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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7837964 No.7837964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just curious, not trying to start drama...

When cosplay guests go to conventions, do they make money? Jessica Nigri is going to a comic convention I'm going to this weekend and I'm curious why these type of guests tend to go to conventions?

Obviously media guests (A and B list celebrities) make a ton of money at these events but cosplay guests must make a certain amount of money too?

>> No.7837985

They make a bit of money if they're popular enough, but more importantly, they get exposure to more people at bigger cons and a free place to sell their prints. They also get to network with people also in the cosplaying business, who see them as important because they are guests. Also travel and lodging are usually paid for, so it's just free publicity.

>> No.7837987

This is what I was going to say. Plus at the last con I went to where she was the guest she charged 40$ for a photo op and 30$ for an autograph, you know she's making money that way.

>> No.7838004

I think it should be noted that while some cosplayers can make a lot of money in one weekend at a convention they do still have to live with parents or a significant other that supports them. It is not something that pays the bills but is supplementary income.

>> No.7838008

My dad goes to cons as an art guest, usually they pay for your tickets and you get a free booth. If it's a con you have to travel to, they might pay your airfare and if you're famous enough, they may pay you as well.

>> No.7838010

Does Jessica live with her parents?

>> No.7838018

Yeah because this shit is not enough to get a nice place and survive on your own in AZ.

>> No.7838022

>lives at home


>> No.7838030

Yes. They appear in her videos and she has said before on FB that she lives with them.

Really I can't blame her for staying with her parents. If her parents dont mind supporting her while she makes money from cosplay and as a spokemodel then they are pretty awesome. Hopefully she is smart and investing and saving the money properly so when her fame runs out she has something.

>> No.7838092

>be 24 just out of college
>still living with parents

what are you going to do about it?

>> No.7838094

She's said before in interviews that she invests the money and puts some of it in stocks, I think? A public post on her FB once implied she makes six figures since she gets taxed 33%.

>> No.7838100

man at this rate that's gonna be me
i don't even have any shame, if my parents will let me stay at home and focus 100% on school i'm sure as hell gonna take advantage of that opportunity

>> No.7838108 [DELETED] 

Laugh at you.

>graduate university last year
>living in Toronto in a two bedroom with my best friend
>making 6 figures

get a life man, there's no excuse to live with your parents.

>> No.7838113

Laugh at you.

>graduated university last year
>living in Toronto in a two bedroom with my best friend
>making 6 figures

get a life man, there's no excuse to live with your parents.

>> No.7838115

I graduated med school when I was 18, I'm a prodigy brain surgeon and I make 7 figures, drive a Ferrari, and fuck supermodels every night.
See? I can do it too.

>> No.7838120

Laugh all you want but I'm in Human Resources for a fairly large company and make 140k a year. If you have the motivation and you're not lazy, there should be NO reason to live with your parents past 20.

>> No.7838122
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That anon's life affects you in no way, ya bitter bragging cunt.

>> No.7838127


Not this discussion again...

>> No.7838136

>making 6 figures
good for you, now stop bragging. you know perfectly well how unreasonable it is to expect most people to be able to attain that

>> No.7838151

>They also get to network with people also in the cosplaying business
Potentially the least profitable networking ever, lol

>> No.7838157

I too am 16, and am a google rocket neurosurgeon living in California and making seven figures. I don't live with anyone else unless you count my dog and my maid but I don't really see her. It's really not difficult, if you guys didn't waste time on the "modelling" and "cosplay" shit you could all go to school and do it too.

>> No.7838160

I think it's better then nothing though. You never know who you might run into + at these conventions there's usually a couple a list celebrities around.

Does Jessica want to be an actress?

>> No.7838162

>my life aligned in such a way that I could obtain these outstanding things at a young age
>why can't you?

>> No.7838165

I know at least two people making over six figures, that live with their parents, invest, and don't spend money outside of their direct investments/profitable hobbies. They have fuck tons of money. One finally bought a multifamily home in Brooklyn for like $800k paid in full, in his late 20s, and now rents it out to people and lives there for free (free rent, in Brooklyn). It's not a bad strategy. I can't fucking tolerate my parents though. If I had to choose between living with them and being a multi millionaire or not living with them I'd chose the latter

>> No.7838167

Ya it would probably more profitable to network with companies and other conventions. If I was a cosplayer I would be hitting up other cons booths and talking about doing panels and having them have me as a guest. Then if there are any game or comic booths I would talk to their manager about the possibility of them looking for a spokemodel for an event.

Coat tails will only take you so far.

> if my parents will let me stay at home and focus 100% on school i'm sure as hell gonna take advantage of that opportunity

This. My parents are very old world. And culturally kids stay with their parents till marriage. Family takes care of family. And when they are older they will move in with me and live for free. Feels good man.

