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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7801728 No.7801728 [Reply] [Original]

Wardrobe building and maintaining!

How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?

What are you lacking?

What are you hoping to achieve before next year?

Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?

>> No.7801736
File: 3.05 MB, 1600x1218, peak in my lolita closet 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
20 main pieces (15 gothic & 5 classic) in my wardrobe with them stored in a separate closet to my normal clothes. I save space by hanging my blouses under the JSKs.

>What are you lacking?
Leg wear. Finding tights that go with classic has been harder than expected, having long legs doesn't help either.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I've just started building up the classic side of my wardrobe so I would like it to be more wearable for everyday than my OTT gothic stuff. Planning on sewing a few basic OPs and jackets so the length and tailoring is right.
My goal for next year is to wear lolita once a week.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Nope, I don't have the patience to do a wardrobe post and my fav from this year would be arashi san88 as I really liked her full outfits. http://egl.livejournal.com/19479141.html

>> No.7801749

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I have about 12 JSK and 4 OPs, and I keep them all in a corner in the closet, really. It's pretty small in my area, so I hung those bath-curtain rods across, so I have more vertical space.

>What are you lacking?
Blouses. I only have three and they're all exactly the same, different colors.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Spend less on dresses and invest in more accessories and blouses/bags. Streamline my wardrobe into a more consistent theme and color.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I'd like to do a wardrobe post, but I was lazy about doing so last year. I'm looking forward to Xandra/LavenderLilac's stuff. Her jewel colored outfits are always really nice. I also like the girl who has an all-black wardrobe.

>> No.7801777


What's the print with the blue jamjar to the right, anon? I think I might want it.

>> No.7801790
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Innocent world 'Forest Harvest'

>> No.7801793


>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I own about 20 main pieces, most of them are lolita (all main substyles, not much gothic though) or crossover lolita/otome, a smaller part is ouji. I mostly fold them and store them on a closet shelf.

>What are you lacking?
Headpieces, especially for summer. On the other hand, I have way too many shoes and bags.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I have been wanting to pull off sweet ouji (if that is even a thing) for quite a long time now, I will hopefully make it soon.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Probably not and I do not have a favourite.

>> No.7801800
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>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I have 3 JSKs and 4 OPs, discounting two main pieces that I want to sell(not pictured). I have two more JSKs on their way, though! And I store my frills as pictured. My (4) blouses are in a seperate closet. My closet is quite small, I've only been into lolita for 9 months or so(so I still count myself as a newbie).
>What are you lacking?
Bags and accessories.
>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Get more of my dream prints(ones with cats on them)...
>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Not really, no.

>> No.7801806
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>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
37 skirts (I have a problem,) 4 salopettes, 17 JSKs, 6 OPs.
Long items hang on the right side of my wardrobe and bags go beneath. Skirts and blouses are on the left. Outerwear like cardigans are folded and stored up top.

>What are you lacking?
Versatile legwear and I'm desperate for a nice looking pair of chocolate brown oxfords.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I really want to roundout my wardrobe more and clear out whatever super pink AP stuff I have left.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I enjoyed Fanny's wardrobe but she didn't do one this year.

>> No.7801810

>for a nice looking pair of chocolate brown oxfords.
tfw also looking for a pair.
Why is solid chocolate brown so hard to find? I'm honesty debating getting some light brown leather shoes and dying them darker

>> No.7801821
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>tfw only one coord so far, second one in the making
>tfw being poor makes wardrobe-building take forever
>tfw I won't be self-posting on /cgl/ before 2018

>> No.7801824

What main piece do you have?

>> No.7801836
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>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
50+ jsks/OPs
15+ skirts
30+ blouse/cardigans
25+ shoes
35+ handbags
40+ tights/otks
5 outerwear
Padded or plastic hangers for mainpieces . Shoes are in boxes stacked. Everything else in bags
>What are you lacking?
Accessories/ headwear
>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Crafting my own head accessories
>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Yes and Not really

>> No.7801841

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
13 main pieces (3 skirts, 6 jumperskirts, 5 onepieces), keeping them in my normal wardrobe hanged in.

>What are you lacking?
Nothing really, but I would like a red bag, a princess sleeved blouse and some more classic OPs.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I would like to find a replacement for all the offbrand pieces I have in my wardrobe (a bordeaux plain classic dress, light printed skirt and a vichy jsk), and collect some more of my dream items.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I think so, my wardrobe changed a lot recently. The bad thing is that I don't have a place to take proper pictures in my new flat, so...dunno.

>> No.7801842
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>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
Rather tiny. Two OPs, three JSKs, four skirts, nine blouses, one blazer and one coat. I've been interested in lolita since I was fourteen (so almost nine years, hot damn) but only really started building my wardrobe in the last few months after moving out of my parents' house and having more disposable income.
I store everything in a hanging closet and layer blouses and JSKs to save room.

>What are you lacking?
Cardigans, shoes, legwear and headwear. I have some versatile black shoes coming in the mail and am planning to do a big Taobao order for tights and socks but for some reason I just cannot find cute accessible dark brown shoes/boots that would be appropriate for both classic lolita and otome. I've fallen in love with these Mojo Moxy pumps but shipping to Europe is atrocious and I don't even want to think about customs. I've found cute stuff on Taobao but the colour is always too light.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
...Brown shoes. I'm setting the bar low, here.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I'd like to but I don't have a LJ account. Maybe I'll do one on tumblr.

>> No.7801850

I thought they'd be easy to find, but apparently not. At least we cry together. I'm guessing >>7801842
might want to join us as well.

>> No.7801914

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I bought my first piece in 2012, and started buying more seriously in mid-2013. So far I have:
5 JSKS, 5 Skirts, 3 Blouses. I keep everything in a corner of my closet.

>What are you lacking?
Blouses, big time. I also need more headwear and legwear. A coat. Boleros and cardigans.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Lose enough weight to fit in all my dresses. Buy more cat prints and streamline my wardrobe. Also buy more accessories.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Probably not, I'll wait until I have at least 20 pieces. I liked the girl who had a collection of cat prints, since I also collect those, and other cat accessories.

