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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 20 KB, 355x319, 51tfI4xlhBL._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7834425 No.7834425 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone familiar with dying wigs? I plan to dunk-dye mine using the sharpie method but don't know how to make a honey or light brown color.

>> No.7834506

Sharpie method won't be very good to make a color like that. Sharpie method is better for unnatural colors, pink, blue, etc.

>> No.7834572

What do you suggest? Probably actual wig dye.

>> No.7834753

would a glw in rhapsody look alright cut to shoulder length? i can't quite visualize it

>> No.7835157
File: 486 KB, 798x408, monsterpigtails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way that I can make my pigtails look more like pic related on left than on the right?

I've tried changing the 'claw' inside to a smaller one but it just doesn't fit right with the pigtail (I guess it's a different size) is there another way I can make this work without having huge ass buns on my head?

>> No.7835202
File: 64 KB, 500x667, long-straight-layered-hair-back-view-2fbqpqwm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I cut a wig like pic related by myself? I've tried using my heads but when i put it on it's never as straight as when I had it on the head so I would need to know how to do it with it on. Any help?

>> No.7835401

Are you pinning the wig to the wighead when you're cutting?

>> No.7835585

Does anyone have recommendations for wig commissioners?

>> No.7835712

does anyone know where I can get a really good ririchiyo wig? My experience with ebay wigs are usually hit/miss ...

>> No.7835938

I'm using one of those normal foam heads and pinning it down with head pins all over the edge of the wig. That's what I've tries the time I've had to cut wigs like that before. When I put it on, it's never straight or the way it was on the wig. When it's for styles that don't have to be that exact like for Shampoo's wig it works great.

>> No.7836474
File: 139 KB, 333x372, Reverse purple ombre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be getting some Pinkage wigs because I like how natural they look, but the only unnatural colour they have is a peachy orange shade.

Can anyone recommend me a brand that makes wigs in unnatural colours that look similar to pinkage? A lot of the wigs I'm finding are way too full or have no darkening at the roots to look even remotely natural.

I'm looking for pastel pinks, green, and purple.

>> No.7838114
File: 48 KB, 620x420, wyldstyle-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you add colored strips into wigs?

>> No.7838119


>> No.7838124
File: 290 KB, 357x2231, Cheaters_Guide_to_Pigtails_by_ladythesta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you do it, let me know how it goes. I've been debating about cutting mine.

pic related

>> No.7838150

Okay? I have the strips. What do I attach them with?

>> No.7838159

Sew them in.

>> No.7838193

Aw man, I can't sew. Why can't I just cross-dress without doing girly shit?

>> No.7838197

put thread in a needle, put the needle into the wig on one side, pull it out the other side, repeat. it's not rocket science.

>> No.7838227

>not wanting to do girly shit
i honestly can't tell if you're trying to fuck with us or not...

>> No.7838462

Use supers glue.

>> No.7838497

>thinks sewing is girly

>> No.7838502
File: 13 KB, 375x500, Clipon_Highlight_Single_pink[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Give them away to someone ese.

Go out and get clip-in hair. Pic related. See the top where there is a black clip.

Clip into your wig.

Solved, okay? okay.

>> No.7838534
File: 17 KB, 648x327, u wot m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7840240

Any responses?

>> No.7840351


Sorry anon, not really a lot I could recommend to, though I can recommend the ones not to use.

Katie Bair sent my friend a sloppy wig with glue marks in weird places. Fantasy Sheep sent me a really thin wig, I could see the weft and my own hair right through it.

Your best bet might be wig-supplier, especially if it's a cosplay wig, but I wouldn't count on them 100%. They made an okay wig that I'm really happy with, it's a little on the thin side but not as bad as the Fantasy Sheep wig (it's the Rarity wig with the lace front on their store atm). I just wouldn't count on them 100% because I actually asked them to make 2 wigs, they only made the Rarity one, I guess because it's a known character so they can put it up in their store and sell it.

Bumping in hopes of more wig commissioner suggestions for you.

>> No.7843433

I need like, a generic spiky black wig. Are there any sellers/sites that have good short wigs that aren't too thick?

>> No.7843474

Man, I didn't even know Katie Bair was still around.

>> No.7843541
File: 834 KB, 500x285, tumblr_m37i4lMe9i1qithpd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a dumb question so I apologize in advance, I've never styled a wig besides cutting/texture.
Would I need a lace front wig to push back hair in a style like this, or could I just use a normal one? How would I make sure the 'skin' part of the wig stays down and doesn't get pulled back with the 'hair' part?

Also, I know got2b is a good brand for styling wigs, but what product would you guys recommend for holding things in place like such?
I'm dumbly tired, sorry for and dopey spelling or grammar mistakes.

>> No.7843553

A lace front wig would be your best bet because these wigs are made to do things like widows peaks. You would use spirit gum to adhere the lace part of the wig to your forehead.

However, with the styling of the front, instead of teasing the wig to shit in the front, I'd honestly make a very small foam board "bump it" and adhere it to the wig by rubber cementing an alligator clip to the bottom of the bump it. Then pill the wig hair over the bump it and pin it before spraying.

Get yourself some hair shears and a hair razor from Sally's. You'll want the shears for obvious reasons and a hair razor is good for feathering out hair to make the cut seem more 'natural'.

>> No.7843987


Nah, this was a while ago, just before she dissappeared. See, that's why I can't make good custom wig recommendations.

I would pay good money for a good custom wig, but every time I try it the wig comes back worse than off-the-rack wigs.

>> No.7844512

Does anyone have good recommendations for ponytail wigs?

I've used Arda's Jeannie and it was a huge PITA to make look nice. I really hated the bangs, too.

I've seen the Epic Cosplay ponytail-style but I haven't tried it on or using it.

I don't really need a particular ponytail style, just a nice base wig that I can pull back and stump without having to sew in extra wefts.

>> No.7844521
File: 80 KB, 225x339, 225px-Ofclboxart_cfm_Hatsune_Miku-illu[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make pigtails that are big and full at the bottom like this? I already have the ponytail clips, so I'd really like to not have to remake them...

>> No.7844551

You don't. They defy the laws of physics.

>> No.7844562

Bummer. Any tips on keeping long wigs detangled and nice enough looking while you're wearing them, then?

>> No.7844564

You sure are gullible, anon. Use foam inserts or backcomb or something.

>> No.7844571

Mane and Tail

>> No.7844587

>backcombing the ends of pigtails

Wouldn't that just make them a ratty mess? I guess foam inserts aren't the worst idea, but I'd like to see a pic of them done well in this context before trying it myself.

>> No.7844590

Do you know how to backcomb? You need to leave the top layers un combed so they sit ontop of the messier bits.

>> No.7844593

Yeah don't even. There was a japanese tutorial I saw once where they backcombed the bottom to shit and I died inside. These wigs are hard enough to keep from getting nasty and tangled on their own why would you want to ruin them on purpose. It's taken me 4 years of trial and error or just flat out fucking up before I found a Miku wig that was quality enough and a care method that keeps them in good condition instead of being tangled beyond repair.

>> No.7844594

I know the rough idea, but I'm definitely a wig novice. Do you have a tutorial you'd recommend for this? Idk, still sounds like it would get gross when you were wearing it around.

>> No.7844600

Don't do it. If it gets tangled at the top or anywhere above the intentional rat's nest which it will you won't be able to brush it out because you locked up the ends.

>> No.7844735
File: 202 KB, 500x750, 11aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what ebay wig is this? Maybe this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Japanese-Harajuku-Zippe-mix-Purple-Gradient-60cm-curly-Lolita-Cosplay-Party-Wig-/371150555415?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item566a4c0917?

