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7755847 No.7755847 [Reply] [Original]

I don't have a problem with leather ballet flats in lolita. They look very similar to maryjanes to me.
I also hate, hate hate pictures of girls holding their pets. I have a lovable little oaf of my own but they are just not nearly clean enough to hold against super nice dresses that are hard enough to clean as-is and it makes me cringe.

>> No.7755855

bittersweet is an actual style

>all black with sweet elements
>black colorways with pastel

>> No.7755869

I will never understand this argument. Something being black doesn't make it not sweet, 'bittersweet' doesn't look any different than any other sweet coord. It's just as dumb as if someone called goth with blue 'midnight goth' or something ridiculous.

>> No.7755876

because using black is sweet is pretty effing weird in combination with pastels or cutesy type items, kind of like how "creepy cute" is a thing, since the symbols clash with the colors, but it's the other way around

I'm not saying it's its ~own special thing~, I think of it as a legitimate sub-type of sweet

but I'm in an unpopular opinions thread, so idk why I bother explaining

>> No.7755877

I think anon might think of bittersweet as a style because its dark palette goes against the usual aesthetic of sweet(bright, pastel, etc)
so a better example of a silly-sounding, not accepted by true goths and contradictory substyle of of goth would probably be "pastel goth"

>> No.7755880

I basically said just that, seems like we're on the same wavelength lol

>> No.7755886

For me bittersweet it's more that only sweet in black colors, maybe adding something less sweet and more "bitter" like skull accessories, spiked hair accessories, like creepy cute. I know most people dislike creepy cute because they consider it "tacky and unelegant" but i love it, i don't care about people hating it.
Another unpopular thing is i'm somewhat a goth but not really loving gothic lolita, so i wear bittersweet/creepy cute.

>> No.7755908

I like Visible and Marble, although the lace is awful I genuinely like their designs
I also like lace gloves with lolita

>> No.7755917
File: 186 KB, 600x800, Wa_loli_outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Wa-lolita.
Even though it's got "lolita" in the name and follows some of the same rules, I consider it more j-fashion than anything else. And I think it's much cuter and flattering than just wearing a yukata/kimono.

>> No.7756031

I like it too, it's just insanely difficult to pull off and look nice.

>> No.7756058

gretchen, STOP trying to make bittersweet happen
it's just NOT going to happen

>> No.7756060

>because using black is sweet is pretty effing weird in combination with pastels or cutesy type items

>white in gothic is pretty effing weird because white is not a goffik enough color
>let's call white gothic cords "snowflake goth"

>> No.7756067

Snowflake Goth is cute, i like it.

>> No.7756070

>never said to call things goth
>acting like shiro isn't a thing

>> No.7756533

no more bittersweet talk pls
nobody wins with the bittersweet topic
I don't like wigs very much at all
I think they make lolita look bad unless they're naturally colored

>> No.7756547

Shiro isn't goth, though
It's just white. No gothic elements necessary

>> No.7756673

>tfw nobody recall anything about 'georgeous lolita' being an actual substyle

>> No.7756748

Wa lolita is my guilty pleasure. I have the Hakuouki collab from Meta and a few of their kimono print pieces, as well as some old H.naoto blood/frill lolita yukata set things. I've only worn the Hakuouki collab in public though.

>> No.7756802

I love plain sweet coords.
1-2 accessories tops.
plain and oldschool sweet.
print dresses in plain coords too.
I need more of it, its just so basically beautiful, its just clothes, no need to go OTT, keep it to the basics.

plain colored wig? real hair? you have the bare minimum for a good coord?

perfect coord imo.

I'm so glad the days of shouting "ITAAAAAA" at basic coords are over. because I truely love them.

>> No.7756806

I fucking hate unnaturally colored hair and wigs.
I hate split wigs.
I hate when girls who have straight hair won't wear a god damn wig to hide their thin, shitty hair.
I love it when girls with naturally curly hair wear it big.

>tfw shitty brittle hair

>> No.7756817

Open mouth

I just fucking hate that in photos: lolitas that half-open her mouths in order to look more "fragile"

You just look like a full retard, seems like you're saying: "I need a brain... please... "

>> No.7756833

>tfw I lack a bunch of lip muscles due to having an overbite for most of my life
>I always do open mouth faces
>never in photos

I guess I do look like a retard, huh.

>> No.7756840

Let's start a club, anon.
I hate seeing perfectly fine simple coords posted to nitpick threads with the commentary that they need more accessories (at least one bracelet on each wrist! multiple rings! necklaces! a bunch of random shit on their head!), bigger poof or fake hair, even when the dress isn't remotely OTT.

I kind of wish plain/basic lolita was a thing like OTT is a thing, so people would tag their stuff and I could sift through everything to find the things I love. Well honestly I wish plain/basic coords were the norm but that's not going to happen.

>> No.7756844

we can start a club.
we can be the basic bitches.

I like that young girl that does the simple bodyline coords, her purses are ugly though. I started liking her less when she did heavier makeup.

its just really hard to find good basic coords to reblog because.. well no one reblogs them unless it looks like a kawaii fairy took a dump full of accessories on their coord.

>> No.7756888

I don't think pettis are necessary for lolita, sometimes coords look better without a petti for a simpler sillouhette. And some skirts even look better without a petti, it gives it a more romantic and mature feel.

>> No.7757027

I don't know if it's unpopular but I hate painting dresses a la JetJ, despite leaning more towards classic.

>> No.7757037

Enlighten us then, I'm curious.

>> No.7757042

I do that occasionally because I have a fairly strong jaw for a girl, and parting my lips help soften my appearance.

>> No.7757053

I believe comms are unnecessary.
>but i met all my closest friends through my comm
>and I'm the freakin' admin

Hey, I got lucky. But if Comm Life doesn't suit you, you should leave instead of causing drama. I don't get why lolitas stick with groups they hate.

>> No.7757059

Old school stuff, it totally disappeaafter orca 2007. J&J, Marble and Visible were the major brands. It's basically putting glue on a dress and throwing as much lace as you can on it. Always even awful because raschel lace, but pretty funny.

>> No.7757063

Disappeared circa* sorry, I'm on my phone

>> No.7757068

>have buck-teeth
>top lips always up due to this
>mouth always pouting/open in photos


>> No.7757073

Babies/toddlers at lolita meetups piss me off.
The sad part is even if they're quiet and well behaved I still feel extremely uncomfortable having someone else's offspring around.

I think it's because I secretly view every "parent" in my age group (18-24) as being incompetent, so something about bringing children to meetups instead of hiring a babysitter or dropping them off with hubbo/family makes me angry. I don't find them cute, I don't find them endearing, I just view it as a way for the parent in question to grab attention.

>> No.7757086

It's in a youtube video now.

Not funny anymore.

>> No.7757088 [DELETED] 

no more wig talk pls
nobody wins with the wig topic
I don't like the bittersweet debate much at all
I think it makes lolita look judgmental about a objective sub categories

>> No.7757091

They are for dresses with prints on the bottom, otherwise it gets all mashed together.

>> No.7757092

This. This so much. It's like you put down my opinion word for word.

>> No.7757093

I feel you. I hate it when people bring babies to any sort of social gathering that's not for babies. No one does anything except sit and watch the baby do baby things until it's gone.

>> No.7757095

no more wig talk pls
nobody wins with the wig topic
I don't like the bittersweet debate much at all
I think it makes lolita look judgmental about objective sub categories

>> No.7757098

I only hate it if the girl's lips are thin.
That parted-doll-lip look only works if you have thick lips.
Otherwise, yeah, you look legitimately retarded.

>> No.7757102

Me too, we can share our hate for crying babies. Also i think they are pretty ugly, grown children are better looking in my opinion.

>> No.7757117

Who's George?

>> No.7757125

People with babies at age 18-24 are incompetent. There are almost infinite options for that not to happen.

>> No.7757135
File: 75 KB, 640x960, 10371582_10204558368701781_2331144180107717174_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not even cute boystyle babies? (not self post, I don't have kids or horns)

>> No.7757145

Its possible for people to want children at that age, you know

>> No.7757150

Split wigs are terrible.

But straight hair =/= thin and shitty.

Sometimes it does and that's unfortunate, but my hair is straight and I have a shitload of hair.

TBH I hate babies/toddlers in general.

A youtube video of a giggling baby? Sign me up. But keep that disgusting drooling vomiting mess away from me.

>> No.7757155

Honestly I think kids are better off if the barents wait until they're 24+ to have them.

