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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 5 KB, 289x195, Animethon_Official_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7736040 No.7736040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone going to Animethon this weekend?
Also is cosplay going to be allowed this year?

>> No.7736060

no, there were too many instances with slutty cosplay and the dorms. they have a pretty strict policy this year for it

>> No.7736087


>> No.7736094

its not cosplay thats banned its just homestuck cosplay thats banned this year. no more homestuckfags thank fucking christ

>> No.7736534

why the fuck was homestuck banned the fandom is not even slightly as shitty as the convention

>> No.7736561
File: 55 KB, 625x626, I8yYHA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7736562

I'm excited! Got like 5 days off, so I can dick around Edmonton for a while before and after. Also, one of my co-panelists just found out he can make it so fuckyear. Be sure to go to my panels, you nerds!

>> No.7736689

What's your panel?

>> No.7736760

fall for what

>> No.7736786

I've got two. Zapp's Spaceship of Love presents: Variety hour, and Zapp's Spaceship of Love presents: Critical Fail.

The first is kind of a taste of what we do at Sakura-Con, with audience involved little games and the like. Normally it's a question and answer sort of thing where people remain in character, but since this is a smaller con, we're going to try out some of the other ideas we've had but never got to do. For example, the first part is going to be a game we're calling Jojo's Bizarre Pose Off. You should be able to guess what that'll involve.

Critical Fail is something we tried at Sakura-Con and had fun with. It's us "DMing" a game of D&D with members from the audience. However, we do not use any dice. Instead, the party members, made up from the audience, must do their skill checks using a jenga tower, with various arbitrary challenges thrown in the way, such as being unable to use your hands, dance while removing 3 pieces, remove a piece while a DM dances infront of you, etc. When the jenga tower falls, that person is dead, and we bring up someone new.

>> No.7737041

When will your second panel be? I can't seem to find it on the schedule.

Finally decided on cosplay lineup. Friday I'll be Miss Pauling from TF2 and on Saturday will be Sailor Neptune. I've been really sick for the past week so I'm really hoping to be better by Friday. Looking forward to it this year. The con seems to be a lot better now that they are under new management imo. The pins are really cute too. Anyone going to be getting the pins?

>> No.7737066


Saturday, nine till ten thirty in 8-211.
It was on the bottom of the page.

Sailor Neptune.... Do you know of the Moonie meet up Saturday morning??

>> No.7737079

Well I'm a derp who can't read. Thanks! Yeah I plan on going to the meetup! Just gotta get my ass out of bed on time, haha.

>> No.7737081

I've just read over the policies, and there is no mention of Homestuck or body paint bans.
I'm sure the news of banning Homestuck cosplay has more to do with the hotels and rented rooms that the cosplayers have to clean up in. Many of these kids will trash the bathroom while showering off their bodypaint. When that happens, the housekeepers (that's me) have to spend extra time scrubbing out the bathroom, and the paint sometimes stains the walls and shower curtains.

tl;dr No bans in A-thon policies. Homestucks are just fuckwits who trash hotel bathrooms.

>> No.7737088

>tfw you live at MacEwan residence, but you're a staff member at the residence and you'll be in training seminars all weekend.

All these tears.

>> No.7737112


Yeahh, that is the part that scares me about it.
Just gotta avoid parties the night before!


I think it's a joke. I recall last year someone making a joke about cosplay being disallowed here as well.


You stopped answering my e-mails anon.
Vicki, right?

>> No.7737117

Was it last year or the year before that when they had to ask the Homestuck kids to clean their mess outside the front doors?

>> No.7737132


I promise I still love you, just been busy freaking out over shoes and school abloobloobloo

>> No.7737134

I'll be there. Will also be cosplaying, if I ever get to finishing my costumes. Not sure why I waited so long to do anything because now I'm like "I kind of don't care anymore".

Also, "Also is cosplay going to be allowed this year"?? I'm confused. Is this a joke, or did you legit not know, OP?

>> No.7737183


>> No.7737425
File: 61 KB, 500x375, sfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray for being a loser who doesn't get invited to parties! Haha hope to see you at the meetup!

No joke. All anime is banned. It's a Seinfeld convention now

>> No.7737481



Senpai!! I mean that little to yoouL!LL


CHocoo. you so meean.
And I'm sure you'dl get invineted. All you got to do is sho wu up to the dance thing. or be seimi attracttiv..

