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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 15 KB, 300x240, Ireland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7838801 No.7838801 [Reply] [Original]

>Ireland Thread

Alright lads, let's try and give this another go. Some guidelines for posting:

>have the craic
>bantz are essential
>don't respond to anybody posting with a trip
>don't threaten anybody with police action because they were mean to you and don't like your con
>meltdowns are to be avoided if possible

>> No.7838825

so what's the craic

>> No.7838836
File: 339 KB, 500x682, Junko_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had my one Wednesday class and now I'm kicking back for the rest of the day, feels good

>> No.7838844

how do you get a gf in this country full of normies when you're an asocial aspie

>> No.7838853



I guess stop being asocial?

>> No.7838856

mating dance and courting rituals

>> No.7838869

Whats the next con lads

>> No.7838871

I drink. 2 drinks turns me into a normie.

>> No.7838885

>not having all of the lads over to your gaff for a session in your room with your vidya figures

I've a display case full of them and it's always grand.

>> No.7838891
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What's everyone hoping for at Eirtakon this year?

What's everyone dreading for Eirtakon this year?

>> No.7838895

They'll live up to the X that comes with 10 and have a tentacle pit.

>> No.7838896

>What's everyone hoping for at Eirtakon this year?
Another guest as bro-tier as Steve Blum, good screenings, good selection of vidya
>What's everyone dreading for Eirtakon this year?
Autism, mouthbreathers, faggot volunteers

>> No.7838949

Steve Blum was a bro and a half last year.

Ian Sinclair ws a huge bro at Nomcon this year as well.

Where the feck even were the screenings at Eirtakon last year?

>> No.7839004

He was a good lad putting up with the yearly cringe that is the cosplay blind date.

I didn't go to too many screenings last year. I remember some gobshite taking a phonecall during the Sunday screening of Evangelion and just not leaving the room to go out into the hallway to take it.

>> No.7839137

You: A girl with pretty blue eye makeup wearing Krad Lanrete's jellyfish print in Debenhams at about half two this afternoon.
Me: Awkward sandy-haired girl in a black IW JSK and bolero with my friend.

I know it's unlikely that you're a seagull, I was just happy to see a new person like me. You looked great!

>> No.7839146

This is adorable.

I hope she reads it.

>> No.7839229

This is too cute.

>> No.7839244

Anyone heading to DICE this weekend at Dundrum?

>> No.7839253

Lads,is it just me or do you guys also think male cosplayers are gay and pathetic.

>> No.7839265

Man. I think I'm FABULOUS!!

>> No.7839269

I try not to project my own insecurities onto an entire group of people, so it could be just you.

That said, some of them are kinda nuts.

>> No.7839270

With that camp expression you can pull it off.

>> No.7839279

Nope just you

>> No.7839281

I have seen many taxi drivers and the general public laugh at male Cosplayers..

It's humiliating to be associated with some of these basement dwelling dress up nerds.

Very few can pull it off.

>> No.7839289 [DELETED] 

I'm just happy we have very few niggers in the Irish anime society.

>> No.7839304
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>> No.7839310

AnAmerican troll appears. Fucking morons.

>> No.7839315

>you will never have a black weeb friend


>> No.7839345 [DELETED] 
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I wanna squirtle all over your jigglypuffs.

>> No.7839382
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>Caring what taxi drivers think

>> No.7839385 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7839391

S'why I drive.

Kinda wish I could cosplay as Misato. Minor problem with that, though.

>> No.7839421


>> No.7839428
File: 243 KB, 480x736, Dirty Pair Book 1 - Biohazzards #1 - 00fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's deformation. I've got screenshits. I've got friends in the gards. I'll have you arrested for deforming my and my resigtered busness

>> No.7839430
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>> No.7839434

top kek

>> No.7839448
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I'm feeling so deformed by 4chan right now.

>> No.7839462 [DELETED] 
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stahp that's transphobic.

>> No.7839472



The one male cosplayer I know doesn't give a flying fuck about what you think and has succeeded fairly well in life.

Then again, I know only one. And he's left the country now.

>> No.7839474

You know what's going to happen if you keep this up, please stop.

>> No.7839486 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 602x403, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an 8 star monster and can only be summoned with 3 sacrifices.

Her effect is transphobia enabler.

>> No.7839498
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I play one pot token and end my turn.

>> No.7839517

I sacrifice the pot token in order to special summon Potsy.

>> No.7839526

Fuck off cheating there's no special summoning effect.

>> No.7839553
File: 10 KB, 300x224, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

("I just know Yugi can ruin another Ireland thread, everything he needs is right in his deck, we just have to believe in him and he has to believe in himself!")

>> No.7839574

Man. Now I want to watch Mardock Scramble

>> No.7839578
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It's all about the heart of the cards.

Then maybe some black magic and shrooms.

>> No.7839621 [DELETED] 
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Anyone wanna buy a 25 bag?

>> No.7839625

>25 bag
>not acid

No thank you

>> No.7839643

Fuck acid when I can get you gear.

>> No.7839646

Gear is shite though.

>> No.7839651

I'll get you ketamine.

Fucking horse tranquilizers...

You can't get any better than that and if you say acid is better than ketamine then your tripping major balls.

>> No.7839654

>then your tripping major balls.

That'd be the desired outcome, yes

>> No.7839656

Haha,Throw some of that Special K my way.

>> No.7839669

Only metal core/death core faggots take acid.

You need a few yokes...

A blue ghost or yellow grenade will have you on your way.

>> No.7839676

Yokes are shit too. Puts you on the horn and fucks up your jaw for the whole night. As fedora as it sounds, acid really is for a stellar journey in your head. You don't take it for going out

>> No.7839683

You should be going out tho..

I don't see the point in taking drugs alone.

Unless your trying to escape reality pal then that's up to you.

Each to their own.

>> No.7839684

Who says I take it alone? :3

>> No.7839687

I just guessed from the way you were describing it pal.

>> No.7839696
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You must be +18 to be on 4chan

>> No.7839703

Thread delete in 3, 2...

>> No.7839704
File: 273 KB, 500x375, 1342509779528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone gonna get a smidge high at Eirtakon?

>> No.7839706

>the law says it's wrong so it must be morally wrong!

>> No.7839710

Wreck the gaff.

>> No.7839712

>I have literally nothing else to do so I'm gonna take drugs and then talk about it

>> No.7839716

>anybody who partakes in drug use is some down and out scumbag who has nothing going on in their lives

You're probably the same sort of retard who'd look down on somebody who enjoys weed but is completely fine with binge drinking every weekend.

>> No.7839717

You need to take a chill pill pal.

>> No.7839724

It isn't board relevant, and it's also not something that needs to be discussed. DO what you want, just don't waste everyone's time going on at length about it.

>> No.7839730

Fuck you pal.

I'll do what I want.

>> No.7839735

>going on at length

I wasn't even talking about how many drugs I take and how fucking brilliant I am for taking them, lad was talking about yokes and I told him my experience with them and why I don't particularly care for them.

A lot of the shite discussed in this thread so far and on this board at large isn't relevant but it's clear you just have a hangup on drugs. People do them regularly m8, get over it. Again, if people were talking about wanting to get locked at a con you wouldn't have batted an eyelid.

Maybe you should take a chill pill :^)

>> No.7839745
File: 34 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good chunk of con goers take recreational drugs. It may not be openly said at cons incase of getting in trouble with the venue or convention staff.

You say the right words to the right people and you will get what you want.

>> No.7839778

This thread turned to shit fast. And now we just look like stoners and scumbags, great. GG guys!

And for the record, I do get high occasionally, but this isn't the board for it ffs.

