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7777287 No.7777287[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there such a thing as too old?

Pictures, inspiration, discuss ~

>> No.7777291

youre from the fucking ita thread arent you
I bet youre the one defending her

>> No.7777292
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>> No.7777296

Yes. U mad?

>> No.7777300
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>> No.7777301

i think a big part of lolita is looking youthful so yeah
they can still play dress up but lolita and old people face just doesn't look good imo

>> No.7777302

Apparent youre mad enough to make a thread about it

>> No.7777314
File: 280 KB, 597x795, browncoord3_zpsde589319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just fishing for pics actually.

>> No.7777318

This lady is fab. IMO most older women don't pull it off (and it doesn't help that all the older women I've met in lolita were a bit.. weird, like buying BJDs and treating them like their actual children weird) but she always looks really cute. If I keep up lolita as I age I want to be like her.

>> No.7777320

Being old is one thing.
Wearing shitty makeup that accentuates how old you are is another.
Sage because OP is a fucking retard

>> No.7777322

idk, I think older women can rock classic and more aristocratic looks. this sweet shit has got to go, though.

>> No.7777324

I disagree. I don't like the connection between lolita and little girls (and age play). To me is about cute frilly dresses, and there's no age limit to that.

>> No.7777326

Woah u really mad lol

>> No.7777332

It has nothing to do with age play and more than you look awkward as fuck. Try wearing something victorian. It's the same as an old woman wearing a crop top, it doesn't look age appropriate.

>> No.7777336
File: 135 KB, 341x500, 5653765290_2e8c413e2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pictures plz
I need to feel better about getting older. The idea of getting older and not being able to wear cute clothes is depressing.

I agree older people look best in classic/sweet classic but I don't mind otherwise. It's cute to see.

>> No.7777338

Yeah this.

>> No.7777341

>doesn't look age appropriate
>has nothing to do with ageplay

>> No.7777346

Too bad I hate those styles, going on 30 and still love sweet.

>> No.7777347

Ageplay or age play is a form of roleplaying in which an individual acts or treats another as if they were a different age, sexual or non-sexually.

that's literally what this is anyway though lmao

>> No.7777348

And teenagers/ women in their early twenties wearing giant head bows and horsies on their dresses is totally age appropriate?

>> No.7777357

If it's not age appropriate for them why should it be for old people?

>> No.7777362

ikr? Unless you are a fucking toddler, sweet will look strange as fuck to most people.

>> No.7777363

That's exactly my point.
Its's not "age appropriate" for anybody over 5 so who gives a shit, wear it till you're 80.

>> No.7777364

what 5 year old is wearing lolita though

>> No.7777369

I think anon is trying to say, that by admitting you have to look a certain age to wear it. You're admitting that Lolita is about looking young and by extention about age play.

>> No.7777381
File: 34 KB, 116x240, 5070215870_bc19327139_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I just wanted cute pics of anyone over 35.

>> No.7777386

but that's what it is...
what do you think these ita ass women are thinking?
what adjectives do you think come up while discussing lolita?
i can guarantee you the words "mature and distinguished" don't come up.

>> No.7777390
File: 31 KB, 308x400, aHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRjQuYnAuYmxvZ3Nwb3QuY29tJTJGLUNQU1Nta211QTVVJTJGVC10UmtUODNhVEklMkZBQUFBQUFBQUFyNCUyRkFCQWNmTDUyQW5FJTJGczQwMCUyRjgwMTlfOTQyMjkwNzg2NTgwXzI4OTYzMTQ5N19uLmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sweet lolita in her 40's.

>> No.7777391

Its cool if its about age play for you, but its not what its about for everyone.

>> No.7777395
File: 26 KB, 320x427, aHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZsaDUuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tJTJGLUw5OHpKMEVaZkZBJTJGVDRLQnZzNklWSUklMkZBQUFBQUFBQUFhdyUyRmlHeTVxYVpuZ09RJTJGczY0MCUyRmJsb2dnZXItaW1hZ2UtNzY5Njk1NTgxLmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With her daughter.

>> No.7777397

if you are telling me that lolita is literally dressing up like a little girl then i've got some news for you friend
age play doesn't have to be sexual

>> No.7777401

There is such a thing if we're talking about styles like Sweet.
Plus I honestly believe there are better fashions for older women.

>> No.7777402

Oh my god

they are adorable

>> No.7777403

No one said anything about sex.

>> No.7777406

fucking magical non-aging asians.

>> No.7777407


This is the cutest thing ever.

>> No.7777408

then why is the idea so terrible for you lol
i seriously can't see any other reason why you would feel so negatively towards the phrase "age play" describing lolita

>> No.7777409
File: 71 KB, 480x720, 10516656_688806041195147_1029334256714065876_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go OP. I'm depressed about the idea of not being able to wear sweet lolita when I'm older too, especially considering how long it is taking me to piece together an acceptable wardrobe.

>> No.7777410

Yeah, the point they're making is that if lolita isn't about "fashion" but is actually about "dressing up like a little girl" then it's a form of ageplay, albeit a nonsexual form.

>> No.7777418

I DONT fee negatively towards it?? Like I said its cool if thats why you do it but that's not why everyone does it.

>> No.7777420

Keep wearing it if you truly like sweet, yes other lolitas will get super anal about it but it's not your job to live to please them.

I don't think I will stop wearing sweet but then I just like to wear cute clothing and it's never been my goal to look like the thousands of kawaii uggu asian wannabes. I don't like gothic, classic or any of the "mature" styles and I don't see the point in wasting my money on clothing I don't like just to make other people happy.

>> No.7777426

then what the fuck are you arguing tbh
i don't really care why people "do it", i'm saying it's age play regardless of what your opinion is
it's not even my opinion that it's age play, it coincides with the definition of age play which is dressing up to look older or younger and that's exactly what lolita is

>> No.7777430
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I get it. I guess I will end up just toning down over the years.

OP, pic related has a blog if you are interested in seeing more of her. I don't know how old she is, but she carries the sweet lolita look off well for someone with such a mature face.


>> No.7777433

I don't get why people think it's about looking like a little girl.
Sure, I want to look "youthful" in the sense that most women do (nice skin, minimal wrinkles, healthy hair, etc.), but I sure as hell don't want to look young. A lot of people are going to think you're dressed weirdly if you're wearing lolita no matter how old you are or what style you're wearing (unless you wear it so toned down that you're like FR), so just dress for yourself.
Obviously try to choose colours, cuts, and makeup that flatter you, but don't stop wearing something you love just because you're "old."

