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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7819502 No.7819502 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any insecurities that makes you hesitate to cosplay certain characters or fully get into your preferred j-fashion?

Personally the thing that usually makes me hesitate about doing characters I really like are either my nose or my height.

>> No.7819524

nose, chin. Mine are both preeeettty big. Somehow doesn't stop me from cosplaying all the cutsey magical girl or loli type characters.

>> No.7819543

My skills and my teeth. I've been made fun of four having a gap in my front teeth since I can remember... so now I end up cosplaying really stoic or cool attitude characters even if I like the bubbly girl more. I also have a tendency to same face in photos because of it.

>> No.7819547
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I don't feel i have a really pretty face or body. I have one cosplay where i feel stunning in it but outside of it i just feel like such a landwhale and unattractive. I'm in the process of cutting out too much crap in my diet and eating more fruits and veggies. My issue is that i suffer from Tempomandibular joint disease. I'm not allowed to eat crunchy/chewy foods. I'm stuck eating things like Mac and cheese whenever i have a flare up or i hardly eat at all. My joint is fine but my jaw muscle is way overworked. I wear a mouthguard and that helps. Everything just spirals out of control when the pain sets in. All i can do for it is take Aleve and use a hot pack.
Tl;dr: TMJ ruins my diet. Want to look more kawaii and be more in shape for cosplay.

>> No.7819560

I think I'm just skinny fat, that's what it's called. I don't feel too good about my stomach especially. I'm also pretty short. So I can't cosplay as muscular or shirtless characters, and for some reason I find myself cosplaying as young characters (like, characters that are like twelve years old) a lot. I don't like my smile or my teeth either, yet I cosplay characters who at least... well, do that. So if I ever do grin I get worried with how it looks.

>> No.7819578

All things I'm currently working on, buuut:
-Slightly crooked nose. Learning which angles won't make me look completely fug.
-Teeth not as white as I'd like.
-Sort of chub/soft. I was being really good about eating healthy and exercising, but I fell off the horse while moving to a new apartment. I plan on getting back into working out tomorrow morning and will work to make my diet better. I'm hoping to be significantly slimmer in three months.

I guess the only thing I can't really change is that I have a long torso and broad shoulders for a girl. The torso combined with sort of wide hips makes me legs look a bit stumpy, but I can usually manipulate those angles to help that a bit. My weight is the only thing that's really holding me back from showing off some of my costumes, but I'm pretty excited to get some good photos and finish some new projects later this year after I'm back on track.

>> No.7819584

Oh, and I'm really not photogenic at all. I get compliments all the time, but I look so awful in photos. That actually might be the main thing that makes me feel insecure about cosplay, but I'm getting over it.

>> No.7819588

I"m gross and fat and when I have finally lost all this weight I'll probably be gross and saggy skinned

there's no winning anymore, especially since I have a round manface as well

>> No.7819602

Actually no.
I have a meh face and meh body but I pick characters to cosplay who are everyday people not known for being particularly attractive, and make it work for me. There's characters I'd love to cosplay, like Bayonetta, but I don't have the confidence or looks to pull it off and that's okay. I just cosplay what I can and don't whine about what I can't change.

It wasn't always like that, but I learnt as I grew older.

>> No.7819624

Saggy skin usually comes from losing weight very, very quickly (gastric bypass surgery is one cause). I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.7819632

Jfashions for women are all interesting and nice looking in their own way, while jfash for men make you look like a freaking tool. Or a tryhard. Or both.
I'll never be a kawaii bitch.

>> No.7819633

Scrawny as fuck, no boobs, terrible posture. And the only characters I want to cosplay are bad ass sexy warrior type women. I've been trying to get in to working out to gain muscle, but no matter how much I eat, I can NOT GAIN WEIGHT. I am so jealous of chubby girls. They can just push fluff around to have sexy curves, and they have the option of lifting to turn that mass into muscle. I will just forever be a scrawny fuck.

>> No.7819636

i've got a weird jaw and small head, so any wig looks so unnatural and the hair doesn't fall close to my face. it just looks weird.

>> No.7819640

Height definitely. Even with aesthetics I feel not being tall enough for certain characters wouldn't do it justice.

>> No.7819647

My thighs. I've not only got decent quads but my body likes to carry most of my body fat there (63 cm waist, 55cm upper thigh). Makes me feel a bit nervous about doing characters in super short skirts or tight pants cause I look like thunder thighs compared to the actual characters.
Used to be really concerned about my butt as well butt as they'e become 'all the rage' I'm actually happy that it's 30cm larger then my waist.

Height bothers me too, I feel comfortable cosplaying strong/fighting women (even if they're only 15 and 5'2 tall in actuality) but weird as fuck cosplaying cute short girls.

>> No.7819650

I have a 5/10 face and i look like a maybe 6.5/10 with makeup but I've been breaking out so bad and I have such a hard time making an appointment with a dermatologist also i have a really large pointy nose and I just hate it. I might try to save up for plastic surgery.

>> No.7819652

I feel like my nose takes up too much of my face. My lips are really thin, and my teeth are all kinds of fucked up because of a heridatary gum disease
I see all these gulls talking about how their facial or physical aesthetics are ugly, but I bet if they all posted pix, they would look completely average/even above average. It sucks how people see themselves

>> No.7819665

Inner thighs and scars on back and arms.

>> No.7819671

My unfortunate body type. I'm basically a rectangle.

But the thing is, most girls that I know are rectangles are also slender and willowy or whatever so it evens out. But I have broad shoulders, and really wide thighs. By numbers I should be a pear shape but because it's not my hips that are wide (rather it's my butt) it doesn't look like it from the side. I also gain fat mostly in my lower tummy and thighs. I'll have protruding hip bones and you can see my ribs but I still have chubby thighs and a tummy.

I certainly look better when I'm in better shape (I get a better b-w-h ratio for sure) but I know my waist will never look very small because I already have a small underbust, so there's only so much to work with.

Also, my boobs are pretty small, so I can't compensate with that. hurrrr

All this, in the end, is just me whining and isn't such a big deal, because I can dress myself up really cute with the right clothes easily. But many of the characters I like are slender cute/bishoujo types. When the character you're trying to cosplay is referred to as "sooooo skinny~" by other characters you start feeling self conscious.

>> No.7819696

This. I've got a nice body, not bad looking overall but the second I get in front of a camera I inevitably end up making the most awkward facial expressions, getting caught at the weirdest angles. Just so unphotogenic in general
Sometimes I prefer just making elaborate cosplays for my friends since they get really excited and look so much better in photos

>> No.7819701

I'm not even remotely photogenic. This doesn't bother me much for lolita, since I don't take often photos of myself (which I can be picky about, anyway) and only rarely get photographed at meet-ups. However, it has prevented me from actually cosplaying because the whole *point* of wearing a costume to a convention is that you'll be photographed as that character.

>> No.7819750

>large frame
I have a flat stomach and I'm not skinny fat, but I'll never be petite and slim. I have 40 inch hips, 95 bust, 68 waist so I seem like a chubster even though I can't really lose more weight.
>weird face
I have these dimple things under my mouth so I can't smile cutely. Lighting from above makes them look really weird.
>perpetually flat ass
I'm a water polo player, I'm pretty fit, and I have strong legs and my arms are my best feature- they're toned but slim. But I have the saddest butt ever.
They're yellow even though I've never had a cavity and I brush every day.
I feel these other anons...

