work it girl.

>> No.7922573


>bustier dresss
>not flirty
>its classic

I really have no idea what world you live in where a halterneck dress is considered classic but please go back there.

>> No.7922579

It's not a halterneck you idiot. Do you even lolita?

>> No.7922580

This is a bustier dress anon... And it isn't flirty unless you wear it in a flirty way. It is sweet and wouldnt work well with classic, but might be ok in a more opulent sweet coord, bordering on sweet-classic.
I like what you have there anon, do that with a hime bump in a light brown color and get some classy pearl jewellery.

>> No.7922583

>says it's a bustier dress
>halterneck dress
Pick one and stop shitting up the thread. Did you learn about lolita from that quiz in the cringe thread?

>> No.7922588


Obviously I meant bustier, halterneck was a typo. And yeah, the cut of the dress is flirty, irregardless of how you wear it. Thats why BUSTIER style dresses are so rare in lolita but I'm not going to argue with you about this. I've said my peace on the outfit and I'm done.

>> No.7922592
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, kotoura_san-01-haruka-psychic-laughing-comedy-entertainment-funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thats why BUSTIER style dresses are so rare in lolita
>she's never seen gothic

>> No.7922594

There's no obviously about that, you sound like a fucking noob trying to sound smarter than you actually are and getting pissed off that you're being called out.

>> No.7922600

Bustiers exist widely in lolita. Mostly in classic. I somewhat agree that the color is not classic but the cut certainly is.

Also, unless you are a troll there is no 'flirty' lolita, just saying.

>> No.7922601

They aren't that rare, and they aren't flirty when paired with a blouse and tights.

Did you post an otome style coord a few threads back with that pink blouse and the meta skirt? Try wearing the navy blouse with the skirt.

>> No.7922603

>not classic
VM would like a word.

>> No.7922605
File: 84 KB, 333x500, 7482070362_90fa193323[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not really sure why you think pic related somehow looks flirtier than normal lolita. Would you care to elaborate?

>> No.7922609

mmm so sexxay... super flirty anon, she is showing sooooo much skin on her hands and face, plus her jsk doesn't even have straps!

>> No.7922613

bustiers are lewd, didn't you know. the cut is shaped like boobs! gasp!

>> No.7922617
File: 96 KB, 330x500, Twin-8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh look more flirty lolitas

>> No.7922621


>> No.7922623
File: 206 KB, 544x640, 5833307990_b42b26481d_z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can tell from miles and miles away that there are only two images of the bustier jsk, that's how obviously flirty it is

>> No.7922624

Oh my gosh they are showing so much skin, this time on their arms! Who would have thought?. This is like porn anon, remember that we are on a BLUE BOARD here.

>> No.7922625

Yes seriously we don't want to see pornographic arms.

>> No.7922631

Asuka and Maki can be seen from MILES AND MILES AWAY flirting in their bustiers!

>> No.7922633

Yes that was me, I'm not sure if I should be flattered or creeped out that you remembered... I did try to wear the navy blouse with the skirt before as it is the same colour as the blueberries, but I am not sure how to balance out the colours because it would be so top heavy.

>> No.7922637
File: 57 KB, 500x767, this-is-what-vyiyg6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7922643

>her face
I spat out my cocoa.

>> No.7922680 [DELETED] 

flirty =/= sexy

Not even that anon, but you cunts need to get your heads out of your asses.

>> No.7922744

Why? She's cute and the coord isn't bad either

>> No.7922752

Should have been more clear, because it's so stern looking, with the words on the image macro it looks like a serious issue.

>> No.7923299
File: 48 KB, 289x400, T17o1IFeNXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: that hair accessory is sold out in the colourway I want, would pic related work?

Thank you!

Sorry for lateness, but here's a link:
I got it in the post the other day and it's even nicer irl, I highly recommend. They also have it in brown now but it's £25.

Those Clarks shoes are nice, there I was thinking Clarks was just for tasteless middle aged people.

>> No.7923485

As did I until I started working in an environment which requires semi-professional dress.
The Hush Puppies Vivianna and Erika Lonna in black are slightly cheaper (and can be shipped from the UK) - they're just over 50 quid if you don't buy from the Hush Puppies website and use a reseller.

