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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7896574 No.7896574 [Reply] [Original]

I see people talking about all sort of cons world wide and yet never seen anyone talking about the one that is probably the biggest one in Italy.

Any italianbros going? Anyone coming from abroad? Or just talk about it in general

>> No.7896584

I only went once some years ago. It was so crowded you had to wait minutes just to take another step. Beautiful location and all, but that plus having to look for a place to stay a million years in advance really put me off.

Maybe I'd go again if I still had good weeb friends to attend cons with, but as of now I really don't, and the con scene in general has changed so much I barely feel motivated to go to the local one sporadically...

>> No.7896837

Almost no Italians on this board huh.

>> No.7896858

actually I know a few girls that lurk and post in generals.

>> No.7896881
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>30€ for 2 days + 24€ in train tickets
>insane crowd with normalfags that think it's quirky and (grand)parents bringing their annoying children along
>possible shitty weather
>inevitable trenitalia nightmare
>99% chance of meeting people i can't stand
>had to stop wearing lolita because being squished in a crowd of fat smelly weeaboos while wearing frills was too gross to handle


>> No.7896892

>insane crowd with normalfags that think it's quirky
Isn't this what cons have become nowadays? It's making me want to attend less and less.
Also all the capeshit and Dr Who bullshittery that has finally started to seep in our cons...

>> No.7896900

Anyone going to the JoJo event?

The parade idea is neat but
>they chose that terrible fem!Dio to represent us
>the exhibition is probably just gonna be a rehash of the one in Florence which had barely a third of the material from the original displays in Japan
I wanted to be excited but what's the point?

>> No.7897166

>24€ in train tickets
where the fuck do you live son, that's way too cheap (provided it's return)

>complaining about both normalfags AND fat smelly weeaboos
who's even going to be left then, there's no pleasing people like you

>> No.7897171

I lurk into cgl everyday and post too so i think i'm only italian lolita active here. In Italy we havent much interesting and great cons like in US but Lucca comics is considered the best comics con in Italy.

>> No.7897277 [DELETED] 
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close enough to live the nightmare of taking the train home.
>implying there's no inbetween normalfags and greasy weeaboos

you're definitely not the only active italian lolita on here.
are you going to the fashion walk?

>> No.7897280
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close enough to live the nightmare of taking the train home everyday.
>implying there's no inbetween normalfags and greasy weeaboos

you're definitely not the only active italian lolita on here.
are you going to the fashion walk?

>> No.7899203

No for this year maybe for the next. I started recently to wear lolita and doing local jfashion walks/meets in south Italy.

>> No.7900018

well, maybe 2/3 ago it was good, but nowadays it's really annoying to see 13/14yr old crybabies who come to see their favourite youtubers for yell at them not TO TALK to them

>> No.7900077

Oh man I hate those so much. They're just a bunch of losers who make "sarcastic" videos where they shit all over the series they don't like and implicitly praise their own pleb tier taste (lol uan piss).

>> No.7900485

It's going to be my first time, what should I expect?

>> No.7901308

lo schifo

>> No.7901807

lots of people and overpriced shit

>> No.7902113
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>> No.7902146

I'm sorry for you, but closing sales would be a smarter move than selling as many tickets as possible and having attendees shove their way around at an overcrowded convention.

>> No.7902203
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you're right, I just feel like an idiot for missing out.
hopefully the lines won't be too long... I couldn't go last year and I've always got the tickets online, so I really don't know what to expect.

>> No.7904247

>>they chose that terrible fem!Dio to represent us

heh, I think I know who you are talking about

>> No.7904251

I'm actually looking forward most to the all the flaming on facebook after the con

>> No.7904280

Yeah. Giada Robin. I see she's already been posted in a different thread. Just who does she know to get all these invitations? They're trying so hard to make her relevant but no one cares.

>> No.7904665

And ita lolita pieces too i suppose.

