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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7894657 No.7894657 [Reply] [Original]

Previously: >>7889704

Say whatever is on your mind, get it off your chest. Like before, please keep it cosplay/Lolita related.

>> No.7894660

Shrug it off. As long as they are not being obnoxious, it does not really bother me.

>> No.7894815
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I want to be well known for my cosplay but I'm slow to produce anything and always end up choosing characters from anime that aren't popular/trendy. My construction is pretty damn solid and I make nice looking things with good materials, I just don't have enough time to sew with all the stuff I'm dealing with in normal life.

>> No.7894824

Wondering how the everloving fuck ChineseGossip is permabanned but Seig Heil's plagued this board for years and years
What the hell, janitor?

>> No.7894828


>> No.7894897

Too many people care about cosplay pages. If you don't even have one you're not worth anyone's time, if you have less than a hundred then you're disgusting.

Look, I just want to go to cons so I can meet cosplayers who are cosplaying from stuff I like just like I am and also meet fans of series I like. I don't give a fuck about how many people clicked a Like button. Is that so wrong?

>> No.7894912

I can't help but ship "e-famous" lolitas.
Tumblr left unhealable scars,please kill me

>> No.7894915

well the cosplay-famous are cosplay-famous because they are always bringing out new cosplays, it's kinda their entire life

>> No.7894954

I wish cosplay websites would be a thing again. Or that a site like cosplay.com could be the big popular thing again. Anything that doesn't require/publicly show how many "fans" you have.

I want to be able to post my cosplays online so I can get in contact with fellow fans but fuck if I care about how many people like my page. I have an empty Facebook page right now and I'm just trying to justify putting any content up and opening it for the public, but it's really hard.
I've got my boss, several co-workers, classmates and distant family members on my private FB account and since I'm a pretty private person, I'm worried about putting any cosplay stuff up on that account cause I don't want any of the above people to start asking me about it and asking why I never put effort into looking that nice at work/school/whatever.

This is sadly the current popular media for cosplayers though, so I'll just have to go with it for now.

>> No.7894997

I found the site cospix recently and was thinking about signing up there. I'm not sure it will catch on since so many sites have completely failed. But so far I'm really liking the feel of the site. Maybe it will suit your needs more than Facebook.

>> No.7895048

I have a crush on Voldie!

>> No.7895056

These 'Get it off your chest now' threads are usually a cesspool of off topic shitposting as you can see from the last thread.

>> No.7895110

C-could you tell me your OTP? I'm curious... for science.
[spoiler] I do this too [spoilersdontwork]

>> No.7895114

For now, I'm enjoying them. It lets us talk about stuff that is sorta related, but doesn't fit anywhere else.
>I love the discussions on board culture.

>> No.7895122

I had this same issue with lolita and facebook. I couldn't give a fig about e-fame bullshit, but I was worried about normal people, job, etc. If it makes you feel better, everyone thought it was really cool, and it sparked lots of conversation. In fact, some normalfags ask me to wear lolita to their events and stuff. It's a lot of fun, and I feel better than when I hid it.
I know cosplay and lolita aren't the same, but maybe this helps a little?

>> No.7895159

I'm A. I know who you're talking about, though. Is this K?
>It's fun finding friends on cgl.

>> No.7895175

I know someone like this and she's been driving our circle nutty. Every con it's the same story:

>Has a breakdown because she'll never get a boyfriend
>Everyone tries to hook her up with a new guy
>Oh anons he's not my type. He's too tall/blonde/awkward
>Spends the whole con moping

She's been doing this for at least five conventions at this point and shows no signs of stopping.

>> No.7895610

Steampunk is so fucking over

>> No.7895660

I've only gotten into the con scene in my late 20s, mainly due to a lack of personal space and having friends who were shitty elitists who saw con goers as plebs. I secretly always wanted to go to one, and tried to get them to go with me.

I finally went to one by myself, and despite hardly talking to anyone thanks to being shy/social anxiety, i had a pretty fun time. And now i'm much more confident within the whole con thing and making new friends.

But i kind of feel i'm too old, despite enjoying it. I've still never cosplayed, mainly because i just don't feel i "fit" any characters. Stupid as it sounds.

>> No.7895676

I have no idea how to use Taobao and I feel like an enormous retard because of this. I wish I could just pay a /cgl mentor to do it for me but I'm worried about getting scammed.

>> No.7895678

Anon-chan would you like someone to help you? I wouldn't mind walking you through it!

>> No.7895681

I just paid 35 bucks for my first cosplay

>> No.7895899

There's a cosplayer in my area I seriously hate mostly because only one of her cosplays were actually made (the rest are stuff she could find and put together) and she does the EXACT same thick, scene kid make up for every cosplay with drag queen dramatic eyebrows and EVERY young cosplayer is in love with her. Her construction when actually sewing is mediocre and she's just generally an annoying, immature person.

>> No.7895925

Ask around if any of your friends use taobao, or check for a community taobao group. I did a massive order with a friend (who I actually met on /cgl/) for the first time because I was too nervous to do it myself.

>> No.7896069

Not sure if you're still around, but what state was this in? It sounds really familiar.

>> No.7896109

steampunk is the new fedora

>> No.7896188

This. Cyberpunk is where it's at.

>> No.7896221

There is this one cosplayer who I think is super adorable but

I am just some guy, so I am a creep, I am too beta, too full of spaghetti, and it just will not work.

>> No.7896247

Being a guy doesn't automatically make you a creep, anon. I too am full of spaghetti so I can't give you good advice, but please don't knock yourself down before even trying. My bf thought he was out of my league before talking to me, when I thought he was out of mine. You never know.

>> No.7896323

monoxious did a guide on how to order from taobao. plus there are seller ratings so as long as you buy from reputable shops you'll be fine!

>> No.7896472

Except that guys are usually creeps to girls at cons, taking upskirt shots of cosplayers, trying to flirt and sexually harass, etc. And thus, all guys are creeps, apparently! And if you say otherwise, you'll be mocked because "LOL NOT ALL MEN".

Anyways, any time I try to talk to her, or to anyone really, I just become a mess of spaghetti.