>> No.7819752
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skinny fat, droopy eyelids, being short and shit are all nitpick but combined with being really dark has put me off from cosplaying for years. all the characters I like are fair with nice blond hair and it's very disheartening...

>> No.7819838

Too square to cosplay :[ 31-28-30

>> No.7819843

You could try a corset? Maybe? I mean I don't think you'll ever be an hourglass with it off so you can't exacty do a kamui cosplay from kill la kill it should give you a female shape under clothes and I hear after years of wearing it it will start to physically alter your body to have a narrower waist...

>> No.7819857

I'm male

>> No.7819860

i'm super tall with a baby face, i still have bad acne, and i have a bunch of dark scars all over my body and no matter how hard i try they won't fade >:^| i'm kinda chubby too but i've been working on that!

>> No.7819863
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>lower jaw
I believe my chin is the right size for my face, however, it somehow grew crookedly, and aside of the annoying TMJ symptoms I experience on a daily basis, it makes me look masculine. I hate that my face looks off in photos.

>tfw scared to cosplay cute shoujo manga characters
>smile is crooked and protruding chin -> forever tsundere resting bitch face
>tfw want to participate in a maid cafe and be kawaii uguu desu
>tfw want to have a million selfies
>tfw unkawaii to wear sweet lolita
>I-it's ok, I like classic and gothic fine...

>> No.7819958

<--- fatass. Working on that shit. one day soon i'll be able to cosplay Madoka....

>> No.7819964

My face is very thin and long. It would help out when I crossplay, but I also have a very short, dainty feminine nose. Bleh.

>> No.7819996

My nose and my race

>> No.7820093

I really want to cosplay Utena, but I feel like I'm too short. Also have a scars from cutting, so bike shorts are out.

>> No.7820119

>can't cosplay bc cutting scars
Jesus Christ anon, that feel.
Try liquid concealer.

>> No.7820121

>one really fucked up eye

Not a lot holding me back, but neither is fixable.
And lolis are vicious.

>> No.7820123

I came it to post almost exactly what you just typed.

>> No.7820127
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>I really want to cosplay Utena, but I feel like I'm too short. Also have a scars from cutting, so bike shorts are out.

Short is relative. It doesn't matter one lick unless you are standing with other characters. Even then it's something people usually give no shits about because it's totally out of your control.
I am a tall Anthy and it mattered not. If anything it helped give me the uber long legs everyone has. In photos with others I just sat or kneeled.

In your case all you have to do is tailor the pieces to give you the illusion of longer legs. Don't have your bike shorts down to your knees and don't make your jacket too long for your torso and thighs.


You should be wearing pantyhose anyways to imitate flawless skin. Just get slightly thicker denier if the scars prominent.

>> No.7820130

I'm in the same boat.
Hate my stupid as hell younger self for fucking up my otherwise smooth skin. Every time my friends suggest a swimsuit group I have to say no. Feels bad.

>> No.7820132

currently a fattychan that's trying to work out so that I can look better and be less insecure too.

>> No.7820139

>wide gap in teeth
I trying to get braces before the year to fix this.
>big forehead
At least I think I have one. People say I don't, but when I pull back my bangs all I see is a five head.

>> No.7820141

My face is... Really unphotogenic. I look fine in real life but in photos I look like a monster. I often have my pictures taken but understandably I rarely ever see con pictures of myself online. I feel really bad for the people who take photos of me honestly haha.

>> No.7820144

yeah like the flesh toned tights they use in dance would work I bet

>> No.7820150

My boobs. You would think having big boobs for cosplay would be great but it just makes it harder for me to make my costumes. If I can't, I have a commission done and it's always a nail biter because it's very hard to get the fit right when you have a 15 inch difference between the bust and waist. Don't get me started on J-fashion. I've been going back a forth between deciding wether or not I should get a breast reduction but it seems like it's gotten to the point that the benefits outweigh the risks and I should get the surgery. I run the risk of my sutures tearing open and horrible scarring due to the Ehlers-Danlos, but the vertebrae in my back and neck are degenerating at a fast rate and if I don't get the reduction, I could go into early arthritis. I got my boobs when I was 9 and by age 11 I was a C-cup. I left high school as an E-cup and am now a 34J. I've been holding so much weight on my chest the majority of my life. They need to be reduced.

>> No.7820156

Small boobs.

I've never been insecure with them until I realized(and was told) that I have a mature face/body other than in my chest...

I'm into lolita as well, so my breasts were never an issue, and were even a blessing, but for some reason, I almost feel like less of a woman. I have dem hips dat ass and dem thighs, but mature characters usually have big boobs and padding my own chest just makes me more insecure about how I look outside of cosplay...

>> No.7820160

My age. I've been into lolita for about five years, but now I'm 25 and it's time to put the cutesy shit away. I don't want to look like I have a massive Peter Pan complex.

>> No.7820207
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>Want to crossplay
>Look like the unholy lovechild of Bob Dylan and John Oliver but without the talent

I hate everything. I can play it off as a joke but I really, really wish I could actually pull it off.

>> No.7820221

Idk, I'm 24 and dress in lolita. We have several women that are over 30 in our comm...
As long it's not sweet age isn't exactly an issue. Classic works for most people no matter their age since it's more mature and toned down

>> No.7820227

>skinnyfat who keeps relapsing own diet and exercise schedules due to work/home stress
>brushes my teeth daily but I'm probably going to get a professional whitening eventually because I'm never satisfied with "natural" white

I don't like the shape of my face because it's too rounded and my jaw is so square while I have a shitty chin dimple that looks like a literal ass. Also, my family is pressuring me to stray away from cosplay/cons, (it's really hard to like anything Asian when your dad is a 'nam vet racist), as well as generally there's not that many interesting people where I live that aren't full weeaboo or full sjw.

I have no idea why I continue to bother hoping for things to get better but I feel like maybe someday after I finish college I'll get to enjoy and experience all the shit I've always wanted to experience on my own, whether I continue or get it out of my system.

>> No.7820229

Bony knees, ugly stick legs, awkward posture.

I think my face is cute/pretty at least, not drop-dead gorgeous, but not meh.

I can't take photos for shit, and I can't see ANYTHING without my glasses.

I also have freckles/moles everywhere that make me conscious.

On the upside, I have pleasantly bony hips and a nice (albeit slightly crooked) collar bone. Too bad those are usually covered.

r u me

>> No.7820238

Are you me? This is me.

>> No.7820242

My nose. I have really dainty features except for my stupid aquiline nose. It's not huge but it's a bit too big to match my face and that saddens me . My sister lucked out and got a straight bridged cute nose.

>> No.7820395

tmj anon from above here and fuck this is me. I cannot get away from bitch face.

>> No.7820418

Same issue for me too, going on 27 and I only like sweet. I tried classic for a bit but it wasn't for me.

I just love pastel colors and cute prints.

>> No.7820439

I have a broad as fuck frame and thick arms. I went from 38-31-38 to 31-23-32 and still look like a bulky box unless everything I wear clings to me like Saran wrap because my shoulders and ribcage are so disproportionately large and my arms are so thick.

>tfw the only time I ever liked my body was after a 3-week bout of stomach virus because it made me otherwise so scrawny I actually looked thin for once in my life

>> No.7820461

My skills/age. I'm 25 but have only been sewing for about a year and a half, so I'm definitely not where I want to be yet, but at the same time I want to do a lot of younger-appearing cosplays before I look too old for them. Plus I get really insecure about my craftsmanship when people 5-7 years younger than me are significantly better because they've been at it for longer.

