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7742077 No.7742077[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

jessica lg says these SFX pinky paradise lenses caused her to lose most of her cornea. smells like bullshit to me, what do you think seagulls?

>> No.7742101

They she wouldn't be able to see out of that eye.

>> No.7742108

If that's the chick who posted an entry with all and her test results and emails then I only have to say she was fucking stupid because she kept wearing the lenses despite feeling like something was off.

>> No.7742110

If you wear a lens even though it's uncomfortable or painful it's your own idiot fault if you get hurt.

>> No.7742129

It's stuff like this that makes me worried whenever I put in contacts.

Like, I'd end up like that.

>> No.7742131

If they feel uncomfortable, take them out, and you'll be fine.

Your eyes are super sensitive, if something is happening that could damage them, you'll feel it.

>> No.7742132

At worst, my right eye gets a bit irritated when I put in the contacts and my eye starts watering up... but after I let it settle and keep blinking, after like a minute both contacts feel fine and natural.

I also hear you shouldn't keep them in for more than eight hours, and always keep soaking them in contact solution when not in use.

>> No.7742139

eight hours? more like four and always take breaks between four hours.

>> No.7742168

that's a bit ott. it's fine to wear contacts for 8+ hours as long as it's not an every day thing. constantly touching and removing contacts isn't good for your eyes either.

>> No.7742282

You're correct. However, she was wearing SFX lenses specifically and those allow even less oxygen to get through than normal contacts. For SFX lenses, you don't want to wear them for more than 4 hours.

>> No.7742286

Damn her lashes are long.
>unless my lashes are just freakishly short

>> No.7742290

I believe it. Someone I follow on facebook had one cut her eye. She had bandage contacts and patches for weeks.

>> No.7742312

There are plenty of articles stating circle lenses are dangerous.

>> No.7742344

ooh no, I didn't research or clean my lenses before I bought them

well in that case, yes they can be

>> No.7742352

She probably didnt wash them properly before inserting them, they are still contact lenses like any other need clean hands while handling and washed before and after use..

>> No.7742820

circle lenses can hurt your eye

but they can't "remove 90% of your cornea" after 8 hours of wear with no discomfort.

>> No.7742833

the people in those articles usually wore them improperly for days. proper wear of circle lenses isn't dangerous.

>> No.7742844

Part of the reason they're considered dangerous is because a lot of people don't know how to use contacts.
>Wearing them directly from the storage solution without presoaking
>reusing the solution they came with
>storing them in water
>leaving them in for really long periods and sleeping in them
>wearing wrong prescription

>> No.7742845

Sounds like improper use or improper cleaning to me.

I had a friend get makeup on his contacts and he didn't realize it, put them in, his eyes started stinging a few hours later and he ended up in the hospital for corneal abrasion.

>> No.7742846

>sharing lenses with others

>> No.7742932

I have been wearing circle lenses for 6 years and got only one mild eye infection from bad lens hygiene. It's super rare that you get damage from the circle lens itself due to a defect. If the lens is defected you should be able to feel it as a sharp stabbing. If you have a defective lens, do not wear it and throw it out. Wearing any contacts depends on the wearer responsibility to take care of there lenses and know when it is not appropriate to wear certain lenses. It's stories like this that give circle lenses and contact lenses bad reputations.

>> No.7742940

if one thing I've learned from people who wear circle lenses, they often have no fucking idea what they're doing.

If she really lost that much it was probably her own fault. Does the contact hurt to wear? Take it out.

Reminds me of how much I hate seeing people go "yeah you can keep this for 1 year!!" no you can't. Keep them a month or so. And make sure to clean the solution every once in a while.

>> No.7742951

She said the lens "melded" on her eye. This is a HUGE red flag that the lens does not fit your eye. The lens should be able to slide around but on so much that it falls out. She was wearing a lens that was way too tight for her eye. I'm starting to think that the lenses were never defective to begin. I would like to ask her if she got fitted first for contact lenses because this sounds like a case of a lens being too tight around the eye taking the cornea with it as it lost moisture. This is why I always recommend using eye drops right before taking the lens off.

