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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7838824 No.7838824 [Reply] [Original]

Confession thread? Confession thread.

Contributing myself:
I'm a fakeboi.
I found out about Frank Wolf just a little before his death when I moved back to Canada in last september and I'm OBSESSED with him since then. I try to look like him (same haircut and similar style in general) and try to look like a kawaii androgynous emo boi.
I'm obsessed with being famous like him because i'm a lone loser.
I even bought a pikachu kigurumi just because of that.
What do /cgl/?

>> No.7838881

I want to be tumblr famous but worry that none of my pictures or coords are good enough so I never post anything. This has been going on for years.

>> No.7838902

i think dakota is pretty (not drop dead gorgeous or flawless, but she is a pretty white girl with blonde hair) even without photoshop and i'm a little jelly she models for all these popular j-fashion brands and more. i sort of wish i could live her life.

pretty sure a lot of /cgl/ wishes they could be in the same position too.

>> No.7838912

I want to be cosplay famous, I won't lie, but I want to be recognized for my craft and by people who love the same things I do, not for T&A and by promoting myself endlessly. I know it'll never happen if I don't work for it, but I'm way too modest to call attention to myself like that, and at the end of the day, I'd probably just feel empty about all of the random likes and stuff from people who don't care about me at all. Oh well.

>> No.7838920

It shocks me how many lolitas buy worthless shit for silly prices.
>those annoying little fuzzy star clips that look like a giant wad of lint
Serious $15+ for those? They don't even match anything and they look like something you dangle over a toddler's crib.

>> No.7838929

I wish I could be a kawaii androgynous creature of mystery, but I will always have big tits, big hips and my legs will never be skinny. I wish I would look more androgynous.

I wish I was more popular on tumblr, and I wish my coords would get more notes. I wish I was famous enough to have a little drama, a few haters and witeknighters. Nothing too big, and I would never engage in it, but a little bit of jealous dramu.

J-fashion is the only way people ever noticed me. Part of why I do it is attention. I am not pretty, I am not cute, I do not have any special talents. Just pretty clothes. Might be another reason I wish I were more popular.

I'm still a bigger weeb than I admit, and I still dream about visting Japan and being able to stay there for a few month or even weeks. Not for work really, more for exploring the country, eating and go shopping.

>> No.7838934

I dropped the spark that set off the drama fire for the NYC community in a previous thread. I didn't mean it to get that big but I'm happy because people that had the same opinion as me for one girl that was "worshiped" came out of the woods. Sorry someone ended up doxxing you, Tess. I'll make it up to you by spotting you at Bosie.

>> No.7838953

Me too. I think I have coords good enough, but I'm afraid of backlash and not being pretty enough. I see a ton of popular girls being hated for no reason other than girls being jealous. They can get a lot of drama for the most mildest things.

>> No.7838954

There's this ita girl who dresses in lolita to campus every single day. Same dress too I think.
A navy sailorcut OP with brown-black stockings, and bright red plaid pumps. Natural styled pig tails and all. One floral backpack and one salmon-orange purse (an attempt to coordinate with the shoes?) to boot.

It's awful. In general, I find people who wear lolita to campus to be very pretentious and tryhard. Obviously there's a difference between being a common campus bum (leggings, uggs, etc) and dressing like a normal person so as to efficiently get work done without causing too much distraction for oneself and others. You can still be fashionable without trying to look like one of those Hot Topic "IM EXPRESSING MUHSELF" retards or being over the top.
And WHY BOTHER WITH LOLITA AT ALL if it's just going to look like a frumpy, 'auntie sue' mess.

Again, I guess I wouldn't be so irked if her facial expression wasn't so condescending.
It screams
>"I'm better than all you filthy casuals with your normalfag fashions and why are you staring at me for being your clear fashion superior?"
Just ugh. I'd snap a picture of her 'outfit' to post but I don't want to be that person.

>> No.7838957

Oops, I lied. The dress was just so long/frumpy that I didn't realize they were kneesocks. She looks like an overweight sissy ageplayer.

>> No.7838960

A lot of people complain about itas in their comm but is it bad that I stopped giving a shit?
IMO it works out in two ways:
>I look better in comparison; I get a lot of compliments for ordinary coords and I don't have to put in as much work as I would have to in a better comm
>itas remain itas, but they are happy itas doing what they like

>> No.7839034

>There's this ita girl who dresses in lolita to campus every single day. Same dress too I think.
She wears the SAME DRESS everyday? Grrrrross.

>It's awful. In general, I find people who wear lolita to campus to be very pretentious and tryhard.
>You can still be fashionable without trying to look like one of those Hot Topic "IM EXPRESSING MUHSELF" retards or being over the top.
>Again, I guess I wouldn't be so irked if her facial expression wasn't so condescending.
>It screams "I'm better than all you filthy casuals with your normalfag fashions and why are you staring at me for being your clear fashion superior?"

>Mfw I occasionally wear Lolita to Uni
Well, if you look like a Hot Topic mess it doesn't matter what style you wear, because you are obviously doing it wrong. I don't want to be pretentious and tryhard, I just like the clothes, and spend too much money on them just to wear them once a year. I don't wear birght pastel OTT Sweet prints, just solid coloured casual or Otome stuff.
>It screams "I'm better than all you filthy casuals with your normalfag fashions and why are you staring at me for being your clear fashion superior?"
Eh, the girl sounds awful but maybe give other people benefit of the doubts. Not everyone dressed in alternative fashion thinks that way.

>> No.7839074

ilu anon i know that feel
>mfw you'll never be kawaii and androgynous ;_;
A-At least people tell me my body is fine and cute and I have no curves

>> No.7839081

I wouldn't even mind drama generated by jealousy but I'm worried that people will genuinely think I'm ugly and dress bad. I'm also starting to feel like I'm too old. I just turned 23 which is kind of old by my comm's standards as far as I can tell.
>tfw never approached local comm for same insecurity reasons

>> No.7839086

Confession, it really makes me angry how people on this site react to trans anything, and when I realize that their opinions are pretty close to what the rest of the world thinks of me, I just want to set everything on fire. And I hate how it instantly makes you "tumblr" to be trans. I fucking hate tumblr, it creates a horrifying and ignorant mob mentality and it's a pretty awful place, but no, the moment I say "well, gender non-conforming identities have existed since Ancient Egypt, it's not a tumblr invention" all I get back in response is "FUCK OFF TO TUMBLR NEWFAG"
It is that hard to imagine there might be a genderqueer person on this site who has been here for 4 years? And who is over 22 years old?

>> No.7839087

>Not everyone dressed in alternative fashion thinks that way.
I give you the benefit of the doubt anon.
I know there are girls with much better attitudes and sense in this fashion, I'm just venting about the idiots I've encountered on campus so far.

>> No.7839090

I feel y'all with wanting to be popular on Tumblr. I don't want e-fame but I do want enough followers that I could have sponsors/do reviews. I'm pretty cute and somewhat photogenic but I'm really short and I don't have stick thin legs so I feel like I would get a lot of ridicule. I'm also a poorfag atm. Waiting to build up a cushion before blowing money on a huge Taobao/burando spree ;_;

>> No.7839091

Are you both me? The second replace coords with Cosplay. This is how I feel so much

>> No.7839092

Hi fellow genderqueer anon
Yeah but it's 4chan you know lots of retards

>> No.7839097

stick thin legs aren't a must i think legs with shape are the cutest i just want to bite in it and aw but thin legs can be pretty too i just think not so much people should want them so much I have them and I hate them

>> No.7839100

I feel like I'm cute enough to become tumblr famous, but I don't have a big enough closet or enough willpower to try and produce more content (whether it be pictures, tutorials, etc.) to try and keep up a steady stream of followers. The blog I run right now is also mainly for anime/fujoshi things, and I'm afraid if I start trying to fashion blog on there, I'll be unfollowed really quickly

>> No.7839102

>I don't have stick thin legs so I feel like I would get a lot of ridicule
Just do that trick where you elongate the picture and liquify your legs thinner.

This is, I shit you not, what EVERYONE with those ridiculous twig legs are doing right now and it makes me sick. This is why Photoshop can be so fucking bad, it gives people an unrealistic expectation of what they should look like. And it's SO STUPID because those doe legs make people look so emaciated and gross.

>> No.7839106

>I wouldn't even mind drama generated by jealousy but I'm worried that people will genuinely think I'm ugly and dress bad.
Drama usually starts to get bigger because the person the drama is around participates. If you put yourself out there, expect that there might be a few people talking shit, but as long as you ignore it, you should be fine. Look at Fanny Rosie, she is really popular but doesn't have drama around her.

>I'm also starting to feel like I'm too old. I just turned 23 which is kind of old by my comm's standards as far as I can tell.
>>tfw never approached local comm for same insecurity reasons
What kind of comm do you have? Most girls in Lolita are over the age of 20, because the fashion requires a lot of money. I am 20, and one f the youngest in my comm - most of them are in their mid twenties, having a job and a life. So do most Lolitas I follow on tumblr. No one cares about your age as long as you are well dressed.

>> No.7839109

This actually made me feel a little better oddly enough haha. I don't really hate my legs but I don't have a thigh gap so if I were to wear gyaru or just anything short, it would be noticeable and some people are just fucking cruel.

>> No.7839114

Th-thanks anon! It's just one of my biggest fears that I come across as a big shallow bitch - I just want to wear nice clothes, that's all ;_;

>> No.7839117

As you said some people are just cruel but you know not every japanese gyaru is all stick thin i see a lot of kinda chubby japanese women and they are so so cute. I think you shouldn't worry about what anyone think just because they wear the same fashion as you if they say anything plain mean about your physical appearance they're at high school bitches level. I'm sure your legs are adorable and i'm not the only one who loves it. It makes me so sad to see girls starve to be super thin when a bit of chub there and there is adorable and they're as pretty as skinny girls and vice versa. Your size doesn't describe your beauty (but if you're overweight/obese you should get help though)

>> No.7839119

Also i used to be a weeb and I felt fat because "people" in ANIME were stick thin I was so stupid ha ha wow

>> No.7839120


Actually we get transpeople coming out of the woodwork whenever that one fakeboi is mentioned (gutterface kai). Mostly to say how annoyed they are that a wave of fakebois has made it difficult for them to speak up.

