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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 183 KB, 956x485, karen sakai..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7891683 No.7891683[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are some cosplayers always begging for money on this gofundme site? This is probably the funniest one I've seen. Whats the craziest coslayer gofundme accounts you've seen?

>> No.7891690

Shit I'd love it if someone funded me to get a boob job.

>> No.7891705

>Why are some cosplayers always begging for money on this gofundme site?

Because it worked for somebody, so they're hoping it'll work for them.

>> No.7891710
File: 719 KB, 1767x1905, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is she getting bigger tits?

>> No.7891728

Ugly Asian that tries so hard to be an American white girl.

>> No.7892006

Her tits are great the way they are imo. Shes going to end up looking miss proportions.

>> No.7892021

I miss when people got fans for actually being talented

>> No.7892032

She's being deceptive in her go fund me. She already got one boob job, she just wants another one, probably because the first one did not make her an instant cosplay celebrity

>> No.7892046

I agree. I checked out her page she puts on pasties and draws fake scratches on herself and says "I'm cosplaying a injured vampire holding a crossbow or something" and someone says its not cosplay and she flips out claiming that cosplay can be soft pornography lol wtf

>> No.7892072

She's actually a pretty horrible person. Look at some of her past videos. The ones donating only care about them having more fap material.

>> No.7892250

Are you fucking kidding me? Is this shit actually real?

>> No.7892257

This. Friend found one of her videos that shows how much of a racist bitch she is.

>> No.7892258

What's stopping any girl from doing the same?

>> No.7892260

I hope she uses some of this money to fix her fucking face because holy damn, that fugly mug is a tragedy.

>> No.7892281


>> No.7892303


>> No.7892749
File: 804 KB, 380x285, jasmin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what is so interesting about a certain person showing their tits off on the internet anymore. There are thousands of them. Why do people this this broad is so special?

>> No.7892760

I do too. I also hate that people are paying for shit like this, when there are tits everywhere online and in person that you don't have to pay for. Also, there are legit ones for helping people find a house, feed their kids, pay off student loans, etc. this kind of thing is bullshit compared to those.
Yes, I mad.

>> No.7892785

everyone does it though, I've seen random ass deviantart artists that make below average art making patreons begging people to fund them so 'they can draw more"

>> No.7892862


does she already have implants? those nipples look too high

>> No.7892868
File: 48 KB, 640x960, ZVQYXsD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure she had a first surgery because I'm slightly scared of her underboob

>> No.7892888

Because "cosplay means she's into nerd things so i have a shot rite" or something

>> No.7892952
File: 28 KB, 509x350, karen_scumbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, not surprisingly it happened.

>> No.7892969

you have more for us?

>> No.7892979
File: 1.87 MB, 400x300, adult things.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting 3DPD

>> No.7892988
File: 103 KB, 629x252, karen_scumbag02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end of twitter conversation

>> No.7892998
File: 290 KB, 490x435, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fake guilt.

>> No.7893042
File: 8 KB, 252x200, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the first time I've seen some young girl ask people to help her to get big ol' fake titties and received the cash. The fact that this girl will likely be getting them out and give these guys a bunch of fap fuel only adds to the chance of her reaching her goal.

>> No.7893058

I've never wanted to punch someone on the internet so badly before.

>> No.7893098

HAHAHAHAHA wow. That's super fucking classy

>> No.7893135


>Cosplayer begging for money for a boob job.

I knew this day would come. After all, the sure fire way to cosplay popularity is big fake boobs.

>> No.7893137
File: 203 KB, 250x162, jiggly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That made me so fucking angry. I know people who need mobility assistance. Sometimes you can qualify for a free scooter, but if you can't, that shit is expensive. And it's kind of NECESSARY for someone's independence in their day to day life. A boob job? Not so much.
>Mfw I've known multiple girls who blew thousands on boob jobs when they had more important shit to think about
>Like their kids

>> No.7893139

Holy shit. These fucking entitled bitches, man.

>> No.7893144

we have had sites like myfreeimplants for years and years

why are you acting so surprised?

>> No.7893148

People are free to spend there money on whatever they please. You don't have to like it, but that's just the way it is.

I know a lot of cosplayers and lolitas get shit for spending money on their hobbies period, and hate when people police how they spend their money. Kind of ironic everyone is bitching out "pathetic guys and neckbeards" for spending their money the way they want to.

Everyone also seems mad about the girl asking for money. Why does it matter? How does this hurt other people? People are saying "ugh, there are so many other better things people could donate to". There might be, but again, people are free to spend their money on whatever they see fit.

