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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 19 KB, 325x442, jsdhfjuy7333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7776525 No.7776525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cringe thread? cringe thread!!

found this jewel last night..dear god.


>> No.7776534

I keep forgetting that DDC comes in black

>> No.7776539
File: 75 KB, 748x700, 10464394_722103317855687_2603758187111928579_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that her outfit is bad, just... her face. Looks SO old...

>> No.7776544

i dunno about you but i'm totally gonna be rocking cute shit when i'm fuggin 50+

i find the idea that someone has to stop wearing stuff because they look/are older to be really weird. she's older but she still looks pretty damn kawaii.

>> No.7776549
File: 15 KB, 450x333, BerriesCream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she a little boy who loves berries and cream?

>> No.7776550

Cripes, my face looks like that and I'm 28. The genetic lottery for skin cells is a bitch.

>> No.7776561

...those eyebrows....

>> No.7776564

It's the make-up. It's super harsh.

>> No.7776589
File: 34 KB, 580x466, jsdhfjuy7333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7776609

Who am I kidding, I wish my mom dressed this cute.

>> No.7776650
File: 271 KB, 2764x948, 1404239764980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7776653

Sorry Anon, nothing cringe worthy here.
In my opinion this outfit is awesome (I can even tolerate the Sailor Moon necklace because I love it and would wear the hell out of it too). And I agree with >>7776544. She should change the make up but otherwise, what the hell? She can pull it off. I aspire to be an awesome older lady rocking cute clothes even when I am older too (but more like Fanny Rosie, as a classic style suits me better).

>> No.7776655

>that difference between pic 1 and 4
It's sad, she could make a cute Lolita with the right make up and clothes.

>> No.7776656

diferrence between pic 1 and pic 3, I meant...

>> No.7776659

they're not the same person, i think
1-2 is the same
3-4 is the same

>> No.7776670
File: 148 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nasnsegleh1ri9l4ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat wig part and manface
she'd look so much better with it properly styled and some damn makeup. maybe some contacts instead of those glasses.

>> No.7776676
File: 159 KB, 500x744, tumblr_nasd9ciTb11r8lh5wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin everything she does

>> No.7776679

Oh dear god.... who is she?

>> No.7776684

no idea some girl on tumblr. her url is in the photo lol

>> No.7776685
File: 93 KB, 500x375, tumblr_nasnvzeNLj1ri9l4ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh my god they're friends i had no idea

>> No.7776689
File: 4 KB, 100x100, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's something about this that just makes me feel uneasy.....oh Jenny

>> No.7776690
File: 541 KB, 502x441, rerw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7776692

what the fuck

>> No.7776696

can't unsee I love you

>> No.7776699
File: 523 KB, 1098x1920, tumblr_n9rahs9E1k1r8lh5wo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not everything
I really liked this outfit. she did good.
UNFORTUNATELY the bitch tagged it as "soft grunge"
but the outfit? I need an outfit rundown because DAMN those tights and skirt I need them

>> No.7776704

If cgl is still around when I am old, I am going to be posted on here a lot for being old and still wearing AP.

>> No.7776707

Doesn't help that she is kinda ugly and manly looking.

>> No.7776709

Who thought that dress on the far right would be a good idea on anyone? I know they're supposed to be hearts, but I can't imagine this looking good on even the flattest of flat girs.

>> No.7776710

She looks like a relatively well-dressed sissy in every single picture I've seen of her.

>> No.7776734

Why do people do these forced, awkward movements in outfit videos? They always look awful, even when done by more attractive, coordinated people.

>> No.7776755

Ooh it's those french itas who actually are admins somewhere?
>mfw the girl in red claims she's in lolita since 2 years
>mfw she wears a Milanoo dress with ears

>> No.7776768
File: 108 KB, 960x720, 575665_294977820600597_662156218_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pastelbat is the one all in white
>I thought it was a brolita

>> No.7776778

She looks fine?

>> No.7776784

Oh man, this a complete knock-off of Peachie's casual outfit video. She even used the same song.

>> No.7776786

Gotta agree with other anons, this is a cute outfit but in a feminine, vinatage-y way, not in a trying to be a kawaii little girl /lamb dressed as mutton way I get from alot of lolita wearers, especially ones with mature faces/figures who wear sweet.

>> No.7776787

>that difference between 1st and 3rd pic
unless she got some surgery for that chin cleft, that's some photoshop right there.

>> No.7776791

"Gothic Lolita", apparently

>mfw I have similar facial features
kill me

>> No.7776814

If you do nice makeup and dont style your hair or wig like a fucking retard you're probs fine. She has a bit of a manface, sure, but if she put effort into making it feminine with makeup she'd look a hell of a lot better.

>> No.7776816

>>mfw I have similar facial features
>kill me
You cannot help it if you have an unfortunate bone structure, work with what you have or have surgery. As long as you know how2make up, take flattering photos and coord nicely, I wouldn't worry too much. The problem with her is her wig/glasses ecetera which would even look awful on a more pretty girl.

>> No.7776830

I'm not a lolita but I often see lolitas say the fashion is not about trying to look like a little girl. So why are girls who are older or who look older looked down on if they wear a style like sweet? I always thought of sweet as going against what society says is age appropriate for women to wear.

Just confusing when I see some say to wear sweet,you need a young child like looking face but then turn around and say its not about looking like a little girl.

>> No.7776835


>> No.7776841

Oh man, I can't wear white either. Makes me look haggard.
The one in the middle looks like an actual clown.

>> No.7776842

Everything looks better on pretty young people, especially weird alt fashions.

