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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 88 KB, 447x339, taobao andrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7802293 No.7802293 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7782748

Chinese Public Holiday Note: 8 September is Mid-Autumn Festival

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:
**NEW** https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f4Ej-xGtGsOjPJOQ2cxr3zi-p-F30zyattmxajSvFEs/edit#gid=0

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes. There's also an anon that will translate stuff if you wanna keep it personal or whatever and don't mind waiting: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.

A rough guide on the new forwarding service by anon! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/myoq4zzz5s5pu5t/5GGaij-8os


To fix the browser problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcXkGdwQIAw

>> No.7802320


Anon can you do a review for the cosmic series replica when it comes in?

>> No.7802566
File: 325 KB, 750x2006, TB2RupIapXXXXbKXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!653678154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you Chinese anons out there (who aren't a filthy 5th gen banana like me and can actually read Chinese) could you give me a gist of what this is trying to say? I know it's a tl;dr of text, so thanks in advance.

>> No.7802618
File: 1.28 MB, 1500x1500, Neworder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I just put it the 1st transaction money but everything will have to wait till after the 8th. But this is what my current order is at the moment.

3 costumes and another MH item ended up getting off my list, either because they didn't sell to agents, it took too long, or just unavailable.

>> No.7802633
File: 9 KB, 200x40, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what this says? I've tried newocr but it recognizes the characters as "囿耳雾硼田", so yeah.

>> No.7802638

In not it. Wow I can't type today.

>> No.7802698

New arrivals

Only skimmed through. Bunch of warm and fuzzy feels actually. Nothing that affects us banana shoppers. Should i still translate?

>> No.7802718
File: 3.74 MB, 1000x2672, tb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

order so far; i wish there was some cute (durable) household/dorm stuff that i could add

>> No.7802721


Thank you so much! And no worries, you don't need to, haha.

Reason I asked is because they (js-lolita) are supposedly releasing a set according to the Chinese news sites but I haven't seen anything on their page yet, so I was wondering if this had anything to do with it.

>> No.7802834

Review all the things anon.

>> No.7802845
File: 533 KB, 1389x1091, taobaomotherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7802852

Link to cherry dress please

>> No.7802856

>Chinese Public Holiday Note: 8 September is Mid-Autumn Festival
Oh shit, I'm so glad my order just shipped.

>> No.7802860

This was it, but it's sold out now

They have a similar one though but it's an allover print http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-1622328837.33.8qNPU2&id=40464189409

>> No.7802865

What a cute order! link to the school uniforms and coats, and reviews on wigs would be appreciated.

>> No.7802871

Review of whale dresses please. I don't know if there's going to be leftover but I'd like to know if I should be keeping an eye out.

>> No.7802878

link to bottom row besides what you've already linked, plus the top right?

>> No.7802892

Unfortunately I don't have them yet, these are pictures from TBS.

Chrome won't load the spreadsheet right now so I can't open the links I don't already have open but both pairs of culottes are from Forestgirlfans, the mouse ship dress is from Dearli, and the mushroom dress is from http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.46.qTmYy7&id=38980274874&ns=1#detail

>> No.7802894

The top right is from Miss Point, sorry. The Christmas cat skirt is Miss Point as well in case anyone cares.

>> No.7802900

How safe is it to order dishware off taobao? Will I die of poisoning?

>> No.7803030


What's the difference between these options? They're for curtains

>> No.7803037


>> No.7803071

It's always a risk. You won't ever know if there's lead or something.

>> No.7803198
File: 3.54 MB, 2432x2176, Myorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my current order!

>> No.7803204

If it's cute enough get it, you can get testing kits that actually work through the glaze.

>> No.7803273

>old thread replies
just search bjd娃衣 (bjd doll clothes) or bjd+clothing item.

which kind exactly are you referring to? you can always try searching through 日本书包 to begin with.

>dat deer
review the butterfly heels when you get them, please? I wouldn't really have an opportunity to wear them, but I'm curious about the quality.

>> No.7803277

/r/ing some really cute cat accessories (gold/fake gold would be ideal)

>> No.7803287

Of course anon!

>> No.7803433

What SS are currently good? Which ones are currently having special promotions? I'm looking to maybe try a new one for my next order since I stuck with TBS for my last ones.

>> No.7803458


Could you tell me more about the wax seal purse and the hair ornament, please?
Those are really cool.

>> No.7803461


*blue hair ornament. Sorry.
Far left wit the the butterfly in the center.

>> No.7803480

>dat taobao-finds stuff
Please show tons of pictures of the butterfly heels. I'd buy but I'd kill myself in them.

>> No.7803511

I think Yoybuy is really great. Their customer service is really fast to respond and super polite. I think they're having some promotion where you can get x amount of dollars off if you buy $200+ or something.

>> No.7803543

>Chinese Public Holiday Note: 8 September is Mid-Autumn Festival

>> No.7803567

any search terms or shops i should browse for a more "moe" aesthetic?

Skirts, non-revealing tops, cutesy and quirky designs, etc? I'm trying to add a different component to my wardrobe and I want something cute.

I know about ToAlice, but that's about it.

>> No.7803583


>> No.7803604

I feel like anything I suggest won't be perfectly in line with whatever you're going for, but some things I pulled from the spreadsheets:

and there are the old standbys of coconuts and bobon21, but their clothes are pretty much only for super petite girls.

>> No.7803937

i'm looking to put a deposit on some items that are currently on pre order. how do i go about this using a shopping service and which one would be the best to use

>> No.7803945

Can you order from ToAlice through TabaoNow? I've been trying to add things to the cart but it keeps saying that my link isnt valid

>> No.7803971
File: 375 KB, 735x534, 625562689_427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought instax mini camera and found out that the film is way too expensive in our country. And it's 3 times cheaper on taobao. But taobaospree said, that there was once a buyer, who purchased the film but it didn't pass the customs and returned to SS.

