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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7727132 No.7727132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

'bout a month to Kumoricon, anyone going? It's a shit con and I'm not sure why the fuck it's four days this year, but maybe this will finally kill it.

Anyone doing anything interesting for it? Cosplay plans? Just gonna fuck around in the park with the rest of the weebs?

>> No.7727173

Hey guys, does anyone know ANYBODY who got a table and wants to share? I tried to find someone earlier, but the deadlines came and went so quickly and I didn't get a table. I am a first-timer and am looking for just half a table...

>> No.7727181

Artist Alley. Sorry. You can tell its late where I live.

>> No.7727216

Anybody have any idea what the fuck is up with the panel coordinator or whatever the hell she is making us all give detailed descriptions of any media we'll be showing? I feel like I'm filling out a permission form for a fucking middle school dance here. Is it some kind of ass-covering move? I've honest to god never heard of a convention doing this before. Shit's annoying when you have to do it for every single panel you're running, too.

I'd hate to be the person that has to write emails to every single fucking production company in Japan asking for permission to show a 30sec clip that's available on youtube in a panel at a convention nobody has ever heard of outside of the PNW.

>> No.7727784
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No fucking clue but my panel is mostly media and what are they gonna do if they can't get permissions? Just tell me I can't even host the damn thing? They're gonna have a way sparser schedule, or a bunch of panelists are gonna show shit anyway without permission if they try to tell people they can't do their panel because some producer said they can't show youtube clips.

>mfw an email asking for me to tell them EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF MEDIA IN MY PANEL and who made it and when showed up in my inbox

>> No.7727904

Who's ready for Oxfest, guys? I for one can't wait to be in the same general area as a bunch of drunken fat people that verbally abuse congoers.

>> No.7730983

let me bump this thread by saying that you all need to go to the touhou panel and say that you recognize the guy from threads in /jp/

i dare you

>> No.7731209


I'll be sure to peer in the door and then point at him and yell "HEY! YOURE THAT GUY FROM /JP/!" As loud as I can.

Also bump, 24 days to con.

>> No.7731709

I'm going. Absolutely not excited for Oxfest to be there and shit things up as usual. I seriously don't know why the con just doesn't move to friday, saturday, and sunday (like every other con in the damn universe) and leave Monday free for Oxfest.

Also not excited for the swarm of underage weebs. I have a friend that's going to the con for the first time. Actually, it's his first con period, so I'm making him his own offensive bingo chart to keep him occupied. He hates Tumblr with fiery passion so he's really excited.

Going to be Kamina all weekend with a Yoko, Simon and Kittan. Is there going to be a seagull meet? I don't know how many of us actually go to this con anymore.

>> No.7731904

I'll hang out with whoevers going, if you want. I'll either be on staff or in artist's alley, depending if people respond to >>7727173
or not

>> No.7731932

I'm going because I couldn't get PAX tickets again, mostly for the people watching. Generic Pokebreeder, considering R/S version since Alpha/Omega

Wanted to get a table but no dice. Think they'll be mad if I try to peddle my felted Pokedolls table-less?

>> No.7732606


Set up like a Mexican street peddler so you can just fold that shit closed, throw it over your shoulder and fucking book it when the yojimbo come for your ass.

>> No.7732674

Anon, you and me both! We should team up, contact K-con, and see if theres an Artist Alley cancellation.

>> No.7734116
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Anyone else a big fan of the Facebook group? It's full of drama and stuff like this, I love it. I always enjoy the con itself too but holy shit these people.

In all seriousness, how can a con like this improve when its attendees refuse to give any kind of criticism? There probably won't be enough content to fill all four days but I feel like it's inevitable that people will praise it as being epic and the best Kumo ever!!!

>> No.7734222

can't decide if it's worth it or not. might drive across the river to people watch but the panels and dealers hall have been getting worse and worse every year.
at least the farmer's market promises a decent lunch.

>> No.7734351


Well the con sure as hell won't be improving any time soon, not with their 'anything that isn't anime is shit that doesn't deserve to be here if we could ban non-anime cosplays we could' mindset. The move to the con center next year is about two or three years too late.

>> No.7734442


It's baby's first con and it's in the fucking Portland/Vancouver area, of course it's going to be full of shitty tumblr cosplays and fads.

>> No.7735335

they're finally moving to the convention center? they should have done that years ago after the Portland Hilton mess.

>> No.7735893


They ~couldn't justify spending the money~ back then but they've been capping at 4K or so because of the shitty two-hotel setup for four years now and they've basically fucked themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if they're only moving to the con center because the hotels don't want them back.

>> No.7737113

It's a popular con for drawing in young cosplayers, who tend to be drawn into whatever fandoms their friends are in at the time - which at the moment includes SnK.
That girl in particular is a bit Tumblr weeby, but I mean, she's 16, so give it a few years and she'll probably cringe a bit at what she used to be like.

>> No.7737390

its simply too many people. hotel prices increase the more people are there for the event.

