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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 570x456, 39891_yoko_cosplay_fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7799170 No.7799170 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so fucking sick of cosplay being a competition, always getting judged by other cosplayers. But I judge cosplayers too, SO what does everyone think about judging cosplayers? eg. Overweight cosplayers, poorly done makeup, horrible costumes ect.

>> No.7799177

Just don't do it to their faces and make sure your own stuff is good enough that you have the right to look down on others'.

>> No.7799192

Just make sure that you're able to take judgment, don't dish out what you cant take

>> No.7799205

Be gentle and honest. If you can't be either of those at the same time then cosplay isn't your problem. There's nothing wrong with valuing a costume less because it's done badly, but valuing a person less because they've done badly at their costume is a different beast.

>> No.7799210

We judge them when they're in plainclothes. Might as well judge them in costume too.

>> No.7799223

people think theyre being kind about it but really theyre just being cunts

this advice is useless unless you say what is appropriate to say, even then it still kinda hurts unless the person ASKS what they should do to improve, otherwise it WILL make you a bitch

>> No.7799230

Sometimes it's all about approach. If you yell at someone across the room that their skirt is tucked into their pantyhose they are going to be mortified and rightfully kind of hate you, but if you give them a little nudge and tell them discretely then they'll be happy you told them. Same thing when it comes to what people are wearing, sometimes friends are the worst people because they won't tell you what's wrong for fear of hurting your feelings (as if finding out what's wrong by discovering it after a couple hundred strangers have seen it already is way better.)

Personally I can't stand people who use honesty as an excuse to be cruel, but when it's really honest and paired with an offer to help or a good suggestion then it's all good.

>> No.7799250

Judge them out the inside. Report your findings here.

>> No.7799277

Cosplay can be done because of internalized motivations like the love of the character or personal expression and that is laudable. However, no matter what your reason you are choosing to participate in an activity where you will be judged.

Consider sports. Sportsmanship and a love of the game are considered virtues to be admired but performance are the measure of achievement in the sport.

However, that is not to say that performance is everything. You can successfully hit a small ball long distances with a club and make it roll into a hole but still be a douche. We have to recognize that presentation is paramount in cosplay while also recognizing the limits of how significant it is to be successful at cosplay.

That being said, I totally judge people who build crappy props because fabrication is the sort of thing that interests me. Painted cardboard, unreinforced craft foam, and ragged cut foamcore are just terrible.

>> No.7799300

I judge other people all the time, in cosplay and out of it, but at the very least if I'm gonna talk shit, I wait until I get home/out of public so it doesn't get back to them. I hate hearing people talk shit in public, even if it's not about me, it's just obnoxious. I agree with >>7799230 though, if it's friends, I'd rather have them tell me something looks bad than wear it in public and realise how awful it looks later.

And on a side-note, I was at a con over the weekend and was told several times, "I've seen other people cosplay [character], but you're so much better than them!" and all I could think to do was stammer out a "Thank you" because it made me feel so awkward to be compared to someone I didn't even know right off the bat. Also it made me feel like I wasn't good on my own, just "better than some other person."

>> No.7799645

I'm far more likely to be critical of someone's very active choices in costume materials than over their body. If you're a fatty, I'd rather not look, but you go do your thing and have fun. If you've made a leotard out of crushed velvet, you will receive openly mortified stares, and if you get too close I might vomit on you, and you will deserve it.

I don't criticize people publicly, though, and I keep my negative thoughts to myself until asked for an honest opinion. Even when I give it, it's never outright rude (unless you've made the aforementioned leotard, I might be kind of a bitch about something that heinous), just a "you know, it might look better if you tried x". It's okay to have your opinions on someone's costume or even their body as long as you aren't a dick about it.

>> No.7799953

I try not to judge, but I catch myself doing it all the time anyway. I'm making an effort to change my outlook, though, because I want more people to have fun cosplaying.

>> No.7800196

I feel a bit like this.

I think there's a difference between trying to be professional and/or win awards and someone just throwing on a few things because they wanted to have fun. I think to walk up to someone and say to their face that their costume sucks balls is pretty callous.