>> No.7896503

I just ordered an item for cheap off closet child which I have been eyeing for most of the year on LM, but now I feel guilty as I know the seller no longer wears lolita and will now have it sitting around, taking up room in her wardrobe. Im sorry for holding out on you seller-chan and I know it's frustrating,but I'm a broke, yet incredibly patient uni student. I hope you find a seller for the skirt, it's beautiful.

>> No.7896510

>And thus, all guys are creeps, apparently!
if you keep assuming most girls are this stupid, no wonder you're having trouble. it's just a vocal minority that think that way and if someone doesn't actually do anything of those things then they're not a creep until proven otherwise.

>> No.7896565

I don't know, society seems to be deep seated in the mindset that all men are guilty of doing something wrong until proven otherwise, and even then, because they're guys, it'll be really hard to believe.

>> No.7896573

there will always be haters no matter your gender

that said, man up

>> No.7896577

m8 people assume that never having had a boyfriend = willing to put out as soon as someone gives me a sliver of attention, and when I refuse to show them my vagina they chimp out and call me a slut/whore/trollop/skank because I insult back and refuse to do so instead of tearing up and being an innocent flowery princess.
Grass is always greener and all.

>> No.7896615

Your latest failure was outstanding. I really don't know why you even bother, you are dispised by so many people and lie through your teeth about everything. You stole, cheated, faked miscarriages, falsely accused people of rape and always play the victim yet you are the scum of the earth. I love every second that you fail. I love that my success is everywhere and you can't avoid it. I hope you lay awake at night and feel sorry foryourself. I hope my success makes you cry.
You deserve nothin less and i don't even feel bad about it.

>> No.7896625

I miss her.

>> No.7896649

I'm a 114cm bust 76cm waist and finding blouses and cutsews that aren't hideous is impossible.

>> No.7896655

Steampunk can be really cool but most of the time it's basically "let's take this piece of clothing and slap a gear on it."

>> No.7896661

There's about five cosplayers I can think of right off the bat that talk about how they aren't doing pornographic content but have moved toward doing exactly that. I got into cosplay fandom because it was people becoming awesome characters, but now the drama is so much bull shit that I just like pages and whatever interesting cosplay fb photos in my feed.

Really need another cosplay social networking site.

>> No.7896911

Oh God. I think I know who this is about..

>> No.7896916

what did she do that got her permabanned?

>> No.7896919

I hate my chest plate for my Kamen Rider costume but lack the materials to make a good one. It looks so fucking bad.

>> No.7897108

What's your deal? It was just a cosplay suggestion for some dumb character you don't care about, but of course, anything to fucking wank it and insult innocent people, holy shit

>> No.7897121

that guy sieg has been here for years?

>> No.7897130

Doesn't make him any less cancerous

>> No.7897201

I started dating this guy a couple months back, and I'm starting to realize our personalities don't seem to match too well, and I find myself annoyed with him often. But we're in the same room at an upcoming con and I don't want to make things awkward so I haven't broken up with him yet.
I feel very guilty, but I'm almost dreading this con and all the time I'll have to spend with him. I wish I could break up with him now but I don't want to ruin his con experience, or make it weird. Ugh. I'm torn, seagulls.

>> No.7897248

I've posted a lot of fake information and rumors about people on here because I want them to be miserable.

>> No.7897262

so has CG.
Seigs a fucking shitposter though,
and CG actually posted relevant info about chinese lolita culture while sieg just calls girls fat sluts for no reason

>> No.7897264

Then how did she get permabanned? Also, can't she just use a proxy?

>> No.7898004

I think I should stop attending Cons at night, it just reminds me of everything I can't have.

>> No.7898026

sex with underage girls?

>> No.7898042

I genuinely try to be a kind person, but I've found that when depression hits hard out of nowhere and I can tell I'm going to spend the night fantasizing about killing myself, it helps me to come here and be the biggest, sandiest bitch on the board. I'm sorry to those I've been mean to in the past; I probably didn't mean any of the things I said. Thanks you for being the lightning rods of hate that helped me stop loathing myself enough to get through until morning several times over the years.

>> No.7898048

No mofo a regular fun filled, non-awkward connection with others whether it be friends or relationships. I just especially see it at night because of parties, raves and so on and I realize that it's too late for me to have that.

>> No.7898077

Why is it too late, anon?

>> No.7898080

If you shit posted about me I kinda want to thank you making me realize I was being obnoxious back then

>> No.7898110

I'm getting old, and despite my best efforts after all these years socially I am completely stagnant and awkward,.I'm just that older person who walks around and ask for pictures now.

>> No.7898326

Boyfriend has been spending a lot of time playing league lately and ignoring me.
He's not being mean or anytjing, i'm just the type if girlfriend who likes a lot of attention --- which he used to give me.
now I just lie awake in his bed listening to him talk to his friends on skype while watching him play until 4-5am, when he finally decides to go to sleep.
I've tried to talk to him about it but he says sorry and feels bad for a few minutes, but the next day is the same thing. I'm afraid to be more persistent because he broke up with his last girlfriend because she was overly clingy.

>> No.7898344

I do this to my boyfriend lol
He's not remotely interested in league and I play with my friends all night
I guess coming from the other side of your situation, it's nothing against you
I love my bf to death but I also love doing crazy compositions with my friends and reking nubs
Have you tried playing it wi th him?

>> No.7898345

tell him you'll dump him if he doesn't fix his shit and that you won't stand for this
if he goes down the r9k route and cry muh wimmin r such attention whorez dump him anyway

>> No.7898358

He sounds like a loser. Doesn't he have shit to do the next day?

>> No.7898360

You don't even sound clingy, though. That's just honestly incredibly rude. It isn't as if you're forbidding him from ever playing video games or talking to other people. You're upset that he spends hours on a fucking game rather than being a boyfriend. The nerds I have as friends WANT to have a girlfriend to be able to screw and hate that they even have the time to spend all night playing Destiny. It's as awkward as fuck living in a house with six friends while two of us are taken and the rest just sort of mope around here, wishing they didn't feel like a third wheel for asking to come along.

