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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 66 KB, 535x801, 845a787a4d923f9f92e8b7899a8a022f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7772747 No.7772747[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm not trying to troll here, but have you ever wondered how many cosplayers were born a different gender than the one they are now? I've wondered this about Yaya as well as Belle Chere. Am I just imagining things or does anyone else see it, too?

>> No.7772757


No. I have never wondered.

>> No.7772758

Check your privilege.

>> No.7772763

Well, I've seen at least one cosplayer who was F to M and well... I thought they were just crossplaying to begin with. A lot of the time, it's really obvious when someone is transexual, especially M to F, although there have been some F to M's that I would have had no idea about.

Long story short though, I honestly doubt that a famous cosplayer would be able to transition under the radar like that. Yaya had a boob job, not SRS.

>> No.7772766

Go back to tumblr

>> No.7772767

how did she/he get those titties then? hormones?

why dont women just take hormones for their tits instead of implants?

>> No.7772775

Because there are other side effects to hormones as well as risks such as cancer and amessed up menstrual cycle.

>> No.7772781

Too much, or too little, of anything is bad for the body and this includes hormones.

>> No.7772784

Make me.

>> No.7772788

I'm sure you realize that even if it was bad for you, if "just hormones" made you grow tits like that then LOTS of women would be taking them, regardless of potential health issues.

>> No.7772793
File: 327 KB, 1261x2048, 1408536068933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do hormones make you grow ass?

>> No.7772795

Two words: birth control.

>> No.7772812

Results for that vary wildly, though. It's nowhere near universal.

>> No.7772813


varies from person to person, it does not have that effect on everyone

when I took it for several years it did nothing, but I had a friend who went from having not tits to having huge tits. I also had a friend who was not on it and who was very thin with HUGE boobs, so birth control or not it's all based on genetics.

>> No.7772815

Agreeing with >>7772813 >>7772812. I had a friend with really big boobs that shank after she started birth control.

>> No.7773116

Belle Chere may have tits and an ass, but it's because her body fat content is higher. If she were a lot shorter, say 5'3, how much body fat she has would be a lot more apparent. Her height is what helps it balance her out.

Not really a fan of her cosplays and she has a really ugly man face, though. I know some people don't care about her face, but a girl could have all the assets and if she has an ugly face? That kills it.

>> No.7773123

I'm still not convinced Miyu was born female, especially with the way she looked before her plastic surgery.

>Captcha: because peenner

>> No.7773364

She looks okay sometimes with some of her make-up configurations, or even without. I don't think she has a pretty face - but I don't think it's actively unattractive, either. I think she's just kind of really, really, really average from the neck up. And since she's so fucking incredible from the neck down, it just makes the contrast that much starker and makes her look worse than she is.

>> No.7773385

Her makeup for this and others typically looks runny and terrible, though. I mean, here she has frosted flake zits, her brows look awful, her eyes aren't even touched up with liner or anything, and her lipstick is gross looking and bleeding at the edges. There's another pic from this exact shoot in another thread that zooms and really shows how bad her skin is. Her stomach also puts me off because it's like yeah while she has nice assets, it's also pretty doughy. It's one of those stomachs that, with a few more cupcakes, could just start to balloon over the sides of jeans and that's off putting to me. That whole teetering on the edge of fatter thing.

I don't know, man. Her face is just eugh.. in both structure and the fact that she doesn't look like she takes care of her skin.

>> No.7773452

>It seems really obvious when someone is transexual, especially M to F, although there have been some F to M's I would've had no idea about.

I've noticed that too, and while it's unfortunate that some people will not be completely passable ever, I think I know why.

Ftms and Mtfs both go through hormone treatments, for testosterone and estrogen respectively. Results vary, but by and large it seems like Ftms pass far better.

I think it might be because Mtfs can't pass well with physical traits they already have; their height, hands, feet, Adam's apple, jawline, etc. There's surgery to smooth out your jawline, but I'm doubtful about the rest. Estrogen will make you grow breasts, but it's unlikely they'll be as big as a cis woman's without surgery. Voice changes also seem minimal.

