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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 960x640, 379245_4735350696546_1383402872_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7793108 No.7793108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>>7790162 in autosage, let's continue!

>> No.7793263
File: 59 KB, 720x960, didyoujustbuyadressor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she didnt even try

>> No.7793267

At least it's an OP? Is there context to this picture or did you just find this somewhere. It just looks unfinished.

>> No.7793291

She wore it at a con. That was the whole thing. She posted on CoF.

>> No.7793304

Well she has potential. I'm sure since it was on CoF someone pointed out the lack of correct footwear, socks, and accessories. She's cute, so she gets a pass.

>> No.7793357

>dat boobloaf
>lack of petti
>strange ribbon tied around head
>no accessories
>are those black flats with an all pink OP?
>no legwear

this isnt potential. she gets no pass. like i said before, she did not even try

>> No.7793360

Suit yourself, anon.

>> No.7793363


You couldn't have spelled out butthurt better, just saying.

>> No.7793364

oh god more pgh itas

>> No.7793376

What do I care what you think of some girl on the internet who obviously threw on babby's first coord? I was done fighting with you but you're one of those people who has to have the last word. It's pathetic. Get the sand out of your cunt and let's laugh at itas together that are actually cringe-worthy.

>> No.7793379
File: 48 KB, 718x960, 10522443_10152624873091660_3263271151433627268_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want more? Cause I can deliver

>> No.7793382
File: 100 KB, 515x563, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a different anon, but you're the one attempting to have the 'last word' with a different anon on a thread whose sole ambition is a holding corral for sandy cunts.

Keep fighting the good fight though.

>> No.7793383
File: 90 KB, 640x960, 10571926_10152624876161660_5045543575224852214_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish they had taken a better picture of her, it was so much worse in person. It's mostly the hair, lack of makeup, and glasses. And she got to MC the event. Kek.

>> No.7793384
File: 226 KB, 500x413, gaiatars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what my nightmares are made of

>> No.7793500

sorry, english isn't my first language, what is a boobloaf? I get it is something about boobs looking weird, but what is it exactly?
The fact that they seem to be pressed? or the fact that the fabric seems to enter under them?

>> No.7793508

Where the breasts start looking like a loaf of bread but hidden under your clothes

>> No.7793534

Basically when you're boobs are too big or the dress is too small in the chest area and it's so tights that it makes boobs look like a loaf of bread sort of.

>> No.7793536

Oh god those calves. I mean I'm pretty damn fat even by fatty-chan standards But that is just.... It's like 2 of me put together. Reminds me of that huge Mako cosplayer.

>> No.7793540

oh ok, thanks! I got it now

>> No.7793636

I miss Innocen Tworld already

>> No.7793640

Yeah, I'm really fat but my calves at least have a semblance of a shape, and I don't have cankles. I feel so bad for these unfortunate girls with this kind of shape, although I shouldn't because if I was unfortunate too I'd look just like that. And it took a lot of twinkies to get to that point.

>> No.7793661

Yeah, I like to have a little "too far" point for myself. That is, if my upper arm fat ever gets to the point where it begins to droop over my elbow, I have gone too far. Luckily I've actually lost like 5 lbs somehow and have maintained it by just not doing shit. So unless I start going to buffets every day I should be fine.
sage for OT

>> No.7793872
File: 357 KB, 500x532, hoo boy howdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas is coming to town kids. Dump begins.

>> No.7793873
File: 70 KB, 480x640, hot mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7793875
File: 87 KB, 500x667, lacing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7793885

there's so much wrong in this photo...

>> No.7793888

what the fuck...

>> No.7793898

Please post more of the pgh comm.

>> No.7793905
File: 111 KB, 500x500, my poor eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7793906

I feel like I recognise that room... I remember her being fatter though.

>> No.7793908

Please deliver

>> No.7793917
File: 115 KB, 500x750, not even nitpick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7793926
File: 99 KB, 430x750, post apocalyptic ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7793930
File: 341 KB, 479x750, tumblr_mt2z8m5Aqu1qbilw3o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she posts a lot of coords in that room. It does look like she has lost weight. pick related, one of her better (imo) coords.

I can't tell if that's one calf or both kind of blended together by weird lighting.

>> No.7793932
File: 67 KB, 333x500, the wig that ruined everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7793942
File: 39 KB, 960x720, 61536_10200761790267014_977019626_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, apparently PGH is popular. No problem anon! Are you from around the area or just curious? I'm gonna have to go back in time a bit though but it's still the same group of girls...

>Ouji apparently I guess? This is from 2013 fashion show

>> No.7793943
File: 73 KB, 453x750, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7793945
File: 12 KB, 166x166, laughingrugrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit what is that

>> No.7793947
File: 46 KB, 960x720, 37054_10200761808067459_607917846_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if pic related is brand or not, it's not lolita...

>> No.7793948

Th...this one looks good....?

>> No.7793951

Looks like something you'd find at Hot Topic

>> No.7793952

>Dat doc marten replica-chan...

>> No.7793958

It honestly irritates me more when pretty, skinny girls dress poorly than then uglies or fatties do. They barely have to fucking try, and they'll look good; it's so easymode for them that I can't wrap my head around how people like this girl screw it up.

>> No.7793960
File: 58 KB, 743x960, 10450113_10152624870511660_8536169947962372452_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't gonna post this because I kind of like it, but most of the other pictures left aren't ita and on second thought, this isn't really a good attempt anyway.

>Rapper lolita for the theme contest

>> No.7793966
File: 145 KB, 500x667, dear god...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7793970
File: 34 KB, 602x960, 10524576_10152624872791660_2174963140184216964_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one for now. Hamplanet is now a pirate lolita! Looks like she needs to stop visiting Long John Silver if you know what I mean.