>> No.7898372

>You're upset that he spends hours on a fucking game rather than being a boyfriend

seriously? guy can't even play a game for a few hours after work before you bitches start bitching about hobbies and no enough attention.

you sound too young to be in a relationship

>> No.7898378

And you sound like an illiterate spacker because she said he plays all the damn time.

>> No.7898382

So when did cosplayers become so mentally unstable? When I was younger, I remember asking some of the older cosplayers how YayaHan managed to keep making elaborate costume after elaborate costume followed by super elaborate photoshoots. Someone told me that maybe, with some of the costumes she did, she modeled at fetish conventions. This was not treated as an OHMYGODTHATWHORE kind of thing, it was just an, oh, that makes sense! thing. She did a lot of latex themed stuff and had huge cans, modelling at fetish conventions made sense, and that was literally the only time I ever remember anyone mentioning it and it was no big deal. It didn't matter if someone was into that kind of stuff, and hating on someone for wearing a skimpy outfit was just crass. This was back on Cats On Mars which I'm sure none of you even know what that was. The two reigning crazies were Adella and Usagi Kou, and even then it was more of a haha what loony toons kind of thing.

So when did cosplay... what are you people? I don't even know if you're cosplayers, you're like cosplay groupies? Cosplay fanbrats? Either way, when did you guys start sounding so fucking creepy with the 'whoores....whoooores....All of them... WHOOOOOOOOREEESSSS'? When did this creepy fanatical devotion become acceptable? I remember people getting banned and laughed out of communities for even the slightest shred of being creepy basement dwellers. One dude got too creepy about hating on this Italian chick that had a paysite and everyone was quick to catch on that his obsessive hatred of the girl and what she did was remarkably creepy. I don't give a damn whether Yayahan or the newer big name cosplayers make their costumes or not, you people sound absolutely mental with your obsession with them. Honest to god, what gives? Where did you come from? How did you stop from getting laughed out and ridiculed? What happened to cosplayers banning together against the creepy otakus?

>> No.7898394

What are you trying to say omg

>> No.7898397
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>> No.7898398

he wants the community to white knight yayahan, and the manner in which she makes money (prostitution) as if she was the hero of the cosplay world.

>omg she has the guts and the prowess to have sex inexchange for money what an amazing pillar of the community

and wants to turn the cosplayers agaisn their "fans" despite making a living selling prints, geting their kicksarter/gofundme projects from this base

>> No.7898400

When it comes to interests like anime, comics, videogames and sci fi, creepy misogynistic "I'll fap to her but I hate her" neckbeards have always been around. They just don't say that shit IRL or, depending on how far gone they are, online with a name attached, so it makes sense you get more of it on anonymous imageboards.
I honestly haven't really noticed an increase in this kind of sentiment, either. Maybe it's because there's a general rise in women and feminism in cosplay and geek culture and this behaviour is the backlash to that?

>> No.7898496
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>he plays league of casuals
Dump him for a man that plays real games, anon. Or don't be a hoe and try to get into his hobbies, ask him if he could teach you how to pay, though goof luck, because that game sucks dickballs.

>> No.7898678

Old congoer to old congoer: you're not missing anything at the raves, just a bunch of drunk minors who have never seen the inside of a real nightclub. Not worth it

>> No.7898684

Is it a great place to take advantage of underage girls?

>> No.7898685

If raping people is your thing, maybe? What the fuck is appealing about a puking 14 yrold in weeb neko ears who screams KAWAIIIII every 2 secs and thinks Yaoi is the hotttzzzz

>> No.7898687

Her doing a line off my stomach and puking on my dick.

>> No.7898695
File: 137 KB, 250x340, tumblr_mynfldgGEZ1rgznhso1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to risk jail for that?

>> No.7898708 [DELETED] 

Yo I got a fake underage ID though.

>> No.7898709

That's why I like going it's adorable.

So much standing around and occasional Gangam Style dancing to ANY song.


>> No.7898724

Did you read my entire post or just cherry pick one sentence in order to start a quarrel? You need to go back and read the entire thing, where I literally stated what was wrong and the Anon's post had her own details.

You sound too young to even be on this site.

>> No.7898735

>acting like nobody knows who Usagi Kou is and all her bullshit

Really? You sound like some fucking loser who Googled her ED page after seeing her name tossed around once. Also, people didnt like Yaya even back then. They just kept their opinions to themselves to avoid drama and being just some dancer at a fetish club turned escort for shit like DragonCon etc, people figured maybe she'd eventually drop off. You didnt bother to make mention that a number of her 'cosplays' from back then were store bought, 3Wishes-tier shit you could still find online now.

Really, though. You're naive as fuck and nobody is going to defend this cunt unless they're just as naive.

>> No.7899373

From June last year and till August this year, I've had pretty much no money whatsoever. Once the bills were paid, my bank account would have hit the 0 or gone into the red field.
I had to sell a ton of my belongings, cosplays, wigs, rare nerd collections and so forth just to get by properly. Now, I earn ok good money, but anytime I place on order from Taobao or any other shopping services, I start feeling so guilty and worry that it'll bite me in the ass later.
Just placed a massive order from Taobao so I can get some wigs and costume parts home for my planned cosplays for all of next year, here's hoping that I don't wuss out and cancel it before the weekend is over, like I just did with a sold out, now rare figurine, that I've been drooling over for months now.

>> No.7899857

You look like a fucking ugly ass clam. Smell like one too.

>> No.7899872

i miss you so much. i think about you every day. i can't believe it'll be at least another month before i get to see you again. school can only distract me so much. i love you. i want my best friend back.

>> No.7899901

I wear both kimono and lolita, and the number of grown woman makinh fools of themselves in both community is horrendeous. Why are people who can't dress themselves so attracted to such pretty and complex fashions ? I just shut up and cringe.

>> No.7899988 [DELETED] 

Where did I go wrong? Just fucking tell me so I know how to fix things and better myself instead of having me wrack my mind over figuring out where I COULD have gone wrong and still never coming to a conclusion. Then again, maybe that is too much to ask. Should I just not talk to people anymore?

