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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 154 KB, 1366x2048, 10644782_762755640429520_2237690354085785265_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7806684 No.7806684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been waiting for some photo's from Cozpho Photography for quite sometime to no avail. She'll post pics of her cosfamous friends daily without any issues. It's seriously annoying.

>> No.7806708

Don't expect to see them anytime soon. If her BFF Riley is in the mix, just go and find another photographer.

>> No.7806752


and don't message her about it either because then she'll blacklist you and you'll never get those photos you weren't going to get in the first place.
instead of being salty about it, just go to another photographer that will actually care about your time, anon. there are plenty to choose from.

>> No.7806830

Go look elsewhere for reliable pics. It's annoying seeing her clique post her pics every day. She's only popular because she circle jerk likes with KO Cosplay and others. And it's true about messaging her. She will blacklist you or threaten to tell other photographers how bad you are.

>> No.7806841

oh no what will i do if i get blacklisted by a cosplay photographer i'll never find someone to take my graduation pictures or my wedding photos or photos of my children i'm ruined.

seriously, i can't with these people and their false sense of fucking superiority.

>> No.7806879

If she's threatening people with cease and desist, maybe you should get the Better Business Bureau involved.

>> No.7806892

Cospho, KO Cosplay... they're all cunts.

>> No.7806907

You mad bro?

>> No.7806920


You gathered that from the thread, I take it? Good job.
OP kinda has a right to be.
I don't know Cozpho and I don't know OP, but I do know that it makes people feel shitty and inadequate then they're glossed over like trash by the photographers they've shot with because they aren't "famous" enough or aren't part of some highschool-level clique.

>> No.7806956

That high school mentality has to go out the doors if Nikita is taking scheduled shoots at cons and not producing. There's no excuses for that.

>> No.7806977

I know Nikita and Riley personally. Everyone here is 100% correct: You are wasting your time. They are unreliable and generally shitty people. And all of the photos are taken at ridiculous angles and photoshopped all to hell to TRY to look professional. Seek other photogs, Anon!

>> No.7806990

Took photos with her over two years ago and never saw them. ):

>> No.7806992

why even bother doing anything at all though? She's a professional victim with a bunch of pussies to powder her ass.

The more attention you give her, the more power she has.

It's the same as dealing with trolls. "Dont feed the victim"

She'll eventually self destruct. She has no other personal merits other than being a victim, and thats all she will ever be until she grows up.

I'd like to ask her what her exit strategy is when she's too old to cosplay cute anime girls anymore and she still doesnt make a livable wage.

But you and I both know it will go right over her head. So dont waste the energy and just let her snuff herself out.

>> No.7807011
File: 292 KB, 2048x1271, cosfamous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all those cosfamous people

>> No.7807015

I don't think shit talking helps getting photos edited not edited

>> No.7807019

All I'm gonna say in this situation is this:
Some photographers can bang out all of their photos within a week of the con and some cannot. It depends on a lot of other factors including family, pets, work, and other responsibilities.
I know Nikita personally and I've known her for years. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met.

>> No.7807025

so you're saying cosplay photographers have a life outside of cosphy photography?

>> No.7807028

some get demotivated and lazy
that would be me
sorry, people from AX
I know I should be done by now but I think I worked myself into a hole in real life

>> No.7807031


This is the second time I've seen you whiteknight someone. If you do know her, them please tells us why she's free to pump out photos of "cosfamous" people like that when people like >>7806990 >>7806684 have yet to theirs.

>> No.7807032

Come on guys she don't got the time to be processing photos from shoots she's set up because she's too busy taking selfies while cospraying kawaii animu boys. Ya'll r silly.

>> No.7807034

Doesn't everyone have a life outside of their hobbies?

>> No.7807038
File: 16 KB, 291x300, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even straight on the line

>> No.7807041

You think this is some sort of game? Cosupurei photography is srs bsns

>> No.7807042

By george I think he's got it

>> No.7807044

I was considering booking a shoot with her at some point. Looks like I better reconsider, huh

>> No.7807045


Nobody thinks cosplay photography is more serious business than cosplay photographers themselves, bruh.

>> No.7807048

How about that Felix Wong Photography. Maybe if your name is Sarah Fong, he'd take you.

>> No.7807056

Easy .... that's Felix Wong's wife.

>> No.7807059
File: 116 KB, 573x768, cozpho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Run for the hills anon. You'd never get those photos.

This explains why Milly-San has once again showed up to whiteknight. Photographer has been called out for her shitty behavior and now is whining.

