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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7735979 No.7735979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is it with girls trying to be the next JNig?

Like, if they wanna be popular, I get it, but why would anyone want to be like JNig? She's obnoxious, rude as fuck, and is basically only popular because sex appeal sells. I've heard she buys her cosplays too, so she might not even have craftsmanship going for her.

Why are so many tween/teen girls so hellbent on worshiping and becoming like her?

>> No.7735988

Because they want to be worshiped by fedora-armor wearing white knights and nice guys.

>> No.7735989

I assume as much.

I just wish people still tried to get popular via good craftsmanship instead of taking the easy way out and being like "BOOBS!" because basically anyone (guys and girls) can get away with not having a good cosplay as long as they're attractive and half-naked.

But maybe I'm just a jealous flat bitch. I dunno.

>> No.7735991

I don't know who she is, but where has jnig been rude? I never really understood the hate to her because in public and on her pages she seems to be pretty friendly.
Outside of cosplay I don't really know why her personality is even relevant because that has nothing to do with cosplay itself.

>> No.7735993

it's about masking their insecurity.

If they're confident about their life and themselves, they wouldn't be so hell bent on trying to be famous by a silly dress-up hobby. Worst of all, these people don't even try to improve themselves. They have no occupational skills/experiences and are generally too lazy to get a degree and better jobs. That's why they try so hard to be internet famous with fedora tipping losers as their fanbase.

>> No.7735998

There's been a lot of stories floating around of her being racist and homophobic and the like, and going up to random cosplayers and being like "your cosplay would be so much better if x" without them even asking her anything.

I could be completely wrong on that front and it could be complete bullshit, though.

>> No.7736006

>racist and homophobic
I'm guessing playing it fast and loose with words like "nigger" and "faggot". She did spend a lot of time self-promoting on /cgl/ in the past, it could just be the 4chan showing through.

>> No.7736012

Eh, Im with you.

Well, she obviously is going to be all sweeheart like in her page, she need to be but every 'bad' thing that I have heard of her are just random rumors so... we dont know?

>> No.7736013

I highly doubt either of that is factual in any ways, especially considering she's so obsessed with females and has huge collections of figures and even a daki of Sonico?
I donno, that kinda rumour could be spread about anyone by anyone just to make someone look bad, I'm no whiteknight or anything, I just don't see any reason to hate her. She's nice to people in public, has decent cosplays, enjoys herself- fine in my book.
And as >>7736006 said, it could just be that. I mean I use both of those words and I'm not racist/homophobic in any way. Not to mention she plays LoL and it's kind of common to have a vulgar vocabulary in the toxic ass community that game has.

I guess other people that try to be like her are what others say, guys will flock to women like that.
It seems like it's hard to get known in the cosplay world without already having a small fanbase and expanding upon it- I know a few people that are exceptionally good at making armor and have no names for themselves whatsoever. Then again, they don't go out and try to get popular or anything.
I'm kind of dragging on my point but I guess people just want to get popular fast.

>> No.7736022

big boobs = money and fanboys

I'd do it if I were in better shape tbh

>> No.7736045

I don't know what exactly the term is, but I meant like...homophobic, but not against lesbians or anything, just strictly gay men and such. Actually, that might've been Yaya Han now that I think more about it. I think I made an oopsie.

And yeah, the end's basically what I've thought so far.

Cosplay construction doesn't really attract fame anymore and it makes me really sad. It's like booth babe-esque cosplays are, as a whole, more appreciated than really intricate cosplays.

Oh well, it can't be helped, I suppose.

>> No.7736054

>girl wants to be the next J-Nig
>girl gets butthurt when guys start commenting on their tits and ass

stop this

>> No.7736070

Any girl thirsty enough to be cosplay famous and live a lifestyle where you're practically paid to parade around in costumes, make money off sex appeal and have a legion of male fans will want to go down her path. Plus Jnig gets everything handed to her on a golden plate. Everything from commissioned costumes, VIP access, meetings with top game producers, fanboys buying her prints and more.

Or if they're more up for a challenge, go down Yaya's extreme detailed cosplay making and competition entering, with an addition of showing off the chest 90% of the time. Cosplay has majorly evolved into the fame hungry sort, no doubt thanks to these two.

>> No.7736071

Jessica Nigri is not "rude" or "obnoxious as fuck." She's actually very nice and down to earth. In fact, part of her popularity comes from her sweet, open attitude that makes her so approachable and likeable.

Women have always wanted to be the centers of attention since the dawn of time, especially girls who cosplay. It only makes sense that they'd want to be like the girl getting the most attention. And nobody cares if you bought a costume or not.

>> No.7736072

met her IRL and she was very nice. and this was after 30 or so people trying to meet and talk to her.

her boobs were rock hard though

>> No.7736078

If you're a "professional", you should make your costume. There's hotter chicks with actual craftsmanship that should have nigri's place instead of her but don't.

>> No.7736083

Ironically, that's one of the reasons J-Nig is so popular. You can talk and comment about her sexually and she'll smile and take it as a compliment. Other female cosplayers get scared of sexuality and the attention causes them to elect men at cons as their sworn enemy.

Jessica isn't just known because she's hot. It's also because she's such a cool chick who accepts everyone. Jessica wunnabes should remember this. You don't become an e-celeb by complaining and attacking.

>> No.7736084

She's never been the prettiest or hottest cosplayer. She got her fame by self promoting. Whoever wants to get more famous than she is will have to network better than she has.

>> No.7736089

JNig pls go

>> No.7736092

I don't think its quite as simple as self-promoting. Many cosplayers have been promoting themselves for years or even decades and didn't get the following Jessica got almost overnight.

>> No.7736095

So you like Jnig because you can sexually harass her without retaliation?

>> No.7736097

>Why are so many tween/teen girls so hellbent on worshiping and becoming like her?

Oldfag here. This isnt anything new in cosplay. I think the only difference now is that you can now make money off it. But before FB likes we had Deviant art page views, cos.com comments/views, geocitie sites with ranking boards.

It would be better for you to just move on and not to let it bug you. If someone wants to make an ass of themselves and pretend their cosfamous then let them. If wont effect you if you dont let it. Jnig cosplaying doesnt stop me from buying my fabric, sewing my costume and going to a con to had fun with friends. And I still get decent views and comments from people who like my costumes on the social media sites where I post shit.

>> No.7736100

Why do you hate JNig so much? She's never done anything to anyone. If you were a good person you'd be happy for her.

>> No.7736103

It was self-promotion. But with her it was the timing of her self-promotion. She was the first one to capitalize on facebook when it was just starting out.

>> No.7736106

Yaya has proved that having skills mean nothing. They will always still resort to selling themselves out. Point out a cosplayer with amazing craftsmanship that doesn't stoop to their levels to stay relevant. It's impossible.
If Kamui herself has to repeatedly do armor bikini's to stay popular this will forever be a problem.

>> No.7736107

Jnig is likeable because she doesn't falsely ACCUSE men of harassment or sexual misconduct over non-issues, just like what you're doing now.

>> No.7736108

Did teen girls want to become Francesca Dani years ago? She was basically the same as JNig but everyone laughed at her instead of idolize her.

>> No.7736109

Men have always liked them blonde, dumb, and quiet. This isn't new.

>> No.7736110
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>> No.7736113

I think "normal" people are to blame. The ones who blew off cons as just something for geeks and losers, are now the very same people attending because they want to see the hot babes in revealing outfits and costumes, such as JNig.

She then capitalized on this and gained a fanbase, and now if you want to go anywhere in terms of recognition in cosplay, you'll be wanting to show off your stuff.

>> No.7736114

Yes. I feel so much regret and shame.

>> No.7736116

Dumbasses like you think everything is sexual assault. Get off the cross.

This is why you'll never be as loved as Jessica.

>> No.7736117

Oh god, my sides. You're my new favourite person on /cgl/.

>> No.7736121

The guys in the fedoras are the ones who side with the stupid cosplay =/= consent bullshit. But thank you for illustrating that you don't actually have a rebuttal.

>> No.7736124

Hmm, well it's not entirely just her but she started the trend of shitty whore cosplay. She made it acceptable to be a fake nerd girl (even though she's not really, although buying figures you can't even name the series from is dumb). She takes characters and instead of doing the original justice she just has to make it slutty. League is the only thing I've seen her do accurately (even that has exceptions, see Slut!Teemo and Slut!Ziggs) but even then her shitty raccoon eyeliner makes it look bad. Basically she almost singlehandedly started the movement away from the love of the craft and the source material and towards looking as close to a Playboy centerfold as possible. That's what she stands for and she made her bed, now she has to lay in it.

