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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 312 KB, 500x750, tumblr_na3t2tJBjD1sxollwo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7783544 No.7783544 [Reply] [Original]

>Not ita, but not exactly a good coord either
>A coord coord but ugly face doesn't give enough reason to nitpick
>Don't blatantly insult the girls for no reason
>No vendettas

I just saw this on tumblr and it doesn't warrant a posting to the ita thread but damn, it needs work. I love the use of violets but the whole coord is horribly unbalanced.
>wearing a shirt that bold without using the shoes or a small purse to balance it
>do any of her blues even match?

>> No.7783549

I think she looks alright, but those blues won't work together even if they are balanced. Apart from the colour choices I like this.

>> No.7783597

She should change the blouse and the navy headbow. I like the idea, but it doesn't really work, especially with that plain blouse and no matching accessoires.
And maybe she should wear less accessoires (fewer bows and necklaces), but that is just my personal taste; otherwise the outfit is fine and she looks really cute.

>> No.7783637

Not wearing all brand? OMG disgusting.
fucking brandwhores

>> No.7783662

Not OP, but that blouse doesn't suit the rest of her coord at all. Not to mention the blouse looks small on her bust and isn't buttoned up fully. She should have chosen something airy and lighter in colour while easing up on the accessories like the other anon said.

>> No.7783674

Were did you get that from?

>> No.7783695
File: 768 KB, 500x750, socks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

navy OTK's would be the simple fix to this outfit.

>> No.7783701
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or even simpler, navy shoes.

>> No.7783715


> Not wearing all brand? OMG disgusting.
fucking brandwhores
>Not wearing all brand?
> fucking brandwhores

Are you high anon?

>> No.7783725

OP here, I literally have no qualms with offbrand being used in coords and never mentioned the lack of "pure burando". Her coord needs work not because of the lack of brand, but because of her use of so many different shades of blue and lack of balance in the coord. Get that strawman shit out of here.

>> No.7783726

It's still bothers me how heavy on head accessories it is compared to the plain rest. IDK, a fancier blouse, more bracelets, a matching bag? I think it's a far too subtle print to try OTT, especially with navy.

She's cute, though.

>> No.7783751

She just has to get rid of that blouse. It doesn't suit lolita at all and doesn't even fit her, so why bother keeping it in the coord?

>> No.7783764
File: 19 KB, 500x333, tumblr_nayhsqqEbW1s01ud1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This poor girl needs a haircut and some different shoes/wristcuffs.

>> No.7783785
File: 424 KB, 500x750, color correction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also tried myself on that coord, I'm not into sweet myself, so I don't know if everything matches.

>> No.7783797
File: 92 KB, 280x373, 03311848_533939e39d13d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh the wrist cuffs and shoes could work if she went for a huge black alice bow

>> No.7783803

Is that venus's mother?

>> No.7783806
File: 58 KB, 500x333, new haircut + alice bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7783825
File: 64 KB, 684x960, 10624725_1530487930519050_2973131209995798877_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like girl in purple/black looks a lot better than the OTT mess that threw up on the other girl.

If she just lost the peignoir and toned it down just a bit it would be so much better.

And maybe other socks? and purple/black girl needs some accessory help because there is like none there

>> No.7783830
File: 387 KB, 500x750, wigimprov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this take on it, I thought it would look better with a sweeter color for the wig, blue shoes as previously mentioned and some more pink instead of white.

>> No.7783836

I feel like she could also greatly benefit from switching out the blouse to something a little more loli (the one she has looks like she borrowed it from her mom) and loose the star clip right in the centre of her chest. Or at least move it somewhere else? It looks dead stupid right there.

>> No.7783851

Left mess needs to get rid of the peignoir as it doesn't work with that outfit AT ALL.
Right looks like someone's mom dressed for the office with a really unflattering skirt (is she wearing a petticoat or is that just her fat?) and slapped on a headbow and obvious wig for giggles.

>> No.7783861
File: 79 KB, 490x960, 1620369_333931433442664_324946918128281715_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Posted another co-ordinate with Fruits Parlor a while ago here but I decided to revamp it for the Angelic Pretty meet and greet lunch with Rinrin Doll in Vancouver yesterday! Rinrin told me I looked like I came off the streets of Harajuku and that I really stood out to her! ; A ; it made me really happy :'D
JSK, blouse, parasol, socks, bag, some accessories - AP
Rest is all off brand!"

Oh someone thinks she's special.
Found on CoF

>> No.7783868

>the heart sunglasses

>> No.7783887

Much, much better. I'm not fond of that shade of lipstick on her, but with the hair and accessory fixed, it's bearable.

>> No.7783896

As if you wouldn't be happy if someone famous said that to you?

Her outfit is horrible, but I'd be just as excited to get that comment from Rinrin.

>> No.7783899

i love photoshop anons.

it's so much better to give people constructive critiques when you can show what simple things can change an outfit entirely

>> No.7783909

Is she from the Vancouver comm? I don't recognize her.

>> No.7783915

Nah, the navy is still out of place, it crushes the pastel skirt. Maybe under a JSK.

>> No.7784051
File: 143 KB, 500x747, tumblr_nazir8p4aU1ql6fc4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the colours match and everything, but it still somehow looks awful for some reason.
>that blinding red background

>> No.7784055

I think its fine for what it is. clearly sailor moon inspired, which people just hate on fandom lolitas because they are fandom lolitas

>> No.7784057

It's really too loud of a coordinate for lolita, and those knee socks are not doing her legs any favors.

>> No.7784066

This is adorable. Not a nitpick.

>> No.7784074

This feels like a straight up cosplay, not lolita at all to me.

>> No.7784081

I know what you mean, but I'm unable to put my finger on it. It does seem off.

>> No.7784083

Yup but she's young I think so she's kind of only just now coming to meets and stuff. Talked to her a bit at the lunch she's quite sweet personality wise but she's trying to make her wardrobe overly sweet to the point where it looks like she got a pastel rainbow dumped on her.