>> No.7839784


>> No.7839789

Being a stoner isn't a bad thing.

There's a few scumbags in the community but we're far from it pal.

>> No.7839811
File: 63 KB, 640x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of people that will be taking yokes at Eirtakons Hatsune Miku concert will be unreal.

>> No.7840508

Maybe then it won't be shit haha.

>> No.7840573

S'craic this afternoon lads?

>> No.7840663

I was walking to college this morning and I was building up a mighty sweat. Then it occurs to me I didn't wipe my arse properly before leaving. My ass cheeks are roaring red and rubbing off each other. I finally get home to wipe my arse and the jax roll is covered in blood and semi hard shite. Now it's time to relax and have a Tom Hank.

>> No.7840666

>go to take a shite
>you've been sitting there ages and you finally get out the last of it
>or so you think
>you go back to your room and sit down
>alright for a few minutes
>realization that there's still a bit left over
>have to go back and shit it out and wipe your arse all over again

Worst feel

>> No.7840673

Then in some cases you come back the second time to your room and have the urge to shite again. So your like fuck it and kip out in the shitter for a few hours because you have the shits.

I strongly believe that when you're dying for a shite but have to hold it in but then get to a jax to let it all out is a better feeling than sex.

>> No.7840676

>getting tossed off and taking a lovely shite at the same time


>> No.7840684

Getting a blumpkin while texting...

That's being put on my to do list.

>> No.7841498
File: 67 KB, 400x518, tumblr_n8u8dbRVh41qg0x0mo1_r2_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thinking of doing an obscure cosplay, but it is a relatively simply and i am having a hard time figuring out how to make it stand out a bit.

I'm hoping to do a "liz" from Seconds, by Bryan Lee O’Malley. If any of ye have read it, any ideas on how to make it epic?

>> No.7841621
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>> No.7842293

As in not boring.

>> No.7842294

Hue hue, the Geek Eire faggot is butthurt people called his podcast shit.
If we are "neckbeards" i wonder what the hell does that make him?

>> No.7842298

"if we are mentioned enough times on 4chan we become saints"

I think his douchbaggery has no bounds. People hate him and his godawful podcast, how does that make you famous unless your sole propose was to be the next posty?

What fucking retards. No wonder no convention will give them a press pass...


>> No.7842335
File: 323 KB, 400x504, mittens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with Geek Eire (apart from everything they've done) is that they don't care about quality. They think they're edgy and controversial and too cool for us to even comprehend.

The reality is that you're fucking boring, lads. Sean is an insufferable aspie fuck and I can't even understand a word that comes out of his mumbling little butt slave.

Combine that with a complete lack of editing skills, lots of background noise, dead air and a complete disregard for any form of scripting and you're left with something that no one in their right minds would listen to for more than a minute.

They're like the parents of the world's ugliest retard baby that shows up to a playgroup and scream about how their kid's the greatest person to ever live.

Lads, your kid is in the corner making a sandwich out of the turds it burgled. Put it out of its misery. Please.

>> No.7842341

They are as edgy as a blunt spoon. They don't have anything even good to say, it's all dull mumbles like you'd have awkwardly in the back of the car on a long drive.
They think they are the shit yet their videos get fuck all views bare the few folk who listen to take the piss out of them. I wonder why they even still do it, It's not like they have any fans.

>> No.7842351

Jesus christ, not one of their videos has cracked 100 views in over a year! How can you fail at you tube this hard!

Do these people think this is good?
I mean fer feck sake even I have more views (and likes) than them and none of my shit took more than an hour to make!

>> No.7842359

When you have that must assburgers it makes you think you are awesome and everyone else sucks.They probably think they are the shit haha

>> No.7842361

See now I just feel bad, if its just a hobby for retarded kids, then its not my place to criticize.

>> No.7842363

They think it's their career. They deserve Criticism and possibly a kick in the balls.

>> No.7842368

How? Do any of them have an industry background? Or any relevant experience?

>> No.7842369
File: 192 KB, 278x323, 1364340208179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that podcast

I'd never even heard of it until you guys mentioned it and I switched it on for a minute, what the fuck is it supposed to be about? It just sounds like a couple of awkward gobshites mumbling into their mic. And it's just under 25 minutes long? Who the fuck would listen to all of that?

>> No.7842381

Their into songs used to be around 5 minutes long on their older ones.

>> No.7842382

No. I don't even think the mumbley guy even goes to cons. the Main gobsite "sean alpha" has fuck all experience really. He just thinks he's cool and people will lick his balls if he shits on for a half hour.

>> No.7842384

Im guessing they're not monetized with all that music

>> No.7842386

Jesus. How can someone be so deluded

>> No.7842403

God only knows. But if they think 4chan hating them is going to make them popular, or "saints" are you really surprised?

>> No.7842446

Captain Mumbles does go to cons. He just never fucking talks in real life.

>> No.7842448
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Alright, autistic mumbling faggots aside


>> No.7842450
File: 169 KB, 800x600, chrischan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah... saints...

>> No.7842455

Ireland is so embarrassing. The cosplay scene is basically restricted to under 18s and autistic people.

>> No.7842456

I was mates with the Geek Eire lads at one stage, and I never even listened to the fucking thing.

Not even the one I was in (unintentionally, I might add).

>> No.7842457

Or people who think they're bigger and better than they are..

>> No.7842464

Totally agree here. Some of my cosplay friends friends were told they can only enter masquarade to promote themselves, they were advised the lever of their costumes is too high and they discourage others so they were excluded from winning. No wonder only embarrassing kids win and represent our country,
Also cosplay competitions are on such a low level. Instead of rising the bar each yeah they seem to lower it. WTF is with one of the cons allowin the crowd to pick the winner this year?

>> No.7842506

Tbh it probably had nothing to do with their 'level of cosplay' and more to do with the fact they'd bought not made their cosplay themselves. Masquerades are competitions, so it really grinds my gears when people get a few likes on FB and suddenly their butthurt they dont win more, with a bought cosplay and commissioned props. Cop. On

>> No.7842512

I'm not that anon, but I've heard of Irish cons saying similar things to other people (people who I know for a fact would have made their own cosplays), so I'd be inclined to believe it.
Also, jesus, which comm is letting the crowd pick the winner? That'll be a fucking disaster.

>> No.7842513

con, not comm, oops

>> No.7842545

Yeah I originally heard that cons had certain rules prohibiting professional (is that the right word, I wonder?) groups like Predator Ireland and The Emerald Garrison from entering cosplay contests because in fairness now, they WOULD be hard to beat. It'd leave everyone else in the competition feeling like non-Gryffindor students, you know?
But rigging events like that is some detrimental bullshit. How is anyone gonna improve without good standards and healthy competition?

>> No.7842685

Never seen him. He's probably too buy sucking off Sean to talk. It might also explain the mumble...

>> No.7842811

Yeah I think the rule of thumb they used at Dublin comic con was, "if your group does charity work then your too professional" Its fair enough since I've yet to see an individual make something better than predators or emerald garrison.

>> No.7842815

Well anyone with talent just joins a reenactment group or fucks off to the west coast to make shit films.

>> No.7842865

Daily reminder

Domino's > Apache > Mizzoni's > Pizza Hut Delivery > Four Star

>> No.7842874


>> No.7842875

>Better than Mizzoni's
Alright, their chips are shit-tier but dem calzones.

>> No.7842876

is anyone actually going to otakucon though

aren't geek eire involved in that?

>> No.7842879

Apache win me over with their buffalo wings, they're just too fuckin' good.
God no

>> No.7842889 [DELETED] 
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tried to go on their website. well.