>> No.7923645

Well anon, I think the first thing you can do it get rid of the sweet Bodyline shoes from your current wardrobe, nothing you have makes sense with them. I'll post a few collages soon.

>> No.7923664

Hm, the only site I can find them on is Amazon and all the sellers have astronomical shipping to Ireland. Is there any other site? No biggie if not. Also sorry for being so dumb about all of this!

>> No.7923731
File: 117 KB, 143x412, Screen Shot 2014-11-08 at 12.54.55 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the brown and red shoes because I love strawberry and chocolate themed prints and plan on getting some in the near future. I definitely want to keep the brown shoes (they go ok with sweet classic coords IMO, pic related), and really like the red shoes. Red shoes are almost exclusively worn with non lolita, I love red pops of color in outfits.
I don't like the black ones much and was wanting to get a different black pair that is still kind of clunky and cute, but not *so* sweet as they are, if anyone has any ideas?

>> No.7923746
File: 588 KB, 670x665, PA251474_meitu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite.
I didn't get any concrit on CoF for my Halloween coord so I'll try here.

in;b4 horrible bodyline
I work with kids so no brand in this one

>> No.7923752

This is a nice coordinate with that skirt. I honestly think this looks pretty nice, so props to you on this. It's simple, but there's not exactly much else you can do with that skirt given it's construction and patterning.

>> No.7923753

Sauce on shoes?

>> No.7923787

Ew. What is wrong with your boobs?

>> No.7923790

Improperly fitted bra, methinks.

>> No.7923804

Just bodyline
shoes192 I think?

>> No.7923830

My bra fits fine, I just have really unfortunately large breasts. I'm having reduction surgery for the medical issues they cause me later this year.

>> No.7924100
File: 34 KB, 540x540, 2014-11-08_01.06.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me out with this? Its for Christmas, but I don't want to be too... Santa.

lldo not sure as for a blouse, I'm thinking of wearing a white turtleneck since it'll be cold?

>> No.7924102

Only thing I'd do is either switch to black and purple only, or introduce another darker color to replace the white, but I'm not a huge fan of black and white things usually because they're hard to balance well.

>> No.7924113


How much is that going to cost and where are you going for the surgery? A curious anon who also has unfortunately large breasts.

>> No.7924262

"Mastershoe" had them for £53 + £8 shipping (flat rate EU) which I thought was pretty good given that it usually costs me £5-£7 to ship shoes within the UK

>> No.7924286

Not that anon, but it generally costs between $10000-$15000, and if it is medical insurance will pay the majority of the cost.

>> No.7924294

Firstly, just call it sweet. Ama/Kote is something only weeabs say.

I'd try working with green if you want it more classic looking. Green blouse/light pink shoes or something like that.

>> No.7924302

I personally like deep reds for a sort of chocolate-covered-cherry look.

Everyone goes for the bright red strawberry, but the darker cherry red looks much better.

>> No.7924305

This bright red looks quite tacky. Maybe you could tone it down and work with wine red instead?

>> No.7924308

>this bright red looks quite tacky

Only color it comes in, anon.

>> No.7924315

I could see it working in more toned down surroundings, maybe. I'd ditch the shoes.

>> No.7924318

Any suggestions? I just posted what I already own that I thought might work. Usually I'm 100% gothic so I don't have a whole hell of a lot.

>> No.7924333

Wearing a bright red dress with bright red shoes doesn't seem like the best idea to me. Maybe choose black shoes instead.

>> No.7924833

I would put some black in it, i.e. white turtleneck/black jabot or neck ribbon, hairbow as pictured, plain white tights and black shoes.

>> No.7924854

You need a brown belt or purse to tie in the brown in your shoes and hair, but aside from that this is cute. Heels might be more flattering to your legs.

>> No.7924884
File: 129 KB, 208x558, chandcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in CoF last week, and while I did ask for concrit, I didn't get any I also didn't get many likes. Is it the shitty picture, or is the outfit just bleh?
I really want to be able to coordinate this in more sweet ways, with some of my pink accessories. Does anyone have any suggestions for coording this skirt with pink or making it sweeter?
I want to try a gothic coord with this soon too, and while I have an idea for it already I'm welcome to suggestions!