Maybe 23.

Because 18 is way too young to be having kids, most people haven't grown up enough to take care of a child at that point. By 24, you've got your own living arrangements (usually), you've probably got a steady decent job, you may be married or at least have been with your partner for a decent while, you're over your shitty partying stage from turning 21, you're just better suited to be a parent.

I'm 20 and I can't imagine having to care for another being at this point besides my cat, who I feed and cuddle with and that's about all he needs.

>> No.7757164

I agree 100%. Most twenty somethings can't care for themselves let alone another totally dependent human being. Babies are a bigger responsibility than anything a person in their early twenties is capable of. Smart people know they're unprepared for that, stupid people think they're prepared for babies.

>> No.7757166

>stupid people think they're prepared for babies
And even so they've still got a bretty good nanny state to fall back on if they're from the UK/US. So at least they can pretend to be excellent parents while sucking up welfare behind everyone's backs.

>> No.7757170

I'm 32 and I don't think I'm ready for a kid. I probably won't end up with children at this point. Though if I had to, I'd probably be a decent parent. I know people who are mid-twenties and ended up abandoning their children because they were such giant fucking weebs.

>> No.7757180

I think we can agree that those huge twintail crazy-colored split wigs from GLW are an abomination, though, right? I've never seen anyone defend them but newbie itas who came into the fashion from cosplay.

>> No.7757183

Maybe she meant there are some parents who marry really young and not knowing what means for real what is growing up a kid, there are several who marry too quickly and have kids but they are not ready to be parents or even in a marriage. But there are also older parents very not suitable to grow kids of course.
That is cute btw! Even if i dislike babies in rl because they are too noisy, i'd like to see more pics of lolita women with their kids.

>> No.7757185

>Smile with my mouth closed, that looks stiff and unnatural. Plus I look smug and it makes my jaw look very masculine and harsh.
>Smile with my mouth open. Hi crooked bottom row of teeth and terrible overbite.
I'll keep smiling with slightly parted lips, thank you.

>> No.7757194

I know that feel

>> No.7757200

Guro lolita is just an excuse to be edgy.
Everything about it is a costume.
But even worse than that, it just looks like guro lolitas had a seizure while trying to remove their tampons.

>> No.7757222

>growing kids
I guess you're probably ESL but anon that's adorable.

Dressing your baby up for a photoshoot is cute. Dressing them up to drag them along to a meetup that lasts several hours and is not intended to be child-friendly is not.

Imo if you're going to take your child along for a meetup you need to be prepared to leave ASAP when it starts to get cranky for any reason. If dressing up and gossiping with other rufflebutts is so important for the parent then they should drop the kid off with a nanny or a relative. That's just part of what you sign up for when you become a parent.

>> No.7757223

I agree with this 100%.

Personally, I think it makes it look like a costume but for ott coords and conventions or events it's more understandable

>> No.7757271

I wish the lolita community as a whole would come to realize this. Princess Peachie raves about how she loves them because they're "fancier" than other wigs.

Oh, honey...

>> No.7757286

yeah no I guess I just hate babies but it's just so ugly and she seems like the type to bring that shit with her to meets at the peril of anyone around.
Also her silver waist and neck things are ita and those flowers on her head and arm look like shit.

>> No.7757296
File: 35 KB, 470x304, 1392617113196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Split wigs are trash but that's a common opinion.

Those bat wing leather sock garters that keep popping up are hideous

Also, I don't respect and in my jealousy even hate lolitas in the community that have ridiculously expensive closets at the age of 18-ish or that live with their parents, like at least if they had a good job to blow money they earned but like, young cute rich and burando out their ears? Honey I can't even be friends with you. Plus they're always so NICE. I guess it's easy to be nice when you're sheltered and given everything you could ever want. GRR GRR RAGE RAGE

>> No.7757301

No, it was her husband who brought the baby (or shit, as you called him) to say hello and take a few pictures, and it wasn't in her plans.
Also, we're 3rd world lolitas so we have to improvise a lot, but you're welcome to send us donations since you're perfect and swimming in money :D

>> No.7757311

money can't buy taste :')

>> No.7757336

It's totally possible to "improvise" in a non-ita way with cheap items.

>> No.7757338

Is this really an unpopular opinion though? Meetups aren't designed for babies, they're not a fucking mid morning mothers and babies coffee club

>> No.7757392


see >>7757135.

somehow mothers seem to think popular opinion says their hellspawn are welcome everywhere, no matter how many times everybody else rants about it.

>> No.7757451

>Princess Peachie in general

>> No.7757459

My unpopular opinion?
I like babies/tikes at meets; kids are way too cute

>> No.7757472

I fucking hate painting dresses. I find them tacky and ugly, especially the ones with print all over.

>> No.7757476

Not really, because meetups are not meant to be for children.
Children can get really cranky for no reason or would fuck shit up if they get bored.
If you have a meetup to attend but you can't leave your child with someone, then you should stay home.

Babies can be cute and shit, but you don't see people bringing babies to clubs, because it's not a child friendly environment.

>> No.7757478

I feel the same way. As long as they're well behaved, there isn't anything wrong! I'm just crazy for little girls fawning over us like princesses though lol

>> No.7757502

oh dear the whiteknighting
do you need a shield, captain america? (or captain argentina, in this case)

>> No.7757506

Anon this is the kind of lolita I want to wear. Just skirts and blouses with a few acessories and a few nice dresses.

>> No.7757511

Fuck a club. Let's start the Basic Bitches tumblr and post really simple outfits!

>> No.7757523

There's like 1 in 10 well behaved babies though, especially when you bring them in an unknown environment where they meet lots of people and have nothing to play with.
I love babies and all, but bringing them to a meetup should really be avoided IMO.

>> No.7757537

Would join either of these things. My coords are always fairly simple/minimal but suit me well, I think.

I'm just going to echo what others have said and say that I prefer simpler outfits to OTT ones (which are really poorly done a lot of the time), hate cutsews (or that sort of "casual" lolita in general), and can't stand it when people bring babies or kids to meet ups.

>> No.7757553

In my comm, there are five people with children. Of all six kids, only one of them can be a handful and even then it's very rarely that there are problems. Sounds like your comm just has shitty parents.

>> No.7757556

I actually came into lolita to look like the kawaii animu characters from my mangas and animus.
I only buy good quality (only brand) but I try to make it look like something that would be in anime without being some ita shit.
I'm such a fucking weaboo

>> No.7757566

It doesn't matter. I come to a meet up to hang out with other adults/young adults. I don't want toddlers there for the same reason that I don't want 12 year olds there. They take away from the meet up and make it harder to just enjoy the event.

>> No.7757574

People bring children to meets? God I'd never do that. I have a daughter and I am sorry but meets are me time. Me time is a luxury for me and I take full advantage especially when meets are organised. The only time I'd make an exception was if there were a few parents in my comm and we organised a Lolita playdate where all the parents met up in Ouji/Lolita and had all the kids play together.

>> No.7757580

For being a big mature adult, you sure whine enough when you can't get your way. Some people have kids, some people can't afford babysitters every time they go out. Make a private meetup or make an child-free subcomm if you want to avoid it so badly.

>> No.7757587

>into lolita
>has child
>going to meets

Yeah, okay.

>> No.7757593

> can't afford babysitter
> but can afford lolita/meetups

Uh, what?

Look, when you become a parent you have to give up or compromise on certain things. If you can't afford to throw £20 at a babysitter, you probably shouldn't be going out anyway. I mean, you wouldn't take a child to the cinema, or a fancy restaurant, or to the office, or a club, or a spa day, or to a reading group, or whatever else adults do to relax, so why are lolita meet-ups an exception?

>> No.7757597

If you can't afford a babysitter for a few hours, stay the fuck home.

>> No.7757599

Maybe they should stop spending $300 on dresses and use it for their children then.

>> No.7757628

Oh, you mean how people wear goth clothing but in pastel colors and call is PASTEL goth? Shit argument.

>> No.7757689

lol both gripes are in the OP image

>> No.7757694

>to the cinema
People do. There are a few times I've been there watching a movie then the kid bursts out in tears, or they start asking questions really loudly if they're older.

>> No.7757700

Some cinemas where I live don't let you take babies in except for specific mother-and-baby screenings of films that they will actually enjoy, which is a good idea imo. Mothers get to go to the cinema with their babies, everyone else gets to go to baby-free screenings, everybody wins. But why you would take a baby to see a 12 or 15 film (or even a kid's film for older children) is beyond me. It's not going to be fun for them, you, or anyone else.