And yes, sometimes, people look so fucking terrible you ask yourself, how could someone possibly have fun looking like this? That I don't know, but if they're just someone walking around it's the equivalent of a stranger on the street and it's none of my business.

until they put it on their tumblr and expect asspats for crappy work. Then it becomes everyone's business.

I just get it out of my system here so I can go to the con and be reminded of how people actually do this shit for fun sometimes.

>> No.7800205

I don't see anything wrong with judging a shitty cosplay worn by an ugly person or a dumb slut who is blatantly a fucking casual who hopped onto the NRRDY XDDDDDDD bandwagon.

It's funny, the ugly and overweight girls I've tried to talk to at cons are the most bitter.

>and now someone will reply with a contrary tale about how skinny, well taken care of girls are cunts to them and I must be wrong, lel

>> No.7800388


What always gets me is the hypocrisy of this whole matter. I see people, even good friends of mine, publicly chant, "COSPLAY IS FOR FUN. ANYBODY CAN COSPLAY AS LONG AS THEY'RE HAVING FUN" because it's the "right" thing to say.
But watch that opinion change when a shitty cosplayer turns one of their favorite characters from their fandom into a hot mess. Then the remarks about weight, skin color, nasty wigs and fabric choices come pouring out faster than the poo after a night of cheap vodka and Taco Bell.

If you're going to be a judgmental cunt, be the best one you can be. Be consistent, and don't take the high road only when it's convenient, because then you look like a fucking tardo when people call you out on your hypocrisy.

>> No.7800424

Fucking exactly. It's always the fat acceptance/thin privilege/"cosplay is about fun, not a competition!!!" girls that are the nastiest to other cosplayers.

>weh So-and-so only gets a lot of attention because she's a skinny bitch
>my costume is soooo much better than hers it's only because i'm bigger than her that people don't like me
>she bought forty dicks and sucked them all etc.

b-b-b-but that's nothing compared to the oppression fatty-chan faces when someone tells her to eat a salad, right?

>> No.7800440
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Exactly. Look at people like Ivy Doomkitty. She thinks a corset magically stops her from being a lard ass and acts like she's some bastion of morality for fat girls in cosplay, but her cosplays are shit and she's a shitty person herself. How the fuck are you any sort of inspiration or moralist when you've openly shit upon other women in cosplay and god knows you've done it because they've gotten more attention than you have because they're not whales and their craftsmanship is superior. Not to mention bragging about how you ate half of a large pizza and a full pan (one of those oven sheets) of mozzarella sticks as if it was some sort of milestone in anything other than you being a gluttonous sow.

You glorify eating like an unhealthy shit, make crappy ass cosplays, and then shit on others? Lolno.

>> No.7800458

I used to be really body-positive until I saw the fatties I was defending always talking about "skinny bitches" and how "skinny girls are just so gross" etc. I was just like ok nevermind fuck you all, I'm taking my skinny ass back over here and laughing at you as you stuff your face with McD's and get ketchup on your pathetically-stretched burando dress.

>> No.7800457

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.7800499
File: 94 KB, 640x640, kill it with fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even have the energy to support body acceptance for these girls because it seems like all that sort of shit has done is delude them into thinking that they're healthy and beyond reproach and that they can just go around bullying people, crying about triggers and bullshit. Body acceptance has become a thing that only fat girls are "allowed" to have. Also,

>eww skinny bitches r gross XDDD

That's the defense mechanism and denial talking, right there. These are girls who think that fat fetishists and betas who cry "low testosterone male XDDD" at guys who don't want a hamplanet girlfriend are an accurate representation of most men, when they're just minority pockets on mostly the internet. Also, also

>men want meat not bones XDDDD

How about letting a fucking guy, as an individual, decide what the fuck he wants in a woman? Just stop this shit.

>> No.7800505

Wait about your pic…that really happens? Like people get fat enough that the toilet water rises when they gets in the bath tub?

>> No.7800515

Have you never taken a bath? Unless you're using your tub as a toilet or vice versa, no.

>> No.7800526
File: 49 KB, 399x386, Skwisgaar Skwigelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I meant *get in
I have turned into Skwisgaar Skwigelf today

>> No.7800535

Judging other people will always say far more about you and your personality than it ever will about the person you're criticizing.

>> No.7800538

I've taken many baths. But my toilet is always really far from my bathtub so I can't see if the water level changes. I have no idea how plumbing works.