>> No.7820462

Face is pretty much all asymmetry. Jaw, nose, eyes, eyebrows, none of them are symmetrical, but the nose is the worst offender. It looks like I slept on my side as a kid and it kept growing around the pillow. Teeth aren't as white as I want but that's fixable, even though this whitening toothpaste is doing fuckall.

Still too big as well. I'm within a healthy BMI now but my arms still jiggle with fat and I don't have that pointy wristbone thing happening yet. I'm working on that at least.

I also want to do cute nail art but I bite them and have dry skin and hangnails like crazy. That's fixable though and my fault, I'm the one grossed out by lotion.

>> No.7820464
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This, basically. And I'll also be flat-assed.

>> No.7820478

my nose too man. Never noticed it until I saw it in photographs. the horror when you realize your nose is fucking lopsided. When I smile its really kind of smirky, the one corner of my mouth curls up while the other stays down. Its really dramatic.
It looks retarded if I'm trying to smile nicely so I just smile like a frisky bitch and it works.

>> No.7820491

Why don't you super emphasize your tiny waist then? It sounds like you don't have that much curve to you, but the 80s shoulder with a nipped in waist and peplum should do you well

>> No.7820709

Everyone says wear classic when you're older, but a lot of classic also looks too cute or too much like a costume (albeit a historical costume, not Bo Peep so much). I'll probably switch to toned-down gothic lolita instead.

>> No.7820721

Literally my entire face. That's why I have never even attempted cosplay; I feel like I'd just be mocked for even thinking that I could do a character justice.

Also, I'm extremely thin with no curves, but I'm too tall to ever cosplay loli characters (plus I don't have a babyface either).

>> No.7821392

my boobs. I'm at my heaviest I've ever been and I still can't get bigger than a 36 inch bust. If I lose twenty pounds, I'll probably lose all of my boobs as well. Should I be chubby with average boobs or skinny with no boobs? Sigh... I want a boob job but I'm not old enough for silicon yet.

>> No.7821401

>Literally my entire face.
Body is fine, great even but I have manface and not in the good way.

>> No.7821601

My weight is frustrating at times because in Lolita you pretty much get out at a bit for being heavier. Although I'm seriously shedding pounds by the day I don't want to not wear what I love. So I dress modest, keep it fresh and simple but I feel like even when I have a great coord I still come off as a bad dresser for being chubby.

>> No.7821604

*get outcast a bit

>> No.7821620

I have a serious case of the man face. I can only crossplay.

>> No.7821656

I am white and my eyes are not as big as I would hope they would be, everybody in my family has big pretty eyes and I am stuck as with the smallest plain ones, it even makes my nose look big, even though is not that big

Also I keep switching between normal and chubby in my weight because my diet is not constant, so there's that too, and of course the goddamn stretch marks.

>> No.7821666

Being a sweet lolita and having man face. I have to be a lone lolita and never post pictures online.

>> No.7821669

I am so un-photogenic is ridiculous.

Like I usually look better in videos than I ever do in photos. When someone shows me a video of me I look fine. But when someone takes a photo of me I always end up with the weirdest faces, like someone punched me in the side of my face or like I am constipated

>> No.7821670

Big boobs, thick waist, flat ass. And I have a short torso too, so even if I wasn't a fatty chan at the moment I'll never fit into some of the things I'd like and 4chan will always call me a fatty even if I get down as thin as I can and am willing to go. My body's just not built to have a <26 inch waist.

>> No.7821678
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chiiiiiin :n:
nose sucks too but my chin bothers me infinitely more

already bitched about this in another thread but I'll jump on any opportunity to complain

>> No.7821682

I have a glaring and often times hilarious similarity to Shinji, both in looks, body language and personality. It's not as bad as being too skinny or too fat but it sure as hell discourages me from cosplaying.

>> No.7821683

skinny with no boobs, if you can't get silicone you can consider fillers or fat grafting for a modest size increase (plus lipo!) and you save in long term health costs by not being a fatty.

>> No.7821692

I wish I had a cute nose too anon, mine was broken at my 8th birthday party.

Grandparents (who were my guardians) decided going to the doctor or getting it fixed was not an option.

>> No.7821694

god me too. After I pay off student loans the first thing I'm saving up for is jaw surgery to fix this shit. I hate my underbite so much.

>> No.7821695

least your boobs aren't two different sided and all lopsided looking

>tfw i can never ever wear a bathing suit or anything revealing

>> No.7821699
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My abs are disproportionate

>> No.7821710

Hate my nose too, it's long and slightly crooked. Surgery would be over $9000...

I get so angry and jealous when I see girls with cute button noses..

>> No.7821834
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Wide asian nose paired with tiny mouth. Weak jawline. Not paper-white.
None of these don't bother me IRL, but when cosplay, I find myself cursing them to bits gdi. Especially my nose, but I've always had a chip in my shoulder over my nose.
TBQH I think my nose wouldn't look so bad if my mouth were wider and not... y'know... as wide as my nose.

>> No.7821857

>tfw female of central European descent
>tfw snow white pale skin
>tfw dark brown almost black thick hair
>tfw growth of hair is like twice as fast as usual for normal people
>thanks to that I have really long healthy hair people often compliment me on
>but hairs on my legs are also dark and thick and prominent as fuck
>even when freshly shaven it looks like like my legs are full of stubble or even unshaved
>it's because my skin is so pale and thin you can see a part of the hair growing under the skin, no matter how good I shave
>the only thing that works is waxing but since my hair re-grows so fast that also isn't an option, and because you have to wait a couple of days for the hair to be long enough in order to get an even result, but it doesn't last long enough to justify walking around like a hairy ugly monster having to hide your legs for a good portion of the month.

>tfw instead I shave the legs twice a day and I also wear opaque tights every day, every season, no matter how hot it is outside.
>still feel ugly as fuck

It is better than the fear someone might accidentally see my unshaven legs on those days I have to let the hairs grow before I can wax. But it really feels horrible that I will never be able to wear sheer or lacey tights in lolita or just in general in my life because of that. Or ankle socks. It's a shame cause I have skinny nice legs otherwise and no other deformities whatsoever.

>> No.7821924

Have you tried using an epilator?

>> No.7821965

Twice a day?? Jeez, anon, I can't imagine anything being that bad...I used to be really self conscious of my legs because of poor circulation and thus weird colors, but I learned to not care this summer. Do you have pics?

>> No.7821976

different see-through pale legs/dark hair anon here. really, you can trust me, i come out blue in photos, and i relate to exactly what you described after a fresh shave.

your system is extreme overkill. i know this is an insecurities thread, but no one can see your leg hair the way you think they can. honestly shaving that much is probably going to turn your legs' skin texture to ribbon-thin wrinkly sadness, because you're basically exfoliating them twice a day.

while you may be pale, i'm willing to bet that if you held the front of your forearm against your calves, you'll see a big difference in tones. i recommend you use a mild self-tanning lotion on your legs to help you cope with their transparency. also, on days you're wearing tights anyway, let your legs alone.

>> No.7821982

So.. is /cgl/ just where fat, ugly, and average cosplayers go to bitch about the cute ones who are circlejerking in their own social networking sites?