>> No.7838168

If you want to be an actress getting into cosplay is a piss poor way of doing it. That's like planning to work up to being a professor and scientist by becoming a janitor who solves the problems left on chalkboards. It's a neat idea but doesn't actually work in real life

>> No.7838171

>I like to brag to some anonymous 4channers about my imaginary job because I cry alone at night because no one will love me and can only get recognition here.

>> No.7838174

...why are you on cgl?

>> No.7838178

>Living in Toronto

HA! Like that is anything to be proud of.

>> No.7838179

Toronto is a great city, there's certain areas that are a little out dated and gross but I love it here regardless.

>> No.7838205

Are you sure she is not just 1099 - cause freelancers get taxed around 30%

>> No.7838211

I don't know about actress but she's doing Voice Acting for RWBY as Cinder Fall.

I hate her voice for Cinder. It's over the top, trying way too hard to be sultry sexy. Granted, not a lot of the VA work is good but her voice just really seems to be an epic tryhard.

>> No.7838217


>bragging about how well off they are
>living in Toronto
>telling others to get a life
>here, on cgl
>has a life

Pick one, faggot.

>> No.7838238

>>bragging about how well off they are
>>living in Toronto
Nothing wrong with toronto.

>> No.7838245

>human resources
You're a meaningless, replaceable pencil pusher and will want to kill yourself before you're 50, if your company doesn't shit on you or your superiors don't backstab you first.

>if you have the motivation and you're not lazy
you mean if mummy and dada pay for your degree

>> No.7838266

That's not necessarily true for HR, but I do doubt anon's story. The most accomplished person I know in HR did make 6 figures at one point.. after about 15-20 years in the game and being in high demand. I don't think she ever worked at a large company so I guess it's possible but I don't know what kind of skills you would have just coming out of college going into HR that would justify that pay.
One theory for HR people is that if you're doing payroll, you know what everyone else is paid, so they can't really pay you crap. But obviously the payroll people at ebay or amazon or wherever are not making nearly what the top people are

But yeah, I don't believe this, I know people who got top degrees at ivy league schools with all the connections and they were not making this amount at that age. Some make a few k shy of it at 25+. The only real way to make that much money at that age is to be entrepreneurial in some way (start a business, a successful website, real estate, even being successful at stocks or some kind of modelling/camming) also people working in oil fields doing overtime make $100k+ that's the only steady paycheck I can think of that can get you that much money that soon.

>> No.7838309

Jnig pls go.

>> No.7838315

The difference is Canada.

>> No.7838323

Depending on the convention (In Aus anyways) they'd get airfares paid for, hotel paid for, money from prints or photos (maybe booth space), money each day for food/etc and maybe a cash appearance fee ontop.

Plus all the promo and fame from being there.

>> No.7838336

Didn't it come out that she got paid like 10k for her appearance at the Canadian con that she skipped out on? Or was it 4k? Either way it was a couple of thousand.

Plus you have to take into account advertising, youtube partnerships, modelling contracts, free shit she gets from sponsors and she probably has some sort of gofundme set up with monthly contributors/donators. I can see her making a comfortable 80k~ or more a year after taxes, especially since she doesn't pay for bills or housing.

>> No.7838402

>rocket neurosurgeon

That isn't even a real profession. What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.7838560

Or being a rural locum doc in Australia/mining engineer.

>> No.7838671
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toronto sucks, wouldnt you rather live in BC or AB?

>> No.7838698


Are you fucking serious.

>> No.7838708

You are retarded

>> No.7838981

AB is my backup plan. My fiance could get a job where entry level pay is 6 figures. But then we have to live in AB. Not an idea location but its the place to move ATM because there are lots of high paying jobs. One of my other friends moved there recently and they were able to buy a house and her husband makes enough that she can work on being a writer.

Polite sage.

>> No.7838984

The RWBY Generals on /co/ also aren't very positive about her voice.
Cinder's popularity took a nose dive as soon as she began to talk.

>> No.7839027

>becoming a janitor who solves the problems left on chalkboards.

Was that a Recess reference?

Back to the actress thing. Not sure if she wants to be an actress by she is going to be voicing a major character in RWBY and with how much that series is getting exposure its bound to lead to more roles.

It's kinda like what Egoraptor and Happy Harry are doing.

>> No.7839143

>this weekend
>not going to get your own Dragon Hoodie
based poorfag is poor

>> No.7839221

>A normally talked about Cosplayer lives in the same state you do, more so the same city

Explains why I, a simple lurker who doesn't cosplay, remember seeing her face everywhere. Pictures of her are up at my local comic book/card shop.

I should try and get at that.