>> No.7784091
File: 526 KB, 643x668, 1406933855921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"what are you cosplaying?"
>"im not cosplaying. this is a legitimate fashion"
whatever you say, princess

>> No.7784146

It's the wrong navy, it's too blue. She needs a more red/purple tone to tie in with the darker colours in the print and for her legwear to match as anon said and she'd be fine.

>> No.7784158

do you actually talk like this in real life

>> No.7784202

It looks like someone shooped someone else's head onto their body.

>> No.7784246

She's 18 anon. been into lolita for over 4 years. Just started going to meetups within the past year. I thought she was nice but she's a bitch tbh
>anon from previous threads that use to be her friend

>> No.7784266

It looks pretty cheap, especially with that wig. I think the dress is AP but the fabric doesn't look all that nice...

>> No.7784288
File: 128 KB, 203x400, tumblr_narbou3zxm1qgotqjo2_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay wig =/= lolita
It's one of my biggest pet peeves in the fashion tbh

>> No.7784292

If I see one more ita in a madoka wig I'm going to lose my shit. Do they think people honestly won't notice?

>> No.7784305

I consider 18 young since most of the comm is 21+. Also most 18 year olds can barely afford brand yet she seems to have quite a bit. (She did mention she had two part time jobs and is slowing padding her wardrobe? And 4 years must help her collect even if what she's collected she just threw on herself in a mess) When I was 18 I was scraping to afford bodyline so.

>> No.7784326

This image is too small; what's wrong with the wig? It just looks like another generic blonde wig with bangs to me.

>> No.7784328

its a nanami from dangan ronpa wig

>> No.7784332

I hate the different pinks in the shoes vs bag ugh

>> No.7784334

I can't tell if it's pink or blonde, but it looks fine. Wearing wigs (pink or otherwise) isn't exactly new to the fashion.

>> No.7784338

The gap in the buttons bothers me more than the entire rest of the coord. Condense the girls a little pls.

>> No.7784346

I don't mind if it's subtle like this. It's not instantly recognizable unless you're familiar with the series. The problem is when we get girls in Sailor Moon, Catherine, or Miku wigs. It's so obviously cosplay and disgusting.

>> No.7784501

her parents are rich af and she has jobs. (last time I knew her she only had 1. guess she got another one). She's had brand from the get go. I don't know if she even owns anything off brand. She tends to buy random pieces and tries to throw it all together in a big cluster fuck.

>> No.7784959
File: 39 KB, 612x612, 315946_10200921492337454_1556190146_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Sarah.

>> No.7784962

How so? To be honest I've only met a handful of the comm so far.

>> No.7785518 [DELETED] 

hi mckenzie. you picked a photo that is like over a year and a half old wtf

>> No.7785522

sorry to inform you Mckenzie, but I didn't actually post that. Also wtf that picture is like a year and a half old
>how much digging did you go through to find that

>> No.7785683

Not Mckenzie.

>> No.7785796
File: 215 KB, 500x672, moetitan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm the fuck down with this unecesary drama

>> No.7786151
File: 184 KB, 500x750, tumblr_na9vi2y2Xq1t2xgn6o5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The co-ord is pretty fine but... she need to get better straps for her shoes, that doesn't look comfortable at all

>> No.7786160

Her legs look like lacy sausages...

>> No.7786191

WHY?!!!!!!!!!! Her outfit looks great but those straps?! How did she finished getting dressed and think "YARP, THIS LOOKS PERFECT LIKE STRUNG HAM, HUR"

>> No.7786398
File: 26 KB, 421x473, kf83sy7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a friend of mine wanted to get started in lolita. She asked me for some coord help since I've been stalking this fashion for years, (I'm definitely no expert, but I know basics of coording outfits..) and so I helped her pick out a dress and accessories. And let's just say..she didn't even buy half of the items I had picked out for her coord. I don't think she looks bad, but I don't think she looks good either..

We are no longer friends due to clashing interests, but I have NO ill will towards her, nor is this a vendetta post. I just want your opinions on her coord and how it could be better. Please don't be mean to her, as that outcome is not my intent, I'm just curious to know what lolita's think of this


>> No.7786411

That dress is way too fucking short, good lord. Also the accessories, despite being so matchy-matchy in theme, don't really go together all that well with her JSK. Her entire outfit looks lazy and cheap.

>that video
Wow, almost belongs in a cringe thread.
>says "cord"
>"I know the dos and don'ts"

>> No.7786430

co-ord is awkward to say. i usually just fall back on outfit

>> No.7786438
File: 8 KB, 228x221, images222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eeesh yeah I agree, I definitely also cringed when I seen the length of her jsk in the video...I had no idea she was that tall irl. We never met before, so her height for the dress completely slipped my radar..

I had a bunch of different accessories picked out, including a different (black) wig and hair accessories, but she kinda did her own thing when we stopped talking I guess. I kinda feel bad I'm responsible for this all the same..x.x

>> No.7786467

You don't ever really say coord out loud anyway, it's just a way to shorten coordinate to make for easier typing. If you're speaking out loud, you should say outfit or coordinate. Otherwise you just sound, well. Like her.

>> No.7786468

>I don't have a vendetta, so please tear her apart for me. I mean DON'T lol

>> No.7786473

>MFW tall
>see reaction to her skirt length
being a tall lolita is suffering.

she should of worn otks.

>> No.7786480


I don't think it was really necessary to write all that spiel. If you post someone on cgl you pretty much sign up for everything.

So far as this outfit goes, the colours and theme look cohesive, only the blue hair bow is a litle out of place. She seems to be wearing a petticoat and there are no really obvious noob mistakes. At first glance, this is a pretty cute oufit, I don't think anyone would have bothered to post her here.

Anyway, since you wanted nitpicks:

The most fundamental problem is that the dress looks a bit too short for her; the waistline is right under boobs and the skirt looks to be almost mid thigh. Older lolita dresses in general are notorious for being short, Bodyline especially has dress lengths 89cm or even less while burando dresses in general had dress lengths around 95cm (and people complained 95cm was too short). If you bought this secondhand, you could have asked about the dress length to avoid this.

