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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7730672 No.7730672 [Reply] [Original]

Where are they now? I'm talking about Jia Jem, Erika Doll, Adella, Ginny McQueen, Miyu...

Are they doing well? All retired? Is Yaya Han the only one who is famous now?

>> No.7730845

Erika Door still cosplays, Ginny McQueen is trying to be famous, is divorced and I thinks she's depresed or on drugs now. It's sad.

>> No.7730871

Jia's doing... something... She cosplayed Jem at a con a few months back.

>> No.7731258

Adella is married with a baby now. Ginny is clinging to cosplay fame even though I don't think she's made a costume in years. Jia is...I don't know, the last thing I remember Jia making is Puma twins. I hear Miyu is super into fitness and that's her hobby now, I don't think she cosplays anymore. I don't know who Erika Doll is. Do you maybe mean Erica Door? In which case, she still cosplays on the downlow with friends a couple of times a year.

>> No.7731301

Dude Ginny Mcqueen is a train wreck now. Unreal how sad and pathetic her facebook and twitter feed are.

>> No.7731915

Miyu gave up cosplay and then got into body building for a while. She had a profile up on bodybuilding.com showing off her abs and was claiming to be a fitness guru and going to enter contests, etc. She's since removed all pictures from it and is back to doing nothing.

>> No.7731920

Sooooo no more Zelda Project?

>> No.7731937

It's really sad. I had an encounter with her around 2 years ago, and... Yeah, I don't have much to say? She seems to have stopped marketing herself as a cosplayer/model since then, but it was really saddening to see her try and market herself as an internet personality while she had so many personal issues. I can't even be mean, her life just sounded awful.

Yaya is the only one who's really "famous" - especially since she's pretty much set the tone for cosplay fame.

Quite a few are still around but just very low key in the huge mass of cosplayers nowadays, like Hezachan.

>> No.7732079

I think it's weird, Ginny's facebook page has like +30000 likes and yest she never gets over 250 likes on a pic or anything on her page

>> No.7732082

I met Ginny last year at a cosplay event where she was a guest. She turned up without any costumes (kind of odd for a cosplay guest imo...) and seemed really depressed. I just wish she'd realise that her fame-hungry approach is probably just making her worse and if she has personal issues she should sort those out before she forces herself into "internet fame".

>> No.7732998

Heza is not what I'd call a 2000's cosplayer in the league of the ones named in OP... She only started to be widely known at the turn of the decade, really.

>> No.7735953

Doesn't she have an eating disorder or something?

>> No.7736034

according to her instagram Miyu is a personal trainer and is in college trying to get a degree so she's not "doing nothing"

>> No.7736042


I think Miyu is also the only one out of all of them who completely quit cosplaying

>> No.7736055

Maybe she bought her likes from mexico like Jnig and Ivy Doomkitty and all the rest of them have done

>> No.7736058
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Alisa still doing fetish shit

>> No.7736068

Yaya is tenacious. She's been hellbent on attaining and maintaining her fame and her hard work had paid off. The other girls didn't put in the time networking like she did. Same with Jessica Nigri. She got het fame by self-promoting and networking extremely hard and has kept it up for 5 years. Yaya has kept it up for almost 2 decades. To get famous and stay famous you have to constantly put yourself out there. The other girls in OP either didn't try hard enough or had too many mental health issues (like Ginny) to do it properly.

>> No.7736069

Ginny I think was the biggest train wreck. She got married and became a stay at home wife but would constantly post about how she was lonely and didnt have anyone in Las Vegas... because apparently her husband didnt count. Which really should have been the first warning signs that her marriage was going to fail. He left her and then she moved in with friends and proceeded to beg her fans for money for rent. She claimed she couldnt get a job but really she didnt wanna work anywhere that wasnt and acting gig. She only has a GED and expected ppl to pay her lots of money for having no skills or education. My favorite thing she did was while she was begging for rent money she was traveling Europe and getting tattoos. Hilarious. Now she has a new sugar daddy to leech off of. She would be smart not to piss of this one because she aint getting any younger and most ppl dont even know who she is as a cosplayer so she cant fall back on her 'fans' anymore.

>> No.7736134

She had a public instagram; I saw it before she went private. She got pretty religious and seemed to be really into working with kids and teaching figure-skating to children, as well as working out.

She used to be such a loose cannon so it was kind of nice to see that she'd grown up a lot.

>> No.7736141

Part of me doesn't have a ton of sympathy for Ginny because she slept with another cosplayer's boyfriend a few years back and wrote some dramatic purple prose tell-all about it on Livejournal, like "He took me... and I let him." Almost casting herself as the protagonist in some erotic novel while ruining some other chick's relationship. (Not that I think the guy wasn't at fault, but it's scummy knowingly doing that...)

>> No.7736202

Oh shit I remember that lj post. It was hilarious.

I dont have any sympathy for her because everything thats happened to her has been her own fault. She seems to always want more then whats handed to her. 'Baw my husband is a lawyer and I can just sit at home and sew cosplays all day!! No one understands me!!" Bitch please.

I remember when she used to constantly talk about how her parents died and she was edgy because she raised herself. It sucks that her parents were gone but using is as some glorious origin story seemed tacky.

Can we make this an Oldfag thread now??

What happened to Rosiel? I always thought she was cool. The last thing I remember her doing was the skit with Die-sama for WCS.

>> No.7736297

Rosiel should be in her late 30s by now. I believe she's a teacher.

>> No.7736369

Can someone post the lj entry?

>> No.7736403

So if I google "Ginny McQueen" it turns out she has a fucking Wikipedia page...why?!

>> No.7736795

>She got married and became a stay at home wife but would constantly post about how she was lonely and didnt have anyone in Las Vegas
Christ why is this like every other stay at home wife? "I stay inside all day and never leave the house, not to mention I have nothing of interest to share with anyone as my life is pretty static. Golly why don't I have any friends?!"