>> No.7844738
File: 124 KB, 400x600, T2KM6aXe0XXXXXXXXX_!!14240653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pic in the listing is stolen from a Korean wig brand. The result might be what you posted which isn't too bad.

It looks more like this one to me though.

>> No.7844756

pretty sure girl in the pic said it was from ebay so maybe the ebay link is right? Not sure though

>> No.7844818
File: 167 KB, 1000x1000, _24_57_20(3)_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what taobao store this girl models for? Trying to fin more of their wigs. Do they have an english store or is there an intl store that re-sells their wigs?

>> No.7844877

Not sure if there are better options but this is the Taobao store I use for that line of wigs.


>> No.7844885

Is the purple in the picture just shooped on?

>> No.7844886


>> No.7844894

the taobao seller fantasy sheep is reputable, right?

right? ;_;

>> No.7844922

http://www.wig-supplier.com/ it's a reliable site?
Thank you

>> No.7844941

Why brand doesn't make wigs...?

>> No.7844947

What do you mean?

>> No.7844951

I feel like you're asking why lolita brands don't make wigs.
If so:
>clothing and wigs are two completely different materials
>not all lolitas wear wigs or condone using wigs

If not, ?????

>> No.7844968

Buy a cheap test one from L-email?

>> No.7845030

She's known for lying i wouldnt trust it

>> No.7845072

Yup, it is, but their wigs are a little shiny

>> No.7845076

AP made one. It was pretty nice.

>> No.7845078

Who is this?

>> No.7845079

The bottom of that wig kind of looks like purple pubes.

>> No.7845107

I wish my pubes looked like that

>> No.7845184

Fucking nose ring booger piece of shit ruins it

>> No.7845671

it's p0kemina or something from tumblr, she's got a rep of being a liar? I didn't know that

>> No.7846479
File: 137 KB, 413x328, mark pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked about a Dave wig here a while ago and I had a friend that wanted to join me as Mark. I'm just confused about what to do with the wig. Its kind of a mullet, I would think, but what are your guys' opinions on what i should do? Can anyone reccomend an Arda style that would work?

>> No.7846547

Where is this wig from OP from?

>> No.7847175

May I ask what said care method is?

>> No.7848096

Advice on finding a wig for a very large head? I want to get a long lilac wig for Amethyst from Steven Universe, but I'm afraid of getting one that's too small to fit my giant head. Anyone know of any good brands with large head sizing, or am I going to have to just take a chance?

>> No.7848692

Arda is known for their wigs fitting large heads, not sure about any others though.

>> No.7849110

Not anon that you are replying to but I have used Idye for polyester fabrics and it has worked wonderfully for me. Really intense color and doesn't rub off on other fabrics after rinsing it really well. Just make sure that all the fibers get evenly dyed.

>> No.7849684

Has anyone bought this wig? It's like $7 shipped but I'm not sure whether to go for it, lel.


>> No.7849722

Epic Cosplay too

>> No.7850670

Aside from Arda are there any natural-looking, affordable lacefronts?

>> No.7850692
File: 454 KB, 600x800, apmeltydoll_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'll be damned.

>> No.7850862
File: 1.33 MB, 6107x6667, holoears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get ears to look like they're coming out of the wig like pic related? should I take parts of the wig's hair and form ears from that, or should I buy separate wefts?

>> No.7850872

Make ears separate, but attach them through the wig netting to your actual head?

>> No.7850883

No non-retarded way to do that. Fur on wolf ears grows up, wefts on wig hang down. Fur is much finer than hair, too.
The best way to blend the ears into the hair would be to sew faux-fur ears onto the wig and then sew some individual plugs of your wig hair through the brown fur at the base of the ears to blend them together. Sort of like lace-fronting in that you're trying to create a gradient?

>> No.7850929
File: 853 KB, 681x627, Rider_of_black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I'm looking at Arda for a wig that's good for Astolfo/Rider of Black from Fate/Apocrypha and I'm having trouble with two things. First, I'm not sure which color to go with. I'm between Rose Pink and Light Pink. If anything I think I'm just going to buy a color sample of each and try to choose there, but any pictures of the wigs worn that are better quality than their slideshows would be great.

Second, I'm not sure how to go about doing the braid. The hair is about medium length all around, and a braid comes out of the bottom. Should I buy a long wig and cut it to get that style, or go for a shorter one and buy wefts to add the braid in? And how many wefts would I need since the braid isn't exactly thin?

Thanks in advance!

>> No.7850944

I'd just get a long wig. One pack of wefts should be enough to thicken it.
With a short wig, you'd have to fight with the short hairs at the top of the braid, plus a long wig would have hair that you can incorporate into the braid along with weft. Basically, you wouldn't have to buy as much weft if you use a long wig.

As far as color, I think it depends on your skin tone. If you're really pale/fair, Light Pink. If you have some tan, Rose Pink.

>> No.7850950

But there are short hairs at the top of the braid. Her hair is a short haircut with a random braid coming out the bottom.

>> No.7850956
File: 124 KB, 448x960, KaedeNagase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a long wig with wefts to add around the top? I've never worked with wefts before so I just want to make sure of everything before buying it. Should I go for something like the Jareth? And I'm definitely paler so I'll look into the light pink. Thank you!

Yeah, his hair is comparable to Nagase Kaede from Negima! in the sense that it's short all around with a braid at the bottom near the nape of the neck I guess. The hairstyle is still different but you get the gist of it.

>> No.7850977

I think it would be way easier and look better for you to get a short wig and make a clip in braid. For even less work, get one of Arda's clip-in ponys. I'm not sure how high of a profile they have - you definitely want the clip to be pretty flush with your skull - but the wefts are easily removed and transferred to another clip if you find the default one is too big.

>> No.7850981

How would I make the clip-in braid myself? I'm looking at Arda and they have the ponytails but the clip is pretty big and if it needs to clip into the bottom of the wig it might look really bulky. I'd like it to be permanently attached to the wig if possible.

>> No.7850991

>permanently attached
You sound like you've never stored or traveled with wigs. It will be so much easier in the long term if it's detachable, but whatever.

Like I said, the wefts can be removed from the clip. I think they are wefts doubled over and sealed on hairties, but I've not actually purchased their's, so can't say for sure. There's quite a few tutorials on making clip ins. I'm sure Google will be more helpful than me, but the gist is that you sew wefts to felt or mesh then add wig clips to the reverse side. If you want to make it permanent then just sew the wefts directly to the wig's mesh/attachment strips wherever you want the braid.

>> No.7850995

I've never had to travel far with one really, and I haven't done much styling in the past. This will be my first complicated project and I didn't think the braid would be that big of a deal since it can just be wrapped around the base of a wig head or something. And thank you, I'll look into the clips if you think it'll be a problem with storing it.

>> No.7851028

Unless you are incredibly good about vacuuming everyday or keep your wigs in sealed glass cases, they are going to get dusty. You can leave it on a wig head on a shelf, but the dust will embed itself in any hairspray you used and you'll need to wash & restyle it before you wear it again. If it's just going to be a one shot costume, they you might be fine with that. Otherwise, you need to cover it up. A plastic bag over the top, tucked around the bottom works well. If the braid detaches, you can remove it and store it in a separate bag so you don't have to worry about it anytime you move things around. If it's a low-style wig, you can put the wig in one hairnet, the braid in another, and store them in one small bag together.

>> No.7851033

Ah, I understand now. I'll think about that before purchasing since I don't really mind covering it up if the price isn't an issue.

