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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7782347 No.7782347[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hit me with what you've got! Can be cosplay skits, or even future plans. I just want to see or hear about some Love Live cosplay.

>> No.7782367

Tired of the "I love idol anime, Love Live is my fave teehee!" I keep seeing on tumblr and twitter. It's a so-so entry-level idol anime pretty much made for wotas.
5/10 would maybe suggest to people who are new to anime.

>> No.7782384
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I have to agree it's a so-so entry level idol anime, but as stupid as it sounds, it really rekindled my love for idol anime.
Because of it I got into Puripara, Pretty Rhythm, Aikatsu, etc.. Would there be anything you suggest I check into, anon?

>> No.7782392

What about WUG!?

>> No.7782425

wug life is my life
wug life is the only life
god i love wug

>> No.7782428

Oh god yes, whenever I try to talk about WUG! they just give me shit.

>> No.7782473

WUG is the best idol series, but I can't help but favor the girls in idolm@ster and LL simply for being cute and having more moe designs.

That being said, AKB0048 anime is worst idol anime.

>> No.7782799

Planning to do one or two stage outfits with a friend. Trying to rope another friend into doing it so at least we'd be a trio with some center symmetry action but so far no luck. Would like to do one of their lesser known outfits in the future because they have a lot of pretty ones but we'll see how it goes down the road.

>> No.7782839

I want to cosplay Nico as she is my favorite, but then I realize I'm wanting to cosplay as a character who is pretty much a 10/10 and so it's thrown all the way back into my cosplay backlog.

May not ever do it. I did consequently find an LL uniform on Bodyline the other day.

Also, what is your opinion on whether or not LL cosplayers should at least know a dance from the show?
Oh come on. I really enjoyed LL, the half and half mix of drama and sol makes it easy to enjoy yet interesting.

And the songs are good too.

>> No.7782855

>Also, what is your opinion on whether or not LL cosplayers should at least know a dance from the show?
Why the fuck would you need to know a dance? Anon please, come back when you're over 18.

>> No.7782873
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I'll post the few I found in a facebook group and page I follow.

>> No.7782875

I'm just saying, you're cosplaying as a character who is pretty much about singing and dancing, and some person comes up to you and asks you to strike a pose, sing part of a song, dance etc. I'd imagine it would feel awful to not know anything.

>> No.7782876
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>> No.7782877
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>> No.7782879
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>> No.7782880


WUG was so good.
So fucking quality all over the place but LL has just as jarring CG.

>> No.7782881
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>> No.7783447


>> No.7783515
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>> No.7783521

>That being said, AKB0048 anime is worst idol anime.

I watched both seasons. The entire story and everything was so try hard and trying to be serious but it kind of became a guilty pleasure for me.

>> No.7783522
File: 1.46 MB, 1500x1001, tymupgviqdaomaciovbkxqppklabdsoddytpyils-3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see more cosplay of A-RISE!

>> No.7783526
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>> No.7783538

The movie was fucking great. I wish they would come to Cali.

>> No.7783833

yeah i hate it when im cosplaying katara and i can't even waterbend for people who ask
who fucking cares

>> No.7783838

The faces on some of these girls are just brutal. Why do idol animes always get the low tier cosplayers and the ones that think they are ~* uguu so aidoru desu look at me sing and dance japneesu *~

>> No.7783866
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Looking at the pictures in this thread just makes me even more aware of how unfit I am to cosplay kawaii aidoru girls. Whenever I see my favorite LL in some cute outfit I just die a little knowing that I could never pull it off.

To keep the thread going, what's your dream cosplay from LL?

>> No.7783893
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>> No.7783929

>That being said, AKB0048 anime is worst idol anime.

I watched it because my friend said that the girls explode and get sucked into another dimension when they graduate.

>> No.7784129

Who would you say are the good ones? Just curious.

>> No.7784134

Mine has got to be Nico's wedding dress one. Was totally in love with that when I saw it.

>> No.7784498

What's everyones favorite idol?