>> No.7736818

I'm sure all that money donated to her helped pay for the Pampers.

>> No.7736823

Rosiel was a badass. I remember hitting cons she was at back in the day. I almost made an Angel Sanctuary cosplay because she made it so fucking cool to cosplay from.

Hell yes an oldfag thread. Do you guys remember them there visual kei cosplays?

>> No.7737018

Miyu has been trying to get that degree for nearly a decade. Shes a prfesional student, shes never going to actually get it.

>> No.7737029

Oh man that's oldschool. I remember mirin Yaya pretty hard when she was in her visual kei phase. Anyone remember Nadine? She was cool

Some people really enjoy going to school. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.7737043

pretty sure she's going for multiple degrees tho

>> No.7737145

>Do you guys remember them there visual kei cosplays?

YES. I wanted to make one so bad but made a terrible azn boi.

>> No.7737167

I made about 3-4 different Malice Mizer costumes. I was a nerd for Yu~ki. I wonder if he ever left his apartment and stopped eating too much chocolate.

Hey if she's actually doing the work, kudos to her. I'd be getting a PhD in English right now if I thought I'd get a job in the end. If someone paid me enough to get by and stay in college the rest of my life I'd probably do it. Fucking love higher academics.

>> No.7737177

they are simply too old

once you go over 23, you're done

>> No.7737548
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Jia makes about one cool cosplay a year now. Her last big one was Injustice Harley. She also made a Jem costume and was wondering around ColossalCon

>> No.7737556


where is limebarb?

>> No.7737559
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facebook -> lemonbrat

>> No.7738120
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Rosiel got a doctorate in... something. She's incredibly smart.

Limebarb does the convention circuit selling rave gear and gave up commissions.

Jia is dating a concept artist for Netherrealm (mortal kombat and Injustice). Is she still working for cosplay.com?

Ginny is dating a tv show editor.

Matt Miller/Lord Masamune is now Matt Mercer, and is a voice actor for anime and video games. His latest role is the main guy from Attack on Titan.

>> No.7738160

>His latest role is the main guy from Attack on Titan.

Not the main role- Captain Levy/Levi (not sure on official spelling).

What's Erika Door up to? Still never smiling in photos, I hope. She suffered from one of the worst cases of sameface I've ever seen in a top tier cosplayer back in the day.

Rosiel had a best friend named Stacy (can't for life of me remember her handle) who was absolutely stunning. I often wonder if she still cosplays... Anybody know?

>> No.7738202

Matt Mercer lived the dream

He was a really good cosplayer and is becoming a rising VA. Jealous of his progress

>> No.7738289

I think you are confusing "didn't try hard enough" with "moved on with their life".

>> No.7738320

I was one of those visual kei cosplayers!

>> No.7738339

You mean Railiens? To my knowledge she doesn't cosplay anymore.

>> No.7738353

God Railiens was pretty. Her Utena cosplays.

Did Sana-chan ever get to be a Disney face character like she dreamed to be? And what happened to her bestie Richii?

>> No.7741168

Railiens is still gorgeous. Same with Miyu and Jia. They've aged really well.

>> No.7741181

Oh dear God Sana-Chan was a huge punch to the face of nostalgia. Last I had heard of her was years ago her and her roommate were still working as performers at SeaWorld.

I think her roommate who did most of her cosplays got offered a seamstress job at Disneyland but it was only 10$ an hour in Anaheim and they were in San Diego not wanting to move so it wasn't worth the drive up the 5 every day. But that was years and years ago, I'm curious to see what they're up to now.

>> No.7741248

i once met rosiel at acen when she was cosplaying from my favorite video game, skies of arcadia. i more or less lost my shit, her cosplay was dead-on. truly an inspiration.

>> No.7741255

there was this group of four girls who cosplayed malice mizer at acen every year in the early 2000s, i was obsessed with the yuki, she was super nice and really pulled it off.

>> No.7741259

Didn't some of these cosplayers moved on to bigger things like...porn?

>> No.7741283

I feel I may know of the girls you speak of. Or not. Malice Mizer was such a huge thing back then. The girls I'm thinking of did a skit where they did the chicken dance one year, so it's probably not the same group.

But sigh, those jrock photoshoots.

>> No.7741293
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PT still doing her thing apparently. God help us all

>> No.7741394

What she's going for is trying to impress people on the internet on things she's allegedly doing or being when in actually she isnt doing anything and she's being nothing.

Reality: She's a 30 year old ex-stripper with no job and no skills. She's not going to ever be anything in life. The boat has sailed.

>> No.7741398

Oh god, i'm from Europe, 19 years old and I know everyone mentioned in this thread minus Rosiel, anybody have pics of her?

>> No.7741399

But she's working

>> No.7741413

This thread right here is why I find it hard to care about cosplay at all and can't fathom why people want cosplay fame. Do they really not think it out?
Some of these girls didn't stop cosplaying very long ago at all and they've all but been forgotten, replaced by younger, fresher faces who pump out costumes monthly.
Cosplay fame is just incredibly ephemeral, I'm pretty sure even fashion related fames like lolita or even scene last a bit longer. It's crazy.

>> No.7741530
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Makes me wanna do some AS cosplay because I always wanted too but was too much of a noob at the time to do it justice.

>> No.7741552

Didn't she also lie about her SAT scores? She is known to lie about everything. She tries too hard to sound super smart but in reality is just average and nothing special.

>> No.7741585

Holy shit, the girl with the Chris Farely Goku boyfriend. I remember this girl from the '90s.

>> No.7741590

Is she discussed anywhere anymore? SR died and I need a PT fix.

>> No.7741594


>> No.7741604

thanks friend

>> No.7741664

Gotta agree. He just did a panel recently and he didn't really mention that he started with cosplaying, and I was wondering if he hides it or not. Only old fucks would remember him doing that anyway.

>> No.7741667

I think he still does a lot of dressing up for themed parties among geeky LA friends, and he's usually the best of the bunch.