>> No.7777437
File: 391 KB, 930x1123, lolitafashionatanyageinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, even if you're 50+ you could still rock aristocratic looks and certain classic styles, think of otome brand's namesake Jane Marple too. I do think however, unless you have the no-fucks-given attitude, ott sweet and sweet in general is probably going to start to look awkward. I would say though that it's amazing what a bit of punk-ass attitude and poise can do for pulling it off, confidence is definitely key.

Don't go for frilly socks and above knee skirts though, at least not in sweet or if you don't quite pull off the aforementioned, stylish NFG vibe.

Kokusyoku Sumire btw are rumored to be well into their 40s and still rock lolita hard, they're an older lolitas inspiration of mine.

Collage is inspiration and attitude more than anything, not so much 'all this is totes 100% lolita guys'! So please calm yo tits in advance.

Oh and with the Jane Marple brand stuff, because the focus is often on print rather than an excess of pomp, bows and frills, i would still wear the crap out of at lot of it at any age, perhaps adding a tasteful underskirt to keep everything at least just below the knee.

>> No.7777439

what I'm saying is that no a lot of us DONT dress lolita to look younger at all. We genuinely like the frills for the sake of frilly awesome fashion.

>> No.7777450
File: 68 KB, 392x349, hellokitty_yuko_yamaguchi_getty_392-x-349[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a sweet lolita grandma-chan goddamn it.

The designer for Hello Kitty always seems to have on a lolita/otome coord. She doesn't always look the best, but she always seems happy.

>> No.7777453

Her profile says 27.

>> No.7777458
File: 547 KB, 1280x1724, tumblr_n7dwwieAee1qdx9hzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm not mistaken shelbycloud is in her mid 30's

>> No.7777467
File: 430 KB, 1280x1683, tumblr_nabcm8mtEM1qahsqho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does lovelylor count? I know she isn't old but she does have a mature face. I know this is an unpopular opinion but I think she looks adorable.

>> No.7777494

I think these girls look cute, especially the one who is not lovelylor, but still, I wonder how it is even possible they are still in their 20s.

>> No.7777499

She's in her mid 30s?? she looks like early 20s. I can only hope to look that young at her age.

>> No.7777518
File: 43 KB, 206x544, 1535369_3828385684076_596038250_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lady in my comm with her daughter. Pic is old tho.

>> No.7777566

Cute kid, but the mom looks ridiculous. Not because of her age though, but because she's wearing sweet even though she's plus-sized, the glasses look like shit and her hair is awful.

>> No.7777572

Wow, 27? I feel so blessed.

>> No.7777583

It was her first meet, she got better.

>> No.7777593

She's like 31? I love her tho

>> No.7777596

Yeah. I looked ridiculous that day. Much better now. And I've learned the power of contacts.

>> No.7777665

Well, if it was your first meet it's a different case, you did about as bad as me at my first try.
Was your kid just tagging along or does she really enjoy the fashion?

>> No.7777672

From reading this thread, and ita threads and my own experience it seems the general consensus is looks>age. Basic[ally, a 30 something with a cute face and nice figure will universally look more suitable in lolita than a say 19 year old with an old/mature (or just ugly) looking face especially if they are overweight and moreso if they are wearing sweet. Considering this is a fashion that's centered around beauty, aesthetics and escapism this makes sense.

>> No.7777674

The ones with rich Japanese lolita mommas

(Seriously though don't some brands make matching mommy-daughter dresses? I'm pretty sure I've seen that)

>> No.7777681

No, there fucking isn't. It doesn't matter if you're 16, 18, 21, or 25, or 30 - at all of those ages you're dressing to look like a 4 year old.

Do you have any idea how fucking stupid it looks when you're trying to denigrate someone for looking "too old" when you're a goddamn adult in lolita? If it looks nice and well done then that's all that matters.

>> No.7777682

Obviously this just reflects my experience whilst there but for what it's worth, during my Japan trip at the end of last year, the lolitas actually out shopping in the department stores/brand stores were all clearly over 30 (and looking great).

>> No.7777683

Oh I've seen other pics of you two. You're so cute!! I hope to have a cute loli daughter someday.

>> No.7777689

>tfw almost 30
>tfw never wore lolita and never will

>> No.7777691


>> No.7777692

I might be wrong but IIRC they had their daughter's dresses altered.

>> No.7777716

the only one holding you back is you.

>> No.7777717

Yeah. People age so differently, too, that I'm sure a lot of girls who are actually older get overlooked in these kinds of threads since people just assume they're in their mid-twenties.

The other thing is that so many lolitas don't know the first thing about fashion outside of lolita, so they often don't have a grasp of flattering colors, cuts, and make up (and if they do, it's something they learned from a Japanese tutorial, which may not look right on a white or black girl). All of those things can make a younger girl look older than she actually is.

>> No.7777726

Totally agreed. It's about how the individual pulls it off and chooses things that suit their looks, less to do with actual age or not. It's totally possible to wear sweet and choose colors, cuts and motifs that will suit you if you have mature looks- but it's about the styling.

>> No.7777738

So damn true. I followed many a Japanese tutorial to a 't', and compared to the before shots the end results are so fresh, cute and youthful looking , when I do it - 10 years older, every goddamn time. Also the 'bigger eyes' type techniques they tend to utilize look ridiculous, overly made-up and cartoonish on my stupid-ass derpy gaijin eyes.

>> No.7777788

Thanks. I'm just a little uncomfortable with my daughter's face being on here. I'm not down with that at all. People don't think. I rarely put pics up of her. And cgl is definitely not a place that I want her face to be.

>> No.7777818
File: 16 KB, 320x240, mrburns[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friends are somewhat e-famous lolitas
>they are all 25+, some are almost 40
>our comm never gets posted
>mfw everyone thinks we're in our early twenties
>mfw the only people who get posted in these threads are OBVIOUS old hags who never learned to do make up properly, style a wig or take care of their skin and bodies


>> No.7777828

It's so hard for me to look past her face and somehow find her cute.. her outfits are nice at least.

>> No.7777852

>A big part of lolita is being youthful
That's why a lot of the dress designers are in their 30s and older, right ? You can wear many things into older age. You just have to have a good attitude about it.