>> No.7800611

Well I would like to inform you that you plug the drain so the water stays in the tub. Only place the water's going is over the sides of the tub and onto the floor.

>> No.7800657

I judge people's atitude about cosplaying more than I do their cosplays. If their cosplay is shit, its shit, nothing'll change that. They have a shit cosplay. But if they're enjoying themselves, feeling good, and doing what they enjoy, I sit on the sidelines and cheer internally.

As for people's bodies, they're almost always a representation of themselves. i will judge people on that.

>> No.7800680

I don't say anything to their faces, but I judge by not taking their photos.

>> No.7800689

Cosplay is what you make of it. I enjoy making costumes and growing my skills and meeting other fans at cons.

If you were going to base your assumptions of what cons are like by Tumblr and 4chan you would think cons are nothing but halls full of people cosplaying and other people yelling insults at them. In reality most people are polite to cosplayers and the occassional autistic guy decides they need to quiz a cute Sailor Moon on the super specific details of Sailor Moon Stars Volume 4, but this is only a problem if you're remotely hot/cute.

>> No.7800942
File: 98 KB, 640x836, HURR THIN PRIVLEDGEGGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7800972

>and the occassional autistic guy decides they need to quiz a cute Sailor Moon on the super specific details of Sailor Moon Stars Volume 4

That guy is my ex-boyfriend, he's not fully autistic just a computer engineer

>> No.7800983

That's a shitty thing to try to get all elitist about considering a lot of fans of the show were only like seven or so when it came out in the US and not all of us could get this shit online.

>> No.7801023

At cons, I judge myself in comparison. Like, 'Oh man, I gotta learn how to do x technique' or the reverse 'Thank god I know how to x so it doesn't look as shitty as their's'

Online though, I'm a bitch. If you are going to put your photos up, I am going to nitpick them to hell and back. I have no patience for the fame and fortune mindset that seems to have infected the communities recently. Course, I'll only actually post it all, if the photos are accompanied by a "Look how great I am!" spiel.

>> No.7801063

> At cons, I judge myself in comparison. Like, 'Oh man, I gotta learn how to do x technique' or the reverse 'Thank god I know how to x so it doesn't look as shitty as their's'

Yassss I do this to. I also tend to judge people on workmanship, rather than body shape or photos. If you are fat and have a kick-ass costume and amazing wig, great. If you are skinny and have a shitty costume that is falling apart all over the place, get better or gtfo.

Obviously, I don't judge people to their face, and I don't post my opinions online unless they are asking for con-crit, or it's somewhere like here on /cgl/ where everything is fair game. I'm also prepared to be judged--partly because I'm fairly confident in my own abilities, and partly because I should be able to take what I give.

>> No.7801101

Yeah, rereading my post there, I probably should have mentioned I really only frequent 4chan and coscom anymore for cosplay. I don't go onto FB pages and tear into kids.

>> No.7801137


Oh honey. It's time to take a hint when you can't fit through doors.

>> No.7801158

>And on a side-note, I was at a con over the weekend and was told several times, "I've seen other people cosplay [character], but you're so much better than them!" and all I could think to do was stammer out a "Thank you" because it made me feel so awkward to be compared to someone I didn't even know right off the bat. Also it made me feel like I wasn't good on my own, just "better than some other person."

Fucking this. I've had this too. It's awkward.

>> No.7801201

At first i thought "Oh, she's just doing some sexy posin-*opens up pic* Oh...that's sad". Seriously.. wtf people.

>> No.7801212

Doors should be wide enough to fit elephants, anon.

>> No.7801227

I judge people who wear costumes that don't remotely fit them because getting the right size is the most important part of not looking like shit. If you're thin, this means don't look like a tent, if you're big or fat, don't look like a sausage.

Right now the worst offfenders are the Kuroko's Basketball fatties where the basketball uniform off taobao/ebay fits so tight I can see their rolls.

>> No.7801277

I love you, anon. Fucking perfect.

>> No.7801299

I think she's confused about why the water in the toilet would rise if you get in the bath tub. I have not personally witnessed the toilet water rise when I get in my bath tub because I'm not a hamplanet.