>> No.7801924

>50+ jsks/OPs
>15+ skirts
>30+ blouse/cardigans
>25+ shoes
>35+ handbags

Fuck. How do you find anything. Curious if you actually remember what you have or do you need a spreadsheet for it.

>> No.7802009

i need a new closet/wardrobe for sure. its a nightmare to piece together an outfit, but usually i already have an idea in my head before i execute so it doesnt take too long to find things. each bag is specific. tights, OTKs, headbows, accessories, misc. documenting isnt a bag idea.

>> No.7802039

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I have 4 ops, three skirts, two jsk, two blouses.
>What are you lacking?
More blouses, more jsks, more shoes and legwear+cardigans. I've been a lolita for two years but I'm a bit bad at remembering to put back money for accessories
>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
To handmake more dresses, buy more shoes and blouses. I really need a long sleeved one.

>> No.7802043

Oh, and I hang everything up in my closet, and store the waistties and detachable bows/belts in a box above, along with my shoes. I hang my bags on my dressform

>> No.7802046

How do you manage to have nine bloody blouses and so few other clothes
Did you just go on a blouse shopping spree

>> No.7802053

Small wardrobe.
>How big/how do I store?
3 jsks, 4 skirts (although planning on selling 2 or maybe 3 of the skirts), 4 blouses/cutsew blouses, ton of cardigans and socks that don't go with my clothes but I consider to be a part of my wardrobe anyway, 4 pairs shoes. Stored in closet or if I get lazy laid flat in a dresser drawer. Have one jsk on way to me now :)
> lacking?
EVERYTHING! Specifically need a few nice purses, jewelry, and 2 more pairs of shoes to make my wardrobe very cohesive. Also a few more blouses.

>Hoping to achieve?
want to start up my accesory business and rake in some moolah so I can buy stuff from etsy with it.

>wardrobe post?
Liked them all, will be doing one this year most likely.

>> No.7802074

She has 9 main pieces (skirts and dresses) so it's not that unreasonable...?

>> No.7802079

She bought a new blouse for every new piece?

>> No.7802099

Yup, Taobao shopping spree. I bought five of them in one go but that would never work for main pieces since I'm too picky. All my dresses and skirts are brand, mostly second hand, and I've been buying them slowly one-by-one.
Part of it is that I absolutely hate sewing blouses but like sewing dresses and skirts, so when I see a nice blouse I think "why not?" yet when I see a nice (but simple) dress I think "I could do that myself and have it fit me better". I keep telling myself that when I finally graduate I'm going to sew myself an entire wardrobe.

Also this. The blouses are all very different in style and colour so they actually give me a lot of variety when coordinated with simpler "main pieces". I guess for me the blouse is sometimes the main piece.

>> No.7802120

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
After some major downsizing earlier this year, I have 7 main pieces (all JSKs) and 4 more on the way, mostly sweet and classic. I usually hang them in my closet, but right now they're all spacebagged and packed away in a suitcase because I'm moving. I hope my closet is big enough in my new place.
>What are you lacking?
Legwear and accessories, mostly. I have a few versatile blouses/boleros and bags, but I don't have enough legwear, headwear, or jewelry.
>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I want to build up the more classic side of my wardrobe as well as round it out and streamline it overall. Also, I'd like to buy at least one of my dream dresses and a coat this year.
>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I plan on making my first wardrobe post this coming January, and my favorites are too numerous to list. I value presentation pretty highly, so I enjoy it when people with only a few dresses make a nice post out of them.

>> No.7802196

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I only started buying this time last year, so I have 4 jsks, 3 skirts, one OP and 3 blouses, but I have a nice selection of legwear and accessories so I can make a fair few coords out of what I have.

>What are you lacking?
Outerwear - it's pretty cold where I live so I'm looking for a nice thick bolero/cardigan and a winter coat.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Acquire a couple more main pieces which match the rest of my wardrobe.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
No, I don't want to post my wardrobe until it's of a decent size. And I loved redtonic's post last january.

>> No.7802205 [DELETED] 

How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
2 OPs (1 ETC otome piece), 5 JSKs, 4 skirts, and 3 blouses, not including the 1 skirt and OP I want to sell. My wardrobe has definitely gotten smaller. I started out buying things because they were cheap or pretty. I didn't pay attention to fit and have sold off a lot of ill-fitting pieces in the last few months.
What are you lacking?
Mainly blouses and more unique legwear. I default to the same few pairs of tights for a lot of my coords. I'd also like more classic headwear.
What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I want to buy at least 2 dream main pieces.
Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Yes, and I can't remember a favorite other than Xylia's.

>> No.7802208

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
2 OPs (1 ETC otome piece), 5 JSKs, 4 skirts, and 3 blouses, not including the 1 skirt and OP I want to sell. My wardrobe has definitely gotten smaller. I started out buying things because they were cheap or pretty. I didn't pay attention to fit and have sold off a lot of ill-fitting pieces in the last few months.

>What are you lacking?
Mainly blouses and more unique legwear. I default to the same few pairs of tights for a lot of my coords. I'd also like more classic headwear.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I want to buy at least 2 dream main pieces.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Yes, and I can't remember a favorite other than Xylia's.

>> No.7802227
File: 72 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mwpjfjrot31qcmjsdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
21 JSKs / 5 OPs / 11 blouses (only 4 are brand) / 27 pairs brand socks / 25ish pairs shoes / 8 bags

It's a print based classic-ish wardrobe mostly with IW and AatP but scattered sweet (AP/ETC) throughout as well. I just have a big standing wardrobe with hanging space, dresses on one side and blouses on the other, regular clothing goes in drawers underneath. Dresser has a whole drawer just for socks (I have a problem - pic related but that's a bit dated).

>What are you lacking?
Outerwear and dark coloured blouses - though incoming Taobao order should help that a bit. Every coordinate of mine is with an ivory blouse, it's too boring.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I want to change the direction of my wardrobe but it's hard to part with some pieces, and I feel guilty owning too many dresses - I managed to sell three dresses before buying two new ones, so that might be the way to refresh my wardrobe.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Might do a post/video if I have enough new items compared to my one from 2013.