>> No.7737494

How much Kraken have you had already?

>> No.7737507


Justhd enough....
Enough to geta horse druunk. Moaybe.
I've never tried it. Have horsese, but we haven't aeven attempeted training them. It takes years.

My name is Chris. Hi!

>> No.7738411

Is anyone else expecting the masquerade ball to be an absolute trainwreck? With the dress code, I bet the whole dance will be filled by poorly dressed children.

>> No.7738423

Turns out I've got labyrinthitis, so I can't balance for shit. I'm living on campus but I may not be able to make it even if I do end up having time. Ughhhh

>> No.7738428

I'm excited for all the fedora neck beards with poorly made masks. Especially the ones that will be taking the ballroom dancing classes. I'm gunna sit on the sidelines and watch them fail with everyone.

>> No.7738510

Does the con offer wheelchairs to those who are unable to walk?

>> No.7738595

The con? No. The university doesn't either. I broke my leg in January and the only building that has a wheelchair is the residence, and you aren't allowed to remove their chair from the residence building.
I don't have good coordination with my inner ear all fucked up anyways, and using a clunky hospital issue wheelchair alone is more pain than gain. I'm a dizzy mess, but I can look forward to it clearing up within a week yaaaay...

>> No.7738749

So how ready is everyone for the con? Is everyone doing new costumes or are you repeating some? Choco are you going to go as pascal? I love that costume!!

>> No.7739046

>two days to finish two costumes
>fuck fuck fuck
Things aren't going well, but they'll be done in time. I kind of wish I didn't jump on the Sailor Moon circlejerk before Crystal came out, I'm entirely regretting this.

>> No.7739095

Not ready at alllll. Three new costumes that are mostly finished, but still haven't touched my wigs and I've still got wigs to finish for friends as well. And I leave for the con tomorrow morning. Whoops

>> No.7739214

How far are you into your Sailor Moon costume? Which scout are you doing? All the finishing details on those can be a pain...
Wigs suuuuuuuck. I always leave those for the last minute too. What costumes are you doing?

>> No.7739352

Wigs are my worst enemy, I always have such terrible luck with them even though they're really not that hard. And I'm doing Ryuko from KLK, Princess Sailor Neptune, and Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew. So, at least my wigs are all really simple. Probably just gonna do them tomorrow at the dorms tbh. Are you cosplaying this weekend as well?

>> No.7739381

That sounds doable at least! I am going as Homura from PMMM, Riku from Kingdom Hearts, and Yuri from Tales of Vesperia.

>> No.7739457

La Reconquista!Sailor Moon and manga!Sailor Moon. I've got so much to finish for the musical fuku, I have to give up on it for now. Maybe I'll have it done for Otafest. I only have finishing touches left on manga-style Moon.

>> No.7739482

Oooo, I'm definitely gonna be looking out for your Homura. Just finished a Madoka re-watch so I'm excited about everything Madoka right now. Are you doing her puella magi outfit?

>> No.7739646

The musical outfits are so intricate... Hopefully you'll have it done for Otafest because I would love to see that.
I am trying to do her magi outfit but from when she first started out. So with the pigtails and the glasses. I broke my glasses this morning though so I don't know if I can anymore.

>> No.7739847

Sorry it's taken me so long to respond! Been trying really hard to finish my costume. Thank you! I won't be bringing Pascal but she has been my favourite to cosplay. I'll be cosplaying Miss Pauling from TF2 on Friday and Sailor Neptune on Saturday! Considering bringing Nausicaa for Sunday but I didn't get a chance to fix it so really unsure.

I hope I can get a photo with you if you're doing Princess Sailor Neptune on Sat! I'm just doing her first sailor fuku. Look forward to seeing your cosplay regardless.

>> No.7740097
File: 296 KB, 500x500, richard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there on Friday wearing pitch-black armor and a white mask.
Same thing I wore last year, actually.

I have a new job since last year, though, and this one actually has me working one of the booths in the Vendor's Hall. I'll drop a hint: I'm going to be wearing a Hotline Miami getup and selling video games.

Don't hesitate to come say hi.
I know I will.