>> No.7741668

>that feeling when I still have 3-4 J-rock costumes in my closet but just don't see a reason to wear them again.

>> No.7741679
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>> No.7741681

>that feeling when you want to remake all your old costumes and do some of the ones you never got to do earlier but you know it's for nothing since the jrock fandom is very close to dead.

>> No.7741722

Yeah it's so depressing. I remember going to A-kon back in the day and there was a separate J-music cosplay competition because there were that many of us wandering around.

>> No.7741732

Oh Malice Mizer, my first exposure to Japanese music/lolita. I learned of them from an AOL mailing list.

>> No.7741877

Is Railiens still active anywhere? It looks like she's deactivated most of her cosplay accounts.

>> No.7742366

This is assuming some of the people mentioned in OP really cared about being cosplay famu

>> No.7742407

Nostalgia too thick in this thread making me feel like an oldfag

>> No.7742473

>Anyone remember Nadine?

I remember her. Also Elly, Candy, and so many others.
I haven't thought about them in years!

>This thread right here is why I find it hard to care about cosplay at all

Agreed. I'm an oldfag from the late 90s and sometimes I feel left out that I didn't get well known despite being good. But then I think about two things.
1. Wow does it not matter. Just like you said. You're going to get replaced if you aren't fighting tooth and nail for recognition. At that point that's not even fun. That's a shitty job.

2. With recognition comes hate. For some reason you can be the best seamstress, hottest, youngest, cutest, most talented ever and some asshole is going to have a problem with something.
I'd rather fly under the radar than have to deal with that shitfest.

>> No.7742537

Ginny is dating no one. She made is pretty clear that she just went through a break-up. She also emphasizes things that happen to others daily, but makes them very melodramatic. Apparently she spent two days in the hospital, actually admitted, because of a car accident that left her with just a seat belt burn, as far as I can tell. She may have had some whiplash, too, but two days? That's excessive.

>> No.7742694

Because anyone can make a wiki page and she probably made it herself by the looks of it.

Whatever happened to all of the Shutergirls/Varietease cosplayers? The site "suposedly" went into the hands of the ladies and then disappeared soon after.

Riki "Lafiel" LeCotey changed her screenname to r1ddle and got to tag along with Yaya onto Heroes of Cosplay. Kinda fitting that in all of her time moving to the states her career really just didn't happen like she kept saying it would. She was a terrible person to deal with back when she used Lafiel everywhere like AoD/ANN.

>> No.7742699

She has not aged well. The pics of her still cosplaying as Nu52 Supergirl at AWA the last couple of years... time caught up to that cute baby fat puff she had in her face.

>> No.7742725
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>Shutergirls/Varietease cosplayers?

I'd like to know where RikkuX and SushiGlomper are

>> No.7742749

I know RikkuX did suicidegirls, but she quit after a year or so. Every new set submitted was just cosplay stripping basically despite using one of their more regular staff photogs at the time. Then they flipped to the new "well you post your full set for free and if people like it enough we'll pay you for it.. but probably not." submission system. I saw her post two sets before running off to join a cosplay stripping site.

>> No.7742780

I don't think he hides it but moreso since he's talkinga bout his VA stuff he figured his cosplay background is not relevant

>> No.7742791

I also think that due to a majority of the characters that people want to see cosplay are very youthful and do rely on sex appeal then you know that cosplay fame is a fleeting thing. You can age gracefully in the hobby but you can only hold back the hands of time for so long

>> No.7742793
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Tristen Citrine - retired? She must be in her 40s by now.

>> No.7742803

She's the brand manager for Funimation. I don't think she cosplays much anymore.

>> No.7742911

Correct, Tristen (Charlene) is partly responsible for the deal that got Sailor Moon Crystal over here. She is working hard in the industry, but I don't think she cosplay anymore.

>> No.7742913

Haha oh shit already? Didn't she just move in with that blonde guy? Bitch is just full on crazy.

>> No.7742921
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Haha oh man this chick. Who does this?!

>> No.7742931

Didn't she date a UK guy for a while?

>> No.7742937

I think she has had two bfs since her divorce. Maybe 3 but I think they were all in the US. Honestly I don't know how any dude would want to tap that amount of crazy. She's not nearly hot enough for the amount of crazy this bitch writes. In one breath she claims she wants love and attention from her SO and then the next whines about she has no one.

>> No.7743011
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She still cosplays high schoolers and doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks about that because she's a BAMF.

>> No.7743423
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>Yaya Han
And that reminded me that Kamui is sucking her dick now.

>> No.7743426

>Matt Miller/Lord Masamune is now Matt Mercer, and is a voice actor for anime and video games.

Wait, Matt Mercer was a famous cosplayer?

Pictures and links are required.

>> No.7743437
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You really should check out his There Will Be Brawl webseries.

Pic related, that's Matt.

>> No.7743443

I hit the cosplay scene right around the time it was starting to lose its steam in the Midwest. I held onto it for awhile though. About four or five years ago, there was a girl at Ohayocon who noticed my Dir en grey t-shirt and she was so happy. Apparently she was cosplaying some version of Kaoru. That was the last jrock cosplayer I've seen, aside from myself (and I haven't done it in a couple years now).

>just realized how long I've been skittering around this community

>> No.7743450
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He did some really great FF cosplays back in the day. His cosplay.com profile is still up.

>> No.7743452

where is lilyxandra? and her sister?

>> No.7743464


you can fuck right off this board with that crap

"oh god i've been here so long, i'm so old"

fuck you bitch nigga

>> No.7743476

Nah. I like it here. It's cozy.

>> No.7743483

Lilyxandra still runs Firefly Path and charges huge amounts of money for her commissions.

>> No.7743487

Sister is married and lives in Canada. I believe she does photography.

Lilyxandra makes custom wedding dresses and commissions. Her designs are hit and miss but some are really beautiful. Google search FireflyPath

>> No.7743499
File: 80 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.612468969_ekgv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilyxandra just made these mermaid swimsuits and I just love them.

