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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7897048 No.7897048 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>7884658

>> No.7897054
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>> No.7897059

Is the one on the left that girl who bought accessories and filed chargebacks on them all, then kept the accessories?

>> No.7897060
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>> No.7897062
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She's on the right, but yes, that's the lovely Angelique de la Rouge.

>> No.7897065
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>> No.7897067

I dont know why I typed left I was looking right at her!

Did anything ever happen with that? I remember that huge getoff post where one of her male friends showed up and was desperately whiteknighting her

>> No.7897088
File: 325 KB, 802x283, whataparty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually goes by Rosette Pearl Gold now. Last I heard, she threw a tea party at a mall food court.

>361 invited
>35 went

>> No.7897111

Why hasn't she been kicked out of her community if she is stealing and scamming people?

>> No.7897118

she has been kicked out, but one of her filthy weaboo friends has been trying to attend meetups and have Kai Narita/Angelique de la Rouge/Rosette Pearl Gold come with to bypass the ban.

>> No.7897127
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More like around 15 people showed up tbh. Picture of the "tea party" right next to Panda Express at the foodcourt.

>> No.7897132
File: 214 KB, 720x960, 10710940_924140360948265_990558239792496199_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yes she is the girl who did all that. She's also the girl with multiple "loli personalities". Here, have a picture of her "Harry Potter Gothic Lolita OC", the daughter of Narcissa Malfoy.

>> No.7897135
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As mentioned, she was kicked out a while ago but I don't know if she's still scamming people.

I honestly hope they do. With how much of a drama queen Kai is I can only imagine the tantrum she'll throw.

>> No.7897140

M-my eyes...

>> No.7897144
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 1504014_10152132865013658_1440746322_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another tea party at the Pru's food court.

>> No.7897160

Is that supposed to be a wand or is she pulling a long tendril of earwax from her ear?

>> No.7897179

> daughter of Narcissa Malfoy

>> No.7897290

Sounds like she's been reading My Immortal...

>> No.7897336

she loves that food court

>> No.7897342

omg go away u prepz

t. bloodyrose666

>> No.7897349

Nobody's mentioned yet that before she was banned, she was never less than 3 hours late to a meet-up? When she was 3 hours late to a zoo meet-up, she made 2 poor girls walk all the way back to the entrance to meet her, even though they were a long walk away and almost done there anyway. And at an ILD tea meet-up in Cambridge, she arrived 3 hours late and spent the final 15 minutes of the meet crying about how upset she was that she missed the whole thing.

This girl is a train wreck in more ways than just her outfits and her personality.

>> No.7897374

Oh my god the Belgian itas.

>> No.7897379

Was that the chick who was like "how do i look guiz" and when people gave her crit she flipped?

>> No.7897386


>> No.7897405

minus the legwear, and with more makeup and a hairdo I like this.

>> No.7897430

My Immortal seriously killed me as a hardcore MCR fan. I was horrified

>> No.7897466
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>> No.7897472
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>> No.7897479
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>> No.7897482

To be fair, I think a lot of people that went to that event were complete newbies or "Lolita cosplayers", but I agree that these are comically bad.

>> No.7897483
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There was a fuckton of itas at DLD.

>> No.7897487

Those are all photos from last year, but there were a lot this year, too. We should be seeing them start to pop up soon...

>> No.7897490
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>> No.7897491

I hadn't even noticed, but they're still pretty fucking ita. Hopefully they're a lot better this year.

>> No.7897494

Soccer Mom Lolita

>> No.7897498

This year there was a high number of great coordinates, but also some painfully obvious newbie itas. I'd say the percentage of cool outfits was at least higher.

>> No.7897504

>mouse ears
>circus print
>skeleton tights
>cat shoes
What the fuck was going through her mind

>> No.7897509

Not even that good. The soccer moms I know are well dressed and wear makeup. Her shoes are way to ratty to be legit.

>> No.7897518

The mouse ears make sense to me. Since you can get kicked out of the park for looking like a character/people at Disney confuse you for a character. If you buy mouse ears, they will most likely let you in because it distinguishes you as a guest.

>> No.7897526

>click on pic, pic gets larger but bottom half is cut off
Hey this isn't bad, vendet-
>scroll down
What the fuck

>> No.7897551

Train wrecks are fun though, I have a few on my FB just to look at haha.

>> No.7897555


>> No.7897566

So I've been getting really confused for awhile about old-school vs ITA

Like I find a lot of old school black and white things to be not bad if the quality of lace, fabric and construction are there. In fact I love some of the older black and white pieces.

So my question is. Are black and white "old school" type pieces now considered automatically Ita? or is it just because most of the time those who wear the black and white styles are noobs and buy the dress from e-bay/milanoo so it looks terrible.

Cause I don't really see much of a problem with these dresses, like @left, bodice lace is ugly @right, whats with those hearts.. but thats pretty much all I can complain about.

Whats everyone elses opinion.

>> No.7897573

You have a point. I wouldn't be surprised if those dresses were real brand. I think maybe the dread like hair and lack of accessories is pushing it into ita but the dresses themselves don't appear ita, though the one on the left is really pushing it with the lace.

>> No.7897574

haha I was like that too, I'm like c'mon guys shes at disney land! of course shes going to wear mouse ears! and the black blouse, yeah its a noob mistake but its not so-

.... -.- what

>> No.7897579

>Those ratty beat up sneakers.
I know comfortable shoes are encouraged. But even the ballet flats from walmart would be better then those.

>> No.7897580

I think I agree with you here, perhaps the lack of anything other than a hair bow and an op is the problem.