>> No.7851062

The wig hair will be shiny, the fur more of a matte.
I don't think that'll look good to be honest.
Just buy the fur you're going to use, bring your wig and compare it to dyes and pick the closest one.

>> No.7851069
File: 45 KB, 720x720, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to find a wig for Saber from Fate/Zero that doesn't have these dumb weeby bangs.

>> No.7851073

All the wigs come with uncut bangs. You have to cut them yourself.

>> No.7851086

Is there any way to make a party city wig look presentable?
It's pretty shiny frizzy, so I was going to do the softner wash and iron if I need too, but is it worth it in the first place?

Btw, I'm only asking because the wig I ordered won't be here in time despite rushed shipping, and while I could go without, I'd rather not

>> No.7851097

I really wouldn't. It'll look lumpy and thin amd frizzy and shiny all at once. If you can go without, go without, or trying borrowing a similar one from a friend.

>> No.7851108

Don't do it - a crappy wig is way more distracting than natural hair.

>> No.7852696

bumping for this

>> No.7852710

Got any old wigs can reuse by dyeing it?

>> No.7853554
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 891513_1561130454107376_511824649_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mizuki Haruno(17)

>> No.7853557

So much shoop, and still a shitty hair

>> No.7855565
File: 129 KB, 500x708, tumblr_mz472wtiwJ1qbuhibo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's that wig that AP models their hair accessories on? Is the model wearing a different one? She doesn't have the pink in her fringe.

>> No.7855663

Get a wig at con.

>> No.7856236

I ask this again here.
This wig is good quality and not too shiny as in pic? I want to buy the blonde one.

>> No.7856288

you need to buy separate wefts and sew them in or you can buy clip ins if you're not experienced with doing this or afraid of fucking up. You can get both of these things for fairly cheap at a black hair supply store out in the ghetto.

>> No.7857686
File: 312 KB, 1200x1600, romanova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you have any recs for where I could find a good wig for 2014 Black Widow comics Natasha? I was crawling around on Arda for awhile and I kind of like their Maroon shades, but I feel like it's a little too dark and unnatural, and their natural reds are very shiny and orange.

>> No.7857746

does anyone own the lockshop mermaid in the colour faerie? I'm debated getting it but im torn between the colour "flax" and "milk tea"? What does cgl think?

>> No.7857775
File: 115 KB, 1024x608, Modelsheet_marceline_innewcostume2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I go about making this? I was thinking about getting a foam ring (for wreaths or something) or half of a foam ball and punching a hole in the centre so that I can wrap the hair around it and then string through a ponytail from the middle.

>> No.7858444
File: 228 KB, 463x600, mishadrills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never styled a wig before and I'm doubtful that I can find one pre-styled with these drills that isn't total crap. What sort of wigs are easiest to style and how should I go about getting this look?

>> No.7858451
File: 23 KB, 280x635, tumblr_mgyllsiTEU1rhfu0mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yourself a long ass wig in milkshake pink. Why the long wig? Because then you can have extra wefts if you fuck up.
Theres several drill tuitorials out there on the net- Misha's drills are quite a bit more substantial than other drills... so maybe layering a few sets of drills could get the right effect.

captcha: wahah mplyga

>> No.7858479
File: 99 KB, 223x321, misha-drillhair_9346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of these tutorials good? Like I said, I'm new at this.
Perfect captcha, by the way.

>> No.7858494

Which wig is this?

>> No.7858534

You probably shouldn't crossdress then.
Because if you do you might find yourself doing even scarier girly things like putting on make-up or wearing a bra

>> No.7858679

but have you ever hand sewn wefts into a wig before?? it's kind of a bitch, first time I did it, it looked terrible, ngl

>> No.7858752
File: 2.07 MB, 2736x3648, DSCF5304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, a fellow Misha cosplayer (or at least, you will be sometime soon, haha).
So I've done Misha's wig twice, two different methods. Misha was also my first cosplay so it was the first wig I ever styled, please forgive me if I say things that are ridiculously obvious.

1) Tape method:
I was also looking at that ichigokitty link you have. I didn't use wire because I styled it the night before the con since my wig was stuck in customs for over a month... so I ended up wrapping tape facing away from paper cones I made, to wrap the hair against.
I ended up bobbypinning one of the lower "tiers" of each drill to my shirt to keep them upright, because if you orient the drills exactly as she has them (hair swooping towards her face at the top and then the curls start), they will want to lie horizontally all damn day. It was really good stability wise, and I was able to force it into similar proportions to Misha's.

A couple warnings: those things were earmuffs. I couldn't hear a damn thing and would have to lean in and lift a drill to understand people talking to me. Funny at first, annoying the rest of the time. Another issue was making drills in similar proportions as Misha's REALLY elongates the neck. I already have a long neck, but her drills + that lowish neckline on the Bush shirt = giraffe neck. So instead of focusing on the exact drill dimensions, focus on what would look actually look good on you.

(haha, you can tell which drill I did first)

>> No.7858793
File: 1.04 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20141002_225725910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time using foam core style technique - pic is my base wig with the tails made out of wire wrapped with batting and felt. I've wrapped a weft around the base of one tail and had a go at putting the wig fibres over the felt. Even though I'm using a thick weft I'm struggling to get the fibres to stay in place before hair spraying it. What would you suggest, anons? I thought about double sided tape but would love to hear other ideas.

>> No.7858800
File: 504 KB, 1548x1144, mishawig2ndtry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look actually look
Jeez... please forgive me, it's 4 am here

Anyway, also keep in mind that without wire, the front of the drill will droop. If you don't use enough got2be/product, it will eventually detach from the tape.
However even without wire, that fucking wig survived the Ohaycon rave - it died later in the car and had to be washed and restyled though. Leading to...

2) Using a big-barreled curling iron
I actually got this from another seagull in a progress thread. To give you an idea of barrel size, I used an InStyler on to curl four substantial sections of hair per drill. I let the ones I was going to keep on the inside melt the tiniest bit, to stay hard and "permanent" since I wasn't adding any wire/tape. After letting each cool down (pinned up so that when I removed the pins they didn't fall into real curls), I picked out the "inside" curl and wrapped another curl carefully around it, repeated that with the other curls, focusing on making a drill shape, so you have this "column" of curls where the innermost curl has the most length.And of course, lots of product to smooth and stay.

At the con, the drills fell quick and hard. After an hour it was hard to distinguish them from regular curls. But when they weren't fallen, they looked very natural and not so cartoony, and framed my face much better!

Can I ask for you're doing the school uniform or Bush Cheney outfit? I did the Bush Cheney 2004 shirt, it's less recognizable but added some good humor.


>> No.7858803

Purple plum miku wig. Epic cosplay had good fibers as well but I hated the way the bob looked. Arda is probably good but I haven't tried them.
Plus side to purple plum if one pigtail goes to shit you can order a new one instead of a whole new wig.

>> No.7859250

Thanks for sharing! I'm going with the school uniform, though I still find the Bush-Cheney shirt to be pretty funny. Do you have any more pictures of your attempts?

>> No.7859255

Do you think these are good or...

>> No.7859343

I just bought a human hair lacefront and I dont think I will ever buy a synthetic wig ever again, unless it's in a very unique dye color and pattern or something

>> No.7859371

Idk man, I'd just feel weird wearing another human's hair. Like I was wearing their scalp or something

>> No.7859388

Haha well, maybe it's a cultural difference, I've never felt weird about human hair wigs. I mean it's not like these girls are being scalped, it's just hair

>> No.7859635

Yes but only more in-progress ones, none finished. Also, I'm not so sure it's a good idea for me to keep posting. That another anon doesn't seem too happy with me. I'm really very sorry..