>> No.7777856

This is why I hate sweet lolita

>> No.7777865

27? I'm 30 and I look half her age. Holy shit. I'm glad I stay out of this sun

>> No.7777868

>mom and kid
Did she have her at 15 or something? Wouldnt be surprised.

>> No.7777884
File: 14 KB, 259x194, 6564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was getting all ready to high five you up until this point:

>mfw the only people who get posted in these threads are OBVIOUS old hags who never learned to do make up properly, style a wig or take care of their skin and bodies

>> No.7777886

A lot of people just look young. I had a friend in college who would often get mistaken as her mom's slightly younger sister. They both just looked young. My friend hated it, but of course her mother loved it. My parents also look very young even though they had me in their mid 20s.

>> No.7777921

This woman looks like a teenager though. I live in the ghetto and I see teenager moms all the damn time. It's sad

>> No.7777954

ugh i get this all the time, with people thinking my mother and I are sisters. I'm 21 and she's 45, of course she loves it and I hate it. I think people think we're like 25 and 35

>> No.7777957

I think she's really cute too anon

>> No.7777959

I had her when I was 20. Still in my 20s. And please do be surprised that I'm not quite a stereotype. I'm a college graduate too. :)

>> No.7777984


Lolitas will always care if we're lumped in with another group.

In this case you're saying we might as well be age players pretending to be 5. That alone doesn't bother me, it bothers me when real age players come looking for lolitas, bearing sippy cups and want to carry backpacks and actually play pretend like everybody is 5 years old and needs mommy to hold their hand. I ain't got no time for that shit. I want to eat cake and drink some alcoholic tea, which is going to be in a nice, tall glass, and it had better be fancy. You can bet there will be no stupid sippy cups involved.

>> No.7778036

She enjoys it too quite a bit.

>> No.7778046

Ghetto-chan, I'm not a teenager. LOL I don't live in the ghetto either . I'm sorry about your unfortunate circumstances. But think about this: When you see a teen mom, encourage her to make goo choices in life from now on for her child(ren). It is sad to see teen moms. They have no idea what they're doing. The struggle is real. But there is hope for everyone.

>> No.7778053

well, not *this specific thread* but "older lolitas" threads always have women with really bad make-up and shitty wigs. sometimes even posted as a good example...

>> No.7778094

This question has been asked many times and there is no real answer. Some will say once you are old/look old, to stop wearing sweet or leave lolita period. Others will say just do what you want, it's your life.

It just comes down to if you care about what others think. If you have less confidence, easily follow the crowd and worry about the opinions of others, it will be harder to be an older sweet lolita. It's all up to your own personal feelings about it, no one can tell what you can or can not do.

>> No.7778104

I think wearing anything like this after the age of 14 is considered too old for this shit.

>> No.7778110

> be me
> at work
> see tiny bald little old lady
> wearing bright pink
> giant pink sunhat
> ruffled dress
> not lolita at all, still adorable as fuck
> compliment her clothing
> talk about clothing a little bit
> little old lady as sweet as fuck
> gave me a card with a starfish with google eyes on it
> hang it up on the bulletin board at work

Seriously though, old women in girly clothes is fucking adorable. Like, they make me think of fairy godmothers. I'll take a picture of the card tomorrow if the thread's still up.

>> No.7778112
File: 27 KB, 236x448, 786332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that might be so but referring to 'older women' as hags etc is probably not the best starting point when attempting to showcase mature lolitas with style - shitty make-up and wigs are all over the place and is certainly not limited to older folk. Sure, call out the crap make-up or whatever if that's your thing but it would be nice, for once, not to go down the 'eeew old hags' type route whenever one of these threads is created. Don't think much of the example pics? Find better ones.

>> No.7778133
File: 56 KB, 620x349, jamiekingchrislilley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So quiche

>> No.7778169

That fucking blue eyeshadow. Being old is fine, but she looks like a mess.

None of her colors are cohesive, she needs a petti, and the other chick isn't even wearing lolita.

>> No.7778176

can't unsee

>> No.7778209
File: 72 KB, 457x639, tumblr_mi19rnFGku1qdx9hzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shelby is definitely the role model for being over 30 and still looking good in lolita.

>> No.7778213
File: 68 KB, 480x640, DSCF9486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7778225

She looks good because she has a youthful face, most girls aren't blessed with looking younger than they are.

>> No.7778239

That sounds adorable as hell. It seems to get questionable about "regaining your youth" or looking off somehow when you're middle aged, but if you're very old it just comes off as charming.

>> No.7778287

This does not suit her at all.

>> No.7778293

No she's 32 now

>> No.7778297

Kind of. I think it's cute and not too bad against her red hair. iirc, she was very into the Goth scene long before lolita. I'm so used to seeing her in sweet lolita and I'm sure you are too, so maybe that's why this sort of style seems off?

>> No.7778314
File: 63 KB, 282x504, fumiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das kawaii. She kind of reminds me of those ladies featured in Advanced Style.


I think that as I get older, I'd like to still be involved in J-fashion and gradually add a feel of sophistication. It makes me wonder if I'll end up a lone-lolita or if I'll be the resident old-schooler.

I can kind of imagine how the latter would be
>occasionally host elaborate private meet ups at my nice house
>big-ass wardrobe tour for the newbies to inspire to and try on
>be not only an experienced lolita mentor, but a kind of a big-sister/auntie figure - help them out with problems of growing up

Anyway, more pics please!

>> No.7778580

I dunno, most 30-35 year olds don't look old - shel by looks her age - she passes as a 25 year old just as she passes as an early 30 year old. I reckon 20-35 a persons age is really ambiguous based on looks. Clothing and style makes it tricky too. Someone could dress young and wear their hair a certain way and it can make them look youthful or mature.

>> No.7778594

youthful =/= young

>> No.7778602
File: 85 KB, 540x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blondedebates is older but seems to pull it off

>> No.7778676

damn, older lolitas have mad coording skills.

>> No.7778748

mostly they just have money to buy things.

>> No.7778818
File: 863 KB, 1280x720, 23094856586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my mum just told me that I can pass as 17
>I'm 21

That's so cute, I love seeing kids in lolita. I'd almost get one just to be able to dress them up.

>> No.7778864

Ugh, her face and coord both look good, but why she didn't do anything with her hair? It ruins everything for me.

>> No.7778868
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x1920, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7778904

I'm 26 and pass for 16. get on my level

>> No.7778920

With that small an age gap I'd worry if you couldn't pass, honestly. 18-23 is usually pretty ambiguous, and many teenage girls can look older than they are so that confuses things even more.