>> No.7743843

Lillyxandra/JoEllen was on this show I caught on TV once called "My Big Fat Geek Wedding." These nerds were having a medieval/Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones themed wedding and the bride wanted her gown to be elven, and suddenly there's JoEllen. It was so weird.

>> No.7743860

>It was so weird.

Why is it so weird to see a professional seamstress whose specialty is fantasy pieces to be on a show about fantasy weddings?

>> No.7743861

Cute, but I wish the shells were smaller.

>> No.7744266

Where is Sana-chan and Richii? I've tried looking everywhere for them since they were the first cosplayers that really got me inspired into cosplaying when I was starting out at cons when I was in middle school.

I kind of miss them, mostly out of nostalgia and wanting to thank them for inspiring me. Though I wasn't aware back then that they had some dramu of their own.

>> No.7744337

she works for FUNi and VIZ. She's the BM for Sailor Moon.

>> No.7744340

Nope she had a boyfriend very briefly in the UK after her divorce, then the one who just broke up with her who was a longtime friend.

Yaya needed to take someone under her wing after Monika left her for JNig.

>> No.7744647

SushiGlomper has been a stripper and drug addict in Portland for years.

Lillyxandra lives in CA and is engaged to FlatlineJack (who has cheated on every one of his GFs with other cosplayer chicks, so guess where this is going).

MissMoney got fat and ugly. Seriously, you would not recognize her if she and your mother were the only women in the room.

>> No.7744706

I am 29 right now 2 kids, my daughter in almost 2 and my son is 16 weeks. I don't cosplay or watch much anime anymore sadly. From time to time I lurk around and admire you girls work. I love designing and creating little dresses for my daughter and hope one day she will grow to love fashion just as much as me.
Life is amazing and I love seeing all the work you girls put into your craft! I do get a little jealous over how easy it is to simply buy premade wigs and most props. I remember dumping so much time into those.

>> No.7744738

Holy fuck blast to the past reading that name and Jia Jem. I remember getting a quote from limebarb for a cosplay commission back in like 2006, I followed her work so closely back in the day. (never ended up commissioning her because I was a kid with no money)

>> No.7744740

Agreed, the shells are gigantic and would look fucking comical on a petite girl. Like me.

>> No.7744784

Whoa, Anon, calm it down. I just meant that it was weird suddenly seeing someone I kind of know on TV. I don't know, I just think that's something that doesn't normally happen to most people. "Oh, shit, there's someone I know on TV."

>> No.7744818

Who are you? At least reply to a post so we know who you are.

>> No.7748320

I am anon

>> No.7749820

I only really knew about Ginny because she made a big fuss about 2 years ago because Animegacon had asked her to preform for their Cosplay Burlesque and she was offend because she could make more money stripping at a casino or some shit like that. I should check YouTube and see if that video is still around.

>> No.7749829

found it, there is also a part 2
Anime Convention Tries To Hire Me As A Stripper: http://youtu.be/-JEvcEG0roI

>> No.7749878

Whatever happened to FranDan? I never followed her too closely but I remember she had side banner ads on like coscom or something.

>> No.7750278

FranDan was the original Jnig. I'll never forget her vinyl sailor moon costumes or her fish face pose.

>> No.7750296

She was turning Japanese (hehehe) and came out with some ridiculous cosplay vid that she tried to sell. Had a terrible trailer for it and everything.

>> No.7750305

Ginny has a patreon now

>> No.7750401

I appreciate your efforts, but I don't think you understand how to attention whore properly. Nobody knows who the fuck you are.

>> No.7750431

I liked Sailor Jamboree.

>> No.7750468

What about them did you like? They had one good singer and the rest of them were shit dancers and had horribley made/fitted costumes

>> No.7750530

>horribley made/fitted costumes

Oh now that's not true at all. They had some of the BEST costumes at the time.

>> No.7750562

>you know it's for nothing since the jrock fandom is very close to dead

i was out in a full gackt VK outfit and all but ONE weeb recognized the outfit in all of AX a couple of years ago.

at least people are leaving the fandom alone and not messing with it anymore. i hope the same thing happens to cosplay.

>> No.7750707
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Stripper Vash got fat.

>> No.7750748

The only time they had good costumes was when Tristen Citrine made them. Even then some of them didn't fit the girls.

>> No.7750805

Oh man... Talk about letting yourself go.

>> No.7750821
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I miss his silly photos with Voltz.

>> No.7750831

Oh my god, no. That is so disheartening.

>> No.7750838
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where is kitty

>> No.7750841


If i wasn't on 4chan and was on some forum instead, I would have posted a sad face and I would have PM'd you to get to know you and talk about jrock.

>> No.7750846
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>> No.7750854
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Assassin's inc

Quit in like 2007

Wonder where they are

Didnt the girl used to be a lesbian and had some Sailor Neptune page back in like 2000?

>> No.7750859

This is for the midwest oldfags, but does anyone know what happened to Duelin' Dan? That guy was a barrel of laughs.

Also, any of you oldbros originate from cosfu/cosplayfcuks?

>> No.7750861

Lesbian Sailor Scout? Wasn't there like a group of them or at least two of them who always cosplayed Sailor Moon and were super elitist bitches? I remember running into them a lot at Otakon in like 2005/6 and there was a bit of dramu surrounding them.

>> No.7750892

I remember an Ohio cosplayer friend and I last saw him around at a 2011 or 2012 con we were at together, I think, haven't heard since then. I could ask I guess.

>> No.7751365

I know your pain, anon. Mind you, I usually cosplayed Shinya, who was not necessarily the highest on the VK recognizable scale, but I was decked out in one of his more common costumes, walked past like... ten girls wearing Dir en grey t-shirts and none of them recognized me. I only had one person know who I was and it turned out we had met each other at another con prior. This was 7 years ago. Still sad.

