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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 87 KB, 400x267, 102859_stock-photo-sleeping-at-work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7861951 No.7861951 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen a job thread in a while.

What do you all do to fund your frills/crafts?

I'll start! I'm a student but I work a fulltime retail job to pay for my hobbies.

>> No.7861956

College student, modeling on side for money/fun, data entry job with Red Cross.

>> No.7861962
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Was working as an insurance "agent" (worst job ever) but I'm starting a new advertising/digital media job soon. I'm pumped because it's a legit salary for me/a job in my field which means more burando.

>> No.7861964

Fulltime student, fulltime gas station attendant, I do aa at cons and online sales to help, too!!

My major is interactive multimedia, I'm hopeful for an advertising job when i graduate, so if anyone has experience with this career I'd like to hear it!

>> No.7861966

I have a full-time salary job in construction. I sew on the side for extra cash.

>> No.7861967


>> No.7861976

Since I'm still a student I work part time at a local grocery store bagging and pushing people's carts out to their cars

I also do mtg card manips on the side for a bit of extra cash

>> No.7861985

Optometrist in Yurop. No money, horrible work ours, shitty entitled customers.
I spend my free time cringing at /cgl/'s circle lenses threads.

>> No.7861997

I'm a full time language teacher. My expenses are minimal though since I live with my father, and he even drives me to work. It's very comfortable, if not very indepedent, but I end up with a lot of disposable income for my hobbies.

>> No.7861998

Casual retail worker/part time manager $18.60 an hour, its pretty good and my job is really easy.

>> No.7862008

Military. I work in an office with civilians most of the time, it is a pretty good deal. Not planning on making a career of it, but it got me a 60k/year job straight out of uni in a GFC economy so I can't complain.

>> No.7862013
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Full time security job, currently working the graveyard shift. No real action as of yet, really want to use my taser gun.

On the bright side, gives me a lot of time to use my laptop and chill.

>> No.7862020

I work retail, job's really cruisey and chill but the pay is beyond bad. a couple more months of full time and then I'm reducing my hours and stripping as well.
>inb4 typical /cgl/ slut your Mom will be so sad
I know, I know. When you're saving up for study and have zero issue with it personally, then why not? My parents know of my plan and are fine with it.

>> No.7862036

Have you started stripping yet? What's it like? I'd be cool with working at one but I don't like how all the clubs are in shitty neighborhoods in this area.

>> No.7862044

(Nearly) full-time museum worker, recently graduated. Hope I can become full-time so I can start paying off my student loans and get me some medical benefits.

>> No.7862051

NEET status currently and really frustrated about it. I decided against grad school and keep getting rejected from entry level positions thanks to being both "over qualified" due to my degree (fuck that) or "not having enough experience" for an entry level job (and double fuck that). It's just been very depressing being unemployed, so much so that I hardly even apply anywhere anymore, and I'm just living off of inheritance at this point. Fuck me. Sorry for the ramble.

BUT I'm going to keep trying. Applying to a temp agency next week.

>> No.7862053

Are you in the U.S.? I'm a Finnish security guard and I even need a license to carry pepper spray. Seriously my job consists of calling the police and looking at security footage if anything happens, otherwise it's just sitting and eating pizza in the guards room or pointing people to the toilet. It's a bloody joke, if someone decided to rob a bank I would neither be allowed nor able to do diddly squat about it except call the popo.

>> No.7862055

Good for you for not giving up, anon! Just think that in a few years these times of joblessness will be a thing of a past. Keep trying and good luck!

>> No.7862068

My college is paid with my Dad's gi bill, plus I won the lottery earlier this year on top of a part time jib at Macy's.

>> No.7862070

You could certainly make decent money in that profession but at what cost to your psych and well being? In that environment it is very easy to become caught up in unhealthy habits and situations. I'm not saying that every exotic dancer has drug or alcohol problems, self worth issues, or unhealthy relationship problems but it is a job that has a fair amount of workers with some or all of those issues. I did know a trained ballerina who put herself through a year of school this way but she quit because the lifestyle was starting to get to her. Again, not a slam on the ladies who do this for a living, just pointing out that along with the money comes other things you may not be able to handle.

>> No.7862103

Really seconding this. My best friend has been stripping for...at least a year now? Probably closer to two. She's avoided developing any drug or alcohol problems, but her personality has definitely changed a bit. I'm not going to say she was a saint before, far from it, but she's definitely more open to being dishonest these days and has become much more jaded about a lot of things in general.

That being said, I know some of her co-workers also, and at least a few of them are very optimistic, honest, straight-edge people, who like doing community care type shit in their free time. It depends a LOT on your personality how you'll fair. Good luck if you decide to do it!

>> No.7862112

Not yet, Late November's the earliest I can get my current hours changed and I can't strip as well as working 40hrs of normal work, that'd kill me. There's a club an hour away that a friend works at that's in a good location and she says would want me in an instant, so I'm hoping when I do audition, that she's right on that.
I initially wanted to start so I could save up for education just after I turned 18 but decided to wait a couple of years to wisen up a bit before going into it. If I had started at 18, I'd have fallen straight in the bad side of things. Drugs are something I'm staying completely away from and I drinking with customers will be something I have to do but things like getting the bar staff to water down my drinks, sipping slowly, spilling my drink, etc, exist for a reason.
I've been talking a lot to my friend in the business and reading stripperweb over the past few months and I reckon that while it'll be a bit of a shock during my first few nights, I'll be able to handle it. There are a lot of close people who will notice and who I can turn to in the unlikely case that I start slipping into the stripper lifestyle.
That's a shame, I can see how it would happen though.
Those people are better people than me, my spare time consists of anime and shitposting. I'd be hard pressed to find people that nice/caring in the current shop I work at.
Thank you. I'm confident in my ability to do it without becoming a completely souless monster of manipulation and alcohol/drug abuse.

>> No.7862153

I don't really have a job but I do help out with my mom's cleaning business. I'm a full time student and although I could do part time, i'm barely getting by with my grades so nah.

I usually just save up money and then bide my time to get lolita pieces. So far I got 2.5 coords done. I'm really dependent where my mom pays for all of my bills and my dad drives me around. I even get a $40 allowance a week ( but it usually only gets added if I have less than 10 dollars in my account before I get any more) it's been difficult trying to save up with this system and my mom got mad at me for buying stockings and accessories and threaten to cut me off, so i'm just selling my stuff for now. Pretty lackluster.