I'm 30 and easily pass for 12 u jelly
>let's not start this again

>> No.7778930


I'm 29 and pass for a 15 year old.

I go out with my friends who are a couple years older than me and everyone assumes I'm their son.

>tfw elven-tier genetics

>> No.7778942

I'm 20, and I have been mistook for a 12 year old. Funny thing is, my college group of friends is all composed by 3DPD lolis and shotas.

>> No.7778943

Do you even Tolkien? Sounds more like a Hobbit.

Also looking young doesn't necessarily mean you look GOOD so I'm not sure why people keep bragging about this. It could be that you're fat or have a really weak facial structure that throws people off, or maybe your clothes or behaviour are more juvenile than what people expect from someone your age.

>> No.7778970

>I'm not sure why people keep bragging about this

People can share and relate without it being a competition, anon.

>> No.7778973

I agree, her hair always looks like a huge mess, no matter what she does and how she styles it. But I also blame her unflattering haircut for it, bangs and maybe a less yellow-ish hair dye would do wonders on her entire appearance.

Also slightly off-topic, but what brand is the blouse she is wearing in this picture? By the print, it looks like JetJ but I don't remember that they ever released a blouse like this. Maybe an upcoming release or something?

>> No.7778976

>I'm 21 and can pass for 17
>I'm 26 and pass for 16 get on my level
>I'm 29 and pass for 15 tfw elven-tier genetics

Sounds like a competition to me. They're not even talking about anything anyone else can relate to, like being carded all the goddamn time or condescending delivery men who refuse to accept your signature and tell you to get your mommy, or any other annoying bullshit you have to deal with when you look younger than you are. They're just one-upping each other.

>> No.7778979

The only setback is that children grow very quickly. So I'm alwaya frantic to find her new things to wear. And she's a little picky. Lol. I'm going to try my hand at sewing so that I can make things for her to wear and appease her taste.

>> No.7778984

I was just happy to hear my mum say it because lately I've been worrying about getting too old for jfashion already.

>> No.7778990

It's fine, anon. It's just that we've had threads like this before and when people start getting into this contest of who is the most kawaiiest ageless loli-chan (without posting pictures to back up their claim, of course) it quickly devolves into a steaming pile of cancer.
>inb4 that one Asian master race anon chimes in

That's so cute! I hope that if I ever have a daughter she'll want me to sew cute frilly clothes for her. You never know if they end up rebelling against mom's totally embarrassing frilliness and becoming tomboy punks instead.

>> No.7778992

Ah, the inevitable 'I get mistaken for a kawaii fetus but I'm actually 47 tee hee' shit. Great, you look younger than your age, real neat in fact, but it doesn't do much to inspire and assist those who god forbid, might actually look 30+ or whatever.

>> No.7778999

It's all about how you take care of your skin with some genetics thrown in there too. People that I graduated high school with who smoke and tan, not to mention those who let themselves go and had kids clearly look way old. I'll be 33 this year and I pass for early to mid twenties at the most even without makeup on and in my hobo clothes.

I mainly wear sweet but I dabble a little in more mature styles as well. I don't wear them out in public often outside meetups or cons as I don't feel comfortable or safe without safety in numbers in my area. So it's not like I'm going out and about town doing my business dressed like a toddler. There's always someone who comes by with a very young child in a dress with a similar style or cut and I just feel awkward, haha. But it's kind of different when you're in a group or everyone is dressed differently.

I do like how Shelby adds a little more mature flair sometimes to her sweeter outfits rather than just doing the same old blouse, otks, headbow, teaparties formula.

>> No.7779002

I dont like her shoes and socks and the eyeshadow is too bright. I think if she would go for a nature makeup would be better since darker or bright eyeshadow tend to make you look older or weird when you are past 40/45.
I'm not really fond of too mature styles as you, i'm almost in my mid 20s and i look really good with bright or pastel colors, as well black. Infact i love sweet lolita and fairy kei.
Instead with muted, jewel tones or florals or mature stuff i look awful. So as you, i won't dress in classic when i hit 30, it doesn't look right on me unless it's black or dark red.
Infact. So they must don't give a fuck about people wear regarless of their age.

>> No.7779006


It's a good thing for girls to be mistaken as a lot younger, but it is hilariously sad if it's a guy. If you are a 29 year old MAN and get mistaken as a 15 year old boy... ew. Freaky manchild.

>> No.7779021

This is probably bait, but

>> No.7779025

This thread is full of people with gerontophobia.

>> No.7779030

I'm not scared of getting older, I'm scared of getting too old for J-fashion. There's a difference.

>> No.7779032

To be fair, old people are terrifying.

>> No.7779035

I'm having a hard time imagining the kind of world you live in where playful banter between people who share an unusual experience can only mean they are one-upping each other.

Oh wait, this is /cgl/ lol.

On-topic, anyone who takes care of themselves and has good aesthetic sense can dress however they want and make it work. Those with insecure self-image and toxic ideas about beauty and aging are going to hate on SOMETHING no matter what. Lousy attitudes gonna be lousy.

>> No.7779037

Not the same anon, but it's true though. Stereotypically it's like men that looks older are 'mature and manly', while younger-looking women are 'young and cute'. Most girls would find a 29 year old man that looks 15 unattractive, just like how a 20 year old girl that looks 40 is unattractive.

>> No.7779042


Blacks have a high amount of melanin in their skin (Asians have a good amount of melanin as well), and this generally stands up well against sun damage, the number one cause of skin aging.

Those with light skin don't do as well due to having virtually none, hence they don't age as well.

>> No.7779052

>Most girls would find a 29 year old man that looks 15 unattractive

Yeah but imagine if:

1. The girl is a massive fujoshit weeb, a Sebastien who has found her Ciel;
2. The girl is a domme with a humiliation fetish;
3. The girl is not a girl but a chickenhawk;
4. The girl is a 30 year old sweet lolita who looks 12 and loves the idea of confusing the fuck out of people when she and her kawaii ouji bf go to the bar.

>> No.7779057
File: 208 KB, 453x547, queenjola2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heeey I got posted! Personally, I have no issue with looking my age, I'm not trying to fool anybody in lolita (well, I try not to post really BAD photos of myself, but I don't photoshop myself all to hell etc). I tried to get out of Lolita, but it sucks me back in, so I guess I'm going to go on until I really feel like I'm not having fun anymore. My local community has always been really nice and nobody has ever said anything to my face about feeling awkward around me due to my age so *shrug*. I have to say that I do far prefer gothic - not gothic lolita but straight-up American style goth, it's a lot more flattering to my face and figure as a fashion.