>> No.7807066

Wowzaratti that last paragraph is beyond cuntish and rude. Guess I'll book with someone else

>> No.7807067

start collecting likes on your FB page cause that's all them togs care about.

>> No.7807081

Hmmm that's a bit sad. I was going to message her about NYCC. I'll have to rethink that.

>> No.7807091


>> No.7807098

I just your all better off telling her you love her and you want to hug her. Otherwise she'll cry all day

>> No.7807107

That whole group is a big mess of self love and supporting each other's shitty behaviour. They'll burn out like all the others.

>> No.7807112

Don't let fools like this sway you away from photographers or Cozpho photography. She's a very busy woman at this point in time. Yes she does her photo shoots with friends Who doesn't but she also will accommodate you for a photoshoot and will let you know what the prices are before hand. If you still have reservations by all means don't do it but I say message her and keep in touch with her if and when you are done with the shoot. The picture do take time to come out but it will be worth it.

>> No.7807133

She just saying that if you have a problem with the way she takes picture, have the decency to say to her upfront, but that would be too much for guys like you and others on here since all you guys can do is complain and be negative. Keep you negativity to yourselves if you don't like something. While the rest of us enjoy and exceptional artist like her and many others.

>> No.7807139
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, 1368286240925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgetting you have PAID SHOOTS to give to people
The fuck? Pay more attention to your work goddamnit.

>> No.7807143

It really seems like what she's saying is that she wasn't excited enough about you photos op to get them out to you

>> No.7807147


This. How can you forget about your paid shoots. Does she not keep a record or something.

>> No.7807174

When Amy Borghard is your white knight, you have problems

>> No.7807183

It takes all of maybe 20 minutes to sort through a couple hundred photos if you know what you're doing and you know what you're loking for. And of course if you can actually produce consistent results. Claiming you or somebody else doesn't have enough time to keep up is the same as saying you or they are shit at what they do.

>> No.7807185

It seems like real professionals will apologize and try to improve when they're criticized but bitchy amateurs just post crap like this.

>> No.7807197

Take care of those paying clients. F the selfies with your cat and your cosfamous friends

>> No.7807208

her pics aren't even that good....

>> No.7807214

It does seem like saying "I forgot!" because you were too busy being excited about the people who don't pay you since they are your friends is a bad excuse. Maybe Cozpho should offer refunds to people who have waited for their photos for too long?

>> No.7807216

Sounds bitchy to me, Id better go ask Felix then

>> No.7807235

yeah, id skip asking cozpho for photos. I have seen a few and they aren't exactly worth the money. maybe in a few years they will improve but needs lots of practice. look at portfolios for other con photographers!

>> No.7807259

Real professionals never post anything like that unless they've had some kind of family tragedy and they need to explain to everyone as quick as possible. If a real pro has dropped the ball with their work they'll talk to each client one on one and either assure them they'll hurry up, offer a refund or a reshoot or they'll just get the fuck on with it and finish the photos.

This is pure bullshit amateur hour, nothing more.

>> No.7807272

Can't exactly expect her to address the issue directly when all the attackers are remaining anonymous and saying "don't bother messaging her."

>> No.7807293

Would you rather people state who they are and be cluster-fucked by her gang of friends?

>> No.7807318

The fact is that people are just being braying asses here. The OP chose to come here and whine behind the mask of anonymity for pity rather than try and communicate with the photographer and other people are encouraging that behavior. It doesn't allow for any dialogue other than high school style bitching and she can't address the photographs in question because there hasn't even been mention of the convention or the costume.

>> No.7807323

I don't understand why high school keeps coming up here. It is not cool to take people's money and then screw them over at any age and they have a right to complain about it. If she is doing "professional photos" then she can consider this like a BAD yelp review.

Cozpho took money and never delivered a product, claimed she probably forgot or was not excited about photos, and people are mad. I wouldn't get photos from her and if anyone else wants to they are risking their time and money. Simple.

>> No.7807339

Kinda just like how cozpho is having a pity party for herself on her Facebook to make herself feel better. She's not a professional in anyway and her response shows that

>> No.7807345

Better then showing how afraid they are by being anonymous, shows what kind of friends you all are or "clients" you all are. If anyone wants their damn pictures, wouldn't the logical thing do to do is, ask nicely for them? Instead of bitching and moaning on a fucked up site like this. You sir or miss are like the rest of these anon, scared to show your identity. Also, you're a hypocrite, like all of you are acting like a gang and cluster-fucking a person a photographer right now because y'all didn't get your damn photos. Who's fault is that for not getting their photos? Not the photographer, the one that's being photoed is a fault.