>> No.7736125

Though Jnig isn't a natural blond nor quiet.

>> No.7736127

This. She was really in the right place at the right time. And from there she made the proper connections within gaming and comics to get promotional gigs and build up her rep as a spokesmodel. Look at her work with Suda51. She won her NA stuff with Lollipop Chainsaw but going to Japan and doing that release stuff there as well as working with promotional stuff with The Killer is Dead happened because the company liked her.

People can cry about how shes fake and isnt nice in person yadda yadda but she has to be easy to work with and created a good professional relationship with people otherwise they would just hire the next chick with big boobs.

>> No.7736128
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>> No.7736129

She has like a swarm of nerds who gift her crap like figures of anime/games she doesn't know about. I wouldn't be surprised if they also paid for her cosplay which she commissions.

>> No.7736130

Heh thanks!
I'm mostly just having fun at this point, people like that get mad so easily over their beloved cosplay idol it's great
sage for no contribution

>> No.7736133

>I have nothing to say anymore so I'll just flood with my image macro folder

>> No.7736135

To be fair Yaya was doing all of that far before Jnigs. Jnigs is just younger, hotter, more fit, and hardly ever attacks others whereas Yaya goes as far to sue people. One's more appealing than the other.

>> No.7736139

Jessica started cosplaying in 2009. People like Yaya Han, Adella, etc had facebooks long before that.

>> No.7736142

Nobody thinks Kamui is hot. She's got her tits hanging out in all her armor cosplays, yet if you read the comments, all they talk about is her craftsmanship. Nobody calls her sexy or makes sexual remarks. Plus her original cosplays weren't all that revealing, yet she managed to get famous from those.

>> No.7736144

They do. Like every coswhore all profits from prints goes into funding their costumes.

>> No.7736146

So here's an honest question,

if someone wears something that's revealing, like let's say it accentuates their ass or something, and you give a compliment on that, like, "you've got a nice ass" or something, is that evil?

>> No.7736147

Because Kamui is an actual artist and the 'sexy' cosplays she does are sexy because the character itself showed skin. Whereas J-nig stultifies everything for the sake of attention rather than for craftsmanship.

>> No.7736152
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>I mean I use both of those words and I'm not racist/homophobic in any way

There's a word for people like you, but I can't put my finger on it. Delusional? Retarded? Shallow?

>> No.7736154

There's just so much anger, it's great. Keep up the good work!

Anyway, back on topic, JNigs and Yaya (and various others, but these two are the top offenders) have created this cosplay culture where you can't and won't get popular nowadays unless your boobs are showing.

Like, I'm all for if someone's canon design has boob armour or has a swimsuit variation or something, and if someone got popular from that, I wouldn't care as much, but stuff like genderbent Ziggs with her breasts hanging out of her costume really irks me because there's no need to oversexualize a costume that isn't sexualized to begin with.

Also, cue the JNig fans that are like "but she's done non-sexualized cosplays!" and link like 4 out of a hundred or so cosplays where she just so happens to not be 100% boob.

>> No.7736155

No. But you will still be called a creeper and could potentially have a horror story told about you on the internet accusing you of attempted rape and stalking, giving an example of the terrors of conventions.

>> No.7736156

last I heard Kamui was doing a slutty genderbend version of Malthael.

>> No.7736157
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>Self promoting.

>> No.7736158

oops, I mean 'slutifies' meaning to make slutty for the sake of being worshiped by losers

>> No.7736159

>she started the trend of shitty whore cosplay

No sweetie it was always there. Ppl have been doing slutty version for of characters since the late 90s. Used to be trendy to do femVash for example. Its just that now that normalfags are getting into nerd culture because 'LOL Big Bang Theory is FUNNY!' shitty whore cosplays are able to get more attention. Before with cosplay the more well known people were the ones with awesome costume or good photographers.

>she almost singlehandedly started the movement away from the love of the craft and the source material and towards looking as close to a Playboy centerfold as possible.

Then its up to the community to change the direction back. Don't an elitist dick but push others to going back to learning to sew and striving for accuracy. Once the normalfags attention is gone shit will right itself. You are just going to have to wait it out.

>> No.7736160


Age doesn't mean anything. Yaya can sew almost anything, is an experienced competitor, and actually contributes as a guest at conventions. LOL what does JNigs do to earn her keep, why does she deserve a badge? Idk what kind of panels she runs but I guarantee you other than a Q&A on herself there's someone less famous but way more qualified to talk about almost any cosplay topic. Useless. Cons should at least waste their guest money on someone who can sew.

>> No.7736162

It isn't racist if you use the word as a joke. Humor != racism

>> No.7736164

I'm gay as fuck and I use faggot as a playful insult along with nigga.
You're trying too hard, man. Learn to fucking lighten up.

>> No.7736165

Would say it to someone in public outside of cosplay?
That's the only issue I have with it, like if you wouldn't say it in another situation, you're probably better off not saying it at all.

>> No.7736167

The only things Yaya Han "contributes" is to herself. She's an even bigger shameless attention whore than Jnig is.



>> No.7736168

*would you
That's like the 4th time I've just dropped a word completely, today is not my day

>> No.7736169

Az Powergirl
Marie-Claude Bourbonnais
I think we should list all the coswhores who got plastic surgery and are using it to make profit.

>> No.7736174

Yep. She wants in on the sexy cosplay money. Even got her husband to quit his job to try and do commission and poster sales for a living. Stupid girl. Unfortunately for her though her face/mouth isnt that great and living in Germany gives her a real handicap for people wanting to hire her for commissions. I remember another anon posted a FB post of hers complaining that she was getting more comments of ppl praising her armor then boobs. Now whether she was being series or not who knows. I am still shaking my head at her for her FB post about Blizzard not hiring her enough. And how they have done nothing for her.

>> No.7736175

My white friends and I jokingly call each other nigga all the time. Yet I have no problems with black people. I live in a multiracial area and most of my friends growing up were black.

Being disgusted by black people, getting up and moving when they sit next to you on a bus, committing hate crimes, etc. is racist. Not jokingly saying a word that black people use at least twice in every sentence.

>> No.7736178

But if someone is dressed in a costume specifically SHOWING their ass to everyone and obviously wanting attention for it, then it's not really the same thing. Logic would assume that the person dressed that way in such a manner is looking for attention/compliments of that nature. Would a stripper at a strip club claim "sexual harassment" if you said she had an amazing body? No, because its in context.

If you're not mentally prepared to receive sexual attention, don't sexualize yourself. Simple as that. There are plenty of non-sexual cosplays to choose from.

>> No.7736181

Do you have a screen cap of her complaining about Blizz? I've heard this mentioned a few times but I've never actually seen it. sage for no contribution.

>> No.7736183

>Even got her husband to quit his job
She's fucking retarded.

>> No.7736185

>comparing a convention to a strip club

>> No.7736189

Wow, someone's quite angry. No, I was bored at Katsu one year and I walked in to one of her panels. I really had a distaste for her but I was tired so I gave it a try. She had so much advice and was so gracious to her fans--and unlike one of JNig's panels, I'm sure, the audience was more women than men--I started to see her differently. She really does embody what cosplay used to be and while she does have to do her share of networking, social media, yes showing her body a bit...she's true to the source material, does her research, and this is her job, this is her career, and she has to do these things. But she never sold out and never took the easy way out. Even her original designs are intricate.

>> No.7736191

"W-why don't girls like it when I grab their ass in cosplay?"

Pay attention to your fucking surroundings. It's a convention, not a strip club. So what if someone's ass is hanging out of their cosplay? Maybe they want attention, maybe they don't. Some people want specific types of attention, like photo attention and stuff, some like verbal attention. But saying dumb shit like "I like your ass" in a convention is fucking spaghetti-tier.

At least try to have some tact and say something like "I like your cosplay" or whatever.

>> No.7736193

I like you

>> No.7736194

It's the same principal. Strippers go to strip clubs to strip, expose their bodies and have men oggle them. Con sluts go to cons to cosplay, expose their bodies and have men oggle them.