>> No.7779060
File: 128 KB, 950x1369, pasty_manchild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, 24 year old squick factory.

>> No.7779063

You've been my lolita idol for some time, glad to see you didn't quit permanently <3

>> No.7779069

Thanks for the lecture professor, but that only really applies to people who are 40+ and does nothing to explain how a woman in her late 20s or early 30s can look like an actual teenager. Sun damage does not show up that early unless you actively go tanning multiple times a week.

The real reason is that she's black (as well as overweight in that picture) and people always have a hard time telling the age of people who are of a different race than them. Plus that anon is talking about "ghetto" teenage girls, who are probably aging harder than other girls their age due to stressful circumstances. The issue isn't that the woman posted looks exceptionally youthful but that the young black women anon is comparing her to look older than you'd expect.

True. Plus the fact that the mental and emotional maturation of men in particular doesn't really start until they're in their 20's. Women are a few years ahead of them in that regard. I'm in my early twenties and men my age get on my nerves sometimes, I can't even imagine being around teenage boys anymore. Dating a dude who looks 15 and therefore attracts more fucktards that age? No thank you.

>> No.7779070

I think you look bretty gud fyi. Got a tumblr or something for your goth stuff (or maybe post for comparison to lolita so people can judge if you look better in another fashion)?

>> No.7779072

>The girl likes beta looking males


>> No.7779074

>Sun damage does not show up that early unless you actively go tanning multiple times a week.

youtube "How the sun sees you"

>> No.7779075

Oh wow, I haven't seen you post on here since the maikofuck dramu. You look awesome!

>> No.7779080

really, that's neat because I'm not internet-famous at all ... like AT ALL. I'm always shocked when someone "knows" me from Lolita. Lolita is just so damned FUN sometimes, it's hard to quit if you like that aspect of it and don't get bogged down in the little details of not being perfect. I know I don't have a "cute" face and i'll never be a great Lolita (plus I'm just not as creative as some people are with coordinating, I'm lazy) but I guess it's not about being the best or even being better than other people. It's all about cake hats and clock bags crazy shit like that.

>> No.7779082
File: 244 KB, 450x553, it&#039;s a jola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha, so you want to judge me eh? This is casual death-rock, this is how I look pretty much every day when I'm not working.

>> No.7779090

Wowwwww youre a fucking bitch, holy shit

>> No.7779125

No, I'm into goth stuff and am curious. The last bit was to try to keep people from accusing you of attention-whoring by pointing out the ways you posting non-lolita things could be relevant to the thread. Cause bitches gonna bitch.

Looks cool, reminds me of the tribal fusion style that was creeping around a few years ago (but less something-something, my brain is fried).

>> No.7779151

Yeah the bullet belt w/ a skirt can give it a bellydance sort of feel and the goth/tribal/bellydance fusion was a thing a while back (in goth no trends die, they just die-back a bit, we still have some electro and rivet types, perkygoths around). I do a lot of fitted tops and big skirts that emphasize the waist which I think works on an "apple" shape like mine. In Lolita this shape makes me look fat(er) even when my BMI is in the normal range. But also having a "mature" body w/ developed breasts can kind of make Lolita fit awkwardly - that's hard to reconcile w/ the loli aesthetic for sure. I wear sports-bras under my brand to try and play it down.

>> No.7779154

>in goth no trends die

This sounds way more epic than it has a right to be.

>> No.7779158

Stop bitching you needy shit. You're just mad because she looks better than you, lolol.

>> No.7779165

You do look much slimmer in that goth pic than in the lolita pictures that were posted here. Unfortunately lolita is just not flattering on apple shapes.

Unrelated but when that whole Jona dramu was going down (not sure if you followed it but it's in the comm bitching threads) I first thought they were talking about you and I just sat staring at my screen in disbelief for a few minutes until my brain caught up. I'd imagine that if you secretly camwhored to afford your lolita you'd be more clever about it.

>what is dead may never die
>but rises again, harder and stronger

>> No.7779228

I work I an office, I think it's easier to work overtime to afford brand than camwhore.

>and with strange aeons even death may die

>> No.7779358

I've seen pics of you before! I think you look great in lolita! It's good that you didn't quit. So classy and well thought out. :)

>> No.7779414

>I guess it's not about being the best or even being better than other people.
>It's all about cake hats and clock bags crazy shit like that.

I like you.

>> No.7779431

read that last bit as "all about cock bags"

>> No.7780125
File: 171 KB, 460x691, 26230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant be too old. I think most people who are into jfashion believe Japan is full of kawaii magical non-aging girls and there is pressure to look the same.

Nope, a lot of Japanese girls look their age or older.
The girl in the photo is 24, she looks a lot older. It's also possible she is lying about her age but that doesn't stop her from wearing what she wants.

>> No.7780129
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, shizuka-ooya-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKB48 idol who was recently made fun of online for her looks. She is only 22 and made fun of for being ugly and looking 40.

>> No.7780130

This is such a wonderful post.

>> No.7780134
File: 117 KB, 648x431, 16113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of lolitas. Most of them don't have the stereotypical kawaii young look.

People need to stop obsessing over getting older or looking old when most Japanese girls don't even fit the kawaii youthful mold.

>> No.7780211
File: 83 KB, 500x653, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this, kinda helps me feel a little better. I often compare myself to girls like in this photo and I know her picture is edited to hell and back. I just can't help it, I want to look cute and young like that.

>> No.7780253

her hairstyle is really aging her on top of her under-eye puff.

>> No.7780255

I have the same experience as you with lolita: I'm early 40s, but idgaf and nobody in my local comm seems bothered by having an old lady around - or if they are, they're polite enough not to say anything to my face. I keep a pretty low profile online, although I do post pics of outfits I particularly like.

My nasio-lines have *really* started to kick in over the last year, which is hard to watch, and I've definitely hit the point where I can't wear sweet without feeling all "mutton dressed as lamb". Luckily, I'm mostly goth / classic, so I figure I'll keep my frills for as long as I like!

>> No.7780287

You can post all the busted looking Japanese women you've cherry picked from the internet to make yourself feel better about looking old but fact is most western jfashion wearers (especially cutsey fashions like sweet lolita and fairy kei) hold kawaii uguu young doll-faced Japanese girls up as the standard they wish to achieve for themselves and that's not about to change anytime soon.