>> No.7842891
File: 166 KB, 1366x723, advertcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to go to their website. well.
the fucking cereal advert came flying at me from the corner and bounced around the screen

>> No.7842892

>Due to popular demand we want to announce we will be having a ball pit!

wow, like that joke hasn't been done to death

>> No.7842897

>not having Adblock

You srs m8?

>> No.7842904

had it turned off
I watch a lot of youtubers that kind of rely on ad revenue
I try to be a good guy

>> No.7842905

I was wondering who put it into their heads that being hated on 4chan is free publicity l

>> No.7842907

can we talk about Belfast Film and Comic con though

>Paul Mcgann
>Anthony Stewart Head
>Bill Boyd

>> No.7842912

They are quite self deluded people. there is no reasoning for it.

>> No.7842916

Hell no. I wouldn't go even if it was free. The way the con director acted was disgraceful and made conventions as a whole look bad. I want it to die out as soon as possible so Ireland can salvage at least a shred of its pride.

>> No.7842920

I bet that otakucon freak told them, he was practically giddy after hearing that he was being made fun of here, even posted his own incriminating screenshots.

>> No.7842924

I have a feeling he'll blame 4chan when it fails

>> No.7842942

4chan is an all too convenient scapegoat when things on the internet aren't going your way don't you know?

>Emma Watson's nudes and 4chan setting up a site threatening her were all a fucking publicity stunt by her marketing agency

>> No.7842950

Yeah if any article starts with "a man in China" or "people on4chan" then it's bullshit. What annoys me is this new trend where positive anonymous acts get attributed to reddit.

>> No.7842954

Abit on topic. I would like to cosplay my OC, shes based off a drawing I done and nothing to do with anything. I read online somewhere that cosplaying your OC that's based off of a comic or a game or something is a bit douchy.

Have you ever seen an OC walking around the place before? and what do you think of the idea? would like some peoples opinions

>> No.7842961

>Have you ever seen an OC walking around the place before?

How would you know if it was somebody's OC if it's only known to them?

Unless the costume's really elaborate and eye-catching I wouldn't see the point if it was me personally. Cosplay is mostly about the attention which you probably won't get if people don't know who you are. If you don't care about the attention then go for it, I wouldn't have a problem with anyone who wanted to.

>> No.7842967

I dunno, it seems awkward. You have to explain to people who you are, and no1curr usually. Then there's the fact that no visual references exist, so even if you do a stellar job, you won't get the recognition.
Seems kinda aspie to me, like something to do if you're terrified by the idea of having to talk to people about normal stuff but still feel the urge to converse with strangers.

>> No.7842975

2 good points. Don't care for the attention anywho.

I could just say shes my OC? haha I dont care if people ask, but if someone asked in the first place, then they sorta care haha. I guess the whole no references is a plus! nobody to point out teeny tiny mistakes that most people do if someone was the cosplay a character haha.

oh well. Guess ill go for it, sure is have alotta cosplays for people to nit pick from so its nice to have a break from all that. Excited to start working on it~

Anyone have any panels they would like to go to at Eirta?

>> No.7843030

There is no real reason not to do it but don't cod yourself, you do want positive attention

>> No.7843154

Anyone here living/working in Athlone?
Moved here about 3 months ago, working in IDA as student engineer and bored out of my mind.

>> No.7843174

Yeah I just moved to loughrea. Nice spot.

>> No.7843182

Yeah no doubt about it. Just not a lot to do in terms of "stuff you might fancy doing after work". I've been to seans a fair bit and all but eventually you get bored of it.
I'm one of those people that doesn't necessarily have to have my friends beside me to have a good night.

What do you do for fun?

>> No.7843398


>> No.7843401

declared Bluewolf as the queen of Irish /cgl/ again lads

>> No.7843510

There have been numerous undisputable masterpieces in /eire/'s time, such as the strikingly realistic classic Howth or its medieval counterpart The fake faggot germaboo Trinity. Laois/JealousAnon will not join their ranks; its surface is too generic, its presentation too provocative and its messages too obscure. Its take on the abysmal is an illumination in one person’s despair, but a paroxysm of another’s perversion. It will remain underground – treasured by the most avant-garde among intellectuals for its edifying if horrifying insight into the fundamentals of human morality. Philistines and self-proclaimed critics alike will shun Laois/JealousAnon, but you can’t fault them for that. It takes wisdom to appreciate its subtleties, and courage to side with the unpopular opinion. Sed domi maneas paresque nobis novem continuas fututiones.

Laois/JealousAnon is a cult classic, a chef d'oeuvrea buried under false preconceptions and unfounded criticism. This gem is hidden because it does not shine; it is buried because its tone is that of abyssal black. Laois/JealousAnon pries into to the darkest corners of our subconscious, the most visceral of our cognition, the most carnal of our urges, and the most primal of our instincts. Its sublimity will ever be debated yet always remain objectively irrefutable; the fundamental insight it provides into human and perhaps animalistic nature may shape the basis of /eire/ personalities for centuries to come.

Yes indeed, The time of anonymous's sovereignty over /eire/ has passed; Laois/JealousAnon is the herald of a new era that is to come.

>> No.7844017

You're obsessed with her

>> No.7844045

you're not obsessed enough

one day you will all bow down and accept Bluewolf as the best cosplayer this general has ever been graced with

>> No.7844049

How would I cosplay as Bluewolf? I'd need someone else to go as a snowman

>> No.7844082

>I'd need someone else to go as a snowman

you can easily build one out of honeywaffles


>> No.7844201

What are everybody's favourite supply shops? Where in Ireland are you located, and where are your go-to places for fabrics, makeup/bodypaint, worbla, general stuff like that?
If you buy online, where does good rates on international shipping?

Let's help each other out!

>> No.7844205

Can't find shit in this country. I abandoned sewing for armour building because body filler and hardware is 100X earier to find than a basic craft shop

>> No.7844207

ya have ta grab a dirty shift off this burd like yer man sean over there

>> No.7844271

Wow, have you built anything lately? That sounds cool. How do you get access to a forge?

>> No.7844272

I bet that poor girl regrets ever going near the king of the assburgers.

>> No.7844313

I just cold forge sheet metal because I am a giant faggot who cant afford equipment.

>> No.7844481

I doubt she's the only one.

>> No.7844556

>not staying in on a Saturday night

>> No.7844830


Ebay. The internet.

Everything in this country is fucking overpriced as shit. Strangely enough though, their beads are better stocked than in most places in the US but that's about it.

>> No.7845531


>> No.7846695

MB Fiberglass on eBay is great for any molding/casting supplies including pigments and thickeners and stuff.

They're based up north so shipping is reasonable am there's a bigger selection as far as shore, pigments, that kind of stuff, than anywhere else I've seen locally. (It all seems to be the same brand)

There was a great online art shop I found for clays and tools and stuff but I can't remember it off the top of my head, I'll report back on that.

sunaura carries the best fake bloods, other Special FX makeup stuff too, but particularly great blood.

If anyone has a good supplier for EVA it'd be well appreciated.

>> No.7847539

Is there anything wrong with cosplaying a sim when you don't want to really cosplay? Like a sunday morning hangover cosplay?

>> No.7847587

Nothing its just lazy. Maybe go for a 1050s america aesthetic since that was the sims style once upon a time.

>> No.7847634
File: 850 KB, 1920x1200, Nono_wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Do you want to win a pair of Otaku Con 2014 tickets?


>> No.7847641

>not wanting to win the tickets so you can film yourself taking a piss on them in the jacks and posting it to their Facebook page

>> No.7847647

It got blocked the last time I tried that with a Bible.