Ftms, however, seem to have it easier. For instance, they grow more body hair, their voice changes more drastically, they gain muscle, etc.

What I'm trying to get across is that it's more common to see petite men than it is to see really tall women. Coupled with the varying success rates of hormone treatment, I think Mtfs are just unlucky that way.

>> No.7773480

It's the typical thing that a lot of cosplayers in her league do. They rely on assets in order to distract people from shoddy craftsmanship or ugly faces. Yaya's done it enough and a lot of Belle's cosplays aren't that well made. They actually look pretty bad. Her Madeline one looks like it's made from black trash bags and she really does need to practice using makeup, as well as taking better care of her face. She can't do much about her man jaw or huge nose, but she could at least fill her brows in, contour, and not use $3 lip color that feathers out onto her chalky looking face. I thought that someone would want to look, well, good when going out.

>> No.7773515

Too bad Bellechere has gone all SJW lately
She's stopped doing the sexy costumes
I think she had some harassment/groping experiences

>> No.7773531
File: 993 KB, 880x660, morehypocrisy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably get shit for "victim shaming" for posting this, but did she really not expect any of that sort of thing?

The groping, I'm not going to excuse. However, the harassment shit and people probably making her all out to be a walking pair of tits.. She presented herself as such and only ever made her cosplays be about just that, so did she really expect any other response aside from bitter orbiters and betas? Again, I'm not saying that cosplay is consent, but I don't understand why people like she and Yaya present themselves in a certain light--one in which they KNOW that they're going to attract a certain kind of attention-- and when they get it they do that victim corner bullshit and say they're more than just walking tits. If you present yourself in a certain manner, people are going to assume that you're alright with being objectified and treat you accordingly.

I really can't even feel sorry about this shit, because it's way too common with a lot of these girls who do half nude cosplays. They know what kind of attention they'll get from it and they welcome it up until it becomes too much for them to handle and they realize they won't be taken seriously.

This shit is annoying.

>> No.7773621

Boo hoo.

>> No.7773827

Ha whatever, nya-nya-nyagg.. "I think she had some harassment/groping experience" nee-nee-nee- bitch please.
So have I, I've even had my genitals grabbed on a few occasions.. while wearing slacks. With deft handling one of them reached almost past my scrotum. The dexterity on some of these hoes, it's like slight of hand comes second nature to them. Their soft hands can sneak up and you wont notice until you're sucking in your breath. It was never consensual, I don't even cosplay.
It's not a big deal to me so I don't get it. Drawing from my own experience it's something I don't understand, why it would upset her so much. Rude comments aside, because nobody likes those, I think she probably gets more flak from other females and is using men as an outlet. A punching bag to release her frustration

Why else would she reward them with these >>7773531.

She has the mentality of an abusive spouse seeking consolation. She feels her efforts go unnoticed. By what I'm seeing I think she does good work and it maybe the pressure of competition that's getting to her.

>> No.7773836


How would you feel if a man groped you? You see people feel differently depending on the gender of the groper.

Many women don't mind getting groped by other women (or at least they don't mind as much compared to groped by a man)

Its not entirely fair, but it is what it is. Its how we are wired.

>> No.7773857

I used to feel the same way about JNig but I actually have been seeing more varied cosplays from her, some that barely show any skin/no cleavage. She is seeming to get a lot more comfortable with cosplaying and is starting to do characters she likes rather than picking just "sexy" ones. Still has horrific makeup though.

Yaya on the other hand does one after the other of (very well crafted) BOOB costumes where her gigantic fake tits are spilling out of her top.

>> No.7773869


has Yaya had any face work done? cuz looking at that old photo of hers- yech

or maybe she's just a makeup master

>> No.7773874

Keep deluding yourself about Jessica.

>> No.7773893
File: 85 KB, 775x497, sidebyside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7773899

Honestly this makes me want to try out plastic surgery, that's fucking magic

>> No.7773908

>Its how we are wired.

No, I think it's a learned behavior and blowing it out of proportion is silly, it's immature

>> No.7773917

Why did you quote my post? I can't even tell if you're agreeing with me or just bitching.

>> No.7774102

Damn...She homely as fuck in that second pic!