>> No.7802254

It's the Emily Temple Cute chocolate and biscuits OP.

>> No.7802263

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?

I've just down sized I went from having around 25-30 main pieces, to around 20 and am trying to sell 5. I'm trying to get more wearable wardrobe going, since I'm working full time at the vintage shop and will actually get to wear it daily.

I don't have a closet so I have a garment rack for my lolita, and another for the rest of my dresses.

>What are you lacking?

Anything that isn't a jsk. My wardrobe is a mess and I'm having a hard time getting it sorted out.

What are you hoping to achieve before next year?

Buy lots and lots of Angelic Pretty.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?

I did it last year, it was a lot of work and I suck at taking pictures. Also I am in a much smaller space this year and have a cat so I don't think I'll do one this year.

>> No.7802276
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This looks cute as hell, anon. I can't wait until I have my shit together and get a nice dresser to keep socks and tights in like this! I currently keep them on a shelf and it's such a mess, no matter how much I try to keep them folded and organized it keeps turning into a jumble.

>> No.7802280
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>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
18 Jsks / 3 OPs / 5 skirts / ~20 blouses/boleros/tops / ~30 socks + tights / 16 pairs of shoes / 11 bags
75% is sweet and the rest is classic.
I share a closet with my husband in my shoebox apartment. I still don't know what I'm going to do about transferring/job promotion which meant we'd be house hunting so I'm probably stuck here another year. I'll have to get more creative in my storage at this point.

>What are you lacking?
A really good basic classic purse. I'd like some more socks, and more classic boleros. I'll probably get a few more sweet ones as well since they've been my go-to rather than wearing blouses.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Weed out the pieces that just aren't working for me and replace with nicer items. I'd like to add another dream dress in there as well if I can. Fix up my storage options a little better, replace shitty plastic hangers with nicer ones at least for my main pieces.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I did it for the last two years so I'll likely do it again next year.

>> No.7802286

Not that anon, but getting a coord together would be a lot easier if your closet is organised by color.
My lolita wardrobe is pathetic, but I have my normalfag stuff all separated by type and then in rainbow order. Might post it later.

>> No.7802294

closet goals

>> No.7802327
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>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
19 JSKs and 4 OPs, majority are classic with a few sweet pieces( I honestly don't really know which style I lean toward more, it switches randomly). I live in student housing and have my own bedroom with a walk an open closet, so it's all there for the time being.

>What are you lacking?
I feel like I could use more cardigans, jewelry, and otks. I like print otks, but I have such hard time coording with them. I also feel like if I buy printed ones, they should go with more than just one dress I own.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
More accessory purchases in comparison to dresses.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I'm not entirely sure, it might be something to think about( I honestly don't my wardrobe is that interesting) and my recent favorite is: http://egl.livejournal.com/19531332.html
I love how there's a consistent theme throughout color wise.

>> No.7802331

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
4 JSKs / 1 OP / 1 skirt / 3 blouses / 4 pairs of OTKs / 3 pairs of shoes / 2 bags
About 2/3 sweet, 1/3 classic.
I store all of my main pieces hung on padded hangers in a separate section of my closet (designated by a hanging divider). My shoes are kept in boxes stacked on the closet floor, accessories, OTKs, and headwear are in a storage tote on the shelf above, and the purses hang off of the closet knobs.

>What are you lacking?
I like to think my wardrobe is pretty balanced (if small), but I'd really like to get another pair of shoes and at least one more bag.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
To have fully coorded each of my main pieces. I've really slimmed down to make sure each item in my wardrobe is actually used instead of just sitting around and cut back on impulsive main item grabs. There are one or two dream items I'd like to find in the short-term, but I keep reminding myself that I have to build up the rest of my wardrobe, too.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I'd like to, sure, once each main piece is coorded! And as for a favorite, I have to say AP's Chess Chocolate jabot JSK in mint. It was the dress that first got me interested in lolita and I managed to snag it off of mbok as my birthday gift to myself.

>> No.7802435


>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
12 JSKs (surprised at this one to be honest), 2 OPs, 7 skirts, 2 coats, 2 blouses, 1 cutsew OP, 2 cutsews, 1 underskirt, 6 shoes, around 6 tights, and a purse and some accessories. I'm in the process of ordering 4 more dresses from taobao.
I think it's not bad for finally getting serious about lolita after only dabbling since '06.

>What are you lacking?
Definitely blouses, purses, and accessories like headdreses. Different shades of red shoes and blue shoes would probably be what I'll get first though since I plan on wearing my dresses of those colors.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Lose enough weight to fit into my brand dresses better. Aiming for healthy first, though. I'm already feeling better after 3 months of little to no junk food and no soft drinks.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I might...I'm not sure yet. I might just do one in a month instead on my personal blog.

>> No.7802440

Forgot to add that I store them on a makeshift clothes rack since I'm in the process of overhauling my normalfag clothes to make room.
Two brand dresses are in dress bags, though.

>> No.7802449

Nice organization, anon

>> No.7802480
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>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
6 JSK, 2 OP, 4 skirts, 1 coat
Currently keeping them in one closet with my normal wardrobe. I've been meaning to buy a standing closet for them for a while now though. This will be the weekend I actually do.

>What are you lacking?
Boleros and jewelry.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I've downsized my wardrobe to a point that I'm happy with which is good. I think my goal should be to start balancing my wardrobe between one-trick pieces and pieces I could conceivably wear day to day.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I'm planning to! My current favorite is Xandra292's - I really loved all the jewel tones there!

>> No.7802485

>walk an open closet
you mean walk-in closet? in student housing? where do you go to uni? i'm jealous af

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
10 jsks, 5 ops, 4 skirts, and a jsk + jacket set, 10 blouses. at home I have a garment rack and at uni i just use the armoire that came with my student housing room.

>What are you lacking?
I need more classic-y or plain legwear and I need some good brown shoes. Also some bonnets, I have two and after discovering I have a great face/hairstyle for bonnets I want more desperately.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
More sweet-classic hybrid pieces and paring down what I don't wear so I can fill my wardrobe with more cute lavender stuff. Lavender used to be the dominant color in my wardrobe but now I've sold almost every lavender main piece I had because I didn't like the cut or the way it fit me. Now I want more of it back since it's my favorite color.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Hopefully but I'm not sure I have a good place to take photos. My house just doesn't get good lighting.