>> No.7899997
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2014 is almost over. Out of the dozen people I have tried to befriend after meeting them at cons and through cosplay this past year, none of these friendships were ever successful. I talk and say hi at cons, but I guess I need to do more than that. I have to be good at online communication but I'm really not... maybe I'm not cut out to be a good enough friend for people. Maybe it's not enough just to have the same interests either. Maybe I also have to actually be a good cosplayer, too. I don't know... But I feel like, probably by the end of the year, no one outside of my family will wish me a Merry Christmas or Happy New Years or whatever. It may seem kind of superficial, but I'm sort of like that, just simple things like being fucking acknowledged just makes me feel glad. It makes me think, "they took the time out of their day to say, hey, you exist." Where do I go wrong? If people told me, I would know how to fix things and better myself instead of having me wrack my mind over figuring out where I COULD have gone wrong and still never coming to a conclusion. Then again, maybe that is too much to ask. I don't know what to do, but I'm feeling pretty discouraged.

>> No.7900000
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I cosplay specific characters because I think they look cool or sexy or they flatter my natural skin tone, build, overall features and let me express my femininity in a relatively safe, accepting environment (MtFs at cons are super common). I assume the vast majority of women at these events, both cis and trans, are in it for the same reason.

I don't even like anime that much, and the shows that I do like usually aren't things that I cosplay because I personally try to adhere to characters I already resemble or can pull off. It's nice when these two sets intersect, though.

>> No.7900007

Oh anon I'm having the same problem :(
Almost every friendship I try to start ends up falling off somewhere
Yesterday was my birthday and only a couple people even mentioned it, and I know it's probably my fault for not doing the friendship thing right
I just want cute cosplay groups
and people to acknowledge me, as well anon

>> No.7900008
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I've been interested in cosplay since my teens but only recently, in my late 20s, have I had the opportunity to participate in it myself. I'm 32. Luckily I can pass for 21 but at the same time I really wish there were more women my age cosplaying curvy, MILFy type characters because there's already a huge social and generation gap in these 10-12 year age difference is jarring.

Pic related. I'm old.

>> No.7900016

I am sorry but i don 't believe you can pass for 21 while being 32, that is something older people themselves or their friends. When would you wish for more adult characters when you could pass for 21 so i don ' t believe you.

>> No.7900029

Plenty of people cosplay in that age range. You'd get plenty of happy people if you cosplayed original dirty pair too... Not sure you've been trying hard enough or going to the right size cons to find people in your age range. Or they all just look 21 like you (lol) and you can't pick them out.

>> No.7900531


I was a doorman at an upscale nightclub in a corporate park in NJ - but it was near a local University, so we often had college students try to get in. One of the more creative ways was to enter with a bunch of people, and have the one without ID in the center of the "pack", hoping to get in without being carded.

So there I am one evening, doing my thing, and a whole pack of people come in at once - like twelve. In the middle of this group is a petite young woman...my radar goes off. I extend my hand into this group of friends, take her hand and say "Come with me please." I ask her for her ID.

Turns out, she had turned 40 that day - her husband had surprised her with a group outing to the nightclub, and she didn't want to go because she felt "old." My carding her made her night - she gladly showed me her ID, practically bouncing off the walls to give it to me..."Ta Da!!" She and her friends practically ran into the club, while her husband slipped me $20, saying - "That was great. I never would have thought of that on my own!"

She, her husband and her friends wound up having a great time that night - they all came to the door a few times to chat with me, and thank me again. Good times.

>> No.7900547

With how you act, its as if you're some fucking mentally damaged, 14 year old from Europe. Seriously, are you from some obscure village out in the bumfuck where your uncle molests you every night or something? You act like everyone is persecuting you when the reality of the situation is that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, yet try to deflect any criticism you get with whining. I'm so sick and tired of people like you, nobody is going to fucking hold your hand through shit. I swear to god its like talking to some Chris-Chan tier creation except you have a vagina. People like you aren't helpful, despite what you think, and your martyr complex bullshit just shows what kind of person you are. Really, I hope you kill yourself. I'm sick of you thinking that your ignorance is somehow useful to anyone, you know, barring some creep who could use it to lure you into a dark alley.

But, your retarded ass would go and think you're helping, wouldn't you?

>> No.7900571

Is this a copypasta or what? Literally makes no sense in context to the conversation

>> No.7900580

bitch nigga can't read lmao bet u look old as fuck and you're 18

>> No.7900612

I've been going to cons for about 7 years now (i didn't think it was that long, but I just did the math). I started when I was about 23 (now you do the math). I still look young but yeah, i don't cosplay anymore but I still go to cons once in a blue moon.
Back when I was cosplaying, there were certain leet cosplay chicks that I was interested in. These chicks at the time wouldn't give me the time of the day.. Now they're still in the cosplay scene and aren't as hot as they once were and are trying to give me attention now. A part of me is still interested, but out of principle, I just want to tell them to go fuck themselves..

They still are pretty hot tho..

>> No.7900623


>> No.7900643

A bitch who thinks she's helpful when she's a try hard teenager stuck in that 'Let me fit in' phase.

>> No.7900650

So you saw a physically small woman in dim lighting and assumed she was young because of her size. That doesn't negate the fact that most people who say "oh i'm x age but i pass for ten years younger" are delusional.

>> No.7900654


You don't even know what that 30 yr old anon looks like
Why are you so angry for her thinking she looks young?

>> No.7900692

Is she hot? I mean, nerd hot (I.e. Fat but curvy and showing a lot of cleavage?)

>> No.7900707

Are you the butthurt anon from that skincare thread?

>> No.7900715

>not understanding ire in a comm when someone is going around recommending Milanoo

Alright, then.

>> No.7900718

Well you never mentioned Milanoo

>> No.7900721

She thinks we should start a 'dress fund' and all pitch in money to buy one dress we share.


Kill me.

>> No.7900733
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>one dress we share

>> No.7900738

I wasn't really paying attention, but it was some sisterhood of the traveling pants shit she wanted to do with it and then I zoned out and started thinking about why I even still do any of this. I'm also preparing myself for fucking Deadpool lolita if it hasn't been done already..

>> No.7900740

>friend got me into cosplay over ten years ago
>we were awful, old photos make me cringe
>part ways after a few years
>catch up with her after moving cross country
>add her on Facebook
>costume satin and raschel lace everywhere
>nothing has changed
>cringing like fuck and can't bring myself to comment on any of her photos, which are full of gushing comments about how talented she is

>> No.7900746

Sounds like Setsuna Kou..

