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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7755697 No.7755697 [Reply] [Original]

What would you say is the best con? Overall, for cosplay, for socializing, or whatever.

>> No.7755730
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That's a rather bad question.

You need to be more specific to be able to label a con the "best" at something.

>What is the best mainly anime themed convention to go to in the west coast of the US which allows any cosplay garments and a great socializing experience for a good price?

and an opinion to that question would be

>if you like large conventions and like being constantly surrounded by things to do, try AX!


>if you prefer a smaller con scene with a tighter-knit community where socializing is easy, go to ALA!

Anything other than that, and you're just baiting to have a thread about people bashing one con over another with false comparisons.

>> No.7755748

OP here. Sorry for the shitty phrasing, but thank you for the reply. What I wanted to know was what cons were good for socializing.

>> No.7755753
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>underrated post

100% agree.

You can even say each Con in the world is the best at something as long as you ask the right question with the right qualifications. If OP meant to say, what is the best con in general, it is severely lacking in direction.

>> No.7755774
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Technically all cons are good for socializing, BUT there are requirements.

If you're looking for friends, you need to have a hotel room and stay for a minimum of 2 days. that way, you can meet up with the same people you met the day before and the friendship is re-established. You will generally have a better time the second day at a con than the first day.

If you're awkward, try a smaller con, they're usually filled with people that are a lot more open to socializing since they all know it's a small con.

>> No.7755803

It's AX, Comic Con, and Otakon for sure.

>> No.7758188


thread over

>> No.7758267

In terms of socializing and hanging out I've got to say on the east coast that honor goes to Katsucon. The convention has had some management problems but the programming lasts for 24 hours, the partying just as long, it's right near DC and great restaurants if you want to take a 2-hour trip out of the Gaylord, and you can really swing 3 nights there pretty easily.

Only problem again is the management of the con, but the congoers make it worthwhile. So that's my pick on the east coast for socializing. Anime Boston had a similar vibe I'm told but when I went it was just too big.

>> No.7758356

The past few years, I think I'm starting to enjoy Katsucon a lot better than Otakon, but for socializing, I have to say I've never seen an atmosphere quite like Magfest if you are in the DC area. Since the panels and other rooms are less in comparison, you either have to play video games with people or just get smashed.

>> No.7758734

AX what a fucking joke, too many tards trying to go to those shit panels, and same for comic con

East coast is where the socializing is at
Katsucon and Colossalcon are king

>> No.7758760

Otakon is pretty much up there, but Dragoncon takes the prize

>> No.7758910

Dragoncon sucks if you are a minor. I went once with a friend and we left after the con closed for the day since everything had drinking in it. We didn't go back until after we turned 21.

>> No.7758921

Speak for yourself, my con is better than your shitty con, scrub. Your con is full of fagets. I fucked all da bitches and got invited to all the parties. Got drunk n did sum droogs. shet wuz so cash.


>I bet that faget doesn't even know how to use le meme arrows, lmao. What a scrub, I bet he's in bronze 10 rofl.

>> No.7759082
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>> No.7759247

Dragoncon has

>Best costumes
>Best party scene
>Best opportunities to socialize

Con has it all, though its super hard to get a room so if you're in stay in

>> No.7759283

Anons are saying Dragoncon, and I've never been, but isn't it not very anime-oriented? I thought I remembered hearing it being more vidya and comics. Cuz if it is that sounds pretty shitty.

>> No.7759298

Programming is very /co/ related however there are anime events and anime cosplayers there. They're just not the main focus

>> No.7759323

>all this Dragoncon talk
>live in Atlanta and never been

Shiiiit I just might go next year if its that great. Plus no hotel when I live 20 minutes from midtown

>> No.7759897

Most of the big cons have management issues. Unless it's a fat man paradise, like Gencon. If you want anime involved you're almost absolutely gonna deal with some shitty management and unruly guests.

>> No.7759936

What are some good cons on the west coast? I've only been to Sakuracon and Kumoricon but I want to branch out more. Can't really make it as far as AX/anything in LA, but I'm curious about Fanime. How does it compare to Sakuracon? Also Anime Evolution seems to be within my travel range, is that any good?