>> No.7904679
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>> No.7904688

Anche da noi? Ma perché.

>> No.7904693

didn't you get the memo? It's the hottest flame topic on facebook.

I already know a girl who is interested in doing it and probably SOMEBODY will.

Also I know a shitton of people who already announced they are going to beat up anybody who is going to cosplay that.

I'm looking forward for the "fun" that will ensue

>> No.7905110

I had some cosplay ideas, but it's too late now.

It was either going standalone as Clemont from Pokémon X/Y or doing a cosplay group of human/holomatter avatar Transformers, with me as Perceptor.

>> No.7906553

I admittedly keep away from the "community". I feel too old to keep up with the drama and the current state of affairs.
I guess there is no hope anymore. I should just give up on cosplay.

>> No.7906564

you frequent this board so I think you are still pretty deep into it to give up

>> No.7906694

I enjoy making costumes, teaching myself new techniques. I used to love going to conventions because you could make a lot of friends who were into the same stuff as you. It was great seeing people's faces light up when they saw their favorite characters coming to life.
But for a few years now, the atmosphere has changed so much, conventions have lost their appeal for me.
I also don't care for Western media at all, which is no one's fault, but I end up feeling surrounded by people I don't share anything with so.

>> No.7906751

Conventions are indeed getting worse, also in part because of youtubers bringing in the casual kids.

I personally think this will be the last "good" (if you could say so) year.

Actually in every time period the conventions are bad for some reason, probably even 6 years ago they were getting "worse" for something.

I'm not even a cosplayer, just an amateur photographer and even this category is getting shit on more and more with time.

We'll see what happens, I won't be stoping for years because for me it's either cons or staying home all day when I'm not working

>> No.7908524


I'm not Italian but I'm living in Lucca and it's happening outside my window now. It is awesome. Too bad I have to work.

>> No.7908528


kek! Gold

>> No.7908529

To be fair I think the main theme of Lucca comics isn't even anime, cosplay or j-culture, so...

>> No.7908530

>inevitable trenitalia nightmare
What's the big deal with you guys and Trenitalia? I've only been living here a couple of months and I come from a country where nothing works, but it seems just fine to me.

>> No.7908603

Trains are often running late or are cancelled, which is already bad enough for the people who use them to go to school or work, but on top of that, of course, when the train does arrive, it's already packed with people, so you end up having to travel in terrible conditions or even wait for the next one.

It happens with public transport too.

>> No.7908650

I'm in Lucca now, I have a question, how can I find and pay a whore to suck my dick?

>> No.7908683

Careful with those edges, son.

>> No.7908746


I'm not trying to be edgy, it was a legitimate question. I need to get laid. And I mean a real whore like a prostitute. Never done that in Italy.

>> No.7908773

It shouldn't be hard. Italy just pulled out of recession because it began counting drug and prostitution revenue

>> No.7908994

just come back

Japan ghetto is stupid, but at least keeps Narutards away from the rest of people

also keychains at fucking 8 euro

>> No.7909072


What's this concert going on right now? Is it Banana Split and is it at the SW of the city? I'm at Japan Town and I can hear it from there.

>> No.7909087

Ah, well public transport here is actually better than where I'm from punctuality and reliability-wise, though the buses themselves are much less comfortable. My regular bus back home is routinely 15+ minutes late. The only time that's happened to me here was on Friday with the bus strikes. And the trains so far I've found to be shockingly punctual. It's kind of a pain for me, actually, I tend to run a little late for most things. But yeah, they're super crowded. Maybe I've just been lucky, but you know, it's not the worst.

>> No.7909091

>Ah, well public transport here is actually better than where I'm from punctuality and reliability-wise, though the buses themselves are much less comfortable.

Esti din Romania?

>> No.7909097

Nope, Ireland, sorry!

>> No.7909189

How do we still have Narutards around? Are we the only country where Narutards still reign supreme at cons? This year's Comicon was packed with them.