>> No.7784591
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>> No.7784620

If you're cosplaying Nico and you can't even do Nico Nico Ni then what the fuck are you even doing cosplaying Nico

Overall I feel like Idol cosplay is different from other kinds of cosplay. It'd be pretty ironic to go as a character who is supposed to be a 10/10 and not even be cute. It's just easier to fuck up.

>> No.7784627
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Definitely Rin's fashion show outfit.

I agree that LL is cliche as fuck but I teared during this episode. I felt exactly how Rin did before I started dressing himekaji and just seeing how happy she looked when she wore cute clothes hit me hard.

>> No.7784628

well now I feel like shit for cosplaying a thing I like and ruining it because I'm not cute.

>> No.7784674


>> No.7784679

I see the girl on the left everywhere. Why does she always look like she's just smelled a fart?

>> No.7784719

Someone forgot about Xenoglossia

>> No.7784729
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The great leader Honoka obviously.

My waifu.

>> No.7784733
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>> No.7784824

My tiki head

>> No.7784878

Recently I got roped into a full LL group as their Nico, which I'm looking forward to because I get to be Nico with a whole group whoa!! The main downside however, is that the group consists of me, 2 of my friends, and 6 other girls who are complete weebs and theyre so incredibly cringeworthy, jesus christ.

They want to do all the outfits and learn all the dances to perform and I kinda.. okay thats cool and all but what about the other costume plans people have? What if people already planned costumes to some cons? What if some people don't want to embarrass themselves by dancing to a japanese song at a public beach? I'm tempted to leave but I'll see how tolerable they are after we do our first outfit.

>> No.7785051

W8 wot akb48 had an anime?

>> No.7785348

Hanayo. She just always warms my heart, and I find her so endearing. (I also really liked her with glasses...)

Good luck, anon. Hopefully it's not too bad.

Yeah. It's called AKB0048.

Has LL been cosplayed a lot more at recent cons? Does anyone have any pics? And do you think it'll just continue to grow?

>> No.7785355

I'm in a LL group, not full yet but working on it. We're making the Yume no Tobira outfits, I'm the Eli and there's one Kotori, Maki, Honoka and Hanayo. All good except that the Kotori has dark brown hair and doesn't want to get a wig, her sister is mad because she wanted to be Eli because she is blonde (....) and the others didn't buy their wigs yet, which would be fine, if the con wasn't in 20 days from now..
I'm starting to panic, wanted to have a pretty nice group since some other girls said they were cosplaying LL too once they found out about us, but I don't know anymore.

>> No.7785579


This anon knows what's up.

>> No.7785652
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>> No.7785732


>Associating and cosplaying with dumb weebs who insist on using their real hair because it's JUST LIKE the characters, perfect volume, shade, and magically doesn't get greasy.

You should just drop them, cheap/lazy weebs are the worst.

>> No.7785751

The two sisters, they think their hair is good enough to cosplay anime characters so they never want to get wigs, they know nothing about cosplay (one friend has to make their costumes) and they don't even watch anime! But the girl who is cosplaying Honoka, she is my cosplay partner since we started and she doesn't want to leave them so I have to put up with it..

>> No.7785771


Nozomi. She's so calm and sisterly, but has that little mischievous and playful quality in her. And her outfits are beautiful, even if they show more cleavage than other idols'.

>> No.7785792

I still can't believe I managed to get into a LL-group in which all of the members are cool and we share the same ideas. I'm so excited, I just love idol animes and having a whole group of the main nine in Love Live! is a dream come true! (still waiting for that big Im@s group tho...)

>> No.7785824

My LL group isn't completely motivated and a good amount of them hardly can afford any cosplay. Also we're spread out across the state so it's hard to meet up. Any other Utah LL cosplayers here?

>> No.7785963

She's number one


>> No.7786061


>> No.7786083

I got really into Love Live because the game is so goddamn fun. It was bound to happen since I am all about rhythm games. I got a wig for Nozomi and will be doing her school uniform in December. I really would like to do her Wonderful Rush outfit though since I think they are the cutest.