>> No.7862162

I just got a job at a psychiatric hospital as a PNA. I am very excited to work all the time and get paid diddly squat

>It's still my dream field to work in oops

At least I can move on to other departments and have my master's degree paid for

>> No.7862170
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> mfw my parents will probably be disappointed in me if I start stripping
Nonetheless, it's also an option I've been contemplating.

>> No.7862171

Part time minimum wage cashier in the US ($7.25/hour before taxes)
Two full weeks pay can buy me a brand dress but it's hard to actually save that much when I buy all my own food and spend money on other luxuries like alcohol.

>> No.7862177

When I actually start my job, I can let you know how it goes haha!

>> No.7862200

Stripping? What the fuck is wrong with you. Get a sugar daddy.

>> No.7862203

I'm an assistant manager at a deli in a local chain of grocery stores. This year holidays will be awesome because I got a three dollar pay raise after last holidays. Now I get time and a half and paid holidays.

>> No.7862206

QA testing for Xbone app...
Pay is okay, kind of shitty that the contractor shaves off the top.

I was hoping to set aside some a month for dresses and such, but fucking school loans.

>> No.7862220

Tell me where I can find young, attractive rich dudes who will pay to have me around and not necessarily fuck me, and I'll consider it.

>> No.7862232


>> No.7862236

Currently unemployed full time college student studying comp sci, throwing a bunch of internship applications for various government organizations and small businesses.
No one replied as of yet though.

>> No.7862242

Tech in a structural engineering office. Pays the bills and for my hobbies.

I spend a good chunk of my day sending passive aggressive emails.

>> No.7862257
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>google this e-mail
>beta upon beta of attempts at trying to pick up girls on 4chan
>"Would you be my girlfriend? I'm a rich fit guy who serially dates crazy girls. I think I like taking care of girls with legitimate issues."

>> No.7862273

> I like taking care of girls with legitimate issues
I feel like the guys who say this have never actually met a girl with legitimate issues. My entire family is made up of females with legitimate issues and that has almost resulted in my untimely death several times throughout my life. Shit ain't pretty.

>> No.7862311

Well that's legitimately creepy that you did that. Guess I won't be using that mail again. Thanks for the heads up anon.

>> No.7862316

Networking and Biomechanical Engineering student who works fulltime as a technician for a major company. A bit in over my head, so not much time for cosplay lately. Hoping to re-do my techpriest outfit soon.

>> No.7862317

College student getting a degree in computer science.
Work IT, developer jobs in the summer for money. May start working remotely during classes next year depending on my schedule.

>> No.7862330

Software Development. Pays for that sweet sweet burando.

>> No.7862333

I work in the HIPAA office at a hospital right now, though I'm still waiting on a military discharge. Shit sucks because I'm not really able to do jack shit there because of disabilities. I'm getting out with healthcare and a tax-free pension for life, so I can't really complain. Even if the military was the one who fucked me up in the first place.

>> No.7862336

Full time student majoring in french/political science (in a program where you major, in one minor in another or double, not sure what I'm doing yet). Currently work 10-15 hours a week making pizzas at a local chain for minimum wage, 5-10 hours a week tutoring kids in math for 15$-20$/h, and translating my dad's company's software to french for minimum wage. Basically I have no free time but plenty of money to eat out and spend on cosplays/lolita. Trying to save though because even though I still live at home, I split my tuition with my parents and I'm trying to save for going to Japan next year.
Really stressing out thinking about what I'm gonna do once I get my degree though. Having french is good (in Canada) but I was bilingual before university anyways and I'm working towards becoming more fluent in japanese as well. Just really scared I'm not gonna be able to support myself let alone my expensive hobbies.

>> No.7862348

now have a career and after paying bills I can justify spending hundred a years on cosplays and hundreds more on con trips ... I'm slowly giving up the hobby only planning to go to a local con this year

>> No.7862363

Used to be a waitress making US$5.5/h, in a country that does not practice tipping.
Now I'm waiting for my agent to call me to tell me when I start my new job as a IT bug tester. I seriously can't wait to buy all that burando.

>> No.7862376

You can do it, anon. I know it's frustrating to be somehow be both unqualified AND overqualified at the same time. I was in the same boat as you, except I had a master's degree with zero experience.

I worked my way through different temp agencies, starting with simple admin work. Now I'm temping in the video games industry. It has nothing at ALL to do with my education, and honestly the pay is meh, but I'm having fun, even when work is ridiculously busy, and I'm lucky enough to be in a team that is pretty supportive of each other.

The primary way to get job security: make yourself indisposable. Read the boring guidebooks and specification docs at work which nobody else does. Learn a task or two. If you have nothing to do, ask your superviser for something new to do. Become very good at doing at least one extremely important thing. Make it so that if the client fires you or lets your contract expire, their regular day will become very painful.

>> No.7862413

Shift supervisor at a pharmacy. It's not a difficult job and everyone who works there gets along well. I used to go to college but my parents said they wouldn't help pay anymore so I've just been working and saving money since.

I'd like to start going to school again but I'm at a loss to what I should actually do as a career, there isn't really much up here for opportunities besides nursing and joining the military.

>> No.7862465

I used to work part time at the community pool where I live but it was shitty seasonal work and I got mistreated by the employers frequently.

Also, here was an anon a little while ago in a work thread who said they did online work (leapforce, feature points, etc). I'm interested in getting into it to make a little extra on the side. Does anyone have tips on how to get into that sort of thing?

>> No.7862478

i sell mlp:fim plushies to bronies who have nothing else to blow their money on. i sell for relatively cheap so i net more customers, but sometimes i get those dry months where i' get no customers at all, so i try to stretch the money i end up getting. i'm a full-time psych student with no car so it's nice to be able to run a little etsy shop to have burando money.

>> No.7862583

Also a CS major, going to school part time though while I work a full time customer service job. Almost got a gig with an online gaming company but I was going to school full time then and couldn't get the extra time to work.

>also working from home, which is awesome because I save on gas.

>> No.7862586

Full time tech support at Brazzers.

>> No.7862605

That sounds interesting, how did you find the job/get into it?

>> No.7862607

Holy shit that gif takes me back, thank you anon.

>> No.7862609

Full-time CS student. No part-time job during school cause I'm barely passing my classes as is. But I have software engineering internships during the summer and a full time offer lined up for after graduation, so life's not too bad.

>> No.7862625

Eh yeah it is interesting at least for a first testing job.
I am on fitness, so it is a bit different.

Anywho its through Microsoft Reserves and the contract agency currently is Experis.
I have a handful of friends who are QA testers for various companies and they gave me a heads up when there was an opening.

>> No.7862630

Nightclub Security Officer. I thought it would be hard to get cons off, but as long as they aren't on memorial day/labor day/new years they don't care.