>> No.7900904

Good Lord, no. This is someone not even vaguely e-famous/infamous. The comments are from all her aunts and cousins and such.

>> No.7900908

Back to >>>/pol/, misogynist.

>> No.7900949

Anyone cosplaying in spandex/skin tight pants needs to take whatever means needed to conceal their junk.

I'm sick to death of seeing camel toe and dongs flapping around at cons.

Cover that shit up people!

>> No.7901008

>I'm just that older person who walks around and ask for pictures now.
Dragoncon is the place for you! If a big old fat guy like me can kick it in the bedroom with the girls there, then you can too.

>> No.7901052

>Homestucks will still be at conventions until at least 2016

Please kill me now.

>> No.7901140
File: 6 KB, 250x250, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting cold so I've been wearing gloves recently. But for some reason every time I touch my face with gloves on I get kinda aroused. I need to get a whole bunch of really cheap but decent-feeling gloves from somewhere (maybe taobao can provide?) before I make a mess of stuff my brand gloves or something.

At least it's a pretty benign fetish or whatever

>tfw no gf (gloved fuckbuddy)

>> No.7901149

I'm tired of this girl that used to be local but is now in Texas.
She has the mentality of a spoiled child and blames every problem in her life on her 'hard' upbringing yet wants everything handed to her with no work on her end. She is the one who left her job to shack up with her American boyfriend after only 2 months and complains she can't find a job in U.S.A. She's probably an illegal alien now and has no one to blame but...her terrible childhood.

>> No.7901152


where are these raves usually held? i imagine its ust some kids hotel room heh

>> No.7901156

the conventions host them

>> No.7901160

I feel like this cosplayer I admire (and we mutually follow each other, at least on Dumblr) is actively ignoring me.

>> No.7901223

I know many cosplayers who I look up to who also actively ignore me.

>> No.7901301

You're all fucking stupid

>> No.7901303

I'm starting to ignore some people out of our broken friendship before cosplay is implied. What's the motive for them?

>> No.7901305

I am very, very, very attracted to plus size cosplayers and it's sort of on my bucket list to be in a relationship with one before I'm too old for it.

Also, Tristen Citrine is a MILF.

>> No.7901306
File: 1.08 MB, 480x270, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwwwe, thanks, Anon!

>> No.7902044

He's 23 and a fat fuck because he eats like shit and is too ~anxious~ to go to the gym. This is who just tried to troll you. Think about this and laugh.

>> No.7902063

You say you love your body and are confident but the fact that you won't even let me measure your waistline so we can make a skirt for you makes it pretty fucking obvious how insecure you are about your size. Do you think I'm going to judge you once I know that number? I already know you're fat, I have eyes. Get the fuck over yourself and don't pretend to be proud of your current state when you're clearly ashamed of it.

>> No.7902066

he's actually around 25-26 now

>> No.7902078

I wish I knew! We're (kinda) in the same fandom and we've been in a photoshoot together but any contact I've tried to make with her since that shoot she's seemed to have snubbed. She only notices me when she wants to.

What really hurts is that she plans to make a cosplay of a character that is very important to a character I cosplay (and these characters are from a hipster-tier animu so whatever so cosplayers it gets, especially good ones, are super rare) but she keep putting her off (despite saying how much she loves this character blah blah blah) and she's more or less stuck on the west coast while I'm stuck on the east. She'll only to come to a few, big east coast cons, but I'm certain she won't hit Otakon next year especially now that it's going to be too close to Anime Expo.

Maybe senpai will notice me if I read more Jojo.

>> No.7902080

And he still hasn't grown the fuck up? Pathetic.

>> No.7902085

People get fat when they get old. You've plenty of time, not to worry.

>> No.7902110

You're a shitty person and an even worse cosplayer. You think that you and your friends are hot shit but you're all just a bunch of annoying landwhales and attention whores who need compliments 24/7 and can't handle concrit. Fuck off the con scene and go back to whatever tumblr hugbox you crawled out of.
News flash, your costumes are awful in concept and construction, your personality is that of a 14 year old superwhoanimehetalialock on titan weeb, and you're not attractive enough for anyone to overlook that, which is probably why you've never won a contest and never get asked for photos, not because "nobody gets your costume" or because "all other cosplayers are bitchy assholes who rig contests."
So every time I see you at a convention now, I intentionally show off a little bit more just to piss you off when you see me.
I diet and work out to stay skinny and I spend hundreds of dollars and days of work on my costumes. This is why I win contests and get asked for photos and you don't. You can try to backstab me but at the end of the day we all know I have worked hard to make sure my reputation and craftsmanship stay spotless, so nothing you say will stick.
Fuck off. We were friends once years ago but not any more, now I know how shitty you are.

>> No.7902126
File: 18 KB, 500x259, sadfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually makes decent costumes
>Not bad looking/not fat
>Friend who buys stuff has over 3,000 likes. Probably cuz she does undies photo shoots.
>I don't really feel like whoreing self out so stuck with no audience.

>> No.7902168

you are lucky that he doesnt play dota...violent outbursts and sudden knowledge of russian language

>> No.7902172

pls share then

>> No.7902282

i wish

>> No.7902387

Boys who treat you like this, who completely ignore and invalidate your feelings are not worth your time. Dump him and find somebody else who will at the very least pay you attention. It's so rude to have a girl over and just play video games.

>> No.7902395

>tfw I bring my console whenever I sleep over and call it a gaming night

>> No.7902400

they live together...

>> No.7902405
File: 170 KB, 600x800, 1356547809108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was ditched super badly by someone I considered a close friend at a con just this Saturday.

It's making me upset so much but I don't want to message them first.

>> No.7902415

>someone I considered a close friend makes promises to help me get a new job
>contacts them to see what's up/if they're going to help me at last
>suddenly realize they probably dont give a shit
>doesnt bother contacting them due day
>post resumes by myself
>it's been a month since I quit talking to them
>"zomfg when r we goin 2 werk on kosply anon~!1!! em so eksited1!!1"

I'm slowly thinking that cosplay friends aren't worth while? The same ""friend"" ditches me at every convention contacts me later with "b..but anon whereeeee wereee youuuuuuu?" Bitch did you even call?

fuck off. Don't message them first.