Nico. I love how ridiculous she is. I think she has the most character out of all of the girls.

>> No.7786329

Too bad they don't have more costume. I like their cool/mature aura a little more than the cute one muse puts off

>> No.7786541

I have ALL of the videos. Here we go...I'll start with the good.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/hdH9VLDxaaU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.7786544

Apparently that's not how you embed videos. Wow, I feel like a newfag. This...?

<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="//www.youtube.com/v/hdH9VLDxaaU?hl=en_US&amp;version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="//www.youtube.com/v/hdH9VLDxaaU?hl=en_US&amp;version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

>> No.7786551

I'm a scrub, fuck me...

>A-Rise Shocking Party:


>The BEST rendition of START:DASH!!


>The best rendition of the OP song imo


>And a really bad attempt at 1, 2 Jump.


Sorry about my last two posts...

>> No.7786571

I wish we could have like, a cgl idol group...

>tfw no friends to be idols with

>> No.7786576

We tried a few years ago. You don't wanna know what happened.

>> No.7786580


Oh my god, thank you for making me look this up. I'm instantly a fan because the dancing isn't shit in this series, holy shit...

>> No.7786581

Ahhh now I want to know...?

It could be so fun though! There could be like, auditions or contests. Maybe there could even be different groups for different states or countries, and then occasionally the different groups could team up to work on songs or something.

>> No.7786585

I'm curious as to what happened.

M-me too. I don't have enough friends who will cosplay, let alone be into idol animes too.

>> No.7786590

Me too, friend. Me too. I would seriously start working on being a school idol if I had friends to do it with...

>> No.7786598

We had some voting.

The girls would post a bio on a website we created. They'd post pictures and make videos.

Then there was huge drama and some girl people called a "rat faced cunt' won.

>> No.7786611

Ahhh the usual, haha.

I still think it would be an idea worth pursuing. We could like, vote for three girls per region. We could even do a kickstarter, and perform at small venues and work our way up! People could vote on their favourite regions, we could make music videos, and make friends!

>I'm too naive

>> No.7786856

This is impossible to do without money and/or a music producer.
Just look at all the old wannabe idol groups that happened all at once a while back.
Even if you ignore all the 'problems' with the individual girl's image, and/or skillset these underlying problems are why long distance net idol groups don't work:
I feel a major factor of successful idol groups is them looking like and being a cohesive unit which can be judged by:
There should be a coherent them etc. Not super hard to pull off with casual outfits if you give out a good set of guidelines like color scheme, choice of metal, clothing types etc. and preapprove outfit choices (preferrably also having a library of images of each member's closet in their member color to reference) + throw in a custom/matching accessory you mail out to each member to bring things together. This costs the moolah. If you commission or make full on costumes that costs a lot and you have to hope to god the members measured themselves correctly.
It's usually all over the place and out of sync because each girl has nothing but herself to look to for timing cues and many do not work well with that and rely on another more skilled girl to help them figure out dances as well. Watching practice videos and giving feedback can only help some people so much.
This is one of the most annoying and tricky barriers for long distance group. There is usually a large gap in video quality throughout the group, some may even only have a shitty webcam. To fix this you'd either have to buy everyone who doesn't have one an acceptable camera, or mail around a single DSLR camera taking turns and hoping it doesn't get broken. You can't do complicated dance scenes either without a combination of panning + splitscreen, or the only way to make it be somehow like everyone is together by having everyone use a green screen which is also expensive.
(cont... Maybe if you guys don't mind my musing.)

>> No.7786868

The group at SMASH Sydney was pretty cute, the race was nice too, it that I know much about dancing.

>> No.7786883
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>> No.7787694

If only I had enough nearby friends who were into cosplay and doing things like this.
I can't even scrounge up enough friends to make a cosplay trio from LL, let alone trying to coordinate us dancing.