Oh - I forgot to mention the second picture was after only a couple hours walking, completely fallen by then. So overall I'd say definitely, definitely use wire, if only for the top half of the drill.

If you have the time to do drills all around, go for it, but be wary of tracks showing. I had a thin cheap wig so I didn't go through with it but looking at other Mishas, it makes a hell of a difference. I sort of like this shape for the back drills http://multim-in-parvo.deviantart.com/art/Misha-Wig-Rear-295315283

I think that's all the advice I can think of. Good luck anon!

>> No.7860864

Depends on the type of hair, cheaper human hair is often acquired without the permission of the owner of the hair, ie. lesser developed countries the women get abducted for the hair, it's cut off and sold. I'd feel really shitty about wearing that hair.

>> No.7860891

I definitely paid a pretty penny for this hair and did research to make sure everything was reputable

And anyway, you could make the same arguments for the stuff everyone here buys that's made in sweatshops by child laborers or whatever. A lot of that cheap taobao shit comes from unsavory conditions.

>> No.7861380
File: 324 KB, 1077x957, babbysfirstwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got babby's first wig. Looked so much better in the picture, is thin and a shiny mess IRL. Can it be saved?

>> No.7861445

That's.... not too bad? Maybe you just caught it in the perfect lighting but it doesn't look too shiny to me.

>> No.7861448

It does look terribly thin, though. I'm not sure you can do anything about that other than sewing more wefts in yourself

>> No.7861496


that wig is gorgeous! But now I'm confused on where I could buy it because of the 'liar' thing.. anybody have an idea what would be the best?

>> No.7861504

If you can buy another one, remove the wefts and sew them into that one it'd thicken it out.
If it was too expensive just get a better quality one for more €.

>> No.7861509

Someone on /fa/ once found a child's face mask sewn into a jacket he bought in h&m.

>> No.7861719

I think wig heads are normally smaller than a normal human head, it probably isn't going to sit the same on your head as it does on the foam one. You could try and get someone else to wear it while you cut it, so at least it's a person head.

>> No.7861731

I ran across a tutorial once that looked like it used paper mache shells from balloons, so they were still light-ish, and bouncy. I think balloons themselves would be alright, if yu could somehow paste the wefts to them without making them look like crap.

Also, slightly deflated would probably look better, so it isn't too obvious.

I'm just speculating though.

>> No.7861896
File: 73 KB, 439x383, c3ed21b3663c3f3a3a7b038755ef0b1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this kind of stupid but does anyone have a recommendation on how to get pigtails to be more like Anna's? Every time I braid them they come out the wrong shape.
They always come out not covering the ears the right way. Like the face character in pic related.

>> No.7861939

The face character starts her braids too high up (at her ears). Anna's braids start at her shoulders.

>> No.7862152
File: 41 KB, 512x256, haman karn zeta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do I style a wig to get this kind of volume + blunt ends?

>> No.7862156

Keep in mind too that Anna's head has something like 2 or 3x the average amount of hair fibers on her cg model. It isn't going to look 100% perfect because you just don't have enough hair fibers to work with.

>> No.7863882

Yeah, I know. She has two times and Elsa had four times the normal amount. I'm just going to braid it loosely to help it look fluffier.

>> No.7863937

Does anyone have good sources for natural looking, non shiny blond/brown/black wigs? Either straight or lightly wavy at a price that won't break the bank? I am scared to buy from a random ebay listing and I don't want GLW or to go with taobao just yet.

>> No.7864016

L-email (wig-supplier.com, IIRC their eBay shop is also wig-supplier) is great for the price. Their photos are accurate to the product, so if it looks shiny/thin in the photo it's going to look cheap in person. You also get what you pay for, I've never bought one of the really cheap wigs before for that reason. Never had a problem with them before.

>> No.7864621
File: 383 KB, 600x600, YMCA-CS00381-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm looking for a flaxen wig, but one that isn't shitty quality (pic related) and i can't find it, any suggestion?

>> No.7864652

lockshop m8

>> No.7864825

Looking for a kind of catch-all site with wigs.. A place with a lot of filters to just browse through the wigs. Something that ships to Europe.

Is there such a site, and if so could you point me in that direction? Using ebay is too chaotic for a newbie like myself.

>> No.7868178

Also a braid question. Which store has the thickest wigs? I need a thick wig so I can braid it without the braids being to thin. I've used Lucaille before but I couldn't find one in the right color and length. I would rather find a thick wig than have to sew two together (done it before with another braided wig and it's too time consuming)

>> No.7868675

So I think I posted this in the wrong dicussion but anyone know where to get good quality fake braids? I've been wearing a half wig (kanelakon fiber) and I was thinking about using some braids to create some more intricate hairstyles with ribbons and flowers. Problem is, every fake braid I've come across in the mall has been the super thin super shiny kind, and the colour wouldn't look right with powder or anything. No dice on Prisilla for fake braids, either.

Anyone have any experience buying those from anywhere? I've seen a couple in taobao, any recommendations for ones that wouldn't be the obviously shiny fake hair kind?

>> No.7868688

Try Arda.

>> No.7868700

If you've got a Kanekalon half-wig already, why don't you buy loose Kanekalon to match and make the braids yourself? http://www.doctoredlocks.com/product/Silky-Straight-Kanekalon-Braid-Products/Dreadlock-Extensions

>> No.7868807

Anyone know where I can find the color chart for gabalnara? I've been trying google but no dice. I have dark brown hair with brown/copper undertones and I'm looking for a close match.

>> No.7868828

Does anyone have any recommendations for Taobao shops with wigs suitable for lolita? I can't find any shop with non-cosplay wigs. I'm looking for natural hair colours only.

>> No.7869120

Wig Care Items:

Just got a wig to wear with some regularity with my lolita coords. I'm looking at this brush and this wigstand. Do they look good? What am I missing? I heard you should never shampoo a wig, but I keep seeing washing in tutorials saying you should go for it about 6-7 wears. Should I get a shampoo specifically made by the wig's company (galbanara?)

Brush: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002Z0R9C/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=1GJW3DLOA7HT4&coliid=IG497XMTZY4C8&psc=1

Stand: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008U5JB3Y/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=1GJW3DLOA7HT4&coliid=I34L2AP7NQQWUQ&psc=1

Cap: http://www.amazon.com/BlueTop-Wig-Pack-Color-Neutral/dp/B00CO6K8U0/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1412978716&sr=8-11&keywords=wig+cap

Thank you guys for any input and help!

>> No.7870593

Got any places to buy wigs?

I dunno where to start-and I'm not sure about Halloween wigs...

>> No.7873630
File: 81 KB, 350x496, antibacterial-wig-cap4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of wig caps do you guys prefer? I've always used the stocking kind, but now that my hair's gotten longer and thicker they don't seem to work as well. I've been wanting to try a mesh one like pic related, but the last time I tried one the elastic gave me a headache (maybe because it was a cheap halloween store cap?).

Oh, and for people with long hair, what do you do with the hair under the wig cap?

>> No.7875302
File: 140 KB, 539x960, frizzywig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to brush it out and spray it lightly but now it's this frizzy monstrosity. It isn't that bad when worn but is there a good method to fix this frizz monster? I'm not sure what is best for a wavy wig like this.

>> No.7877583
File: 35 KB, 477x720, choke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what lockshop wig is this?

>> No.7877597


pretty sure its the new release

>> No.7877655

I used to use the stocking kind but I just stick with the mesh kind now. Way more comfortable in my opinion and holds hair in all the same. If you want a smoother base though you can always put a stocking one over a mesh one.

