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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7867092 No.7867092[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You have no idea how much I hate you girls right now.

>> No.7867095

They have male figures in there too, y'know.
If you think women are the only ones sick of being groped by obnoxious autists then you are mistaken.

>> No.7867100


Stop dressing like whores?

>> No.7867103

Yaya was a stripper, escort (literal, not slang)
Miyu was a stripper
TristenCitrine was a stripper
Lindze did fetish stuff
Ginny does lots of nude stuff and some fetish videos
Kitty now works in home-invasion fetish videos
FranDan started out as a solo nude teen model and incorporated cosplay later
Alisa was Yaya's escort partner but quit cosplay to work on her solo paysite full time
Riddle's done a bunch of nude modelling and was rumoured to have been a stripper though the latter part is unconfirmed
Adella had some naked stuff leaked, unknown if she was paid or whatever
Collie went into full porn as Ellie Idol then moved to humilation fetish videos as Princess Ellie
Liz Katz is the new alias of pornstar Risi Simms
BelleChere was employed by various Japanese fetish conventions and magazines
Giorgia started out nude modelling and stripping
Kelly Jean voices hentai, used to do a public tease camshow and private hardcore camshows
Ivy Doomkitty gets most of her money from fat fetish stuff
Charms escorts and cams.
Momoko Mitchell was an escort and pornstar.
Verababy was a nude model.
Ikuy had a sex tape.
Obviously there are all the Cosplay Deviant people
Everyone on Cosplay Erotica
Everyone at SCG

Cosplay is a red flag.

>> No.7867107

"Cosplay is not Consent. Cosplay is a red flag."

I'm half considering wearing a t-shirt that says this to the next AX.

>> No.7867111

Or, just don't grope people without asking them first, You know manners.

>> No.7867113

Do it.

Manners are for respectable people.

>> No.7867116

I see where we stand

>> No.7867117


This kind of makes me not want to cosplay anymore. I know it sounds like I'm looking down on people but I just don't want to be associated with a community that has such a high proportion of strippers, camgirls, escorts, pornstars etc. If that's what cosplay is I'm going to find another hobby.

>> No.7867122

>implying that's a high percentage

>> No.7867123

That's just the tip of the iceberg, not the person you're replying to.

>> No.7867128
File: 2.99 MB, 512x384, cosplay is not consent.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7867129

>I know it sounds like I'm looking down on people but
No, you are looking down on people, be honest with yourself.

>> No.7867131

that's really fucking disgusting but also she has a really nice ass. i am jealous.

>> No.7867133


Ok, I'll rephrase. I'm happy to look down on "sex workers". I don't consider them worthy of respect and I don't want to associate with them. Nor would I want my children associating with them or their children.

>> No.7867137

I hope more of these videos appear. I love how mad it makes /cgl/. There is nothing they can do about it.

>> No.7867139

lmao please take your righteous indignation and fuck off out of the hobby already.

>> No.7867140

>Implying I'm mad

>> No.7867142

Nah, you get the fuck out. Cosplay needs more slut shaming, it has become way too much of a liberal hugbox. The fact her morality makes you uncomfortable is good.

>> No.7867149

I have no idea what OP's point is supposed to be.

I haven't seen harassment to be as large as an issue as /cgl/ often makes it out to be, but you have to admit that events like these are commonly filled with socially-retarded people who don't know common sense.
Holy shit my dick. This was consensual, right? There's no way she couldn't have noticed the camera and I've seen JAVs like this one before.

>> No.7867150

>boo hoo! people might actually call me out for being a douchefuck now, my life is such misery because I have to follow the rules like everyone else, yet I view this as personal victimization because I'm the scum of the earth.

>> No.7867151

A lot of attention whores go for this hobby because they can't make it as real models or anything. If you're moderately attractive, willing to wear skimpy stuff, and work the social media aspect it's easy to get famous and make money off it for less work than stripping or porn. The problem is these famous types that are in it for the whoring have become the face of the hobby because of their internet fame.

>> No.7867152

There's a difference between slut shaming and
>Nor would I want my children associating with them or their children.
That's just being a gross holier than thou bitch.

>> No.7867153
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Needs more.