>> No.7893150

"This is a public charity for people that need help. Which is me."
The entitlement hurts. I'm disabled and I don't ask people for help. Just wow. I hope someone posts those twitter caps on her Go Fund Me and her cosplay page.
I meant people who use websites like this for vanity, not the disabled girl. I realized this could be read really wrong.
I'm saving up my money for an electric wheelchair. I have a friend on Go Fund Me who is homeless and needs help finding a place to stay. Shit like this makes me so irrationally mad.

>> No.7893154

It fine if she spends her own money on it, but asking other people to spend money on her vanity is disgusting. Both her and the people that donate.
That's my personal opinion, though.

>> No.7893249


I am having a blast sitting here watching this ugly cunt ruin herself because she can't keep her fucking mouth shut.

>> No.7893271

GTFO Karen

>> No.7893353

I wonder how long until one of these gofundme girls gets murdered because a neckbeard who gave her money expected more in return and got butthurt to the extreme.

>> No.7893425
File: 271 KB, 1024x1535, seven_of_nine_at_mtl_comiccon__by_ariane_saint_amour-d81kkzw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Ariane Saint Amour, had good sized breasts but got implants. Then she got another breast enlargement procedure.

>> No.7893433

holy fuck did she even try? Seven of Nine's outfit isn't even that difficult. This girl looks like she's wearing a dirty condom.

>> No.7893456
File: 808 KB, 1200x1500, Seven-of-Nine-seven-of-nine-10677684-1200-1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I had no idea this was what she was supposed to be cosplaying.

>Bodysuit isn't even silver
>No metal hand thingies

>> No.7893514

so why aren't these videos being posted here?

>> No.7893626

Not the same anon but have a cringe-worthy interview with her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTrtOlxBkmQ&feature=youtu.be

>> No.7893638

Those tits look fucking painful.

>> No.7893675

Dunno man, look at her crotch. Now that looks painful.

>> No.7893680

Is the guy interviewing her special needs or retarded in some way?

>> No.7893689

>geek eire

>> No.7893693

Hmm, pretty much, yes

>> No.7893699

What? For once it's not bait. They did interview her. Which I think is hilarious as it shows how desperate for attention she is

>> No.7893701

Thats that shit tier podcast the irish thread hate right?

>> No.7893712

I dont know who im more embarressed for. Her for being interview by a retard or him for interviewing a train wreck.

>> No.7893743

>Not being comfortable with your boob size
I'd put my dick in you no matter how small they are.

>> No.7893762



Why are they giving her soo much damn attention. Now she'll diff get her implants.

>> No.7893775

You'd fuck a trap if you could, faggot.

>> No.7893860

I'm confused she posted an update on her gofundme saying she's already getting the surgery and put up a pic of her in the hospital but she's still accepting money on her account. So is that extra money for her to keep? Her video complaining about her losing her fans over this is hilarious.

>> No.7893914
File: 87 KB, 659x421, Karen Sakai's GoFundMe - YouTube -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how she says oh well people with cancer are getting over $8000-$9000.. so dont compare me to those people.Calm your tits about my tits. Classayyy....


>> No.7893915

Nobody here wants that from you, fuck off back to /r9k/ you disgust me.

>> No.7893953

Fucking liar this is her second boob job she is asking for. God people need to stop talking about her she is classless.

>> No.7893971

I feel a little sorry for her. She's so pathetic but she clearly has no idea how obvious it is that she's a cheap JNigri rip off who is equally as awful at makeup and could stand to lose some weight on top of it all.

Mean as it is, and bitchy as it makes me, I am glad to say she is never going to amount to anything, size "C" or DDD. Jnigs has that market cornered, it is too late to try to dethrone her. That helps me rage a little less over her stupidity and disgusting sense of entitlement.

>> No.7894062


>> No.7894095

Wait, is she saying she's a C-cup?! Fuck me, I hate the widespread misunderstanding of cup size so much.

>> No.7894286
File: 50 KB, 417x722, 10500530_892061610822598_914915129267983803_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think tits are gonna help her out.
If betas wanna waste their money on her boobs, let them. It is their money. I just feel there are so many other cosplayers, who are attractive, that could use boob jobs.

>> No.7894364

That's so horrible. Sevens bodysuit isn't pleathery/glossy.
Seven has other color bodysuits. The silver one was only used at the beginning of her first season. The others include a brown/bronze one and a purple/dark grey.