>> No.7821988

some of us are good looking but have horrible personalities, thank you very much

>> No.7822060

I have acne scars, and my nose has a slight bump to it. It looks fine from the front but once you see from the side,it just looks ew.
My self esteem is really terrible too, and it's affecting my relationships with people, and no matter how hard I try, my self esteem just keeps going back to shit.
Realistically, I know I'm not as ugly as I think I am and I get called cute a lot, but I just always feel so ugly.

>> No.7822080

I haven't posted itt yet but I've been told by others, even non friends, that I'm very harsh about my own looks.
And I've noticed that on the days where I feel confident, approachable, and satisfied with myself (even though deep down I think I look like shit) I've gotten positive attention from both males and females.

So I imagine a lot of seagulls aren't as horribly ugly, impossibly fat, and mediocre as they describe themselves to be. They're just being particularly harsh perhaps because they're feeling depressed, or just aren't having a good day.
I myself have many flaws
>acne scars plus perpetual bad skin
>overweight with fupa and stretch marks over 40% of my body
>short with short legs
>frizzy jewfro hair
And fuck, I could probably go on. But really, nobody irl is an ass to me about my looks and I often get complimented on days where I feel I look like absolute shit. People just gotta keep their heads up, work towards their betterment goals, and realize that things will improve.

>> No.7822082

Post a picture of yourself and put it to rest. In all sincerity, living with this insecurity will only make it worse

>> No.7822111

>Tempomandibular joint disease
Oh anon I feel you. I remember crying over the fact I couldn't eat a bagel back in July.

>Dat constant and throbbing pain in your FACE that keeps you from getting a proper night of sleep

Fuck that shit.

>> No.7822151

I gave up on life several years ago and just now I am getting back on track to fixing myself/giving a damn. Losing weight slowly, skin's clearing up. But I am still an awkward fatty, and will likely always be regardless of how much weight I lose.

>> No.7822337

I too gave up at one point anon. What's important is that you do what makes you feel happy and healthy and screw everything else.

I know you're pains. I can only open my mouth so far before I can plan on not eating for a few days. If it wasn't for TMJ I wouldn't fuck up my jaw on Karaoke night.

>> No.7822342

You're not alone, anon. Every time I think I'm smiling/posing nicely for a picture, and then I see it, it's so disheartening.

>> No.7822349

I didn't so many of you had these kind of diseases, maybe caused by the soft foods you've eaten all your lives.

Maybe it's not, this is just my innitial thought about the strange sickness all you people seem to have

>> No.7822350

I can't cosplay girls with big boobs because baby face and super short. I can't cosplay Lolis because boobs.

>> No.7822353

there's actually a thing called loli kyonyuu
basically it means "loli with tits"
you are the loli with tits.

>> No.7822357

*didn't Know

I haven't yet mastered the one thumb cell phone technique

>> No.7822384

London. Please be in it.

>> No.7822417

Sorry, Anon. I am a Cali girl.

>> No.7822459

>tfw babyfaced
loli cosplays for eternity

>> No.7822466

same girl
I'm in my mid 20's and people still think I'm in high school.

>> No.7822473

I swear I'm gonna spend the rest of my life paying student fares on the subway cause I look 12

>> No.7822474

>really round face with chronic acne (its better now than before, and can be covered with makeup, but still)
>5'8" 165lbs & 40 33 41 measurements. D36
>shorter, unattractive legs
>large shoulder blades that make me have broad-set arms. Also makes my boobs look smaller than they are.
I just dont fit most anime characters physically
And jfash/lolita is toward lolis, so i have to try really hard to not look like a mess in it. Hence why i dont wear it.
Cosplay I do sparingly, and I have the mentality that if I like a character, I should portray them well. Also i dont have the money to do all the crazy shit i want to do with it

>> No.7822477

What you are complaining about might be something someone else wishes they had. I used to think my height was a problem (very tall female) but short girls always tell me how lucky I am because tall girls look more slender/better in skirts/etc. I used to not like my nose but I had a friend who I thought had a cute nose tell me she liked my nose better and hated hers (she wanted to get a nose job). Its all perspective.

I used to think I couldn't do things because of my height, but now I do whatever the fuck I want and its great. I don't care if I'm 6 feet tall, if I want to wear heels I will wear them.

You guys are all attractive, talented individuals. Be kind to yourself and you won't feel hindered by your insecurities.

>> No.7822484

ME TOO. High school guys hit on me and I'm like oh my god get away I am not ending up on to catch a predator.

>> No.7822531

I have more or less the same problem. I've got a really manly build and I haven't got a chance in hell of doing anything I actually want to because of it.

>> No.7822537

I wish I had your courage. I'm pretty cute but I have a bit of a wide nose bridge, it makes me feel insecure. I really want to cosplay a cutesy magical girl character, as she had a big impact on my life.

Should I just go for it?

>> No.7822542

I believe in you anon

>> No.7822543

You don't have a baby face at all though. If anything you just have the chubby girl face where your features look too small.

>> No.7822546

With the way my face is, I feel like i only look good when I'm either not smiling or smiling with my teeth showing. otherwise i look like the damn joker or something.

But my teeth aren't very white, and since my front tooth is fake, i cant whiten my teeth unless i want to replace my entire tooth (caps dont whiten). so...butts.

also skinny fat. fine with cosplaying until my stomach shows.

>> No.7822577

That alone gives me some courage Anon, I'll just go for it. I'll put all of my love in the costume! Thank you, I needed that.

>> No.7822701

I was told by an oral surgeon that my joint is fine, i just overworked my jaw muscle since i probably had this for years and didn't know. My right side is the worst. I used to get pain so bad i'd be stuck on the couch all day while vomiting. This was even after the mouth guard but stress makes it worse. I've tried to limit how bothered i get over stupid shit so i'm not stressing about it. I also use a clay hotpack from walmart even if i have a little pain along with some aleve to get ahead of it all. It helps. When i do have my flare ups i just get mad that i can't work on cosplay, clean the apt, or make a proper dinner.

>> No.7822813
File: 29 KB, 493x335, phototake_photo_of_atypical_nevi_on_torso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother was one of these people who thought a tan was healthy, so she threw me out in the sun everyday as a child with no sun cream. I'm now covered with dark dark moles everywhere as an adult, and the dermatologist even told me to give up hope as I'd just end up covered in scars instead. Not me, but pic related in terms of how dark they are and the density of them on my arms and legs

>> No.7822815

You can still cover those with make up, anon.

>> No.7822821

Moles and freckles are sexy as fuuuuuuck. Don't be ashamed of them.

>> No.7822822

Only to an extent. I look like a dalmatian as well and as long as they're flat they're fine, but if you have any raised nevi, putting makeup on them will make them look like warts, which is even less desirable. Just deal with them, and if you dislike them so much in the character just photoshop them out, but I wouldn't do anything to them IRL.

>> No.7822844

I don't like my gut that much. I don't think I'm fat, but I bloat really badly whenever I eat. I just yoyo back and forth with how I feel about my appearance.

>> No.7822855

>whole family back in Europe is super tall, strong manly feautures, generally attractive
>have childish face
>no muscle definition anywhere other than my arms
It's pretty disappointing. I have only a vague idea about what makes a guy attractive, and I don't fit that at all.

>> No.7822859

Oh no, I'm sorry about your mom. Do keep an eye on all those moles as you get older, since melanoma is a very real thing and can hit young people.