>> No.7759957


I live in Atlanta too, but I still get a hotel when I can.

You're gonna wish you had someplace within stumbling distance, mate. ;)

>> No.7759961

To be honest, I enjoy Youmacon the most out of the conventions I've been to. I think the cosplay is average to great, the size is large enough that you can avoid any particular clique of cosplayers yet it's a personable atmosphere. The format is a bit different seeing as it is in two separate convention centers, but I actually enjoyed traveling the People Mover; it was a great time to strike up conversation. The buildings are great for photography, and the outside landscape lends for some really great shots, as well.

>> No.7760055

Fanime sucks. Sakuracon is alright. AX and SDCC are the cons worth the money.

>> No.7760068

>AX and SDCC
>Both cons uber packed with barely any room to move and lines up the ass

>Awesome social con open 24 hours and badge pickups done in less than 20 minutes

>> No.7760085

Dragoncon has dropped the fucking ball this year, it's going to be crowded like fuck and they banned photography pretty much

It's not even anime related, so many damn neckbeards there

>> No.7760107

>and they banned photography pretty much


>> No.7760206

Yep, no lightstands at all allowed, no light rigs allowed, if you're looking to take great photos, forget it, fucking sucks as a tog, glad im not going this year

>> No.7760220

Who the heck carries around all that extra equipment anyway? Learn to handhold in low light.

But still, isn't DragonCon spread across numerous hotels? I could see that regulation applied to high traffic areas, but the whole con?

>> No.7760230

I love Fanimecon, personally.
Question: Is AX worth it? It would be quite a drive for me.

>> No.7760241


Dude they banned people from setting up photography boots and charging money. In one area. Because those people are dicks.

If you're taking pics in places like the Hilton Patio no one's gonna stop you from whipping out the fucking gear. If you're not taking 20 minutes and blocking traffic to set up one shot with your gear, no one is going to stop you. Basically if you're not a dick no one cares. I barely see anyone lugging light stands or rigs around the con anyway.

TL;DR Lern2Read

>> No.7760257

Yeah really, it's not that serious.

>> No.7760262

I see thanks bro

And AX is not worth it as much as other cons such as Otakon

>> No.7760314


Yeah, it's not. You'd think it was though by how many people where throwing fits over the 10th floor now being con space.

They turned it into a Riot Sponsored Cospitality Longue, no cameras. Just a place for cosplayers to go to relax. Ya know, something a lot of the same people crying over the 10th floor were demanding.

But because it was a "popular" photoshoot area people threw fits over it's loss and "no photography on the 10th floor" because "THEY BANNED PHOTOGRAPHY".

10th floor was a shit space for photoshoots anyway. There's no room and a lot of the photos turned out washed out as shit unless you've got pretty great equipment.

>> No.7760318

I'd say AX is more worth it because the west coast anime fanbase is a lot more passionate than what we have here on the east coast. There's a lot more people there for the anime than Otakon which for a ton of people in the mid-Atlantic is just something to do in the summer.

>> No.7760500

Related, does anyone who isn't autistic have any tips for making friends at cons?

I always feel awkward trying to start a conversation with people, because I can't tell if I might be interrupting them or making them late for a panel or something.

>> No.7760514


Do you cosplay? If they don't look busy ask about their costume or talk about what they're cosplaying from.

If you're not an aspie it is legit that easy.

>> No.7760520

As a guy, I feel like they think I'm hitting on them.

I've cosplayed a few times, but the people who want my picture are 90% girls, and the guys are all neck beards.

If a moderately attractive guy came up and started talking to me about my cosplay, I'd think he was hitting on me, too.

>> No.7760527

not just photoshoots but group meetups happened there too.

>> No.7760532


You are still allowed to hang up there. Like I don't know why people aren't getting this. It's what the lounge part of Cospitality Lounge means.

>> No.7760543
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Ummm news flash dude, if you're a moderately attractive guy they're probably not going to mind being hit on as long as they're not in a relationship or something.

