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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 96 KB, 851x315, 10514623_10154367391540637_7180258288997504475_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7847301 No.7847301 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone going and planning on cosplaying? I'm still undecided. Apparently there's a costume contest on October 12 but it's limited to 20 entries only.

>> No.7847355

maybe? im not sure what i'd enter with i mean the only vocaloid cosplay i have is len and frankly i hate it, but on the site it makes its sound like anything is okay?

>> No.7847374

They don't list any guidelines. Just "Halloween Costume Contest". I wish they'd specify though since I'd rather not stick around for sign up at 4pm only to be told I don't meet some requirement. I don't even know how to ask them since their fb page doesn't accept messages!

>> No.7847385
File: 446 KB, 620x438, d58e01fb-9e99-4e70-9b38-eefee91eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to the event on Saturday and concert + whatever on Sunday.
Was gonna bring picture related if I can make in time.

eh, my outfit really isn't contest worthy, so I'll probably just watch and see who else is gonna enter. From experience though, heavy cosplay + concert = heat stroke, so if your gonna cosplay and go to the concert, probably should do a lighter outfit.
probably common sense, but just wanted to remind.

>> No.7847397

is it weird to cosplay one of the lesser known vocaloids to the concert? I have a Suzune Ring cosplay I've yet to wear. really not sure if anyone will even know who she is since she was cancelled

>> No.7847400
File: 227 KB, 850x1201, suzune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's such a qt but I'm still undecided. don't want the cosplay to go to waste though

>> No.7848108

What's the parking like at the exhibition area (Los Angeles Center Studios?) It's almost a mile from the concert so I'd rather drive if parking free

>> No.7848645
File: 167 KB, 869x959, ny_exh_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to the NYC concert but bitter as fuck since LA seems to get all the cool events

>> No.7849099

Im so excited!! any seagulls going to the dance on saturday? its 21+ so Im sure I think itll be pretty fun

>> No.7849225

I'm not able to go but I think any vocaloid fan who's been around for a while would at least recognize you! I know my friends and I would be amazed and really happy if we saw a Ring cosplay.

>> No.7849230

So... Is the expo just a concert? Or is it a full-out convention?

>> No.7849252

I don't into vocoloid but I popped in to say you are correct, she is adorable. 12/10 would waifu

>> No.7849471
File: 94 KB, 642x960, 10629609_10154692548835637_8979030432800721703_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about NY, but for the LA concert there appears to be a separate "expo" portion that's Halloween themed. There will be a couple events along with food and goods for sale. I'm still not sure how "big" they expect the expo to be but it's definitely more than I was expecting.

>> No.7849531

I heard the LA one isn't getting there'll exhibition though? Like the art show and junk

>> No.7849539

nigga that's what I think about NY
Morning Musume
Maximum the Hormone
Babymetal (what the fuck kind of tour is only two shows and one per country?)

>> No.7849548

NY has an art show, a store, and the tokidoki guy will be signing
LA has an intro to miku exhibit, a halloween exhibit, a store, an overhead dome theater (kind of like fremont street in Las Vegas), a dance party, food vendors with unannounced collaboration foods (maybe like the theme cafes in Japan? probably not), and a stage with karaoke, costume contest, live painting, and more DJs

>> No.7849549
File: 189 KB, 1080x650, areamap_la.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this shit
they have enough that they felt they needed a map

>> No.7849555

I have a feeling it'll be pretty small though. Unless they seriously blew all their budget on LA and forgot about NY

>> No.7849560

it'll probably be small but the fact they had enough that they needed a map to show you where things are shows the variety of the LA event

>> No.7849568

Will be going and cosplaying Yukari on Saturday. I don't know if I'll enter the contest, depends if I decide to go again on Sunday.

>> No.7849577

I'll be going, hoping I finish my cosplay in time it's probably my most elaborate cosplay yet. Has anyone else entered the crunchyroll contest? They still haven't announced the winners so a bunch of people are shitting up the thread.

>> No.7849586

I have a feeling the contest might be for Crypton vocaloids only though. I really hope not since I'd really like to see some of the lesser known vocaloids cosplayed!

>> No.7849588

What'll you be cosplaying anon?

>> No.7849602
File: 447 KB, 900x1239, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_halloween1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I'm not the only one, miku's page shared one girl's progress photo. If you see me I've got a few light up details but some I might turn off to conserve battery until the costume contest. I'm trying to do the two sets of wings and I haven't yet decided how much I want to wear the large pair. I want to do some dance covers and they are very not suitable for that plus have the concert on saturday. Probably a good idea to just wear them sunday though I'm still a little indecisive. I bought a bunch of little light up pumpkins from taobao I want to hang around myself too.

>> No.7849668

I'd say just wear the large pair for the costume contest, especially since they might get in the way/hit other people during the concert.

I hope I'll be able to see your cosplay for the contest, although I'm not sure if I want to stick around since I don't think there'll be enough events going on between when the concert ends on Sunday and when the costume contest starts to prevent me from getting bored. I really hope they'll put up some guidelines though since I'd like to know if I can enter (non-Crypton vocaloid cosplay).

>> No.7849698

That's super cute and I can't wait to see you

>> No.7849908

I'm going on the 12 due to work on Saturday, but it seems that is where all the fun is at. I think Sunday is going to blow compared to Saturday.

>> No.7850230

Why would you say that? The only thing Saturday has going for it is the dance party, but even then Sunday has a mini dance party. At least Sunday has the cosplay contest. The only thing I'm worried about is all the goods selling out on Saturday since I really want that Halloween Miku nendoroid and the Calne Ca mask.

>> No.7850656

You can buy the nendo online from gsc but shipping is 2000 yen for up to three. Maybe get a group buy split up with some other people

>> No.7851177

I know but I don't have anyone else to do a group order with since none of my friends collect figures. I'm not desperate enough for the nendo that I'd spend 2k yen on shipping either.

>> No.7851209

I'll buy one with you

>> No.7851452

eyyy I like that idea. I'll try and see if I can snag one on the 12th first though since $0 shipping sounds better than $10.

>> No.7852659

Meet up? None of my friends want to go.

>> No.7853216
File: 875 KB, 1836x3264, WP_20141001_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we make this a preparing cosplay for Miku expo thread? Or am I the only one dumb enough to make a new cosplay for this haha. Pic related I don't want to make anymore clip in hairballs but I have to now that I bothered making one.