>> No.7742968

lmao i remember in highschool some kids would do this, one of the chicks eyes were red as fuck.
most of em bought them locally from some place that doesnt tell you shit and also most of them dont research their shit either. ive only ran into a couple that would use them right.

>> No.7742970

you cant keep the ones that say a year for a year?
really now?

>> No.7742977

I started wearing circle lenses about a year ago, and my year-long pairs were fine until about ten months in when they started to feel a bit bad every time I tried them, so I just stopped wearing them. They were fine that long though and never gave me any problems, idk why some people insist you need to change every month. As long as you're changing the solution every few weeks and clean them before and after use and pay attention if they feel wrong, it shouldn't be a big deal.

>> No.7742996

I would say you can keep a polyhema circle lens at max 9 months before it goes to shit. But getting rid of it monthly is hygienic but also throwing money out. I would say 6 months with changing your lens solution weekly and changing cases is the best route.

>> No.7742998

If I treat colored contacts like my normal contacts, I'll be fine, right?

>> No.7743003

Same hygienic principles, so yes. Circle lens require more responsibility and care though because they are made of polyhema as opposed to silicone hydrogels. Circle lenses should be worn 2 to 6 hours as opposed to silicone colored lenses which you can wear 8 to 10 hours. One of the most important things is changing out the lens solution in your lens case to unsure protein and bacteria does not build up on the lenses. I change my solution weekly and replace my lens cases every three months.

>> No.7743045

my eyes are really sensitive to contact solution, it burns and doesnt help at all. i have to water it down a lot, when theyre in the case. i didnt think this was bad tho

>> No.7743068

This is so disgusting I can't even fathom why people think this is ok. There was a huge issue in my cosplay com with people sharing lenses and then throwing them back into the original solution that blew up on Facebook, I can't believe how stupid people are...

>> No.7743105

Bullshit. This girl is a massive attention whore and a low tier cosplayer. All of her stuff looks like shit irl and she's realizing it, so she's playing on anything that will get her noticed begging for ~*signal boosts*~ to "help the community"

>> No.7743368

If your eyes are sensitive to the solution, get eye drops that agree with your eyes and use the eye drops to rinse off the solution before you put them in your eyes. Don't water down the solution while the contacts are resting in the case.

By adding water you're compromising the chemical balance of the solution, and if the water you're adding isn't clean it's going to invite the growth of bacteria inside your lens case.

>> No.7743378

This is why optometrists don't like people wearing contacts so often or letting younger teens own contacts. It's not that contacts are dangerous for your eyes, it's that people are fucking stupid and can't take care of shit that they own.

It's like that girl who was saying that circle lenses are dangerous because look at all this shit i picked up when I rubbed the lens with a qtip. Any colored lens is going to have its color removed with a qtip because you're literally shredding the plastic of the lens with the rough fibers of a qtip. Unless your eyeballs are made of sandpaper it's not going to disintegrate in your eyes.

>> No.7743395

I have been talking with her via Facebook since I'm a PinkyParadise guest writer and want to remedy the situation since I'm fluent in english and have direct contact with PP. I want to get the full story and circumstances of the lens purchase/wearing. Two of my theories right now is that she was wearing lenses too tight for her eyes and wore them for too long; or she got defective lenses with an incorrect polyhema hydrogel formulation that caused the lenses to dry too quickly and constrict on her cornea.

>> No.7743421
File: 38 KB, 324x95, circlelensanswer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your questions have been answered

>> No.7743424

seeing people go about their eyes so unsafe makes me want to scream

>> No.7743433

Upon talking to her, she does take this very seriously. I mean she ripped part of the outside of her cornea off. I think she's trying to be light hearted for her fans because she's gotten a lot of shit from people thinking she was smearing the reputation of PinkyParadise and circle lenses.

