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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.67 MB, 1698x1131, Help-Wanted-Sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7886137 No.7886137 [Reply] [Original]

General help thread, ask for help here.

Old: >>7853293

>> No.7886146

I'm having a problem with paint: gold paint comes off too easily, just touching it leaves a mark, but if I spray transparent paint on top of it it looks like shit.

Anyone know what I can do?

>> No.7886151
File: 378 KB, 764x1180, HeartGold_SoulSilver_Whitney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone know how to go about tackling Whitney's shirt? What material should I use? I am totally new to cosplay/sewing but I don't mind doing either, I'm just having a tough time deciding on the material and how I would attempt to do the red part.
It looks more like a baseball shirt or even a letterman jacket than a regular shirt to me but I'm having a tough time finding a plain white one. What would you guys suggest?

>> No.7886280

How efficient is hot glue with craft foam and fabric? I need to glue two pieces of foam on overalls (jeans) and I'm wondering if it will hold.

>> No.7886344

This all depends on what it is your painting, the type of paint you're using, and any sort of primer and finishing coats. More info would be needed to give you any help.

Hot glue will work very well with craft foam, but isn't the best with denim. It will peel off and sag, and look awful. If you are adamant about gluing it in place, I would go with contact cement, or Goop.

If you've never done any sewing before, you should practice on simpler things like pj pants or a plain basic shirt. As for now, I'd suggest looking around for a red and white baseball jersey and add in the oversized buttons.

>> No.7886386

I used an acrylic spray stucco and the gold paint is a synthetic resins based enamel spray, this is what is written on the label.

>> No.7886389

And what are you painting on? What material? Is there any primer?

>> No.7886393

wood, but as I said it's covered with stucco.

>> No.7886402

What can I use to temporarily darken hair? It's for a guy who's cosplaying with me so it would be short brown hair to black. I'm looking for something I can just put on and doesn't need to be rinsed like hair dye.

>> No.7886406

a wig?

>> No.7886469


No time for wig plus it would need to be a lacefront.

>> No.7886603

Would anyone know where I would get a randoseru? I've been told ebay but either the UK site hates me or they just dont really have any...

>> No.7887069

What benefits do I get from using worbla or wonderflex if I have to prime it anyways for a smooth texture and put some kind of foam underneath it?
I just don't really get it as I am just getting into cosplay armoring...

>> No.7887090
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 0071876205104_500X500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> just put on and doesn't need to be rinsed
Go to any Halloween or big box store and pick up a can of spray.

>> No.7887124

Got lucky and posted at the end of the old thread so I hope it's okay I post again here: I want to make a head accessory that looks like the halos in religious renaissance and baroque paintings. I think I have a few good ideas as to how to physically put it together, but I have no idea what kind of material I would use for this.

>> No.7887242
File: 51 KB, 800x450, shirt8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find anything remotely similar to this shirt. Please help!!

>> No.7887254

How hard is it to google "pagoda print shirt"?

>> No.7887359

I have!! What are you seeing that I'm not seeing??

>> No.7887360

I am building my own armor and I really wanted to put a computer case fan in it and have it run on a 9volt battery

Does anyone know how to do that?

Fan: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181049&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Case+Fans-_-N82E16835181049&gclid=CjwKEAjwwo2iBRCurdSQy9y8xWcSJABrrLiSAbwcjSG7zn7zYnYm_vER2CO0cp4CiqRTZualsQjjHxoCldrw_wcB

>> No.7887434


>> No.7887515

I'm looking for something to cosplay on a shoestring budget, ideally something shirt and tie suit based because my closet is overflowing with various parts for those. Any ideas?

>> No.7887530

L from Death Note.

>> No.7887576


I know the basics of sewing, but I was thinking of getting a baseball shirt and maybe some ribbon/fabric and sewing it on? I think making my own material would be out of my league (as in cutting up another shirt) but I have no idea if sewing the ribbon on would look like garbage. This would be pretty easy mode, right?

>> No.7887679

I strongly advise against using ribbon. Ribbon is very different from most fabric used in shirts, and it will not match the drape and weight of the shirt fabric at all. If adding the red stripe to an existing shirt is your best option, then I would suggest getting a very wide bias tape. Most fabric stores sell prepackaged bias tape, so you won't have to make your own, and it should work out relatively well.
Now, since you have said you are not especially experienced, I am not sure if you know how to apply bias tape without top stitching it. Doing it that way tends to make it look kind of lazy, so you should look up how to do it properly and practice a bit,
If time is a factor though, you can cheat by using stitch witchery or some other kind of new sew iron on tape. it won't hold up forever, and may peel around the corners after a while, but it will do in a pinch.

>> No.7887713

Ok so I decided to cosplay as Master Roshi this Halloween for a party, I thought it would be easy since y shave my head often so I will basically wear a Hawaiian shirt shorts and I already have the glasses all I need now is a beard, at first I went to different costume stores but could not find a suitable beard so I decided to make one but I’m having a bit of trouble since I have no experience doing such things, all I could find is 100% pure virgin wool for knitting I started to take it apart carefully and the texture seems ok now how do I put it together? I want it to look very original any help will be appreciated

>> No.7887733
File: 192 KB, 800x1000, Kirby Cosplay draft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on going to some anime and gaming cosplaying convention thing or whatever with my boyfriend. He's been to like two or three of these but I've never cosplayed or anything. I doodled up this outfit to cosplay as Kirby, any thoughts?

>> No.7887740

Well yeah I didn't mean like satin, I meant more like a roll of material like ribbon, that has a straight and defined shape in a line.
I'll definitely look in to top stitching, but if I am having a tough time and am finding it too difficult/run out of time I'll probably just look in to something to temporarily hold it on like fabric glue or something similar (although this is an absolute last resort kind of thing). I've never heard of sew iron on tape, I'll google it for sure. Thanks for the info, it was helpful!

>> No.7887816

Do you think a flight suit is a good place to start if I'm trying to make a Brief costume? I know a green hoodie and sweatpants might be more accurate but I'm not used to finding the clothes I want accurately.

>> No.7887827

I just want opinions on what would be more impressive at a con:
>classic Riven w/ giant full sword
>heartseeker Ashe
I want a challenge but I also want something that people not familiar with LoL would look at and think "oh that's nifty"

>> No.7887834

Where should I turn to to find someone I can commission to do some stuff for me?

>> No.7887856

All three are pretty impressive.

If you go as Cassipeia, beware of

Heartseeker Ashe looks like a typical archer slut with vapid hearts everywhere.

Classic Riven, the hobo warrior with a broken blade. At least if you get hit on by a creeper while wearing this, you can say you have experience in breaking phallic objects.

>> No.7887961

Imo Cassiopeia or Heartseeker Ashe would be more impressing than Riven. Since Riven's casual outfit's only impressing part would be the sword.

What about Riven's other skins? Championship Riven has good amount of armor and Redeemed Riven also looks generally bit more interesting than "hobo warrior".

>> No.7888472

still in need of help

>> No.7888687
File: 180 KB, 1358x954, Little Ally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What wig would someone choose for this? (Alucard from Hellsing)
Annoyingly his hair is really ambiguous, and not consistent throughout the show.

I'd like to use "Epic Cosplay", and I've narrowed it down to a few ideas, but I've never styled a wig more than cutting bangs, and it might be stuffed under a hat a lot, so I'm not sure which to choose.


>> No.7888697

Go for this one.

>> No.7888704
File: 496 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_mh95mxmcpc1qz4rgp_by_yesi_v224-d5sub3l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the first wig - helios - looks like a good one to work with for him, but you could go even longer if you like. His hair really is all over the place in terms of length. Also you're going to be such a fucking great Alucard, Sailor Mars Guy.

>> No.7888796

Okay so I am making a pair of gloves for my Biker Daisy cosplay and I'm doing the squares on her gloves. I tried handstitch them on but it just looks wonky and I really don't like it. I thought of using some kind of iron on, but where I live you can only get a really bad one at fabric stores (it doesn't even hold up for a day) and I need this finished by the end of the month.

Should I just paint the squares on or what?

>> No.7888819

Nobody can help you until we know what you're painting and what kind of paint you're using. Are you painting worbla, foam, cloth, or what? What paint are you trying to use? Acrylic, spray?