You want men to look at your sexy boobs and ass, drool over them and stand around taking pictures of your body but you dont want them talking about it to you. Makes no sense.

>> No.7736195

>except all these strippers with their asses and tits hanging out are underage and ignorant.
At least you don't have to pay them and still get a show.

>> No.7736197

I met her in real life and she was dismissive and aloof to me and exceptionally flirty with my S.O. I asked her about her costumes and the designs she used for pokemon and she was very typical white girl. I didnt really see anything especially awful about her but I wouldnt call her nice by any stretch.
She isnt stupid enough to be outwardly offensive, she makes a living off people liking her and her work.

>> No.7736201

Fuck yeah, Mikan noticed me. (Same person that said they liked you earlier, by the way!)

>> No.7736205

If a convention isn't a strip club, why are you stripping for it? Oh, right. Because you want respect.

And please, create some more strawmen. Nobody is running around grabbing your ass. It might happen in some isolated incidents but it's not the normal conduct you see at conventions. The worst you'll get at a con is to have some awkward guy say something weird to you.

Nobody is oppressing you. Build a bridge and get over it.

>> No.7736209
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>> No.7736212

So you went to a panel where yaya han endulges herself as a cosplay guru and from that you think she's mother theresa. Way to go.

>> No.7736215
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You're probably one of those people who thinks that certain girls deserve to be raped, huh?

>> No.7736216
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>Getting this defensive about Yaya
>Much detail
>Not taking the easy way out
You must be new to Yaya kek! Just take a look at your saint in her glory days, she was no different than Jnigs get your head out of your ass tool!

>> No.7736217

It's not an entirely appropriate comment. You can think that to yourself all you want, but once you say it out loud, you're probably not going to get the best response.

Not too long ago I dressed as Alexstrasza. A nerdy guy asked me for a picture, then started a polite conversation, asking me about how I got into WoW and how I made it. He then said, "yeah, you look great!"

To me, that's a really polite way of complimenting a girl. I was actually amazed at his social skills, because I half expected him to be a creep at first.

>> No.7736221

What does rape have to do with anything? Do you think correlating your experience of social awkwardness while cosplaying with rape will make it seem more important and dramatic?

>> No.7736222

Never said that, she's just never sold out (other than Heroes of Cosplay) like JNig and all of the other coswhores. She actually loves what she does because of the craft and not the attention. She does care what people think but that's because she realizes how fickle people are because she has to work twenty times harder to compete with JNig's and every other coswhore's boobs. I think she can be a drama queen and she does think too much of herself but on the other hand if she didn't have a high opinion of herself she'd break down.

>> No.7736224

You're so sweet, hahah thank you ;u;

>> No.7736227

>She actually loves what she does because of the craft and not the attention.

You can't be fucking serious.

>> No.7736229
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You're so full of bullshit and you don't even know it!
>she's sold prints of herself
>she's sold calendars of herself
>she's sold figures of herself
And CONTINUES to do so since the dawn of time. Jnig just fucking took notes. I pity your ignorance.

>> No.7736230


Maybe JNigs will grow out of it too, but all I'm saying is she has nothing to fall back on. This isn't really about Yaya, people already have formed their opinions of her long ago, but JNigs whiteknight anon is buttmad because Yaya actually had a shred of dignity left. Everyone has their weeb phase/con outfits they regret, that's probably one of hers.

>> No.7736231

You actually have common sense, it's amazing. #1 Mikan Fan NA, it's me~

You're losing you goddamn mind over not being able to tell girls that you like their ass. It's not acceptable behavior unless you're in an explicitly sexual situation.

Would you tell random girls in public that you liked their ass if they were wearing booty shorts or something? If yes, you're probably a fucking creep anyway. If no, now you understand why it's not acceptable in the context of a convention.

>> No.7736232
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All I have was what was posted in the original thread. Hopefully this thread wont get nuked. The original thread was killed after a while because of drama. You can read it and other post in the cgl archive.

>> No.7736233

Yaya always chooses characters that show off her tits and sometimes her ass too. She may enjoy the craft but she clearly loves attention too.

>> No.7736239

The craft, aka sewing/crafting. Not necessarily her source material, but I doubt she has the time to play vidya with every fucking other thing she has to so just to sustain a living off of cosplay.

How is that selling out? She's making a living.

God you jelly bitches are so quick to get mad

>> No.7736240

(you're so cool jfc, you actually have common sense too, let me be in your fanclub)

>> No.7736241

What job exactly does she expect to get hired by Blizzard for? Official Cosplay Ambassador? Costumed Massage Therapist?

>> No.7736242

You mean getting fat, right? Because that is literally the only reason Yaya had to bid her stripping days farewell. Now she feels compelled to be a spokesperson for conservative fatties? Fuck that, she's just butthurt that she can't do the same as well anymore. Newfag.

>> No.7736243
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She doesn't do it for "the craft". She does it to expose her boobs and get attention, same as Jnig.

>> No.7736246

>racist and homophobic
Like that means anything

>> No.7736251

Did Yaya delete her Facebook fan page?

>> No.7736252

Not gonna lie though, I do think Yaya is extremely talented when it comes to making costumes
Just wish she would have makeup that fits the character, she does the same exact makeup for every costume she makes...

>> No.7736255

I bet they offered her an unpaid internship with free four months of parking but clearly she's too stuck up and bitchy to take it

>> No.7736257


the craft dont pay bills

fanboys buying your prints do

>> No.7736258
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You're the one who suggested that Jnig was the only one of the two selling out. And now you've made a 180 saying that doing that stuff is just how a woman makes a living just because Yaya does it too? Kek!

>> No.7736260

>You're losing you goddamn mind over not being able to tell girls that you like their ass. It's not acceptable behavior unless you're in an explicitly sexual situation.

Why isn't it acceptable behavior? Is there where feminism has gone to now? Outlawing compliments on a woman's body, even when she's putting it on shameless display?

You know what's not acceptable behavior? Accusing men of being sexual deviants and molesters over something they said in the name of impressing your online pals with your self-elected victim status. If you want special respects and considerations, try giving some in return.

>Would you tell random girls in public that you liked their ass if they were wearing booty shorts or something?

See >>7736178

>> No.7736262

Give Jnig 20 more years and she'll be a spitting image.

>> No.7736269

In other words, selling out.

>> No.7736271

I wouldnt comment on a girls tits in public

But if a girl posts a pic online specifically designed to show off as much tit as possible(like the OP) what am i supposed to comment on?

>> No.7736272

I'm not bothered so much by jnig's popularity, but holy hell there are so many beta white knights being all "OMG SO HOT MARRY ME" etc. etc., that I just ignore any pic I see if her.

It'd also be nice if she did more cosplay where the focus WASN'T her fake fits.

>> No.7736273


(you can join the Ai fanclub, I'll allow it. Also hoorah for my first anonymous pseudonym!)

If you wanna be a creep, that's your business. Don't start bawwing if you get slapped because you're all "GIRLS DRESSING THE WAY THEY WANT?! AND THEY DON'T WANT MALE ATTENTION?! WHAT A CUNT!" like holy fuck, girls can dress however the fuck they feel like without having to appeal to men.

>> No.7736275

So another girl getting positive attention from men annoys you?

Sounds like jealousy.

>> No.7736279

>Avoiding giving a woman a compliment is basic human decency because she demands I not do it
>You are a creep if you do something I don't approve of because I said so
>Girls can do whatever they feel but you must do what I say
>A man deserves to be physically assaulted a man if he says the wrong thing. However, he's a monster if he attacks me back

Modern feminism in action.

>> No.7736281

Did you fail elementary school?

>> No.7736282

I'm not fucking stupid, I understand that they both sell prints, calendars, whathaveyou. I mean that she's not searching for the next costume to slut all over.

Yeah bitch really needs to tone down the eyeshadow.


If you think JNig and Yaya do the same exact thing you're wrong. Yaya cares about accuracy, she doesn't go on a rampage looking for the teeniest tiniest costumes to show off her boobs.

She has done "slutty" things before. Like I don't fault JNig for her weird bathing suit Lugia cosplay thing because she was just modeling it to promote a company. Likewise, Yaya modeled swimsuits too. And yes she has done costumes just as revealing as JNigs.

