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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 441 KB, 500x257, feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7832500 No.7832500 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7828366 on autosage.

Continue to feel.

>> No.7832529
File: 6 KB, 118x177, 4kunfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when have no friend :(
much feel

>> No.7832601

Went to a sort of SCA-renfest-y thing and had a great time. On the way home, boyfriend mentions to me that I insulted someone who asked about my outfit. Ask him what he's talking about, he sums up the scenario...

>taking photo of our friend wearing a first millennium infantry helm at one of the encampments
>goofing around and having a good time with silly poses
>guy comes up and starts talking at my back
>It's noisy and I'm not facing him, so I don't notice
>boyfriend hears the guy and answers for me
>after a while ...
>"So is she wearing steampunk?"
>"I dunno. Anon, hey. What're you wearing today?"
>"Huh? Oh, I dunno. Half of it's lolita, the other half is 'I-didn't-have-period-garb-so-I-threw-this-on.' Why?"
>"This guy's asking."
>guy is one of the reinactors, but it's the end of the day and has removed most of his costume by now
>Chat with the guy for a while, seems nice enough
>seems really bent on my outfit being steampunk, though I say a couple times that it's really not meant to be
>Guy proceeds to say I should get a raygun for my costume for next year
>Suggests I glue gears to my handbag to match
>Come to the conclusion that he's taking the piss out of me for being dressed in non-period garb at what has been a fairly historically-accurate event
>Laugh and throw a joke back at him
>"Nice talking to you!"
>Resume taking photos of friend

Apparently the dude wasn't joking, meant that I really should glue gears onto my vaguely pirate-themed bag, and walked away looking hurt by the joke I'd made (I don't even remember the joke, but it must have been stupid). So now I feel like a grade A bitch for not having been a bit more observant at the time and behaved a bit more politely.

>> No.7832643

I love fairy kei so much but, I feel like it's beaten and dead. So many people fuck it up.
How do you fuck up fairy kei? I have no idea but somehow almost everyone does.

>> No.7832645

> tfw no social life, never had more then a single friend you'd hang out with sometimes, nothing that even comes close to a romantic relationship
> tfw that suddenly hits me hard today
> tfw you don't know what the point is of even going on

I don't feel like doing anything, not even things I actually enjoy like working on a cosplay or even just drawing. I hope this moment of feeling shitty will pass soon.

>> No.7832701

Eh, it was an accident, you weren't intentionally rude, and I mean, you said multiple times you weren't intending on a steampunk look, so he could have dropped it. Accidentally coming off like a bitch sucks, but don't stew on it.

>> No.7832708

>tfw my boyfriend is a much better cosplayer than me

It's nice having something to aspire to, but I hate that he gets stopped for pictures twice as much as I do.

>> No.7832729

I'm sad feels because Zuko isn't real and can't awkwardly an adorably walk me around on a date and finish off by giving me a deep open-mouth kiss at subset.

>> No.7832737
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When ever I see a cosplay couple I always try and just get the guy's picture since I know most girls are jelly bitches

>> No.7832746

I guess I'm just worried that this wasn't the first time I may have done it. I've never considered that I might be bad at reading social cues, but I didn't notice that this guy was upset at all, so now I'm wondering if I've come across as a bitch to anyone else without meaning to.

My boyfriend and his buddy both said "whatever, he was a stranger, you'll never see him again", but what if I've done this to people I *will* see again (friends of friends, other lolitas at meets, people I see at conventions, whatever).

>> No.7832798
File: 44 KB, 600x405, ashitanofeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point in having an eye for style when ready-to-wear clothing is made to fall apart and your feet are wide?

>> No.7832985

start buying high fashion designer.

>> No.7833001

>started college
>money where u go for cons, cosplay, and lolita
>starting job
>hoping I can balance between work, school, sleep, and social life


>> No.7833024

>hoping I can balance between work, school, sleep, and social life

I feel you, anon. It's my 4th college year and every year is worse.
Luckly, my friends and bf are in the same situation, so social life isn't a big problem because they understand.

>> No.7833069

> tfw no bf
> tfw no gf
> tfw forever alone
What am I doing wrong, anons. I know I'm not horribly ugly, and I'm generally polite to everyone, so why am I incapable of snagging a date? Am I too much of a social retard? How did my friend, who spends 0 time on her appearance and is fucking asexual, manage to get hit on.

>> No.7833074

I guess pay more attention to people's expressions and responses. If it seems like those sorts of acquaintances that you listed tend to avoid being around you or don't seem too eager to see you, maybe that's a clue, and you could just make a quick apology for being abrasive if any particular interaction comes to mind.

Again, I wouldn't worry about it. If you're typically friendly and kind, the occasional off-putting comment will just be brushed off as maybe you didn't realize how it sounded or probably didn't mean to be rude.

>> No.7833076

If you're a girl you probably just aren't much of a looker. Even if you're not ugly, being plain can almost be as bad.
But thats just based on my own experience, I went from being ugly/plain to attractive and ~magically~ started getting dates. Even though I was always a social retard.

>> No.7833110

>After 4 months of living frugally I have a job.
> It pays above minimum wage and the hours are good.
>Student finance will be coming in next week
>I can finally afford lolita again.

>> No.7833118

>anime, vidya, and (probably photoshopped) attractive cosplayers have messed with my standards for real life potential dates
>I would rather daydream about my video game husbando than talk to any of the real guys that approach me

>> No.7833123
File: 61 KB, 176x196, that's nice jack now put your pants back on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally moving away from my verbally/emotionally abusive mom
>forgot things at her house while packing today
>mfw I have to go back to her place to get them or I'll never see them again

>> No.7833138

Bring backup. She will probably be on good behavior if you have a friend with you. Just say "oh so and so chan and I were having lunch together with other friend chan in the area, I just thought I'd pick up my stuff on our way there."
This will also give you an excuse as to why you aren't staying long.
>tfw I also had a mother like that and have gotten very good at being perpetually "busy"

>> No.7833153

Dude wanted you to glue useless gears on your bag to make it more "steampunk" which is one of my greatest pet peeves about the fashion.

He's shit. You shouldn't feel bad. It's one person who you're like to never see again.

>> No.7833166

>Sell piece to someone
>Ship it out
>As soon as the tracking lists it as received, I get a message asking for a refund as she no longer wants the item
>"don't worry, I'll send it back to you as soon as I get the refund"
>See that the same item in a different colourway has come up and she bid on it
Girl what

>tfw I'll either get no feedback or bad feedback from this transaction

>> No.7833167

Is this on lacemarket? If she gives you bad feedback for refusing a refund then just screencap the messages and contact the mods.

>> No.7833170

>Biggest fear: having someone see your butt
>My biggest fear is flunking college.

>> No.7833174

Yeah I definitely will, thanks! I was just hoping to build up my feedback from this. Bad sellers everywhere man. Unrelated, but I had someone offer me a DoL replica of MP in exchange for a pretty expensive piece not too long ago and they got kinda upset when I told them I wasn't interested in replicas.

>> No.7833182

I had a girl throw a tantrum at me because I refused to hold a $13 bodyline bolero for a week for her and sold it on. The girl prior to that whom I sold a skirt and blouse to messaged me constantly asking for advice on how to co-ord it and sending me pictures of her most recent purchases.

I'm pruning my wardrobe of offbrand and bodyline and I just can't deal with the dumbasses anymore, I'll list measurements and get people asking "So will this fit a size 8?"

>> No.7833195

My advice to you is to just underprice the stuff (Which in the case of bodyline/offbrand means you will lose all of like $10) so that it gets snapped up immediately. And ignore all the questions. Maybe send them a "whoops, someone bought this before I could reply! :)" til they get the hint.

>> No.7833198

I tend to underprice quite frequently, I look at the going rate for the piece secondhand (non-scalped) then trim $5-$10 off that. Still get the complete morons.

>> No.7833201


Fuck, this though. I listed measurements on a dress I was selling and someone messaged me asking if it would fit a 32B

like, shit girl. If I had your tiny tits I wouldn't be selling the fucking dress.

>> No.7833217

I find it's only lacemarket, though I have gotten some godawful trade offers on LSE, including something from Milanoo

>> No.7833227

..what? 32B fits in like every lolita dress ever. I guess she's completely new and still things all Japanese girls are AAs and therefore thats all brand fits.

>> No.7833233

I got decent feedback on LM and comm sales by doing transactions with friends through them so we both got feedback.

>> No.7833243

I was selling cadre due chat on lse last year and someone offered me a 'blue chequered lolita dress' for trade that I'm pretty sure came from a Dorothy from wizard of oz cheap costume set

>> No.7833248

>I'm generally polite to everyone
That's not how it works. Taylor Swift singing about friendzoned girl who gets the guy at the end of the song? Lies.

Men love bitches.

Now, you don't have to actually be some sort of borderline expert in manipulation and gaslighting just to get a boyfriend. But you're going to need to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone.

Step 1 in every process is to know yourself. In this case, know what you want. Normally the response I get to that is
>I just want someone to cuddle with me!
which is pathetic and wrong. Pathetic because that sort of statement is stuck in pathos mode, sad virgin weepings, if you are a man you are doomed to live and die alone. Wrong because it's too imprecise to be functional. Try to look beyond your feels and be rational. Who, specifically, do you want, and what do you want him for? If you don't know who you want, you'll never be able to get him/her. Find your target. Learn his ways. Facebook is a great tool for this, just don't break any laws.

Step 2 is establish signals. Yes, men *do* generally wait for some sign of interest before risking their self-respect and good public image flirting with you. Dressing sensually is usually recommended as a sexual signal, but that's actually the weakest sort of signalling there is, it's a broadcast for attention, not intimacy. We've established that you need a target, and you'll want your signals lasered in on him. If you're a complete social retard, this can still be as easy as asking a friend to help you establish contact.
>I don't have any friends
Then your problems go much deeper than dating, and you're probably doomed.

Step 3 is pursue. This is often unnecessary; so often, that when it becomes necessary, most women don't have any idea what to do. Here's the secret: escalate. Escalate right up to the moment you get an actual negative response. With men, "no" means no, "yes" means yes, and everything in between means "keep trying."

>> No.7833266

This is why I never want to get romantically involved ever again. People are fucking psychopaths, this post is just more proof.

>> No.7833269

I feel ya anon, I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever find a guy who meets my standards. No one is attractive to me anymore.