>> No.7793971

>"But but anon I'm skinny and automatically pretty and why can't you unconditionally worship me like the middle aged guys at the bars do on fridays? ;_____;"

>> No.7793972

God she looks like your average Tumblr user. She really is calling that lolita?

>I do like her shoes though

>> No.7793974

at least they...match each other?

>> No.7793976

This isn't even bad.
Face it, the poor girl is unfortunately fat and ugly. Put the same outfit and pose on a size 4 and it would be cute. Have pity, you couldn't work with much if even your facial profile was that objectionable...

>> No.7793978

It's me!! I actually thought I did pretty good lol
>wrecked sugary carnival replica
>fat as shit
>no makeup
>trash wig
Ah, memories. I ended up giving up on lolita because even after losing weight, I was still too fat and ugly to pass lol

>> No.7793984

Yeah, this outfit isn't her worst at all, but she doesn't even attempt makeup or hair!! That's the thing that makes me want to have no pity on her, it's not that she's ugly, it's the lack of effort.

>> No.7793985

Honestly the only thing strikingly ita about it is the wig (and no offense, the fact that I can tell that you're a man...) If it makes you feel better, you got the silhouette correct for the most part.

>> No.7793987

it looks as if almost everything is shooped onto her...

>> No.7793988

Haha for the theme that's awesome. I mean, that theme is inherently ita so the worse the better

>> No.7793989

>but she doesn't even attempt makeup or hair!
The makeup would sweat off and I'm sure if you put a helmet of fake hair on it she would just look like a busted drag queen.

Trust me, at that size they should be applauded for even dressing themselves in anything other than a 5x sweatpants and wifebeater. I've seen women her size way worse.

>> No.7793991

It makes me think of some kind of horrific nightmare music video, she'd be shuffling around in the background between trees

>> No.7793994

from the shoulders down I think this is really cute, very simple but really cute. Then again, I can only see the side of her.

>> No.7793999

is she wearing a dress over a dress?

>> No.7794005

That is very true. I guess it's just because I know her personality; it sours the way I look at her. I should have a little more sympathy I guess, even just walking around the con probably kills her legs and feet. I won't post her anymore.

>> No.7794009

Yeah I live around the area. Maybe someday I'll pass one of these girls on the street, haha.

Thanks for posting.

>> No.7794017

No problem anon, maybe you'll pass me on the street too without even knowing it. See you at Tekko hopefully.

>> No.7794024

Well personally I don't think that all black on sugary carnival is that great a look in hindsight.
It's pretty freeing realizing that you can't pull something off and then just drop it and move onto other styles.

>> No.7794026

I think it's just a really ugly underskirt.

>> No.7794035

What styles are you doing now? Since you have the basic silhouette correct you could manage pulling off gothic, especially if you tend to stick with an all black theme.

>> No.7794047
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 60703-3080-2014-05-08987896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even an underskirt. I can't tell which one it is, but it's similar to those ladder lace oldschool skirts Baby used to do (I think Bodyline still makes similar). She's pulled it down on her hips to use it as an underskirt.

Pic related is the closest I can find, and it's still not right because of the hem.

>> No.7794049
File: 87 KB, 720x960, 525111_448665901811396_1102442056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From an old gaia thread that I stumbled upon earlier today

>> No.7794054

i hope you realize weightloss also causes loose skin so maybe someone who has droopy arm skin has lost weight beforehand

>> No.7794055

I can hear the socks crying.

The back of this dress looks like a pack of hot dogs.


>> No.7794057
File: 360 KB, 415x557, Screenshot2012-12-28at105733PM_zps34fdbc4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is such a goldmine.

>> No.7794059

What's the mushroom dress in the background? It's cute.

>> No.7794063

What...even...I can't even discern what is going on here.

>> No.7794071


did you say Pittsburgh comm? I found this when looking for a specific meetup video the other day.
It's kind of old, but I think it has some of the gems the PGH anon mentioned in the earlier thread.

>> No.7794077

It's an indie design, I forget her name because I thought her stuff was overpriced. I just looked it up, it's Sweet Mildred. I'm at least assuming that that's her design.

>> No.7794078

>tfw 100lbs and cankles

at least I'm not apple-shaped.

>> No.7794081

>dat filename
>anon.... that's not a rugrat

>> No.7794082
File: 91 KB, 960x720, 555913_492077830808958_247129199_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7794084

OH GOD panda-chan is scary, yes, that's the creepy girl I mentioned.

>> No.7794085

Im happy Im not the only one who goes through those threads and laughs

>> No.7794086
File: 98 KB, 768x1024, 475762_3745689326718_1233686710_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7794088

Th..the camera man IS a dude, right? RIGHT?

>> No.7794094

do you wear heels at all? They can make your calf more defined look and can minimize the cankle effect.

>> No.7794093
File: 196 KB, 960x720, 297802_10151143700642181_459248479_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7794096

according to the PGH anon, no.

>> No.7794100

That cake is the best looking thing in the picture jfc

>> No.7794105

God, she looks so much like some rapper but I can't remember which one. And that sounded incredibly racist, but oh well. She seriously needs makeup, although that is the least of her problems.

>> No.7794106

that girl in the modcloth dress looks miserable

>> No.7794108


I'm about to just start namefagging as PGH Anon, it might be easier, lol. Like to be honest I have never found this answer out for sure, but I'm 99% sure it's a girl. I have tried so hard to figure it out, I have visited her artist's alley table, I have seen her in the fashion shows, but I LEGITIMATELY don't think I'll ever be 100% sure unless I flat-out ask. Maybe this year I will since I'm moving.

>> No.7794115

Hospital bracelet to complete the look.

>> No.7794117
File: 129 KB, 960x720, 576511_3901982267924_1377475862_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I thought I was done, but I literally cannot not post this. Direct your attention to the very right side of the picture. This is from the same meet as >>7794071.

