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File: 1.04 MB, 977x668, harajuku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7745814 No.7745814[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So did anyone notice that Harajuku fashion was featured on the latest episode of Girl Meets World?

In the episode, the main character (Riley) decides to 'embrace her inner-geek' in an attempt to ~find herself~ so she she starts copying the look of Japanese fashion she stumbles on online.

>> No.7745818

i was going to say something rude to both you and your post but instead i will say that, that girl is very cute......

>> No.7745822

well that seems harsh

>> No.7745823

I'm going to say something rude to her.

Shit sucks and is fucking dumb, Disney always likes to spotlight ~wacky Japanese things~ and why are you on this site, 18+ only.

No one older than 14 would watch that damn show anyways.

>> No.7745830

>not realizing that there are 20+ people watching Girl Meets World for nostalgia
>also not realizing Disney is literally pouring on the nostalgia for the show in the hopes of making it popular

do you also think only teenagers are watching Sailor Moon Crystal, or

>> No.7745838

I'm surprised /cgl/ didn't make a cry post about it since the teacher made a point of calling out Riley for not knowing what Harajuku was and pointing out that it was a Japanese fashion created by Japanese girls to express themselves and her wearing it was piggybacking on their expression.

>You don't know what Harajuku means? Let me tell you. It's a real neighborhood in Japan where authentic Japanese girls created an authentic look and lives for themselves that is unique TO THEM.

>> No.7745914

>trying to defend watching shitty Disney tween shit
This is probably just a pedo from /tv/, though.

>> No.7745931

>being this dense

The show's writers have even said they want to appeal to people who watched the show when they were kids.

>> No.7745943

>>In the episode, the main character (Riley) decides to 'embrace her inner-geek' in an attempt to ~find herself~ so she she starts copying the look of Japanese fashion she stumbles on online.

Son of a bitch. That sounds a bunch like the idea for a comic character I have had for years. Though more gothic lolita and less pink vomit lolita.

>> No.7745944

So essentially, muh cultural appropriation?
Disney really has gone full SJW

>> No.7745965


theres no reason to call her out though. you dont need to know anything about harajuku or japan to wear and appreciate the fashion style.
theyre acting like it has some huge cultural meaning or significance but its just a fashion style, why is she not allowed to wear it??

i really dont understand the lesson hes trying to teach her, if you want to show cultural appropriation, use a real example...

>> No.7745982

he called her out because she was only doing it to be popular with some nerdy kids. Not because she actually liked the style or anything, but to be popular.

>> No.7745985

To be fair, they didn't really make it about cultural appropriation so much as... expression appropriation?

Riley latched onto the style because the geeky crowd she was trying to impress thought it looked cool, not because she genuinely liked the style or wanted to express herself in that way. And then when her parents questioned why she was suddenly wearing it even though she never liked the style before, she tried to claim that she was "just being herself." He was calling her out because she was just parroting other people's self-expression to make herself look cool, rather than making her own personal expression.

Tumblr will of course ignore the context of the episode in gifs to make it about cultural appropriation, though.

>> No.7745996

See in context it makes much more sense and a much better message, but the way that it was phrased in >>7745838 makes it sound like a sandy Tumblrcunt.

>> No.7746019

Tumblr is definitely taking it that way....

The "FOR THEM" is not meant to be "THIS IS FOR JAPANESE GIRLS ONLY YOU APPROPRIATING WHITE CHILD," it's meant to be "THEY made it to express THEMSELVES, and you're wearing it not because you want to express yourself but because you want to be cool."

>> No.7746024

She looks like a decora/hipster hybrid.

>> No.7746046

i understand why he said that but it dosent matter wether you wear something to be popular/cool or to express yourself, its still 100% ok for you to do it

>> No.7746055

I think it can be viewed as Corey referring to cultural appropriation... just not the Tumblr version of it, which is "WHITE PEOPLE CAN NEVER WEAR ANYTHING FROM ANOTHER CULTURE EVER."

Instead it could be taken as Corey saying "if you are going to express yourself through this foreign culture, don't just copy it and say you're expressing yourself, know what it is and what it means."