The reason I respect Yaya is because she's faithful to the source material and doesn't go out of her way to make it more sexy. Meanwhile that's the only reason JNigs has become famous and from slutty Assassin's Creed to slutty Pokemon to slutty yordles that's why she has fedorabros crawling all over her. Not because she's a good cosplayer. She can get away with doing Spellthief Lux and Doctor Who every once in a while but if that was all she ever did she'd still be an unknown.

TL:DR I think I worded it wrong when I said she never sold out; Yaya is a cosplayer and JNigs is a model, and that's why one is okay and the other isn't.

>> No.7736285

When it's in the thousands, Yea. It's annoying. Your compliments and begging for her to be your waifu/gf aren't going to get you any pussy. It's pathetic.

This is coming from a married man, BTW.

>> No.7736289


>> No.7736290

She can't be a spitting image because she can't sew and by then all the good commissioners will have moved on to the next set of tits and ass

>> No.7736291

Plus not all women are attracted to men, and I can assure you male attention is the last thing they want

(you should keep it, it's cute! plus it'd be cool to see you around the board!)

>> No.7736295
File: 105 KB, 612x612, df2da77306cd516d6d592591e5061481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever helps you sleep at night. But you're wrong on so many levels it's hilarious.

>> No.7736299

She can learn, just as Yaya did when she had to stop wearing bikini's and stick with corsets instead.

>> No.7736300

Your MRA logic is fucking atrocious.

There's a difference between compliments and being a fucking creep. Stuff like "You're cute/pretty" and "Your cosplay fits you really well!" is all fine and dandy, but when you start acting like "hey baby want sum fuk" and getting mad when girls don't react well, that's your own fucking fault for being a cosplay creep, not feminism's.

Holy shit, have you actually seen any feminism that isn't from social justice warrior troll blogs created by 4channers or are you actually this stupid?

Exactly. People seem to forget that people who aren't straight exist unless they feel some dire need to insult them.

(Ahh, thanks! I'll definitely think about keeping it! I feel like I haven't been around long enough to start using names and trips, since I used to actively browse a few years ago and only just came back!)

>> No.7736304

Different anon, if you use that picture as a reference to your argument I just want to point out that it was for a burlesque theme she and a few other girls had if I remember correctly

>> No.7736310

An easy fix to lessen their popularity is to bully the J-nig fanboys. I know a fedora-wearing-nice- guy manchild who met her and wouldn't stop posting about how it was his dream come true. Tell them straight up that they are pathetic and make obvious attempts to jab at their self esteem.

Also I notice that these fanboys who are open about how much they love her happen to not have a GF. And if they do have a gf, she's either super fucking lonely or furiously masturbates to Fabio and One direction in every waking moment to make up for her boyfriend's shenanigans.

>> No.7736317

Don't engage, it's a waste of energy

>> No.7736319

Yeah, that kind of shit is still annoying. Note I never said Yaya can do no wrong. I'm not some kind of whiteknight. Her makeup is atrocious and she still does some stuff that makes me roll my eyes. And HoC. But I do respect her for the most part and I realize some of this stuff has to happen to be successful in this industry.

It was for a group but groups don't make stupid shit more acceptable. It just means you have a bunch of cosplayers being stupid.

This costume still is tame compared to JNig's shit.

>> No.7736323
File: 87 KB, 427x640, yaya_han_yaya_han_26_6WrkLgu.sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, that was apart of a themed group

I'll agree that Yaya does show quite a bit of boobage, but she's shown how talented she is when making costumes with and without boobage
So I feel like she's earned some artistic freedom

(my personal opinion is that if someone is making a costume with their time and money, they can do whatever they'd like with it! as long as they're happy with their work! but I'm not going to use that in this argument since it's 100% my personal opinion)

>> No.7736324

If you get to sit around all day and craft costume after costume, she will get better. the disparity between one costume quality to the next is kind of a big tell that she doesn't make her shit, despite what people and "proof" say else wise.

Her personality is loud and abrasive in person and she either dismisses people entirely or lights up like a cheap neon sign. I am enjoying watching her stuff evolve and her moxy make-up was nice imho.

Only thing I am jealous of is her ability to make money on costumes that are often half assed.

>> No.7736334

I-I'm sorry.

Ignorant people just hurt my brain, is all.

>> No.7736343
File: 1.11 MB, 650x898, 23465345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get mad when I see bs like this. If Jnig ever did anything to the existent of risque as Yaya has done she would be mauled to death by seething jelly landwhales. But when Yaya does it she get's a pat on the back? Nope. Once a coswhore, always a coswhore.

>> No.7736348

I'm sorry, but you're stupid and your stands make no sense.

If you go to a con specifically with your boobs hanging out, want people to take pictures of them, and one guy says "Wow, you have beautiful breasts" you should just say "thanks" and stop acting like your civil rights have just been violated.

You went to a con to get attention for your body. Take your harmless good-willed compliment and shut the fuck up.

>> No.7736352
File: 406 KB, 600x900, yaya han.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I feel you
at this point it's best to just ignore them
they don't seem like they're going to budge and it'll just be like a broken record with them using the same arguments over and over
Not worth it

So I'm just going to back to talking about Yaya!

This is one of my favourite costumes by her, I really love when she does the huge extravagant costumes
I definitely do think she's talented, and have seen much drama about her (except maybe claiming to be the queen of cosplay)? Unless I'm just out of loop, which I usually am

>> No.7736358

What is this from? I want to go compare this to the source material I'm the pro-Yaya anon so I want to be objective.

I get where you're coming from and I understand, but again, that's not why Yaya is famous. If JNig did only canon stuff that would be acceptable, seriously, the only thing is that she takes great characters and sluts them up. There are THOUSANDS of fanservice designs out there, why does she have to do all this gijinka shit to get famous? I really don't understand.

>> No.7736359

Does your wife know you're jealous of a woman for the compliments she receives? These psychological issues need to be talked about.

>> No.7736361
File: 74 KB, 332x500, 2825476271_9bcf729f87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's just a fan.
So if the amount of fandom you have as a cosplayer is represented as the amount of accurate cosplays they do, does that mean Yaya only started being a "real fan" when she stopped being a self promoting slut? I'm just confused.

>> No.7736365

I seriously don't understand how you don't grasp how creepy this is outside of any sexual situation. You're either trolling or completely fucking bonkers.

I'm done for now, I guess. ;-;

But yeah, I've heard Yaya claimed herself to be the queen of cosplay or something at a convention, there was a small little masterpost on tumblr of some shitty stuff she's done. Like, her construction work is glorious, but she's not a good person.

>> No.7736368


This is why people love Jnig. An interviewer can make jokes about her tits and say she's "smoking hot" or whatever and she laughs and takes it in proper spirit. Other female cosplayers would probably have a fit, walk off then yell at the person for being a "creeper" on her twitter.

Men are constantly bombarded by the intolerance and self-important demands of women. It's really cool when a woman isn't so uptight about herself.

>> No.7736370

Ooh dang, I'll have to look for that

I'm pretty much neutral on her right now, don't hate her don't love her
(just love her cosplay mostly because wow)

>> No.7736371

It's not creepy. It's just something you don't tolerate. Because you're intolerant of men.

>> No.7736374

No. JNig isn't a fake geek either.

>> No.7736378
File: 1.17 MB, 320x180, tip9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay last ones I'm replying to, stop being so damn entitled and go back to /r9k/

May your journey be euphoric

>> No.7736381
File: 68 KB, 402x595, 10863708-yaya-han-librarian4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On her website? With all the other "original costumes" for sale as prints. Once Jnig starts selling her first figurine of herself, then she might start getting on Yaya's level of annoyance. How you can defend her as "not a coswhore" is beyond me. She made the fucking definition!

>> No.7736384

>Go to another board if I don't like your opinion.

No. Go back to tumblr.

>> No.7736390


Bro, you literally are just reposting the same idea in this thread like in >>7736083 and we already made fun of you for being a fedora wearing white knight who was giving props to JNIG for happily taking your creepy compliments. Porn stars are the same, now GTFO.

>> No.7736396


Is this "original cosplay"? I honestly hope that's just some modelling things he did because that's...not cosplay. Generic sexy librarian #45,000.

Yeah, I'm really strange because like. I love what she can do, but I hate her personality with the force of a thousand suns. It's a love/hate relationship. Mostly hate at the moment, though.

Fuck off with your entitled bullshit already. >>7736390 sums it up perfectly.