>> No.7794124

Is that guy with rainbowbright-chan??

>> No.7794131

There was a girl/guy(???) in my old comm that looked very feminine but their name was Christian and on their facebook it said male. But they were seriously a prettier woman than me, I was a little jealous. I never actually got to get around to asking them before I left. Maybe I'll make a BtB post about it with Prof. Oak. "Are you a boy or a girl?"

>> No.7794138

Yes, please! I'm shit with paint and I really want to know the answer.
No, see glasses-girl (this was before she got good at coording)? That's her now-fiancee.

>> No.7794142

lol I meant the one in my comm but maybe I can make one of each?

>> No.7794166

aww she still looks cute, though.
I actually like her coords. While some people hate her glasses, it makes her memorable and stick in peoples minds.

>> No.7794175

I-Is it bad that I found the dancing lolitas kind of cute? They were complete shit but they looked cute the four seconds they were in sync.

>> No.7794197

one calf. there seems to be a line in the middle (presumably the shin bone) and 1/2 of whatever that mass is would be to thin to belong to her in that photo. not to mention, fat feet.
nice coord tho

>> No.7794203
File: 171 KB, 712x515, meh.ro10463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7794215

It's like she only has boobs and legs

>> No.7794220

There is a fairly pretty girl under the mustache and shit outfit.

>> No.7794231
File: 336 KB, 351x532, Tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would make me really happy, maybe I would finally get an answer. But if it's too much work just do your comm!

Yeah, she still looks cute. The pastel pink hair doesn't suit her as much as blonde does though. I love her.

No, it's not bad. And none of them are the dancing lolita I don't like so I agree with you.

Unrelated note, how do you guys search for lolita on tumblr? When I type "lolita fashion" into the search bar it doesn't return any results. Do I have a filter on or something?

>> No.7794239

is that a replica of one of APs pony bags? something about it looks...off.

>> No.7794242

Rugrat also means small child sooooo

>> No.7794247
File: 409 KB, 250x188, tumblr_inline_mvsdazDRsr1qh7bks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Jay-Z?

>> No.7794252

That's just the fuzzy unicorn bag that didn't really match with anything.
Seriously, I don't get why AP released it.

>> No.7794282
File: 68 KB, 955x506, jay-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to, oh my god my sides are in orbit

>> No.7794292

it's a joke anon
sometimes i like to have fun with my filenames

>> No.7794296

Fuckin pgh is a mess. There are some really cute girls there, which is unfortunate that they have to spend so much time around a bunch of whackjobs. Kate has got to be the fuckin worst, though. She may have great outfits but she had the shittiest attitude the couple times I met her. I always wanted to believe that brandwhores were just a myth, but she really brings it to life.

>> No.7794300

I know; I wish it was a better comm, every comm has their black sheep but it really turns me off. I never met her personally but she comes off as being so sweet; I've also heard great things about her from the Cali lolitas. What happened exactly?

>> No.7794314
File: 12 KB, 523x43, Screenshot 2014-09-01 22.59.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you search the word lolita it comes up with everything lolita related, fetish included, so it's hidden under the mature content lock.
There should be a little padlock that you can click on the far right corner that says "hide adult content" or something. Pic related might help.

>> No.7794316

she just never seemed terribly happy to be there, asked some girl what brand her dress was from and when the girl said it was handmade she just kinda sneered. Someone told me she booked it out of a meetup once without saying goodbye to ANYONE, though I wasn't there for that so idk.

>> No.7794318

I just wear cute menswear with a gothy/jpunk twist on it

>> No.7794322

Those socks look like they are painfully tight. My legs are aching in sympathy.

Anon, that was my own "too far point" too. But at now almost 350 lbs, my fat has never drooped over my elbows or knees. Just a heads up, maybe watch the scale instead because it doesn't happen to everyone apparently.

>> No.7794323

She's been super sweet every time I've talked to her. She kind of has resting bitch face, so she might unintentionally look bored when talking to you or something. Maybe it was a bad experience?

>> No.7794327

maybe. Ill give her another shot for you, anon. still wish she would ditch those hideous glasses though.

>> No.7794329

Thank you!

I know there was one meet where her sickness stuff was flaring up so she booked it. But I could see the handmade thing happening, that's kind of mean.

>> No.7794330

When I saw I'm too tall for most brand (5'11"), people keep telling me to just get an underskirt. I think I'll show them this now to explain why that isn't always the great solution they think it will be.

>> No.7794340

jay z has fuller lips than she does

>> No.7794343

I heard about that too, but I head it was at a meet where a bunch of lolis from out of state were visiting or something, so I could see someone being upset that the big pgh person who was supposed to be showing them around town ditched without a word.

>> No.7794361

I like this. She could use a wig, and a different blouse might make it look even nicer. But it's not ita.

Good god. What style is she even trying for?
They don't all think they're actually wearing lolita, right? Please tell me this is a J-fash or alt-fash group picnic. I don't want to believe there are that many itas getting together

>> No.7794371

I think she might be biting them. I have Jay-Z level lips and I've been doing that in pictures for year to look less like a nignog.

>> No.7794445

Just how old is this girl? According to her blogspot, she has an MBA.

An MBA in what, weird science?

>> No.7794503

Oh man, a candyland print dress would be really adorable. It'd have to be the best color-coordinated outfit in the world though.

>> No.7794526

the scarf tho is whats killing me

>> No.7794604

is that Kate "Those Glasses" Davis?

>> No.7794606

I was there and I'll give her a pass. She was so ill at the time that she was actually in a wheelchair and looked to be in a lot of pain. I assume she left because she couldn't take it anymore

>> No.7794610

Seconding the resting bitchface. She was a very kind and cordial person when I met her. I feel really fucking bad seeing her comm though, no wonder she was fawning over the lolitas in LA

>> No.7794611

I have no idea, I hope it wasn't lolita though...