>> No.7862632

Receptionist at a veterinary clinic part-time. Thinking about pursuing a career in grooming. Getting into modeling as a hobby, hope to get good enough to make money off of it, too. If not, no big deal.

>> No.7862633

I'm unemployed, but I "work" full time in terms of hours spent writing a novel. Shit is embarrassing, and I never talk about it with people I know. The very few I have told seem aghast at how long it's taking me (9 months so far). "Oh anon, how's the book coming along?" "Gosh, you're still not done yet?" I believe in what I'm doing, really, but it's hard not to tear up and feel like a loser. I keep reminding myself it took JK Rowling 5 years to write the first Harry Potter book, and much of that time she had governmental assistance to help keep her from homelessness. If she can do it while having a child and going through divorce, there's no reason I can't tough it out and finish the damn thing.

But really, how embarrassing is it to be an unpublished writer? "Oh, anon, you're a writer? Anything I'd know?" No Godamnit. Not yet :(

>> No.7862807

Yep US. You don't need a license to use a pepper spray here. Im going to work on my gun license soon, since you get paid more for packing heat.

>> No.7862817

I work as a seamstress/sales consultant/receptionist at a local bridal store. Pay is only decent if I take on a shit-ton of bridal gown alts, and then my stress levels are through the roof.

Help anon, that's what I want to do. What did you do to get museum work?

>> No.7862978

I'm a designer

>> No.7862980

I sell art and crafts at conventions once - twice a month. There are a lot of conventions in my country and it helps pay the rent and my Lolita splurges.

>> No.7863002

me 2 :^(

>> No.7863007

where at?

>> No.7863009

I'm a veterinarian and I work on a shelter, but contract is getting close to its ending and I'll have to find another job soon.

But first, I'll use these days as holidays, since I had none this past year.

>> No.7863222

I know I would love to work at museum.

>> No.7863359
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>> No.7863368

Rather not give any info about my location in case my comm manages to figure out who I am.

>> No.7863373

Full time student working as a cashier/customer service making a little above minimum wage for 20hrs/wk. I'd have money but it seems I am always needing new clothes/shoes and the new semester did a number.
Currently undecided in college and it's really eating me because I'm afraid of majoring in something that won't produce a job at all if I decide not to go to graduate school.

>> No.7863382

Ad copy writer/editor for a local news agency. Kinda slow-going since I'm responsible for only a few big projects, but the lack of stress compared to my old job (govt communications) is nice, even if the pay is a lot less.

>> No.7863453

>puts email up on 4chan
>offers to be someone's "sugar daddy"
>Thinks it is creepy when someone googles you to make sure you aren't a serial killer
>the most basic level of someone checking up on someone, even a manager at a burger joint would do this
>doesn't realise how creepy it is to offer to be someone's sugar daddy on 4chan (or really at all, but hey thats none of my business)
>zero self reflection
>all these rk9 threads
>Thinks he would make a good sugar daddy

Man you need to work on yourself. Like, I think you have some mental problem, narcissism maybe? Anyway, it is time to seek therapy.

>> No.7863460

You're not a very nice person and I wouldn't want someone like you as a sugar baby. Although frankly I think you are just a jealous guy.

>> No.7863472
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I have no job, my parents set up a trust that has money in all sorts of investments. I live off the money earned from those investments.

>tfw you can never tell your friends this
>tfw you have actually been looking for a job because there is no way the trust can last forever, even if right now it is refunding itself every year with no troubles
>not to mention having to skirt the issue when friends ask what you do
>tfw no one will hire you
>tfw you have been trying since you were 20 and are now 26
>tfw you have severe anxiety and have no idea if you could even handle a job at this point
>tfw you puked after your last job interview, pretty sure the guy interviewing noticed
>the questions over time have turned from "what experience do you have" to "how come you have no previous employment?"
>the answer is because no one has ever considered hiring me in six years. Not even shitty diners or mcdonalds or gas stations
>no one will hire me because I am 26 and never had a job, I have never had a job because no one will hire me

>I am going to be homeless when I am older. I am sure of it.
>no idea what to do
>turning 27 in a few months

>> No.7863497

Graduate student, part time student assistant at the library making $10 an hour, and unpaid intern. Let's hope it pays off with a $40k a year job in 2 years...

>> No.7863547

People with your attitude always have a tough time finding employment because you've convinced yourself that you're a big baby and can't do anything. When in reality you're probably comfortable sitting at home not doing anything leaving off of trust fund money.

>> No.7863565
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>going to college is free in my country
>can't think of anything I would like to study
>I have professionally diagnosed ADHD and other stuff and I've always hated learning
>the sheer thought of going to a school-like institution for years to get grades and shit again makes me panic
>if I don't study I'm stuck in shitty retail job that makes me want to kill myself forever
>American friends call me a dumbass all the time for not going to freeeeee college
>I just want to be hikikomori until I die but don't have enough money for that

abloo bloo bloo


>> No.7863570

First, use your rich kid money to get fucking therapy for your self-diagnosed anxiety. Second, start volunteering somewhere and build a reputation as a person who shows up on time and works hard. So you'll at least have a reference employers can call.

>> No.7863577

Congress interpreter. It pays very well, but the job is very demanding. Technically I work two weeks a months, but the weeks I am not interpreting, I am preparing for my job weeks ahead. I work in a close knit group and get to travel a lot, so that's nice.

>> No.7863578

If you believe in therapy you are a fucking sucker.

>> No.7863579

I work in Engineering right now, but I'm getting ready to move on to better things and a different part of the country.

>> No.7863585

What those guys mean is "the sort of issues I consider to be legitimate issues" so they can be all heroic and help "fix" someone.
They don't touch actual legit issues with a 30 foot bargepole because "she's just a crazy bitch/mental/fucked up slut"

>> No.7863586

I dress up as a civil war sailor, stand on a boat and answer questions that I've been asked a lot. If anyone at Otakon hung out at the Constellation, that's where I am. Pays well and fits a college student schedule pretty well.

Oh, and when you dress up and come on board, everyone (except me) is making fun of you, which is really weird because almost all of us have a hobby where we dress in funny clothes such as larping, reenacting, etc.

>> No.7863595

I'm a college student, but I'm also a full-time assistant manager of a store, so that pays the bills and some parts of the hobby. Most of my cosplay is funded by selling old stuff, though. I've learned putting the extra time to make stuff higher quality +treating stuff well means I can usually break even or profit off of most costumes.