>> No.7774130

That's how she used to look before the breast surgery.

>> No.7776056
File: 168 KB, 957x596, yayaboobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Yaya...never change. Showing off your meticulous workmanship? Yeah we believe you...

>> No.7776066
File: 90 KB, 350x534, Rebuttal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the rebuttal. This is glorious

>> No.7776067
File: 235 KB, 532x675, 1343514696844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused because I thought she was all anti-looking at her tits..

>> No.7776087
File: 2.00 MB, 1000x771, posterduo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was ALWAYS about her tits. She just tried to hide it behind the 'but I never sexualise just for the sake of sexualising' but her argument is starting to fall apart when her 'original designs' are all about tits as well. Pic related

>> No.7776093
File: 220 KB, 955x1151, 1366858565895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's one of these girls.

>> No.7776108

>that face
>that gross body


>> No.7776127

euuugh that puckering

>> No.7776136

How dare you, she spent hours on it, anon!

>> No.7776480
File: 64 KB, 589x213, im so funny guiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not shy, she's just ugly.

>> No.7776495

Yaya needs to smacked. How can someone be this dumb and in her mid 30s? She speaks like a teenager who is defending her excuses to show her breasts for no reason.

>> No.7776502

Legend has it, she was invited to a European con - went and got herself the wrong Visa a few weeks beforehand, and then blamed the con for the mixup to avoid looking like a gobshite.

>> No.7776508

Why would you need a visa to visit Europe? Isn't a passport good enough for a few days visit?

>> No.7776531

MtF here, this is exactly it.

If you start hormones early (like before you're 20), you'll generally get lucky if you have the luck of having a babyface or a generally kinda round face, but if you have a sharp jawline or something, you're absolutely fucked without Facial Feminization Surgery and some surgery that shaves down your Adam's Apple.

The voice thing is a REALLY difficult thing, I've been trying to raise my voice for a few months now, and it's not much higher than it used to be, since I'm cursed with having a deep voice.

I pass in general okay-ish with makeup (which is surprising considering I won't be starting hormones for another 3-4 months due to government stuff, and no feminization surgeries or anything until I have a stable job) and on some days I can pass without, but my voice definitely gives away the fact that I'm not a cis girl.

My hands are kind of feminine too, but I don't moisturize them as much as I should, so on some days they give me away. My feet...I have no idea. They're pretty neutral, I guess.

FtMs are really lucky, since they can take testosterone for less than a year and boom, they have facial hair, a deep voice, more muscular appearance, etc, to the point where the only thing that would give them away would be their chest if they hadn't had surgery yet or decided to not wear a binder.

>> No.7776578

I heard she was invited to an NZ con the weekend after an Australian one but thought they were the same country so didn't book flights or something. Unsure on the details but there was a New Zealand/Australia mix up by her that caused her to miss a con.

>> No.7776597

Didn't she cite 'family emergency' as a reason for missing one con? Whatever it is, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't know NZ and Australia were different countries

>> No.7776599

>Yaya needs to be smacked

Now THAT would be a kickstarter I'll happily fund

>> No.7776614

Testosterone isn't a magic drug. We're lucky in that it does do a hell of a lot, but I'm 157cm and still don't even have peach fuzz after a year, and I don't pass visually, even with a clearly gendered uniform at work (though people tend to correct themselves after I speak these days).

FtMs who don't pass tend to be passed off as butch lesbians, especially in photos, rather than someone pointing them out and going 'there's someone trying to sort out their gender and failing' which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the person doing the pointing, but it also means they're less noticeable so people don't notice when it doesn't work.

>> No.7776628

Not a legend. She got a British visa but the con was in Northern Ireland, iirc.

>> No.7776644

It was through cosplay that I realized my gender was something else than what I had grown up to believe. I'm mtf, but no hormone stuff yet.

>> No.7776651

I guess it also helps that nowadays it's mostly acceptable for someone who looks like a woman to have short hair and wear men's clothes but someone who looks like a man wearing women's clothes is still something people think is pretty weird.

>> No.7776657

>Wants to show off the 5 different materials she used
>Photo is in black and white

Your stupid is showing.