>> No.7833284
File: 153 KB, 590x417, 1397196900290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this past friday was pretty bad
>parents saying horrible things to me all day
>tell me I'm fat, have shitty taste in clothing, among other personal issues
>(shitty taste = wearing skirts/dresses instead of jeans and a tshirt)
>(I'm talking regular F21 a-line stuff here)
>start crying in public lol
>got drunk as hell that night after we got home
>never felt the need to drink like that before
>it felt really nice
>worried about that

since friday
>determined to start working out
>new diet planned out
>gonna go jogging tomorrow morning, pumped as fuck
>look up korean skincare routines, products etc
>took a month-long hiatus from crafting, going to get back into that

postage feels
>friend had an international package sent to my house because her mail people are trash
>wasn't home friday, so I got the pink slip
>give to the mailman saturday
>pray package comes tomorrow

taobao order feels
>mostly crafting supplies, a few pieces of mori-esque jewelry, a skirt, purse
>everything is at the shopping service
>everytime I've ordered crafting supplies they arrive in like two days
>just let me pay the shipping already so I can buy korean skincare shit

>> No.7833345

>decide to return to bjd hobby after taking almost 2 year hiatus to focus on school expenses and starting a lolita wardrobe
>overpays for dream doll with money from selling off the last of my ill-fitting lolita clothes
>seller takes forever to ship
>doll gets here and find out she has damage (her arms are banana-yellow while her head and body are pale ivory)
>have compulsion where it has to match or it's all i focus on and i can't enjoy it
>anxiety preventing me from asking for a partial refund. have no idea how much to ask for and can't get advice
>finally sending message to seller tonight
>mfw no matter what i'm still stuck with having to sell her off to someone else at a reduced price

I could have bought Cinema Doll with this money instead.

>> No.7833350

say item was not as described and ask for a full refund and sent the doll back (and then buy cinema doll because cinema doll is gorgeous)

>> No.7833363

The problem is she was painted. Since I was going to have her custom painted, I removed the paint. I thought the arms were yellow due to the sealant on the paint, but it's unrelated damage. I can't return her because of that.

Cinema Doll will have to wait, unfortunately.

>> No.7833403

>trying to make a pleated skirt
>sewing skill level is probably -2
>Not trying to sweat it because I got the fabric for cheap
>Finished skirt in an day
>it's terribad

I've been sewing for a few years now and I feel like I haven't improved at all. I felt really bad about the skirt and I'm not sure if I should start over completely or just try and fix this one. Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard I practice I won't be as good as I want to be

>> No.7833424


Was she painted pretty extensively? Unpainted resin yellows faster than painted resin, since it's UV interaction that causes the yellowing. Previous owner probably didn't realise that parts of the doll had yellowed more than others due to the paint.

Anyway. Since you removed the paint, can't return it and will probably sell at a loss, why don't you try giving the doll an all over, light sanding to see if the layers of resin underneath are less yellowed? I mean, you don't have a lot to lose at this point, so long as you don't actually sand off a finger or something, the doll remains saleable even if the light sanding doesn't work out.

The other alternative, since you are going to have her custom painted, you could look into giving her a dusting of white pastels or a light coating of some light colour to try and match her arm back to her body.

>> No.7833433

Is it more a lack of knowledge or lack of execution? The second usually improves with time, patience and experience, but the first needs research and a critical eye. I was sewing for a while before learning about basic things that made my garments look way better like interfacing, easing sleeves, pressing between steps, etc.

>> No.7833441


I can't tell from your post if you're just venting about the skirt not turning out the way you envisioned (but it may look perfectly fine to everyone else), or if you genuinely suck at sewing despite practising for years.

If the latter, maybe you need to slow down and take your time. Little things like pressing seams, taking the time to make sure all lines and hems are straight shows a lot in the final result.

Maybe you could join a sewing or craft circle near you or online. You'll be able to show them your work and get some objective feedback, such as whether or not it's genuinely terribad, as well as be able to swap ideas and techniques to help get the look you want.

>> No.7833443

I feel it's probably the latter. I'm sure I just need more practice and patience but I feel so disappointed that it's taken me so long to improve.

>> No.7833452
File: 445 KB, 490x368, oh hell my honor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only clicked this thread for the Op image that had me bust out laughing

my brother and I are committing to a drinking game for Avatar soon

>> No.7833461

>Old bitch neighbour argues with her husband loudly at least twice a week, screams and swears at him, throws furniture until 1 in the morning.
>Has two large dogs that constantly bark.
>Watching anime in my room at 11PM, volume turned down very low.
>She starts banging on the walls and threatening to call the police because she can't sleep.
>I put my headphones in, she then proceeds to argue with her husband.

Goddamnit why do my neighbours have to be such cunts?

>> No.7833472

>have 3 chocolate themed dresses
>tfw can't find cheap chocolate print clothes/tights on taobao or ebay to coord them with
>tfw can't wear a dream dress with looking uncoordinated or boring

I've tried every wording I can think of and nothing.

>> No.7833476

>can't wear a dream dress with looking uncoordinated or boring
Me too, when I finally get them I have no nice matching legwear. I think that one replica seller has chocolate rosette socks up for reserve, would they go with the dresses you have?

>> No.7833514
File: 78 KB, 245x310, mary margaret i'm not okay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be 23
>got the ideal entry level job I longed to have for years
>not a career but a pretty good job
>left old shitty job for it
>making better money
>except I'm totally miserable at it
>wouldn't let me keep FT work and go to school at the same time, not even PT school
>was supposed to wrap up college this semester
>suffered bad anxiety at the beginning that's merged into depression
>currently about halfway to the 90 day mark
>too afraid to ask for time off until I pass it
>husband and I can't coordinate work/school schedules
>doesn't matter because I'm mega bitch/debbie downer even when I see him
>constantly stressed
>just want to go on a vacation really really bad

>> No.7833524


>> No.7833537

I'm right there with you. The one pair of cute chocolate tights I found, which incidentally wasn't cheap, was a completely weird shade of brown. Way more...orange? Red toned? And the chocolate bar print was kind of too big. It looks like waffles.

>> No.7833542

I wouldn't do a refund unless you stated you do do then, and its already fishy they want money back before you even get the item back.

>> No.7833553

>Men love bitches.


this is about the same as saying

>Women love alpha males
>Women love muscular guys
>Women love assholes

What kind of psychopath wants to date a bitch unless it's a D/s relationship and he's the sub

What she needs is to have boundaries.

>If you have boundaries, you won’t sleep with a guy until he’s exclusive.
>If you have boundaries, you won’t stay with him for four months without being his girlfriend.
>If you have boundaries, you let him know how he disappointed you and how he can please you better, instead of silently stewing that he unknowingly mistreated you.

This is basic assertiveness and this is what prevents you from being a doormat.

Let’s consider what it takes for a man to do well with women.

>You don’t want a weak, needy, bland man.
>You don’t want a raging, difficult, selfish asshole.

>You want a nice guy with balls.

>Men don’t want a weak, needy, bland woman.
>Men don’t want a raging, difficult, selfish bitch.
>Men want a nice girl with boundaries.

That about sums it up, doesn’t it?

>> No.7833556

My sympathies, anon. I'm job hunting rn and I have a couple of ok prospectives but I know they're gonna be kinda soul sucking and anxiety-inducing like my last job, so I feel your pain. I hope everything works out for you.

>> No.7833607
File: 466 KB, 245x246, sigh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feeling completely alone
>Bf has been ignoring me for 3 months
>Chooses friends over me all the time
>Says he doesn't feel the same
>Spend 0 time together
>He talks to other women about me
>Can't really go anywhere because no friends, no family, no other place to live if I were to leave
>Feel like shit, finally get up nerve to say I am leaving
>Plan to live in car
>He says he doesn't understand why I am leaving
>says I make no sense
>Ignores the situation, tells me he loves me, acts like everything is fine
>Go back to just sitting here all day every day working/playing league

I posted back in early july in a feel thread about him getting high and drunk with mad people while I am at work and me coming home to no place to sleep/can't shower or anything. I feel like he is always talking shit about me, and I can't do anything about it.
I just want a bf/gf who wants to do things with me, like go to conventions, watch anime, lolita meets, out to eat...
I dunno I just want to feel like someone wants me in their life. I work, I hold my own weight, I just bought a new car, its not like I am some lazy fuck who wont do anything. I just want to love someone.

Semi-unrelated I have been watching way more porn recently. Lesbian porn...

I feel so lost.

>> No.7833615

Thanks, I'll check them out. And I have the same problem with legwear. It's either I found something that matches but it over crowds the coord or it's just too boring. Though my style it quite boring so that's probably why.

Oh my lord, they are beautiful! You, anon, I'd hug you so hard right now.

That happened with my last haul, I found a pair of white and brown socks which had a small amount of chocolate drip print at the bottom and when they arrived they were a weird copper brown and pink! I was mortified.

>> No.7833618

What's stopping you from getting your own place?
>I just bought a new car
Looks like you could afford the rent

Get your own place > leave him > switch it up and try a les relationship this time

You deserve better. Things will only get worse if you stick around.

>> No.7833620

My friend and I do this and it's great

>> No.7833624

Rent here for a small apartment would be around $800, and with a $300 car payment, $150 insurance, phone bill, utilities, and gas
i would be cutting it very close each month.

I really suck at meeting people, I feel like if I even try to flirt I will just fuck up.
I just need to get out.

>> No.7833644

Maybe move in with some roommates to share the costs? Not sure where you are located but for most countries/cities there are lots of sites on the web where you can find nice roommates. Bonus points, you'l also meet new people and get the hell out of that relationship.

I feel you Anon, I was in a similar situation and I am also socially inept, but at least I wasn't living with my bf, and had the opportunity to stay with my family (too poor as a student to move into own apartment). It's important that you get out there and don't waste any more time in such a toxic environent. You deserve better! I wish you all the best!

>> No.7833714

Do you have anyone nearby as a support network that you could go to at all? Coworkers, acquaintances, former classmates? It really sounds like you need in-person support to help you get the hell out of this toxic situation.

>> No.7833723

Sadly, while I had many friends in school after a bad family accident I cut off all social ties, tried to kill myself and was out of school for 3 months because of it, they graduated me early since I had all my credits and since I had no one else to live with thats when I moved in with current bf, this is 3 years later and I have not seen anyone since then.
I can't create a bond with someone even if I fucking tried to now its so frustrating. My co workers are all creepy old men 40+
I am so completely lost and I just don't know what to do anymore. I am getting mad at myself over everything I do, like right now it sounds like I am throwing mad excuses at you and I swear I am not trying to it is just really whats happening so I get pissed at myself for sounding like a whiny bitch which makes me even more upset.
Never ending cycle of frustration and pressure.