>> No.7909199

>Are we the only country where Narutards still reign supreme at cons?
They're also still all over the place in Ireland, though Death Note is probably more popular. We are a bit behind.

>> No.7909234


Sorry for what?


I saw people in Shingeki cosplay. They looked as if the cables would snap, if you know what I mean. Still, it was befitting in a walled city and I was waiting for that. Still haven't seen my first Ebola-chan yet though.

>> No.7909274

this was the year of the Kiritos

>> No.7909989

day 2 started

>> No.7911055


>> No.7911335


>> No.7911339

Lucca is shit.

>> No.7911728

She's got big boobs
She "plays" league of legends
Do your math

I met her at a party once, before knowing she did cosplay. One of the most blank and void persons i ever met, no personality whatsoever just memesprouting and looking nice

>> No.7911858

Italian people who won ECG?
I saw that Nadia and Mogu tried ECG are you serious... don't they have nothing more to do?

>> No.7912001

No Ebola-chan, but I saw a guy with a "I LOVE EBOLA-CHAN" sign. That's it.

Also Frozen everywhere.

>> No.7912008

Today it was hell on earth: in 10 years I have never seen so much fucking people in Lucca, or in any other place on earth.

at least star licensed Gintama, so day was saved

>> No.7912417

>I saw that Nadia and Mogu tried ECG are you serious
Holy shit, those two. I hope they didn't win. What the fuck. They're EVERYWHERE EVERY YEAR. Do other contestants suck that much? Are all the other good cosplayer not interested? There has to be an explanation.

>> No.7912872

more people than comiket?

I know paying people will probably be just around 200.000 in the end, but not paying ones have pretty much already crossed 500.000

>> No.7912904

I think they got 2nd place for ecg and 1st for Cinecittà Award (don't even know what that is)
Seriously they don't stop wtf, how old are they?
After so many contests I thought they would retire.
Still don't know who won.

>> No.7913200


Went on saturday for my first time, paying for the ticket isn't worth it, the queues are long as fuck and honestly what you get to see is not worth it, the true show is on the walls and the streets.

Wanted to go to the gayming padillion but the access was blocked and walking outside of walls would have taken two hours.

>> No.7913203

go on Thursday next time, it's way better

>> No.7913206


I saw a guy with a printed ebola chan on his back, made me kek and cheered him.

>> No.7913208

I couldn't because of jerb.

The stuff is too spread out, I loved the cosplay but the organization is simply fucktarded.
To add insult to injury people who had purchased their ticket online had to wait a longer queue than people who purchased it on site.
How is it Romics?

Living in Marche is suffering, I'm 4-5 hours away from anything major because of shitty roads.

>> No.7913211

imagine a town with 70k people, now add 200k paying visitors and around the same amount as non paying assholes walking in the streets.

The place was a literal trampling hazard waiting to happen, but thank god everyone I saw acted nice.

>> No.7913213

since the italian cosplayers are gathered here, let me ask.

I'm planning to visit a con at Italy at 2015 spring. which one do you suggest? I was planning to visit omics but I heard that it's bad. what do you think? Do you have bigger/better conventions, or should I stick with the romics?

>> No.7913218


thank God it's spread out: 10 years ago it was all in one stand out of the walls, so try to imagine what the hell that was. hell
yeah, you should buy online, expect if you do all 4 days and you can go there right when they open. Doing just one day there is no need.

romics have way less people, but even than 1/3 of the stands and you can't really find nothing you can't already buy online.

So my word of advice is, if really can't go there on job day, travel the night before (friday in this case) find a place to stay (pisa or viareggio) take the train the next morning and run to the bigger and usually more crowded places (aka Piazza napoleone and the panini one) and buy what you want. Then go around the city and wait for 17.30, when people start to drop, to buy more thinks. Stands usually close at 19, but they stay up to 20 during weekend, so you have plenty of time. Then go back with train and use sunday to go back. DON'T sleep in any place between Lucca and Firenze or you will have to walk since train is full packed in both direction, while Pisa and Viareggio are mostly free.

source: I went there for over 10 years

>> No.7913219

Mantova or Romics.