>> No.7746056

That it is,

Back in the good old late 90's-early00's, these people were simply called posers, laughed at, and then forgotten

it's not something that is a big deal

>> No.7746060

>it's okay to teach kids that wearing something you don't like just to impress other people/be popular is okay


>> No.7746084

lets have a jfashion in western media thread?

>> No.7746110

why is it not ok? we have to fake load of things in life to impress others. for example, would you show up to an interview in non smart dress because it went against your morals to wear something you dislike just to impress people?

>> No.7746117

Just curious, are you in high school? Because your argument is equating two different situations that don't really have the same context.

There is a very big difference between saying "you should change yourself and dress differently to be popular and cool in school" and "wear something professional to a job interview."

I mean, if you want to be edgy, sure, say that it's okay to tell kids that being popular is more important than being themselves. But don't expect rational people to agree with you.

>> No.7746142

Impressing and gaining favor are two different things, anon.

>> No.7746146

It's not saying that at all...It's saying what >>7745985 said. She's pretending to try to be individual by mimicking people who are being individual because they like to be.

>> No.7746149

You really don't see the difference between pretending to be someone you're not in order to be popular/cool and being expected to wear professional clothing to a job interview?

>> No.7746154

Wait, so is this boy meets world only with a girl for some reason?

>> No.7746158

its a sequel to boy meets world.

>> No.7746161

then why bring up the fact that she doesn't even know what it is? Or that it's from Japan?

>> No.7746167

What >>7746158 said

Only they forgot to add that it's fucking awful and full of raw cringe, just like all the other quality crappy TV series Disney Channel spits out these days.

>> No.7746169

It has more to do that she's blindly following something she doesn't understand to be liked. The fact that they explained that she doesn't know anything about what it actually is.

It also seems more Disney both proving to the audience they know about it's roots, as well as illustrating a point that can be made for western alt fashions(goth, punk, etc) rather than saying it's Japanese only you white cis scum!!!

If anything it shows Disney is pretending to know what they're talking about, while also showing they have little to know idea since they're applying more common assumptions about it (ie All lolitas need to be lifestyle).

>> No.7746171

Why are the MC's names the fucking same?

>> No.7746173

Holy shit you guys are actually arguing about Disney's take on SJW style 'cultural appropriation'? Seriously? This is Disney of all places. Hell, Disney could bring back Uncle Tom type characters and the SJWs on tumblr would still lick their anus so hard.

>> No.7746182

It's been getting better. part of the problem is that the general style and tone of the family friendly sitcom has changed so much over the years and not for the better.

they really need to

>tone the fuck down out of Farkle, he's way OTT and kinda creepy
>make Corey an actual teacher?? Like Feeny had lesson plans and actually taught. Corey let Maya grab a lit candle and light paper on fire in the classroom.
>spend more time on the characters. especially riley and her family. when Maya has more chemistry with Riley's dad than Riley, well....

>> No.7746188

If you've been on Splash Mountain recently you'll know Disney gives no shits about racism

"The Briar Patch is where you were born, and The Briar Patch is where you're gonna stay!"

I was tripping on acid whilst riding Splash Mountain a few months ago, and got stuck right by the end where the Blue Bird is telling that line to Brer Rabbit. Jfc the blatant racism blew my tripping mind

>> No.7746189

Err, did you even read the thread?

>> No.7746209

Did you?

>> No.7746213

Yeah I know that, so why would they care about that really warped version of 'appropriation'? It's obvious they were never trying to say it was wrong for her to wear it since it was from Japan. They just wanted to demonstrate as a company they understood(or thought they did) they're also acting like "harajuku girls" are a thing like punk or something, just like most western media.

>> No.7746258

Yep. Did you? There's no big argument over it being sjw

>> No.7746269

Because it picks up with Corey and Topanga on a similar timeline, in the past ten years they had a kid

The show is about the kid

>> No.7746347

Because they're the same fucking characters? Riley Matthews dad is Corey Matthews, and her mom is Topanga.