>> No.7751497

Assassins Inc. are married and live a poly lifestyle. He has a girlfriend and she has had several. She writes sci-fi books about queer people. Just Google "J Koyanagi"

>> No.7751935


Yooooo, hadn't thought of that site in years.

Also saw Duelin' Dan at Acen like 5 years back when I went...but haven't seen anything since. He just sorta vanished.

>> No.7752323

4ng31 tried to revive it but it was during the mass blog/forum decline a few years back so it never took off. And now since the internet is a giant hugbox, there really is no good place for cosfu 2.0

>> No.7752378
File: 14 KB, 308x430, gacktskellington_manamana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to come in here and ask if anyone remembered the visual kei craze or cosplayfucks.

Damn guys we're old.

/cgl/ has replaced cosplayfucks, but no amount of K-pop saturation can ever compare to the spectacle of bloodied Kyos and fat Manas at every con.

pic mostly related

>> No.7752432


Do you know Yaya's or Jessica Nigri's age? They are both over 23.

>> No.7752699

Whatever happened to Dia? Did she ever become a world famous fashion designer? She seemed like she had chops at least.

>> No.7752704

And remember those handful of actual ~boy~ visual kei cosplayers who were all gay and androgynous and they had their 40+ fangirls following them around cons giving them asspats becaus "Kyaa~ you like yaoi and mana-sama! -insert strereotypical Nippon name here-kun, you are you sugoi!"

>> No.7752720

I'm not too sure what she's been up to in her private/professional life since her other accounts are locked, but her cosplay page on FB has diacosplay as the url. She doesn't make too many costumes now. Edea from Bravely Default is her current project.

>> No.7752760

catsonmars > cosplayfucks

Those were the days, man.

>> No.7752762

JNig is barely over 23.

But yeah only in her mid-30s is age finally catching up with Yaya. At this point I just roll my eyes when she tries to do any teenager, she just can't pull it off now.

It's weird seeing these names, I was too young to participate in the con or cosplay scene but a handful of these names I saw mentioned back in the day and then like anything they vanished. I don't even know if there's a cosplay scene anymore as much as it's just everyone does cosplay and some get temporarily famous. At least in the way that the mid-Atlantic, southeast, midwest, California all had their own big cosplayers who were at every con in the region.

>> No.7752768

Man remember when cosplayfucks were considered the worst of the cosplayworld and were even banned/kicked out of cons out of fear for taking pictures, posting them online and starting shit?

>> No.7752782

I think back then it was a few big fish in a smaller pond - those who had better costumes stood out above the shit, especially since they often had far better photos than any of us. Private shoots started to become more common and easier to get in the late 2000s, so regular cosplayers could finally get some decent documentation for their costumes rather than shitty hall photos they'd have to dig for on Photobucket.

I think Facebook becoming a major platform for cosplay accounts changed a lot of factors. There's more pressure to constantly update and make more costumes in order to stay relevant. Glad I never bothered.

>> No.7752799

I remember that. I hated that place for it. At least on catsonmars, we focused on construction or presentation. If someone was like hurr durr look at this fatty or ugly, we were like gtfo the costume is nice.

Also back in those days we referred to PT as boob window.

>> No.7752813

Social media changed everything for sure. There's so much demand for content, content, content that if you don't have a prolific output then you don't get shares and don't get as many likes. And those are treated as currency now, especially when it comes to getting private shoots.

Also important is how much easier it is to take professional looking photographs than it was 10 years ago.

>> No.7753796

>Also important is how much easier it is to take professional looking photographs than it was 10 years ago.

Technology and making decent cameras more accessible have made those shitty hallway shots less shitty. Hence... I'm just reiterating your point...

But do you remember toting around disposable cameras then praying you didn't red eye anyone when you dropped off your film?

>> No.7753812
File: 352 KB, 909x708, anime05 (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the disposable camera thing for my second con after taking no photos at my first con and regretting it. Have some vintage Riddle from almost a decade ago.

>> No.7753828


Before she got fuck huge implants.

>> No.7753833

Don't you just love the odd "camera fog" quality that those things gave you? Awesome. Then you had to scan the pictures in and that did you absolutely no favors.

>> No.7753837

They are still married but dating other people at the same time. She is also an enormous tumblrtard. Google J Koyanagi.

>> No.7753854
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>> No.7753862
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My first digital camera the following year didn't fare much better; for indoor photos, you could either blow the fuck out of the photo with your shitty flash, or risk going without and ending up with something blurry. Outdoor photos were generally safe.

>> No.7753883

I always appreciated it when my camera decided it was time to make all white people have ashy gray complexions and virtually no noses.

And this was in the Midwest, so there was a lot of white people.

>> No.7753891
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Weaboos circa 2005.

>> No.7753892

That feel when I cosplayed Naruto before that shit got to America. Hardly anyone knew who I was.

>> No.7753907
File: 131 KB, 640x480, Pocky2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were a ton of Anbu cosplayers in 2004 but only the Asian crowd knew who they were.

I remember cardboard costumes being a big thing a decade ago.

>> No.7753913

At least there's some variety in the outfits compared to the SnK kids

>> No.7753914
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Until this happened, anyway.

>> No.7754207

I have a lot of pictures on disposable from back in the day lying around and they're just horrible photographs. Lighting is terrible, there's a blur somewhere, and because of the way you looked into a disposable things are never level.

>> No.7754550
File: 78 KB, 680x510, manfaye201rd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this son of a bitch...

>> No.7754671

Is she seriously? I thought she was in the mid-twenties. I remember seeing her in her Pikachu outfit and she looked like she was about 17/18 there. I could have sworn she was older.

I feel really weird now.

>> No.7754799


She is 25 now.

>> No.7754962
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>> No.7755316

I think he got some sort of job in the entertainment industry. He went quiet sometime after 2007.

>> No.7758689

Series? Looks familiar but I'm having a brain fart.

>> No.7758700

Ragnarok Online.