>> No.7913226

I just don't care about collectibles and comics, went there for the first time because it looked fun.

That's why I said that paying a ticket isn't worth it for me, I just want to watch cosplayers and maybe trying to dress as something next year.

I went with a bus, spent 45€ plus the ticket, slept while traveling back and forth so it was relatively comfy.
I entered a couple of padillions and immediately got the feeling I wasted 15€, my program for next year is to just pay for the bus.

I walked all day and all around the walls, did you see the killer clowns with a real chainsaw and the dudes carrying the lazy robot from futurama? they made my day

>> No.7913232

I go for conferences and to buy things, so I don't really care about cosplay.

>> No.7913237
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I went yesterday and it was hell.
Too many fucking people, it could very well be the most crowded con in the history of mankind.

They should make it on more days, maybe twice a year, and either limit the tickets or increase the price, because this way it's just unbearable.

There were many cool things but most were impossible to see, relatively sad experience. Only got to try some random board game and see a conference (which was nice, the one with Rutu Modan, Brian Lee O’Malley, Cameron Stewart, Brian K. Vaughan, Masakazu Katsura).

Avoid saturday at all costs. I was about to faint in the games area. I was lucky i came by car, the trains were hell i've been told.

>> No.7913240

>hopefully the lines won't be too long...

the lines for tickets yesterday was like, 1km long, and i'm not exagerating. You gotta be stupid to wait in line though, you can skip it like i did though, and get the tickets in 10 minutes (nod). Haters gonna hate

>> No.7913241

i saw some guy with an ebola chan sign yesterday, quite cringey.

>> No.7913243

I would suggest the napoli comicon. Many people shit on it for some reason, but i went last year and it was the best con I've ever been to imo.
The area is great, well organized, the conferences are very interesting (if you can speak italian though). It's not very international though, so for a stranger i don't know if it's as enjoyable.

>> No.7913245


>> No.7913252

Saturday is the worst fucking day to visit the con. way too many fuckibg people it was unbearable. Thursday and Friday were the best, found some cool non mainstream cosplays, was pretty satisfied. unfortunately I dont have any photos yet, still stuck in this mess.

>> No.7913271

and full of cuozzi shitting on cosplayers, very fun indeed

>> No.7913276


>going to napoli

it's like you want to get mugged anon

>> No.7913339

I don't speak Italian unfortunately. Plus, some, very famuous cosplayer talked shit about it (it was napoli or romics, I jus't can't be sure ) so I don't know. I don't want to end up not knowing shit andnot understanding the language..

>> No.7913390


sure, if you like people throwing weights on your head or watching people have sex in tents in the middle of the con

>> No.7913400

weights on your head?

>> No.7913536


Romics, you can actually walk around and the WCS selections guarantee that at least a good portion of the cosplayers will be decent to good.

>> No.7913540

final attendance it's over 240.000 (paying not visiting)

>> No.7913551

Purtroppo questa cosa è colpa della zona: ci sono parecchi imbecilli che abitano in zone limitrofe alla città e appestano i treni per arrivare a Mostra durante tutto l'anno, cosplay o meno.

Please don't even start with this shit.

I started attending Comicon in 2003 I think, there was still only a handful of cosplayers and it was a much smaller convention back then, but we had lots of fun. I can't say I've enjoyed it as much in the past few years but that's just me being too old and living the past, I can't really say that it's not well organized. Their events just don't click with my interests. I wonder if I'd still enjoy Romics. I loved the atmosphere there.

>> No.7913556

To be honest, it's not like there are no asshat normies making fun of cosplayers in other cities......