>> No.7833725

Why can't she just sell it herself? What the fuck?
I swear to god people in this fashion are so fucking stupid sometimes.

>> No.7833726

Damn, anon, I'm really sorry to hear it. Haven't been reading your responses as excuses so don't worry about that. Maybe the alternative is to start planning and setting aside the funds needed to move out so you have something to look forward to? Like, set a deadline for yourself for when you want to be out, how much money would be needed for the move, how much you'd have to set aside weekly to meet that goal, etc.

Alternatively, you could look into weekend classes in things you might be interested in to just get out and not have to be around him.

>> No.7833733

This is really sound advice. It sounds like you might need some safe outlets to channel frustration and feelings of hopelessness (hey, I can relate. My depression and anxiety have spiked lately.) I think a class in something you're interested in could help a lot--you'll meet people with similar interests and you'll get out of your home environment for a little while. Best of luck to you in all that you do.

>> No.7833736
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I was thinking about yoga anyway...

Thanks guys. I just needed to vent. Would be so much better if I had someone irl into anime/lolita I could do stuff with. I just want to explode.

>> No.7833745

Might be a scam. You shouldn't give the refund until you get the item back. She should just sell it herself.

>> No.7833759

>Would be so much better if I had someone irl into anime/lolita I could do stuff with.

This feel. If you lived near me, I'd be your friend anon. We could do yoga together.

>> No.7833761

I live in bumfuck nowhere, so I doubt it but thank you anon your in my heart.

>> No.7833762

Record the audio on your phone and take it to the police about loud disturbances.

>> No.7833763

where are you anon?

>> No.7833764

Mid eastern Usa.

>> No.7833765 [DELETED] 

>periode shits

>> No.7833766

Same, I live in a mountain in the middle of nowhere in Aus.
I'm sending you love from down here. Stay strong, anon. <3

>> No.7833792
File: 15 KB, 360x150, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working on starting up Taobao agent-ing business
>Excited to buy a bunch of cool stuff for people
>But terrified of botching an order
Feels like starting a new costume with a new technique you've never done before.

Wish me luck on my adventures, /cgl/.
(With that, if anyone is interested in helping me trial run some stuff or has a small order, let me know.)

>> No.7833795

I'm interested

>> No.7833830

Hit me up on Tumblr, I've already posted some details there, including contact info.

I'm not taking orders yet--still processing paperwork and setting stuff up, but figured I'd get the word out. A few more weeks until I can begin.


>> No.7833839

What kind of help are you looking for, anon?

>> No.7833853

By help I mostly meant volunteer to be a guinea pig and let me handle your [smaller] order, haha.

Beyond that I don't need any help-help until my bank account is 100% finalized and I can start ordering stuff. (I'm currently waiting for my Chinese residence permit to finish processing, and I can't finish my bank stuff until I receive those documents.) A few more weeks.

I'm mostly concerned about the international shipping part. China's postal service is really... interesting. I've mailed many things TO China, but never FROM here. But hopefully once I get a chance to speak with the closest post office they can help me with some stuff.

>> No.7833868

>all my friends are almost finished with uni
>I stopped going after my freshman year because college is expensive
>quit job because my boss was such a cunt she was losing clients over yelling at me in front of them
>finally got a job in the direction of the field I was interested in studying
>they were looking for a barely paid intern
>love working there but the pay is only $100 a week
>barely even covers gas
>tfw hoisting up my tits to go apply to gamestop to try to cover my car payment
>did i mention my pride-and-joy cool car just got junked and I had to buy an SUV
>tfw no money
>tfw no cute clothes
>tfw no bf because i told my ex to fuck off when he tried to come back
A-all I need is me, right?

>> No.7833879

get your balance back then if you really want to look for a bf

>> No.7833896

Thats it I've had it. Im almost 24 and I havent found a bf since the ex I had for 5 years cheated on me 2 years ago. I completely have no idea how to interact with guys outside a high school environment, like seriously no clue. I dont want to be a freaking cat lady and be living pay check to paycheck, then going crazy.
I really need help here. To those who have a bf/gf , how exactly did you met them, what made you start a relationship? I think my standards are just to high, Im going to have to resort to finding a VN husbando soon.

>> No.7833897

this please

>tfw 21 and never had a bf

>> No.7833900

I know that feel anon.

>> No.7833902

> tfw (only) 19 but never any form of relationship or anyone ever being interested in me, same goes for having never had any sort of normal friends.

>> No.7833923

Well my story is rather bland but here it goes.
I met a guy on one of those /cgl/ friend threads, I just wanted someone to talk to after work and he turned out to be pretty awesome, we shared tons of hobbies and he liked my lolita, was curious about my day.
One day I ask for a pic of his recent cosplay,regret it,panicking probably he thinks Im a weirdo, turns out he's waaaay out my league, I spaz out. He calms me down and admits that he thinks Im pretty cute, I almost cried.
We ended up arranging a met up at my local con, hit it off in person and have a great time, hurts that he lives a few states away. I want to go move to live closer to him but I dont know how to go about it or if its a good idea.

>> No.7833928

I was the same, thought I'd be Forever Alone after my boyfriend ran off with my boss. I moved cities and got another job and there was this guy that worked there. He had a Evangelion bag. I said "nice bag!" and we got talking and he came around with some wine and Nadesico one night.

That was 5 years ago. We plan to get married soon. Or maybe just live in sin for the rest of our lives. Either is fine. We already live together and have a cat.

The point is, there is someone for everyone. Don't lose hope. Don't waste your time with losers or with someone because 'it's better than nothing'. I think coupledom is a bit like jigsaw pieces - you have to do a bit of searching to find the other piece that fits yours.

>> No.7833932

>/cgl/ friend threads
wish mods still allowed this

>> No.7833939

Well in about two months my lolita savings will be at my goal, so I'd be more than happy to place a few small orders with you if that helps. Like a few berrets, tights and small things like that.

>> No.7833952


It doesnt make sense if you think about it, its board related since you can find people to go a con with and not be complete strangers. People do it all the time in con specific threads anyways.
/soc/ is not the place to find people in the hobby.

>> No.7833966

>tfw want to get bf something for his bday
>tfw cant speak language of country we're in and too asspie to go alone to look for gift for him
>need to order online
>wanted to get him a cool knife but cant import those here
>want to get him clothes, maybe jeans and some underwear
>no idea what brand or stores for mens clothes
>cant spend more than 200$ or else need to pay a ton in import fees
>he'll probably try and open any package i get delivered here

can anyone pls help what online stores that ship internationally should i look for men's clothing?

>> No.7833972

sex, give him kinky sex
wrap yourself up, youll see

>> No.7833976

I know that feel.
>upstairs neighbour has no Indoor Voice
>everything is screaming all the time
>sometimes wife screams back
>they stomp around so much I'm starting to believe they keep elephants for pets
>stomping increases when we watch television even if the sound is way down, pretty sure it's directed at us

And then there's the teenage neighbour of my parents who I'm 95% sure is throwing furniture around when she gets mad, which is at least twice a day. But when my mother and I sit in the backyard chatting apparently WE're being disruptive. Okay.
I'm going to live in a cottage in the woods. At least bears are reasonable and can be placated with yummy toothpaste.

>> No.7833979

>She starts banging on the walls and threatening to call the police
do this >>7833762

>> No.7833983
File: 446 KB, 1100x1600, 1411140694010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met a friend on Neopets over 8 years ago and only just recently started dating them May last year.
You just have to get lucky I guess. Your perfect partner is out there, it just takes fate to find them.

>> No.7833987

What country are you two in right now

>> No.7833990

not /cgl/ related:
>have roomie
>she pays super cheap rent (it's my house)
>not conscious of her tone at all, sounds dismissive/condescending
>talk to her about it, she doesn't "get" it at all (and holds it against me for talking to her about it)
>tell her if she wants to use anything just ask me - she continues to fuck shit up because she uses stuff without asking
>lies to me about stupid shit
>hoards cups/plates in her room
>i am this fucking close to kicking her out
>we used to be friends
>now i just sort of passively disdain her

/cgl/ related:
super bummed that Target's "Deluxe Tutu" appears to not be happening this year, though I plan on driving out to a SuperTarget closer to the actual holiday. I missed out on them last year.

>> No.7833998

>never any form of relationship or anyone ever being interested in me
That was me until a little over a year ago. 21 years old, few friends, zero romantic relationships ever. Not even awkward hand-holding in primary school.
My (now) boyfriend was the one who approached me and asked me if I would be interested in having lunch together some time. He was 25 and just as awkward/inexperienced as I was but apparently he thought I was cute enough to give it a shot for the first time in his life. It turned out we were so perfect for each other that my parents thought I had made him up until they actually met him. Now we're living together and we'll probably get married and start reproducing somewhere in the next few years.

So basically I don't have any real advice other than the generic "be confident! be yourself! just do you!" shit I was so tired of hearing back then. Literally all I did was wear cute clothes and look slightly less unapproachable than normal and someone threw Prince Charming into my lap. Maybe karma? Some kind of voodoo magic?
I don't recommend lowering your standards unless they are actually silly or superficial. You might be happy with an awkward chubby guy but you won't be happy with a guy who doesn't treat you well, so never settle for an asshole manchild just because you're lonely!

>> No.7834006

he really needs jeans and new underwear tho
i-it's a really small country i'm afraid of getting identified

>> No.7834010

We actually did call the police on the upstairs neighbour once when in the midst of all the screaming and stomping there was a young child crying its head off. It's hasn't been nearly as bad since then (haven't heard a peep from the kid afterwards, which I hope is a good thing?) but it honestly just seems like they're coming from the kind of culture where screeching at each other is considered a healthy and normal relationship dynamic. Most of the time it just sounds like a lazy asshole screaming like a baby for someone to get him a beer.
If it ever does seem to escalate again I'm definitely calling the police again, but I'm not sure I can just call the police on someone for being a loud asshole.

>> No.7834015

if we id you we are sending railgun shot warhead your way via Metal Gear. Everyone you know comes to this board you know.

>> No.7834021

everyone can know i go on this board just not know im asking this question t-thats embarrassing

>> No.7834029

come on, I doubt they even looking for you.
>Anon was that your post?

whats the worse that can happen? its fine if you dont want to but never be too afraid to do what you want

>> No.7834031


For me, my gf approached me. Being slightly beta this helped a lot. I'm sure if you are willing to make that first move and say "Hi" to someone, things will go much better then expected.
I mostly took over since then but always difficult to tell if a girl is interested or will scream rape when you talk to them.