>> No.7902620

Well thats obviously not the same thing if you're playing together
Anon didn't say that

>> No.7902643

you need some friends who are into firearms, dudes will do anything for you. generally amazing people too. don't know what attracts good people to shooting ranges but its filled with them.

>you bored? come over and cook up this deer
>want some ammo?

and if you help them out they tend to not forget it
the traditional nerd hobbies tends to be venomous for some weird reason

>> No.7902658

Different anon but everyone is from the US. In my country it takes several months to even be allowed near a functional firearm and most people who are really into it are paranoid nutbags who think the government wants to harvest their organs or some shit. No thanks.

>> No.7902667

People need to do their fucking research before mouthing off on this board. Stupid fucking morons.

>> No.7902739

>"Waaah, I need all of my boyfriend's attention! He can't like anything else!"

>> No.7903401
File: 34 KB, 390x406, gj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more feels threads allowed.

Shitposting males ruined it for everyone.

>> No.7903411

Except her post didn't say that. I love how eager some of you are to jump at that without actually having read things. There's an explicit difference between someone playing video games without ignoring people and having a girlfriend who you willfully ignore in order to stay up all night playing video games, and then neglect to even try to come to some sort of compromise or maybe cut back your gaming a little to spend time doing other things. You know, like maybe with the person who loves you.

>inb4wah wah if they loved methey wouldn't tell me wat 2 doooooo

He's an adult, not a child sitting home during summer break. If he's going to consciously ignore his girlfriend for video games, he shouldn't have one. That doesn't in any realm of logic translate to "spend all your time with me" like you and others are making it out to be. You're being dramatic for the sake of, but I bet you're the same betas who cry about tfw no gf.

>> No.7903505

If you're going to start a thread, at the bare fucking minimum put the goddamn title in the "subject" field and not in your fucking name field. I'd say check the catalog too but that's definitely reaching for a majority of the fuckers who blow through here.

It's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.7903606

I want to sleep with a girl in my comm. I don't care if she wants to make me a slave or anything. She could ruin my brand in the process and I wouldn't care but I know I have no chance with her because I'm an ugly hag of a woman.

>> No.7903668


Try Sci-fi/fantasy or multi genre cons. The attendees there tend to be much older and 10 times more welcoming than the high schoolers at the average anime only con.

Older costumers tend to also be more forgiving with costumes. To their generation costumes were solely for fun, not for gaining internet fame.

(They also have much better room parties!)

>> No.7903669

But... OP's subject isn't the name? It's just blank, which is 100% acceptable when the op image is so clear.

Stay sandy.

>> No.7903692

I have a whole heap of manga I want to get rid of.
I got rid of all my DVD's because I don't even watch them anymore and it's easier to just download or borrow whatever I want to watch. I love the look of books on a bookshelf, but I am planning on making a huge move and admire the minimalist way of living. I want to one day own a house and have a library and I love seeing other people's huge manga collections so that's what makes me not want to sell/dump what I have. I just don't read them often enough to justify the amount of space they take up. Theoretically I could just ditch all the books I own and not even have a bookshelf. I just don't know what to do. Has anybody ditched all their manga and regretted it or felt relieved to do so? Advices?

>> No.7903712


I have one of these, too. We got along great before she was "famous". Her construction and choice of materials needs a lot of help, but photo shop and a pound of make-up "hide" all that.

Then, she complains on her private FB that a bunch of creeps liked her page. Maybe you shouldn't post pictures of you bending over in a regular bra (it wasn't a cosplay, just a candid photo) if you don't want your cosplay page flooded with creepers? But noooooo that's against feminism!

>> No.7903717

i think the anon meant when people start threads on /cgl/

>> No.7903725

I really like you and wish we could be better friends. I could help you get into lolita more (you're going to be so cute in sweet), and I appreciate the help you've given me with cosplay already. We have so much in common, and you're so fun. I just hope I don't spaghetti or become awkwardly shy or something and fuck this up.

>> No.7903763






>> No.7903768

My fucking sides.

>> No.7903879
File: 32 KB, 500x287, IMG_334779538665862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel I know who this is

>> No.7903888

This. >>7903717

Keep up that reading comprehension.

>> No.7903966

Finally in the rat race,

no job,no money
plenty cosplay time

have job, have money
no time for cosplay <fuck

>> No.7904538


>> No.7904559

I really want to start my own brand. Jewelry, dresses, bags, wig, shoes, hats you name it. I have been to college and have done several courses on both business and fashion design, But i fear failure. I lurk cgl constantly getting inspiration on what what cuts, prints and designs are popular and have made loads of dresses for myself. People in my Comm have said really nice things about my dresses and it gives me motivation.
Am i crazy for wanting to start up my own store?

>> No.7904568

Are you me?

While I am generally nice, I know I am a bit evil on the inside, so when I get incredibly depressed, I come here and talk shit about famous lolitas.

>> No.7904974


>> No.7904977


>> No.7904990
File: 9 KB, 338x268, unacceptable cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not alone, but instead of making jewelry or anything lolita/cosplay related, it would be miniature houses.

actually I dont even want to sell them I want to have an army of homemade miniature houses and die in the middle of my creations

>> No.7905015

Omg, she must have a dobbleganger. I know a girl just like this!
>switch out another country for Bumblefuck, TN
>Switch out boyfriend for girlfriend(s)
>One to pay for a cushy life for awhile in ATL
>Cheated on her when she quit paying, then ran off with a different girl to TX.
>Now mooches off her gf's stripper job.
>Blames everything on tough childhood, other people, etc.
>Doesn't want to work except for modeling, singing, or being a famous x.

>> No.7905030

This is kinda true of the US, as well, at least where I live. There are some sane people with guns, but it seems like most of them are nutty rednecks.
I have no idea why, but cosplay seems to attract these weird people who don't give shits about anyone but themselves. I remember straight up paying for cons and getting screwed over because they didnt care about me. Best two things that I did was switch to lolita and grow a backbone. Now all I have to deal with is people who can't budget.

