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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7733138 No.7733138 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is autosaging. Recently discussed topics:

>WCS USA desperately in need of a new judging system and new organizers
>no one applying for 2015 qualifiers, only three teams competed at AnimeNEXT and Saboten qualifier might be cancelled because of lack of participation
>Team USA and Netherlands at 2014 were fat

>> No.7733146

Animenext skits, for the anon in the last thread:


First one at 1:01:00, second and third right after.

>> No.7733500
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They look so... underwhelming.

>> No.7733505


>> No.7733520

Me too, anon. Me too. If you're that size, craftsmanship should at least be perfect.

>> No.7733532

Sucks they aren't hosting at Katsucon anymore. So much amazing cosplayers attend that con.

>> No.7733544

I have a sneaking suspicion that finals will end up being at Katsucon. It's a month after the last qualifier, and they've worked with WCS for so many years that the qualifier being at AnimeNext this year instead was really surprising to me.

>> No.7733673

any reposts of the finals skits? I want to see USA's skit

>> No.7734338

I can't find Singapore's 2014 finals performance anywhere, did they actually not perform there, or do I just suck at searching?

>> No.7734446


Apps aren't up for West Coast yet but it's at some little third-year con run by people who got fed up with Kumoricon's shit and made their own partycon with blackjack and hookers. Like ALA except in Portland.

I'm not expecting much turnout. It'll probably be two, maybe three teams tops.

>> No.7734846

Not the anon who asked but thank you, I was looking for these

>> No.7734850

The problem with hoop skirts is that they don't go to the floor and skirts aren't really meant to go to the floor. So there's always a point where floor sweeping skirts drop off the last hoop of the hoop skirt. I don't like it either and the solution is so simple. Just sew on a bit of gathered netting to the bottom of the hoop to give the bottom of the skirt that bit of lift.

>> No.7734852

The better solution is to wear a hoop the way they're generally supposed to be worn: with a petticoat on top

>> No.7734855

To be fair, most of the parade entries were underwhelming.

It's stupidly hot in Nagoya and there's lots of walking and hustling about and getting in and out of costume.

It doesn't pay to be in overly complex costumes for any of the events prior to the finals.

>> No.7734950

Previous years' teams have had weather appropriate, complex costumes to present on the red carpet. It's just this year that sucked in particular, imo.

>> No.7735003

Maybe so, I find it hit and miss every year. Honestly if it was me I'd just want something that was easy to wear. If it had details I could splash out on, great but I'd want to be comfy.

>> No.7735999

Does anyone have videos or photos of the observer nations? I saw some of Kuwait on the parade, it was terrible
Do they anounce which countries were accepted?

>> No.7736579

I actually loved the circus skit, I hope they won. The other two were standard confusing WCS fodder.

>> No.7736785

How? It was so terrible. So much padding, and it was OOC to boot! It made no sense and the trick was really obvious which is a pity because in theory it would have been great

>> No.7737351


Circus skit was the winner. No wild card.

>> No.7737757

All the skits were terrible. I guess they went with the least embarrassing one.

>> No.7737860


Can you elaborate? It was our first skit ever, and any feedback/concrit you guys care to offer would really be appreciated.

>> No.7737873


If you're from the circus pair then here's some feeback/concrit.

It was boring. You tried to do magic, that's cool. But no magic show is that slow or pads out that long for a trick. If they do there's patter. If they're going to dance, they really dance.

Honestly it was a whole lot of nothing that got away with being something because it's a cosplay competition not a magic one.

Magic shows tend to rely a lot on patter to get the audience engaged. You can't afford to do that in cosplay because pre-recording everything is much better than relying on doing it live.

So you have to do a lot all the time. You can't stop moving.

If you're going to pad out with dancing and you're not going to be proficient with it then I recommend watching this


Note how they never stop moving.

Also note how they play to the audience and not just to each other.

You wanna do magic? Put on a show.

>> No.7737893

Basically what >>7737873 said. The idea of using a magic trick was great, it goes well with the circus theme and can be very entertaining even to people who are not familiar with Kuroshitsuji, but yeah, your skit was roughly 3 minutes of nothing.

If you wanna dance and integrate Beast and Joker's histroy in it, go on, but do something that is more showy, entertaining and that makes sense. The sudden rejection in your skit was so awkward, Joker suddenly just shoving Beast into the prop thing was hilarious. Moreover, using the trick that way - like Beast disappearing because Joker decided to be an asshole out of the blue - instead of keeping on playing along with the intentional performance theme made no sense like, why are they even bringing that prop on stage and showing it to the public if they're not gonna use it for what it's intended?