>> No.7847649

Someone here needs to win that. I'd like to see footage of this train wreck but fuck giving those assholes money

>> No.7847665

I'd rather win them than pay them cash money, tbh

>> No.7847667

I doubt this competition isn't rigged. Don't forget this con "isn't a democracy"

>> No.7847836

Akumakon have opened their applications, i wonder who they are going to have in their artist alley after what happened last year and what with a new art director, it could be either a train-wreck or decent. Personally i hope it goes okay for them this year, it was so bad last year it was painful.

>> No.7847844

Fingers crossed it's potsy.
It would be the cherry on top for whats looking to be Irelands shittest convention.

>> No.7847907

Is it just me or are the stalls in the trade halls of Eirta/Nom/etc.Con filled with pretty much the same shit every year?

>> No.7848208

Yeah they are. It's getting boring as shit.

>> No.7848264

I thought some were ok, only like 3-4 stalls were good. Some person was selling maps and booklets or some shit. Another person was selling wooden swords and another wands. but most of it is trade dealers and most of the stuff is over priced if you have the internet. So i dunno

>> No.7848377

They're the ones who both want to come over, and whom the people want to see. It seems. If you don't like 'em, don't buy shit from 'em. Otherwise they're naturally going to assume you like what you're being offered

>> No.7848485


Isn't it all just leftover shit from the UK anyways? They go to the big cons, have people comb their shitty Chinese knockoffs, then go to Eirta/Nom/etc for the lols and make a bitta profit and have the craic while they're at it.

I was disappointed in the lack of video game merch at the stands last year mainly, but that's what I get for only hanging out at the anime con. I got myself weeby shit, but my friends are all into western vidya so it was hard to find stuff for them.

>> No.7848617

Cartoon Passion are banned from just about every con for the knockoff shit. Whether it's leftovers or not you have to ask the Traders. UP usual have a fine selection at Eirtakon - that if you murder a few of the reeking neckbeards before they arrive early on Saturday and hoover it up.

DCC might be worth having at an event but I don't think anybody knows they exist. I think Gundammad went apeshit at Dublin City Comic Con (Or was it Arcadecon), when DCC undercut them massively on price. Nice guy though....

>> No.7849784

Afternoon, lads.

What is the craic?

>> No.7849847

Pigeon shits today.

>> No.7849964

Ugh I've been living here for 20 years and this place is going to the dumps. The whole place has been messy lately. Kinda doesnt help Im not the going out type.

AIT bro here btw.

>> No.7849972

Gawd I hope thats not true. I always enjoy seeing the Gunpla stands at anime cons.

>> No.7850731


>> No.7851945


This sounds alright


>> No.7852065
File: 21 KB, 89x111, Popcorn_nommer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otakucon have a fucking ball pit.

i'm done.

>> No.7852108

Is wearing lolita around Limerick city a good or bad idea?

>> No.7852112

Being in Limerick City in general sounds like a bad idea

>> No.7852116
File: 20 KB, 480x240, The-Douche-and-The-Turd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, it's stale as fuck. But from what I hear it's like pic related. Can't have a better hall if better people don't apply

>> No.7852123

Limerick is fine these days, Dublin is the dangerous place nowadays. It's often called the Detroit of Europe.

>> No.7852128

>/eire/ shitposting

You can't fool me!

>> No.7852505
File: 28 KB, 184x184, sarcastic ash ketchum inhabits the body of scrappy doo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irish women
>not awful

>> No.7852890

It's probably fine, people aren't as bad as you might think. It'd be nice to see more Irish lolitas outside of Dublin, too.

>> No.7853678

New venue for Otakucon, lads. Red Cow Hotel. The amount of times they've changed the dates and venue of this, no one's gonna know when or where the fuck it is.

Also, didn't Nathan claim the other venue was free or something?

>> No.7853753

They were probably too afraid they'd deform him and he'd report them.

>> No.7853921

Well he's not getting a hotel for free, thats for sure. This con is gonna end in them passing the hat...

>> No.7853957

Makes me wonder, did he maybe get kicked out of running the event in the college for either kicking up a fuss about the deformation; or did they realise he want a student?

>> No.7853963

Can we not have these generals in future, like 24/7? Random Irish threads are when cons are soon is grand, but having one up constantly is just begging for shitflinging and vendetta-chans.

>> No.7854237

That is like all the fun of /cgl/
Threads about cons just end up the same way.

>> No.7854243

He wasn't a student in the first place. only reason he was getting it with the college is because they have connections with pokecon from what i have heard through the grape vine.

>> No.7854291

I'd agree with the poster who said con threads end up the same, but I also think you're right, Ireland Generals aren't necessary.
There's not enough going on in this country to justify it.

>> No.7854328

Then let's get stuff goin' on


>> No.7854346

careful now...

>> No.7854356

It'd be great craic.

We can have our own ebin ironic ballpit too :^)

>> No.7854357

Was Predator Ireland named after the church?

>> No.7854498

I can't stop laughing.

>> No.7854536
File: 386 KB, 640x480, 1378783689334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw half your friends turn out to be closet seagulls

>> No.7854542

I'd say pretty much all of the Dublin lolis at this stage all know eachother and would be seagulls

>> No.7854603

Only a few of us are seagulls really, a lot of the girls can't stand the place. Suppose you can't really blame them.

>> No.7854703

What I hate is that all the merch is cheap knockoffs but they charge the price of an authentic item. It's not on.

>> No.7854952
File: 141 KB, 471x400, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And even the ones who are probably wouldn't go to a /cgl/ meetup.

>> No.7856898


>> No.7857525


>> No.7857539
File: 122 KB, 1262x1295, 1371594439018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a 28 year old man from Wicklow who DESPERATELY wanted to watch anime and read comic books as a teenager but it was impossible to get ahold of back then so now you've missed the boat and you drink now, and socialize with normalfags all day long and you've even started acting like a normalfag and you're banging a 30 year old woman with 3 kids because thats all there is to do when you're in your late 20s living in Wicklow and your life is already over.

>> No.7857542

Shit sucks man.

>tfw 23 and feel like all the fun stuff in life is going to be over soon

>> No.7857544

Ireland is not a geek-friendly place, it never was and I guess only now are there small communities of people with spergy habits starting to crop up but they're still backed up against the wall. There's a LocalFriendlyGaming shop in Wicklow Town now at least, and its become sort of a safe space for spergs but I still feel like I'm not one of them anymore because my life circumstances forced me out of all of my geeky habits other than maybe gaming.

>> No.7857594

I wouldn't say I ever was a sperg but a couple of my hobbies aren't normalfag at all so I find when I'm talking to new people here about vidya they'll almost never share the same taste as me.

I'm into a lot of Japanese stuff aside from the usual Western titles and I buyfag a fair bit too, mainly vidya statues/figures, collector's editions and artbooks, which some of my mates definitely find a bit odd (I have a big display case full of them which is hard to miss when I'm having people over for a session) but I don't try to hide it or write it off, it's just something I enjoy doing. I just feel like there's gonna come a point in 5 or 6 years where I'll just look weird with all of it and I don't want to give them up ;_;

>> No.7857614

We get the same stuff because it costs any dealers from the rest of the uk alot if cash to drag their stock over. Then when they get here everyone acts like a cheap bastard. Only a few can be bothered doing this shit anymore.

>> No.7857748

has anyone here bought circle lenses from pinkyparaside? did you get hit with customs or anything like that

>> No.7857993

I've bought from them twice, small orders each time. I didn't get stung, but my local post office are very relaxed about these things.

>> No.7857995

I feel like I'm too old for this shit too. But then, I missed the boat in school. No internet at home and only vague hints along the way what 'manga' was.... and those hints intrigued. It wasn't until I made it to university that I really found anyone with similar interests.