>> No.7802496
File: 2.28 MB, 3264x2448, closet 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
14 main pieces which are mostly sweet/classic (1 OP, 3 skirts, 10 JSKs) are kept in my spare closet. I have 6 bags, about 14 different pieces of headwear, 15 pairs of lolita or loliable shoes, 5 jackets, and too many otks/tights to count.

>What are you lacking?
Jewelry. I definitely tend to use offbrand or handmade jewelry and accessories and I could use more brand stuff.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I'm trying to stick to purchasing items that can be worn in a non-lolita setting as well (with some slipups here and there), so more classic items for me. I'm hoping to finish my casual closet mostly, It's about 3/4 axes femme and liz lisa at the moment but I want to go whole hog.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I will be! I like Fanny Rosie's the best (no surprise there).

>> No.7802533

Where do you put your shoes, anon?

>> No.7802546

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?

I have 19 mainpieces, 11 blouses&cutsews, 11 legwear, 24 headwear, 9 pairs of shoes and 10 bags. I store my clothes in a 3part closet, of which 2/3 is lolita. bags go on serparate bookshelves and headwear hangs on a chain with clips

>What are you lacking?

brand blouses and other basics.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?

more brand blouses and simpler OPs

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?

I'll be doing a wardrobe post

>> No.7802556
File: 500 KB, 942x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golly I love photos like this, really organized and pretty.

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
About 10 JSKs, 1 OP, 2 salopettes, 2 skirts.
To go with them - about 10 blouses, 20 socks/tights, 20 pair shoes, 10 hats, 5 headbows, 1 bonnet with interchangeable decorations, 4 cardigans, 2 underskirts, sets of pettis/bloomers in white/pink/black, and 15 purses.

>What are you lacking?
Not much, I try to purchase "outfits" or fill out a coord before buying a new main piece. I think it is pretty balanced and I can coord each main piece a few ways.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Ideally I will sell off some purses, shoes, and bright pink stuff from my wardrobe.
Realistically, I will sell one pink JSK and start hoarding purses and shoes again.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Maybe, and xylia. Would love to see fannie rosie's as well.

>> No.7802571

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?

I have about 30 JSKs and around 10 skirts. I just went from working full time and not paying rent to working part time and paying a mortgage so I probably won't be buying new stuff as often anymore. Since I just bought a house I am trying to figure out how to organize the clothes on display in my room. Right now I have a double-sided clothes rack that fits all of my main pieces but I'm undecided about how to store my blouses, shoes, and accessories. I was thinking about getting some collapsible hanging shelves to store stuff.

>What are you lacking?

I want to get more belts and comfortable shoes, cardigans, and low-key headbows so I can wear my lolita more casually.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?

Get my room in my new house to look fabulous so I can take pictures of it.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?

If my room looks good I will try to.

>> No.7802575

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?

5 OPs, 6 skirts and 13 JSKs

>What are you lacking?

Blouses and legwear. I feel like I've been recycling coords. Also more fancy hats.

What are you hoping to achieve before next year?

More rare prints, I have enough dresses, but I really want some that really would get noticed.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?

Probably, but I feel like I take crap pictures.

>> No.7802577

Since I left out blouses and all that, I'll add that I only own three blouses (I have three more on the way), six pairs of OTKs (plenty of loliable tights), two boleros, and three pairs of lolita-specific shoes (I own three other pairs that I frequently wear with my outfits).

polite sage for posting twice

>> No.7802635


Oops, typed that wrong, I meant an open closet, not a walk in.

I'm in Socal, and don't be jealous, it's been a process. The majority of my pieces have been sale pieces or second hand mbok buys. I also work 20+ a week(40 during the summer). It's all about working hard and saving, the yen evening out as I started getting into helped a bit too.

>> No.7802709

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
~30 main pieces, plus blouses, bustiers/vests, and outerwear. Right now everything is in my main closet, but I'm hoping to get a nice wardrobe soon that I can dedicate to Lolita.

>What are you lacking?
Shoes and bags! I got rid of a bunch of shoes recently and haven't replaced them with new stuff yet, and I would like more style variety for my bags (right now is just two black, one white, and one brown).

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Probably order some more shoes and socks, and maybe the wardrobe plan will come to fruition by then. I also have a few handmade projects lined up that would be nice to finish up in the next few months. I'd like more Gothic things!

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Yes, I'll at least post it on my blog, if not on EGL. I've done it for the last four years, and it's really cool to see how my style evolves over time.

>> No.7802723

Oh man, I'm going to steal this idea. Right now mine is organized by type (skirt, JSK, blouse, etc) and then by brand, but color makes way more sense. With only ~30 pieces is not a nightmare yet, but I might try it right away anyhow.

>> No.7802737

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?

3 JSKs, two blouses (one is in the mail), a handful of accessories. I don't even have proper shoes yet, my wardrobe is pathetic right now.

I have a walk in closet for my main clothes, then a separate hallway/coat closet next to my room where all of my cosplay and lolita stuff is stored.

>What are you lacking?

Shoes, accessories, bags, wigs--basically everything. I bought one main piece in May and didn't start actively buying anything else until July, so what I have now is really just what I've accumulated in a month.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?

I'm hoping to fix one existing coord I have (translate it into a summer version instead of a winter only coord), finish one other coord, and also try and finish some more coords.

My goals are to have one classic coord, one gothic coord, and one ouji coord. I currently have a sweet BTTSB coord in progress, one really basic Infanta coord, and one AaTP coord. My hope is to get one main piece from each brand and have one coord that fits into each lolita substyle.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?

I hope I'll be able to by then! If nothing else I'll probably at least make a small one.

>> No.7802771

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I have about 45+ main pieces, 10+ skirts, 10-ish blouses, quite a lot of cardigans, 3 coats, 10 leg wear, and a few hats and bags.

>What are you lacking?