>> No.7740882
File: 98 KB, 512x640, 000io97098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested in seeing how the masquerade dance turns out. Looks like Animethon is trying a lot of new things this year that I'm interested in.
Also... cosplay fix-up station? Great idea. I always feel bad for that one person whose outfit falls apart during the day... Will be nice to not have to worry about carrying duct tape, extra threads and safety pins in my bag.

>> No.7741974
File: 243 KB, 1200x1200, 2035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to see you guys at FBF bingo on Saturday.

>> No.7741979

My Bf is going as Snake from metal gear and I'm going as Mako Mori from Pacific Rim, if you guys saw me at the con we should hang out.

>> No.7742025


Wasn't planning to. But now I might.

Oh I know you. Say hi to /v/ for me. Or don't, that'd be kind of weird.

>> No.7742119

My inner ear isn't being terribly fussy today, so I might be able to sneak over for the vendors hall tomorrow night! I'll try to scope a few of you out, I'm not sure if I'll wear my lame fawn dress coord or not...

>> No.7742762

Welp, I just had a critical cosplay failure,
I'll just have to go as a normal till I can get extra
Super glue and tape to finish and cosplay on Saturday .
See you guys there

>> No.7742956

Wasn't going to go, because I prefer OtaFest in Calgary.

But I might be staffing the Saturrday cause I have nothing else to do, and I'll get in free.

>> No.7743403

Anyone else here rn? The vendors hall line is so long...

>> No.7744138

How was day 1? I had to miss it but I'll be there for the rest of the weekend.

>> No.7744392

It was alright. Forgot how strict weapons check is and had to take my prop back to my room after the first hour haha. I didn't really go to any events besides the ball (which was way better than I thought it would be TBH), and the AA and Vendor's were a lot better this year, I think.
Not many events I want to go to though, really. Panel selection is shitty this year.

>> No.7744679

so far all I've done is buy pins from the otafest table to feed my growing collection. Such a shame the vendors hall seems to be full of bootlegs and that line was no bueno.

>> No.7744788
File: 21 KB, 567x456, 1268353027218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was the dance last night? Did anyone get some grope action going?

>> No.7744909

Can someone explain the appeal of the pins to me? It seems like a waste to buy them in my opinion.

>> No.7745120

I put the pins I collect on my bulletin board as decoration.

>> No.7745446

Collecting for collection's sake. Like your mom's fancy plate collection that she keeps on the wall, or maybe tucked away. Or decorative spoons. Or sexual partners. Or troll dolls. Or burando.

>> No.7745736

only otafest staff prefer otafest. nothing about it is better.

>> No.7745739

at those prices, yeah, pretty wasteful. started as otajews trying to pocket even more money... disappoint it spread to athon.

>> No.7745922

I have pictures of cosplays from the con as well as the Lolita Fashion show.

>> No.7745923

Should I dump?

>> No.7745951

Yikes, the League group. They're cute but holy shit they know absolutely nothing about the game.

>> No.7745969

I saw the cutest pigtail Homura, but she had black glasses. What day were you doing Homura?

>> No.7745972

Yes! I missed the fashion show...

>> No.7746077

Yes! I've been looking for pictures of people I know and haven't seen any yet.

>> No.7746089
File: 632 KB, 1152x2048, 2014-08-09 18.05.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita Fashion show Dump

Sorry about the shitty camera my batteries died, so I switched to my tablet camera.

>> No.7746094
File: 679 KB, 1152x2048, 2014-08-09 18.07.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7746098
File: 712 KB, 1152x2048, 2014-08-09 18.08.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7746101

Anyone having lotsa fun?
Best year yet for me,
Saw the guests,
Went to panels,
Enjoyed the events
Bought some nice posters,
Talked shop with fellow cosplayers,
Had my picture taken,
Fought solaire,
Got invaded,
(I was the elite knight from dark souls)

>> No.7746105
File: 709 KB, 1152x2048, 2014-08-09 18.08.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7746108
File: 681 KB, 1152x2048, 2014-08-09 18.08.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7746122

I saw you! Nice job on it!

>> No.7746130
File: 659 KB, 1152x2048, 2014-08-09 18.09.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7746177

The gesture/taunt face off was the best!

>> No.7746199
File: 1.57 MB, 2592x1936, august 2014 042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a few pics today

>> No.7746204
File: 2.01 MB, 1936x2592, august 2014 048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7746205

It's a shame you missed it, it was pretty good.