>> No.7757701

If you can't afford a babysitter for when you go to meet ups, you shouldn't be going to them. To be honest, you sound more like a whingey, entitled brat than that anon; why should you spoil everyone else's afternoon by bringing your kid just so you can go to a meet up?

>> No.7757702

It's inconsiderate in every possible way. If someone can spend hundreds of dollars on an outfit, but not spend 20$ a babysitter, they need to rethink their priorities.
If they really have no support network to help them take care of kids for just an hour or two, they should probably be making other mommy friends to help take care of their kids instead of going to meetups and bothering everyone there with their baby.
The kids have no idea what's going on at a meetup, and definitely wouldn't enjoy it. They may, at best, be well behaved but that's inconsiderate of the kid to force them to go. Plus they're messy and make things awkward.
Babies are very cute but they aren't appropriate to tote around absolutely everywhere.

>> No.7757841

Yes, but your brain doesn't finish maturing until you're 23-25. So it's great you want kids but it's best to wait until your cognitive and decision making processes have finished forming.
Teens are for physical growth
Early 20's are for mental and emotional growth

>> No.7757855

Sorry i'm Italian, so my english isn't always good but i try to do my best.

>> No.7757918

I like gurl lolita when it's anything but blood splatter ~2edgy4u~ on a white dress guro.

>> No.7757934

Mother's always think their babies are their gifts to the earth and everyone on it, when in fact almost 100% of people not related to the baby do not care at all for their little shit.

>> No.7757942

I love little girls who want pictures with "the princesses", but only in passing. Get a photo with the kids, and send them in their way.

>> No.7757965

>I'll take babies over shitty weebs anyday

>> No.7757974


>> No.7757976

baby is so done with your shit mother ita

>> No.7758036
File: 73 KB, 333x500, 8062424635_dd189dcd52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My one is related - I love sweet coords with a white blouse and white socks with either lace of a simple pattern.

>> No.7758191

sounds like you have someone VERY specific in mind...?

>> No.7758199

I hate participating in fashion walks. While I enjoy meeting other people who like Japanese fashion and I don't mind walking around the city in lolita if we're going to someplace in particular. I don't get the point of parading ourselves around the city in outlandish fashion just to have dozens of normalfags be like "Why are you dressed like that? Are you in a play or something?" every 10 feet. Like, what is even the point of a fashion walk? To "raise awareness of Harajuku fashion" or something? I enjoy wearing lolita but I fucking hate having to explain it to soccer moms and sorrority girls and everyone else and their mother when I'm out in public.

>> No.7758223

people who think like this make me so uncomfortable.

I'm not rich by any means. I have a pretty small closet of brand, but I never feel any jealousy towards people with huge closets. I find their wardrobes beautiful and inspiring, but I never feel jealousy.

Why can't people just worry about their own financial status? Sure, some parents are extremely, filthy rich and are fine with giving their children expensive gifts, but that doesn't necessarily mean that these kids are "spoiled" and "sheltered."

>> No.7758226

>has kid
>can't afford babysitters

then why the FUCK would you get a kid? if you can't even pay for a fucking babysitter how are you going to pay for everything else the child needs?

holy fucking shit people are so dumb. don't people understand how expensive babies are?

>> No.7758235

>For being a big mature adult, you sure whine enough when you can't get your way.

they're not whining at all. it's about being fucking considerate. you're imposing your child onto the other people who will be at the meet. most people who go to meets want to go to hang out and meet other people their age who are into the fashion. why the fuck would you bring your kid there?

>> No.7758290

oh please don't put us all in the same bag. They're nasty itas that think they're hot shit for some reason and won't even take advice. They're so embarrassing.

>> No.7758355

I wish people could just not ask period. I mean, it's nice that their curious and don't want to just throw insults..... But I don't know why people can't just accept some people want to dress nice than the rest of the population and keep on with their dull lives.

>> No.7758357

Fucking phone.

>> No.7758393

I was actually thinking about making one. I am running far too many tumblrs right now, so I couldn't take over the basic-bitches. I could co-mod though.

>> No.7758406

Ugh, this. I don't like wearing coats in the winter--a light jacket suffices--but like, eight times a day I get asked, "Aren't you cold?" I know they're just curious, but they MUST realize that I don't have time to sit around explaining my motivation to every person I pass, and if they thought for two seconds, they'd realize that I must be sick of answering that question.

I knew a guy who was 6'8, and he had to outright ignore people who stopped him to ask how tall he was.

>> No.7758413

this needs to be on there.
>2nd panel is best lolita

>> No.7758418

dropped link

>> No.7758433

3+ people in specific, but in general the feeling holds

>> No.7758440

those socks look really bad with that, and she's too tan to wear white lolita dresses imo

nice self post though

>> No.7758442

Not that I'm disagreeing with you guys about the babies, but babysitting is very expensive. I babysat for this mom when she went out one night and it cost her $85. Add that to the expense of a meet, and I can see why moms might bring their spawn to meets.

>> No.7758445

Are you fucking kidding me?! Not her, but that's kind of ridiculous.

>> No.7758447


>> No.7758454


Not that I don't feel for the penny-pinching lolita-wearing mothers out there, but you realise this is just fuel on the fire, right?

>can't afford babysitter
>whole comm is now babysitter
>don't like my babybrat? Doesn't matter! I saved $85 and my baby is now your problem!

>> No.7758484

Me too anon. They're so tacky, I would much rather wear a cute innocent world print that's original and made to be on a dress.

>> No.7758488

Nope. Your English is fine and I understand everything you said. Man, all of this talk about lolita parents with young children is a little triggering because I have a friend who also wears lolita, but has a toddler and has tried to tow her child along. I like kids, but not enough to want one right now, and I thought it was rude and baffling for her to bring the tyke to past meets. Fortunately, I tend to run meets, so I usually have a final say in who is attending.

Seriously. I don't have plans on having children anytime soon, but I have the same kind of mentality. I wouldn't even bring a significant other ;unless my guy is into lolita fashion and really wants to be involved, lolita meets are my girls'-day/night out.

>meetups are not meant to be for children

I guess I do have some opinions unrelated to the topics above

>White/pastel colored glasses look weird
>Hats should be more popular
>I'd like to see more bows worn from behind (like Wendy Darling style)
>navy should be easier to find and less expensive
>I'm glad for people buying prints; it makes hunting down for older styles so much easier and cheaper

>honestly can't stand seeing lolita bedrooms being covered wall to carpet in monochrome pink kawaii vomit
I mean, I guess it's fine if you like that, but it ain't for me. Maybe I'd like it more if people paid more attention to use of space and form. idk.

>hanging clothes along the walls is fucking weird

>> No.7758496

there's nothing wrong with most of what you're saying but that is not what "triggering" means. Sage because this has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.7758501

Yeah, I hear ya. Shit can't be helped sometimes For me, it's gotten to the point that I'm begging for people to give me something original. I don't want to hear the same ol'

>durhurr hey bo peep
Fuck you. This state has nothing, but corn in it. Do you think your hick ass would do farm work in a fancy ass dress?

>Why are you dressed up?

Because I'm not a nudist.

>Oh, are you doing/in a play?

Yes. I'm in an absurdist production called, "Going About my Day in Frilly Clothes Among Boring People".

Ok, I get that not everyone has been involved in theatre and lolita is out of the ordinary, but generally, costumes are strictly prohibited from leaving the venue and are only worn during dress rehearsals and during the time of production.

I'm tired of dumb people.

>> No.7758508

Ah, yeah, I didn't mean to put it that way. Damn you dumblrculture. Also, it's late so my brain's too fried to figure out a better word.

I just meant that it really irritates me because of previous experiences with that sort of thing. I had a small meet with some people. One of them didn't even tell me that she was going to bring her kid along and it was too late to say anything, so I brushed it off as a one time thing. It was pretty frightening and embarrassing to deal with a one year old as soon as her mom left for a minute to use the bathroom. I had to flat out say no the second time she had attempted to bring her child because there wasn't a baby sitter.

>> No.7758514

I'm the one who posted [not a self post] and I thought it was pretty cute. It's actually hard to find modern sweet outfits that have a white blouse with simple white socks.

>> No.7758522

I'm stealing your "absurdist play" line... and then tell them to hang themselves in the hopes of an erection.