>> No.7776846

i posted this once but i'll post it again

fucking onision


>> No.7776848

Something about this makes me think of a lana del rey intro..

>> No.7776858

>That song
>The only good thing about the video

>> No.7776864

It's not that they should wearing stuff, it's that they should wear makeup in a way that flatters them, not makes them look like an old hag. Her eyeliner and eyebrows are particularly heinous, but that lipsticks not doing anything for her either.

>> No.7776874

She looks fine and you're trying too hard

>> No.7776876

That bangs and eyebrow combination would look bad on anyone, though. Either soften up the eyebrows or get longer bangs.

>> No.7776879

Her makeup is bad, anon...

>> No.7776890


She looks aaight and you kids need to get off the internet for a sec. You're forgetting what real people look like.

>> No.7776896

Dude it's not like anyone is telling her to get plastic surgery

>She could use a different style of wig

>> No.7776902

I'm talking about her looking "heinous" she could look better sure, but calm down.

>> No.7776922

Her makeup does look pretty heinous. That sort of makeup does not work for anyone, especially not in sweet.

>> No.7776927

I just find her so adorable she looks so happy in her little outfits. And she's a cutie in general I talked to her twice and she always answered in such a nice manner. I don't understand the hate for her,it's just seagulls trying to stir drama again I guess
>hurr she has replikuhs
I don't support replicas at all but hey she improved lately she bought a real deal
She said she was kinda creeped out by ageplayers and anyway even if she was an ageplayer who cares? Not like she was showing it off,she's just a girl liking cute things

That was my 2 cents.

>> No.7776964

that skirt she's wearing is too short for normal wear not to mention lolita.
at least wear some tights, I can't imagine that being comfortable ever.

>> No.7776998

I couldn't watch it to the end.
I have motherfucking goosebumps

>> No.7777000

>hot topic

I'm amazed this isn't even bait

>> No.7777125

And again you're trying to hard. Her makeup works OK for her age and the look she's going for. Its not great but it looks fine. The typical sweet makeup would really be a heinous train wreck on someone her age. I think you're having issues wrapping your head around her not even trying to be kawaii uguu.

>> No.7777131
File: 77 KB, 720x960, that_skin_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I was a loli"

>> No.7777138

for someone who may not know what they were doing (saying "a loli" implies you dont really understand the fashion) I'd say her attempt is pretty good.

A better petti and she'd be passable. Not great, but passable.

>> No.7777143
File: 159 KB, 446x400, 1408470027275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gothic lolita


And sweet lolita


On a budget

>> No.7777162

Which one is this in reference to? I agree with >>7777138, she's even pretty cute, but the one on the left is slightly less okay. At least they're not complete disasters.

>> No.7777185

She sounds like she's about to burst into tears.

>> No.7777192

Yeah she's really sweet. I didn't even know she was into lolita when I first met her online. I found her on deviantart and entered a fan art contest. I think I got 2nd place or something and she drew me a cute little drawing as a reward. This was back in like 2007 or something though.

>> No.7777201

Jesus fucking christ that guy is so insufferable

>> No.7777235

I agree, she looks horrible. The coord is fine but an outfit doesn't end at the clothes, your makeup is a part of it and this makeup looks absolutely horrendous, like a cartoon villainess. Even if she's older, there are ways she can do her makeup to soften her look instead of whatever this mess is. It doesn't work with the cuteness/sweetness of the coord at all. And looking at her other posts, she does this same terrible makeup for every coord.

Also the coord while nice from the knees up, really needs different shoes and some legwear.

>> No.7777253

oh no

>> No.7777258

There is no fucking way she goes out in that. That was an outfit in January? Her fat thighs would have gotten frostbite.

>> No.7777269

I'm the anon you're replying to, and I agree. Her makeup could use softening, and her eyebrows are grossly overplucked. Still, I think poor cosmetic choice isn't enough to make her worthy of cringe. She seems cute and I like her taste.

It depends. Sweet lolitas definitely want to look young, maybe even country lolitas too, but classic and gothic aren't overly concerned with looking little girly.

>> No.7777281

Stop being blind. Her make-up is shit and makes her look uglier, older and in no way helps the look "she's going for".

>> No.7777285

It depends where you live. She sounds like she's in the US so maybe she's in one of the southern states like Cali, Florida or Texas. I live in Texas and it usually doesn't get very cold until late January. Plus, as a fatty I can say we are usually very warm, even in winter.

>> No.7777289

I like the outfit, honest to god - it's almost a perfect reproduction of something one might see in a 'harajuku snap', however i also fear it's the sort of thing that doesn't really suit anyone that isn't an impossibly thin and cute Asian. She seems to be having fun though and I think she does have a sense of style so..meh.

>> No.7777303

I was just thinking this.

>> No.7777358

Her voice sounds so cute, and she would probably look so adorable if she wasn't so obese. She sounds like she's out of breath just from talking.

>> No.7777392
File: 130 KB, 465x720, tumblr_lrsa73cQ361qctwkso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“I had a photoshooting in berlin for a magazine and suddenly some random girl in the background started laughing and pointing at me and called me a tranny. the photographer don’t stopped taking pics and so this shot happend. it was very strange. but that’s happening in germany all day. in fact when I wear lolita people on the street call me a whore or a cunt. I am used to it now.”
>-Fahrlight’s (lolita in photo) own words.