>> No.7737796

I'm going cause it was my first ever con around 2003 and it's the only con I can go to this year cause of money and medical problems. It still holds a fond place in my heart, even though like 2 out of the 4 times I've gone, everything has gone wrong.

I'll be going as a Houndoom Gijinka cause of the same money, time, and medical constraints.

>> No.7738117

Are there any decent restaurants in the area that aren't the thai place (sick of it) the trattoria like three blocks away (also sick of it) or fucking Subway? I want to go to a sit-down restaurant, not get some food at the street fair and then get bothered by hobos to share it like last year.

>> No.7738678

Going to Kumoricon for the first time this year....is the area particularly dangerous? I bought a room in a cheapo motel with some buddies and I'm kinda worried. Is the con really as bad as everyone says?

>> No.7738720

From my experience, it's fine. Just like any other con, the further away your hotel is from the con, the better idea it is to travel with a friend or two.
Oxfest on Labor Day / Monday / day 4 is a festival for ex drug addicts and alcoholics, so you might get some weird looks, or rude comments. But thankfully, since Oxfest and Kumo have been clashing for a few years now, the Oxfest attendees are expect us to be there, and are getting more accepting of us each year, from what I've heard / noticed.

>> No.7738736

Cool, thanks! The motel isnt that far and I plan on always walking there in a group anyways.

>> No.7738778

I used to go ALL the time as an annoying young congoer, but now I just fucking go to PAX because WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU GO TO KUMO?!?!

>> No.7738801
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Because distance.
Because money.
Because sold out tickets.

>> No.7738824

But actual good cosplayers
But panels worth attending,
but skip other cons to afford it
but have a job
but just fucking hang out by a computer when badges are on sale and buy one
Because not fucking sad depressing kumo!

>> No.7739146
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>mfw I'm gonna have to deal with the shitfest that is the cosplay contest up close and personal this year

The things I sell my soul for a free badge for...

>> No.7741601

Are they? I heard some kids were running around dumping water bottles on cosplayers last year.

>> No.7741763

I was going to PAX but then I had a big breakup and had to sell my tickets to move.

Now I'm going to Kumoricon for at least a day since I'm doing some stuff for superOrange. I might try to stay another day and cosplay. Not sure as what yet though.

>> No.7741884
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Man that sucks. Hope things start turning around for you.

It'll be neat to see you at the con!

>> No.7742145


Yeah no, Oxfest hasn't gotten any friendlier in the past few years. The Homestucks are actually quite well-behaved though, which is weird to me because I've borne witness to some truly horrific bucket-spitting shit in my time. Nowadays they're practically tame.

>> No.7742197

If you have a car, and follow the road that runs parallel to the Columbia River - I can't remember what the street name is, but whatever - you can find a McMenamin's on the waterfront.
There's also a Beaches restaurant near it, although I've never eaten there so I can't really vouch for the quality of the food.

>> No.7742238

Hwy 14 or Se Columbia way to SE Columbia Shores Blvd

>> No.7742292

I've heard from a few staffers that when a con takes place in a convention center at least half their budget ends up going to the electric costs alone. I had ben bugging tgem ever since the first Hilton year about moving to the con center but they also used the excuse that they didn't have enough attendees to warrant it.

Kumo keeps shooting themselves in the foot. The con actually has too many people for any hotel space in Portland to hold them (they had to turn people away during the first Hilton year) and thus moved to Vancouver.

I've also heard they outright refused industry sponsors (therefore money) to help grow the con in the past. Maybe that has changed this year? I don't see how they'll be able to afford the con center next year considering they having maxed out their attendance in some number of years.

>> No.7742298

Personally I couldn't get a badge nor the time off from my job. Believe you me I much rather be going to PAX but instead I'm stuck with Kumori con since it is local.

>> No.7742301 [DELETED] 
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I am prepared.

>> No.7742308
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I am prepared.

>> No.7742385

Nukka what happened? Last I saw you were cosplaying with your BF and shit :(((

>> No.7742729

How's parking in the area? I'm probably just gonna put my parking pass from last year in the window of my car and park in the Park n Go 'cause I don't think they even check that shit.

>> No.7743123

I'll be going. Went last year and it was stuffed full of 14 year old weebs. Didn't get glomped and had a general good time. But, I'm a lot more in shape now and have a generally good cosplay. Somewhat worried about that.

I'm cosplaying Naked Snake.

>> No.7743541

I'll make sure to give you a high five.

I was thinking of throwing together a Miller cosplay one of these times. Is there a MGS meetup this time?

>> No.7743547

Theres an italian restraunt nearby thats really nice, but i can't for the life of me remember what it was called.

>> No.7743564

Not a clue. If there is, I'm totally down for it. But you should totally slap the miller outfit together.

I still need to marathon all of Big Boss's games. I'm really behind on the lore of it all.

>> No.7744478

Anybody have a hotel room booked (on site or overflow) with room for an extra? I'll toss a hundred dollars cash in the direction of whoever can provide a chill room for me to crash in for the weekend. I don't want drama, just a place to crash so I don't need to cross the river a thousand times over the weekend.

I'm generally quiet, will provide my own food, and can cook well if you want me to.