>> No.7913563

There's a con in Mantova, seriously? I was there last week and it really seems like there's nothing going on there, what an odd place for a con.

>> No.7913591


I didnt witness any of that honestly. If you go just for cosplay then anpoli comicon is certainly not the place to go.
But if you're not a casual and you actually care about the comicon they have a lot to offer. The conferences and events were all really nice. Better than Lucca imo, even if fewer international guests. The videogames area was also so-so, mostly centered around tournaments, not many stands showing off games. But then again, if you go to a comicon just for cosplay and videogames you're everything that's wrong with modern cons and you shouldnt come.
I actually prefer if you people don't come cause there's already too much people there, and I'm afraid next year will be even worse.

>> No.7913596


I was there. It was awesome. My only regret is not fucking any of the cosplayers. I heard one of the maids at the maid cafe got fucked in public though.

>> No.7913607

>I heard one of the maids at the maid cafe got fucked in public though.

>believing those stories

>> No.7913622


It was told to me from a reputable source.

P.S. How hard is it to get laid at a con? I'm a foreigner to Italy...

So sad that it's over.

>> No.7913636

As far as i know it's pretty much impossible, at least in italy. I've heard stories that it happens a lot in the us and canada, but their cons have more events targeted to that, i wish they had more events like that at italian cons too (i mean, night disco, couple games, speed dating, lewd games...).

There is a remote possibility, you have to stay the night and make sure to learn of all the unofficial events, eg. meetups and dinners organized by group of cosplayers.
The hottest ones are usually just teases (most cosplayers are), but you could get lucky with some average/ugly cosplayer.

I feel your pain cause at lucca there were just so maaany hot girls. I've never seen so many beautiful girls in one place goddamnit, cosplayers and not.

Seriously though, cons are not good to get laid, it's mostly autistic people and most are with friends and dont have a comfortable place to stay.

>> No.7913695


I agree, there were so many hot cosplayers! I will miss these last few days. Thanks also for your insight.

Is being hard to get a feature of Italian girls in general? Like in that "non lo do" Frozen parody...

>> No.7913708

except in the end I actually didn't find any long line because I went on thursday. I got a ticket for 2 days, which means I didn't have to go through any long line on saturday either (at least not for the tickets). sorry to disappoint.
>you can skip the line like I did
woww so clever and edgy XDDD

>> No.7913728

I don't think I'm the best person to answer this, but from my personal experience it's prettyhard to get laid in italy, and I've read some international articles about the dating scene in italy and they agree. Consider that the italian population is shrinking (if you don't count immigration), the average person dos't have much sex despite the stereotypes.

It depends on a lot of factors though. Where you are, the kind of girl... I'd say italian girls on average are not easy, not as easy as, say, british or german girls. We have our good shares of whores too though, who would go with anyone, but to me that's a big turnoff. As for the rest of people, most of them only have sex with people they date, and they only date inside their circle of friends. Cold approaches are rare over here and considered creepy.

I heard it can be easier for foreigners though, so you could have a vantage point depending on where you're from.

If you want my opinion, if you're only looking for sex just go to the outskirts of any major city and there are tons of prostitutes willing to do anything for 10-15 euros. Much less than the price of going clubbing and drinking and whatnot. Imo sex per se is pretty meaningless, so maybe you should try to become friends with someone and really connect with them etc.etc.

That being said, daayum those girls in Lucca...
>tfw you'll never fuck any of them ;__;

>> No.7914236

Why are you even on this board, then

>> No.7914535
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>hot cosplayers

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.7914553

Part of me wants to kiss and cuddle her while we watch SS together, the other part is like "where did she even get that outfit from". From the staff I guess she's supposed to be Sasha? But I... don't remember that outfit at all... plus, the make up, pls people don't put on unnecesssary make up when the character doesn't require it, it just looks trashy.

I'm gonna go look for her page now anyway. 10/10 would let her be my only Athena.

>> No.7914587

I've been out of the scene for a bit, what con would you recommend cosplay-wise?