Just saw this post on tumblr, I can't even. I wonder what they would think if they all new aout her little Shota-Mango.
Also I'm from Germany myself and while I wear more towned down Classic/Gothic about once or twice a week I rarely have people shout at me, and have never been called a whore or cunt. Sure, there are bad neighbourhoods in Berlin, but especially Berlin is more accepting towards strange clothes (at least that has been my experience). Germany is not as awful as she makes it sound.

>> No.7777396

She sounds like a top attention whore

>> No.7777405


Besides I actually think she kind of DOES look a bit like a tranny....

>> No.7777411


Btw. whats with the Shota-Mango? I am from Germany too and I just had her in mind as someone who was totally against Shota...I think she even made an appearance on the FrankfurtBookFair talking about how abominable that kinda stuff is? Idk it's so long ago...

>> No.7777413

She looks ridiculous in those sunglasses and I understand why those girls are laughing at her. Something just looks very... off about her in sweet.

>> No.7777417

I'm like 99% sure that is staged as fuck.
Just a hypocrite. She probably wouldn't want all that bad PR if she was outspoken about her homo prostitot comic.

>> No.7777445
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 889345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Btw. whats with the Shota-Mango? I am from Germany too and I just had her in mind as someone who was totally against Shota...I think she even made an appearance on the FrankfurtBookFair talking about how abominable that kinda stuff is? Idk it's so long ago...

Look it up in the archive, parts of the manga have been posted.
I don't really know her, but I saw the manga - it was about a young boy who worked as a prostitute because his abusive daddy made him. I just saw a few pages but it was awful (like her art) and while I do not think it included a scene where the boy was actually shown having sex, it was more than questionable story wise, and the boy was shown in questionable outfits too. People were defending her because "she handled this difficult topic so well!!11" but to me, it looked and sounded like a cheap excuse to get your shota raep phantasies into a mango-"It's awwwright if I include a baaawww story and declare how much I am against shota in public!!"

Seriously, she is like one of these tumblrtards from the Black Butler shota fandom part who declare it's awwwright to fap to shota doujinshis because it's not shota at all if it has a deep 3edgy5me backstory!!11

>> No.7777446

It's staged as fuck, she did a whole series like this and somebody called her out on it iirc? I've been following her bullshit for a few months on a gossip site. She's a fuckin loon.

>> No.7777454

It is staged, of course. She is just an attention whore, but what makes her so bad is how she acts all high and mighty while just craving some e-fame and fapping to her own poorly drawn shota crap.

>> No.7777463

>tumblrtards from the Black Butler shota fandom part who declare it's awwwright to fap to shota doujinshis because it's not shota at all if it has a deep 3edgy5me backstory!!11
Those people exist? The fuck?
That's just too ridiculous.
>I-I masturbate to the STORY!

>> No.7777476

Haha they exist. Right next to them who say it's not shota at all and completly awwwright to fap to this because... for reasons?? Seriously, there are all kind of weird hypocite defensive people posting endlessly long posts about this shit.
I mean, seriously. I just wanted to enjoy some fanart, not looking at a shota getting raped by demon butlers while all these tumblrtards keep telling everyone it's not shota at all and how deep (heh) this last doujinshi was because teh story guise!!

>> No.7777481

She can't even talk without getting out of breath

>> No.7777491

But the coord *is* sweet.

This is the second time this old news photo has been posted this week, is fahr trying to drum up attention again or something?

>> No.7778050

KEK! ><

>> No.7778061

Mercy. She needs a reality check.

>> No.7778109

If she cut the bangs it would mostly solve the "manface" problem. The harsh center part just makes her face look longer.

Not that cringey, though

>> No.7778174

is there a name for the manga that can be looked up?

>the fuck is all the fuss about

>> No.7778178
File: 67 KB, 720x960, MOARSWEETSBUTLER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some cosplay cringe

>> No.7778192

That body shape is just so damn unfortunate...

>> No.7778210

The comments are horrifying.

Someone told her she has nice legs.

>> No.7778212

How did I sit through this entire video? How does this guy still do videos in the first place? It seems like in spite of being two years older than me, he still attracts dumbass middle schoolers.

I'm so glad I've stopped subscribing to him years ago.

>> No.7778222

Yikes. Is it bad that I thought that her face was similar to Michael Jackson's? In other thoughts, what's with people spending so much money in expensive dolls and then expect to get away with lowballing when it comes to seriously getting into lolita?

I wish that the second video was just a poor attempt to mori-girl on a budget.Dress is cute as fuck. If not that, I wish that she'd learn to edit out the rambling tangents.

>> No.7778246

Auuuuugh there's so much wrong with this kid.

>> No.7778331

The thought of potentially meeting this person in real life is fucking mortifying.

>> No.7778644

Surgery is not really an option for me, but yeah, I'm trying to learn how to do makeup properly so my manface is less obvious.
Polite sage for OT

>> No.7778645

She really should have cut out the part where she moved out of frame to take her PJs off, geez.

>> No.7778647

Fuck, I hate onision so fucking much. He's the kind of asshole who justifies it with "I'm just being HONEST, geez!"

>> No.7778649

Yeah, Peachie is a sweetheart. Most of the hate is just seagulls being seagulls.

>> No.7778668
File: 510 KB, 939x565, Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 6.28.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7778708

I look like pic 1 - how do I look like girl 3 because Jesus

>> No.7778718

They're supposed to be hearts.

Plastic surgery?

>> No.7778722


>> No.7779020

Her head seems to be tilted permanently.

>> No.7779022

>very little money on entire outfit
>60pounds on ugly ita shoes

That is not Gothic Lolita on a budget, that is poor spending.