Has anyone here purchased it? Did you get it or it really returned to SS?
Maybe it's better to buy it from Ali express?

>> No.7804001

Are people still looking for the Gold Milk Heart replicas?


>> No.7804144

I got the same whale dress! Its in the mail right now but I can't help but think it looks slightly off? Like is it really going to be regular waisted.

>> No.7804180
File: 576 KB, 960x960, img1410014606360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current order. I'm thinking about pre-order milu forest's swan lake JSK. Still can't choose between black and purple. Hmmm

>> No.7804202

Ahhh is that bikini or lingerie??? Link either way?

>> No.7804267

Someone has bought from Cake House? There are some cute casual lolita OP/JSKs so i want to know if they are worth or they are questionable about quality.

>> No.7804286

Is lingerie. And the link.

>> No.7804331

/r/ing link to the skimpy cute strawberry outfit

>> No.7804433

Looks more fairy kei-ish to me. There's a mini-review here if you ctrl+f cake house. http://1800janemai.tumblr.com/post/39406043492

>> No.7804441
File: 37 KB, 497x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I search to find tumblrish things like this?

>> No.7804458


>> No.7804614

I wish stores would start selling their winter/fall lines already. I don't want chiffon shit.

>> No.7804617

Their fall/winter stuff is hardly suitable for western countries tho, I freeze just looking at all the mini skirts for the cold season.

>> No.7804620

Im in CA, so its actually very suitable for me.

>> No.7804630

Search Aliexpress for wife Harness

>> No.7804631

Link to milu pre order? Google is giving me hime-gyaru clothing shops

>> No.7804640



>> No.7804651

omg, which shop sells that cute red coat??

>> No.7804681

could we please stop talking like tumblr here

>> No.7804683

sorry, seems the taffy got to my brain.

>> No.7804706
File: 61 KB, 732x485, size chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone tell me which field is what in this size chart, please? I usually recognize it as just being 'bust, waist, hips and length' but there's one extra. and the site up there isn't working right...

>> No.7804711

Shoulder width
Dress length
Height (recommended)

>> No.7804712

>shoulders, bust, waist, dress length, height

>> No.7804716

thanks, guys!

>> No.7804717

It goes "shoulder, bust, waist, dress length" and "height (for reference)".

>> No.7804737

Wax seal purse is here http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=21022603436

And the blue hair ornament is here.

Will do!

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=38535931125 There you go!

>> No.7804742

sauce on all the shoes and the black skirt pls

>> No.7804786

Link to mushroom beret please? Dear god that's adorable.

>> No.7804849

The girl said it's ok for the price, i just hope quality is at least Bodyline tier.
I see still short sleeves, pastel colors and cotton/chiffon dresses. I know in my place winters are mild but i suffer cold temperatures and i have to wait too much to see new winter jsks or skirts, plus i hate to buy near xmas holidays because packages arrive the next year.

>> No.7804876

quite a few of them are already, it's just that a lot of them seem to be easing into fall and putting out more sweaters and cardigans rather than throwing out all their winter coats all at once. that being said, you can search "冬 2014" and get a whole lot of results, though judging by the number of individual sales, the items just went up or nobody's buying them yet.


>> No.7804900

>There you go!

Thanks anon <3

>> No.7805384
File: 1.72 MB, 4180x1468, taobaoorder8-14j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this order in recently, lmk if you'd like links or reviews of any of the items!

>> No.7805391

How is the Infanta dress in the left top corner?

>> No.7805468

It's pretty darn cute. The material is pretty thick and heavy - one of the few dresses I own that I feel kinda needs an extra petti. The sleeves aren't the nicest IMO though, that's my only complaint. They're a chiffon material that doesn't really match the feel of the rest of the dress.

Overall for the price I give it 4/5

>> No.7805474

RSeries tights and that ice-cream sweater? Also that sailor dress, link and review please.

>> No.7805510
File: 1.03 MB, 3388x1528, taobaoseptember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I'm just waiting on a couple more items from this order to be sent to my SS, I might add a few more small things to the order though

>> No.7805517

R-Series tights:
Pretty good! They're thin and the bunny is a little see through but overall they're pretty nice. They're a tad bigger than most tights I get from Taobao.
I give em 3.5/5

Ice Cream Sweater:
Sooo nice. Super thick, soft material on the inside, also the color is really vibrant. It's very great quality.

Sailor Dress:
Honestly? Really the only item that I was super disappointed in. It's pretty crap quality, sadly... Fits like a bag, had a big dirt stain on it, and the little bow that comes with it to attach to the dress is really crappy, with frayed edges and all.
Also, even though I paid 52 Yuan extra for it, I didn't receive the see through apron that was supposed to come with it!
I give it a 1/5, but here's the link if you want to find out for yourself:

>> No.7805548

Actually it antler. And here the link http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=

>> No.7805549

Oh man, feel bad for you getting that shit dress. Interested in getting the ice-cream sweater for a friend though! Link?

>> No.7805553

Review and pic of the mushroom beret please. Thank you

>> No.7805556 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it's basically just trash. I'm planning on giving it to Goodwill.

Here's the link to the ice cream sweater, though! It comes in a few different patterns and is pretty cheap:

I wish I didn't live in a subtropical climate so I could wear it more, it's so nice!

It's a very good quality felt beret and a nice vibrant red color. The two little mushrooms sticking out of the top are knitted (I assumed they were plastic for some reason, was happy they weren't upon arrival). I give it 5/5

I can take a picture of it sometime tomorrow or the next day, it's too dark to get any decent pictures right now.

