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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 103 KB, 720x960, 10171079_10152734250967533_4811261008230078923_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7806250 No.7806250 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on all these busty, professional cosplayers who put all of their effort into their cleavages? People only follow and like their facebook pages to stare and fap at their breasts. They only cosplay women with big tits. They are not much better than cam whores who expose their tits for attention and compliments.

>> No.7806257

Can't really blame women for doing this when most comic book/video game artists draw their female characters with big tits and slutty costumes anyway.

>> No.7806262

fat girls that emphasize large breasts....and do so with costume screams pathetic/body issues

>> No.7806263
File: 53 KB, 276x198, Sandy_cheeks_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my opinion of OP

>> No.7806285

I'm ok with it

Just dont be a hypocrite and start moaning when people comment on the breasts you are constantly shoving in their faces.

>> No.7806300

You are allowed to stare and compliment them as long as you are at least 8/10 in looks and don't act like a socially handicapped aspie.

>> No.7806306

as a 2/10 on a good day i can confirm

also have to be single, the man of their dreams and rich and worship the ground she walks on then you may GLANCE at her tits if the queen is not currently talking

>> No.7806309

Why are you such a bitter beta

>> No.7806349

And? What's wrong with them? They'll be around for as long as those autistic neckbeards continue to throw time and money at them.

You can call them whores all you want but that makes every bitter beta that stalks them just as much of a manwhore too.

>Don't be mad as those selling, be mad at those buying

>> No.7806358


Why do some Moxxi cosplayers just throw on a random ass brown wig, and don't even bother to do the hair flip thing? How fucking hard can it be?

>> No.7806568

because betaness hurts, and the people who puts the stick in the wound is the same people who blame you for being a bitter beta (usually hot women).

Seriously poor betas, there should be some association to help them become accepted persons and to raise awareness.

>> No.7806952
File: 11 KB, 240x212, 10526024_668951036514883_7953175672416061996_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're sluts so I fap to them and usually cum harder than when I'm watching actual porn.

Thanks, busty slutty cosplayers!

>> No.7807179 [DELETED] 

Because boob.

>> No.7807234

This. All the pictures of Yaya Han's tits she complains about people staring at, Jessica Nigri's plastic fantastics, Ikuy's fuck videos, Kelly Jean's camwhore vids, G-Chan's stripping vids, Miyu's cam shows, Stacey Rebecca's hardcore pics. Cumming so hard it hurts.

Keep it up, shitty attention whoring T&A cosplayers. I sure am.

>> No.7807341

I'm not fond of it at all. Makes them less attractive to me.

>> No.7807361

Does it physically hurt anyone?


People should worry about their own life and problems, getting wound up because someone is successful by doing something they're completely comfortable doing something they like is immature bullshit IMO.

>> No.7807362

link to miyu's cam shows and ai-honey's vids pls.

>> No.7807365

Who cares tbh? If that's what makes them feel attractive then just do your thing. I honestly don't get why cleavage is so offensive and upsetting.

>> No.7807377

Stacey Rebeccas??

>> No.7807383
File: 121 KB, 720x775, sluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't really blame women for doing this when most comic book/video game artists draw their female characters with big tits and slutty costumes anyway.
THIS so fucking much.

>artists draws hot sexy character with big boobs and cleavage and high heels in slutty costume
Omg awesome mai waifu 5 ever <3 <3 <3
>see cosplay of said characters
OMG why are all girls such sluts and attenion whores?? ;_;

Pic related

>> No.7807438

ITT JNig self-promoting again

Saw you post the same file on /fit/: >>>/fit/28562507

Try to be more subtle next time lol

>> No.7807441

I've managed to cosplay female characters for over 10 years and I have never done a costume like that. And while there are way too many characters that are inappropriately sexy, there are just as many that don't show their ass or cleavage. A woman can CHOOSE how she dresses. No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to cosplay these things. They CHOOSE based on how much attention they can get. Those same girls also do sexy female versions of male characters, so you can't even blame the creators for that shit.

Sorry, but that argument just does not hold. These girls know exactly what they're doing. Even if all the female characters in the world were covered head to foot, these girls would still find any way to show skin.

>> No.7807447

Miyu never did cam shows. Gchan only did one video where she stripped down to her undies afaik. Gchan did do a burlesque show at a con and complained about it, though.

>> No.7807522

Lol shows how much you know. There are many files on many other anon boards which dictate otherwise.

>> No.7807534

No there aren't. :)

>> No.7807537
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So if I want to cosplay say, Ivy because she's my favourite Soul Calibur character, should I just forget about it because I'll get called an attention whore? Do I knit a blue and gold turtleneck so nobody calls me a slut?

A woman can choose how she dresses, you're right. Y'all need to get the fuck over it.

>> No.7807541

>shows no proof

lel u r so right

>> No.7807542

Go back to Tumblr and take your shitty movie with you, hambeast.

>> No.7807543

Then post links. I've looked everywhere and can't find anything other than the same old pics that we've already seen a million times. I have been on here since before the board went blue and I've been on anonib since it was created and I've never seen any web cam vids of Miyu. Don't tease me anon.

>> No.7807547


It's like you idiots aren't even trying.


>> No.7807563


Don't act like someone is holding a gun to their head and making them dress like that "because that's how all female characters are".

Funny that this only applies to cosplayers with big tits and the flat chested cosplayers aren't forced to cosplay Moxxi and Power Girl, isn't it?

>> No.7807566

That's fine. I'm simply addressing the girls that consistently choose those designs (Like Nigri and Yaya).

>> No.7807567

No, but when smaller chested girls do cosplay characters with large chests, they get shit upon.

>> No.7807571
File: 379 KB, 1280x1920, borderlands___mad_moxxi__am2_2012__by_brianfloresphoto-d54hj12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry I can't hear you over all of this DFC

>> No.7807596

Is it just me or is jnigs kinda getting...pudgy? O assumed maybe she had gained weight from boob recovery but like...she's still got that weight on.

>> No.7807607

As they should.

>> No.7807609

For something they can't help? This board cunts about having plastic surgery for the sake of cosplay done, yet it's bad to be a B cup?


Here, saved you the trouble since that's one of the default rebuttals on here.

>> No.7807614

Tbh, I think it's easier to add things on than that them off when it comes to body features.

>> No.7807615

> take them off

>> No.7807640

>autistic neckbeards

Victim blaming is not cool anon

>> No.7807650


people should cosplay to body type

>> No.7807653


This is way hotter than most of the Moxxi's.

Most are just fat girls that think they have big boobs and stuff themselves into the costume.

>> No.7807655

I know you're not serious, right? There are cosplayers posted in fap threads here who aren't cosplaying to their body type and are only dropped because of fat chick tits, despite having a doughy gut and a 3/10 face. And, anyone criticizing them gets told to shut the fuck up and that they're jealous, because that's apparently the only comeback anyone ever has around here when an opinion is different.

>> No.7807665

> 36 posts and 5 image replies omitted
stop arguing, post more tits, you retards

>> No.7808013

Actually doing the hair flip thing is pretty hard to do unless you have experience cosplaying. which leads me to ask, do you even cosplay brah?

>> No.7808018

That's how NMJ got her new man right?

>> No.7808068

i stare regardless. if they have great tits and show them off, i thank them. i fucking praise huge tits, anything to grab and fondle those suckers.

>> No.7808267

Cuz when your tits are on point, none of the fanboys will really care.