>> No.7748249

shh shhh, don't spoil the plot

>> No.7748688

Is this funny like Boy Meets World was? or is unwatchable like most newer Disney stuff?
Screenshot gives me Hannah Montana vibes

>> No.7748706

it has it's moments. Some episodes are a little bit better than others. Feeny had a cameo at the end of the first episode. Shawn is suppose to be back at some point this season. There are good messages in each episode and the friendship is good, but it's got more "hurr I like boys" crap going on than it needs.

>> No.7748715

OP looks like a Monster High doll...

>> No.7748719

Thanks, guess I wil give it a chance then, specially for the Feeny cameo

>> No.7749406

I read the thread, and I don't understand why Disney would be pointing out posers when, from the viewpoint of a non American, the "popular" are always trying to fit in a norm to be popular.
Sure, it's not wearing Mori or Decora, but it's still being appropriative of the one who dictated the current fashion, and expressed themselves by the same occasion. And fashion is an eternal renewal.

>> No.7749409

>It has it is moments

>> No.7749432

>There is a very big difference between saying "you should change yourself and dress differently to be popular and cool in school" and "wear something professional to a job interview."
Explain the difference.
Go ahead, I'll wait.

>> No.7749849


>> No.7749865

Dressing professionally for an interview is completely different. It's not about trying to make friends or about making people think you're cool, it's about showing that you are responsible and care enough about your self-image to at the very least wash your hair and brush your teeth before you come in to work. You're trying to sell yourself as a worker not as a person.

Trying to dress a certain way to make people like you is about trying to impress people on a superficial level to get friends. I see it all the time, getting on the fad bandwagon may get people to compliment you and give the impression you have lots of friends but it's more impressive to people if you are just confident in yourself and how you dress. You're trying to sell them your exterior so they may like who you are, but it's easy to see through that.

the tl;dr of that is job interviews are about trying to sell yourself as a worker to show responsibility and trying to be popular is selling yourself as your clothing to try to be cool.

>> No.7749896

I gotta ask, what's so racist about that? Brer Rabbit is a classic American children's story.

>> No.7749898

its about niggers.

>> No.7749939

Sure smells like summer right here. You do know you have to be 18 to be on this site

>> No.7749952

I like this show. It's honestly a lot better than all of the stuff Disney has on now, especially since there's not laugh track between every other sentence. There's morals and hopefully it'll teach kids SOMETHING
(I-I also had the same jacket as one of the nerd girls in this 'Harajuku' episode.. wat.)

>> No.7749963

Relevant story to this. In highschool we had some guy come in and lecture the senior class on professionalism, applying to colleges, and stuff like how to dress to interviews. There was this one girl who was a huge weaboo WoW tumblr transtrender who wore rainbow pajama pants and graphid tshirts to school everyday, who asked if it was alright to "show some individuality" at an interview. Because she wanted any future employer to appreciate who she is as an individual since she's a nonconformist.

The guy, who was an ex NFL football coach, gave her this wonderful answer about how that's actually what employers want, since your own individual qualities are what helps in a team/office dynamic. He gave a short spiel on how you must act and look professional, but if done correctly (in a classy way) it's alright to add a bit of your own flair into the way you dress to an interview. (I assumed he was talking about outfit color/pattern choices, jewlery, etc. Like how you lightly allow your powerlevel to show through but don't blaze that shit). The girl then rattled off some outfit choices that "perfectly described her" which was an aresnal of hot topic corset tops, pleated skirts with belts, arm warmers. Just like embarassing try hard hot topic shit. And then she was adament about not wearing makeup or styling her hair. Like no makeup's ok, but this girl didn't regularly bathe or wash her hair...

The guy was getting a little frustrated and asked her to please not wear something like that to an interview. A few kids around her asked if she even understood what "professionalism" meant and she asked "What's wrong with what I wear daily?" Some guy shouted "Adults don't wear rainbow pajama pants to meet a CEO" and she was so upset.

It was just frustrating because as a worker you are trying to sell yourself and show responsibility, and how good workplaces appreciate your individual quirks, but some people just can't grow up and understand what that means.