>> No.7780295

then photoshop the shit out of yourself like she does?

>> No.7780311

If this thread is a testament to anything is that 50 year old lolis arent even looking to impress 19 year olds anyway lol

>> No.7780347
File: 246 KB, 649x785, neverevereverstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Too busy wearing silly dresses for no reason whatsoever. In my alley. For reasons.

>> No.7780349

She is so cute, who is she?

>> No.7780352

Not the anon who posted photos but most of the young doll faced japanese girls aren't even real, they have makeup plastered on and edit the shit out of their photos. They are believing in a standard that isn't real, not even in Japan.

Some girls need to actually go to Japan and get a reality check. They are just as bad as weebs who get their idea about japan from anime.

>> No.7780358

I kind of dig the idea of changing your look with your age.

Teens to 25ish go for that sweet lolita look if you're into it.

25-30s go for that goth look

30+ go for that classic look.

Bright candy pinks will never suit an older woman (sorry!) it will look like you're ageplaying or some bs. Soft pinks, dusty roses, and the other color pallets of classic or darker colors of gothic would look age appropriate and still cute

>> No.7780359

in all reality, its just your shitty hair that ruins everything.

>> No.7780364

Guess I am going to be 30 and look like an ageplayer since I hate classic and gothic.

>> No.7780366

40+ mid life crisis, stop giving any fucks

>> No.7780367
File: 78 KB, 720x633, ohnoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn shitty hair, ruining everything for everybody! seriously though, I think I get the most flack on CGL for my hair (and for looking like a brolita), I guess I know what you guys mean but I just can't stand wigs. I curl it for meets but for just hanging out in Lolita it's just too much trouble. Never thought it *ruined* the look, though certainly some more creative styling would make the whole look nicer. it's kind of hard to see your own faults sometimes.

>> No.7780371
File: 367 KB, 864x516, japanese-students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually really easy to find a lot of photos of Japanese girls outside of jfashion. Just type in Japanese schools and you will find class photos and see what the average girl looks like.

Not really cherry picking when it's easy to find pics of Japanese people in normal everyday life.

>> No.7780380

you don't look 14.5
nigga stop lyin'

>> No.7780383

you should stop, don't feed the trolls man. be like elsa and let it go

>> No.7780384

It's also not cherry picking cause that photo you posted before was the entire comm of obachans.

>> No.7780389

i dont find your coords offensive, just your hair. i mean you go so far to have semi-decent coords and you seem to understand the aesthetic when it comes to clothing but you willingly ignore the fact that your hair looks like shit and is bringing everything else down?

>> No.7780392
File: 273 KB, 1024x768, 2011_0209_visit-of-sudent-from-jakarta-japan-school-thumb-1024x768-413 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I looked of Japanese schools, I am going to have fun with this. How many dreams can I shatter about Japan being the land of "kawaii" beings?

>> No.7780396
File: 64 KB, 640x434, 5e5c68aabf09f2587fda5ab778605aca1257103957_full (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7780397

what do you suggest?

>> No.7780401
File: 95 KB, 800x600, japaneseschoolgirlwatch-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7780404
File: 223 KB, 1517x1138, Nalty, japanese students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7780405

Thing is, most FOB asian girls I know don't tend to be appearance oriented until they graduate (notice how almost no one is wearing makeup, especially in the first one who seems to be honor roll students or something). You're studying 24/7 if you have tyrannic asian parents.

>> No.7780408
File: 497 KB, 649x785, plsbuywigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7780414

eeeew. no.

>> No.7780431

I dont think you understand that your opinion =/= fact, or more importantly its not her opinion of HER hair.

I think she looks rad as fuck and definitely preferable to all the shitty wigs that make everything look costume-ish. She looks like an alt lady wearing alt clothes and I prefer it to a kawaii girl who looks like she's wearing a costume any day.

>> No.7780437

Definite down grade.

>> No.7780440
File: 71 KB, 705x523, jk7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping just to piss this guy off.

>> No.7780441

look, your hair is bringing way too much attention to your face. which is not exactly the most gorgeous thing in the world. you need normal hair if you're going to be wearing coords of that style.

People could look beyond your "brolita face" if their eyes werent so drawn to your head

>> No.7780443

Calm down. I'm not even that anon, and she's right, her hair isn't styled and it looks off, that's all the other anon said. Stop with this sjw shit.

>> No.7780444


>> No.7780445

Is the hair shooped on? There are some weird sharp edges all around.

>> No.7780452

I think the older you get the more important it is to look like you're wearing a real fashion and not a kid playing dress up for a costume event? I dunno, after a certain age walking around looking like you're wearing a costume is distasteful to me (unless you're at a con or something)

>> No.7780455

What anon? I'm replying to the anon I quoted.

>> No.7780460

Hahahaa are you kidding? Flower crowns and wigs that blend too much into the coordinate are not an improvement. You basically proved how UNshitty her hair is with this.

>> No.7780464

Lol cosplay lolitas.

>> No.7780471

Learn to accept that everyone doesn't agree with you. Your opinion might even be in the minority, heaven forfend.

>> No.7780478

Let me guess you're one of the 'lifestyle' girls who complain about the 'casuals'.

>> No.7780483

I could same the same thing to you miss "everyone who disagrees is obviously the same person because only one person would ever disagree."

>> No.7780484

i looked for a normal hair color wig. too lazy to shoop out the flower crown.

>> No.7780488

Yes. Go wear your clown wigs and hang out with the cosplayers.

>> No.7780490

What this anon said. Now I'm not focused on her grotesque and old face.

>> No.7780494


>> No.7780496

>implying that shitty damaged bright red hair isnt screaming clown/shitty cosplay

>> No.7780499
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1347687383053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this butthurt anon again
Shouldn't you been in the ita thread defending shit coords as old school?

>> No.7780503

Obviously sherlock, I'm replying to someone who replied to me. And I confirmed it was me with a "YES" moron. Holy fuck the stupid I can't handle it.

>> No.7780506

>this mad about ur ugly hair

>> No.7780513

Its real hair and that takes costume out of the question. She looks like a loony wearing loony clothes.

>> No.7780515

Nah I have normalfag hair, I generally dont dig the ~edgy~ hair colours but it's preferable to a wig that makes the fashion look like a costume.