>> No.7808274

Seeing as how she often states her boobs are enhanced with bombshell bras and her boyfriend's rolled up socks, I don't think her breasts play a factor here.

>> No.7808297

You sound awfully mad that some women have it easy in life because of their big tits whilst you were unfortunately not blessed with such assets

>> No.7808311
File: 47 KB, 900x506, 9a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never unsee cleavage as an asscrack on the chest

>> No.7808332

The cell shading makes it look like she's wearing a g string on her tits

>> No.7808339

they are gorgeous and hot as all fuck and making money in a competitive, creative industry so I respect them

>> No.7808390

Genetically enhancing yourself to get famous is something porn stars and models with a 4/10 face at average do. So in reality, they are attention seeking, thirsty sluts who try way too hard. I think people who actually put two seconds of thought into their costume and work really hard at creating them (looking at you Jessica and Yaya) should be the famous ones. Not the ones that spend thousands of dollars on fake trophies they're lugging around. Yaya wasn't famous before her breast surgery because she was terrible quality. Now she commissions half her shit and gets away with saying she created it because of her boobs. Let's focus on the ones that really deserve it.

>> No.7808439

Curling such a small section of a wig is amazingly easy. You just use plastic hair rollers, a hair dryer, bobby pins and hairspray. There are heaps of tutorials all over the internet and it shouldn't take more than an hour or two. It's a super basic part of wig styling that anyone can do. There is no excuse for this kind of laziness.

>> No.7808452
File: 32 KB, 639x960, fucking stupid bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel it's a pretty central part of Moxxi's design so I don't have a problem with it, but please do not sexualize the Slowking

>> No.7808453

What are the the victim of? A broken razor?

>> No.7808454

It's not much of a life when you're just a pretty face. Just to be whoever you are is no disgrace.

>> No.7808458

>Jewish women have big boobs (see popular jewish women in porn and mainstream media)
>Media run by Jews
>Jewish media perpetrates the idea of big tits = attractive
>Why do you think guys say things like "ACTUALLY, I find small boobs more attractive" like it's some big upset?

/pol/ is always right

>> No.7808508

>Genetically enhancing
>talking about plastic surgery

The fuck, Anon?

>> No.7808513
File: 2.52 MB, 3872x2592, Mandrill_at_Singapore_Zoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because that's basically what it is! There is no biological reason for breasts to be big and round other than that it attracts men. Small flat tits do just as good a job at feeding babies as big round ones, and are much less painful to carry around. However having your main point of attraction to the opposite sex on your chest close to your and their faces is much more convenient from a social perspective than having it behind you, relatively far away from anyone else's face. Humans are social creatures, don't you know.
Ever wondered why big red shiny swollen lips are considered sexy?

Look at this mandrill. Then look at a very curvaceous woman from the side. Then look back at this mandrill.

>Genetically enhancing yourself to get famous is something porn stars and models with a 4/10 face at average do.
You're posting from the future and THIS is the knowledge you impart us with? You asshole.

>> No.7808536

You can cosplay Ivy without showing all your goodies, ma'am. She has lots of cool, covered outfits. But sure, you wouldn't get so much attention.

>> No.7808541

I want someone to make a cosplay facebook page called booby cosplay and hsare all the fucking attention whores who only do cosplay that revolve around their boobs.

>> No.7808600

Blessed? Sweetie, a lot of these girls had surgery or only have huge tits because they're fat girls crammed into Spanx and corsets. Neither of those are a blessing; One is just happening to eat like shit and gain in your chest and gut, the other is dropping three grand on something invasive, dangerous, and gross. Jesus, no, its not jealousy to feel repulsed. But, once again, thanks for living up to the standard this board sets.

>> No.7808618

She kind of looks like venus angelic here

>> No.7808652
File: 554 KB, 2560x1600, you sandy bitch whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7808770

>I want someone to make a cosplay facebook page called booby cosplay and hsare all the fucking attention whores who only do cosplay that revolve around their boobs.

I'm all for that.
Dudes can go and get their fill of boobs
Chicks can realize they might be playing into a stereotype and either embrace it or try not to only rely on their looks.

>> No.7808786

Because Jnig fucked it up first and shes the most circulated Moxxi out there. New girls see that, don't know how to or don't care to style a wig and figure if she did it and people love her, why not.

>> No.7808796


there's plenty of sexy cosplay pages, not boob specific though

some of them show ass too

>> No.7808825

That is a beautiful mandrill. I believe it may be a male (not sure if that was your point?). The females do not have such brightly colored faces and posteriors.

>> No.7808860
File: 1012 KB, 500x375, you&#039;re retarded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's totally not possible that a girl can have small breasts and be perfectly fine with them.


>> No.7809246


Flat as a board, but I'd still hit it. She's fucking cute.

>> No.7809252


Ok you like your small boobs, but be honest, don't you get a little jealous when everyone is fawning over big boobed cosplayers and ignoring you?

>> No.7809261

Different anon, but as a somewhat small-chested cosplayer, not really...I'm not even going to say it's for stupid petty reasons either, like "She's going to have back pain when she gets older and I won't".

I'm not particularly interested in that type of attention, honest. I've received "fawning" type sexual attention and it genuinely makes me uncomfortable.

I'd much rather get attention for the quality of my cosplay and closeness to the character. For me that is the highest compliment.

>> No.7809318

For most other primates(and animals) males are supposed to be more attractive than females in order to attract mates. Not sure why it's the other way around for humans.

Not that anon either, but no. I don't cosplay for that kind of attention. I'm sure girls who want sexual attention might get jealous if they have small breasts, but that's not the kind of thing I care about. I like big tits as much as the next person, but it is possible to like something, not have it, and still be comfortable with out it.

I'm also sick of people thinking that every flat-chested girl has tit size issues, diversity is a good thing, if it wasn't tits it would be something else to bitch about.

>> No.7809328
File: 454 KB, 470x675, timthumb.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I say 'no', I'm still a liar, aren't I? Look where we are.

I went through a period as a teenager and early adult where I did want huge breasts, but only because other girls made it a point to make fun of me for not having them and guys certainly didn't help by saying that I wasn't a woman if I didn't have them. Look, I can't help it if I only gain weight in my ass and thighs and not my chest/stomach/everywhere like the girls I attended high school with. Was I jealous of them? No, I just wanted what they claimed was "normal" so that they'd leave me alone.

I graduated, left that state, spent less time on the internet and amongst actual people (gasp) and came to realize that my being a B cup didn't matter to anyone except for shitty people, for whatever petty reasons. I've still had relationships and none of them failed due to me not having F cups. My boyfriend is the biggest supporter of me never getting implants, because he prefers me this way.

I came to realize that, despite whatever petty insults this board and other people want to hurl in order to guise their embarrassment for being wrong, I wasn't and am not jealous. I'm happy they're shapely, I'm happy that I don't sag, I love the bras I can buy that my larger friends can't, and I've recently begun to go bra-less in some clothes (using only nipple covers).

If you had asked me years ago, I probably would've started crying. You're asking me at a much more free and stable place in my life. I'm happy and I cannot wait to be Yuffie Kisaragi for a cosplay.

Here, have a picture of my favorite Scarlet Witch.

>> No.7809346

You say "you dont want that kind of attention" but it isnt just leering neckbeards, its being guests at cons, its selling prints, making money, its having everyone take pics of you, etc.

The most prominent and popular cosplayers - the people who are the "face" of cosplay - almost all have big boobs.