The other problem is the socks -- calf-length can generally be unflattering since the socks stop at a thick part of the leg. The length of leg between the hem of the skirt and the top of the socks is also not ideal -- look up zettai ryouki and you'll see that the ideal amount of skin showing should be just a few fingers width (ignore all the male ranting about thigh-highs, just pay attention to how the gaps between the socks and skirt affect how attractive a look is).

I'll add a note about the petticoat looking to be the wrong shape -- there is a drop in the skirt shape around where the grey keyboard design begins, and the skirt shape looks somewhat off. It looks to me as if she's using a petticoat that's too short for her dress, possibly she's using an a-line petticoat instead of a bell-shaped petti since it doesn't seem to be the right shape, either. However, this being Bodyline's music note jsk, the problem could be either her petticoat or Bodyline's dress material.

>> No.7786482

Well, you can get an underskirt or buy mostly longer dresses, those are both things that exist.

>> No.7786817


>didn't think to check the dress length
>picked an older bodyline dress, iffy quality with terrible drape
>recommends black wig with black dress

Wow, these are truly terrible recommendations. Please stop giving any more advice. You suck at this lolita stuff.

And this is why senior lolitas get annoyed when newbies try to give advice; said advice is usually rubbish.

>> No.7787030

What? I met her at a the tea party and she was super nice.
I don't know what the fuck is up with the Vancouver comm girls in here, you all need to calm down.

>> No.7787040


Hey while you all are in here. I'm in the Vancouver area but have yet to join the comm. Any particular things that irk people that I should try to avoid doing?

>> No.7787042

No, the Vancouver comm is super chill and everyone is really nice. I don't know why the younger girls are trying to stir up drama in here.

>> No.7787055

>you went to CGL because you were too much of a pussy to straiten her out yourself

>Still claims to have no ill will

Man you're even worst than her, you'll probably just want people to back you up on this and rip into her.

>Itas bad crappy friends are worst

>> No.7787069
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There's always going to be people who stir things up I suppose, but that's nice to know. The dinner is soon so hopefully that goes well, I'm pretty shy in large groups and don't really know anyone yet.

>> No.7787375
File: 46 KB, 677x602, 10313350_10154499643420291_4525075928837954194_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people keep praising this girl? Sure, her outfit would be passable if she wasn't exploding from the dress, but as is, this is just painful to look at.
She makes that bodice look tiny...

>> No.7787390

She's cute! The dress looks like it needs to be pulled down a bit

>> No.7787398

It looks like an apron...

>> No.7787399
File: 288 KB, 413x475, w w what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the max bust measurement listed for this piece is almost as big as I am tall

>> No.7787512

dem bangs

>> No.7787513

My friend is pretty tall and I got her a jsk that looks REALLY short on her. Well, it's pretty short in general, but I thought it could work alright with the right kind of bloomers and wearing tights. Any suggestions?

>> No.7787517

>dem eyebrows

>> No.7787528
File: 130 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nazr4s5tWB1s0yaqco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dress is so gothic it shits bats and crosses
>sweet headbow
>sweet socks
>sweet shoes
>If it's black it goes with gothic, right?
I think this style of sock could be tolerable with the dress if they were taller and had nicer lace, but as they are now they look terrible.

This girl's outfits are always so frustrating because she has all the essentials to put together great coords and then she does... this.

>> No.7787537

what IW dress is this? I'd like to see it on somebody with more eh reasonable proportions

>> No.7787540

carousel of paris

>> No.7787546

Pretty dress. Girls still has a pretty face despite being a fatty.

>> No.7787550

is that boobloaf i see

>> No.7787551


>> No.7787552
File: 15 KB, 240x360, 1209_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're fat with big tits WHY would you get the babydoll version? Even the official model looks fat in it.

I like her hair and the rest of her outfit and her face is cute but damn girl.

>> No.7787558

Why the fuck are her waist ties around her neck?

>> No.7787628

Aside from the socks, I really like it. I think the use of the waist-ties as a ribbon is different and looks nice. I just wish there was a bit more crosses used, especially a cross-themed hair accessory.

>> No.7787719


She has a really cute face, she'd be stunning without that weight.

This is the kind of stuff that rustles me, not just general fatties, but fatties who have limitless potential, but choose to do nothing with it.

>> No.7787740

Pick a better blouse.
A purse that doesn't look cheap.
Change those socks for thighs.
That dress is too short for her.

>> No.7787778

The real question here is why the fuck do brands make the baby-doll cuts with huge amounts of shirring. It's a mean trap because its just the cheapest method for them to add a ton of shirring to a dress cheaply since the bodice is smaller. But people who wear it and have any bust at all look like shit.
Also OPs with tons of shirring, there's never enough width in the sleeves that anyone with the max bust could fit the arm parts so why bother?
It's like they don't think.

>> No.7787785
File: 132 KB, 480x640, P10OJ218-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 112 max bust on this
>where do the boobs go
it will never look good

>> No.7787793


It's literally one hamplanet who shitposts on here about the other girls because she's too fat and ita to make friends so she sits around criticizing people she barely knows. A couple girls made friends with her and realized she was batshit and now she's having a shitfest because they backed off. I asked around about who was shitposting about people in the comm because it only seemed like 1 or 2 people and this is what I heard. I believe she was posted above. Count how many times I jimmied the word "shit" into this post.

>> No.7787801

stop saying "underskirt" or "longer dresses"
look like shit, esp with sweet prince
>longer dresses
bodice wont fit right

stop fucking pushing them on people shorty. there are other ways.

>> No.7787803

Because it has a huge max bust measurement, and when you're fat/big tits and don't want to go the replica route, you get so excited that a brand made something that "fit" you that common sense goes out the window. I say that as a bigtits fattychan who used to fall for this trap before I realized how unflattering it was. The burando allure blinds you to everything else.