Okay, did some digging. She's over 21 because she posted "I want to go to the casino and have a beer". She does have her MBA but not a job, at least from what it looks like.

It would. Although it would be cool if they did themes for the different parts of the board, like a series of dresses instead of all thrown into one.

Yes, it is Kate Davis.

I need to get a life, but this is too much fun.

>> No.7794612

have you ever met Kate, anon?

>> No.7794618

No, I was too chickenshit at the convention to introduce myself to her. I haven't gone to any meets.

>> No.7794622

Okay, got her age. She's 25.

>> No.7794628

I know that after visiting LA Lor always talks about how amazing she was, I was just wondering if it was true

>> No.7794632

underskirts should only give you a couple inches of length, not an entire foot.

>> No.7794635


Well, just like we can't rely on one person to say she's terrible, we can't rely on one to say she's great either. I like to think she's as awesome as she seems, but I may never know.

Unrelated, I have a goldmine conversation between hamplanet girl and scary black girl about how neither of them can get laid. Anyone interested?

>> No.7794636

fuck yes

>> No.7794642
File: 133 KB, 1366x768, lol part one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask and ye shall recieve. Part one, more to come.

>> No.7794645

>what is the crop tool?

>> No.7794646

I went to uni with the black girl and i can confirm that she is weird as fuck and looks like an actual ape, she also would film herself talking with a giant ipad

>> No.7794648

I met her. She's...a person. That's it. She didn't shit ray ban wayfarer glasses, everything she touched didn't turn to precious burando. She was just kinda there. Kinda quiet.

>> No.7794649

jesus I knew nothing about the pgh comm until today. now I feel like I know too much.

>> No.7794650
File: 149 KB, 1366x768, lol part two.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry! I said upwards when we were talking about BtB I was shitty with paint. :( How is cropping different then selecting?

Lol, she still does that. Her whole facebook page is full of her vlogs.

Sorry anon! It's like a trainwreck you can't look away from.

>> No.7794652

was she nice?

>> No.7794654

She creeps me the fuck out, I'm glad she doesn't come to meets

>> No.7794656

Fucking lol because I just remembered at that meet in the video she was actively hitting on Kate's now fiance and he just looked afraid.

>> No.7794657

Yes, I know. And that's why it won't work for me, when the dresses are that short on me. And yet people keep making the suggestion like it's something I just never thought of. So tired of hearing it.

>> No.7794658

omg yeeees

>> No.7794660

She wasn't really anything. Not nice or mean. I would try to make small talk and she would give me one word replies. Like "How are you?" I would say, she would respond "ha ha, good." And kind of look away. So, eh. Maybe she deemed me too ita to speak to?

>> No.7794661

Oh my god. So am I destroying the comm by posting this stuff or is it okay? (Like I said, I've never been to a meet and don't have a vendetta) But which one was hitting on him?

>> No.7794662

she's fucking 33? dang.
honestly, I bet if she got some confidence she could find someone. If I was in her comm I'd give her some makeup and hair tips and try and help her find someone.
Then I remember some people are lost causes...

>> No.7794667

I met her in LA and she was a really guarded and stiff person until she got more comfortable as the meet progressed. Then she was talkative and sweet. I can see why she'd be like that initially considering she has a lot of people that hate on her for seemingly no reason or because she wears glasses. I can give more details if anyone cares

>> No.7794669

Jay-Z obviously

>> No.7794673

Wow, hamplanet reminds me of one of my old friends. Both of them need to lose weight and a personality overhaul if they want a guy, or at least not be too picky.
(Mind you, I did tell my friend this with hope that I could help make her happier and shit exploded and there wasn't any contact for a few years after 'cause she couldn't handle it. Ugh.)

>> No.7794675

Details please!

Lol, I can ONLY imagine the horror of witnessing that. I wonder what her idea of flirting is.

>> No.7794685

Her fiance is like a saint, Matthew is his name. He was funny and doted on her constantly. He's way more extroverted than her, she'd sometimes just sit quietly while he talked.

When I met her, she complimented everyone's coordinate and seemed very happy to meet the other lolitas, but stuck close to Lor. From what I understand Lor and her spent nearly the entire trip together. We talked about the new AP releases. I honestly think that the people who say she's bitchy haven't even met her because I didn't get that vibe at all, albeit she was reserved at first and curt like one anon said but once people engaged her she was very chatty and friendly. She started to feel a bit sick so towards the end of the meet she had a pained expression on her face because apparently she has a very painful stomach condition, but remained polite and nice the entire time. Idk after meeting her I felt really weird about how people treat her online.

>> No.7794691

People don't hate on her because she wears glasses. People hate on her because her glasses don't look nice in lolita and when confronted about it she gets a really childish "lol u mad XD" attitude about it.

>> No.7794695

>"huge Mako cosplayer"
>not calling her Mega Mako
For shame anon

>> No.7794705

Blind anon is blind

>> No.7794740
File: 12 KB, 251x206, 1407723502927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that same skirt
I think she's wearing it backwards
>though that's the least of her problems

>> No.7794741

Damn, Panda-chan has the most unfortunate face. That tacky ass wig didn't help either.

>> No.7794937

literally every nitpickers defense when called on their bullshit.
try again sandy cunt-chan

>> No.7794941


>> No.7794943

Oh wow is this old? This is the first bad photo of this girl I've ever seen

>> No.7794946
File: 157 KB, 540x720, Harry Potter - lolita pair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7794978

agreed. this is not a fucking pass, she threw on a dress and no effort was made at all. 0/10 and gtfo.

>> No.7794981
File: 74 KB, 600x803, 288746_4372825478260_1709618900_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7794985

wasnt this on a sales page? O_0

>> No.7794986

There's no helping this one...