Then again, I know people in their 50's in Fandom, with children, and they're some of the nicest and most well-rounded people you can meet. One of 'em writes sourcebooks for GURPS from time to time, and has been in an ongoing RPG campaign for something like 30 years or more.

I suppose that proves you're never too old for it.

Anime fandom in this country is very young and new, with mostly the younglings jumping onboard from school, and a small core of oldfan at the top.

>> No.7857996

It wouldn't be your local post office that decides whether or not you get customs fees, it's not their call. Ireland in general is very relaxed about it, though, you only get caught once in a blue moon. But it can be bad when you do get caught, they seem to charge a random amount instead of the 23% or whatever they're supposed to charge.

>> No.7857997

I've heard otherwise. Some like coming on over solely because they don't have to watch their stuff as hard. There just isn't the level of theft there is at a show like MCM or the like, and Irish fans are more than happy to part with cash for the right product. They wouldn't come if they weren't spinning cash out of it.

Having a recession tends to create cheap bastards anyway.

>> No.7858252

Oh cool. I guess I'm lucky on a national level then!

>> No.7859118

Banned from Otakucon.
Apparently, for posting here.
Wonder how they figured it out?

>> No.7859120

Banned from the entire convention?

>> No.7859124

okay, how on earth did that happen?
At least you know you won't be missing out on much...

>> No.7859190

Now they're banning people? Jesus christ this thing wil loose SOOOO much money

>> No.7859470
File: 85 KB, 275x199, 4059408+_a1c50b562b31089fbe85b91b9fa298cb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, did you expect it to be a democracy or something?

Also word is on the grape vine they are looking for new committee.Suddenly. For some reason..


>> No.7859481
File: 28 KB, 634x321, wanker2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. I guess the old committee thought it was a democracy

>> No.7859530 [DELETED] 

Yes I'm banned from Otakucon everyone
Banned from Otakucon just for having a little fun
Yes I spent three threads posting on channel four
But Otakucon doesn't want me anymore

Wonder why?

>> No.7859535

Has it something to do with the cyber police? Are you being done for deformation?

>> No.7859540

what post were you replying to?

>> No.7859542

Someone said they were banned from Otakucon for "having fun" maybe the deformation police got em.

>> No.7859554

Who /lovehate/ tonight?

>> No.7859571
File: 123 KB, 458x357, 1411777054543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow.

>> No.7859596


Ha, I'm not the least bit fuccking surprised. I'm guessing the application forms first question is 'how aspie are? Cos we only take on people with the required amount of aspie that cant be deformed'

>> No.7859642
File: 31 KB, 340x340, 541183_264973483638643_1383281482_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, whose applying for staff of this trainwreak?

>> No.7859652

He added my girlfriend on twitter and asked her to apply, This whole thing is about his ego to be quite honest.

>> No.7859656

Had a look out of curiosity to see if this was there, from there found a link to Otaku con's website. It's full of pop-up ads and this gem describing one of their HEADLINE panels

"Chicks Dig Big Robots
Geek Eire as we dive into the craziest giant robot anime as we answer why women love the giant robots from early beginnings in the 1970s to over the top crazy universal fights of Gurren Laggan . This panel will make you fall in love with the Giant robots we come to love today Also featuring Geek Eire reviewing the worst god awful anime known to mankind something so rotten they preferred Black Butler"

There's so much wrong with the aspie and his bum-buddy captain mumbles having a headline panel I don't even know where to start.......

>> No.7859659

>If the irish pub cast is too famous for you then you've fucked up as an event.

>> No.7859672
File: 27 KB, 500x493, 1411775565057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because gaint robots have so much got to do with Black Butler?

What the actual fuck are those gobshits smoking. Jaysus.

Also they have reviewed Black Butler like a dozen times already. WE GET IT! you don't like black butler, who gives a shit!


>> No.7859684

I love how they fancy themselves experts but haven't once mentioned the words Gundam or Mecha. It's like writing a book on golf and not once mentioning the word "club"

>> No.7859694

It's going to fail and it's going to be a fucking glorious shitstorm, I can gurantee. It's giving me a massive boner.

>> No.7859697

I've been hard since the police incident.

>> No.7859699

The only thing those two are experts in is growing neckbeards.
Are they expecting to make a career out of cons and their podcast? Because so far i have yet to see a pair of shitheads as dozey as those two. they should really give in the towl and save themselves massive amounts of embarrassment.

>> No.7859710

They aren't even big enough to crash and burn. Their podcast is just a cash and time dump that will weigh them down for years to come.

I mean fer fuck sake they get like 150 views max!

>> No.7859714

If even! they average out at about 50. It's really pathetic

>> No.7859726
File: 845 KB, 800x600, 1410066437145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ! My views are at least 10x that and I have never spent more than an hour on a video.

>> No.7859735
File: 104 KB, 599x752, 1373560797157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw shitty 300x200 phone videos I uploaded 7 years ago while I was in school and poorly recorded custom Guitar Hero song runs I recorded have more views than those retards

>> No.7859737

I'd love to do a podcast myself, i say it would be great fun! but I know they would flip their shit. They freaked out when someone ran a panel on the same subject matter as they did. Imagine what they would do if someone else did a better podcast than they did. god forbid ha.

I'd say a shoe and a goldfish would do a better podcast than they do.

>> No.7859738


It's only to be expected that a con as shit as this would have headlining panellists as shit as those faggots!

>> No.7859740

Are you anywhere near Galway? I'd Love to do exactly that and call them out

>> No.7859742

Manic fucking Expressions gets more views than them!

>> No.7859747

Unfortunately not. I'm a bit more south. At least if anyone else did a podcast they would understand the importance of good editing.

>> No.7859757
File: 383 KB, 500x573, 1403468221298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tell you what. Add me on the ol' youtube and maybe we can set up a skype thing sometime

The invite is open to anyone else in this thread too actually, there was some good discussion about lolita and "nerd culture" earlier,


>> No.7859766
File: 183 KB, 298x200, 3493890+_f20d1e9414352ac8540b5514333f6e62.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your videos are actually really good.

>> No.7859770
File: 1.27 MB, 1024x1024, 1402185401447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.7861250


>> No.7862123 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 1024x768, Titanic-redo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have gone forward in time and I have seen Otakucon.


>> No.7862320

>these people exist in the same country as me

>> No.7862969

Yup, I'm afraid so.

>> No.7863286
File: 35 KB, 338x450, 1408232492594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't understand people who use being Irish as an excuse for being shit. We're not a third world shit hole (not yet anyway) but people seem to think they can lower the bar by mentioning that they are from here every three seconds.

>OMG your so talented for an Irish cosplayer
>Hey guys its Geek Eire here, we're shit but we're Irish so you have to like it

>> No.7863324

Go tell them that then.

Moaning on here will do nothing.

>> No.7863331

Im not clicking on their fucking youtube, that 1 view will go right to their heads

>> No.7863339

Tell them in person then.

I don't get it...who cares if their podcast isn't good.

Just don't listen to it and don't like their page if you don't like it.


>> No.7863344
File: 6 KB, 300x273, mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this b8? I cant even tell anymore

>> No.7863377

You're better off finding a way to grenade their adwords. Google's TOS is a goldmine for asshattery.

>> No.7863385

Why would you use dick tactics like that.

Talk to them in person if you have a problem with them.

>> No.7863392

>say it to my face not online
So how long have you been with geek eire?

>> No.7863406

I don't even know them personally.

I just think you're wasting time moaning about them and it's a weak move not to say it to them publicly. Who cares if they're bad as all Irish podcast are just as terrible. Maybe besides Arcade Con's podcast as that's very well done.

Just don't follow in their steps with your own projects.and let them learn from their mistakes.