>> No.7889102

that is the most tumblr thing I've ever seen and I would not recognize you.

>> No.7889319

Cassiopeia or Heartseeker. Classic Riven is already meh and the only thing that's interesting is the blade. Heartseeker is gorgeous with a lot of detail and we sure could use more Cassiopeia cosplay.

>> No.7889394

I am pretty new to props, but I'm going to give something similar to this a try for an upcoming cosplay.


What I'm stuck on is the type of resin. Are there any good brands? Would going for the bondo resin be a bad idea? It's just readily available to me, but I wanted to double check with people who have more experience than me.

>> No.7889434
File: 133 KB, 630x460, 10-Fabric-Heart-Coasters-Valentines-Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to learn to sew for a while now, but unfortunately live in a small studio apartment so I have no room for a sewing machine at the moment.

I was thinking about picking up hand sewing for now, but have no idea what would be a good projects to start with. It's hard finding patterns specifically for hand sewing, and as a current non-sewer, I'm not sure which patterns would be easy to start with. I've sewn some coasters with cut-out designs but kind of want to branch out.

Any suggestions for patterns that wouldn't be a terrible bitch to attempt to hand sew, especially for a beginner?

>> No.7889456

Post a reference pic. If its what I think it is, there are like four different tutorials all using different materials floating around so you have no excuse.

>> No.7889468
File: 82 KB, 700x720, One-Piece-Gladiator-Lucy-Figuarts-ZERO-Bandai-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have a good resource for purchasing beards? I was hoping to get a good one similar to this but all the ones I've been finding on ebay and amazon have been super awful looking in terms of quality. Should I just grab a wig and fashion one out of that?

>> No.7889491

I am a huge proponent of learning how to hand sew before machine. Pick up a sewing book or five (Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Sewing is a great starting point) and read up so you understand the mechanics of it and know a few basic hand stitches. Change purses, headbands, plushies, and mittens are great starting points. Look at the patterns for accessories and home decor in the books and pick ones that are small enough you won't get bored finishing them.

>> No.7889497

I think you'd be surprised at how small sewing machines can be, I have a Singer Pixie Plus that fits into a tote bag for carrying ease but still holds its own against bigger machines.

But if you really want to keep hand-sewing look at tutorials for kids, because that's what most kid sew. Things like bows or dolls/doll clothes are good places to start. And really any small project intended for a machine can be done by hand.

>> No.7889588
File: 133 KB, 800x980, BlazBlue-Continuum-Shift-Game-Character-Official-Artwork-Render-Mu-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So 2 things im concerned about here... the gold trim and the purple/blue things on her hips.
I was thinking of using craft foam for the gold parts? It's not the most stylish but I can't think of something that will be both flexible and comfortable to be wearing on my hips and crotch... I just really hate how cheap it looks though. Any thoughts?
Secondly, the part on her hips seems to conform to her figure really well. What could I use to make those that would be flexible enough?

>> No.7889668

If anybody has questions about sewing and patterns I'd be happy to help. I made this >>7883501 in hopes I could help the fellow anon but I'd be down to draw properly and detail my future "tutorials".

>> No.7889908


>> No.7889964
File: 82 KB, 736x814, 83e8aa4bffa20fac5d5daab290983c98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any feasible way to pattern something like this so it slopes off my chest like in pic related? Or should i just make a default bunnysuit? I'm honestly not sure if that's just shit anatomy or if boobs can actually do that with the right support.

>> No.7889975

Please don't be the cancer in the lol cosplay community.

>> No.7890033

Can I use contact cement with artificial leather?

>> No.7890281

Maybe try covering the craft foam with stretchy faux leather? You could even use the same faux leather for the golden top parts of the socks (with stretchy interfacing instead of craft foam).

>> No.7890817
File: 28 KB, 596x640, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New anon from the previous help thread.
Is >7882129 still here? I wanted to make the spear of Ken from P4AU as accurate as possible. >7881296 said to use PVC pipes to make it breakdownable but I have no idea how to make a spear and those details with PVC pipe, just foam/wood so I need some guidance or a tutorial or some type of step in the right direction.

Is this anon still here too?

>So my friend's birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I wanna get him a nice gift. His current hoodie has definitely seen better days, so I was thinking about getting him a new one. But I don't know fucking anything about men's fashion, and I've seen some jackets where it looks good on the model on the site but looks horrible on white dudes in real life.

He likes his animes so I was wondering if there are any nice anime hoodies hidden around. The ones I've seen on Ebay/Aliexpress/etc are all just Naruto and One Piece ones, so I was thinking maybe there are some nice ones hidden away somewhere.

What anime/video games are your friend into because there are several others. Gintama. Dangan ronpa. One piece. Madoka. Evangelion? I can give you links for almost any hoodie, even Tokyo ghoul if you like

>> No.7890821

I'm looking to buy some more horsehair braid but none of my local stores seem to carry it. Can anyone suggest any websites they sells them by the yard and can get it shipped in less than a week? The one I use took FOREVER to ship.

>> No.7890831

I'm not sure your location but Joanns sells it in black and white

>> No.7891058
File: 256 KB, 853x937, arzuros_armor_by_bnaha-d6mz1i9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What´s a simple pattern to make the shawl on the female armor?

>> No.7891112

And by the way, how can I make the hips´part? I was thinking to cut a romboid shape, butI´m taking suggestions to make it look nice.

>> No.7891124
File: 582 KB, 250x131, 1412538481104.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered a Custom sizing skirt from Loli-Loli Paradise on facebook on the 27th of august. It's now the 21st of October.
I was wondering if anyone else had ever ordered from Loli Loli and how long your wait was. I'm getting really impatient now as two months seems like a long time to wait for just one skirt. I've heard only good reviews about the seller, but i didn't expect such a long wait!

>> No.7891172

some ebay sellers have a variety of colors and sizes

>> No.7891233
File: 519 KB, 1000x1000, 46574130_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread was closed so....does anyone know what Arda wig to get for this and how to design the feathers on the back?

>> No.7891304

Try something like this?


>> No.7891311
File: 154 KB, 480x272, nagito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Komaeda Nagito wig suggestions?

http://www.harukazecosplaywigsjapan.com/goods_en_usd_933.html cost too much and the Jared wig is good but I have no styling experience.

>> No.7891320

I know a site but you would have to go through a third party channel to get it:


Also Yahoo auctions JP sells them too.

If anything try the USA ebay site and go to anything that offer world wide shipping: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR9.TRC1.A0.H0.Xrandoseru.TRS0&_nkw=randoseru&_sacat=0

I order from Ebay UK and Ebay USA all of the time.

>> No.7891324
File: 28 KB, 327x600, Tohru-Adachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adachi from Persona 4 Arena/Persona 4. If you ever been on a job interview you probably have a black blazer.

>> No.7891463
File: 134 KB, 926x1219, UprisingPit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright I'm new to this shithole

I've been wanting to cosplay for awhile for some reason but could never think of a good character to do that i could fit. Suddenly today i realized i'd make a really good Pit from Kid Icarus, and he'd be perfect for me.

Looking at him now though, it looks like a bitch of a cosplay to make. The wings would be a problem, not to mention those arm things would probably have to be custom. And where the fuck could you even GET sandals like that?

How hard would this actually be to make or put together?

>> No.7891481

If you can use taobao I got an absolutely perfect wig from there! It's very fluffy and easy to style. I can link it if you want.

With the Jared wig, heres what I suggest. Fluff it up a bit by some light teasing. Then twist/roll the strands of hair you want between your fingers and pull it into a curl or whatever you want that strand to be. Then just spray the hell out of it with hairspray. Continue to hold it in place as you use a hair dryer on low heat. I like to give it a couple coats even once its dry and in place, just for good measure.

Komaeda was my first styling attempt and he was a lot easier than I thought.

For the ahoge you'll need a LOT of hairspray and patience. Start with the bottom of the hair, let it dry, then go to the top. If your hands are getting sticky hold it up with a small comb or a pencil.

>> No.7891767
File: 128 KB, 900x600, dot-smd-led-accent-light0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with these type of LEDs? I need something super bright but very small for a mask and I was wondering if I could run 5 of them off a power supply small enough to be feasible to hide inside a standard helmet/mask.

