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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 15 KB, 243x207, 9e1fbde6-1342-4665-a1bf-95aafc8e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7780995 No.7780995 [Reply] [Original]

Dangan Ronpa thread?

>> No.7781067
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>> No.7781070
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>> No.7781077
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>got into the franchise earlier this summer after playing it on my Vita
>loved it
>want to discuss it with other people
>everyone in the fandom is 15
>I'm 23

Feels fucking bad

>> No.7781079

I feel you on this, I'm 21 and finding people who are into it at my age is fucking impossible.

>> No.7781082
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Feels bad but there's nothing we can do, oh well. I'm looking forward to SDR2 next week though, pre-ordered the limited edition

>> No.7781099

Tell me why I should be interested

>> No.7781111
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>> No.7781113
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>> No.7781243

Asahina is the only good one here...

>> No.7781253

Fukawa is alright too, but the rest are pretty terrible.

>> No.7781256

I'll agree with that, though her wig seems messier than necessary.
Also, what is it with Yamadas drawing on his mouth curves? It's always creepy and never translates well from game to reality.

>> No.7781915
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Hot off the press.

>> No.7781995
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>get into the series 2 years ago, almost 3
>fandom is tiny
>"dangan ronpa" tag on tumblr gets like 4 posts a day
>make a bunch of friends
>suddenly in the course of a month dr gets huge
>everyone and their mom cosplaying it
>everyone and their grandmother criticizing cosplay of it
>fandom is full of 15-year-old white sjw bloggers
>everyone hates each other

>> No.7782264

I can definitely feel you on this, I'm 22 and going to a con getting surrounded by 13 year olds is not my thing.

>> No.7782269

please tell me this person is pulling my leg. and is that a blonde wig?!

>> No.7782304
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Gonna dump the better/not as potentially horrible DR cosplay that I see from the tumblr tag

>> No.7782312
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From what I can see I like the Sonia here

>> No.7782317
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>> No.7782320
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Like the Ishimaru here, Celes looks like a dude

>> No.7782321
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>> No.7782324

>celes looks like a dude
that is a dude. a poorly crossplaying one.

>> No.7782325
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>> No.7782326
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>> No.7782332
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>> No.7782344
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>> No.7782346
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>> No.7782349
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>> No.7782352
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I was just so blown away with this shitty makeup that I thought I'd post it.
And with that I end my dump.

>> No.7782356

That wig is really well done, the guitar is an awesome touch, and everything looks pretty clean from what I can see.
The pose is a little awkward and I don't see any piercings, but those appear to be the only lacking things. Also, the colors in the photo (especially around her face) seem strange to me, am I imagining this or does anyone agree?
7/10, one of the better Ibukis I've seen.

Could've done more with the pigtails probably (at least brushed them a bit more) and the kimono looks bought.
Pretty cute expression but a weird pose, like it was taken while she was moving her hands.
The heavy eyeliner looks a little weird, she could've gone easier on it, but it's not terrible.
4/10, nothing special.

I want to like this, but the bangs seem too messy and there's a zipper right up the front of her shirt, indicating it was probably bought.
The shiny ribbon doesn't look great either.
Also: Ibukis, make sure to match your pinks.
Not the worst I've seen but still has room for improvement.

Can't see too much of the costume, but the cosplayer is cute.
Though the shoulder is missing Chihiro's patch/design, and the wig doesn't cover all of her natural hair.
Like the previous Saionji, I'm not a fan of heavy liner for Chihiro, but it could be a personal preference. She still looks ok.
5/10 for being able to pull off the "cute yet possibly a boy" look.

The dress color is a much brighter teal than Sonia's canon dress is. The belt seems slightly too thin, but that could be picky.
Lazily styled bangs that just seem pushed to the side and nothing else.
She's pretty though.

I hope I was fair but still gave some good critique.

>> No.7782395

What do so many Celes cosplayers have against petticoats and nice lace, jesus christ. She may have a lace monster inspired design but the lace doesn't actually have to be reflective of that. The Ishimaru is great, though.

>> No.7782403

qt alert

>> No.7782497
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>> No.7782524
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>> No.7783064

im 22 and i cosplay from it and i hate my life.

>> No.7784179
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>> No.7784220

From what I can tell this is pretty good. Too bad for her face tho, that chin damn

>> No.7784256

Try being 27. But yeah, I'm not entirely sure why the fandom is so young. I know those feelings.

>> No.7784268

>out of shape Asahina
Every damn time

>> No.7784273

This is the actual tumblr logic evolution of fat Asahina:
>Asahina is athletic!
>If she's athletic, she won't be stick thin!
>If she's not stick thin, she's curvy!
>Curvy means CURVES. She has chub!
>She's a fatty and if you don't agree you're fat-shaming me.
This took place over the period of a few months. Now every fatty thinks they have the perfect body for her.