>> No.7787707

that feel when I've been playing an eroge where you fuck Nico before I've even knew about this anime, and I was so confused why so many girls decided to cosplay a girl from short porn game...

>> No.7787734

anon, what game are you talking about

>> No.7787771
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Just saw this on my fb.

I'm starting to get a feeling that most groups aren't putting in much effort, it's just "Hey, neckbeards like this pandering shit, let's all cosplay it and get loads of attention quickly!" I love Love Live, but I'm disappointed with all these weak efforts.

>tfw full time job/school and virtually no motivation to do anything when a break comes around
>worried I'll look too damn old by the time I do catch a break to cosplay any of these cuties

life is suffering

>> No.7787902

Oh, I actually saw this group at Otakon. My friend and I got really excited we saw them because they were the first LL cosplayers we encountered.
Although their costumes could have used more work, they were very nice.

>> No.7787911

My dream is to take kawaii cosplayers and choreograph for them. I'm too old to be an idol now, but I'd be a hella good teacher.

>> No.7787918

Please teach me, sensei. I'll become kawaii for you.

>> No.7787926

>anon-chan you're giving me too much hope

but yeah. If there was a group of people that looked the part, I'd have them dancing like proper idols. They could be the most awkward pigeons out there..

>> No.7787941

Oh shit the nigga bitch looks just like this terrible annoying koreaboo from my area

>> No.7787970

That last video makes me so sad. They had a really nice location, good costumes, high quality camera, average faces/good figures and it still came out like shit.

>> No.7787986

I think they just look I awkward. Most of them don't look comfortable doing what they're doing. Maybe if they had more practice together it might be better?

>> No.7788196

This isn't that bad, anon...Kotori is ADORABLE and Maki's wig is nice. I think that although I agree their costumes could use more work and Hanayo should work out more that they're acceptable.

>> No.7788273

Isn't that DtP? Their pretty popular in the idol community so I would think they would do better with their cosplays. Deanna makes a really nice Honoka though.

>> No.7788274

WUG! for life!!! Check out their irl videos and shows, they are pretty nice

>> No.7788336

Why are there two Nozomis?

>> No.7788348
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Group from a recent con. They were all pretty darn cute

>> No.7788354

Yeah, awkwardness can be cute but some of them just look lost.

This is probably one of the best dance cosplays, imo:

>> No.7788378

That Honokas legs....beautiful.


dancing isnt so great in this one but professional filming makes it better ha

anyone seen a dance cover for yume no tobira?

>> No.7788384

Oh my gosh. They are so cute. Outfits look pretty good too.

>> No.7788395
File: 135 KB, 960x504, 10614161_755861227807609_2635336072731707899_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pet peeve is groups not having matching shoes. it just throws everything off for me.
so this group gets + points...

>> No.7788410

I think Deanna is the only DTP member in that group, I don't follow them super closely, but none of them really look familiar (could be new members).

>> No.7788596

Question: for some of these dances, there are little snippets of the girls doing stuff. Was there a full version of the 1st OP dance specifically released, or are these groups just making moves up in the middle?

>> No.7788611

What I hate about these groups is that there's a fat bitch on almost all of them.

>inb4 someone say they have chubby girls on LL
No, they don't.

>> No.7788619
File: 214 KB, 640x900, Hanayo_pure_sr116_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's specifically plot points in the anime and game about Hanayo being chubby, but stay mad, anon.

>> No.7788629

I know that very well, but if you look at her you'll see that she's not chubby at all.

In japan being chubby means you have a 18 BMI instead of 17 BMI.

Just look at the official art.

>> No.7788635

Did you miss the episode where Honoka gets so fat that her old costume doesn't fit her anymore?

>> No.7788638

Anime fat is different from american fat.

>> No.7788650

>tfw when you have flabby arms and heap of the outfits you want to do are sleeveless.

>> No.7788656

If you don't believe Japanese high school girls can be fat, you have never seen one that isn't an anime character. And LL is an anime about Japanese high school girls.