>> No.7891816
File: 676 KB, 1178x1280, Grunts Team Magma Omega Ruby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for the undersweater and socks I have two options:
1.) Modify two identical ribbed sweaters.
Pro: Realistic material/texture
Con: Ribs aren't as wide or pronounced

2.) Sew w/ knit material and paint stripes on.
Pro: Visible, accurate lines/ribs
Con: May look goofy?

So I guess, realism vs accuracy?

>> No.7891825

I would sew strips of fabric together. I feel like it would give you the right look (accuracy) even if irl those lines would translate to huge rib knit (realism). I have seen a cosplayer make rib knit, I think it was Firelillly? I am pretty sure you can do it by making folds and ironing it. I might be making that shut up but iirc that's what she did.

>> No.7891966

You can actually top stitch some contrasting colored thread along your knit material to get the ribbed effect.
dei-sandvich.tumblr.com/post/86860434467/have-you-ever-needed-to-match-your-ribbed-knit-to here you go!

>> No.7891969

I'm making a Pit cosplay , even if I don't really fit perfectly, and it is a fucking bitch to make, I've been working on it for months I've not finished a thing yet an the con is in ten days, the wings aren't as hard as you'd think you have to be careful though feathers costs a lot. And the sandals, I don't even know what I need to use to make those, also remember that most Pit cosplayers make a weapon as well and usually it is Palutena's bow, that thing is a huge fucking bow that took more that a month to make.

>> No.7892017

Haha I was just looking at that, thanks anon! Using a premade sweater would make my life easier, but would also be more expensive so I'll probably use this method. And just cry as I do all that extra stitching.

>> No.7892062

lol I hear you, I just had to do that ribbed knit effect too for a circle scarf and coat collar.
If you find that your "ribbed" knit isn't pronounced enough, you can sandwich some thin quilt batting in between your knit + lining, and it'll get the nicest ribs ever. You'll unfortunately add some bulk to the costume which means summer cons will be hellish. Good luck!

>> No.7892172

Oh god the idea of my whole upper body being encased in batting sounds terrible. It's a winter con, but it's a Texas winter con, and I get hot easily enough anyways. I bet it would look lovely though haha... I think I'll take my chances with the pintucking for this project!
I almost wonder what it would look like if I used black thread to do that? I'll have to play with it (and buy a double needle).

>> No.7892279

Ikkicon ehh?

>> No.7892311
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 9706fdfd-61e6-41fd-871f-0e08722ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a good Usagi wig, and I can't really find one that doesn't look like its not going to fall apart the second time I wear it. Any suggestions?

>> No.7892401

I feel like the easiest thing to do would be to get a pair of old/used/cheap Uggs or knock offs, and cut them into the sandal shape. It would give you the puffiness and lining, and seems like a better way of approaching it than trying to build from the ground up.

I'm also an asshole who thinks I'm MacGuyver, though, so ymmv.

>> No.7892701
File: 34 KB, 600x408, c6968172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting Ayanamisatorus Usagi wig for my Sailor Moon cosplay. I hope it will be accurate to the picture

>> No.7892869
File: 62 KB, 299x367, humanluna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a wig that could be suitable for the human version of Luna. I've seen some really gnarly long black wigs and I want to achieve the soft waves without looking like a mess.

>> No.7893011
File: 12 KB, 306x293, 42342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to do Eustace Bagge, was wondering if a hat like his exists or if the cartoonist simply took a brown baseball cap and exaggerated it.

I was gonna just go ahead and get a baseball cap but I really feel like I've see this in real life somewhere before, have you any suggestions on what to google?

>> No.7893027

Epic Cosplay is god tier for long wigs. Very easy to untangle. You'll probably have to make her odango yourself, but those are pretty simple

I also think her hair would look good in a purple-black like this, but you could go with black too.


>> No.7893045
File: 14 KB, 210x240, char_106560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a pair of XL dark brown work gloves. (The ones in the pic) I want to spend less than $20 and store pick up is preferred because I need them in 2 weeks and I need to make sure they fit right. I don't care too much what they're made out of at this point, but not knit. I've tried going to hardware stores that might have it like Lowes, Home Depot, and Ace Hardware, but I find nothing. Any suggestions stores that might have something? Or an online place that for sure sells gloves for longer fingers. Please and thank you.

It's a newsboy cap, but with a long bill in front.

>> No.7893047

I think that may be like a paperboy hat? or golf hat. You could also try and look for granpa hats, I could swear I've seen many old people wear those.

>> No.7893052

Gatsby or Newsboy hat? Idk it has a huge brim but I'd go with something that feels like an old man would wear it.

Also maybe try googling "types of men's hats"

>> No.7893070

Are you alright with leather? If you get leather work gloves, you can use shoe polish (i believe it was shoe polish? look it up in case I'm wrong) to color it darker brown.
Otherwise, all I can suggest is farm stores like Tractor Supply, but I'm guessing those probably don't exist outside of rural areas.

>> No.7893073
File: 1.33 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20141022_133704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these two would look better for an Arale cosplay?

>> No.7893083

I also have these to carry candy in. Which one would be more suitable? Or maybe something else?

>> No.7893087
File: 985 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_20141022_133419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7893096

Post a ref picture to compare it to?
I think the one on the right with no texture from the couple pics I can find of her.

>> No.7893118
File: 127 KB, 843x1005, 710q66Sb6gL._SL1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using this picture in specific as reference since I can't find the episode where she wears this (she wears a lot of outfits). I'm also doing her overalls outfit (the first one Dr. Slump gives her).

>> No.7893165

Based on what I've read I can't seem to find a good minimum time for soaking a wig in a sharpie dye bath.
Obviously I'll have to check on it often, but I don't really know if 10 minutes is a good start time, or a quick dunk and check is a good place to start. I don't know how quickly is adheres to the wig.
Any advice?

Also, not sure what's on arda's wigs (maybe some kind of detangler or something) but sometimes I get wigs with a really greasy feel to them. I should wash it out before I dye it, right?

>> No.7893215

I assume you mean the neck bow. The darker one on the right. They both look really big for a neck bow though…

>> No.7893219


I think it's the picture, anon. The brighter red one is actually bigger and the one you chose is actually a "kid's neck bow" so they're like normal size neck bows.

>> No.7893313
File: 177 KB, 1024x768, Jaguaraftershadow0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i incorporate shapewear into a bodysuit? is there a way? what would work best for the pattern? would getting jersey knit and sewing it on to a zentai work?

>> No.7893469

Yea use the one on the right without the texture! Cute bows by the way

>> No.7893523

Did you try thrift stores and army stores? I bought some years back for 10 USD.

>> No.7893532

Thank you, anon! And thanks for the help!

>> No.7893565
File: 31 KB, 396x344, tumblr_mufnl7RPez1s4z0k0o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god thank you so much! I didn't think I would get a reply.

Yes I would like the link too please! Anything that can help!

>> No.7893744
File: 648 KB, 500x323, tumblr_ndb0dmez7H1szbl6co1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: Does a wig like this exist? I've only found white on black and not black on white ones.

>> No.7893855


How to make armor, Fate cosplays, some cosplays, and most weapons.

>> No.7893952

You caught me! I'll be with a female Aqua grunt too.

>> No.7893955

Could I get an opinion on these? I'm wondering if one of them would be suitable.

>> No.7894000

is there any decent cons worth going to in western New York or in that immediate vicinity i can't travel far due to work but really want to experience one

>> No.7894207

You could try something like this:

>> No.7894398
File: 2.64 MB, 1280x2521, Tetoras.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legs on tetra, anyone know what they are exactly? Some of the art I've seen make it look more armory/bulky, others it just looks like socks or whatever.

>> No.7894469
File: 48 KB, 466x450, Bolin-avatar-the-last-airbender-legend-of-korra-25727472-466-450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to find spats for a Bolin piece?

>> No.7894513

I still need help with this. I haven't found anything close enough. Help me, /cgl/, you're my only hope.

>> No.7894548

I would do socks, and just edit one to be the spiked edge and maybe sew on the little darker triangles underneath. You could but a seam around where that brown thing starts and double the material and/or put interfacing in.
For the brown garter thing, I'd say make it similar to the same stuff as the belt. Maybe use velcro to make it able to go on and off, but that might slide.