>> No.7809349

Fuckin preach. I'm busty and I'm legitimately jealous of girls with smaller boobs for all reasons listed. Women with cowtits aren't always happy with their supposedly "better" boobs just like women with smaller breasts aren't always yearning for something bigger.

>> No.7809350

Good for them if they're the "face of cosplay"? I'm certainly not trying to be that. I go to cons because I'm hoping for it to be like how it was for me in the early 2000s/late 90s, where I could not get a glare from someone dressed as the same character and possibly make a friend.

>> No.7809358

Sure, everything you just said is correct, but I don't cosplay to make prints, make money, and become famous. The only places I post my cosplay photos is Facebook and occasionally /cgl/. I am not interested in fame, and honestly I've never felt neglected by photographers just because they aren't taking photos of me because my cleavage is the main attraction.

I do it for fun because I like the craft, and I like the time spent with friends.

Is it nice to get attention from other people and get asked for photos? Of course. But I can get that kind of attention regardless of whether or not I show cleavage, and the type of attention I'm "missing out on" due to my lack of cleavage is not what I want anyway.

>> No.7809397
File: 302 KB, 363x321, 1382543483165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, anon. For a long time, I was actually sad that I couldn't buy bras that are for more busty/fuller figured girls because they looked so much more supportive than bras for smaller breasts. There's this annoying misconception that being smaller means that we don't need support, but during my period they get so sore and that extra support is really appreciated.

>> No.7809430

If having big breasts is the only thing that gives you confidence and a chance at male attentiveness , then you need to re-evaluate.

>> No.7809443

Could it possibly be that they cosplay according to their figures and do so according to the fluff of the characters?


>> No.7809449

Don't you shit all over ai-honey, she is a nice girl and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.7809468

Omg, It's prison school, TITS ARE JUST FAKE ASSES, all over again.
I'm fucking dying anon, it's all thanks to you.

>> No.7809472

>according to their figures

Explain Nigri's recently sluttified Elsa cosplay, her animal turned weird psuedo furry cosplays, her Pokemon cosplays, her Vegeta cosplay, the Assassin's Creed cosplay, Porgas D. Ace, etc..

>> No.7809481
File: 213 KB, 427x640, 1379504331590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, explain the 9001 cosplays Yaya has done that do not match or flatter her body type at all because she's needing to cram herself into corsets and shapewear in order to look somewhat decent due to her chub.

>inb4 someone posts an old picture of her from like seven years ago

>> No.7809487

is there any pornstars that cosplay?
only one I know is lexi belle.

none of those camgirls or strippers.

>> No.7809489

People are strange when they are strangers?

>> No.7809504

She has the flattest ass I've ever seen in this shot, jeez.

>> No.7809509

Big breasts in cosplay gets the photographers, gets the fanboys and brings in the revenue from print sales. More and more female cosplayers are jumping on that bandwagon the more cosplay evolves into this Facebook page whoring bullshit.

>> No.7809544

Flat unwashed legbeard detected

>> No.7809569
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You.. You do realize that defaulting to that doesn't mean you have a stable argument, right? Nor does it make you correct. I keep seeing that hurled throughout this thread and any others that we get which are similar in nature and it's honestly a little embarrassing how those of you who do choose these one liners never have, well, any real rebuttals formed aside from just that.

A person can dislike something such as this, especially when it involves profiting off of a hobby many held dear where the main point was to have fun. When it has become about lip gloss and breast implants as opposed to craftsmanship, veterans and newbies alike do possess a legitimate reason to be upset.

If you don't agree, that's fine, but not everything is the most extreme, negative example you could conjure up simply because you do not agree.

>> No.7809594


The truth hurts I'm afraid. Sadly you must realise half of the cosplay community who've done it for years for the sake of craftsmanship, fun and expressing their ultra nerd side aren't going to change their minds about how they feel on this subject.

>> No.7809595

Lame 4chan user comeback.
0/10. Really bro, it is getting old.

Depends on what you mean by pornstars.
There are quite a few girls who currently (or have done) porn who also cosplay.

>> No.7809673
File: 12 KB, 233x350, 1513335_595578733824531_2009952502_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the female form, so if a person has fun showing off theirs, then I am more than happy to look at it. I also love good cosplay, so if I see someone having fun in a well made or clever costume, I pay my attention to that.

Busty girls in skimpy outfits have no problems getting attention at conventions. I see no need to compete for them. I already know they'll be tons of pictures of them.. so I try to find more obscure costumes instead.

>> No.7809692
File: 664 KB, 1280x1024, 1395609115332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I try to find more obscure costumes instead

I hope that doesn't mean that you feel inferior due to your aforementioned reasons.. Just because there's a bunch of busty cosplayers doesn't necessarily mean that they're good. And, sadly, that seems to be the case with a few I can think of right off the top of my head. Breasts do not make a cosplay, even if the character is drawn with them.

I still think that you should cosplay whatever you'd like, regardless of how often it's done or whoever has pictures out there. It sounds cornball as fuck, but they aren't you. There's only one of those.

>> No.7810038
File: 53 KB, 637x960, 10689914_785267194870860_4223665772951457471_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why do people hate Precious again? Someone tried to make a vendetta thread about her earlier, I never thought of her being worth the hate.

>> No.7810169

Gchan in undies? Where?
My Google-fu has failed me.

>> No.7810235

I see nothing wrong with it. If you want to blame some one blame their mothers, for passing on that bootylicious figure. It's really not their fault for doing the cosplay justice

Would it make you happier to see girls who don't resemble the anime or what-have-you dress like them? Would you prefer flat chested, flat assed women portraying the characters instead?
These girls merit attention and naturally if they look the part they'll get it from the audience/fans of the content. Which is mostly males. Just in case you need a reminder; anime, manga, comic books and video games are and have generally always been a male oriented hobby. The creators and the majority of consumers are MALE. They enjoy these characters and if we see someone who does a great cosplay they will show their appreciation. Honey big asses and large breasts is what keeps the industry growing strong, whether you want to accept this fact or not that's on you.
Cosplay is a fan service for those who enjoy the product, the product is fueled by lust and vice versa, these two things go hand in hand. If you don't like what you see go join Oprah's book club

>> No.7810255

Fedora is strong with this one

>> No.7810276

It's because she's had some success and you're not allowed to have that on /cgl/.

>> No.7810293

omg that is a good PG.

>> No.7810331

But we all know Enji with her modest chest and awesome hips is the hottest cosplayer.

>> No.7810392



>go join Oprah's book club

I vom'd

>> No.7810475

If you have a great figure and want to show off, then do it, but just make sure...

..you do a good job with the construction. I fucking hate it when boobs and enough makeup excuse a crappily made costume that would get ridiculed if it was put on a person not as attractive.

...you don't pick out characters you don't even know just to have a chance to show off your boobs. That's the cancer of this hobby. Don't make cosplay about you and your attention whoring.

.. you don't act like a dick when people pay attention to your body you're showing off. I hate when prudish attention whores complain about getting attention drawn to their breasts and ass when all of their costumes emphasize them and their shoots border on softcore porn. I'm all against slut shaming and victim blaming and inappropriate comments are not okay but damn gurl if you're going to act like a porn star then you get treated as such. People will notice those lumps of flesh you're offering them.