>> No.7834041

we were even reading this thread together today while waiting for an appointment
did you have any recommendations, anyway?

>> No.7834045

Got put on Zoloft to help with my depression and Anxiety. It's good that I finally got medicine sorted and a side benefit I notice that I am emotionally eating a lot less, which hopefully will help me to lose weight. The only downside is the medication is making me nauseous, like I went to a Japanese restaurant with my partner and I could barely eat I was so queasy.

Keeping it cgl related:
My Lady Sloth JSK arrived and it looks fabulous. It looks much better than the stock photo and I can't wait to wear it!

>> No.7834053

Kick her out, things will only get worse

>> No.7834056

ebay always ships internationally

>> No.7834061

pills should be a fall back, what is really causing your depression?

>> No.7834068

>Japanese clothing shop I really like is web-only and expensive as shit to proxy order from
>They made an international shipping page on their site to start taking overseas orders
Fuck yeaaaa

Maybe Uniqlo? They're pretty much everywhere now. I think ASOS and Nordstrom do free international shipping too, although I've never kept anything from ASOS.

>> No.7834081

i've never considered ebay for clothing
but i more so was looking for ideas of what brands are good for mens jeans and/or underwear
i would have no idea where to start with ebay
thanks, i'll check those out

>> No.7834087

>desperately, horribly depressed
>need to go back on antidepressants
>well, they take like six weeks to take effect, I'm sure I'll feel better by then!
>six weeks later
>wow fuck i want to die i hate my life i should go back on meds
>well, they take like six weeks to take effect, I'm sure I'll feel better by then!

I have a laundry list of excuses not to go back on antidepressants, even though what I'm doing now (nothing) isn't working. What's wrong with me?

>> No.7834094


Noise complaints are a thing

>> No.7834102


Not always, depends on the seller.

Most of the time though, as long as you don't mind paying the fees

>> No.7834103

With Ebay just look for the brands you want to buy instead of searching general things. I've bought some good stuff on there for cheap from brands like Cheap Monday.

>> No.7834106

oooooohhh that, yeah I just thought you meant places to shop globally
I prefer hanes or anything that isnt too tight like boxer briefs. jeans just go any, they are all the same quality wise, styles vary and depend on personal taste. slim relax is commonly liked.
also this>>7834102, China doesnt give two fucks tho
dont go back, find the source and uproot it. find a friend that will just let you vent and you might stumble across the answer

>> No.7834127

I'll bite. I was 20 back then, studying and working full time, drinking quite heavily (I call it my "working 80 hours a week and being stressed out as fuck" phase) and hitting on anything that resembled a handsome male (as I'd been single-ish all of my life - never more than a couple of dates) and was taller than me. Met an a bit older guy (25 at the time) at a party organized by a coworker. After a lot (and I mean a lot) of drinking and dancing at the party, we made out and he said he'd call me three days later. He did. After a couple of dates we realized that we really clicked (he met my graphing calculator, I met his car, we fawned over Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss and Ghost in the Shell) and decided that we wanted to see a lot of each other. Two and a half years later I'm finally done with my studies, we're moving in together and going stronger than ever. Both of us have good education and jobs, we're into weeby stuff together and most importantly - we hate the same things.

From what my boyfriend has told me, the things that attracted him the most after our first dates was my neatness, ability to hold up a conversation, not using any kind of physical contact as a tool and a great pair of boobs. What attracted me towards him were mainly the similar interests, but the looks and overall success in life helped as well.

>> No.7834131
File: 358 KB, 2048x1366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted on /cgl/ about my mask/helmet fetish before, but it's getting bad to the point that I'm far more aroused by horror movies than I am by porn. Yesterday I saw a motorcyclist with a helmet, and I went a little crazy. I'm really afraid of how I'll react at my next convention. Robot master cosplays are really popular there. There will be helmets and masks everywhere.

I feel like I can only talk about it here, because other seagulls share my mask-lust.

>> No.7834133

cool, thanks for the advice

>> No.7834134
File: 1.23 MB, 320x180, rollingwatanuki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dream dress and a blouse are being delivered today
>mailman delivers randomly between 2-6 the last few weeks since the post office dumps an extra route on him instead of the usual 2:30.
>mrw I have to watch the mailbox like a cat waiting for a mouse instead of doing things I want to do

OT, but that gif took a stupidly long time to make with one uninjured hand (sorry for the dumb watermark too)

>> No.7834155
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>and most importantly - we hate the same things.
That's beautiful.

>> No.7834157

Shit that happened to me as a child, shit that I'm currently going through.

>> No.7834158


Sounds like the guy couldn't get it through that you weren't going for steampunk. I wouldn't feel bad about it; if anything, he's the one that's bad at reading social cues, since you were outright telling him it wasn't steampunk and he still didn't get it.

>> No.7834213

careful, with stuff like that, one you get over it you develop a fetish as mental defense mechanism.

>> No.7834295
File: 128 KB, 674x760, 1410132702926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start liking a guy
>he's the type who's crushed on by a lot of pretty, funny girls
>I'm just shy and awkward as fuck in general, my clothes are the only good thing about me
>tfw no idea how I'd even attempt getting him to like me back

>> No.7834297

well what do you like about him?
are you sure you just didnt fall for his charm ?

>> No.7834314

We have A LOT of interests in common (we can spend hours recommending things to each other), he's witty and intelligent and understanding and just really fun to do things with, and of course he's physically attractive with a nice fashion sense on top of all that.

>> No.7834336

I think youre just smitten, give it a bit.
the things you like about him are very subjective and vague, its best to play it safe and talk to him normally

>> No.7834337

There have been a few feels lately.

>Only halfway there to my goal weight
>All my clothes are baggy but don't want to purchase anything new yet since I'm not where I want to be
>Stress eating due to an overloaded schedule
>At least instead of gaining weight, have been maintaining the same weight for about a month

>Order a skirt that was free size, thinking I probably wouldn't be able to fit it yet
>Get it, it fits fine, but it's so short I'd never wear it out anyway

>Discover a gorgeous new dream dress
>Really ambivalent because the cut is so strange and I've never seen it worn outside of the model pics
>I have no idea if it would even look flattering on me until I try it on

>Get a big order of accessories in because it's one of the few things I CAN get without worrying if it'll still fit months from now
>Wear a bracelet out to dinner with my mother, who becomes enamored by it
>Now wants me to help her learn to shop online for things
>Feels pretty good, actually

>> No.7834353

Hold onto the free size skirt, anon! Who knows-- when you get to your goal weight, maybe it'll fit better and appear longer!

Also, get some clothes at a second hand shop to hold you off.

>> No.7834356

He sounds nice, rape him.

>> No.7834369

Just go thrift shopping, like anon said, to hold you over! Most of my everyday clothing came from thrift stores, and it's all really cute and in great condition.

>> No.7834374

>tfw you first start your cosplay
>that first cut into the craft foam

God, it feels so fucking good.

>> No.7834377

>girl crushing on me
>trying to make me like her
>she is very endearing and tolerant
>tell her I like her back
>gets spacey

its girls like that that make us not take girls like you seriously, blame them. Keep at it .

>> No.7834378


>Just reserved plane ticket to go see SO in December
> Need to find a part time job to help family pay for studies
> No cons for me till the end of the year
>Savings are all gone

Up and downs, I'll just pretend really hard nothing is happening until next year and hide all the unfinished cosplay projects.

>> No.7834387

>SO going away next year on his mother's will and dime
>I can go with him
>but only if I save $1500 + for plane ticket and spending money and food and accommodations
>if I don't we'll be apart for a year
>we'd been planning on moving out around the same time he'd be leaving

Still trying to convince him to say no. He doesn't really want to go but his mom is guilting him into it.

>> No.7834403

this is what happens when you date a mamas boy

>> No.7834407

I definitely need to check out the thrift shops near me, I could stand to make a day out of it. Having multiple anons tell me just puts some sense of urgency into it, haha.

And yeah, I'm not tossing the skirt out. Even if I get down to where I want to be and it still isn't long enough, I can tear it up and use it as a pattern for something a little longer.

>> No.7834453

>NYCCC in October
>Work retail, blackout starts in October
>Oh let's get Thursday tickets! no one will give a fuck if I need a Thursday off!
>big boss sends out an e-mail saying there is a district wide managers meeting the fucking Thursday I was planning on going to the convention
>In a fun batch of irony my tickets come in the mail that same day
>Well I'm technically not a manager, I don't have to go right?
>No. you have to go
>Why the fuck did I not get Friday tickets.
>At least it is in NYC, so I can go after I guess?
>There is no way it is going to be over 8 hours right?
>It is going to be in the morning so I can at least have an hour or two at the convention right?

Please fucking pray for me /cgl/ I can't think of anything we could passably be doing that is going to take that long except for being yelled at about how to handle xmass better for 8+ hours in fucking October.

>> No.7834459

>lost an inch in bust, waist, and hips
>tfw goal dresses work as extra motivation (first is health)

>> No.7834464

I am so fucking scared of never being loved or ending up in an abusive relationship again.
I almost wish I was born a man so I cuold grow a neck beard to match my thirst

>> No.7834471

He had a lot of shit going on when he was younger and his mom was the only person ever really there for him, but he's sort of a doormat all the time. He can't say no to me either. Its just annoying because I only ever ask him things like "hey can you get me a glass of water, I have a migraine," and his mom says, "Hey btw you're going to drop everything including your new job and girlfriend of 4 years and go to korea for a year, k?"

>> No.7834480

Same here.

>> No.7834486

>not going cosplay bf hunting at cons
its like you like dating normies

>> No.7834500
File: 547 KB, 527x476, derpeyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw rewatching my waifu's source material with a good friend
>it's like introducing your friends from different parts of your life to each other and you're pretty sure they'll hit it off but you don't know what you'll do if they somehow hate each other

And cosplay related, it is ridiculous how fucking indecisive I am. I'm trying to plan what costumes I want to do for the next year, and I'm trying to be reasonable with how much I will actually have the time and money to make but I still want to do way too much. I've spent an unreasonable amount of time trying to prioritize and reorganize my list. It's silly. I mean, some of it depends on groups that may or may not happen and stuff like that, but still. What am I doing?

Also, I've been across the country for the past couple months, helping at a family friend's takeout restaurant and it's cool and all but I can't wait to go home in a couple weeks so me and my sewing machine can get some cosplay shit done. On a side note, the restaurant serves all types of stuff, one of the most popular being our pad thai, and every time I abbreviate pad thai, 'PT,' on a box or note or whatever I can't help but think of you-know-who.