Also she is super cute, what is she from?

>> No.7894574

Look harder, paint it, or get a white shirt find a picture that will work and do iron on, but that will probably look ver bad. You also might be able to look at fabric stores for a similar looking thing and make the shirt. Maybe see if anyone makes custom fabric, though I doubt anyone will make that fabric design.

I don't really know the character very well, but if its for halloween either would work. The pumpkin because it's default and the skull is cute and childish. It reminds me of the day of the dead skulls, and the book of life movie.

>> No.7894631
File: 415 KB, 564x564, galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this Seifuku (pic related) but the Top is too small! Bust was clearly made for someone who lacks a bust and the arms are a little tight. The skirt fits like a dream!... Anyway, What would be a good way to alter it? I can take it to a seamstress if need be but i think having a plan of action is best. I'd rather not have to cut off the galaxy bits and paste onto another shirt. I want this for halloween. Help please!! =)

>> No.7894634
File: 327 KB, 1200x1600, galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* I actually have the short sleeved version..oops!

>> No.7894652

You'd probably be better off making them yourself. Getting spats that are the right warm grey to match the rest of the outfit will be a giant pain in the ass. Spats seem pretty easy, just get a generic tutorial online to guide you. Better question is how to do it without buttons along the side.

>> No.7894663

lose weight :^)

>> No.7894668

Add a gusset under the arms - a rhombus will be better suited than a normal triangle so you can add width to both the bust and sleeve.

>> No.7894673

i know that bust issue :' (

Best bet would be to sew it onto a new shirt. Seifukus arent that hard to sew on your own until you get to the sleeve part. A seamstress would probably put the galaxy print on a new shirt for you, if you provide the fabric, for around $40ish, give or take a bit, from my experience.

An "easier" way to deal with it though would of course be to just wear a sports bra under it. It'll flatten you out enough to fit your bust in the shirt. Since it's just for halloween, you can probably deal with the tight sleeves. The only way I can think to fix that would be to make new sleeves (or provided the tightness is in the wrists and not the armpits) would be to make it into the short-sleeve version instead.

>> No.7894688

your question is confusing.
You usually wear shapewear underneath. What would you use jersey knit for?

>> No.7894691
File: 32 KB, 300x323, shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god you are retarded, I typed "pagoda shirt" in google and this shirt among many other similar things were found.


>> No.7894713
File: 106 KB, 800x450, zlCfzSHLYeknTJ-uhA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get help finding finding something similar to the pink jumpsuit Little Mac wears? I've been looking everywhere and cannot find anything other than women's clothing.

I don't know if I'm googling it wrong or what, It's gotta be pretty common to find something like pic related though. I'm dying to get this done by Halloween.

I can find everything else but that.

>> No.7894720

Buy white sweats at walmart and dye them, dipshit. Or wear a women's sweatsuit???

>> No.7894761


Good points.

Maybe I'm looking for more of a legging that I can augment into a spat.

Thanks for the reply!

>> No.7894851

Does /cgl/ have good tutorials for someone who's never made their own shit to learn how to get into EVA foam? I'm talking from the ground up. Everything you need, everything you'll need to know, and how to wear it and everything else.

I'm literally autistic about this stuff.

>> No.7894865

i meant is there a way to incorporate extra shapewear into the costume itself as well as the stuff i'll wear under it, just for that extra protection against unsightly lumps. and the jersey knit for the pattern on the suit.

sorry ot be confusing

>> No.7894909
File: 57 KB, 500x550, 9PsXQc9vixk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how to make hairdo like this? Or where I can buy same wig.
Please, please help.

>> No.7894960

That's what I was thinking just for ease of crafting. She/he is tetra from log horizon

>> No.7894978

>Ran's Grey World

You, I like you

>> No.7895032

Anon, coming from someone who has planned this for awhile, there isn't a really similar wig that'd do her hair justice. You just have to buy a white wig, sharpie dye it (directly or by alcohol+sharpie), and weft the ever loving shit out of it unless you are lucky enough to find something that thick. If you try getting the Nike shoes custom made that's going to be no dice since the custom shoes currently on her websit look almost nothing like her shoe. You'll have to find a pair of Nikes that look close enough and paint it with Angelus paint

>> No.7895094
File: 51 KB, 402x584, 016b463d-89cd-45b6-af88-818690b66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I put baby/talc powder on my wig sometimes it gets too white in certain little spots? How can I prevent this?

>> No.7895240
File: 77 KB, 500x750, KMqsWHcH5lw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this manga amazing, right?

thanks for idea! I hope you will make it happen soon.
Nike shoes actually not a problem, I already made Irabu shoes from Kuchhuu Buranko, will probably do something similar.
Do you think this cosplayer did like you told me? I love her wig.

>> No.7895274
File: 194 KB, 437x558, mooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know this dress?

>> No.7895405

Late reply but thanks a lot. This really helps. A Sasaki cosplayer told me she only used Copic marker so I'll try that if this doesn't work or I botch it up.

>> No.7895413

anon >>7890817 here.

I actually figured it out from this link: http://gyakuyoga.hobby-web.net/index.html which uses PVC pipe so I'll experiment using this.

>> No.7895506
File: 71 KB, 250x334, ythyoyeyssyayyyayayya24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last question.

Do you know where I can find information about sewing wigs together? I get the steps to do this but I don't know how I would put the black onto the "Kappa head" white.

>> No.7895531

Check out PunishedProps' EVA Foam Armorsmithing Trilogy (they're 5$ each and there's two volumes out). They're a basic how to start and finish armor so it looks nice.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG1s7Ejp4dk here you go anon! The first example in the video should be exactly what you need.

>> No.7895573
File: 133 KB, 589x637, full suit..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on making this suit. Everything is going swimmingly, but the accent stripes are perplexing me. My initial thought was to use bias tape, but I think the folds underneath look too prominent. Not sure if the grain on a ribbon would look tacky with the grain of the suit as well.

As far as sewing on the stripes, I already have the sleeves sewn on the jacket so I was planning on just sewing the stripes around the finished arm holes as it is. would it look cleaner to take off the sleeves and sew the stripes around the arm holes first? I would like to avoid that if possible since I spent a ridiculous amount of time making sure the sleeves set perfectly.


>> No.7895589
File: 118 KB, 320x444, 1283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a bit of reverse image searching on google but I found someone selling the JSK ver so here's the name of the print anon:
"Joker's Trump Party"

>> No.7895618
File: 164 KB, 700x1200, costume696-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodyline put their LL cosplays on sale, is this passable/acceptable or is it in the "too shitty and ugly to wear" category?

>> No.7895624

Looks ok.

>> No.7895665
File: 25 KB, 245x250, tumblr_ndd31gmKF11tjycrto3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7896026
File: 176 KB, 980x747, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her wings are really big and I can't think of a way I would make them light enough while looking good and being strong. Any suggestions?

>> No.7896032

Nothing particularly photo worthy unless the person wearing it is cute. But its not so bad that I would talk shit about it.
I might change the gloves out though, thats just personal taste though, I hate that material with a passion.

>> No.7896204

Oh fuck, anons I need advice.
I just tried to sharpie dye a wig and its been sitting for 4 hours and I just checked up on some of the spare wefts I tossed in for good measure and NOTHING happened to them.
I'm trying to go from blonde to orange and I used like 5 sharpies in the mix, the wig is medium length and I used like two bottles of 70% rubbing alcohol, because I needed that much to cover the wig.
What's going wrong?

>> No.7896222

What color was the wig originally? How many sharpies did you put in?

>> No.7896233

I don't want to sound like an ass since I want help, but did you even read what I wrote? I put all that info there.
5 sharpies.
2 bottles of alcohol.
And I washed it before hand.