>> No.7746208
File: 1.77 MB, 2592x1936, august 2014 050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Team America!

>> No.7746282

Here' the rest

>> No.7746764
File: 64 KB, 493x417, athon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone hear about something like this?

>> No.7746792

Anyone know who this is?

>> No.7746793

(the cosplayer I mean)

>> No.7746795

No but saw some guy get arrested. They had a police van and everything?? Not sure if it was a con goer or not, they weren't in cosplay. It was right outside 108th building I think? Around 7:30ish. Haven't heard anything about it yet either.

>> No.7746818

>you got hit by a car and it upset ME so much HOW DARE YOU

>> No.7746823


>> No.7747034

Lol omg shit happens yo. It's extremely common for bystanders to be a little upset or shocked by seeing an incident happen, and sometimes it can even go as far as actual shock and depression. This kid has no idea what kind of terms they're throwing around, but it's legit to be sad way after the accident occurred.

>> No.7747136

Well. If any one else is still alive, I'll be out there wearing a pink maid outfit.
And I'm still looking for ya Choco.

>> No.7747210

But I came up and talked to you yesterday in artist alley. I was the Sailor Neptune. I'm sorry! I should have clarified it was me. You looked great btw! I'll come find you today. I'll be wearing a short pink wig with a black bow and a dress that has eyeballs, skulls and purple bunnies, carrying a One Piece backpack and a Sylveon plushie! (If anyone sees me please feel free to come say hi!)

So far having a great con! (Besides my Neptune heels murdering my feet) I hope everyone else is too. I'm really happy they got building 9 as well, it's really helped not make things so conjested. Only have gone to the Zapp panels and the 404 18+ show but both were amazing. Had a wonderful time embarassing myself at the variety panel trying to act out Bible Black.

>> No.7747350

When was that, on Friday or Saturday? I did see a small group of youngsters hanging out in the grassy field area and smoking weed in their punk gear, was that one of them?

>> No.7747366
File: 2.46 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I was walking by and there was a dull thud followed by "OH FUCKKK" and by the time I turned around and got there the guy who got hit was sitting up and seemed fairly okay. I think he had a broken or fractured leg but managed to get himself into the ambulance stretcher, no spinal bird needed or anything.

>> No.7747368 [DELETED] 

that was some overtly drunk guy who was being an ass-hat in line for AMV Hell 7. We had a jovial conversation before he was inevitably taken away by the po po for being such an ass-hat. Very open about his sexuality though, but still an ass-hat.

Did I forget to mention he was being an ass-hat?

>> No.7747369

*spinal board

Spinal bird... Oh man lol

>> No.7747374

could have been the 106 building

that was some overtly drunk guy who was being an ass-hat in line for AMV Hell 7. We had a jovial conversation before he was inevitably taken away by the po po for being such an ass-hat. Very open about his sexuality though, but still an ass-hat.

Did I forget to mention he was being an ass-hat?

>> No.7747578


Oh snap. Didn't realize. Definitely had a mixup on who was dressed as who.

And haven't gone to many panels, but this beatboxing guy at tje talent show oa great.

>> No.7747728

So somebody on the Athon "community" page is throwing an absolute bitch fit over the fact he was away from the Friday dance because of his shoes.

When there was a fucking dress code.

Now people are flocking going on about how they might not be able to "afford" another outfit or how their character doesn't wear formal clothes and they deserve to get in.

It's fucking pathetic. I forgot how retarded this con base is.

>> No.7747807

Not really, I had so much fun there. Everyone was really friendly too

>> No.7747817
File: 107 KB, 475x623, pretty tasty....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snake here...

raving was awesome. so was sneaking around in muh box and photobombing bitches. I honestly had so much fun that day. i had to babysit some 15 year old strangers but i didn't mind really, my 2 friends left the rave to go to the bar...

oh yeah and this kitty girl tried to lick me and i went full autismo mode... was weird as fuck.

other than that full mirin' all day, was the shit

>> No.7747872

Hey snake man, it was nice meeting you on Saturday!

>> No.7747917

hey, met so many people that day and had so many pictures taken that i didnt even have time to take any myself lol.

if you want to hang out, or talk about future con i'll leave my mail.