>> No.7779073


Damn, why do people outline the entire eye in eyeliner? It always looks like shit, always. Does nothing for the eye at all. The dark lips aren't helping this either, and the way her eyebrows are so sharply shaped is also making her look older.

Makeup and brows fixed, this is perfectly fine coord, I don't find it cringey at all, the might belong in a nitpick.

>> No.7779091

I...I think I know her.

>> No.7779098

Did she fucking record it with a grilled cheese? Damn that sound quality is trash.
Wow, I don't even like Peachie, but that's pretty lame. Also, why this fucking song? Fuck.

>> No.7779108

When I was first getting into lolita I seriously thought those were helpful and based my itastic outfits on them -_-

>> No.7779462

I thought she was talking about miley cyrus, until I realized Miley was her pet's name.

>> No.7779475

She said she's in Oregon.

That was ages ago. I actually read it, it was a romanticized version of child prostitution featuring many revealing shota outfits. Idk what she was thinking. I don't know if I can post the Title here, but if you search for Fahrlight or Fahr Sindram, you should find it.

>> No.7779493

Aah, fuck it. It's called Losing Neverland. It's up on amazon DE, if you want to look at some pictures.

>> No.7779771
File: 45 KB, 720x405, IMG_4406049240510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found on the cosplay for sale Facebook page. Its supposed to be decoden.

>> No.7779775

Women who are into shota are disgusting

>> No.7779781

The Lolicon is vastly superior! Thank you, my friend! Us guys, am I right?

>> No.7779782

Idk, I wouldn't go that far. People clearly see the difference between 2D fantasy and usually aren't attracted to real life children/cp, as far as fetishes go this one isn't too disturbing. I see it more as role play.
>inb4 pedo
Both you and I know what the seedy underbelly of the internet holds, pls

>> No.7779811

The problem isn't the shota, the problem is that Fahr parades around talking about how much she hates shota, while drawing shota.

>> No.7779866

I fucking knew it was gonna be that video, I'm glad I don't subscribe to him anymore.

>> No.7779888

Is it just me, or did she set these videos to private?

>> No.7779889

I thought fahr was long gone from lolita fashion and was into hipster stuff?

>> No.7779950

I've found people who are into lolicon are much more disgusting than people who are into shota, either is ok but I'm just saying. lolicon seems to attract a certain breed of disgusting person.

>> No.7779954

wasn't there some tumblr callout post about some chick who worked with kids but also dared to like Teen Wolf porn, and the person heading it turned out to be into shota themselves and talked about "delicious shota thighs" on their porn blog? was that fahr or someone else? I just remember the what but not the who, obviously.

>> No.7779973

I bet you think men who are into lolis are just fine though, right?

>> No.7779984

They weren't before. Damn.

>> No.7779986

I actually like this outfit.

>> No.7779992

Open toed shoes and tights/socks have always annoyed me for some reason

>> No.7780001

Because it's hideous and weird looking?
They always remind me of dad sandals and socks.

>> No.7780063

she's moving pretty well. Doesn't she has some muscle disease?

>> No.7780079

She is wearing the same shoe+sock combo in all of them and those cat ear things in almost every one... I really don't like this type of outfit video because it feels like people are just putting on all of their clothes one after the other and dont make any effort to do their hair or makeup. Its more like a "look at my clothes" video than an actual outfit one...

>> No.7780108
File: 468 KB, 500x515, .......gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yeah totally, h-how in the world could anyone be in to that gross stuff, h-heh yeah,,,
>mfw its been a guilty pleasure of mine for a while now, i think its super adorable

>> No.7780111

Lol'd my ballsac straight off - thanks anon...thanks.

>> No.7780115

Mamma fuckin mia! Where can I find her so I can tell her I've been a bad, bad boy?

>> No.7780121

She looks good, imo. You can't help the face you're born with anons.

>> No.7780124

OMG! I'm fucking dying of laughter!!! XD ........and yet, it is also so, so sad. (T^T)

>> No.7780131



Calm down and lurk a bit more.

>> No.7780137

Nigga I'm uninhibited!! *flexes till shirt pops off*

>> No.7780138
File: 746 KB, 868x638, bigolpeebag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that more people like than dislike this is more cringe

>> No.7780140

Bahah, yeah, I remember that. I don't know if that was her, either, but it's pretty much what she does, so it might as well have been. When she published this Manga in 2006, she was already in her 20s, and that's some immature shit right there.

>> No.7780161

She looks like Shmegeh.

>> No.7780171

you're annoying

>> No.7780174


>> No.7780178

>by the way i'm a guy lol

>> No.7780238

The recent tumblr call out was omocat i dont know much about her thought that may not be the one youre talking about

>> No.7780286

I honestly don't know what omocat did other than make the "shota" shirt. But shota gets thrown around like "queer" idk

>> No.7780302

What happened with omocat?

>> No.7780306

looks like "delicious shota thighs" was villainsgoleft, a different lolcow entirely.

i am also curious about the shit with omocat. she'd be /cgl/ related too i guess since she sells at cons. last i heard she's just super self-centered and stuck up but what else is new?

>> No.7780313
File: 68 KB, 570x358, sucre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tights are from sugarjunkie, anon

>> No.7780517

This. Someone explain pls

>> No.7780542
File: 6 KB, 199x253, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently she made a t-shirt with 'shota' on it and tumblr sjws confused it with shotacon and thought she was advocating for child abuse.

Small explination ^

Pic related

>> No.7780548

Did nobody pop up to defend shota as a kink?