They didn't give anyone cancer so there's no need to act like it.

>> No.7863420

That's some shitty reasoning. If something is put up for public viewing then it deserves criticism especially when they're trying to make a name for themselves by "headlining" a convention. Are they hurting anyone? No but neither am I. Confronting them in person over a shitty podcast would be petty and unwarranted but a critical forum post in response to a shitty video is perfectly within reason.

>> No.7863426
File: 10 KB, 200x401, 10621939_1489484694628940_759158315_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Arcadecon! You planning to be less of a disaster next year?

>> No.7863431

Ah sure, We might be too busy pounding Sharon. Let her know we said hello.

>> No.7863436

As in Sharon Nolan?

>> No.7863443

Go again.

>> No.7863448
File: 35 KB, 704x297, 1411774768372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more than one Sharon in the con scene?

>> No.7863454

I like your change of hair colour.

It really suites you better.

>> No.7863456
File: 71 KB, 700x524, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused. Are you having a conversation with yourself?

>> No.7863476

Thank you, i modeled it on your moms cunt hair.

>> No.7863488

over the pond

>> No.7863495
File: 5 KB, 248x203, ;lk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You caught me! I'm Secretly that Geek Eire prick.

>> No.7863522

Make your criticism public at the very least. It just makes you look like a coward if you can't.

There's a difference between criticism and being obsessed with hating on them.

What comes around goes around.

>> No.7863640

Why would I? Their buddies at Otakucon threatened police action when someone did exactly that.

>> No.7863719

That's an excuse.

Most people in the convention scene won't make any public criticism in fear of losing friends, opportunity or it reflecting badly on things they're involved with.

Making fun of their personality traits and plotting against them isn't good criticism. It's hating and nobody likes a hater.

If you can't say it to their faces then you lose all credibility in my opinion and it makes you a coward. Criticising them anonymously to other people won't improve their content. You would want to send the criticism directly to them or else you're just wasting your time.

If it makes them happy that's all that matters to them even if it means it's not the best quality.

Soneone posted their animations here the other day and they were very low quality compared to what I may be used to in animation college.

You don't see me hating or obsessing over him.

>> No.7863722

Is this you Leigh

>> No.7863724

^ This.

>> No.7863739

Making fun of undesirable personality traits may not be "good" criticism, but it's still a valid thing to criticize, as a bad personality can ruin otherwise good content. And I know it's been said they're aspies, but you'd want to have a remarkably high level of Aspberger's to be incapable of seeing anonymous comments and taking them on board.
So they aren't directed towards you as blatantly as "Dear ____, here is a bunch of stuff I hate plz change it". They still highlight shortcomings, and a normal person can usually tell when anons have a point. (Conversely it is also often clear when someone is getting buttmad and throwing a vendetta around.)

>If it makes them happy that's all that matters to them even if it means it's not the best quality.
This is called masturbation and the internet has no shortage of it. Catch yourself on.

>> No.7863755

Stop thinking you're better than anyone else. The convention scene is sick of all the drama over the years.

Passing the baton to Leigh isn't very nice.

Some of you are assholes that will make excuses to make yourselves believe your opinion is superior or you believe your actions are justified by these excuses.

You're basically assholes that convince yourselves your good people but you're really spiteful and hateful keyboard warriors. Discontinue being idiots and stop taking a shit where you eat and sleep because it won't end.

>> No.7863756

Why don't you come and say that to my face you fucking wagon? You're a coward otherwise :^)

>> No.7863769

Oy, M8! Fite me IRL! You sound like a little pussy anyway...

>> No.7863774

If they do indeed have aspergers.

Then you're basically picking on the autistic.

That's kind of sick in my opinion.

Please don't give me another excuse such as it's okay to pick on the autistic so you can rationalise that your still a good person.

You don't pick on the disabled.

>> No.7863775

>Stop taking a shit where you eat and sleep
>What is a house

>> No.7863776

>"Arcade Con" and "well done" in the same sentence.
Now that is something I thought I'd never see.

>> No.7863780

Name the place and time or just give me a street address and I'll find you.

>> No.7863784

I never said that it was okay to pick on autistic people.
I said that I have heard people call them autistic (while neither confirming nor denying that I believe so myself) and pointed out that it would have to be severe autism for anyone to be so oblivious.
Which is true. Autistic people are famous for not being good at picking up social cues.

If anything it was coming close to excusing them.
But as it's been said a billion times before, anything put up online is open to criticism. Social skills or no, that's something everyone can understand.

>> No.7863787

Leigh, we know its you. You may as well trip, so we can filter your ass

>> No.7863791

The podcast was created to help with their social difficulties due to autism.

They say it in a few of the podcasts.

>> No.7863795

Holy shit, someone actually listens to them?

>> No.7863801

Some of the criticism people are giving such as them having speech problems or mono tone voices.

They're all traits that come with autism.

>> No.7863805

Apparently so.

Even thought it was made for Autistic people, they should at least do quality control.

And yes, i have said that to their face before. More than once.

>> No.7863809

That's why they should edit it better so it's less noticeable.

Autisim doesn't excuse laziness.

>> No.7863811
File: 403 KB, 245x118, 1403770957459.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7863813

Does their autism excuse their belief that if they are talked about on 4chan they will become "saints?"

>> No.7863821

I respect the fact that you said it their face and quality control is genuine advice.

You still have to put in to consideration that it is a hobby they do in order to help with social problems connected to autism.

It's like a self help project and I think it's sick to hate on this.

>> No.7863822

Lads just look at yourselves
Are we not better than this?
Can we not just let the bleeding thing die and make a new one when we actually have something worthy to discuss instead of internet autistics and transsexual moralfaggotry?

>> No.7863826

The guy has outwardly said he wants to be famous for it and make a career of it.

If it was a hobby people wouldn't Nitpick and critique half as much. The fact they have openly said they wish to be professional, they should have expected the hate.

You cannot be professional with such low standards and quality. Something they wish to be.

>> No.7863827

People wouldn't mind it so much if the guy running it wasn't such a prick. Ask pretty much anyone and they'll probably concur.

>> No.7863830

The podcast is mostly uploaded with very little editing.

Many content creators upload raw material.

I don't think it's lazy if they prefer to upload their podcast raw.

That's their call to make and if you don't like the personalities or the lack of editing then you can just not listen to it.

I think it's kind of unfair to be picking on them because you don't like how the content was presented.

>> No.7863833

Are you serious? Thats like saying
You can't hate a movie because it was badly made with cardboard props.

>> No.7863837

You're a tool, cry me a fucking river

>> No.7863838

I wish I was millionaire one day and work for Pixar. Maybe even a house in Los Angeles

It's most likely never gonna happen.

Are people not entitled to have dreams?

>> No.7863842

Of course, but if you are presenting yourself as a professional, you are kind of require to act like it and produce somewhat professional work. Everyone can dream, and if they had said they want to do it someday it would be a bit different. Do you know the guy personally? have you ever spoken to him?
If you had you'd know he is arrogant and acts like he's already well connected and famous amongst conventions, which could not be further from the truth.
He says he is a professional and this is his career. if it were true, he should act like it.

>> No.7863846

This thread is fucking autism.

>> No.7863847

Yeah but you didn't email pixar, or go bother a real-estate agent in LA did you?

>> No.7863852

You can hate a bad movie.

I think it's wrong if you were to pick on the creators for making a bad movie especially if they have disabilities.

A movie is entertainment you pay for and you expect a certain amount of quality for your cash investment. If it's terrible then you may feel ripped off.

Geek Eire is a free podcast that was created as a self help to help two men with their social issues due to autism.

There's a big difference between the two.