>> No.7807349

she is posting "i don't even care!" and also "this bothers me a lot" as if they are the same thing. clearly she is an adult. heh.

>> No.7807350

You people don't even try to hide the fact that you're from their special circle of hug-pillows.

>> No.7807352

This! Address the photographer directly instead of whining anonymously......*facepalm*
Only post and slander them if they respond to you in a rude manner (which I would think you'd take screenshots of to back you up).
This is not high school....

>> No.7807360


>Who's fault is that for not getting their photos?

It's Nikki's whiteknight. If she wants to be taken seriously as a professional then she needs to act like one and get photos out. Especially to the people that paid her.

I do agree that if she owns someone photos, they need to message her. Now is the time since she has been called out and will do anything to save face.

>> No.7807364

People aren't mind-readers. This was learnt in elementary. Yes, it is not professional of Cozpho to not deliver. You think this will help? She has no idea who's photos she didn't deliver. This isn't going to get you your photos any quicker. And you know this. You don't want the photos quicker. If you did, then you would do something about it. You just want to bitch it about. Yeah, shame on Cozpho. But you're an idiot and that's why these bad things happen to you.

>> No.7807373

yeah, and as soon as they message her she will know they were the OP and give them shit forever/tell other people to do so. Sounds like a good plan. maybe she just needs to take this an an opportunity to change her shitty ways?

>> No.7807378

actually, these bad things are happening because cozpho lacks the professionalism to develop a client list, and actually make sure she delivers to those clients in a timely fashion. if you are going to be taking someone's money, you shouldn't be wasting your time posting pictures of your friends or selfies. you should be doing the work you were PAID for, whether you are excited about it or not.

>> No.7807379

Or maybe the OP should've messaged her directly in the first place? This is seriously high school shit......

>> No.7807381

I really don't think blaming the person who didn't get their photos for not getting their photos is actually a legitimate thing. Hey, Cozpho, stop charging people and not giving them their photos! You are going to make a real bad name for yourself. Looks like you already have, actually.

>> No.7807389

They should be blamed for not contacting her and instead being an immature whiny little high schooler......respect goes both ways people.

>> No.7807391

Her cosfamous friends would just lambast the individual.

>> No.7807392

Next person who says "high school" owes me $100. Edit the photos and send them out so people will stalk talking about you. Unless that is something you really enjoy because it seems like you might, Coz.

>> No.7807396

you ever think that the OP did contact her, and still got no where? and is now not feeling like they can contact her again b/c of cozpho's blacklisting habits?

>> No.7807397

I'm done fighting with you stupid twats. Hiding behind "anonymous" shows how cowardly you all are.
I came here to defend my friends, but ya'll are too stupid or angry to see reason.

>> No.7807403

A very good point. OP never said if they had tried contacting her before or not. Maybe she is just perpetuating all of this to get herself some attention and now providing all of the details? Has ANYONE contacted her before and not gotten results or been "blacklisted"? Answer: yes. ... It's all adding up...

>> No.7807404

Who said anything about respect? lol Stupid whiteknights.

And it was already said Coz has a habit of blacklisting people, so gee, I wonder why OP hasn't contacted her?

>> No.7807408


But Milly-san. We've already seen the reason. You friend takes people's money and never delivers. When called out for her un-professionalism, she whines like a little bitch. How about instead of coming her to defend her, you help her get her act together.

>> No.7807410

what if coz posted all of this herself to get attention? no, actually that would be too brilliant. nevermind. lol

>> No.7807412

your posts are funnier now that I know what you look like.

>> No.7807414

You're really just an enabler and it isn't good for business

>> No.7807415

Go back to the supermarket. Aisle check on 7.

>> No.7807417

love how every single positive post about this photographer is from a namefag

>> No.7807418

I wish this was Facebook so I could like this

>> No.7807425

i do what I can, i do what I can. GIVE PEOPLE THEIR PHOTOS. That is all.

>> No.7807456
File: 102 KB, 1280x1024, hahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to have something you paid for
>y-you immature l-little high-schooler!!!1

>> No.7807461

true that. wasn't amy talking trash about nikita a few months ago?