>> No.7795003

I just recently joined the pgh Lolita comm. haven't really gotten a chance to meet anyone bc there's been no meetups, but this thread is making me question if it's worth it, goddamn that hamplanet.

>> No.7795011

This, and shes ordinary at best. Definitely not cute enough to get a pass.

>> No.7795033

what does pgh stand for?

>> No.7795055


mba = master of business administration

easily obtained through your favorite diploma mill.

>> No.7795104

They'll probably have a December meetup, Kate does everything by herself though, that's why the lack of meetups. 170 in the group and like 10 go regularly. It's sad. I say if you're on the fence just go to one and then decide. If the hamplanet bothers you think of how much better you look in comparison.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

>> No.7795118

I actually went to one a month or 2 ago, which might give away who I am because there were only 4 of us, eugh. The girls that went were super nice and wanted to plan more meetups, but didn't want to step on Kate's toes. That might be why no one else plans them?

>> No.7795125

Don't let the moralfags get to you, anon. It's her own fault for being in that state, and if she's got a shitty personality to boot, then it's even more fun to laugh at her expense.

>> No.7795132

I know that feel anon.
5'4" 110lbs and from my calves to my heels it's like a straight line. There's not even any fat there to lose, it's just tendon. Forever heels and careful posing.

>> No.7795133
File: 109 KB, 717x960, thisisntfuckinglolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7795145

cute though.

>> No.7795166

I'm calling vendetta, this is fine.

>> No.7795171

When I'm not at work I wear heels almost exclusively because I'm short so without them my legs look painfully stumpy. But they also give "definition" to my gastrocnemius muscles which are fucking huge anyway from leg-based exercise and why can't I just be slendercutetiny instead of built-tiny?????

>> No.7795185

she's cute though

>> No.7795188
File: 999 KB, 160x160, w20Q2sY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the outfit is cute but that dress is too short to wear without tights. It also kind of looks like it was handmade using that Otome no Sewing sailor OP pattern. If she handmade it and it's still too short...

>> No.7795253

Not even Dementors would touch that.

>> No.7795262

It looks like mother and daughter, so it looks cute to me. But my context is probably completely wrong.

>> No.7795264

Yeah, the girl on the right is a virgin.

>> No.7795285

It's KittyXNana KitadeXBaby, it should only ever be used for punk and she is far from being stylish enought for punk.

>> No.7795297
File: 15 KB, 236x314, 1b831389c20a031f21cff4415042ab45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a skirt, op and jsk with a unicorn aplique it could go with

>> No.7795300

unless that's a pony idk

>> No.7795317

Babby's first coord though

She's since learnt what a petti is

>> No.7795321
File: 79 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nb9fklIWrE1ti3l4uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7795325

If only she'd wear makeup she'd be passable...

>> No.7795330

Taobao dress

>> No.7795332
File: 82 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nb9f8xMBVY1s7a3nxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7795351

What illness does she have? I never knew her well enough to know, but it seems like it must be a really big deal...

>> No.7795365

>typical hideous blue pink mix twintai wig, didnt even bother cutting the bangs
>obvious replica MP and star bag
>floppy shitty fabric everywhere
>petticoat hanging out

decent photography of an outfit does not make said outfit not ita

>> No.7795372

Different anon, I met her at a con somehow and I accidentally word spagetti'd and said something like 'oh hey I think I've seen you on cgl before!' before realizing what I'd done and leaving really fast

>> No.7795386

.....this makes me angry

>> No.7795392

Got the same problem as you with the calves. I hear calf-based stretches tone them. There are other exercises that I found via google search, so you should look up some and see what you like/want to do.
Sage for OT.

>> No.7795419

I think it's possibly a swimming band actually, we have them in my country to signify that you've paid to get in and you can go from pool to pool etc

>> No.7795429

she looks like a lolita hobo

>> No.7795432

That wold make more sense if I could see a reason to go to a pool in Lolita

>> No.7795447
File: 131 KB, 394x237, lor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7795448

how has she managed to shove her boobs so far down? That looks so uncomfortable

>> No.7795452

No one sees my personality!!
No shit if you aren't good at having convos people move on. It's a skill one can learn.
Also don't tell me that because I'm older baww.
This shit ticks me off. Yes it's hard. Yes being older feels worse. No you don't get to bitch that personality can't be seen. 33 and not getting that? Sad.

>> No.7795457

She maybe just didn't take it off and went a few days ago?

>> No.7795464

Aww! She could be worse but maybe rainbow vomit is throwing me off lel

>> No.7795473
File: 62 KB, 716x960, 15261_358336160983783_7812309515458564051_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl does too.
I was actually writing a huge wall of text of concrit, but decided against it. It's hard to tell if someone's not going to baaaw beforehand and I'd just rather not deal with it.

>> No.7795474

PGH anon, does >>7793383 still have the creepy emotionally abusive boyfriend?

>> No.7795476

She has a really cute face though, might have potential if she learned how to dress herself

>> No.7795490

download image
what the fuck is that even

>> No.7795506

That's one of hildekitten's friends. She doesn't stand a chance.

>> No.7795519

Have you never heard of the fat girl with great hair stereotype? I've known several women her size who still managed to have their shit together. If she can wear lolita she can also put on mascara and take care of her hair.

>> No.7795559

Without the jacket/hoodie, she looks fine.

>> No.7795591

mfw i know these people

>> No.7795597

omfg i remember accidentally finding her nude photos, crying inside

>> No.7795604

Yes, the childish part is clearly her response and not someone taking issue with and then calling her out on her eyewear, of all things.

You people, I swear.

>> No.7795608

She talked about it a little while ago on Facebook. It's something to do with her stomach and what kinds of foods she can/can't eat due to gluten, or something akin to that.
She's also diabetic, apparently, so she needs to be really careful about foods. That was my understanding. I could be wrong though.

