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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7762843 No.7762843 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: where are they now /cgl/ edition

>> No.7762853

Who was the 14 year old looking panty shot girl again?

I actually miss Hobbes. Never thought I'd say that.

>> No.7762862

Angela was banned for being underage but still posts to her blog and Tumblr regularly. She's taking a break from school to focus on sewing.

>> No.7762867

Miyu is a bodybuilder now. Goes by the name of DYELaura and hangs out on /fit/ occasionally posting progress pictures.

Chokelate is busy running Lockshop but is still active amongst the cosplay/convention community.

Ophelia is a camgirl by the name of mishamayfair on a site whose name is banned from being posted to 4chan.

Angela has transcended beyond the realms of gods and men and has become a sewing deity. Also got hit with a ban for being underaged.

Spoony is studying at college/university in the UK.

Logseux vanished after being prosecuted for shoplifting.

Charms had to give up camming after gaining a shit load of weight and moved in with her mom after having a mental breakdown.

Ai-Honey is still active in the cosplay/convention community.

Flan emigrated to Japan.

Pixyteri is approaching he 30th birthday and is exactly the same.

>> No.7762880
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Anybody remember or heard from Elexiel Grae lately?

>> No.7762885

Shaynii left the dramu and cosplay community to pursue actual modeling (and is actually good at it) leaving Meepygal to waste her life trying to sell crappy plugsuit tutorials

Tenleid is still on cgl and cosplaying although and not getting better, but not terrible (see KLK thread)

Voldemort is also on cgl and isn't too good at cosplaying, but she'll comment a lot. I think I saw her selfpost her Mako as the best and it was absolutely mediocre

>> No.7762886

> taking a break from school
wasn't she homeschooled?
also while I like her costumes (except for that godawful red lipstick she kept wearing) wasn't it that her family helped her with those?

>> No.7762888


Voldemort was also tripfagging as Eyebrows on /fa/ for a while but she got torn apart.

>> No.7762897


>charms had to give up camming after gaining a shit load of weight and moved in with her mom after having a mental breakdown

Karma strikes.

>> No.7762910

Are todd and Piplup still dating?

>> No.7762917

I remember him! Haven't seen anything since he popped back in to d_l as poison_desires or something like that ages ago.

>> No.7762918

Washed up hasbeens

>> No.7762920

Flan lives in japan and actively uses twitter under the handle tanixtani
i follow her, occasionally chat in japanese, but she's overall quite plain

>> No.7762929

Didn't she send photos of herself to a bunch of Japanese modeling agencies and get rejected by all of them or something?

>> No.7762934
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I last I heard of him is that he posts his ugly bare ass on facebook.

>> No.7762936
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Yes. Ironic considering all the shittalking she used to do about Dakota and how she would fail as a model in Japan.

>> No.7762941

Any pictures of Chubbs- I mean Charms?

>> No.7762947
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On the right.

>> No.7762961

I've seen Voldemort on Reddit recently.
Ran across her by total accident.

>> No.7762994

miyu is turning 30 and is dating some virgin guy from /soc/

>> No.7762999

Jesus. I'm not sure if she actually looks that bad or if it's just bad in comparison to the girl next to her, but damn.

>> No.7763008
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It's probs a little bit of both.

>> No.7763010

Nvm she's turning 31

>> No.7763011


Is it true she used to be a virgin but then she met a /fit/fag from Portland who took her purity?

>> No.7763018


but noice that she knows AustinWhite on a personal level.

>> No.7763027

really? What's her username?

>> No.7763029


She doesn't, she just won a competition to go cam with her but she ended up leaving early after a dispute.

>> No.7763033
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>> No.7763051

I can't tell if that iris person is cute or not. Like she kinda looks cute but then she also looks kinda ugly. Everyone else though is ugly for sure. Huge ass disgusting noses and man faces.

>> No.7763056


well that's about as famous as she can get

>> No.7763063

to be fair, that's an old/bad pic

my 10/10 cgl waifu. dem thick thighs

>> No.7763065

She looks so fucking homely

>> No.7763072

Man why did you have to go and say that. Thick thighs are my thing. Now im gonna have to go snoop around for some pics on the archives.

>> No.7763103
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Itaqueen is so fucking hideous. *sarcasm*

>> No.7763110

She was obviously very jealous of dakota

>> No.7763141

So Ophelia went from tampon-sucking cammer to lolita/cosplayer/j-fashion to regular camgirl. Personally I think she has a face too pretty and unique for being a camgirl, tasteful gravure modelling would suit her more I reckon, but maybe she's in it for the money.