>> No.7834537
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Except most people in the convention world here are under 18, and I don't feel like hunting for toyboys that haven't even graduated high school.
And the guys that are around my age are already taken, except for the usual dnw-types that reek of /b/

>> No.7834540

I will bite because my situation was similar. Was single for 5 years after being cheated on by a verbally abusive asshole, was started to despair and feel really negative about my prospects for ever finding someone, realized that I wasn't getting anywhere and I wasn't going to so long as I was so actively looking for romance in every single situation, decided instead to focus on myself and loving myself alone. While I was doing that, my current boyfriend (who at the time was just an acquaintance through a mutual friend, a really close con friend of mine) messaged me on Facebook and we started bonding over our shared interests, which include anime, video games, a few specific adult swim shows, crossplay and 80s hair metal. He asked me if I wanted to hang out when I came back to my home state for Winter break, super casual. We went with a few mutual friends to eat at a food truck, and it was pretty apparent that we had that ever elusive "spark." He drove me home, went for the hand hold during the drive, and then kissed me goodnight when he dropped me off. We went on our first official date the next day, and in two months and some change from now, we will have been dating for 2 years. I'll be moving in with him when I graduate, and if that goes well, we will probably end up getting married sometime down the road.

>> No.7834559

Oh, and I forgot to add, the cutest part about this situation is that a few months later, I found out my bf had been nursing a crush on me for a good couple of months before we went out to eat, had literally just talked himself out of thinking we would ever end up together and decided "maybe I will just try to be friends with this girl" but then I made his kotoro go doki doki in person, and he was instantly smitten, and the reason he decided to kiss me that night was because he finally said to himself "if you don't at least try to start a romantic relationship with her, you will regret it forever." And he was so nervous. HE OVERCAME HIS SPAGHETTI FOR ME.

>> No.7834561 [DELETED] 

pls be in florida

>> No.7834571

>"You are such a burden when you are feeling down"
>"It's really demanding and tiring"
>"Considering how much I've done for you in the past you owe me a shitload of favors"
>"Why don't you ever open up? Why do you think you are such a bother? You really should trust people more!"

^quotes from the same chick that claims she's one of my closest friends.
She is really nice otherwise, and I don't want to think she really understand what kind of effect her attitude has even when you explain it to her. But she really gets under my skin sometimes

>> No.7834590

>tfw all sexual experiences have been creepy ass people sexually assaulting you
>tfw have shit self esteem because of it
>can't get therapy because most of my attackers have been other women and no psychiatrist in my busted-ass country takes that seriously

>> No.7834597

I'm anti-social and I don't know how conversational sentences begin
Plus, I'm allergic to the medicine of sexual healing

>> No.7834605

>tfw crushing on a non-conformist freak who only comes out in the daytime

I-I mean...she's no Natalie Portman, and I've been kind of holding out for her

>> No.7834608
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>> No.7834613

I can't start a sentence to begin my life.
My second job has new employees every month because its a season type of job and these guys want me to be social and Im fucked.

I have to wait until we need to do something to talk to them.

>> No.7834620
File: 1.10 MB, 500x750, forever-alone-snow-owl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to wear lolita and get involved with local con, but the only dress I have is ita.
>Find a cute taobao JSK for cheap on our local sales comm
>Reply immediately
>Don't get any response from seller for a few days
>She replies on facebook that she didn't get my pm
>I reply saying that I want the dress if it's still available
>Instead of PMing me the bitch just posts on the facebook photo that it's still for sale
>immediately someone snitches away my dress like a bunch of vultures while I'm at work.

Why is buying loli dresses so unfair. I was first and I can't help it that that stupid cunt didn't get my mail.

>> No.7834625
File: 379 KB, 400x250, tumblr_lx9dgld1Ch1qhc5n0o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to a two-day work-related event in a week
>want to wear toned-down otome because opportunities to dress cute are few and far between nowadays
>putting together two outfits with the same shoes to cut back on luggage
>end up with two possible sets, one with the pink flats I often wear and one with black 4 inch heels
>already same height as male boss

>tfw my outfit decisions depend on whether or not I want to tower over my manlet boss
I'm tempted, anons.

>> No.7834629

Do it, anon.

>> No.7834634

Haha, I'd say no. Sometimes its not flattering if youre the tallest one in the room, especially if youre already tall.
HOWEVER, if your average height and your boss is actually just really short, go for it.

>> No.7834703

Kick her out. If she's hoarding plates and cups in her room you've probably got an insect infestation on your hands on top of her bullshit to deal with.

>> No.7834719

>have 1,000+ notes on all my original tumblr photos
>only 34 followers

>> No.7834740

I'm only 5'4". My boss is just a shortass. Even with the heels I'm sure most of my (male) coworkers are still taller than I am.

I think I might! I probably won't be spending that much time around him anyway but I sort of hope there will be photos of us together just for giggles.

>> No.7834802
File: 29 KB, 460x725, Cheetah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is like a gender swapped post advising guys how to get girls on /fit/

>> No.7834850
File: 17 KB, 203x300, Nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I am almost done with my cut and recently bought new clothes
Feels great man, now I look passable!

>> No.7834859

I wish I could drown my sorrows in alcohol

but it would affect my weight loss

>> No.7834864


>> No.7834878

Tall and pale and young and lovely,
The girl wearing lolita goes walking
And when she passes, each one she passes goes, “Kawaii…”

>> No.7834911

I'm definitely interested in being a guinea pig! Are you living in China right now?

>> No.7834917

Depending on the service fee, I might be interested as well...

>> No.7834921

> mfw I'm a masochist and am once again planning a cosplay which demands a higher level of skills than I have
At least I'm improving...?

> will inevitably have a breakdown at least once before the con

>> No.7834931

When she walks its like a manga,
That shines so bright and looks so loli
That when she passes each one she passes goes "Kawaii..."

>> No.7834934

Whaaa? I only have one 1000+ note post and I have 100 followers

>> No.7834943

Oh but i watch her so sadly, How can i tell her i love her?
Yes I would give my heart gladly

But each day when she walks to the Con,
She looks not at me but straight on

Petite and pale and young and loli,
the girl in that Coord goes walking
And when she passes i smile but she doesn't see,

She doesn't see me...

>> No.7834949

I met my first real bf (now husband haha) at a college party hosted by his roomate who was the bf of a roomate of a friend. Did I mention I went to a women's college. Ha. It's all about making connections. If you go do things you like, or go do new things you'll find someone to click with. (Had a friend who got a date from someone he met at a wedding)

>> No.7835090

My grandma is dying and my mom is already starting to take her frustrations out on me. It'll only get worse from here, grandma still has a ways to go before actually dying. I don't want to deal with months of this shit.

>> No.7835092

B-but I don't like doing anything except sitting in my room and watching anime or playing games...

>> No.7835216


>> No.7835277

Hey you...lets cuddle while I beat you at vidya

>> No.7835292

>finally made some cosplay friends whom i see semi-regularly
>meet up with them at least once every week or so
>trying so hard not to spill spaghetti

>> No.7835302

I just wish a guy that I am also interested in would pursue me for once. I'm always the one that has to make the initial contacts, ask for the first few dates, etc.
There are guys I am interested in, but I want to be asked out.
I guess I'll just keep on working on me until then.

>> No.7835306

You wouldn't have a difficult time doing so

>> No.7835388

Umm...I'll show you my fine taste in asian Saturday cartoons is better? idk girl youre depressing me.

>> No.7835491

>parents arguing late at night again
>have to diffuse their argument again
>30 minutes later dad knocks on door
>tells me how much he's thinking about killing himself and making it look like an accident so my mom and I can claim the insurance
I don't even feel like sifting through my downloads folder for a reaction image at this point.
I fucking hate my parents because they still act like children and they've been married longer than I've been alive.
They should've solved this shit by now, but somehow I'm the one whose made the most progress over the years as a person.

>> No.7835511

>80s hair metal

Good luck, but if it doesn't work out. Call me?

>> No.7835513

Man, I'm sorry, anon. My mom's like that, finds everything she can to start strife and has threatened suicide multiple times. Have you suggested they seek counseling or anything? That's such a shitty way to treat themselves, each other, and you.

>> No.7835518

>come home and use the lavatory
>cat cries for me outside of bathroom door
>try to work on cosplay
>cat starts scratching craft foam
>cat starts playing with measuring tape
>give up and decide to make minecraft skin
>twenty minutes of work gone when cat steps on keyboard and reloads page
>give up and decide to browse /cgl/ in bed
>cat takes up entire pillow

I can't even be mad, she just wants to be where I am at all times because she loves me so damn hard. But it's really hard to get anything done. She's such an inconvenience sometimes.

>> No.7835550

Why don't you play with her? Cats need like, 10 minutes of exercise before they get bored and go to sleep. Then pick up, and plop on nearby pillow.

>> No.7835551
File: 33 KB, 499x375, h45FBD02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, fuck cats. They are such assholes

Sitting around with their smug ass look

>> No.7835720

That'd be great! I've outlined a few things I'm not currently going to take orders for, such as custom-sized things, but if it's anything pre-packaged, I should be able to.

I live in Beijing, yup.

For the first handful of people I'm charging flat-rate 20yuan, just to see how things go. Later I'll probably change it once I've gotten the hang of it.

I'll only be shipping to the US, though simply because I don't know how the mail works in other countries, so hopefully you are all American seagulls.

Check out my Tumblr post for more details.

I thought these are still allowed? Maybe depends on how they're worded. I think Tinychat cosplay work stuff should maybe be on /soc/, but finding other local cosplayers? I was under the impression that's totally fine.

>> No.7835757
File: 98 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do play with her. She doesn't get tired before I do. We play very actively, I actually chase her, and we try to sneak up and surprise each other. She always wins that game because she's a fucking cat.

>tfw cat is more fit and stealthy than I am

Pic related.

>> No.7835758

Shit, I forgot that picture was a jpeg, looks like hot garbage,

>> No.7835764

Makes it better.