But, no, you're not unbelievable. You just don't get any special treatment, ie- mentioning you're gender confused leaves you as open to trolling as anybody else, same as mentioning you're a sweet lolita leaves you open to ageplay comments, or saying you're a guy will get r9k or fit comments, or asking about shirring will get you fatty comments, and so on. It's 4chan, you don't come here for hugs and support.

>> No.7839136

I love being androgynous but it seems It's somehow easier for me to look male than female This annoys me like fuck since I'm genderfluid

>> No.7839141

It doesn't help in anime series like Sailor Moon where Usagi is like "I'm sooo fat" and has mile long noodle legs haha. But thank you! This made me smile.

>> No.7839145

I'm a total noob at sewing so to practice making lolita skirts i've been just old bed sheets from my childhood. And i'll be damned if I don't love wearing then around the house and doing chores like dishes, cleaning the bathroom and other gross stuff I wouldn't do even in body line. I would never wear then out if the house or take pictures f them but I admit I love having lolita skirts with Power Rangers, Sailor Moon and other sheets I had as a kid.

>> No.7839188

I'm a cgl regular but I don't actually cosplay or wear j-fashion.
Not because I don't want to, but because I'm fat and this board made me realize more i don't want anywhere near those without losing weight first

>> No.7839200

I'm ashamed for liking AKB48 because it seems like everyone and their mother hates them. I'm gonna keep working on this Heavy Rotation cosplay anyway.

>> No.7839205

AKB48 is awesome.

>> No.7839234

Where have you been all my life, anon? You're the first person that didn't call them "talent less pedo baits."

>> No.7839248

I want to do a well done crossplay so bad, but my build would not suit a female character and people would just look at me like I'm doing a joke instead of being like "Wait you're a guy?"

>> No.7839261

You could show up decked out in a good coord once in a while on campus, maybe on a Friday our whatever day you have when classes are coming to a close.

You'd be putting yourself out there to criticism and weird looks, too, but she's bound to notice over time that you have a better wardrobe. She may think you're either a snobby brand whore (because your multiple outfits would drive home the fact that you have a bigger wardrobe), or she may realise by example that she's still bad at the fashion and could be doing much, much better. If she has the latter reaction, and tries to initiate conversation with you, you could educate her on how to do lolita on a budget -- secondhand sales, Taobao, etc.

(There may even be some students and teachers who love your outfits and say nothing about hers. If you get compliments, make sure to have your "thank you"s be nice, sincere, and loud enough for her to hear if she's within hearing distance.)

>> No.7839263

I'm going through depression and i'm always anxious as fuck
I hide it but inside i'm screaming "help me" and i often think about suicide or jumping when i see the subway coming but i can't because i'm a fucking coward.
I cry all the time like a weak faggot and i'm just tired in general.
Sorry I needed to rant...

>> No.7839268

Probably not cute enough.

>> No.7839271

nothing photoshop can't fix

>> No.7839273

Don't worry about what /cgl/ thinks, anon. Just do what makes you happy. And don't post pics everywhere.

I have to take breaks from 4chan sometimes because I get so depressed - and sometimes suicidal- from watching what is said about people that aren't even as big as me. And just the general feeling I get that l will never be good enough.

>> No.7839275

this. it's not the fact that you are trans that makes 4chan insult you, it's the fact you say you are when noone asked you.
you'll notice most people don't give a shit if you actually say it in a make-up thread, or really in any kind of thread where the information is relevant in any way

>> No.7839277

im starting the ABC diet today and spending all my free time at the gym or dancing to weeby songs. i just want to get rid of this gross belly ive got going on...
also, totally considering getting a boob job bc fame. i wouldn't care if people hated me like jnig or whatever, she literally has the funnest job in the world and i am forever jelly.

>> No.7839284

No one gives a shit what you fuck and what you identify with. Get over yourself . Youre one of the annoying shits .

>> No.7839300

My confession is that I do come to 4chan for hugs and support. My IRL friends are less empathic to my thoughts and my problems than /cgl/ is. Whenever I seem down, they skedaddle and only return when I can be "fun" again. Feels threads have actually helped me a lot.
I hate that the friend finder threads keep getting deleted because I obviously need new friends.

>> No.7839313

that's adorable anon

>> No.7839317

>I do come to 4chan for hugs and support.

Woha Anon, your social life must be terrible then. Is there no LGBT community around? Not sure were you are located and if it is save to out yourself, but there are youth centres, clubs, bars and so on specificly for LGBT people where you can go and find new and possibly better friends.

>> No.7839334

There are some older lolitas in my country but they're either phasing out of the fashion or have gone undercover and have nothing to do with the comm. Most active girls are younger than I am. They also have much bigger wardrobes and more elaborate coords so I feel like I'd be a letdown to them - just a few days ago they were discussing on the FB page how older lolitas always have such impressive wardrobes due to their higher income and have more experience to put together awesome coords. I just feel like I'm too old to be at this mediocre 'just getting started' stage I'm at now. I've actually been interested in the fashion since I was 16 or 17 but haven't been able to start building a wardrobe until now, and even then I can't really afford much. What's the point in putting myself out there if I'm just going to be a disappointment?

>> No.7839341

Oh I'm not the trans anon! Just someone whose feels were unleashed at that last statement. Yeah my social life sucks but I'm super socially awkward so I feel like I should probably be grateful for the friends I do have, even if they're kind of shitty.

>> No.7839361

It really pisses me off when there's a brand dress that I want to buy, and can afford to buy, but the stupid bitches selling them overestimate their worth considering how many times they were worn and traded.

It's like, look, I'm sorry that they paid half a grand for a popular dress that did indeed go for that much over a year ago, but IT ISN'T WORTH THAT AMOUNT ANYMORE AND THERE IS A REASON WHY THEIR AUCTIONS FOR IT KEEP EXPIRING.

God damn bitches, if this one in particular would knock $100 off the damn thing I might consider it. But I'm not going to overpay for something just because I could. Especially when I know that if I were to buy it for that much, there's no way I'd ever sell it for that much again. It's just so absurd, people let their greed get in the way of pricing things fairly.

>> No.7839364

I honestly think you are overthinking this.
No one really cares about your age, and you are only 23 which is not a high age for Lolita fashion. It's not like they are going to write the number on your forehead and shame you for being older.
For the wardrobe part - sure, the "older" Lolitas often have bigger wardrobes, but these are also mostly people that have been in the fashion for years; it does not even really have to do anything with age, just for how long you have been into the fashion. Also even if the younger Lolitas have bigger wardrobes, it is because they have been in the fashion for a longer time too. They know what it is like to be a beginner with a smaller wardrobe, and no one is going to judge you for that. Most Lolitas aren't like cgl in real life. Everyone started at some point, no one is born a perfect Lolita with the perfect big burando wardrobe.

If you love the fashion, go for it. Just because you cannot immediatley afford a big closet does not mean you have to give up. I'm just a student working minumum wage in a shitty job and I have to save up for every piece I buy, but I know it is worth it and it makes me happy. And as I said, building a wardobe does not only take money but it takes time and patience.

>> No.7839369

please don't pollute this board. go back to tumblr.

>> No.7839381

I think they're cute! I listen to a lot less weeby stuff that I used to, but I still will jam if they pop up on my ipod, and they have super cute concert videos.

>> No.7839383

You should get help anon. Depression sucks, but it will get easier!

>> No.7839384

Which dress?

>> No.7839389

>be younger me
>buy iron gate as first dress, see it for sale and have a bunch of money saved up and take the chance
>realize I'm a fatass
>of course it doesn't fit
>knew when I bought it, but i can lose weight so okay
>130 pounds
>have a lot a brand
>iron gate still sitting in my closet
>I feel so unworthy, still haven't worn it
>have at least 20 possible coordinates that I could pull off
>as soon as I begin to pull the dress over my head I just can't
>I'll never be able to wear it
>still can't bring myself to sell it

>> No.7839392

I envy milkyfawn. Not because of her looks or wardrobe, but because she has a really cute personality - something I could never have.

>> No.7839422

You saved up for that dress. You managed to lose enough weight to wear brand. Your dedication has paid off anon, and you are worthy of that dress. Perhaps more worthy than others who didn't have to work for it. Now put on that dress with a fabulous coord and show the world that you deserve it for all that hard work!

>> No.7839436

>dressing to impress others, not yourself

>> No.7839444

Youre greedy (and selfish)too if you think youre more deserving of the dress and think others will cater to you by lowering the price yo something you deem fit

>> No.7839445


>> No.7839447

Fishing for compliments?

>> No.7839453

No, I'm not. I just wish I could get the courage. I feel like it would look better on somebody cute, who has always been cute. Not me.

>> No.7839460

Not that anon but there's a difference between dressing lolita and being part of a comm. I wouldn't want to try to be part of a comm either if I only had like two outfits.

>> No.7839464

Yeah, my wardrobe is embarrassingly tiny atm and until I build it up, I don't want to commit to going to events... A lot of the events are "frills optional" but I would rather postpone meeting everyone when I have more coords... (Even though my comm is SUPER CHILL and really friendly.)

>> No.7839466

>on somebody cute, who has always been cute
Nobody has ever "always been cute". We were all toddlers at some point, and anyone who thinks toddlers are cute haven't spent enough time with them. Just wear the dress.

