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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 261 KB, 500x280, mio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7888764 No.7888764 [Reply] [Original]

pick a song
lets do this

the only cgl sings i can find is shit we need a good one

and someone without shit editing

song idea
> raise your glass
inspired by that cosplay lip dub video before youtubes copyrighters got their hands on it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EjGYWr4qIA (muted version)

>> No.7888770

World Is Mine, to capture the true essence of /cgl/

>> No.7888784

I would sing, but I'm sick with strep ;-;

>> No.7888792

If it's a song I know I'll join.

>> No.7888800

I'm not the best singer, but I don't think I'm absolute shit, I'll definitely chime in if I now the song we pick.

Also holy fuck, that Anarchy sounds AWFUL. Who the fuck edited that?

>> No.7888809

What about the weeb classic?


Could pick out the people with the best wapanese for the beginning speaking part.

Songs already sung by groups would probably be best, it'll sound better in the end when all the audio is layered.

Or maybe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUN96H-u9VU

Or something like that

>> No.7888826

OP here again real quick
im volunteering myself to mix this together but i only have audacity, so if anyone else has a nicer program and wants to volunteer, pls feel free to jump in

>> No.7889326

Girls just wanna have fun?

>> No.7889329

Obviously this is the only real option: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn7jpINpqbQ

>> No.7889330

That song is awful and you are awful for suggesting it

>> No.7889332

I'm a guy, and I nominate this

>> No.7889334

I feel violated.

>> No.7889338
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>That first one

Holy fucking shit.

>> No.7889343


>> No.7889355

i really like Motteke sailor Fuku!!

>> No.7889363

Motteke or Honey sounds great to me. I'm not that confident with singing the fast parts in Motteke though.

>> No.7889365

Honey sounds nicer and you won't have the tendency to go high pitched

>> No.7889372

We doing this in english or going full on weeb and going jap?

>> No.7889379

If we're gonna pick a song, pick something that's easy to sing and in range for everyone and not >>7889326

>> No.7889385

These are some of the worst fucking cosplays.

>> No.7889659

/cgl/ appropriate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nQJgzF6g6M


>> No.7889675
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Holy shit, you can hear all of the try-hard in this.

>> No.7889680
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>> No.7889681

>korean subs

>> No.7889818

Something from Love Live. The contrast of pure, sweet girls to the bitchy girls we really are is priceless.

>> No.7889831

>9 minutes long
>That fucking quality

I can't even tell what the fuck is going on.

>> No.7889871


cgl, pls.

>> No.7889896

What in the hell is going on with that intro? I mean I know he's trying to powerpuff/frankenstein some animu bitch, but the expressions man, fuck. Did he just reanimate his dead gf?

>> No.7889902

The only obvious choice.

>> No.7889937


I counter with more Disney

>> No.7889990


Ughhh my first vocaloid video....wow that brings back memories!

>> No.7889998

what is the point of this? you pick a song and sing? idgi

>> No.7890018


So... it's looking like Honey is popular, and it's mostly mid-range, so most people should be able to sing it half decently.

Though I would not be opposed to some Mulan, either.

Maybe we should set up a poll?

>> No.7890023

We all sing the same song, and then OP edits the audio together so we're all singing together.

>> No.7890031


>> No.7890060

Setting up a poll would be nice

>> No.7890068

I'm totally in for this. How will it be /cgl/ related though? It would be cute if we did a video dressed up in cosplay and j-fashion but I guess that would make things difficult.

>> No.7890070


Why not a /cgl/ related song?

>> No.7890071


Strawpoll is being an asshole, sorry.

I just added the ones that people showed interest in for now.

>> No.7890076

Anon this song blows.

>> No.7890079

It's cute!

>> No.7890085

I would actually be so down for this.

>> No.7890086


Oh dear god what even is this

>> No.7890107

We could also do more than one, keep in mind

>> No.7890119


>> No.7890122


>> No.7890125

I can never not agree with this.

>> No.7890178

It needs ot be editted like the nico nico choruses where they change the person singing every stanza and you can pick and choose the better parts.

>> No.7890202

That would be beautiful

>> No.7890208

i don't really have much faith in /cgl/'s japanese skills. how about FG lover's I'll Make A Cosplayer Out of You?


>> No.7890210

What we need is a song that isn't sung in the key of "Kyah!" So maybe a song originally sung by a dude like Uragiri no Yuuyake or something shonen.

>> No.7890220

Seconding this! Not sure which song though.