>> No.7835807
File: 334 KB, 1205x721, 1400117046009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to buy a full dress set for a jsk
>socks, headbow, jsk
>I don't care if its from a website I can afford it
>everything in stock isn't sickenly sweet enough
>only sweet set I like is overpriced for over $100 more than retail value and its not even a popular colorway

someone take my money, anyone

>> No.7835813
File: 42 KB, 450x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oo a cool info graphic about cat breeds. I already have one saved for dogs".
>open it


>> No.7835824

>just got out of a shitty abusive relationship
>best friend hinted at liking me
>roll with it
>he's amazing, understanding, sweet, a little broke but so am I

>everything is great.. but ldr..
>says he'll visit soon

>he's saving to move out here

I'm in love with my best friend and it's the greatest thing ever

>> No.7835832
File: 119 KB, 1045x648, tumblr_luf3wfEsSY1r0q6x8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was p much in love with friend a year ago, but it didn't pan out because of a number of reasons
>ended up stopping contact with them (twice) because it sucked being so into someone not into me
>feels over them, kind of flirting with someone else, misses their friendship
>we start talking again
>swear to myself i wont go down that road again
>except i totally am
>and they're single and want somebody

>> No.7835935

What jsk are you after anon?

>> No.7835952

nothing in paticular, just a cute set, something sweet. AP has been leaning more towards mature styles recently

I don't like red, black, or yellow colorways.

>> No.7836034 [DELETED] 

>when motherfuckers take your parking spot at 5 in the morning after you just left for the gym
who the fuck gets home at 5 in the morning

>> No.7836066
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>decides to stop eating sweets during the weekdays
>of course I made that decision right before I got my period

Godspeed me, godspeed

>> No.7836212
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>> No.7836251

> gaining weight because unhealthy college life man
> I used to be so beautiful
> decides yesterday that I'm going to start being healthy again
> no time to eat today so ends up eating fatty snacks again

>> No.7836266
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 1396657907095[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find an item I really want on Craigslist
>the seller is a couple states away, not that close
>realize that I sound like a scammer almost no matter what I message after looking at the CG FAQ

I didn't realize it was this difficult to buy art supplies

>> No.7836298

>break it off with cheating ex
>hear their rep is wrecked, having a really tough time
>feeling better than I have in years, the binds are gone. Buy waifu merch without the paranoia
>months pass, they already have another relationship going, theyre going places
realize Im once again a social retard with weeb vibes. Cant find anyone that isnt to my liking, the few people I do find are real narcissists and mentally unstable. Change my personality hoping it will bring the ideal person into my life, it hits me that even if I did find them my current lifestyle would get in the way.

>> No.7836340
File: 387 KB, 2464x1648, 1358902057789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm paranoid my boyfriend is going to dump me. I'm worried he's figuring out how much I really suck, and it doesn't help we can only see each other about half as much as we used to.

>> No.7836488
File: 127 KB, 640x360, tfwnobf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't bring myself to tell my story, even anonymously. It makes me feel so weak thinking the person it's about might read it and hate me.

>> No.7836601

Well I'm sure if you constantly have to be the one making the effort, you're probably only average looking.

>> No.7836607

just try it? I mean, you're not asking him to send you money.

>> No.7836610

Stop buying fatty snacks and buy healthier snack, you dingus. You have nobody to blame but yourself. ~weh I have no time to eat so I eat garbage~ isn't an excuse.

>> No.7836755

This. It doesn't take much extra time to peel a goddamn banana or open a cup of Greek yogurt instead of reaching into a bag of chips or ordering a burger.

>> No.7836795

I've done everything I can.
(There are no heroes left in man) They're trying to work on it or something I think.
I've basically just focused on improving myself and working towards some abstract goal of being better than I am now.
My Mom's a bitch and my Dad's a punk ass bitch, I know their issues inside and out just like my own, they don't want to acknowledge them, let alone confront them.
I've transitioned as of late from getting in between their arguments to telling them to just fuck off and be quiet because of how frequent they are.

Shit sucks, but I can't afford to move out right now, so being fed and sheltered ain't too bad.

>> No.7836797

do it faget
fuck em

>> No.7836821
File: 13 KB, 254x200, il_570xN.583199694_nma4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chica tells me she gets uncomfortable when we wear the same dress
>gets excited when more famous lolitas in our comm wears same dress as her
>why don't you just admit I'm not famous enough for you you brownnosing self-important motherfucker

>> No.7836865

Thanks anon, I appreciate it, I hope you can find a job that doesn't kill your soul. seriously.

>> No.7837104

>uploads picture from cosplay photoshoot on tumblr
>13 notes
>friend uploads make up test taken with shitty ass phone
>150 notes


>> No.7837249

I'm on my 2nd post college job and I'm starting to doubt that this is possible.

>> No.7837406

>begging a friend for photos of us from a con for two months
>finally get them attached in a series of e-mails
>the first e-mail with the one or two particular photos I wanted fails to send
>none of the other pictures are flattering/usable
>request friend to resend first batch
>probably gonna be another two fucking months akhdskjhgkhds

Taking photos with my camera from now on.

>> No.7837455

So you'd show your ass to the internet to pass college?

>> No.7837516
File: 1.19 MB, 3000x2426, 1259730441091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a male lolita
>dress up in lolita and go to meetup last month at tea house for high tea
>after high tea we all go shopping at the arcade
>girls go into VS
>stay outside and wait for them
>one of them say "come on Anon and come inside!"

I coordinate well with my lolita clothes and the girls compliment my tastes in sweet lolita. I kinda of would like to wear VS knickers underneath my bloomers, but I don't want be called a sissy.

>> No.7837531

You're already wearing dresses, panties aren't really too ridiculous at this point. Honestly, female underwear are made of lovely, incredibly soft materials. There is a reason why a ton of guys secretly admit their love for wearing them online.

>> No.7837558

> tfw waiting for package
> tfw get a custom bill instead
> tfw it's 2/3rds of the total price of the package

I think the seller didn't even think of marking it as a gift so I wouldn't get hit with a customs bill. Guess I should make sure to ask beforehand next time.

>> No.7837561

Wear them if you want to. Just don't make a point of telling everybody or post pictures online. If you want to wear them for the same reason you want to wear dresses (which I assume is because you feel pretty/think the dresses are nice), then sure, wear women's underwear too. VS' cotton panties are awesome, I don't blame any guy for wearing that

>> No.7837622

>Just don't make a point of telling everybody or post pictures online.

Da fuq. I'm a girl and from time to time I post pics of my shopping which includes panties that I got unworn. A new pair of panties are cute. You feel rather insecure about your own body even in lolita or cosplay.

>> No.7837646

Yes. You're a girl. And this is a brolita who is worried about being perceived as a sissy if he wears women's underwear.

Beyond that, it's a bit weird to randomly tell people about your undies. Shopping hauls aside. I don't go telling my friends "Hey! I'm wearing a leopard print lace thong today!" when we get to meets, so there's really no reason for him to do it either.

>> No.7837722

> healthier snacks
Well, it's not so much junk food. Just that it's not very healthy to eat fifteen granola bars instead of a proper lunch and dinner. Any ideas for alternatives that aren't messy to eat and can be eaten on the go?

>> No.7837745

1. Drink more water. In between meal cravings are occasionally crossed wires in your brain, resulting in your body thinking thirst is actually hunger.
2. If you're still hungry after having a glass of water, get a snack that is low GI. This means things like dairy are good (yoghurt, cheese), but also that oats or the like are also good. The goal with a low GI snack is that the carbohydrates you're going to consume will be distributed over a period of time, rather than giving you a sudden "jolt" the way chocolate or fruit juice would (this is why marathon runners eat big plates of pasta before races--the carbs are low GI, which means that the energy gained will be sustained for longer).
3. For actual meals, you want to get your main groups in, but you also want an emphasis on protein. Protein is harder to turn into fats (which is what happens to unused carbs). Supplement with low GI carbs and your veggies/fruits for vitamins. You'll feel fuller longer, without all the fatty food side effects.

Look for lean meats, avoid anything high in fructose or glucose (honey is high fructose, table sugar has both), and hydrate. Hope it helps you out.

>> No.7837772

Yeah, definitely! I'll probably drink more water, since it's true that I sometimes don't know if I'm hungry or thirsty or full. I need to eat more fruit, probably, but I can't think of any that won't leave my fingers sticky and conserves well without refrigerating. What sort of proteins would you suggest? Would peanut butter work or...?

>> No.7837773
File: 193 KB, 450x413, 1406167302366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how you feel anon. Ever since I went back to college it's been harder to see my bf. He just works most of the time and has many pretty female coworkers he's friends with. Sometimes I feel like one of them is gonna wow him to the point he's just gonna pick up his stuff and leave realizing I'm not as great as them.

>> No.7837780

Peanut butter is fine for snacks, but for meals I mean things like chicken, fish, etc. Red meat is actually not as bad as people have said (so long as you get lean cuts), you just can't overcook it. Overcooking any meat, particularly in a pan, results in the creation of polyols, which are like a sugar-fat-protein amalgam that's a pain to digest.

I tend to default to baked fish, because it's easy to flavour with different glazes and marinades, but chicken is something that will also give you lots of options. Eggs are also good, but in sparing amounts (also better boiled or poached than fried obviously).

>> No.7837783

Is it just masks or helmets as well? Because I was fucking going nuts when I played through metro last light..

>> No.7837799

Last night

>father comes into town to visit and have me help with some house repairs
>'Anon, let's go for dinner somewhere, I need to tell you something important and you're old enough now to know'
>pick out semi nice place, get dressed up in new IW dress thinking this is going to just be kind of a funny heart to heart
>He tells me about how my mother and him started dating, while he was still married to second wife, blah blah divorce happened and now my mother and him have been married for over thirty years
>OK I guess he just felt bad about that or something and it was supposed to be a life lesson of some sort
>'Now I have to tell you the bad story'
>mfw I have no face
>proceeds to tell me about his first marriage that ended up in a botched suicide attempt on his part where he ended up killing his wife and spent six years in a mental institution

I couldn't find a reaction image appropriate enough for whatever the fuck I am supposed to be experiencing right now

>> No.7837810

Damn, anon. Probably would have been better to have that talk with your mother present, I should think. I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.7837813

mine's been an asshole since we moved 2 months ago, but we got different obs and are on different schedules. At least he's not trying to escape I guess

>> No.7837815

My mother and I have never been close. However she apparently said she wanted him to tell me himself. But I have some questions for her since he told her this before they started dating. And the entire story is really weird and one of those things that...

OK if he was actually insane, how can I trust his story.

But if he wasn't insane... How can I trust his story.

Just a little mind fucked.

>> No.7837816

That's more than fair. But that's kind of why I think she should have been present at the time. Someone who has had that level of mental break isn't exactly a reliable narrator of their own story.

>> No.7837825

Well he's the only one who knows it, there were no witnesses. His children from that marriage were upstairs and he told them to go to a neighbors house after he killed her and covered the body with a blanket so they wouldn't see. I know he has the scar on his chest from shooting himself and this answers a lot of questions about my half siblings never being around while I was growing up heh.