I don't feel like the dreads are so much of a problem more what you said about the lack of accessories hits the mark.

also I looked around and I'm pretty sure these are models for a new wig company call pennywigs or pennydreads. So that would probably explain the lack of lolita co-ordination.

>> No.7897592

>ballet flats

Pick one.

>> No.7897610

Honestly though, ratty beat up sneakers are not comfortable. Athletic shoes are worn out way before they get to that point. I've been wearing old running shoes at work where I'm on my feet all day and they are significantly less comfortable than my newer running shoes that still provide proper support.

>> No.7897614
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>ugly sunglasses
>shitty hair
>cheap, ill-fitting replica
>solid white tights
>socks over tights
>old, ratty sneakers

I really don't understand how a person can fuck up so much in one coord.

>> No.7897631


>> No.7897714
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>> No.7897743

she looks so sad here. she looks like she knows how shitty she looks without makeup, and with that shitty wig

>> No.7897752

that file name killed me

>> No.7897756

She looks like someones mom really.

>> No.7897776

>All of my rage

She didn't even try, crappy $20 shoes from payless would have been better

>> No.7897787

I like socks over tights... not in every case, such as this, but it makes me sad how much other people hate it.

>> No.7897794

I scrolled right past that one at first (seemed like an easy target) but upon closer inspection, I know both of those girls and that must be a very old photo. The dress on the left is definitely brand. Girl on the right has made dreads for years, and I believe she has recently relaunched it (or done something new with it) and is more of a traditional western goth that dabbles in lolita and her coordinates tend to reflect that, but yeah, this picture has to be 5+ years old.

In general I don't find basic/boring old-school coords to be ita, but it might be because I remember those coordinates being the norm (I'm an oldfag and while I didn't start wearing the fashion until 2007 or so, I remember admiring it in magazines for a few years before that). I see a difference between "out of style" and "ita" and it takes a more spectacular failure than a plain old B&W dress or even a lacemonster to really make me cringe.

>> No.7897802
File: 118 KB, 590x394, Qo9Q62M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please no

>> No.7897822

Everything about this makes me want to cry.

>> No.7897833

>being this autistic

You do realize she's probably a 40~50 year old Mom and by the looks of her hands, worked hard most of her life right?

Like, we get she's not up to elitist perfect standards but it's pretty fucking clear she wasn't competing to be the fucking best, she just wanted to enjoy herself doing/being something she loved on her day off. The outfit looks cheap as fuck and it's pretty clear she didn't have time/money to spend on perfect uncomfortable fucking shoes to walk around a theme park with let alone actually be able to enjoy the full experience without having to stop every 10 minutes because she's not as young as she used to be and her feet fucking hurt like hell.

Fuck off, it's people like you two who ruin this. Go pick on people who are younger and who are actually trying to make a statement, not some middle aged woman who just wants to have one fun day between raising her kids and work.

>> No.7897843

I'm pretty positive the one on the left is a IW dress

>> No.7897844

From your behavior, I'd guess that you're an ita soccer mom, too?
If you're going to do something, then do it right. I don't care how old you are or if you're trying to make a statement or not. Do it right or don't do it at all. In this case, she clearly shouldn't have bothered.

>> No.7897854

>defend literally anyone in the thread
do you really think normal people with kids care about following your super serious bsns dolly dressup rules? I mean sure if you are dedicated to the hobby but she looks like she was just doing it for her daughter or something.
Get that cactus out of your sandy cunt.

>> No.7897866

Lmao you're projecting on her SO fucking hard, that's why I said that you were probably an ita, too. If you can't take that level of criticism on /cgl/ (whether it's aimed at you or someone else), then you shouldn't be here. Go find a hugbox like tumblr or Closet of Frills, bitch.

>> No.7897867

Happy Halloween

>> No.7897874

Actually no, I'm not. I just think it's fucking pathetic you have nothing better to do with your time than talk shit about some older woman who had zero intention of competing with anyone about anything or looking the best. As I said, pick on people who are actually trying to be a hot shot, not some old lady who didn't give a fuck about your opinion.

>> No.7897875

I'm not even a lolita, calm the fuck down.

>> No.7897882

Way to project.

Besides even a 40 year old soccer mom knows you don't wear beat up ratty sneakers with a dress like that. If anything most mom's have a pair or two of decent looking sandals around.

There's no excuse for such hideous shoes.

>> No.7897887

If anything, dear anon, she should know how to dress herself because of her age.

Also, why are you whiteknighting her? Is she your bestsie? Do you two part of PTA?

>> No.7897892

She is actually wearing a replica too

>> No.7897894

Oh god I remember this beast

>> No.7897898

Grandma, is that you?

>> No.7897903

Is that Aerial? Fuck she's so annoying. I'm glad she's receded back to her poverty hole not unlike her hairline.

>> No.7897907

>makes a shitty argument
>gets called out on your shit
>"I'm not even a lolita guys, calm down!"

Lmao you're funny.

>> No.7897909

I'm tripping balls right now and the dress on the left holy shit

>> No.7897917

I actually did not know that, wow. Did she really spend the last 15 minutes crying? I know I heard the story about how she arrived really late to a dinner meetup with girls from a different comm with absolutely no money and tried to force one of the girls to share her food with her.

>> No.7897928

>and tried to force one of the girls to share her food with her
Hahaha holy shit. This bitch is insane.

>> No.7897935

I mean it's not that surprising, a few years ago when she was holding an event for her birthday (at the Foodcourt, as always) she was literally demanding that people buy her lolita dresses that were over $100 and shit, and then had a fit when no one showed up. She's a fucking self entitled autistic brat.