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I feel like I'm achieving my goals. I'm slowly selling off things I don't wear, and making my wardrobe extremely wearable. Also ideally get more headwear - I'm not a fan of alice bands.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Yes, assuming I have enough time. Can't recall favourites at the moment, I like Xylia's and redtonic's.

>> No.7802772

How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I am too
50+ main pieces, 50+ tights/socks, ~20 blouses, ~10 cutsews/boleros, 5 outerwear, ~15 shoes, ~15 bags
I have an extra closet besides my normalfag closet for my lolita stuff. I store shoes in shoe boxes and petticoats in separate boxes since they take away too much space.

What are you lacking?
Headpieces, especially hats, some warm winter suitable boots, a brown blouse, accessories.

What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Buying a new winter coat and some hats, apart from that I need to downsize my wardrobe and I want to buy more casual and non printed pieces in the future.

Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Probably not, it would be too time consuming for me at this point that I would have to start taking and editing pictures 2 months in advance if I want to make it in time.
I know she has never posted before, but I'd love to see lostnatsu's wardrobe, she has the most amazing shit.

>> No.7802779

Good lord, who are you? I always imagine girls with a wardrobe this large as someone who has no e-notoriety at all and just hoards brand all to themselves.

>> No.7802785

Bodyline shoes 272 in brown are a lovely chocolate color. They're snug so I can't recommend for wide feet but my feet ache easily and I only needed a thin insert for that area under the ball of my foot to make them comfortable!

>> No.7802844

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
1 JSK, 1 OP, 4 skirts, 1 jacket, 5 blouses, and 1 vest.

I live in a rather spacious dorm, so my main pieces are hanging up in part of the closet secioned off from my normalfag wardrobe, while my blouses are in a drawer.

>What are you lacking?
Pretty much everything else. I really lack accessories and shoes the most. I've been trying to save up for them, but then a wishlist piece pops up and I end up getting it.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Lots of things! I'd like more variety in my blouses, more head and legwear, some really awesome shoes, and more JSKs. I'm debating trying to get over my hatred of purses as well.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
My wardrobe is too small to justify doing a post, but I will be looking forward to seeing technotropism, buttcape, Xandra, and aerynsys posts.

>> No.7802848
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>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I have somethings in the mail, and counting those I have 11 main pieces - 10 jsks and 1 handmade skirt, 8 blouses, 6 cardigans/boleros, 10 bags, and 7 pairs of shoes. I have an assortment of leg and headwear that I don't have a count on at the moment.

>What are you lacking?
A coat, but since I live in a warm climate it's not particularly necessary, I can get by without for the time being. I'd really like some more accessories though, I tend to go for the same few pieces each time I put an outfit together.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
It depends, next year as in January or next year as in next September. For January I'd really like to scratch some items of my wishlist, possibly get my dream piece - although it's pretty expensive for me at the moment.

Within the next 12 months I'd like to stop being a chubby chan and be able to fit into brand skirts.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I will be doing a wardrobe post, it'll be interesting to see the changes. This January when I made one I had quite a small wardrobe - only 3 JSKs and 3 skirts. Since that post I started a new job that makes more money and really have been making purchases from the Japanese auction sites so my wardrobe has grown quite a bit.

>> No.7802901

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
10 JSKs, 3 OPs, 8 skirts, 13 tops/cutsews/blouses, 3 bags, 4 outerwear, 8 pairs of shoes.

Probably forgetting some pieces, but I have a few more blouses and a couple of dresses coming in the mail.

I have a closet, so everything lolita-related gets hanged up.

>What are you lacking?
Lolita-specific bags and more classic jewelry/accessories and shoes. Some different blouses and outerwear would be nice.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Put together an OTT outfit and get some more tops for fall/winter.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I did one last year and it was fun since I had some free time. I think my wardrobe nearly doubled this year though so doing it again will be time-consuming.
I don't have specific favorites, but I like looking at the food-obsessed wardrobes and the pretty classic wardrobes.

>> No.7802913

i basically hoard new releases and rarely wear lolita. so far this year i wore lolita maybe 5 times tops? i like to keep a low profile.

>> No.7803401

Vysanthe, is that you? Those socks are so pretty.

>> No.7803451
File: 30 KB, 384x240, morshu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two goddamn coords and a sense of economic priority.

>> No.7803479

somepeople can affort lots of brand and save money at the same time anon

>> No.7803484
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>> No.7803488


Yes. Girls with very rich daddies.

>> No.7803489
File: 206 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2014-09-05 at 10.50 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

organization porn

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
3 JSKs, one SK, 4 blouses, 1 bag. Stored on my wall until I can make a trip to ikea to get a cute clothes rack

What are you lacking?
I need more legwear and jewellery

What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I'd like to get more sweet pieces

Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
It depends. If I get a few more main pieces in the next few months I'd consider it, but right now my wardrobe is embarrassingly small and I wouldn't want to post a video/album of it.

>> No.7803491

get a better job anon

>> No.7803500 [DELETED] 

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
18 main pieces (15 JSKs, 2 OPs, 1 skirt), 15 blouses, 10 bags, 10 pairs of shoes, and a healthy amount of legwear and accessories. I have a dress rack in my bedroom for my main pieces, a walk-in closet for my shoes, bags, blouses, and normalfag clothes, and my legwear is stored in a drawer. Most of my jewelry is stored inside my full-body mirror (it opens up and has lots of hooks for necklaces, as well as slots for rings and a few pockets for bracelets), and I have a few small jewelry boxes to keep cheaper stuff and things I don't wear everyday. Oh, and I have several hairbows and floral clips stored one of those ribbon photoboards.

What are you lacking?
Hair accessories, I have about half a dozen staple bows that match pretty much everything in my wardrobe but they're boring as fuck and I'm tired of using them as a crutch; I'm putting together a taobao order to help remedy this as we speak lol. I could also use more gold jewelry, too.

What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Fixing the headwear gap, and I'd like to step up the complexity of my coords too. I am very petite so I always worry about over-accessorizing and looking like I'm drowning in my outfit lol.

Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I will definitely be making a wardrobe post come January, it will be my first. The only reason I didn't do it sooner is because I didn't think any of my tumblr followers would care; not many of them were in to lolita and I don't use LJ. I've gotten a huge boost in Jfashion-related followers this year so I think it will be worth my time.