>> No.7863603

I know how you feel, anon. I used to never want to go to school because I've had such bad experiences with it (learning disability + absolutely no interest in anything that was being taught) and wanted to be NEET for the rest of my life. My mom suggested taking a class together and it turned out it was something I was good at and actually liked.

Maybe you can see if you can't take some classes you're interested in. At my college you can get a certificate from taking a bunch of night classes which would basically only be what you're interested in (eg. no English, math, etc., unlike the full-time program).

>> No.7863643

Hi anon, sorry it took me a while to get back to you!

I majored in Art History which really is a must for museum work, and I did a ton of unpaid museum internships while I was in college. Build your resume with volunteer work and internships from museums - museums care about experience more than education for the most part. Also, learn how to use museum database programs like TMS, and FileMaker Pro, they really come in handy. It helps if you have a specialty in art as well - but try not to make your specialty too narrow because you'll never find a steady job.

Also, never be afraid to apply for a position, even if you don't think you meet 100% of the qualifications. And be ready to move to where the jobs are - if you can't find museum work in your area, it might be time to apply out of state/country.

Good luck!

I really love working here. Only complaint is that I rarely get to see the exhibitions because I'm in an office all day haha.

>> No.7863708

what the hell anon. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7863729

>drinking with customers

best friend is a DJ at a strip club (lol I know) and says the strippers are discouraged from drinking unless a customer buys it for them.

Most places will charge double or even triple for the drink if the customer is buying it for a dancer. It helps absolutely no one working there any good if you have girls onstage or in the back rooms with booze in them.

>> No.7863730

Xenu pls

>> No.7863733

I started stripping at the start of the year. First guy I danced with was revolting so I nearly quit right then and there... but the second guy was a sweety that became obsessed with me and basically I get 3k a week just from this one guy without even getting naked and we talk about random non-sexual shit. We even watch shows like Rick and Morty and Archer together. So yeah, I get all my money from a sugar-daddy like situation minus the actual sex bits.

>> No.7863736

Actually I have a doctorate in psych and have worked as a therapist. You have no idea how much we make fun of you people behind your back. Thank you for buying my porsche in exchange for me pretending to listen to your neurotic bullshit, lol. Ps I am a guy and I end up fucking most of my attractive female patients, does that make you mad?

>> No.7863748


>> No.7863749

>Lies and impotent fantasies for 500, Alex

>> No.7863751

Lies and impotent fantasies for 500, Alex

>> No.7863753

Refuse to believe me if it makes you feel better. I'll be laughing to the bank on your dime, sucker

>> No.7863754

Refuse to believe me if it makes you feel better. I'll be laughing to the bank on your dime, sucker

>> No.7863758
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What the hell is happening here

>> No.7863760

I feel better about myself and I don't have to believe you're lying.
>thinking you're empowered because a man is treating you like a play-trinket
Have fun being literally indebted to someone.

>> No.7863762

Watch out we got a fatty sjw feminist over here

>> No.7863764

Nah anon, SJWs think that stripping is empowuurin and bullshit.

>> No.7863768

Work in non destructive testing. Working my way up the ranks to management. Getting there slowly.

>> No.7863781

Exactly my point, anon. That sjw would rather she was stripping than keeping one guy happy. Nothing burns an sjw feminist's ass more than a pretty girl being subservient to one strong man for any reason. Sjws hate women so they'd rather see them debase themselves as strippers

>> No.7863798

i burnt ur mams arse last nite m8

>> No.7863804

Assistant manager in the operations/retail section of a pharmacy, six evenings a week and not even full time, but at least I'm over minimum wage, and we get decent bonuses/discount (not US so health care isn't a problem).

I feel like I should have a career or something but tbh as long as I can get off evenings and six days a week I make enough money to do the shit I want to do, and the work's easy. I wouldn't mind getting into the pharmacy part just because it'd keep my brain a bit more active, but getting off evenings is hard enough because they can't get anyone else who will do the hours I do. Still, giving them until I have the op I'm due in the next six months (because I want the sick pay) and if it's not sorted by the time I'm back I'm quitting.

>> No.7863812

>pretty girl
Pretty girls find stable boyfriends who are rich, handsome, and can provide for them.
They don't hunt for some greasy old neckbeard who has to pay a stripper 3k to watch Rick and Morty with him because he can't get a girlfriend to enjoy that for free. kek.

>> No.7863845

Working at Macy's (it's not bad for a retail job, but it's still retail), but I'm also a writer. My first novel is going to be published very soon. Like I just sent in the final PDF file today. Super stoked about that.

>> No.7864301

I'm an architect, though I wish im a neet with free income, I'm a lazy asshole

>> No.7864333

Damnit, for a free ride in college I would find SOMETHING to study. Just fucking do it. I used to have intense social anxiety (still do but it's gotten better) and I have a severe learning disability in math and I managed to get thorough and it sure as hell wasn't free. I'm not sure if you are required to have a certain amount of hours for you to go to school, but if possible, just take one or two classes at a time and ease into it. If you can learn to do a retail job, you can go to school. Or at least give it a try! Don't throw something like this away.

>> No.7864374

I'm a barista. Pay is okay and I get some nice hours. Going to start auditioning locally soon when I feel more confident.

>> No.7864406
File: 308 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ncgxgawq7w1tjbyfzo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a doctorate in psychology, you're not working as a therapist, you're working as a psychiatrist. Which you are not.

If you were interested in money as a primary motivator, you wouldn't have chosen the medical profession on the bottom totem pole of pay among doctors. Therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors - they make so much less than their peers in a hospital, despite high levels of schooling and continued education requirements.

If you were in this profession, you would never sleep with a female patient. If you think the risk is worth the reward, there's just no way you have the mental wherewithal for an advanced degree. Furthermore, if you had the conversational cunning to successfully segue from "I'm sorry the Zoloft is affecting you so negatively" to "get on my dick" - then you are not the type of person who would ever waste time on 4chan. We would assume you have something better to do.

If you had ever counseled people with mental illness, you would not call it neurotic bullshit. The outward expression of neuroses is never bullshit. For example, your "bullshit" of fabricating an aggressively sexual and successful male on an anonymous message board may be wish fulfillment. One would hope. If it is not a crafted delusion, it is an acute psychosis with lack of insight after the fact. Enjoy your anosognosia.

>> No.7864415

You have no clue what you're talking about but that was a pretty funny read. Thanks for the laugh anon. Maybe you can share your views with your therapist later, lol.

>> No.7864426

Their post sounded a lot better than "hurhur I have a porsche and fuck hot patients."

>> No.7864429

I don't give a shit if you believe me. By all means, don't. Nothing amuses me more than people like you throwing money at therapists thinking it'll somehow fix you, so I hope you continue.