Also just literally ask around about parties, say you're new to the con scene but like to party, also bring liquor if you can. I remember I was in a conversation with a group of people who knew a guy throwing a party, as soon as I said I had a handle of captain morgan in my suitcase I was suddenly invited, didn't behave like a sperglord at the party so I was invited back for the other party the next night and next time a con rolls around. Build a reputation as a non-sperglord with booze and you will generally get invited places

Imagine that

>> No.7760548

Meet ups usually are photoshoots...
No photoshoots on the 10th floor = meeting up there is useless.

Most photographers who used the floor did shoot with pretty good equipment or with backdrops. Some of the bigger names that you'd see up there was Elysiam Entertainment and Anna Fischer.

I don't get it though, you have a hotel room, if you need to relax, go back to your room.

>> No.7760567

Yeah but the lounge has things to help repair your costume or beverages you may not have brought. Or if your room is in a different hotel it beats walking all that way.

>> No.7760577

>not just photoshoots but group meetups happened there too.

No, meetups =/= photoshoots. Our group always met up there to have a pizza party after the parade on Saturday and a goodbye party Sunday night. We can still do that.

Also the photographer thing was legit only last year/last couple years. And they were apparently assholes who were charging and forcing other people to leave, considering the amount of complaints people had about it. IE the Homestuck photoshoot that blamed Heroes of Cosplay...turns out it was probably just MLZ. There's better locations around the con that offer the same "out of the way" spaces and natural lighting with better backgrounds the 10th floor is seriously becoming the Gazebo of DragonCon.

>> No.7760578

I don't drink, so I think I'll be cool to drive. Plus I'd want to hit some of my favorite eats after the con closes. Nothing like some good DBA wings after a long day. Shilling hard

>> No.7760873


I've never been to DragonCon so I don't know what this space is like, but why turn a popular photo spot into a no-photos allowed special area? Why not use some place photographers don't care about?

It sounds akin to Kastucon declaring the gazebo a "cosplay lounge".

>> No.7760910

Meets ups are just people socializing together. You're thinking of gatherings

>> No.7760930


people were abusing the floor; claiming areas for 4-5 hours to set up equipment and do "cosfamous" shoots, kicking other people out of areas they wanted, etc. no photography at all is dumb, but something needed to be done.

>> No.7760993

>some people abuse the system
>solution: punish everyone!

>> No.7761008

what are good European cons? Too much of a poorfag to go to an North American one

>> No.7761792

Is it so hard for American cons to have designated areas for photography and not letting you take pictures anywhere else?

>> No.7761795

why the fuck would you have that. comiket has that and all the photos that come out of it look like utter shit

>> No.7761993

American cons aren't really known for going out of their way for photographers or cosplayers and it shows in their planning.

Comiket has that policy in place to avoid congestion in the main dealer hall. If it wasn't in place, no one could get anything done. The reason the photos look like shit is because *every single photographer* wants a shot of their favorite Netto Aidoru and they don't know how to shoot outside of a controlled environment..

>> No.7762014
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>I'm 17

>> No.7762020

The ones from American cons that aren't either at photoshoots in designated areas or by "pros" who are blocking huge parts of the con look like shit as well.

>> No.7762169

>implying convention photos ever don't look like convention photos aka shit.

>> No.7762172

Yes you fuck. At least attend one.

>> No.7762177

AX got Kill la Kill, Sailor Moon, SAO2, and K this year. WTF did Otakon get?


>> No.7762179


Photos are allowed, you just need to buy a multiphoto pass ($175) and their con-designated photographer will shoot you. It's a cash grab, and they found a photographer willing to split the profits, instead of hording it like everyone else.

>> No.7762195

Why did I read that in his voice.

>> No.7762204


lol who cares, that one doesn't count

>> No.7762265

Anime Expo
Anime Expo
Anime Expo

>> No.7762273

>after last year
Yeah, fuck that, I'm spending my money on Sakura until they move to Anaheim and get their shit back together.