Since, well I can only assume they hated him for killing their mother.

>> No.7837850
File: 262 KB, 400x300, obamasan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW that horrible old woman who's been verbally abusing me for months at work finally got caught. She apologized, but it's only because my supervisor's boss threw a shitfit about it. She's a little old Filipino woman who yells at me for not working fast enough on a project that I VOLUNTEERED to work on because the section was behind. My supervisor didn't do anything about it because he said "that's how old Filipino women are, loud and pushy" but I had a horrible panic attack today because of her, and someone else just happened to overhear her yelling at me and knew that I just had surgery so I couldn't work as fast due to pain.

>The job I've been working on is what the old bat is being PAID to do.

>> No.7837858

Sperg here, it happens. You sometimes just have to ask point blank, like "Do you really think this is steampunk?" You can do it in a nice way and it keeps people from thinking you're an asshole, just a little clueless.

>> No.7837863

"bring a friend" to help you pack. No hurt feelings on your bitchy mom's side, while still keeping her at bay. Plus it helps anxiety on your part as well.

>> No.7837870


Bananas, apples, pears, grapes, really most fruit is clean and doesn't need refrigeration.

And you have to be choosy, but dried fruit is even moreso. Just make sure you don't get shit that is covered in sugar like most dry fruit. And watch your serving sizes, easy to go overboard with dried, fresh is definitely preferred.

>> No.7837876


How did he not go to jail if he killed her?

>> No.7837879

Dried apple and banana chips are awesome. My friend and I used to do this charity apple pick every year, and they'd let you take home a box for yourselves (since we generally picked about 15 boxes, that was pretty fair I'd say). Her mom would make apple chips for us from about half of that box. The other half would go into pies.

Slice 'em thin, sprinkle some cinnamon, and toss 'em in the dehydrator. So yum.

>> No.7837885

I live in a military dorm. Knocking on their door to ask if they're okay is generally a good way to shut people up, especially if they're fighting. It's polite and gets your point across without giving them a reason to be offended.

>> No.7837887

> six years in mental institution

>> No.7837891

Some people have legitimate chemical imbalances.

>I have to take five pills a day due to severe depression that has no cause.

>> No.7837894

He was put on trial for murder but was found to be insane. This also occurred in the 60s I believe and happened on a military base and was handled in their courts. The way he told it was he meant to shoot himself but she grabbed the gun and they struggled and it went off, killing her. Then he shot himself in the chest.

But yes he was kept in an institution with no outside access or control over his own welfare/finances/children

>> No.7837908

I've been replacing my snacks with PB and it's been going well so far. It gets filling fast, if you're careful about checking the sugar content there are a lot of flavors available. Whole foods has all these fancy flavored ones, but I usually check the one out by my job every week until something with dark chocolate and relatively low in sugar goes on sale. 3 grams in a 2 tbsp serving is pretty good to me.I picked up an almond butter with espresso flavoring and vanilla bean that I'll try out in a few weeks too,

I think PB or AB are filling enough and take long enough to eat that they're a pretty good alternative to most packaged snacks. They'll also help bridge that gap into making fruit and veggies your main snacks. Hummus feels like the savory alternative to me.

>> No.7837910


You, have excellent taste!

>> No.7837914

>Used to be at the low end of a healthy weight
>After months in the hospital, I gained 50lbs
>Trying to lose the weight again by eating at maintenance for the weight I used to be
>Not losing any of the weight, can't diet any harder because of chronic fatigue and health issues

I'm frustrated as hell, because I can't fit in a lot of my old clothes. I just want to lose enough weight to be right smack in the middle of healthy, is that too much to ask?

>> No.7837924

> was in the middle of the spectrum
> edging towards fatter side
No body, other direction.

>> No.7837957
File: 297 KB, 200x150, 3334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW finally sold a dress that I've been trying to get rid of for a MONTH.

>> No.7837966
File: 91 KB, 568x600, 1385282624520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no gf

where do you meet girls when you are 21 years old and not going to college?

i live and study at home (cant afford my own place)

is it even worth trying if dont even have a good place to bring back a girl? when i dont even have money to spend on nice dates?
>pls respond

>pic related it's me

>> No.7837976

>military dorm
>being polite ever

Man, we have lived in totally different dorms.

>> No.7837982
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, mfw-i-have-no-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should do, anon

>> No.7837986

I'm in a medical dorm, so it's a bit different. If you act genuinely concerned, people feel like an asshole. Loud music and sex is a different story. I blare bad porno music in response to sex, it generally works well. I've noticed that if you're polite, people tend to treat you better and listen to your requests instead.

>> No.7837999

>no money
>living at home
>and likely no car
For your particular situation, finding a girlfriend will be hard. Until you find some financial stability to go on nice dates (I'm not talking dinner and movie here, but maybe one or the other) and/or move out, you should work on being happy with yourself. Also, lift weights and getting fucking jacked helps too.

>ps I'm a guy

>> No.7838017


Ah, yea that would explain it.

At least you guys get women.

>> No.7838020

>MFW med ho
But yeah, it's a lot nicer than the other dorms I've seen.

>> No.7838029
File: 593 KB, 1280x720, 1404553060834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Need to get a job
>Want to move out from parents
>Cosplay progress is slow
>Money is slowly dwindling
>Will eventually reach a point where my life crashes and burns and I wonder why I haven't killed myself already

>> No.7838061

>I will never find a guy/girl that is into games, anime, Cosplay, and sports who isn't either psycho or ugly
>I am also below average looking and uninteresting

I just want someone to share my hobby with besides my friends. Maybe I have my standards too high.

>> No.7838075
File: 210 KB, 588x317, FATHERWHY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get first job ever
>1% of population who doesn't have phone
>tell boss first paycheck I get I'm getting a cheap phone for job emergencies/work hours
>tell dad I'm getting a phone
>"anon don't worry I was thinking for switching into a family plan soon anyway you don't need to buy your own phone I got you"
>father is responsible I know he's got this

>fast forward 1 week
>still no phone
>in those days off handedly asks "so how's them phone's comin along?"
>"oh anon the place closes at 8 I'll get them tomorrow"
>has said this 3 times
>don't want to badger him since I know he works hard, is busy etc

>it's been 2 weeks boss asks where's phone
>tell him I'll get on it having troubles
>Need phone immediately but don't want to waste money for when/if we both buy phones

cgl related feels

>work is close to fabric store
>trying hardest to not go to store and buy future cosplay fabric now that I have money

How do you guys save and not spend money when you have a job??? Maybe because it's my first paycheck n all but man I'm trying so hard not to spend

>> No.7838079

>Japanese cosplay waifu doesn't cosplay anymore
>Website gone, only posts on locked twitter
>Possibly has a kid now

I mean I should just move on but it makes me sad.

>> No.7838083

> went to animu club at my college
> mfw it felt so good to unlease my powerlevel if only a bit

>> No.7838096

just stash part of your check in savings right away so you can't spend it.

>> No.7838103

Here anon, this sums up the reason you shouldn't feel bad. Just watch it.


>> No.7838117
File: 1.98 MB, 381x434, 7rx7Tbm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

th-th-th-thanks trips guy

i guess these problems are too pathetic for even cgl girls to consider. i lift sometimes but mainly im focusing on studying so i can get a job in the near future

>> No.7838129

I talked to my boyfriend about the remark I made later, and apparently I actually referenced that song.

"That's the trendy fashion now a'days."

>> No.7838154

Get a Tracfone or another prepaid phone until your dad gets one. Then transfer the phone number over

>> No.7838163

>meetup coming up
>looking forward to it because I like the theme, location, etc.
>better loli friends can't make it, but it's ok, still know people
>get invited to a party several of those better friends are attending
>same day, but in the evening
>would have to leave meetup early and get to party late because public transport is a bitch and I'd want to change in between
>worried it'll wear me out too much going to both as an extreme introvert
>trying to figure out how to juggle everything
>considering bowing out of the meetup but don't want to let people down
>overwhelming anxiety
>why did I ever want a social life

>> No.7838190

Work on yourself first. Why would anyone else give a shit about you when you don't even care about yourself?

>> No.7838191

This is so wrong that I'm dying of laughter.
You could try lowering your sights a little and enjoying the company of someone who might not be perfect, but still loves you. When you really have an open mind about the people around you, you can find beauty in pretty much everyone. It's the ones that are pretty on the surface that normally have the most fucked ways of existing, imo. I would have never broken out of my shell if I hadn't met my SO in a chatroom on VF of all fucking places.
It's really better to just talk to people and find common interests and ideals than to expect shit from people.
If you expect perfection and demand nothing less, then you'll be old and past your prime when all the great guys are already taken.
There's a price to be paid for wanting a prince if you aren't a princess yourself.

>> No.7838194

haha, fucking yes. You schooled him anon, please keep being awesome and ignoring stupid people.

>> No.7838208

What I wish I could have done when I was first getting work was promising myself treats after hard earning to cut back on impulse shopping. For instance giving myself 100 to fuck around with for every 500 saved. That's 100 for every two weeks of minimum wage earnings in California, and plenty for someone who, presumably, lives at home and has nothing to funnel that money into besides fun shit.

>> No.7838240

Wow, so girls actually have issues getting boyfriends.

Just my two cents, but I think you single girls are just lacking confidence. Even if you have an extremely plain face, with a good mastery of cosmetics and an aesthetic body will get you far.

And what do you have to fear from rejection? The guy will probably just say "I'm sorry, you're not type" if you go on too strong. Well, I've never heard one of my guy friends ever shittalk a girl who hit on them. (Just mentionin' this if you think we do what girls do and say shit like "Wow, that guy was so creepy! He was so fat, ugly, ect) I've heard female friends talk about guys who hit on them, you gals are fucking brutal.

Then again, dudes are pretty much the same in the whole "plain face nice body" regard. Get /fa/, good skincare, and get really fit and I doubt any girl would disregard you without a chance. It's just that if a dude gets clingy or pushes too hard, he goes straight into creeper territory. So if you're the socially awkward type, it might be better to let yourself be approached instead.

>The issue when you first try leaving the single life, and you have no idea how to progress a relationship or take a fucking hint that somebody is attracted to you

so many regrets

>> No.7838264
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>mfw thinking of first paycheck and not having to buy a phone

Oh man thinking that way actually puts me in the mindset of saving and not spending all in one go- and I do live in Cali so those numbers seem good to me, thanks anon!
I'll do my best to spend my 100 wisely and not all at once

>> No.7838302

I have been actually. I've lost a bunch of weight and I've gained done muscle too. I'm just boring to talk to and my face still looks below average.