As for long hair, I divide up my hair into four sections, braid them, and then coil them around my head. I pin the braids up initially but once they overlap, I can take out most of the pins and the cap holds it all in place.

>> No.7877675
File: 26 KB, 300x300, hairclip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the mesh ones generally.

For long hair under a wig, it's easiest to "sweep" it around your head. Get several large flat clips (pic related) and a brush. Brush your hair around your head in the same direction, pinning it flat as you go. It usually took me 6 clips when I had hip-long hair. But only takes 4 now at shoulder-length.

You can also braid it, but I find that the wig doesn't sit as evenly over braids.

>> No.7879311

I would say maybe try the fabric softener method to reduce the overall shiny-ness

>> No.7879325

not the other anon but spray in conditioners work pretty well for retaining frizzies. Also, don't just douse the wig in the spray. Do a little bit at a time. I just use an Aussie spray in conditioner. You're still going to have fly aways but the spray will help give the wig a better appearance, smell, and it's a bit easier to come through as well/helps prevent tangles. A product called Mane and Tail for horse hair works really well and doesnt have an odd odor. Just get the spray bottle version of it.

>> No.7879361

I have a question about short hair and pinning wigs down. My hair is long enough on top/in the front to pin a wig cap and wig to it, but in the back its very short and pins dont help at all. What are some tricks I can use to get my wig to be really secure on my head?

>> No.7879376

Well without knowing if the seller is even selling that wig, Kyouko the actually brand name for that wig does not have shiny wigs.
The blonde would be more of a matte color with slight shiny, but nothing party city shiny.

>> No.7879716


Would you mind giving us a link to where you got it from, or a review? Thank you so much!

>> No.7879734

If the sides and front are secure, you're generally okay, really. The only issue you might have is if the wig is too small OR if it's an updo/modded wig. The elastic "bands" in back may then slide up too high.

>> No.7881360

I just got a wig I ordered in the mail today, and it's a much brighter color than I anticipated (my monitor and/or their website made it look paler). The con I'm wearing it to is 2 weeks away, so it's probably too late for an exchange, and I don't want to spend more money on a second wig. Is there any way to lighten the color of a wig, or am I boned? I'll already be modifying the wig into drill curls, so that's something to keep in mind.

>> No.7881751


>> No.7881852

s-sorry this is dumb but can i successfully dye a red wig purple?

>> No.7882790
File: 56 KB, 324x498, Hannah-anafeloz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to dye a white long wig like pic related using the sharpie method, is it possible to wash out the ink after I use it? I know it wont be all white again, but is it possible to wash a little of its color once it's dyed?

>> No.7882803

You can't really lighten the color of a wig, only darken it.

You probably can, but the color may become more of a red-purple. You might have to re-dye it if you want a more true or blue purple.

I think the dye begins to naturally come out if you wash it with shampoo?

>> No.7882815

Does anyone have any recs for shops or sellers who have cute teased buns? I'm preferably looking for a mixed fiber blend in blonde.

I've been spoiled with my cyperous wigs. I tried looking on mainstream shops (GLW, Lockshop, etc) but they either don't sell what I'm looking for or the colors look too fake. I'm just trying to find a relatively inexpensive option before I order from Cyperous again.

>> No.7882819

Where do I start if I want a good wig?

>> No.7883289

That's to bad, but I guess it makes sense that lightening the color of a wig wouldn't work. I guess the color isn't too of from what I wanted, but it'll probably be bugging me for the whole con. Thanks for the answer anyway, I'll just have to deal with it.

>> No.7883336

Depends on what you're going for.
If you're on a super budget, look for wbay wigs from stores with good reviews. I like this option for cosplay, since I only end up wearing it a few times. Also, it's easier to style if you search by character (I got a gr8 kyoko sakura wig for $15 once, only had to style the bangs) but it can otherwise be hit or miss.
If it's for lolita, ngl, I like gothic and lolita wigs. It's a little expensive for what it is, but you can be pretty sure it won't be shit.
For srs cosplay, Arda is usually popular. I've never ordered from them before, but a lot of wig workers like them because they're thick and good quality. But some people find them too thick, so heads up.

>> No.7883596

Any tips for getting the little wisps/sideburns out of sight? I have dark brown hair and they show up on this bobcut wig, refusing to be captured by the mesh wig cap. Do you think slicking them back with smoothing milk would be the best tactic, or bobby pinning?

>> No.7883600
File: 63 KB, 800x600, 1396452503449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like gothic and lolita wigs

>> No.7883603

>gummy smile
Man, I know that fucking feel

>> No.7883611
File: 23 KB, 400x382, horse-laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7883613

Wow, I don't appreciate candid shots of myself being posted on /cgl/ you better delete that you sandy cunt.

>> No.7883818
File: 129 KB, 500x667, photo(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know where I can find a wig like this- low sheen, and enough variation in thread color that the overall color of the wig looks like natural hair?

I've been looking at some pictures from Arda, but they look very shiny. I have a gabalmania wig, but I found it to be extremely thin.

>> No.7883881

I found a fat elastic headband, and I ended up wearing that over my wig cap, to push back extra hairs. It helps keep the wig cao from sliding everywhere too.

>> No.7883919

Gel everything, pin everything else.

>> No.7883965

Yeah, no, avoid GLW at all costs. For lolita wigs Lockshop is better

>> No.7884058

CosplayDNA have pretty thick wigs for a decent price.

>> No.7884076
File: 28 KB, 608x352, tudorsjewelry-dormer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find a wig similar in colour and style to the one worn by Natalie Dormer as Anne Boleyn in The Tudors?

I'm looking for a wig I could wear with some regularity and passability. Are the wigs from Arda too costume-y for that? (I was thinking the Dany in Dark Brown or Spanish Brown)

>> No.7884077


Edit: Tried Lockshop but no dice on anything similar colour wise.

>> No.7884161

I tried that method to make a brown wig darker. Went horribly, I had to rinse it at least three times for around a half hour each just to make a dark residue stop coming off all over my skin. By then, the dye had all come out. I guess it was about a half shade darker, but still.

>> No.7884694

Arda's wigs are fine just get a lace front in dark brown.

>> No.7886411
File: 101 KB, 500x1129, be8ac70f1b7da8802ca65f3940713b03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a wig for Buffy, but I can't find a good one, that have a similar color, any suggestions?

>> No.7886426

Where can I get a decent quality wig thats on the thinner/more natural looking side?

I got an arda wig since I've only had good experiences with them and it has a weird 'bump' in the back like the wigs old ladies wear, it looks so awful and fake, I definitely need to replace it.

>> No.7886445

I'm 5'10 with thick hair that goes down to my ass and never had a problem with the elastic kind... maybe try a different cap?
Just evenly distribute it. I know people stay to tie it up first but I find that just makes everything lumpy. I literally grab my hair into a ponytail as if I was about to tie it, bend my head forward and sort of spiral it around the back of my head (it becomes loose and that's fine). Then put the cap over. It spreads evenly and it's comfortable, no lumps or anything.

>> No.7886447

purple plum is a god send
ive had their stocking wig for nearly three years at full length and its still not substantially tangled

>> No.7886649
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1560, 1381305591912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I /r/ a tutorial or some tips on how to make sideburns?

>> No.7887581

Is there anything I should know about styling a sharpie dyed wig? Or will it be business as usual?

>> No.7887600

Gothic Lolita Wigs Dynamite collection looked a bit like that, I think.

>> No.7887702

that face is reminiscent of asherbee

>> No.7887738

If you use hairspray, the alcohol content can loosen the dye and turn your fingers all sorts of colors.