>> No.7890311


>> No.7890337



>> No.7890341

but can we beat

>> No.7890357


>> No.7890364

falsetto time

>> No.7890379

yes yes yes YES

>> No.7890384

This would be perfect

>> No.7890385


...I had to

>> No.7890511


>> No.7890558
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I originally was going to lurk and watch from afar hoping to see this turn into something amazing but I might have to do this if we're singing this.

>> No.7890565

that was the game plan, but i depending on the song i might throw every single track on the opening part of it for shits and giggles

also i'm up to "ill make a man out of you" but a lot of other boards have done it, and im not sure if its speshul snowflake enough for us
i say if we do it, we do it with custom lyrics

can i get some basic interest feedback from you gals?

im going to keep making a list of all the suggested songs, but i think this would help narrow it down

>> No.7890571

also i forgot to mention, i was hoping to do a lolita one and a cosplay one so theirs no clashing of interests when trying to choose a song

>> No.7890626

Why are there no "doesn't matter" options

>> No.7890633

Is there really a difference between lolitas and cosplayers singing?

>> No.7890653

or something by Kyary maybe? Not really feeling "I'll Make A Man Out Of You" because it's rather overdone

>> No.7890654


>> No.7890658

or capsule version

>> No.7890659

Agreeing with these 2, I think a love live song would be perfect.

>> No.7890663

Please please please this or She's So Kawaii

>> No.7890778

For lolitas, what about Misako's song?

>> No.7890781


>> No.7890787
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>> No.7890793

not all of us are robots

>> No.7890854

No brand girls from Love Live.

>> No.7890907


>> No.7890930


Or maybe one of these;

>> No.7890945

Anyone have the "be a yan" lyrics? We should do that.

or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siX4lFHezmM

>> No.7890981

I love me some LL.

>> No.7890984


We could even do the 9 person version so we would have more broken down parts.

>> No.7890987


Here's my vote.

>> No.7891106

Snow Halation?

>> No.7891139

I fucking love this song.
But didn't /a/ attempt this?

>> No.7891140

They did. It was never completed to my knowledge.

>> No.7891149

Gdi I'd be so down for this if not for my infected throat. I can't even talk normal right now

>> No.7891150

C'mon guys, something by this band is the only option for this board https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIpfWORQWhU

>> No.7891155

I vote for this.

>> No.7891168
File: 78 KB, 637x476, 1403742344391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> No Fashion Monster

> No Tsukema Tsukeru

Really /cgl/?

Also, I think this song from WataMote is pretty fitting.


>> No.7891205

That song is shit anon

>> No.7891220

Why not something from FEMM like this song? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vwfNPtnPl4E

Or you know, fuck boys get money to piss off the mods.

>> No.7891240
File: 769 KB, 1280x720, Mirei2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can we please do this?

>> No.7891377

It's cute but holy fuck, so much autotune
I bet Misako can't actually sing for shit

>> No.7891473

I think /cgl/ has spoken.

>> No.7891489


>> No.7891498


>> No.7891508

Why don't we just do everything?

>> No.7891568

This works. Two songs, at least.
It seems like everyone wants Renai Circulation and some variation of a Love Live track, so how about those two?

>> No.7891571

This sounds good.

>> No.7891574
File: 28 KB, 286x286, BUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This video rustled so many sjw's jimmies

>> No.7891584

how about everything still?

>> No.7891592

>implying /cgl/ has the motivation and manpower to coordinate more than a couple at a time

>> No.7891625

Am I the only person on /cgl/ who can't sing in Japanese?

>> No.7891641

>not knowing how to pronounce Japanese like a native
>despite only knowing casual tourist Japanese
What the fuck are you doing here?

>> No.7891676

With two songs it'd be more inclusive to have one in japanese and one in english. Not like any of the songs are lolita or cosplay specific anyway.

>> No.7891689

It literally takes like 1 day to learn the basic alphabets writing and pronunciation. From there you just have to listen to the song once or twice to learn the word nuances rewinding when something is confusing you. Don't need to actually understand what you're saying.

>> No.7891769


>> No.7891848

can we actually? it would suit /cgl/ so well.

>> No.7892673

>white girls rapping
no thx

>> No.7892675

this is brilliant

>> No.7892897

I actually know the lyrics to this.

>> No.7892944

can we just do renai circulation pls

>> No.7893004 [DELETED] 

Not OP but I made a poll for this.
I made it about the singers or artists we should cover, and according to that then we can settle the song we want.