>> No.7780520

ridiculously dyed bright shitty damaged hair isnt costumey? compared to a normal color and style?

lets be fucking real anon. unless you're probably her and want to pretend you have people on your side.

>> No.7780531

Properly styled hair would be better than what she has going on now. The anon (I'm assuming you) replied to way back here >>7780389
didn't even mention wigs.

>> No.7780533

You don't leave your house do you?Ridiculously fucking bright hair is fairly trendy right now and not at all costumeish, go to the mall or some shit and every other ~edgy~ person has it.

>> No.7780538

and all of those people are like under 20. if you're pushing the age this witch is pushing you need to step back from the mall goth look. it just makes you look old and haggard

>> No.7780545

Alt fashion =/= mall goth.
Just Google pics of whatever recent goth festival and learn about alt fashion plz.

>> No.7780550

lolita isnt a goth festival.

and shitty dyed hair = mall goth = goth

>> No.7780552


>> No.7780553

It actually isn't unusual to see Lolita's at goth festivals.

I dont think her hair is any different than l wigs.

>> No.7780554

>mixing lolita and "goth fashion" and thinking its ok

>> No.7780555

If >>7779082 is any indication of what that google search might bring up I'd rather not, thanks.

>> No.7780556

*unnatural colored wigs. Sorry.

>> No.7780558

let me just wear my siouxsie tee with my AP yall

>> No.7780562

Wow, when I started coming on here for lolita purposes, I remember the slew of people who were upset that she was leaving lolita and she was their inspiration. And now it's like ewww look at her. I thought I was relatively a newfag.

>> No.7780564

right? this is about as mall gothy as it gets. hang on if this bitch eats it up i have some UFO pants with 400 straps on it i can sell for 200 bux

>> No.7780565

>man-ish face
>been mistaken for 45 by two coworkers
>horrible genetics and bad picking habits have turned my face into a minefield
>freckles right above my lip give off a mustache shadow
>look like a brolita at best
>make that a fat brolita
>tfw, oddly enough, knowing all this makes me not give a fuck anymore
>tfw I've embraced my ugly status and just wear frilly dresses because I want to, not to be "suppa uggu kawaii"

>> No.7780569

you don't belong in lolita. its good that you accept you because no one else ever will

>> No.7780571

Goth festivals aren't just for goths, you know that right?

And yeah actually that would be ok. Alt fashion in general is not like lolita, you just do you.

>> No.7780576

but lolita is not alt fashion in general. your shit goth things are not apart of it

>> No.7780577

>post in obvious troll thread
>expect serious replies

>> No.7780578

Do it. If you're gonna be an uggo be an uggo in kawaii clothes at least.

>> No.7780579

>expects sjw replies
you go girl!!!!!

>> No.7780581

kawaii clothes are immediately downgraded to trash if some fat hairlip is wearing it

>> No.7780582

Lulz, I never expected asspats nor sjw replies. I'm just stating the facts, ma'am.

>> No.7780583

I hate that look, they look like they are trying to look like anime characters. I follow some Japanese lolita blogs, a lot of the girls just look normal, light makeup and they don't heavily edit their photos.

I always felt non-Japanese girls worry about looking "kawaii" more than Japanese girls do.

>> No.7780587

Cry moar. People are going to wear whatever they want whether you like it or not. And you're the one who came up with that outfit and called it lolita y u cryin'?

>> No.7780589

ITT: 14-year-olds thinking that an adult woman cares about their opinion of her. I doubt she's still here to listen to your epic burns about mall goth pants.

She's one of the coolest lolitas I've met and I'm glad she's back. I love her give-no-fucks attitude and genuine niceness. No I'm not her, but she's one of a few people in my comm I will happily whiteknight anytime.

>> No.7780592

>ITT: A grown woman caring about the opinions of a bunch of Anonymous teens

>> No.7780593

Nope all same fag, needs a wig.

>> No.7780597

Try explaining that to the anti wig anon that likes to shit up every other thread.

>> No.7780601
File: 933 KB, 245x285, k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you totally weren't looking for asspats, thats totally not why you posted something completely irrelevant in the thread

>> No.7780603

Yes because its obviously just this one same fag and not like multiple people or anything of course.

>> No.7780608

except she did listen and did care
> I guess I know what you guys mean

pls go listen too the cure and cut yourself somewhere else mall goth

>> No.7780609

If I truly wanted asspats, I would have posted a picture.
So posting about how I look too old for lolita in a "how old is too old" thread is irrelevant?

>> No.7780612

ITT grown ass women caring so much about 14 year olds thought that they get buttmad when they dont agree that your shitty hair and haggard face doesnt look cool and hip

>> No.7780613

I thought it was fairly obvious but I'll take your word for it anon. I'll re-write my post just for you.

Try explaining that to the anti wig anons that like to shit up every other thread.


>> No.7780614

I think that is just the general consciousness amongst the old school and lifestylers in particular.

>> No.7780615

You're adorable. I hope you don't get grounded for being online so late, though.

>> No.7780618

shouldn't you be in bed? dont you have an early bird special you need to catch at the golden corral?

better get on that senior citizen discount before 6am!

>> No.7780622

You should learn to respect your elders, child. Also, you're "arguing" with more than one person and I'm fairly sure that neither of us is Jola.

>> No.7780623

You must be over 18 to use this website dear

>> No.7780626

shouldn't you be planning an outfit you're only gonna wear once to a con that's three months from now?

>> No.7780630

oh my you called me dear and poked fun at my age, boy have i been told and shunned away from this thread because of all of this maturity around me

>> No.7780631

Confirmed for 14

>> No.7780633
File: 94 KB, 307x315, Top_kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salty old cunts

>> No.7780635

So not only are you a child but a noob too to not get that reference? LOL

>> No.7780637

lel at all the mature ladies reverting back to being children on the internet. I'd tell you to grow up but chances are if you did that would send you six feet under.

>> No.7780639

It's okay, one day you'll be old enough to have a job and afford coords that aren't Bodyline. Just stay in school and don't do drugs.

>> No.7780640

I hope if your middle school has a debate team, that you aren't on it.

>> No.7780641
File: 843 KB, 320x240, umad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7780642

I will never understand people who titter about those who are older than them. You realize you'll be there soon enough too, right? If you're so hard up for self esteem that you have to make yourself feel better based on your young age... aka something that will vanish all too soon... then damn, that is sad.

