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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7737819 No.7737819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just showed up on my feed, I forgot why I liked this chick's page so I'm not donating. How dumb is it to not just
A) Save up travel costs before reaching out to an agency
B) Save up travel costs and approach agency again

>> No.7737823

>skinny camwhore asking for money
She'll get it.
Just move on op, life is bullshit and you just have to ignore the bratty shits who get things handed to them.

>> No.7737825

hey, 750 quid is nowhere near enough

>> No.7739089

Another wannabe-famous-in-Japan girl asking for donations to fund her "dream". Nothing new there.

>> No.7739101

>In which /cgl/ offers some useful life lessons.

>> No.7739103

I smell self-post all over this.

>> No.7739130

Well it's not £15,000-tier bad, but seriously... she wouldn't have anything left over after paying for a flight and a hotel.
And Kickstarter begging is really starting to go too far now

>> No.7739138

what the hell is 750 euros going to pay for? its like she's either going to be A. famous or B. Hooking the second shes off the plane.

>> No.7739140

Unfortunatelly, this person is right.

A cosplayer that I have followed a couple of years, from I don't know where, recently started to ask for DONATIONS for hercosplays while she has 2 jobs and always updates her instagram with sushi, things she buys and other stuff that proves that she's not "poor".

I think it's so lame to ask for your followers for money, just get your priorities straight.

>> No.7739144

Dude just go to Gofundme and search cosplay.

>> No.7739145

This generation of kids begging for money on the internet because they're too untalented to make it themselves is just going to keep getting worse, isn't it?

>> No.7739172


What's even worse is the gullible people willing to donate to these unprepared brats in exchange for poor backer prizes like a fan signing or a video dedicated to them.

"Actress, model, performer, novelist and cosplayer" yet this girl can't even fund her own trip to Japan. Asif.

>> No.7739175

Hey, I'd work if there were any jobs available

>> No.7739216

What will she even do in Japan?

From her videos, her Japanese looks weeb-level at best. How will she communicate with this company or any clients who will hire her? The whole thing sounds like a scam to me. She has to be in Japan to sign the contract or else they won't sign her? How does she not smell scam? She must be completely blind. I hope she knows that she needs the proper visa to stay and work in a foreign country and that you can't just waltz in there and earn money.

>> No.7739217

"Help us get to Anime Expo"

Seriously? Just grow up and earn the money yourself. If you have to ask for donations to just go to a con, then just don't go. There are far more things I'd rather spend my money on than this.

>> No.7739234


It looks like she wants funding for the flight only. I assume this agency that wants to sign her up will provide the housing, bill coverage, food supplies, travel money + everything else she needs?

It doesn't add up. She claims to live on her own and takes care of her own living expenses, yet expects to be given help towards her flight to Japan to sign a mystery contract because she can't afford it? Surely that's taking a risk...and why must they have it signed in Tokyo is beyond me. Many companies send the documents to you for signing and keep updated on your progress.

>> No.7739241

What agency in their right mind would sign her and pay for all of that, when they could hire a Japanese girl for much, much less and not have to deal with the legal and financial hassle that visas are? There are also lots of foreigners living in Japan with visas to pick from. Why not choose one of those instead of picking a no-name talentless girl that doesn't understand Japanese? It screams scam. Either way, shes scamming backers on KS or shes being scammed by this so-called "agency".

>> No.7739265


She claims she has saving funds that will cover everything else. But savings can only last for so long, especially in Japan as she's still a university student no doubt with grants & loans. Sounds like a load of waffle.

>> No.7739297

>any jobs available

1. Do you have any job experience?
2. Do you any education? (highschool does not count)
3. What are you expectations?

I'm not saying that is completely your fault your situation, but sometimes you need to not have high expectations.

>> No.7739321

Girl in OP could work flipping burgers for a summer and make that dosh. It just exemplifies how damn unnecessary these "Pay for me to become a princess!" requests are.

>> No.7739584

There are agencies that will pay for the model's housing, food, travel, expenses, etc that are essentially a scam. They force the model's to work ridiculous hours for a small salary and when the girl tries to quit makes them pay back whatever the agency already paid for her + interest. A lot of the girls that fall in this trap are from poor countries, so they have little choice but to continue or face outrageous debt.

>> No.7740026 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n9wyoraqh71tid9edo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone help me find anything similar to these thigh highs?

>> No.7740031

Fuck I posted in wrong thread, I had both this and the taobao tabs open and didn't double check
I'm full on retarded

>> No.7740049

The entertainment industry totally works this way. Morons with no apparent skills and no real performance history are in such huge demand, Japanese have to go overseas to find them. Because they have no entertainment industry of their own... Or something.

>> No.7740196
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>> No.7740276

Makes me sad, as I have been working for a year and will be up until next august to fund my trip to Japan, yet she has raised about 2 months of my earnings in a couple of hours. Yes i'm butthurt about it :)

>> No.7741786

This. It's hard to not degrade yourself while the rest are and getting your dreams.

>> No.7746722
File: 148 KB, 850x1204, sample-e2f7f1941c4d5f80bc9ae766ece0da3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw she just uploads a cheesy montage video and her cosplays are awkward

>> No.7746732

usa doesnt care about your european gobeldygook
$$$ plz

>> No.7746844

Sounds like she's just a wanna be Beckii bitch.
If she was worth their time they wouldn't be making her give them money in order to have them pay attention to her.

>> No.7747081

Her dances aren't even that good.

>> No.7747465

>another pasty white trash weeb trying to get to japan
Hopefully some 45 year old modeling manager will fuck her on cam casting couch style and send her back to Euroland so she can cry on her blog about it.
She's not even pretty. What does she think she has about her that a japanese modeling agency couldnt get out of a prettier japanese girl who will accept less pay and actually fluently speaks the language of her clients?

>> No.7747485

>applemilk did it first
>nevar forget

>> No.7748138

This is almost as good as Rosaire's gofundme for pocket money.

>> No.7748695

Who's that?

>> No.7748705

Why not just do some auditions to become an idol in japan?
get an agent, suck some dick, and the rest is history.

>> No.7749535

>money for food and medical expenses = pocket money
Only on /cgl/.

>> No.7749552

You must be a pretty intense newfag

>> No.7752054

Lets go together anon, I am being serious. I plan to go next august as well.

>> No.7753167
File: 70 KB, 740x1214, lolcach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's posts like these that are the reason I still follow jrcach haha.