>> No.7867158

The problem with it is that

1) It doesn't make you that much money.

2) A huge number of e-famous cosplayers ARE involved in stripping/porn/escorting/camming.

In a weird way I have a respect for jnig in that sense. She doesn't make a huge amount from cosplaying yet she's never gone beyong skimpy character outfits into the truly seedy shit. Just look at a fuckup like Charms or Yukapon.

>> No.7867160

Not her, but why the fuck would you want your kids hanging out with the kids of a woman who fucking escorts and strips of all things? Are you insane?

>> No.7867163

Not OP, but my issue with it is that it's inconsistent. If you're attractive you can get away with stuff that would get you slapped down with a criminal charge from a public prosecutor if you were average or ugly.

Perhaps the correct assumption, based on this inequity is that harassment laws are generally bullshit and that we should place the responsibility on the woman to avoid behavior she doesn't like? If it actually gets into physically unwanted territory, there are existing laws to deal with those offenses anyway.

>> No.7867167
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>wanting your children to associate with good families
>literally whoring yourself out
>not gross

>> No.7867172

Not the same anon but
> implying that if you're a kid and your parent's are prostitutes/strippers/whatever, you're automatically contagious garbage
I hope you'll never have children

>> No.7867173

Not that anon either, but it's not a completely irrational decision. You want the best for your kids, and to keep them as far as you can from negative influences.

>> No.7867177

Uh yeah, they're more likely to be. Same as keeping your daughter away from black men.

>> No.7867178

>Being in public is consent to having people see you.
>Wearing something totally radical in public is consent to having people pay attention to you.
>Wearing a costume is consent to having your picture taken.

Enthusiastic fans who spy a cosplayer of the thing they really like won't consider that cosplayer a real person. The cosplayer is an object to satisfy their nerdish whims first and foremost. People objectify most other people, life is just simpler that way.

>> No.7867182
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At the end of the day, no matter what has been said, we're all sitting here on 4chan.

>> No.7867188

I don't mean to antagonize you by saying this, but I never understood the logic that harassment laws are bullshit because "attractive people could get away with it." As a general rule of thumb, nobody should be harassing anyone regardless of how attractive they and others perceived them to be. If you're complaining about people not reporting harassment from attractive people, then it just sounds like you're bitter that you can't get away with it too. Assume nobody wants to be touched without permission and accept that some people with shaky morals are selective of who's allowed to "harass" them, as arbitrary as that is (personally, I don't find it ok ever). Now if you're talking about attractive people being reported for harassment and the report not taken seriously due to their attractiveness, then yeah that's bullshit.

>> No.7867189

Wow, what world do you live in. I had a friend who's mom and dad were like the worse people. They were just very unpleasant and that a nice way too see it.
>over weight
>sweated grease
>smoked weed as in that's all they did
>never act fresh shit
But he was the nicest person you can ever meet. The complete opposite. There ate worse parents than a stripper. Alot of strippers have kids and most take care of the kids that way. Besides strippers are fun at least the ones I knew.

>> No.7867192

>Besides strippers are fun
Opinion discarded

>> No.7867196

>complaining about people not reporting harassment from attractive people, then it just sounds like you're bitter that you can't get away with it too.

I'm not bitter. I studied law, I think a massive part of any western legal system is the concept of consistency.

If both MR and AR are satisfied in two cases where the only mitigating factor is how attractive the person is, and one person gets reported, then that's inconsistent and the law shouldn't exist in the first place, because the only purpose it seems to serve is to personally convenience a group of people who don't like a specific type of man hitting on them too overtly.

>> No.7867199


Don't a good 70% or so of strippers also escort and have drug issues?

Yeah. Sounds really fun. I'd love to suck herp dick so some sweaty mexican dealer would let me shoot up some coke.

>> No.7867202

> Some women who do cosplay are associated with the sex industry
> All women in cosplay must be whores who have no ground to complain
> That Sailor Jupiter in her mini skirt looks about 12
> I can't believe they let whores this young into cons
> Better snap at upskirt
> Fucking whores

Come on dude, don't pretend to be this stupid. Your logic might stick that way if you troll too long.