>> No.7810500

She´s also an amazing artist, very talented bitch


>> No.7810502

well in their defence
most cosplayable non-loli characters have a huge rack, this stereotype has only been broken recently with female characters

and even then it's mostly like, character titsize standard went from GGG to C / D

>> No.7810519

most large chested cosplayers irl always have to make it known, like no shit we know they're there and the constant need to point out their size is a ploy for attention and thirst for more fanboys-want a medal? half of them aren't even nice to begin with, they're just desperate for e-fame when their tits becomes a selling point.

this girl comes to mind in that department, https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/boards/cgl/img/0061/14/1344347217895.jpg

>> No.7810520
File: 655 KB, 900x1200, tumblr_nahe5ajgSX1rwbv1yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say...

Why is she not doing art for a videogame company?

>> No.7810535
File: 993 KB, 880x660, morehypocrisy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7810540

I used to follow Abi-pop but she won't fucking shut up about her tits.
"Oh btw I have big tits... Did I tell you this product fits big tits, LIKE MINE? Omg my big tits make it hard to wear kawaii things! Big tits big tits big tits!"

>> No.7810551


I LOL'd, it's just too true. one in the link I posted constantly went on about her tits at a con I saw her at. Then another cosplayer I saw at a con just after that had a chance to be interviewed for some magazine event and the first thing she mentioned was the size of her tits in costume when the guy interviewing her didn't even ask such a question to begin with.

they're a lost cause...

>> No.7810563

How the fuck do you even casually mention your tits in conversation? That's awkward as hell.

>> No.7810715

Look. I cosplay Moxxi (same thing as Jnig in OP). I'm a small to moderately chested girl, but I can fake it decently enough thanks to the magic of drag queen tutorials. I don't complain about the "hurr hurr nice tits" comments because they are mostly harmless. Its the over the line "I want to titty fuck you" comments that I'll draw the line at. And maybe thats the problem, maybe I should either stand for all the comments or none at all. Either way the comments bug me, but I cosplay Moxxi because I really love her character, and shes like the only "sexy" costume I have.

More power to the ladies with boob jobs and sexy photos that are getting paid to be happy and do minimal work and travel. You may not like their methods but shit, they've got more money than I do and most of them seem happy. Whats wrong with that?

>> No.7810748

Everything here. The problem I have is when those showing off their female forms bitch and moan about people noticing the flaunted female forms.
Post a picture of a horse and people will go, "Hey, great horse." You don't get mad, you respond: "Oh, thanks. This is my horse, I'm glad you like it."
Post a boat? "Nice boat!" "Thanks!"
Post a sandwich you made? "Delicious looking sammy!" "IKR?!"
Post your boobs? "Nice tits!" "Fuck you, mysogynist. I am more than just a pair of breasts...."
That is where I draw the line. They're hypocrites. Nothing wrong with being slutty. But don't whine when you're called a slut.


>> No.7810751

Who the fuck calls a sandwich a sammy?

>> No.7810761

They're getting paid for having tits, that's what's wrong. That's not empowering, that's getting paid to be attractive and nothing else.

>> No.7810766


Because some of these cosplayers think every male wanting to speak with them is just wanting to know about the wonders of their huge breasts when that always isn't the case.

>> No.7810783

>That is where I draw the line. They're hypocrites. Nothing wrong with being slutty. But don't whine when you're called a slut.

Don't wear the uniform if you don't want to be called it.

>They're getting paid for having tits, that's what's wrong. That's not empowering, that's getting paid to be attractive and nothing else.

yeah that's the problem I have with it too. I remember picking my brain to make sure it wasn't jealousy just cleverly hiding & no it's not. I think stooping to 'look at my tits' level is harmful to all women. We have to try hard enough to be taken seriously at all. So thanks for making that just that much harder for women who don't want to show off their random genetic endowments/$7,000 invasive surgery.
Hope your 5-10 yrs of being minutely relevant was worth setting EVERYONE back further.

>> No.7810848

Of course it's empowering, to be so feminine at a time when females are so uptight and ashamed of their own gender, to be able to explore a part of themselves that people like you try and suppress and shame. They aren't just a pair of tits, I imagine it takes skill to do what they do. To ignore everything that lead up to the end result and focus your hate on their attractiveness is blatant jealousy.
Bottom line: you're pissed because you're not getting the attention and couldn't sew the split crotch on your beat up yoga pants

>> No.7810862


Their attractiveness is about as ratchet as the next skanky ass hoe using the term "model" to label their so called careers which does nothing more but cater to men.

>> No.7810890

Gchan's done full frontal nudity and a bunch of videos stripping in a Vegas hotel room. Google Ginny McQueen and you get them on the first page of results.

>> No.7810905

It's empowering if it's a side attraction to something else they're doing. The simple act of having large breasts and showing them off isn't, by itself, empowering. Even if your end goal is simply to take control of and express your sexuality, that is still empowerment. If your end goal is literally just to have big tits then that isn't empowering anything. Tits for the sake of tits is not the same as tits for the sake of opportunity and advancement.

>> No.7811893
File: 55 KB, 600x900, BwmNsxDCIAANvCk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read any of the thread, but I know some parties would be interested in know this:

More and more cosplay girls are heading to cam sites, such as the ever popular one that is banned from being listed on 4chan (em ef see). They are funding their hobby of cosplaying by making videos and being nude. Here are a few names I have run into during my adventures on said website: koi__, hyrulefairy, nacrebloom, and arwen_datnoid.

Personally I like koi__ the most, fresh faced 18 year old still in high school. I know there are more out there since I have my filters set to block a lot of the regions of the world. Go out fellow pervs, and watch your seegulls be whores because I know they post here.

>> No.7811900

I thought the cleavage was the space between her elbow at first.

>> No.7811902
File: 34 KB, 480x640, BtnX25MCAAAveBs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's more like this.

>> No.7811914

Not gonna lie, when I was younger she was pretty good material

>> No.7811916

From thumbnail, >>7811893 looked like she had a tiny sausage arm. Now I can't unsee.

>> No.7811947

Judgemental much? They're young, getting praise and attention. Some are even making a quick buck right now. Why the hate? One turn you down for a date? Are you a girl who can't grow a pair of breasts?

The funny thing is, chances are good if they were clothed, then they'd be insulted as frgig bitches and the rumors would fly about surgery scars, stretch marks, or whatever you self-justify to continue the barrage of insults flying at them regardless

>> No.7811958

We bring this up every time. Sexy cosplayers are fine, but coswhores making a living off the community is shady and not welcomed. Why? Because selling prints of your sexulaized costumes to pay for cons is annoying when we all have to pay for passes like everyone else. If you're a guest you better fucking have some talent behind the silicone tits. Some of us shower AND have a real job.

>> No.7811962

Because she also followed Yaya in getting implants. Great role models for the next generation. Want to make a living off prints? Get a boob job. This is what cosplay has reduced to.

>> No.7811965

>Because selling prints of your sexulaized costumes to pay for cons is annoying when we all have to pay for passes like everyone else.
What is different about their job and yours? Each pays their own bills. Don't be jealous they have a nice looking body and using it to their advantage

>> No.7811975

The only big-breasted cosplayer I actually pay attention to is Jessica Nigri, and although initial interest was because of the tits, I found her stuff on youtube and find her to be absolutely hilarious. She's actually a pretty cool chick when it comes down to it.
On the other hand, people like Yaya Han are just fucking ridiculous. She's so full of herself, her tits are ridiculous looking(and obviously artificial, also artificial by her own admission), and her costumes really just aren't that good because she has to tailor everything for her ridiculous tits.

>> No.7812035

You mean not being a self deluded whore for one?

>> No.7812044

What is there to be delusional about? They know perfectly well they are selling a fantasy and their body in exchange for money. You on the other hand, are just selling your time and whatever qualified skills you have to retain your job.