>> No.7853253

I'm still on the fence on whether I'll be going. I really want to, but without airline tickets dropping a bit, or some kind of carpool extravaganza I don't know if I should?

>> No.7853258

Looks good anon, especially with the lights! How'd you do it? Are those few strands supposed to be loose as well?

I may or not cosplay. But if I do decide on it I'll try to post progress pics here. I really hope a good amount of cosplayers show up to the concert.

>> No.7853295

We definitely need more cosplayers it seemed like there was only 3 in indonesia!
I used styrofoam balls I painted turquoise as the base, and removed a light from a dollar store bracelet (no idea how long the batteries are going to last) that I 'shoved' into the foam. Then I applied pieces from an older pigtail to the ball using a method (sort of, I didn't make a cavity underneath it because it's not sitting over anything) from an old sailor moon wig tutorial of making her odango. You stub a small pigtail of the hair with hot glue, cut space for it and glue it in the ball, then sort of pull it down to the center and glue it to the bottom. After it's mostly covered with that you cover the dimple and glue on the bottom leftover by wrapping and glueing a separate strand. Then I glued the bow to the exposed LED and added an alligator clip so I don't ruin my good tails. Kind of hard to explain so I'll probably take progress pics when I make more in case I want to take this to actual cosplay contests.

>> No.7853964


A few of us from Toronto going to NYC one. Bussing there and flying out to curb coats a bit.

>> No.7855390
File: 270 KB, 486x720, FB_20141002_20_40_52_Saved_Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They lowered the age limit for the dance to 18+ yesyes I can now indulge my machigerita feels.

>> No.7855418
File: 398 KB, 700x700, project_diva_f_hatsune_miku_by_armachamcorp-d7e9kco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pieretta Miku represent! I have like what, 10 days?

>> No.7855462

That would be lame. I'll be cosplaying her either way on Saturday.

Limiting to only a few vocaloids goes way against their "sharing the world~~" theme, but it is just a way to profit.

>> No.7855497

Do it! Halloween Miku here we shall suffer together.

>> No.7855536
File: 218 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for inaccurate lantern, but I'll be attempting to finish lamp Miku!

>> No.7855695

Any pics of your wig?

>> No.7855696

Noooo. That means no more alcohol will be sold (assuming they were planning to in the first place)

>> No.7855698

you'd better be super fucking cute by the end of it

>> No.7855724

In LA here, I'll only be going to the show on the 11th because it is the one I bought tickets for. However I see that the expo portion of this event is being held at the LACS, with events in the Candy Stage being different for both days. I'll only be there on the 11th because I think that's all my job will be able to give me off. I'll be missing DJ Tekina so I'm kinda bummed about that. One of you seagulls need to enjoy it in my stead.

I'd be down for cgl meet though, since I only have like one friend coming along.

>> No.7855781

Because it's soooo hard to find alcohol on a saturday night in LA. You poor thing.

>> No.7856621

It's definitely more fun to get drunk AT the dance, drink with new people you meet, etc. so anon does have a point.

>> No.7856637
File: 508 KB, 870x1217, Hatsune.Miku.full.1594251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to the saturday concert in NY because I missed out on the miku concert at AX a few years ago. Super excited though holy shit

>> No.7857333

Only one week left... Hopefully I can finish my cosplay in time...

>> No.7857340

>Staying for any of the other irrelevant events
>Not just going to the concert and leave

I also heard that they won't allow electronic glowsticks. I wanted to bring my Kill la Kill glowstick from AX.

>> No.7857348

online sales sold out btw
the price for onsite is $45, and I assume a few more bucks for tax
good luck and get there early

ebay prices are already getting up there

>> No.7857436

shit thanks for letting me know anon. I'll try and see if I can swing by Saturday morning although I'm not attending the concert until Sunday

>> No.7857982


Enjoy your side seats in which watching Miku at is pointless.

>> No.7858033

Anyone know how parking is gonna work at the events and concert for LA?

>> No.7858048

This is sort of relevant, so I'm going to shamelessly selfpost the cheering guide video I made..


also here's the link to the guide I got my notes from:


They said no LED glowsticks or chemical glowstics above 6 inches that aren't purchased on site.

>> No.7858107

I'm just planning to park across the Staples Center.

>> No.7858308


We're all getting our own glow sticks anyway so it's not that big of a deal

>> No.7858309

What makes you think I have side seats?

>> No.7858316

I'm pretty sure they don't even sell side seats dear.

>> No.7858344

where can I buy glowsticks/penlights in the LA area?

>> No.7858355

I'd recommend taking a look at those prepaid parking sites to see if you can find a good deal. I did this for AX

I think this is the reason why they made it two concerts so they only had to use the center section instead of the whole theater like with the AX concert a few years ago. Originally for the AX concert they only wanted to use the center but they caved to demand and opened up the rest.

>> No.7858357

oh and for best deal on parking you'll have to walk a little (10 mins or less) but since it's just a concert that shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.7858459

Do you know if there are any decent lots between LA Live and the exhibition area?

>> No.7858471


it's about half a mile in either direction
change time as necessary
it does mean a 20 min walk from the expo to nokia though

I don't even know why I'm helping I'm not even going to this

>> No.7858496

Find your nearest Home Depot and buy emergency glowsticks. That's what I did before I went to AX in 2011.

>> No.7858509

can't go wrong with amazon although it usually means buying in bulk

but whatever, $10 for 10 glowsticks, and even better deals for more

>> No.7858595

Really hate how the expo is so far from the concert. It better be worth the 20 minute walk all the way over there and back (to the car)

>> No.7858622

Same guy here. I don't know why you would buy glowsticks in bulk unless you go raves every weekend. The emergency ones I bought at Home Depot lasted 3 hours while I believe a standard glowstick only lasts 2.

>> No.7858867

What's your opinion on wearing normalfag clothes and just slapping on a miku wig?

>> No.7859068
File: 1.24 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey,What I wonder should I take them to you guys?
This is OK?
Or Kit kat Greentea?

>> No.7859231

as long as your wig isn't gross (brush,style and clean it.) you should be fine

>> No.7859260

>No standing anytime

What the fuck?

>> No.7859265

It's for cars anon...it means you can't sit there in your car.