>> No.7805572

Yeah, it's basically just trash. I'm planning on giving it to Goodwill.

Here's the link to the ice cream sweater, though! It comes in a few different patterns and is pretty cheap:
(edited cause I used the wrong link in original post)

I wish I didn't live in a subtropical climate so I could wear it more, it's so nice!

It's a very good quality felt beret and a nice vibrant red color. The two little mushrooms sticking out of the top are knitted (I assumed they were plastic for some reason, was happy they weren't upon arrival). I give it 5/5

I can take a picture of it sometime tomorrow or the next day, it's too dark to get any decent pictures right now.

>> No.7805613

Should I ship by ems or airmail?

>> No.7805614

Thank you very much. I'm ordered the antler beret and worry about how It will turn out. Will wait for pic. > w <

>> No.7805616

hello, could you please link the sailor tee? It looks cute!

>> No.7805634
File: 79 KB, 640x640, TB1Bs31FVXXXXbNXFXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_640x640q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for a review of store named Auroro&Ariel. They rank are low but I'm really want to order this OP.

>> No.7805712

Ah, the spots threw me off. Either way, fantastic, thank you so much anon.

>> No.7805755

Does anyone know of a few taobao shops that carry good fabric for lolita? Fabrics that can be used for gothic or classic is preferred, but cute fabric is ok too.

>> No.7805840

Seeking some advice.
I ordered a little under 2kg of stuff through Pruany and i paid for EMS shipping. Somehow they fucked up and sent it via SAL which is estimated to be (25-45 days) and more expensive than International small package (15-35 days).

They've offered to refund the difference and give me $5 extra. There's asking me if i can accept that, except I really need it in 1.5 weeks from now.

What should i do?

>> No.7805849


if it's already shipped there is nothing they can do anymore, I'd accept the refund plus extra and put it towards something else.

If they haven't shipped it, then just hassle zui until it's fixed

>> No.7805853

They've already sent it :'(

>> No.7805939

Anyone know what the f is wrong with dears celine's items?


>> No.7805948

why is everything redirecting to tw.taobao.com?

>> No.7805970

COuld i have a link to that cute red jacket please?

>> No.7806037

Any shops that sell shirts/dresses that fit busty girls? I don't want to buy oversized stuff just to make it fit my titties and be loose everywhere else.

>> No.7806056

Take it, they can't undo the sending.

>> No.7806057

lololol probably because if you're not in mainland china > you're assumed to be taiwanese


>> No.7806060

Can't remember exacts, but you need to go somewhere on the top left of the page and change to "international" option.

>> No.7806130

I have no idea. One anon linked to tw and my Taobao automatically changed itself to Taiwanese. It was easy to change back to normal, but I think a lot of anons just haven't noticed it's happened to them too.

>> No.7806191
File: 40 KB, 433x426, ss (2014-09-07 at 09.11.11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of like how if you're anywhere not US and using amazon and you go to your region specific one once and then you're automatically sent to the .uk or .au portal every time

The fix is to choose the third option (mainland China), or the last one (global)

>> No.7806238
File: 1.61 MB, 1231x1012, taobao2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current order. I went with yoybuy and it went fine at first, they received everything pretty fast except the two akilya garters. Over the last month, I've asked them 2-3 times if they could ship the order without the garters and just keep them for my next order, but they kept saying "just wait for them, they're on their way". I'm a bit annoyed because I don't see what's wrong with keeping them until my next order (in 1-2 months).

Anyway, I'm new to cute fashion, could anyone tell me if I'm supposed to wear a petticoat with the liz lisa dress? I'm not sure where it stands on the casual to lolita measure.

>> No.7806312

It's not lolita at all, just everyday wear. Do whatever you want with it.

>> No.7806316

kay thanks

>> No.7806320
File: 3 KB, 114x125, 1407258363334s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol It's easier to understand for me, studying Japanese.

>> No.7806515

where do you live? depends on that. Also how big your package is

>> No.7806556

Any recommended for cosplay costume? I have tried a few store.

>Fantasy sheep
good quality but they sell in separete and quickly out of stock. So I can't get complete set.
Take they forever to make a costume. But it turn out goddamn fabulous.
Look good in the picture. But cheap lace, hotglue, thick fabric.
Ok. Some detail are missed. My dress have a little mark on it
Same as YYcos. Not sure if they use same factory.

>> No.7806595

Which delivery method am I least likely to get fucked over with (in terms of customs fees and lost packages), China Post Air Mail or China Post Air Parcel? I live in France. Sorry if this is a little off topic.

>> No.7806697
File: 146 KB, 1107x640, IMG_39874676595908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which store is this from? The page. Chopped out the logo.

>> No.7806713

Found the listing here anon.

>> No.7806726


What a lovely looking release.

>trying to save up for fall releases

lol fuck do i even have money for this

>> No.7806820

USA. Probably around 20 items.

>> No.7806854
File: 239 KB, 1181x1754, TB2eIWXapXXXXb9XXXXXXXXXXXX-67175777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone translate the measurements, please?

>> No.7806869

First column probably means bust, second waist and third dress length (short and long).

>> No.7806872


Akilya was super slow for me too, I ordered like four things from them and it took the better part of a month for them to arrive.

>> No.7806874

What is an approximate weight of the items anon? The number of items doesn't mean much since that could be 20 pairs of shoes or 20 hair accessories.

To be very general:
Airmail is fine. However, EMS is faster and only slightly more in cost on average.

>> No.7807033

Can you see the felting/where the mushrooms are attached in the underside of the beret?