>> No.7743581

so she went from saying the lens were defective and that she ripped off 90% of her cornea and she had to see ~four doctors~


"it's my fault :) the contacts were wrong size and it's healing!!"

>> No.7743628

For some reason, she reminds me of Miranda Sings (':

>> No.7743641

or that girl in china who wore contacts for 6 months straight and had an ameba grow in her eyes and made her blind.
It's all from pure stupidness

>> No.7743684

>"yeah you can keep this for 1 year!!" no you can't. Keep them a month or so.
yeah not at 70$ a pair for people with astigmatism. Fuck that

>> No.7743690
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I had to look that up I could not believe it was real. How are some people so fucking stupid? How could she keep in the same pair of contacts for 6 MONTHS without discomfort or pain?

>> No.7743692


Yep, people are really, really stupid. They have no idea how to take care of contacts, assume it's something like makeup, and just use them willy nilly.

I've been wearing normal contacts everyday since I was 9 YEARS OLD!! I'm serious. I've NEVER had an issue with my contacts. My eye doctor was a bit hesitant, but my parents assured him I was a really responsible kid (which I was).

I've worn circle lenses for about 2 years. I've had to throw a couple pairs away due to discomfort.

If it hurts THROW IT AWAY, your eyes are priceless and those contacts cost you at most $50. Also DON'T BE STUPID and do your research!

>> No.7743702

>lens should be able to slide around

Erm... no. That means your contact's base curve (BC) is too big for your eye. Your contact should stay in place.

>> No.7743780

Guess I wasn't clear on that. You have to put the your finger on the lens and then move it.
It should have some give, just enough that it slides back into the correct place when you move it. If it doesn't move at all when you try and move it, that's not good.

>> No.7743800

Also proper fitting lenses are supposed to move 2 to 3 mm with each blink

>> No.7743805

yeah sorry was a bit to overreacting with that part but really a year is no good. Feel you on the price for lenses for people with astigmatism though, it sucks.

>> No.7743806

Something tells me she's leaving out how long she had them in for. I saw her say 8 hours somewhere, but she's either lying, or had them in all weekend and slept with them, then took them out for an hour or something and put them all day. It's literally impossible for that to happen if you only wear it for the recommended time, and follow all directions (cleaning, expiry date etc.)

>> No.7743812

Most likely what happened is she developed Tight Lens Syndrome and when she took the lens off, it was like when you try and rip tape off of paper. Her cornea being the paper and the lens being the tape. Even though I'm properly fitted, I still use rewetting drops before I take out my lenses, just as a precaution. Those lenses must have been stuck on there like an octopus sucker to do that amount of damage. Yeah so word of advice, if you wear your circle lens and thirty minutes later they do not move at all on your eyes, take them out and rewet them. If the problem persist, don't wear them.

>> No.7743815

I'm super scared about wearing circle lenses and stuff. I've never had to use glasses or contacts before, but lately my vision has gotten a little weird so I may be going to see my eye doctor soon. If so I'll ask him about contact lenses.

>> No.7743818

Nope, first thing I was told when I got contacts, try not to get them near water at all because waterborne bacteria can fuck up your eyes like nobody's business.

>> No.7743826
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Glad you mentioned that. They can get acanthamoeba parasite to essentially drill into the cornea and eat it away like that chick in Taiwan. Part of it's life cycle is entering the body through the eye.

>> No.7743828

holy fucking shit the mental imagery of ripping off my cornea like a stuck on price tag is horrifying. and I just went to the optometrist for a new prescription a few days ago.

>> No.7743831

It's like that article about the two guys who got flesh eating bacteria into their brains because they used tap water for their nasal rinse spray instead of sanitized bottled water. Tap water is not sterile at all.

>> No.7743837

Anon, are you sure it's not just a brand thing? I've had problems with two different solutions, but I've tried 3 other brands that agree with my eyes just fine. Have you tried a different brand?