>> No.7864430

So much wrong in this. Psychiatrists are MD. Period. PhD in psychology =/= an MD.

>> No.7864434


So not only are you a successful therapist with a doctorate who drives a fancy car and sleeps with patients, but you have the free time and energy to form a near immediate rebuttal?

>> No.7864435

and you "don't give a shit" so hard that you're glued to your computer. Have a nice night, doc.

>> No.7864441

What can I say, I get a rise out of this shit.

>> No.7864450

Take on an internship or get some sort of applicable certification. Or try long-term volunteer work. You can do it, anon!

>> No.7864462

It's not "creepy" to check references, and there's half a dozen websites which specifically cater to this sort of thing.

>Wants mentally unstable girls
>Complains about "stalking" when someone googles the email they publicly posted
>Complains about someone "not being nice"
I've got some news for you, bud.

Don't rely on that to actually give you an instant, stable income. A friend of mine has been writing since high school, has had jobs as an editor and English teacher, and she' can't support herself on the income from her 3-4 books alone. You're not guaranteed to become the next Rowling, no matter how long you spend writing.

Get a real job. Writing is a hobby, not a job, until you're actually pulling in profits from it.

I lost my home, my only family, and most of my possessions fresh out of high school when my only parent died suddenly. I had no trust fund to rely on. I'm you're age now.
>I'm 26 and have no experience so no one will hire me.
Exactly what I kept telling myself. Guess what? It had fucknothing to do with that, and everything to do with the fact that I wasn't actually trying, due to fear. As much as you might not realize it, what >>7863547 says is pretty spot on.

You have a lot, A LOT more than I did. I now have a job, albeit not an amazing one. I work for one of those big chain supermarkets like Walmart, but less shitty. Want to know how much effort it took getting that job? None. Nobody gives a shit about your past experience when applying for an entry level job, and I know the chain I work for is regularly short at least dozen employees in all their stores. McDonalds and Gas stations are much smaller and can't hold a lot of employees. Apply at grocery stores and be willing to pretty much take anything. Don't like it? Look around while you're working.

Don't use your anxiety issues as an excuse. Use your money to pay for therapy. That's a luxury I didn't have, and I had to adapt on my own.

>> No.7864470

>Being this lacking in perspective

Anyone who has any idea how people behave is probably aware therapists aren't going to keep completely confidential. Some people aren't that aware and don't know this happens. Does it matter? Lol, no.

The point of therapy is to have someone to listen to you without casting immediate and harsh judgement to you face, and holding your hand while you try to recover from whatever condition you have. Personally I find having a good, open-minded, non-controlling friend is better and cheaper than a therapist since they also likely know you a lot better, but if someone doesn't have that, therapy might be the best option. Therapists also have access to/knowledge of groups and programs that can help a person.

You don't speak for all therapists. I've known 4 personally who weren't completely hush about their patients lives, but weren't massive tools like you.

>> No.7864485

It is pretty creepy. And nobody said anything about stalking, it's just creepy behavior. Which is fine, I just won't use that email again. I'm glad the anon alerted me that it was out there.

>> No.7864491

I am an Computer Info Tech tutor for my College and I work for my dad cataloging closed legal documents. It gets the bills paid and it's slowly funding my savings for the next steps in my life. Plus cosplay. That's a thing I guess

>> No.7864498

I want to have a job in mortuary science and I'm trying to get a job, temp or not.

Are there mortuary-related places where I can work that don't require a degree? I don't mind volunteering but a pay check would be nice

>> No.7864509

See, I'm fortunate to have a very good friend to confide in who also happens to be working on her masters in psychology. But the main reason she's a good resource is because we're extremely close and I know I can confide in her without worrying.

Idk, that guy just doesn't sound legitimate, but what do I know? I just feel like someone who went to school for, what, 10 years wouldn't reduce mental illnesses to "neurotic bullshit."

>> No.7864524

If it takes you ten fucking years to get a psych doctorate you probably are doing something wrong.

>> No.7864529

Oh I stupidly assumed it took the same amount of time to get a PhD in psychology as it would to become a run of the mill physician (was including residency as part of education.)
Sorry, I got my degree in advertising so I clearly know jack shit about other programs. My bad.

>> No.7864535

Google: To summarize, the minimum time required to become a licensed psychiatrist is 10 years, with additional time needed if you wish to specialize further within the field.
8 years + 2 years residency. So, school for 8 years and then 2 years doing residency. Not 10 years in school, though, jfc.


>> No.7864588

A clinical psychologist is 6 years at least, you often need to have your masters and it's a three year-plus doctoral course depending on how much clinical experience they demand. Ten years is not unreasonable for a fully accredited clinical psychologist, it's basically the same amount of time you need to become a psychiatrist with a medical degree

>> No.7864591
File: 999 KB, 500x269, tumblr_mmk68lIXZg1rsj0y6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exotic Dancer here. I make it rain for my brand.

>> No.7864594

Currently majoring in finance. I'm happy I chose this major but what people don't know is that I used to be mad awful at math and made myself study because this was my only leftover uni choice.

>> No.7864601

I hope you never get issued a CCW, you'd make the rest of us look bad.

>> No.7864602

Nothing more unethical than a lolita stripper.

>noun: Lolita; plural noun: Lolitas
>a sexually precocious young girl.

Woops, nevermind. Continue what you were made to do!

>> No.7864613
File: 34 KB, 400x349, TB2c3_lXVXXXXaMXXXXXXXXXXXX-48496855.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your field?
Please don't tell me you're a liberal arts major.
>just no
I fucking hate you with my every cell. I'd shank a bitch for a free ride and never regret it.
I actually know a 'patient' that was fucking her therapist, who was a married man. Great times for all with that one.
I'm directly responding to you, but it's more about the subject we're on.
I've made a stack on writing essays for psych majors, and it's all shit.
I hate it, I hate pych majors more than anything else because the course work is pedantic, isn't based on anything really scientific, and there are waves, waves and waves of dumbasses flooding campuses with thoughts of 'helping' people as psychiatrists and therapists and guidance councilors.
I hate that there is even a market for these sacks of skin.
Fuck 'therapy', that shit is useless to all but the most helpless of 'poor me' sobs with daddy issues and victim complexes.

pic unrelated.

>> No.7864678


>> No.7864688

I have extreme anxiety and BDD which causes me to panic in most situations even when people look at me so I've been jobless for years. I've never even had an interview to freak out on and ruin because I have no skills or experience.
I've been assigned to a job recruitment place which works with people with mental illness and there's an opportunity where I can choose a job I want and they pay the employer, which is really great. Unfortunately I have no aspirations and can't imagine myself in a workplace so I don't know where I can go. It's a stupid cycle of mine but hopefully I can think of something and get accepted.