>> No.7807187
File: 291 KB, 700x444, deer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so i had posted a thread and removed it, but i would like to find something similar to these

or how do i search for things deer-related. i found it in the dictionary and got a bunch of deer meat results

>> No.7807200

i think r series has stuff like this

>> No.7807213

Link to the cardigans please!

>> No.7807281

Anyone mind helping me understand deposits?

I am preordering this ( http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40813826433 ) and understand that I pay a 50Y deposit, then another 135Y on top of that, making it 185Y in total (is that correct?)

Anyway, I thought this item (http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-5525182325.8.NLybUx&id=36178110331 ) was sold out but saw that it's for winter 2014. I saw that the size said 9.20 deposit and originally I thought that was the price for it, but then I realized, does that mean that on the 20th of this month the shop will begin taking deposits for it?

>> No.7807560

source for that beautiful crown?

>> No.7807620

So I'm looking for Nia stuff from Gurren Lagann. I used all the kanji and chinese i could think of using and english to chinese with google translate and could only find a few wigs and like two of her pink dresses. Is there some other way i can look for her child dress or more nice wigs of said chara without having to look through all the cos shops? Thats my last resort.

>> No.7807627


> shadow on hair interpreted as a gradient

>> No.7807632


if your links are adding the tw to them then most shopping services won't accept them, browse taobao in incognito mode

>> No.7808055

link for the wig that has the black headbow on it please? cant make out the watermark.

>> No.7808074

anyone know where i can find cute accessories for my car?

>> No.7808213


'Returned to this thread late; thank you for the links!

>> No.7808476

Link to the pink dress please!

>> No.7808481

Link to the ice cream sweater?

>> No.7808520
File: 85 KB, 363x468, tumblr_lmfcpcFN0I1qaww4ro1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that bag

>> No.7808521



I loved the blue one more but I have too much blue stuff.

>> No.7808625

Your order is super cute! Could you link that adorable Madoka fig?

>> No.7808632


It's sold out where I bought it (not sure how the quality will be since it's so cheap): http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13067667298&spm=2014.12317209.0.0

But if you search for "madoka" I see some other cute nendoroids and maybe the same one from diff seller (images aren't loading properly for me right now on taobao).

>> No.7808891
File: 28 KB, 403x396, 1310849255348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bootleg figure

>> No.7808961

Is there a term for cute individual stickers? Like not sticker sheets but just a bunch of single stickers I could throw a few into a package as a cute extra.

>> No.7809031

>not having a buyfag bf that knows his weeb merch
you'll still like it, just dont expect quality

>> No.7809173

Yeah I don't really want to spend on figurines, I just bought it because it was 6$ so I thought why not. I have a buyfag bf that spends ~60 euros on figurines, they look great but I'd rather buy clothes with that kind of money.

>> No.7809175

Where can I get cute bedding from?

>> No.7809224
File: 95 KB, 930x372, 351f614b71fb30e1d43a26c94a6bb816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun with a bootleg then.

My buyf/a/g tendencies are irked by bad paint jobs and shininess of bootlegs.


>> No.7809258

Oh, thanks for that website. I expected a lot worse quality honestly, I think they're both cute even if the right one is nicer.

>> No.7809276

Tbh your biggest concern should be whether it falls apart as soon as you pick it up, since some bootlegs aren't well put together.

>> No.7809434

GSC doesn't document all bootlegs. They only see some of them and will put an article about it. So the one you order might not necessarily be that bootleg. Could be better/worse.

>> No.7809732

>Not being the buyfag yourself and knowing about quality figures + where to cop

>> No.7809807

You can find that nendo for around $20 USD second hand really easily.

>> No.7809810

like sticker flakes? that term is already in the dictionary. otherwise, 贴纸单图 is the best I'm getting, but that includes temporary tattoos.

search 床上用品 and select what your mattress size is (chinese sizes may be slightly off). also, buyer beware, possibility of bedbugs, etc.


>> No.7809817

Do you think it might be possible to carefully remove the sleeves? I wasn't sure about them myself and your comment kinda echos my feeling on them. Would anons get mad and claim sacrilege?

>> No.7809824

Not that anon but I doubt people will get mad. Since it isn't brand and those kind of prices, people will be more whatever about it.

>> No.7809829

I've ordered mini film before from Taobaospree. I actually ordered five of them and they all arrived safely. If it helps, this is the link where I ordered some: http://tw.taobao.com/item/37035614195.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a230r.1.14.5.VHGwlN%2Ca230r.1.14.5.VHGwlN

I hope nothing gets returned, best of luck!

>> No.7810298
File: 1.43 MB, 1000x1000, taobao collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order came in today (pic related). Would anyone like me to review anything? Not all of the items are mine -- items with orange dots are for other people.

For reference, I'm 180cm tall, with a BWH of 85-66-82.

>> No.7810315

It's from here anon!


>> No.7810318

>Buying thread off taobao
Why didn't I think of that!
Is it nice thread anon? (And link if it is?)

>> No.7810319

The metallic blue fabric? And a link, please?

>> No.7810383

have fun going cray-cray over 0909 guise.

>> No.7810386

The white blouse above the blue pleated skirt!

>> No.7810387

>understand that I pay a 50Y deposit, then another 135Y on top of that, making it 185Y in total

>(is that correct?)

再版 means "re-release"

>on the 20th of this month the shop will begin taking deposits for it?
yup you're correct

>> No.7810389

I'd like reviews/links on the pleated skirts and white boots, and the wigs if possible!

>> No.7810464

sauce on the black socks with studs, sfx stockings, light blue skirt, white sailor dress and the creepers please

>> No.7810675

>that term is already in the dictionary.
oh shit, I'm sorry! I wasn't sure what that meant. thank you very much though!!

>> No.7810686

Link to the houndstooth fabric?