>> No.7749965


>> No.7750026

Explain why you can't understand the simple concept of "being expected to dress professionally for a job is different than wearing something you don't really like in order to make other people think you're cool and be popular."

Go ahead, I'll wait.

>> No.7750154

Oh gosh. I knew I was getting old, didn't realise just how old!
'Boy Meets World' was awful tween shit when I was an adult. But people are actually getting nostalgic about it?

>> No.7750174

To be fair if someone doesn't know about the historical context, it's just about rabbits.

Kinda like how watership down is all social commentary, but the rabbits aren't supposed to represent a particular race since they are just rabbits.

>> No.7750194

>>not realizing that there are 20+ people watching Girl Meets World for nostalgia
Nostalgia for what? It's a shit show and is completely modern.

>> No.7750282

One gets you a paycheck.

>> No.7750325

>obviously never watched Boy Meets World
>confirmed for underage

>> No.7750349

>obviously watched Boy Meets World
>confirmed for underage

>> No.7750358

Shit. Just checked. It was out in the 90's.
I stand corrected.
I'm an idiot.
Sorry guys.
I have a feeling that it just didn't air in the UK and if it did it must've been on channels that only rich people could get.

>> No.7750376


well i have a feeling you were born in 2001.


does this mean her mom's name is tamagotchi now?

>> No.7750399


Really starting to wonder how much of /cgl/ are under aged brony faggots watching disney and Dora with PT all day long

>> No.7750417

The last epsiode aired in 2000. You'd have to be really fucking young to honestly not even have any idea as to what that show was.

>> No.7750422

It just never aired over here but everyone started talking about it in like, 2012.
I just put 2 and 2 together and made 5.

>> No.7750638

Old thread got deleted because some faggots from tumblr reported the fuck out of anything that hurt their tumblr fee fees.

>> No.7750643

It got pruned because of some faggot from /pol/came in, the tumblrs were in there from the begining

>> No.7750647

Dumb tumblr ideology=okay. Janitor allows politics if she agrees with what's being said.

>> No.7750648



>> No.7750650

You could still be right, Anon! Everyone started talking about it in like 2012 because MTV brought back all the reruns. It's pretty much the only good show running in the morning/afternoon.

The reruns get me through my days when I don't have work or class.

>> No.7750668

It definitely aired in the UK my big brother used to watch it. No digbox then so it must have been a terrestrial channel. He made a point of telling me the principle of the school provided the voice for K.I.T. in Knight Rider.

>> No.7750772

Never said I didn't know what it was retard was just agreeing that anyone who thinks it was worth a getting a remake and any adult who watches said remake is a full on faggot with no taste like your self.

Go back to tumblr your likeminded online friends miss their village idiot.

>> No.7750958
File: 15 KB, 400x400, be_you__by_eatthewords-d4jehhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this episode is more about not being a fake nerd girl than anything.

we need more of this message.
We women are always "I'm not like other girls" trying to be special by doing something a fuckton of other people are doing and acting like we're the special one.

No, just enjoy yourself doing what YOU like. Stop thinking the only thing you have to offer the world is what you have over other girls.

>> No.7751435

yes, and...? You're agreeing with me.

>> No.7751925
File: 325 KB, 477x351, 1359044677520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diff anon but no you're so dense. even when it's been spelled out you still don't get it.

go to bed

>> No.7751953

>so did anybody watch Girl Meets World

>> No.7752332

That's how I read the message as. I thought it was better than other shit I've seen considering the garbage that's out nowadays.

I watch the show with my 8-year-old sister, who is easily lured into TV show dramu and characters, and often emulates them. I've seen her already starting to call herself a geek because she says girls say it at school and it tends to now mean that they're some kind of special snowflake of the bunch. It's always the same, wanting to follow the crowd and be popular. Sad that it always starts out young.

She understood from that episode a basic understanding of not to like something to be popular. I could tell that she kind of had a moment when she got the message, and it was a good thing to see.

It helped in a way for her to see the whole "harajuku" thing in the episode too because she connected it to the Japanese culture and cosplaying and the idea that those are niche interests and activities.