>> No.7758707

Sweet jesus, is that Jnig?! Also, speaking of old, what happened to that one Mexican chick who cosplayed Sailor Moon and claimed to be the best one because she actually thought she was Sailor Moon? Usagi Kou? There was a lot of drama with her doing terrible things.

>> No.7758708

She looks like a mother. Not even a MILF, just a worn out mom with bad skin. Whoever shoops her photos needs a raise.

>> No.7758723

Kitty Contreras tried to be an actress and failed after one bit part in a no-budget pitch trailer. She ended up spending a couple of years doing softcore fetish porn, not nudity and penetration stuff but things like walking on men with heels and being force-fed by other women, that kind of thing. I don't know if she still does those.

Usagi Kou simply went proper crazy and like Ginny is just a plain old rapidly-aging wreck of an attention queen. Bunch of failed relationships, cheating on people, stealing money, hints of mental breakdowns and self harm.

It's pretty sad how many of these people end up being total wrecks. I think if you're still cosplaying and treating it like a big deal when you're 30, you're fucked. Get the fuck out while you can or at least stop thinking you're hot shit in some super cereal bizniz. Too many people have ended up being total fucking wrecks because they spent all the time on a hobby when they should have been building healthy relationships and working out a real career.

>> No.7758764
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>> No.7758841

I think for some the cosplay was an escape from their inability to get into a real career.

>> No.7759483

Anyone remember Gren and Cherry - Limit Break Cosplay?

>> No.7759500

>I think if you're still cosplaying and treating it like a big deal when you're 30, you're fucked.

You can keep doing it when your older but you have to be classy about it like some of the older cosplayers that used to be more well known in the community. Just do it for fun when you have time. A lot of aging cosplayers seem to go to Dragon Con or go into historical recreation. Also Costume Con seems to be another event older folks go too as it becomes more about sewing cool shit and hanging out with chill ppl.

>> No.7759504
File: 84 KB, 242x252, mrvzx3v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem tits doe

>> No.7762574

Riki's making a second-rate 'career' of it. She sells photos and gets invited to third-rate cons (Rhode Island, Puerto Rico, Guatamala?).

If you can call that a career, I guess she has on.

>> No.7762678

Usagi Kou was at Otakon this year in a new Princess Serenity costume. At least I think it was new. So she appears to be back a little bit, but not making a big deal of it. Though she still makes weird passive aggressive comments, like I saw some photos she was tagged in pop up on my FB due to mutual friends, and someone would say "that's a great Sailor Moon" or something along those lines, and then she would reply "damn right I am" and that sort of thing. Don't know if she is trying to be funny or if that;s how she really is.

>> No.7762681
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For those of you not taking care of your skin.

>> No.7763695

>trying to impress people on the internet
>removes social networking accounts & stops commenting on forums/4chan

Pick one.

>> No.7763886

JNig would look so much better if she didn't have her face caked with makeup all the time.

>> No.7763902

the makeup covers up a world of hurt

>> No.7764238

newfag here, who is usagi kou?

>> No.7764251

Whatever happened to Emono?

>> No.7764273

She still cosplays from time to time when her work schedule allows it. She did a Love Live cosplay earlier this year (>>7743011), but she's really focused on her work at Viz Media after she left Funimation.

Apparently, she's a huge part of why their recent anime product has been so well received compared to how it was treated in the past. She's also genuinely one the sweetest people that works in the industry, having gotten Christmas cards from her when she used to work at Funi.

>> No.7764450

Usagi Kou was an amazing lol cow. She was basically a Sailor Moon otakukin and had a lot of drama with her boyfriend whom she referred to as Mamo-chan. She also bought costumes and claimed to make them. Unfortunately her ED page is full of le epic memes and not a lot of information.

>> No.7764471
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I would welcome all those fat Manas and Kyos back with open arms if it meant K Pop would go away and J Rock would come back.

>> No.7764517

With all the K Pop nowadays, it almost made me forget how J Rock sounded.

>> No.7764578
File: 5 KB, 200x200, ripjrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>malice mizer
>dir en grey
I didn't ask for these old j rock feels

>> No.7764594 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 360x500, sugi_nazi-craziness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too late to turn your back on superior Japanese rock music, anons.

I just don't understand how people "grow out of" music. For some reason people treat me like a manchild because I still listen to X Japan, Luna Sea, Gackt, Buck-Tick, Dir en grey, etc. You don't have to read fanfic or fangirl on LiveJournal to still listen to good music.

>> No.7764600
File: 42 KB, 360x500, lunasea_sugizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too late to go back to listening superior Japanese rock music, anons.

I just don't understand how people "grow out of" music. For some reason people treat me like a manchild because I still listen to X Japan, Luna Sea, Gackt, Buck-Tick, Dir en grey, etc. You don't have to read fanfic or fangirl on LiveJournal to still listen to good music.

>> No.7764601
File: 1.33 MB, 355x200, 6hhhU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love Diru. They dropping a new album and I gotta get that limited edition gold.

>> No.7764614

Good music is subjective and you do sound like a child talking like that, it has little to do with what you listen to.
People can grow out of things, they just grow bored of it and see it as silly. It happens a lot, nobody's tastes stay the same throughout their life. You whining about it makes you sound insecure about your own tastes. Listen to whatever the fuck you want to, but don't chastise people for not liking something you don't like and vice versa.

>> No.7764728

Remember Pikabellechu? Still cosplaying. Still obsessed with pikachu.

>> No.7764739
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Ask and ye shall receive.

>> No.7764752 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 393x400, 41824012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this jrock talk reminds me of how excited I was at my first con when I saw a bearded dude dressed as Aya from Psycho Le Cemu. I think that's the first and only PLC cosplay I've seen in person sadly. I wasn't superduper into jrock/vkei but that band has always had a special in my shitty weeaboo heart.