>> No.7864689

>I've been assigned to a job recruitment place which works with people with mental illness and there's an opportunity where I can choose a job I want and they pay the employer, which is really great.

Is there something like that for people with chronic physical illness?

>> No.7864694

I actually did do something like that a few times, walked up a hill both ways in the snow to help a neighbor who had lost his house keys and needed us to bring him his mail, on separate occasions.

>> No.7864696

This is probably going to be me in a year or so once I have my Master's. I managed to get ill during my major internship so I don't feel comfortable asking them for a reference (they're very understanding about it but "anon only managed to function maybe half the time" isn't something any employer wants to hear) so I have pretty much no experience to call back on. Hopefully I'll be able to find some not-even-entry-level lab monkey positions to pad my resume. Those tend to be soul-destroying but at least it's something...

>> No.7864704

You would have to do some research or contact your local employment service as I'm not sure.

>> No.7864837

No, it's called checking references. Even on those SD hookup sites, women are encouraged to check references before settling with an SD.

Professional prostitutes also ask for a lot of personal information so they can screen guys. Freelance models are encouraged to check with other models a photographer has shot with before accepting a shoot with a newbie, non-established photographer.

Nobody has any idea who you are, so before jumping headfirst into possibly ending up in a ditch somewhere, they're trying to find that out.

Its for their own safety and well-being. Anyone can lie about themselves on the internet. There's no telling you might be a safety risk, or even a scammer who is going to string a sugar-baby along for as long as you can without paying because you don't actually have the money to cover the high allowances many SBs ask for. This does happen all too frequently.

I'm having a hard time believing someone this dumb has a successful enough job to support a real sugarbaby. It doesn't help that you're seemingly ignoring the fact that there are websites specifically for SD/SB relationships.

>> No.7864855
File: 471 KB, 1280x720, Archer_S5_511_AN_Mon_10p_20_Clean_FXWEB_1280x720_212803139899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's his favourite Archer character?

>> No.7865309

You're a very insulting person anon. That isn't going to win you any friends you know.

If you must know, I don't go on sd sb sites because they are mostly a scam, and really, what would I have in common with those girls?

>> No.7865381
File: 122 KB, 960x1160, 1353189103595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what im getting from this thread is that i should just give up my day job and be a stripper? Shit.

>> No.7865401

>that disgusting appendectomy scar

>> No.7865405

how dare anyone have appendicitis

don't they know it ruins their bodies

>> No.7865420

Wow dude. Literally the only thing you could have complained about aside from the lack of hair. Good job.

>> No.7865429

Oh god, I can see the headlines now.
"Stripper Anon killed by obsessed client after refusing to have sex"
"He seemed like such a nice guy, liked to talk about common TV shows. But it was all a ruse to get in Anons pants, *sob sob*" Friends said.

>> No.7865451

Whats wrong with her hair? I have the same cut too.

>> No.7865478
File: 114 KB, 500x282, bellereaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second interview for a pretty sweet job today (sales & advertising & digital marketing for the sole newspaper in a major-ish city.)
I think it went well, so I'm pretty hopeful, but he literally pulled that whole "sell me this pencil" routine. I thought that was a totally made up scenario on TV, but nope.

>Pic related
>Mfw thinking about how that actually happened irl

To keep it cgl related, I did talk about major cons in the area during my first interview and he didn't seem fazed. Woo.

>> No.7865483
File: 1.17 MB, 2576x1932, 1267647093396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the second year of my master's in city and regional planning and I hope to graduate sometime next year. Just wrapping up work on a study looking at the economic impact of bike trails in my region.

Also I'm going to Pittsburgh on Saturday to check out the city with my classmates. I hope it'll be a lot of fun!

>> No.7865536

hey, i go to school in pittsburgh! i hope you like the city as much as i do! there's lots of neat stuff to see and do.

>> No.7865594

Went there once with school, it was really fun.

Then again it was with all my friends so who knows if it was actually the city itself.

>> No.7865769

Police Officer in London

It's not quite as exciting as it looks on TV, with over 9000 times more paperwork. Pays well though.

>> No.7866169

I just started as a nanny to two elementary aged kids in a really high class neighborhood of Seattle. It's actually really fun to observe the mommy cliques when I drop off and pick up the kids from school. Soooooo much Lululemon. The kids are really great and sweet at least. Also it's not a lot of hours which is great since I'm a FT student as well (international studies and politics)
Fun fact, I was warned by my employer about "nanny sniping" when rival families try to lure away a nanny from their current family by paying them some obscene amount for little work. Got my solicited by another family on my first day.

>> No.7866488

Yup. Its pretty weird living a double life.

>> No.7866489

>can't tell if new or just retarded

>> No.7866503

I do the same for a rich family in the Southern US and I love watching the mommy cliques at their ~super expensive private school~. I like the kids but I wish they paid more; the parents are selfmade workaholics who didn't come from money so aside from their kids they're stingy as fuck.

>> No.7866546

Project manager for a small business that supplies window dressings for commercial builders. It's not terribly glamorous, but it pays the bills.

>> No.7866549

>I was warned by my employer about "nanny sniping"
That sounds hilariously petty for families to do to each other

>> No.7866550

Is it terribly difficult to get into policing? I have a friend who was considering it, so it's more out of passing interestthan wanting to do it myself

>> No.7866616
File: 589 KB, 250x237, 1409032058300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After putting applications out all over town with no luck, I went shopping with my mom. The owner of a small clothing shop asked for my number because she might need help. I gave it to her but didn't really want to get my hopes up.

Well she called last night and wants me to work all week next week! I have no experience in retail, but she said that didn't matter. I am over the moon!

>> No.7866700

Fucking rich people hahaha that's hilarious.

And congrats! That's exciting. I hope you like it.

>> No.7866705
File: 419 KB, 494x604, 1412436599174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throwing applications anywhere
>suddenly get a phonecall
>woman asks some questions
>rings back later and sets a proper interview date
>had it today
>will let me know if I'm hired this weekend
NEET to money in 3 days? WHAT'S GOING ON?

Congrats anon! I hope I have your luck.

>> No.7866709

I just recently got a job at Michaels

>> No.7866817

I work full time as a woodwind and brasswind repair tech. I'm mobile so I get to drive around the state to different schools and see the sights and weather. I also know basic percussion and string repair, though I may be getting more advanced string training soon. I keep a Panty & Stocking binder on my bus but I have yet to have anyone recognize it. Plenty of compliments though!