>> No.7745877

God this con isn't worth the cost of gas to get there. Why the hell am I even going?

>> No.7746523

People have said it before but I'll say it again- why go to this when you could go to PAX instead?

>> No.7746538

I think #1 reason is if you got the PAX badges or not.

>> No.7747288

Thanks. I'm sure they will. Just that initial shitty ICK feelings at the moment.

We just have grown apart and have conflicts of interest for the future.

>> No.7747745

Yes for the MGS meetup. If you're still around, make the damn Miller getup. Happening saturday

>> No.7748105


>> No.7749145

damnit, but where am I going to get a damn blonde wig by then?

I'm also 5'2

>> No.7749153

because you're under 18 and won't admit it on 4chan

>> No.7749157

Depends. have a skype? Or any form of contact?

>> No.7749168

hang out in the press room if you want to take a break. we're cool up there!

>> No.7749175

Oh shit, you mean that blue reimu cosplayer?

>> No.7749377

This makes me sad! I want cute cosplay couples to make cute cosplay babies and cosplay FOREVER :((

>> No.7750303

throwaway email is swaggymcgee666@gmail.com

>> No.7750462

Sixteen days 'til con, sound off on cosplays!

>> No.7750494

This con looks so fucking awful but I have shit else to do that weekend. Is there one day out of the weekend that is better to go to than the others?

>> No.7751662

I'm on the facebook page, and the majority of these cosplays people are posting are just gawdaweful. Why the fuck do people think these are good? Why do people think they will be unique as Yoko and Harly Quin? fucking why?

>> No.7751738

Alright, still finalizing my plans as i finish my cosplays.

1. Odd from Code Lyoko
2. Reimu from Touhou
3. Sakuya from Touhou
4. Gasmask Maid from .flow
5. Master Miller

I'm not sure which ones I'm doing which days. And i'm probably going to cut one of these out.

>> No.7751748

yay more MGS cosplays. We got Big Boss (MGS3), Big Boss (Peace Walker), Eva, and maybe a Psycho Mantis so far.

>> No.7751827

Oh. I just realized, I probably know you. Were you at sakuracon?

>> No.7751835

nope, sadly. I was busy fucking up in comunity collage at around that time.

>> No.7752092

Probably day 2 / Saturday, Aug 30th.
Friday and Sunday are usually pretty meh.
The fact that day 4 is a Monday + Labor day + Oxfest + the 4th fucking day of the con, it'll probably be worse than day 0.

>> No.7752135

Still looking for a place to crash. Will give cash moneys for each night you can hold me up. Not looking for drama, just a place to crash at one of the main or overflow hotells. I'll supply myself with food and can cook for whoever if you supply stuff.

>> No.7752985

Prolly gonna fuck around in fancy stupidly warm shit because I'll be inside all day in the nice AC. Should probably get around to styling my wigs...

>> No.7753780

One of them didn't want babies.

>> No.7753824

I'm guessing it was Nukka, from what she's said about kids at previous /cgl/ meetups. That's still super shitty, I feel bad for them :(

>> No.7755885
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>mfw fourteen days to con and no final schedule and the panels coordinator hasn't answered an email in a week

>> No.7756248

Okay, anon. I hear ya. Whats the name of your panel? I can get your questions pushed through. Theres a meeting on the 17th.

>> No.7756285


I don't need confirmation on anything related to my panels, I'm just kinda anal about making sure people have actually read the things I send them (especially since something I sent her involves a panel that will probably be showing a three hour block of fansubs, which she went out of her way to tell me are completely unacceptable as panel content)

Like, if I have to go out of my way and rip from my DVD collection to have raw media for my panels, the dude running that 3-hour block of shows Sunday morning (all of which only have fansubs, I know because I've subbed a few of the shows myself) should have to do the same.

>> No.7756297

I have never payed for this con. The security and staff at this con was laughable at first, now it's just sad.
It's not hard to stop someone without a badge and if they refuse to leave, dont just pout and walk away, call security.

>> No.7756303

I'll be in Seattle for Porter Robinson's world tour, then probably stop by saturday afternoon to chill at the park and smoke up.

>> No.7756534

Schedule's finally out!

>> No.7756652
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I recently was added to the facebook group page for Kumoricon.
Ho lordy, it's like looking through the bad cosplay thread.

>> No.7756663

you don't fucking say. Place is a fucking nightmare.

>> No.7757270

Looks like they're splitting the dealer's hall between the two areas it's been in before in the Red Lion, and giving the parking garage to Artist Alley 100%. Should be... interesting at least.

List of panels is just full of shit though, "Body Positive and Bullying in Cosplay"? Why is that such a huge fucking fad panel these days? We get it. Fat people get laughed at.

also loling at 'Autistic Fans Get-Together', that's gonna end well.

>> No.7757808

Did you go into panels or the vendor's hall?

>> No.7757812

Oh dear, I had no idea that that autism panel got passed. Interesting.

>> No.7757930

i remember last year it seemed as if the dealers hall was the same three stores with the same plush goods and chick figures clone stamped throughout the garage. looks like we get 2 rooms of that this year...yay. that's another stop off my list.