I need to reiterate, do you really think these women do not understand that they are selling their image and a fantasy in exchange for money? They are not delusion at all of what they do to get to the wallets of men and women.

Being a whore isn't for everyone, obviously not for you. I really think you're either a jealous woman because you have too much "respect" for yourself to sell her body, or a man who is jealous that men have to work harder for money than women.

>> No.7812056

I don't think you see how being 'cosfamous' or even 'efamous' is a delusion itself. You can't pay the bills with neckbeards money, and when you hit Yaya's age that's it. You're a washed up hag with nothing to offer anyone. coswhores will never be respected for profiting off betafags like yourself. Welcome to cgl?

>> No.7812061
File: 26 KB, 320x374, 10489689_502529116546856_6252836091059767417_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know wearing a push up bra and padding was such a bad thing for cosplay. I'm so glad you showed me the light anon.

>> No.7812093

>implying she only pads.
Top kek

>> No.7812103
File: 189 KB, 440x504, Pat Bateman65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are ugly women so hateful and jealous?

>> No.7812123

Who cares, if people want to get their tits out let them.

>> No.7812154 [DELETED] 

>You can't pay the bills with neckbeards money
Tell twitch that, or em ef see, or steamate, or the countless webcam whore sites
>you hit Yaya's age that's it. You're a washed up hag with nothing to offer anyone
Have you never heard of Nina Hartley? Just because you don't find something attractive doesn't mean everyone else with a wallet feels the same way
> profiting off betafags like yourself
pic related
>Welcome to cgl
And nothing ever changes

>> No.7812156
File: 41 KB, 499x281, CALLHIMAFAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't pay the bills with neckbeards money
Tell twitch that, or em ef see, or steamate, or the countless webcam whore sites
>you hit Yaya's age that's it. You're a washed up hag with nothing to offer anyone
Have you never heard of Nina Hartley? Just because you don't find something attractive doesn't mean everyone else with a wallet feels the same way
> profiting off betafags like yourself
pic related
>Welcome to cgl
And nothing ever changes

>> No.7812421

Getting breast implants and showing off your tits and acting sleezy at every which way doesn't make one empowered. It makes them hard to take seriously as a human being and creates untrue generalizations for other women.

>> No.7812426

Yes, I'm sure all of these women will have amazing actual skills and careers when their looks dry out or a younger version of them comes by to pander to more neckbeards.

>> No.7812442

She would make a great Neptune HDD

>> No.7812448

We need a torrent of all this

>> No.7812449
File: 24 KB, 236x542, 26792142ef4176a7910ef2133782d674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... she got ass implants?
Because I don't think that you can photoshop that flat ass and make it like in the picture without someone noticing it

>> No.7812461

That ass is still flat. It doesn't look flat because of how she's arching her back.

>> No.7812512

Yes I know, but still, the difference is huge.

>> No.7812599
File: 3.64 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_2222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They should show their tits in cosplay on Cosplay Deviants or gtfo.

>> No.7812661
File: 135 KB, 620x960, 558151_518561754874740_2016812841_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure she pads for Power girl. You really are dumb.

>> No.7812714

Can someone please explain to me how basing your entire livelihood on men's sexual desires "empowers" women?

Is it like, they are using sex against the man holding them down? Is it embracing yourself enough to be comfortable what you are "naturally"

What is it? Cause I've never understood how it works.

>> No.7812756


I've never seen her in any other costume but that one. She has other costumes right...?

>> No.7812921

>creates untrue generalizations for other women.
Thanks for admitting you're jealous
I thought we were talking about in the now, not 10+ years from now. Side note, how long has Nigiri been in the spotlight now? At least 6 years right?

>> No.7813024

Some people find value and self-worth in helping others. Some people find value in atheletic endevours. Some people feel creating art makes them more worthwhile.
And some people feel they are at their most valuable when they have two dicks in their ass and a mouth full of cum.

Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.7813216


Who is she?

>> No.7813277

She's a nude model who has turned up to conventions in like two costumes. She is not a cosplayer in the sense this is not something she often does. Her primary job is nude modeling.

>> No.7813282

Her modeling name is Red Lucy

>> No.7813785


I think you meant to reply to >>7811962

>> No.7813828

It's true that she's ridiculous, but some of her construction is just amazing. Of course her drag makeup and balloon tits drive me up the wall, but she really does have some great costumes. I really like her Princess White Rose, personally.

>> No.7813836



>> No.7813847

It's really just the angle, look at the straight line between her ass and top of the thigh, it looks curved at the top because her back is arched and she's standing at a 3/4 angle

>> No.7813861

>Not named you sandy beach shores

>> No.7813916

>Can someone please explain to me how basing your entire livelihood on men's sexual desires "empowers" women?

Doing what they love and not succumbing to traditional expectations from prudes like you.

>> No.7813929

>Doing what they love and not succumbing to traditional expectations from prudes like you.

>Doing what they love

There's a problem right there.
I'm cool with people doing whatever they want. You don't fucking need my approval for anything.

But are they loving this? Really? I can see one or two of them... but all of them?
Are they like "You know what I want to do? I want to cater to the exact expectations of men. That sounds like it's awesome"

>> No.7813935

I don't know what expectations you think all men have but they're certainly not catering to mine.

>> No.7813982

Being a whore doesn't make you an artist, not when you're making a living off real ones.

>> No.7814079

Your last bullet point is the essence of slut shamming though. I'm in the same predicament as you, I hate attention whores in cosplay but then I realize that it directly conflicts with my moral stance on how women are objectified and vilified for their sexuality in society. and then I hate myself almost as much as I hate jnig.

>> No.7814596

slut shaming has never been wrong

>> No.7815126

yeah i keep seeing dudes called fat neckbeards all the time. it's part of the vocabulary of people who aren't capable of actually arguing. they just, toss an insult out there when you say somethign they dont agree with.

>> No.7815130

holy shit....that black cat isn't wearing a corset....THANK FUCKING GOD

>> No.7815150

Why do you think cheap insults like "fat neckbeard" and "fedora" and "back2tumblr" exist? It's because people have argued with these dumbfucks a billion times already. It's like rednecks expecting everyone who voted for Obama to seriously engage with them every time they fart out LUL HES MUSLIN IMPEACH and then declaring they've won with a clearly intellectual argument when no one does.
This is not about that comment in particular btw, but it's a larger and more disturbing and annoying trend I see often. Resorting to insults isn't necessarily a sign of argumentative weakness. It's a sign of people being fed up with reading 10,000 "it's fine to treat gender/race/religion/sexuality like shit because of reasons" arguments and actually being expecting to reply to all of them, individually, on a daily basis. The vast majority of internet commentors do not have the brilliant, insightful, factually solid comments they seem to think they do.

>> No.7815385

Get this hoe out of here.

>> No.7815515

No, the insults exist to neatly put someone into a category where you can ignore their argument while feeling like you have the moral highground. People who are fed up with arguing tend to just walk away from arguments.

>> No.7815540

How do people feel about cosplay deviants?

>> No.7815554
File: 60 KB, 720x720, katyuska moonfox134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care, if they enjoy what they do whatever as long as no one get's back stabbed, sure they lie to the fans...but who cares when fan's get tits.

It's a shame not all can make a career off this, pic related, apparently working in some bar, the facebook likes mean nothing when you're not tough enough to realize the perverts are a gold mine.