>> No.7822860

It's also fun when you're in highschool and people ask you about uni. I went through six years of looking like I was 20, and only just caught up.

It made for some very awkward flirting.

>> No.7822865

I have a super large and "un-cute" face despite being underweight. I've only ever cosplayed as mature and "cool" looking girls, or just went with guys, but I really want to cosplay cutesy girls too, even though my face doesn't fit them at all. I'm also super bad with anything above beginner level makeup since my eyelashes are naturally blonde and black eyeliner looks terrible on me no matter what, even if I wear black mascara, because getting ALL of the blonde away is incredibly difficult. I usually go get my eyelashes professionally dyed black, but shit's expensive and only lasts for a few months max. I just wish I had black eyelashes like majority of the people.
I also have dermatillomania and my skin is terrible especially on my shoulders and chest, so even if my body is skinny and nice, I'll never be able to do revealing cosplay.

>> No.7822946

I have eczema. It's pretty moderate, but sometimes it flairs up quite horribly. I hate my arms and legs cause I get red, flaky, itchy patches and scabs across them. I have dozens of old, red dot scars since I'm quite pale and vaguely anemic so my previous scratch marks never quite heal and go away. But the worst part that I absolutely can't stand is my face. I never had it on my face as a kid, but as I've gotten older it's become almost unbearable. Huge, red splotch marks will cover my face. Forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth, chin, everywhere. My skin will look "risen" as the sore areas protrude somewhat. On top of that, they're hot, itchy, and flaky. My eyes are the worst since I have extremely watery eyes surrounded by dry skin. My eyes will water and I'll rub them and then the dry skin will crack and bleed and I'll put on cream and that will make my eyes have this fucked up yellow pus discharge and I'll rub that off and the scabs will get caked over and it will hurt to open my eyes and it just repeats itself. I can't even wear makeup to cover it up since the dryness makes it still super noticeable and it just exacerbates my eczema and it hurts so much more later.

>> No.7822977

>kinda chub, working on it
>weak smile, not white enough teeth
>wide hips
>babyface + tall = off putting
>freckles and a few scars
>unphotogenic as fuck

>> No.7823025
File: 22 KB, 105x127, 1410827942349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TBQH I think my nose wouldn't look so bad if my mouth were wider and not... y'know... as wide as my nose.

Are you stupid?

>> No.7823026

>Inb4 fat landwhale with policistic ovaries


>> No.7823028

2/10 would not bang

>> No.7823032
File: 56 KB, 184x143, ugh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different photo without harsh frontal lighting throwing shadows on either side of my nose, but yes, my mouth is as wide as my nose.
I don't see what the problem is with my last photo otherwise?

>> No.7823083

> dry skin that's red and flaky, on the arms, around the eyes and the skin on top of the lips
> stupid flat asian nose
> short so my legs are stumpy
> like seriously why are my calves so big ugh
> big hips so chubby thunder-thighs
> ugly as fuck feet, I never wear open-toe shoes

>> No.7823357

flat facial features due to being asian. profile pictures, hell, just any sort of other angle looks weird.

it funny because i dont think much of it at all on a daily basis. only when it comes down to cosplaying. i guess its because people are actually focused on you, taking your pictures and shit.

>> No.7823648

I find I look good in belted pinup dresses, they make me look tiny but they're so difficult to find. I'm also very short so most of the overpriced manufactured ones are made for a longer torso than I have. I've had a bit of luck with the brand Bernie Dexter, though, but it's cheaply printed broadcloth fabric so I can't justify dropping those prices.

>> No.7823670

You're like a dalmatian now, every think of becoming a furry?

But really if you're a guy I don't think it matters and your mom was right, if you're a girl.. I'm sorry.

>> No.7823683

>guy with lots of moles
>especially on his back
fuck no. at least girls are smart enough to cover them with make up

>> No.7823712

People are always harder on themselves.

>> No.7823719

Eh, those are pretty cute to be honest.

>> No.7823723

Do you know what a baby face is?

>> No.7823729

>Tfw moles everywhere, all dark brown.

I still don't give that much of a shit even knowing people hate them. They're like little body constellations.

>> No.7823730

I can never be a cute lolita because I have the largest darkest dark circles.

>> No.7823744

>cosplay Lolis because boobs
Have you ever seen an anime

>> No.7823825

I'm hella short and chubby.

I don't like it AT ALL and all my friends tell me it's cute, but to me it's fucking disgusting and how could anyone LIKE being "cute and fluffy"

When me and my friends cosplay I'm always the token fat character and it sucks. I'm working on losing it, but it's a slow process thanks to my BC.
I have an 7/10 face (with makeup), but until I get to a healthy size I will remain a 3/10.

>> No.7823837

my face is average as fuck, kinda long with a jew nose. Also my eyelashes are nearly nonexistent due to picking at them.

>> No.7823840
File: 31 KB, 250x350, 1370243793145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small boobs
>big fucking ribs that can be counted despite me having average as fuck measurements
>acne on my body
>average face

So like almost all of these I can improve upon and I know that, but SERIOUSLY HOW THE HELL DO I GET THIS ACNE OFF MY BUTT?

>> No.7823860

I'm really fat. My gut is huge from the side but I look okay from the front.
I also have a really weak chin/jaw so even if I was skinny I would get that weird double chin looking thing.
My nose is really straight and kind of big. It looks fine from the front but as soon as I look to the side it's like WOAH, NOSE.
Also my lips are a little on the thin side.

I don't know how the fuck I managed to get a boyfriend who likes all that shit and meets my standards

>> No.7824012

Things always work out

>> No.7824028

*Huurhg* - *huurrrrhhg*

I think I just threw up

>> No.7824048

>guy with lots of moles

Dude then who cares, guys don't worry about stuff like that unless it looks like melanoma. The body get injured and bruised, it leaves scars, it's different for us.

If you were a girl then I'd have sympathy but you're not so all I feel is the need to call you a faggot

>> No.7824058

>apple shape
>measurements; 38in/31in/36in
>will never have dat ass no matter how many squats i do
>i hate my belly
kill me now.

>> No.7824072

>big nose
>wide shouders
>shallow boobs
>small hips

so anime kawaii desu

>> No.7824087

All the characters I want to cosplay are huge jacked men.

I'm a scrawny skeleton stereotype - tall, all bones, bad posture.

I'm working out, though. I'm making gains. My first cosplay target is Gene from God Hand. Next is Kamina, then Captain Falcon, then... Ira Gamagoori.

>> No.7824237

Salicylic acid based body wash, and exfoliate a couple times a week. Wear cotton underwear so that sweat doesn't get trapped next to your skin, making the breakouts worse.

>> No.7824337
File: 55 KB, 610x396, 1339012143526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BMI says I'm underweight for my height
>My legs are still fat

When I die and become a skeleton I will finally be free of my fattychan legs.

>> No.7825532

Got down to 16 bmi, literal skeleton everywhere else, still had chubby thighs and no chance of a thigh gap.d

>> No.7825560

I'm not sure how to phrase this to not sound like a militant preacher, but I just wanted to say that you could possibly check out healthier recipes of the soft food you have to eat when your jaw is acting up. Since you mentioned mac n cheese, have this: http://chefchloe.com/entrees/vegan-mac-n-cheese.html

It cuts out the cheese (=fat) and adds a green + nuts (if you use almond milk or sth) + the nutrients in yeast, even though it's still pasta. It tastes DAMN good, too, though I don't think I've tasted legit mac n cheese before (picky eater when younger). Anyway, hope this helps.