>> No.7784275

There's also the fact that she likes donuts.

And apparently only fat people like donuts.

>> No.7784280

Pretty nice, the shoes are great too, which is what I've seen a lot of Celes cosplayers get wrong. I can't help but thinking all of the wigs would be better though if they stayed true to the source material and the drills were actually clip-ons instead of it all being one piece

>> No.7784349
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>tfw 21

>> No.7784359

I tried to get into the homestuck fandom at one point.
Went to a meet up. Realized everyone there is in highschool
> was 24 at the time
> super drama everywhere
> every single one of them claims to be ftm
> "my ex is here oh my gawd"
> "I have so much sex lol"
> 15

never went back

>> No.7784566

That Asahina doesn't really look like what could be considered a fatty to me. She's a little chubby, but calling fatty seems a little harsh since at first glance it looked like she had a flat stomach. I'm also a swimmer and water polo player and I have a small amount of stomach fat that I've never gotten rid of but I'm still a very competent swimmer. It's also hard to believe that Asahina has that much boob as a thin, athletic swimmer anyway, since
>her suit would compress her chest (the official art is so impractical)
>people with low body fat percentage usually have small boobs
I'm not defending a chubby person, just pointing out that Asahina's body is hard to obtain on an in shape person as well as impractical for a swimmer, so no one that in shape would have huge tits anyway.

>> No.7784579

dat Kars tho

>> No.7786023

Youre beating a dead horse at this point. Stop making these threads

>> No.7786184

Same here anon I was here when the fandom was pretty small and I remember gasping over the gorgeous Celes cosplays...

>> No.7786204
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>> No.7786240

There hasn't been one in a while.

>> No.7786259
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>you will never ERP with a girl cosplaying as Celes and have her use you as furniture

>> No.7786283

Any DR:AE cosplays yet?? Specially with the siblings and komaeda announced

>> No.7786450

Something about their eye makeup is really bothering me?

>> No.7786536

Kirifiris make up makes her eyes look very...rectangular???

Also junkos clip ons look too far back and makes her face look really long

>> No.7786990
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>> No.7787894
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Even the best one in the group looks dreadful.

>> No.7788167 [DELETED] 
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suffered ssiaciti

>> No.7788173
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>> No.7788199

So is this a dude?

>> No.7788215

What bothers me most about this is that Celes isn't wearing any makeup whatsoever. Not even false eyelashes. But I think she's wearing coloured contacts, so it's like...why wouldn't you go that little extra mile? Makeup application takes like 5 or 10 minutes, 20 tops if you're working out the kinks of character makeup.

>> No.7788600

Unrelated to your comment but a girl I follow is planning on cosplaying as Celes in that outfit
I am actually excited to see how it turns out!

>> No.7788647

this is actually terrifying

>> No.7788654

Very very simplistic make up would take 20mins top but if you're doing base,contour, eyeliner, lashes and eyeshadow no way will it take only 20 minutes. People tell me I'm fast and I still take half a hour....

But I agree with your point. If you're dedicated enough to jab red plastic into your eye might as well draw on your face too. Completes the ritual.

>> No.7789943

There's still new cosplay every now and then so literally why not.

>> No.7790023
File: 73 KB, 512x448, CI_77751_1366654972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to cosplay Asahina but I'm kind of pale and she's pretty tanned. Should I tan for the cosplay or just go with how my skin is now?

>tfw no giant bara gf to cosplay Oogami with me

>> No.7790055

>>7790023I think as long as your skin isn't a patchy, pasty white, "never goes outside" kind of look, it should be fine that you're not as tan. just make sure your skin is clear and even-looking, otherwise maybe apply some moisturiser and foundation on your skin (and body)

>> No.7790056

A tan might help, but make sure you get a good one and don't end up orange.

>> No.7790068

I'm not super pale. I have a little bit of a tan but I'm still pretty light, so I guess I'll be fine.

>> No.7790984

Pretty Celestia! But her nose is a way too big...

>> No.7790995

I know that feel.
The cosplay scene become younger and younger I think.

I am 27 years old too. For me are early 20s pretty young people and to find people in their end 20s are a way harder. People in the age like us are mostly quit cosplay and have a normal life, many of them are already married. I am forever alone.

>> No.7791252
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>> No.7791307

Basically my experience.

>> No.7791417 [DELETED] 

>my ex is here oh my gawd
Now I am very jelly.
27 and no sexlife. ;_;

>> No.7791425

>"I have so much sex lol"
Now I am very jelly.
27 and no sexlife. ;_;

>> No.7791432
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>> No.7792692
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>> No.7792694
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>> No.7792724

>wearing converses.

please no.