>> No.7758529

I wear simple white knee highs, and a white blouse with all of my outfits, its so beautifully plain, reallly draws attention to the print

>> No.7758534

>the kid bursts out in tears
I went to see stomp with a friend, and during one part when shit got really loud some little maggot way up in the balcony starts screaming and its mother didn't do a fucking thing, just let it scream for 5+ minutes until taking it into the hallway.
Jesus christ, if you can't afford a babysitter you shouldn't have a fucking child.

>> No.7758538

When I babysat as a teenager, I got about 25 bucks a night, babysitting from 3:30 to about 7:00, and free food. Teenage me was happy to add to my burando fund, and the mother was happy to not be out too much money.

>> No.7758541

>costumes are strictly prohibited from leaving the venue
So fucking true. I do community theater sometimes, and that question is just hilarious to me because a) what is the point of wearing your costume outside and b) if I wore so much as a hat outside my blood would be used to paint the set.

>> No.7758815

I hate loud kids in the cinema. I went to see the lion king in 3d and a kid kept yelling out certain plots during the film

>> No.7758817

When I was four my father took me to Toy Story in the theatre and Sid's dog freaked me out so much I started bawling. The moment he noticed I was upset and starting to cry he hauled me out of there and into the lobby to calm me down. When I wouldn't, we went home.

I was four. If I wasn't already afraid of dogs I probably would've been fine and enjoyed the movie. I can't imagine why people bring BABIES to the cinema, especially if it's not a baby-specific showing. Not only will they not enjoy it, many movies nowadays are 2+ hours long! Just get Netflix, fucking hell.

>> No.7758821

This. I've been to 18 films and seen people with babies

>> No.7759086

She chose to pay you that much, she didn't have to, so she could probably afford it. I wish I made that much when I babysat.

>> No.7759106

Haha same thing happened to me too!

>mom takes me to see The Lion King when I was 3
>stampede scene
>scream and cry like a bitch because of the noise
>mom removes me from theater
>we go home
>cry harder because I didn't get to see the movie
>Lion King becomes favorite movie and mom buys me all the merch

>> No.7759261

I never thought I would see a Waiting For Godot reference on /cgl/ but the day has come and I am proud.

>> No.7759459

This, but for me I also have the problem of people commenting on the length of my hair. It's a couple inches past my butt, and people always stop me and say, "oh your hair is so long!" What are you supposed to say in response to that? "Yes it is?" But the one thing I hate most is when people tell me I should donate it. Why the fuck would I grow it this long if I just wanted to chop it off? Just to give some cancer patient longer hair than they probably ever had?

>> No.7759461

"Yep I grew it all by myself"

>> No.7759466

People call white clothes with gothic details "bubblegoth" so bittersweet doesn't seem that strange to me/

>> No.7759486

I get that too. I just smile, agree, and thank them for the complement. I only get a bit irritated when people ask if it's because of my religion and it's like "Nah man, I just like having ass length hair."

Thankfully I've only gotten people who ask if I planned on donating it, not people saying I should. Mostly because I'd end up ranting about how much I hate Locks of Love.

When the fuck did this become a thing?

>> No.7759487

>Mfw this is my go to line
Never get tired of saying it.

>> No.7759506

Eurofag here, what is the deal with locks of love anyway? I heard other people complaining too- and why do you hate it?

>mfw eurofag and never have to deal with this

>> No.7759537

Locks of Love claims to provide wigs for children/teens undergoing chemo who have lost their hair. The wigs are made from hair donated by the public for free, but it came to light a few years ago that LoL was making and selling extensions and the like made from donated hair.


I refuse to donate hair when the likelihood of it going to someone who needs it is slim.

>> No.7759558

What's up with Peachie?
Legitimately curious since I know nothing about her, but I keep hearing about her

>> No.7760482


The longer I look at Taobao stuff the crappier it seems to be.

And this is me talking as a poorfag who loves bargains and hunting for ways to save money all the time.

Some of the shops make legit decent stuff, but it seems so rare that I find something worth spending money on.
And when I do, Its like- I could have bought something from my own country instead for the price + the shipping.

I dunno, most of the deals there dont seem to be deals at all. Just a lose-lose situation all around, from my shoppers perspective.

>> No.7760489

>it seems so rare that I find something worth spending money on
Nah, I agree with you. I've bought a lot of things that I was really disappointed with when they've arrived, and that has made me ridiculously wary of most shops. I only consistently buy from Artka (not lolita), Krad Lanrete, Dark Box/Ecailles de Lune, and Dear Celine any more.

>> No.7760511

It's a shame cause you're suppose to be kept waiting so you'll come back tomorrow.

>> No.7760521

I can't think of another reference to make, but cgl has never made me this happy.

>> No.7760542

rlly? /lit/ in cgl? I did not came here for the snobbish comments on existentialist literature, can you stay away from my drama please?

>> No.7760834


Me too, I think the Infanta "velvet" stuff looks cheap in person and the Chess Story items I've bought had mediocre construction and blurry prints. Krad Lanrete and Dear Celine are the only times where I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality.

>> No.7760841

Yeah. The pieces I've gotten from infanta have all been disappointing as hell. Same for Captain Mia. It's really cute, but the material is thin and the sizing was way inaccurate/huge.

>> No.7760852


some people think the explaining will eventually help people getting accustomed to lolita as just another alt fashion style, but I think it just sounds weird and arrogant to normalfags.

people who spend a healthy amount of time on the internet already know what lolita is, while the rest would just not get it anyway. why it is so important for some lolitas to be understood by normalfags is a mistery to me.

>> No.7760876

My parents had me when they were both 23 and I feel like I had a really great life and was raised pretty damn well. So I agree with this sentiment.

My mom had an abortion when she was 19 or 20 (I don't remember what she told me) because she knew she wasn't ready emotionally or financially for a baby. I think that was really mature of her to do, especially knowing she had always wanted a kid. Most people would be selfish turds and have the kid anyway.

Personally I don't want any kids. I don't like seeing them at meet ups because I'm not going to an adult gathering to censor myself - I already do that for a living, I'm a 4th grade teacher. And 4th graders are pretty mature as far as kids go.

>> No.7761124

But you're enslaved to drama to be here. Don't you feel Lucky?

>> No.7761435

Same. I only get fillers like tights and the occasional blouse or cardigan from Taobao now. Pretty much just loliable stuff that I might find in regular stores that is produced in China anyway. For main pieces I hold out for things I really love, not just "Oh well it's cheap and sort of looks like this brand thing I actually want" items.

My boyfriend's parents had him and his sister when they were 20-22 and it completely fucked them over. His mom dropped out of university to take care of the kids and his dad ended up having to spend several years extra on his studies and drowning in debt. They actually lived apart for the first few years of the kids' lives because his mom moved back in with her own parents but his dad stayed at university. They were really (like legit freezing-in-winter) poor until my boyfriend was in his early teens and his dad finally got lucky and scored a well-paying job.

And now they're complaining that my boyfriend is 26 and still hasn't given them grandchildren. I get the feeling it's getting to him because he keeps talking about babies and wanting a bigger apartment. I'm only 22 and neither of us has a decently-paying job yet. Sure my boyfriend and his sister ended up fine but there's no way I am willingly putting myself through all that shit when I could just wait a few years for more stability. Why choose to go through all that stress? Why have a baby when you KNOW you won't be able to provide for it without outside help? It's not like either of us are going to be infertile in a few years, jfc.

>> No.7764826

I fucking hate split wigs with brown in them. I hate it when people wear mixed wigs of brown and blue, i hate brown dresses even when they are are chocolate print. Brown is a horrible colour and should be left to mori. Where it actually suits!

>> No.7764842

What chock me the most in this story, in that, in their selfishness they imposed the burden of their children on their own parents...
Maybe those didn't mind... but well putting myself in their shoes I think I would not be delighted to have my daughter coming home, telling me she dropped uni because she is preggo and asking me to house and feed herself and her children, burdening me with her shitty selfish life choices.

>> No.7764858

THIS. I hate how everyone on tumblr makes a big deal out of fucking everything and misuses phrases/words that would generally be used very seldomly, but I am literally surrounded by SJWtards who find everything offensive, so I often have SJW instincts. Someday, I'm going to move my ass out of this shithole and make better friends.

Uh, to make this related,
>OTT coords look a bit costumey to me
They're pretty, sure, but actually wearing them out seems impractical.