>> No.7825598

Tmj anon here & tyvm!

>> No.7825612

Same here, anons, 16.5 BMI. My legs are actually fine apart from my thighs, and they just seem to be getting bigger. I've been walking up stairs an awful lot lately, so maybe that's not helping? I dunno.

>> No.7825691

Ugh my exact problem. Even at my lowest weight, my legs are still thick. Drives me insane. Love that I can hide my thighs with lolita dresses though.

>> No.7826616

>Want to cosplay kawaii petite characters with big eyes and cutesy young looking outfits
>Want to look delicate and doll like and feminine and dainty etc. etc.
> tfw I'm a girl bara (but apparently not even the kind with any muscle) at 5'6'' and a very fatty 36-26-41
>not shaped like a fucking doll thats for sure
>even pretending that I had the right body my face is way too mature and ugly despite well done plastic surgery I had when I was thirteen, didn't actually make me pretty, just no longer utterly hideous
I will basically never look right in lolita or the type of cosplay I want to do. It will just look weird. I feel like I'm putting my life on hold waiting for my face and body to just magically become perfect. I'll probably just end up getting more plastic surgery, fml

>> No.7826776
File: 71 KB, 500x750, parents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People with shapeless bodies because they don't exercise.

>> No.7826785

>White and Irish separately
U wot

>> No.7826786

>shitty teeth
>shitty nose
>shitty weak ass chin

I started dieting and working out earlier this month, so that's a start. Gotta fit that burando.

>> No.7826801
File: 500 KB, 500x272, worryworry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acne and scars.
And like some other anons, I'm underweight at 17 bmi yet I still have fat jiggly upper thighs with cellulite/stretch marks and flabby upper arms
I'm also not photogenic and I usually have to take around a dozen selfie shots and whittle it down to just one I would like and even then I have to photoshop it so I can't imagine someone taking a quick snap of me on the spot at cons. And then I'll worry or get mad if the person posted that photo of me somewhere publicly online.

I also don't have any friends to go to cons with anymore so I get socially anxious and overwhelmed when I'm on my own and if someone is with me I'll cling onto them which I'm sure is annoying to them.

>> No.7826803

skinny fat because I'm lazy
fat fucking thighs I have had forever
acne even though I'm 23 because my face is sensitive and I don't want to spend money on face cleaners
at least I'm still pretty cute and makeup exists and I'm not fat

>> No.7826807
File: 115 KB, 477x271, RwcVI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butt chin. Thin lips. Flat ass. Normal tits. Short legs. Under eye bags. Hormonal cystic acne right before conventions always. Bloated after ever meal. 25 years old. I feel like there isn't any anime characters I can pull off anymore. At this point even with uguu makeup I feel like getting into a full bodysuit would be easier.

>> No.7826813

I have quite a few moles all over my back, a few on my stomach and one on my breast, and I swear small new ones keep popping up everyday on my arms and back. They look like freckles to begin with. Mine are at least all flat and dark plus people seem to think they're strangely attractive, but I am worried about a fairly big one on my shoulder even though the doctors keep saying its fine. I might get it cut off someday just to be safe.

>> No.7826824
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, kill-la-kill-sukuyo-mankanshoku-senketsu-hug-crying-tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to worry about my age, but now it just means I'll be cosplaying more mature characters, who are really cool in their own way. At AX2013 I did Sukuyo Mankanshoku

>> No.7826829

Being a virgin.

>> No.7826906

>hasn't been to /pol/

>> No.7827164

>tiny eyes due to azn monolids
Colored contacts are barely even noticeable.

>big fat cheeks
Won't crossplay handsome character without a chin sharp enough to slice a loaf of bread

and idk i'm too afraid to cosplay blonde characters because i'm pretty sure i only suit dark haired characters.

>> No.7827205

>ugly nose
>some scars on my forehead because I was a dumb kid and scratched my chickenpox
>big pores
>unphotogenic as fuck
>can't crossplay because face is too round and boobs are too big to bind them completely flat
>every time I make a cosplay I think about how /cgl/ would judge it and feel horrible

>> No.7827213

>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.7827233

>so many things wrong with my body I can't possibly be insecure about all of them
>don't obsess over small things because of it

Honestly doesn't even feel bad man. Hating myself won't change anything.

>> No.7827264

It is if you're male.

>> No.7827555

Cellulite and stretch marks. I hate the cellulite and feel disgusting when I see it though I know it can happen to all body types. The stretch marks, on the other hand, don't really bother me - I actually think they're more interesting than disgusting and like looking at them on others - but when it comes to cosplay, I feel self-conscious if they're showing. Luckily, this stuff is mostly on my bum/upper thighs on the back, so it's fairly easy to cover or hide in photos.

>> No.7827654

Generally my body. I've always been pretty flabby, and specially now I'm back up to 200.

>> No.7827819

a lot of people have cleft chins. Short legs arent horribly uncommon and can be made to look cute.
Eyebags are easily covered with makeup, and everybody looks bloated after they eat? your stomach has to distend to handle the food. If you didnt boat, eating more than a teaspoon would be incredibly painful

>> No.7828162

ITT: nasty hoes w/facial hair and mustaches

>> No.7828169

I have a face that's too boyish to be a cute girl, but too feminine to crossplay well. I also have a horrible nose [long/crooked]. I have weirdly lumpy lips, and my freckles always seem to pop out. My eye bags are so severe, my make up always ends up pooling in them and I look disgusting.
I have a long/thick torso so I stick to characters with loose fitting tops the best I can.
I have a lazy eye without visual aid, and I wear contacts but I can't find colored or circle lens that come in my prescription that aren't breaking the bank/cost as much as the rest of my costume so I almost always have inaccurate eye color [blue].
If I spend too long outside/in the sun I get very gross and patchy, my skin freaks out and looks like hives.

>> No.7828180

More and more, my forehead wrinkles. I'm 25 and just now starting to see light lines, and it's driving me fucking nuts. Friends say they don't see anything, they don't show up in photos yet, and strangers and cgl consistently guess my age to be lower by a few years, so it seems like it's one of those things that only I am hyper-aware of because it's on me, but I know things can only get worse. I'm trying to find something aside from botox injections to help, but I'm just so fucking stressed about it all the time.

Part of me feels like I have to rush to finish all the younger characters on my list in the next year or so before I'm a hag, and the rest of me figures I shouldn't even bother since I'm already looking ancient. Fuck.

>> No.7828300

I have like a pretty flat tummy but a huge hip dip and it makes me super self conscious about cosplaying sexy characters

>> No.7828340

I'm pretty tall and my measurements are quite small for my height, but I look 20 lbs heavier than I am because my hips, thighs, and shoulders are wide, and my torso is short + with scoliosis which causes me to look stumpy as well as my waist being 2 different shapes on either side.

I also suffer from moon face. A big wide doughy round face. It makes me painfully unphotogenic unless I'm not smiling very big and I take the photo myself. My facial features are also really strange in the sense that people think I'm mixed race in a way that would be impossible.

I occasionally get asked to hair/make up model for my friends and rarely get a comment saying I should model, but I'm quite sure it's just flattery because I'm so unphotogenic. As in I was that kid on picture day who got weird looks and my parents asking why I was making a weird face.