Here it is: http://www.poll-maker.com/poll156137xcdF14419-6

>> No.7893030

Not OP but I made a poll to vote on what artist should we cover, and then we can select a song from them.
Also you can vote for more than one option and add comments.

Here you go:

>> No.7893180
File: 220 KB, 478x352, 1413187721216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW people read the lyrics from their phone in karaoke at a ccn

>> No.7893198

It doesn't have to be directly /cgl/ related. Haven't you heard other /board/ sings? Like, really anything using cute japanese vocals or about fashion would be relevant to a /cgl/ sings product.

>> No.7893201

It's so overdone though.

>> No.7893216

Fuck off.

>> No.7893218

Mazinger Z main theme.

>> No.7893223

b-but anon, it wouldn't be in the /cgl/ spirit if we weren't be special snowflakes.

>> No.7893697

Why not Moon Pride since we're independent wimmimz who don't need no man (except for tuxedo yan)

>> No.7893706

I laughed so hard I scared my nabor, can we do this please?

>> No.7893721

What about Daughter of Evil? We're all evil here...


>> No.7893868
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>> No.7893877

Seconding this.
Servant of evil would be cool too

>> No.7893892
File: 164 KB, 1920x1200, 29809_lucky_star_izumi_konata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a poll with all the options posted here so far! http://strawpoll.me/2839200 we could probably get an idea of what everyone wants from there.

>> No.7893924

I would have prefer another love live song over start dash though.

>> No.7893931

>Not posting best song

>> No.7893941
File: 325 KB, 577x647, 019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh man, that ones a good one
Im such a sap for Love Live tunes though
(Phoenix is great too)

>> No.7893965
File: 2.43 MB, 403x299, 1394823261900.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or alternatively
(must alter the young seagull's voices into the correct octave for full effect)

>> No.7893977

people kinda stopped posting, i thought if anyone had wanted to choose something they would have already put it in

>> No.7894111

this was at the end of the video


which turned into this


I am so dissapointed in humanity

>> No.7895155


>> No.7895281

hatsune migu - world is mine is first


>> No.7895298

its so sugoi and kawaii princess song

>> No.7895322

Moon Pride or even the original theme in JP are my choices!

>> No.7895391
File: 1.00 MB, 1008x836, cglsings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When can we stop voting?

>> No.7896258

not my decision (i'm not even the OP of this thread but nothing was happening)
I think it should be in a couple of weeks, though...

>> No.7896294

jesus christ no lets get this over with

>> No.7896302

I feel bad because the majority of these would sound terrible if we sang them because we don't have kawaii baby voices

like just because it's a fun song doesn't mean we can cover it even remotely well

>> No.7896334

This. It really needs to be a song already sung by a group or we're going to sound 100% like garbage.

Can we do a new poll with only group-sung songs? Because everyone here singing Pom Pom Pom with our non-kawaii voices all overlapped is going to be god awful.

>> No.7896354

I wouldn't say group only. But songs that just won't sound like shit with multiple people. Otherwise we're basically just stuck with idol groups.

>> No.7896419

>implying that's a problem

There's already an idol group song in the top 3, why not just go with that one? Roles are clearly set out and the characters in the song have different ranges (high, mid range and low). I think it'll be the easiest for us all to sing.

>> No.7896457


>> No.7896579
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>mfw this used to be my favourite song in my weeb days

>> No.7896604


>> No.7896830

Personally I'd prefer one, I just think it might be bad to limit our choices.

>> No.7896833

I request a moment of silence for our brave sister here

>> No.7896969

Why not best english weeb song?


>> No.7896976

I'd rather sing with my broken japanese than attempt a shitty english remake

>> No.7897147

Who's planning on organizing this anyway?
If it's OP can they at least use a trip so we know who they are.

To be fair, I don't think the objective is to sound good, but rather to have fun.
Plus, if it's edited well, it'll sound ok even if most of the people singing aren't great.

>> No.7897151

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDwhwP87-x0 I think this would be great

>> No.7897288

Who the fuck is voting Pon Pon Pon? I like Kyary but that's just not a good song to sing

>> No.7897296


>> No.7898007

Yeah but how about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3zjROdHU04

>> No.7898087

I'm bored and and an amateur singer, suggest me something and I'll vocaroo it.

>> No.7898089


>> No.7898091


>> No.7898096

I kinda wanted to say yes so I can laugh at you but.
Yeah, nah.