>> No.7867205

They do.
That anon just is retarded and clearly never interned at any trauma centers or clinics where helping these people is almost always a lost cause. Most if not all of them do drugs, are aware that it's bad for them, but don't give a shit because they're just too far gone and it's easier than getting clean.

>> No.7867212

She gets donations while playing games. That's cam whoring without needing to strip. helps when her boobs take up the entire screen.

>> No.7867216

>> That Sailor Jupiter in her mini skirt looks about 12
>> I can't believe they let whores this young into cons
>> Better snap at upskirt
>> Fucking whores

There's nothing inconsistent about this thought process.

Let me explain something to you girls something that men who pour honey in your ears in attempts to get into your panties aren't going to admit: Men can utterly despise a woman, consider her trash and yet still want to fuck her. To achieve this they'll quite happily pretend to respect her and even affect an interest in feminist concepts like "slut shaming".

This is something women struggle with, as you tend to fall for men who sexually satisfy you on an emotional level too. Men separate sex and love, and the latter, however much any white knight on here wants to deny it, is almost always reserved for the "good girl".

>> No.7867224
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I'm not sure what I was expecting to be honest

>> No.7867244

Maybe its just my area, and the strip club in my city doesn't take shit. We get alot of millionares and celebs living here. So the owner doesn't want to fuck up and lose business. I heard he fires anyone who does prositute or use his club to get johns.
There are nice strip clubs, and I will admit there are some extremely nasty ones. But the negative ones are the ones that get told the most.

>> No.7867245

I don't disagree with you about consistency being really important to the validity of a law, but to discard a law as merely a personal convenience just because some people are inconsistent is not fair to others who are dependent on it in order to report ALL cases of harassment.

It sucks that because of a few people's inconsistency and several other variables I'm faced with the prospect of being harassed by men of all degrees of attractiveness if I ever went to a con in a skimpy outfit and minded my own business, but I would not hesitate to report every instance of harassment. It's creepy to touch someone without asking them, and most people with common sense realize that someone who doesn't ask for consent is not someone you'd want to cuddle up and flirt with, no matter how they look.

>> No.7867247

I'm a seagull and I love when coswhores get slut shammed. They make a living off us then they should expect shit to hit the fan when their "product" isn't good. They all think their autists but even Jnig commissions Gladzy to make her hypersexualized character designs since the accurate ones don't bring in as much profit. This behavior makes it about them, so if they want to be sold that way so much then they shouldn't complain about not getting respect. The real artist gets the respect not the cam whore trying to mooch off us.

>> No.7867249

You know what this post reminds me of? That screencap of the "Nice music ladies, if you want you should talk to us over at someredditthing. But if you don't, I don't care because I'm an alpha male and we don't care about playing games." comment.
Anyone have that?

>> No.7867254

Why? I'm just explaining to you something women have trouble understanding, namely that men can fake affection for and happily even a relationship in order to fuck a girl they would never introduce to their family or think about marrying.

>> No.7867259

This is third wave feminist propaganda. Same as the whole "prostitution is good because of [one story about some slut who decided to become an upper class escort with a prestigious agency]".

Prostitution is generally dirty.
Porn is generally dirty.
Stripping is generally dirty.
Cosplay is getting seedier by the year.

>> No.7867260
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Yes yes, very alpha of you dear.

>> No.7867261

The only person who brought up "alpha" behavior was you. Whatever you want to categorize male behavior as, the vast majority of men exhibit what I'm describing.

If it pains you personally to acknowledge this, that's fine, continue spouting memes. I'm sure you'll flush my posts straight down the memory hole regardless.

>> No.7867263

New fag here, what does alpha mean, since it definitely doesn't mean an alpha of the pack or whatever

>> No.7867267

How the hell do these cunts encourage women to work in such shitty conditions and "job" fields and call it feminism? They're dangerous jobs with seedy fuckers, disease, and the possibility of getting raped/killed constantly lurking around the corner. Not to mention the level of mistreatment former porn stars attested to from crew members and this is both male and female porn stars being mistreated here.