>> No.7914610

dat manface wtf

>> No.7914611


Anyone know who she is? Also please post more

>> No.7914621


Sorry but i used to live there, they're not stereotypes, people like those actually exist.

Non mi piace sentire i cretini che fanno "WA FRA' MA STAJ MAL CU STI COS MA QUANT ANN TIEN MA T FAJ NA PELL" ogni 3 secondi perchè si sentono simpatici. Se sei un "hardcore" cosplayer o anime fan di sicuro è da evitare. I don't think the majority of people who cosplay and go to con care about conferences, they're more intrested in the company and other cosplayers, thing that is hugely shitted on by funneh cuozzi. Trust me, I know napoli, I had friends who go super funneh on cosplayers despite the con being anime related.

>> No.7914625

i think cosplay-wise lucca comics is still the place to go. Never been to romics though, i think thats also good for cosplay but not sure. For the sexier, skimpy outfits theres rimini comics, which is during the summer

>> No.7914631

as i said, its not a good con for cosplay, so yea i wouldnt suggest it if you're interestednin cosplay. But if you're actually interested in the con its good. I went last year and didnt see many people shitting on cosplayers. Of course theres a ton of casuals and its annoying (all the people that just go for the youtubers... ). You do get more comments of people making fun of you i guess, for example i was walking really fast back and forth from one event to another, so some people stopped and where like, where are you going this fast? Its just their way of interacting though, if you dont take it as an offence it can even be the start of a conversation or something. I prefer that to other cons where people are so autistic no one talks to anyone else

>> No.7914640

the causals invaded everything and it's only getting worse.

Thanks youtube

>> No.7914642
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Non sono la persona a cui stai rispondendo e a Napoli ci vivo ancora. Condivido con l'anon di sopra che indica la zona come problema: quando era al Sant'Elmo di questi problemi non ne avevamo. Il problema dei ragazzini che fanno filone o devono perdere una giornata che entrano al Comicon per giocare a pallone è un problema serio, tant'è che l'organizzazione è in costante ricerca di metodi per prevenirne l'ingresso.

Detto ciò, penso che la questione degli stereotipi sia dovuta al fatto che la si vuole presentare come una cosa intrinseca alla città (mi è capitato pure andando al Romics che mi arrivassero voci e domande del tipo "Ma devi andare a teatro?") e, soprattutto, al fatto che qualcuno sopra abbia menzionato i borseggiamenti. Le critiche son perfettamente valide, ma evitiamo queste questioni da lega patana.

>> No.7914643

I think I'm in a love/hate relationship with LC&G. I bitched about it for 2 days straight but now I actually miss being there.

>> No.7914647

>Its just their way of interacting though, if you dont take it as an offence it can even be the start of a conversation or something. I prefer that to other cons where people are so autistic no one talks to anyone else
This. Granted, there ARE assholes that deserve a punch to the face, but the other anon seems a bit touchy.

>> No.7914649


I just can't reconcile in my mind the existence of good-looking girls who aren't paid at anime cons. Why would a good looking girl be interested in anime, and on top of that making costumes based on anime characters and dressing up as them? To me this is like a unicorn, someone please explain.

Also, I regret not taking photos of one hot plug suit Asuka cosplayer who was around.

>> No.7914652

I wish the Marvel+Youtube boom never happened.

>> No.7914653

Wtf are you talking about? Good looks have nothing to do with hobbies. People enjoy comics and crafting regardless of how they look. Please don't bring this shit to our community.

>> No.7914656

This, plus here in Italy many of us grew up watching anime, even adults are familiar with them because they were constantly on tv and considered regular programming for decades. A lot of classic anime that is considered niche in the US/the anglophone world is widely known and even iconic in Italay and, I'm sure, other European countries as well.

>> No.7914658

I ... what?
what does looking good have to do with hobbies?