>> No.7839467

Dont feel bad, keep it because it makes you happy , even if it doesn't get worn. i have a lot of dream dresses and they all sit in my closet unworn. I dont feel obligated to sell it because i dont have such a silly thought as to please other lolitas in giving them their dream dress. "I bought it, its mine, fuck off ". Hate the lolita entitlement mentality

>> No.7839516

I completely agree with you. If she wasn't at least naturally pretty, Popteen wouldn't hire her. If she was as ugly as people make her out to be unphotoshopped then the magazine wouldn't hire her after they saw her irl.

>> No.7839536

I think she's cute in LOOKS but not personality. Unless she's kicked her blatant racism and homophobia to the curb, I don't like her and that spoils her look to me. I'm reasonably cute and with PS I could look like a little doll, too. It's a lot easier to enhance cuteness but she certainly isn't the porcelain doll she shoops herself to be.

>> No.7839562

You did what I'm currently doing and reached your goal. You worked hard and your dedication paid off. You're worthy of it.

>> No.7839644

I feel you, anon. I've been going stealth ever since going to college because I'm so fucking embarrassed to be lumped in with tumblr transtrenders. Oddly enough though, my college is basically tumblr: the school. Some professors put trigger warnings in their lessons, for fuck's sake. I guess I just don't like being treated differently, because when people know they just treat you differently for better or worse. That's one of the many reasons I fucking hate being trans, among other things. That's why it's so disgusting when people *want* to be trans. It's a terrible experience that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. (Okay, I probably would, but I'm a vindictive cunt.) A-at least I pass.

>> No.7839645

Don't worry, Anon. These threads are for venting. Like >>7839383 said, you should try to get help. I hope you figure out the best way for you to manage your depression. I believe in you, Anon.

>> No.7839659

Same feel. Unless they look incredibly awful (I mean hasn't brushed thei teeth or hair for a week awful) or act like annoying weebs, their cool. I'm just happy to have fellow lolis to hang with and go for tea with etc.

>> No.7839663


>> No.7839671

Yeah, at least most of the girls that would be labeled as "itas" in my comm are nice and keep their weeb-ness to themselves when in public. As long as they practice good hygiene and aren't in lace monsters w. animal ears, we good.

>> No.7839685

This is honestly how I feel about itas in general. Whether you are in my community or not, if you aren't a horrible, obnoxious human being, I don't care how you wear lolita. Do your thing.

The moment you prove to be obnoxious or overbearing, I still don't care what you wear, but I'm not going to want to associate with you.

>> No.7839760

ls it the op anon? Please wear the dress you'll look beautiful and it's a gorgeous piece. I was in a similar situation to you with a Moitie skirt and I didn't wear it for a long time as I thought I was too fat/undeserving for it. I wore it and received a lot of compliments. I believe in you anon.

>> No.7839958

Maybe she just has resting bitch face? I know I have that exact problem and it sucks sometimes.

>> No.7839962
File: 95 KB, 500x430, tumblr_mushqnFWLP1qewacoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kinda bothers me how some lolitas need to be matchy matchy with everything and don't dare to take risks when it comes to colors.

It also bothers me to see some people acting as if the only way to find loliable stuff is via online shopping. Sometimes you gotta look harder in the real world and you'll find good shit.

Also this >>7838920
Certain stuff isn't worth the price.

>> No.7840032


You're starting young, anon. I got into the hobby at age 29. I had a beginner's wardrobe consisting of ebay and milanoo at age 30.

I did make the very small effort of wearing some (secondhand) brand when I went for meetups. Mostly because the comm founder was slightly bitchy about brand (not at the level of elitist brandwhore, but her job is to keep out the non lolitas, including coslitas, so the best argument you can give her is that you're wearing lolita burando and she lets you in)

>> No.7840106

anon, are you dealing with overwhelm?
this was me a few years ago and I felt like I was drowning in a pit of anxiety and procrastination. I was so unmotivated and depressed that I use to day dreaming about dying so i wouldnt have to live inside my head.
Nevertheless, please talk to someone (preferrably a professional) and let it all out. Do not down play it, no one will think you are being a drama llama.You need to be completely honest with someone you trust (and yourself). Tell them exactly what is going on inside your head because that shit aint normal/healthy, and you know it. You are depressed, stop acting like you arent and find the help that is going to get you back on the road to recovery.
You can do it anon, i believe in you!

>> No.7840113

are you the anon who posts the thinspo secrets on BTB? because i dont think its just one person, i think there are more lolita and cosplayers who are into that than most lead on...

>> No.7840144

I'm glad I make abominations like you angry.

>> No.7840412

I've never understood why so many girls are really against starving yourself and such. I've been insecure about my weight and looks for my whole life. I'd very much prefer being cute and skinny and suffering due to hunger or whatever than wanting to die because of fattychan. I would just want to wear brand or cosplay and see myself in photos and not be immediately disgusted. It seems worth it.

>> No.7840416

>Go to friend's house, they have a new housemate that I barely met once in passing.
>"Oh hey, it's you! You're that one that was wearing those clothes that were like lolita clothes!"
>Like lolita clothes
Force smile to this girl that wears trench coats, fedoras and wizard's capes and "knows all about lolita" (Lief is not a "lolita brand" because she's never heard of it).

>> No.7840418

This is either really bad bait, or you need to speak to someone if you think starving yoourself is the only way to lose weight and maintain a good shape, ad EDs are just a cute edgy method to be skinny. Spoiler: It's not, so stfu

>> No.7840419

I've been contemplating becoming a lone lolita for a little over a year now. The people in my community are all really lovely and all, but we have nothing in common. I also feel like there's a large proportion of the group that believes we're all besties, when really, I wouldn't even invite the ones I feel closest to over to my house.

I feel kind of bad about it really.

>> No.7840421

My bf was supposed to be paying rent, car repairs ect, and instead bought drugs because he was going through a hard time. He hid it from me for a time before he finally broke down and admitted it. I then had to fork out $4000 to pay the debts he put us in. I now have no savings, currently in debt that I don't see it being paid off until next year.
I know he has terrible problems and he has found decent work and has been working some impressive hours to make it up to me, but I am still devastated. Mostly because I can't buy the dresses I had lined up. I can't buy a damned thing.
>the thought of dying in an off-brand coffin

>> No.7840422

I cosplay to pick up girls, to hope that I meet a girl that I can finally settle with. Because I am scared to grow older and less and less chances to meet the one. Also I am picky which is stupid but yeah that's all.

>> No.7840423

Me too anon. I really have nothing in common with the girls who wear frills and they're all exclusively friends. I could pretend to be all friends with them, but the pretentiousness of it is frustrating. I'd rather be myself and stick with the decent friends I have, but I do enjoy having people to talk to who offer decent advice and can create remarkable coords but are terrible dining company and all squabble over childish shit.

>> No.7840425

If he does it again, dump.

>> No.7840426

What makes you stay with guys like that? I always wonder that about girls because lets be honest we live only once we all deserve to be happy.taigiou his

>> No.7840427

Do it, why not? You don't need to be in a comm to wear Lolita.

I am not close to anyone in my comm except one girl, and I mostly go so we can both dress up OTT and have an excuse to take a million pictures. Also, my comm does nice things like visiting museums, so most meet ups are more like "a group of Lolita gatheres at one place but everyone does their own thing". You are not required to make friends, if it doesn't work out so what. As I said, I see meet ups more as a thing I do for fun and dressing OTT than "meeting friends".

>> No.7840428

I guess that's kind of the rub for me. I don't have a lot of friends outside of lolita, period. The handful I do have live far the fuck away for the most part, so I'd become less a lone lolita and more a hermit lolita really.

I don't mind their company at all, but meet ups feel pointless when all you have to talk about it lolita lolita lolita. Maybe I should join one of those MeetUp groups for another interest and see where that takes me.

>> No.7840430

I'm not so worried about wearing lolita alone. I'm more worried about this: >>7840428

I'm already a homebody as it is, and don't get out much beyond work. Some days, I just say "fuckit, I'm doing it" but most days I think "eh, it doesn't hurt to get out now and then."

>> No.7840431

He has never ever lied to me in the two years we've been together until now. He is normally a very incredibly honest person and considered to be a respected pillar of the community. I admire and love him very much, but he has been through some incredibly traumatic things which recently has made him go off the rails. I honestly don't blame him and he's been attending psychologist sessions which have improved his attitude. They're just not affordable at the moment any more.
I won't lie and say he's some kind of a wife-beater who takes drugs and lives on benefits. He's a decent hard worker who I'm proud of, who has had some tragic things happen to him.

>> No.7840440

If happen again dump him I hate seeing girls get dragged down. When he/her is an ice berg don't go down on them like the titanic. Seen many friends made the same misteak over and over. I hate people who likes to spread thwy misery.

>> No.7840451

Nice titanic reference

>> No.7840460

Ha, I feel you there Anon.
I have very few friends too, I rarely meet with them and Lolita meet ups were one of the few things where I'd actually go out and explore new places (hence why I am going despite not being close to my comm). And when I meet my non-Lolita friends, I am too shy to wear Lolita because I feel like an attention whore when being dressed in Lolita.

Related confession: I wish I could pull off the clothes as naturally as other Lolitas do; like Fanny Rosie or other daily Lolitas. I have been one and a half years into Lolita; I love the clothes, I love wearing them, but they always make me feel like I come off as a huge attention whore (especially when I am with friends). I am not even wearing pastel OTT sweet prints or edgy snowflake tumblr goth or whatever, just casual Classic, but still. I-i just want to wear pretty clothes... Is this a phase or a sign I am not meant for Lolita?

>> No.7840461

I'm kind of worried to go to comm meet-ups. They are super nice, but I worry they might think I'm a bother and secretly don't like me very much. I worry about coming off as annoying and awkward. It seems like every time I try I feel that in one way or another I fuck up somehow (due to either feeling like I said the wrong thing or fuck up due to other circumstances, such as being late for meet-up or something).