Why would you be proud that at thirty, while everyone else has a career still, you're pretty much done because you're too old for sex work and considered too unattractive? How the fuck do you find pride in struggling financially? I've only ever heard that logic from the black kids in my high school years ago who were proud to be on fucking food stamps.

>> No.7867276

I'm more concerned about the fact that >>7867216
doesn't understand women have one night stands.
You can be a permavirgin and understand that, so I don't know what his excuse is either.

>> No.7867278
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Tfw you realize all your white knights only want to get in your pants and will say just about anything to get there then leave you with a ruined reputation once they get it.

>> No.7867281

>doesn't understand women have one night stands.

I understand that. My point is that women think good sex = "love".

Women fall in love with sex and physical traits a lot more easily than men do, men need a personality or emotional hook, like the idea of innocence in a girl.

>> No.7867283

>women think good sex = "love"
[citation needed]

>> No.7867284

I actually do not approve of prostitution. My sister got caught up in it, started doing drugs, ran away got arrested, broke the windows of two cop cars and almost overdosed. and all in 6 months. She got better but still.

>> No.7867285

Oh no, the girls don't want me to be a fucking creeper anymore, I better call them whores! Aww yeah, I bet they feel stupid and ashamed now. God, I'm cool.

>> No.7867288

Because one of the key components of third wave feminism is sexually libertine behavior for its own sake. This is evidenced in how they attempt to divorce sex from any and all negative consequences, right down to the possibility someone could make a slut feel bad by saying someting mean over twitter. More recently they've moved on to calling anyone who looks at "fappening" photos "abusers".

I think it comes from the shame a lot of them feel after being used by men for sex. They want to live in a huge pink padded nursery where nobody ever challenges them.

It's almost like CWC-tier behavior in a way, if you think about it.

>> No.7867292

>men are the only ones who look at personality to fall in love
>it's just sex with women

Wow there must be a fedora sell going on

>> No.7867293

Jesus, my condolences.

>> No.7867294

Where the fuck was your father?

>> No.7867301
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>looks at "fappening" photos "abusers".

Serious question, I'm a woman who faps to other femmes. Am I excluded from that because of my vagina?

>> No.7867302

did you mean: where the fuck everybody was

>> No.7867303

>Women fall in love with sex and physical traits a lot more easily than men do, men need a personality or emotional hook, like the idea of innocence in a girl.
next thing you're going to tell me is that Africa is the world's richest continent and that that nigerian prince is going to give me my money back

>> No.7867304
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>> No.7867305

Women hate whores too, this isn't new or gender specific. Chances are if you're on cgl you miss the drama we used to have, we tore up dumb sluts in ways that made men cringe. I can't exactly blame men for hating us when we don't even like us.

>> No.7867307
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>> No.7867308

cgl I love you but goddammit you get baited so easily

>> No.7867311

Yeah, that too. But it's a father's special duty to care for his daughter.

>> No.7867312

/r9k/, why do you get upset over this shit? I can't understand why you all get so overemotional and come here to pitch a fit all the time. I've never seen a board more consistently raided than /cgl/.

>> No.7867313

He was overseas, was in the army at the time.
This behavior of acting out started after she started getting into fights at school. People loved the bad girl image and she had low self esteem to begin with, so approval was a need for her.
I remember back when she lived with us, she would come into my room and just cry about how her life turned out. She could gave been a great web designer, she was amazing, but she got caught up.
My dad was the main supporters for her getting better, everytime she did something wrong he acted like he wasn't gonna help her but would be right there driving her to get help.

>> No.7867315

Are you from tumblr to say shit like that?

>> No.7867317

I would find it hard to carry on with life, as a man, if my daughter became a prostitute.

It's hard to understand unless you're a man, but the sense of shame you'd feel would never, ever go away.

>> No.7867318

I tried to find it and it came up with an MSPaint guide to how to draw realistic MLP genitalia so I'm done for today.

>> No.7867321

Sounds spoiled. Spoiled whores are the worst doesn't help that she has classic daddy issues.

>> No.7867324

>Daddy's gone so I can finally live my dream of being the baddest slut in school!
Our generation in a nut shell.