>> No.7757993

>Cat Ears Station
>Ever wanted to make your own quick pair of cat ears? Feel like you're lost without them? Swing by our station for a chance to make your own set! Staff will be on site to help you, so no need to already know how to do it. Cost: $1.

>> No.7758138


it's literally a panel about autism, by autists. I can hear the chest slapping and screaming from here.

>> No.7758149

>Dinner Party with Dr. Lecter
>*Sniffs* Mmm what is that delightful vaguely pork scented smell? Ah, Hannibal Lecter is putting on a dinner party for his dear friends and colleagues! If you so wish, you too may attend this exclusive "Exotic food" themed soirée where games will be played, lies revealed, and nothing is vegetarian.

I fucking hate fannibals, how the fuck is this even on the schedule? They must have been fucking DESPERATE for programming.

>> No.7758396

Worst part about it is it's the same ol' shit you see every year
> Kuroshit
> homesick
> AoT
> Soul Eater
> hetalia


>> No.7758400

you forgot MLP and Naruto!

What? This panel has been around since the beginning of Kumoricon, anon. The Cat Ear panel even shows up at the Asian Celebration. I'm surprised you didn't know.

>> No.7758407

And if you try to do anything abstract, expect like 2 people to recognize you

>> No.7758444


Abstract nothing, I knew a girl who cosplayed from Penguindrum while it was STILL AIRING and people thought she was Kagome.

>> No.7758765

let me tell you, they went about panel approvals in reverse order, so the people who actually planned their panels in advance got denied, and all the other shitheads got approved.

i sent in my panel form in months ago and was one of the last to be approved. I also got the worst pick of times over random ass people that are probably just going to sit around and shit their pants.

>> No.7759156

I cosplayed as Chrono from Chrono Trigger once.
I was either Gohan, Chrono from Chrono CRUSADE (why) or Trunks.

>> No.7759210


Seems to me like they did a combination of trying to pander to the fucklord fourteen year olds that comprise most of the con and trying to pic the most 'Japanese' panels available. I realized years back that the best way to get your panels approved is to play up how 'Japanese' they are because everyone on staff is the kind of weeboo that thinks Japan is Mecca and everywhere else is fucking garbage.

>> No.7759301

How hot is it supposed to be this year? Some people look like they're going to be layered up pretty well.

I've been scrolling through the Facebook page and when people aren't talking about their Levi cosplays they're talking about some surprisingly elaborate costumes. It looks like one guy is even going for Kotetsu's super suit? And there are also people who have chain mail and pretty thick looking capes for their costumes too.

>> No.7759320

I'm thinking of hitting up this con with Portland friends. I'm coming down from Canada, and while I do like my Portland friends I've been feeling like they're kind of indifferent with whether or not I come.
Is it worth it? Should I bother?

>> No.7759499

Stay in Seattle, even hanging around the fringes of PAX is better than this shitshow

>> No.7759831


Why the fuck would you willingly attend this con

>> No.7759962

anyone need a roommate or two? looking for a room. willing to pay around 115$ for the whole weekend

>> No.7760012

There was a shitstorm with some fatties on the Facebook page about body positivity that I got blocked from. Can any anons screencap it and post it?

>> No.7760040


If it was within the past couple days it's been deleted, I just went back a week looking for it.

>> No.7760044

Sat back and was just reading it as it happened.
Only managed to screencap the last 50 comments. Got deleted right as I was screencapping the thread, and before I could get to load the rest.
Will post what I have in a bit.

>> No.7760059
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Alright, think I covered everyone's names / profile pics.
Here's the last 1/3 of the thread.

>> No.7760074

TL:DR; Lots of assholes, catty bitching, and denial of what it means to be "healthy."

For those who missed the rest:
Started out as a, "Everyone's beautiful," kind of thread. Then someone mentioned trying to lose weight, and a guy went full /fit/-autist mode on them (the darker blue), which sparked a huge debate.
The last 1/3 here is when a blatant troll joined in (brown), which lasted until the thread was deleted.

>> No.7760077

I was blue. Bitches be crazy. I got blocked just before brown started posting, and I hear from someone else that he made em absolutely foam at the mouth later on. Shame you didn't get more.

Least I had a killer chest workout.

>> No.7760088
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Oh, I and another fit cosplay friend were sitting back the whole time just kind of watching it unfold.
As far as macros, cals in vs cals out, and all that basic health stuff, you were on the mark.
Think if anything you just said it a bit too rude, or bluntly, which sparked off the whole thing.

Personally, if someone's happy being under or overweight, then fine by them, it's not my business to butt in.
Only really bugs me when they're in outright denial that their lifestyles can be the cause of some of their current health issues, let alone additional issues down the road.
Usually I love helping people out with fitness stuff, but if they have absolutely zero will to help themselves, then there isn't really any way for me to do anything for them. Especially as some stranger from the internet.

Brown was just a straight up troll, and has pulled that in a couple other threads.
Account is only like a month old, no real pictures of them, no friends, etc.