As much as I want to go to meets, I avoid them now. I feel like I ruined the opportunity for myself, but I don't want to be "that one girl". Damn.

>> No.7840484
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Hey anon, lone lolita from a small town here, i know the feeling, but for me it passed. The people i'm close to know that this is something i am passionate about and it has just kind of become a part of me. Try to wear it more often? It might not seem like such a big deal then. If you start to wear it on a regular basis, even a couple of times a week it will feel more natural and comfortable. I wear classic/otome and toned down sweet even to work and i find that i feel more uncomfortable if i'm not wearing it. Most people will admire you for putting the effort into dressing so nicely, of course there is the bad apples but unfortunately they are everywhere no matter what you wear. Just wear what makes you happy! You will be happier in the long run.

>> No.7840506

Keep in mind that you've only ever really seen Fanny Rosie in lolita whereas you're used to seeing yourself in all sorts of 'normal' clothing. If you knew her as someone who always wore jeans and t-shirts and then saw her strolling up in head to toe Mary Magdalene it would probably look unnatural, too. Like >>7840484 said, the more you wear it the more natural it will feel.

You just pretty much described my situation. I first approached my comm a long time ago (2007, I think?) ago when I was an obnoxious teenager and embarrassed myself quite a bit. I'm talking about referencing-4chan-memes-in-my-introduction-tier embarrassment. I was like 15 and a dumbass.
The last few meets I went to were a few years ago but I ended up spilling my spaghetti everywhere and pretty much fled the scene after making some obviously half assed excuse. I worry that I'm "that stupid spaghetti 4chan girl" to them so I avoid them now. People tell me that there's no way they will remember things that happened years ago, but I personally have a very good memory and remember practically everything that was said at those meets so that's hard for me to believe.

>> No.7840512
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I'm a huge pervert.
I actually want to be groped at a con in the crowd, and thats why I wear swimsuits to conventions.

I'm so ashamed of myself.I'm what /cgl/ hates.

>> No.7840518

I want to tailor my own Lolita dresses. I want to use my own prints and fabrics and make my dresses fully unique but i am afraid of my comm thinking i'm cheap or ita. The thing is, I have a good job and can afford brand but i just want my dresses to be more one of a kind. But i get the feeling i would be ridiculed for it.

>> No.7840528
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I have nothing in common with the girls in my comm. I like more metal and country, they are into kpop and jpop. They like drinking tea and I prefer to go to a bar. I feel like everything is a competition with them and I'm going the wrong direction. I know their likes are more geared towards the "lifestyle" of lolita but sometimes I just want to be able to talk about things that aren't kawaii or the many flavours of tea.

>> No.7840532

I can't decide if I get frustrated at Milkyfawn because I am jealous of her or whether I'm actually attracted to her. I kind of expect her to read this and post about it somewhere. I don't know whether I want to ravish herself or her brand. Conflicting confusing lesbian feels.

>> No.7840533
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I know that feel anon. I don't drink tea, i hate the taste and the girls in my comm treat me like a freak for it. It sucks.

>> No.7840534
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So glad I'm not the only alien, anon-chan. It sucks to be the one that has to ask for anything other than tea at a high tea cafe place.

>> No.7840545

Why are people always so afraid of handmade items?

Honestly, as long as you are a good seamstress, use quality fabric/lace and the right pattern, you'll be fine. Good handmade items are often valued very high; no one will look down on you, on the contrary I often experience that girls with a handmade dress recieve a lot of compliments and are even asked for commissions. I admire people who can do their own stuff, and so do many other Lolitas. Handmade items do not have a bad reputation, but it's the fact that they are often done wrong that gives them a bad name.
So invest your money into good fabric, good lace and other details, choose the right pattern, coord the dress right and you'll be fine.

>> No.7840550
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I wear revealing cosplays that show off my six pack so I can chase chubby con girls

>> No.7841236

I don't actually cosplay.
I want to be one of the girls in a group of girls, without actually being thought of as a girl.
I get a kick out of being better looking than a lot of my friends/people who share my interests.
I know I'm bish enough to pass as a girl, and I've secretely always wanted to actually go full lolita and see if I could fool anybody I know into thinking I was my nonexistent sister or something.

I don't know, I'm really having to think about this since I try to avoid being a horrible person.

>> No.7841990

It sounds like your boyfriend is a good person going through a genuinely hard time but is trying to make things better. Good luck to him and to both of you

>> No.7841993

I had that feeling at first but it passed. I also just sort of grew a better sense for what flattered me, so I would look into learning what hairstyles, colors, makeup suit you.

>> No.7842317

Oh gosh that's horrible anon. Well its possible that they remember it for sure, but at least it was a long time ago. Most people realize that the majority people grow up and mature a lot in seven years... even though there is plenty of adult children in both the lolita and cosplay that try to prove otherwise. To be honest, pretty much everyone here was a dumbass in their teens compared to now.

In my case I was at least an adult and out of any weeb phase thank god, but that still doesn't stop me from saying something I realize later was not the best course of action, whether not explaining something well enough or something. A big problem of mine is me finding and getting to the meet up place without being really late.I always managed to just miss the bus and not know the next one coming, or manage to read the directions wrong or just get lost getting there or something. It's sad. Yet I don't want to be that moocher chick asking for rides off people I barely know all the time, even though I'd always be willing to give some money for gas.

>> No.7842380

There's this guy at uni who insulted my outfit last week with a "fancy dress party" line (and it wasn't even a loud lolita outfit. It was plain black pleated BPN skirt and IW cutsew with a brown belt, shoes and bag). He's fucking obnoxious and slimy and his twitter and facebook read something like a version of Eliot Rodger who's managed to assault some women.

Anyway, I found out he's had a few goes at killing himself. I just can't bring myself to feel sorry for the guy. Most people who know agree that it really would be better for everyone if he did it, but he's just not competent enough to manage it.

Fuck's sake, who tries to hang themselves with a skinny tie from Primark.

>> No.7842398
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I don't want to be popular in real life or on sites like Tumblr. I want to be well-known and liked on 4chan. I feel like being 4chan famous is extra special. Imagine getting the Internet Hate Machine to love you.

>> No.7842401

I'm there too anon. I don't want to go get help because I feel like I would be a disappointment to my parents. I don't even live with them anymore but my sister has pretty bad issues and they always looked at me as their good kid...I have stupid reasoning.

>> No.7842412

Eh... tumblr might be crazy but they won't literally stalk you. There's a very good reason that Cracky-chan went completely undercover and is pretty much impossible to find nowadays.

>> No.7842434

This reminds me of the episode of 30 Rock where Jenna was upset that her stalker stopped stalking her. But in all honesty, "famous" was the wrong word to use. I just want to be one of those rare trips who is genuinely liked across all the boards and has something of value to say. An anon can dream.

>> No.7842447

>Fuck's sake, who tries to hang themselves with a skinny tie from Primark.
Jesus christ I laughed so hard. Anyway anon, you shouldn't feel bad, he's obviously a piece of shit and it sounds like even he would be better off if he just went through with it.

>> No.7842484

I really want to try and organize a seagull trip to Japan. It would be a ton of work and require screening to weed out obnoxious people but I think it would a lot of fun. Hell, if black diamond can do it so can we.

>> No.7842504

I know, right? If my depression returns I'm going to use that to help steer me away from suicide. I'll feel pretty pathetic but just so long as I'm not as pathetic as that guy it'll be okay.

>> No.7842530

>weed out the obnoxious people
>it's just you who gets on the plane

>> No.7842534

I have been stalking this girl for years because I wanted to be just like her. Know she wants nothing to do with me. FML.

>> No.7842559

I pretend to be a girl online if they cant nail my gender off the bat. so I can get into the inter working of a girls mindset.

When they already know, I fake an interest just to get practice on conversing, they often fall for me but when I go about it this way , I normally dont even care or have anything in common with them.

Why am I such a sociopath?

>> No.7842578

Why didn't you leave him? He's only going to do this again. You completely deserve anything coming your way now, dumbass.

>> No.7842607
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I only come here to look at the pretty girls and make fun of the autismal spergburgulars who post in those awful suggestion threads.

>> No.7842620

Maybe you should take it up with tumblr and make them stop giving you guys a horrible name.

You seem well adjusted, unlike whiny-mc-bitchpants that you replied to.

>> No.7842665

get a load of this fedoracam guy

>> No.7842690

>Ancient Egypt, the Empire known for building giant tombs for their God-King, making up half-animal and half-human gods, and drawing on their walls said their was more than one gender in humans.
>This validates my delusion.

>> No.7842845
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I'm considering deleting all of my social media. I used to have a facebook, but I just couldn't bring myself to be active, I was especially too shy to follow people. I'm not even shy irl?
But on instagram, I try to post only decent and quality things, and I add like 3-4 tags, trying not to be obnoxious, but only my friends and like 2 other people end up liking it lol
It's really stupid and lame but it's making me sad

>> No.7842937
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It may be a bit of an unpopular opinion but I really like Yaya Han. I think she's pretty, she has pretty good cosplays and she has really interesting stuff to talk about on her page. Despite her massive ego i get the feeling she's probably a really nice person. I'd love to meet her in person someday.

>> No.7842941

>starving yourself to lose weight
>not working out and eating better instead

Are you a fucking retard?

>> No.7842944

lol sick boyfriend

>> No.7842947

People who solely use social media for attention and fame are depressing and pathetic

>> No.7843280

My Boyfriend and i live together and have disgussed getting married, yet i haven't told him that i have a pretty hardcore fetish. It's not so much of a bad fetish as that i am really into it. I am afraid if i told him it would making him leave me. I have been a bit difficult for the past few months due to other reasons and i feel if i told him my fetish, he would run a mile. It makes me really sad that i am so insecure over it.