>> No.7896244

Make them like you would craft foam armor?
Use something strong as a core and layer foam over it for details. Maybe Wonderflex or Worbla? I've seen them used for smaller-scale wings. You might have to settle for making them a little smaller because that shit is HUGE

>> No.7896252

*Washed, rinsed and dried

>> No.7896392

I feel like even worbla would weigh them down too much. But without it, they probably wouldnt look too great

>> No.7896518
File: 27 KB, 179x250, NYTF_NegativeMan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a Negative Man costume. Already have a red morphsuit, would I be better off painting or sewing on for the white part? I've never really done anything with stretch fabrics before

>> No.7896540
File: 785 KB, 500x280, tumblr_n74tkiH1hn1tz1a8uo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to figure out the best way to make a harness for Jibril's wings that will allow me to have largely accurate wings but won't droop terribly.

I've also heard of people using packing foam shweting for wings to make them lightweight but I'm having trouble finding any rolls that aren't already perforated or expensive.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance.

>> No.7896542

Also help/opinions on what to make her halo out of. Forgot that part. Sorry!

>> No.7896562


>> No.7896592

I so want to, believe me! but I have zero experience with LED & No access to cutting acrylic

>> No.7896715

The white parts are supposed to be bandages. Either way, it's got to look like they're bandages wrapped around him.

>> No.7896723
File: 154 KB, 400x329, iceclimb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to do a quick and cheap Ice Climbers costume? I can't find similar parka and pants that aren't super duper expensive.

>> No.7896728

The quickest and cheapest, and suitable for indoors? Just get attach white fur trim to the right colour hoodie at the appropriate places, matching pants. Not super-duper con worthy but it'll do for halloween/in a pinch

>> No.7896734
File: 25 KB, 300x225, staff4-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good tips for neatening Worbla edges on thick props/items where both sides will be visible? The majority of tutorials either deal with just one-sided armour or gloss over the problem entirely...

I've heard of using strips along the edges and then a soldering iron to help smooth them out and blend them, any thoughts?

pic semi-related, need to wrap a thick eva foam shape and keep it neat on both sides

>> No.7896736

That's why you commission someone to do it for you.

>> No.7897228
File: 252 KB, 720x848, Rip_van_Winkle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm clueless when it comes to shoes. What is the general name of the type of shoes Rip van Winkle wears, so I know where to begin looking?

For whatever reason they remind me of Ouji fashion (when they aren't wearing ridiculous platforms) but I'm probably way off the mark.

>> No.7897238

I know a couple people who have them, they're made pretty alright.

>> No.7897449
File: 145 KB, 651x635, Minori_admiring_her_clip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a wig which is suitable for Kushieda Minori? What color is this? Burgundy? I can't find a match, wigs are either too red or too pink

>> No.7897452

I just use a dremel. Also I'm so happy to see someone else working on a clamp cosplay!

>> No.7897484

Ah, good idea, thanks!
And pic not mine, though I wish it were

>> No.7897492

What shopping services out there let you buy off of Putumayo's website?

>> No.7897523
File: 482 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some ideas on how to prevent the cloak from shifting? I'll be taping my (small) boobs so I don't have to worry about a nip slip or anything, but I just don't want it shifting around. Is there a way to temporarily stabilize the front pieces on to my chest?

>> No.7897537

Buy fashion tape from your sewing shop. It is a stick on adhesive that will hold the fabric to your skin very well. Yes it's a bitch to scrub off but I've used it on several tops I want to stay in place and it doesn't sweat off or anything. Apply to clean, dry skin though.

>> No.7897544

When I google I find nothing similar! Plenty of similar pictures, but nothing for sale. I've been scouring ebay and google for weeks. I don't understand how everyone else can find it for sale and I can't.

Is that the Karen Kane Cherry Tree Pagoda shirt? It is not for sale anymore and I can't find it second hand.

>> No.7897547

A sort of first time loli here (ish, kind of, sort of)
I'm borrowing a dress off my friend and her boobs are huge, not going to lie, but she looks amazing all of the time and can fit into an Infanta XL. She's letting me borrow the dress for a con and for the life of my it will not zip that well past my boobs even when I'm wearing a corset and binding, any advice on how to zip up a dress easier?

>> No.7897561

I assume by mentioning your friend's size you're leading us to believe you're much smaller than her? Is the zipper getting stuck at the point where it hits the seam between the skirt and bodice or it literally will not zip to close your boobs (so after the seam)? Have you checked to make sure any corset lacing on the back is completely loose? Waist ties undone? Are you zipping your blouse into the zipper? This is something I would even just message your friend about since it is her dress and she is probably familiar with its quirks.

>> No.7897568

I'm not much smaller than her though only a small amount and I totally undone the lacing, took off the waist ties and the blouse wasn't caught at all. I did message her about the dress and I done everything she said, I'm just asking here for secondary advice.

>> No.7897576

Just sounds like a bad zipper, it's probably an invisible zipper too. Inspect the fabric around the area it's getting stuck to make sure there aren't any holes that the zipper is getting stuck in on the track. Did your friend say it's just a tough zipper? Can you try and zip it and take a picture of what it looks like where it stops?

>> No.7897585

It's all packed away for the con tomorrow I'm afraid as I've spent the past hour panicking about how to coord it and what to use as headwear as she left the headbow at home. It zips up and down fine when it's just sort of not on anything. It's also an Infanta invisible zip, which is sorta bad to be honest.
Also, if it helps, the dress is Creamy Cat JSK.

>> No.7897620
File: 75 KB, 1000x874, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to dress up as Hitoshura, but the convention I'm going to requires shirts. Anyone know a way around that? As well as how could I make the paint on my body last for three days and not get rubbed off from sleeping or anything? And how would I go about making the small spike on the back of his neck? Should I just leave it out?

>> No.7897624

Why not wear a painted bodysuit? That fixes both your shirt and your paint problem.

>> No.7897641

Yeah I just came up with that idea lol but I have no idea how good it could look in comparison.

>> No.7898052

How do you guys get your shoes for certain characters? I've come across a few cosplays I've wanted to do where there's just nothing that really matches naturally, and all the covering techniques I've seen look pretty crappy.
Where do you guys get some quality shoes, more specifically boots.

>> No.7898064

Most are handmade. Check out the progress thread around here somewhere - there are two pretty good pairs of shoes that were built off of a base shoe. The more effort you put in, the better they will look. Even the best techniques can get terrible results without decent supplies and construction.

Otherwise, ebay, taobao, and endless searching can get you boots generic enough that they at least won't stand out as being way off.

>> No.7898231

I don't know shoe names. I've always just googled vague things, like black formal shoe. Men's black shoe, and usually something comes up take the name from that and start looking that up.

>> No.7898501

Does anyone have any suggestions for female characters that wear masks? I've already been recognized at a con once and I'm terrified of it happening again..

>> No.7898504

Go as a female Ramses. Or one of the girls from Mortal Kombat if you're okay with showing skin.

>> No.7898507

Thanks for the suggestions! I already thought about Mileena but I'm afraid I won't be comfortable showing that much skin.

>> No.7898508
File: 507 KB, 2560x1440, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well everyone to their own! You could possibly also go as the girl from Ghost in the Shell, but I forgot her name. You could also do a female Gray Fox, I've never seen that done and it would be amazing! If you want, I could probably even come up with more.

>> No.7898512

Oh, she looks really cool! I still need to watch Ghost in the shell!
If you could name more characters that'd be great! I try to think of masked characters my mind just goes blank..

>> No.7898521
File: 132 KB, 1023x654, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Psycho from Borderlands
>Almost any armor from the Souls series
>Anyone from Planetside 2
>Female version of the gas mask guy from Killing Floor
>Someone from the Metro wearing all the protective gear
>The female soldiers from E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
That's all I could think of at the moment. Hope you find one you like!

>> No.7898726
File: 166 KB, 706x1024, caska08jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about patterning her armor?

>> No.7898852

Looks like it's layered, so just do that.

>> No.7899002
File: 570 KB, 706x1800, imgoingsushiinanhour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like >>7898852 said

feel free to ask questions

>> No.7899132

im trying to iron on a deisgn but screwed up. is it possible to iron on a new design on top of the screwed up one? It's just a crappy halloween costume and ill throw it away after tonight so it doesnt have to look super nice or anything.

>> No.7899138
File: 25 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing someone post the fail china made knock off of this coat on a thread here somewhere, but I can't seem to find it and google is failing me. Does anyone have a pic of it?

>> No.7899231
File: 191 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips on patterning the sleeve?

