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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 198 KB, 900x1200, otakon_2010_cosplayer_Mecha_by_Ho_ohLover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7813454 No.7813454 [Reply] [Original]

What things or pet peeves do you have about a person's cosplay, besides fat rolls, that make you judge the hell out their costume (or them)?

If I see any visible duct tape (using it is fine though), I will assume you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.7813462

Not sanding props. Some people totally get the proportions and painting down but the prop looks like a lumpy piece of shit. You were so close but skipped out on the simplest part!

>> No.7813879

not finishing/hemming properly. seriously it does not take much effort to do!

>> No.7814301
File: 369 KB, 248x131, tumblr_lwf65mtM9l1r7gq2to1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this so much, I remeber being stuck walking behind a Naruto cosplayer and all the hems were fraying and the appliqués where hot glues on sloppily. All while the kid was bad mouthing other cosplayers for having shit costumes. I wanted slap the little gobshite

>> No.7814305

Really shitty body paint.

I'm not talking about the person who bothered to do a little research but just wound up with smudged shit because they sweat/didn't put on enough sealant--no. I'm talking about the people who buy Halloween store tier body paint, smear it all over themselves, and then proceed to get it on other con goers or objects.

Bathrooms at cons are now FUCKING DISGUSTING because kids feel the need to apply their shitty paint on in there. Leave trash all over the place. What fucking pigs.
If they're gonna be gross grey globs of shit then the least they could do is pick up after themselves.

>> No.7814332

You see Bowie's dick in that movie

>> No.7814347

Which movie is this?

>> No.7814348
File: 498 KB, 450x300, tumblr_lnr2w5nIKu1qc7geho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very aware of that anon lol

>> No.7814349

The man who fell to earth

>> No.7814351

Good goooood

>> No.7814355

The man who fell to earth

Not a great movie and bowie said he was so high during most of filming he hardly remembers it

But you see his dick

>> No.7814361

I was infront of a Gamora from GotG in some dragoncon line.

Her entire face was the worst shade of green. The paint was clumping to the point where I'm pretty sure there were mountaineers trying to traverse those peaks.

To make it worse she kept going on and on on how long it took to apply. It toik effort to keep my mouth shut.

My pet peeve is shitty cosplayers bad mouthing other cosplayers.you don't have room to talk with your eBay costume satin cosplay and white tennis shoes.

>> No.7814374

People who don't think about functionality when making their costumes and end up doing stupid things as a result.

My personal priorities:
1. Can I move in this thing?
2. Is it easy to remove if I have to go to the bathroom? (I need to go more often than regular people because of medical reasons)
3. Can I use my phone? If I have gloves, are they easy to remove or have at least one fingertip that I can use for a touchscreen? (opened seam, mesh fingertip, etc.)

I saw a Ms. Martian at Anime North who didn't have some kind of removable or touchscreen-compatible gloves, so she was typing out something on her phone WITH HER TONGUE. I shit you not.

>> No.7815310
File: 2.00 MB, 3024x4032, P9023309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duct tape
this guy from bleach...

>> No.7815320

That movie made me feel sad.

>> No.7816644
File: 449 KB, 2048x1357, ahri_league_of_legends_cosplay_by_lucyrose3-d6f66gw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the one thing that pisses me off the most about other people's cosplays, is when they're cosplaying a character with furry appendages (cat ears/tail/etc) or have fur accents or something, the entire outfit is decently well put together,

But they use fucking fun fur.

It costs about the same to buy actually decent fur online that doesn't look like you have roadkill sewed to your costume.

Pic related, although technically it's mongolian fur. Still a shitty choice

>> No.7820708

Hot glue instead of sewing. Gluing on applique instead of sewing it down. I know it's faster to use glue, but come on, make some effort.

>> No.7820745

Hey Otakon!

>> No.7821112
File: 54 KB, 375x360, sticker,375x360.u4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People that don't trim their fucking wig bangs and just shove them off to the side.
Character has bangs girl. The wing came that way so you can trim it to flatter you. But you just ignored that and it doesn't look good on you at all.

>people who could have tried harder
When I see a costume that you can tell they almost had it. If they had spent like 2 more hours on sewing straight and slow they wouldn't have sloppy lines messing up a decent cosplay

>Not ironing their fresh out of the box cosplay
Look, I'm used to people forgoing the joy of making their own shit. But please please for the love of everything holy don't just take your cosplay out of the bag it came in and wear it. IRON IT. You already have it easy. Geez. Take the 10 minutes and do it.

>boobie cosplay on people under 18
Just don't. You can't handle yourself properly until you are at least 20. Just don't.

>pretending you are hot shit for any other reason than skill.
You're not. We're all nerds in costumes. Don't be a bitch cause you have lots of facebook likes/some famous person spoke to you/you're good looking/or you have your tits/muscles out.

>> No.7821612

People using the wrong type of panty hose.

Also people who use paint on there costume wrong

>> No.7821624

People who have the perfect body for their character, great cosplay, great everything. But then have absolutely AWFUL wigs. The shiny, got from party city kind. It causes me extreme pain because they're so close, but terrible wigs make any cosplay look godawful.