>> No.7816346

They love the feeling of being desired and being the center of attention. Not everyone is a shut in weeb like you

>> No.7816370

>apparently working in some bar
So in other words, for a pretty woman with no degree she's doing okay?
Every person I know who's a bartender can make over $300 on a busy night with tips alone.
I pull so many more hours at my stupid minimum wage job (and I have a degree) and I can barely make that while doing my master's.

Don't knock it, all things considered at least she's working a job with her dignity intact. JNigglette is going to have to show boys her birds for the rest of forever to eek out a living.

>> No.7816373

>implying there are no differences in desire
Weak b8, but still.
Not everyone wants to be desired in the way Jnig is, and that is in the form of some dried up sperm on a gym sock.

>> No.7816533
File: 35 KB, 600x327, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7816541

All this catiness son, mad bitches errywhere

>> No.7816553

>ignoring the civil conversations earlier itt where girls are happy with themselves and don't care what other girls do

>> No.7817121
File: 40 KB, 639x960, Enji 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enji is the only cosplayer I have a dedicated folder too, and I have 5000+ cosplay pics. She's so god damn adorable.

>> No.7817125

She is also adorable and sexy, though her instagram pics are very samey most of the time (face pic, tounge out, 'quirky' expression). Still, would consensually manhandle her short, sexy body.

>> No.7817808

You guys see that pic where she altered a kigurumi so showcase and uplift her cleavage?

>> No.7818606

lets talk more about boobs

>> No.7818614
File: 95 KB, 960x720, 1622642_10100925957720218_1368834814_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What flava?

>> No.7818616

My thoughts are that I'm sick of so many attention whores. Nigri? She's just a dumb who just knows how to sell herself. Started by doing completely shitty cosplay and now she sticks into cosplaying every single thing in world but adding huge tits.

>> No.7818623

tell me what's your flava oooooh

>> No.7818633

Resident Evil is mediocre

>> No.7818637

Well then, she's not that dumb now is she?

>> No.7818654

>b cup

>> No.7818660

Internet and their standards. If an otherwise 10/10 girl has a gap in her teeth she is immedietley reduced to a 1/10.

>> No.7818676

how do you know she's a b cup

>> No.7818705
File: 65 KB, 633x960, Nana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like em small, I like em normal, I like em big. Boobs is mankinds friend, and I can't abandon a friend.

>> No.7819217

Katyuska Moonfox is Australia's biggest slutty cosplayer. she knows her fans fap over her prints and photo's and that just makes her a shallow person, but what really make's her the worst is she knows they do it and approves of it. she's a bitch any way, spreading rumors about other cosplayers like black cat, ardella and some girl called tayla tomlinson. but who cares anyway. BOOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7819734

hey i like tits so im fine

>> No.7819746

SC2 Admiral costume is best Costume

>> No.7820079

No you need to pull your head out of your slut ass

>> No.7820083

Women will always find a way to slut up and awesome activity.

>> No.7820140

thank you anon, my thoughts exactly!

>> No.7820189

>Be me
>First day on /cgl/
>See thread about horrible cosplay
>See thread about ugly cosplay
>See this thread about a busty girl cosplaying sexy stuff

What the hell is the beef with you guys exactly? You clearly hate people who look worse than you and people who look naturally better endowed than you. I just don't get it.

>> No.7820201
File: 29 KB, 499x500, 1406351678047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naturally better endowed

>> No.7820225

>she knows her fans fap over her prints and photo's and that just makes her a shallow person, but what really make's her the worst is she knows they do it and approves of it.

Nothing wrong with that. Better than the people that trade off their looks by selling prints of their big boobs then act mortified when guys fap to it.

>> No.7820240

She doesn't even have her store open all the time though - she only has it every now and then for a few days.

Also, when did she do all that bitchy stuff? Examples? I've never heard that before.

>> No.7820251

Not really. She scaled herself way back after guys started getting too crude and girls started getting too bitchy with her.

>> No.7820252

They are the cancer that is killing cosplay, it's that simple.

>> No.7820253

When kids cosplay, it's cosplay.

When "beautiful" women cosplay, it's porn.

End of story.

>> No.7820278

/cgl/ is an eternal bitch-fest. Just go grab some pics of designs you like, or girls you want to fap/jill to.

>> No.7820503
File: 41 KB, 335x327, IMG_0677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was beautiful anon.

>> No.7820547

Wait......since when did Yaya complain about people staring at her tits? She got implants for more attention in the first place!

>> No.7820553

Quite a few girls who do cosplay porn?

Name them.

>> No.7820556
File: 211 KB, 810x1125, 4bkhAdT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace the boobs because they are jiggly, firm, malleable, saggy, milky. Boobs are love, boobs are life.

>> No.7820562

Not that anon, but I know that Liz Katz do cosplay and porn.

>> No.7820596

I think there's more girls who cosplay who do things like cam-ing or cheap nude shoots for spare cash. Or because they have so many mental issues they can't cope with a job in the physical world and so turn to the internet and their bodies.

Less deliberate 'cosplay porn'.

>> No.7820786
File: 22 KB, 555x519, my-happy-faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake i can tell

>> No.7820834

I think the term you're trying to say is "Don't hate the playa, hate the game!"

>> No.7820877

Liz Katz does porn?!?!?

There's no way you're even remotely telling me the truth right now.

In the off chance that you are..... proof?

>> No.7820884

Risi Simms was her stage name

>> No.7820888 [DELETED] 

Risi Simms

>> No.7821049

I don't keep the screenshots saved, but Yaya has complained about it loads. There was one particularly famous FB post she did where she complained about people only seeing her as a big pair of tits and followed up by saying fine okay you win and posting a big picture of her tits. Then like one month later she did that retarded 'goddess' costume where her breasts are literally hanging out bare to the wind. She is the biggest hypocrite in the entire cosplay scene, worldwide.

>> No.7821061

She mostly did lesbian stuff with a handful of b/g hardcore videos. She was never a top-tier star but she got big enough that it's fucking comical that she tries to deny it now. She even once tried to claim it was a different girl who looks like her. Yeah, a different girl with an identical face, identical body, identical tattoos and identical voice.

>> No.7821091
File: 88 KB, 525x698, yaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821119

She doesn't come across as... bright in her normal videos, so it doesn't surprise me. But she is decently hot, so I don't really care.

>> No.7821208

There we go.

>Starts at conventions as an escort
>Buys cartoonishly huge breast implants
>Makes breasts the focus of every single costume
>Complains when people look at breasts
>Shows off breasts more.

>> No.7821242

Escort as in she is escorting people around the con, or as in 'escort'?

>> No.7821273

The former. Her first cons were being employed to turn up to D*C in her underwear to add 'flavor' to the evening. Also how Alisa got started. They were working as actual escorts in the proper legal sense of the word.

Though if the pictures of her lounging on a hotel bed with a guy shoving a camera in her crotch are any indication, I wouldn't be surprised if she had done the other kind, too.

>> No.7821283
File: 411 KB, 1024x768, 1305566714_49a22ce15a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I have those pictures.

>> No.7821286
File: 176 KB, 830x1280, 2005CowGirl23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821290
File: 35 KB, 370x600, 2004-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was called fetish geisha on her profile.

>> No.7821292

Based anon

>> No.7821294
File: 144 KB, 700x960, 2005CowGirl12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821296
File: 54 KB, 800x600, 2003-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821302
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 2003-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821307
File: 27 KB, 192x256, 3367461-cosplayer-yaya-han-japanese-schoolgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elvis Trooper apparently called her out on when she used to be a stripper in Vegas, but I haven't been able to find anything for that other than anons on this board confirming it.