>> No.7894397
File: 3.76 MB, 3000x920, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is a latex fetish cosplayer or whatever she calls herself. Everything is awkward and disgusting so never expect anything good/accurate

>> No.7894403

So, did she donate anything?


>> No.7894406

So, has anyone else used gofundme? Do you have to give them personal information like tax information? Do they keep a cut of the proceeds? And there is no legal avenue for donors if the money is used for something else?

>> No.7894418

Jesus what is happening with her crotch

>> No.7894432

What if I made a GoFundMe to get RID of my tits?

>> No.7894447

that would be for health reasons, and would make more sense than this shit. no one would donate probably and you'd get guys going "waaaaaaahhh, don't lose you're precious boobies!"

if anyone donated, they would be tumblr girls.

>> No.7894453

OR tumblr girls will donate more quickly if you make up some bullshit like you want to become a man and it's the first step

>> No.7894454

it's trying to bite it's way free of its latex prison

>> No.7894493 [DELETED] 

>>first step
Which is wrong, first step is being diagnosed with gender dysphoria, then getting hormone therapy.

Tumblr hates me anyway so I doubt they'll give me their money.

Also, if I had the opportunity to get a ton of money for nothing I'd use to pay off my student loan before using on my gender nonsense.

>> No.7894496

>>first step
Which is wrong, first step is being diagnosed with gender dysphoria, then getting hormone therapy.

Tumblr hates me anyway so I doubt they'll give me their money.

Also, if I had the opportunity to get a ton of money for nothing I'd use it to pay off my student loan before using it on my gender nonsense.

>> No.7894498

show a little bit of skin

There's this one girl on tumblr that actually sells pictures of herself in fetish clothing/etc/whatever is going on and she pays the rent like that.

>> No.7894547

she needs to ask for someone to fund her gym membership

>> No.7894577

Is she skinnyfat/30 pounds overweight? Does she have a manface? Noticeably asymmetrical boobs, even? Oh and I don't own any fetish clothing. Or any cute or nice clothes for that matter. Just t-shirts and shit jeans and fucking disgusting underwear.

I also doubt I could sell any "sexy" photos of myself in the cosplays I've completed so far (or plan to do) because the characters are rather obscure.

>> No.7894584 [DELETED] 

I-I would but your lewd photos, anon.

>> No.7894590

I-I would buy your lewd photos,

>> No.7894592

She lost the weight >>7891710

Wouldn't be surprised if shes like Yaya with no ass. She should go ahead and fund for her assplants

>> No.7894614

>Also, if I had the opportunity to get a ton of money for nothing I'd use it to pay off my student loan before using it on my gender nonsense.
I love you.

>> No.7894622

You like *~*~transmasculine*~* blobs who watch Chinese robot cartoons and dress up like the characters from them no one likes?

I know this transwoman on Tumblr who cries about not being to afford her surgery and every time she makes a post about it I just can't help but think to myself, "Why doesn't she ever think about her student loan?" (since she did go and graduate from college. Of course she got a useless degree and can't get a good job to pay off her loan or further her transition. But then again, I'm a bigger fuckup in that regard.) Oh, and I'm pretty sure whatever money she does get she uses on toys (not sex toys, LOL) and comics and shit.

>> No.7894626

Because cosplay is like the only hobby where you can get away with this.

Not even talking shit about cosplay, I fucking love cosplaying, but it's just the nature of the beast.

Do you really fucking suck at making costumes, but still are decent looking? Then just choose your characters wisely, cosplay the charas who show lots of skin and wear very little fabric, and the average joe will still think your Tifa Lockhart is a 9/10.

>> No.7894729

I-I would download and forget about your lewd photos, anon.

>> No.7894734

>tfw you know this is getting money because fetishes
>tfw just found out about fin dom while selling foot videos
my eyes are open and i aint even mad

>> No.7895007

She's asking thousands of dollars to get breast implants to fulfill her own personal sense of vanity. She's not presenting it like this though, she's putting it under cosplay and claiming to get the tits for "cosplaying purposes". That's what makes it disgusting. Especially when you already have huge implants.

>> No.7895199

... because her student loan is a more amorphous subject than seeing herself looking physically like a dude?

I get that you're being an aggressive dickwad, but at least make cogent arguments.

>> No.7895210

I have a feeling I know who you're talking about sadly.