>> No.7859484
File: 2.25 MB, 542x302, mikudeliciousY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In all seriousness it depends on how hot you are. Nobody gives a shit about anything else. Anyone who claims to otherwise is pretending.

>> No.7859592

I'm not really looking for compliments or getting my picture taken. I just don't want to feel completely left out with people cosplaying, but also want to not walk around in full cosplay so I can go around LA after the concert in street clothes without having to change in a public restroom or my car.

>> No.7859606
File: 73 KB, 600x553, 1408225936291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going in normalfag attire, and I've got VIP concert tickets. Don't worry about it too much, anon.

>> No.7859611

I'm assuming this is your first convention or event. Most people *don't* cosplay. You will not be "left out."

>> No.7859758

This. Most of the men will have no more than wearing some shirt with some underground reference. Most of the girls will have nothing other than some animu accessory.

I'm assuming you are a girl because you want to wear a miku wig. In all seriousness you could just wear some random Jfashion and fit right in. Last few cons I've seen femanons ( and traps ) walking around in a frilled skirt+faux thigh ZRs.

>> No.7859850

Jelly of your miku plush
Polite sage for OT also confused what your post is even asking

>> No.7859861
File: 1.06 MB, 3251x1926, IMG_0119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7860045

Why do you have 3?? I'll buy one off you.

>> No.7860078

Won them awhile back during a lottery event hosted by FamilyMart. I'd kind of like to keep mine... but here's one for pretty cheap online:

>> No.7860333

That's so cheap! How big is it anon? It looks pretty big in your pic.

>> No.7860411

It's around 11x12 inches including her ears.

>> No.7860581

Wow that's pretty big. Wonder why it's so cheap. Apparently it's even a tissue holder?! Really tempted, but I don't want to pay Mandarake's 500 yen fee since there's nothing else in the Umeda store that I want that'll make my total over 5000 yen. Darn.

>> No.7860905
File: 431 KB, 1604x1563, WP_20141006_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halloween miku anon here. I'm kinda conflicted I feel like I might've gathered too much fabric for the triangle piece but it's too late to turn back now. It'll at least contribute to a lot of poof when I get to the orange side parts. I used a full 3 yards for this piece, not sure if I should make the side orange pieces 1 1/2 yards or less because they would be a bit longer than the petticoat and do need at least some gathering. It'd be playing it safe to go 1 yard... What do you guys think?

>> No.7860917
File: 100 KB, 1024x522, madoka_kaname__magical_dress__cosplay_design_draft_by_hollitaima-d62ahoc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're using an A-line petticoat underneath a rectangle skirt (the beige triangles), that's why the thing you made looks weird. A-line pettis don't have enough poof in the hips to fill out your rectangle skirt.

For the orange part and the black top, I suggest you adapt a Madoka Kaname pattern. Make sure each orange panel is tapered so that it's narrower at your waist and wider at the hem end. You might also want to interface the orange panels if you have the time, otherwise the parts that fall beyond the petticoat are going to be very limp and sad.

>> No.7860928

Thanks for the insight! I layered a really short cupcake petti underneath the a line one and it already looks a lot better. Will definitely keep the rest of what you said in mind when I work on the rest.

>> No.7861693

Well, looks like someone bought it. I can't say I'm surprised, though; it was a pretty good price.

>> No.7861906

That would be me ( same anon as >>7860581 )! It was a good price and I found a figure I wanted to make my total over 5000 yen. It's opened and has dirt/scratches though according to the description, but hopefully that's just there to cover their asses since they have that line in all the open box figures.

>> No.7861911

Are you going to the LA or NY concert?

>> No.7862299

Hehe, well congrats! Glad it worked out for ya.
By the way, most of the time when Mandarake lists a figure, or the box it comes in, as "damaged" (in your case dirt/scratches), the "damage" is hardly noticeable, if there at all.

>> No.7862407

Does anyone know how to contact the organizers? I have a few questions regarding the expo that I want clarification on but I don't know how to reach them.

>> No.7862599


>> No.7862621

you can try twitter or facebook
better do it now so there's a few days for a staffer to notice and answer. as someone who has done too many last minute press requests... yeah, don't do that. shit gets busy the closer to events so you want as much buffer time as possible.

what did you want to know for that matter?

>> No.7862629

also from experience, finding and contacting japanese agents/press contacts is like slamming your head into a wall. you are as likely to get no answer at all (even though you know that's the right address!) as you are getting what you want

>> No.7862646
File: 1.10 MB, 1300x1000, Konachan.com - 136835 hatsune_miku haumizuki karakuri_pierrot_(vocaloid) mask vocaloid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I REALLY want to cosplay Karakuri Pierrot, but I wear glasses and fuck if I'll ever get a mask to fit right.

I wanted to have a half mask, but I also thought about just painting the mask onto my face? Like doing the lines on the eyes, red lipstick, and maybe the red nose?

Also having trouble finding a Miku wig that's a nice light blue instead of teal or neon aqua.

>> No.7862658

no, for the love of god do not paint a mask on to your face, that is not going to look good. Just go get some contacts...

>> No.7862666

>just go get some contacts...

You do realize that not everyone who wears glasses can wear contacts, right?

>> No.7862677

Why not just carry the mask around with you? You don't HAVE to wear it you know.

>> No.7862704

do the "wear on side of head" thing like Japanese matsuri

>> No.7862784

>just go get some contacts
I'm guessing you don't wear contacts? Its not as simple as going to the fucking supermarket and getting contacts. This shit is a long process.

>> No.7864026

Anyone know what parking is like for the expo or is it better to just park in those lots?

>> No.7864114

For LA you're going to be in downtown. It's whatever parking you can find. Street parking, in a lot, in a structure, in a hotel. Up to you. Can't help you with NY since I've never been there.

>> No.7864127

Thanks. I was talking about LA! So the expo venue doesn't have their own parking?

>> No.7864141

there's apparently a parking garage at the bottom of the hill. don't know how much it charges.

>> No.7864147

no it's not? I've been wearing contacts every day for like 5 years, you can just order them online. Or make an appointment to see your eye doctor if you really wanna go through the whole process. If you're going to a cosplay you should know to get contacts.

>> No.7864150

Unless someone is farsighted, or has bifocals, anyone can get contacts and wear them. They even make comfortable astigmatism contacts now.

>> No.7864397

>>7855724 here, hmm, I might go as Inumuta Houka. I don't wear him nearly as often as I should.