>> No.7764755
File: 42 KB, 393x400, 41824012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this jrock talk reminds me of how excited I was at my first con when I saw a bearded dude dressed as Aya from Psycho Le Cemu. I think that's the first and only PLC cosplay I've seen in person sadly. I wasn't superduper into jrock/vkei but that band has always had a special place in my shitty weeaboo heart.

>> No.7765392
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>> No.7765394
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>> No.7765397
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>> No.7765405
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>> No.7765408
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>> No.7765667
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Hahah yes I remember that crazy bitch... Technically she was doing the first Gijinka cosplays. Always loved her art.

>> No.7765751

Just like those of us who are obsessed with K Pop will be in these threads in 10 years reminiscing about how much fun it was, despite how silly it looks now.

That's the cycle of popular music for the most part. People loved disco and people talk about how much fun it was but few people in 2014 are going out to listen to disco.

>> No.7765786

yes, when I was a noob I thought they were amazing. I still think Gren's Riku holds up as one of the best I've seen.

>> No.7765805
File: 128 KB, 441x600, KH - Sora & Riku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss them.

>> No.7765856

Holy shit, Diru feels! I just saw their line-up for the Mode of Gauze concerts their doing for the 15th anniversary of that album and ohholyfuck their playing Cage. Can't wait to get a hold of that audio.

>tfw Cage was your first Dir en grey song
>tfw Cage Shinya was your first cosplay ever

>> No.7766399 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7766402
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>> No.7767361

Is Alodia still popular in US communities? Or did she retire completely to the Philippines with her sugar daddy and shitty acting/modeling/artist/pianist career? I remember the drama with her taking credit for costumes she didn't make, denying plastic surgery claiming she matured into a better body, and that time she was deported from a US con for trying to make money selling stuff while on a travel visa. It was also on cgl where I read she dressed up as Miku or something and a little girl asked for an autograph and got Alodia's signature instead. She's pretty much a shittier Asian jnig.

>> No.7767390

She was never popular in US communities. People only ever talked about her on this board.

>> No.7767644


Speaking of Alodia, what happened with that cosplay singing group she was in?

>> No.7767682

Eh speaking of Alodia, I lived in Philippines for several years and I don't think many cosplayers even like her. Everyone there pretty much knew she didn't make her own things and a whole production team was needed for her since Philippines is a small world and word gets out quick. But anyway her family is wealthy to begin with and she has a sugar daddy so she gets to go to Japan and buy many costumes without budget as much as she wants.

She's like a pure example of how money can bring you far. Money to travel, to social network, to hire photographers, to hire the best people to make you your cosplay, to hire people who have good photoshopping skills, get cosmetic surgery, hire agents. Obviously this will be 20 times more expensive in America so it's completely doable there.

>> No.7768271
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>> No.7768319

Out of curiosity, I started following her page on Facebook and it's been fun to watch her pretend like she ever had to work hard for any of her recent opportunities. Has she always done that?

>> No.7768391

What's a Serger?

>> No.7768777


Yea she has always done that. There was even a time where she posted youtube vids pretending to make her costumes and props. She would even post pics of her finished things with tools around it to make it look like she worked on it. Funny thing was that she didn't specify her prop makers to hide her costume as if it were drugs so people who went to visit said prop makers recognized the things she supposedly made herself and took pics.

Her path to fame is like if you had an unlimited budget here in the US to become cosfamous. You don't need to ever work or go to school so you can pretty much just buy a costume and hire people take good pics and shit. And you can fly all over the country to every single con. I guess she's kind of like Yaya Han and JNIG where they don't have an actual job and all they do is attend these cons. Plus their sugar daddys/fan boys pay for everything.

>> No.7768873

Are you talking about the Kou Klan? Those people hanging around with Usagi Kou and being fucking chock full of drama? I haven't heard of them in years.

>> No.7769984

That's like when people were accusing FranDan of not making her own costumes, so she posted a picture of a completed costume piece on a table with a candle and some watercolor paints.

No thread, no scissors, no sewing machine. A candle and WATERCOLORS.

>> No.7770354

She's not that old. I want to say 35/36 the latest. But yes, I do remember her. I remember wanting a chance to cosplay with her at some point. I met at several different cons in the early and mid 2000's and she's still my favorite Rosiel cosplayer to this day.

>> No.7770359

Because most women who willingly want to become stay at home wives have nothing of interest to share in the first place.

>> No.7770366

This is making me so nostalgic. I think I remember the group you're talking about. Two of them were Chii and Awa, I think? I remember chilling with them at Anime Boston 2004 when they were doing Malice Mizer and Pyscho Le Cemu. Memories. We did a dir en grey shoot together at some point.

>> No.7770399
File: 232 KB, 700x1050, IMG_9564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha shit that was my favorite. People complain about Jnig but FranDan was a million time worst. I remember when she would just get random parts of costumes and throw them together for her OC model shoots. Random Yoko clip with wa-lolita mess.

>> No.7770402

29 isn't even old. Holy shit.

>> No.7770416

>that Ouendan group with Zanial and Stuntcock
Holy shit.
I will NEVER fucking forget.

>> No.7770486

2004 was a great year for Naruto. It was really fun and I made a lot of friends through it. Social media really has ruined that cosplay bond a lot of us were able to form so easily.

>> No.7770502

Eh, the only notoriety she got here was because she was one of those generic pretty Asian cosplayers that got reposted a lot on those "TOP TEN HOT COSPLAYER" image dump lists and stuff, but no one actually cared enough to google her.

Remember when FranDan-face or FrandDanning was a thing?

>> No.7770523

She's a guest every year at Metrocon, outside of that I don't know.

I took a photo of her last year, tagged her in it on tumblr, but she still reblogged it saying it was her. I found it to be weird.

>> No.7770562

I think I remember them. I met the person who did Seiya (Sailor star fighter) on a pretty regular basis on cons. I think her name was Kelly?