>> No.7897940
File: 195 KB, 960x720, 1656324_924140064281628_1581637414782439847_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to mention that one time someone gave her a wallet as a gift and she made a huge post about it on facebook basically saying that the giftee was a piece of shit friend for giving her a wallet for her birthday and that her royal anus deserved a better gift from him. She even admitted to calling him multiple times, sending him multiple messages and even leaving multiple voice mails to get him to get her a better gift. She takes the ~*Angelique, Heir to the de La Rouge Throne*~ OC thing way too fucking seriously.

>> No.7897946

What the fuck. What's up with her and the food court, anyways?

Jeeze, if you're going to be that entitled, at least be pretty or know how to dress yourself...

>> No.7897966

bu can we all talk about how her fucking dresses are all fucked and dont fit. not only that but how she ruins everything she touches

>> No.7897989

Not that anon but you're the one sounding like an immature cunt here.

>> No.7897991

Can't tell if butthurt or underage

>> No.7898020
File: 177 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mjfiyiKUJt1renjcro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a few of this in my ita folder.. is this her?

>> No.7898022
File: 58 KB, 500x373, tumblr_muy5q5k6ra1qfg8gbo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What comm is this?

>> No.7898033
File: 370 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_ncf6i3gYWq1qfg8gbo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7898037

Yeah, being a 40 year old mom doesn't excuse you from being ita. My mom's 44 and she's really well-dressed(has two closets devoted to shoes and all that jazz), and she's even more of a nitpicking bitch than I am; she likes to look at ita threads with me. She's definitely hard working: she owns and manages two businesses, aside from taking care of my brother. She came from a poor family and she worked her ass to get where she is now, too.

tldr; there's no excuse for dressing like shit

>> No.7898038

im actually a little curious about this one looking through the thread. im a bit new to lolita, would her dress be considered ita on its own? if she wore it a bit better and didnt have those awful sleeves? it looks cute to me, and like it could work with the right shirt and accessories, but im curious more experienced lolitas might think.

>> No.7898039
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Bringing this one over from the deleted comm thread.

>> No.7898044
File: 330 KB, 1280x956, tumblr_n3m73irVs81qfg8gbo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks to be from hawaii, but isnt the brolita and the old lady from other states?

>> No.7898046

It isn't THAT bad, but it's more a case of:
>that ratty ass unstyled wig
>the sleeves, as you mentioned
>those socks
>black shoes
>no accessories at all whatsoever

>> No.7898057

The dress is fine on it's own and even the sleeves aren't too terrible (I think they're detachable though), but it definitely needs to right styling and fit. Dress looks too big on her and the design suggests hime style and should be coorded with that in mind.

>> No.7898065

Girl with the huge pink bow and white shoes has such a cute face, wow -- she just needs some better quality items.(Though obviously she is the best dressed in this photo.)

>> No.7898071

Booger magic hamplanet actually has a pretty face and hair but....those arms........
They're the size of her head christ.

>> No.7898097

Is that Avril Lavigne?

>> No.7898107

God That fabric is so cute but she went and turned it into a fuck apron. That makes me so butthurt

>> No.7898109

I think it is..looks exactly like her

>> No.7898118

Plus she's a huge weeaboo... maybe it really is her!

>> No.7898148

Eeeeurgh. The costume on the left with stripes. My mom tried to make me buy this set when she was trying to convince me to overcome my hatred of lolita on eBay because it apparently made me "an elitist bitch".

>> No.7898153

Oh and this dress is from hell bunny. They sell it in a store near my house.

>> No.7898161

Iirc the one in blue is from Cali and the one with that looks like she is about to claim your soul is from Australia.

>> No.7898171

What is a fuck apron

>> No.7898176

I meant "fucking" apron. my bad

>> No.7898177

I think they meant to say fucking apron. It's cute fabric(especially the lighter color versions) and that girl took it and made an ugly apron out of it.

>> No.7898182

You know...

>> No.7898192

did the one in blue have some drama a while back? i feel like i saw him on BTB

>> No.7898196

I think both of the two in >>7898161 did actually. I remember an ita thread a while back where people were discussing her and he was on BtB.

>> No.7898217

ive never heard or have seen her before... theres drama associated with her?

>> No.7898234

You're assuming a shitload of things there, buddy. My mom is 56, has worked since she was 14, and can still fucking dress herself. She also knows where to find affordable comfortable shoes that don't look like they have passed through the digestive system of an arthritic old dog. Either this woman didn't look in the mirror once while getting dressed or she's completely shameless.
If you want to frolic around in ugly half-added outfits at home that's fine, but as soon as you go to a public fashion event and pose for pictures you're opening yourself up to criticism.

>> No.7898243


I know someone with the JSK version, and it's perfectly fine. The problem here is the

> shitty wig
> lack of makeup
> random black shoes in a purple/white coord

I don't know how to feel about those sleeves, but they're detachable anyways.

>> No.7898244

Hawaii? I think I recognize the fattest one. Also
>obese Asians
yeah probably Hawaii

>> No.7898256

Ha you poor anon. My parents think it's funny that I have such specific taste. At first my mom didn't get it either and thought I only preferred certain things because they were more expensive, but then I showed her a picture of a couple of girls wearing brand/nice indie next to a girl in an eBay disaster and now she gets it.
They also tried to get me to commission the local professional lolita seamstress instead of buying brand "to save money". After chatting with her for five minutes they now consider certain brand items to be a really good deal.