>> No.7898248

>implying a bunch of people singing independently and then being edited together can harmonize without a bunch of practice first

>> No.7898474

>divide song in 3 parts, low medium high
>arrange notes so it sounds good when sung together

>> No.7898528

Holy shit, can we just pick a song and do it already? I'm itching to do this, y'all need to stop fucking around.

Let's just do something that can be easily separated into parts, all this bickering over harmonizing is getting annoying.


>> No.7898531

you can sing right now at this moment whats stopping you?

>> No.7898543

But that's no fun, anon. I want to sing with /cgl/!

>> No.7898546

I'm going to keep stalling this until I get over my throat hurting.

>> No.7898553

Aww, you're no fun.

>> No.7898637

bless /cgl/ 4:1 female to male gender ratio

It's like listening to a bunch of chipmunks singing with a random booming neckbeard in the background.

>> No.7898877

Just sing a love love song and sing the part of your favorite raibu??

>> No.7899202

Yeah let's do it. Renai Circulation and Moon pride are in top right now. I think we should do both eventually, and let whoever is editing it choose.

Are you OP? Are you putting it all together? We can pick a song and give everyone a week or two or whatever to do it, so if your throat hurts you can just wait until the end of that period to do it.

I feel like /cgl/ is full of flakes so I'm wondering if this will even get through the editing process. Can we appoint an editor-in-chief in case OP backs out or something?

>> No.7899220

I'm not OP, I'm just figuring out ways to make you guys keep discussing which song to do.

>> No.7899309

Renai Circulation is so overdone. Can we do Love Live?

>> No.7899313

Your mother is overdone.

>> No.7899330

My mom is dead you assfuck

>> No.7899362

Dead tired from all the bumming she overdid last night

>> No.7899363

I just opened this thread and haven't scrolled through it yet. Before I do, I am calling that there's gonna be plenty cancerous tripfag attention whores ITT and perhaps a tiny Mexican.

>> No.7899366

That's a really nice song, why does it have so many dislikes???

>> No.7899418
File: 73 KB, 500x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, 'cause your dick is so small she actually had to make an active effort to pleasure herself?

>> No.7899493


>> No.7899664

No. Go away.

>> No.7899675

im getting a boner thinking about it

>> No.7899814

Fucking Start:Dash or Snow Halation is best options though...
Natsuiro Egao de 1, 2, Jump! is nice too...

>> No.7900020

I think Start:Dash is probably the easiest to sing since the vocal range isn't obscene? My range isn't very high but I still dont have too much trouble hitting notes.

In comparison, though I love Snow Halation, I have to really strain to hit the notes and it doesn't sound good at all...

>> No.7900042

I don't care if the song is impossible to sing, this is not some talent show. Let's just pick one and have fun guise.

>> No.7900304

Pedophile scum.

>> No.7901719

I'm so ready for this let's do it

>> No.7902705

>searched weeaboo on amazon
>stumble upon this album
>the ita song is surprisingly catchy

>> No.7904271

Right, so I'm guessing you need to film this whilst wearing cosplay... OP, is it best we get these uploaded to Youtube and then you can rip them or something? Or do you literally just want audio?

If we're just doing audio, maybe Vocaroo is the best place for it. It looks like the top three are Renai Circulation, Pon Pon Pon and Moon Pride. I think TBH Pon Pon Pon is too difficult for everyone to sing, but then KPP abuses autotune so it shouldn't be too bad if we just filter it like that.

Shall we start on Renai Circulation as it seems to have the most vocal support in the thread? Everyone who wants to be involved, get a vocaroo of it up by... Monday?

>> No.7904518

>Shall we start on Renai Circulation as it seems to have the most vocal support in the thread? Everyone who wants to be involved, get a vocaroo of it up by... Monday?
im ok with this. someone get this ball rolling

>> No.7906367

yeah let's do it. that way the files are public too, so if OP doesn't edit it someone else can.

>> No.7906599

I'll have to pass if it's renai circulation. It's a cute song but there's no way I can sing that fast in a language that's not my first, it'll be a complete trainwreck

>> No.7906672

Same, it's too high for I think almost everyone's vocal range and I just think Start Dash would be a much better choice..

>> No.7906675

What about we do renai circulation in english ?

>> No.7906692

why are you so serious about this?

>> No.7906772

Because it's MISOGYNY.

>> No.7906778


>> No.7906779

Just sing the chorus or bridge then, you don't have to do the verses.

>> No.7906859

can we send the vocaroos to an email?