>> No.7780570

a few tumblr posts said omocat also had a history of defending shotacon on her twitter if that counts

>> No.7780573

am I retarded or do I just not see the part where she says she likes fricking little boys and the sexualization of such

Did this come out from her saying she likes anime

wtf what wavelength do they exist on

>> No.7780575

tumblr loves shit like pinecest and homestuck kids fucking but gets butthurt at a shirt with "shota" on it? okay. okay I understand.

>> No.7780621
File: 344 KB, 549x376, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol good

>> No.7780629

>they have my size

>> No.7780632

agreed, I love Peachie. She always looks so bright and happy, it makes me happy too.

>> No.7780676
File: 583 KB, 733x925, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the actual fuck am I looking at

>> No.7780681

No, her condition doesn't affect her movement at all. It just makes her fatigued extremely easily.

>> No.7780740

i like this shirt, but id be afraid of wearing it out because of people like that

>> No.7780815
File: 319 KB, 655x435, ratburn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think, in a time before advanced computer technology, the only time you'd encounter this person is after you woke up in their basement/dungeon.

>> No.7780874

Anon, hush! You're going to give me nightmares.

>> No.7780879

same here. there are at least 3 lolitas that all like shota that I know of.

>> No.7780895

Isn't that the guy whose girlfriend had an extreme breakdown and she lost all her memories and he proceeded to fucking film it and refuse to take her to hospital?

>> No.7780928

Where is this dress from? I really like it.

>> No.7780993

There's something oddly relaxing and creepy about this video at the same time.

>> No.7780998
File: 420 KB, 322x558, cleopatra ft the sock monster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7781109


and why does he keep doing that weird breathing???

he's such a waste of everything, ugh

>> No.7781149

wait what

>> No.7781156

Aside SM necklace, makeup and no legwear, I think it's okay

>> No.7781178
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, 1393550152711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the shirt too but I actually like shotacon so maybe I shouldn't get it.

>> No.7781179

I feel so sorry for that lolita standing next to that pink thing.

Her face say "Don't laugh, send help"

>> No.7781206

This is what nightmares are made of.

It actually freaks me the fuck out someone like this is into the lolita fashion and makes me want to never share any pictures of myself online.

>> No.7781245

Lmao, that's fucking ridiculous.
Makes me feel better though, I really like omocat and her work.

>> No.7781250

Made-up bullshit attention whore drama.

>> No.7781261

>It actually freaks me the fuck out someone like this is into the lolita fashion and makes me want to never share any pictures of myself online.

I might have missed something, but what does the video have to do with sharing pictures of yourself online?

>> No.7781333
File: 229 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nauq30qgVq1rc3qaxo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glittery jelly shoes.. with lolita

>> No.7781367

I can deal with those shoes in sweet lolita, but with an outfit that elegant and so obviously classic lolita? I literally cannot fathom how she thought it looked like it belongs fine in that outfit.

>> No.7781369

I hate that jelly shoes are apparently coming back into popularity. They're bad in general, and they're especially bad in lolita. Please keep that shit confined to fairy kei if anything.

>> No.7781402

the windows XP setup music is now forever ruined for me

>> No.7781409

thought I recognised her... (on the left).
Yup. Same girl.
Her name is Phoenix.

>> No.7781413

I meant on the right...

Duhhh ><

>> No.7781445
File: 20 KB, 752x150, ss (2014-08-26 at 06.49.30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7781452

shes friends with Fezzy the weeb

>> No.7781454
File: 316 KB, 431x280, minnasansorori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7781457
File: 50 KB, 632x377, underagedbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just browsed egl in the first time in months. I know it has become a big hug box lately, but holy shit, I can't go back there anymore. I wish that there was a way to revive the place while removing the influx of newb posts. Too bad the ita to lolita theme is NOT helping at all. Summer hasn't ended there forever.

>goodnight sweet princess

>> No.7781509

>Strating out

The skirt seems too short for lolita anyway, plus that lace...

>> No.7781516

I think it's pretty cute, I would use it as a casual skirt though

>> No.7781520

Looks like babby's first sewing project to me, the fabric's design is cute enough but more suited for bedsheets than clothing, and the quality looks shit.

>> No.7781526

It seriously looks just like the rest if the bull shit you clowns wear to me. The lace quality looks just like AP lace...

>> No.7781550
File: 878 KB, 245x180, 1409033220965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7781553

I remember seeing pictures from omocat's apparel in Japan (I think it was being sold at Spinns?) and in the picture they blurred out the word SHOTA hahahaha

>> No.7781559

>Imply sjw have wavelengths in the first place

>> No.7781562

>Lolita is as lolita does
>Get out of here spellchecker you are not kawaii enough!

>> No.7781564

>The lace quality looks just like AP lace...
Please look at your life choices..

>> No.7781565

>EGL is a huge bullying community
>EGL on LJ
>bullying community
The evil part of me that I try to suppress really wants to make a thread dedicated to her here on /cgl/ and then link her to it. Then again if she seriously thinks egl is anything else than a hugbox there's no way she'll survive the real world anyway.

>> No.7781575
File: 28 KB, 250x237, 2014-02_ValentinesFinnibunny-sadface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7781578

I don't care if he's a sissy, but his attitude and the videos he does really gross me out. I wish he'd steer clear of the community.

>> No.7781689
File: 186 KB, 1000x690, 2014-08-26_162425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pains me. Nice replica, bro.

>> No.7781708
File: 455 KB, 598x391, wasteofbrand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belgian lolitas. Music video.