>> No.7810730

Reviews/links to the donut bag and whatever the eyeball thing in the upper left is?

>> No.7810865

I'm seconding this!

>> No.7811004

Do antaina tea parties run small or large? My feet are about 23 cm or US 6.

>> No.7811170

Speaking of figs and shit, I found this store while looking at jojoshit.
Anyone have any past experiences with them? The seller supposedly buys the figs from japan so they should be legit but..

>> No.7811177

link to the white starry skirt?
and how did you find the doughnut bag?

>> No.7811180

and by how did you find it, I don't mean literally, bad phrasing on my part... I was thinking about buying one but have no idea of the quality.

>> No.7811182

I see! Thanks a million, I appreciate it.

>> No.7811709

How good is pruany with custom sizing?

>> No.7812098

Are most stuff on storeenvy from Taobao?

I'd like to buy stuff from http://syndromestore.com/products this store - some of the products seem similar to other stores.

I'm kinda new to this and wondering if I should shop from them (easier) or try find stuff on Taobao and use a SS (is it cheaper..?)

>> No.7812108

The shop that you're looking at? Yes. A lot of that shit looks WAY overpriced.

Depends on what you want to buy and how much. Most of those things you could find on Aliexpress or Ebay pretty easily. Check those sites first.

>> No.7812312

What are some good (cheap but trustworthy) SS? I'm looking at Pruany and Taobaospree at the moment

>> No.7812351
File: 28 KB, 734x602, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one having issues with adding items to the cart on spreenow? I haven't had any trouble before but the last few days I just get this message whenever I try...

I have contacted the staff about it, but I want to know if anyone else is having this issue or maybe even solved it?

>> No.7812459


I don't know if they are cheap but I've had good expierences with taobaoring and yoybuy if that's any help?

>> No.7812470

YES, I've been having this when I try to paste an item's direct link...but if I'm on the store's main page, and right click + 'copy link location' on the product I want, then paste that url into the search box, it's fine. So I've just been doing that.

>> No.7812477
File: 304 KB, 157x174, tumblr_m8nphqlRmP1qdbx9f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never even thought about doing that, thank you anon! Now I can keep shopping without anything stopping me~

>> No.7812489

I've also had good experience with Taobaoring

>> No.7812515
File: 48 KB, 230x230, TB1REtgGXXXXXXqaXXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_230x230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know any shops that sell random cute things for your room, like this shop?


doesn't have to be hello kitty.

>> No.7812635

Pruany is cheaper than taobaroring, but the 2% for is compensated by how damn helpful TR people are. They are willing to combine and fork orders as many times as necessary, and they answer promptly.

>> No.7812670
File: 141 KB, 1107x527, taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i tell if this product is discounted

>> No.7812687

Link to this?

>> No.7812708

It's because you're putting the Taiwan url.

>> No.7812796


>> No.7812926

Has anyone bought makeup brushes off taobao? How were they, and do you have any links to sets you would recommend?

>> No.7812936

It says it is only for people that are VIP for the shop.

>> No.7813066

What about chinabuy.com.au - is the Australian one different to the dodgy one?

>> No.7813126

What's the longest some of you have had to wait for an EMS shipped order in the US? I'm so used to things from Japan getting here in 5 days. My package was shipped this past Friday but still hasn't arrived to the US sort center...

>> No.7813410

link the bracelet
are there any sellers with cute pastel bracelets

>> No.7813420

I used Yoybuy for my most recent order and they have been awful. My tracking information has not been updated in almost two months now, I've contacted my local post office and the post office from the town where it supposedly is and they haven't been able to help me. My local post office recommended I ask the sender (Yoybuy) if they received the package again, and if not to file an international claim. All my emails to Youbuy have been answered in broken english by them quoting me information from the tracking page... and that's all.

Does anyone know what else I can do in this situation? I'm so steamed over the fact that I just blew a few hundred dollars on this Taobao order I'll likely never receive.

>> No.7813424

Show us some of your emails anon i'm sure some of us can help you write a reply in mandarin.

>> No.7813464
File: 33 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.498245487_hrdm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What search term do I use for pic related? If you can let me know the translation(english) too that would be good, that way I can learn more? Haha! Thanks!

>> No.7813503
File: 92 KB, 250x333, GirlyHeartHeeledBoots-pink-zmod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find a specific kind of boot.
I didn't think it was too specific.. but searching on taobao makes me feel like its impossible.

-chocolate brown in color
-mid-calf height
-1.5~3 inch heel
-generally a girly-ISH design (think casual lolita, otome in A/W), not necessarily bows, but definitely no studs or zippers and the like.

Ive been trying to search for something like oxford boots in brown and trying to get it in the mid-calf area somehow but shit, I just can't.

Any help or advice?

looking for boots like pic related in height (mid calf) and heel height in chocolate brown but not (necessarily) this girly. A girly oxford design will do.


>> No.7813550

Can I get the link to the Shiro uniform and wig? Do you think you could do a review of it all when it comes in? I love your choice of crown. It's beautiful.

>> No.7813640


>> No.7813671

My sister still swears by her taobao brushes and shes had them for over a year now.
Its the pink set you see all over taobao, but this is the link she specifically got them from.


I got these at the same time, I only use about three brushes from it though, but they're great too. (I got the white brushes if you're interested in that small detail.)


>> No.7813685

those are ita as fuck though, please get any other shoes

>> No.7813692

I need help finding good loliable winter boots for cold/wet weather that come in big sizes(I am a US size 11). Are an*tai*nas replica engineer boots any good? :o

>> No.7813705


^Manapalace has lots of cute pastel and "goth" stuff.