>> No.7899250

will you have massive gundo too?

a chaika who loses her gundo will die from loneliness

>> No.7899266

Yup! Got a friend who's really good at props to help make it too. I wish I could have the coffin case but there's just no way, unless I want a new house decoration?

>> No.7899282

yeah, I'd skip the coffin. Way too big to haul around and store. the only reason she can even carry it with her is because anime magic.

at least gundo you can break apart into sections

>> No.7899449
File: 10 KB, 300x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a friend of mine wants a Dandy wig made and my biggest question i have is this: How do you go about blending from the back of the pompadour ? I found some tutorials for the pompadour where you make a wire frame cover with tape, or use foam, paint it the color of hair. pull said hair up over pompadour piece. I'm not sure how i'd go about blending where the back of the pomp sits as well as just overall blending. I know i'd need to add in wefts and all but any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

>> No.7899467
File: 34 KB, 99x149, 134987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a picture of a blonde white girl wearing a school swimsuit (pic related). She also had a backpack on. I saw it here a while back and haven't seen it since. Anyone have it or know what I'm talking about?

>> No.7899489

is she fat? if yes, then it's pexyteri

>> No.7899508

She wasn't.

>> No.7899525

Maybe you can hide elastic straps that loop around your shoulders under the cloak? And attach them to the shoulder seam allowance if there is one or just carefully slipstitch it.

>> No.7899553
File: 521 KB, 1821x853, tetraback2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This retard again, anyone know exactly what is the yellow thing on tetra's back?
In anime it looks like this, but the character designs are pretty shitty this season, in some art work such as first image its clear it spreads out more, others make it look more like a ribbon others its just a cape type deal.

tldr, wtf is that yellow shit on tetra's back?

>> No.7899577

Butt cape.

>> No.7899583

please tell me where did you buy it? :3

>> No.7899588

mkay, thats what I originally thought and was going to go for. Fanwork just threw me off a bit.
butt cape it is.

>> No.7899598

I completely forget these things exist
I actually had a similar idea but couldn't really put it to words/decide where to secure the straps! It's sort of how you keep pauldrons on.

I think with these two combined I'll have zero issue, thanks anons!

>> No.7899655

How long would it take to make a fiberglass mask? I've never made anything like this before, need something for Halloween and bored.

>> No.7899740
File: 2.14 MB, 922x1270, nox mask eva.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have my mediocre foam craft of this mask, but now I need to paint it. Should I do a clear coat of plastidip + coloured paint, or both coloured, or what?

>> No.7899741

Personally I'd go with clear. But I don't think anything too bad would happen with coloured.

>> No.7899758

On the topic of plastidip, what's the difference between regular plastidip and plastidip primer?

>> No.7899773
File: 212 KB, 1215x717, Draven_Splash_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good way to make a blade that will later be molded into silicone? I'm making Prime Time Draven's axes, and I want them to be fairly large.

>> No.7900117
File: 113 KB, 500x481, tumblr_inline_nb2phtsq5S1qdt3y0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at your WIP I thought of Nox from Wakfu and what do we have here.
That's awesome, I can't wait to see the finished result, there really should be more wakfu cosplayers.
I've been thinking of making Evangelyne's design from S2

>> No.7900165
File: 39 KB, 216x287, berserk_manga_by_lalykiasca-d4xr9od (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm making this costume too and I haven't really done armors before, so thanks for the help! Casca is the best!

>> No.7900258
File: 569 KB, 1024x576, CI_82508_1377018437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find what he's wearing? The hoodie. It's like, a black short sleeve hoodie that's orange on the inside.

>> No.7900377
File: 61 KB, 184x184, 1404871118581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I´m throwing together a Gyro cosplay from JJBA, and I just wonder if there´s a way to make the gold plating on his teeth.

>> No.7900380
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to remove a plastic decoration from a shirt.
>pic related

>> No.7900429
File: 67 KB, 540x720, 10647123_761300010591465_2662073158883356321_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows a proper tutorial on how to paint feathers? I have been looking for any but thei are all shitty.
The photo is from Lightning, but she never post tutorials or help people :/

>> No.7900431


If you can't figure out what's going on in that picture, I think you're pretty much hopeless.

>> No.7900453

I forgot that all people born with knowledge of everything but me.

>> No.7900465

IDK how helpful it is, but I'd study real feather anatomy. Consider things like the leading edge and trailing edge (they have different widths depending on the type of bird and type of feather they're on, I think flight feathers tend to have more variation than something like a body feather would). Put in the rachis, which is that rigid central feature in feathers. Paint the barbs in thinly like she did. If your costume shows the bottom of the feathers add some wispy strands at the base of where the barbs end. Hers look like they have some places where she made them unzipped. That is probably realistic for ones you'd see on a costume, feathers on birds tend to be well kept if they are healthy.

>> No.7900471

Some fiber types will not take to Sharpie dye unfortunately. I know this isn't very helpful because I don't recall which ones they are, but I had similar difficulty trying to dye a wig off of ebay, it just would not take to it at all. New Look/Sepia wigs generally take well to it from my experience, those are Eleora fibers. I am not familiar with Sharpie dyeing outside of the spray bottle method, but to me it sounds like this wig just is not absorbing any color.

>> No.7900517

I just googles everything you said and now I understood better. Thanks :=

>> No.7900690

Where do you buy foam? Either online or actual stores

>> No.7900722

Post this before but here are harnesses:




Has PVC pipe harnesses and others.

>> No.7900971
File: 910 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n5fmvpt8Pq1qzd219o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeks ago I posted I needed help with making Sogeking's mask and some anon gave me some really helpful advice including that I should apply Bondo to it before painting to make sure it was smooth

Today the mask is just about done, but I live in a small town and I been searching like crazy for Bondo or a derivate, but I'd had no luck so my question is:

Is there a way for me to make a home-made bondo-like filler? I dont really care if its like bondo (Tbh I have never used it) I just need something so my mask doesn't feel so bumpy

Pic not related but kawaii as fuck

>> No.7901252

Do you have a hardware store / chain in your town because bondo is just the brand for the filler used for cars. You can use any builders filler it works exactly the same.

>> No.7901295
File: 41 KB, 300x248, dr_mrs_monarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to cosplay Dr. Mrs. The monarch and having a hard time with the boob physics. Most of the people i've seen do it don't have the V in the front cut down low enough, so I was like I can do it! and now... well we have some "spillage" for lack of a better word. Double sided tape aside, what else can I do to improve the look?

Thinking of resorting to a powermesh panel so I can add some chicken cutlets help with the flattening number the body suit is doing on my boobs... thoughts?

>> No.7901312

I saw a person who put sewed one of those clear elastic thin strips so it was across her tits. It was noticeable but you could probably find an ultra thin elastic and do it like that. I think that's the only way to get the pressed-together cleavage effect.

>> No.7901435

Thats the problem, I live in a really small town and the couple of hardware stores there are, have nothing like that, so my best bet is somehow making it myself

>> No.7901549
File: 137 KB, 400x593, 1-1811608159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any patterns available for the Nightingale armour from Skyrim?

>> No.7901573

Anon I dont wanna sound like a bitch but did you even google 'Nightingale armor pattern'? Because when I did and looked at the image tab I found boat loads of images of patterns others have used. Just copy/trace other ppls works. Or look for a pepakura file. Lots of ppl have done the nightingale armor so there is lots of WIP to gather/make your own patterns from.

>> No.7901586

You can mix talcum powder with superglue to make a paste, and fill little bumps or holes with it. Then sand it down afterwards. You can't use this to cover the whole mask for rigidity and priming like bondo, but if you want a dirty cheap quick fix for dents this will work. Always do in small amounts as it dries quickly. Also wall spackle can work, but it's usually not waterproof and a bit lumpy.

>> No.7901703

She says right on one of her WIP photos she airbrushed them anon. So google search 'airbrush tutorials'.

>> No.7901755
File: 63 KB, 500x793, 500px-525286_560967183943249_2081742017_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any ideas on the construction of the gold waist piece that goes around her body? I'm pretty sure I have a good idea of how to fasten it, but no sweet clue what to make it out of. I do have gold paint though, which I plan on using for the prop & headband. I guess that's a start.