>> No.7795657
File: 307 KB, 278x646, 2014-09-02 at 13.42.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has gotten much better but I don't know there are a lot of things that look simply off

>> No.7795663

33 years old and whining about being a virgin? That's kind of pitiful.

>> No.7795682

Looking at her facebook, he's in the profile picture, so I'm assuming so. I don't know much about that admittedly so maybe some of the other pgh anons can answer that question better!

>> No.7795690
File: 100 KB, 960x720, 26328_10151304991578575_877102079_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7795698

...At least the wig is kinda nice...

>> No.7795720

What do you expect her to do though? Be all "oh yeah, you're right!" and get contacts?

>> No.7795728

Funny you say that actually because ahe had a consultation about contacts this weekend. But I'm glad she's doing it because she wants to and not because of the shit she's given for it.

>> No.7795755

I would say I am roughly the same body shape as this girl. In my case, this is where they actually sit. I spend hundreds of dollars on bras, so don't you dare say that I need to get better ones, but when you are a g cup (she might be even larger) it is very difficult.

>> No.7795774

Terrible photoshop on the thighs. Her knees are jagged.

>> No.7795777

>>7795473 anon here.
My thoughts exactly. She has tons of potential and I really wanted to post how she could better her coords, but I still get this weird vibe that she'd take it all wrong. Granted, she did just post on lolita mentors asking how to handle being posted on an ita thread, so I might as well post what I wanted to in CoF since she apparently goes on here.

>Fix your hair. Braid it, straighten it, curl it, or refluff it if it's a wig. It's hiding your really cute face. Seriously, show it off!
>Stand up straight. A better posture would make you look less scared of getting pictures taken.
>Lose the sweatshirt/parka and opt for a bolero or a crop cardigan. The one you're wearing now is too baggy for you and is eating up your dress.
>Iron your dress. The wrinkles distract the eyes from the print and an ironed dress looks more polished.
>Get a pink bow for your hair. It'll fit better than the lavender one. (Unless it really is pink, then I need to get my eyes checked for color blindness.)
>No comment on lack of petti since she's waiting for one in the mail.

Seriously, a lot of potential here, but as I said earlier, she seems the type to just baw instead of taking concrit and I bet she'll do just that.

>> No.7795780

Hm. Read her post on the group I mentioned. She wants to be better. There's hope for her then. :)

>> No.7795785

And that's okay somehow? I know those things get wet but that doesn't mean they wont get germy and gross.

>> No.7795837

She has gastroparesis so the majority of her stomach is fully or partially paralyzed. She can't eat normal portions and also has a lot of dietary restrictions.

>> No.7795841


Damn, that's rough. There's very few drugs for that, and they don't work after a while.

>> No.7795844

Not the anon you replied to or anyone in the Kate discussion.
But poor girl! That really sucks! :(

>> No.7795846

Pgh comm is retarded because people will bawwww and moan over meets being too far away or too expensive so people don't even bother to plan things

>> No.7795853

I went to a meet and was taking to her and tears started running down her face because she suddenly had a pain flare I wouldn't wish her disease on anyone it sounds fucking horrific

>> No.7795854

I want to give her a hug :(

>> No.7795860

I just saw it on instagram minutes after making that post, haha. But yeah, I agree.

>> No.7795866

Jesus that's morbid. I had no idea.

>> No.7795900
File: 42 KB, 500x464, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people fail to realize this is a great place to get better at coordinating she should be grateful she isnt being torn apart for being ugly or fat.

idk i really get bother when they refer to anyone who posts on here as a "troll"

>> No.7795965


You're not alone, I get bothered too when they call anyone on 4chan a troll without bothering to read what's being said.
I've only been here for a few weeks and I could tell straight away that it's a pretty great place to learn about coordinating.
And honestly from what I've seen, if someone gets posted on the ita thread there usually will be some feedback that's actual concrit that they could use.

>> No.7795988

>mfw my thighs are as fat as her calves
I...just want to be pretty by asian standards.
>crying forever

>> No.7796003

Today on /cgl/, catty lolitas shit on a girl with a severely painful disease.


>> No.7796034


Yes, thank you

>> No.7796039

Well as long as you don't post any personal identifying info about yourself. That's what another girl on here did and she got pretty much chased out of her comm.

>> No.7796046
File: 1014 KB, 500x271, tumblr_n9ugiyO5g11re3x32o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my blog how old is she? She looks middle aged idk
the whole thing is just terrible it looks like babby's first coord or some shit since she didn't even bother to find a petti to poof her sad shit skirt (yes i'm angry)
>that fucking ugly normalfag "blouse" too small for her
>that sad homemade looking headbow

>> No.7796047
File: 174 KB, 600x800, goth_lolita_cat_ears_2_by_tensai_fu_shu-d56j6h8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea, please don't try using cat ears, like ever, or any neko accessories, you'll just look like a dumb bitch like pic related.

>> No.7796049


>> No.7796050

Her face is cute though minus the racoon eye makeup

>> No.7796051

Shit I didn't mean to write "oh my blog"

>> No.7796054
File: 332 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nb725xKFnD1skgrfwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think anybody made fun of her for her disease. It looks like some people actually felt bad when they found out about it.

>> No.7796071

You select the amount of image you need, and then hit "crop".
How can you know how to screencap and yet not know how to use paint?

>> No.7796076

Of course not, I feel like that's 4Chan 101. I'm moving away soon anyway, so I'm not too concerned about it. I just know people complain when someone from their comm dishes on here, it creates paranoia and everything.

No one was really saying anything bad about it! It's really hard to understand what people are going through, it's a hidden illness obviously, so now that people know more about it I think they appreciate the way she has to live. It's okay anon.