...People won't get pissed because I'm not cosplaying Vocaloid, right?

>> No.7864410

Not pissed... Just very confused. It's not an anime convention. Why would you cosplay something completely unrelated?

>> No.7864565

I see, I suppose that makes sense then.

>> No.7864616

That doesn't sound like a random (even new obscure) Vocaloid. Is it an Utauloid?

>> No.7864820

Anyone watching Letterman tonight? Miku will be on.

>> No.7864994


>> No.7865343

I plan on it just to see how awkward and embarrassing the whole thing will be. I'll probably forget to though since I'm still working on my cosplay.

>> No.7865423
File: 44 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nd56kboTKK1tit771o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're still here, anon! How's your suffering? I am suffering. But I love it.

4 more days, we can do it! I'm gonna run off and pick up some more supplies.

Is anyone else going Sunday? I'm hoping to enter the costume contest, and maybe grab some drinks with someone? I'm so hyped, ugh.

>> No.7865559

>Is anyone else going Sunday?
I'll be there! I'm not ready with my cosplay yet either. Definitely excited though. I've been listening to the setlist for the Indonesia concert while working on my cosplay!

>> No.7865610
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x1836, WP_20141008_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to go sunday but I could only afford hotel for friday and saturday night, so if I do go sunday I'll probably have to drive all the way back to Utah right after.
Good luck with your cosplay!!! Hopefully we both can enter the costume contest if my cats don't kill my wings before I finish them. Or my harness won't work out I swear with my luck...

>> No.7865627
File: 311 KB, 363x488, 1323368422055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miku is on Letterman tonight
Ready for the surge of normalfags, /cgl/?

>> No.7865711
File: 81 KB, 1299x931, gourmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh, would you have link to the playlist?

We can do it, anon!

>> No.7865783

My cousins are going to the LA one

I might go to the exhibit but i just dont get it. Whats the appeal of miku?

>> No.7865880

Here you are anon: http://youtu.be/g1FSqWUV8fs

>> No.7866007

Fuuuuuck thiiiis

>> No.7866041

>No Tell Your World

Damn I'm in for some disappointment.

>> No.7866067

in Japan the appeal was having a synthesized vocalist for those who didn't have a real one. People latched onto that and the Japanese, being as collaborative and creative as they are, started churning out songs and then making character designs and animations and whatnot. Miku spread like wildfire. It later spread enough that it became commercialized and less public oriented and some of the original fan producers didn't like that and left the scene. By less public oriented I mean that now companies were pushing what they wanted to become popular and profiting off of the work of others (ie. Sega and the Project Diva games; they got permission but for some that was seen as selling out) where in the past popularity was decided solely by the masses and not so much as companies shoving things in your face til you loved them. A lot of people don't care that it's commercialized and just want Miku. Think of it as the old guard being kind of hipster if you have to.

in America... because it's Japanese and kawaii and shit yo

>> No.7866133

To pull an all nighter or not? That is the question. If I do finish early I can sleep tomorrow, but if I ended up needing that time I won't regret sleeping. I wish I could use friday but I'll be driving 11 hours. I wish I had enough progress to post an update pic but the harness has taken a surprising amount of time to fit and sew. Halloween Miku is suffering.

>> No.7866138

I believe in you anon

>> No.7866159

Damn it my tv didn't autotune. Did Miku go on yet?

>> No.7866161


>> No.7866190

I somehow thought they were going to have an interview. How? I have no fucking idea. This was just a song with zero explanation and no way to draw new people in.

I'm pretty disappointed.

>> No.7866196

I fucking lold

>> No.7866201

I agree I thought they'd at least try to have a scripted back and forth with subtitles for Miku's poor english.

>> No.7866224

I can't believe people got so excited for that overhyped piece of shit. It was 4 minutes, a crappy song, and no explanation as to what Miku is.

The normalfags were all like "omg an anime is singing on TV / a woman just disintegrated on live TV"

>> No.7866386

>implying we knew how shitty and simple it was going to end up.

>> No.7866957
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 1412565274928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Just like being in Willie Nelson's tour bus."

>> No.7868087

Anon! Can you let me know what it's like cosplaying a lesser known vocaloid on Saturday? I'll be going to the NY concert and want to know if I'll be hated on for not being one of the main ones. Thanks! ^-^

>> No.7868097

for you people who have never gone to a convention or event before, where the fuck do you get these ideas? it's not going to be like you're a black man in the 60s

>> No.7868309

If they're at a vocaloid convention hating on vocaloids, they shouldn't be there.

>> No.7868770

Pieretta Miku here. Two more days, comrades! The suffering is beautiful.

>> No.7869448

Halloween Miku is freaking out. I'm still on my way to cali (almost in vegas) and I realized too late to drive back that I left my sewing machine at home. I am so screwed. Kill me or send sewing machine to hotel.
Must handsew when I get to hotel, no more sleep.

>> No.7869748

oh shit nigger how do you forget something that big. like, physically big.

>> No.7869893

Anon, where are you? I can try to help if you're still here.

>> No.7869916

Damn im surprised how easy its gonna be for me. I just take the bus across the street from me. Its like 10 minutes on bus.

>> No.7870079

My car was literally packed with stuff and I forgot to move it into the stuff I'm packing pile before leaving.

>> No.7870080

I'm staying at the rodeway inn convention center hotel. Just got here/settled in. I have a headache so I'm probably going to closet cosplay tomorrow and try to finish by sunday's costume contest.

>> No.7870093

Best of luck anon! Maybe try to see if you can rent a sewing machine from somewhere?

>> No.7870299
File: 221 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_nda9fkO62w1tit771o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pieretta again. D-d-do you want to borrow my sewing machine? My portable one is the small Brother, does the job well. I can pick it up before you leave.

I don't want to leave a fellow Miku-friend behind.

Contributing progress. I'm getting a lot done in my three free days, haha. I'mma probably end up leaving out the belt and using different shoes because my last supply run didn't find much... I'll bring this Miku around again for Halloween and PMX.

I don't think I'll enter the costume contest. I'm gonna take a nap, pattern up the bodice and finish everything up!

Go go go we can do it!

>> No.7870543

Anons! I have 6 FREE tickets for tonight's concert. Please let me know if you for some reason don't have a ticket and want to go. I need to know as soon as possible though...