>> No.7898278

But damn, if your local seamstress is really talented, I bet you could commission an amazing one of a kind dress.

>> No.7898280

Sorry, I'm not American so what's a food court ? I this like a free place with chairs and tables in a commercial center ?

Anyway, olding something as formal as a tea party in a shopping enter is...will taste less, but seeing the girl I understand now.

>> No.7898299

She is, and I could! I'm seriously considering commissioning her for a wedding dress if I can save the money.
My daily style is quite toned down, though, and I don't really care about being unique or the centre of attention so my €150-200 plain IW pieces suit me just fine. The thing my parents needed to understand was that well-constructed clothing made from quality materials by someone who gets a decent pay using a design that wasn't stolen from somewhere else costs money, and that I'm not just paying for the label. They thought the price discrepancy between brand and eBay monstrosities or generic H&M stuff was purely in the name rather than in the things I just described and the seamstress did a better job of explaining things than I ever could.

>> No.7898302

Just Google it. There's even an entry on Wikipedia.

>sage for OT

>> No.7898319

I'm sober now but that dress is still a mindfuck holy shit

>> No.7898417

I think that is Kat. She does have drama surrounding her but I have forgotten what it entailed.

>> No.7898427

that altered dress... I'm going to cry

it should be illegal for some people to get brand

>> No.7898433

let's open a brand dress shelter for abused dresses

so kind souls can give them a new home and love

>> No.7898434

Please tell me you're not serious. My mom is in her 60's, works full time and takes care of my sick family members and knows how to do her hair and makeup and put together a damn outfit.

Nice try, please play our game again.

>> No.7898441

Thanks , now everytime I see Wendy from Rule of Rose I'll think of that picture

>> No.7898445

That dress is ugly as sin though, so nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7898448

ur mom's gay lol

>> No.7898451

b-but AP-san made it... 。゚(゚∩´﹏`∩゚)゚。

>> No.7898459

Anyone who wears booger/radioactive magic has shit taste anyway. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7898464

That dress was a big deal when it first came out but the same shade of pink has been used 100x over since. Fuck, the girl next to her is practically wearing the same shade. People need to get over it, its not 2007.

>> No.7898466

Why that shade of purple? Why not white or the darker pink the bow is made out of, I don't understand.

>> No.7898471

Lolita is not so much about your own opinion and much more about the collective give mind. Back when everything was baby pink this dress made a splash. Now people don't complain about the shade of pink but about the atomic colored cupcackes? Once something is decided to be bad, even if the fashion evolves to have it not be a big deal, people will keep finding reasons to hate it.

>> No.7898475

I don't care that it's old, has green on it and there were a ton of other sweet prints after that, it's still a very well made dress and a piece of art.

Seeing that dress altered hurts my kawaii maiden feelings just as much as the girl who massacred Cat's Tea Party.

>> No.7898480

I don't get it either. I don't even like the dress and don't really care if brand is altered (well) to fit better, but why this...? Why. Is fitting into the dress more important than looking cute in it? Did she think the print and brand name would save the end result from being ugly even though she did something ridiculous to it?
I already feel silly when my fiddling with the corset lacing makes a bodice look weird so I can't imagine what was going through her head when she did this.

>> No.7898482

Yeah, but at least it's a cheap dress that doesn't go for much. Some people can't even get theirs to move at all. It's not really coveted and I don't think many people have this as a dream item much less wishlist item. I'd rather see someone do a hack job on altering this dress to be able to wear it than something expensive and coveted simply because it removes another from potential circulation. (But then again, a house fire could do the same thing so, eh, It's kind of moot point.) I don't really care so much what people do with their property. I'm all for altering honestly, but I'd rather see it done well. When it's sloppy like this, it looks out of place. You're better off wearing Milanope at that point.

>> No.7898488

Not her but they're from the local comm. Middle one ragequit though, claiming we're all bullies and brandwhores

>> No.7898648

Nah it's some bitch in Belgium

>> No.7898650

>the mountain dew bottle
i can't

>> No.7898659

>wearing crocs

>fucking sneakers with that ita quality dress
why even

Oh god it looks like a random mom into a lolita dress
>also those fucking sneakers

those fucking skeletton tighs and TUC shoes
>wearing a replica

That whole meeting is a mess

>> No.7898662

>that shit attempt at kodona
>with that soccermom face and all that bust
No fuck you this is not how you kodona.
what is the middle one even going for and what the fuck is that black hambeast monstruosity?

>> No.7898665
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honestly, i just think its someones mom trying to fit in and wearing her orthotics. she doesnt even have any shitty poorfag accessories.
She probably just chaperoning her minor daughter and raided her bodyline.

>> No.7898706

>tfw I still like MCR
I hate myself

>> No.7898716
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>> No.7898725
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But they seriously let you wear the rest of this shit at work? Including the stuffed toy?


>> No.7898752

I wouldn't want to approach an employee dressed like that if I went to an establishment, nor would I want to be approached by them. Yeesh.

>> No.7898770

Your mom sounds awesome.

>> No.7898779


>> No.7898784

>more of a "playful" coord than a serious one (pls no criticism pls)
>wears it to work anyway
I don't think the outfit is completely horrific but the fact that she wore it to work is making me cringe. Do you think she brought the stuffed toy along, too?

>> No.7898805

My John Belushi-chan, haven't seen her in a while!

>> No.7898808

But...I thought the Malfoy family was implied to be really white supremacist? Or was that just the Black line? Or are my years of being a terrible Harry Potter nerd finally muddled?

>> No.7898811

Its her version of "fairy kei" and the hambeast is the resident ita in the local comm. Is completely anti-brand but buys replicas and spends money on bjds.