>> No.7796083

Honestly, I thought it's a dude.

>> No.7796087

i put up my middle finger at them

>> No.7796088

I just don't understand how that's different from selecting/cutting? I mean you're essentially doing the same thing, or am I completely wrong? I don't understand how you were able to tell that I didn't crop it, but thank you anon, I'll use it next time.

>> No.7796138

It's the huge white border along the right and bottom, do give it a try, it gives a much neater result.

>> No.7796147

Every dumb bitch who cries "troll" every time anybody disagrees with her completely deserves to be flooded with real harassment until she has to delete her accounts. Every singled goddamned stupid one.

>> No.7796170

What group is this?

>> No.7796180

Lolita fashion mentoring on facebook. It's not actually good for advice, just laughs.

>> No.7796185
File: 299 KB, 900x1350, 1396410468479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a whole folder full of pics of this fucking dress

>> No.7796187

seriously i hope people remember this next time they feel like cutting her down, stay classy cgl

>> No.7796193
File: 497 KB, 320x263, 1409239007835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First-never respond. Never feed the trolls
Good so far....
>take on board what they are saying if it is within reason.
>if they are targeting based on anything but your coord then it's their problem
With the exception of maybe makeup and hair I completely agree.

What a reasonable person Michaela Baker is. No coddling, just being real and telling her what is expected. We need more people like this.

>> No.7796206

Someone on the plus size sales group was looking for that dress "ironically"

>> No.7796208

I just got that skirt and I feel so bad seeing it worn that way :(

>> No.7796209

>Funny you say that actually because ahe had a consultation about contacts this weekend.

Lmao, so all that bullshit for nothing anyway.
Good going, Kate.
Though I wonder if she didn't stir drama on purpose to boost her e-notoriety.

>> No.7796218

>I've known several women her size who still managed to have their shit together.
Not all fatties are the same.

Some big, BIG girls like that who I know sweat bullets and they couldn't keep eyeliner and foundation set on their faces for more than a few hours. I also think there's a difference between a 190-200 pound fat girl and another who weighs over 300. I don't hold the belief that very many actual landwhales can wear makeup and wigs comfortably due to their size and lack of fitness. Just my observation.

>> No.7796222
File: 112 KB, 720x960, 1396411356785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double trouble

>> No.7796248
File: 616 KB, 929x605, howdou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i second this.
i'm starting to think theyre just sadistic and they want these girls to be ita.

also sorry for crappy paint skills.

>> No.7796267

>try to breather after scary ass face in my face
>next frame, flippin flip flop flipping
god dammit

>> No.7796376

I highly doubt it. She was probably using them until she got contacts. Either way, she used them to see and probably actually liked them so who really cares?

>> No.7796413

Ahaha the shooping is hilarious. I'd say this is a nitpick--way too short, but otherwise cute.

>> No.7796697

So much potential just wasted. Different coord and a really good concealer would have solved her whole problem. Nothing makes me angrier than pretty girls with potential that go around looking like shit.

>> No.7796726

That shirt is so bad...kinda winced at it

>> No.7796837

Oh, I didn't mean that they were criticizing her for it. Like you said, it's not apparent that she's sick just looking at her.

I just feel bad for the girl because clearly lolita is something she loves to do, and pours a good deal of time and money into, and DOES IT WELL, yet people are at her throat just because she wears glasses.

I've yet to see a story that she's rude or disrespectful in any way. Kind of blows me away how much effort /cgl/ puts into hating someone, and then when it's revealed said person is sick, they immediately back off.

It's pathetic, and some people on this board really need to put on their big girl panties and accept that not everyone is going to dress to a t the way you want them to. Seriously, obscure her face and glasses and you all would think her coords were fine.

>> No.7796851

>/cgl/ gripes about her glasses consistently
>"I might get contacts!"


>> No.7796897


It's an experience

>> No.7796911

who? and what disease?

>> No.7796932

I knew this was Otakon before I scrolled down

Man for a rich state con, we get the worst types of itas

>> No.7796962

>That fucking dress

>> No.7796983

Read this >>7795837
It's about Kate, the girl with the glasses.

>> No.7796999
File: 42 KB, 700x449, 1396411425510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping what i have of it

>> No.7797003
File: 257 KB, 900x1348, 1396411502448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7797005
File: 348 KB, 900x1350, 1396411572123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this set makes me sad shes really pretty but those clothes... i want to dress her up in brand lol

>> No.7797009
File: 229 KB, 899x1348, 1396411709500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7797013
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 1396411978483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres even fanart of it

>> No.7797018
File: 87 KB, 500x669, 1396412120981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7797023
File: 675 KB, 508x630, tumblrita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has over 16,000 notes, ugh. Tumblr in a nutshell.
"°˖✧ i am just a small anxious pudding trying to make my way through this strange human world *incessant wiggling*✧˖°"

>> No.7797024
File: 336 KB, 945x794, tumblr_mibi64qjFg1r30h2ao1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand a review
thats all i have

>> No.7797026
File: 35 KB, 300x400, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"°˖✧ i am just a small anxious pudding trying to make my way through this strange human world *incessant wiggling*✧˖ UwU°"

>> No.7797028

is it bad that I want to have this dress remade using high quality materials

>> No.7797054

it would still look like shit

>> No.7797130

Yeah except she's a Bitch herself in real life.

>> No.7797164

She's one of the better mentors, honestly. Laelette or whatever is the worst imho. Only letting Mentors answer questions? wtf. What if none of the mentors have experience with a shop or something else related to lolita, but I do? I understand they're trying to cut out trolls, but people are getting banned for giving advice. and good advice at that.

>> No.7797216

You're kind of a bitch. This post expresses my thoughts >>7796851

>> No.7797320

why are you so cruel anon ? my dream print on that ita ??