Best to use it as a finisher and try not to touch it while still wet to prevent the color exchange.

>> No.7888403
File: 123 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought Lucaille's Chibiusa wig, but they fucked up and sent me two completely different buns, pic related. Anybody know how to fix this, or am I gonna have to buy a new one? Will I have any luck finding one secondhand?

>> No.7888411
File: 128 KB, 1240x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be possible to style a wig like this? I want to cosplay as Teddie, but the hair seems hard.

>> No.7888412

They both look like shit and nothing like Chibi usa's hair. I don't think I've ever seen a premade ChibiMoon wig that doesn't completely fuck the buns

>> No.7888421


Yeah, I'm really disappointed. It's my first cosplay and I have no skill with wigs, people had told me Lucaille were pretty good. Not a clue what to do.

>> No.7888423

I like the blonde one but maybe the dark brown look more natural and nicer than the blonde one.

>> No.7890567
File: 21 KB, 400x394, $_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a wig that i like for lolita use, anyone could tell me if it's of good quality?

>> No.7890589

>Epic cosplay if you plan to wear down
>Arda if you're going to be doing any sort of styling

Is this still accurate? And does anyone have experience w/ cyperous wigs in general? (Ordering/styling etc)

>> No.7890727

With enough curling, I think so. Just get that "point" right

>> No.7890761

Anyone know if any good methods to make a wig look greasy and dirty? It's going to be in a short ponytail so I don't need to worry too much about knots and all that, but just grease and dirt.

I googled and found a few options, but it seems like they would just rub off or get incredibly crunchy. Rubbing off wouldn't be too big of a deal, but I would prefer it not to.

Also any lace fronts that aren't incredibly thick? Only lace fronts I have had were horribly thick, where as I need it for thin greasy hair. I can always take wefts out, but I would rather not, just in case.

>> No.7892800

This is a really dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. I'm an avid supporter of always using a wig, but I'm doing a cosplay where the character has a haircut similar in both color and style to my own. (Princess Mononoke) If I managed to style my hair well, would I still look like shit?

>> No.7893289

Alright, I'm not solid on if this is the place to ask, but no risk no reward.
I'm a transgirl, and I need a wig. What sort of money will I be looking at for something to help me pass, and what do I need to know about wig shopping?

>> No.7893499

Depends, but if you can set aside 50-75 bucks for just the wig you'd have a lot of wiggle room since shipping should be taken care of. Longer wigs cost more.
Go for a heat resistant wig so you can curl/straighten/or do other styling to it.
Lace front wigs makes it look like you have a hairline, but are more expensive than a non-lace front wig with bangs. Depending on the haircolor you have, you'd want a similarly colored wig in case it's thin (or just go with a thick wig like the ones at arda you can choose a bunch of unnatural colors as well as more natural ones)
You'll also need a wig cap to capture your hair and hairpins (not bobby pins, these are more U shaped) to secure the wig.

Some sites to look at are

If shipping needs to be fast, look on amazon for wigs (less variety but if you're a student you can sign up for prime with free 2 day shipping).
If you're suspicious of how well the wig will cover your hair/its thickness look for a feminine hat to pair with it. Also should be more/better info in the sticky.

>> No.7893554

>set aside 50-75 bucks
I was planning for upwards of $150. Sweet.
On the note of which style I should get, should I talk to IRL females, or can you folks answer that if I were to post images?

>> No.7893558

What style is your face? Rectangle, oval, oblong, etc?
It might be good to google hairstyles for X faces or to look at the hairstyles celebrities with your facial structure wear.

>> No.7893571

Unfortunately, pretty square. I have a super manly jawline. After I'm on HRT for awhile, I hope it smooths out and looks more elfin or omething. But yeah, really square face.

>> No.7893587


>> No.7893598

Oh wow. Thanks.

>> No.7893601

Which Moitie piece is this?

>> No.7895115

I just one of my wigs and everything is good except for the fact theres quite a bit of stray hairs sticking out, what can I do?

>> No.7895140

I wish CG was here to yell at you about Taobao "sweatshops".

>> No.7895795
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, $_57[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone point me to a nice Sakura Kinomoto wig?

I found one on ebay that I like the look of, but we all know how ebay can be with stock photo theft. If anyone knows the original source, or just another nice one, that'd be amazing.

The watermark is the name of ebay shop.

>> No.7897570


>> No.7897713
File: 672 KB, 651x635, Minori_admiring_her_clip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this from the help thread: Where can I find a wig which is suitable for Kushieda Minori? What color is this? Burgundy? I can't find a match, wigs are either too red or too pink

>> No.7899908

Anyone have this problem ordering from Gabalnara:

You place your order, put in all your information, a sum total appears for your order plus shipping and...

There's no next button. No next button, no button redirecting to paypal, no checkout button.

Anyone figure out how to get around this? Thank you guys so much for any help.

>> No.7901840

I think Arda's Wine AR027 might be a good match. But it seems she discontinued the color. The maroon could also be a good match.

>> No.7901925

Where are your go-to places for cosplay wigs? I usually get ebay ones which work fine because I only wear them maybe a maximum of two times. But looking for a higher quality wig that I can get multiple uses out of. I don't mind washing it and whatnot but I find that with cheaper wigs washing causes it to tangle like crazy...not sure if I would have the same trouble with higher quality wigs? Recommendations and feedback for this concern?

>> No.7901995

theres a sticky anon

>> No.7901999

anon theyre the same, you just got to style them.

>> No.7902002

Which wigs in your opinion dont tangle that much?

Arda, lucaille, epic-cosplay, ect?

>> No.7902004

Wanted an updated consensus, see if anyone had new places they liked.

>> No.7902043

Thank you so much!

>> No.7906226
File: 94 KB, 800x563, Space_Dandy_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to cosplay Dandy, but I'm having trouble figuring out a wig to use as a base and how to go about styling it without looking like a total sperg-lord. Any ideas seagulls?

>> No.7906789

somebody needs to hit youtube up for a plucking tutorial. that shit is caterpillars

>> No.7909186

CGL, what are your favorite methods or tutorials for laying wig fiber over foam? I've read lots of tutorials with different products like got2B or tacky glue, but whenever I've tried to follow them the hair never wants to stay flat on the foam, or I end up with tons of shitty flyaways. I've seen some beautiful work done so I'm stumped.

>> No.7910014

Is hairspray enough to spike a wig, or do I need something else?

>> No.7910156

You'll need a lot of crap.
Just watch this or any video talking about how to spike a Sora wig and they'll cover a range of products used.

>> No.7911334
File: 1.32 MB, 1366x768, 2es3jiR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to do this Fem!Suga but it's harder to find a medium length, middle part gray wig than I first thought. I think I found one or two that was decent, but I'd like some fluffy feel to it as well. I live in Europe, so I've had a look at Coscraft's Ash wig in Silver and Gray. Though I think silver's too light and Gray to dark?
I'd appreciate some help! I'd prefer not to order from taobao, but anywhere else is ok!

>> No.7911449

For a cheapie, yes these are very good wigs. I have in both light and dark brown, however the dark (bought 2 years ago) had this nasty ass mesh inside instead of just lace and wefts. Wigs have gotten better recently, so you're more likely to get a proper wig. Just a heads up. Read the feedback of the seller

>> No.7911547

anyone have experience ordering from Lucaille's website? I placed an order a few days ago with PayPal add my payment method. no confirmation, no invoice, nothing. Is there something I'm missing that I'm supposed to do? should I contact them?