>> No.7898820

They're only rich pure blood fascists

>> No.7898821


This isn't Angelique-chan, btw. The middle one wasn't going for Lolita. The other two girls have had coords that are much worse and are kind of perpetual offenders, but are sort of improving. They both tend to be fiercely anti-brand though, which kinda grinds my gears.

>> No.7898825

And some art is fug, man. Not everything can be a hit. I love AP to death, but this is one of their misses. It's okay. They tried something, it didn't work. That color combo is difficult to digest. Hell, I think even the Strawberry Shortcake character designers avoid that pink with that green.

Unless you want to buy that specific print, which isn't that hard to find, I can't see why her altering her own piece pisses you off so much. At least she felt special in it and appreciated it...in her own cringe-worthy way.

>> No.7898828

Thanks! That was going to drive me nuts

>> No.7898840
File: 138 KB, 960x640, endless sauce of butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you called?

>> No.7898842

why we live in the world where this is possible

>> No.7898844

This picture upsets me so much.

>> No.7898862

Ok, we finally found at least one bad dressed girl in Russian comm.

>> No.7898871
File: 1.04 MB, 4000x1347, 14127636089630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rest was cute, I think.
at least on photo.

>> No.7898880

>concrit is fine, but play nice ;)
If you look like shit, concrit is going to be far from nice.

>> No.7898888

I need to see that CTP coord. I keep hearing about. Is it that bad?

>> No.7898897

Thanks! That poor dress

>> No.7898911

so bad I think I should make a contract with Kyubey, become a magical girl and go back in time to stop her from buying that dress

>> No.7898915

scroll up a bit. here it is:

>> No.7898919

awwww guys, come on. She is trying old school, but having an unfortunate face and body size does not make her totally ita.... I kind of want her to give me a bear hug though, what's her name? $20 says it's Helga.

>> No.7898931

i don't think it's her face/body that makes it look bad. it's her lack of makeup and hairstyling that makes it look messy and unfinished.
And maybe a bit of a nitpick here, but i think that's the wrong style blouse to use for that jsk.

>> No.7898937

lexi or alexis is my bet

every "lexi" i have met has been a fat fuck

>> No.7898939

gurl your outfit is not nearly Elegant Gothic Lolita Aristocrat Vampire Romance enough to justify that Mana makeup

>> No.7898959

them stripper shoes tho

>> No.7898975

Is this from bodyline? i'm a sucker for lavender OTT pieces...

>> No.7898994


>> No.7899064

her employers probably thought she was dressing up to be funny since it was a charity thing

>> No.7899068

I'm going with Svetlana.

>> No.7899076

What is going on with that dress/skirt (apron?) thing, I'm so confused

>> No.7899104

it's a waste of cute fabric, that's what going on with it

>> No.7899118

that dress looks way too hot to be wearing on a day like that

>> No.7899214

Is Misako shopped next to her? This doesn't look real for some reason.

>> No.7899258

No, the picture was made at tea party meet up, I guess it's the lighting which makes figures look strange

>> No.7899267

Misako herself looks ugly in this picture. Not that she's ever been that pretty, but I suppose not everybody ages well. Or maybe it's just that damn creepy smile she's had on since the beginning of time.

>> No.7899270

> misako isn't aging well
Misako has looked exactly the same for the past ten years. If she's suddenly not aging well its because she's actually 60 instead of 30 like we all thought

>> No.7899272

Lighting makes all the difference here. This is also a very sharpened image. It's got little to do with aging gracefully (at least with Misako here) Take a picture with a different camera, different settings and different lighting on the same day and she'd look entirely different. It's just an unfortunate photo. It happens.

>> No.7899273
File: 123 KB, 337x534, Screen Shot 2014-10-26 at 11.21.50 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit.

>> No.7899274

Is it bad I kinda like this in a weird way??? I think it'd be better if the rights were light blue or something more cohesive with the dress though

>> No.7899276

this is a joke

>> No.7899277

It doesn't look bad as an alt outfit. It's slapping the label lolita on it that makes it look ita. I agree about the tights though.

>> No.7899279

This might actually be passable without that godawful corset lacing though.

>> No.7899281

haha, your mom too? Mine used to constantly send me links to fuggo square dancing shit.

>> No.7899283

She's not a vampire. Everybody ages; it's just not possible to look exactly the same for 10 years. She's not looking like a mummy or anything, but there's something called expression lines that get worse with time, you know. And, like anon said up there, it might be increased by bad light and angle on that photo. No need to whiteknight her, I actually like to see she's human, after all.

>> No.7899284

picture for ants

>> No.7899289

I don't think so... I remember this person pretty clearly. A while ago on cof she clogged up the comments on some itas photo. Pretty much she called someone a liar because she found a replica of a dress that was much cheaper than what they had said it would cost (SC I think?), and then swore off replicas and said she would never buy one because someone told her they were bad.

>> No.7899302

no anon, it is too retarded to be real.

>> No.7899311

Just look at the rest of her profile, though. It's real, or the entire account is a troll account.

>> No.7899316

But there's photos of her from years ago that look exactly the same. I think she actually might be a vampire

>> No.7899321

ugh I think she is real. What is the world coming to?

>> No.7899333

She was in a movie my friend's brother made for his film school project and apparently she was really bitchy to him and said that a succubus possessed her and that's why she acted the way she did.
She said the succubus made her cheat on her boyfriend, too.

>> No.7899356


>> No.7899367

You're in luck, she's from the Boston comm.