>> No.7787811

what dress is this??

>> No.7787821

Ista Mori Nameless Poem OP.
Have you been under a rock, anon?

>> No.7787824

No one cares about your petty drama because literally no one knows who you are. If you wanna bitch about this girl just keep posting her outfits and pointing out how shitty they are, talking about this drama between the two of you that seriously, NO ONE knows anything about just makes you look like you're grasping at straws for ways to constantly be getting back at her. Clearly she's no where to be found so it seems like it's just you that's being bitter and not being able to move on.
Vancouver comm is kind of split into little groups. There's the 'younger kids/new generation' that are all like 20 and under, There are the vets that have been around since forever and kind of just hang out with each other and occasionally take charge and organize meets. There's also the random weebs that just kind of float under the radar and the small pockets of close friends but I feel like there's that dynamic in most comms.

>> No.7787826

I'm sweet so I don't really know a lot of gothic brands lol

>> No.7787847

That's good to know, I was hoping to make some friends in the comm 20+. I can't really hang around drama stirers.

>> No.7787860

The only stirer I see is this Sarah chick so I don't think you have much to worry about

>> No.7787885

It's hard to play nice when one of your best friends randomly blocks you on everything for no apparent reason. I've never posted her outfits before because I never thought she deserved it. I was over it. But when I saw her in the ita threads and nitpick threads, I didn't feel a shred of guilt laughing at her because she was a coward bitch to me. You're all assuming that I posted her pictures, that I'm stirring up the drama but in reality, I'm just venting on an anonymous board after I saw her pictures posted. I kind of regret bringing it up again in this thread, and if any of you met me at meet ups or anything, you would know that I'm not one to stir up drama. Not that it matters since I have my friends in the comm and don't need to hang out with people that will judge others and put labels on them from a few posts on 4chan, venting anger over something upsetting that happened to them.

>> No.7788001

I love this coord actually but the headbow kinda miffs me

>> No.7788129

no idea about all this dramu but shes got a cute face for a fattie

>> No.7788132
File: 69 KB, 507x960, 10646977_918919114791534_4846336254423003541_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think this hair/eyebrow combo works? It makes you look pissed off and bitchy.

>> No.7788137


Another nit-pick would probably be the hair style and make up choice. I can't put my finger on it, but somehow it all screams old-timey Western Goth.

>> No.7788142

She looks like a bad brothel-scene extra in a low-budget Western.

>> No.7788144

Wow, you hit the nail on the head. I couldn't think of what exactly she reminded me of.

>> No.7788145

Same. I wish that people would just use the word "outfit". Hell, I avoid it when I type my thoughts out.

>she is coordinating an outfit

I hear some girls in my community say that. They're relatively new to the fashion, however, I just wish that they didn't assume that it's a real word or a word that's meant to used in a spoken context.

Cute, but yeah, no. She needs to wear something better fitted. Classic totally suits her, but even on my smaller frame, IW is just hella awkward.

>> No.7788703

It's less likely that she's a bitch than it is that there's something seriously wrong with you. The only time I've dropped a friend without a word, and heard of other people doing it, was when they were seriously unbearable (like fucking psycho in either a weeb way or an actual way), or detrimental/dangerous somehow. If she didn't even say anything to you that's even more of a red flag. Spend less time airing your dirty laundry on the internet and more time trying to be an actually decent person. Sage for teenage drama.

>> No.7788704

she literally has the same face as every fat person i know

>> No.7788710

Makeup looks like SHIIIIIIIIIIT.

Dress is way too short for her, bag looks cheap and dumpy, and she needs a new hair accessory.

>> No.7788712

>tfw those are my dream shoes but I'm too cheap to pay $100 for the Antaina knockoffs

>> No.7788736


This looks better than most of her co-ords. The headbow looks really out of place though.
I don 't like the socks because the lace is too white, I have this OP and the "white" bits are a darker off-white than usual.
The waist ties around her neck looks a bit odd but I'm not that bothered by it tbh.
Also, the shoes are sweet and look a bit out of place with this gothic co-ord.

>> No.7788743
File: 61 KB, 250x379, tumblr_mbhacgQePc1qaq20lo2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like a stupid hipster tumblr cunt. I'm so tired of hipster lolita.

>> No.7788757

While I agree they're awful on her, sometimes we blind faggots pick glasses and then don't get another pair for 2+ years, in which time we realize that the frames are junk, but there isn't much to be done because we can still see fine and our lenses are $300+ each.

Her hair also looks really terrible, though.

>> No.7788857

She looks like she needs them to see. I am fine with real ones, but it is so stupid when people wear fake ones. Sorry anons, not everyone can wear contacts or afford corrective eye surgery.

>> No.7788862

>tfw just got new, bigger glasses because all the small ones in the shop looked like shit on me
>terrified I look awful in lolita now
M-my friends said I'm cute ;_;

>> No.7788879

Sorry faggot, not everyone should wear lolita, especially when you look like a fucking nerd.

>> No.7788885

Large glasses often are much cuter. Small glasses can make your face look huge by comparison.

As a fellow blind faggot, may I suggest heading online? I just bought another pair of glasses for £35 from directsight; most of the online shops are far far cheaper than the opticians. I don't know what the distance selling regulations are in your country, but most of the online shops will send you frames to try before you decide on a pair, and then you have 14 days to return them once you purchase them.

>> No.7788889
File: 29 KB, 396x400, 1359655137183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7788895

Fortunately I never had that problem with my smaller glasses because I do have a small face anyway, but when I was trying on all the small frames in-store last time, they were all just... too bulky? They sort of cut across my face in a weird way, I don't really know how to explain it. So I just went for a bigger pair that looked relatively okay, but I'm worried they're swallowing up my face. Might just be a contacts-loli whenever I can from now on, though I have disposable lenses and I'm not supposed to wear them more than 3 times a week.