>> No.7906885

lets agree on a place to get the lyrics from!

>> No.7906887


>> No.7906955
File: 2 KB, 80x80, btn_0119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://vocaroo.com/i/s1pSxC1bZ00p ;__; I did the chorus and now the people in my hall know I'm a weeb.

>> No.7907091

Just say its for work. Whenever I do something embarrassing I just said its for work. And if they ask what work I do I just say its classified.

>> No.7907459

I did the chorus, as well.

You have a cute voice

>> No.7907474

I will record myself tomorrow, it's too late now and I will wake up everyone. Please please wait for me

>> No.7907489
File: 15 KB, 187x240, Sengoku.Nadeko.240.1166319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I tried.

>> No.7907490 [DELETED] 

I recorded two parts:


I hope it's okay since it's half past midnight here and I shouldn't be singing kawaii songs.
I can't help with the noise too, sorry.

>> No.7907494

i like

>> No.7907499

I recorded two parts:


I hope it's okay since it's half past midnight here and I shouldn't be singing kawaii songs.
I can't help with the noise too, sorry.

also here I broke my tongue but I like the beggining so maybe someone could use it instead


>> No.7907528

So I'm not OP or anything, but I thought it might be easier to have an email for everyone to send their files to. I don't mind mixing everything either, but I only have audacity.
I know vocaroo also tends to lower the quality of the files, so if you could send the originals to an email it might be better?

>> No.7907532

but I don't wanna

>> No.7907533


>> No.7908296

Anon, your voice is so cute!

>> No.7910513


>> No.7910523

No, anime lyrics is awful.

>> No.7910527

The translations might be wrong, but I don't see anything wrong with the romanji.

>> No.7910529


Stop it.

>> No.7910556

I gave it a try. I apologize for shitty audio quality/voice I'm sick right now so I used my laptop to see what people though. (I also haven't ever sang this before today so I got tongue tied in spots)

Be gentle, anons.


>> No.7910560


i was expecting bad since you're sick but you're better than half the people i've heard on /cgl/ at all.

>> No.7910562

Lotta kawaii singin gulls here.

>> No.7911533

>Not singing's Hyadain's Hyadaruko no KakakataKataomoi-F
Very bad, cgl.

>> No.7912505

This would be adorable, and it'd work since we could split the guys and girls parts.

>> No.7913049

there's no guys here

>> No.7913096


just girls and girls pretending to be guys

>> No.7913103
File: 92 KB, 818x628, 1394702704800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a girl with a deep voice, so maybe I can do Hyadain's voice.
I feel like this song would be awesome.
and I know like 3 guys on cgl though none will sing it.

>> No.7913127
File: 90 KB, 401x385, 1404241804014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried hrnn
I'll probs just email the part.
>tfw can't sing cute because of chronic sinusitis


>> No.7913131

fuck, your voice is too cute during instrumental haha
"My Japanese is crap ./clap/"

>> No.7913379
File: 906 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lxpxpois7p1qkai1do1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I-I tried. I guess it's alright...

>> No.7913512

lost my shit

>> No.7913587


Sorry, I'm laying down on my stomach, I probably would have sounded better if had stood up.

>> No.7913719

I tried to do the rap part but I clearly messed up. Feel free to leave it out.

>> No.7913898

http://vocaroo.com/i/s0CfQ33ASmUz cold + braces + 12yo sounding voice, but here it is

>> No.7914483

>not taking the time to practice it repeatedly for full mastery

Then again when's the deadline? I don't want to miss out because I'm spending a lot of time learning the rap.

>> No.7914531


Your voice is so cute!

>> No.7914539

I would have sex with your voice

>> No.7914563

Everything from after the rap, I decided not to disgrace this song even more http://vocaroo.com/i/s0RR1GtPwFAL

>> No.7914804

so should we send an email with vocaroo singing a specific song to be picked for spots or

>> No.7915366

I've mixed before, and am also volunteering if OP can't/chooses do not mix.

>> No.7915754

..that's a different song than we're doing anon

>> No.7915837
File: 174 KB, 768x820, 1410703048416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Anon!

That's a first for me, but thanks!

>> No.7916100

I apologize for the rap

>> No.7919658

is this dead?

>> No.7920329

Thank you anon!

>> No.7920514

>not singing dokoro-chan theme

>> No.7920741

What are we singing?

>> No.7920917

renai circulation

>> No.7921240


>> No.7921244

Do it, faggot.