Would be up for a more civil fitness conversation if we run into each other at con.

>> No.7760140

Being blunt is a habbit I need to kick. Always been real bullheaded and passionate about my interests, and people either love it or hate it. Never really neutral. People who kinda like what I like tend to be inspired and I tend to lead them, but at the same time, people who don't like my way of thinking flip the fuck out. And I really don't blame them.

I really don't care if somebody's fine with themselves, good on them. They can be happy if they want to be. Didn't really get a chance to say anything of substance after my innitial post, but I digress.

>> No.7760528

You're coming all the way down from Canada? That's quite a trip for a shitty little con.

If they're really your friends then they will be happy to see you.

But if your friends really do fall through and you wind up on your own, this con has little to nothing to offer. I would give it some serious thought and take the cost into consideration before heading down.

Have you and your friends hung out at cons before? What makes you think they're indifferent?

>> No.7761485

Bumping this hilarious shut pot of a convention so we don't lose the thread

>> No.7762077

It will cool down quite a bit in the next few weeks, anon. Hot season is over for now, unless the weather decides to shit on us.

>> No.7762162


Like it has for the last four years? Like granted I was in a leather jacket for part of one day, but it was hot as balls even out of it last year.

>> No.7763235

I never had too many issues with weather, generally speaking its not too hot and there's always the con to run back to.

>> No.7763246

If you had to pick one decent thing from this con, what would it be?
This year will determine if I should give a fuck next year, or any other years.

>> No.7763268

it's less of a drive than some other cons? I finally reached my point where that was the only draw so I'm skipping it this year.

>> No.7763538


Nothing. There is nothing actually quality about this convention. It's bullshit.

>> No.7764179

The staff are incredibly chill. Staffing is more fun than being with the children!

Also, I have tons of friends who are going.

Artist Alley is also a lot of fun. I know a lot of the returning artists.

The pool thats "for hotel guests only"

Crashing Oxfest

I can think of lots of great things about kumoricon.

>> No.7764460

loling into infinity that they actually have a panel about how to make your own fansubs on the schedule

>> No.7764470

Man I don't remember people shit talking the con this much in last year's threads. Did something happen besides the retarded 4 day thing (which we haven't even experienced yet anyway)?

With that said I look forward to going but the person I usually buddy up with isn't going. Without him maybe I'll really see what makes this con so bad.

>> No.7764599

hahahaaa pretty sure the chick running it is a reg here. She's super fucking obsessed about fansubs because she's a JAPANESE MAJOR U GAIZE! The most specialist Wapanese snowflake in the world desu! Her fansubs are "god tier" according to her, and according to my friend who go to Kumo, she's been bitching left and right on facebook about how "mean and evil" the con staff are for disliking fansubs.

This is like 3rd hand info though, so who knows.

>> No.7764645

Oh, haha, i know who you're talking about, my partner went to OSU with her.

I dont know, anon. Last year was actually one of the better years.

>> No.7764740

I heard this was a UO chick, but maybe there's multiple of these chicks... shit!

>> No.7765125

The fuck is up with the sexuality post? Does that seriously need to be on the con page? What the fuck does it have to do with cosplay?

It's just these two beta guys going back and forth about girlfriends and OKcupid and dating and shit. And In between them is some Tumblr Levi twat talking about how lol so randumb she is and eating flesh because lol Hannibal and other annoying crap.

And why the fuck is everyone picking yellow?

>> No.7765542

Yeah that whole thing was stupid. I am so tired of fat fucks saying they can't lose weight because of their god damn medical conditions.

My current favorite post is one of the ball ones asking if others were going alone and some delusional fuck posted things like "That's why I'm a cougar hunter, some women just get better with age." " I just people won't fight over dancing with me if im cosplaying as a really popular male character." and "I just wonder if I should cosplay as moneybags or spencer reid to the ball/prom. Either way id get swarmed..."

>> No.7765577
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I personally think looking at the shitty cosplays at Kumo is one of the best parts. Looks at this. Its made with plastic bags, tape and paint.

>> No.7765593
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>> No.7765632

If the guy's name is Logan, and his profile pictures are nothing but anime / movie characters, then he's kind of well known for being a next-level nice guy.
Especially in the Unofficial Sakuracon group in the month or so leading up to Scon.

I plan on skimming around and putting together a folder of the gems that guy says.

>> No.7765641


I can't find it, what are you talking about?

>> No.7765645

Yeah that is him. I don't like the guy, he seems really full of himself. I would love to see the shit he says.

>> No.7765658
File: 38 KB, 341x512, 216798_138142442924874_7737817_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, go figure. He looks like this. By the sounds of it, spends a lot of his time in the glomp circle, cosplays from the more popular series, and surrounds himself with underage girls who fangirl over him for doing said cosplays.
Might need to watch your feet to find him, though. He's around 5'3".

>> No.7765676

This guy is an ass. He thinks he is the salt of the earth. I was kinda hoping to run into him at Sak but I didn't, maybe I will at kumo.