>> No.7895211

>her student loan
giving her a lot of credit there anon

>> No.7895256

Ariane isn't a fucking cosplayer, she's just another whore fetish model trying to get publicity for herself

>> No.7895294

I like how she thinks 8-10k is a lot for treating cancer. One surgery cost me 43k. Just one.
It's sad that she doesn't understand that the majority of aren't jealous... we're apalled at the selfishness of someone who already has the money asking people to find her vanity. She said she already had the money. So why does she need crowd funding for it? That is the very height of selfishness.

>> No.7895350

Hope you're doing okay anon.

>> No.7895357

Look, I get she hates her penis. I hate my own body from the neck down. But I hate being in debt even more. Not trying to be an aggressive dickwad. (maybe I'm just projecting)

>> No.7895359


>> No.7895485

Why is it that those who get the most worthless degree always have a problem with spendthrifting? I mean it, all those I know who have a useless degree with no existing job market always buy the most useless shit and spend more money than their budget would allow. Just wondering since they are aware that they probably won't get a job on their field after graduating yet they still throw away money like crazy.

>> No.7895497
File: 167 KB, 500x737, mBQwclL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a bit flabby, manfaced blob with no curves and asymmetrical boobs and nobody would ever pay to see me naked

I'm so glad I don't have a boyfriend so the only one who has to live with my naked body is me

>> No.7895574

Apparently that girl got her power scooter

>> No.7895576

Mfw people are funding this

Why don't they give the money to a more attractive cosplayer? Even with makeup, she doesn't even look like a 5/10.... and my standards are pretty low.

>> No.7895577

Thought that said "Go Pound Me" at first

>> No.7895580

Because they're fucking depressed and useless trinkets/compulsive shopping makes them feel just a tiny bit better at least for a short period of time.

Hell, I took up cosplay to deal with the trauma of dropping out of art school/the shame of being demoted to community college. What a great idea that was.

>> No.7895588


It's hard to find attractive people who are this slutty for money. Even with camwhores, the pretty ones get snatched up by rich VIPs who offer to fly them over for sex.

>> No.7895648

>Know someone who is facing homelessness
>Too broke to help him
>Only needs $200 to register a car so he doesn't end up homeless

It's fucking enraging that people can't donate to someone like him but nerds will treat gofundme like a fucking strip club.

>> No.7895674

because social media and internet nerd website hype up useless cosplayers like these

>> No.7895705

Never understood how exactly one could live in a car (I live a sheltered life) so please enlighten me--where would one park it so it wouldn't get plastered with tickets, get towed away while one's gone, etc?

>> No.7895726

Not speaking from experience, but you could park in a public place for a night. No one is going to call a tow truck for one night, then you move to another place. My guess is that you would just rotate around.

>> No.7895894

She's trying to back track now. http://karensakai.tumblr.com/post/100752757317/last-night-i-did-a-live-google-video-chat-with

>> No.7895927


Girl just needs to give it up. How can someone compare a scooter a disabled person needs to get around with to fake boobs. She's already had them done once.

>> No.7895929
File: 10 KB, 283x178, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's plenty of abandoned businesses. Forgoing that, there are placed called park & ride where commuters just leave there cars for extended periods of time under the assumption that it won't get towed or ticketed.

Speaking from personal experience, you're generally traveling wherever your car is so you don't even have to worry about leaving it somewhere. You have it parked wherever you're doing business.

>> No.7896290

I actually know Lolitabot, and I'm REALLY glad she's going to be able to get her scooter before that girl gets new tits.

>> No.7897114

Why anyone would give money to a female for enlarging her breasts without being married to her or having sex with her is beyond me.

It's the same as a whore. Karen Sakai should be ashamed of herself.

>> No.7897137

wtf happened to her mouth?

>> No.7897139


>> No.7897281

In Portland apparently no one cares.One woman slept in her car outside my apartment building for awhile and one day I walked past a police car behind her. She was still sleeping and they were clearly stopped to do something else unrelated.
Then again it's not weird to go to a playground and see 2-3 bums sleeping all around and no one is like concerned about that or anything

>> No.7897285

>botox face
>basketball boobs
Wouldn't surprise me if she threw in a jaw shave and some lipo. How much work has this bitch begged to get in exchange for fap materials?

>> No.7897373
File: 271 KB, 960x1086, 1365353648138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people give money to to other people for a variety of dumb reasons

look at patreon or gurl gamer streamers

at least the fanboys will be getting the reward of seeing those giant fake tits in cosplay

no reason to single this person out

>> No.7897733


>> No.7897773

she isn't even cute
and she doesn't even have tits to get people to ignore her plain jane looks.