>> No.7921247


>> No.7921250
File: 3.47 MB, 550x400, You fucking faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7921251


>> No.7921608

i spent so long learning the lyrics to this shitty song and voocaroo isnt even working for me........

>> No.7922256

you sound like you have glasses

>> No.7922260

upload it somewhere else?

to whoever is mixing, don't start yet! i'm gonna record asap pls wait for me

>> No.7922302
File: 40 KB, 342x298, 1405399840015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so confused

>> No.7922321
File: 1.14 MB, 200x118, it gets better.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 minutes

>> No.7923385

Don't hurt me.

>> No.7924249

How do I sing moon?

>> No.7924656

Just record moon and upload, we can use it in the second round. Bearing in mins it may take a while!

>> No.7925682

Anon I think they meant moonrunes. Not the sailor moon song.

>> No.7927804

If you've already done some PASWG, why don't you ladies try and butcher one of my most favorite songs.

>> No.7927967

Hold on one sec, let me get my mic set up.

>> No.7927986

I'll try it out tomorrow.

>> No.7927990
File: 52 KB, 742x720, 1396464219897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eagerly await your beautiful voices tomorrow.

>> No.7927996
File: 14 KB, 331x306, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7928008

wtf I never really thought about the fact that men used cgl...
Regardless that was hilarious.

>> No.7928012

lets go guys

>> No.7928017

Do this one please.

>> No.7928053
File: 832 KB, 542x390, inl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7928074

Im not in London sorry.

>> No.7928090


>> No.7928091

But your voice is hot even if you are shit at singing.

>> No.7928098

That's a first, got any more requests

>> No.7928102


>> No.7928104

Sing this


>> No.7928116


>> No.7928120

wtf anon

>> No.7928127



>> No.7928135


>> No.7928141

apex kek

>> No.7928272
File: 2.28 MB, 319x238, who can say.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight, /cgl/

>> No.7928336

But are we singing the full version to renai circulation?

>> No.7928614

Be gentle~ I have a sore throat.


>> No.7928680

8/10 would listen to while I drink my sorrows away at some cramped bar.

>> No.7928699

You're pretty good, just need a bit clearer of a mic.

>> No.7928769


I know, this is my laptop one, my roommate took my mic when she left for the week(without telling me)

>> No.7928877
File: 41 KB, 321x326, delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sing something you like

>> No.7928907


>> No.7928912

Holy christ project your voices jesus it's like you are singing in my ear

>> No.7928942

if someone do this they are queen of /cgl/

>> No.7928944

does* this.

>> No.7928997

Was this shown in a show? Or do you just like the song?

>> No.7929042

I think this song suits perfectly:

>> No.7929477
File: 5 KB, 219x168, tumblr_m66tpylhOQ1qfifqb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7930049




>> No.7930150


I'm too tired for this

>> No.7930156

I love you anon

>> No.7935676

So what's the status on this?

>> No.7939233

ill do cover art of it if you want, does anyone wanna collab if so?

>> No.7939242

Do you need anymore people to sing?

>> No.7941745
File: 867 KB, 500x250, he.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone pls sing fruits basket opening

>> No.7941879

I'll do it tomorrow for you, anon.

>> No.7941884


Is this still alive?
Who is running this?


...at least I tried.

>> No.7941909

I tried

It'd be fun to have a vocaroo thread where people could request songs and anons could sing

>> No.7941968

Here you go >>7941967

>> No.7942256

>Is this still alive?
>Who is running this?

Who knows...
Thread was posted a month ago and no one has delivered anything.
Doesn't seem like OP has posted any updates about it so it's probably dead.
I'll probably give a shot at mixing the clips that were posted on here together even though I have no experience with audio at all.

Better than nothing.

>> No.7942367

So I couldn't sleep so I spent the past 2 hours working on this. It's unfinished, but it has about 6/13 people who contributed.
There are some rhythm and pitch problems, but I'll figure that out somehow.

Here you go:

You were the only person who actually sang on-beat.

>> No.7943792


thank you!

>> No.7944081
File: 59 KB, 960x540, cgl-circulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's awful because I'm bad at this, but it's done.
Hope you guys somewhat enjoy it.

>> No.7944235

Darn I was too late haha
Probably for the best though, I messed up so bad: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1ekd4qhjzoE


>> No.7944241

Thanks anon, you did a pretty good job!

>> No.7944337

It wasn't much.

Maybe next time /cgl/ should pick a song that isn't so high-pitched.

>> No.7944359

Can we please try shes so kawaii