^ some pastel and lolita stuff, but they take a while to ship

Yoybuy finally shipped my order (from Aug 8th), but that's after about 6 back-and-forths, half telling me there is EMS and to use the cost calculator (but I don't know my order's weight??), the other half telling me there is no EMS, only E-express, and to use the cost calculator... I'm planning my next order will be with CelestialDelinquent, because I'm so sick of communication issues and I'll need some things customized, I wouldn't dream of doing that with yoybuy, even though they are nice and helpful, they just don't understand everything and I don't like having to harass them to get information out of them.

>> No.7813744

Aliexpress instead, but is this what you're looking for?

>> No.7813756

You shoul d just buy ebay ones they're cheaper and the same.

>> No.7813794

Source on the retired t-shirt and the stars please?

>> No.7813846

Has taobaonow been down for anyone else?

>> No.7813851

Something like that, but going all the way up to mid-calf, like the pic. It going up to the mid calf is pretty much the most important part.. But i guess a tiny bit lower is fine too, since im losing hope.

>> No.7813852

I am buying different shoes fucktard

>> No.7813924

Pretty much all Shopping Services are VIPs though.

>> No.7813931

Wow seconding this please

>> No.7813940

I recently bought these, I haven't received them yet so I can't tell you how they are, but perhaps this helps a bit?

And some other stuff I found:
AP replicas:

>> No.7813977

Just tested it and it worked, but isn't TBN transitioning to Spreenow or something like that?

>> No.7814002

Yeah seems to be working now but it was down for me since last night.
I didn't hear anything about transitioning but I made an order on taobaonow, will make my next one on spreenow since it's a bit easier to use. I dunno though, is the payment method the same? This "topping up" system seems a bit weird.

>> No.7814004

This helps me SO much! Thank you!

>> No.7814047
File: 352 KB, 477x356, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found these gems.

>> No.7814085

i need this in my life, sauce pleaseee?

>> No.7814156

Does anyone know when the fuck the OP for forest of pipe organ is supposed to be finished?

>> No.7814242

I'm new to this so I don't know all the translations (I looked in the dictionary)
But I'm hunting all over the place for cute pastel things or things that go with pastel. when I type in the search bar pastel a bunch of random stuff comes up and I don't know how to refine my search
Does anyone have suggestions or item/shop recommendations? I already went through all the lists

>> No.7814257

I've only found pastel with the term for "ice cream" (+ "women"): 冰淇淋女

>> No.7814335

thanks looking it up right now

let me know if anyone here has more suggestions or stores items etc

>> No.7814339

Oh I've seen that fugly shirt in some gameshow where a guy reads english on shirts in japanese girls. It was pretty funny.

>> No.7814565

Someone asked where to get the melty moon bag replica on Taobao, found it by accident searching for cosplays:

>> No.7814572

Pastel clothing shops:

>> No.7814736


>> No.7814743

are these boots available on taobao? I feel so damn dumb asking but nothing I search for works

>> No.7814745
File: 6 KB, 194x259, vm short boots 25cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then I drop the pic

>> No.7814952

Thanks I looked through it
I'm open to more if anyone had any!
I'd contribute but.. well I really cant language barriers suck

>> No.7815055

How long until I can pay for my taobaotrends order? It says it's "pending".

>> No.7815120
File: 794 KB, 1000x581, tb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up my package today! Any requests for links/reviews?

>> No.7815129

pearl strands?
珠链diy or 珍珠链diy, but it's pretty difficult to find just the ones with the links in between them.

>alien anon
ahh, excellent, excellent.

>> No.7815136
File: 653 KB, 653x629, Screen Shot 2014-09-12 at 10.29.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad came back from China with the things I ordered today.

>> No.7815156

Unfortunately my beloved Alien Twerkshop shirt was sold out, so it'll have to wait til next order ):

>> No.7815238

there are lots in the spreadsheet, unless you're looking specifically for very very cutesy and/or pink things. at any rate, I'll probably add these and a bunch of others in to the spreadsheet later anyway:

nnnnooooo! I remember you mentioning that earlier and I forgot, and now I am disappointed all over again...

review everything.
or just the cat backpack, sailor skirt, and the blouse/shirt in the lower right. cute order, anon!

>> No.7815384

How is the taobaotrends airmail? How long will it take vs their EMS?

>> No.7815403

>Gilgamesh daki
A+ taste
Link to the top/skirt set in the middle?

Also is anyone else having trouble with Pruany? Whenever I try to recharge it says "payment validation error" and I have to wait a few hours until the payment actually gets added to my balance.

>> No.7815422

Review of the pink bag?

>> No.7815426

I'm not her but I have that bag. It's more of a pinkbeige color irl and the fake leather woven between the chain of the strap came apart in one place and I have to hide it in the back. But I like it.

>> No.7815433

I got the wig from here

And the costume from here!

I'll gladly do a review of them when they come in! And thank you. I was actually planning to make one but when I saw that one, I just needed to have it.

>> No.7815436

Does anyone know any good shops for coats and jackets?

>> No.7815498
File: 24 KB, 405x161, bandicam 2014-09-12 01-20-37-554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont understand

>> No.7815500

I think this wins an award for the most ridiculous measurement translation yet

>> No.7815537

those white boots?

>> No.7815542

well we can't help you understand unless you post the original, if that's what you're going for

>> No.7815551
File: 24 KB, 405x161, bandicam 2014-09-12 02-24-44-663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like that?

>> No.7815595

Cat backpack: Good quality and sturdy bag. Pretty spacious inside too. 5/5
Sailor skirt: Quality material. Buttons were sewn on quite loosely though, so you may want to resew it. 4.5/5
Blouse: Unlike the picture it had more of a pinkish tone to it. Although it looks a little weird on me, the product is fairly well made. 4/5

Oh and the links incase you wanted it.

