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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 44 KB, 360x360, bees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7758250 No.7758250 [Reply] [Original]

We haven't had one of these in awhile.. Prints you want to see?

I really want to see someone do a cute, summer-y bee print. With lovely pastel yellows and cute bees buzzing around

>> No.7758259

I want to see a red, white, and blue, stars and stripes out the wazoo American print with a bunch of dead presidents and American shit. American indie designers take note, I would totally buy that.

>> No.7758276
File: 11 KB, 228x221, asasasds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poisonous plants
Guillotines (inb4 edges)
Anatomical.non gory, delicate themes maybe?

for sweet, I'd love to see cute mouses wearing bonnets and stuff

>> No.7758277

I'm suddenly reminded of this fabric.

>> No.7758280
File: 54 KB, 268x304, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would help if I actually posted said fabric.

>> No.7758284

holy shit where is this fabric from?! I NEED IT

>> No.7758285

America anon here, this is perfect. Where can I get it?

>> No.7758297
File: 105 KB, 600x800, TB2EaL1XVXXXXaJXXXXXXXXXXXX-1700394320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still fucking floored this exists.

>> No.7758306

And people have worn it. I remember an anon saying how the dress would be cuter with the dots as tiny doge instead. Now that would be super cute.

>> No.7758317

Yesyesyes and yes.

I'd like more dragon prints, rat prints, lion king print (in like a Disney x whoever non tacky way), skunks?, a lighthouse included in a nautical print.... There's probably more...

>> No.7758318

Butterflies, mushrooms and rich russian styled prints in a kind of dolly kei style.

>> No.7758321

I remember there was an ita thread or something a few days back, someone posted a corner of the skirt taken in public, and the girl who wore it out actually posted a picture of herself wearing it. Comedy gold.

>> No.7758322
File: 179 KB, 960x720, Alexanderpinup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JoAnn's actually sells it (I've seen it in other fabric stores too) The company that makes it is Alexander Henry. The company has a whole line of different male pinup fabric.

>> No.7758323

Also Salvador Dali, hp Lovecraft and Edgar Allen poe. Heck, it could be just the three of them in cameo frames instead of prints inspired by them.

>> No.7758346


please marry me anons

>> No.7758358
File: 139 KB, 960x540, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7758363

More pie prints. I would love a cutesy AP style pie print!

>> No.7758403

Hahaha, can do!

>> No.7758405

Anons, I need a practical use for these fabrics.

Ah, yes. I'd love to see something that is dark and distubing, yet delicate and sweet.

>> No.7758408

Yessss, come to me. My body is ever loving ready.

>> No.7758412
File: 211 KB, 513x903, nic_outdoor_6876brr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am actually in love with this company....

>> No.7760093

bumping for more ideas

>> No.7760135

I'm surprised there's no panda prints. pandas are my favorite animals and I'd love to see some cute black and white prints with pandas on them. I even have a little panda purse that would match perfectly!

>> No.7760144
File: 52 KB, 620x450, Leonardo_Design_for_a_Flying_Machine,_c._1488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd actually like to see something dragon orientated.

That or something from Grey's Anatomy, Leonardo Da Vinci's invention notes, or something like paper lanterns as a print.

>> No.7761759

Those images are stolen and I am a little butthurt right now. Unless of course they give gredit to the original artist.

>> No.7761761


Grey's is the show, Gray's is the reference textbook.

Other than that, I agree wholeheartedly with you. You have good taste.

>> No.7761771
File: 72 KB, 500x662, audubonwaxwings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very much into biological/botanical/naturalist illustrations, from the 1800s. Some are hilariously inaccurate, but butterflies, plants, and birds all look great. Love me some Audubon here, but I'm a birdwatcher/ornithologist.

>> No.7761772

You. I like you.

>> No.7761778

ooh that's really nice. It could go well with those faux deer skin shawls and the headdresses with the flowers and leaves and tiny antlers. Man, a nature themed coord would look nice.