I really love seeing cosplayers posing with and playing instruments, even if they aren't the best at posing with correct technique. Commissioning artists to draw characters playing what I feel they would play is also fun.

>> No.7866822

Enjoy the clothing retail life anon, it's actually pretty laid back and simple.

>> No.7866825

i work retail at a place that only gives me about 10 hours a week, if i'm lucky.
the lazy part of me is happy i get so much freetime but the greedy part of me wishes my paychecks were larger.
still, combined with my etsy and drawing commissions, i make enough to be able to afford brand and makeup and whatnot.
thank god for generous parents letting me stay at home with no rent to pay, though.

>> No.7866859

How'd you get into a job like that? That sounds really interesting!

>> No.7866868

I'm a personal helper (not assisant) for a girl who's in a wheelchair. I help her out with household chores and stuff like going to the bathroom and getting out of bed and dressing up. 90% of the time I just sit around and play vidya though, since she doesn't need help constantly (she sits around playing vidya a lot too).
I get paid over 10e per hour.

>> No.7866940

pls be in Lond-

>> No.7867032

I went to tech school for it, got a job at a local shop for experience, then applied to an ad online. This was all after going to college to formally learn music theory.

It also helps that I was willing to abandon my family and the people I thought were friends.

>> No.7867041

Working at a gross food service job to pay off student loans, and then I do sewing commissions for cosplay money. Sewing is obviously more fun but echhh, some of you people want some fugly stuff...

>> No.7867052
File: 210 KB, 920x1197, dinosaur-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be palaeontologist
>Love teaching others about natural history
>Can't get a museum job anywhere
>One part time job I applied for had 200+ applicants
>Work in a fucking transport office doing data entry to pay the bills

>> No.7867091

Volunteer in an area that you're interested in so you can have reputable references. There's online work at home jobs too! Do you have a bachelor's degree? You could probably go to a foreign country and teach English with it or become a substitute teacher?

>> No.7867110

I feel you, anon. I'm an "advocate" for my insurance company, which basically means I get griped at for forty hours a week. Can't complain much because it pays my bills but damn do I wish my job sucked less.

>> No.7867134

Electrical Engineer. I'm currently working for a small company to design consumer products for retail launch. You might see some of my stuff on the store shelves within the next year. Pay is good, Hopefully will be better soon. I haven't had a lot of time for cosplay lately. Working on work projects and another device I hope to put up on Kickstarter so I'll be rolling in the money.

>> No.7867135
File: 79 KB, 630x572, psychotherapist salary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, if you have a PhD in psychology, you are most definitely not working as a psychiatrist. To be a psychiatrist, you need to have the power to prescribe. To have prescribing power, you need an MD.

Funnily enough, knowing which medications backfire in what ways is more important than knowing Freudian vs. social psychological principles.

By the way, even if you were making the top end of the salary here, it would in no way buy you a porsche, unless of course it's used and broken down. Psychiatrists easily make 3x your salary though.

>> No.7867155

Am I the only entrepreteneur here? I run a small company togeher with a friend. We hold a convention and work in several projects which relate to the exchange japanese and our countrie's culture. Our latest projects are more IT related tough, but it all fits into the border of our hobbies.

As I want to earn a second stream of income, I'll start at a commercial real estate company, too.

I like to cominbe /biz & /clg. Might start a blog about it soon.

>> No.7867955

I'd actually really like to start my own business. I have a job, but thinking of starting something small on the side, and if it turns out well making it into my full time job.

The problem is getting started in the first place- it seems like it will take a lot of work and money just to get up and running, and then there's no guarantee of making back your initial investment. How did you get started?

>> No.7867970

>No, if you have a PhD in psychology, you are most definitely not working as a psychiatrist. To be a psychiatrist, you need to have the power to prescribe. To have prescribing power, you need an MD.

Note that at my facility, we have a Psychologist who prescribes, thanks to also being an APN at the same time. She's pretty useful to have around.

Oh yeah, you can also be a D.O. psychiatrist.

>> No.7870948

>just graduated not long ago
>have quite a bit of experience
>when handing in my resume they ask if ive graduated
>its one of the first things on there.
maybe it's because i'm 5"1 and my face makes me look like im 15

>> No.7870984

They wanna make sure you're not lying
It's called checking for discrepancies

>> No.7871011

Computer Support Technician

50k a year with decent benefits

Hoping to save some of the money for a dedicated convention fund to travel to a few and commission a few cosplays. Maybe by MAGFest (2015) I'll have commissioned a Gaige costume (Borderlands 2).

>> No.7871070

No "real" job right now. Physics PhD candidate though

>> No.7871074

move to wfg.

>> No.7871080


that sounds untrue and homosexual, I don't believe it

>> No.7871083

lel, that movie...

>> No.7871569
File: 15 KB, 413x480, chick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here raise chickens for eggs? I was trying to think of some things I can do that might be fun that I can earn some money off of. I have zero experience in any agriculture, though, I have one cat and I kill all the plants I try to grow. Is it going to be too difficult to attempt with no experience?

>> No.7871937

My mom does. She rescues chickens from being euthanized after they've passed their "egg laying prime" from factory farms, makes them healthy, they lay MORE eggs than they did at the factory farms, she writes all their care off on taxes, she gets feathery friends + free eggs + profit + other chicken lover friends, I live in town so I get free eggs, my workplace get free eggs, there is no downside to this arrangement, RAISE CHICKENS ANON.

>> No.7871939


I think she meant to ask if it was an easy thing to do or if they seize up and die if you forget to water them (since she kills plants but the cat is alive for some reason)...

>> No.7871942

If you have the space and you don't mind the chickens' scratching habits, it can bring money. My coworker sells eggs from his chickens at work. The first dozen is free, and then any after that is $3 per dozen.

>> No.7871950

Also licences and hygiene and how to deal with diseases and shit, I guess.

>> No.7871962

Full time student, no job as of right now.

I want to find a job but a lot of them involve retail positions where it's kind of needed to be able to hear well. My hearing isn't exactly perfect and I can already see myself working and needing to ask customers to repeat themselves 7 times so I can understand what they're saying.

>> No.7871982

NEET atm. it's making me depressed as fuck.

went and got my permit the other day. Going to test for my license next week. thank fuck my family understands. Grandpa letting me use his car so I'll be able to work.
applying in town so I need to drive.

Hoping to maybe go to school and become a Physical Therapy Assistant. The medical field has always appealed to me, but I'm way too squeamish.