>> No.7765864
File: 25 KB, 326x384, cooties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7766035

talking to a friend who works staff for this con. his job is to walk around taking pictures of cosplayers and getting them to sign release forms for the con to use the pics in promotional material. in return for this my friend is getting a free badge and his hotel bill comped. holy shit. for a con that said a bigger venue was too expensive that seems a bit like a misappropriation of funds.

>> No.7766051


What the fuck? I'm cosplay contest staff and the staff liaison wouldn't even fucking answer my emails about getting put in a staff-only room.

>> No.7766456

Is there any sort of discount for running a Panel?

I've done the same panel 3 years in a row (including this one) but never bothered asking, someone brought it up today to me

>> No.7766466


Gotta do like 2 hours of programming and they give you a discount but it's not much. Plus they only give you one discount badge even if you have copanelists iirc

>> No.7766472


Hah, thats funny. I actually asked for a 2 hour time slot but I only got the hour

Oh well

>> No.7766514
File: 13 KB, 316x406, 10628219_756517957744727_3463869467127859909_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one. Someone just posted this picture and everyone has dabbled in on their *~sexuality~*.

I really don't care who or what people prefer or call themselves, but it doesn't need to be smeared all over a con facebook page.

>> No.7766516

probably people hoping to find singles/people to hook up with

>> No.7766519

damn, he's kinda cute (small, cute) but he was such a fucking dick in the sakuracon group before, top tier "nice guy"
>I plan on skimming around and putting together a folder of the gems that guy says.
haha oh please god do

>> No.7766525


All of tumblr is pansexual. Literally ALL. Most of them will never date anything other than another ~*Genderqueer*~ ladyboi like themselves but if you're not pansexual you're an Oppressor basically.

Shit like that is why I stopped identifying.

>> No.7766551


Pretty much this. What's the point of a label on your sexuality anyway? That shit's fluid, you're not going to fit 100% into the box.

>> No.7766567

found her

>> No.7766606


Careful anon, your vendetta is showing.

>> No.7767397

With the con coming up, is there going to be a cgl meet?

How about at 7:00 pm on Friday?

>> No.7767466

dunno, but if we can get it rolling, 7 on friday works.

>> No.7767697

Did last year's even really happen? At the time and place only me and one other girl showed up. I was surprised because I thought there would be at least a few more people than that!

>> No.7767722

A few of us showed. Wasn't near as many people as 2012, or especially 2011's meetups, though.

>> No.7767785

I'd show up, I do enjoy talking about the 4chan.

>> No.7767841

What actually drama does Kumo actually have though? Everyone who goes is like 14, and I think vendetta-chans have more than 15 years of bitterness in 'em.

>> No.7768122

Sounds good. Lobby again?
From the last two years' meetups, kind of sounds like we need some way to actually know who's from /cgl/.
There's always someone who tries to show up, but backs out because they don't know which group is the right one.

>> No.7768305

just listen for the group that has the most cattiness floating out of it. boom that's the /cgl/ group.

>> No.7768326


That's just it, there's none. She must just be trying to start shit.

>> No.7768328


I got back to back panels to run from 6-10, so I guess I won't be able to show up.

>> No.7768557
File: 102 KB, 720x405, sm5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be returning as the SteamMau5 for a couple of days.
Recycling the Lutece Twin gettup with the boyfriend for Day 1, and Day 3 I'll be Wendy from Gravity Falls.

Second year actually dressing up, and I do enjoy that aspect, but god damn so much cringe and autism run wild at that con.

>> No.7768606

I remember that outfit from last year! It really stood out as the most memorable outfit at the con.

>> No.7768610

to >>7768557

>> No.7768619

I appreciate hearing that! I wanted to do something cool and unique and it definitely was that haha
Make sure to look for me next Saturday! I won't be hard to miss

>> No.7768648


I feel you, I had to give a girl a dressing-down a couple years ago because she straight up shoulder-tackled me from behind while screaming 'WHY DID YOU KILL HIM'. Like, c'mon kid. I'm not the character, I'm just dressed like him.

>> No.7768657

I don't know what's worse: Tackling someone and "glomps" and that shit, or running into someone, knocking into a prop or cosplay item and not even acknowledging or even apologizing for it.

Got slammed by a door since someone didn't have the courtesy to think if anyone else was on the opposite side. People with helmet props know how hard it is to see and function. At least give us some fucking acknowledgement or apology, ya know?

>> No.7768669

Because tickets sell out quickly

>> No.7768707

I'll show up

>> No.7768730

I know so many people that can't make it to the con Friday

>> No.7768731

The only drama related anything I've heard is MeepyGal might show up

>> No.7768801

ohhhHHHHH what's her drama lately? I thought now that she's a ~*famous cosplayer*~ she'd be getting free badges to PAX and shit.

>> No.7768809

We've dedicated entire threads to her.
Just look them up in the archive if you really want to know.
Don't need to de-rail a con thread over it.


>> No.7769055

Is there anything to do at this con at night besides going to the rave or panels?

>> No.7769419


How the fuck is she famous? She's nobody. She still has to slum it at Kumoricon with the rest of us.