>> No.7743853

My ex did that. I knew very little about wearing contacts and he had been wearing contacts for years, so I thought it was safe to wear contacts without taking them out for a while at first too. I think I left a pair in for a few days and my eyes went insanely blurry after taking them out.

He wore the same pair everyday for like the first several MONTHS I dated him by the way. I'm not sure how long they had been in before I began dating him. Very stupid thing to do, but he was apparently lucky and had no adverse reactions.

>> No.7743854

Brb taking out contacts to wash them with solution. A lot.

>> No.7743866

Where is that image from, anon? It looks like Junji Ito

>> No.7743903

Not to mention that in general you don't even need to clean your sinuses, they take care of themselves unless you have a cold/flu/allergies, and if you think there's an issue you should probably see your GP first.


>> No.7744075

different anon, it is.

>> No.7744083

Didn't a girl try to sell lenses that she "only wore for a minute" on the sales comm once? I remember loling at something like this.

>> No.7744102

Best is still the guy who tried to make contact lenses out of a plastic bottle and coloured them with sharpies or something. I think he was on coscom?

>> No.7744125

There was also that guy who tried to make "light up contacts" by rigging an LED light or something between two contacts.

>> No.7744139

Just looks like an eye infection... pink eye

>> No.7744155

Didn't he make em for or also made a walrus mask? I remember that being really creepy,

>> No.7744157
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Found it. Talk about a good way to permanently scratch up your eyes. Made mine water just watching it.

Ngl, after reading this thread I immediately exchanged my contacts for my glasses. I've worn contacts for years, but never really realized how possible it is to go blind from using them. Makes me reconsider not wearing glasses. The amount of times I've gone swimming in contacts.... Especially in a lake. That was a fucking awful decision in retrospect.

>> No.7744165

>The amount of times I've gone swimming in contacts....
Honestly, I don't think it's that terrible, just take them out and clean them right away afterwards, and don't go swimming for long periods of time. People who go swimming without contacts have just as much of a risk getting something in their eye as well.

>> No.7744187

I went in the ocean with contacts in and managed to get a bit of sand or salt or something in my eye so when I took the lenses out later I scratched my eye. Not major thing or anything, just a bit painful/really annoying until it healed. Don't think I'll do the same again, though, just in case.

>> No.7744193

That's what I thought, too. I had pink eye over winter break and my eyes looked just like that.

>> No.7744195

I used to swim in my contacts when I was younger. I never had issues. I don't anymore, though.

>> No.7744200

Eh, it depends on where you're swimming. A close friend of mine wore her contacts swimming in a chlorinated pool and ended up scratching her cornea to the point of not being able to wear contacts any more. Not too bad, no blindness or anything, but still.

>> No.7744208

You should avoid doing that if you go swimming, regardless of the type of water.
It's just a stupid decision that could end badly. Eyes are really delicate part of our bodies so we better take precautions.

>> No.7744217

>People who go swimming without contacts have just as much of a risk getting something in their eye as well.
True, but it becomes more of a problem when you're wearing contacts. You have to remember you're still putting something on your eye and you need it to stay as clean as it possibly can. Sure, the risk of infection is low, and most people who go swimming in contacts will turn out fine or only have minor problems, but you only get one pair of eyes, so there's no point taking risks with them.

>> No.7744623

I believe this chick, because I had a very similar experience last year even though it was no where as bad as hers.
I was wearing EOS puffy 3 tones (forgot where I bought it) and it wasn't painful or anything, although half an hour later I noticed that there was this dust spot that won't go away. The idiot I was, I rubbed it, and the blur spot just gets bigger and bigger. It didn't hurt at all though.
4h later the pain starts kicking in. It's gradual throbbing that will come back to haunt you once in a while. I bought some eye drops and thought it would do the thing. I took the contacts off and went off my day.
The day after, the throbbing pain increased to such a point that I had to leave work early. By night the pain grew so strong that I was a crying mess. I had to go to the ER, practically blind because it hurts even opening my unaffected eye. Half an hour of waiting after the doctor told me I had a cornea abrasion (it's no where as big as that chick's), gave me some anaesthesia and antibiotics and a follow up.
For the next week I couldn't do anything except curling up in bed. It hurts to open my eyes, and my eyes were constantly tearing up.
A month later I had to wear circle lenses again for cosplay. It was slightly uncomfortable but there was otherwise no issues. The day after the convention is over the similar throbbing pain returned, albeit much less intense than the first time.
Went to see an optimetrist and he told me I didn't have a cornea abrasion this time, but inflammation because my eyes are extremely sensitive. He then advised me to stop using circle lenses afterward.
I tried to wear another pair later on, and every time I put them on it is extremely unpleasant. I stopped wearing circle contacts after that.