>> No.7763156
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I used to as well until I saw images like this and realised she's all makeup and no substance.
She's pretty plain.
Cute, but plain.

>> No.7763171

Did you add yourself on there?

>> No.7763180

Wow, she does look completely different in that angle and quality. In my opinion, she still doesn't exactly have the looks of a camgirl though.

>> No.7763198

So why are the men not mentioned?

>> No.7763204

who cares about men on cgl

>> No.7763206


Because this board is and always has been predominantly female.

>> No.7763214
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>> No.7763239
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She seriously let herself go.

>> No.7763278

details on dispute?

>> No.7763287 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7763301

Fat with small tits. Gross

>> No.7763310

I think Jessie looks nice in that pic, though I never really paid attention to any of the cospure dramu so I don't know a ton of these people.

>> No.7763317

her gut is bigger than her boobs, that's sad

Also her tats make her look even worse, she looks like a fatass clusterfuck

>> No.7763319

Did you find this place through the Gaia thread?
And yes she is ugly. Nonexistent lips, jutting chin, huge schnoz and eyes that are too close together. The only thing she has going for her is her cheekbones.

>> No.7763320

I've never heard of Zal but I've been here for years, do they have a different trip name or something?

>> No.7763327

Be more jelly~ considering how brand designers always fawn all over her at every event she is at.

>> No.7763334

Uhm, not gonna lie, I don't even know who Itaqueen is but the picture you posted is a pretty girl.

>> No.7763342

Zal used to trip on here a lot, she's a pretty OK cosplayer. She was around for what felt like years too, so probably just a bit before you were. I can't imagine if you browsed the board a lot when she was here you would've missed her. This is back when there was a pretty large group of trips that were all friends/acquaintances in person (Masa D Luffy and co I think). Reminds me of Soni and 4ng1 days.

>> No.7763343
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What about Lobitah? Or has she been killed by the cartel ;_;

>> No.7763367
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Seems like Choke is still modeling

>> No.7763377

I used to be a virgin too

>> No.7763382
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where is Kirby

>> No.7763389


Derpqueen retired from cosplay after some dramu

>> No.7763393

I remember getting voted second ugliest female trip.
I need to find that image.

>> No.7763395

Sure, but did you meet a /fit/fag from Portland who took your ass virginity?

>> No.7763411 [DELETED] 
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There are some really graphic images on there. Oh dear. Now why would you do that sort of thing and not make any attempt to hide your identity?

>> No.7763414

No she just turned 30

>> No.7763425

Uh, exactly. She hasn't even graduated high school yet, or whatever the homeschool equivalent is. I wonder what kind of home life she has, since her parents let her cosplay from a porn game at like 14 or 15 with a VERY short skirt.
And yeah, I always found it fishy that she claimed that she never had any help and was completely self taught but both her mother and grandmother were seamstresses
>won't deny I'm just jelly that her parents buy all her fabric and accessories and everything

As for everyone else:
>Miyu is now a /fit/izen
>MaryJane suffered a fatal marijuana overdose
>tenleid still desperate to become the next jnig
>flan died after her nose developed its own gravitational pull and her face was pulverized by random objects flying into it
>everyone else had a mental breakdown from chronic attention withdrawal and became the neets they were destined to be
>or got married and are now overweight housewives with mediocre lives

>> No.7763430

I thought Miyu quit going to /fit/ and embraced Jesus Christ

>> No.7763436

>everyone else had a mental breakdown from chronic attention withdrawal and became the neets they were destined to be
Former trip here to tell you that it's not true for all of us you know ;_;

>> No.7763438
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>> No.7763440

/cgl/ has such a fucked up perception of what ugly looks like, it's as if they've truly never stepped outside/left the internet.

>> No.7763449

>keeping hair down and busy backgrounds in shots to send potential agencies/clients
Uh well she obviously didn't even google the first thing about modeling.
She's so average looking even with a decent amount of makeup. I'd love to see her in one of those pornstar before/after shots

I don't believe half the modeling stories, these girls were relatively short if I recall. And pretty damn plain

>> No.7763450

I wonder how much she even knew about the game (other then the basic stuff), personally I understand the appeal because Oyari's designs are great but fuck no I don't want to be associated with something marketed as a 'moe eroge strategy game"

I'm slightly jelly too though, wish I had parents who did that for me and a mother helping me out

>> No.7763452

>those Ophelia pics
Oh lord, muh dick

>> No.7763454
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>tfw you found Zal's nudes

>> No.7763457

She does sell used panties too.