>> No.7781710

why would you even get a replica of little bears cafe, especially in that color
its already so cheap

>> No.7781717

>that music
>the way hes whispering into the camera
>that boobloafed grandma dress
>the lighting for some reason

>> No.7781735
File: 644 KB, 765x456, burandotwerk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7781792

Is that black one a guy?

I can totally see an adam's apple.

>> No.7781818


>> No.7781861

I think I'm going to keep this girl's youtube bookmarked so I don't stop exercising till I reach my goal weight.
I'm nowhere near her size, but all that jiggling and ill-fitting clothes just did it for me. I never want to get to that size.

>> No.7781877

Was this really the XP set up music? I thought it was something from Encarta or some shit. Either way, I've been searching for it passively for months, and I kind of want to kill myself now that this is how I found it.

>> No.7781887

I don't want someone like that looking at pictures of me.

>> No.7781933

Used to wear jelly shoes all the time when I was a kid, they smelled like bubblegum.
I don't know why people are bringing them back but they looked cute when I was a kid, not so much on grown ass women.

>> No.7781941
File: 32 KB, 400x267, 1407976139052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel kinda guilty I like that song.

>> No.7781944

with the right fashion they are awesome, also really comfy

>> No.7781955


>> No.7781957

Hahahahahaha /laughs into oblivion/

>> No.7781992
File: 296 KB, 640x480, 5722731518_84c5148685_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha yeah you guys are right, AP is SO much worse the thread count is so low its practically see through.

>> No.7781999

at least they line their bodices unlike btssb

>> No.7782008

For me that's god sent since its too damn hot where I live.

>> No.7782026

It's like they're trying to do something that others have done (semi-)well before them, but without the necessary skills.

>> No.7782033

ap lace is so cute and fun
I have this one ap dress and its got this amazing white lace that I'm just so in love with

>> No.7782038

It's suppose to be delicate dude, no one wants hard scratchy lace against their skin. You don't know shit about good lace that's for sure

>> No.7782043

I'm pretty sure they were being sarcastic

>> No.7782066

Every outfit looked like shit. Pointless video for her to make. Dress better if you want to put something like that up online.

>> No.7782076

a few of them were okay for a highschool tier wardrobe

>> No.7782078

Baby's first deco piece.
Only tacky amateurs feel the need to have that much of the cream showing and think it looks good.

>> No.7782106

Apparently he is having a baby...

>> No.7782108

Off topic, but he is my personal Jesus. I want him to meet me in a dark alley, for tea of course.

>> No.7782119

Is it weird that I'm already cringing before the video can start?

>> No.7782186

I agree. How would CGL recommend that we improve egl? What kind of posts?

>> No.7782199

the point is that no one but noobs post. Just post something that is not a noob post!

>> No.7782206

Both are deplorable

>> No.7782210

I think we're just USED to seeing weird alt fashions on young pretty people. If you look through Japanese street fashion many of the subjects are far from fashion model pretty, and a few of them are a mature age.

>> No.7782211
File: 252 KB, 511x502, favorite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about women who like loli

>> No.7782221

But what kinds of things?

>> No.7782230

With that haircut, she would look much better/youthful with softer, less arched eyebrows.

>> No.7782239

Thanks for introducing this idiot into my life, cgl.

>> No.7782249

That outfit is terrible and she does look like a tranny, to be fair. There's nothing really feminine about it. And I usually like bloomers peeking, but that is just terrible.

>> No.7782259

Maybe I'm an old fag but I agree APs lace has gotten cheap. Kids today don't know shit about lace and AP really takes advantage if that. You can be delicate without having it be so shit. Nice soft cotton lace is where its at.

>> No.7782266


awe man, i hope omocat releases omori soon though. that trailer got me so excited i actually donated to the kickstarter.
>dat lucid, spoopy, yumi nikki dreamscape with large amounts of earthbound thrown in

>> No.7782274

Is that what that was? I thought it was porn music.

>> No.7782289
File: 91 KB, 489x485, milanoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol milanoo

>> No.7782438

May Eru bless you, anon.

>> No.7782463

Thank you, anon! Well said!

>> No.7782466

what is sarcasm

>> No.7782471

Tutorials, comedy, photoshoots, stories, anything

>> No.7782475


>> No.7782480

Where was this?

>> No.7782498

>"Please look at me! I'm not like those other girls, I'm so unique and special! P-please pay attention to meeeee!!! ^_^"

>> No.7782510

actually you can by actually wearing makeup and styling the wig in a way that does make her face look so long

>> No.7782514

they both look horrible tho

>> No.7782605

Are you stupid?

>hurr durr pretty people look the same as average/ugly people

>> No.7782620

I look through sites like Tokyo Fashion and Japanese Streets. Yeah, there are some cute girls but a lot have really awkward looking faces and some do look pretty old. I think there are more older and not so pretty people in alt fashions than we realize. They just won't get their pictures reblogged all over the internet like pretty and younger girls.

>> No.7782798

Hey we get it. You are mature faced/older/not pretty and need to feel better about being so by making the same point over and over in every thread. You're about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face.
Jfashion puts youth and beauty on a pedastel, like every other facet of visual media, so just get over it.

>> No.7782805

Uhh...I'm the anon that made the first post. I think u got me confused with someone else. This is the first time I've ever commented on age and fashion.

>> No.7782811

If Jfashion puts youth and beauty on a pedestal, then shit tons of Japanese girls and non- Japanese girls need to get out of the fashion. Very few look naturally pretty without the heavy photo editing,plastered makeup, circle lenses and lashes. Most non-Asians look too old for jfashion, period.

>> No.7782866

The media pushes an ideal but doesn't represent reality.