>> No.7870548

For real?

>> No.7870552

Yes. My friend has a bunch he's giving away for some reason. I already bought my ticket for tomorrow though so I can't use them (especially since my cosplay isn't even done!)

>> No.7870588

Can I get two?

>> No.7870595

Yes sorry forgot to put e-mail. Contact me tintinyberrylove@gmail

>> No.7870598


>> No.7870637


>> No.7870801

hope to see some of you guys today. I'm a super last minute gumi not representing cgl at all.

>> No.7870803

this looks cool as hell but..
I have no one to go with.

>> No.7870820

niggah shut up and go
but im alooooooooone
idgaf are you going to let that get in the way of you seeing something that might never happen again?

>> No.7870830
File: 125 KB, 500x283, original[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>might never happen again

but I'd see everyone having a good time chatting and giggling and I'd just feel alone and sad and broke

>> No.7870839

hang out with mh friend and I.

>> No.7870846

ok lets do it

>> No.7870856

anybody in line for the monster store? I unfortunately came around 12:15 and that was enough to still be in line

>> No.7870867

Yeah, got here at 1, wish I came sooner.
I am not playing asshole, get over here.

>> No.7870876

karaoke is killing me

I wanted to sing but I gotta get that merch before it sells out

>> No.7870877

I'll hold your spot.

>> No.7870883
File: 2.20 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought these two were really cute

Any pics of good cosplay? so many mediocre ones are killing me

>> No.7870888

too late for that shit anyway I'll just go tomorrow

>> No.7870889

Sold out?

>> No.7870900

oh no I meant for singing karaoke. although I know that other than the Halloween nendo all the other Miku figures are sold out but that was like an hour ago

>> No.7870904

Damn, I didn't know they had other figures.

>> No.7871059
File: 948 KB, 2048x1152, 20141011_172302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf happened you guys. Nobody that emailed me is responding. I don't want this to go to waste

>> No.7871363

Are you guys kidding? There's a huge chance you could get infections if you DON'T go through the optometrist process and just randomly order online. Even then there ARE people whose eyes can't handle wearing contacts. Your eyes and decisions aren't everyone else's eyes and decisions. Please don't encourage someone to fuck up their eyes for the sake of a hobby.

>> No.7871365

wish I was there
then again if I was there I would have gotten press tickets anyway
I don't even know if the guy we have down in LA is going

>> No.7871467

There was some dude with mikus panties on his head. That was pretty neat

>> No.7871474

Wow, I wish I could go to the concert....

I Jew'd it and stayed with my shekels, didn't know /cgl/ would be giving out free passes.

Oh well, it's already 8 now.

>> No.7871619

I can't believe they sold out of Halloween Miku so quickly. They had so many boxes of them. The people crying about how they aren't going until tomorrow on GSC's facebook page are entertaining.

>thinking that they have a right to a limited item

>> No.7871626

well fugg, I don't have a reason to go tomorrow. How about the other merch?

>> No.7871641

This free ticket anon was legit. I saw your tumblr post first and responded from there. Didn't know you were a seagull as well. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

>> No.7871645

Very entertaining. They had their chance because online orders were open for days before selling out.

>> No.7871646
File: 92 KB, 1080x720, 1669721_700139603402695_7532137355105515046_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that's left from GSC is the kaito figma (rumor is there are only 2 left), the len figure (probably also low) and the rubber straps. The miku expo booth sold out of at least the main miku expo wall scroll, but I don't know about the halloween wall scroll.

I wanted to go to the dome thing but it was entirely sold out when I got there. Oh well.

The food was actually decently priced. In the morning nowhere had drinks so I expected them to show up and start selling overpriced waters but they still only charged a dollar.

>> No.7871649

still don't get why people don't just bring a bottle with them
I mean, it's LA, it gets hot

>> No.7871651

No problem! Heard you guys got upgraded with your seats too lol
That one anon that wanted 3 never showed up though

>> No.7871654

Oh well. The trip I would have taken was a very last minute idea so I don't mind cancelling

>> No.7871662

They had the snow Miku nendo?! Fuck I should've gone today. I'm a tad upset but at the same time not since I wasn't really expecting it...

>> No.7871667

Yukari-anon here. A lot of people were really excited to see a lesser known vocaloid cosplayed. Had one guy come up telling me how she is his absolute favorite vocaloid and how he was so excited to see her cosplayed. People were definitely happy to see other vocaloids. The only other lesser known one I saw there was Gakupo.

>> No.7871671

Any pictures? I didn't get to go

>> No.7871707

people were walking out of the store with 3 Halloween mikus. I waited for almost 6 hours for that nendo and good smile decided it was a good idea to sell all of the nendos they had in one day WITH A 3 LIMIT. Most of who bought 3 are most likely just going to resell them too so after waiting that long and being at the very end of the line of the good smile booth when they announced they ran out? Yes I'm pissed, I didn't want to order it online because I was coming to the event, why would you order it online if you're going to the expo?

Yes it's a limited item but they should have saved the stock and limited it to 1 or 2, especially since it's a two day event and running out of stock and not planning on restocking on the first day is ridiculous

>> No.7871710

Why didn't you show up early like the other people who wanted to make sure they got their merch?

>> No.7871719

I arrived 15 minutes after the gates opened. I regret not coming earlier but still. 15 minutes.

>> No.7871725

welcome to "don't let retards run your booth." total rookie moves by them. I don't deal much with Japanese booths so maybe it's just a Japanese thing to not spread stock over the days of an event.

>> No.7871739

Does anyone have a song list of the songs that played? Is there an official list?

Were any of these songs played today
Caramel heaven
Karakuri Pierrot
Strobe Nights
Domino Toppling

Those are my top vocaloid songs would be so sad If I ended up missing them live

>> No.7871747

someone in another thread said it was like http://vocaloid.wikia.com/wiki/HATSUNE_MIKU_EXPO_2014_in_Indonesia but with sharing your world as the first song

>> No.7871760

Yeah it's pretty much the same with a few songs missing. I'm sad that they didn't keep A Thousand Year Solo for Kaito.

>> No.7871947

Hm, I think I saw two Yukari's.

Were you the sluttish one or the regular one? The first girl I saw cosplaying Yukari wore a skintight purple dress and white bunny ears, and that was it.