>> No.7761779
File: 575 KB, 1200x1800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like Belladonna's Ode to Darwin? The finches are great!

>> No.7761785

-Book of Kells or other illuminated manuscripts (my Mozarabic Chant is lonely)
-Utena, Madoka, and Sailor Moon to satisfy my inner weeb, bonus points for gothic/classic renditions
-Pic related. Just... pic related
-The Sedlec Ossuary in Prague is rather stunning as well.
-Phantom of the Opera. It's been done, but I need more

Books, architecture, and stained glass are probably my favorite themes in general, so more of those would be great.

>> No.7761786

I'd love to see a cute robot themed print, with mechanical looking matching tights.

>> No.7761787
File: 85 KB, 530x354, Prague-Astronomical-Clock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And like a fucktwat I forget my pic. Go me.

>> No.7761806

Plz requesting that bara spoof image of the obese ponies. All the men prints make my think of it.

>> No.7761820


I actually want that print very badly! I'm pretty bummed it sold out during that time period I had absolutely no money. Ah well.

>> No.7761838


marry me too, plz

>> No.7762654

DRAGONS. Other than that JetJ dress and the Maleficent collab there is a lack of dragons.

>> No.7762674

King Arthur print!!

>> No.7762676

I have a cooking apron made from the cowboy version of this.~

>> No.7762695

LION KING PRINT! It would be so hard to do it in a none tacky way. Maybe like a cloud & stars print with mufasa's face in it lol

>> No.7762709

a bee print like that sounds adorable. Would buy.

>> No.7762739

seconding this

I'd use them as bedding

>> No.7763917

>Poisonous Plants
Oh, that is really a good idea.
Putumayo did a print with them.
The mice print would be really cute, i just love how AP include a little yellow mouse in their prints.
I'd like to see hamsters, especially if rounded ball fluffed shaped as russian hamsters.
I would kill to have this print and matching Kyubey plush bag.

>> No.7763921
File: 156 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n1bjzl5djt1qgkumwo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd love to see a cute robot themed print, with mechanical looking matching tights.
YES! So finally cyber lolita could be really a thing.
I want also a cute alien print, i posted this also on the fairy kei thread

>> No.7763936

Ayy lmao
Though really, I want uchuu kei to be a thing, too. I invested too much of my childhood and young adult life in alien-related bullshit for it to not pay off.

More mushroom prints and a nice moth print (ala scientific illustrations) would also be nice.

>> No.7764044

I'd wear it as a fucking dress! But prolly just as a bedspread.

>> No.7764106
File: 353 KB, 936x833, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep wanting a Medusa themed print. Or mythology prints in general.

Also after that awful dress that Doll Delight made, a proper creepy Island of the dolls themed dress.

>> No.7764174


>> No.7764256
File: 1.57 MB, 1046x874, 1401910092755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love big men

>> No.7764367

Yeah, I don't know. All of the Disney x (insert brand here) prints tend to turn out OK, even if the dresses are the greatest: see maleficent, Alice in wonderland

>> No.7764369


>> No.7764386

yup mushrooms are so pretty and loliable

also, celtic knotwork themed prints would be nice

>> No.7764940

JetJ did a really nice one. Putumayo did an okay one. I want IW to do one, I bet they'd do a great job.


I'm not on my own machine so I can't save+post an image but here's the link to this Miss Point dress with lighthouses http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-877052193.61.ZPrbyx&id=39996332650 though it only works for lolita if you're like 5'3" or less since it's short

>> No.7764949

she posted herself in the ita thread or what? i'm confused

>> No.7765031
File: 26 KB, 300x400, metasktsotck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking a boarder print with the lighthouse. Or something pic related.

On another note, a petit prince dress that is not a cosmic fabric. Something with like a sax, pastel green and ivory colourway.... I think innocent world would do a good one.

>> No.7765063
File: 38 KB, 269x298, 1408311258537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK YES! I would love to see an awesome robot coord

>> No.7765066


>> No.7765108

Wild grapevines in a classic print, with jewel tone (blue, green, violet, wine) unripe grapes. It would have "trellises" as vertical stripes, and then the grapes and flowers at the bottom.