>> No.7843283

If its extreme like blood, scat , piss ..,probably.

>> No.7843288

Is piss really that extreme? I'm into piss and farts

>> No.7843305

What is it? We might be able to help getting it across properly.

>> No.7843412
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I originally started losing weight because I wanted to fit into burando better and not look weird and boxy when wearing mori, but since seeing pic related it motivates me to work even harder and blog about my weight loss on tumblr to get all the sjw landwhales angry.

>> No.7843426

Sorry, I'm just laughing so fucking hard at that. So, if I was 300 pounds and decided to lose weight to get down to a good 115, it doesn't matter that I was fat, because ~~I had the thin privilege all along~~. Fuck, Tumblr never ceases to make me laugh.

Also, keep going, anon! I'm working on losing weight, too (not from the 300 mark I previously mentioned, thank god)! Good luck!

>> No.7843428

It makes laugh when they're all "you can't earn thin privilage" and even imply that 'thin privilage' is a thing. I was always overweight and borderline obese as a child and I've worked my ass off to be my current weight. I'm not the thinnest, but I'm in the healthy range of BMI now after many years of eating right and exercising. It's literally as easy as putting work and effort into something.

>> No.7843454

Thanks anon, my starting weight was 200 and I'm just trying to get down to 170 for now. Ideally I'd like to be 140-150, but whatever I get comfortable with at that point. (5'9 btw)

>> No.7843491

Is any of you blogging about your weight loss or healthy living in general? I've just started one of these health blogs and I'm looking for more people to follow.

>> No.7843500

Aha, yeah it's bad in that while not unheard of, it's still really weird. People aren't very welcoming to smelly things

>> No.7843552

nah, not yet. my blog is fashion/weeb/lewd. I'd like to follow yours though, please post it!

>> No.7843745

frankwolf was photoshopped to hell and back if that helps anon.
i guess i'll contribute?
i really like learning jpop dances and even want to post videos as a hobby because dancing is fun to me.
i've taken dance classes before and my classmates would tell me i was good at it, so i'm not terrible which is good

>> No.7843777
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A lot of girls in jfashion (not on tumblr but actually streetsnaps from Japan) have thicker/not as dainty legs.
Also what >>7839102 said. Also if you're taking outfit selfies, you can lean the mirror right and you can make it look like you have long, thin legs.
Pic related, left with mirror trick, right with no mirror trick/how my legs actually look

>> No.7843929

Thick leg op here. You're getting all kinds of karma points for this. Thank you!

>> No.7843949

I've come to the realization that I'm something of a basic bitch and my goals are set to mediocrity. This will probably mean I'll always teeter between being ita or nit pick bait.

I hope I find someone like you when/if I join a comm.

>> No.7843952


you know she fat

>> No.7843965

But... she's right. The people who treat you differently now don't know anything about your weight loss, so you didn't earn anything. You could have been born skinny, the point is that you look skinny. If you were half-way through the weight loss process, people who saw for you the first time would still be looking down on you as fat, doesn't matter how hard you had worked until that point. Your effort earns you nothing when it comes to this so called priviledge, only the very final result.

But honestly, this seems a mentality of people who have a lot more to deal than mere weight loss. I mean "I lost weight so people would treat me better"? I really hope these people are also going to therapy, because while I can't quite say why, this sounds messed up.

>> No.7843969

I like the idea of this, but I can see it going wrong in so many ways. Shame, because it would be so fun, anon.

>> No.7843971

(op here)
Belly Inflation/ Enigma fetish

>> No.7843977

>tfw I just HAVE those ugly stick legs

;- ; I c-can't help it, anons. Don't h8 me.

>> No.7844092

I want to be a j-pop idol........

Seriously though. It's terrible. I want their cute outfits and to sing on stage. I can't sing, dance, and I'm not even close to thin.. The whole audience would scream and run out of the building if I went on stage. Maybe I have just seen too much idol anime.

>> No.7844093

I deleted my Facebook because it just felt so awkward to have it. The only people I had on there who I gave half a fuck about were people I regularly saw IRL, and mostly it was a source of petty bullshit from people who spent their entire life on there ("omg anon y didnt u liek my status within a few minutes of my posting it arent we friends anymore!!??") and not worth the trouble.
But now my local lolita community has completely made the change-over to FB and it's the only place to get any sort of update. I'm thinking very hard on whether contact with my lolita community is worth fighting my hateboner for social media. Reading some of the shit the younger girls post on that page, I think the hateboner is winning.

Are you calling anon an attention seeker? Of course doing something solely for fame is silly but these are social media we're talking about; if no one gives a fuck about what you post there that negates the social aspect and you might as well stop. Instagram is for sharing pictures. It's not Photobucket. The fun is in the sharing and if there's no sharing then there's no fun. Same with blogging; if no one reads it, why not just keep a diary?

>> No.7844094

over the last year i overhauled the panty and bra department of my wardrobe. now everything is too cute that i can't bear to wear them, and i recycle my uggo period panties every other day

>> No.7844103
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Because of Taobao i started saying "meng" and "baby meng" all the time and it has basically become a part of my daily vocabulary. I call my cats meng, my bf meng, i say meng in sentences that make no sense. I can't get the meng out of my head. It's so ridiculously stupid but i'm not very normal so i guess that happens.

>> No.7844104

No she isn't. Her point is
>privileges can't be earned (which is actually true)
>being thin is a privilege because I said so and I like feeling oppressed
>therefore thinness can't be earned through exercise and portion control stop trying to break me out of my self-pity and mindless hatred of thin people abloobloobloo
Thing is, thinness isn't a privilege. It gives people an advantage in society which is probably where the privilege misconception comes from, but the very fact that it's something everyone can achieve makes it not a privilege. People who have an easier time staying skinny are lucky but not privileged.

You're right that she needs therapy, though. There's obviously something toxic in the way she views herself and the rest of the world.

>> No.7844108

I'm sorry i just think stick thin legs are ugly but not all girls with those legs are they didn't ask for anything and some guys and girls will like it. I just want to hug "not so dainty legs" they look soft and cuddly without being fat or chubby i have a lot of asian friends with the same legs and i keep telling them how cute they are because they whine about how they want to be thinner

>> No.7844151

meng meng daaaa~

>> No.7844175

I feel you anon, same here (including kpop idols) but then I remember the hectic schedules and terrible conditions they work in and feel a lot better.

You should watch the Nine Muses documentary, or that one tv show that followed Atsuko Maeda (AKB48), it's really depressing to watch.

>> No.7844189

>But honestly, this seems a mentality of people who have a lot more to deal than mere weight loss. I mean "I lost weight so people would treat me better"? I really hope these people are also going to therapy, because while I can't quite say why, this sounds messed up.

I don't agree with your first point, but I see where you're going. I hella don't agree with this, though. I think "I lost weight so people would treat me better" is the motivation for a lot of fat girls and it's no less healthy than any other reason. If your parents treated you like crap because you were fat, if your classmates did, if romantic interests did, of COURSE one of your motivations would be to be treated better. The fucked up part of that situation is that people you cared about were crap to you to begin with.

I was fat until I had an eating disorder in high school and college. I'm 26 now. The difference in the way people treat me and see me now, or at any point after I lost the weight, is fucking incredible and kind of sad.

I wouldn't say that fat girls are automatically treated like shit, but depending on your situation, life can be pretty rough. Therapy rough, I don't know, but it wouldn't be for "wanting to be treated better"

>> No.7844198

Yeah, she's super nice!

>> No.7844199


as someone who's still losing weight, it can be terrible. the whole idea of "go out and do something" can be hard for some people (like me) because all you can think of is people judging you when you go outside. Being fat destroyed my self-esteem completely.

But again, it depends on your surroundings. In my case I would be in a class where everyone except for me was involved in a sport and was thin as a rail. And I wasn't even fat then, slightly chubby at most, but damn did I get bullied for it.

Losing weight to be treated better is absolutely one of my motivation points.

>> No.7844208

Different anon, but I know one fat girl who does think like this and I honestly do think she needs therapy because she takes it to such an extreme that it's both sad and infuriating for everyone involved. She seems to think that everything wrong with her life is because of fatphobia and everything good about other people's lives is because they have "thin privilege". Didn't get a job she wasn't really qualified for anyway? Fatphobia! Skinny friend got a job she spent the last three years studying for? Thin privilege! If only she were skinny she'd get job offers handed to her left and right, too! Same for dating and all other kinds of situations. She gets hit on quite often (more often than me, actually) since she has a very cute face but because she never gets hit on by guys she actually has a crush on, that means she "practically never" gets attention from guys. And apparently the only reason I found a man who loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me is because I have thin privilege. It's really very insulting.
I don't doubt she gets treated badly because of her weight, even though I've never seen it personally. I'm probably blind to it. But she really does seem to think that everything is magical rainbows in the land of thin privilege and if only she'd been "born thin" she would be so much happier. I'd like to help her realize how shitty this way of thinking is but she won't have any of it from me because I'm thin and can't possibly understand. I wish I could find her a good fat therapist.

>> No.7844212

It's the wrong word to use.
Prejudice is more like it. Having prejudice against overweight people is the last form of prejudice in society that is widely tolerated for no other reason other than to make someone else feel superior.

As >>7843965 said, people don't give a fuck if a person went from 300 pounds to 200. Nobody sees that accomplishment.
All they care about is the final result. So even if that same person dropped down to 150 and were in good health, they'd still get shit for being chubby.
Which is why a skinnyfat person can not exercise, stuff their face with junk, and throw up what they do eat because nobody is really concerned about personal health. They're concerned about appearances.

>> No.7844217

My taxes pay for other people's healthcare so I reserve the right to look down on people who knowingly endanger their health by smoking, doing retardedly dangerous sports or stuffing their face with chips and soda until they are obese, thank you.