>> No.7867330

It's more with the fact, his dad wasn't there for him so he tries to be there for us. But she wasn't spoiled compared to my brother the only boy of five kids. He got every fucking thing. Son here's two pairs of $100 dollar shoes for Christmas, a new phone and tablet. Oh you anon want something here's $40. Happy holidays. That happened last year.
You aren't as accepting then. My dad is sad but he more glad he got her out before she ended up in a ditch. Even now after she and our older havemoved out he still helps. Sends money, gets the car fixed things like that. He loves us even if he's a fucking cheap hard ass.

>> No.7867336

The acting out in school was three years before he got called overseas. At the time she hit rock bottom it was his third deployment. The other two she wasn't all that bad.
The difference is around the third time we had moved away from our extended family(grandma, aunts, uncles, cousins) and we were on our own.

>> No.7867341

>You aren't as accepting then. My dad is sad but he more glad he got her out before she ended up in a ditch. Even now after she and our older havemoved out he still helps. Sends money, gets the car fixed things like that. He loves us even if he's a fucking cheap hard ass.

You don't deserve a dad as nice as that.

t. asian grill.

>> No.7867345


you do realize you're talking about a child, right? One that is statistically unlikely to have even begun her period? Saying girls are born whores and sinful - you must be from dat der bible belt.

>> No.7867347


are you one of those girls who thinks a 26 year old dating a 16 year old is a "pedo"?

>> No.7867350

He's alright.

>> No.7867354

No, I'm a man who says that a 12 year old boy or girl is a child and should not be sexualized against their will.

>> No.7867355

Damn, you brought up some memories. I didn't get my period until I was fourteen. Girls around me started getting their periods and breasts as early as twelve.

>> No.7867357

If you really feel like that then you are weak as fuck and will never survive in this hobby anyway.

>> No.7867358

I'm a guy but I'd love to fuck a 15 year old girl.

>> No.7867360

>implying there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.7867362

If she consents, then there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.7867363


I didn't get mine til 15, though I've never been underweight. People tried to embarrass me about not being a real women yet but - I'm the one not bleeding and cramping in pain, felt like winning to me.

>> No.7867365

>never survive
nigger this isn't the west side

>> No.7867366

I got mine at 13. I accidentally left my emergency pad purse out because I was panicking and the other girls stuck them to the doorhandles of the bathroom and wasted 8 or 9 pads to giggle over.

Which illustrates that it doesn't matter if they get their period when they're 18 or 8, it doesn't suddenly make them any more of an adult or okay to sexualize. It just means their hormones suck.

>> No.7867367

Or, they're just exhausted from having to deal with/see this shit and it doesn't help when people try to make bad shit seem okay.

>> No.7867369

Dunno if these are true or not, but if it is, someone should just blast this to a person on the media to ruin the Cosplaying community...

>> No.7867370

I remember everything that happened the day I got mine. It was on easter and I was 12. I never got breast tho.

>> No.7867372


When I first got my period, my mom bought me a little zip bag to inside my purse that was labeled "Vampire Tea Bags." I still have it and it's still the weirdest gift I've ever received.

>> No.7867373

Someone posted Yaya's former escort pictures with the camera up her skirt two weeks ago on her FB and all that happened is that her knights defended her, saying that it didn't matter what she did before cosplaying.

People are sheep. They'll find any way to refute even the most disgusting shit because they want to remain in denial.

>> No.7867376

I came home and told my dad, since he was the only one home at the time, and he slowly pumped his fists and said "Good job you won?" with the most timid, frightened voice I've ever heard from a man.

It's one of my favorite memories and one of the few I have of him at that age.

>> No.7867380

Same. I started to get cramps at the end of the school day, went into the bathroom, saw brown on my panties.

>Did.. Did I shit out of my vagina?
>Go home and tell Mom
>Start getting cramps again and be stuck on toilet
>Mom yelling into her Pink Motorola Razr at Stepdad to hurry getting pads
>Can hear him through the phone, still in bathroom, "T-THERE'S SO MANY KINDS, WHICH!?"
>Grandfather comes over to visit shortly after and asks why she's being nuts
>Tells him I got my period
>Calls from outside of the bathroom, "AHAH, YOU GOT THE WOMAN'S CURSE, EH?"