Considering this community gripes about fake ass geek girls, I sort of hope that this might at least hit to some of the younger watchers to not get into something just for the sake of being popular.

>> No.7752344

A post about this episode has been flying around tumblr lately.
No need to get so sandy and to start jumping to conclusions, cunt.

>> No.7752367

This girl is probably on tumblr right now going
>so OK guys this really makes me so mad last week my mom told me that I have to get a job or else she's going to cut me off
>no more food clothes medicine NOTHING
>which is so unfair because every time i go to an interview I wear my BEST Lip Service
>nobody else in those shit holes is dressed as well as I am, but they all look at me funny
>so like she said i should wear the outfit she bought me for my cousins wedding a few years ago
>some bimbo shit from the mall a prep polo shirt and some grandma pants that dont accentuate my curves at all
>but i was like bitch i threw those away A LONG TIME AGO I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO GO TO THAT WEDDING and then she got mad and said i never appreciate anything she does..........but she never does anything for me in the first place
>this sucks so bad because there is a blood on the dance floor concert next week and now I might miss it THANKS MOM

>> No.7752686

Oh dumblr. It:s not like she's doing yellow face or crappy 'grisha:' make up with a 'kimono'

>> No.7752714

aw anon, you sound like a good older sibling. Does your younger sister actually like anything remotely nerdy or do you think she'd have interest in going to a convention with you?

>> No.7752732

Actually, at that same presentation, she asked the guy what should she put in a portfolio to apply to art school with. She asked this to an ex NFL coach, and he told her that question is better directed to her art teacher. A few weeks earlier, at the beginning of the year, she told me she wanted to do "game character design" and asked me what a portfolio was. She had never taken a single art class at the school before, and the art teacher wouldn't let her into Art 4, and placed her into Art 2 since it was a shared class with the older art students.

Making a portfolio was too intensive and hard for her, since she didn't like that she had to do gesture drawings, still lifes, generic draw from observation stuff for it rather than drawing her furry OCs. She then gave up on going to art school, wound up going to the local community college for a few years, and then dropped out because of galbladder problems. She was always kind of an attention whore and faked depression when we were younger, but who knows if she really developed it by college since everyone else was moving on with their lives and doing what they love, while she declined going back to college since it was "too hard muh anxiety" and bought 5 copies of animal crossing to play. Last I heard she was admitted to a mental hospital but threw a bitchfit when she had to stay over night, and then threw an even bigger bitchfit when they tried to compensate and make her come during the day a few times during the week instead. Because it cut into her tumblr and animal crossing time.

>> No.7754313

>calling someone else dense when you clearly don't know what the fuck is going on

Are you high?

>anon says "Explain why you can't understand the difference between being expected to dress profesionally for a job interview and dressing differently to be popular."
>reply says "one gets you a paycheck," which makes no sense in response to that comment

>> No.7754336

Wearing something professional to get a job gives off the impression you take the job seriously and thus makes you a potential candidate to get hired. If you dress professionally, the employer will take you more seriously than if you dressed casually.

People who dress differently to be cool and popular in school do so because they want to fit into a group of people they look up to, or they perceive as better than others. You want recognition in this case.

It's like you were expecting nobody would know the difference lol.

>> No.7754363

current Disney is either super tryhard (and usually failing) SJW, or just fucking being assholes and making jokes about being anorexic

>> No.7754690

She does watch (age appropriate) magical girl anime with me. She watches Sailor Moon Crystal with me, and she closes her eyes whenever the youma are around. She sees anime as something normal and fun to watch, sometimes more entertaining than other TV shows. She doesn't connect to them as "geeky" though, which actually made it interesting to me. I think nerdy to kids her age, and in general, don't get into the niche things. They just have a broad meaning of geeky, like the episode.

She's been interested in cosplaying outside of Halloween. I make her cosplays like Chibiusa and Heidi to wear at home. We've made the deal that when she's a bit older, she can come along since my friends and I are pretty chill with bringing siblings as long as they behave, whch they're chill too.

>> No.7754695

It got deleted because the janitor of /cgl/ deletes whatever she wants to.