>> No.7769568

Anon was being sarcastic.
See >>7768809

>> No.7769735

Meetup on Friday. If it's happening, I'll likely be dressed in black or white formalwear at the time. Probably white.

>> No.7769763

Yeah, that's kind of my thinking. I didn't realize how crappy this con still was (I went yearssss ago).
They wouldn't abandon me if I did come, and they would welcome it, I just feel like they don't care either way. Like if I came they'd be happy I was there, but if I didn't come it wouldn't be a chip off their shoulder in any way.

Kind of makes me feel shitty, considering when I have ANY out of town friends hint at the possibility of coming to stay with me I am stoked as fuck for it and contact them about it leading up to the event.

>> No.7770209


Not really, and the nightlife in the Vancouver area is shit too. Some of the late-night comedy panels are pretty good though.

>> No.7770701

I wouldn't say so. Make friends and chill with them after the panels wind down, maybe cross the bridge to Portland for a more active area.

>> No.7770719

Did meepy used to go by BrambleHomie, or am I thinking of someone totally different?

>> No.7770725

Nope. That's her.

>> No.7770760

Did anyone else see the shitstorm that brewed around that one girl on the FB group who couldn't compete in the cosplay contest because she designed her own genderbend of a LoL character?

Like, the girl was totally cool with it but the sheer amount of retardation in that thread from other people trying to white knight her was astounding. Someone brought tumblr sjw gender identity bullshit into it. I couldn't stop laughing.

>> No.7770802

It made me shake my head, for sure. Whole entire facebook page is fucking bullshit. Everyone wants a special sticker to say what their relationship status is and who they find attractive too.

>> No.7771169

Does anyone know which day is going to be the busiest? I want to take my out of town friends to Esther Short Park to see the freakshow, but I don't know whether to do it on Friday or Saturday.

>> No.7771226
File: 17 KB, 500x314, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone brought tumblr sjw gender identity bullshit into it

fucking seriously.

>> No.7771259


Probably Saturday or Sunday. Sunday used to be Day 2 of the con, but now it's a 4-day deal so it's Day 3, but the cosplay contest is still that day.

>> No.7771260

Not /cgl/ related, but I'm excited for the kanzume goddess tournament happening.

>> No.7771602
File: 3.32 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might stop by the meet up if i can find anyone i'll be wearing a tv on my head
pic related havent finished yet

>> No.7771604

Fuck it, I bought a dream JSK at a steal instead.

>> No.7772205

will be there, anon! should we all wear something? I was thinking 4 of clovers card or something (an idea from old meetups in the past)

>> No.7772207

Anon, I know who you're talking about, and its because he's been with Kumoricon for many, many years. He's also a very talented photographer. most of us staff get reduced hotel rates at best.

>> No.7772209

easy to get 'em confused

>> No.7772211

All of the drama is staff being unorganized drama. Which can be quite a bit of drama.

>> No.7772603

So apparently Oxfest is not gonna be during Kumoricon, but now it looks like there's a music festival in the park from the 28th to the 30th. I dunno about you guys but I'd rather deal with a few hours of rude assholes (since I tend to leave early on Monday anyway) than three days of that.

>> No.7772623

I was going to go to PAX but then I got a full time job and my days off at mondays and tuesdays BONUS we're having our first labor day weekend sale this year so no time off for me :))))))

If I do get that Monday off, I might try to go to the con...? Basically just to say hi to people and throw money at SuperOrange.

I want to think this is me; I cosplayed Ringo at Kumo last time I went (2012) and at least 4 people asked if I was Kagome.

>> No.7773162

This music festival thing going on in the park almost seems like it might be way more friendly than Oxfest, idk about you guys. Anyone know more about it?

>> No.7773267

For me at least, it's less about rude people and more about the park becoming a lot louder and busier. When I needed some time to decompress I liked just sitting in a shady spot in the park since it was pretty quiet but I could still be experiencing the con. I also wonder if it will drive attendees out of the park and into the hallways, which already get pretty clogged.

God I hope cosplayers don't try to "scare the normies" at the festival

With all that said I'm probably over-anticipating how big and loud the music festival will be, so we'll just see~

>> No.7773283

She fucked another guy and got caught

>> No.7773346


It's in a goddamn park in the middle of downtown, there's no way it's going to be a massive disturbance.

>> No.7773390

I'll be in formalwear as well, red shirt/black vest. Probably towing around a similarily dressed lass, hopefully not towing around a similarily dressed lad.

>> No.7773428

Any lolita meets, or lolita shopping?

>> No.7773812

someone tried to say not allowing gender bends was 'discrimination'. Apparently anyone who disagreed was a bigot. Adorable

>> No.7773817


Yeah, discrimination against changing a perfectly good character design to involve tits and midriff because you're too fucking lazy to bind.

>> No.7773823


The Tea and Cake Society (local comm) is having a meet on Day 0 (Thursday) at 7:30pm. Who knows what the fuck we're doing since it's supposed to be a potluck. Cheap-ass bastards don't want to ~exclude~ anyone by going to a decent restaurant that doesn't take food stamps and doesn't cost $5 a plate.