Back up plan is medical coding like my mom. She'd support me all the way through and help me get a job. Not crazy lucrative but 45k goes a long way when the cost of living is crazy low

>> No.7872110

finally got a job (seasonal but it's something) after looking for months, basically being an over glorified retoucher and spellchecker (listed as 'production designer'. Pay is pretty good, and most of the people are great albeit the weeb attitudes that push their way up in people often. Worth it for free food and drinks everyday, and the pay isn't half bad. I just hope I can impress my nit picky evaluator so I can get released to do work on my own

>> No.7872257


$2700 - $3000.


>> No.7872358


wtf, are you a Senior Chief or something?

>> No.7872480

I'm a full-time forensic biology student and I have a part-time job as a research assistant. The job is about 9 hr/wk but keeping up my grades takes nearly all my time since I need mostly A's to keep my scholarships.

So I usually get to spend money on myself pretty guilt-free (I mean... I'm going to come out of college with no more than $5000 in loans) but I don't have time to sew or craft. Oh well, that's the price of being comfortable.

Another thing - I live less than a mile from work so I can just walk or bike there. which means I don't need to spend money on a car, gas, maintenance, parking passes, etc. I have a feeling this is where a lot of my spending money would have to be redirected to after college.

>> No.7873863

No worries anon, I raised and embarrassingly enough showed chickens my entire childhood and through high school. Chickens are very easy to take care of and very hard to kill. All you need is an area for them to run around during the day, a little nest box to lay eggs, and then you just gotta feed and water them! They're also very easily made docile, and if you're anything like me, they'll soon follow you around the yard and greet you outside the door. Be sure to handle them lots when they're young so you'll have a feathery entourage!

>> No.7873886

>be old
>apply for a mediocre retail job with recent reference letters and stuff
>they ask for my high school diploma (I don't know if I'm using the correct terms here, 2nd language)
>email it to them
>a few minutes ago they called me, I didn't get the job because "my grades are too bad"
>I graduated high school well over ten years ago
the fuck?

>> No.7875336
File: 49 KB, 625x417, legal assistant margery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened on Buzzfeed, likely in response to that random article saying all cosplayers are unemployed and ruining the economy. Some of them are cool but a lot of the costumes are shit and so are the jobs.


Can we get some seagulls to put on some of their nicer costumes and hold signs with their job? I think we can do much better than this.

>> No.7875389

Full time cosmetician in a busy drugstore. Make a decent wage +commission, which usually adds an extra 400$/mo. I've been doing the same job for 5 years (but in different locations) so shits easy at this point

>> No.7875839

Half of them are not even jobs, jobs with steady hours, or jobs with decent pay to support living by yourself

Not a job
>aspiring filmmaker
Not a job
>princess performer
Doubt you can support yourself being this
>stay at home mom
Not a job
>househusband and author
Not a job and I don't think spending your free time writing a page here and there for your 'book' counts as a job

>> No.7875842
File: 56 KB, 492x305, anon (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at gamestop.

>> No.7875845

Funny how the nicer costumes are in majority done by people with decent careers.

>> No.7875854


People write student rather than unemployed because being a full time student (including outside lecture advised study time) is around 30-40 hours a week. And clearly the point of the article is to show that cosplayers aren't just sat around making costumes every day all week.

Agreed, aspiring film maker is not a job. He might be doing volunteer or solo projects though. Who knows.

Princess performer is a job, just like any bit-acting or entertainer position is a job. The question wasn't whether or not they earned a wage they could live off of. I believe hers also said student, so at least she's showing industry in using what she's got to make a bit of side money. And even if it doesn't earn profits then it could go on a cv as team building, entertaining, charity work (where applicable) etc. So not entirely a waste of time.

Stay at home mom, not a job, but like student it takes up the hours in the week. Who's to say what she earned before she had kids, or what her other half may or may not earn. Or whether she'll return to work when her kids are older.

Househusband is again a time eater. Being an author, an author that makes any money, writes (or should be writing) between 8000 and 10,000 words a day. That's not just a page or two. Depends whether he's published or at least has an agent. He could be self publishing. It's still a job though. And really anon unless you know him personally you have no idea how much a person is and isn't doing. Lots of authors are ugly, doesn't mean they can't write.

>> No.7875857

I've been jobless for like 6 months now.
Used to work on a comic book store but now since i got laid off Ive been studying law.

>> No.7875859

>Being an author, an author that makes any money, writes (or should be writing) between 8000 and 10,000 words a day. That's not just a page or two

Saramago had a steady rythm of writing 3 pages per day. And he spent most of the day doing it.

It's not as easy as you think.

>> No.7875860

Second year of a Biology Undergrad, studying from home. Starting internal auditor diploma in January. Do part time work for my parent's company and local freelance design work.

>> No.7875864

I never said it was easy, last time I had to do 10,000 words it took me a whole day.

But that's the thing about being an author. In terms of money/hour, like most artistic jobs, the pay is shit. But you have that advantage of doing 'what you love' and you don't have to go to an office to do it.

For most authors, unless you get it really really right by some fluke on your first book, you need to have about 5 well enough selling books under your belt in order to have something you can live on. And even if you pitch a series, that doesn't mean your series will get picked up, you might only get contracted for the one book, especially if you're new.

>> No.7875869

And then there are people who are excellent writers and authors of brilliant books who don't write for a living, which is the majority on Europe.

Winning a lot of money with your book does not mean the book is good (see Twilight), so what is the worth? You're winning money for incompetence. All in all, does it matter if it's bad if you win money? The world should not be like this and culture should not suffer from this.

We're going OT, I'm sorry

>> No.7875878 [DELETED] 

I'm the head of chat for a major electronics company.

Pros: High pay, 401k, benefits
Cons: Idiots who can google their problems, assholes who think they just deserve things

>> No.7875881

I'm the head of chat for a major electronics company.

Pros: High pay, 401k, benefits
Cons: Idiots who can't google their simple issues, assholes who think they just deserve things

>> No.7875882

cs/math student who's doing grading/tutoring for both those subjects. It doesn't pay much, but I still get a little spending money from it

>> No.7876033

>Job interview
>going pretty well
>"So what can you bring to the team?"
>Realise there is not a single good thing about me.

God dammit. Anyone else been in a situation like this? Am I doomed to neetdom forever?

>> No.7876073

It's called lying anon

>> No.7876077

Working part time at a framing shop between studies. Earning some extra cash with commissions and Artist Alley stuff.

>> No.7876109

You need to say something like positive attitude, passion and enthusiasm or reliability.

>> No.7877855

quit being sad kunts m8's