>> No.7828386

Ugh, I have forehead wrinkles too. S.O. says they're "endearing" but they drive me crazy. I feel like I have a baby face (22 but everyone thinks I'm 16) but then I have forehead wrinkles.

>> No.7828388


that's just bone structure, don't worry about it

>> No.7828394

it's not flattery, I'm a photog and we don't go out of our way to flatter people if it's going to inconvenience us because we won't want to use the pics because they're ugly

also I also have HUGE hips (42" with 27" waist) and very broad shoulders, as well as scoliosis, lordosis +kyphosis, and syringomyelia. Even though I've gotten my lordosis to be less severe it still looks like I'm a cat in heat presenting when I stand in a neutral stance.

Anyway don't worry about it, just find fitted clothing to flatter your shape! If I get something that isn't fitted well (which is almost always because I'm very tall and things aren't made for my height) I look like a big fatty!

>> No.7828432

I'm 4'11 and I'm working on losing weight. But I keep thinking that even when I get to where I want I'll still look gross because of my broad shoulders and these white stretch marks on my inner thighs. I'm also just worried that everything will look saggy and worse. I only need to lose 30 pounds but yea those are my worries.

>> No.7828505

I wear lolita/otome and I guess I can be insecure about:
>my height
I'm tall, 5'10, and I can feel like a huge amazonian around most other women. Also a lot of dresses never sit right on me because of this. Dresses that are flattering on shorter people look like children's dresses on me. It's enraging that short dresses are in fashion because I think they sit on my body in an unflattering way even though shorter people reckon I suit dresses better than they do. I always have to wear bike shorts.

>Mature face
I'm 24, no wrinkles, but I have a slender, structured face with high cheek bones, deep set eyes, a strong jawline and a pronounced nose with full lips. I don't look cute, I look womanly. I really want to look cute and youthful sometimes.

>skinny fat
I need to start exercising again and stop eating whatever I damn well feel like. My hips are gigantic compared to the rest of me and I'd like to be more proportional, but I think it's my bone structure.

>> No.7828663

weight, I crossplay female characters more than I should...but I always always try my best to look as best I can.

>> No.7828710

I am only photogenic in candid photos. Every time I try to pose, it looks like shit. It's gotten to the point that I apologize to the people taking my pictures.

I also always look fatter than I am from the front. I'm just under 100 lbs, but feel like I look thirty pounds heavier.

>> No.7828727

I have trouble brushing my hair regularly because I have too much of it to dry it with the hairdryer (the one I have is shitty and dysfunctional), so I have to let it dry in a towel, then brush it.
On work days I'll usually fall asleep quickly after showering and it knots badly overnight.
I don't want to cut it, have locks or dye it.
I'm limited to long haired blond characters.
I also had insecurites about my beard when I started crossplaying but turns out it grows back way faster than hair.

The body is fine, I can make male characters as long as they aren't ripped as fuck and I can pull off a good trap shape. My shoulders are a bit too large and I have skiny male hips but at least I have the thinner waist of all my friends male or female.

>> No.7828763

Gross, learn to take care of your hair. I'm neutral on long hair on men, but it's a huge negative when it's poorly maintained.

Also, why only long blond-haired characters? Have you heard of wigs?

>> No.7828770

wtf, take care of your hair. Guys with long, unkempt hair always radiate "gross skeezebag" like nothing else.

And like other anon mentioned, get a wig. Honestly natural hair looks trashy in cosplay 99 times out of 100.

>> No.7828772

it's that long that I can't hide it under a wig
it looks fine when I can brush it but at work I always look like horrible.

>> No.7828801

I have friends with hair literally past their asses who manage to get that shit pinned tight under wig caps, so I'm calling bullshit.
And that's still gross. Get a better hair dryer, braid it before you sleep, get up early to brush it. Jesus, you're an adult, at least attempt to take care of your appearance, it's not that hard.

>> No.7831830

Being older now than the average cosplayer (beginning 30s)

Yes it will also happen to you.

>> No.7831840

Same here 30 years old. Also starting out doing it and seeing 14 year olds sew perfectly makes me feel low tier.
And with all the anon hate saying "she's too old with old looking faces" with adults in costumes.

>> No.7831875

I feel ya sister/bro...i only discovered cosplay just three years ago and i keep wondering if i "ain't too old" and when i should stop. I am super conscious now about How my face looks while i didn 't give a crap before. ..

>> No.7831938

big ass scars on my arm, back, and stomach

>> No.7831963

Yeah, it makes me self conscious and I avoid wearing school uniform cosplay because I feel too old compared to actual high schoolers/middle schoolers

>> No.7831982

I feel you, anon. I've got pretty severe eczema too, and it's so frustrating to still have it after being your told my entire life I'd 'grow out of it'. Putting make-up on the wounds is just so painful but sometimes I'd rather have it hurt than look like a scabby rat. Did you try hormone treatment? I know it ages you like mad but I'd rather be a wrinkly 40 year old than a bitter one who wasted her youth being ugly and insecure. Since I started the treatment, sometimes there'll be days when my skin is completely clear..those are like heaven.

>> No.7832011

I have eczema on my legs but as long as I put cream on it it looks fine and doesn't itch much. Does eczema spread or get worse? I don't want it to get that bad.

>> No.7832019

I think it depends on how severe it is whether it spreads or not. I had on on my hands for most my life but a couple years ago it just suddenly spread to my face, arms, torso and knees. Just go to a doctor if you notice it spreading, you should be able to prevent it from spreading if you treat it early on.

>> No.7833072


>> No.7833562

too skinny and bucket theet

>> No.7833573

I'm tiny on top but my thighs and butt are big and it makes me hesitate to do cosplays that show any leg.

>> No.7836190

Having a dick and all the problems that come with it. The battle scars suffered during my first encounter through puberty will always follow me.

>> No.7837591
File: 52 KB, 500x647, Big Barda12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm five feet tall, but instead of being a waif I've got a really curvy body that makes it hard to cosplay certain characters. Like, I'm too short to cosplay a lot of ones I'm interested in, it would just look stocky, and I would just move to a cute loli but I don't have that slim fligure. Plus I've got bitch resting face pretty bad, so most of the small cute girls are out.

My face just doesn't look like I could put on a wig, contacts, make up and look like anyone else. I'd always feel like it would look like a cheap cosplay because it would just be my face, you wouldn't be able to buy it as the character.

At one point I'd considered trying to use my size in a funny way, like cosplay a character like Big Barda with a oversized helmet and sword to be like she shrunk, but a cgl anon was like 'holy shit anon no that's an awful idea.' So my bf wants us to cosplay together but I just don't feel comfortable cosplaying anyone.

>> No.7837625
File: 13 KB, 286x176, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> gain fat mostly in my lower tummy and thighs. I'll have protruding hip bones and you can see my ribs but I still have chubby thighs and a tummy.
anon are you me? that feel, i know it well

>> No.7837650

Big nose and chin. I don't know if it's even possible for me to look cute.

But I'm short and slim with a very feminine figure, so it's definitely not possible for me to go the badass muscular girl route or the crossplay route either.

>> No.7837661

I have braces and it makes me feel super insecure, especially at photoshoots. I tend not to smile with my teeth because I don't want to show my braces... and it's a bit of a problem when I'm cosplaying bubbly characters.

>> No.7837709

>something people usually give no shits about because it's totally out of your control.
unless you are a glamazon trying to be some moe loli

>> No.7837716

My face has sharp features and I gain most of my weight in my waist.