Then again, Yukari's canon dress is basically that, so I guess it really isn't slutty.

I actually got in extremely early and didn't buy anything. I didn't like the nendroids or the wallscrolls.

When I left, which was when the expo ended, the Halloween nendroids were still in stock. So you must have arrived as the last batch in LA.

Or you went to the NY one

>> No.7872143
File: 2.45 MB, 4128x2322, 20141012_081203_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pumped for today.

>> No.7872203


>> No.7872353

I was in her Rentica outfit.

>> No.7872550
File: 559 KB, 1000x707, Popular Candy_koyoimitsuki_201410061344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon here.
I was in the 5 or 6th in the line at the gate, so I was able to reach the shops really early.

You're right though, they went full retard. For the official miku store booth, they had ONE fucking point of sale system which is a FUCKING IPAD, USING WIFI (or 3g, who knows) and that square card reader thing. I don't know about the GSC store but they probably had a similar setup. The line was so long and it was moving so slow; I really felt bad for the people who had to wait under the sun and find out shit were sold out. This isn't a neighborhood flea market, and they really need to step up their operation management.

I got to the gate around 8:30 yesterday, so it was still a 3.5hr wait until open, but I got to meet and talk to really nice Japanese fans, western fans, and a couple older folks (parents). It's much cooler in the morning and everyone in a really good mood overall.

They also changed the after party halloween dance location. It was supposed to be at the pumpkin dome, but the dome can only fit up to 50 people at a time... what the hell were they thinking?

>> No.7872729

Charmaine...? I didn't know you went on cgl

>> No.7872808

>these non-vocaloid cosplays at the costume contest

>> No.7872811

I'm positive at this point they only expected half the number of people to show up for the exhibit. Although it is a free event so I'm not sure why they would.

>> No.7872813
File: 78 KB, 477x307, 1413094632141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that brocaloid tripped and fell

>> No.7872816


>> No.7872817

which is weird as hell. "Okay, we sold a lot of concert tickets. Only a few of them will go to the Expo and absolutely zero who don't have concert tickets will go."

>> No.7872964
File: 246 KB, 1600x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu is Luka and I live in LA, but I can't make it to the expo. If anyone has any Luka-related pictures or stories, I'd love to see and hear them!

>> No.7872970

Why couldn't you go?

>> No.7873010
File: 2.44 MB, 3264x2448, 20141012_173300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annoying one-trick pony. That type of posing gets old fast.

>> No.7873018

>tokyo ghoul
you should be banned from ever entering another contest again

>> No.7873033
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, 20141012_173008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were both awkward during their introduction which only served to piss me off further. I think they were short on entries, I would have rather seen a half-assed entry than those faggots.

>> No.7873043


>> No.7873051

>fat thing in red on the bottom right...

>> No.7873056

I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a vocaloid or not.
I think I'll just ignore its existence

>> No.7873066
File: 1.38 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_171430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I wasn't sure what many of the contestants were supposed to be.

>> No.7873078
File: 1.42 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_171525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First pair entry.

>> No.7873082
File: 1.34 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_172148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second pair entry.

>> No.7873106

She won second place!

>> No.7873154
File: 1.42 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_172709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this was 2nd place winner because it pleased the judge since it was his design, apparently.

>> No.7873171

Halloween and Pieretta anons! Do you guys have a cos page or tumblr? I am loving the work you guys are showing and I wanna see more!!

>> No.7873181
File: 1.34 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_171827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yeah. Those were nice. I was actually fairly butthurt that the dude won because of his cheer squad instead of one of the nicer costumes.

>> No.7873184

bottom right is the only decent one

>> No.7873185
File: 25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait Machigerita was a judge?

>> No.7873189
File: 1.56 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_171942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the detail on this one.

>> No.7873193
File: 1.56 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_171740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's him on the right here. >>7873033

>> No.7873206

i'm not sure whether to be disappointed that she won at all or more disappointed with the judge who picked a hambeast solely because it was his design

>> No.7873211

Who is this? lol

>> No.7873273
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, 20141012_173516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There weren't that many people there, so all the guys were too gay to cheer for the others.

I was annoyed that the ugliest of the bunch won, but I was amused how Machigerita just didn't give a fuck and picked her anyway. Could have been a pity prize, though.

After the contest.
My phone died so I couldn't follow the posing. Hopefully someone that was using the nicer cameras uploads their stuff soon.

>> No.7873294

>Winter Miku didn't get anything

If you lurk here, you should have got something. Your costume is amazing in person.

>> No.7873298

She sang Just Be Friends in English and Luka Luka Night Fever. Great shit that you missed out.

>> No.7873303
File: 1.28 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_173737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close up of the top.

>> No.7873307

Did that one girl who forgot her sewing machine manage to finish? enquiring minds want to know

>> No.7873312
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_173115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7873319

My dick...

>> No.7873324


>> No.7873332
File: 1.51 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_173113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad because this little girl was cute, but this face was too good.

>> No.7873337
File: 1.36 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_171614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't walk in heels very well, though. Bad posture makes you lose a surprising amount of appeal.

>> No.7873372
File: 1.50 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_171552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7873375
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, 20141012_173731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7873376

that face makes you lose appeal too

>> No.7873383
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x2448, 20141012_173308_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the Miku costumes were nice, but I have a feeling that the contests wasn't as serious as some might have anticipated.

>> No.7873388
File: 2.21 MB, 3264x2448, 20141012_173049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7873394

Oh jesus christ. I look awful, fuck this skin and face.
Anyways, I'll reworking the bodice for Pieretta Miku and adding the details I left out in the 3 day sewing marathon!

The concert was fun, buy I felt like there was absolutely no effort to improve what vocaloid concert could be like (Nico Nico Party Concert is incredible). Some of the dances might of been ripped from Project Diva directly.

Miku Expo was small and friendly and everyone was adorable. I'm bitter I didn't get a shirt.

>> No.7873411

Dammit. I wish we got Double Lariat. There's one song I was looking for and it looks like it's not on this list. Damn...

>> No.7873419
File: 982 KB, 3264x2448, 20141012_172952_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You have a cute smile and your costume was great.

Here is a clearer shot if Machigerita in case any one was wondering what he looked like.

I am pretty pissed that my phone died and I didn't get a chance to photograph the Rasetsu to Mukurou Miku at the game booth, and a couple other ones. Hopefully they surface elsewhere.