>> No.7897890

Dude is probably a middle eastern prince or some shit, he has 200 million in his paypal account. Most likely Arabian oil, Dubai infrastructure, or any UAE country in general

2k is nothing. Even when you have something like 1-2 million, you can drop 50k on a whim for shits and giggles because your income is most likely constant, regardless.

Not to mention, I doubt even 1/10 of the dude's networth is in his paypal account.

>> No.7897900

Tfw people don't realize that middle eastern oil money is actually a summation of your tax money, and the money you spend on gas and everything from food to the cheap shit body line crap

>> No.7897902

You can tell she's white trash from the status of her room alone, the snake bites just confirm any doubt

>> No.7897904

Damn, iggy azalea has some unattractive meat curtains as shown by vomit inducing camel toe

>> No.7897908

she still trying to go to medical school?

>> No.7897925

You clearly have never driven a car or you would know the fine art of reading a sign and moving your car.

>> No.7897934

Tell him to stop spending thousands on cons, cosplayers and crack

>> No.7897950
File: 92 KB, 449x401, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw Ani Mia disapproves of Karen Sakai's boob job gofundme when Ani Mia auctioned off a print at a geek bar to pay for her own fake tits.

Ani pls, stop trying to appeal to the masses and gain popularity by saying you're against cosplayer boob jobs.

>> No.7898174

I love how her fanpage is "verified" as if she's actually someone remotely important.

>> No.7898236

>>Ani Mia auctioned off a print at a geek bar to pay for own fake tits.

Details please?

>> No.7898519

Never heard about that sauce before rumors

>> No.7898520

Implying he's even interested and not just a friend of someone on this board. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.7898551

Don't need to have driven myself to know how to follow signs and rules; my point was that it seems like it would be super difficult to live in car because you'd have to keep moving your car around and shit to avoid tickets/towing.

>>that feel when I can't drive/don't have a car, can't get a job, and having that constant fear of abandonment from my parents lingering over me thanks to BPD

>> No.7898554


Yeah, a while back she auctioned off one of her prints at AFK Tavern in Seattle so she could pay for her boob job.
Which is how a lot of people originally met her in that area.

>> No.7898577

Bahahaha that's fucking retarded. I've been going to AFK for four years now and know the owners. Nice vendetta but never happened. Plus, how the fuck would anyone make enough money for a boob job by auctioning a print. Fucking retard. Nice try please come again.

>> No.7898578


> not knowing there are multiple AFK Taverns

Bruh do you even seattle

>> No.7898580

I'm assuming you mean the one in Everette fucktard considering the new one didn't open until last year. God you're fucking sad. Been friends with Gunner and Tae for years.

>> No.7898581

No vendetta.
Boob jobs aren't a bad thing.
I just think she is pretty damn hypocritical to give someone else shit when she got a boobjob by also raising money from her fans.

>> No.7898582



> I'm gonna throw out names to show my knowledge

> I'm that bitchy waitress everyone hates

> I'm gonna rage at an anonymous person ooooooooh

>> No.7898583

She didn't raise the money from her fans. She got them done before she ever had fans. Like I said been going to AFK a long time and have met her a few times. She worked at Microsoft for years. I'm sure she could have affords that shit herself.

>> No.7898584

Then I don't know what Ani Mia boob job print auction event I went to. I was pretty damn sure it was at AFK. Maybe it wasn't at AFK. It was fucking forever ago, so I don't really remember all the details except that she was auctioning a print to raise money to pay for her boobs. Which look fantastic.

>> No.7898585

No, if you're gonna talk shit at least know you're shit first or your just a vendetta fag who has no points but to make ridiculous shit up. A boob job costs grands. No ones gonna pay grands for her print.

>> No.7898586

Bahaha at this point you sound so retarded you should just stop trying your vendetta stories

>> No.7898587



We know it's you

>> No.7898588

Hahaha that's your last resort isn't it. So sad

>> No.7898594



It's time to rest.

>> No.7898598

You move it once a day, maybe once every two or three days depending on where it is. Not hard at all. Pain in the ass because you have no bathroom or shower but you can easily avoid tickets and towing if you can read a sign.

>> No.7898600

OK Karen hahaha

>> No.7898604

Why do we even care about some no name cosplayer?
Who fucking gives a shit?

How about we talk about boob jobs that actually matter?

Like Yaya's disgustingly large tits and Niggeri's ever expanding bust?
Way to go against feminism, ladies.

Way2support da patriarchy by giving men more to strike their dicks to.

>> No.7898618


Take your feminism to China, where it is actually needed.

America doesn't need feminism.