The trick was also pretty poor in that it has no impact on the audience: we're always only shown one half of what's behind the curtains and always from the same angle so of course people are going to figure out that she's just hiding crouched in the part we can't see, whereas a lot of tricks like this usually rely on giving the audience the illusion that they've been given proof that there are no hiding places--that's where the sense of wonder comes from. Maybe using minor tricks during the dance part would have also helped.

This skit relies a lot on magic tricks and costume changes, it could be a source of inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG6aPvLE0Q8

>> No.7737895

Wait, they were trying to do magic? Where did you get that impression?

I thought they were just doing performance arts, like throwing hoops and stuff... Not magic.

For a cosplay skit it was quite nice, but looking at it critically the pace was a little off, and the movements looked like they needed rehearsing more.

I think the audience reaction to this skit is also hugely going to be based on taste - I thought it was really nice because it wasn't boring fighting + badly done story exposition that makes no sense out of context.

And the dancing with the jellyfish lights was pretty.

>> No.7737899

OK reading through the above replies again I'm confused if this is in reference to the Italy WCS skit or not. If there was supposed to be a "trick" I didn't even see it, but the performing and the unveiling of the banner was nice (if a little copied from USA last year). Apologies if you're talking about something else.

>> No.7737903

What are you two on? They're talking about the AnimeNext prelim winners.

>> No.7737907

Yes sorry I was talking about the AnimeNext winners.

What Italy did for WCS is actually called Rythmic gymnastics.

Their skit was successful because of the variety. They made up for what they lack in skills by chopping and changing, however the change overs were a bit too slow to be truly entertaining.

It was a flashy show, throwing the hoops is a really easy way to make the performance seem bigger and they made good use of the space.

>> No.7737911

Yeah sorry guys, I thought you were talking about the WCS finals skits. At least I now know it's called rythmic gymnastics in English, whoo!

>> No.7737924

>>7737893 here, I'm not sure where all the confusion comes from but if it helps the Team Italy skit is not what we were discussing nor was the one i linked from this year (the rythmic gymnastics one). It's a Sugar Sugar Rune skit that uses magic tricks.

>> No.7737927


Okay, thank you, we'll definitely look into those videos. It gets really hard to judge your own skit objectively after the millionth rewatch, but I agree with a lot of what you two said.

>> No.7737952

Don't worry too much, we've all been there. Good luck with your next skit.

>> No.7738139

uh, if you are one of the anext finalist you need to stop posting here. Pretty sure they'll just completely write you off as potentials if they find out.

>> No.7738177

Does anyone have any good pictures of the qualifiers? I want to give a better look to that Joker wig but I can't find anything, not even their names or tumblrs wtf.

>> No.7738271

Good luck! It'd be nice to have a seagull in Japan.

I remember seeing the WCS USA Facebook page announce the winners with a link to their blog.

>> No.7738272


>> No.7738314

Lmao the wig sucks, is glaringly inaccurate and it seems that only one of them (the Beast cosplayer) can sew and is doing all the work. Team USA 2015 is gonna be amazing.

>> No.7738362

Didn't they just win a very small qualifier? There's still hope for 2015.

>> No.7738987

If it is them, at least they aren't being assholes.

>> No.7739055

implying we havent has seagulls win in the past

>> No.7739154

It wont matter. Staff finds out you may as well just drop because you will never be selected.

>> No.7739169

We need better judging for USA qualifiers.

>> No.7742171

Does ANYONE give a shit about WCS in any western country? Everyone knows it's corrupt as shit and not worth doing. Most of the competitors are picked by how well they know the judges in their country's preliminaries.

>> No.7742390


In Europe people usually compare it to Eurovision - winning doesn't really matter because the results are often politics/money talking. But hey, a free trip to Japan meeting people around the globe is a chance I would take, and probably will. And usually if you place in the prelims, the prices are pretty fancy, too.

>> No.7742446

Also, I don't know how this goes in other parts of the world, most of the time when you get selected in the preliminaries in Europe it does actually mean something.
These are usually really the best cosplayers of the bunch that competed in terms of performance & act. So then the finals don't matter that much anymore. But there are exceptions of course.

Although getting selected for ECG is probably the best way for gaining prestige and a 'proof of your skills' here in Europe.

>> No.7742633

Here is Northern Europe ECG gets laughed at because we aren't invited for whatever petty reasons.

>> No.7742679

So you are jelly?