>> No.7873450

I love that song too

ahhh Winter Miku's so cute!

>> No.7873457
File: 1.58 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_171745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed at how much the announcer loved the costume and/or the girl.

>> No.7873458

I've taken to buying one of those USB batteries and bringing it with me on longer trips. They're really cheap now.

>> No.7873460

Tbh your upper body looks really unflattering (even besides the bodice) but other than that you did a good job for such a short time span. The skirt came out really nice.

>> No.7873464
File: 1.32 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_172435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I could have charged it in my car, but I didn't notice until the event was almost starting, unfortunately. The expo ended shortly afterwards, so I didn't really get a chance.

>> No.7873483

I mean an actual battery and not a car charger. You'd just put it in your purse and carry it with you and a charging cable. You will have precharged it at home.

>> No.7873496

I heard he gave his prize to snow miku though. Also when he won his response was something like "Really guys??" Like he knew him winning was weird.

>> No.7873501

Yuyoyuppe played double lariat in his dj set today! His DJing was glorious though he was way better than the lady who played at the end of last night's dance party.

>> No.7873506
File: 1.96 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_173659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry, I misread. That is a good idea. I rarely go out anyways, though, so I'll just plan ahead next time.

Oh, that was cool of him. Still doesn't make up for the fact that he subjected everyone to the sight of his shimapan wrapped balls. I got tired of his shit pretty fast after that.

>> No.7873512

I don't really use mine too often since my phone lasts the work day but when I do need it it is priceless. Usually concerts after work or conventions or stuff like that.

I use this
kind of overkill at 10000mah but I could theoretically charge my phone 3 times with it before recharging the battery

>> No.7873517


I actually gave up on finishing it for the con! I didn't want to half ass parts and screw over a lot of hard prep work/ruin it. People took a ton pics of me in my crappy closet cosplay anyways. (probably because there weren't many cosplayers) I'll probably finish it and have a photoshoot out (thinking of making a cosplay pv for a halloweem song by t.komine as well) by the end of the month so feel free to stalk my youtube.com/user/superstarhollyann
Plus the links to my tumblr and deviantart are all there.

On a side note I'm so mad at my phone I befriended Snow Miku (same one in the contest) and she gave me her number but my phone didn't save it. If you read this snow miku please call/text/friend me I know I gave you my info.

Did anyone else get interviewed by mtv japan btw I'm curious? My whole group got interviewed shortly after we arrived on saturday.

The whole con was super friendly I don't think there was any stuck up bitchiness and death glares that runs rampant when people all cosplay the same character in most cons. Even though 90% of the cosplays were miku. Hooray for Miku.

>> No.7873522

I was off to the side so no panchira for me, thank miku. I just don't ever find guys like that amusing in the first place. They remind me of tryhards in school who want to be cool by being the class clown.

>> No.7873527
File: 2.22 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20141011_142956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just realized that Miku concerts are the kind of thing that because they feature an actual live band, we will never get Vocaloid songs written for Trance, UK-Hardcore, and electronic genres in between that rely on almost completely electronic sounds. That said, I was quite pleasantly surprised when I heard dubstep during the concert yesterday. I do not know the name of that track since I'm mostly into the really old songs that were popular when Miku first came out.

I really wish they would have the names of the tracks on screen when they play them, though. Heard a lot of things that I really liked.

There was a guy who was crying when it was all over. I bet he was very emotional, he was just standing, staring into the center stage, with lights illuminating all the dust in the air and a single teardrop running down his cheek.

As for the expo, well... If you're not in line to buy stuff then there's not much else to do. Mikuexpo was unexpectedly linecon, I had the complete wrong idea. I didn't expect it to be packed, and I imagined sellers booths would be all over the place rather than a single contained area.

A Miku thing, vocal at 1:23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQMmBWpHGTg

>> No.7873534

Saw some camera guys during the dj set and I'm wondering if this was streamed anywhere?

>> No.7873539

The song your thinking of was the english one right?? That was Glass Wall.
The only song I didn't know was the slow one that had all the really heavy smoke machine effects. I totally agree there should be more stuff like HSP, camelia, clean tears etc. in the concerts.

>> No.7873666
File: 2.33 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the Candy Addicts Miku that won second place was my sister, I'm not gonna white knight her because I do realize she is a fucking hambeast, but I just wanna say that all she wanted was to meet Machigerita, she didn't expect to win. I thought she might win something because of bias on Machige's part but I was actually surprised she won 2nd.

In case you were wondering what she won, here's a pic(she gifted the Len plush to me). I really wonder what the Halloween Miku got for first place though

>> No.7873956

Not bad I say not bad.

>> No.7873975

>Steve from Domino's Pizza
>What's your favorite Vocaloid song?


>> No.7873979

>Security lady keeps saying see you next year when you leave

Is this real or was she just fucking clueless?

>> No.7873986

probably a force of habit, what with AX re-occurring in the area. Would I be surprised if they do come back for next year? not really. The turnout was huge and GSC made bank off of selling the figures at their booth.

>> No.7874004

She's cute but her costume is a giant mess.

>> No.7874012
File: 91 KB, 533x471, 1379081219560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fuckin said scott.

Holy fuckin shit, did ANYONE get me on tape?>>7873294
I gave her my bag. It was bullshit who won, won. She had the best costume!

>> No.7874052

So the concert(s) were AMAZING. Though with better planning, I would have realized that the two days were the same concert instead of buying two tickets for two days I would have just purchased one VIP pass and saved a few bucks. I would have done the Halloween event all day Sat and VIP concert on Sunday, instead of Concert, Halloween event on Sunday and Concert again.
If anyone wants to know the difference between the two concerts, there were only two I noticed.
First, there was no glitch in the sound system on Sunday. Saturday the technicians (I assume) started the wrong song or at the wrong position(?) and it was stopped immediately. People boo’d.
Second, during “I'll Miku-Miku You”, the lyrics were in romanji on Sunday, instead of Japanese characters.
Is there any way we can collaborate and get a setlist going?

>> No.7874060

Did you cosplay?

>> No.7874065

Been meaning to cosplay from Vocaloid somehow, but no, I did not.

>> No.7874100

I saw you in line for the concert.

>> No.7874108

>Buying the Halloween Miku Nendo

It looked like shit to be honest.