>top/skirt set in the middle
You mean this?

>> No.7815715
File: 96 KB, 533x800, T29uTfXL0XXXXXXXXX-1050905475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have these constellation tights, and if so what size are they? I'm 166cm with 95cm hips so I'm a bit worried that Taobao tights will be way too small for me.

>> No.7815825

Thanks! I meant this one http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.165.r0BHpj&id=40658404111&ns=1#detail, thought the shorts were a skirt.

>> No.7815842
File: 415 KB, 476x536, Screen Shot 2014-09-12 at 4.42.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are tights
Why, Taobao, why?

>> No.7815858


>> No.7815868


material: idk what is that
this item has no lining
sizes: one size only
weight: 0.20kg

pants length 34
hips 106.667cm
thighs 66
leg opening/cuff 62
rise/length of waist to hips, at the front
rise, at the back (i think)

(everything in cm! please allow 2~4cm human error)

>> No.7815898

Any anon ordered with taobao trends? Two are my items are highlighted yellow does that mean they're ordered or something is wrong with them?

>> No.7815937
File: 111 KB, 270x421, Tights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain to me what's going on with these tights? Are they up for reserve or already sold out?

>> No.7815940

Seems like they're accepting preorder payments, they're just being weird about it.

>> No.7815952

Anyone know the term for a mid-calf boot? Im looking for a pair in chocolate brown.

>> No.7815958

>nendo bootleg
truly a pleb

>> No.7815959

I'm around your same height but thinner. I think they'll fit you just fine as long as you don't mind the pattern stretching out. They have a lot of give to them.

>> No.7815970
File: 44 KB, 500x561, tumblr_nbss9gI0ko1rdutcio2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need finding the source for this dress? Some asshat on tumblr posted it together with the concept art and mentioned in the tags that it's from taobao but nothing about which store

>> No.7815974

Dang those are cute.

>> No.7815977

To Alice is the shop name. You can search that on Taobao itself and get a bunch of dresses sold by that shop:
Looks like they're not selling it anymore, though, unless they actually want 9999 yuan for it.

>> No.7815981

it says in the corner that it's by to alice, anon...

>> No.7815990
File: 178 KB, 500x398, tumblr_nbss9gI0ko1rdutcio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I couldn't find anything when I googled it.
But yeah, it seems like they're not selling it any longer. Oh well, it looked better in the concept art anyway

>> No.7816053
File: 34 KB, 500x407, 1404091385060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any shops that are similar to Candy Rain and Bobon21 but sell clothing that aren't all pastel?
>MFW I want cute frilly clothing in warm fall colors not fucking pastels

>> No.7816060
File: 2.22 MB, 1697x876, sept order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered these items and some shoe clips from antaina. I needed some basics and the accessories are for fun.

>> No.7816077

9999 yuan items are previews, they'll be up for sale at some later date.

>> No.7816088

Thanks for linking that mori girl store, I'm about to blow soooo much money on them. And it'll be my first Taobao order ever too, dem gold crowns are reassuring me.

>> No.7816096

Does Pruany work on Saturdays?

>> No.7816098

>Although it looks a little weird on me,
Could you elaborate? I think it might be okay on me since I'm the same size as the model but a little taller, but what was weird about it?

>> No.7816110
File: 119 KB, 480x640, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dear anons, I am looking for a wig like the one on the left but in dark brown preferabely. Or any cute dark short wigs for that matter? Thanks in advance

>> No.7816112

inbefore, not a split wig but just the style in general. Short, cute bangs and updo in the back...=D

>> No.7816137

Just look at http://gkyouko.taobao.com/, they have plenty lolita wigs.

>> No.7816151


>> No.7816208

I know this might be very vague but this is pretty much all I can remember about this dress. There was a store, selling a lolita dress that was Halloween themed? It had a black base, and orange details. Most likely witch themed. If anyone can help me find it that'd be great.

>> No.7816215

draw it

>> No.7816223


>> No.7816226

Thank you!

>> No.7816319

still lots of pastels in most of these places, and they aren't all as kawaii, but have a few:

search for boots, filter for women's shoes, then for cylinder height select 中筒靴

>> No.7816321

Link to cat shirt please?

>> No.7816326

Can anyone help me with this question?

>> No.7816333

This would so much cuter if the white were actually bloomers. Am I alone?

>> No.7816340
File: 164 KB, 250x337, tumblr_n1z8jk9XBv1sd45gso1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone come across this dress during their taobao travels? it's like $75 on some asian fashion site, and i'm guessing there's a taobao verison somewhere...

>> No.7816351


>> No.7816385

Anyone know a nice shop for Otome-esque bags?

>> No.7816390

Source on witch hat?

>> No.7816398

thank you, speedy anon!

>> No.7816457
File: 2.65 MB, 1372x1036, small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a small batch this time. Re-buying the fur fabric from last time because it got destroyed. It really is nice though, especially for the price.

>> No.7816460

I'm tempted to add the fur to my order. Tell me how bad it was, anon, and save my poor bank account.

>> No.7816555

Unfortunately, it was actually soft and nice. The only issue was that it shed a bit, and even then, not that badly. It's only $2/yard too, much better than the $15/yard of ugly shag "fur" my local fabric stores were trying to sell. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=25968924452

It was only destroyed because I left it in the same room with a rambunctious child.

>> No.7816557

thank you so much, anon

those are glorious

>> No.7816570

How off-white/white was the bag?

>> No.7816583

So I just read through the FAQ and it didn't cover this, and Im curious. I just spent a ton of time bookmarking clothes in a 2 gold crown store, then looked at clothes in another store (a 1 gold crown store) and saw the same jacket being sold there, but the photography was different (same jacket, different sets and models).