>> No.7911553

I have! I did get a confirmation pretty quickly though. I'd suggest that you contact them. What did you order if I may ask?

>> No.7911560

I bought two wigs from someone. They were in good decision but they smell very strong of old soap. Is there any reason they would smell like that if they were new? All I can think was to mask the smell of cigarette smoke.

I also would like some advice to get them to smell normal again.

>> No.7911812

like six or seven wigs lol. Jibril, Esdeath and Rin Tohsaka, and the rest fashion wigs for lolita. it came to like $150 or so. I'll double check my email again though and contact then if there's nothing.

>> No.7912018

How to wash a synthetic wig? I googled, but its giving me a bunch of things I don't really trust.. And, I don't want to ruin it.

>> No.7912171

Just..... wash it?? Shampoo, soap, whatever, just put it under lukewarm or cool water and rinse it out. Wigs are made of plastic, so you aren't going to ruin it unless you apply harsh chemicals or heat.

>> No.7912278

I just bought a lockshop wig. Are there any other good fashion wig brands? I want something soft and non shiny, preferably for daily wear. The lockshop wig I bought is purple, but I'd like a normal color too.

>> No.7913834
File: 31 KB, 389x270, stock pearl image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newbie to cosplaying, need some help
Wanna find a good short wig for pic related and I'd wanna style her hair into that back updo she has. How do I go about doing this?

>> No.7913871
File: 184 KB, 500x281, tumblr_ne42i9aBRI1qa02ojo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what wig I could use to style into this? I've been having trouble with matching the color

>> No.7913931

You would want one with the wefts in the back sewn in upside down. I'd say try to find a white one and dye it if you cant just find a pink one. A place that does character specific wigs would be your best bet.

>> No.7913935

Fill up a bin with lukewarm water and a little bit of either baby shampoo or laundry detergent. Soak the wig for ~30 minutes, then gently scrub anywhere there might be products or dirt, drain it, rinse it well, refill the bin with clean water, and this time use some fabric softener. It'll work like conditioner and help with detangling. Soak another 30 minutes, rinse, lay flat to dry.

Do NOT brush it while its still wet. Low heat hair dryers can be used to speed up drying. Fill a bottle with 1 part fabric softener to 3 parts water and spray it lightly on tangled parts when you comb it out to help detangle. That doesn't need to be rinsed if you don't use a shitload of it.

>> No.7914248
File: 30 KB, 254x304, michiru_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly would I go about making twintails look like this?

>> No.7915018
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>> No.7915022

Make pigtails? Get a wig suited for doing pony-/pigtails and do what you would do to your own hair

>> No.7915131
File: 73 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_ne527uegUQ1qgjjjyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Pic related) I know these are her natural hair but there are some good quality clip on ponytails/pigtails on ebay? I saw many but i fear they look like shit or i should buy natural hair clips instead? My hair are a simple bob haircut and i would like to have small longer pigtails not super curly ones.

>> No.7915344

Is that all? Would just hairspray be suitable for styling the ends, then? (the way that they separate)

>> No.7915600

Not really necessary, imo.

>> No.7916985
File: 68 KB, 475x564, 54140-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I know this is probably a pretty dumb question, but how do you get clip-in bangs that actually match your natural hair?? Do you just shell out cash on different ones online in the hopes they're semi-colour accurate to the pictures? Is there some sort of universal colour chart or somewhere to find them irl that won't cost a small fortune?
My hair is a very specific colour of blonde and very afraid of ending up like pic related

>> No.7917250
File: 109 KB, 600x450, 1200Pcs-lot-Kids-toddler-Tiny-Colourful-Hair-Elastic-Ties-Ponytail-Holder-ponies-scrunchies-for-baby-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to make 2 parted twintails, you could use thick elastics for the main twintails and then separate each twintail into 2 using those really thin elastics, like these
But as >>7915600 it's not really necessary. But do what you want to! Good luck

>> No.7917281
File: 41 KB, 200x253, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could i dye a wig to look like it has darker roots? The only idea i had was to flip it inside out and sort of dip it into the dye but is there any other way of making it look natural?

>> No.7917283

Go to a ghetto beauty supply store. Seriously. They will have the best selection there and you'll be able to match them in person.

>> No.7917390

Thank you, hadn't thought of that. Won't prices be insane though? I thought those places just had like real-hair ones that cost you your firstborn

>> No.7917520

I bought a gabalmania wig just because. I heard that they can be thin. Like how bad? Bad enough where you can see the netting? I've set the bar kinda high because I'm a Cyperous junkie.

>> No.7917522
File: 139 KB, 500x667, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know where I could find a wig kinda like this one?

>> No.7918667

Just use a darker marker to get more of a contrast. It's time consuming but will probably look the most natural.

>> No.7918703

Okay, somewhat a non-wig-related question:
How can I style my hair like in OP's pic? Or is there a name for this kind of curly ends so I can google tutorials?

>> No.7919180

Any input for this? I have so much trouble getting the first layer of hair to stick to my foam, maybe I'm using the wrong product or doing something wrong. Every time I try it just pulls right up once I stop holding it down.

>> No.7924079
File: 457 KB, 700x950, Nn_FE13_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it OK to dye a wig with a skintop/part? I want to dye a Leia from Arda a lime green shade for pic related, but, I'm nervous that it'll make the part absolutely horrifying to the eye.

The other thing I'm thinking of doing is using a Chibi (those clearance ones in the proper color atm) and matching wefts, but I'm suspicious that it will look like crap.. Only used wefts for thickness, never length before and I have no clue how I'd make it look decent.

Anyways, feedback is much appreciated. Thanks!

>> No.7924103


Just look at the store spreadsheet on the taobao thread, there's a wig tab

>> No.7929172

So for a future cosplay (pic related) I will need to dip dye a wig. I'm thinking of using the sharpie methd, but I heard ther eis a risk of the color transferring onto clothes. As you can see the character wear all white and I really don't want the color to leak onto the dress.

>> No.7929190
File: 371 KB, 640x681, Artwork_Kirakishou_2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.7929194

Spray bottle works better for gradients

>> No.7929212

why do you need to dipdye her hair?

>> No.7929299

Does anyone know where Xylia gets her wigs? I really want a realistic looking curly brown wig that doesn't have a weird shine like some Lockshop wigs do. Not that I have any qualms with Lockshop; I have both Mermaid Beachy and Gunmetal Starlet and they both have a really nice curl/wave when brushed.

>> No.7929509

Are there any good wig pinning tutorials out there for those with shorter hair? I recently got mine cut to about shoulder length but most of the tutorials I've seen talk about longer hair

>> No.7930267

She runs a shop called chiffon rose and I am pretty sure she said she sells the wigs she wears there too.

>> No.7931234

So do we still like rhapsody wigs?
I swear I hardly see them anymore.
I literally have nine different colored rhapsody wigs from over the years and I don't know if it's okay for me to still be wearing them.
Are rhapsody wigs out?

>> No.7931274

Because her hair is gradient?

>> No.7931377
File: 52 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend a wig I can use for Kamille? I bought an emerald green wig from Epic and I think it's too light despite being close to what I was aiming for.

>> No.7931402

I personally still wear ones with natural colors because they work really well for old school imo.

>> No.7931790


>> No.7931793

Except it isn't? I think you're confusing shadows for gradient. Her hair is a solid color, have you ever seen the source material? lmao.