>> No.7874110


I got the full winners video also, youtube.com/watch?v=5bzn998e0L8

>> No.7874119
File: 104 KB, 640x640, 1382106_10204880862202312_2002094694788872457_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got a len plushie and a figure! I think she got Snow Miku nendoroid, but I'm not 100% sure.

Snow Miku and Halloween Miku were my favorite cosplays by far, haha. I have some snaps on my phone, I'll post them later.

Ahhh. I know. I'm super self-conscious. I enjoy making costumes but not so much wearing them sometimes? When I relax I look a lot more.... normal.

You guys are too nice. What happen to the cgl I knew?

>> No.7874125
File: 1.76 MB, 219x186, 1413171345842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW you tripped and fell

>> No.7874282

Oh really? Which day? I would have loved to have said hello!

>> No.7874405

Sunday. Were you by yourself. I didnt want to walk up to you and say hi only knew you from 4chan. That would have been awkward as fuck.

>> No.7874462

Yeah, I was by myself. I guess it would have been awkward, but I've had anons say hi before and things worked out okay. Hope you had a blast at the concert anon!

>> No.7874479

tfw just found out there was a dance party other than the thing next to the exhibition .
not enough exposure for it at all.
all these regrets fuck

>> No.7874487


That panty shot, tho.

>> No.7874543

Found a concert setlist for those interested: http://vocadb.net/SongList/Details/221

>> No.7874665

it was bullshit who won only because your little fanclub decided to cheer the loudest for you. If you thought that the Snow Miku had the best costume why not tell your friends to scream for her instead?
she had the second loudest cheers because yours were louder.

you shouldn't have entered the contest, dumbass.

>> No.7874732

I didn't expect to win anything. I just wanted to be funny in front of a crowd.

At least I made things right. Planes taking off now

>> No.7874773

What type of pses were that?

>> No.7874802

Thanks man, I was looking all over for it. I'm also trying to find the songs on the CD they sold as well; my friend bought it and we listened to both CD's on the ride home, and there was quite a few songs I liked.
Why are you bein' such a cunt?

>> No.7874868

That's cool of you bro. That Snow Miku is so adorable, I wanted to give her a hug for her efforts.

>> No.7874984

You're the dumbass, dumbass.

He gave his prize to Snow Miku, he didn't expected to win. Why do you think in the video he said, "Really guys?" He didn't want to win.

>> No.7874995


>being this much of a bitch
>friends cheer for friends wahh

cmon now you cant be this angry

>> No.7874998
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_172349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first saw you, I thought you might be a cool guy, but the way you acted really rubbed me the wrong way.

If you ever try something similar in the future, I would recommend acting effeminate most of the time, then pull a quick flex near the end for contrast (or possibly vice-versa). Misdirection works pretty well when you're trying to get a laugh, in my experience.

>> No.7875009

Still holding out on going to see Miku live until Miku breaks down and performs with Tupac, ODB, Easy-E, and the rest of the dead members of D12

>> No.7875053


if you were the miku with stubble and shades, I definitely saw you in line on saturday several times. I got a kick out your costume

>> No.7875101

Damn I want some thighs like that.

>> No.7875112
File: 654 KB, 1920x1080, 20141012_175921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBH I straight up ripped off animeweeblord420. I did a comedy cosplay because I'm actually really ugly and have gross slab dark raccoon eyes.

>> No.7875137


shave the stubble, get a proper wig, learn some make-up. the magic of make-up is not beyond anyone

that being said, I enjoyed your performance

>> No.7875143
File: 1.38 MB, 2448x3264, 20141012_172326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that explains things. I don't like that tryhard faggot, so I never looked at his stuff.

I think comedy costumes should only be played deadpan if you are really witty. Otherwise just act silly/crazy and mix it up; it works better and is more fun.

Good to hear you're a humble guy. Appearance-wise I think you were fine, it's just that I felt you could have made a greater impression with the opportunity you had.

Good show nonetheless.

>> No.7875147

I have a feeling he doesn't want to look female

>> No.7875501
File: 2.70 MB, 200x160, 1352326186543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In line for merch day one
>meet another manku
>Stringy badly dyed blonde hair with a really terrible wig
>strikes up a conversation
>Seems like a nice enough guy
>asks me to hold his bag as he takes a pee
>lol sure why not
>Flip bag closed
>rainbow dash messenger bag
>Comes back and starts putting wig on
>looks like a aqua tribble
>asks me to hold eye dropper bottle and what looks like a metal thing
>Oh neat, this is a really nice sonic screw driver prop. Not sure why you brought it to miku exp-
>why is it sticky?
>oh god
>it's his vape pipe
>smells like a cross between grape candy and when you don't floss between your teeth for a while
>Notice he has a tattoo with a paw print on his shoulder, most likely some sort of furry pride thing
i have made a horrible mistake

>> No.7875597

I saw that guy. He needs to learn about and use wig caps/bobby pins.

>> No.7875599

was that the smelly dude who same popipo during karaoke?

>> No.7875602


>> No.7875606

I diddn't see him the 2nd day

>> No.7875607

Thats not even Miku-san dude..

>> No.7875613

>another cute picture of winter miku
You sir earned my respect for giving your prize to her since she deserved it more.

>> No.7875616

Wow 300 is post limit on /cgl/? New thread for New York?

>> No.7875624

Yes please. I'm driving 6 hours to the New York one. I wanna see if I meet some anons here so I'm not alone at the expo.

>> No.7875631

talk to people around you
now you'll never be alone!

>> No.7875632

>filename: suzune.jpg
>obviously not Miku

>> No.7875635

New thread where?

>> No.7875958



>> No.7877760
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20141011_142346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immediately after Miku Expo I had a busy weekend and I'm just barely able to relax. I already feel Miku's absence and that "post-con" depression is hitting hard once more. I hope we have this again next year, and in the meantime, I hope the one in New York turns out to be awesome as well!
Oh my god, thank you. Yes, that is the one!
>I totally agree there should be more stuff like HSP, camelia, clean tears etc. in the concerts
I agree with you. Oh man, if I ever heard one of HSP's songs being played I would probably die right there. Perhaps I would cry a river like that one guy did. His songs give me a powerful emotion I just can't describe.

>> No.7878361

Glass wall anon here;
I like your taste in vocaloid music man wish I could friend you on facebook or something. Email's in the name thing.