>> No.7788659

But anons point is op said that there is always one in the group that is American fat. Not anime girl slight chub fat.

This has nothing to do with irl fat Japanese high schoolgirls.

>> No.7788662
File: 829 KB, 717x1026, hanayo_koizumi___love_live___render__by_niu_gl0-d6yzqw5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, we're talking about anime here.

Another thing that bothers me is that american women who make dance videos usually have old manfaces on top of being fat. It's insulting all around.

>> No.7789204

I guess I may have worded it wrong, reading over it again. Rephrasing my question: For the first OP dance, there are places where the camera cuts off of the group shot and just shows them in their school uniforms laughing and being cute, but these groups have to perform the whole dance. Are they just making up moves at these points when the camera doesn't show the whole dance, or is there an entire dance video that I have not found yet somewhere?

>> No.7789727

>The best rendition of the OP song imo
That Nico hnnnnnnng

>> No.7790185

Right?? I hate when groups have tall Nicos. They just look stupid.

>> No.7790216

Not really a full cosplay but their cover is really good. And their costumes are super cute.


>> No.7790218
File: 177 KB, 818x568, facedownground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw missing only one member of a full group at a con

>> No.7790227

For NYCC? Who are you missing?

>> No.7791043

I'm such a weeb but my dream is to be an idol. Is that even possible?

>> No.7791083

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good wig for Maki? Everything seems too long or too curly.

>> No.7791503
File: 2.92 MB, 720x405, LLnobrandgirls.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll never have this much fun

>> No.7791514

It is if you're very cute and adorable.

>> No.7791519

do you have the full video to that?

>> No.7791533


>> No.7791563
File: 2.33 MB, 1280x720, LLmogyutoo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7791576
File: 2.77 MB, 720x405, LLbokuranolive.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7791589

Damn that was pretty cute.

If I wasn't a tan skinned guy I would put in effort to cosplay and make something like this.

>> No.7791599
File: 1.97 MB, 1280x720, LLmogyutoo2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7791621

they just look like they are going through the motions and not exactly having fun.

>> No.7791624
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, LLbokura.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7791695

This Nico looks like she's having fun.

>> No.7791872

i think we're starting to miss one or two people for Katsucon right now. That's still prety far away so we don't know for sure if they can come or not

just checked. missing three; maki, hanayo and nico. Shouldn't be that hard to find but the ones that were in our otakon group isnt sure yet

>> No.7791888

I-I would love to be your Hanayo if you'll have me. My friend was also my Rin/Maki for Otakon (although he's a boy).

>> No.7792049

What outfits are you wearing?

>> No.7792195

Well there's this beauty....

>> No.7792202

Oh my god those outfits.

And they definitely needed to practice more, but it's not the worst attempt ever I guess. I wouldn't have wanted to sit through that in a masquerade though.

>> No.7792340

Different anon but I'd definitely say they got better. Here's one recent for this year.


>> No.7792496

>in the end it shows the people watching them
>it's a bunch of dudes
It's funny how this sort of anime attracts the most pathetic type of men. I wonder if those girls are happy to have them as "fans".

>> No.7792957

I just can't get over Kotori's teeth.....

>> No.7792981

Right now it's Snow Halation and animal versions but everyone wont be sure until later

>> No.7793307

That's not them though. The Umi in the first one is a guy.

>> No.7793369

Kotori and Honoka are the same. Just a different Umi

>> No.7793437

>It's funny how this sort of anime attracts the most pathetic type of men.
You're kidding, right? This sort of anime is made for those pathetic men. Anyone thinking otherwise is either deluded or new to otaku pandering anime.

>> No.7793441

M-my friend and I are wearing Snowhalation Maki and Nico to Katsu, but I'm a fatty so you probably don't want me in your group....

>> No.7793455

I want to be your friend anon, please email me. I'm another LL fatty and I'm going to Katsu too.