>> No.7783001

Good, I hate reality.

>> No.7783017
File: 277 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2014-08-27-10-51-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God

>> No.7783018

...what...what is even going on in this trainwreck of a post
Can't tell if troll, brolita or a fetishist

>> No.7783045

what the ever loving CHRIST Jenny

>> No.7783052

Did he get any replies before it was taken down?

>> No.7783059

Fetishist or troll. Both will brand themselves as feminists as a shield. "How can I be creepy/weird? I'm a feminist! I'm not going to rape you! I just want to share your experience and get really really close to you!"

>> No.7783060

They can actually look business-casual if you pair a solid black pair with a nice blouse and tailored trousers.

>> No.7783066

I didn't see any

>> No.7783070
File: 33 KB, 654x463, dj38ghhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came across another one of this girls cringy videos, and since it was over 10 minutes long and most was nonsense, I made supercut of the best parts..yeaah.


>> No.7783072
File: 64 KB, 600x600, waterside-flat-jelly-sandal-shoes-black-p2268-11153_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? No. They look just as bad as any other sandals and definitely do not belong in a 'business-anything' outfit ever.

>> No.7783077

I like wearing mine with cute skirts or dresses

>> No.7783083

That's fine, but they're only maybe half a step up from crocs. I'm sure they're comfortable and hold up in water and all that good shit but I hope nobody is actually wearing these things into the office.

>> No.7783088
File: 196 KB, 800x1150, IMG_20140827_143032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7783090

Which one of you is this? I'm having a hard time believing think this is for real.

>> No.7783093

what are words?? i'm tired.

>> No.7783096
File: 89 KB, 600x450, 1408008375595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0/10 as a normalfag outfit
0/10 as a Halloween costume
-100000/10 as a lolita coord

Nope. I mean I'm pretty sure this was a dumb mistake but even then it sucks in every conceivable way. At least her kid is cute?

>> No.7783097

The juju one's should be kept away from water, I guess they melt or something, but yeah you shouldn't wear them in an office

>> No.7783124

Thank god it doesn't.

>> No.7783192

What the everloving fuck it's creepy as shit

>> No.7783196

>That hushing,whispery voice
>That music in the background
>That fucking grandma dress
>That lightning
Every single thing in this video is creepy as fuck

>> No.7783200

Don't worry. It will eventually end.

>> No.7783236

Her head is so small compared to the rest of her. I'm confused.

>> No.7783246

Someone please kill me, I really really like the skirt she's wearing in 'sweet holidays'

>> No.7783321
File: 26 KB, 120x150, 1LYjcO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the new queen of kawaii.
Misako has some serious rival there

>> No.7783400

>"I'm not too big for the dress!"
>"The zipper broke, and it breaks through the safety pin!"

>> No.7783500

The way she pronounces "salopette" is cringeworthy in itself. This video physically pained me.
Why do people dress in lolita when they themselves thinks it makes them look like freaks?

>> No.7783563
File: 70 KB, 153x309, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7783569


>> No.7783573
File: 260 KB, 494x450, ebay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this who I think it is? I cringed when the listing popped up.

>> No.7783582

Oh man, thabpink dress is so awful, too shiny, awful lace, that color, not to mention, what the hell is going on with her boobs.

>> No.7783586

I think she is really cute and funny like in a clumsy kind of cute you know. 5/5 would hang out with

>> No.7783591
File: 74 KB, 355x650, what is the white lace shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7783606

How is this cringe? She looks fucking adorable.

>> No.7783613

Obvious vendetta is obvious.

>> No.7783617

WOW, why didn't she just photo the dress?

>> No.7783621

Moemo's design for luhlitah
>That shitty coat
>That ita dress

>> No.7783625

>implying Muslims don't look like shit in lolita when they wear a fucking veil

>> No.7783628

I think well colored hijabs look amazing in lolita

>> No.7783643

she has a baby christening bow on her head

>> No.7783648

angelic pretty is missing a trick by not manufacturing kawaii hijabs....
oh wait...they look shite

>> No.7783652

IMO they can look decent, but never better than someone with nice hair. Definitely not 'amazing'.

>> No.7783654

Rather have a hijab in an excellent coordinate than a shit-tier ita coordinate like so;

>> No.7783657

The only thing that's shite here is your opinion

>> No.7783658

very true, part of the lolita fashion is having beautiful hair so...
show me a lolita brand model without lovely hair/wigs

>> No.7783663

here we fucking go

>> No.7783669

like wow congrats on your expressive coord while you wear a headscarf introduced by men to oppress muslim woman yes...

>> No.7783673
File: 307 KB, 287x399, whattheactualfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7783677

Shut the actual fuck up. I bet you know absolutely nothing about the muslim religion and culture

>> No.7783684

just because someone expresses an opinion, that doesnt mean they 'know nothing'....that's an obnoxious way of looking at it

>> No.7783689
File: 69 KB, 410x424, 1009283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this lolita, and is this a guy?

>> No.7783693

I hate hijabs with lolita so much

>> No.7783707

It's not your opinion that's the issue, but the whole "hijabs were introduced to put women down" bullshit you were spouting.

Hijabs and modesty were introduced to mulism culture because men were thought to have no control over themselves when they look at women.

>> No.7783719

I actually like hijabs and would wear one myself if I were Muslim. But hijabs and lolita? The fusion just does nothing for me. You might as well wear a cowboy hat.

>> No.7783721

yeah and instead of learning to control themselves they OPRESSED WOMENS NATURAL BEAUTY...you just proved my point lol thanks

>> No.7783737

Are you a fucking idiot?