>> No.7821314

>that red, infected eye
if there is one demographic in this world that is too dumb to use contacts correctly, it's cosplayers

>> No.7821319
File: 114 KB, 478x446, 1381088245302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821336
File: 145 KB, 960x1237, 2006-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back in the days of 2005-2007, this was all Yaya did, period.

>> No.7821342
File: 185 KB, 960x1220, 1376074560558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821349
File: 1.80 MB, 2592x1944, 2645779774_e2a7b8db20_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the earlier D*C days she used to climb on this pole each year and she was really clearly more experienced at it than anybody else. There is zero doubt that she used to work on one.

>> No.7821362
File: 315 KB, 476x650, Yaya__Bubblegum_Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that shitty corset

It doesn't even fit her gut..

>> No.7821364

I wish there were higher res of that pic. I just love her in that slutty outfit.

>> No.7821374
File: 70 KB, 425x640, dajoxY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slightly larger. TBPFH if you like yaya in slutty outfits then just go to her site or do a general GIS because that's like 90% of what she does.

>> No.7821379
File: 94 KB, 900x600, Yaya_Getting_Painted_1_by_Insane_Pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821383
File: 201 KB, 441x634, ladyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821430

Those shoes are fitted terribly

>> No.7821441
File: 1.92 MB, 451x257, 1410746659766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i lost it

>> No.7821450
File: 210 KB, 337x547, ATL_Fashion_V_by_Phoenixtear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821457
File: 50 KB, 620x827, 097933-cosplayer-yaya-han-japanese-schoolgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7821467
File: 43 KB, 345x610, 203_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have that picture? I remember seeing it on here a lot but I can't find it now. It's Yaya sitting on the edge of a hotel bed with her legs splayed open propped up on a guy who's sat pitching a camera up her skirt. I'd love that to make a return and confront her with it, see what BS excuse she tries to run.

>> No.7821473

I've asked for like five years now and nobody seems to ever have it.

>> No.7821476


>> No.7821486
File: 63 KB, 500x335, 2844650109_68299d8991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heavy photoshop on that is so painful. She's gotten so much worse in recent years.

>haggard face
>flat ass

>> No.7821522

She's lost it so badly she could do a really good cosplay of Dr. Frank N. Furter these days.

>> No.7821540
File: 606 KB, 1200x1807, 2825476271_d1127f4dee_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go larger again.

Remember guys, she's NOT a slut and she's NOT a piece of meat for you to stare and drool over. She's a real person with feelings. Who happens to be a fully grown adult wearing an extra-small schoolgirl fetish costume with gigantic plastic breasts on full display.

>> No.7821550

All I can focus on is that cheap, pay as you go cell phone. The only people I know of who use those are drug dealers and hookers.

>> No.7821576
File: 105 KB, 536x800, tumblr_mftqnszQjW1qi6txwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, don't look at her tits or you're a sick gross monster. She doesn't want people looking at her body.

>> No.7821578

That was a few years ago when smart phones were still quite basic and only affordable for the richest princes of saudi arabia

>> No.7821586

Ahh.. I remember my shitty, Virgin Mobile phone in middle school..

Thanks, anon. Now, I feel old.

>> No.7821591

Nokia 3310 master race. The only thing that failed in that phone was the battery, and that was only because it was old as sheeeeeit.

>> No.7821816

I'd like to add "Check your privilege." to your list of insults that cause the end of a conversation.

>> No.7822248


Wait a minute.....I have an older Risi Simms blowjob video. I'm fairly certain that's not the same person as Liz Katz. Simms is *way* hotter (and much skinnier) than Liz.

I'd have to see multiple videos of both Risi and Liz to be able to confirm it, however. Perhaps we could turn this into a research project?

>> No.7822791

its more the fact they dress like that then seem surprised at the stares, dirty comments, and perverts they get. Showing their boobs off like that doesn't make them a slut. But acting like an attention seeking whore, and/or complaining about the perverted attention they get is annoying and makes me want to punch them.
And those who say its coz there isn't any other character sorts to cosplay? I call bullshit, plus there's the thing called strap your goddamn boobs and try it.

>> No.7822862

You don't get how cups work do you? I'm a 28C when measured correctly and I'm flat as a board.

>> No.7822917
File: 290 KB, 960x1278, risiliz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need to research it. She literally has the exact same face, body, voice and tattoos. In her earlier days she did nothing to hide it and it only became a point of contention once she started that kickstarter and begging for money directly. She was never skinnier back then than she is now, she was simply a little younger and more toned and hadn't had a kid yet. Five more years and a baby will soften your body up. She's no larger.

My Paint skills aren't up to par but tattoos highlighted for your 'research'

>> No.7822922
File: 81 KB, 567x621, cosplayguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a difference tough.

>> No.7822930

Lmao, what a skank.
Just think
>porn actresses finding out there's big attention and bucks in geek culture
No wonder there's been a huge increase in silicone and self-obsession recently.

>> No.7822955
File: 954 KB, 500x285, 1_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Left is accurate

The right should read 'I represented this character in a way that makes me feel sexy.'

To be a whore is to sell yourself sexually for money.

A girl wearing a short skirt doesn't make her a whore anymore than a guy going round topless makes him a whore.

Showing off on the other hand, well that's something else entirely.

>> No.7822979

Because we've never used the slang attention whore at all ever in English. Nor do we ever just shorten that, and understand by context that we mean attention whore and not prostitute when saying whore, right?
You know what people mean in this context, yet you choose, for the sake of moral outrage, to ignore that and play ignorant, while also hinting you understand completely. Stop.
Either have the discussion you want to have, or shut the fuck up with this disingenuous "lol guys stop using that word it only means one thing" bullshit.

>> No.7823017

But that isn't the case. Whore isn't exclusively the common short hand for attention whore. And when people called 'sexy dressed' cosplays 'sluts' because they're wearing a sexy cosplay. That isn't short hand for 'attention whore'. That's using 'slut' synonymously and interchangeably with 'whore'. Which is a derogatory sexual term.

The solution is not to tell me I'm not understanding the context, but for people to start using correct English.

Because the implication of that pictures is 'girl in sexy cosplay = easy'. Which is about as much as use as saying that because all ravens are black, all black things are ravens.

But I appreciate your point.

Thank you for your thought provoking response anon.

>> No.7823027

I was completely unaware! Thanks for bringing me up to speed.

>> No.7823043
File: 115 KB, 567x621, everyoneIsADummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention whore is another thing entirely, and could be represented by a different picture. People who want to be the only _____ cosplayer, people who want to be first at a character's design, people who might not show off their body but attend a con with a gigantic fucking dress, the people who make exceptionally elaborate costumes and whine when they don't get attention.

>> No.7823097

It's a good gig for a little while, but there's no retirement fund in it unless you set money aside. Not to mention that as gravity and time take hold of you you're less likely to find the same work / tip income.
Stay strong masters anon, it's worth it in the end.

>> No.7823362

Girls slut up fem versions of male cosplayers though, or look at jnig who slutted up a fucking 12 year old character just so she could show off her tits.

>> No.7823393

What doesn't hold is slut shaming other women for dressing however it is they choose, whatever their motives (and everyone's motives are complicated and different).

I'm not sure why this is even worth debating.

>> No.7823697

Pity. I'd actually have a smidgen of respect for her if she owned up to it.