It also seems that both cosplay attracts a lot of doormats, too. (I was one.) it becomes this vicious cycle of assholes/narcissists feeding off of the givers. I hate the term emotional vampirism, but it's accurate here. Maybe it isn't as bad in lolita because we aren't expected to share things, like in cosplay?

>> No.7905035

My friend has been a lolita for years and she's urged me to join because she says that I won't be as depressed as I have been in the cosplay community, yet this board claims that lolitas are cunty and awful. Does it just depend on the comm?

>> No.7905038

This is so true!! My most fun cons are the ones with older attendees (like Dragon*Con). I got to the point where I stopped going to anime cons because I was tired of all the young, annoying weebs.
Now, I volunteer at anime cons. It's a lot more fun, since I can go see the panels and things that I want, but my group is primarily older people who were attendees when I was. We long for the older days, so we make our con experience a little more like them. If course, this depends on the people running the con, but I recommend it! If you're friendly and a hard worker, you find lots of cool people to chill with!!

>> No.7905040

I'm in the same position as you. I own a lot of manga. Probably over 1000+. I love reading it, but it's all in the basement right now. I know it will be a long time before I can do anything with it...
I think I want to sell it, but I can never decide what to sell and what to keep. If only I could find someone who wants to trade lolita for manga, lol

>> No.7905049

Lolitas are really only catty and drama-filled online. The cosplay community is really toxic even in real life. And honestly, you reap what you sew (lol puns) in lolita. If you are annoying, terrible, or do bad things irl, you get shunned. In cosplay, you can be the biggest bitch but as long as you're hot/your cosplay is good, it doesn't matter how toxic you are.
Personally, getting away from cosplay and the people in it helped my depression so much. I've never been happier. And the people are so much more mature, compared to the ones I knew in cosplay.
There also seems to be less e-whoring as well. Only a few lolitas have fan pages, and unless you are famous in the community, it's looked down upon.
If you'd like to chat some, I have a throwaway email.
Also, it does depend on your comm, but even the drama filled ones are pretty nice.

>> No.7905075

People will also be meaner and more cunty on an Anon board. Lolita comms have their bitching like every community, but they are not half as bad as it's made out on here. We're just worse here because we can get away with it. You could always become a lone Lolita as well, there is no rule saying you have to join a comm

>> No.7905078

If you can actually sew and can design things that don't look like shit, you could do your own indie brand or open a store envy.

>> No.7905091

I've worn colored lenses for cosplay for years and they've never bothered me and I've never had a contact prescription. I feel like I'm gambling with my eyesight (since everyone seems to think that if you don't get a prescription you WILL go blind and die), but I kinda just don't care beyond throwing out contacts that hurt or seem damaged.

>> No.7905092

Why the fuck can't people at conventions learn to interact like people? I fucking hate seeing dudes staring down girls and groping them and shit. My friend has getting groped by a guy and I didn't know what the fuck to do because he was like 20 and we were 16 at the time. Like what the fuck!?

>> No.7905095

I get the same comments about dying out of blindness but I only wear contacts twice a year? Is it worth going through the prescriptions each time?

>> No.7905107

Good luck, anon! I say, start making your own dresses and work up from there. You can do it! I'll buy things from you!
This is true. Honestly, people really only bitch to their friends irl and on named message boards. You won't see anything else worse than /cgl/ and BtB for lolitas. Also, you can still be with cosplay friends in lolita. It's a lot less stressful, since you don't have the pressure to help them make costumes or have a deadline. You'll always look lovely, but you won't be compared to them! Any thing that's asked of you can be countered with "I'm not cosplaying today/ I don't want to get my dresses dirty/ I'm not feeling in the mood to make my own costume or any one else's."

Maybe, just try it for one con! And you don't have to choose one or the other.

>> No.7905123

Thank you so much for the advice. I'm a little worried, because I only really like classic or gothic lolita and I may lean towards gothic (Not Milanoo-tier shit, I promise.) since I was told that Rococo Lolita isn't really welcomed? Problem is, Juliette et Justine seems to be the only gothic brand I can find and it doesn't seem very gothic, imo. I'm also still fond of the older lolita look from when I was in middle school (maid dresses with maxi pad headbands), but I wouldn't wear it due to scrutiny.

>> No.7905367


>> No.7905382

Rococo can be a bit tricky to pull off. Have you checked fan plus friend? they have some nice Gothic pieces.

>> No.7905398

Um...where are you looking? Atelier Pierrot, Atelier Boz, Moi-Meme-Moitie, Millefleurs/millenoirs....
Either way, you're better to look at second hand sites rather than buying new - fururun, closetchild, maidenclothing, and usagiyouhinten all ship overseas.
There's also currently a couple of old-school dresses on fururun for incredibly cheap prices...

>> No.7905795

That's eerily similar. This one is cosplay famous now and seriously let it get to her head. She keeps bitching that she has no friends but says people only use her for her "fame" now. All because she's dating the creator of some weeaboo show.

>> No.7906033
File: 301 KB, 1300x852, paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much my first time making a cosplay and I used fabric paint. The lines aren't straight and I spilled a few drops. Is it possible to remove the paint?

>> No.7906189

I want to do a Legend of Billie Jean cosplay, but I feel lame.

>> No.7906194

don't be, she's not your lover
she's just the girl that claims that you are the one

>> No.7906202

It might be because there's no big cons until the summer time, but I'm not really feeling cosplay that much right now.

>> No.7906213
File: 27 KB, 635x432, Brothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic Related, He's the one with glasses
We could do some cool bro cosplay.