>> No.7844243

When I was first starting out I used to post myself to ita threads to see what people would criticize about it, and only stopped when people started saying the pictures didn't belong.

>> No.7844255

Gender is a sexist social construct; why do so many tumblrites cares about it? Also, news flash, if you have no problem with your biological sex and your only issue is with gender, you aren't trans.

>> No.7844259

>I have no money and I must buy

>> No.7844275

This post speaks to me, anon.

I'm scared about going to the gym, I keep putting it off because
a) I'm really fat and everyone else there looks fit
b) I don't know how to use the equipment, and I worry people will look at me and think I'm fat AND dumb

In reality, they're all probably too focused on themselves to notice me but... fears aren't always rational.

>> No.7844286

If anything, you can see if you can't find a trainer and get them to show you everything/start you off on a routine. They're going to be glad that you want to be healthy/fit because that's what they're getting paid to do; to get people out of fatty-status.

>> No.7844292

What >>7844286 said! I am losing weight and I've been doing really well. Here's what really helped me.

>Get a trainer to show you how to use different machines.
>Maybe find a gym with a pool. Use that until you can feel comfortable enough moving on to the equipment.
>Watch other people on the cardio machines. If they're using it wrong, it tends to look wrong.
>Don't push yourself too far. If you feel like you're going to fall over and die, that's alright! Get off, drink some water, and wait for yourself to cool down or drink some water and go home. Endurance takes time to build and people understand that.
>Explore what equipment works right for you. I can't do a treadmill very easy because I have asthma and a bad knee, but the elliptical and the Precor Open Stride are godsends to me.

That's about it as someone who had the same fears.

>> No.7844297

I fear that a lot of my coords are viewed as too sameish or simple because I've found a cordinating formula I really like, and so happens to match across a wide variety of my dresses, and I stick to it.

>> No.7844336

>My taxes pay for other people's healthcare
Not if they pay their own premiums you massive trolling dipshit.

>> No.7844402

Kill yourself if you don't want your taxes to pay for someone else

>> No.7844451

Your legs aren't ugly and neither are mine. I'm just insecure about mine sometimes but you shouldn't be, either.
>sage for hugbox and not a confession

>> No.7844549

I frequent /b/.

I'm not proud of this, but it's hard to stop for some reason.

>> No.7844598

...you realise that some countries have public healthcare right?

>> No.7844829

Hello, fellow basic bitch. I'm in the same boat.

I never really felt a strong pull towards any prints, except for florals in classic lolita (and already with two jsks with floral prints in my wardrobe, I feel like I've hit a "print quota", I don't want any more prints).

The things on my wish list are all so plain-sounding: a brown pair of Oxford heels, a princess-sleeve blouse and a corset skirt from Atelier-Pierrot, and a non-print JSK from IW. I just really enjoy looking at the draping and tailoring of the fabrics.

I enjoy looking at other people in prints, especially if I know it's their dream dresses. If they're happy, their happiness is infectious to me, so I become happy too when I see them fully decked out. But owning/wearing those dresses myself? Eeeh, maybe if they were a single color...

Oh well, at least I can wear my lolita wardrobe to work (entertainment industry).

>> No.7844843

I like AKB too.
Where are you planning to cosplay Heavy Rotation at?

>> No.7844986

Ive been lurking /cgl/ since I was 13 (18 now) and I still don't have the balls to cosplay or wear lolita.

>> No.7844988


This is weird.
>brown oxford heels
>princess sleeved blouse
>non print IW jsk

Are the top items on my wish list too, anon!

>> No.7844994

did you ever post? I always wonder how many other underage people also use this board!
I am 18 as well but been actively using cgl since 16 years young.

>> No.7845011

Seriously terrified of being used as someone's lolita thinspo. On the bright side it's doing wonders for my recovery since I can't bring myself to take pictures until I'm at a healthy weight. Still hating the thinspo secret posters for forcing that fear to the forefront of my mind. I worried about it before but now... If you're reading this - go get help. You don't want this hell.

>> No.7845014
File: 19 KB, 634x475, kudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be in a fashion designer college
> MyDream.jpg
> I work hard everyday
> But one of my friends gets all the attention
> Even from teachers
> Her designs are ugly as fuck
> Mine are just gold
> She still "being nice" with everyone
> Stupid bitch, why do you need to be nice when they consider you superior , lol
> my sides

She's just an attention whore, man.
Se didn't deserve all the attention she gets; I always talk shit about her, to everyone, but they still lick her pretentious ass.

I cannot stand attention whores

>> No.7845019

Bodyline shoes 272. They run a bit small and need a thin insert but no issues with the insert here and the brown is lovely

>> No.7845020

No I want a more tan brown pair as I already have a pair of dark brown shoes. But thanks anyway.

>> No.7845025

She's nice for no personal gain? What a bitch!
Sage for sarcasm.

>> No.7845029

I don't think your designs are as good as you think they are

>> No.7845031

your designs are probably shit mate

>> No.7845365

Somewhat cgl related...?
>Had nightmare about Mana once, like 7 years ago
>Still absolutely fucking terrified of Mana

>> No.7845368

>have all these plans to open a shop for lolita/kawaii accessories and such
>piles of supplies around me, nothing started
>it's been months
why do I always do this

>> No.7845493

You and I share this grievance anon. Start a budget, even if it's just a dollar a day you'll have 365 saved up by this time next year.
Yeah I know not all of us use the same currency and that most dresses are far more expensive than 365 after shipping and customs. My point was that it would be doable if the budget is ironclad and no emergencies... emerge.

>> No.7845571

Oh anon, I'm so sorry. At least you held yourself together in the face of smug condescension. I feel like maybe there should be Social Achievement Badges for lolitas. Things like
-Refrained from schooling neckbeard/legbeard in the name of social harmony.
-SUCCESSFULLY schooled neck/legbeard when the line has been crossed.
-Executed successful meet up.
-Recruited lovely new comm member.
-Mastered a polite yet brief "Not THAT Lolita" speech for nosy strangers.
-Made it through a day in the city without losing temper at same nosy strangers.
-Attended a meetup involving a physical activity (eg: Ice skating) and survived immaculately.
-Learned some basic self-defense moves that you can successfully perform in a full co-ord.
-Allowed a lolita friend to crash at your place if you live near a meetup venue and they had to travel,
or if you're the travelling party
-Be a good houseguest in a comm member's home.

They'd be like badges of honour to pin to those escharpes that people have been wearing lately.

>> No.7845574

There IS more than one gender in humans you fuckwit, it's how we reproduce.
As for the people who say there's more than two, I have no experience with that really, so as long as you're not identifying as a fucking plant, bunny, or mermaid, I can't really counter your statement.

>> No.7845578

I really want to become youtube famous/JFashion/JPop idol. Like, I wanna do youtube tutorials and stuff and get kinda famous for them but I also want to be like, FannyRosie famous for my coords and I also really want to be an idol, even though I can't sing or dance. I know none of this will ever happen but it's fun to dream...

>> No.7845579

I want to kill myself and if I'm successful I want to be buried in my Iron Gate dress

>> No.7845580

>Wasting TWO valuable resources
Please don't. Why the suicidal tendencies, anon?

>> No.7845585

No reason to be here, no reason to stay.

>> No.7845599

Please don't, I know you can't see it now but people do love and care about you. Trust me please fellow Iron Gate owner. You are beautiful, intelligent and wonderful person who is in a very dark place right now please stay strong.

>> No.7845602

why is /cgl/ so attention starved? is this just cosplay culture

>> No.7845605

Well okay, but I think you're missing the word "yet" there. You're probably going to miss out on some great stuff if you go early.
I know after my two attempts, the days after were actually really good days.
And I know I've just confirmed myself for a dumbass for
a) Failing to kill myself twice, and
b) Requiring two signs to realize I shouldn't try again
but surely you have even one good friend? Think what your suicide would do to them. Please don't do anything crazy, anon.

>> No.7845606

But thats the thing. I'm always in a dark place. I've talked to everyone, medication, doctors. Nothing worked.

>> No.7845635

I always thought my legs were pretty decent until I tried putting on my baby otks. i'm ~112lbs 5'4" where did i go wrong

>> No.7845659

I know the dark place. I know what it is like to wake up every morning and not want to get out of bed because you don't want the world to slap you in the face again. I know what it's like to want the pain to just STOP.

It will pass, in time. However you are not in a right frame of mind to make any decisions just yet. Do some cognitive therapy - I found that helped more than anything else. Get a little pet to look after and cuddle. But don't make any final decisions yet.

>> No.7845668

I've had depression for 17 years. I've done CBT, been in hospital. Nothing.

>> No.7845674

I've had terrible migraines for the past 3 years. Last week I finally visited neurologists who prescribed me 2 kinds of medicines + x-ray CT of my head.

1st one is Flunarizine. It is said that it will worsen my depression and make me gain weight. There's no way I will go back into being a hambeast.

2nd one I'm supposed to take only when it hurts. It works, but after some time I feel extremely nauseous and then I have terrible nighmares when I fall asleep.
And I'm appointed for my CT on January. Yay.

>> No.7845689

you know ... your depression may or may not be "unbalanced" chemistry, but one thing is for sure. happiness is a mindset. those that are happy (for the most part) think positively. You are the only limitation in life. think about it.

>> No.7845692

I've been tested, trust me. It's a build up from a lot of stress, trauma, sadness and self hatred.

>> No.7845701

you allow the depression to happen. you can change it. your mind is more powerful than you think. you only have one life to live, why live it in unhappiness? suicide not the answer. it is never the answer because your troubles are not permanent, they are temporary. even though life itself is fragile, it is worth putting the effort into enjoying it and to not be bound by any of life's troubles.

>> No.7845704

You don't think I havent tried? Ive tried for years, this includs admitting myself into hospital. Ive tried. But for too long

>> No.7845709

Depression can affect you in different levels, some times subtle like mine sometimes severe.