>> No.7801412

It wouldn't. It's a fat joke.
>>Yo momma so fat, she sat on a rainbow and skittles came out
You can't sit on rainbows, and they don't carry any skittles.

>> No.7801414

This nigga gets it.

>> No.7801441

You'll always look better if you have the same body type as a character, wear appropriate make up, a good costume and have a good wig.
Those are simple facts. Do I try to be a judgemental bitch? No. I am however, going to think that a DMG made out of costume satin looks far worse than one made from appropriate fabric and that a Yoko who has worked out or is at least, thin, looks better than one who is overweight.

>> No.7801491

What about a thin Yoko in satin and a fat Yoko in a nice costume?

>> No.7801511

Both will get judged equally.

>> No.7801829

I judge cosplayers with a shitty attitude. I don't care if you're not a good seamstress or a prop maker, I give you a lot of credit for trying, BUT. If
>you're an self-absorbed asshole
>you think you're better than you really are
>you talk shit about people who don't deserve it
>you lie and cheat, such as claiming other people's work as your own
>you suck up to people more successful than you to get a share of their accomplishments
>you refuse to listen to any kind of criticism

then I will fucking judge you. No matter how good your costumes are, I will tear them and you apart.

>> No.7801860

Thinner Yoko will be judged better so long as she's reasonably pretty.

It's also much easier and faster to improve costume skills (or buy a better costume from a commissioner or ebay/taobao/china) than it is to lose weight.

If a fat Yoko cosplayer worked hard to lose her weight and gradually got thinner while cosplaying Yoko (possibly with the motivation to do a character she loved justice) she'd have more respect though.

>> No.7802741

>If you're thin, this means don't look like a tent, if you're big or fat, don't look like a sausage.

Yes, someone who appreciates the fit of the costume! It's especially horrible with crossplays - I know hiding your thunder thighs or rounder butt with bigger pants might sound like a good idea, but it's not. You'll look like a bum.

And also, yeah, the sausage look isn't too fabulous either. You can look surprisingly graceful even when fat if you just know how to dress yourself. Well fitted, big ballgowns can especially look absolutely amazing even on a larger body.

>> No.7802776

I suppose you might consider it a beta mindset, but I long ago accepted I would not be able to pull off the shirtless or skimpy look of some of my favorite characters in my current appearance. I'm trying to improve myself, so that some day I may be able to, but until then I've made the decision to only do those characters I enjoy that support my body type, even if they're not my favorite from that particular media.

But! This is not a horribly terrible thing, because I'm still dressing up, enjoying myself, and letting the world know how much I enjoy something. On top of this, it tends to lead me to do characters that generally aren't cosplayed often, but helps to make for excellent photos by adding more diversity and options to a shoot. My focus is not being scared or intimidated to not do something, but to do my very best at something that suits me.

>> No.7802784

Everyone is going to judge you, good, bad, ugly whatever. It's how life works. In normal circumstances you are judged by all of your peers, cosplay is no different. We are not some special inclusive hugbox community designed to protect your feels. People who happen to like the same things and have the same hobby are not a community. I'm sick of people complaining about being judged in cosplay as if it's some cosplay only affair, it's not.

It's just life, get over it.

>> No.7802934

In what kind of third world country do you live ?

>> No.7802945


Don't go for the sexy, scantily clad look when you're fat. That is all.

>> No.7802986
File: 8 KB, 158x152, 1330707984345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't bother trying to find a happy middle ground with the offended types.

They look like idiots when they try pull of a skinny character and they're 300lbs landwhales.

The rule of thumb for everyone should just be to work within' your limits. Know yourself, know your failings and know what you are and aren't.
If you're fat, be a fat character or at least one that isn't going highlight your terrible timebomb of a body.
If you're a twig, don't try pretend you're Wonderwoman.

>> No.7803068

Skill is generally what I judge people on. The quality of a cosplay should match the seriousness. If someone wants to duck around then there's nothing wrong with that, but if they're planning on trying to do a complete, accurate cosplay then they need to put some effort into it. Even worse than being bad is being lazy.

>> No.7803105

You pretty much described this girl in my comm. The only stuff of hers that looks decent is the stuff she buys.

>> No.7806121
File: 90 KB, 563x716, Fat girl cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tought you might enjoy this.