Also, a nice hibiscus dress or skirt. Not a print, but lots of flowy white chiffon and venise lace.
A seagull ornithology print. 'Nuff said.

Last one is probably the worst-- a very subtle nautical print with gores in the skirt highlighted like battens, and a simple repeating figure eight knot design.

>> No.7765130

>day of the dead
>some kind of tree theme with lots of greens and blues, other color way is a sunset version (idk)
>realistic bears playing with fancy clothes

>> No.7765153

I need a fox print in my life...

>> No.7765182
File: 70 KB, 554x258, vampiredolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always really wanted a Claudia from Interview with a vampire inspired print. I picture it with her a sleep in her coffin and dolls around it. I would even go just for a dress with really creepy dolls and coffins on it.

>> No.7765194

>>realistic bears playing with fancy clothes
Holy fucking shit. I've been wanting this for months.
I need a cute bear dress. I need it.

>> No.7765196

What about a cute realistic circus bears print? It could be sweet/classic like IW style, with subdued colors and bears on little balls and jumping through hoops.

>> No.7765201

Different anon but someone sneaked a picture of a girl wearing the doge dress
And the girl who actually wore it replied

>> No.7765208

Man those anons cannot find humor.

>> No.7765243

There is AATP Marionette in my Closet with some bjd dolls, spiders and other decadent things but i would love to see a creepy dolls prints with them sleeping in their coffin, it would satisfy my creepy cute side.
Seems no one like uchuu kei, we are like unicorns anon! I'm obsessed with aliens and cyber cute things even if i don't dress in cyber fashion, yet. I even created a necklace with an alien cyborg bear and tried to do some uchuu kei coords in polywore with AP items.

>> No.7765245
File: 965 KB, 1333x666, 1407791467282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7765263

I love this, but I feel like those colors would be so difficult to coordinate.

>> No.7765276

Meta did a sewing print, I desperately need a knitting-themed print, preferably with cats playing with yarn.

>> No.7765281

... how? reminds me of a few AATP prints, color-wise at least.

>> No.7765283

Please tell me someone made more of those using the other illustrations from the set

>> No.7765286

Well, say it was a jsk and I wanted to wear a purple blouse. I feel like I could find a darker shade of purple easier. That shade looks tricky.

>> No.7765302

You dont need to literally have every item the same color. Purple no matter the shade is hard to work, and you can easily pick out the other colors like the black or the navy.

>> No.7765308

>You dont need to literally have every item the same color.
Different anon, but I dare you to say that in a nitpick thread. Outfits get shit on all the time on this board for colors not matching exactly.

>> No.7765317

>caring what some crazy bitches on an anonymous board think

Not that anon, while I'd be concerned if I ended up in an ita thread, a nitpick thread? I'm not going to give a shit if someone thinks my brown skirt and brown shoes don't match.

Just go with what works, fits, and feels good. Not everyone has unlimited money to perfectly match every single goddamn thing in their wardobe.

>> No.7765323
File: 10 KB, 199x320, 4b9319017dd3e5d027f01159f6e5c232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a bat print. I would love to see alpacas, creepy dolls and mermaids. And I want Angelic Pretty to make a cute American waitresses print with roller skates.

>> No.7765325

>Just go with what works, fits, and feels good.
You're not from around here, huh?

Also, I totally disagree with this logic. While matching the exact shade is sometimes impossible or annoying, atleast try to get the same tone, that's not that hard. It will look miles better.

>> No.7765327

Nitpick threads are full of girls just trying to find reasons to bitch at others. Anyone with a fashion sense knows that you dont need to have everything match exactly to look good.

>> No.7768890

literally all she said was that anon should have asked to take a picture instead of taking a creepshot. that's not unreasonable at all.

>> No.7769139

Clovers and/or shamrocks, not necessarily St. Patrick themed but something with clovers as the main motif (and no fucking rabbits in it please) I need more clovers in my life.