>> No.7863853

Please stop formatting your posts like a fucking poem. Paragraphs are not hard.
Sorry mate, you too.

>> No.7863857

I get the feeling you don't actually know the main guy running it. If you did you wouldn't be white knighting. It was created to stroke the guys ego, no more, no less.

>> No.7863871

There is absolutely no way in balls that could be Leigh sticking up for Sean alpha!

>> No.7863876

It's not only Geek Eire I think gets unfairly hated on. I started going to conventions in 2006 and theres too much drama.

In the past maybe 4 years or so I have seen almost every well known Irish cosplayer, so many con regulars and almost every convention get hated on these threads.

Let me use Arcade Con as an example. It's not that bad of a convention and I can think of at least 4-5 conventions that are worse.

Have you guys been to Epic Con and Gas con...

>> No.7863883

I actually thought epicon was a really fun weekend last year!

I enjoyed it immensely more than arcade that year!

And it really is far to high praise to refer to Gas con as a convention!

>> No.7863893

Gascon was horrific, Epic con...also horrific. Unfortunatly the con scene is very small, and the people that come on here are even smaller, so of course there is going to be a lot of hate. If it bothers you, i'd suggest to not come on the irish threads. Geek Eire get picked on because of the guy doing it. Arcade con get picked on because of their ego. There are always reasons and as long as their are conventions in Ireland, There's going to be shit spreading.

>> No.7863895

I went to G.A.Scon's first year. Holy shit it was awful. They even had that chick that sells stolen art in their "Artist Alley"

>> No.7863903

"Let's put the artists in a cramped corridor, that will be smrt"

>> No.7863905

Who was stealing art?

>> No.7863908

Don't know her name, just know that she was caught selling Destiny Blue traces of all things. Heard Akuma had some trouble with her aswell.

>> No.7863910

It was not a pleasant con for anyone involved...

>> No.7864549

She pretty much wandered in and started selling her stolen art without having gotten permission.

>> No.7864664

From what I remember there was only 4 people in Gas Cons Artist Alley in its first year.

>> No.7864672

Nobody went to the convention in general. The convention was almost empty in its first year.

It has to be Ireland's worse convention.

>> No.7864682
File: 26 KB, 395x274, HappyHitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It pales in comparison to the German Gascon.... they had 7 million!

>> No.7864705

I would have preferred the holocaust over Gas Con. The guests are always terrible and the staff are lazy. I doubt they're gonna continue to run it this year.

They were aware about that girl trying to steal and sell other artists work. Instead of asking her to leave they tried to cover it up.

I felt bad for the panelists because they had no audience because almost no one turned up to this turd of a convention.

Then you have the con director bragging to people about his position at Gas Con. The convention is so bad the horror stories about it would go viral if people actually turned up to the thing.

>> No.7864732

Is GasCon Irelands Dashcon?

>> No.7864745

No one fails like Gas con,
Sucks pure balls like Gas con,
No one crams artists into small halls like Gas con

I would rather stay in my home MASTURBATING!
Boy what a shite old Gas con!

>> No.7864746

GAS Con may be crap, but at least they ran something.

Otaku Con reeks more of DashCon, but let's see come December which is more fitting of the comparison.

>> No.7864756

Who is everyones favourite danganronpa character?

>> No.7864757

mine is potsy

>> No.7864760
File: 629 KB, 1181x1748, Celes3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Celes, then Nanami

>> No.7864762

I like the cut of your jib, son.

>> No.7864772

Hey Gas Con, You don't get a medal for participation.

Gas Con is so bad it would have been better if they ran nothing. They should have gave up after their horrid first year. You really can't recover from putting an art thief in your artist alley and covering it up. Then you have the terrible guests, lack of traders and nobody turning up two years in a row.

You have to be trying pretty hard to be worse than Gas Con. If a cons worse than Gas Con then it's maybe a smart idea to immigrate out of embrassnent.

Gas Con is nothing like Dash Con because people actually wanted to go to Dash Con. I'd compare Gas Con to paying to stay at a friends house for the weekend and being insulted.

I felt ripped off paying for a weekend ticket.

>> No.7864791

Solid grade A gold.

>> No.7864794

My sides cannot handle!

>> No.7864795

Did you know that those artist alley tables cost more than a weekend ticket?

>> No.7864818


Probably Nagito Komaeda as far as characters go.
I do love Monokuma though, to the point I even got a onsie made of him.

>> No.7864821
File: 119 KB, 480x280, 1407831350178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm only on chapter 4 of SDR2 but he's probably the worst character of the lot so far, he's such a fucking bender

>> No.7864845
File: 58 KB, 500x506, photo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Nagito as well.

pics of the onsie?

>> No.7864856

He kinda grew on me, I liked the complexity of his personality and how he really spiced up the trials with all his curveballs and attempts to mislead. Later events I won't spoil are very interesting too, though I could see people seeing him as a love/hate sort of character.

Chiaki Nanmi and Ibuki Mioda are the other ones I like from the sequel.

>> No.7864887

trigger happy havoc indeed

>> No.7864891
File: 256 KB, 1920x2560, onsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a quick pic of it. Can't find any of me wearing it but I had it on at the last Eirtakon so there might be pics floating about.

>> No.7864899
File: 50 KB, 300x300, profile_picture_by_monokuma-d5fxvi2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, I love it!

>> No.7864902
File: 136 KB, 960x544, 1402435134275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw two of the characters I actually liked in SDR2 died in the first case

First game had a much better cast I think, except for Leon, Hifumi and Hagakure. Benders of the highest order

>> No.7864915

I really liked the first murderer, he said some really inappropriate things most of the time that made for some great moments. Still the fact that they kill off great characters so quickly is what makes it so unpredictable.
First cast was a bit stronger on balance but the characters that are good in 2 are very, very good.

btw are you that illustrious celeste/junko fan I know from the dead general?

>> No.7864922
File: 603 KB, 800x1100, Junko_93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he was brilliant and the accent shift was amazing. It's shit that I had the first execution spoiled for me though after I watched some lad on Youtube review and then show footage of the fucking execution halfway through it without mentioning there'd be spoilers.

>btw are you that illustrious celeste/junko fan I know from the dead general?

Yes. I haven't been to /eire/ regularly in a long time. It's pretty much dead like you said. I post around /cgl/ a lot these days and usually make these generals.

>> No.7864929
File: 77 KB, 480x280, Nanami_(11)[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I watched some lad on Youtube review and then show footage of the fucking execution halfway through it without mentioning there'd be spoilers.

That really sucks, I've tried to avoid as much as possible on it before playing. It's a game that really needs that suspense and mystery to be at its best. You should be careful to not have any of the rest of the game spoiled!

Have you heard about the next game, another episode? Just released in Japan a couple of weeks ago and seems much more action based than visual novel.


They still get made but they're pretty awful, like all the bad parts from before condensed into 50 posts. Everything seems to be a repost, like somebody is just forcing it to still exist.

Do you still go to /v/ or did you migrate to infinity chan?

>> No.7864936
File: 387 KB, 500x500, Celes2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the first game spoiled for me on /v/, just who was the mastermind, but I didn't really have a clue about anything else so it was more about the destination than the journey, etc etc. Not had much of SDR2 spoiled but I avoid the threads on /v/ about DR like a plague and will do until it's finished. I imported the limited edition from the US. They took fucking ages getting it here but it made it in the end. I still haven't finished it, just been playing a lot of stuff in the meantime.

>Have you heard about the next game, another episode?
Yeah, I've looked at gameplay of it and I think it looks pretty rad. I'm hoping they get the Western version of it pushed out the door ASAP.