>She said the succubus made her cheat on her boyfriend, too

What the fuck, this bitch is insane.

>> No.7899402

Mu mom would go to discount shops at malls and call any blouse "Lolita-y"

>> No.7899422


>> No.7899426

10/10 I giggled

>> No.7899433

What's her last name? I want to find her for lulz, but I can't

>> No.7899436

And every sieg heil I've seen is a asscunt

>> No.7899437

She's boston


Here's the delicious gtfo post

>> No.7899439

Yes, it looks like shit

>> No.7899483
File: 116 KB, 635x960, AHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7899487

I'm shaking omfg

>> No.7899549

So much fucking asspatting

>> No.7899601
File: 65 KB, 286x400, 1382396930543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her fucking weaboo ass landwhale friend that smelled like burnt potatoe chips Lydia had messaged me like forever ago while they were doing filming to to tell me to "be careful....there's an evil spirit within our friend....this is your warning...." or some other batshit crazy thing. This girl is a piece of fucking work omfg.

I even remember seeing her being an asshole to him on Facebook and saying he was a shitty director and that none of it was her own fault??

>> No.7899610

Rosette Pearl Gold is her new facbeook name.

>> No.7899617
File: 79 KB, 720x960, 1511792_10202296933718216_187995289_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold the fuck up how does she have a boyfriend let alone another guy to cheat on him with WHAT

>> No.7899624

Chuunibyou as heck.

>> No.7899626

Not trying to white knight, but aside from her shit fashion choices, she's not that unattractive. Besides, some guys will fuck anybody that's willing.

>> No.7899695

She's really into scrawny emo boys, if that gives any insight.

>> No.7899705

this looks like it could be a promo shot for a really cool comedy show about 3 dads who are forced into lolita to get their wives back. there are ups and downs, but deep down, they know what matters most.

>> No.7899762

yessss haha

>> No.7899883
File: 75 KB, 478x720, AHHHHHHH2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck there is some shitty stuff on here today.

>> No.7899907

That haenuli jsk is so weird and putting ANOTHER SKIRT on under it. just. why,

>> No.7899924

This can't be serious.
>baka relpica

>> No.7899966
File: 94 KB, 494x387, 1411857746758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is real... If you see the thread in this pic, she saw a dress she liked on CoF and then after this cap was taken she swore off replicas when someone explained what they were to her. They said that a page will usually say if an item is a replica, so I believe she took that to heart.

>> No.7899977

I came here to post this. What in the actual duck is going on with this coordinate?

>> No.7899979

Not part of the main Hawaii comm. This is her own self-described otaku comm.

>> No.7900025

A cosplay/fandom/fashion group in Hawaii started by the woman in the black dress and headbow. She's known for trying to cause drama and seeking attention. Once people get a clue, they tend to avoid her.

>> No.7900045

That haenuli JSK is so besides the lolita aesthetic, it already just looks like a fancy dress to me. And with no blouse, that skirt, the shitty shoes...what was she thinking?

>> No.7900062

>"its a replica, its not the real thing!
>"it looks the same"
what the everloving fuck? are people really this stupid?

>> No.7900069
File: 160 KB, 640x474, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this woman also this???

>> No.7900090

You've gotta be a fucking moron if you think the average person can tell the difference.

>> No.7900095

Nah, she has a portrait hidden in an attic somewhere.

>> No.7900104

You also have to be a fucking moron to think that because something "looks the same" it's not a knock-off.
>that's the fucking point

>> No.7900105

He told me she basically ruined the movie. She insisted that she should direct it.

>> No.7900162

Maybe this girl should read OP's picture.

>> No.7900173

I meant >>7891833 , wrong thread

>> No.7900202

Great association, anon. Great literary taste too. 10/10

>> No.7900217

Now I want to see Misako in the middle of a XIXth orgy a la Dorian.

>> No.7900226

Are you in highschool? Do you think Dorian Grey is some kind of edgy underground book nobody has read, Instead of a pop culture classic That's been around for a hundred years? I'm so amused by your response and your need to compliment such an ubsurdly old pop culture reference.

>> No.7900278

Why are you so salty? Calm down.

>> No.7900295

I am more amused by your attempt to discredit a western classic and my taste and anon's in books. I hope you're aware that you're not sounding intelligent, but more like a conceited pseudo-intellectual - just like the silly high schoolers you're trying to offend. Don't like Wilde? Fine. That's your prerogative and I respect that. I do enjoy him and particularly the book anon hinted on, hence my comment. It pleased and amused me. It matched what was being discussed - Misako's almost unchanging features over the years.

But just so you know, Dorian Grey might be read in highschool where you live, but that does not apply to the entire world. Where I am from, Oscar Wilde's works are not wildly known and they're definitely not mandatory reading in schools, so only those who look for it get to read Dorian Grey. Get out of your bubble a little and spare people from other cultures the trouble of explaining themselves in the future.

>> No.7900297

I clicked the link and my eyes screamed.
>random peignoir
>cheap shitty wig
>distressed tights and fucking legwarmers
>half assed shitty attempt at shironuri
>4 different shades of pink
>that hat and those gloves
>with paris windows

>> No.7900303

>yes I an highschool aged and think Wilde is super obscure and edgy

>> No.7900308


I remember when I was like that. I was 16, and I hated Hemmingway. I still don't personally like him, but I've matured enough to see why he's represents an important period in literature.

You sound like you're a 3edgy5me teenager in high school. This board is 18+.

>> No.7900310

Wilde us actually my favorite author, stop samefagging edgy-chan. There's nothing in my post that implies I dislike him.