>> No.7901935

/cgl/ I have a question for you all cause I'm in a bit of a pickle and I'm not sure how to go about it.

So, tax returns are swinging around this February, and I have a couple options, I'm also open to alternative ideas if anyone has one that they think is better than one of these two.

My return should be ~2,000-3,000. I'm currently living with my Dad, and we don't have a garage, or much room in the house to do anything. I really want to start working with EVA Foam and Worbla and all that crazy cool stuff, but I have literally no experience and, in this current situation, no room for it.

So I was wondering, until I move out and get my own place in a year or so, would it be smarter to just sink that money into a really, REALLY good commission? Or should I try and convince my Dad to let me purchase a rather large shed to put in the backyard and then use the rest of the money to buy all the tools and everything else I need, then hope I have enough for materials when it's all said and done? I'm afraid that when I move, I won't have room for it myself (will mostly likely move to an apartment or town house, both of which have no backyard), and therefore, I'll never have access to it. Shortly after, my Dad will probably downsize as well, and leave it behind unless I pay a dumb amount of money to have everything moved and stored.

What would you guys do in this situation? I really want to get my foot in the door with crafting and making things, but I just don't see how I can manage to start in my current situation. Money isn't the issue, space and complexity is.

Sorry for the wall of text.

>> No.7901977

I'm looking for a way to cover myself in bandages.
I'm thinking something like:

But it doesn't ship outside the US. Anyone know how else I could do the weathered-but-intact look for bandages?

>> No.7901979

I got it shipped online from a local store. This was from Clark Rubber.

>> No.7902030

Thank you so much Anon!! I really enjoyed Killing floor, so I think that'll be the one!

>> No.7902090
File: 399 KB, 2048x1357, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could even do something like this, but higher quality. And no problem, I was happy to help!

>> No.7902102

I'm making a TaoKaka cosplay, but I'm stuck on the face. I still want to be able to see a bit. Does anyone have any tips? I do want to make the eyes light up.

>> No.7902131
File: 80 KB, 1024x576, Dredd2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to commission a Dredd 2012 cosplay for next year's summer cosplay season and I have a couple questions. Should I hire a commissioner who has more experience in armor/prop making or sewing? Do you have any recommendations on any commissioners? I'll mainly tell them to use this site http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/dredd/dredd-dredd.html as a guide. Thanks

>> No.7902230
File: 1.78 MB, 1000x2584, taokaka_mask_tutorial_by_shesta713-d5wbue6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this tutorial. I think if you take the time to sand it/bondo it you could get a nice smooth finish on it.
I was also reading that people added the LEDs above their eye holes so the light didn't interfere with their sight. If you choose to do that, I would just cut the eye holes smaller than what the tutorial suggests maybe?

>> No.7902264

Dont bother commissioning. Theres a seller on etsy selling the armour and helmet for a decient price and the rest is just motorbike leathers.

>> No.7902346

Oh my god, thank you so much!

>> No.7902664

What items are you planning on working on and how big are they? A lot of props can fit into a small apartment, i.e. swords and what not and you can do a lot of things on your back porch if needed to air out depending on your locations/climate.

>> No.7902668

Question because I couldn't find it on google.

I want a pre style wig but I heard that you can't clean pre styled wigs so how would I basically take care of them so they don't get funky/grimy? Or is it impossible to do so?

>> No.7902692

How can I make my full suit of armor/android dude easy to bathroom in? Would some very disguised snap fasteners along the crotch of the inner morph suit work and not look shifty? Trying to cosplay whilst accommodating bowel problems is horrible.

>> No.7902719
File: 623 KB, 900x753, Nintendo - Biker Daisy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tip for making Daisy's hair?

I was thinking of making either stuffed fabric inserts or foam inserts to get the shape, but the wig I got is pretty thin and I haven't got time to get another one (convention is in a few days)

>> No.7902721

If you can provide designs we might be able to figure something out

>> No.7902727
File: 513 KB, 430x728, 6543668435435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the best shot of the crotch I can get right now. The plate I can just make the straps detachable and hold it out of the way, and it goes almost into a thong type design. It's underneath that's bugging me.

Can you backcomb where it needs to be fluffy and layer (non-backcombed) hair over it? It might not end up as voluminous as you need, but it might do in a pinch.

>> No.7902730

That should say "underneath the plate/s".

>> No.7903223
File: 475 KB, 1200x1651, 79558fcc7cd98d101191d1c7213fb80e7aec9003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to ask which cosplay looks closer to the original?

http://www.ebay.com/itm/251468648117?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT or


>> No.7903226

I recently bought a cosplay from someone with little apparent common sense. Its a dress made of a very heavy material, and the traps are this gold cord that very abrasive and uncomfortable. What can I do to make it more comfortable without it looking stupid? The gold cord is ~1/4 inch wide.

I was thinking maybe sewing some nude bra straps under the cording but I'm not sure if that would look strange or not.

>> No.7903243

Is that a boy or grill?

>> No.7903267

I got invited to a cosplay dance party by some friends. The problem is I am a fatass, and anyone I want to cosplay as is muscular. Is there a way to pull something off?

>> No.7903278


>> No.7903390

You could always try it and then seam rip it if you don't like it! it doesn't sound like it'd be an expensive test or anything.
You could probably take a small patch of the cord material along the bottom and do a tiny stitch to secure it every couple of inches so that it doesn't roll off the nude strap? That sounds like it'd help a bit. Just make sure you use a match gold thread or something.
Posting pics of how its sewn together might also help?

>> No.7903397

A Hideyoshi.

LOL no it's a guy from Dangan ronpa. I wanted to know which link look the closest to that guy.

>> No.7903406

I think the jacket needs to be darker, it looks closer to leather. The wig in the first image looks horrible though. I don't know if you could buy a leather trench coat, and put on the red stuff, but if you could it would fit better. Is it leather, or what? I feel that would be costume you'd have to make yourself to make it look any good. Also, I asked if it was a guy or girl because I was going to play that soon and wanted to know if I liked that character I could possibly cosplay them too.

>> No.7903425
File: 3.51 MB, 3264x2448, KIMG0111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the best a photo but I'm at work right now. I guess that'd be my best bet, but you can probably guess just by see in this how uncomfortable it is.

Its also a barefoot cosplay, I was just going to wear nude jazz sandal type dance shoes so I'm not on the cob floor without shoes, does that seem a good option?

>> No.7903436

If the nude bra strap doesn't work out for you, maybe you could just find a better cording option and hand stitch it in? I'm not sure. Sorry that the original person picked such shit material!!

http://andsewingishalfthebattle.com/invisible-shoes/ You could try this for the sandals!

>> No.7903522
File: 490 KB, 1200x1651, 9d0849380cd7912397a74982ad345982b3b7800d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not leather as far as I know.

The reason why I didn't want to make it myself is because I had no idea how to make the pattern on the jacket and he has a skull keychain.

It's cool, I didn't expect you to automatically know who he is. I've played the game and I know it's sort of like a trench coat material instead of a leather jacket due to the edges. (Guessing.)

The reason why I asked which cosplay link is better because the person whom I wanted to buy it from it's sold out.

>> No.7903525

Barefoot cosplay?


>> No.7903566
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Nekomonogatari_01_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[5DEC5B88].mkv_snapshot_03.46_[2014.09.08_02.30.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good ideas for making a head egg?

>> No.7903568

Crack an egg in a hot pan, let it cook until it is the right color, take it off right away and put acrylic on it then let dry

>> No.7903578

Oh, okay. Well who was the original person? And I think the second one was better.

>> No.7903584


Ignore the shoes. The chain there is the closest I've seen to the actual original picture.

>> No.7903598
File: 6 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going for the dance shoes because dance kind of left my feet... Absolutely disgusting. Calluses and deformed toes and whatnot. I've got an pair like pic relayed, but lighter in color. I appreciate the suggestion for the invisible shoes, though, I can use that for sure on a less dainty character.

>> No.7903616

Please don't use a real egg...

>> No.7903644

Clay you idiot. I can make that shit in like 2 minutes.

>> No.7903654

I'm making rebellion and does anybody have a recommendation for a type of plastic to use? I need to make the ridge of the sword so I need plastic that I can bend into a > shape.

