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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7751131 No.7751131 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/, new to cosplaying.

Are conventions strictly weeb stuff or can you dress up as western characters?

Would I look like an idiot going to an anime convention dressed up as the guy from Drive?

>> No.7751151

Conventions are anime themed or comic themed. Dressing as a character from a random movie, mostly likely no one will realize you're "cosplaying" at all. It's pretty common to see people dressed as western characters, but usually still animated characters.

>> No.7751158


Why anime? I want to dress up as cool people, not fucking cartoon characters

>> No.7751186

Then why are you going to an anime convention? Go to a pop culture/media convention instead. You get to dress up as a movie character and spend time with people of similar interests. An anime convention would just be a wasted weekend for you.

>> No.7751196


but qt /cgl/ girls don't go to pop culture/media conventions

>> No.7751206

qt /cgl/ girls aren't going to give a shit about your Drive costume regardless of what kind of convention you go to, dudebro

>> No.7751221


B-but the Drive costume is iconic, and as an introvert I could really relate to the main character.

Please take your man hating back to tumblr, please.

>> No.7751223

no one gives a shit and don't go to cons with the expectations of getting laid by a cgl girl or any girl at that, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.7751226

>don't go to cons with the expectations of getting laid by a cgl girl or any girl at that,

You're right, I should just stay a kissless virgin loser my entire life.

I'm 20 years old, might as well just kill myself now since i'm not good enough for a woman.

>> No.7751228


>> No.7751229

Just dress up from Kill la Kill or Free like all the other attention whoring males

>> No.7751250

No, you don't understand. Tumblr hates the entire outside world unless it is trans and poc.
But everyone hates guys like you.

>> No.7751252

That's the spirit!

>> No.7751265

Fuck these kids go as drive as you want.

Tons of superheroes at these anime cons and they are fine.

I just think you should pick something more distinguishable than that drive costume but maybe you look a shit ton like gosling who knows.

>> No.7751268

Are you a real autist or are you just from tg?

>> No.7751281

This. I pretty much only go to anime cons, because they're the only thing they have around here. Last time I cosplayed as an anime character was in 2012 I think. For me it's usually game characters or western TV series.

>> No.7751285

Troll more subtly, OP

>> No.7751296

These types are probably from shitty /tv/

>> No.7751309

You are the cancer that's been fucking up anime cons.

>> No.7751341

Thank god in my country anime conventions aren't packed with this american comic garbage.

>> No.7751344

Going to an anime con and being an elitist shit head you are clearly doing things right lmao. Anime cons have insanely dumb shit in general lets be real even the Japanese prefer manga over anime SMD.

>> No.7751347
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>no other fandoms are allowed in muh secret animu club

>> No.7751349
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Unless the character is pretty iconic (i.e. : Doctor Who, Indiana Jones, etc.), you're probably going to appear as some random, non-cosplaying attendee.

Don't be a dick. You asked, you got an answer.

>> No.7751358

>all these dumbshits replying seriously to this bait

>> No.7751380
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>> No.7752065
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you cosplay what you want, /tv/!

>> No.7752074
File: 406 KB, 2247x1771, Goslinglookalike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how much of thread is just trolling anymore.

You can dress up as whatever, but you'd have better luck at a comic con.
Not many people are going to know who you are, and a number of them might not even realize you're cosplaying.
Very different media focus and age demographic between comic and anime cons.

Just don't post your Drive costume to /fa/, or they're going to spit out their drinks laughing at you, and add you to this collage.

>> No.7752187
File: 948 KB, 245x200, howaboutyougtfo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say go for it, some people do what you do, I just hope you're at LEAST into some sort of anime
>I want to dress up as cool people, not fucking cartoon characters
>cool people
On the other hand why would you want to be around a bunch of fucking cartoon characters?
Oh wait you probably want to show off, go ahead, its probably not gonna look that good.

Also the movie was shit.

>> No.7752199
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>"as an introvert I could really relate to the main character"
>implying cool characters are introverts

oh anon u so silly

>> No.7752268


If you look like Ryan Gosling and can pull it off then go for it. If you're short and fat, no.

>> No.7752401
File: 96 KB, 502x417, 1378775145530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna fight?

>> No.7754736

do what you want op.