>> No.7765015

>I hate wigs 9 out of 10 times.
>Sweet lolita looks like ageplay 7 out of 10 times.
>Black people can look amazing in lolita.
>Fatties doing it right still look gross (is this even an unpopular opinion?). Nothing against overweight people, but lolita is just so unflattering on them.
>I fucking love the underskirt trend.

You can actually get those filed at the dentist's. Also braces might be an idea? They could be really expensive though, depending on where you're located.

>> No.7765067

I have pretty bad crowding, I'm not so much worried about buck teeth as I am the cost to get my dental work done. I'd rather have a snaggle tooth than a large medical debt.

>> No.7765214

I have the same problem. I have a small jaw and there's not enough room for my teeth. Not to mention 3 of my wisdom teeth came in wrong (one entirely sideways) adding to the mess. I had insurance for 2 years but was paranoid of seeing the dentist because I was afraid of what would need to be done. Not only that but poorfag during childhood and my teenage years. I'd last seen the dentist at age 12, 32 now.

Surprisingly, with insurance all the work I needed done came out to 1,500. But I'm debating on if I want to get braces at this point or not to fix the crowding. I'd have to wait until I got a promotion at work finish paying off my student loans and then I'd probably consider it. But I wonder if I should even bother at that point.

The overbite I have is the worst though. Eating any kind of sandwich, burger, pizza, or wrap is a full contact sport. I don't even use my top incisors for anything.

>> No.7765234

I don't know if it's an unpopular opinion or not, but I freaking hate it when a decently dressed lolita wears giant hipster glasses with the coord. Most times it just throws the whole thing off and makes the potentially good coord look like crap.

>> No.7765273

I love Guro when it's more creepy subjects than a fake blood splattered dress, it look so Halloween like.
Yes, infact. If one day i will find a bf and take him to lolita meets, i will ensure he will be dressed in ouji/aristocrat or also simply fancy goth fashion and not dressing in plain clothing for that day. I admit i dislike see lolitas all well fancy dressed and their bf dressed so plain in tee and jeans in meetups.
Blame Kerli for her "bubblegoth" thing.

>> No.7765274

I agree anon. Strongly so.

>> No.7765279

>richfag detected

>> No.7765285

I think I just get frustrated with wanting dresses but I would never be able to build a wardrobe very fast. I rely on second hand brand and payment plans usually.
It's just best to get a job.

>> No.7765294

Peache is adorable imo but I don't know whether that's an unpopular opinion or not.

>> No.7765295

I like you.

>> No.7765298

But I said I wasn't rich...

I think it's much better to have a small wardrobe that's very cohesive (a few main pieces with a lot of good basics). Rather than having a ton of dresses, I think having a few that you absolutely love and changing up the way they're coordinated in unique ways is more fun and affordable too.

>> No.7765300

The entire idea of lolita is actually just the fulfillment of a male fetish and facet for them to masturbate to.

Therefore the entire concept of lolita is centered around fulfilling male sexual desires.

Which is also where it came from.

>> No.7765303

My point is you're rich enough to hold that opinion.

>> No.7765309

How's your day been, /fit/?

>> No.7765326
File: 53 KB, 426x640, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this right here is the biggest convincing reason to get shitty parents to not bring their kid to the theater.

Theaters are loud as fuck. Every boom is a god damn jumpscare that startles me & is terrifying to most kids. They'll enjoy the movie a thousand times more if you just watch it when it comes out on DVD like this Anon probably did.

And to keep this on track, I absolutely hate boystyle/ouji/kodona. Especially guys like this who have "BEAUTIUFL LONG MAN HAIR~!" No. It's frizzy, it's gay, and it's gross. Boystyle is fucking gay. This isn't a fucking "WAH WAH VENDETTA", he's just the first example I thought of.

>> No.7765342

there was a little butthurt a while back because her style/mannerisms are ageplay-ish, and also she spends a lot on replicas

she seems like a nice person and her coords are meh-tier (not awful like some people would have you believe) but she's popular and most of her wardrobe is bl so people shit on her for that

>> No.7765348

>Implying I browse /fit/

/fit/ is for people that lack self-confidence and need to obtain it through the validation of others. What a joke.

People that get healthy for themselves because they enjoy bettering their lives don't need to post about it or tell everyone around them about it. They just go about being healthy. Success is it's own reward.

>> No.7765352

Boystyle is gorgeous anon.
>tfw want to wear boystyle but harder to find pieces on auction because I'm a poorfag

>> No.7765357

i love boystyle, i just hate how this guy does his hair, it looks so frizzy and unkept, i dont understand people who like his hair

>> No.7765385

"Boystyle is fucking gay"
"Long man hair is gay"

I don't like this dude's hair but you seem to have a fucking complex you should get help for. Get over it; not every possible outfit is manly man's man clothing and very few of us give a fuck.

>> No.7765410

>rich enough

Not that anon, but there's no amount of income that makes you "poor enough" to automatically hate everybody that has more money than you.

I hate when poorfags whine about how they can't afford lolita and pretend that they deserve to afford it for some reason. Expensive fashion is a luxury, not a right. Sorry to say, but not everyone will be able to afford a quality lolita wardrobe without putting in effort.

Don't mean to beat a dead horse, but that's my main issue with the replica debate as well: people thinking they *deserve* to rip off brands because they're poor and deserve anything and everything they can't afford.

>> No.7765413

>long hair is gay
Top kek.

Putting that aside though, I like this guy's outfits, but I really hate his hair. He'd look 10 times better with a decent haircut.

>> No.7765427

Not sure if all of these are actually unpopular but:
- black colorways of pastel prints are gross
- unnatural colored wigs are also gross 9/10 times.
- chubby girls in sweet lolita are adorable.
- not covering your shoulders is unacceptable, no matter how hot it is.

>> No.7765467
File: 59 KB, 715x477, 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like boystyle, or really any Jfashion, on men either. The only guy I've seen pull it off is that model-gorgeous French guy and he could probably pull off anything, unlike most guys who attempt boystyle.
I'd rather have my lanky nerd of a boyfriend come to meets in jeans a t-shirt than attempt any kind of Jfashion. If I ever have to dress him up to match me I'd probably go for a more western preppy look rather than anything too dandy.

>> No.7765510

I'm a poorfag and the idea that it's ok to buy a replica disgusts me wholeheartedly.

I own brand(only 1 piece but I plan on owning more, I am at a crux as to which branch of lolita I prefer. My JSK is AP but I'm leaning towards Classic) and you know what I did to get said piece of brand? I saved and the seller was gracious enough to put a hold on the dress for me, it helped she was in my comm and is super nice but still. I had planned on paying for it through payment plan. I have 2 offbrand dresses ordered, one on the way and the other I am currently paying through Payment plan. These dresses are in a classic style and if I like that style, there's a few IW dresses I have had my eye on.

TL;DR If you are poor either buy Offbrand or buy brand through budgeting and payment plans. Replicas look like shit and are overpriced to shit. Also if you are a fattychan, replicas are no fucking excuse either.

>> No.7765530

It's kinda funny you associate dressing well with being gay.

>> No.7765538


Fellow poorfag here, I also tend to save money by wearing off-brand petticoats and sometimes even blouses with my burando dresses and accessories. I hope to replace them all someday, though.

>> No.7765539

This. There isn't any real reason to drop money down on most replicas since for the price of a replica you can find decent indie brand and pieces off taobao. I think the only replicas I really don't mind so much are shoes when you have big feet. You can't alter shoes the same way you can clothes and you can be a petite girl who fits into burando, but have giant duck feet.

>> No.7765540

>cute, young, giant closet
>bat sock garters
>super nice

Hmm, sounds like I know who you're talking about anon

>> No.7765560

I don't mind replica shoes as I've heard they aren't worth the money you pay for them. Also my feet are weird as shoes from some shops bother them and others don't so I have no intention of owning them.

I also heard brand bags aren't worth the money, is this true? I don't mind saving up for bags but if they aren't worth it then I'd rather a similar design bag(a design replica?) but not at brand price.

>> No.7765715

10/10 would do this to my bf.

>> No.7765722

You're either a 50 yo conservative women, or a 30 man who is very sexually frustrated.

>> No.7765746

Exactly this. And I also don't understand how poorfags can complain when there are so many Taobao brands that are fucking cheap but are really great quality too.

>> No.7765747

Do people even buy brand petticoats? I heard they're more of a disappointment than anything. Seems like most people like the victoriangirldress pettis (which are SUPER cheap) or Classical Puppets ones.