So... how are two stores selling the same product? Is one of them not legit? Do they just get things from the same warehouse?

>> No.7816584

I got those peas girl!

>> No.7816597

What does it mean when a item's price is crossed out and replaced with shop "VIP" login?

>> No.7816615

> It's my first time buying Jap fashion, so I'm probably not that used to having laces and frills on me. The blouse is the exact same thing as the picture, however.

>> No.7816649

Thank you! I'm kinda the same way, I most wear more Korean street-fashion color blocked clothes but want to shift my closet towards more boho/mori/ruffly pieces.

>> No.7816660

Does anyone have links to cute winter leggings/tights/pants in general?

>> No.7816686

It means only VIP members can purchase, but most SS are VIP so no worries there.

>> No.7816692

Im thinking about getting these two, the shop has a lot of other really cute patchwork mori type leggings!

>> No.7816697

for pruany, what do you do if the price their cart registers for the item is wrong? The have an extra 400 yuan for one item and I don't really want to pay that upfront and have them refund afterwards

>> No.7816698


no it doesn't, it means on VIP members get the discount, everyone else pays full price

>> No.7816821

I have this same issue, on the product page it lists 69 Yuan but in the Taobaoring cart its 221...

>> No.7816834

sauce on the red sweater and the sleeveless white/red/green dress please?

>> No.7816835


taobaoring adjusts the price when they confirm if they item is in stock. If they haven't, message them and they will fix it before sending the invoice.

>> No.7816847

Like >>7816835 's answer for taobaoring, just message pruany (leave message or instant message zui when he's online) and tell him to modify price. He'll do it in like a minute.

>> No.7816867
File: 101 KB, 405x322, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted last night, but i was hoping for someone to help me figure out the measurements for this as well, i hope that's ok.

it's only like this for a lot of bottoms that i look at. all the shirts' measurements in the shop are normal.

>> No.7816887

At first when I got it, I was really disappointed. It's not quite the same color as in the pictures; it's a bit brighter irl. The thread used for the quilting is really shiny and obvious, which I thought made it look cheap, and the lining isn't the same as in the pictures.
But today I actually used it, and I'm much more satisfied. I got compliments on it, and it's pretty sturdy. For $15, it's not bad.

I'm wary about ordering other items from this shop now though, because they obviously do edit the colors of their products.

Thanks, I cuddled with him last night and it was great.

>> No.7816921

/r/ing cute fall mori-able stores! I've scoured the spreadsheets and found a couple but they don't have variety in cardigans and sweaters... Looking to stay in the 40-90 Yuan range

>> No.7816980


on the right track here, anon?

>> No.7816989

I'm about to buy some shoes, but I'm unsure of I should be getting size 41 or 42(25.5 cm, usually 9.5 is best fit but I usually wear a 10 if they don't have it)

>> No.7816996
File: 163 KB, 356x343, Screen Shot 2014-09-12 at 7.50.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potentially stupid question but google translate is failing me - what's the 160 next to the size small indicating? I'm just a bit unsure on the sizing.


>> No.7816999

Can anyone give me the store with the ram hoodies?

>> No.7817005

I can't say with 100% certainty, but I know Shirley Temple clothes and early ETC clothes often were described as being 150 or 160 - I think it means that they can act as large-sized children's clothing as well.

>> No.7817007

Ah thanks. Now I don't know if that small will be too small...

>> No.7817048

Thank you! I see some cute knitted cardigans, but I guess its not quite the season yet on Taobao to get a full range.

>> No.7817094

It should be standard size 160 which is like children's 14, there are plenty of measurement charts if you Google. It's about a size S in adult sizing, so approx 63-65cm waist

>> No.7817116
File: 504 KB, 1327x2154, order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just put in my first order on taobaotrends, I requested SAL shipping so hopefully everything goes through

>> No.7817136

A lot of them are selling near identical items made cheaply in different factories (based off the same base item, like how replicas are factories mass producing deconstructed brand dresses), but they all just steal each other's stock pictures because them lazy sellers

>> No.7817179

Have at it you crazy kids.

>> No.7817183

I'm almost tempted to buy them.

>> No.7817194

Link to bag?
Link to the petrol dress?

>> No.7817212

They probably just got them from the same supplier, no big deal.

>> No.7817353

I know I've seen information on this before somewhere, but are there any shops on taobao that sell milk heart purse replicas that come in pink/white and don't say v castle?

>> No.7817403

I don't have it yet, it's just a stock photo.
It's actually orange, but it does come in red.

>> No.7817404

link for the floral top?

>> No.7817470


>> No.7817747

Is there a keyword for something like "chocolate brown" rather than "camel brown"? Im looking for dark brown but i keep getting colors too orangey. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.7817760


http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-8204630298.16.B20PRk&id=40811104503 what's up with this? Is it going to be in stock in the future for certain or is this one of those things where they do a popularity survey and might start selling the item depending on the results?

>> No.7817827

Seconding this.

>> No.7819177
File: 138 KB, 450x545, T2ZGTeXlpaXXXXXXXX_!!11942814[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taobao noob here. I want to order a dress from infanta, and I looked at the international shipping thing, and it says they recommend using their aliexpress site. Which is a looot more expensive than the converted prices. But after ss and shipping fees, would that make more sense?

>> No.7819221

sauce on the shorts?

>> No.7819454

Use a proxy recommended in the OP.

>> No.7820191
File: 52 KB, 429x410, 1372309872564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australian anons, what is the best shipping service to go through directly on the website, I've ordered with shopping services before but never just the shipping ones.

>> No.7820380

Same anon here.
My sister wore the cat backpack to school and within a day the shoulder strap broke. At first glance, it looks fine, but the quality is actually pretty shit.