>> No.7924900

The outfit is just kind of cute and casual. I don't think you did anything wrong at all, so there's nothing to call out for con crit but there's also not anything awesome enough to make me instantly like.

>> No.7924906

I don't like the wig with this. A dark brown wig would suit much better. It is pretty cute though, don't know why you didn't get many likes!

>> No.7924929

Thanks anon! I'm always iffy wearing this wig with deeper reds but it's my favorite/most flattering wig so I use it a lot.
Yeah, makes sense.

>> No.7924942

I don't really like the socks and I wouldn't coord it with pink at all. You can stick with red/white and still have it be sweet. I think you should bring the gold out more and I don't like the wig color much either.
Your makeup seems good and I like the top though.
You should post better pictures yeah.

>> No.7924946

I love the wig colour, personally.

>> No.7924948

I don't dislike the wig color, it just clashes with the skirt a bit and makes her head wear barely noticeable. It's a pretty wig but I think it's too many different reds on top of each other.

>> No.7924950

And just to add to that if she were to keep the wig I would switch out the headwear to something gold/white, and gold/white socks with red shoes.
just my 2 cents

>> No.7924962

I just ordered this and i'd like to get things to coord it while I wait for it. Any ideas?

>> No.7924966
File: 42 KB, 386x581, infanta_tangled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic

>> No.7924984
File: 1.61 MB, 1508x988, dress anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only think I really like is the cross and the shoes. I'll find better stuff when I get back.

>> No.7924986

Well, my thing with this skirt is its my ~dream print~ so I am looking for different ways to wear it all the time. Sure, I've done sweet coords with white with it, but I get bored of that and just want to wear it as many ways as possible (that don't directly clash, wouldn't pair it with sax or something)
I wish I had better pictures, the top actually has gold print on it so it goes with the gold of the skirt.
Do you think I could do that and keep the pink purse, top and collar? I like this idea a lot.

>> No.7924989

Ooh, I might do the gothic coord with this as early as tonight. I'm not sure. I will post pics if I run into trouble.

>> No.7924997
File: 265 KB, 750x927, T20.cSXN4aXXXXXXXX_!!906777894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loove those shoes. Maybe try something like these tights?

>> No.7924999

Oh man I wish these tights came in more appropriate colors
If anyone has the white version of this dress they should def get these tights though.
I love the shoes too I'm getting them in gold :)
Oh I see, I think you can bring navy into it or maybe a deep royal purple?
I'd have to see the pink items better, I didn't even realize they were pink tbh.
Pink is too close on the color wheel to compliment such a deep red imo.

>> No.7925003

Money is no problem, but I have NO idea where to start with all these websites for my first coord. I want something sweet(-ish). Any places in particular I should look?

>> No.7925015
File: 1.42 MB, 1435x769, dress anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like those tights yeah.
Improved slightly?
I think it'd be really cute if you have long hair to have to long braids with little bows/roses at the ends. Or if not maybe a black wig with braids.
Look at the Angelic Pretty website, look through lacemarket, egl comm sales on livejournal, and lolita sales in english on facebook, we can't tell you what you like, figure that out yourself, lurk moar.
Maybe look through the wishlist threads?

>> No.7925017

Will do, thanks. How do people find taobao shops they like? Is there a list of all the brands that I should consider anywhere?

>> No.7925027

OP of Taobao thread has a few spreadsheets?

>> No.7925028

Oh, didn't see. Thanks

>> No.7925079

redmaria and ciciworks are good for accessories
and mu-fish is good for tights.
but yeah this >>7925017

>> No.7925084

Maybe it just looks that way in the picture, but your reds seem mismatched, and I don't think pink and red go together at all. I think the hair color is fine with it though!

This looks really good, anon. It feels very christmas-y for some reason.

>> No.7925093

Honestly I don't care for the tights, but everything else looks good.