Oh, speaking of which, I went to one of her Twitch streams and someone called her Risi by accident and got banned for it. Not calling her out on her, mind you, he simply referred to her by her porn stage name.

>> No.7823700

Because people like you think this is feminism when it's typical, Tumblr-tier bullshit with victim complexes?

So much shit today is mislabeled as slut shaming and feminism that it's annoying as fuck.

>> No.7823870

Yeah she scrubs any mention of 'Risi' immediately. She does have a child now so you can understand why she would want to leave that behind, but at the same time it's the Streisand effect of making these talking points bigger and the situation worse and more aggressive by trying to shut it down. She would be better off either coming clean once and letting people have their 5 minute freak out then it would settle down or she should let it slide silently.

>> No.7823993

I couldn't live a life without cosplay boobs.

>> No.7825387

/cgl/ is filled with jealous, emotionally controlled, bitchy women. Is this your first time here?

>> No.7825597

>>Be me
>>First day on /cgl/
>Is this your first time here?
Is this the first time someone called you retarded?

>> No.7825608

>filled with jealous women

Maybe like five years ago. Nowadays, it's fitizens, robots, bitter orbiters, and a few actual cosplayers here and there.

>> No.7825615

I wonder what all of you think of that chick, Bellechere.

>> No.7825626

Depends on her weight and costume at the time. She walks along the fine line between fat and curvy and sometimes and can wear costumes that arent flattering to her size.

>> No.7825628

I only browse /cgl/ for potential fap material, and as she isn't attractive to my eyes I simply don't think of her at all.

>> No.7825633
File: 492 KB, 1036x1552, ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing?

Cosplays are half assed except for her Ivy, her face is gross in both structure and the fact that she doesn't look like she washes it, her gut is doughy, and for anyone to act like she gets attention for anything other than her tits is laughable.

Sure, she may have large breasts, but that's because she's fat and most are in denial about it. Full pictures show an untoned gut and that does gross me out because, well, it's doughy and mushy looking.

She's stopped cosplaying as of late and hopped onto the sjw bandwagon because she felt "objectified", despite always marketing herself as a sexual cosplayer. Anons having met her irl have attested to her being a shitty person to meet, though I can't say I'm surprised.

Still think Precious is prettier.

>> No.7825683

but her tits aren't human. she wants the attention so she gets surgery, but pretends she hates the attention she gets from it. You get what you attract, its like putting on a square filter and complaining there are no good circles coming through

>> No.7825694


I used to like her until she went SJW

Then again, its becoming hard to find a cosplayer who isnt a SJW

>> No.7825707

She's a fat, ugly girl with only tits going for her. It was only a matter of time until she turned SJW. It's almost like a prerequisite that you're a fat/chubby chick with a 3/10 face or a skinny as rails bitch with thick rimmed glasses and badly dyed hair.

>> No.7825740
File: 213 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you suggesting she pick a lesser known outfit so she can "cover up" you're missing the whole fucking point of her post.

>> No.7825754

You're bringing up someone famous when I'm sure that anon is trying to deflect the hate from causal cosplayers who do and want to dress by their body type.

>> No.7825768
File: 744 KB, 1277x1920, 1408730102413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's not perfect but she is the kind of woman I like, big tits, big ass, big hips, big thighs. Though she isnt toned she does have a nice bust to waist ratio. She used to look better back in like 2008, but I guess metabolism slows with age.

I think she got some harassment/groping which is one reason she is so SJW now, a shame.

>> No.7825785

I like how she wanted nothing to do with teh show but when they were doing casting she told her legion to go to the heroes of cosplay page and bug them to have her on. She seems two faced and anytime I have seen her in person she comes across unapproachable. can anyone confirm or deny?

>> No.7825823

I love tits. I like cosplay. I don't see the problem here.

>> No.7825836

Someone who met her in that famous cosplayers thread didn't have a good experience. Go ask them to elaborate.

>> No.7825853

Her hips aren't that big from what I've seen in other pictures and her waist to hip ratio is gross. Pretty sure if she wears jeans, she muffin tops.

>> No.7825979

bitter nerds everywhere

like why do you think it should be ok to comment on someone's tits or stare? are you that much of a sperg?

seriously this thread is half conservatives who hate women who express their sexuality and half losers with a persecution complex who actually buy into that beta male shit

>> No.7826001

>Why do women do things for attention?

Oh geez, I don't know.

There's talk of this somehow making it harder for others out there trying to make it but I really doubt it's hurting anything.

>> No.7826002

It's okay to look at tits and comment on them when it's these specific people who go out of their way to put their tits front and center right in your face.
Sure, if it's some random girl at a con, don't stare. Don't start telling her to show more or less and don't start rating her tits.
When it's Yaya posting a picture which is literally nothing but a close-up of her tits, or Riddle or Nigri getting everything about a character's design 100% correct EXCEPT removing material at their chest to expose their breasts, then it's totally okay to look at and comment on their tits. Because they have chosen to present their tits first as the primary point of interest.

>> No.7826016

It does make it harder for others because you can put all your time, effort and money into making something really good and so long as somebody else turns up showing off a bigger rack than you, all your work is ignored. Buying better materials and improving your craft gets you nowhere, buying bigger tits and improving your cleavage is the difference maker.

Look at every namable cosplayer. They're all women, nine out of ten of them have breast implants, all of them specialise in making costumes more revealing than the original designs.

I know for sure if you present me with a really well made costume or a worse made but more boob-enhanced one, I'm probably going to look at and remember the latter more. The former will probably be gone from my mind within half a minute. That's the way the world works. To get ahead you either have to be a man in a suit with enough financial backing to toff your way up or you need to be a woman with a rack so big the men can't stop staring down your top through the glass ceiling.

>> No.7826429

Her boobs and eyes are shopped super unevenly

>> No.7826519
File: 2.21 MB, 179x230, Isabella_Valentine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precious's Ivy was better. It didn't have the wonky paldron snake head

>> No.7826594

Also that's a more similar body to Ivy. Belle was always too fat for it. Ivy does have that phat booty and tits but her thighs and waist are lean.

She claims that was done by and for FHM Philippines. Of course she nor anybody else have ever been able to produce a copy of that issue or scans of it.

>> No.7827665

In fairness to Yaya, not that she deserves it, they could have done the shoot but wound up not using it for whatever reason. I'm reminded of that time Killcreek posed for Playboy and they did the shoot and everything and those pics are still floating around and shit, but for whatever reason Playboy wound up never actually using the photos for anything.
I'm not saying that's what happened, but it's at least possible. I mean, Yaya strikes me as a bit too smart, all her flaws aside, to make up a lie like that since it's something so easy to verify/falsify.

>> No.7827683
File: 74 KB, 444x720, 561693_2366537379623_760810495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It didn't have the wonky paldron snake head
omg you're right.

>> No.7827764

She insists it's in the magazine, though. Not just that it was for them, but that they were put in the magazine and that magazine was put out on store shelves.

>> No.7827767

Oh god that marshmallow hipwaistthigh what the fuck even is that really I mean oh god it's just a blob of flesh

>> No.7827976
File: 22 KB, 720x405, 401647_362350707162513_1657275651_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, how did she do that? It should look like this.

>> No.7827985

damn she´s good!

>> No.7829735

Oh. I stand corrected. That's a really fucking dumb lie on her part, if that's true. Someone should just ask her what month/year the issue is. I mean this is such an easy lie to catch her in.

>> No.7829930

I really want to cosplay this now. Did she draw anymore of this character?

>> No.7830428

you can ask her to do more