>> No.7788901
File: 168 KB, 2000x1125, 25145694-ortho-2000x1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're talking about glasses, what kind of frames ARE suitable for Lolita?
I mainly wear gothic and my glasses are classic black frames (no not giant hister ones).
Thinking of getting extra pair though, what do you think of these?

>> No.7788902

not that anon but can they give you glasses that correct 2 things at once or are they more generic prescriptions? I have astigmatism and nearsightedness(and i think theres some kind of thing they did for my convergence insufficiency but that's negligible)

>> No.7788903

Nothing inherently wrong with them, as long as they sit okay on your face. I think that's where a lot of glasses-wearing lolis go wrong, they fail to think about which frames suit THEM, not their clothes. If your frames don't look good on you outside of lolita they won't look good in it either.

>> No.7788908
File: 79 KB, 720x960, 1486818_244289909068090_253688854_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're nice, I used to want similar ones! But as >>7788885 said, sometimes small frames make your face look huge so just see what works with your face shape? Personally, big hipster glasses look much better on me than thin frames.

pic related, big glasses win (matchalatte on tumblr)

>> No.7788911


This sort of model is actually one of the few that suits me, so I guess these are fine then.

>> No.7788915

Oh, these are similar to the glasses I bought (>>7788862 and >>7788895 here), that makes me feel a bit better about them.

>> No.7788920

When you say it cuts across your face oddly, it sounds like the top line of the glasses is wrong. For example, I have very strong , slightly arched eyebrows, so any glasses where the bridge is nearly or exactly level with the top part of the lens makes my eyebrows look really harsh and nearly monobrow-y. Make sure you're following those eyebrows as they're the closest thing you have on your face to a natural frame!
I'm sure they can - they can make anything that a regular instore optician can make. As I'm just very short-sighted I haven't had to look into it.
It's probably worth looking at the online opticians who serve your area and giving them a call; I go to Direct Sight (UK) cause they're cheap and they only ask for sphere, axis, cylinder, near addition and pupillary distance (glasses frames are given to you when you browse frames so that doesn't come into it) but I'm sure some of the other ones will deal with astigmatism etc.

>> No.7789009

There are actually a lot of lolitas I think that look cuter with their glasses on than off. A lot of people say I look prettier when I don't wear my glasses, and normally for meets I don't, but when I wear lolita for daily wear, glasses stay on. Wearing glasses just feel right to me.

You can feel free, to agree to disagree.

>> No.7789050

Even the men? You know some cute fat people, then.

>> No.7789054

>big black hipster frames are the only type of frames out there!
>the only alternatives are contacts or surgery!

>> No.7789215

As someone else said, glasses cost a lot. I don't know her personally, but nay she got them before getting into lolita. I don't understand the hate for her glasses, but then I have been wear glasses for about 20 years...

>> No.7789223

>can't afford a decent pair of glasses
>can afford lolita

Calling bullshit on the "but I don't have enough money" excuse.

Why the fuck are you in lolita if you're poor

>> No.7789234

Anon, I think most people view glasses as a necessity more than accessory. I know I for one would rather just stick with the 1 pair of glasses that work just fine and are perfectly acceptable, than spend the 300 dollars to buy a new pair when I could buy a new dress for that price. Maybe, more if you get used non-brand. Yes, I agree it doesn't fit her face with this outfit, but I still don't see how wearing real glasses and not fake ones is being hipster. Please explain it to me Anon.

>> No.7789260

I wear glasses everyday because I can't legally drive without them. I posted once and never called her a hipster, butok

>i can afford glasses but i'd rather get a dress
well then don't bitch when people say you should get better glasses or contacts

>> No.7789263

I'm getting glasses and tbh they cost more then a dress.
But I guess that depends on which frames you get.

>> No.7789264

Anon. I have contacts.
I said here >>7789009 that I do wear them to meets. But I agree, if people complain about you wearing "glasses" it doesn't really matter. It's your face and their problem.

>> No.7789267

Guiz obvsly only rich ppl r rori durr

Stop feeding it, morons.

>> No.7789268 [DELETED] 

Why not. I am having fun.

>> No.7789269

Glasses are a medical device. They are a necessity. And I don't know about other anons, but my glasses cost me something like $500 because I'm fucking blind. I'm not going to just buy a new pair when my old ones help me see just fine. You clearly don't wear glasses, because if you did you would understand this.

Not everyone can wear contacts, because of my shitty astigmatism contact lenses are also crazy expensive, and rather uncomfortable on my sensitive eyes. You're getting autist levels of upset over someone having shitty glasses.

>> No.7789270

Yeah. I have astigmatism too. My coworker,
the one I kind of referred to here >>7788857. Has been trying to buy contacts. She has gone through 4 trial pairs, and all four of them have been bothering/severely irritating her eyes. Her doctor said she might have to get glass contacts which from what I heard are worse, uncomfortable, and a lot more expensive.

>> No.7789274

if we're going to say that fat people shouldn't be in lolita, I'm going to say people who can barely see and won't get themselves decent, nice looking glasses shouldn't be in lolita

>> No.7789276

Glad your 20/20 vision allows you to see cake and cheeseburgers so well

>> No.7789279

>tfw I'm skinny and have shit vision

good try

>> No.7789309
File: 176 KB, 938x1133, classicframesonebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know man, so sick of seeing this 'argument' pop up, just let anons stay mad because they don't like someone's glasses. I currently wear the frames that were the only style available at the time for the lenses I needed. Next time around i'm going to try to find something perhaps more lolita appropriate, but in the mean time, sue me.

I found some beautiful frames on ebay by the way, some companies will be able to fit your prescription lenses to them (you need to check that they can accommodate them mind you).

I do agree that huge, hipstery wayfarers in lolita look a bit silly but then i tend to think they look silly in general.

>> No.7789595
File: 1.80 MB, 2448x3264, real lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone nitpick my outfit kudasai

>> No.7789605

Dear lord I hope you're kidding.