>> No.7793881

Why did Love Live suddenly gain so much popularity
Idolm@ster's just kinda sitting in the dark..
>yeah i'm pissed

>> No.7793953

Everyone badwagoning the game on android and iphone. Play the game then decide to watch the anime then cosplay it

>> No.7794161

Idolm@aster sucks and Love Live is awesome.

>> No.7794162

Cmon anon, we're not in middle school. At least explain why you dislike IdolM@ster, don't start a flame war.

>> No.7794164

Plz love all idorus.

>> No.7794186
File: 67 KB, 682x1024, comiket-86-day-1-hot-start-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't there a single Love Love cosplay video with white girls who don't like garbage?


>too tall and manly looking

>too tall, manly looking, and FATTY

>that landwhale Umi who can't even move properly


>> No.7794205

Your standards of fat are really skewed not gonna lie.

>First one
the only one that could stand to lose weight is Honoka.

>Third one
None of them are fat.

>Fourth one
Umi definitely needs to lose weight but the fact that none of them are smiling is way worse to me.

>Fifth one
None of them are fat.

I don't think you understand the differences between white and asian girls.

>> No.7794210

Their dancing isn't THAT horrible. They do need to practice more, though. I like that they're actually mouthing their parts; I think that's a pretty crucial part in any idol cosplay dance. But their outfits are fucking tragic.

At least they improved.

>> No.7794214

Fucking this. Every single "LL fan" now just plays the game and probably doesn't even know there's an anime.

>> No.7794236

It's funny because I had no idea there even WAS a game until you guys brought it up today.

>> No.7794243

First of all NONE of them should be fat or even chubby.

>First one
>the only one that could stand to lose weight is Honoka.
Rin is fat, honoka is a landwhale.

>Third one
>None of them are fat.
Maki is fat.

>Fourth one
>Umi definitely needs to lose weight but the fact that none of them are smiling is way worse to me.
She's a complete pig.

>Fifth one
>None of them are fat.
That Rin is fat.

Don't blame being a pig on being white.

>> No.7794256

>Muh cosplay

I get not wanting FAT people to cosplay these cute moe girls but give people a little slack. The ONLY one that even goes near landwhale territory is Umi in the fourth video. The rest are chubby AT BEST.

Do you hate black people too? People in wheelchairs? I get that it's fat people's fault for being fat but for god's sake they REALLY don't look like they stuff their face with twinkies every night. You need to consider lowering your standards a little.

>> No.7794264

I was procrastinating on watching LL for so long But I downloaded the game and the songs would get stuck in my head so I decided to finally watch it. I want to cosplay Nico but I'm 5"5' and tan skinned so I'd just look stupid.

>> No.7794290

Pretty sure you mean the Hanayo. And she's already deemed as chubby (>>7788619). Personally I think it works; she's more busty then fat.

But that video itself is a fucking train wreck of awkward.

>> No.7794302

I actually played the game before I watched...but I play the Jap version HAHAHA came out way before the english one.

>> No.7794308

Anime chubby is different from real life chubby.

>> No.7794338

Agreed, but you can still see the chubbiness. Nozomi also has really large boobs and thick thighs so I can see a chubby girl getting away with her too. Fact of the matter is, most people are not that small and there has to be somewhere where we draw the line and say "okay, you may not be EXACTLY five feet tall or EXACTLY 20" boobs or EXACTLY perfect but you can pass." We definitely should have standards but there are realistic high standards.

>> No.7794378
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, [Zero-Raws] Love Live! 2 - NCED 02 (BD 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_01.11_[2014.09.02_00.22.26].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thick thighs
They all have thigh gaps.

>> No.7794383

I see 2 girls without thigh gaps. Try again.

>> No.7794400

Because of their clothes.

>> No.7794413

Same thing for me, I knew it was an anime but I was already a whole season behind when I noticed it which really makes me lazy to start. I downloaded the game because bored but the songs were crazy catchy so I kind of got hooked.

My friend tells me that I make a perfect Nico but she's portrayed as super annoying in the game although it sounds like she's super popular from the anime and amongst fans.