>> No.7765752

>No. It's frizzy, it's gay, and it's gross.
Jesus, you still in middle school?

>> No.7765753

10/10, would want attention from

>> No.7765779

What if I were to tell you that neither of these things is true?

>> No.7765792
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(I know their post is just low quality bait, but I really wanted an excuse to use this image)

>> No.7765824

This is pretty much how my boyfriend dresses when we go out on dates, except with more British twist.

I like boystyle, but I agree that people need to work on their hair. Your examples hair looks okay toward the bottom (though a bit too frizzy), but the top looks gross

>> No.7765910

I heard brand pettis aren't worth the money. I have a Vgd petti and tbh I am disappointed with it it's not very poofy(maybe I need to layer with a 2nd one?)

>> No.7765933

I wish replicas would be banned from the plus size sales group. It frustrates me when I see 3rd and 4th hand oo jia replicas cluttering up the group. It also doesn't do anything to improve the image of fattychans in the lolita community. Please sell your replicas in a replica group for fuck sake

>> No.7765962

I love you all

>> No.7765979
File: 103 KB, 280x373, heart_pochette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think brand bags are worth it. They're often very unique, but even the simpler bags benefit from the brand tag and price. For example, I own this bag, and it is a gorgeous little piece. Loris makes a replica of it, but in all the photos I've seen of it it looks really cheap. Maybe I'm just a stuck up cunt, but a cheap looking bag ruins a coord for me. Shoes don't seem to suffer from being replicas, but in my opinion most bags do.

>> No.7766005

My VGD petti is pretty flat, but it's a great added layer and makes the perfect amount of poof for me under my CP. I'm also a chubby chan, so perhaps if I was thinner it would give me nicer poof.

>> No.7766016

Honestly I think it depends on what brand of bag you get. I think AATP bags are absolute crap, unless you put nothing in them, and hope you don't bang them on something. I found that Innocent World bags on the other hand, are the sturdiest in terms of construction and material.

>> No.7766046

tell her that her baby is ugly and so is she kthnx

>> No.7766055

sounds like you're just tolerant of children
I hate kids, keep them away from me, unless they're getting their shit rekt for acting stupid

>> No.7766058

kill yourself breeder
and your hideous crotchlets too

>> No.7766089
File: 39 KB, 959x960, 1406939231457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally admitting that you want to have sex with children

>> No.7766096

doesn't change the fact that you're still a foking FAGGOT

>> No.7766465

Have you seen Dave from boyinaband's hair? It's glorious.

>> No.7766562

If you're poor and third world why the fuck would you want a baby??

>> No.7766594

Because those poorfags are usually more concerned with owning the print (since most replica fags lean towards sweet), than actually owning a dress that is of decent quality and design.

>> No.7766619

I was just thinking about this actually.
I hate flavor of the month lolitas who scalp a dress after wearing it once so they can get their "dream dress"--ie whichever upcoming release has the most hype.
I think replicafags are the worst offenders with this though and try to cycle through as many prints as possible

>> No.7766633
File: 80 KB, 600x391, magic potion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah god this. They're more concerned about having the "must have flavor of the month print" then actually owning a few, nice, off brand/indie pieces. I mean, yes there's some very specific prints I want(Like Merry making in the ghost town) but I'd rather have one or two brand pieces that I adore and a some really cute off brand then a bunch of replicas.

There are some seriously cute prints that run half the price of brand on taobao, even after the cost of shipping and shopping service fees. The magic potion jsk comes to mind. I love the print and the price point was pretty damn reasonable.

>> No.7766664

But when you think about it, owning a replica to get a desired print is stupid. A knock-off print is still a knock off print. No matter how much it looks like an AP print it's not an AP print since AP didn't print it, Oo Jia did.

>> No.7766689
File: 70 KB, 500x491, mang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is dressing well. Boystyle screams "I'm gay" to me. A ton of fangirls see that in an incredibly different way, I understand. Just like how normalfags will always consider lolita a crazy costume or a fetish.

>Very few of us give a fuck

That's the point, Anon. Look at what thread you're in.

Probably should've gotten myself out of rant mode.

>> No.7766710

God(ot) I love Waiting for Godot. Sage for unrelated.

>> No.7766717

On the other end of the spectrum, my mom had me when she was 21 and it fucked both of us over for life. She used to always rub it in my face that she wanted to abort me, and the only reason she didn't was because she chickened out when the surgeon tried to put her under general anesthesia.

tl;dr we were extremely financially and emotionally unstable until I was 15, then my parents decided to have another kid, causing us to be financially unstable yet again.

>some people just shouldn't have children

>> No.7766721
File: 172 KB, 360x600, 1406229365081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think piercings can look fine with any lolita style, especially Gothic. I still don't give a shit if someone has a lip ring while wearing Angelic Pretty, though.

>> No.7766736

That's a bad example of "dressing well". Look how mismatched the shirt and tie are.

>> No.7766737
File: 1.13 MB, 1740x1800, 1747253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy, hnng.

>> No.7766739
File: 76 KB, 500x673, 1408363844793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have a drink with you.

>> No.7766744
File: 77 KB, 160x200, 4ro2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you tonight.

>> No.7766748
File: 187 KB, 500x332, tumblr_n6v30pDsCg1qhr0d6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remind me to get the tongue piercing I've been indecisive on for months now.

>> No.7766755

I don't mind it in gothic or sweet but I hate them in classic.

>> No.7766766

You should swap them for cuter shit in Sweet, this is true. Like a nose stud that ends in a star.

>> No.7766768
File: 85 KB, 424x600, zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one in the tongue is the least painful to get, from my experience.

>> No.7766771
File: 1.56 MB, 500x652, tumblr_naj1tecSg41sn36emo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my nipples done, there's really not much else that could be more painful than that.

And I tried to get one of those but didn't have the right anatomy for it.

>> No.7766791
File: 47 KB, 500x580, c3f4f6615b5c615c931fd64982941064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you have my respect. I was already dying while getting my lip done.

>> No.7766799


Some ghoul hottie hijacked the thread.

>> No.7766802

I say more than half of girls that wear brand main pieces do this. It ruins the dress most of the time because its not up to par. Its like sporting a expensive designer bag, but all your clothes is from wal-mart. Like, what...?

>> No.7766815
File: 698 KB, 1000x1400, tumblr_naj91x3xYq1rpy6m5o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mind over matter! Also, women have a higher pain tolerance and nipples are easier because larger nipples.

It's men who won't have a good time getting them.

/fa/ here. If you have to skimp out on something, do it on the smallest items like accessories. It's harder for the eye to discern if shoes are shitty quality versus a JSK.

>> No.7766818

Harajuku Fashion walks are retarded. Only attention whores participate.

>> No.7766825
File: 1.72 MB, 3640x4681, Uta.(Tokyo.Kushu).full.1744258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't female nipples, umm, more sensitive?

>> No.7766828
File: 313 KB, 500x780, tumblr_na48ljU18x1stup28o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but a good piercer shouldn't take more than less than a second to pierce you.

Honestly, I was impressed by how tolerable the pain itself was. What sucked was the aftercare. You sleep like a mummy. Because they throb. For 24 hours.

My recommendation? Get them done in the Fall or Spring. Winter was hell.

>> No.7766918

Any opinions on BTSSB bags?

>> No.7766919

Female nipples aren't more sensitive though. It's a person to person thing. And if they're bigger they're usually less sensitive because less nerves in a larger area.

>> No.7766920


I have a medusa and was wondering what to do with it for sweet coords. It's a clear Swarovski crystal atm.

>> No.7766924

>I was already dying while getting my lip done.
really? i found mine less painful than ears and i did it myself...
how long does it take to heal usually? I want to get mine done

>> No.7766933


victoriangirldress on ebay? Those pettis look like shit.

Does anyone have any worn pics?

>> No.7766949

Can you not Google for reviews? There are actually at least a dozen, they're some of the most reviewed petticoats because they're cheap.

>> No.7766968

My unpopular opinion:
I don't like colorful sweet lolita bags. Hearts, stars, candies, animals - just nope. The brand ones at least look at a bit fancier but the replicas, especially from loris, instantly ruin even the best of the coords. They look cheap, tacky, costume-ish and I'm gonna judge you for them.

It's a shame because I feel like I'd love all those funny shaped purses if they were better quality with lots of detailing. I like Swimmer's Biscuits and Milk's metallic hearts, but the plain bright colored stuff AP makes is so bleugh. I still can't believe people used to spend over $200 on them secondhand.