Common belief is that men CAN'T control themselves, not that they just don't.

Your whole "it's oppressing you" schtick is detrimental to the women who choose to wear hijabs and enjoy wearing them. In fact, it's anti-feminist to try and control what women wear.

>> No.7783741

if men didnt exist and their self control wasnt a factor, women wouldnt wear hijabs, end of

>> No.7783746

If men didn't exist then women wouldn't reproduce and humans wouldn't exist, smart one.

>> No.7783747

Hijabs remind me of nun's habits in that the dress is supposed to take the emphasis off a women's body. Lolita, while still modest, does the exact opposite and draws attention. The effect of the hijab paired with lolita always seem to me to be working against each other. But if other people like it, so be it.

>> No.7783748
File: 626 KB, 418x750, What Is This Shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those shoes really tie everything together.

>> No.7783753
File: 229 KB, 306x405, terrifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her face scares me shitless

>> No.7783800

Nothing against this girl but hijabs kill the lolita aesthetic completely. Lolita fashion was inspired by Victorian era fashion so hijabs look really out of place. I would feel the same way about someone who wore a fez, coif, yamaka or whatever. It's not about religion, it just doesn't mesh with the overall theme.

>> No.7783878

Hi Timothy XD didn't even know you could use Internet from kindles, that is pretty cool.
I was in the process of writing a reply when it got removed. I said something along the lines of "fuck off, people like you are weird and we don't want you in our comms". Albeit in a much nicer way because egl.

>> No.7783885

What is her channel? She is cute :)

>> No.7783898

I was the anon that was gonna troll them but this is definetely not me. Brilliant either way.

>> No.7783932

They are NOT made to oppress women. Learn about other cultures before you start insulting them. And get off tumblr, they are polluting your brain.
Nobody is oppressing anyone. Muslims believe that women shouldn't show their beauty to anyone outside their family and friends. They have parameters built into their society that help protect and respect the women. For example, when entering someones house the door is low, so you have to duck and keep your head down. This gives the woman a chance to put on her covering if she is not wearing it.
I don't think they are oppressive, just much more conservative. If you went outside in a bikini you would be covering the bits that you deem important. Muslim women's bodies are more respected, so they have more to cover.

That is my understanding of it anyway

>> No.7783964


Get a load of this rape culture apologist.

Muslims think women who aren't covered in rugs are to blame for rape because y'know, those helpless men just can't control their animal urges when they see all that hair.


>> No.7783981

In some cases it is oppression. But not all.

>> No.7783997

And most men aren't like that. It's the extremes of everything that get in the news, so of course they are going to be portrayed badly. Rape is never ok, but the hijab was created for respect, not to oppress.

>> No.7784007

It's stupid either way, putting on loads of makeup and trying to look pretty while hiding your hair and skin on your body to "not show your beauty". Hypocritical as fuck.

>> No.7784015

They only wear the hijabs out in public. They aren't naked under all that, you know. They wear regular clothes underneath.

>> No.7784369
File: 30 KB, 650x448, njf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's also the same girl who made that hilarious make up tutorial..

I actually do have to agree with you though, Anon. Although this girl is kinda..spacy, she is rather endearing all the same..lol

>> No.7784384

Her dress is way to small, that wig is terrible, and the accessories look cheap and tacky, but she doesn't seem like she has a cringe worthy personality. I could get through the video and not feel pain just listening to her.

>> No.7784394

Those giant ass weird tulle bows aside and what looks like party ribbon all over her head, I'm pretty sure those are just her house shoes.

>> No.7784421

On the lolita updates group. It was deleted in a matter of minutes though.

>> No.7784466
File: 185 KB, 700x1200, l448-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7784547

Anon said brand model. Gtfo with that bodyline bullshit

>> No.7784646


>> No.7784931

old ugly cunt detected

>> No.7785009
File: 96 KB, 682x720, crumbling jonathans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7785029
File: 472 KB, 508x270, 1407712993775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally despise people who say "whilst"

>> No.7785048
File: 7 KB, 363x364, 1407667462112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low quality bait

>> No.7785157
File: 40 KB, 302x720, hog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7785752

those fucking pokemina eyebrows

>> No.7785951

What in my post made you think that I thought they were naked underneath?
My argument still stands.

>> No.7786046
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 1393190617169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to the post almost 24 hours later

>> No.7786106

>What is work?
>What is sleep?
>What is time zones?

>> No.7786238

Seriously. How can she think that looks okay? Her eyebrows and eye make up are way to harsh and dark for sweet. It's just too much of a contrast against the pastels. Girl needs to get her eyebrows done and watch some kawaii makeup tutorials. She has a cute face so there is potential there.

>> No.7786239

She looks cute imo, just not lolita.

>> No.7786252

Are you commited to posting every single one of her outfits here? She pisses me off, but this isn't cringy.

>> No.7786397

Haha XD It's actually not my Kindle hence the name! And yep, it's a pretty nice tablet.

I didn't get the chance to see any replies, in a way I kind of wish it didn't get deleted just so I could see the womans reaction. I still don't know if she seriously thought CoFs was for costumes and such or if she thought her outfit was actually lolita.

>> No.7786556

I'm the one who usually posts her and she's been doing better lately, I don't know why this anon (who posted another fairly cute shot in the ita thread) is posting these when there's a plethora of previous outfits that look awful to choose from.

>> No.7787377


>> No.7787479


>> No.7788349

Still prefer that to a legit feminist tbg

>> No.7788353

Get a load of this rape hysteria culture supporter.