>> No.7898803

>No ones gonna pay grands for her print.

a boob job costs 10k easily, and nobody pays that much money for a piece of paper with someone's picture on it, even if they are super legit famous and not alive. i can see her using the money from selling her typical 10-15 dollar prints to put towards said titjob, but that's about it.

but either way, totally cool story.

>> No.7898804


You are far too mad.

>> No.7898891

Killllllll youuuuurrrrseeeelllllllllf

>> No.7899067

This makes me rage and depressed so much.
I wanted to set up a gofund me page for me moving away from this hell we call a country (We don't even have deodorant, food or security, young population literally have no future here). I just need 1000$, and they didn't let me do one because "you don't live in usa".

And then I see pages like this...

>> No.7899112
File: 35 KB, 350x525, 1901857_914857471876345_6806961768519927281_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would rather do cosplay than like lengerie bathing suit um pho-photos

>> No.7899180

Aside from the whole aborting female babies thing China isn't really that bad. Shows how much you know. time to go back to /r9k/

>> No.7899200

I'm sure we would have raged at your gofundme too.

Your best bet would probably be figuring out something you could freelance online for and earning money that way if your country has no internal job market.

>> No.7899637


Which is pretty BS, as I came from a family with five sisters and three brothers, all born on the Mainland, before they moved to the US and I was then born. I asked my parents about the abortions, killing of baby girls, and shit, and they pretty much laughed that it was only the Chinese equivalents of Rednecks that did that, along with eating dogs, bugs, and etc.

The city fold, like, them, abhorred that shit.

>> No.7899659

Dat paypal balance

>> No.7899919


>Amhai 12k O_O

And here I went to fucking college and don't even earn that kind of money per month. Come to think my plain as white bread looks could earn me this much. I fucked up somewhere.

>> No.7899994
File: 35 KB, 164x188, 1257883675911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in my day, when people gave money to women for their personal expenses, they got blowjobs in return.

What the fuck are people getting by giving money to this woman? The satisfaction of knowing that someone else is spending your money? What the fuck.

>> No.7900001

the secret is being a gamer gurrl

>> No.7900014

Thankfully this shit got taken down, so she's not getting the money anyway and people can stop giving her so much attention now.

>> No.7900024
File: 22 KB, 262x254, 1413575166976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things like this make me want to quit school and start whoring myself on the internet. Why should I bust my ass studying to get a degree and a decent job when I could pretend to play games in a bombshell bra and a tank top?

Too bad my stupid self-respect mentally bars me from sinking to that level.

>> No.7900056

you already cosplay, so not too far off being a slut

>> No.7900214

Anon, You're not trans. There's no way for you to ever understand the pain a trans person feels about their body. It is not the same as you hating your body.

>> No.7900228

and you do?

>not trans
>accuses others of not understanding pain trans people feel about body issues


>> No.7900241 [DELETED] 

You have never met me and you don't know the reason why I hate my body so who are you to say I'm not currently suffering from gender dysphoria too and been for a long time?

>> No.7900247

Where do you live, bro?

>> No.7900248 [DELETED] 

Anonymous 10/26/14(Sun)09:12:17 No.7900241▶
>>7900214 #
You have never met me and you don't know the reason why I hate my body so who are you to say I'm not currently suffering from gender dysphoria too and have been for a long time?

>> No.7900250

>>7900214 #
You have never met me and you don't know the reason why I hate my body so who are you to make the assumption that I'm not currently suffering from gender dysphoria too and have been for a long time?

>> No.7900252

Jesus fucking christ, I have had no problem with Karen before. She's decent looking and can be nice to look at in certain angles, but that is... yeah.

>> No.7900620


Why exactly haven't you killed yourself yet? You should look into that.

>> No.7900626

Men are stupid, more at 11

>> No.7900952

Cosplaying and cam whoring go hand in hand now a days.

>> No.7901121

I'll never get this. Crowdfunding for a boob job. The one she has right now looks fine on her. Anything bigger and she'll start looking as disproportional as Yaya.

>> No.7901136

rifle length upper on the AR, can't reach trigger

i tried.

colt 1911 is too nice of a gun to suicide with

>> No.7901567


>> No.7901570

pft use your toes

>> No.7901571


Been around longer than 10 years and I have never heard of this bitch until HoC and comic cons started using "famus grrls" as a cheaper means of advertising.

What is this shit.

>> No.7901576


Her twitter is verified too, because oh no someone might try to imitate the semi-kinda-famous cosplay girl on da interwebs.

this shit is too much sometimes ahaahaa