>> No.7766969

I prefer the older Lolita looks. The ones which are more subdued. The sweet lolita form a few years ago, even.

All this OTT sweet shit with massive, fake wigs and circle lenses looks like shit.

>> No.7766996


>> No.7767005

Swimmer is pretty cheap quality. Lmao. You justthrew away the credibility of your whole post.

>> No.7767006

>Ballet flats that match and lace up
>bright wigs styled well in flattering hues, including splits
>tasteful face metal and ink
>animal bags
>super OTT with lenses and nails
>mixing fandoms while still looking nice
>bat tights
>bittersweet and creepy styles
>food prints
>shiny clean buck toothed smiles
>basic bitch coords with just jsk, blouse, socks/tights, headbow and shoes
>the fawn trend
>the piengoir trend when it works and has no granny shoulders
>flower crowns
>madonna crowns

Wtf is wrong with me, I like everything. Am I destined for ita-ness? The only thing that makes me cringe is poor execution, I'll give anything a chance, even wa and ero.

>> No.7767029

I agree?
It's not really the colour or shape that bothers me. But looking up close, those look pretty badly finished even if brand.

>> No.7767150

>When seagulls realize that they're losing an argument, they drop the "smartass smart girl" act and go full retard.

The proof is everywhere.

>> No.7767177

Uta, Uta everywhere!My eyes are sparkling after all that goodness!
>this is the first time i like something OT in threads
You forgot also Punk Lolita, here piercings look fitting a lot. I don't have any piercing or tattoos yet, but i love how piercings looks if they aren't too much and too big. I only dislike these ear lobes piercings usually, they aren't cute enough for such fashion.

>> No.7767193
File: 75 KB, 750x1175, 88592671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related is dressing well

Except it's not. His top half looks incredibly busy with all the textures going on, plus he's trying to go for a "casual" look when he just looks unkempt.

There's always been an association between dressing out of the norm or well as "being gay", this doesn't only apply to Boystyle either.

I don't even like the style, but I do really think that that association is really stupid.

>> No.7767194

We can be together in this. I love tacky stuff unless is poor coordinated or ita-tastic. Also i love simple coordinates, they make a print look better than putting lots of elaborate clothing pieces.
Another thing i dislike is the "toning down sweet prints with classic" because when people do this, all the time look more OTT and less plain than a regular non OTT sweet coordinate. Wish people can suggest to really tone down sweet prints with real plain stuff, while still look nice.

>> No.7767199

Didn't this also sell out rather quickly?

>> No.7767232

I feel better about myself because I took out my lip ring for future jobs, not lolita, but I still miss it

>> No.7767272
File: 5 KB, 203x200, mlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I dislike jfash on men too, even though I don't burn with hatred for it as much as you do. IMO it makes them look like fragile girls.

I like my men manly, pic related.

>> No.7767274

Are you gay?

>> No.7767276

Unpopular opinion: I actually like the basic-white-dress-splattered-with-fake-blood guro look. It's a costume for sure and it's not ~original~ but it's still fun and I like the way it looks most of the time.

I've posted this one before but I like the Bodyline clock print too and it makes me sad that it will forever be associated with overexcited noobs trying to make OMGSTEAMPUNKLOLITA coords.

I also think all but the most OTT usually printed JSKs look better with nothing underneath them, worn as sundresses with petticoats. I don't know if I'd call it lolita necessarily but blouses under JSKs just look so bulky to me, especially if it has a collar...if people do layer their JSKs a bolero looks so much better.

I don't know if this is unpopular per se but I almost never see it so I'll still put it here: headbows on barrettes on the back of your head >>>>>>>>>>>> bows on headbands on top of your head.

>> No.7767295

then you need to get off of tumblr.

>> No.7767433

plz go

>> No.7767470
File: 128 KB, 379x398, 1406605014259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bb

>> No.7767869

lel who was the one who went full retard in the first place posting low quality bait?

You're still a faggot.

>> No.7767871

My god, this print...

>> No.7767876

If you think pic related is a good example of dressing well you're sorely mistaken.

>> No.7767919

haha yeah but then there would never be any posts except for the occasional shitty handmade item...

>> No.7767921
File: 315 KB, 666x666, tumblr_najx7vyb2H1tn422qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jury's out on whether they are or aren't.

Yeah, I have my ear lobes stretched to 10g and I'm hesitating to go any bigger than 8 or 6. I don't like the stretched out look at all and if you ever want to go back to a smaller sizing, you need ear lobe repair surgery.

I am considering splitting my tongue, though. So maybe I shouldn't talk about what I do and don't find attractive where body mods are concerned.

>> No.7767930
File: 495 KB, 500x672, tumblr_naf3ultnxr1rt3voio1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned down a job due to ridiculous piercing policy. First they told me I could wear retainers, then they told me I had to cover them up with bandages. In the end the job wasn't worth the money for the hassle and I'm going into an industry where no one gives a fuck what you look like.

It's tough to get a job in this shitty economy with piercings, but they're a part of who I am now and give me too much of a confidence boost to ever take them off.

I used to hate how I looked until I got them.

>> No.7767955

Why do you keep posting the same character(s)? Is it your OC or something?

>> No.7767957

Yes smaller ones are acceptable but some are too exaggerated that look silly. Splitting tongue is cool, anon!
>OT: i want to be that cat now
I want to dye my hair in dark blue/purple and even an unnatural hair color could give issues to find a job, it's so sad when people judge you only about your appearance even if you are a good reputable person and with many degrees. So sad.

>> No.7767963

Is this art from a specific series or just OC stuff because I'm loving it.

>> No.7767967

Uta from tokyo ghoul

>> No.7767970

Well the reality is, first impressions esp appearances are important and as much as we like to deny it, we do judge looks. Maybe not you, but most people. Body mods have stigmas. Hell, not many decades ago, tatts were a def no-no

>> No.7767985

Thank you! I keep hearing about that series, I guess now I'll watch it.

>> No.7767988
File: 938 KB, 500x456, tumblr_nadx3bvNaP1qd1q2so1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably go as big as Uta here. Any bigger and it starts looking silly to me.

(Same reason why I don't care for septum piercings. Reminds me of cartoon bulls.)

Yeah, Anon, I'm a double major in college and the stigma sucks. Sadly, like any adult, you gotta weight what's more important to you. In my case, it was my self-esteem and my individuality, and I have the privilege of going into a field that won't care about my appearance.

>> No.7768014
File: 66 KB, 682x1024, DSCN2765-001_zps530e09ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My unpopular opinion is that I actually like her.

Does anyone know where to go ever since stamina shut down btw?

>> No.7768031

>dat happy Uta hnnggg, mah husbando
I think priotize your individuality and finding a job that would accept your for your appearance is the best thing to do, i will do the same in case my looks are a bit not-too-normie, my clothing is only the thing that stand out. Do you have attended artistic college courses? Usually these are the most accepting about appearances, i believe. I don't really know anything about other majors job opportunites, i know only about mine, i mean foreign languages.
Yes, this is a big issue. But finally there is more acceptance of alternative looks compared to the past.

>> No.7768035

Have you attended*
Stupid typo again

>> No.7768041

I wish Uta was my OC

>> No.7768043

This is sort of random but I think you're so cool
you should drop your email address

>> No.7768052
File: 288 KB, 735x529, tumblr_n9ebmdSpR61r21wamo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can drop my Tumblr, if that's alright! You can send asks to it, I'm sure.


>> No.7768055
File: 43 KB, 500x323, tumblr_n9r5ck81Ik1tndusdo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm a double linguistic major with a focus on writing, but the college is pretty liberal and right next to a major museum and a major art school.

Translating work is done from home and writers can do whatever they want. It's the best option for my lifestyle.

>> No.7768066

>Translating is done from home
I don't mean to burst your bubble, anon, but a lot of translating (especially if you're just starting out) is not done from home. Major book translators and freelance translators can work from home, but in order to reach that level, you generally have to do company work (at an office) first.

>> No.7768071
File: 98 KB, 261x750, tumblr_n9d5pzvIgP1tv9nbto1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already done translation work, friend! My mom is a certified interpreter and so am I.

>> No.7768072


>> No.7768081

Mind if I ask which languages?

>> No.7768087
File: 327 KB, 640x936, tumblr_najsez1oLv1tox2oso1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spanish and English. I'm also studying Italian. Dream is to learn all Romance languages, including Latin.