>> No.7744631

Also, I was following all the precautions indicated. The lenses are all yearly but I throw them out every 3 months. I don't wear them often except for special occasion and regularly change the storing solution.

>> No.7744899

There's some solution that is really similar to your tear composition. I think it's called bio true or something. That stuff works really well for sensitive eyes

>> No.7744916

Dude, after the first time and an ER visit and all that pain, why on Earth would you even try to wear them again?! And then even again after a doctor told you not! That's so idiotic. Contacts for cosplay are not worth going blind over.

I already have medical conditions with my eyes that make contacts impossible, even regular wear contacts, and threads like this are terrifying to me and make me kind of glad I can't wear them.

>> No.7744917

the cornea can regenerate itself in less than 3 days.
once upon a time i was a sleepy dumbass and tried to remove a contact lens that I had taken out an hour before and forgotten about but
it grew back pretty fast.
i just wore an eyepatch and pretended to be david bowie lol
i was fine

>> No.7744923

>wore an eyepatch and pretended to be david bowie lol

You sound badass as fuck and I want to be friends with you

>> No.7744989

I deluded myself thinking that it was only that specific pair I had problems with so I wore different pairs on those two occasions.
Never again after that. It's just not worth the risk.

>> No.7745178

I actually wore contacts when I used to swim competitively, though I had goggles on. But sometimes the water would still leak into the goggles. I guess it wasn't so bad with prolonged exposure. I actually went to my eye doctor to ask for a prescription for custom goggles so I didnt need to wear contacts, but she said it was ok to wear contacts while swimming.

>> No.7745243

>mfw been wearing contacts for about 6 years now, since I was 12
>mfw really blind, went from -2.75 to -5.50 in a matter of a couple years
>wear contacts alot, carry eyedrops if irritation occurs but if headache sets in switch to glasses

Really, it's easy to take care of lenses and your eyes no matter what. I sometimes accidentally sleep with them in but only usually naps and I make sure I put drops in before I attempt to take them out. Women are just dumb.

>> No.7745374

these stories have me freaking out about the newest pair I bought (my 6th pair, never had any problems before with various diameters)

I noticed they don't move as much as regular lenses (they didn't immediately move into place with a blink) but they were comfortable to the point where I pretty much didn't notice them in my eyes. I took them out about 6 hours later and I found it took slightly more effort to remove the way I usually do.

I looked at my lens bottle and the base curve is 8.8 compared to other circle lenses I've used that all had base curves of 8.60.
these seemed slightly tighter on my eyes

does this mean the lenses don't fit my eyes and I shouldn't use them?? please help ;-;
they're Dueba Barbie lenses 14.5 diameter

>> No.7745430

Uhhh so do you not even know what your own base curve is?

>> No.7745432

Ive been looking at how to take care of lenses but Ive actually never had any. I really want to get a pair but theyll probably cost around $60.
Also do you know how to get a measurement of eñyour eyes from your eye doctor? Do you specifically ask for it or do they give it to you when you go for an appointment to try putting in contacts ect?

>> No.7745437

8.6 is tighter than 8.8, actually.

>> No.7745438

Sorry I want to start wearing contacts but
whats a base curve? How do you find yours? What other measurements should I know about?