>> No.7837731

Having a cute roundish face shape but big nose and deep-set eyes. I can never cosplay cute girls or look good in sweet lolita or any other cutesy jfashion.

>> No.7837951

It's good to know there's so many other people self-conscious about their nose. I am too.

- Almost 25.
-My face is very boyish, but I have huge tits.
-I have no idea how to put on makeup.

>> No.7837969

Butternut Squash will be your best friend anon!
It's cheap, soft, super tasty, and healthy.
Pre-heat your oven to 400 F
Peel your squash and cube it.
Place it on a cookie tray with some olive oil. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top and rub the seasonings and olive over the cubed sqaush.
Bake for around 30 minutes, just keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn.

It's really awesome in just the cubed form, or you can puree it and eat it that way. It's like mashed potatoes.
Add more seasoning if you need. Mince a glove of garlic in there and rub with it with the salt and pepper over the squash.

Also eat more Hummus. it's easy to make as well. Roast some bell pepper and onion in the oven.
Cut up fruit, freeze it, then puree it in the morning for a fruit smoothie. Add skim milk or yogurt and stevia or honey for sweetening and a better texture ( though if you add a banana in there the texture is already pretty good). Eat more oatmeal. Ripe Kiwi is also pretty soft.

>> No.7837971

Want to cosplay midriff-baring characters, but happy trail.

>> No.7838006
File: 1.15 MB, 1840x3264, IMG_20140829_211901_825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not very muscular, but really wanna cosplay muscly dudes. I went as Jecht to Dragoncon this year. Even though it's not perfect, I still had fun.

>> No.7838932

I absolutely hate my legs. I try to work them out and get them skinnier but nothing is working. I'm 5'0" and 106 pounds so I'm not fat but it feels like my legs are the biggest part of me and it makes me feel awful about wearing anything that draws attention to them

>> No.7838969

That's always been my problem with cosplaying and why I haven't done it yet. I'm a skinny-ish dude with a beard and 90% of bearded dudes in video games/anime are either insanely buff like Zangief or super old.

>> No.7838973

spoiler tags, why have you betrayed me

>> No.7839017

/cgl/ has never had spoiler tags.

>> No.7839096

Same problem, except I'm like 5 pounds heavier than you. Tiny waist, small-ish boobs, hips, then THIGHS. I'm not fat but my legs make me feel fat.

>> No.7840313

I'm really confused why all these people that have thin figures in this thread are hating on their legs for not being sticks. I looked anorexic when I was 13 but wasn't and I quite like my legs now that I've gained some weight. They look particularly great in thigh highs and have a nice curve. Stick legs are so boring, what are you trying to be, a KEI drawing?

>> No.7840616

I suppose the grass is always greener on the other side, I'm always very bothered by my thick thighs...

>> No.7844689


>> No.7844710

Ptosis. :(

>> No.7844813

I'm really self-conscious about my weight. I'm not "fat," but I've been struggling with an eating disorder for two years. Also, I almost never feel good about my face, and the way I look. The only fashion I feel confident in is lolita, because it makes me feel prettier. But my sewing skills are not great, and I'm such a perfectionist that even when I think I did okay at making my cosplay or whatever, I go out in public and feel a lot less confident. I love cosplay, but I always just feel like I'm so bad at it.

>> No.7844823

I have a really big, round nose and scars on my arms, legs and belly.

>> No.7844824

I keep picking at the keratosis pilaris bumps on my arms and legs and it leaves such ugly scars but I just want them gone that instant and I like popping them ugh.

There are tiny little scabs all up and down my legs. I look like some weird drug addict.

>> No.7844841

Adding on:

I feel like I can't stop. How do I stop? How do I get rid of the keratosis without popping it?

>> No.7845046

No response after like three hours.


>> No.7845050

coconut oil will help get rid of them. That's what I use

>> No.7845051

Because you don't always get answers? Try google or asking your doctor genius

Sage for ot

>> No.7845055

Mechanical exfoliation and moisturiser

>> No.7845059

I understand. I have scarring and such from picking at my arms. Wear long pants so you cover the areas. I found that when I saw them I could not stop myself from picking, but if I couldn't I didn't even think about them.
Id recommend getting an exfoliating pad or something and using it on your skin along with moisturiser, its helped me a lot.

>> No.7845102

Thank you all. Very much appreciated.

>> No.7845956


An extremely late post but mfw I looked up what TMD is because of this reply and I have a couple of the symptoms I've been wondering about for ~1 year or so. (Such as jaw locking, cracking sounds when opening mouth)

I know /cgl/'s not my personal doctor or anything but I'm slightly worried now. Is it probably no big deal?

>> No.7846358


A lot of people have it to some extent. As one of my doctors said, people tend to have it to some extent because there's a lot of stress in their lives and it tends to manifest as teeth grinding at night. If you have lots of headaches, jaw pain, or anything else that's affecting your daily life, this is something that you could get looked at as a possible cause. The best way to prevent progression is to ask your dentist or your doctor if you need a well fitted mouthguard for protection. It will relieve most of the stress and tension on your jaw and will prevent most of the effects.

>> No.7850560

I have this, and it got particularly bad after getting braces and after entering high school (mainly due to stress, grinding teeth, etc.) It can be painful and even scary at times (especially if it locks). When you feel that pressure, locking, or pain, try to relax and remain as calm as possible. After doing lots of research and talking with multiple orthodontists and doctors, I discovered that it can also be caused due to stress in the muscles of your jaw. This causes these muscles to swell. Taking ibuprofen can help with both the pain and this swelling. Hot and cold compresses are also effective. Lastly, try doing exercises with your jaw each day (as in, popping your ears like you would in high altitudes), avoid foods where you have to open your mouth really, really big, and do NOT chew gum (both of these will aggravate your jaw muscles). Good luck!

>> No.7850584

I had it whilst having braces because of the realignment of my teeth/pressure on my jaw and being a tooth grinder (which I still am...) and it can be scary when your jaw locks, the best thing I had was a mouthguard to discourage the tooth grinding which in turn helped me to relax my jaw at night.

>> No.7850601

I think I have a mild form of this because supposedly my jaw is set too far back. It's usually not a huge deal most of the time. Very occasionally, it feels like my jaw has popped out of place, or it hurts to open my mouth/chew, or my whole neck/shoulder area is incredibly tender like I have a crick, but those things, while awful when they happen, are rare enough that I'm not willing to pay a doctor to look into it since I have no insurance. If it's something that happens often and really affects you, see a doctor.

>> No.7850630

My post ! Anon, I'm thinking of you. Did you have any flare ups yet ? My own TMD is sneaky, I had troubles for about 10 years now (jaw locking, poping sound etc.) but only got 2 really intense episodes where the pain kept me awake at night. In both cases it went away within two weeks with regular doses of ibuprofen (prescripted, or advil ) and hot baths. It's not the end of the world, it's a pretty common problem amongst women, it just really sucks when you get a flare up.

Polite sage for no contribution.

>> No.7850736

I have the weirdest body build I've ever seen on a female.

I'm 5'3" but have incredibly broad shoulders. Kinda on the skinny-fat side because exercise is just not in my agenda most days. Aka Never.

19 yet I've apparently been mistaken for a 12-14 year old boy just because of my physical appearance. Sucks I don't look my age at all.

I like my face, but I wish I just looked.. not 12? Makeup doesn't even really help much.