>> No.7904147

Wanting to make a stardust witch meruru cosplay, any ideas/tricks/tips?

>> No.7904205

refs would be helpful, don't assume everyone here knows what you're talking about.

>> No.7904233
File: 71 KB, 350x700, waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7904236

What parts are you unsure on?

>> No.7904240

I'm not sure how i'd do the shirt and the yellow balls on her skirt and hair tie. How would I style the wig too? And the shoes?

>> No.7904880

hardware stores usually sell them as "anti-fatigue mats".

sporting good stores sell them as "gym flooring".

both are pretty much the same thing. only difference is the thickness of them. gym mats almost always are thick kind (the ones that look like giant puzzle pieces).
anti-fatigue mats are often sold in rolls so they are a bit thinner.

so yeah, mats are pretty easy to find. unless you live in the middle of nowhere

>> No.7905564

Friend is trying to make something that looks like this (http://www.amazon.com/Winegard-2078-DIRECTV-Satellite-DS2078/dp/B008OVRHB2/ref=zg_bs_3213028011_45)) on the cheap, diameter of about 12 inches. Any ideas?

>> No.7905597

I've cosplayed Meruru before, I used gold plastic christmas balls for the skirtballs.
The shirt is pretty simple, you just add some interfaced ding dongs into an elasticized puff sleeve crop top.

I'm actually selling this costume if you just want to buy it.

>> No.7905611

I bought a faux leather jacket off eBay and I want to paint symbols/letters onto it. What's the best kind of paint for doing that?

>> No.7905644

What could an Ebola-Kun cosplay look like? Bigger wings? Bigger coat? What else?

>> No.7905650

For the balls I'd use styrofoam ones from a craft store. Here's some info on that

And the top is simple, it has a slight bubble hem. and puff sleeves. put a zipper closure down the front, make the bow removable so it can just snap on over the top and hide the zipper.

Look into making boot covers for the shoes.

I'm not a wig gal, I know arda has some pig tail wigs, maybe someone else can help you there.

>> No.7906757
File: 500 KB, 500x375, aroundtheworld.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you me anon?

Pic related, something like the mummy lady costume in the Around The World video would be perfect.

>> No.7906899

Massive chunk of sintra, Eva foam, or something else.
Fiberglass might also work well, but getting the shape is gonna be a pain.

>> No.7906912
File: 67 KB, 798x600, 1386910870414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less cosplay help, more convention help.

What kind of prints and doodads do you guys generally look for when you are in Artists' alley at cons? Any fandoms in particular? A friend of mine invited me to sit with her so I wanted to know if there was anything in particular people would like to see and such. Do some research.

>> No.7906923

[SPOILER]If ebola-chan is a loli, ebola-kun would be a shota[/SPOILER]

this faggot is afraid to look like a little girl

>> No.7906966
File: 172 KB, 708x347, wendy-pattern-maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been very good with picking out patterns and always ask for second and third opinions, so I'm just going to ask for help here since it's close to halloween and I'd rather not fuck it up and I don't have anyone to go to the fabric store with me today.

I was thinking of making Wendy from Peter Pan with Simplicity 4055 for the bodice, but adding a circle skirt instead. Just double checking to see if that's the type of skirt I would want.

>> No.7906977

If I remember correctly a lot of the poses for Wendy were based on a real model, not quite rotoscope but close. It might be helpful to try and find one of the images and see what the real model is wearing.

>> No.7906988

Fuck, I completely forgot Disney did that! Looks like it may be a circle skirt in a completely different fabric than I was intending-- since the model's definitely isn't a nightgown. Looks like chiffon from the teeny tiny pictures I can find.

Thank you! If anything, it made me feel a lot better about my idea for the bodice, too.

>> No.7907001
File: 34 KB, 450x475, M4491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to do an elf costume and have it finished for halloween but can't find any patterns that have those long, open sleeves

>> No.7907258

I've gone through like 30 bucks of different dyes trying to figure out how to black out a large frock coat

It's handmade so there's no tags telling me exactly what's in it and nothing is working at all. Several different color removers also failed to have any effect. Is there some kind of amazing fabric paint that can cover the entire thing reasonably well without making it tacky and disgusting?

>> No.7907306

I've been looking to cosplay leeloo from fifth element I can do all of it no issue, but I can't afford to make a silicone suspender belt, because the materials are like 80 bux then the moulding etc

Is there any other way to do it that doesn't look like total shit?

>> No.7907320

Do her first outfit instead if you have the body? I don't think the outfit you're referring to would look right without silicone, to be honest.

>> No.7907330

I'm just getting into cosplay.

I'm going to do Silver Surfer next, since it's fairly easy, and not really that common. But obviously I would need a board.

But it has to be fairly small since I have to travel to and from the con with it.

I was thinking of something the size of a skateboard deck. Should I just get a skateboard deck and spray it silver, or is there another, cheaper and easier to travel with option?

>> No.7907343

Try Simplicity 1551, Simplicity 4940, Simplicity 9891. These patterns seem to still be printed and easy to be picked up at a fabric store.

>> No.7907366

i totally don't have the right body for it, I have the face for leeloo but the body, nope
ugh is there seriously no other material that could mimic it?

>> No.7907862

I weight about 245, pretty fat and theres a con in march. I want to cosplay as daredevil or taskmaster but I'm not sure if it's possible to lose enough weight fast enough to pull these off?

>> No.7907894

Depends on what your target weight is. I'm not a weight loss expert, so you may want to try on /fit/ in order to get a better idea.

>> No.7907996

I don't really have a specific reference pic? I'm a lolita and just want to make this purely out of my own desire. I dont know of any characters that have a halo and if I try to google "halo tutorial" or "halo head accessory tutorial" I just get things about elastic/floral headbands. If you could point me into the direction of aforementioned tutorials or characters with same/similar head accessories I could search tutorials for that'd be great.

>> No.7908003

I'm trying to find something I can easily modify into xellos' shoulder cloak. All the ones I find don't wrap around. and have to be cut down to size.

>> No.7908046
File: 64 KB, 640x366, MV5BMTY0ODM0MjgxNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDI5OTEyNw@@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok this is a really dumb question probably, but I'm also really bad at choosing fabrics. I'm going to Joann's tomorrow, and I'm not sure what fabric to get for Kiki's bow. So far I've only seen gross ass satin or stiff felt/100% cotton used which I want to avoid.

I want to get it to be plush/floppy, any fabric suggestions? I was planning on using some wire or stuffing to get the fluffed up shape.

>> No.7908081

for method and
for result

>> No.7908105

I feel like that'll look dumb stuffed or wired. I'd use a stretchy knit fabric, but put a layer of felt or something similar inside to keep it's shape somewhat. Good luck!

>> No.7908112

Oh I didn't even think of knit fabric. I'll give it a try! Thanks!

>> No.7908447



>> No.7908716

Why don't you just look for what's in right now. Attack on titan, Blue exorcist, Psycho pass, Anything JUMP related, Anything Jump related that fujoshi girls will milk on, and anything from the final fantasy series.

Unless you're a hipster people mostly look for what's in and what they are interested in so do the fad anime/manga/video game stuff and have the option to make commissions if possible.

>> No.7908722

Why don't you just make something similar to a long board using wood and sand/finish it off with paint?

Or I don't know get a silver surfboard.

>> No.7909025
File: 99 KB, 524x989, Snow_sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm relatively thin, and I have until next August to put on some weight, build a little muscle. I want to attempt making a Snow Villiers cosplay, but I have a few questions regarding the trench coat/pants, mostly with fabric choices. I'm a bit of a newbie, but I've made a few costumes before. My questions are as follows: What sort of fabric would you recommend for the coat? It appears to be made of khaki with some kind of lining. How can I get the collar to stay 'popped'? What can I do to rough up the ends of the sleeves and bottom of the coat without looking like crap? As for the pants, do I just make them larger in the legs to be more 'baggy'? What sort of fabric would you recommend for the pants?

>> No.7909033
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/, here's my first trial run of my red-x helmet, minus the fabric covering the eyes. Although it is nowhere near con-ready, is it at least a step in the right direction?

Also any advice welcome