>> No.7768088

I study literature (english and french) so usually the main job would be teaching, but i'm not interested. I wanted to try online translating only to get some bucks, but i have heard it's not really well paid. Maybe at the beginning would be a bit frustating being a freelance translator and writer.

>> No.7768090

I think fandom Lolita can be okay if the charecter is in lolita like outfits or a "lolita" charecter.
I hate when Lolitas wear a shit ton of make up. It is not doll like, you look like a clown.
I think tall lolitas can be some of the cutest lolitas.

>> No.7768098

I'm Italian! I dislike my mother tongue but i want to study Spanish this year or next because choosing French is a big regret for me. Not really liking the language anymore as in high school.

>> No.7768103
File: 159 KB, 829x564, tumblr_n9vj00WnnE1ra8swxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, my issue with French is the pronunciation. My mouth isn't used to moving that way.

Why don't you like Italian? I think it's a beautiful language. But I'm also dating an Italian, so I might be biased.

>> No.7768107

>I think fandom Lolita can be okay if the charecter is in lolita like outfits or a "lolita" charecter.
This isn't fandom lolita, it's just cosplay of a character that happens to be lolita. No one has any problem with that.

>> No.7768248

Ew, /fa/ is bland as fuck. I'd rather watch you guys here swoon over gayboys, like the drawings that keep getting spammed in this thread.

>> No.7768298
File: 3 KB, 220x145, lsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petticoats are so necessary anon. So necessary...

>> No.7768302
File: 27 KB, 600x600, PIN-FOREVERALONE-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they would rather tolerate the BS than be like this

>> No.7768306

You are so wrong. This kind of opinions I will not tolerate. You always have to have a petticoat.

>> No.7768308

What the fuck is she wearing?

>> No.7768338

I love when little girls ask for pics or hugs because they think that I'm a princess. It's so cute! I personally love children. I work with kids too. And for those that don't like kids, remember you were a little shit once and then you grew up. Some of you still have some growing up to do. At least kids have an excuse for their behavior. Lack of a fully developed frontal lobe. What the hell is wrong with the rest of you? :)

>> No.7768345

>being an obviously handsome man in a suit is dressing well
Fucking really? If that guy had a fucked up face you'd be calling him a tryhard fedora.
You aren't into male fashion, you're into your idea of attractive men. Stop trying to liken the two.

>> No.7768353

Anon, r u me? Because I completely agree with and happen to work with kids at the moment too.

>> No.7768772

Anyone else feel super weird wearing anything religious being non religious?

>> No.7768774

>for those that don't like kids, remember you were a little shit once

I DO like kids and think this argument is bullshit. Yeah I was a kid once, but my family only took me to kid-appropriate events, and got me the fuck right on outta there if I started to act in ways that made the event miserable for everyone involved. Even if they didn't, that doesn't mean I should be subjected now as an adult to kids who don't act that way. I will agree that it's rarely the kid's fault, but it doesn't matter--if an event isn't kid-appropriate, it just...isn't, and having a kid there is unfortunate for everyone else, and can't be a walk in the park for the kid and its parents either.

>> No.7768775

Nope doesn't bother me.

>> No.7768781
File: 120 KB, 500x652, Uta 017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I didn't like kids even when I was a kid.

Some people just don't like kids. As long as they're not childfree levels of bitter/angry over them, who cares.

>> No.7768805

I sort of respect how comfortable she is with her strange body.

>> No.7768812
File: 149 KB, 1057x576, dollqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find it hilarious that white seagulls constantly think their rules are law simply because they are white
>Most lolitas are a bunch of basic white bitches who appropriate Japanese shit and use black/gay slang, despite hating both of those groups
>Thanks for using the beauty stores intended for ethnic people and in the same vein telling them that they're not welcome in your shit fashion choices btw
>Seagulls literally hate everyone who actually succeeds in looking like a doll, forever salty at being a bunch of big nosed, no eyebrow having ass bitches
>You're all a bunch of ugly edgemasters who look like white people trying to be Japanese trying to be white people
>I hate you cunts so much but the tutorials and w2cop game is fucking ridiculous

>> No.7769071

Not really. I think it's actually because I'm not religious that I have no problem wearing religious iconography on my clothes. I rather like it, especially with Gothic.

>> No.7769075

im just scared religious people would take offense

>> No.7769087

Generally they don't. Usually people just assume I'm Christian and take it as a compliment, the only people offended by it or seemingly so are SJW tier retards.

>> No.7769098

Christian imagery has been incorporated into everything. They arent going to take offense to you wearing a cross on your dress when they literally make the birth and death of their babygod national holidays.

>> No.7769100

Not at all. I simply like the aesthetic and I don't thing there's anything wrong with that. I don't consider it cultural appropriation, especially because Christians are in no way opressed. Also as someone who tries to live according to Buddhist teachings, I do think it's a bit silly sometimes when people get shit like Buddha tattoos done, but it doesn't insult me in any way.
People take shit like this way too seriously.

>> No.7769178

I was born in Italy, still living so i got really bored to hear everywhere my language. I was always a fan of foreign languages so i learned english really fast since i was a little child. I'm not perfect as a native i admit, but i can also think and talk in English, even if i struggle at times to understand the language when is spoken.
I admit when you date someone of a different nationality or also only a friend, you start to like their first language, it's proven. I had the same thing with Spanish infact, because at that tome i was interested to someone hispanic.
Me too. I hated my babydoll my granddad gifted me infact. Still can't stand crying babies or small small children. Cats are cuter and less annoying than every kid around.

>> No.7769193

Uff i write too quick and i don't check

>> No.7769506

I'm not really worried about offending people when it's something as trivial as clothing. I'm generally respectful when speaking to someone about religion, but I'm not going to worry about my fashion choices when their beliefs are not relevant to me.

Not going to go out of my way to stir up trouble, either, but I don't give a fuck if my choosing to wear crosses and angels offends some Christian's delicate sensibilities.

>> No.7769926
File: 113 KB, 400x591, 1359051415894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sweet lolita from a few years ago
>Implying OTT sweet isn't outdated
>Implying non-itas wear it anymore
Even Cadney's moved on.
I'm extremely religious and I don't particularly care when someone else wears religious symbols. If anything, it's flattering that they think my culture/lifestyle choices are cool, even if they just like the aesthetics of it.

>> No.7770832
File: 66 KB, 480x640, DSCF1803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate bunny ears most of the time.

>> No.7770898

Which only proves how awful lolita bags look even if superior in construction. Swimmer's biscuit at least has some nice texture and detail to it, whilst AP's donut looks cheap, plastic and plain. More like kids toy than actual usable purse.

>> No.7770932
File: 13 KB, 240x320, 1360943140722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unpopular opinion: Don't bring your pets to meet ups.

Seriously, it is so annoying. Depending on the owner/pet they can be loud big, constantly ran around and it always makes me so uncomfotable to enter any place with this pets that serves food.
Also, dangerously unpopular opinion: I'm not a big fan of dogs. (I am not a big cat fan either but these usually do not get dragged to meet ups.) Do dogs look cute? Absolutley, as long as they are on a picture on the internet or ten feet away, but I don't enjoy having them around me, especially in my $300 dress. They smell, shed hair, and I am always afraid their claws/theeth will ruin my dress. I hate nothing more than having a dog approaching me and spring around while I am wearing lace thights, a lacey dress and a petticoat. Nope. Not to mention I am really uncomfortable around bigger dogs. Keep your dog away from me, especially if you are one of these pet moms who have to talk 24/7 about their precious cute little dog (or cat. I don't care about your cat either). It is already annoyng when parents do that, so please spare me that crap with your pets too. Yes, they are cute. No, I don't think they are precious angels send by heaven to save all our lives; the same rules as with children apply: Don't expect everyone to care.

>> No.7771090

This could actually be a problem if people have allergies too.

>> No.7771885

This is true. Cats, dogs, bunnies? Adorable as hell, 10/10 would dote upon.
Anaphylactic shock, however? 0/10, total dealbreaker.

>> No.7772399

I don't know how unpopular this is but I wish we had a bot that policed posts on here and on the comms that auto-rejected posts with common, obnoxious spelling errors. "Sheering" is the worst offender because it's not a typo, people actually spell it that way intentionally, though I see "thights" too often to believe it's a typo each time either. Others include "pettiecoat" or "petitcoat" and "cat" for LJ-cut, though that one would be harder to scan for.