Even though I have depression I can still be happy but it lingers subconsciously.

And people should understand that not everyone has the same willpower.
(inb4 excuses to excuse)

>> No.7845713

And I honestly have no willpower left. I've been fighting this for more than half my life. I had early childhood depression. I'm ready.

>> No.7845716

Anon, I thought I was done too. I was the same as you, I had early childhood depression as well. At 22 I tried killing myself, I was committed, a whole ordeal. Medication didn't help. Therapy didn't help. I just wasted away.
I don't even know what happened, but this year (I'm 26) it just... stopped. I've been feeling really well for months and I can't explain. I don't know what I'm trying to tell you, but it.. might get better.

>> No.7845738

Anon, I have had depression and severe anxiety ever since I can remember and abused sexually and emotionally up until my mid teens and I basically have had no family or friends to help me through and I'm telling you, it gets better. You refuse to believe otherwise because you are letting the depression take over you. I did the same thing and it's a horrible way to be. I've been through hell and back and in the end there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is always something to live for, and life is precious. The road is hard and long but it's worth it in the end. Be strong and actively do things to better your life, go out and live, meet people and travel, see everything you can see, let the negativity go and you will realize that life is worth living and how valuable your life is. Being on 4chan in general probably isn't helping you tbh. Give therapy a good go, it helped me eventually despite my resistance to it for many years and eventually I learnt to deal with it on my own without any medication or substances. You can do it!

>> No.7845817

i think the best type of therapy would be to travel and see the world. it will change, i promise. absorb the diversity within this one lone planet. the changing seasons, the changing landscapes, the different faces, different languages, etc. its glorious, bathe in it!! feel how awesome it is to be alive at this moment, this century, to witness technology grow exponentially and society change. if you're down, the only way is up!!!!!

>> No.7846044

I'm thinking Otakon but it's gonna be super hot. If only there was more winter cons in my area...

>inb4 wear the lingerie instead!!!

>> No.7846052

Successfully sniping auctions at the last possible second is one of the best feelings in the world, especially if several other people had previously been bidding on it. It's a feeling comparable to realizing that you've become really, really good at some video game, except the game is shopping and you're rewarded with something physical. Just knowing that in that moment, multiple people are furious with me, knowing that their efforts have been in vain...it warms my heart. The item doesn't even have to be expensive, it's the thrill of winning that makes it so good. It's not like an addiction, just an added bonus to shopping. You have to plan it out well, though, and make sure nothing distracts you in the final ten minutes or so.

>> No.7846277

Lesson for you anon: Learn how to KISS MAJOR ASS.

You may roll your eyes and snark, but you'd be amazed at how talentless and brainless people get ahead just because they know the right way to polish someone's brown eye.
Unfortunately, disingenuous 'niceness' is just a symptom of a performative society where women are expected to be sweet and coy to get their way. In the professional world you'll find it less and less the case that women get ahead from raw talent and shoehorning their way to the top.

>> No.7846354

I once had a guy message me on ebay about it after he had lost to me.

>> No.7847077

All I want are some friends who are into the same things I am. The only girl around here that cosplay's has a kid and the only reason she does it is to widen the audience of her "boudoir" shit. Which was a photo shoot she did one time and just has been taking selfies in her G string the rest of the time. I live on a military base so I guess I should be thankful at least one other person even knows what cosplay is? I don't know. I'm just tired of cosplay being so self promoting. I just wanna go to cons and take pictures and have fun.

>> No.7847085

> brags about sniping auctions
> actually sits at the computer and doesn't use a bot

>> No.7847093

>Never been attracted to Mana before
>Have a dream that me and Mana are best friends and hang out before concerts n shit
>Now somehow strangely sexually aroused by Mana

>> No.7847099
File: 173 KB, 800x523, 1379819976720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time about a year ago, I posted on cgl about how I wanted to write a story about two lolitas. I got a lot of encouraging comments and so I went through with it. I've typed up a couple of pages in my spare time, it's probably a shit story, but I don't know what to do with it when it's finished.
I don't want to put my name to it in case it's shit, I don't want to upload it randomly anywhere if it's good and have my credit stolen. Maybe I should start a blog or something and upload chapters? I don't know what to do with it.
Pic related, the picture I used at the time.

>> No.7847502


>> No.7847509

Just fucking suck it up and post it. If you don't care about it just for the fact that it's your work, but you do if people like it then you're not a very good writer. Own your shit with pride, bitch.

>> No.7847576

i dont care if its drama or otherwise, i want to be tumblr famous. But ive tried everything from copying pastelbat's cult party kei thing and pastel goth to being dakota school girl photoshooped. I'm still not tumblr famous and i dont know why ?

>> No.7847578

You gotta shake things up a bit, you know, start the dramu, get people talking.

>> No.7847643

And scalping an item isn't?
>selfish because I don't want to pay their greedy prices despite the admission that I would pay a reasonable price

>> No.7847666

youre ugly thats why. youre not original thats why

>> No.7847722

A few months ago I was in jobless, depressed and desperate for money so I camwhored to gain a quick buck. The guy I camwhored to was an asshole and would try to haggle my prices so when I eventually got fed up with him I stole money from him (promising a show, getting paid up front, then dissapearing).
However, he found out my real name and told my bf about what I did. Luckily bf and I talked it through and he understood my situation and how much I regretted my actions. I never ever camwhored again, and I even destroyed my webcam and everything I bought with the cammin money with a hammer and a pair of scissors.
Anyway, I'm pretty paranoid about the camming coming to haunt me later in life. I was stupid, I shouldn't have done it and I shouldn't have showed my goddamn face like a moron. I'm sure there are caps of me floating around the internets. Seriously, it was the single biggest mistake of my life and I've done some stupid shit in my time.
I now have a stable job and a decent income and I wanna get into lolita but I'm terrified that if I have any kind of online presence, someone will find out about the camwhoring. I just wanna go back in time and smack myself for being such a fucking retard. Fuck I mad.

>> No.7847730

dont worry anon, in this day and age, its common to have nudes out there, even if theyre not at all public. i mean, look at the fappening. the hacker couldve downloaded a lot of nudes, not just celebs and uploaded them all to the web. the scary thing is, some employers now even hire professionals to search the web for anything linked to you, im sure that even includes privatized history. all cellphone companies keep record of all photos ever submitted. not to doubt you anon, but it is unlikely you'll become such a succesful person, people will go snooping for any dirt on you

>> No.7847751

How come the other thread got deleted?

Could we please keep a thread up for this? I just recenly returned to Gaia and I am very interested in getting new items/selling/trading and looking at cute avis for inspo.

>> No.7847752
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>> No.7847753

I don't think you should let it get you down so much, anon, the only lolitas I know who get shit for camming are ones who have bad personalities anyway. Don't piss anyone off and nobody will have cause to go digging.

>> No.7847776

>It was for my husband but was stolen by evil hackers!!

Almost anyone over 40 falls for that line unquestioningly.

>> No.7847777

Holy crap. Im so sorry. I meant to post in the Gaia thread. Cant really find a way to delete from my phone. Im so sorry :(

>> No.7847955
File: 346 KB, 600x600, supersonico_figura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confession- I really want to cosplay Super Sonico's Gloomy Bear costume because I love Gloomy Bear. Super Sonico is okay, but she's just a generic uguu character who's main appeal is that she's fap material.
I'd just feel weird for jumping the Sonico bandwagon

>> No.7848169

Cosplay is 2 what gave me inspiration to lose weight, but I only lost 30 pounds then just kinda gave up on dream cosplays.

>> No.7848230

After going to Cons for 16 years (most of my soon 29 year old life) I still haven't found the courage and motivation to cosplay, simply because I want to make a cosplay that is worthy of portraying the source material.

>> No.7848940

i havent used facebook in 2 years. But the only way to comm in my state through facebook. i dont want to be a lone lolita, but i hate the cult of facestalk.

>> No.7850823

Th-thank you, Anon.

>> No.7850868

I want to cosplay Attack on Titan, because I really liked the recent manga arc (that a lot of people seem to hate), but I worry that people at cons would automatically think poorly of me for it. I live under a rock, so I'm not familiar with the level of crazy of the fandom. I'm wondering if cosplaying someone like Isabel who is probably (?) done less often would help, but I'm too afraid to even post my pic and ask for opinions on the suggestion thread because of how overdone it is.

I just want to have fun but also want to pick a good Survey Corps character for my body/face type.

>> No.7853536
File: 98 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mx1tclzp971qaqpnno6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah basic bitches!
A few of the newer girls in my comm have for some reason taken pity on me for not owning any prints (most girls in my comm own a decent amount of brand, even newbies) and keep sending me links to sales of printed dresses I might like based mostly on colours I wear often. I've told them that I buy plainer pieces by choice, not because I can't afford prints, but they just don't get it. For them, the entire point of lolita is to wear pretty print dresses and so all their outfits are kind of OTT. They only wear lolita to cons and meetups whereas I wear it pretty much daily. Could it be a generational thing? I've been into this fashion since 2007 so maybe I'm just too much of an oldfag to understand these whippersnappers.

>> No.7853539

this but male.

>> No.7853540

most people want prints because it gives them lolita status, whereas plain pieces hardly give any. imo, solid dresses or plain prints are best for daily and more practical

>> No.7853541

I wanna build a metro Last light/Attack on Titan kinda crossover thing, that would have the Junkyard heavy armor with the 3dmg that has mag pouches instead of replacement blades and looked invariably beat to hell and cobbled together. (I think It'd be really handy to just fly out of a tight spot on the surface, like if you were cornered by watchers)

But I think people would just make fun of it.