>> No.7803508

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
18 main pieces (15 JSKs, 2 OPs, 1 skirt), 15 blouses, 20 cardigan/boleros, 10 bags, 10 pairs of shoes, and a healthy amount of legwear and accessories. I have a dress rack in my bedroom for my main pieces, a walk-in closet for my shoes, bags, cardigans, blouses, and normalfag clothes, and my legwear is stored in a drawer. Most of my jewelry is stored inside my full-body mirror (it opens up and has lots of hooks for necklaces, as well as slots for rings and a few pockets for bracelets), and I have a few small jewelry boxes to keep cheaper stuff and things I don't wear everyday. Oh, and I have several hairbows and floral clips stored one of those ribbon photoboards.

>What are you lacking?
Hair accessories, I have about half a dozen staple bows that match pretty much everything in my wardrobe but they're boring as fuck and I'm tired of using them as a crutch; I'm putting together a taobao order to help remedy this as we speak lol. I could also use more gold jewelry, too.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Fixing the headwear gap, and I'd like to step up the complexity of my coords too. I am very petite so I always worry about over-accessorizing and looking like I'm drowning in my outfit lol.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I will definitely be making a wardrobe post come January, it will be my first. The only reason I didn't do it sooner is because I didn't think any of my tumblr followers would care; not many of them were in to lolita and I don't use LJ. I've gotten a huge boost in Jfashion-related followers this year so I think it will be worth my time.

Sorry for the repost, fixed my formatting and included my cardigans/boleros lol.

>> No.7803509

It all depends on your job and living situation. I have a low tier salary but I'm married and my general living expenses are relatively low. I don't buy new brand releases every month but if you know how to work the Japanese secondhand market you can get good deals.

>tfw buying a JSK and matching headbow for $150

>> No.7803510

17 jsks, 3 skirts, 4 blouses (kek I need more), 10 pairs of shoes, and mostly set matching accessories. I really need to focus on basics and accessories but I can't help my compulsion to buy main pieces.

>> No.7803619

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I have 6 JSKs, 2 OPs, 10 blouses, 8 bags, 6 pairs of shoes, and ~20 or so pairs of tights/socks. I have 2 brand JSKs, everything else is from Taobao and Bodyline. My wardrobe is mostly sweet and toned down gothic and everything is hung up in my closet with my normalfag clothes.

>What are you lacking?
JSKs and OPs. I focused on getting basics like blouses, shoes, and bags from elsewhere and now I'll get more brand dresses. I also need more cardigans that work for sweet because my regular wardrobe is goth.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I'd like to get a couple of dresses that fit well with my wardrobe.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I might, I'm not sure. I thought agwe's wardrobe was pretty cute. http://egl.livejournal.com/19537387.html

>> No.7803788
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>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
17 jsks
- 10 AP
-1 Atelier Pierrot
-2 Aatp
-2 Taobao
-1 Juliette and justine

>What are you lacking?
Tights and blouses

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Meh. I m just happy now with my collection, some MMM dress will be great

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
maybe? could be fun

>> No.7803822


That white thing my bonnet is sitting on (to the right of the picture) is a shoe chest. I line my boots up in front because they're too big to fit in.

I'll have to check them out. Cheers!

>> No.7804015

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?

11 main pieces, 10 blouses, 7 pairs of shoes, 4 bags, 2 cardigans, 2 jackets. Been into lolita for 6 months so not very big yet. I store them on a portable clothing rack at the end of my bed.

>What are you lacking?

I need more hair accessories and more colour varieties in shoes. I need more bags and some more wintery things like coats/capelets.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?

Hopefully a few more brand pieces than i have now, and to get more of the things i lack.

Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?

Perhaps and no.

>> No.7804032

>11 main pieces
>been into lolita for 6 months
I've been into it for about the same time and I own literally three dresses. I feel kind of slow now.

>> No.7804061

>what is having a well-paying job
You know a lot of lolitas are in their mid-twenties, right?

Don't feel bad anon. I only bought three dresses in the first three YEARS I was into lolita because I just didn't have the money. It's only now that I finally have a decent income that my wardrobe has actually started going places.

>> No.7804082

Lol someone is too lazy to shop the sales

>> No.7804228
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>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?

69 dresses at home and waiting on a few from Y!J and taobao.
>What are you lacking?
>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I will be moving to a bigger apartment in 24 days so it will be more organized and have more space. Hoping to have gather more blouses since I’m a bit on the chubby side and have a hard time finding them.
>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite.

I will try to do a video since I like filming the details of my dresses and it would be easier for people to see what I have and request which dress they want to see details on next… think I need to do one video for each brand or something though since they are allot of them….

>> No.7804235
File: 661 KB, 500x258, hey everybody! everybody look! hey!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
ive only been in to lolita for 3 or 4 months so all i have is bodyline but
>6 ops/jsks
>1 skirt
>1 beloro
>1 pair of shoes
>12 taobao fuzzy necklaces
>3 socks
>1 or 2 purses
>and alot of rings/wrist cuffs

>What are you lacking?
i need a pair of tea parties, the only shoes i have are heeled, also a blouse?

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
just, ya kno, more lolita overall? i need more of everything and i wanna be able to wear it at least once a week.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
i wont, i dont have enough stuff yet!! but ill do it once im proud of my wardrobe! and i liked this one:
she has tea parties in every color! and so many dream prints!

>> No.7804249
File: 599 KB, 688x876, oh uhm wowie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>69 dresses
im so jealous gurl, how long have you been a lolita?

>> No.7804263

>forgot that I got one yesterday.
It's up to 70 now.. god what have I done with my life... but I love every one of them.

I've been a lolita for about 3 years now, but please don't compare or take me as an example. Both me and my hubby has well paying jobs in IT and also had the luxury to be able to buy apartment without a loan.

You just keep up the collecting and my advise is to go to Y!J and Mbok for shopping and ignore the western market. Dresses go for almost the double on there. God luck to you anon!

>> No.7804290
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wow, youre so lucky! ill keep slowly building my wardrobe, and take a look on those sites, thank you for advice! lots of love anon!