>> No.7933126
File: 798 KB, 592x716, Kirakishou_2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I have watched it, and I think her hair obviuosly is gradiented through the whole anime. Even the shadows in her hair is gradiented

>> No.7933231

It's probably bait anon, best to ignore them

>> No.7934277

she is tres cutes

>> No.7934280

You're going to have to dye it

>> No.7935465
File: 61 KB, 600x338, 14JPLAST1-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a wig for Ellie from The Last Of Us. Played around with making one I don't use anymore greasy as fuck and I liked the results for the most part, so I'm going to pick one up.

However, I can't decide between a lace front or just a normal wig. Most don't use lace fronts and just have thicker bangs and greasing it up sort of makes it look thinner. Or do I just want to splurge and go for the extra thirty dollars so I can control how much bangs I want and have a more realistic hairline? Basically, do you guys think that the hairline would make or break it?

Either way, I gotta tear up the back of it to make it not as thick of a ponytail anyways.

>> No.7936022
File: 66 KB, 349x480, WIF_SW177_2_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this maybe? From wigisfashion. com

>> No.7936048

I only have one wig which is very similar to my natural hair style (mid back and wavy) a light brown compared to my natural dark brown hair. My face is pale with a neutral undertone, I have freckles, dark eyes and dark eyebrows.I was wondering what hair colour and style would suit?

>> No.7936159

to know a suitable style we'd need to see a picture or get a general idea on the shape of your face.

>> No.7936632

Alsolfo is a dude

>> No.7936635 [DELETED] 

LA PERSONA QUE ME LO ENVIO ESTA TODAVIA ASOMBRADA DE LO OCURRIDO, YA QUE ELLA DICE QUE LO HIZO POR HACERLO Y QUE PIDIO ALGO QUE CREIA CASI IMPOSIBLE DE LOGRAR PROBEMOS. * Para ti mismo di el nombre de la unica persona del sexo opuesto con quien quieras estar (tres veces...)... * Piensa en algo que quieras lograr dentro de la proxima semana y repitelo para ti mismo(a) (seis veces)... * Piensa en algo que quieras que pase entre tu y la persona especial (que dijiste en el no. 1) y dilo a ti mismo/a (doce veces)... * Ahora haz un ultimo y final deseo acerca del deseo que escogiste. * Despues de leer esto tienes 1 hora para mandarlo a 15 temas y lo que pediste se te hara realidad en 1 semana. A la mayor cantidad de gente a quien lo mandes mas fuerte se hara tu deseo. Si tu escoges ignorar esta carta lo contrario del deseo te sucedera, o esto no sucedera jamas.............. Que tus días estén llenos de logros y tus noches de sueños copia y pega esto en 15 o + temas

>> No.7936638

My face is quite round with a more pointed chin. I think heart or pear is closest.

>> No.7936653

Any normal looking wigs to flatter round faces?

Also light-brown skin.

Looking for normal wear wigs, not lolita/cosplay purposes.

>> No.7936932
File: 43 KB, 445x363, 7634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in serious need of some help. I am looking for a natural looking blonde wig that looks like this color, either straight or with a slight wave with fibers and don't tangle as much. I need it for daily wear too so something that can hold up over time. Anyone have any recs?

>> No.7940111

Still looking for "natural" looking but not natural coloured wigs like Pinkage and Gabalnara.

By natural looking I mean not shiny and not unreasonably thick. So like, not GLW.

>> No.7940114

i have had great success going to my local beauty supply store and buying "weaves"

>> No.7941432

>what is glue

>> No.7941449

To add to this, Arda is typically used for styling. Their short wigs are the best and very thick, so they hold spray and gel very well, or can be ruffled sometimes to get the right look.
However, their longer wigs WILL tangle and you WILL have to take a lot of care of them. I recommend EpicCosplay for longer wigs; they are a bit shinier, though.

>> No.7941467

Here's a quick one from my own experience?
Materials needed:
1. Wefts or bag hair
2. Felt in the color of the hair you're using
3. Tacky glue (superglue is NOT a proper substitute, trust me!)
4. Needle + thread

Step 1: Cut out felt in the shape of the sideburn you want, be it cartoony or realistic. It's important that the felt is the same color as the fibers you're using.

Step 2. Begin gluing bag hair to the felt piece as necessary; curl it around the front edge so that the felt does not show in the final product. This is for a smoothed-back sideburn. Alternatively, cover both sides of the felt in fibers for a more jagged/natural appearance when you trim. (NOTE: Leave a little bit of extra felt space at the top of the sideburn; this is where you will attach it to the wig once it's finished.)

Step 3: Layer hair appropriately, make sure glue and felt do not show on the sideburn.

Step 4: Trim the edges of your sideburns to your desired shape.

Step 5: Tuck the piece of felt that is still exposed (refer to step 2) under the wig's edge, and pin it. Sew it easily onto the wig's edge fabric/elastic (around the ears is usually not very stretchy, so it will not matter).

Step 6: Arrange wig hair from the area above your attached sideburn to cover the connection. May need extra bag hair for this; if so, repeat the careful tacky glue process.

Step 7: Done! You might want to use spirit gum or some kind of lacefront tape to make sure the sideburn stays on the side of your face; otherwise it may move out of place.

Good luck anon! I should make a tutorial with pictures sometime...

>> No.7941473

HRT won't smooth out your jawline, anon, I'm sorry to say. Your other features might soften up though. There's surgery for the jaw if you feel strongly about it.

>> No.7941485

nah. they should have synthetic so that'll be more affordable if you're on a budget.

>> No.7942243

Are there any shops that sell brown "Sailor moon" wigs?

>> No.7942489

I'm currently looking for some decent quality platinum blonde human hair pieces that are on a clamp or can fit over a very fine ponytail. My usual ebay source for extensions seems to have vanished. I have a set of clip-ins, but because my hair is very fine, it's hard to do any up-dos. I can't consider synthetic extensions, as they irritate my skin. Any good recommendations that aren't bank breaking?

I'm after something that I can style easily into looks such as what Hizaki of Versailles and Jupiter goes for. This is for use in gothic and classic lolita and aristocrat outfits.

>> No.7942948

is braiding the only reliable option when it comes to keeping long hair under a short wig?

Even with a wig cap it feels a bit off on short wigs

>> No.7944319
File: 123 KB, 725x1024, 4eeda36e-c04c-4051-80b0-417055119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble finding a wig that matches this color (Isuzu Sento) can anyone help?

>> No.7944334

ehh, id say bodyline, lightbrown 7 is the closest i see to that color, theyre less shiny irl

>> No.7944383

also interested in this

>> No.7944769
File: 183 KB, 550x955, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_Kirishima_Touka_full_1734479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think


Will work for her or should I go for a more "purple-ish" colour.

>> No.7946595

I think a duller blue would look better

>> No.7946817

where's the wig in OP's pic from?

>> No.7948025
File: 39 KB, 400x191, ks013-t2511-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen animestuffstores midnight blue wigs?

>> No.7949899

Hi guys!! Im really hoping you guys can help me find a good wig for Asuka from NGE. I see good ones on eBay and such, but a lot of them share the same stock photos so I am not sure who has the best quality and such. Thanks!

>> No.7949933

Which version and what color.

>> No.7949964

Plugsuit/ some art book and statues that have the same style. Im looking to do the more natural orange-y color.

>> No.7950006
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, whoop whoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pumpkin AR011 from arda wigs







If you need more let me know like ebay.

>> No.7950392

You are awesome thank you SO much!

>> No.7951697

What should I do with a wig before going to a conv? I hate brushing them after each conv (specially long ones) Any tip to keep them on their places and tidy?

>> No.7951756
File: 91 KB, 270x243, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that this isn't a "hair thread" but I want to ask what kind of bangs these are. I really want bangs like this.

>> No.7954062

It's called a Hime cut