>> No.7736397

>Your argument is invalid because I taunted you

Amazing logic.

>> No.7736399
File: 403 KB, 600x888, 3452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yaya is a cosplayer and JNigs is a model, and that's why one is okay and the other isn't.

>> No.7736402

>Fuck off with your entitled bullshit already.

Who is entitled? You're saying that cosplayers should be able to go to cons overtly sexualized and no one is permitted to give them sexual attention. Seems like you're the one calling for entitlements.

>> No.7736404

Being in a costume isn't always cosplay. That picture is less than halloween tier. On her website she bills herself as a model too and that's what she's doing. We're talking about Yaya as a cosplayer, and we're talking about JNigs at a cosplayer, they both have done modelig on the side.

>> No.7736409

Yes she does. We cringe together at all the male spaghetti flying about when It comes to jnig.

Your passive aggressiveness towards someone who doesn't worship a cosplayer is cute though.

>> No.7736411

Yaya is a cosplayer, first and foremost. She does this shit on the side, but her cosplay is what made her famous. She makes her own shit and PLAYS the character, in the original costume.

JNigs models costumes other people have designed and she is not "Teemo" she's "JNig in a Teemo hat and a bikini".

I stand by my statement.

>> No.7736417
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>> No.7736420
File: 122 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Google understands.

>> No.7736421

She's a cosplayer first and foremost only because nobody is hiring her as a model. She's 33 fucking years old and looks like a vietnamese transexual.

>> No.7736423

Cool image macro. Do you have an argument to go along with it?

No? Okay, you can sit down then.

>> No.7736424
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>> No.7736425

You can always just click Like and not comment if you're so stupid that you can't come up with anything else to comment on.

>> No.7736428

Will no one style Sonico's bangs?

>> No.7736429
File: 80 KB, 271x280, 1386368047824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just baffled at how rape-y you are. Like, there's actual disbelief. If you're trolling, congrats, you've got me good. If not, holy fuck, get some help.

>> No.7736435

>cosplayers should be able to go to cons overtly sexualized and no one is permitted to give them sexual attention
You say that like it's not perfectly reasonable (assuming you make that 'unwanted sexual attention'). Not harassing people is normal behaviour no matter where they are or what they're wearing.

>> No.7736436
File: 114 KB, 982x504, Swedish soccer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever a guy at a con compliments my body, I blow on my rape whistle and hand him a red card.

>> No.7736439

>she's a cosplayer first and foremost

Because that's what she's GOOD at. Yes as a model she's nothing special but with cosplay she makes herself look good. She has talent. JNigs has got nothing but her boobs and 7/10 face.

>> No.7736442

You don't know what "harrassment" is.

>> No.7736444

Okay that's fucking annoying, get a life.

>> No.7736445

Well considering the majority of us have experienced first hand from people like you, I'm pretty sure we have a good idea of what harrassment is

>> No.7736446

Actually, yaya han and jnig are pretty much the same. Both cosplayers who get attention for showing their tits and spamming chick pics on facebook. Jnig is more popular because she's better looking.

>> No.7736447

>I have no confidence to explain why I've taken issue with what you've done myself, so have this piece of paper passively-aggressively telling you off instead!

Jesus Christ.

>> No.7736448
File: 443 KB, 506x516, 1406076224692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because you know exactly what people have experienced. Mhm.

>> No.7736452

If you want to boil it down to that, go ahead. I don't care if people hate Yaya, but imo JNigs is the lowest of the low.

>> No.7736453

One year, this brony guy told me I had nice tits. I let it slide because I know how easily upset they get. And since I let it slide, he thought it was okay to say and ended up trying to follow me to my hotel room, and followed me for the majority of the con. After con, he got my phone number from someone and kept sending me messages about how I led him on, and should have said something and I'm a total bitch.
But if I said something, it would turn into >>7736402

See how there's no winning in this situation?

>> No.7736457

>You're saying that cosplayers should be able to go to cons overtly sexualized and no one is permitted to give them sexual attention.

Yes, welcome to society 101; if they aren't doing anything illegal, they're entitled to be left alone. You are not entitled to talk to anyone unless they reciprocate - if they don't, you leave them alone with their agency. This applies whether they're wearing a swim suit, a shirt and pants, or a sexy cosplay outfit.

I mean honestly so you think you're also entitled to go to a beach and follow girls around, telling them they have nice t&a just because they're in a swim suit? No! You don't! Unless they want to talk to you, if they say fuck off, you fuck off. The same applies to conventions!

>> No.7736458

I suppose being rude, offensive, or disrespectful would be a more accurate description. On the other hand, at least I can spell it.

>> No.7736459

Y U NO get con security???

That seriously is terrible though, sorry you had to go through that...

>> No.7736465

what's strikes me as hilarious is that you jelly ugos think that liking jnig is somehow only limited to fedoratippers. If anything, fedora tippers and their retarded moral codes would dislike her based on some dull minded idea of wanting a woman to "self respect" when it's completely unrelated. The only thing that keeps subhumans the caliber of the namefags ITT from being fedorafags and neckbeards is their gender, but at least you have the attitude down.

>> No.7736466

You don't. You believe any encounter that is unwelcome or anything someone says you don't like is "harassment." It's not.

For something to be harassment it must involve pressure or intimidation. That's what harassment is. Someone saying you have a beautiful body or nice tits is not harassment. If you think it's "creepy" then that's your opinion, but nobody did anything wrong.

Calling something sexual harassment when it is not is not only ignorant on your part but is also unfair to the person you are accusing. If you wish for others to respect you then you need to be able to respect others. This includes not labeling them as deviants and criminals because you were uncomfortable in some trivial social encounter.

>> No.7736469
File: 70 KB, 1276x720, 1340934952061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck.

Punch him in the face if you ever see him again, just go in for the punch, do it.

Con security can generally be pretty fucking useless.

>> No.7736472

You're arguing irrelevant semantics. The point is that it's not socially acceptable, regardless of whether it's criminal.

>> No.7736474


This is implying that "nice fits" is a form of respectful engagement. It's not, it's crude and distasteful and the receiver is free to respond in kind - if they tell them to get lost, and they don't, it in fact becomes harassment

>> No.7736476

Hey there!
please read >>7736453
and also take note that this situation happens quite often to a lot of my con friends.
Thought they were exaggerating until it happened to me. And that wasn't the last time it happened.

Just because you don't experience this stuff (because you're probably the one doing it) doesn't mean it isn't there.

>> No.7736480


>nice fits

My autocorrect is /fa/ apparently

>> No.7736482
File: 325 KB, 506x631, 1405999730557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's been a lot of stories floating around

The things some seagulls do to spread rumours.

>> No.7736485

This has nothing to do with what is socially acceptable. Only personally acceptable. If someone says something that makes you feel uncomfortable then how about telling them?

Oh, right. I forgot. You cant do that because it might involve respecting the other person. It's more fun to treat them as criminals and monsters because you're irrationally scared of men and feel vulnerable in your cartoon stripper costume.

>> No.7736486

Security didn't want to do anything about because they were "busy with badges" at the overstaffed con
Con security sucks the majority of the time
and this happened about 2 years ago though, and I've been able to make it very clear to him to stay away from me
(I now attend cons with 6'2 scary looking best friend for safety reasons)

>> No.7736490

Pretty much this. Shes nice to anyone, even fat neckbeards.

>> No.7736492

People like these explode my nose capillaries.
Fucking namefags.

>> No.7736493


If the best a dude can do fit a compliment is "nice ass" he doesn't deserve respect.

>> No.7736499

Or they didn't do anything because you made up the story.

>> No.7736500

Jesus fucking christ, what a bullshit excuse.

"Your personal safety isn't as important as getting these badges to people even though we can definitely supply one or two security officers to help."

That's fucking awful, I'm sorry you had to go through that. Having a beastly friend with you at all times is generally a really good thing to do! I'm not the most feminine of people so if someone starts hitting on one of my friends and they're uncomfortable with it, I can glare them away.

Unfortunately, I turn into a stuttering fucking wreck if someone does it to me and nobody can really help me out.

>> No.7736502

First of all, you should know better to begin with. This isn't some rare pet peeve that only a few people have, it's a pretty well known social norm.
Secondly, you are being told right now.
Thirdly, it's ridiculous that you're offended that you aren't being treated respectfully when your argument is that it's okay to treat others disrespectfully.