>> No.7794421
File: 401 KB, 1361x2048, DSC05848-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread has gone to shit

>> No.7794453

OH MY GOD, thigh gaps are not an indicator of weight, you moron.

>> No.7794461

Sorry, not you, I meant to reply to >>7794378

>> No.7795229
File: 213 KB, 720x1024, 1404603327040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you're fine?

If you guys need the measurements

>> No.7796095

Anime measurements are usually for shit. Come on, there is NO way Nozomi is only a 90 inch bust, even with her tiny waist. These are just there as facts for otaku to memorize, but thank you for posting them anon. Back in a sonico/pochaco thread this discussion happened before too.

>> No.7796110

A lot of these outfits look shitty and bought. What a disappointment.

>> No.7796111

I guess in real life the measurements could be similar to those just plus 10 cm?

>> No.7796117

Yeah, 10 cm/15 cm more sounds fair, at least for some of the girls. I mean some of them look right but others are just definitely made up.

>> No.7796297

Most of them are all too tall for those measurements. To be realistic irl they would either need to shrink or their other 3 measurements should be bigger - especially their waists. 162cm height with a natural skinny waist/flat tummy would be at least 70cm. Maki's height vs waist ratio wtf, Hanayo's are most realistic yet she's depicted as fat so....yah anime measurements.

>> No.7796303

Yeah. My bust and height is closest to Hanayo's (inch bigger bust, 1.5 cm taller), but even still, my waist and hips are about 5 inches larger for both.
Although, I'm kind of skinny fat.

>> No.7796595

Did you mean 90cm? not 90 inches? either way its way too small. Im 95cm and I dont even look half that busty.

>> No.7798029


>Being so autistic you have to cosplay a character down to their exact measurements
>anime measurements are known to be bullshit 99% of the time

I shiggy diggy do

>> No.7801814

The Nozomi on the far left is a retired DtP member, and the Kotomi is a current member. Aside from them them and Deanna, I don't know the others.

But they're in for the cosplay for the get-togethers, fun, and dancing. Would it have been nice if everything was matching and better put-together? Most definitely. But also realize that they're not "professional" cosplayers and are poor college students/grads just like a whole bunch of us.

Their dance cover of Natsu egao de 1, 2, Jump! was pretty good, even if it wasn't in cosplay. You have to give them technical points for that performance.
>DtP's Natsuiro Egao De 1, 2, Jump! Dance Cover


>> No.7801899

> tfw 6ft tall and gross manface

I'll never be able to cosplay cute idol girls

>> No.7803534

Bump, don't let this die!

>> No.7803568

I'm always so critical of dance covers because I'm a ballet dancer. :/

>> No.7803659
File: 1.39 MB, 3096x4128, comiket-86-cosplay-continues-171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7803698

Are you Eli?

>> No.7803721

I think this is really cute, although they're technically not really cosplaying?

>> No.7804011

Dance-wise, I think this is about the best cover I've seen, something about it just makes it good.

>> No.7805850


My god, the coordination there is spectacular. I agree. This is the best, I've ever seen too! Thanks for sharing.

>> No.7807631

I also love this dance cover a lot!

>> No.7807641

Oh no, this is really cute.
That Rin is so small!

>> No.7807729

I think height is probably the most important thing to take into account when cosplaying with a group.

>> No.7807741

Yeah. Really tall Nicos is strange to me.

>> No.7807744

That and also when the hair colors are off. I DESPISE when Umi and Nozomi have the same hair color in a group.

>> No.7807851


>> No.7808289


They bought their costumes from a chinese site thats why...

>> No.7808575

This. This. This. Nozomi. <3 Her Wonderful Rush outfit is so pretty, it's on top of my cosplay-list.

>> No.7808889

My group did two LL dances at Otakon.. I organized our outfits and made the side skirts. We only had one day to practice together as a group, so I admit it could use some work..


>> No.7809402

Dancing is good, Kotori is way too fast though. Costumes don't look good at all. Nice job getting the dance coordinated.