>> No.7742958

Not really, there is ECC and NCC (Nordic Cosplay Championship). It's just that it's hard to take a competition seriously if the representation is poor. Like soccer world championships without any countries from Africa or something. Algeria or Ivory Coast might not be winner material, but it wouldn't really be the World Championship without them. Likewise Sweden most likely wouldn't win the ECG, but it's poor sportsmanship to exclude nations.

>> No.7743137

that is one sour swede

>> No.7743563


I need to know the deets on this, why does ECG exclude nations (nordic ones)?

>> No.7743640

Denmark is in the ECG, isnt it?

>> No.7744272

Probably the stupidest question here, but if you go to live in a European country, are you able to compete and represent a country?

Sorry if this is so dumb, but since following ECG here in America, I've really wanted to compete there. That's kind of the unfortunate part of WCS in this country, that it is sort of the only competition of its kind that opens the pool of cosplayers from beyond certain regions.

But ECG seems like a whole lot of fun and I really want to compete among that level of craftsmanship, and I really hoped that I'd go to a country and live there for a chance.

>> No.7744621

You can. In fact, 2 of the 3 new UK representatives just have a permanent residency there (I think one is Spanish and the other one is French). But I'm not sure if every country has the same rule.

>> No.7744879

I recently moved from one EU country to another and I was told by an organiser that you need to have permanent residency status in your current country.

However, how the government determines that is different from country to country, so it depends on where you want to move to. Where I live now with my partner it's 5 years, but if he'd come to live in my country, as my partner he could've had the status in 2 years.

>> No.7745160

It doesn't, it's more likely that organizers have to contact ECG and work it out.

>> No.7746775

Actually, I think it's that nobody in the Nordic countries wants to host the preliminaries. The Northern Europe already has the Eurocosplay Summit, World Cosplay Summit and Nordic Cosplay Championship so it's becoming a little crowded. The population, which also means the scene, is very small and the conventions aren't that many, so it wouldn't make sense to take part in every international championship contest.

>> No.7747218

Ive said it before, and im going to say it again; Denmark is a nordic country that is very much entering Europeen cosplay gathering, and has placed in it before.
So not all nordic countries are "excluded" - i just think the others need some organizers to contact ecg and host preliminaries

>> No.7747518
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>i just think the others need some organizers to contact ecg and host preliminaries
The thing is that nobody wants to host them. They already have an arseload of other preliminaries that require a lot of work.

>> No.7747914

In tiny ass denmark we just have 1 big con with pretty much all the preliminaries in 1 competition... (we have 3 big cons, 1 has pretty much all of them the other 2 a few)
that way its done all in one go, easy

>> No.7748758

So people claimed saboten had no interest, but they just posted 6 teams. /cgl/ blowing things out of proportion again?

>> No.7748773


See >>7725700

>> No.7750291

saboten had no entries but enough people signed up last minute!

>> No.7751746

There were probably a few late to the game or some masquerade people signed up following the e-mail sent over.

From the groups so far, there are a few and I can probably spot the two who signed up with the intention to compete. The others seem like masquerade teams who jumped at the chance at the last minute. We'll see how it goes.

>> No.7752083

Who do you think signed up with the intention to compete?

>> No.7752096

I guessed Project Nekomimi, and just now I saw that one of them (NyuNyu) confirmed that it's no longer a secret anymore that they're competing.

I guessed them because some of their previous friends (like the Chobits group) competed before them last year, and they're around the usual WCS-stereotypical entrants who have decent craftsmanship and the like.

>> No.7752126

Which other one do you think originally intended to compete? Project Nekomimi is the most obvious one.

>> No.7752205

Where the fuck are 2015 finals? They don't usually announce the location this late, must be having trouble.

>> No.7752487

they didn't announce acen until January or February last year.

>> No.7752765

Oh really? That's crazy. I guess Acen didn't want them again. Maybe it'll be Fanime or ANext.

>> No.7753572
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They just announced Kami-Con in Birmingham, Alabama as the southern qualifier

>> No.7753590

Florida, Texas and now Alabama. Never thought they'd have 3 in the south but they can't even keep both costs covered.

>> No.7753658

I think they only go to cons that invite them maybe? So maybe ask cons to bring them

>> No.7753798


Fanime already hosted prelims in 2010, not sure if they would host another. AnimeNext just had a qualifying round for 2015.

>> No.7753844


West coast prelim 2015 is at some tiny-ass con in Portland the week before ALA called Newcon. It got announced months ago.

>> No.7754429


Those were answering >>7752205, which was asking about the final.

>> No.7754439


Oh, herpa derpa.

>> No.7754440


I go to Kami-Con every year and didn't expect this. Wonder how it's gonna turn out.