>> No.7914659

Si potrebbe fare una cosa tipo Lucca e spostare il Comicon per il centro storico e il lungomare dato che non passano macchine, ma gli organizzatori sono le palle.

>> No.7914660

>Detto ciò, penso che la questione degli stereotipi sia dovuta al fatto che la si vuole presentare come una cosa intrinseca alla città (mi è capitato pure andando al Romics che mi arrivassero voci e domande del tipo "Ma devi andare a teatro?") e, soprattutto, al fatto che qualcuno sopra abbia menzionato i borseggiamenti. Le critiche son perfettamente valide, ma evitiamo queste questioni da lega patana.

Ma infatti. Io i commenti stupidi sui cosplay li ho sentiti a tutte le fiere, anche al nord (torino comics, cartoomics di milano..) e anche di borse perse o rubate (e' successo a un mio amico ieri al lucca comics). Solo che quando succede a Napoli allora e' perche' i napoletani sono tutti ladri e cafoni. A me il napoli comicon e' piaciuto molto e credo ci tornero' l'anno prossimo. voi fate come credete.

same. I'm still bitching about it cause >2 many people, but I'm really sad it's over already.
Honestly I think they should start doing it twice a year, (they already did it once), and it would be a good idea to solve the overcrowding problems

>> No.7914665


Good looking people gravitate towards extroverted hobbies and a social life because people accept them more socially. Less attractive people who have been more rejected by others stay inside and gravitate towards introverted hobbies like reading, anime, computers and stuff. If a girl is good looking and has constant social invitations what reason is there for her to stay indoors and watch anime? At least that's how I saw the situation in the U.S.

>> No.7914673

The US is very different from Italy, and thankfully so. We don't really have that whole "class system" in school like the us does. You know the "popular" kids only hanging out with the populars, the segregated nerds etc. There is something like that but to a much lesser extent. Nerds get invited to events too. Honestly I really don't see why you think someone good looking cannot be into anime/manga/comics/games etc.

>If a girl is good looking and has constant social invitations what reason is there for her to stay indoors and watch anime?
your argument is retarded. How about she prefers staying indoors and watching anime to going clubbing? Does this sound impossible to you? Not every good looking person is into partying and clubbing and not every ugly person is into anime, it's totally unrelated. Attractive people can be introverts and nerds too. You're retarded if you think otherwise.

>> No.7914674

I don't agree with that view, it seems a bunch of stereotypes and prejudices put together.

I know plenty of extroverted and/or good looking people who are into cosplay and anime. As I said, I really don't want this shitty mentality to seep into our community as well. It's got enough problem as it is.

Moreover anime is *somewhat* accepted by normalfags as well thanks to what >>7914656 pointed out. This doesn't mean that people won't give you weird stares if you cosplay or have a high power level but still. I never had to "hide" the fact that I was into manga, for example, like I see a lot of US people on this board mention. Personally, I was lucky enough that normie friends would ask me to lend them manga when they saw something that looked interesting, and attended cons with me because they thought it was interesting.

>> No.7914676

so basically you're saying anime/manga/games are for loosers and so it's weird that good looking people who have the opportunity to to "better" things are interested in them?
Get lost, you shouldn't be on this board.

>> No.7914682

All of this, plus it's not like people who aren't conventionally attractive are cut off from social circles or have to be nerds. I know "ugly" or overweight people who are very extroverted, funny and friendly, some of them are into cosplay, others are furthest thing from a weaboo, but they are very socially active. Moreover, people can have nerdy hobbies and not be shut-ins at the same time.

One's personality, hobbies and social standing have nothing to do with their appearence.

>> No.7914893

I saw Giada Robin's butt...while she was cosplaying SUPER C17.