>> No.7748063

I saw you playing DDR! I was the one wearing the galaxy print seifuku

>> No.7748137

"Are you guys... together?" "Yeah." "wtf!?"

Dang, I had no idea we had mutual friends already! What a small world...

>> No.7748905

Did anyone go to the Take the Stage?

I noticed this year the cosplay contest felt like there were more skits and less people awkwardly walking on and standing there doing nothing so it was much easier and more fun to watch! I wonder if those awkward people were moved to Take the Stage?

>> No.7749339

They had DDR at the con?

>> No.7749352

No worries! It was awesome being able to talk with you for a bit today!

I'm sorry that wasn't me! I didn't play DDR at all this weekend. I can't remember if I saw you or not but your seifuku sounds adorable! Hope you had a good con!

>> No.7749598

They had one hard mat. I was disapointed they had no Dance Central this year. It's much more fun than DDR.

Was there a Mario Kart tournament?

>> No.7749923

They might have, but they definitely had A Smash Bros. Tournament.

>> No.7750257

I went to Take the Stage. Some performances were pretty lackluster, (Especially the Asuna with no mic control at all.) I really enjoyed the Levi who sang and the beatboxing guy, they were both really impressive. Overall Take the Stage was enjoyable to watch, unlike the karaoke contest at Otafest which I found was extremely disappointing.

>> No.7751449
File: 1.42 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20140809_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, was a fun end to the con for me.


I think I saw you. Unless someone else had a galaxy fuku. It was cute though.

>> No.7751797
File: 1.52 MB, 2592x1936, august 2014 037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on you sweer potatoes, I wanna see some pics and videos!

>> No.7751803
File: 58 KB, 322x686, 0cdbefff-4e62-4b32-98a4-9b8af7210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplayed Persona 3 MC, how did I do?

Captcha: thou idedtpo

>> No.7751831

I hope you went.

>> No.7751856
File: 154 KB, 720x960, 10589854_10203584747250636_1203616188_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo i went there this year! woot animethon maybe you saw me?

>> No.7751865

Fuck yeah, got your picture with Aqua

>> No.7751876

If anyone went to Foul Bachelor Frog Bingo, do you have any suggestions how I could have improved it?

program suggestions?
Coloured pencil suggestions?
Candy suggestions?
suggestions on suggestions people could suggest?

>> No.7751880

Variety Hour video. I have no idea why it letterboxed the video. I'll have to figure it out later, but, it's uploaded for now. Can check our facebook page for updates.


>> No.7751889
File: 76 KB, 405x720, 10544786_482362548533816_3078253860001843553_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well check her and i out of fb man we want to talk to more cosplayers and cosplay fans. its nerdpunk coplay .

>> No.7751896

>My gut is showing in almost every pose

I need to work out to become a better jojo.
I also need to read jojo and memories the poses.

>> No.7752113
File: 1.44 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20140809_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, you see. The thing about that is.... I forgot to..

Here's a picture Of Taiga from Toradoradoradora to compensate?

I was there!
Looked like fun to participate in.

>> No.7752118

your cosplay is shit and you should kill yourself for trying to selfpost

>> No.7752120

there was a light Yagami who always impregnated his girlfriend, and a dude with REMARKABLY bad teeth.
You also missed out on fun, but what ever.

On the subejct of Zapps Panel, Jojo poses are always fun. Everything else looked fun too. He should keep on bringing the fun.

>> No.7752165
File: 60 KB, 720x405, 10455113_720682194635475_1359638961896246711_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suck a dick.

Insult me if you really want to.

Oooh. Sounds like I missed out on... Somethnig intense. As for JoJo poses....

>> No.7752166


That's not very nice

>> No.7752766

Has anyone seen any more photos of the Lolita Fashion Show? I couldn't get into the room in time and missed the whole thing.

>> No.7753255


There's an imgur album linked earlier in the thread.

>> No.7753319

I saw that. I should have said "Anyone have any more non-shit blurry photos of the fashion show?"

>> No.7753792

Remind me to dry hump the shit out of you guys

>> No.7753878


>> No.7754242

Here's the video for Critical Fail! God damn I can't wait to go do this panel again.


>> No.7754374

Totally gonna whore myself out here too and put our facebook page if anyone wants to keep up with our shenanigans.

facebook.com slash ZappBranniganSpaceshipOfLove