>> No.7807465

No it's the photographers responsibility to get the photos to their client. And it's am awful excuse to say that she forgot. If she is forgetful, which people are, then she needs to record who she shoots with and give people around a set date when they should get their photos back. And if she can't make the date then it's her responsibility to tell the client that she needs more time or give a refund, and keep the client updated on the situation. It's extremely unprofessional to say that it's the cosplayer, the client's fault that SHE couldn't get them their photos, especially if they paid for them.

>> No.7807488

Did someone say "good for business" all of you are nothing but a B+ players, all of you are bad for business.

>> No.7807504

Amy has no real friends in the community. Everyone blocks her or thinks she's a psycho.

>> No.7807516

Don't worry, Cozpho is already doing a good job of burying herself, you can back off.

>> No.7807518
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>> No.7807520


Wait. Isn't she that lolcow lady deadpool cosplayer?

>> No.7807549

WTF is a cozpho?

>> No.7807581

Yup, the one everyone blocks in the community

>> No.7807582

>Who's fault is that for not getting their photos? Not the photographer, the one that's being photed is a fault
>Who's fault is that for not getting their photos? Not the photographer, the one that's being photed is a fault
>Who's fault is that for not getting their photos? Not the photographer, the one that's being photed is a fault

>paid shoots
>not photographer's fault if they don't deliver in a timely manner

Just because someone is a photographer doesn't mean they can take their sweet ass time with the pictures if there are PAYING customers.

It's the photographer's responsibility as a BUSINESS to keep track and deliver. Will there be one or two that will be late? Of course but its is not the customer's fault for wanting their pictures

Don't get me wrong, I completely understand wanting to show friends their pictures first because it's their friends but constantly doing that and not delivering on their customer's photos as well is complete BS

I'm not saying the non-friend customer needs to get it right away or even in two weeks but putting more recent con pictures with friends first than, let's say, 2 cons ago, is absolutely unprofessional

>> No.7807603

I think there are two people at fault here, the OP and Cozpho. As someone who has known Nikita for a while, she can get overwhelmed in her own stuff sometimes and she is busy. That goes without say though, that even if she got paid for the photos, she should be keeping track of her stuff. I think the OP should have done the professional thing as well, and messaged Cozpho Photography. That's exactly what you should do if you have a paid photoshoot. Keep in touch with the photographer. That being said, the photographer should keep in touch with the client as well.

tl;dr: Both at fault, error: both should have kept in touch w each other.

>> No.7807608

Is a cozpho some type of animal? I don't get it.

>> No.7807648
File: 53 KB, 406x606, 1410068058506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea who that is, but did you pay for the photos? If yes, and its been longer than discussed originally, talk privately. whining anonymously wont get you anywhere. If no, quit bitching and realize that the photos probably ended up not looking good so its not worth them wasting their time.

>> No.7807659

nah. she should just stop taking money for photos and focus on what is exciting for her. solves all the problems. she can pay herself in excitement and add to her collection of pics of someone elses significant other. everyone wins!!1!

>> No.7807671

Daaamn someone knows that group pretty well. Holy crap. No level of Photoshop is going to hide that sick burn

>> No.7807684

ITT: white knights

>> No.7807691

How do you contact Nikita is she's blacklisted you?

>> No.7807704

You assume OP didn't contact her. As discussed thorough out the thread, cozpho would blacklist you if you message and complain.

>> No.7807706

thought: if she doesn't know who the OP is, that means there are a lot of people it COULD be, which means this is a pattern she follows a lot. So basically she is like, "oh, which pissed off person is that? i haven't given a lot of people their photos for a long time." interesting. seems like she should be able to figure out who it is if she doesn't do this to a lot of people. hm.

>> No.7807743

It sucks OP hasn't gotten their photos. If you contacted Cozpho and still no results coming on this shitty site full losers that have nothing better to do than internet attack someone they don't know wasn't your next step for sure. The was these Anon are backing you and attacking her is basically what her friends are doing for her. If you paid you should have a contract so deal with it the correct way, do you really think coming on this site bashing her is going to get you your photos now?

As far as Cozpho if you take money for shoots than forgetting or being busy isn't an excuse. You want to take money like a professional than fucking act like one. If it's for fun than stop charging people and not giving them what they paid for. If you are organized at all your work should be sorted into shoot folders if not at least con folders. It's pretty easy to look in a folder and see you haven't worked on a shoot. You should also have the schedule you used to book the shoots as a reminder since you are forgetful. Your comments in you post were kind of ignorant and you just lost potential clients in this thread already. So good job on telling people how you feel about your clients. Yes who wouldn't want to get photos of their friends done for them, but when you are acting as a business that comes first.
To all you other why the hell do you get so invested in something that doesn't personally involve you? You really don't have anything better to do but act tough on the internet? If it's someone who knows OP personal I get it, but others that come to this shit site just to troll find something better to put your time into.