>> No.7797339

>makes a huge defensive fuss when criticized about glasses
>makes a bunch of drama for herself
>winds up getting contacts anyway

I'm not bitchy, I just laugh at idiots who don't know how to spare themselves some trouble.
How fucking simplistic would it have been for her to say, in the face of criticism, "Well guys you have a point and I'm thinking of looking into contacts anyway," instead of "HAHA CGL IS JUST BEING JELLY MY GLASSES ARE AWESOME U MAD?"

>> No.7797342

yeah it's ugly, but funny dude

>> No.7797362

This is why I can't understand the more extreme "healthy at every size" mongerers that insist being fat doesn't impact health. If your body has to work so hard just to complete basic functions that you are sweating off your makeup under no exertion, that is not health.

>> No.7797367

I don't have an issue with her other than the stupid glasses but I'm not going to back off because she's sick, because it's unrelated. I'll stop saying she looks dumb when she stops looking dumb.

>> No.7797369
File: 34 KB, 379x842, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this monster.

>> No.7797377
File: 93 KB, 500x534, 1359047774680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh, come on anon, that coord can't be too bad, it looks fine in the thum-
>full image

>> No.7797380

>cute coord
>that face though
Truly, truly sad.

>> No.7797387

Isn't that the mtf lady? She really can't help it; hrt can only do so much, so she's stuck with manface.

>> No.7797388
File: 44 KB, 616x616, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7797394

>born 1971

>> No.7797401


Okay question of the day for the angry anon. Are ALL glasses an absolute no-no, or just her big, dumb ones?

I'm a new lolita, and while I'd never wear them for a photo, I'm wondering if it'd be all right to throw them on during a long con or a meet-up. Their not super ugly or anything (their slender Dolce & Gabana glasses in the same base color as my wardrobe), but if their like instant-ita fodder I can suffer thru the headache

>> No.7797449

Just the big dumb ones, hipster ones, mismatched ones, etc. If they're unobtrusive, matched, etc. then glasses are fine, cute even.

>> No.7797468

You and everyone else who circle jerk over that stupid macro are sandy fucking retards. Wasn't that made like 3 years ago? And if you knew her you'd know that she has never acted like she was better than anyone because of her glasses or notoriety. Have you even met this chick? I bet you'd suck up to her if you did like everyone else.

>> No.7797471

You CAN be healthy at any size, but you're more than likely die from weight related shit when you're obese or malnourished. And there are other problems that occur with extra weight. Hell, I go above 220, my joints kill me.

I posted somewhere in response to that "All About That Bass" song, "yeah having extra booty to hold at night is fine, but they won't be holding on too long when you die of a massive coronary" Huge blow up of fatceptance and SJWs.

>> No.7797513

Thanks! Good to know. Maybe for longer events I'll plan a coord that would specifically look cute with glasses

>> No.7797564

She can help not being an evil bitch though. And she gets away with it because any one who speaks against her gets called a transphobic bigot.

>> No.7797593

>who circle jerk over that stupid macro
I'll have you know I had nothing to do with macros. Also you'll help your case to stop being a sandy fucking retard yourself and deal with the fact that not everyone is going to like how other people handle situations and behave. Stupid girl.

>> No.7797644
File: 56 KB, 526x479, JskQW1u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.7797751


The coord's good. She just needs less harsh makeup and to learn some contouring tricks for that nose.

Or surgery. Yanno.

>> No.7797785
File: 320 KB, 555x750, Ecate_Lolita_by_NocturneGothicLolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7797841
File: 40 KB, 300x436, 1dd11f0d1d96ca7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7797859

I think that some of the people went to Big Sisters of Lolita instead. I could be wrong, but I did notice a drop in traffic on the mentors group.

>> No.7798005

Her face looks like she's twelve but her... saggy breasts say otherwise.

>> No.7798005,1 [INTERNAL] 

She used to be anorexic and bulimic, all of her current health problems can be traced back to her eating disorder days

>> No.7798015 [DELETED] 

Her disease has nothing to do with why people were giving her crap.

>> No.7798018

is that a swimsuit

>> No.7798162

She used to be anorexic/bulimic. All of her current health problems are the result of years of disordered eating, and now she's paying the price for it.

>> No.7798179

She's might be wearing the wrong size bra. If your band is too large and rides up in the back your breasts will look saggy. A lot of girls (including myself in the past) end up shopping where the largest cup size sold is DD so you end up with a band that is too fucking large - leading to sagging.

>> No.7798234

Don't know if that's true, but "pay the price" for something you can't control is a bit harsh --- either you don't seem to have an understanding of the mental state of someone with anorexia/bulimia. Or you do and can't stop counting the numbers.

>> No.7798427

With her face shape, she would look much better in an empire or sweetheart neckline as well

>> No.7798944

or gtfo and go to a retirement home

>> No.7799591
File: 88 KB, 540x960, yhetfgdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fit

>> No.7799930

>see wtb for infamous dress
>many try to convince fatty-chan it's a bad idea
>fatty-chan insists on infamous dress anyways
>do best to avoid telling fatty-chan in harsher terms
>cry self to sleep

>> No.7800710

Still no luck finding it.

>> No.7801577
File: 218 KB, 1077x960, 10676182_834940289874184_3954964422332904834_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know much about lolita, but I seriously doubt this dress is worth the $80 someone is trying to resell this for. I feel bad for whoever gets ripped off for this thing.

>> No.7801611

I wouldn't even take that mess for free

>> No.7801670

Needs socks or tights and has to lose the belt and maybe open that peignoir. She is covering a lovely dress.

>> No.7801874

So what? That doesn't make it better, and eating disorders aren't really something you get on purpose.

>> No.7802376

I don't; it's their own fault, money, and shitty taste. If it sells more power to the seller. I've always wanted to profit off noobs.