>> No.7804451

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
22 main pieces (10 dresses 12 skirts), trying to sell 2 and trade 3 at the moment because they're ill-fitting.

>What are you lacking?
Accessories and proper blouses that fit me.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Being able to wear all of my main pieces. I don't have a finished coord for every one of them (3-4 are unwearable right now because no matching shoes, no matching blouse...) And from there, go to 4-5 coords for each one.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I hope I'll be able to !

>> No.7804482
File: 270 KB, 1280x854, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
16 jsks, 3 skirts, 21 blouses, 8 cardigans, 3 coats, 13 pairs of shoes, 10 bags, 43 socks/tights. 90% of my closet is AP

What are you lacking?
Headwear! I want to start making my own berets and headbows.

What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
More gold and chocolate themed items. I've already sold off most of my wardrobe that was difficult to match or wear on a daily basis.

Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Yes! After 3 years I'm finally happy with how cohesive wardrobe is.

>> No.7804596

It sucks that the vivienne westwood shoes don't match a lot of the gold used in lolita

Sorry for OT I love your collection though

>> No.7804671

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
5 OPs, 6 JSKs, 3 skirts. Half of my stuff is in my closet and half of it is stored away safely, since my closet is really small.

>What are you lacking?
Blouses, cardigans, and matching accessories. I always think I have a ton of accessories until I actually try to make a new coord.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I'd like to sell off the pieces that I don't wear and buy some more of my dream pieces.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I honestly don't think my wardrobe is very interesting despite how much I love it, so probably not. It's also not very big either.

>> No.7804704

>cohesive wardrobe
pics? mine isn't very cohesive at all but I like to see examples of them

>> No.7804782

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
basically 20+ of everything lol, main pieces, skirts, blouses, tights. My closet is exploding. I no longer have room for everything in one closet so I have to hang things up in random places in my room xD

>What are you lacking?
not enough of the little things, like hair accessories. I also don't have enough blouses that I like. This annoys me so much. I have a ridiculous amount of blouses but almost none that I really like, due to not fitting well or looking too cheap, etc.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
not much, since there's not so much time left... preparing for rufflecon now, after that I will probably focus on getting a christmas outfit together, but aside from that, I have no goals.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
yeah! My wardrobe expanded a lot this year due to finally having a full-time job, so I want to see the difference hehe.

+1 for cat prints :D

you make me feel better for having so much stuff xD

>> No.7804791

Sage goes in the options field not name
Also saged

>> No.7804800

go the fuck away

>> No.7804808


>> No.7804866

Probably a jealous sandy cunt.

>> No.7804887

I think what anon means is kill yourself

>> No.7804893

xD? what do you mean though anon-chan? :D x3

>> No.7804896


>> No.7804899

xD sorry anon I'm just so oppressed by all this stuf I own~

>> No.7805338

Hey voldie, I know its random to approach here but I think a few months back you posted on the BST thread about a bunch of white morphsuits you got extra? Do you still have a pair?

>> No.7805715

I think I have 2 or 3 left, I for sure need to keep one for Midna, but if you'd like you can email me at carley.rose.hayward@hotmail.com and I can look around to see if I have two I can sell ya.

>tfw someone bought 30 off me

shoulda charged more for them haha

>> No.7806330

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?

I have 4 dresses, 1 skirt, 2 blouses, 3 shoes, and two purses. Tons of headpieces and accessories, because I make my own.

I just bought another jsk, bolero, and a blouse arriving soon.

>What are you lacking?

I really want more blouses, shoes and purses. Especially blouses, it's so hard to find a good blouse for my bust size: 93 cm.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?

To have enough items to wear Lolita once a week.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I don't have enough items to do a post yet. Maybe in 2016

>> No.7806346

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
5 JSKs, 1 OP, 3 SK, 7 blouses. My collection is fairly humble since I just started buying lolita in the past month after wanting to get properly into the fashion for years. Currently, everything is just on padded hangers in my closet, but I just bought a little wardrobe specifically for my lolita.

>What are you lacking?
Legwear and proper accessories. I need more jewelry and headwear!

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Good, non-ita coords. Please.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Maybe! I'd like to keep track of how much my wardrobe grows between this upcoming January and next, so... yeah.

>> No.7808553
File: 56 KB, 1080x720, 10615881_10203195154094532_1197343265_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know someone like this. I think she finally did a wardrobe post this year, but it flew fairly under the radar as she didn't display anything in a particularly showy way, she doesn't have a big online presence, and it was the end of the month.

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
20 dresses, 4 skirts, about 20+ lolita or loliable blouses, 6 pairs of lolita/loliable shoes, a bunch of outerwear...plus socks, tights, accessories etc.
Currently split between countries and stored in wardrobes/dressers.

>What are you lacking?
Everything? More matching tights and blouses, dream items, accessories and bags....

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Curate my wardrobe -sell things that I don't wear (most of my skirts) and buy things I will. I feel like 30 main pieces is more than enough given that I can only wear most of the clothes outside work, and will be enough for my wardrobe to feel cohesive

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
No. Last time I tried, my cat thought I was laying her out a bed and I had to lint roll/clean most of my stuff.....now I don't have a cat, but also only have a quarter of my wardrobe with me

>> No.7808580
File: 137 KB, 500x688, IW mucha shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I have been into Lolita for about a year, I am mostly Classic. My wardrobe consists of 10 JSKs, 4 OPs and 4 skirts plus a few blouses, bags and cardigans as well as an underskirt.
I store it next to my normalfag dresses in a not very cute and overstuffed closet, so please excuse that I don't included a picture.

>What are you lacking?
Blouses, cardigans, shoes, legwear.
I blew my budget on the main pieces, so now I have trouble to combine stuff. I want to focus on shoes especially since I really need a good pair, as well as I need tights. I ruin them so fast and I hate OTKs, and finding cute tights can be hard.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
Find some nice shoes and tights, lose 10 pounds, find more dresses from my wishlist.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I would love to, but I feel too shy; my wardrobe isn't anything special, it is neither big nor do I have and sought-after prints or dresses.
My favourites were Fanny Rosie (although she did not do one this year, sadly), obsixwi and omiai/aflowerinhand.