>> No.7780643

Shouldn't you be posting in the feels thread about how all your ex-boyfriends thought your "fancy dresses" were weird and broke up with you?

>> No.7780646


>> No.7780647

And it's totally a fashion and not cosplay.

>> No.7780649

Also you, please stop, this is fucking embarrassing. Are you actually older? Just ignore the kid and move on. You are acting just as immaturely as they.

>> No.7780650

Like a lot of the trolls on this board, it's insecurity at it's best. All the "lol ur old" jokes in the world won't keep the crow's feet away.

>> No.7780651

Yeah, "tittering" about those young folk is such a step up.

Sorry OP your thread got shitted up but this is hilarious.

>> No.7780653

u mad

>> No.7780656

Anybody with that much free time to argue with a tween on cgl is also a tween, duh. The adults are off doing grown up people things.

>> No.7780657

Next you'll tell me you were only pretending to be retarded. :^)

>> No.7780658


>> No.7780659

maybe the younger people on this board realise that when they are pushing 40 they won't be so desperate to feel young. probably will sell all their lolita and not look like a pathetic grandma trying to be "hip"

>> No.7780662


>> No.7780663


>> No.7780667

Maybe the older folk aren't in to age play in the first place.

>> No.7780668

if you're dressing lolita when you're old, you're into ageplay. fact

>> No.7780671

For someone who complains about being called out so much and "hates drama" you sure post a lot with your distinctive way of phrasing things...

>> No.7780674

its because shes an old wrinkly bitch and is real mad about youthful fresh faced ladies making fun of her

>> No.7780677

Aaaand we've gone full circle. >>7777410

Go to sleep everyone!

>> No.7780678
File: 37 KB, 600x800, 1373762318786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg lookit the sexy toddler

>> No.7780680

You're confused, anon. Did you reply to the right person?

>> No.7780682
File: 144 KB, 736x490, wowgramyouaresotrendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7780684


>> No.7780688

I wish I had a kawaii grandma to dress up and drink tea with.

That sounded a lot less age play-y when I first wrote that out, I swear.

>> No.7780690

What are you talking about?

>> No.7780695

The phrasing sounds exactly like a girl in my comm who claims she doesn't go on 4chan and used to have a vendetta against someone posted in this thread.

>> No.7780696

Okay I wear and love lolita but lol are u high, this is some niche shit

>> No.7780708

This so much. Fuck this living doll bullshit. If there's one thing I hate is little AP clones going "eew, your circle lenses don't match your shoelace".
>inb4 "you mad"
Yes, I mad.

>> No.7780720
File: 11 KB, 221x228, hey guys whats...oh lawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7780791

>implying elves are Tolkien-only
do u even fantasy?

>> No.7781069
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wow, this thread devolved quickly! ok, I'm going to actually address the hair for the one or two interested parties and then I'm gone for another year or two (CGL, you never change): Lolita is a tiny sliver of my life, I'm not changing the hair that makes me happy for a slight upgrade in my Lolita look. The more you chase perfection in Lolita, the more happiness slips away from you. Yes I could wear the perfect brand shoes rather than my bodyline comfy flats - for example - to meets and then stand around with a sour expression on my face because my feet hurt. Yes I could change my hair for a wig and plaster on makeup and it still would just make me feel insecure about my makeup melting or my wig slipping. it's a chimera, you will never catch it. I follow most of the Lolita "rules" and I'm "good" enough to have fun and to not crap up the meets or photos and in the end I care more about having a great time and being w/ the fun local folks drinking tea and carrying on. I'm willing to listen to advice, if it's practical advice and good advice I might even take it. But not at the cost of it making me unhappy. Maybe that makes me a special snowflake or something.

Never change CGL :)

>> No.7781085

>implying Lolita is hip

Top Kek

>> No.7781101

tl;dr im old and jealous of cute girls. And im going to pretend to not constantly lurk this board

>> No.7781103

I bet all of the girls at the meet ups laugh at you when you're not around.

>> No.7781125

projecting much?

>> No.7781129

Thanks for stopping by, I've appreciated your posts!

>> No.7781229

U got mi gud

>> No.7781240
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ill just give my 2 cents on the whole lolitas 35+ thing. i think that maybe classic or gothic could work. not sweet. you would defiantly have to be a youthful old lady to look good in my book. heavy makeup, (god forbid circle lenses) and, unatural big wigs are nos. botox, simple maybe printless dresses, and non heeled shoes are yeses. i dont think that old ladies should worry about trying to look younger, maybe trying to look good older. but idk thats just what i think.

>> No.7781252


>> No.7781262
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>> No.7781323

All that hate is going to make you wrinkly in a few years.

>> No.7781342
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Wtf happened to this thread man? It's like the stench of a generally positive and successful thread always wafts into the nostrils of all the trolls, embittered, sand-filled crab-side-walk shufflers and general shitposters and then they come-a-flocking. We don't like it when nice-ish things happen, no siree.

>> No.7781346

Eh why is everyone so hung up about age. I think the woman in OP is really pretty with nice figure despite being older. She looks really pretty in these pictures >>7777336 >>7777292. That is better than being ugly like Lovelylor, who will be ugly no matter what she wears and whatever age she is. A pretty, older person is better than an ugly, younger one.

>> No.7781368

>not a single mention of Frances
FUCK I thought summer was over and the newfags were gone

>> No.7781471
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What do you expect?

>> No.7781474

Adding onto your comment, I think older ladies could try aiming for old school sweet. It's not print-ridden as sweet is nowadays so it could maybe work.

>> No.7781558
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Oh I kinda expected it, and yet I'm still somehow moderately disappointed. I guess I still hold out for the day that just once, this shit doesn't happen (it ain't gonna happen).

>> No.7781600
File: 81 KB, 500x753, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle aged men.

You can wear whatever you want when your old, you just have to not give a fuck, like these men.

>> No.7781604
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>> No.7781733

Half of 27 is 13.5

>> No.7781815

We don't talk about her anymore.

>> No.7781874

In many Japanese schools you aren't allowed to wear makeup anyway.

>> No.7781898

I think if you can GET AWAY with sweet when you are older, do it. Even if you are 35+. Some women look youthful and can pull it off. Or, add some mature elements to make it mature sweet.

>> No.7783578

Can I just say that you are absolutely stunning? I wish I had your look and confidence.

>> No.7783813

holy shit is that melissa

>> No.7783875

No that's arsenicold_lace on egl, she's in NYC comm