>> No.7762295

who the fuck cares, it was a clusterfuck of tards trying to line up for some stupid KLK panel when all i wanted to see was nice cosplay

>> No.7762740

>Who the fuck cares
All the people in the lines

>all i wanted to see was nice cosplay
>Not wanting to go to the con for the events and guests
>Implying you could have just waited after AX and saved cosplay photos that would have looked 100x than you could have ever shot

>> No.7762745


My only issues with Dragon*Con is that they need to put a cap on admissions and fix that damn hotel situation.

>> No.7762747

Dcon cant really do much as they're 2 other major events in the area going on at the time and thus those people cut into the amount of rooms available. Only way I see things changing is if they change the dates

>> No.7762749

who the fuck goes to cons for the events/guests
only worthwhile event was miku concert AX had ten years ago

>> No.7762762

>who the fuck goes to cons for the events/guests

I dunno, maybe the huge scores of people in line to meet the guests and events? Sure guests are never a huge draw at cons and I'm sure due to low demand you can just show up to your favorite comic con panel 30 minutes prior and just get a front row seat

>> No.7762780

You have to pay extra for your photo to be taken and no one else can shoot you?

That sounds too absurd to be true.

>> No.7762781

Man, I want to fucking cosplay and go to a convention one day.

It seems like the atmosphere is pretty calming.

>> No.7762786

Ive been going to Otakon for 5 years. the last panel I went to was 2 years ago.

They are shit buuut anime burlesque is hysterical. Same with the on stage anime skit thing oh my fuck

>> No.7762907
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>I go to cons to only look at cosplay

>> No.7762956


not defending it, just explaining the thinking.

>> No.7762974

I know dude, his voice and the way he says things made him the funniest guy in the show.

Cartoon Network oughtta bring it back

>> No.7765889
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I'm totally new to cons, my first one was Connecticon last year. But I'm looking to go to one closer to home here in the Midwest between Chicago and Detroit. Doing some research, but what's the general opinion on which to go to next?

>> No.7765898


Dragoncon could negotiate for a larger block of rooms in the host hotels. Hilton, Hyatt AND Marriot all had rack-rate rooms available up through March-April, so it's not like the entire hotel was booked solid. Just the measly amount they designate at con-rate. Because they know they'll sell the full-rate rooms to desperate congoers anway.

DCon should also put pressure on the hotels so that cancelled con-rate rooms return to the con block, NOT become full price rooms. That and the crackdown on transfers is just a public raping by the hotels, because they know the con won't move.

>> No.7765934

Colossalcon wasn't so bad this year. I met a lot of cool people this time.

Way overpacked with Homestuck fags though.
They bug the shit out of me.

>> No.7766215

not defending Ota, but they got fucked by the industry release schedule and the timing of their con to a degree. Like AB got the AoT premiere in the spring and then AX was right when SM hit alongside the KLK, so really there was nothing left to premier.

Not that Ota really deserved any of that anyway, because fuck them. But that's the main reason why Ota didn't get any big premieres.

>> No.7766230

I think the hotels should make you buy a Full weekend if you want the convention rate (Thurs-Mon or Fri-Mon). As it is, people are just booking Fri-Sat or Sat-sun, rendering a lot of the con rate rooms useless (who's going to rent a room for Thurs night, move for a night or 2, then come back for Sun night?).

If you can't stay the entire convention then you'll have to figure it out. Con block should be for the people staying the entire weekend.

>> No.7766243

This should apply to EVERY con. If you want a room for just part of the con pay full price.

>> No.7766269

>Hilton, Hyatt AND Marriot all had rack-rate rooms available up through March-April, so it's not like the entire hotel was booked solid. Just the measly amount they designate at con-rate. Because they know they'll sell the full-rate rooms to desperate congoers anway.

Holy fuck this. Just two weeks ago the Marriott had rooms going for $575 per night. They are charging more money than a goddam Ritz Carlton room and they're going for $495-$550 per night right now.

Attendance cap with a paid membership matching code to reserve a room will alleviate some of the hells of getting a host hotel.

>> No.7766304

Then don't go to Dragoncon then if its so expensive boycott it idiot you're a moron

>> No.7766307


There's still a shortage of supply. The con has 60k attendees, even if only half of them have prereged by the time the hotels open that's still ten times the number of rooms available. Nothing's going to get better unless the supply of rooms increases, it's simple economics. And that'll never happen, because the hotels have no reason to make more con rooms available.