>> No.7925098


thanks I really like these

>> No.7925135

no problem
I'm glad you guys like it.
I'm meh about the tights too but honestly couldnt find anything better/
the cutest ones I found were >>7924999
but the colors don't really work

>> No.7925144

It's mostly the picture, IRL they actually go together really well. The socks in particular turned out really dark in photo.
I know pink and wine red are iffy but I really like them for some reason

>> No.7925317
File: 38 KB, 540x540, 2014-11-08_21.14.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better?

>> No.7925350

I like it, not sure about the shoes.

>> No.7925375

I also have some black Mary Jane's, or I couuuuld go black Friday shoe shopping.

>> No.7925384

Black Mary janes should work.
You should get a black wig!

>> No.7925395

Not this poster, I'm the one who replied before. This.

>> No.7925403

My hair is already black actually. I tried to dye it dark burgundy and it came out crazy dark, o I. Grew some black over it to even it out and it looks really nice.

>> No.7925405

Wow, phone. *so I threw some black over it.

>> No.7925411
File: 592 KB, 1600x1600, ALICE IN MIXWORKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am having the worst time trying to coord this dress, i only wore it twice, once with an overdress and the other it was a total ita train wreck

Could somebody please guide me on the right direction?

>> No.7925413 [DELETED] 

idk about head
simple blouse
pale blue/yellow socks
brown shoes?

>> No.7925430

I'd pull out that red as the accent color and go for some very lightly patterned/sheer white tights. You could also use go for brown as the accent color for shoes and bag.

>> No.7925466
File: 585 KB, 1093x600, asdfghjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this?
do you think that i should get a blue headbow or a black one?

>> No.7925491
File: 590 KB, 1093x600, coord2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i really liked it!! thank you so much

>> No.7925516
File: 2.09 MB, 1250x1250, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some options for either red, black or brown focuses. No blouses though, sorry. I suck at finding them.

>> No.7925530

oh my gosh don't worry, this is utterly perfect I think I have got the right idea now
Thank you so much

>> No.7925658

sauce on purse?

>> No.7926028


>> No.7926372

I found it on storenevy but I am pretty sure there must be on taobao for cheaper


>> No.7926953
File: 250 KB, 948x640, P10OP345-cha-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to reserve this in the black colourway, but I'm just unsure how to coord it.

>> No.7927865
File: 750 KB, 1322x585, minnie.mousecoordlolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if I could get some feed back on this coord. It is for Disneyland.

>> No.7928199
File: 482 KB, 519x609, milky berry coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accessory suggestions for this are what im lookin' for, along with different ideas for a blouse. sorry for some of the random numbers, they were for keeping track of my budget in my other version

btw just to clarify, that picture is for the wig, not the headbow

>> No.7928504

Why didn't you hang onto it and just lose the weight to fit it? I used to be a bit of a fatty chan and having a beautiful dress to fit into gave me the determination to fit it and look good in it. I hope you get it again though anon, good luck!

>> No.7928562


>all this time I've never noticed she wears yellow shoes.

I would honestly ditch the cardi. Minnie's trademark is the red with white polkadots, not the yellow accent. To top things off, the cardi looks a bit too long, it'll make you look frumpy in lolita, and the colour doesn't seem to match either pair of shoes. I'd replace it with either a black or matching red bolero instead.

The rest is pretty cute. If you feel like the yellow shoes don't quite fit the rest of the coord, you could change them to yellow shoes.

If you really want to keep the yellow shoes, I'd try for a much closer coord, ie- wear a red top to match Minnie's red top instead of the black, and add a red bow either on the sock, or on top of the shoes.

>> No.7928779
File: 341 KB, 517x1117, 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my coord so far for HyperJapan. I'm pretty happy about the basics; the JSK, blouse, socks, shoes etc but I'm not sure about the wig. Is it too much pink? I have a straight brown wig with a fringe that I can use instead, it can be styled into plaits, pigtails etc

>> No.7928985

What headwear would be good for an OTT Iron Gate OP? Bonnet, Madonna Crown, veil, maxi-pad headdress? Any in particular more preferential than the others?

>> No.7930194

cute coord, but for the love of god fix your wig bangs!

they look choppy and really sloppily done. not to mention too short...or is the wig sliding off your head? try pinning it down

>> No.7930196

also, wristcuffs are upside down.