>> No.7789606
File: 159 KB, 446x400, laughinglolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way you fish for attention is comparable to the camwhores on the social board.

>> No.7789611

It's perfect. The dog purse is a great touch.

>> No.7789616

Didn't we tell you to stop, your jokes are getting old

>> No.7789624

GOMENASAI anon-chan I just thought I needed some constructive criticism XD

>> No.7789625

do you mean her face?

>> No.7789626

Seriously, it's bad enough having to see your stupid posts on tumblr but seeing them self-posted here is just fucking sad.

>> No.7789636

I think it's sad you're posting this poor girl's pic for others to ridicule.

>> No.7789652
File: 30 KB, 485x359, tumblr_m4va4tHlR71r3zat8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7789712

JFC get the fuck out you obnoxious twat

>> No.7789949

>implying you can even see her make up in that photo

>> No.7789986

im not looking forward to having her in my comm.

she seems like a bitch.

>> No.7790159

Off topic but I really love her eyebrows, I need to get mine done like that!

>> No.7790190

You bitches have no sense of humor. We FINALLY have a funny lolita and you guys just shit all over her, just either ignore her or take the stick out of your ass and laugh along. You don't have to find her funny, but you do realize you derail threads even more when you give her attention? If you think she's an attention whore why give her any...

>> No.7790263


This is getting way off track, but I have astigmatism too and I haven't found any circle lenses that I can wear comfortably. Has anyone else found some that work? I have tried several different pairs and I couldn't wear any of them...

>> No.7790472

She's not a lolita, the only dresses she owns are replicas and Bodyline. Nice self post tho nekopocky.

>> No.7790476

This really is suited to the ita thread. That blouse is ita as all hell.

>> No.7790559

>We FINALLY have a funny lolita and you guys just shit all over her,

Christ, I'd hate to see what you think of as mildly amusing. I bet you find it hilarious when people step on rakes.

>> No.7791442
File: 110 KB, 500x375, jetj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's not a lolita, the only dresses she owns are replicas and Bodyline
Not the anon you're talking to, but brand doesn't necessarily make the lolita. Peachie dresses in lolita and I'm fairly certain she owns little to no brand. You could wear all brand and still look like shit. It's skill and matching the aesthetic that makes the lolita.

Back on track, I know this piece is more of a daily lolita coordinate, but I don't find that any piece really matches the dress all that well.

>> No.7791448

That cardi looks terrible with that dress. Try a short-sleeved bolero. They're everywhere in stores right now, even outside of brand.

>> No.7791463

It isn't my coord, anon. Just posting to stay on topic.

>> No.7792793
File: 136 KB, 960x705, 10434139_10204938620285467_2504509119907958641_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On top of the poor sock choice and meh coord, there's that sad squished boobloaf...

>> No.7792803

>those lego heads next to the Pam
I hope those are just nurdgurl salt and pepper shakers...

>> No.7792825

Neko needs to go but stepping on rakes isn't common enough to not be funny. Come on. You'd laugh if you saw it at random

>> No.7792851

I don't think she's actually wearing a bra. This is a grand improvement from her last few coords, but she needs to work on buying accessories and getting a decent lolita wig.

>> No.7793440
File: 266 KB, 500x747, 1409176109275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white balance settings sapped all the color away from her skin, thats why it looks like shit.
>fixed skintone and bg

>> No.7793471

What I would change about this coord:

>make socks OTKs
>Fix boobloaf
>Add wristcuffs or other larger wrist accessory

>> No.7793487


>> No.7793559

Her dimple is really cute and I really like her hair! I think the boob loaf might just be a result of IW's small bust cut, but also she might find adjusting the straps to be longer could help as it looks like one of their 'boob pocket' designs - the bottom of the deer bust panel should line up with the bottom of her bust.

I don't like the bag. It doesn't match the white of the blouse and socks or the pinky cream of the dress. I'd like to see a dark brown bag to tie in the shoes.

I'd prefer to see OTKs or tights too.

>> No.7793583

That's not fair. That girl is adorable and her coords are flawless. Pick someone else for a better example next time.

>> No.7793584
File: 82 KB, 457x410, 1407633859288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank. You.
>spends hundreds on dresses and accessories
>can't afford contacts to wear only with lolita

>> No.7793587

Links for those ebay frames?

Yeah, Voldie is so cute I almost wish I was chubby.

>> No.7793597

Max bust on that isn't 112, it's maybe 96cm. Just because it can stretch doesn't mean it should. This dress doesn't have a zipper so it stretches so you can pull it over your shoulders or hips.

I have tall friends who swear by Little Dipper underskirts and I think their coords look great. It's a cheap way to make a ton of dresses work for you.

>> No.7794728
File: 713 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n2n3chhuva1r6rai4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking dammit this girl
She's always so close, and yet manages to fuck up the most basic things. Those fucking tights don't even remotely match, what the fuck
Also this camera angle makes her look stumpy as fuck

>> No.7794750

I was so pleased with how pretty this was until I scrolled down enough to see her legs. How could you not notice that those blues are two totally different colors?

>> No.7794754

How easy is it to go about getting lenses for frames? I always see super cute retro frames on etsy but never knew if I could actually get lenses for them.

>> No.7794755

How about you spend on some glasses/contacts instead of lolita?

>> No.7794788

...isnt she wearing those socks backwards

>> No.7794826

Think what you will, but I really hate that kind of dress. It's exactly what comes to mind when I think "anime lolita" with all of the large ruffles and the panels at the side.

>> No.7794831

Agreed. It also reminds me of the really bratty princess stereotype, like she should be stomping her foot and demanding something angrily.

>> No.7795157

There's something so off about this girl in general, her face creeps me out.

>> No.7795572

I totally am, and I didn't realize until I got home. That's also why my OTKs didn't fit properly.

Thanks for the feedback guys!