>> No.7766316

I think DC really needs to re-evaluate the hotel situation, but I don't really know how easy that would be when its multiple different corporations being host hotels. Passkey doesn't work so well, either.

The problem with the hotels that I'm noticing is at least half the people sit on rooms "just in case"- such as, "well the Hilton goes on sale first so I'm just going to pick one of those up until the Mariott goes on sale." I feel like if all the hotels went on sale on the same day it might alleviate this, or if somehow people could rank their preferred hotels, it might also help. The only other thing that might help is linking the badge system to hotel reservation systems somehow; i.e. you can't reserve a convention rate room without registering for a badge first.

I don't think they can cap attendance. It's not like the other conventions that do so.

What people don't understand is, SDCC, NYCC, and PAX are held in one main building, so they can cap attendance (most likely based on safety/fire codes). DragonCon officially is held in 5 hotels, and the America's Mart. Let's face it: it sprawls all over downtown Atlanta at its height. How do you cap a multi-building event, first of all, and second of all how do you cap the convention when you've also usually got other unrelated events going on in the same general area (college football, NASCAR, baseball, labor day holiday, various other events..)?

I'd be shocked if DragonCon capped attendance. They might limit sales on Sat because Sat is ridiculous, but some of that is just tourists and various other people in town and not congoers (you see a lot of people in sports gear on certain days, and then they're gone the next night).

>> No.7766327
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Learn to game the system homeslice.

>> No.7766341


Bro am I grade-a retarded or something I checked all of them for gov rate rooms and wasn't getting shit. I'd ask somebody in my department but nobody ever goes anywhere since fedtravel is a pain in the ass

>> No.7766371

It's a bit of everything. I'm mainly there for the sci-fi tracks, tbh, never let me down. But really the entire weekend is about getting drunk with awesome people, and if you're not down with that because "eww vidya eww comics", you sound pretty shitty.

>> No.7766396


I usually get my rooms about 6 months before any con comes up. The thing that screws a lot of feds who use the Per Deim rates to get their rooms is that the try to claim a tax exemption on the room.

The IG finds this out when the state of the hotel's tax auditor calls the agency regarding the justification of the tax exemption. It goes downhill from there...

>> No.7766450
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Wow people have different interests and tastes on what they like to see at a convention!

(But really I should've put an "imo" at the end of that)

>> No.7766461

FanimeCon tried doing that but went back to the normal "first come first serve" because then the con can't accomodiate those who are going as press, industry, Artists Alley, and others who can't immediately buy their badge

>> No.7766464
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sucks to suck little ones

>> No.7767037

AX happens at the perfect time annually for summer premieres and AB next year will happen first week of the spring season. Ota's scheduling is going to hurt it in big events for years to come really, they should focus on bringing over big music acts instead.

>> No.7767043


Every con I've ever gone to has only been with my friends.
No proper social interaction happens beyond just us talking.

>> No.7767085

yah, but then they'd have to stop losing $100-200K on Ota Vegas. Which despite horrendous losses, they're doing again. I guess when you lose in Vegas, you double down.

>> No.7768502

I've been told by people who staff Otakon that they basically can sink money into Otakon Vegas because of the extra amount they're making off of the regular Otakon. Basically think of it like a rich guy who opens a golf course just to get a tax break. They're non-profit so it works a little differently though.

>> No.7768554

lol what a bunch of bullshit. Staff at Otakon can't even correctly give people directions how to get across the BCC let alone explain how they're somehow coming out ahead on Ota Vegas. Ota was cutting costs all over this past year to try and make up for all the money they sank into Vegas last year. Not to mention they only had 33K this year which was below their cap (compared to 38K last year). So I doubt they're making that much "extra". And non-profits don't magically get tax breaks for satellite cons.

>> No.7768924

Youmacon is in a couple months in Detroit. Check that one out

>> No.7768954

aw fuck meant to say anime revolution

>> No.7768961

>As a guy
Well, there's your problem.