>> No.7906214

Kekkety kek

>> No.7906215


>> No.7906217 [DELETED] 

Loli loli loli loli, let me see you pop that body

Let that loli pop - oooooooh

>> No.7906222





>> No.7906253 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 630x420, nigga please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7906607

Can anyone help me out? I'm so confused.
I was wearing a casual, cute, fairy kei inspired outfit on the Sunday of MCM Comic Con in London. It was a skirt, tights, and a long sleeved top - just a cute, normal outfit for me. I was walking with two of my guy friends when an Asian girl approached me, she looked to be in her twenties and she was alone. She commented on my randoseru backpack, saying it was cute and that I looked very cute. Her accent was strong and her English wasn't very good, but I politely said thank you, chatted with her and nodded when she pointed out parts of my outfit. I thought she was asking about my top or my necklace, then she reached over and stroked my breast, and said "Wow, so soft!"
I thought that was odd, but I ignored it and she asked if we could get a picture together. I thought I'd get that over and done with just to be polite. She handed her camera to one of my friends, and as he was taking the photo, she stood behind me and put her arms around me, groping both of my boobs and really intensely feeling me! I was so confused! I pulled the most shocked face ever for the photo as I had no idea what to do as we stood in this really awkward pose, then I didn't say anything and just walked away and went to sit down.
WHAT. What happened?! Can anyone explain? Is it just a quirk of culture? I think she was Japanese - is this normal at Japanese cons?! Was she being perverted, or..? I'd love anyone to shed some light on this for me. Thank you!

>> No.7906610

Step 1. Get Bigger
Step 2. Paint yourselves (respectively) green and red
Step 3. ???
Step 4. Hulkamania

>> No.7906611

i bought a skirt online. i waited for 3 months for it to arrive. When it did, it was the wrong fucking one. Why is it such an impossible task for people to send the right thing? am i fucking cursed. I bought shoes online recently and the same fucking thing happened. I'm sick of this bullshit!

>> No.7906618

the online shopping gods hate you and want you to be sad


You have a fairy-godmother-stylist who changes the items to what you should be wearing.

>> No.7906622

It's the ugliest god damn skirt i've ever seen. if i'm stuck with it, i don't even think i could resell it.

>> No.7906747

Even when I'm cosplaying males, I hate that no one can get my gender right.

>> No.7906748

Transfluid genderqueer tortoisekin?

>> No.7906762

Two-spirit genderfluid foreskin?

>> No.7906781

If you're correcting people and they're still mislabeling you, they're a bunch of dicks and fuck those guys.

If you're butthurt that strangers can't ID you as male while cosplaying men, put on your big boy pants and correct them. I know people who get irrationally mad over this when girls crossplaying has been a staple for years.

>> No.7906841

I'm in a school that is all about music and dramatic arts and I can't help but feel out of place by enjoying anime/manga and cosplaying as much as I do. Even tho I do watch theatre plays, operas and really enjoy them, I can't help feeling uncultured and inadequate in the middle of all these talented people.

>> No.7906880

I miss you.

>> No.7906904

y-you too

>> No.7907034

I uh... despite hanging out here, i just can't cosplay.

I kind of hate myself, i guess. And i dunno. i just feel that i'm so hideous that it'd bring shame to both myself and the character if i cosplayed them. I just can't think of a single character i'm 'right' to play.

>> No.7907386

I want to dress up as a catboy from FFXIV for a convention, but I feel like I'd be weird or end up getting a land whale following me.

>> No.7907786

Sorry for replying so late, didn't think anyone else would reply, but I've tried for many years with no luck of ever being comfortable making new connections with people. But I just need to realize that's not my place in situations like that anymore. And maybe look somewhere else.

>> No.7907938

Iron your shit, bitch, and learn to tailor your garments. Your seifuku looks like a shapeless, oversized bag and makes you look chunkier than you actually are, and that hat you made is lumpy as fuck.

Actually, on second thought...don't learn anything. Keep making the same mistakes, because your cosplay group is a hell of a lot more talented than you and are improving at a fairly rapid rate. The fact that you've been cosplaying nearly twice as long as they have is hilarious. Keep on being my personal lolcow, this is gr8.

Sorry that's so bitter, this bitch has been annoying the crap out of me for the past year, I don't personally associate with her if I can help it, but we run in the same friend circles and laughing to myself at her constant failure at her craft and inability to deal with anything in a mature manner (crying, whining, playing the victim well into her mid twenties) makes it more bearable.

>> No.7907945

It's okay, I want to dress up as something obscenely sexy for a convention, but don't want to deal with the creepy attention from guys and cattiness from girls. Not just cop-out simple sexy, but something elaborate and detailed, just...bootylicious ahahaha.

>> No.7907957

Seconding. I'm the OP of this thread.

>> No.7907974

If it's elaborate people will like it
If it's shit people will be catty

>> No.7908070

I think sieg's cute as fuck


>> No.7908146

I'm worried that the indie brand I want to start wtih my partner won't get anywhere

>> No.7908288

>tfw I've spent so much time on cgl that I know who this is about and I don't even cosplay.

>> No.7908991

Because anon looks old. Lol. The ones raging about how "ugh no waaaaay someone could pass for younger" are the ones who look like nasty ass raisins at 23

>> No.7909235

you and me both anon. But keep at it, you'll make amazing work someday that everyone will love!

>> No.7909401

I'm too scared to ever buy brand... I'm completely in love with otome-kei but I have massive knockers.. 105cm+. Even if my other measurements fit I'll get a massive case of uniboob and get called ita. At least I can still cosplay.

>> No.7909585
File: 73 KB, 935x106, QQ截图20141028192503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h8 boner
>no fun allowed
>no drama ever

>I miss you too

> 2. Don't bring community vendettas onto this board. Singling out individual cosplayers for the purposes of trolling them will not be tolerated.
>Everything I post is a community vendetta
>Even pic related

>Now watch me get banned again

Do I have an audience on Stamina Rose? It's not really realdoll livingdoll fakeboi stuff so idk

>> No.7910311

Thanks! I wish you a lot of luck. I know that as long as we make things people will love, it'll be great. It'd be awesome to see our stuff in a wishlist/dream dress thread one day...

>> No.7910329

Good, stay away from these people!

>> No.7910331

Good luck, Anons!! I'll buy things from you! Don't give up <3!

>> No.7910346

I don't mean this in a mean way at all, but maybe you aren't passing? I tend to call people the gender they most look like. If you look female, I'll call you female, even in male cosplay.

Once you correct me on the gender, though, I'll use your preferred gender. I couldn't tell if you meant random people, or people you've already corrected.
>If you corrected them, then that is super rude.