>> No.7763459

What university is spoony studying at?

>> No.7763460


>> No.7763464

Free toy videos are better
Even more entertainment when you know her in person

>> No.7763481

To be fair that is a REALLY unflattering picture.
A few girls on there are cuties though. /cgl/ is so weird sometimes.

>> No.7763485

Wow, I really can't tell what the ranking system and standards of you seagulls are.

>> No.7763512

please respond

>> No.7763522

Half those girls have ended up in porn, webcamming, fetish modelling and other similar things. The other half have had a variety of breakdowns. Miyu's the only one who's moved on to something positive in her life and that's only because she already did the whole cocaine and stripping thing years ago.

The lesson is never be a tripfag.

>> No.7763534

Weird that I can't remember her then. For whatever reason I still remember completely forgettable ones like Stupei and Ore.

>> No.7763542


I follow ol' spoons on tumblr and supposedly she's going off to college/university or whatever they call it in britain.

>> No.7763547

has spoony ever cammed?

>> No.7763548

>Was a loser neet and mediocre cosplayer for years and tripfagged then to have some fun things going on in life
>Stopped and quit internet after depression and abuse from a few supposedly good friends got too awful
>Got help, got a job as something I love and started up a 5 year delayed education (currently on 2nd of 3rd year now)

Granted I'm not one of the girls in OP but tripping and attentionwhoring on here actually kind of helped me into realising that I was leading a very sad and pathetic lifestyle.
Not really encouraging more people to trip though cause that shit is annoying and mostly embarrassing now.

>> No.7763549

Not that I know of or at least she's never mentioned it on her tumblr.

>> No.7763557


she did once and got nervous and quit apparently

too bad

>> No.7763559

I don't think so but she did have nudes. Would post here but it's a blue board.

>> No.7763563

Yes, there's an archive but /rs/ is gone now.
Sorry anon :^)

>> No.7763566

Good for you for getting your life together, Anon.

>> No.7763567


>> No.7763568

I think everyone knows about those

The one that I remember the most is one of her laying on a bed in a completely filthy bedroom

>> No.7763570

I was just surprised since most people still thought I was a guy at the time it was made.

>> No.7763576

I'd stick my penis in your vagina

>> No.7763577


Anon meant cammed as in live sex work on webcam in a webchat with paying customers which she's never done.

>> No.7763578

spoony already did porn/nude pictures before she came to this board

>> No.7763582

nude pics are nor porn. It's only porn when you're getting paid.

>> No.7763583


I'd like to have fresh material

But she says she's not comfortable enough with her body to start camming (she think she should get fitter)

>> No.7763596

Voodoo and DerpQueen are p cute here though. Certainly cuter than Zal.

>> No.7763636


Tenleid has turned scammer.


>> No.7763638

But what about my brogurl, Piggy? I haven't seen much from her this year.

>> No.7763644

sucks to be you nerd

>> No.7763652

Iris is so ugly she's cute.

>> No.7763719

Yeah Miyu stopped posting on /fit/ last year. She took down all her bodybuilding.com pics after converting to Christianity. I guess religious beliefs are a pretty good reason to stop attention whoring.

>> No.7763750

Anyone remembers Elsie? What happened to her?

>> No.7763781

Spoony still posts on /soc/ regularly. I see her in rate threads a lot. I often wonder who she's stalking now that she can't creep on PT.

>> No.7763791


>now that she can't creep on PT

What do you mean? There's like a whole board dedicated to her on at lolcow.farm

>> No.7763817

I know but I assumed Spoony would have moved on to stalking someone more challenging now that PT has an entire board doing all the work for her lol

>> No.7763836

post but censor

>> No.7763848

I'm guessing it's got something to do with a jelly/hambeast ratio of some sort.

>> No.7763875
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>> No.7763879

That's Charms btw

>> No.7763885

I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with any point Charms made. Hot damn man.

>> No.7763896

I don't remember her name, but it used to be some chick that always posted on youtube with videos of her dancing (I think the beginning of her name there or part of it was 'choco' or something). I remember she ended up making some piss video for a boyfriend or whatever and then all her videos were taken down.

Anyone know who I'm talking about or know what the hell happened to her after that?

>> No.7763901


She looks like she's at least 150 lbs now. And she used to be so fucking skinny and pretty. Is there more of her now?