>> No.7914899

...you have a serious problem man.
I'm totally fine with my body (90-70-100 to let you know) and I am a nice girl, I don't get your point of view-

>> No.7914930

This was my second Lucca and, I don't know, it was a let down compared to the 2013 one

Carducci's was a quite boring, but I can understand this since last year there was the presentation of the new consoles; the Japan town, while it was much better than the palace, wasn't nothing in particular; the only cool things (for me at least) were O'Malley conference and cosplays

But yeah, Saturday was hell, I had to go to Piazza Napelone for O'Malley signature at 16:00 and i was in cosplay too, I think that if it wasn't for my gf I wouldn't have survived it.

Oh whelp, still, i fucking love that place and tuscany, much much more than Sardegna (although the cosplay scene is drama-proof)

>> No.7914931

more like super C diciattette

>> No.7915298



>> No.7915727

omg what

>> No.7916614

>have a pretty good time
>say hi to a lot of people I often don't see
>back home
>just sparked drama with half of them

why does this happen

also horrible apartment mates that make the whole thing a living hell each day

>> No.7916703

Clearly you need new friends anon

>> No.7916775

Does anyone have cosplay pictures to share?

>> No.7916852

I'm still fixing up the ones I took, I'll post some later.

Right now I'm trying to figure out how to make 3D cubes in photoshop so I can make some tetris thing around a chiaki cosplay from dangan rompa 2

>> No.7916879

Lucca now is the second bigger con in the world

>> No.7916882

what's the biggest one? Is there a chart somewhere?

>> No.7916887

2- Lucca
3- Angelumme
4- san diego comicon

>> No.7916893

thanks :)
(now i know which cons to avoid, smaller cons ftw)

>> No.7916894

Thank you anon! And good luck!

Feels kinda like cheating though, I mean I'm guessing this is based on attendace but there wasn't nearly enough space to actually accommodate that many people.

>> No.7916901

comiket has even more people in an even smaller space? how is it possible?

>> No.7916910

There are two Comiket per year, one in summer and one in winter, so it's very possible that they're putting together the attendance for both events. Other than that, I believe that they only allow more people to get in when a certain number of attendees has already left, for security reasons obviously.

>> No.7916916

It seems weirde indeed, I've been at the Tokyo Big Sight and it's not THAT big. Maybe most people only come one day and don't even stay the entire day? Or maybe Lucca actually has many more than 240k attendees because of all the non paying people who only come for cosplay and for browsing around the walls and the city center...
I dunno.

It's weird thinking I've been to the 2nd biggest con in the world :|

To be fair though, having a fuckton of attendees is not what makes a good con, to the contrary, it's a downside. Good guests/events/expositors are what makes one

>> No.7916921

oh yeah the non-paying ones aren't counted and they are a lot

>> No.7917180

source? I always hear about this but I've never found proof.
or do you just look at the amount of attendees for each con?

I feel you on terrible flatmates, anon.

>> No.7917316

>or do you just look at the amount of attendees for each con?

yea that's they way they do it.
Amount of attendees are on wikipedia.

>> No.7917426
File: 236 KB, 698x1049, meitetris004small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fuckload of hours in photoshop, shitton of crashes and here I go, shitty cubes for a shitty tetris because I couldn't do better with all the crashes.

Either photoshop 3D tools are really bad or I'm really bad.

Back to regular photo editing for me, fancy 3D stuff is not for me

>> No.7918887

Who's up for a seagull meet up next year? Not necessarily in Lucca, considering the crowd...

>> No.7918985

that would be nice, but considering the amount of /r9k/ losers in this thread I'd rather stay away.

>> No.7919009

I feel you but at least it seems there are no more than a couple of guys thirsting itt. We could still have the meet up and ditch the fedoras as soon as their true nature manifests itself.

>> No.7919311

I bet I probably even know a few of you in person

>> No.7919500

how would you know?

>> No.7920853

because I know at least 2 girls who lurk the board

>> No.7922100
File: 110 KB, 495x499, 1404421003566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no boyfriend that wants to kiss and cuddle me while we watch animu ; _ ;