>> No.7806344


>> No.7806919

Holy bullshit batman.
I couldn't help but laugh at the weebplanet wet dream near the end.

>> No.7806958


>> No.7806979

>How about letting a fucking guy, as an individual, decide what the fuck he wants in a woman? Just stop this shit.

I think the problem there is too many guys have used the "but men love meeeeeeat and cuuuurves" to get laid or see any girl they know in less clothes (be real, how many times have you seen that shit at the pool or on campus? "Why are you wearing a cardigan (covering your tits)?" I'm self-conscious about my arms" "but cuuuuurves"--"Why are you wearing a t-shirt in the pool? Curves~~"), regardless of their ideal personal preference.

If guys want to build a standard they are going to have to sacrifice getting laid by big girls at whatever chance they get.

>> No.7806997

I honestly haven't known any guys to prefer bigger girls except for black guys and that's usually because they can't do any better. They shoot for pretty, thin latinas or white chicks and when they can't get with those they settle for the dumpy, fat white bitches who they knock up within a year and are then stuck with for life. And, when I've asked them why, I've been told it's because they hate black women and would rather date white girls.

So, I guess black women are so terrible that a fat, white chick looks better.. which is sort of fucking depressing.

>> No.7807000

I have literally NEVER heard that and just feel like you're talking out of your ass.
And I say that as a hardcore slut who has had more dicks in her than Guantanamo has had prisoners.

>> No.7807036
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>mfw you sound like wonderfully reasonable person and I would love to sit down and have some tea with you.

But in all seriousness, don't be an asshole and don't dish out what you can't take. It's human nature to judge things and one another, we can't help it. What we can do is go on about it the right way. Con crit and having common decency should always be together and so should calling out the people who deserve it.

>> No.7807046
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You too, niggas. Y'all cool and got your heads on right.

>> No.7807049

I admire your acknowledgement that you're a slut. It takes a lot of courage to admit it.

>> No.7807053

Better admit it than being told by everyone else over and over again, in all seriousness. It's not a thing to be proud of but it is what it is, why hide it.

>> No.7807057

Seconding this.
The men I've known who dated fatter girls did so because they had low self esteem and were at one point told that they weren't good looking so they need to go for ugly girls, because that's the best they could do.
And, it may sound like bullshit, but there are people out there who are that depressed and easily influenced by the bullying and peer pressure of others. The fatter girls were actually shitty towards them and they said they were happy to be dumped, now looking back in retrospect, because they've moved up to thinner girls who don't have massive chips on their shoulders.

I'm sure someone is going to be pissed off and try and argue this with me, but this is what I've personally experienced.

>> No.7807060
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You're cool, I like you.

>> No.7809016

cosplay to your bodytype. if you are a landwhale, fucking cover yourself. if you dont have tits, fucking cosplay flat chested characters or fill your bras. if you are tall, like empire state building tall, dont fucking cosplay 145 cm tall characters. if you are short, dont cosplay snow villiers or dante or similar super tall characters. put fucking effort into looking like your character (aka using make up, contacts and wigs). pay attention to the shoes. at the very end, if you like a character so much you still can cosplay him/her but dont look like the character at all, genderbend does exists for something or at least put effort into the craftmanship so people can ignore you look funny.
its true that everybody can cosplay, but only a few arent delusional and choose they characters wisely.
OP should have choose another yoko outfit that covers more instead. now she is a meme because she looks ridiculous.

>> No.7809020

Ditto. I used to very into the "body acceptance" movement until I realized everyone in it was bitter and vicious and fucking hated me because I wasn't fat.

>> No.7809036
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>fat acceptance isnt about glorifying bad health!1!!1 XDDDD
>its about loving ur bodiiii XDDDDD
>unless ur skinny fuck you :))))))))

It's a bunch of cunts who were allegedly treated like shit in high school for being fat by some ~*amg preety n blonde popularrrs*~ and rather than seek therapy and realize the rest of the world isn't their scapegoat, they go on being bitter pieces of shit towards anyone thinner. Then, they get inflated egos from fetishists and moralfag comments online, which only worsens the problem of them being cunts.

I half want to support fat acceptance only to enable the pieces of shit to keep eating as badly as they are so they're shoved into an early grave.

Hope your amputated leg is kawaii, kekekeke.