>> No.7795614

Are we allowed to nitpick videos? Because this bothers me more than it probably should. Especially the locket. Why would you pick such a massive, chunky piece of plastic crap to go with a bridal theme? Does she not own anything remotely more elegant and/or classy. Same goes for the ring. It all seems really out of place with the gloves and veil.
Also, her over-plucked eyebrows have always bothered me- they make her look like an alien.

>> No.7795727

...this is NOT me.

>> No.7795732

Oh that awkward moment. Did you always have a trip because I swear that at the beginning you just were namefagging?

>> No.7795745

I always had a trip, but I almost never used it. What the fuck.

>> No.7795757 [DELETED] 

Suck me

>> No.7795793
File: 20 KB, 390x470, 1404482042467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7795798

Easy. Go to your local optometrist office and bring your new frames and your current prescription. Tell the the optician (the one who adjusts your glasses) that you want to put new lenses in. Discuss your options. Pay them and possibly sign a waiver.
Wait about 2-3 weeks for them to come back from the lab (if they don't cut on cite). Come back and have them pop the new lenses in and do the adjustments.
Opticians are trained to take measurements of frames and lenses. Just call the office and ask first before you buy the frames.

>> No.7795964

Someone's conveniently impersonating you now, eh?

> seems legit

>> No.7796245

thank you anon!

>> No.7798507
File: 212 KB, 1200x1128, 10683664_945073248843021_1475096540839401987_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are way too many different shades of brown going on here. I especially dislike the blouse.

>> No.7798520

lighting probably has a lot to do with it, happens a lot with chiffon type material too, plus even on the jsk, the bodice section looks cool relative to the skirt section. The cuffs of the blouse also don't look as reddish as in other sections - it is pretty odd though, I'll give you that.

>> No.7798526


Quite a lot of the many browns she's wearing reflects a brown in the dresss itself. Even the blouse is just a couple of shades off from the brown in the border print, if it wasn't this particular dress it probably wouldn't have been so noticeable.

Well, at least that explains why the dress is still up on tthe AP site.

>> No.7798532

Honestly, if you cover her legs/shoes it looks a whole lot better.
The tights and shoes are a weird grey-ish brown

>> No.7798541

Yeah, it looks a little better, but I'm still not liking the clash between the red-brown blouse, chocolate brown lace and tan-brown print. It's just too much for my taste.

>> No.7798564

true ass shit

>> No.7798568
File: 144 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nb9g6sIHQc1s0yaqco6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These tights are incredibly busy and clash hard with the dress's darker color tones. She'd almost be better off with plain black tights or something more muted as to not take away from the print.

This girl is always so, so close with her coords... Except when she uses those shitty strap-on leg batwing things. They make her legs look chunky and her outfits campy as sin.

>> No.7798573
File: 142 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nb3oxj7Wxt1s0yaqco2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.7798575

Same. I just hate caplet shit on dresses and those ruffles are so tacky. I would like it a lot more with more subtle ruffles, but I do love the underskirt portion.

>> No.7798578

Her veil thing makes her look like a weird hunchback

>> No.7798616

those fucking batwings...

>> No.7798744

I hate that she wears tea parties with such otherwise gothic coordinates. There's certain shoes that are appropriate for different styles and they are so off.

>> No.7798759

I think they look okay with the first outfit, but not with Nameless Poem (although the huge bow makes it look sort of sweet, though?).

>> No.7798768

I want this dress but in black and white

>> No.7798798

this, if she switched out the blouse it could pass for something casual

>> No.7798804

The garters are my only real nitpick here. I love everything else

>veil overs peignoirs anyday

>> No.7798809

just lose the peignoir.

omg Karen you can't just fix skintones!

shitty fandom lolita done poorly.

wearing wigs isn't new to the fashion, but I'm not gonna slap my Serah Farron cosplay wig with one curly pigtail with my pink dress. It's when it's stylized for a specific character like Madoka or Catherine that its cringeworthy

>> No.7798815

tallfag, OTKS and itghts make such a difference, I won't even go near kneesocks, especially if my dress is pushing the length limit

>> No.7798819

I think the tights are okay, it's the eyeshadow that's killing me.

>I think it's cute/fine
>maybe a little costumey

seconding little dipper underskirts.

>> No.7799295

That pose is so powerfully unflattering.

>> No.7799299

>Little Dipper underskirts
I'm scared. I haven't seen underskirts work well for sweet prints even once.

>> No.7802090
File: 123 KB, 500x750, ohgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so much wrong with this I have no idea where to even start...

>> No.7802261

Is the one on the right a brolita, or do they just have an unfortunate face? Also that lip color is way too dark.

>> No.7802274

They both look so good until you seethe legs! On the left the tights, shoes, everything is the wrong color and style it just kills it. On the right it would of been better to use red/Bordeaux shoes instead.

>> No.7802299

tfw you're a busty-chan and lusting after this dress
my bust is about 98cm. If I try and bind it down, will it still look okay? I just love the print/collar so much

>> No.7802521
File: 85 KB, 394x750, tumblr_m1bz807zWn1qhhjllo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The horns need to be lighter in color and less wonky. Also no bonnet. Too much on the head and it looks like she photoshopped them in.

>> No.7802563

Wow. I'm starting to think that the bodice of this dress just looks terrible on everyone. Like it's not designed to accommodate any boob whatsoever.

>> No.7802569

it isn't

>> No.7802656

Eurgh put down that globus cruciger you don't have the divine right to rule.

>> No.7802765
File: 231 KB, 431x750, oh uhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this while looking through the tag... its cute but... somethings not right... is it the slightly mismatched browns? her bag? her face? the wig? cant put my finger on just what.

>> No.7802774

Well duh it's IW.

>> No.7802778

If you wanna go hyper nitpick mode anon, i think it's actually the hat ribbon tied under her chin, rather than hidden at the back of her head more than anything else.

>> No.7802780

Mmm not just that, I've got a few iw dresses and delft lotta is the only one with an awkward bodice like that

>> No.7802781

Possibly the black bag paired with a brown/pink coord?