>They still get made but they're pretty awful, like all the bad parts from before condensed into 50 posts. Everything seems to be a repost, like somebody is just forcing it to still exist.

/eire/ in a nutshell. We had some great times but people samefagging every thread, people 'doxxing' or people pretending to be other people/picking fights for no reason really brought it down, not to mention several faggots who'd whinge day in/day out about the illustrious personalities circlejerking. They got their wish anyway, and it's fucking dead.

I still browse /v/, only ever really hang around there or /cgl/ these days

>> No.7864940
File: 205 KB, 500x375, 1402678948146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant it was more about the journey than the destination, oops!

>> No.7864945
File: 138 KB, 436x600, Celes10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a funny story today

>browsing /v/
>somebody makes one of those threads where you colour in a map of Europe and colour in the ones you hate and love the most
>I fill it out and some lad notices I'm from Ireland
>we're both living in Dublin
>I add his Steam and find out from his Facebook he's friends with people I know

Ireland is so small.

>> No.7865023
File: 24 KB, 680x383, danganronpa-10-17-monobear[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, I've looked at gameplay of it and I think it looks pretty rad. I'm hoping they get the Western version of it pushed out the door ASAP.

Yeah, seems to be more focused on horror than the others and looks a real change of pace. Would love if it made it out next year.
Really need to play 999 on the ds as well, from the same developers and is supposed to be really good.

>We had some great times but people samefagging every thread, people 'doxxing' or people pretending to be other people/picking fights for no reason really brought it down

Most people were really cool, just 2 or 3 intent on disrupting and I guess they won in the end which is a shame. I never imagined an Irish group on 4chan would be the most autistic and dysfunctional thing I'd ever encounter on the internet though. We really are on another level to most other countries, good fun in small doses but I've had enough now as well.

>> No.7865031
File: 1012 KB, 707x1000, Celes8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend recommended I play 999 and Virtue's Last Reward too, must give them a go later this year. My backlog is fucking massive.

I think it's funny that /eire/ was so fucking dysfunctional but another meetup went off without a hitch around this time last month, now the place is just completely dead. I'll miss chatting to a few of the lads like Jaggy, Rusty and Rooster.

>> No.7865152

Who remembers the good days?

Like when Amy King was going on how she's the best cosplayer in Ireland and blamed it on her sister because of all the abuse she got. Then she told us all to go and die.

How about when Leigh Walsh was starting fights with the Bronies of Ireland.

I miss those days....

>> No.7865156

>Then she told us all to go and die
Amy King said that? Jesus, didn't think she had it in her.

>> No.7865160

Oops, meant to copy-paste

>Like when Amy King was going on how she's the best cosplayer in Ireland and blamed it on her sister because of all the abuse she got. Then she told us all to go and die.

>> No.7865190
File: 996 KB, 2912x4368, IMG_8135-copy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so perfect?

>> No.7865196

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.7865199
File: 3.30 MB, 3008x2000, 20110829-DSC_4382[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ireland's best cosplayer

>> No.7865206

She has a cock doesn't she?

>> No.7865216

Bet she was moved by a gard for looking like a homeless

>> No.7865223

No anon, pure maidens do not have cocks

>> No.7865252

She has the sort of deformed face that you would only see on Maury.

Someone get her on to Maury Povich.

>> No.7865293

Don't be so jelly of her beauty.

>> No.7865314

She has the face of a half chewed toffee.

>> No.7865315

Could cut the envy with a knife

>> No.7865334

Go home Amy.

People aren't calling you names because they're jealous or envious of you.

Your mother only tells you that so you can feel better about yourself.

>> No.7865342

Amy thinks she's a model..

I'm sorry to break the bad news to you sweetie but volunteering/begging people to take photos of you isn't modelling.

>> No.7865377
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, 177_bender_smoking_1024_RE_Daily_picdump_2011_08_22-s1024x768-228162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This begs a question. What does /cgl/ think of as a good Con? What does /cgl/ want from a Con?

If I was to run a con, would PEPCON be a good name?

As in, PEPCON Disaster

>> No.7865387

Local cosplaying celebrities like Amy King to endorse it and be in attendance.

>> No.7865452

That unbrushed and unpowdered wig. Those freckly arms. Get this girl some dry shampoo, a wire brush and either body makeup or photoshop, quick!

>> No.7865479

Someone get that girl her hole.

She's in desperate need of it the uptight bitch.

>> No.7865486

>someone suggests adjustments to a sub-par cosplay
>uptight bitch

Did you wander onto this board by mistake?

>> No.7865488

I don't think anon was referring to the other anon suggesting the adjustments.

>> No.7865620

Akumakon is a good con, Brocon is a good con.

>> No.7865623

That make-up is fucking terrifying. I've heard of Amy King but never actually seen her. Fucking hell, is this chick serious? She sure does have a lot of talk with nothing to show for it.

>> No.7865790


>> No.7865794

You do know we already hit the bump limit a while ago?

>> No.7866373
File: 29 KB, 299x287, 1753791_1310740711611.0res_299_287[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Amy King will never be your gf

>> No.7866676
File: 442 KB, 528x516, 1312561855829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amy King will never sit on your face

>> No.7867658
File: 194 KB, 1280x727, tumblr_nbhq6adjUp1s5b5tzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys like get through a single thread without bringing up myself or Amy?

Is there something that compels you to do this?

>> No.7867671


I would actually do a pretty decent podcast, since I can do different voices and shit and actually have a personality however insufferable some people have it.

I was meaning to do one called "Survival Strategy" a while back. Might still do it yet, but my interests are spread too thin these days to focus on anything.

Can't keep up with anime these days so I've given up, more or less given up at cons due to cost and not relating to most people I meet at them.

>> No.7867673

just got to the part where sean mentions "ONE OF OUR LISTENERS"

No, you lie. You have no listeners. Only victims.

>> No.7867682


people always post shit pictures of Amy but there are actually some good ones of her out there too. She can be very attractive in her own way and if she isn't who cares that's not what cosplay should be about?

I mean tbh it's a weird comparison but it reminds me of this tweet I read about the Whorearchy; "I work in a high class brothel." "Calm down honey we're all sucking dick for a living."

I kind of feel that way about cosplayers. You're still all doing the same thing and viewed much the same way by outsiders. Though sucking less dick. Probably.

>> No.7868289
File: 324 KB, 1200x1600, DSCF2018[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy is beautiful and the greatest cosplayer/model in the country, it is only natural she would be discussed regularly.

>> No.7868325
File: 54 KB, 400x300, Potsy on the Late Late.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jealous tranny detected. Amy's face leaves a lot to be desired but it's still head and shoulders above pic related

>> No.7868412

If that's you Amy then you need to stop fooling yourself. You never had a paying job as a model.

If this is some white knight then I suggest you invest in a blow up doll because Amy is as insecure and frigid as they come.

>> No.7868424

I think the anon who posted her picture was taking the piss m8

>> No.7868452
File: 91 KB, 500x667, tumblr_inline_nadjtag5Ml1rivv5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cool that's not what i look like get fucked with your transmisogynistic bullshit

>> No.7868468

Just rolled out of bed Leno?

>> No.7868508


you realise i like literally can't help my face being the way it is, right? you realise that it took years to build up the confidence i have to go outside and by myself and not cry everytime i looked in the mirror, right? you realise what you're doing is straight up transphobic abuse, right?

because you seem to keep pushing the idea that you're somehow a better person than me.

>> No.7868519

>you realise what you're doing is straight up transphobic abuse, right?

Yes. Yes I do. What're you going to do about it except whinge about it here fuccboi?

>> No.7868524


cool just making sure everyone reading knows you deserve to have your head shoved down a rusty old jacks