>> No.7763904


Should add that /cgl/ used to post stuff about her all the time as well.

>> No.7763912

yukapon? she's not from /cgl/ she was some weeb niconico ~eternally 13 girl~

>> No.7763937

That is actually a few months old, since she hasnt cammed in months from what she says in >>7763875. She probably weighs a bunch more now.

>> No.7763943

It sounds like you're talking about Yukapon, who went to Japan to become an ~idoru~ and then made the piss video.

>> No.7763946

Was charms a lolita? Also, are there any good tripfags besides like indieanon and helpfulshopperperson?

>> No.7763956

>was charms a lolita
How new are you

>> No.7764021
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If they think this is a 5.1, I'm amazed.

>> No.7764029

still old and used up

>> No.7764039

I really hope she's doing alright

Please don't turn into a camwhore like the rest of these sloots ;_;

>> No.7764045

she is so dang pretty

>> No.7764046

Exactly. Instead of going to college now she is taking a break to work on sewing.

>> No.7764050

iris is adorable

>> No.7764070

I've been around the board for about a year and a half, but really don't know much about the old tripfags. The only thing that's ever brought up w/r/t Charms is that she cams, has gotten fat, and was potentially from or living in Michigan at some point. So yeah, I'm pretty ignorant.
I'd like to see old photos of her if they exist.

>> No.7764097

Here's her DL posts, seems like all the pictures are from her short time in sweet. Before that she was all about the Moitie. I'll see what I can dig up

>> No.7764100

Don't forget stealin' dat choker.

>> No.7764104


God, I just want to hug her for this. It took me 12 years of trial and error and treatment to find a medication combo that keeps me stable with few side effects.

>> No.7764107

I'll be honest.
I love Austin.

>> No.7764110

Wait, she was the one that stole the Moitie choker and later on tried to sell a similar one? Wtf

>> No.7764115

What ever happened to Eva Braun?

>> No.7764119

>Mary Jane suffered a fatal marijuana overdose
>Mary Jane

It's so good.

>> No.7764121

Yeah, that was probably around the same time /cgl/ found out who she was on Gaia, and then after there was the fallout with "Aoi"

>> No.7764123

>All white girls
It's so annoying that's the only drama we get is about white girls, other people fuck up too ya know or do good cosplays/ shitty cosplays.

>> No.7764127


>> No.7764140

I don't know how wanting to make fun of other races as well is tumblr, but okay. Thought tumblr was more about hating white people and never saying anything bad about any other race.

>> No.7764155


No she didn't! She's kawaii desu as ever!! :3
disclaimer ** this is not spam janny pls I teached my learn.

>> No.7764183


MaryJane. I'm talking about emjay. So cute.

>> No.7764195

It's because she came on here all the time and talked about marijuana you fucking newfag
>implying we have minority trips
They're all on tumblr getting their dicks sucked for shitty cosplays because !!!PoC!!!

>> No.7764197

what's her blog/tumblr?

>> No.7764217


S-shut up. Don't bully her. I bet you didn't even know that Mj cosplayed as bong-420-chan! who's the newie now nerd?! ww

>> No.7764413
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Hi, is this where I make my début as a tripfriend :)?

>> No.7764426

No, get the fuck out
We don't need anymore cancerous shits around here, so fuck off.

>> No.7764427


>> No.7764437

Last time I saw /cgl/'s favorite shy virgin girl it was on the contact and map thread looking for hook ups with /fit/ guys

>> No.7764439

This makes 0 sense.

>> No.7764440 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 572x497, 1407390562065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Waaah why are you so mean? I was told that a lot of females inhabit this board. This is suppose to be an anti-bully zone because girls are nice and cute. Are you one of the few males that visit /cgl/? if so lets be friends since I am one of the few boys that comes here! you can add me on steam if you want I play a lot of cs:go atm.


I don't understand sorry. would you like to see my kirito cosplay xD? it's kirito in normal clothes and i still haven't gotten a wig (cost too much ;___;) but my normal hair is perfect for him!

>> No.7764441

....have you not read this thread? Trips are hated unless you're actually talented like Kamui
Yeah, no, I hope you're trolling.

>> No.7764445

>one wigless and probably shitty cosplay
Yeah, no, fuck off. Avatar fagging is against the rules too, btw

>> No.7764447

This looks like most of the men on 4chan. You know they say you feel more comfortable around people who kind of look like you.

>> No.7764449

>girls are nice and cute
So are you a troll or are you 12?