>> No.7792730
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>> No.7792737
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>> No.7792739
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>> No.7792743
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>> No.7792961

Ohm fuck... why are many non-japanese/asian Danganronpa cosplays so horrible?

>> No.7793154

Because they're not photoshopped to hell and back.

>> No.7793425
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>tfw you cosplay Hifumi and have that exact thing happen

>> No.7794195

You must really hate this girl to be posting her so much.

>> No.7797162
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>> No.7797165
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>> No.7800136
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This thread lacks some Nanami!

>> No.7800145


Muh dik.. I would kill my mother to have these 3 locked up in my basement...

>> No.7800158
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>> No.7800162

Was this Fan Expo?

>> No.7800399

That wig looks fried, which is a shame because the bangs look better than most I've seen.

>> No.7803015

the ebay nanami jackets look so terrible

>> No.7803016

What is supposed to be the appeal of this series? Because it seems as overrated as Gurren Lagen.

>> No.7803064
File: 86 KB, 195x448, Dangan-Ronpa-Cosplay-Aoi-Asahina-Cosplay-Costume-Version-01-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Asahina's body is hard to obtain on an in shape person as well as impractical for a swimmer, so no one that in shape would have huge tits anyway.

Fun fact, anime measurements and representations of a human body are usually exaggerated, I know crazy right?

Asahina isn't fat, and honestly, she really isn't even chubby. She has big boobs yes, so to counter this, small cosplayers can always stuff/use boob magic for the look. And if you have slight stomach chub, use shape wear or something to give yourself a defined waist. Asahina doesn't have her gut hanging over her shorts.

>> No.7803232

Any of you faggots behind this?

>> No.7803266
File: 57 KB, 540x960, 10398078_286614444843042_9013707302583652380_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I remember walking by and sticking around a bit a DR photoshoot at AN, and seeing this Junko go up to this Tsumiki. The poor girl looked uncomfortable the whole time during the shoot. This popped up on my fb news feed.

>> No.7803285

I think so, though i remember it being not as obnoxious as it is now.

>> No.7803288

>The face of one who eats the souls of innocents

>> No.7803312

It is probably the hand positions but fuck those Junkos hands compared to Tsumikis.

>> No.7803925

Have there been any Cosplayers that have actually pulled off her cosplay with her awkward body type?

>> No.7804173

She doesn't have an awkward body type, she's athletic with big boobs. The problem is only fatties and people with guts want to cosplay her, probably for asspats and to show their flabby tits.

>> No.7804192

God I wish there were some actual decent bad cosplay blogs that actually gave critique instead of adding "MAKE IT STOP" on every reblog
Don't get me wrong, the cosplays are hilarious to look at, but I'd rather look at them on a site like here where people actually have something semi-funny/intelligent to say about them

>> No.7805914

I have come across http://thecosplaycritic.tumblr.com/ but their blog is still shit and tries to sugar-coat their critiques with compliments like "but don't worry, your cosplay is still awesome!!" because tumblrfaggots can't handle getting their feelings hurt

>> No.7805945
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>> No.7806011


>> No.7806029

I feel somewhat bad to say this, but this person looks really, really fucking gross.

>> No.7806460

meenah wig with yarn braids

>> No.7806501
File: 86 KB, 533x800, da88b804-5b2b-4bc0-a1f5-ed480a020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Queen Moira-Chan

>> No.7806531
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>> No.7810408

ugh that lace

>> No.7811643

Those drills are kinda sad looking

>> No.7812153
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>> No.7812155
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>> No.7813339

I ran the shoot and I don't even think I remember this Junko being there...

>> No.7813362

Please tell me you actually believe anyone who says
>I have so much sex lol
isn't a raging virginal faggot.

>> No.7813365

Don't rather. Don't. I don't want to know the depths of the stupid that will inherit the earth.

>> No.7813373
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>> No.7813674

>posting the same old pic twice in one thread

>> No.7813681
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/r/ing peoples' favorite DR cosplays? I'm mostly looking for cuties and accurate shoes, but anything will do.

>> No.7813719

it deserves to be

>> No.7813724

...I was wondering why it looked familiar

>> No.7813731

>crossposting in the bad cosplay thread
vendetta overdrive

>> No.7814262

Aye, I do. Its all a big pisstake, even the being an obnoxious shit bit.

>> No.7815502
File: 471 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mpjw63dG121rk9208o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this idol Maizono

>> No.7815503
File: 26 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mq0f1eKKDA1s9550ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]