>> No.7736506

Except that IS the reason why she's popular.

>> No.7736507

BUT JNIG DOES THE SAME FUCKING THING. She wasn't just some high paid model first she was a fan attending just like Yaya was back in her glory days. Both modeled on the side, but both were fans first then turned to selling prints ect of themselves, both got boob jobs, the only fucking difference is their ethnicity and obvious age/craftsmanship lvl otherwise they're BOTH coswhores. Get over it. Women resort to selling themselves to get famous and fuckin Yaya is no exception because you're too newfag to know her terribad rep from back in the day! Just because you reject the facts doesn't mean they didn't happen. She should get hate for just as much bs if not more than what Jnig has ever done. But she won't, 'cause she's asian and is old enough to know how to sew frills on a corset! They should get equal amount of hate for repeating this same coswhore trend that she started way earlier than Jnig.

>> No.7736508

>A person doesnt deserve respect if their compliment towards me isn't good enough

Do you ever get a nosebleed being that high up on your pedestal, princess?

>> No.7736511

If you're strutting with your ass hanging out, guess what-- no respect for you too.

Nice ass.

>> No.7736512
File: 35 KB, 655x655, shado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go eat a fucking dick.
You can't go around spouting how we have no idea what harrassment, and then deny what we've been through because it proves you wrong.
This guy ruined the entire con for me, and I never want to see him again.
He's one of those guys who does nothing but shitty Assassin Creed cosplays, and posts ponies with huge boobs constantly.

>> No.7736514


>> No.7736516
File: 35 KB, 838x983, 1399895091526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, a comic about you.

>> No.7736521

>Ponies with huge boobs
That's actually pretty funny

>> No.7736525

>she's not a good person

A person from my country, who calls itself HER FRIEND, invited her to its convention.
Yaya made this person pay for 5star hotel, 1st class flight, guided tour through the city and other (expensive) activities. Leaving aside that this person lets itself being manipulated, I hated how Yaya said that this person is her friend and how much she cares about it.

>> No.7736526

fuck off to tumblr already you melodramatic retard

>> No.7736527

When I'm wearing revealing clothing I WANT guys to look at me. I don't want to be like, attacked or raped, but I'm not going to get pissed off if I catch them oogling my booty or my boobs.

And if they tell I have a nice ass, I say thanks, because it's a motherfucking compliment and I'm not a rude bitch.

I'm so fucking tired of feminazis and their bullshit. Don't like guys looking at you? Scared of men? Wear jeans and a fucking hoodie and stop being an attention whore, because that's what happens when you wear revealing clothes - PEOPLE LOOK AT YOU

>> No.7736530

>thinks socially unacceptable commentary is a 'compliment'

Do you get wifi that deep in your basement, neckbeard?

>> No.7736536

>if I don't have a problem with something no one else is allowed to either

>> No.7736537

Going out in public in a costume specifically made to show everyone your boobs is not a social norm. Wearing this kind of special cosplay boob attire leaves no room but to assume you want attention for your body. Dressing this way and not expecting any sort of sexual attention or compliments to your bod is moronic.

Also, a compliment on one's physical appearance is not a form of disrespect. Nor should it ever be taken as such. Such an outlook shows that you see men and male sexuality as the opposition. If that's the case, maybe you should leave your stripper costume at home and choose something more prudent to fit your prudent personality.

>> No.7736538


You don't have to respect them, but if they don't want to talk to you you have to respect that, because of something called the law

Nice neckbeard

>> No.7736539

STFU, not anon you're replying to, but a woman who hates hearing your whiny bullshit.

Don't like being told your ass/tits look nice? Don't let them hang out. It's that easy!

>> No.7736541

>socially unacceptable
The only thing that's socially unacceptable here is you, retard.

>> No.7736544

Looking back, I feel bad for him in a hilarious kind of way because his life is just so sad
He calls himself Shado and gets off on fictional horses
He's also like 23 and still lives with his mom, pretty sure he doesn't have a job either.

Jesus christ, damn Yaya.
I always feel kind of bad for her husband(fiancee?) because during HoC, he dealt with so much shit

>> No.7736545

Jesus fucking christ, what.

She's probably fucking loaded, there's no reason she couldn't do any of that herself. And a guided tour through the city? That's just unnecessary.

>> No.7736547

>I'm a whiny whore who hates men!

You're such a cunt, wow. No wonder so many men hate women.

>> No.7736548

Don't get all chummy with me, you're pathetic in exactly the same amount

>> No.7736549


>hurr if I like attention you HAVE to like it

Haha what a cunt. You do you and everyone else will do as they please

If I want to wear shorts and a tank top because its hot I should be allowed to do so without being bothered, whether or not some attention whore revels in greasy nerdy attention

>> No.7736550

def not angry neckbeard samefagging"

>> No.7736552
File: 64 KB, 636x960, 1399048788264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to a con
>See this
>"Hey there! Amazing cosplay! Awesome rack lol"

Why are female cosplayers so stupid and intolerant.

>> No.7736553

>Wearing this kind of special cosplay boob attire leaves no room but to assume you want attention for your body.
It has been made very clear to you that this is not the case, or at least not with the kind of attention you are talking about. The question now is why you persist in this fantasy that you know what the women you're bothering want even though they tell you the opposite.

>> No.7736554

You still haven't refuted her point

>> No.7736555 [DELETED] 

Why not just smile and not be a fucking bitch? You horrid feminazis are the reason most men hate women, because they think we're all stupid whores like you.

>> No.7736556


If you like it so much, feel free to suck all the nerd cock you like, but I enjoy dressing as I please and retaining this wonderful thing called agency

>> No.7736559

>It has been made very clear to you that this is not the case

>> No.7736560


Because I'm not an attention whore who feeds off of nerd appeal to feed her insecurity? Lol there are plenty of neckbeardas ready to worship you sweetheart, go get em tigress

>> No.7736563

They never will refute my point, they'll just say they should be able to "dress however they want" and have "freedom to not be harassed".

Guess what. People are allowed to compliment you, they're allowed to cat call. You're the one in the wrong for being a cunt about it.

Why the fuck do so many girls hate compliments? like seriously WTF is wrong with you man hating bitches?

This is why I have no female friends. You're all fucking entitled idiots!

>> No.7736565

Now, now, fedoras and robots hate skill women, normal men just hate retards.

>> No.7736567

> Being this autistic
Just don't mention the boobs until you're in bed with her, it's not that hard.

>> No.7736568

Your agency is applied when you dress up

>> No.7736570

Most people don't consider "nice tits" a compliment, they consider it rude. If you're more comfortable in your sluttiness or whatever that's your business, but it's not your place to tell other people that they should be okay with the same disrespectful treatment that you are. Just because you don't have a problem with it doesn't mean no one else does.

As mentioned previously, if you went around the beach telling the women they had nice tits you would be ejected or knocked the fuck out very quickly (or at least people would think you were disgusting). Just because you can see some skin doesn't mean it's okay for you to bother people.

>> No.7736571


>if I'm showing ANY sort of cleavage it must be for DA attenshunz!

Someone is insecure. Some of us have cleavage And a nice body whether we're showing off or not. And of we don't want attention its our right to have it without having to please some entitled bro

But you wouldn't understand that given how desperate you are for it, obs lol

>> No.7736572

How has it been made very clear? The only thing that is "clear" in this situation is that the woman wants attention for showing her breasts.

Do you understand that when you dress in this manner, you are being sexual to others in public? You are literally sexualizing your body in the hopes of being noticed for it.

>> No.7736574


>> No.7736575
File: 11 KB, 66x90, bun1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely far more successful than you, dear

>> No.7736578


My agency goes where I go no matter how I dress. If I want to be left alone in a skimpy outfit, that is my right legally whether or not you agree.

>> No.7736580

In other words

>Look at my boobs and oggle them. Just dont talk about them. It must remain the unspoken element, even as I push them into your camera.


>> No.7736581

>they should be able to "dress however they want" and have "freedom to not be harassed"
That's true though.

>> No.7736583

Maybe you should reconsider what you consider rude. Being complimented is NOT rude.

>Not an ungrateful bitch = desperate for attention

Haha, totes, right on gurl.

>> No.7736584

A fly is FAR more successful than me at eating shit, doesn't mean I'm jealous of it

>> No.7736586

>This is why I have no female friends. You're all fucking entitled idiots!