>> No.7900329
File: 151 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She postsed this to CoF.

>> No.7900340

oh my god this is the common in front of the Witch Museum in Salem, MA

I fucking live here
I fucking work right near here
I have no idea what I would do if the girl on my left came to my store holy shit

>> No.7900343

>That's really ignorant. tbh :|
Wow, someone doesn't know what the word ignorant means. The irony.

>> No.7900350

It's true. Unless she's trying to say that the OP is being willfully ignorant of the fact that her shoes don't match(?) But probably not.

>> No.7900402

I'm from a non-Anglophone country and Wilde is almost completely unread here, at least by the average person. I'm not one of the original anons but I get where they're coming from - it might seem silly to someone who was raised with English literature but for me meeting someone else who even knows Wilde as anything more than "that gay poet who went to prison for gayness" is relatively rare and therefore exiting. Most people in my English classes wanted to read Harry Potter for assignments.

where did you even get that from
why are both sides calling each other edgy
what does this word even mean anymore

>> No.7900415

>wears two skirts
>needs to put away accessories due to heat
What were these accessories, a scarf and mittens? Priorities, man.

>> No.7900417

Burn her at the stake, clearly.

>> No.7900436

>Harry Potter
High school, right? Please say high school.

>> No.7900452

oh god i have this dress in white
oh the shaaaame

>> No.7900459

right one isn't that bad.. maybe not lolita but shes cute

>> No.7900467


how are people this retarded

>> No.7900470

is she with the guy in that sweet leather jacket
>all those top hats in the background

>> No.7900473

Oh yes, don't worry.
We had a point system based on how difficult/educative a certain book was to read, and by the end of the year you'd need to have collected a certain number of points. Classic literature was generally worth more points so if you read something like Moby Dick you didn't have to read as many other books as someone only reading modern YA stuff.
The HP books are easymode (this was all OotP and earlier, so pretty much children's books) and so were only worth a single point, which had much of my class up in arms every year. They felt that since the books were several hundred pages and would take more than a few days to finish they deserved to be worth as much as Huck Finn or Great Expectations.

I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.7900603

Why does the bottom of the dress look cut? did she fucking cut cat's tea party to fit her?
I'm so fucking done.

>> No.7900606

well duh.
she cut it to pieces and sewed it back together so she could squeeze herself into it

>> No.7900711

Was this bats day?

>> No.7900755
File: 52 KB, 534x800, TCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of her outfits are kind of obnoxious. Namely due to the fact that she always tries to shove her ombre hair and cat eye makeup into outfits when it just doesn't work most of the time.
It MIGHT have been okay in a more gothic/industrial alt fashion, but not in lolita. The result just makes her look like a bag lady, unfortunately.
>use of the word ignorant

>> No.7900768

Ew that hair is so ratty

>> No.7900787
File: 21 KB, 500x196, is this for real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this for real wtf.

>> No.7900792

what the actual fuck.
Can someone please tell this kid that the shoes aren't actually good for lolita and the OP looks like shit?

>> No.7900817

ooh shits going down

>> No.7900819


She just said the 'wikipedia sed' that Abe lincoln quote was true. There is no way she isn't a troll.

>> No.7900823

Yup lmao, waiting for the mods to come in tbh.
Just laughing my ass off over here. Taking caps.
Thanks for the laugh fake ita anon. (assuming it's someone from here anyway lel.)
def a troll, though I looked through her profile and there was pretty funny shit on there.

>> No.7900825

no I believe she is saying that wikipedia said she could wear "neko loltia" as she just posted a link to a cosplay lolita page on the lolita wiki.
Post caps from page please

>> No.7900834

I'm surprised they havent arrived yet. They threatened to ban me within like 3 seconds when I said CoF was for lolita outfits only, when the OP said herself that her outfit wasnt lolita lol

>> No.7900838
File: 272 KB, 1367x767, is this for real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

censoring this shit was such a fuckin pain.
Yeah I wanted to say something but whatever

>> No.7900839
File: 20 KB, 487x158, jfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl's just keeps digging herself into a deeper, cuntier hole

>> No.7900841

ohp, looks like the whole post is gone now LOL

>> No.7900843

Lel, rip the post, I didn't get to reply to her ;(
>"It's honestly hard to tell what you were trying to do at all."

>> No.7900845

**the whole thread, I mean
she fukkin rage-quit lol

>> No.7900846

Why did you censor its name?
In other news, check Facebook messages. She sent me a rather "nasty" one. Apparently I am a "pobut baka h8er" whatever that means...

>> No.7900849

I wasn't going to but I went so far as to censor everyone else I figured I might as well give her a special color. :^)

>> No.7900850

what a fucking bitch
and i bet she's proud of having such an atrocious personality and sense of style

>> No.7900854
File: 282 KB, 501x607, soamused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7900864

What a fucking cunt. Jodie was perfectly polite and cordial, there was no need for her bitchy ass tone

>> No.7900873

sorry for the stupid question, but what facebook group (??) is this?
I rarely use facebook and have no idea what cof means

>> No.7900877

the first one isn't cof but the second two are. Closet of frills : Daily lolita coords

>> No.7900882
File: 46 KB, 532x179, Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at 10.50.04 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the...

>> No.7900884


>> No.7900919

please be troll.

>> No.7900920

>so amused
No she's not.
She's sitting in her computer chair all pissy that people didn't like her coordinate. Do you see troll posts on CoF posters with good outfits and better personalities? Fuck no, and for good reason.

>> No.7900939
File: 17 KB, 391x53, Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at 11.28.08 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you see troll posts on CoF posters with good outfits and better personalities?
Yeah you actually do. This thing was on the military lolita coord.