>> No.7853544

When I was in a similar situation with a series of drawings I made I did what you said, started a blog. I watermarked the drawings with the blog url and didn't put in any identifying information so that I could always distance myself from it if it got a bad reception or I didn't like it anymore. Nothing much happened and I forgot about it for a couple of months but then a girl in my comm linked me to the blog with a comment like "hey check this out, these are so cute!" and everything went better than expected.jpg

>> No.7853559

Plain dresses like pic related are fucking gorgeous and they're dumb for being so obsessed by prints because "muh rori status!1!". Fucking OTT bitches, old school is superior.

>> No.7853624
File: 38 KB, 345x437, 143603-m-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That may be part of it, considering they all found lolita through popular tumblr posts of e-famous girls. I don't even remember how I found it but back in my day (shakes cane) it definitely wasn't as much of a popularity contest. Or maybe that's just the nostalgia talking.

Not all plain/solid-coloured pieces are old school, though. I love modern stuff just as much.
And I don't think that everyone who loves prints is only in it for the ~status~, they probably genuinely do like them. It just gets annoying when print dresses get put on a pedestal like they're inherently superior to dresses made from solid-coloured fabric. Preferring/owning one over the other doesn't make you better than anyone else.

>> No.7853637

i really didn't know that! i just like print dresses, i had no idea people thought about them like that.

>> No.7853652


Seriously, anon, just leave that seller alone. If you think you're absolutely right with the pricing, it's no problem to stalk the market until another seller pops up with a more reasonably priced dress, or post your own WTB and state the price you're willing to pay up front so you don't get jerked around.

Then the scalper seller can eat her dress when she finds she can't find any buyers for it.

If it's really that hard to find a seller selling the dress at the price you want, though, it may be time to eat humble pie and accept that you might be wrong about the market price.

>> No.7853846
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, 1410505367588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently made a shit-stirring secret for a comm I'm not even a part of referring to some drama that spilled over to /cgl/. Since I don't know any of the details I just made some shit up.
Turns out that it not only worked, but all the things I made up were actually 100% accurate. I have a gift, anons.
>mfw reading the comments

>> No.7853853

>Perhaps more worthy than others who didn't have to work for it.

>> No.7853857

Doing god's work.

>> No.7854360

>just leave that seller alone
I didn't contact them once.
But I will bitch about the greedy dumbfucks that they are all I'd like, thank you.

>> No.7854730
File: 22 KB, 234x200, Thanks+for+that+advice+addy+_ea2d0112e5755dc3406627cbedc88422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venus the bodyline model scares the shit out of me. I have not bought really cute dresses because she was wearing them. She haunts my nightmares with her cold dead eyes. Venus the creepy ita girl. *shivers*

>> No.7856686

A little off-topic, but you should try commas: they let you breathe.

>> No.7856694
File: 123 KB, 499x708, 1402417029618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7856708

Those are normal emotions. They're not always rational! You should definitely see someone professional and talk, because it helps immensely and it's not disappointing to anyone.

>> No.7856711

Please talk to a psychologist! Anyone can have these issues and it's important to reflect over them. It's always easier after talking to someone. I believe you can do it!

>> No.7856816

he better fucking make it up to you. You're a saint.

>> No.7856849

I am starting to hate my cosplay partner and I'm given so much joy when my costumes get more attention than hers.

>> No.7856958


>> No.7857228

I have huge calves that ruin all my otks, anon.

>> No.7857231

Potsy pls

>> No.7857233

Depression is caused by chemical inbalance of the brain, it has nothing to do with letting it happen or positive thinking.

>> No.7857244

There's some Meta and AP prints I like, but I hate like every Baby and AATP print out there.

>> No.7857246

are you for real? come on take some basic psychology mate

>> No.7857258

No, the idea is just too much for you to fathom.

>> No.7857316


>> No.7857326

I don't want to admit it, but being exposed to animu and mango at an early age probably contributed to my low self esteem along with other mental illnesses... BUT i've never been diagnosed with anything so I keep pretending nothing is wrong.

I really want to die all the time haha

>> No.7857329

>i've never been diagnosed with anything
>I really want to die all the time haha

Have you ever spoken to a doctor about this? I think you should get a referral to a psychiatrist if you can.

>> No.7857356

You should try to speak with someone about this, if you can--a professional. I didn't realize I had anxiety or that my thoughts of dying weren't "normal" until I spoke to a therapist extensively. I just thought I was bummed out, tired, and a worrywart. It's good that you're not quick to self diagnose or anything, but sometimes you know in your gut that something is wrong. I wish you the best and I hope you're able to speak with a professional about this.

>I know that feel about wanting to die
>Won't say it gets better because there will always be bad days
>But try to focus on the good, okay?

>> No.7857359

not them, but fuck having to go through that again after the last time I tried telling a mental health professional "well gee doc I hate myself and feel like I want to die all the time"

>> No.7857437


me too

im manipulative, can't connect with people, think i'm better than everyone, and so much other shit

i don't have depressive episodes, but more just self-loathing. i've done everything i've wanted, got everything i've wanted, been everything i've wanted.

there's nothing left, and everything is boring. the only thing keeping me alive are some stupid games. i don't even know why i enjoy them.

>> No.7858535

I save pictures from con fb pages to post for cringe threads.
I feel bad about it sometimes because these people are trying their hardest but sometimes it's just too cringy to pass up

>> No.7858580

It delights me when cosplayers who are up themselves or arrogant about their cosplay plans (like acting like they own a particular character) are uggu and/or landwhales.

>> No.7858613

I feel bad about it but sometimes I get angry over the fact that a lot of the time the stuff in lolita sales groups are far to big/long for me, and I just kinda think "christ why is everyone so fat/tall/etcetc"

I feel bad about it cause I have friends that dres far better than me but just happen to be bigger so I just end up feeling like a big jerk.

>> No.7858702

i want to cosplay her tbh, i think itll be hilarious

>> No.7858705

Haha this. I have a girl in my cosplay comm who does that, but I cosplay the same character as her and everyone agrees I am better, but she still says that -she- is the character etc.

>> No.7858745
File: 141 KB, 692x763, 1402552284542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really sick of cgl this week, there seems to be a ridiculous amount of butthurt, shitposting and trolls about, maybe it's because of an influx of people from other boards but it's shitting me off. So many threads derailed and people getting mad for nothing. I wonder if it's just one really sandy anon starting shit. Fuck you.

>> No.7858843

I don't have the willpower to lose the last 20 pounds.

I want to cosplay Brief but I'm really self-concious and don't have the time to do my own costume

I like cosplay but I like it more for the attention aspects and don't really see it as a hobby (I'm a guy).

>> No.7858853

Same. Unshirred BtSSB, AP, Meta and IW all hang off me like a sack and partially shirred is still too big, even with corset lacing. The extra fabric bunches up and looks weird as hell. Why have these brands gotten so damn big? I'm not even that tiny.
Often people only list the maximum measurements and when I ask about the minimum they just tell me it will fit me or get pissy.

This makes me feel like such a bitch but I wish brands would stop catering to fat girls so much. I also wish I didn't have to deal with fat girls in the second-hand market. There is "plus-size friendly" so why can't there be "small-size friendly"?

>> No.7858872

getting stuff altered to fit a smaller person is way way easier than vice versa
>why can't there be "small size friendly"
i feel that though but in more of a "there should be a wider ranges of sizes in lolita period it really sucks that so many people end up wearing shit that isn't fitted to them and end up not looking as good as the could" buying japanese clothes is rough for tall/skinny/super short/fat people when there's not a whole lot of variance in size in japan

>> No.7859001

The older pieces tend to run smaller if you're just looking at size for a lot of companies - plus brands like MM and VM have been generally consistent about not catering to girls beyond certain measurements.

>> No.7859002

i'm creating a cosplay for my first con purely for the attention
i don't really have friends and want something to strike up a conversation

>> No.7859008

LM has a petite-selection when you post things. Look there.

>> No.7859009

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

>> No.7859023

The problem really is that there's only 1 size ever. Someone is always going to be left out. Personally I wish they'd do 2 sizes, so most people can be happy. My dream would be a 'tall' option but that's never going to happen, Japan isn't going to cater to 6ft tall girls. At least there's IW...

>> No.7859030

I've developed an eating disorder while trying to fit into bran Lolita.

>> No.7859031


>> No.7859032

I either know who you are or there's multiple people having nightmares about Mana.

>> No.7859059

Or, you could just be a better person and look for dresses that are specifically petite. Better yet, you could also alter your brand.

Fat girls have to do the same. Sorry to burst your bubble, but brands are going to appeal to their biggest (no pun intended) demographic. If they're selling more dresses when they make them bigger, well, that's tough luck for you anon.

>> No.7859090

I understand you, anon. This has made me give up on three of my dreamdresses. Hugs.

>> No.7859091

I've started editing my lolita pictures because I am so insecure about my face.
I just hate my acne spots and red acne marks, and my huge eyebags.
I fear it's going to get worse and worse.

>> No.7859116

Really enjoying watching a cosplayer whose tumblr fame went to their head slowly crashing into self doubt and hatred. Normally I feel bad for people with self image problems, but with all the bullshit this person has pulled, I feel like it's just karmic justice. Besides, I can't feel pity for someone who makes their own problems and refuses to take actions to fix them.

>> No.7859189
File: 112 KB, 458x288, 1329713934479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicely done, anon.
I've once completely destroyed a comm I wasn't even a part of by posting a vague secrets about current drama. It was a super shitty and toxic comm anyway, so I feel no regrets.

>> No.7859529

I am terrified at being posted to the Ita threads on here. I have loads of different coords but never wear them outside and i never go to meets for fear someone think's i'm Ita and posts me on here.

>> No.7860721
File: 50 KB, 798x263, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm usually not into drama and it bores the shit out of me but /cgl/ seems to produce this partucular sort of drama that is incredibly fascinating (and often hilarious). Never change cgl, you're my kinda crack.

>> No.7862833

I want to buy a nice brand dress and cut it up so it can fit me.