>> No.7770567

>that limp man hand

>> No.7770774

>His latest role is the main guy from Attack on Titan.
actually, his latest role is the main guy in jojos

>> No.7770777

>I was wondering if he hides it or not.
in a way
some voice actors with cosplay backgrounds (there's actually a lot) will offer services towards cosplay shows too

He doesn't want to do any cosplay related programming, so he's careful not to drop the cosplay bomb too often, so people don't get ideas.

>> No.7770781

Well if you still go to cons in texas, Candice isn't hard to see. She's just not cosplaying much these days. She's still like... executive director or something for Onicon. Maybe Vice Chair? Something really high up.

>> No.7770786

>Matt Fucking Mercer is Jotaro Kujo
you can't even imagine my fucking face
major props to him

>> No.7770798


Ugh, I'm super jealous of Alodia. Her life is a freaking vacation. Her job as a 'model/face' really means that she doesn't do crap all day and all she does is buy nerdy shit and figurines, get her face pampered with surgery and spa treatments, pack her things for the 40th trip that year to like Thailand or some other random country; all things to pass the time until like con season arrives where she just puts on whatever is bought for her and then she gets her pics taken. Plus she has personal trainers and is still leaching off mommy and daddy.

Just to top it off, when she was in her late teens, her parents would like fly her all over Asia just to compete in a cosplay competition and she didn't even make her freaking costumes. This is all motivation for me to find a rich husband who supports me being an attention whore.

>> No.7770872

FranDanning needs to always be a thing

>> No.7771074

Just be prepared for the inevitable backlash.

But really, go ahead. If I could have that kind of money and travel around the world doing cosplay and shit because I look good I would. Unfortunately I look good and am poor.

>> No.7771078
File: 85 KB, 383x600, 1403550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the idea to spoof FranDan's pose came from Cosfu around 2007 or so. We were always poking fun at how there was this enormous banner on Cosplay.com of FranDan doing that dumb pose, and it was a vertical banner juxtaposed next to everyone's gallery photos, so we started taking photos of ourselves doing it at cons and I guess it spread around? I love that it came full circle and FranDan caught on eventually.

>> No.7771145

Does anyone still have that banner ad saved? The new generation should be educated

>> No.7771205

>chopsticks placed randomly around in wig
>platform boots
>leopard print
>yoko clip

man i miss her

>> No.7771230

Question, and only just vaguely related because I used to do this shit around 2004-2008ish

Does anyone still prowl the forums & social media sites after a con to find pictures of themselves? I used to spend hours and hours doing it, but the past 3-4 years I haven't cared enough.

>> No.7771237

Having bad skin terrifies me. I take okay care of it but I'm gonna ramp up my care now!

>> No.7771345


He's still going to cons, but as far as I know, he only wears full kigurumi costumes so no one knows who/what he is at events.


I still have the url and the vB license. I've been thinking recently of putting it back on a host and just letting people run wild with it. We'll see I guess...

>> No.7771390

Do it fgt. :3

>> No.7771425
File: 56 KB, 426x640, 919819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the banner but the original photo it came from, yeah.

>> No.7771459

Is her face supposed to look a bit strange?

>> No.7771496

I've been following as many of the shows in their tours I can. I have tickets for the last dates of the mode of gauze in Tokyo and I just can't make it in time! Have to sell them, it's killing me.

There's some more Sukekiyo shows coming up that I'm catching so I can't complain about my first world problems too much. It's not quite Dir but they're also a great band in their own way.

>> No.7771523

>that make up

>> No.7771543
File: 19 KB, 302x326, MVC-079F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Social media really has ruined that cosplay bond a lot of us were able to form so easily.

Cosplay had divas and asshats sure. Before it used to be contained within the time and place of the con. But then suddenly they could broadcast their shitty personalities to hundreds and then thousands of people.

Then you had the influence of the young for whom real life hadn't started yet so all life was so far was trying to be the most important/most liked/most popular person in your high school. Or course that carried over into their cosplay.

Combine those things and you have the perfect storm of people not wanting to bond over shared love of anime but be better than whoever they are talking to.

>> No.7771548
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>> No.7771555
File: 33 KB, 300x454, aca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and now we have so many resources available which is great!
But on the flipside people expect you to be perfect because if you can now order the perfect shade of contacts, specially make the fabric you need on spoonflower, and have a wigmaster make your wig cause you'd fuck it up....

Well now your nose has to match the costume, as well as your height, and your face shape and your race.

Because now it's comparatively easy to have a nice costume. So you have to stand out in other ways... like being perfect in ways you actually can't control or sexing up everything, or spamming yourself on everything for attention.

So not only do you have a community that is less friendly, but also more competitive. Which is why we are so mean to each other now in ways we would have never dreamed of 15 yrs ago.

>> No.7771657

I say we bring it back. It's a hilarious pose.

>> No.7771682

That's only if you let them bring you down.

I'll gladly take easier to find materials, resources, better references, tutorial sharing along with social media that allows us to better organize gatherings, photoshoots and other con plans along with some extra bitchy people.

I ain't going to see them again and I can't change how they think. If they want to act like assholes then let them. This is my costume and my con money and damnit I'm gonna enjoy myself

>> No.7771774

She always looked a bit strange. I think it's the lack of eyebrows.

>> No.7772002

I like what Kyo's doin' with Sukekiyo, but isn't their tour in Europe right now?

Sadly, due to some serious debt problems, I'm being cut off from Diru shows even if they tour the States (since they never come to my state and the closest show is always in Chicago). Never mind the fact that we've gone to three One OK Rock shows, including their New York (fucking cold) and Philly (not as cold, finally), but because the fiance is all paranoid about money now, I miss out on any hypothetical Diru tour because she doesn't care about them quite as much anymore. Soo, boo.
>Will never live dream to someday hopefully hear Cage live because they'll probably promptly shove it back into retirement once this tour is over.

Sucks about you missing mode of gauze, anon. I feel for you. :( I've never seen them in Japan. How's the experience?