>> No.7839226

Putting aside Nigri specifically, cosplay guests do make money from conventions but not much. Female ones can sell prints and male ones often have prop or commission businesses that they can promote easily while at a con. Photographers can network and sell prints.

But you're talking minimal profits. The real reason cosplay guests do it is because they would likely go or want to go to the convention anyway and if being a guest gets them in for free and they can make a tiny bit of pocket change too then why not do so?

>> No.7839235

Most of the cosplay "celebrities" I know that get invited to cons spend the entire con at a booth and don't actually go to enjoy the convention. So I always assumed they made enough to make it worth going. I've never specifically asked how much they get, but in the case of the ones I know, they don't go to enjoy the con.

>> No.7839547

HAHHAHA if she wants to be an actress she is going about it ALLLL wrong.

I moved to NYC in 2011ish...and only last July did I get agency representation. Now, its different for everyone, but you need a really impressive resume, with a matching head shot to even be considered. IF you can mange to impress one agent (Be it, via Actors Connection or doing off broadway theater) you get a second audition for the other agents at the agency, if that makes sense.

IF you can manage to impress every single agent working for said agency, THEN you get representation. AFTER THAT..they send you to audition with other people, and then IF the casting director picks you by some miracle..then you get a job.

You can't just flash your tits and pretend and have a fake act and get acting work. Well you can, but that is called porno.

Does she even have a monologue or know what one is? LOL.

Also, that stunt she pulled at FanExpo? Do that in the acting industry and you're gone. I have to work regardless if its 24 or 48 hours of no sleep. Also, you have to memorize lines in days. TONS of lines, not just a page, loooots. It is such hard work, and there is a reason actors get paid so much.

While I am still just beginning, it is a long, hard road...I do not think she has what it takes at all. She can barely make her own costumes or do work, what makes her think she has what it takes to be an actress? hahahahaha! Never going to happen.

On top of that, I've seen her 'acting' in those Lollipop Chainsaw commercials. I remember showing my acting coach. She kept asking me if I was certain this is real, and if she is serious. Oh..too funny.

Anyway, sorry for the long rant, just astonished by this. ANYWAY. Carry on~

>> No.7839557

She's never made any mention of trying to be an actress other than she'd give it a shot and it'd be fun if she got the chance. The clearest goals she's ever expressed like that have been to do more actual modelling and to be a TV personality/host. Rumour was she was actually studying law?

>> No.7839593

What happened at Fanexpo?

>> No.7839594

You're going with the assumption that she's a nobody like you are.

Jnigs has the bonus of having a MAJOR fanbase that will eat up anything she makes, no matter how shitty it is. Sure, it isn't enough to get her on anything good, but it can give her a leg up into the videogame/entertainment industry as a reporter or tv personality a-la Olivia Munn, and then it's a hop, skip and a jump away to weird indie movies and getting actual recognition. In between there she'll probably get free acting lessons and then get ok at acting.

This is with the assumption that she actually wants to be an actress, which she hasn't really talked about (yet).

>> No.7839597

She bounced on day 2 of the con because she was 'tired' but actually went to a nearby aquarium with her friends for the day. Left a lot of fans extremely disappointed and the con had no idea where she was/couldn't get in contact with her for a few hours. She got a lot of shit for it except from her pandering fans who said "well she needs a break every once in a while abloobloobloo"

>> No.7839602

Didnt do autographs and photo ops like she was suppose to. Claimed she was tried and went to the Aquarium instead. Then proceeded to post photos on her instagram having fun. Then she made some sad post on the her FB asking her betas to forgive her because she didnt want them to see her tried. Beta forgave her.

It was a really stupid move honestly. Especially since Fanexpo is run by Hobbystar who doesnt like losing money and runs a lot of cons in Canada so she could be blacklisted from a couple.

>> No.7839605

Cept Jnig actually has been in notable works and has made connections. Lolipop Chainsaw is one along with RWBY so now she has voice acting experience.

She's not going to need an agency to represent her as many productions at her level will just cut the middle man and contact her personally.

>> No.7839624

Not that anon, but no. No, anon. That's not how it works. Actual big companies will not even waste their time watching you if you don't have representation. Even Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, etc, have representation. No one gets approached directly unless they've worked with the casting director before, in which they have to audition still and impress everyone else.

>> No.7839628

I should say actual companies. Not even big ones. I've worked with indie directors who won't even take anything above extras without representation.

Sage because double post.

>> No.7839649
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>Olivia Munn
>biggest fucking slut on the network
>gets hollywood famous.
Why bother going to acting classes if all i need to do is shake my ass and titties to get a gig. Fucking depressing, i don't want to live.

>> No.7839653

I would think she would have a set appearance fee. But then again, does JNig sell anything herself at cons?