>> No.7900985

Fuckn' lol. The trolling was hilarious but it still managed to deplete some brain cells, alright.

>> No.7901046

Does anyone else think that this isn't a troll? I cant wait to see her "loltia" coord for halloween, assuming she posts it in the group.

>> No.7901060


Maybe she's really, really young? I used to type like a retard like that. Her whole "lol it sed on wikipedia!" thing could be her trying to be edgy/funny. It's... not far of a stretch, but gosh, you don't see that too much these days. It's more of an early 2000s thing.

>> No.7901062

girl on the left is in Salem all the time bruh

>> No.7901080

>implying HP isn't cool as fuck
or is this too mainstream for you edgy chan?

>> No.7901086

you must be an old ita getting all sandy because she can"t dress properly as well.
being old and a soccer mom /=/ free pass to be dressed like shit.
there is a difference between being elitist and saying a shit outfit is actually shit. You sound like one of those 14yo girl new to lolita whining about how everyone is mean and cruel and find excuses to everything.
Improve or gtfo
you can be a mum and still

>> No.7901097

>thinking one forced obvious troll proves your point

>> No.7901098

Yeah you should stop projecting yourself that hard old hag. Cry moar and go on some hugbox if you can't handle criticism.
Either way, 40 years old mum or not this lady is dressed like shit no excuse, lolita or not. Now go and take that sand out of your buttcrack and go make some butthurt facebook status for asspats.
>i'm not lolita guise
You're not even lolita and you probably don't know anything about it. Just shut up already old hag.

>> No.7901104

I-Is that bad i like the dress? The lace seems ok and it's cute tartan. If you cut the satin ribbon so it doesn't hang it seems a good dress to coord.

>> No.7901126
File: 702 KB, 800x650, angry_lolita_by_samuraix1992-d3nklua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This baka
This kuso ama right there tore my sugoi dream dress appart and a part of my hopes.
I'll find her and take that fucking baka smile out of her face, that fucking peace sign and that fucking look as if she KNOWS how much it upsets me to see this. I master the art of lolita and everything kawaii and I'll end her life with my sugoi chuu chuu desu techniques just like she ended the life of that dress that this kuso onna is wearing. You're dead tifferet. shinde. I'm coming for your ass.
Bitch is gonna eat her bloomies desu.

>> No.7901132

>that fucking satin
>that fucking lace
>ugly tatoo tighs

>> No.7901159

It's a knockoff of a Baby design. The original has much nicer lace.

>> No.7901176

It is a hell bunny dress. IRL it is hideously short but the lace isn't the worst.

>> No.7901199

You're trying way to hard...

>> No.7901311

Fill me in with whatever you're smoking.

>> No.7901352

Isn't the one on the right that Kai Narita scammer girl?
Pretty sure she's wearing the blouse sans the matching jabot she scammed out of me..

>> No.7901370

I believe that is her, she uses multiple names.
And not to be creepy but I know who you are.

>> No.7901377

saying "not to be creepy" doesn't make things any less creepy anon.

>> No.7901396

That's actually pretty creepy, anon.

>> No.7901432
File: 458 KB, 3508x2480, trolllol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sufficiently creeped out?

>> No.7901449

>>7901352 here, hello >>7901370.

I don't know who you are, but that is a little creepy. Just a little.

>> No.7901452

With that said though, anyone who read her getoffegl post would know who I am anyway.

>> No.7901491
File: 300 KB, 1365x2048, 10733537_10152439156386339_3145897390596431917_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Cultural appropriation"

>> No.7901521

Director here, confirming my sister's succubus story.

Kai was claiming Lydia was trying to possess her. Lydia was a little crazy but she was nice (unlike Kai) and clearly wasn't trying to possess her. She was able to speak Kai's weirdo loli magic language well enough to convince her to finish the goddamn movie.

Here it is if you want to see it (wizard guy's a bro and the family in the park/"reporter" are cool people too, the only ones I'd work with again): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu2ruy_z9io

My next film's gonna be about an actress who can't admit fault for anything and ends up making succubus claims.

>> No.7901526
File: 85 KB, 528x704, itastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7901528
File: 378 KB, 2096x1432, lace monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoop m e

>> No.7901531
File: 783 KB, 2256x3388, lace monster 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s p o o p x2

>> No.7901539

Mr yan put on weight.

>> No.7901763

What made her think that any combination of the items she is wearing was a good idea with her makeup? And a witch hat? Come on.

>> No.7901811


>> No.7901851

i wish someone would tell her how shit and offencive she looks

>> No.7901889

She looks Mexican so who is she offending? (I mean look at those wedding pictures behind her if you can't tell from her face)

>> No.7902052

she could be Portuguese

>> No.7902081

I'm hispanic, and a lot of hispanic folks do this. But I absolutely loathe taking pictures with embarrassing things on the background, such as this. Don't ask me why its common. I honestly find it weird af.

>> No.7902095

Is this thread in autosage?

>> No.7902101

It is! New thread: >>7902100

>> No.7903541

Jennifer's in my comm. She acts a lot differently in person, at least at meets, than this alpha-bitch shit she's going online.
My impression of her has always been that she's awkward and tries to insert herself into conversations to be part of the group.

I certainly didn't peg her to be this big of an ass, considering how hard she tries to be friendly.

She's always been ita-tastic, though. It gets me every time when people compliment her on her hair, because it has been this awful mess since the very day she joined the comm. Girl needs a haircut, yo.

>> No.7905926

I really think she does a good Catrina