You have none because you're a socially retarded freak, sweet heart. Good on those girls for not wasting their time on a loser such as yourself

>> No.7736587

Then why are you still replying to me? you seem pretty angry over something on the internet.

>> No.7736588

Public decency law disagrees with you whether you like it or not.

>> No.7736589

>it is my legal right to be left alone

um... no it isnt.

>> No.7736590

Oh, I agree! Thing is, "Nice tits" isn't harassment. It's a compliment.

Compliments /=/ harassment.

Do you know the definition of harassment? Cause that isn't it. People are allowed to talk to you in public.

>> No.7736591

Numerous people in this thread and others like it telling you as much. I'll tell you again: Just because you can see some breast doesn't mean it's okay to act like a creep.

>> No.7736595


Bring told nice ass or fits isn't a compliment unless you're desperate enough for it to be, sweetheart

>> No.7736596

No, you just seem happy about something unwarranted and I feel it my duty to point that out.

>> No.7736597

It's not your legal right to be left alone.

People are allowed to talk to you in public, dumbass.

>> No.7736598

A little late in thread but... Have you seen her mail Mondays and shit? I'm sure a lot of girls would love to have millions of people gawk over them and praise them while the free stuff and money rolls in. JNigs has a seriously relaxed life that is easy to envy considering she got it by just being attractive.

>> No.7736599

Define creep

>> No.7736600

> Why must it not be mentioned
The same reason socially adept people don't go 'nice dick' in public.

Is it that difficult for you to just tell them 'You look great!'?

>> No.7736601

And you're a bitch who isn't worth the time.

All cunts like you do is judge men. Like our purpose in life is to serve you and cater to all of your emotional desires. If somebody gives you a good spirited COMPLIMENT then fucking take it. Learn to be a good person and not a nag.

>> No.7736603


Public decency meansmi can walk out in a bathing suit legally. I wear more than that and still get harassed. Like I said, I dress how I please and retain my agency

And lol even if I was being publicly indecent, you still aren't entitled to talk to me unless you're an officer arresting me, fancy that

>> No.7736604

Are you delusional? You have been explicitly told the opposite.

>> No.7736605

I don't like Jnig because my boyfriend has a crush on her
>tfw I am the jelly, it is me

>> No.7736606

These guys actually wonder why girls don't talk to them, jesus christ.

Seriously, if you can't control yourself around a pair of boobs, you need help.

>> No.7736607

People don't go "nice dick!" because men usually don't go prancing around with their dicks out

>> No.7736609


Until I say otherwise

If something is violating my privacy such as sexually aggressive , then I do have the right to tell them to go away

I know this because surprise surprise I've had to exercise this right before

>> No.7736610

You aren't answering the question. Youre just saying "because that's how it is" and "is it so hard not to do it?"

Your shit makes no sense. You made a costume to show how awesome your boobs are. Someone says your boobs are awesome. wtf is the problem? What the fuck is up your ass? Jesus christ.

>> No.7736612

I find it hard to believe that anyone would be so socially inept that they don't understand how this is not a compliment (or rather, it's a very rude, usually unwanted compliment).

A person who behaves in a gross and unlikable way, often because of how they hit on women.

>> No.7736613

You can walk around in a bathing suit only in sea/bathing areas. Go on, look it up.

>> No.7736615

Lol, it's not them choosing to not waste their time with me, but the other way around. I find out they're feminazis, and I never hang with them again.

Also just because I say what I feel under anon doesn't mean I say that shit IRL. I keep my opinions to myself until I find out the other party's opinions.

Lol, this.

Main reason I posted here was as kind of a PSA to men that not all women are stupid, mean, misandrists who think compliments = harassment

>> No.7736617

Only the fattest smuglies on the planet and actual human trash compliment tits in public and expect the person they complimented to be really flattered.

Conventionwise I've never seen it done by anyone smaller than a planet who thinks he's literally Hal Jordan. You're Mogo, idiot. How anyone got clothes on you is a miracle.

>> No.7736618


Unless a woman is explicitly topless, she isn't prancing around with her tits out etpither, but men can scarcely control themselves around even the mildest of cleavage, so I can see why you'd make the comparison

>> No.7736619

Skinny jeans, low pants, tight pants in general, shorts without underwear, I've seen way too many dicks that way.

>> No.7736621
File: 123 KB, 647x960, 3454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaya's excuse for the disney burlesque shoot was that it was for a group of friends. The irony is the only pictures that come up for it is of her, or with her in the group. No singles of the other ladies. And why would there be? They're not even in her league, on purpose and planned. She didn't work with them and they're not actually close, this is just their sad 5min of fame attempt to hop on board with the queen of cosplay, to make her look good. Then she used the repercussions it for publicized drama. It's a very Yaya thing to do, she did it with the Batman cosplayer too.

>> No.7736622


And? I can wear a crop top and shorts in public and still retain that right, my point still stands

>> No.7736623

>You are human trash because you didn't compliment me in the way I demand

I want to punch you.

>> No.7736625

The person defending it is using the argument that women who dress sexily lose the right to be treated respectfully. That's not "good spirited". If someone said that because they were legitimately flustered or unaware of how it could be taken, that would be a different issue. But we're talking about people who know (or should know) that it's unwanted and do it anyway.

>> No.7736626

Hm, I guess I COULD walk about with my zipper only partially closed. There would be no problem, right?

>> No.7736627

> men usually don't go prancing with their dick out
> implying women have their entire breast out
Even if I see the outline of your dick and I find it to be a pretty enchanting dick, I won't go up to your face and say so. Because. Rude.

I'm not stopping you from going up to women and giving them backhanded compliments, but quit being such a fucking baby when they are offended by your retarded behavior.

>> No.7736629

Skinny jeans dont show your dick, you fucking retard. And what kind of person wears their pants so low that you can see their cock?

>> No.7736630

That's the hamplanetiest thing I've heard all day

>> No.7736631


Learn to give an actual compliment that isn't actual garbage and I'll work on that LOL
If THATS the best you can do then I'm glad you don't associate with women so you never breed and pollute the gene pool

>> No.7736633


Go for it, don't get ur bush caught

Not that anyone woman is gonna want it lol

>> No.7736634

It's not like this is one person inventing some new scale of compliments though. This is pretty basic stuff, you really should know better. Most women are not going to be happy with you if you 'compliment' them by telling them they have nice tits.

>> No.7736635


"Nice ass" or "nice tits" or "You look sexy" are compliments.

I almost hope some guy gropes one of you bitches so you figure out what harassment actually is.

>> No.7736636

What you described is normal hot weather attire. A slutty cosplay is a way to attract attention, specifically to your secondary sexual characteristics.

>> No.7736637

>skinny jeans don't show your dick
You've never seen a fat in skinny jeans, huh?
>pants so low that you can see their cock
the barrio area where I live. That's pretty much all you see with the teenagers who live there.

>> No.7736639

Just gonna put it up there, if your first line when approaching a woman is "nice fits" then ya game is weak son, and you have only yourself to blame when they shoo you off

>> No.7736641

>Because. Rude.
But it's not, it's quite flattering actually.

>> No.7736642

>someone stole from me, but I didn't get murdered, so I guess there's no problem

>> No.7736643

> ITT women telling you that they don't feel complimented by those remarks

>> No.7736646



3/10 try again

>> No.7736648

That's fine for you if you feel that way, but most women disagree. Depending on context of course.

>> No.7736649

But he is YOUR boyfriend, no?

>> No.7736650

Crossing private boundaries, much? Are you so desperate that you'll actually by flattered by it? I would be surprised that you would give my opinion any credit because who am I to you, right?

>> No.7736651


I don't care if she's in lingerie, if she says fuck off, then do it. Lol you're not entitled to talk to her or any of that junk and I know it gets y'all steaming mad that they don't want to talk with you but you're gonna have to get thicker skin and deal with it

>> No.7736653

The people wearing those outfits, or at least a significant amount of them, seem to disagree.

>> No.7736654

Nobody said that. You're just making the dumb argument that a compliment you dont like is disrespecting you, which it isnt. A dude saying you got a kickin' body is a form of endearment. Okay, so you're a prissy little woman who doesn't like that. Well you know what? The person isn't meaning harm and is trying to compliment you so how about not being a fucking bitch.