>> No.7807745

If I gave a bitch money to take my pic and all she did was cry that she forgot, that your costume was not exciting nor memorable, and have her friends attack you then that bitch would fucking get cut.

Cozpho needs to either deliver the pics or send refunds because right now just looks like she'll gladly take your money but is too busy with real life to remember you or why you gave her money.

>> No.7807753

>why the hell do you get so invested in something that doesn't personally involve you?
we're addicted to drama here, and you guys are one of the best source right now. why, you're even bringing it yourself in this very thread!

>> No.7807756

This. 100%

>> No.7807760

Did the OP every actually say it was a paid shoot?

>> No.7807769

Unless OP paid I wouldn't even complain. The photography is shitty.

>> No.7807773

That T3i and kit lens doe

>> No.7807788

Such pro photog. Such pro.

>> No.7807790

Unless it's cosfamous, it's uninspiring. -AshB Images

>> No.7807809

I was waiting for an AshB reference

>> No.7807827


AshB is the smartest one around. She is at least making several hundred dollars per con with her rates and how many people she books. So hate all you want, she is the only one really making any money from this without a kickstarter.

>> No.7807842

And your point is? Her PR is just as bad as Cozpho. Because really, black cosplayers doesn't inspire her.

>> No.7807847

I thought Lauren Pihl was the smartest. Homeless with her L lens and fucking going to cons!

>> No.7807894

That goes for Anna too

>> No.7807903

Is paying for photoshoots a normal thing? I rarely see photographers here in the South charge often for shoots. This boggles me. Most of the really good ones do it for free.

>> No.7807905

It's an east coast thing, mainly because people are money hungry and there are less photographers here. In west coast, there are plenty of photographers and videographers that do it for free . Overseas is the same thing

>> No.7807918

Cheap ass

>> No.7807948

What is supply and demand girl
Too many togs in the west coast compared to east
Ill enjoy the money thanks

>> No.7807958

I've done several shoots with AshB and while I love her pictures it would be nice if she posted one pic of me from our shoots on her page. but i'm not cosfamous so yeah.

>> No.7807959

There are west coast cosfamous photographers who charge, they just tell their clients to be quiet about it.

>> No.7807969

I have also shot with AshB. This is why I like Sweet Sensation better. She also post photos of non-cosfamous on her page, but I'm not pretty enough for her.

>> No.7807996

I think Laurel is easier to communicate and work with

>> No.7808025

Laurel is super nice :3

>> No.7808031

Well in the South you can get shoots for free if you sleep with Affliction or Euphoria.

>> No.7808034

She recently went off about how valued her work is and shit within one of the Facebook groups and why you should work with her and why only true photographers like her understand the value of photography unlike the poser photographers

>> No.7808090

>> cozpho
>> friends with cosfamous people

Wow. Can't stop laughing. They try so hard to come off as famous but that little friends dynamic of hers has extremely elitist views of cosplay with little talent to back there stances on.

>> No.7808148

jealous much? KO Cosplay has 200000 likes on facebook and has been invited as guest to multiple cons. by all accounts she is cosfamous.

>> No.7808164

You know, it's very easy to buy likes.

>> No.7808250

I was referring to her two friends, the ones she always posts photos of. OTP cosplay or whatever they call themselves.

>> No.7808503

Wasn't KO originally a group page with like one or two other people who eventually ran off and did their own thing while she kept the page?

>> No.7808522

The group with Sister Caocao and Maki Rolle?

>> No.7808526

The group with Sarah Fong, Sister Caocao and Maki Rolle?

>> No.7808566

True rip off artist

>> No.7808569

200k and can't even sell 10 prints lol

>> No.7808612

She's probably lying to get your sympathy.

>> No.7808730

So not professional if you are forgetting about your paying clients. All the cosfamous group hugs in the world will not erase the truth

>> No.7808774

I'm curious, how much does Cozpho charge for her pictures? Don't get me wrong here anon, I read (most) of the posts here so I know to not work with this person. I'm just curious to know how much people have been paying for pictures that they will never get.

>> No.7808794

It doesn't matter at this point. Cozpho is too busy playing Pokemon to give a crap about her clients. In fact her likes have gone up after her friends came to her defense awww

>> No.7808853

Yeah are we talking $10-20 here or AshB prices?