>> No.7838304

It occurs to me that there is also more good ways to save.

Shopping at thrift stores for things you want/need first when you have the money is the best way to cut expenses, because it'll all generally be dirt cheap.
If you live in Cali you have plenty of places to go, I'm sure.
The rich neighborhoods have the best goodwills imo, but goodwill outlets are epic tier. Priced per pound? FUCK YEAH.
It's also really satisfying having to hunt shit down than just instant gratification for mo money, but I might just be a weirdo. I'm that anon that found a bodyline dress for 6 dollah.

Another way to save is to write a list of all the things you'd love to have/ really need and prioritize them.
You might find yourself crossing stuff off before you have the 100 in your hand to use.
Use the list as a reminder and as a safeguard, because trust me, you'll either find better solutions or you'll just lose interest on some things, it happens.

Daiso Japan stores are fucking AMAZING, and we have them! My eyes have seen the glory of the fucking rising sun, man.
1.50 an item unless otherwise priced, I went on a spending spree and still shelled out less than 10 bucks.
Only thing is you have to go to a brick and mortar, no online shopping, and if you live in the heartland, none are near you and I'm sorry I mentioned it.

Willpower. If you say no to something you can't afford, or can't wait on till the end of the week, go buy an ice cream or treat yourself to a small reward that you'll enjoy. I do it because I know myself really well and that if I don't every now and again I'll have my lizard brain plotting against me to do something stupid and frivolous.

>> No.7838322

Another anon popping in to say Amazon wishlists are a godsend for impulse shopping urges.
Find something you NEED NEED NEED? Add it to the wishlist for later. Add ten more things. Add anything that you see that you like until you're so tired of shopping you don't want to look at another JSK again.
Then go back when you have some money to spend and weed through the wreckage. I actually keep two wishlists - my 'Back Shelf' where I just throw in shit I like, then my 'Official List' which I move items to that I've deemed worthy of my hard-earned cash.
> Back Shelf: quell your impulse shopping urges with the instant gratification of button pressing
> Official List: use your frugal, discerning eye to weed out the gems once you've got your shekels in hand

>> No.7838327
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Oh god love Daiso. They're like a cuter slightly pricier dollar tree. But I love shopping there for all kinds of household things. Though dollar tree is pretty good too since I can find name brand household cleaners like spic and span there.

Also, speaking of at least socal area.l for other canons who might be grocery shopping. Ethnic markets can have amazing deals on produce. There's a Northgate down the street from me, and apples can be dirt cheap there. It's a great feeling walking out with three times the amount I'd get for the same price at a major chain like Vons.

>> No.7838329

I'm tired of being single, but I don't find a guy I like and I would see myself in relationship with. Most guys my age are still very stressed out by relationships or just see it like something way too serious (guy, I'll still like you if you fart, that's ok, you're human) and I want a laid back couple. I just want a stylish and witty bestfriend who I happen to fuck, is that this hard ? Pillow fights, video game tournaments and stupid jokes included, please.

>> No.7838341


There are plenty of men that want the same thing, anon, you might just be looking in the wrong places.
I assume you're in college and attempting to find a guy there, right?
Have you thought to make a OKC and muddle a bit?
It's daunting in the first couple of weeks because new females get loads of attention, but after a bit it dies down and you can really get into conversations with people you might have things in common with.
Sure it's not the best, but it's a start, and it's free.

Our Dollar Stores in NorCal are shit tier, even the 99.99 cents stores are better.

>> No.7838344

i-i-if you're in english countryside bumfuck nowhere I could do with a pal

>> No.7838353

That's good, I'm glad you've been working on the outer. But you also need to work on the inner as cheesy as that sounds, because I'd hate to see how you are in person if you insist on stating that you're boring online.

I mean, be honest with yourself. Would you want to talk to yourself if you were the other party?

>> No.7838357
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>why aren't cute guys just "chilling with me"?

>> No.7838367

Did I say I was looking for someone perfect ? No.
I already 'looked' for a boyfriend on dating websites, it worked for a bit but it's not funny anymore. My problem is not that I don't talk with people, it's that I'm not attracted by these people. I can't 'downsize' that. If I'm not attracted I'm not attracted, end of the day, it doesn't prevent me from being friend with them and having fun. I don't know a lot of attractive guys in my immediate surroundings, and the one I know are way older than me (think 7-12 years older).
I'm not model-tier, I know that, but I also know that I'm charming enought to seduce the guys I find attractive, so the problem is not here either. I'm working on enlarging my circle of aquantainces, but it get me on situation I find uncomfortable because I'm not a social butterflie to begin with.
It's a combination of a lot of things, imo : I'm too weird for normies, too normal for alternatives, too young for my type of guy and, too picky because I know what I don't want to live anymore and too unsubmissive to change. It's me the problem, but I'm not even looking for a solution, just another problem to be failed and useless but pretty human beings together.

>> No.7838369

I'm into nerd shit actually, larping, tabletop games and the like, and we have some pretty cute and fit metalheads here. I don't like awkward nerdy guys, just sexy ones.

>> No.7838375

Seconding this.
>Acquire hobby
>git gud
>Find girl in hobby
>Git gurl

You should work on your insides too anon, you're probably just as boring as the male anon but are too lazy to admit it to yourself (Because that would mean exerting effort to fix it.)
Lots of my female friends at various life stages don't get that they actually have to work on themselves to be worth a life partner, it's fucking silly of them.

>> No.7838378

Sounds like you're just fucking picky.
You do realize that love isn't an automatic thing right?
You can lust but it won't get you farther than the back seat of a car, and you can actually get really attracted to someone you didn't at first like really easily by just spending time with them. Go figure you don't like anyone if you never fucking talk to them you twat.

>> No.7838384

Yeah I'm pretty freacking picky. Attraction is automatic, love isn't because love is a social construct, I know the difference thank you. Did you miss the part where I said I actually talked to people instead of judging them from far ?

I admit that I can seem boring because I'm a bit awkward and I don't like exhausting social situations (parties etc), but I'm working on that too. I'm not boring per se, I just find it difficult to communicate.

>> No.7838385

I can smell your neckbeard from here

>> No.7838394

Is it possible to see if you could carpool with someone if you offered gas money?

>> No.7838396

Social skills are something you can learn. If you can just talk to people, you don't even have to be good at it at first. You could always teach yourself things that interest you, so you can talk about them to other people with confidence. The idea of meeting new people is to lead small talk into deeper conversation, then it gets really easy.

>> No.7838406

You used a double negative to say a positive. I thought you were saying you've been browsing through profiles not talking to anyone. It wasn't very clear, you know.

You don't have to start big with parties you know, just have a friend you're closer to invite someone else and you over for a movie or something.
This way you ave a shared experience that you can talk about later and it sets you up to hang out with the new person too.
Knowing what the people around you like talking about can help, because they'll do all the work for you if you get them on a track, talking about whatever it is that interests them. People love talking about themselves so, just let them.

>> No.7838417

I can be interesting but only in the stuff that I'm into (Games, Anime, Sports, etc) which is not what a lot of people like to hear. My friends say I'm funny though.

>> No.7838421

You sound like you need a hobby or pet more than a significant other, honestly.

>> No.7838423

That's fair. You could always just get them to talk about their interests, they'll think you're the most interesting person in the world if you keep asking them questions about what they like.

>> No.7838424

...are you being sarcastic?

>> No.7838428

Not at all. Not that anon, but see the second half of this:
People love talking about themselves, so just let them, and ask questions, and learn something from it, and the people you talk to will automatically like you more for showing an interest in something they're proud of.

Seriously, you two fucks should just awkward over each other in emails, you're fucking perfect for each other.

>> No.7838430
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>all these responses for female seagulls

pls respond

>> No.7838432

I'm not, and that tells me a lot about your social awareness that you'd need to ask if I am being sarcastic. What I and >>7838428 said about showing interest in other people is critically true about the human race in general - people fucking love talking about themselves and you showing an interest in that automatically raises your value in their eyes.

>> No.7838435

>TFW love cosplaying but am too spergy to handle the crowds asking for photos at cons

>> No.7838437

>Seriously, you two fucks should just awkward over each other in emails, you're fucking perfect for each other

That's not a bad idea.

>> No.7838439
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Seriously dude? Fuukin read shit that pertains to other people in your situation. Also, there's another male anon getting plenty of feedback here.
And this from my posts:

Work on making yourself palatable to the average chick in the looks department with good hygiene and grooming.
Go get your nails did, so you know what it feels like to be pretty (No really, get a mani once, so you know what to do to keep your fingernails clean- we notice).
You don't have to spend a shit ton of money, but wear clothes that fit and look good on you.
Develop your skills / get a hobby / find something that interests you besides anime and video games, something constructive.
Learn things about the world that you can speak on confidently, as fodder for small talk or when conversation runs dry.
I'm spaghetti as shit, but somehow I manage to keep people's interest with facts about parasites, diet plans and miniature war games.
I don't even sometimes.
Also, wtf is that image macro son? From a faproulette? Please.

>> No.7838441

Cosplay a character that doesn't talk, and then just pose whenever someone asks for a picture. They get a good photo and you don't have to rigatoni all over the convention hall.

>> No.7838443

fuck you dude not a single guy on here has problems even similar to mine

>> No.7838446

that's because you sound like an autistic NEET

>> No.7838447
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>losing weight
>a little concerned ill have to remake cosplays
>otoh realized bra size was the first thing to go up when i gained weight
>realized i might be cute dfc again

i'm kind of excited not going to lie

>> No.7838450

i wouldnt say autistic but neet i currently am

>> No.7838455

If I or another anon has said it I'm not going to type it out special for you. Stop being an entitled twat.

Be fuckin real here man, and then listen to the advice and ask questions instead of being upset over my delivery of information.
>We're not on /r9k/ and I'm not going to pander to your Aspergers.

>> No.7838475

New thread: >>7838465

>> No.7838674

Solution: Stop being so self-centered, you'll be amazed at how much you don't give a shit.

>> No.7839955

I feel you anon, I'm finally working at a job where I do what I studied for so long for, and I earn a decent amount of money, but the long hours and tight schedule leave me stressed and depressed as well. Eventually, it'll all be okay, but right now it all feels so fucking stressful and I need a vacation as well.

>> No.7843523

>reached my savings goal for this year
>worked almost two weeks straight before my day off
>gutted my closet and bagged up half my clothes to send to salvation army
>finally going to spend my extra dollars on nice things to wear and stuff I actually need but kept holding off
I feel kind of satisfied for once.