>> No.7808721

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
7 main pieces, of which only 4 fit me well but I'm too lazy to sell and deal with postage, so I'm waiting for a local swap meet.
4 blouses, of which, same problem, only 2 fit me, a black peter pan which I wear with everything and a cream high collared one I wear for classic.
1 pair of black mary jane shoes I wear with everything.
About 30 hair accessories, I have a problem.

I have two closets, lolita takes up half of one. My shitload of headbows go on a rolled up yoga mat that I suspend from a shelf.

>What are you lacking?
Shoes. Blouses. Tights/socks that aren't solid coloured. Things that fit me well. My weight tends to yo-yo a lot because sometimes I get too depressed to give a fuck about what garbage I put in my mouth.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
More shoes, but its hard to find a size 41 in my country, most shoe places stop at a size 39 which I could wear if I cut my toes off. Sometimes I get very tempted to do that, actually.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Maybe, but I don't think anyone would care. I'll probably do it just for my own records and forget to post it anywhere.

>> No.7809411

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
60+ dresses only counting brand. I'm really impressed with everyone who has been able to provide concrete numbers for their stuff. I tried to keep track of everything in a Facebook album but I can't keep up with all the miscellany. Everything that hangs is in its own closet on padded hangers in the guest bedroom. Blouses, socks, tights, underskirts, cardigans/boleros, &c are in a dresser.

>What are you lacking?
Space and the will to cull. Two or three items on the wishlist.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
A better way to organize and display shoes and bags.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
Never again. I did one a few years ago and got a bunch of unexpected and unwanted attention. I don't think that's as common now though because there are much larger wardrobes and mine's pretty unremarkable these days but it's not worth the risk to go through that again. But mostly I don't want to think about hauling everything out and taking pictures of it. I love seeing other people's wardrobes though.

>> No.7809493

I use a spreadsheet and an album of stock photos (for main pieces) to keep track of everything. It's really helpful when choosing what to wear and how to coordinate. If you have time, I highly recommend putting together a Google doc of your wardrobe.

>> No.7809496

I use pinterest

>> No.7809515

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
3 Dresses, 4 skirts, 3 blouses, one cutsew. Four pettis, 5 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of shoes. I hang it all up. I am also about to get a new skirt. (I just seriusly started about 9 months ago.)
>What are you lacking?
I am need of more blouses and shoes. I want more dresses also.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I want to have at least three more full coords.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
No, and I have none.

>> No.7809524

I have a folder on my computer, with subfolders including collages of items/items that are the same colour etc. I like taking decent pictures of my stuff.

Where do you live that 39 is the biggest size?? Somewhere in Asia?

>> No.7809609

I use an app called Pic Collage. I take pics of items, trim them down to shape, and save them to a "closet collage". Then I can pick and drag the items over to a pic of myself, kind of like a paper doll.

>> No.7809935

Yup, somewhere in South East Asia. Our comm's pretty small so I don't really wanna reveal exactly where I am.
The only places where I can get shoes in my size are Western import stores and even then they'll usually bring in only 1 or 2 pieces of each size above 39, and fuck, they will get snapped up fast, especially if they're cute or cheap.
Even Taobao has its limits too, so many cute shoes that stop at 39...

>> No.7810280
File: 1.47 MB, 2512x1812, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
I've been buying lolita for just under a year.I have a nice walk in wardrobe to store everything.
I hang by blouses underneath my JSKs to save space. At the moment all my socks/ tights, headwear and accessories are stored in boxes but I'm planning on getting a small set of draws to store everything. Also really want a shoe rack, my normalfag shoes take up too much space and I can't fit my lolita ones.
So far I have -
8 OP (6 brand, 2 indie)
10 JSK (9 brand, 1 Indie)
4 SK (1 brand, 1 indie, 2 bodyline)
8 blouses/ 1 cutsew (5 brand, 3 indie, 1 Offbrand)
1 bolero/ 1 jacket (brand)
10 OTK/tights (brand)
4 pair lolita/lolitable shoes
5 bags ( 2 brand, 3 Taobao)

>What are you lacking?
Everything but main pieces.
I feel like my wardrobe isn't cohesive. I need more padding - blouses, socks/tights, shoes, bags, accessories.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I was hoping to achieve a more cohesive wardrobe, but I recently had to quit my old job due to asshole management, and the job I'm at now doesn't pay as much.
So it looks like no more lolita purchases for a while.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I probably will, I posted one last year after only 2-3 months in the fashion so it would be nice to have a documentation of my process, seeing as I don't really blog.
I remember some pretty impressive wardrobe posts, but I can't recall the user names.

>> No.7810314

I just have .txt file were I also keep track of the dresses I have on the way. It's really helpfull.

>> No.7810509

>How big is your wardrobe and how do you store your frills?
15 JSK / 1 OP / 2 Skirts
11 Blouses, Cardigans, Boleros
10 Pairs of Shoes
8 Bags (of assorted usefullness)
Piles of tights, accessories, etc.

Most of my stuff is stuffed in my half of the closet with other things dotted around on shelves. I don't really have a lot of space for anything let alone lolita stuff.

>What are you lacking?
Necklaces, headwear, more wishlist items.

>What are you hoping to achieve before next year?
I don't know that I'll be able to add much, but I'd like to be in the position to be able to hunt down more wishlist items.

>Will you be doing a January wardrobe post or do you have a favorite?
I did one last year, so I'd like to again. I don't know if I've added anything particularly new or interesting though. I really liked Ruban Rose, doctorginger, supernae.

>> No.7810744

I have way too much brand:
5 OPs, 18 JSKs, 2 salopettes, 1 romper, 2 coats, 28 skirts, 4 underskirts, 6 pants, 3 vests, 2 bustiers, 17 blouses, 10 pairs of shoes, 7 bags, and so many cutsews, cardigans, and parkas that I've never been able to get an accurate count. That's just the brand, but there's also a ton of offbrand that I wear with lolita as well. I think about selling everything sometimes. I doubt I'll do a wardrobe post again this January since it's just not worth the effort.