>> No.7745441

Go see your eye doctor and tell him/her you want to start wearing contacts. They'll give you all the measurements you need, and tell you which solutions are the best for your eyes.

>> No.7745454

Exterminatus pls

>> No.7745456

I find this story highly unlikely

>> No.7745467

This was also a plot for an episode of house, ha.

>> No.7745468

I wonder how many people are using circle lenses right now without ever having consulted or seen a doctor about it.

>> No.7745481

>Go see your eye doctor and tell him/her you want to start wearing contacts.

Why would you already have an eye doctor if you have no vision problems? If you don't, do you just walk into any opticians?

>> No.7745485

You should get your eyes checked once a year at least, dude. It's not like people who have 20/20 never need to check up on their eyes. Also, yes, if you have insurance? You can walk in or make an appointment with most places.

>> No.7745502

>You should get your eyes checked once a year at least, dude. It's not like people who have 20/20 never need to check up on their eyes.
Seems like a complete waste of the doctors and my time to be honest. I don't think it's the norm here unless your GP recommends it or you suddenly start having vision problems. I've never heard of anyone here, even people who have glasses going to get checked up on just because.

>Also, yes, if you have insurance? You can walk in or make an appointment with most places.
I don't have insurance because I live in the UK, so it's free.

>> No.7745504

Im new to circle lenses, but I've been wearing regular prescription contacts for years. I know the basics (Dont wear them long/too often, etc.)
Any other musts I should write down?

>> No.7745505

It's exactly like people who think they can brush their teeth once a month and that won't ever hurt them.

>> No.7745526

It happened in Louisiana.

>> No.7745642

not everyone needs prescription contacts and has to go to their eye doctor. The 8.6 diameter can usually fit anyone.

>> No.7745751

Usually being the key word there. It's worth getting a check up to know for certain anyway.

>> No.7745774

Did you not read the thread?

>> No.7745805

Like the doctor cares, it's his job to check eyes. Go to one at least once to make sure you don't have any eye problems

>> No.7745834

I'm not from this board so I don't know if this is the norm but that's one dumb fucking analogy.

>> No.7745884

How is it dumb? People fuck up their bodies because they don't pay attention to anything and can't comprehend non-instantaneous consequences.

>> No.7746116

$5 says this anon is getting their eyes in contact with the cleaning solution before it's neutralized

>> No.7746118

How? It's saline, that's literally just fucking tears!

>> No.7746190

Okay thanks!!

>> No.7746806

Lots of peoples' are. There's sensitive solutions though.

>> No.7746954

Um, contact solution isn't *just* saline, have you ever looked at the ingredient list? It's formulated for cleaning and storing contacts, and has a whole lot of preservatives and things that can irritate eyes. This is also why eye drops are a separate product and you shouldn't use your contact solution directly into your eyes.


>> No.7747000

Louisiana? Well that explains a lot.

>> No.7747233

I had a cat do the same damage she did to her eye to me.
Its not that big of a deal.

>> No.7747240

>People using contact solution directly into eyes.
Holy shitsnacks, what?

>> No.7748176

looks like she got pink eye, did she not wipe before she put in her lenses?

>> No.7749707

A better analogy would be buying a bottle of over the counter pills without reading the label.

>> No.7749735

It depends on what kind. Most contact solutions have the exact same ingredients as the eye drops at a slightly higher concentration.

>> No.7754783

ah, ye old poop in the eye. someone sharted on her pillows

>> No.7755047

If you are wearing them every day, no. You can't. I don't wear mine often, and even then after 9-10 months I chuck them.

>> No.7755801

>People who go swimming without contacts have just as much of a risk getting something in their eye as well.
Yeah, but those people don't have have a little piece of silicon in their eye, keeping whatever dirt/debris/bacteria trapped there.

>> No.7756481

That cosplayer is stupid.
She is misleading everyone by blaming it all on not getting contact lenses directly from her doctor.
That's the stupidest thing ever.

>> No.7756522
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>> No.7756571