>> No.7809002

There's not much to fap to, who the hell wants to buy those?

>> No.7809027

Bad acne and buck teeth

>> No.7809127

Nikita's sister is fappable!

>> No.7809154


At least with AshB you get your photos and not Nikita's "whoops lol sry i forgot cause i'm hooman guiz" bullshit excuse.

>> No.7809181


Why the fuck would I be jealous of some cosfame bitch? I have a real job and actually make money. I don't need a Kickstarterfundme because, you know, I get paid.

>> No.7809183

lol@ people calling others out for hiding behind an anonymous post. This is fuckin 4chan, are yall new here?! Also lol@ people like Cozpho coming here then whining on their FB page when they get butthurt. I guess they feel like the white-knighting circle jerk they get on their FB page cancels this stuff out.

>> No.7809184

Dude, is she even 18? Wtf

>> No.7809193

Riley said she was hot

>> No.7809194

I don't really know much about Cozpho, but I can definitely confirm Samm/KO Cosplay is indeed a fucking cunt. My experience in the cosplay scene have been mainly good, and she's one of the few people that I really deserves any hate she gets.
Again, KO Cunt is a cunt.

>> No.7809216

Holy fuck this thread is hilarious. Love it when normies try to act subtle on /cgl/.

>> No.7809218

You forgot that Sarah Fong and Sister Cacao are also cosfamous cunts.

>> No.7809229

They are the Mean Girls of Cosplay. Team Ratchet

>> No.7809245

So... Who are the good photographers, that actually get you the photos and don't just post cosfamous people? My search for NYCC photogs is looking quite bleak, and I guess I was ignorant about the sheer amount of drama with these cliques..

>> No.7809257

Sister Cacao is actually the better of the two. She doesn't come to shoots drunk.

>> No.7809266


Really? I've heard different. If not drunk than probably hungover as all hell.

>> No.7809267
File: 83 KB, 639x960, 10511275_736055046431209_8454361097348369894_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially wearing this, she's asking to get DP'd

>> No.7809269


God forbid adults drink and have a good time at cons. What a bunch of cunts, I tell ya?

>> No.7809270

isn't that a body suit though? theres a seam on the leg

>> No.7809279

>Equating having fun with friends to showing up plastered to a shoot someone hired you to do
Do you go to work drunk? If you do, you should be fired.

>> No.7809281

BAS, knightmare6, Cantera, will photograph for food, ohheyitssk, conpics.ws, blue shell, AshB. they're all reliable photographers.

>> No.7809282


Wait, someone hired these girls to do a shoot and one of them showed up drunk?

>> No.7809294

Ah I see, thanks!

>> No.7809356

Felix Wong is reliable and won't jerk you

>> No.7809365

It's unprofessional to go to any shoot drunk

>> No.7809395

>dat shit eye for angles

>> No.7809408

Have you set up photoshoots with a photographer at NYCC in the past?
I'm under the impression that NYCC isn't a great con for shoots.

>> No.7809427

Cantera just panty chases mediocre cosplayer cunt Pixie Belle around, along with a handful of other girls he has hard ons for. He's not a bad photographer, but he's just gratuitous as fuck.
Blue Shell's photography is mediocre at best, and there was an issue where they posted some photos a cosplayer found inappropriate, and they had to be threatened to take them down.

>> No.7809546

Blue Shell's a joke, the guy literally just got a camera not too long ago. I saw him asking photographers at a con back in June on how to use some of the modes and the flash and peeking at their camera settings behind their backs

>> No.7809549

Blue shell is also creepy as fuck.

>> No.7809568

And his photos are terrible. Whoever recommended him has really poor taste. They're worse than point and shoot

>> No.7809589

Just had to look up their page. Stupid name for starters.

Looking at the pictures, bad natural lighting, bad lighting with flash, pretty much majority bad lighting (which shows their inexperience). Mostly hall shots of people around the con.

Give them like 3 years and see where they develop to as a photographer and what they chase after.

>> No.7809614

I was going to name and shame Euphoria but damn, you beat me to it anon.

This is now a name and shame thread.

>> No.7809793

I keep coming back to make sure this thread is till good and it is still good.

>> No.7809797

thread's beem dead for two hours. no more dirt

>> No.7809800


My favorite thing is the op picture. It was a test shot but the photographer thought it looked good.

I really hate it. Either go silhouette or don't.