>> No.7802796

A lot of things are bugging me here.
>mismatched browns in clashing tones
>black bag with a pink x brown outfit
>that head wear is bad and looks gross in the detail pic
>wig looks unnatural (a comb through and maybe trimming the bangs could fix this, although i still dislike it when reds like this are paired with pink)

Definitely nitpick but there's still a lot wrong

>> No.7802806

I hate the wig, personally, it's too much for her thin face. Also not crazy about the hat.

>> No.7803142
File: 692 KB, 1280x1845, i dunno know about that girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also heres the hair piece detail shot... honestly it just looks gross!

>> No.7803165

I actually really like the concept here, am I crazy? I just think she needs to fill out the chocolates a lot more. Use larger ones or more of them so there is less empty space.

>> No.7803177

It looks like poop with holes in it.
> Can not un-see.

>> No.7803211

It's an attempt to mimic Betty Page.

>> No.7803217

If she lost the feather rose hair accessory, and ditched the gloves for wrist cuffs, and toned down the size of her necklace, it would likely look less spaghetti western-ly.

>> No.7803222

she's sooooi pale

>> No.7803272
File: 143 KB, 499x666, kathy kinney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That fucking Kathy Kinney makeup

That's it; THAT'S what throws the outfit off. That makeup is at a level of gaudiness that Fran Drescher would sacrifice a lamb to obtain.
Also, the tights are off.

>> No.7803391
File: 94 KB, 347x616, tumblr_nbg9ivMZAa1s9crero1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boring white blouse/legwear
>OTT royal red x gold accessories

On the entire other end of the spectrum, just saw pic related on tumblr and cringed. Cheap, costumey jewelry and accessories, bag doesn't match at all (yes it's a crown but black x wine??), blouse needs a collar with that square neckline, shoes even bug me because the red in the dress is so orangey and they're so blue-toned wine like the bag. Everything just looks so cheap. She usually has such lovely coords but this really looks like a Halloween costume.

Also more of a curiosity on my part but she also lists the long necklace and ring as Sheglit but I'm almost certain those must be BPN replicas, as I've seen the necklace on tokyoalice/cc as BPN multiple times.

>> No.7803398

I was actually surprised with myself that this is one of her few coords I almost like, if she lost the TP's and the headbow. I like everything else together, even the garters. Honestly, it's not anything she can fix but her face just doesn't suit gothic well so that's obviously why she tries to shoehorn sweet items into gothic coords but it's not working.

>> No.7803402

her bag is brown just a darker brown

how do you not recognize ap's royal chocolate rucksack? it only comes in brown, pink, and ivory

>> No.7803410

That's actually the "bitter" colourway, which is basically black. Do you not realize that that bag has been re-released in different colours?

>> No.7803420

The saddest part is she paid $225 +shipping for that crown, from this Etsy shop:

The materials are so fucking cheap too, like taobao wholesale tier. I don't know how they've managed to convince so many people that those prices are worth the product.

>> No.7803421 [DELETED] 

sorry to disappoint you anon but thats the bag from the first release. there was no bitter colorway. they made similar bags in darker colors later but no exact re-release.


>> No.7803425

sorry to disappoint you anon but thats the bag from the first release. afaik ap has never made a bag in the bitter colorway. only ivory, brown, pink, and mocha.


>> No.7803428

This looks so pathetic. I make mini sweets and these are just sorry excuses, I want to fill it up with some of my fake chocolates.

>> No.7803438

>afaik ap has never made a bag in the bitter colorway
Well as far as I know you're a fucking idiot because all of these come in a bitter colorway. Check the stock images.

>> No.7803467

you're right. youre right about those anon but you're still wrong about HER bag being bitter. its the original brown colorway for its release. by all means complain that its not the 'right' brown but dont say its black

because it factually isnt

>> No.7803481


This one, right, just royal chocolate, no melty? I think that is the only brown that particular bag comes in. It is brown an not black. However other anon is correct in that it is basically black because the "brown" of this release is bitter. Can we all agree it's too dark, brown/black/whatever?

>> No.7803482

Dropped my link:


>> No.7803513

I get what you're trying to say but there was no bitter in this release at all. The main pieces didn't come in that colorway until later.

>> No.7803521

We weren't talking about HER bag being bitter though, we were talking about AP bags in general.
>afaik ap has never made a bag in the bitter colorway
Here is the offending statement again, since you clearly didn't understand it the first time.

>> No.7803523

Even so. The bag she has is clearly this one >>7803482

>> No.7803683

whoa man, leave us blindfags alone, she needs those to see shit, plus, glasses cost a shit ton.

>> No.7803685

I have prisms and spd, My glasses cost me over 1,000 dollars.

>> No.7803699

god that brings back memories. my mom was her from halloween when she was in college
god I feel old

>> No.7803717
File: 45 KB, 714x266, 472414_lg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glasses cost a shit ton
>have -10 in each eye
>need my glasses ground down to fuck
>bought pic related for $85
get on my fucking level you piece of shit.

>> No.7803718

That girl always wears too much makeup, even in her ouji coord. And it's unflattering too.

>> No.7803722

> you look like a fucking nerd.

Ouch, man, that hurts. No need to go all out.

>> No.7804031


On the fence about the coord as a whole, but that is definitely the brown color way of the bag. She posted the auction link on her tumblr a few weeks ago.

I don't mind the blouse and the shoes but the crown is a bit OTT for my taste. At least she didn't put a tacky mini crown on her head.

Sheglit was started by black Peace Now designer Tsubasa Kobayashi after the bankruptcy announcement. It looks like the necklace and stuff is on Sheglits website, but if its a carry over from Black Peace Now that explains why they would have similar stuff.

>> No.7804793

>Sheglit was started by black Peace Now designer Tsubasa Kobayashi after the bankruptcy announcement. It looks like the necklace and stuff is on Sheglits website, but if its a carry over from Black Peace Now that explains why they would have similar stuff.

Oh, really? I had no idea it was the same designer! That's good to know though, I was so sad when BPN went bankrupt.