Oh, that's right. You're ENTITLED to a bitch to them, right? Because if somebody did something you didn't approve of you can now belittle them, slap them, or treat them like dirt because you weren't treated right.

Sorry, but fuck you. Your shit stinks like any body else. This is why men become misogynists, because of women being intolerant of men behaving like men. You want us to be women.

>> No.7736655

And if the only way to pick up girls is by saying "nice tits" then there's a reason why you're single.

>> No.7736658

Not same anon but what about the hundreds of guys running around shirtless, people don't go "hey nice abs!" Or if they have a spandex suit bulge they don't say "nice bulge ya got there!"

>> No.7736659

I am confused by the last part of your post, could you rephrase that?

>> No.7736662

> "Don't tell her 'nice tits', most women don't like it!"
> Ignores the advice
> Is somehow surprised when they reject his advances.
> Abloobloo, all women are bitches!

>> No.7736664


Its a compliment to a very insecure, immature girl I suppose.
When you've had men sell you the stars in a well worded fashion, you tend to have higher standards that sexually explicit garbage

Which is what it is, garbage, not a compliment whether or not you have convinced yourself otherwise

>> No.7736666

Can we just stay on topic of hating on Jnig and Yaya?

>> No.7736667

I, one of those whose eyes they are for, seem to disagree.

>> No.7736668


>complaining about entitlement when he thinks he's entitled to give shitty "compliments"


>> No.7736671

If anything, we just do our best to avoid even realizing it's even there. It's nice to pretend it doesn't exist. Even if it's huge, I'm not going to make sexual comments about it. Because that's not appropriate.
The fact that these guys can't control themselves around a pair of fatty flesh sacks is just disturbing.

>> No.7736672

Oh my god it's like you hit on every fedora note. It's an opera of fedora in here. The crowd cheers. The audience is in tears. Fedora after fedora is thrown onto the stage.

I smell a shitton of incoming bans, though, guys, could we please move on.

>> No.7736675

Oh, but they're thinking it. Oh, if they're thinking it. So why not express it? I can guarantee you NO man is going to feel harassed if you compliment their abs.

>> No.7736676


I'm the femanon that's been defending men's rights to compliment a woman.

Please don't think all women are cunty garbage bags who can't take a compliment. They think the only valid compliments come from women. Any man must be a creep.

Some of us will actually smile brightly and say "Thanks!" because we were raised to not be awful and accept compliments.

>> No.7736677

lol are you insane? That's all girls do to guys who do those "costumes". Not only that, many times they'll just flat out run up and jump on you, lick you, feel you up, etc.

As a guy, you have to repress your sexuality and always keep yourself in check around women. As a girl, you can pretty much do anything you want to men. Heck, several girls in this thread alone have suggested to just ATTACKING a man if he offends you.

>> No.7736678

As in, a random dude's opinion on your breasts are irrelevant because that stranger is not going to come in closer contact with them anyway.

>> No.7736679


>men behaving like men

Don't drag the rest of us around in the dirt with you lol. Some of us have more capability than that

For example, know how many people have rejected my conversations? None! Because I lead with something better than "nice tits" usually something like "Hey, great cosplay!"

>> No.7736680


>> No.7736684

Why do you feel it's not appropriate?

>> No.7736686

Who ever said anything about advances? They're just giving you a compliment.

>> No.7736688

Yes, this also.

Same femanon who's been here not being a feminazi, btw.

I've complimented guys on their bulges. They might blush a little, but they like being complimented.

Only bitches get mad when complimented. I bet you're all the same girls who say there's no such thing as a fake nerd girl/

>> No.7736691


>I'm the girl who is desperately craving attention in this thread! Please don't be afraid to harass other girls because eventually run into me and I'll gladly suck ur cock if you tell me I'm attractive!

What.a. shitshow!

>> No.7736692

Why would anybody need to be desperate to accept a compliment?

>> No.7736693

Apparently she has got a reputation with Blizzard as being difficult to work with. She was asked to do some card stuff in Europe but they never did again. These are rumors tho so not sure how true they are.

>> No.7736694


>I'm not like other girls! IM TOTES ONE OF THE GUYS! PAY ATTENTION TO ME

I wonder if this is actually jnig trying to preserve her fanboy collectioon

>> No.7736695

I'm not. I'm an anti-feminist and I refuse to associate myself with you stupid bitches.

>> No.7736697

Because what you do with your body is your choice, and I'm not going to judge you on it, or make crude unnecessary comments because they're just not needed.
This especially plays in if you're in a relationship, the last thing you want is that to happen, and it's the exact same thing for us. A lot of us are in relationships and really don't want other guys making comments like that.
If you're going to compliment someone, do it respectfully, and make yourself a likeable person.

If all you can say is "NICE TITS" then you're game is so weak

Same if all we said was "NICE DICK"

>> No.7736698


If their standards are so low that they're willing t accept what the rest of society would deem as explicit garbage, yeah that's pretty desperate

>> No.7736699

What a sad thing third-wave feminism is.

>> No.7736701
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>know how many people have rejected my conversations? None!

Yes, I'm sure you're just the king of the friend zone. Be sure to start every conversation with "m'lady".

>> No.7736702

It's not that I won't be like 'erm, thanks?', it's just that these kind of compliments shouldn't be used at all if you actually want most women to like you. Instead of trying to make people comfortable with 'nice ass!', why not just simply remove those remarks? They are obviously not doing you any favors. I'm sure you have some control on your tongue.

>> No.7736704



Are you one of those girls who enjoys 50s garbage? "Things were so much better back then, like legal wifebeating and racism!'

>> No.7736705

What are you even talking about?
The point of this is that what you consider a "form of endearment" is something that most people find disrespectful, and those people do deserve to be treated in a respectful manner even if they're showing off their body. Further, that that these things are seen as disrespectful by many is a well known fact and it's not acceptable for someone to claim to be ignorant of that. This isn't about "belittling, slapping, treating like dirt", it's about common courtesy that every person should know. Instead of defending the few people who, like yourself, are completely socially inept and routinely others allegedly unintentionally, you should be learning to behave like a normal, respectful person. Stop being so defensive for a minute and consider that maybe the reason so many people say "this is not normal behavior" is because it's fucking not normal behavior.

>> No.7736708


The difference between him and you is he gets laid and you come here to complain about "feminazis"

>> No.7736709

Nah, I'm just not a misandrist. I'm all for equality, but that's not what modern day feminism is about.

I recognize that women have more rights than men do nowadays, which isn't fucking fair. Men need people fighting for THEIR rights, not the other way around.

>> No.7736710

Literally treating a man like a monster who deserves to be dragged through the mud and called a sexual deviant is a wee bit more disrespectful.

Or maybe you're implying that men don't deserve respect.

>> No.7736711

listen, we really don't need some woman trying to defend us. Your words are meaningless because you have no idea what we go through as men. stop trying to be the voice for something you know nothing about. you're just as bad as the feminazis imo, because you're doing this for our approval and it's pathetic.
come back when you're not a retarded slut.

>> No.7736713

You seem like an idiot. You're also the biggest cunt here, since your attitude is "if I'm okay with it everyone else has to be too".

>> No.7736715

>The difference between him and you is he gets laid
I sincerely doubt that. Women are attracted to alpha males, not beta subordinates.

>> No.7736717

aww look it's a cunt posing as a man to scare the girl off

>> No.7736718

The feminism of the past generations accomplished what it set out to do. There is no doubt about that. Modern feminism is the combative part that has been left without a cause but still festers, because it doesn't want to die.

>> No.7736719


Hahaha OK sweetheart. Go collect a few emails I'm sure every dude in this thread will gladly let you suck their greasy cocks while you're out there fighting for their rights

This would be a really great troll if it wasn't just an insecure little girl, like 10/10 best thing I've seen all month

>> No.7736725
File: 165 KB, 367x403, 1303438114964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry me.

>> No.7736727

Alrighty, feminazi. Because of course not being a bitch means I'm a whore.

Sorry but only crazy feminazis go out and suck random cock, the rest of us have respect for ourselves.

>> No.7736728

> ignores the opinion of actual women for /r9k/ buzzwords
Enjoy the rest of your solitary life, fedora

>> No.7736731

>literally doing this thing I made up to make my argument stronger by association
We're discussing what types of comments are acceptable towards cosplayers.