>> No.7773929

Thursday again? It's not really possible for those coming out of town to join in.

>> No.7773993


Which is why it always ends up being the same three or four people and a bunch of itas that get on the FB group afterwards and bitch and whine about how everyone left them in the park with nothing to do because they didn't want to go (gasp) pay for decent food.

>> No.7774030

That's so lame. I'd like to meet the Portland girls, but I'm not paying an extra night for a hotel to do so. I saw the meet and greet panel, but that sounds more for local new girls rather than out of towners.

>> No.7774149


Yeah if you're not in the immediate Portland area don't bother with the comm. The events are small and someone always bitches about the venue because it isn't close to the bus lines or it's ~too expensive~ or it takes place in a fucking coffee shop. All the girls are pretty cliquey, very few of them can dress well, and one of the ladies in charge is basically Stalin in a curly twintail wig.

>> No.7774376

That's weird, I always have a good time at meets. I've met all the mods too, nothing bad about them, either. Which one is supposed to be Stalin?

>> No.7774393


The one that looks like a squished toad.

>> No.7774397
File: 40 KB, 720x720, 1016428_10200648792541982_263865129_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to making Holocaust jokes on you twitter, Amanda. No one in this comm wants your bitter ass at any meets.

>> No.7774400
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>> No.7774447

randomly, its no secret that the kumoricon page is good for lols, but has anyone seen the totally-not-disabled girl who keeps posting about how everyone needs to move on the bus for her attention seeking ass and her untrained dog? Then went on to have a complete fit over someone bringing an emotional support animal because its not a 'real service dog'. This shit is priceless.

>> No.7774454

I just joined the group and I'm already dying with laughter. Where's this one?

>> No.7774464
File: 144 KB, 720x960, holyfuckingshitareyoukiddingme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite post of the day.
$55 for the jacket.
$35 for just the sticker that's clearly peeling off.
My sides.

>> No.7774530
File: 194 KB, 983x843, Screen Shot 2014-08-23 at 12.45.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been searching for a good 20 minutes. Either the girl wised up and deleted it because she knows she sounds like an idiot or the mods deleted.
Either way, the girl herself is a total train wreck. She wrangled some poor gay guy into marrying her and last year I saw her maybe 3 or 4 times and EVERY single time she was in tears. She's crazy, but she's not disabled.

Here she is trying to cover her own ass. I wish I'd capped the other thread. Poor other girl just said she was bringing her dog to help her with her anxiety and this bitch just "THATS NOT A REAL SERVICE DOG". Bitch you walking just fine.

>> No.7774546

lel, pretty sure I know who you're talking about and she's actually a total sweetie and always has adorable coords. I don't follow comm drama but it sounds like you tried to assert dominance and got shot down and now you don't know how to deal.

>> No.7774547

Let me clarify.
Brittany posted two things in the Kumoricon group, one saying to give seats to disabled people on the buses (though that only applies to the physically disabled) and the second was to remember to have service dogs fully trained.

On her second post, someone said that they were bring their ESA in training, she proceeded to attack this person relentlessly about how they were terrible dog owner, they don't have a real service animal until fully trained, and had no right to be at the convention with their ESA in training. She also belittled the fact that the dog was for the other girls anxiety. Even though Brittany's dog is for a MENTAL 'disability' she claims to have. She has depression and social anxiety or something.

Either way she seems to think she seems to like to be the biggest victim and gets upset whenever anyone else has it worse than her. The gay husband is true, though.

>> No.7774551
File: 755 KB, 916x966, damncrazybitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol yep. I sort of kind of know this girl. She also freaked out that she trained the dog herself even though she trained HER dog herself. Sorry to derail the thread, I'll shut up about this emotional pity party of a person.

>> No.7774840

We usually have the meet Thursday because everyone is busy with cosplay the rest of the weekend. You should still stop by the meet and greet panel. We'd love to meet you even if you're not local to Portland!

>> No.7774859
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x4928, DSC_4589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you mean this girl? The one who stalked a few of my friends and had an orgasm in the middle of the bad fanfic panel shortly after this picture? Yeah she looks disabled

>> No.7774918

is there any decent bars in walking distance?

>> No.7774945


Holy crap, last time I was at Kumori I was trying out the Pokemon card game again by doing one of the little tournaments and I'm pretty sure I was against this girl. I can't remember who was winning, but she started complaining of light-headedness and we had to stop the match and they rushed her food and drink and just hovered around her for a while. She seemed fine, but idk? Was a few years ago and I just remember thinking "holy crap this is awkward". She was pretty awkward before that too, and after.

>> No.7775311

Wait, is there going to be a meet in the lobby still?

>> No.7775332


>> No.7775401

>and had no right to be at the convention with their ESA in training.
Kind of has a point here though? I went to a con where some girl brought her service dog in training and afterwards whined forever about how other people almost ruined its training by petting it. Why would you bring something that delicate to a place full of thousands of drunk, socially retarded weebs with poor impulse control and boundary issues? Of course somebody is going to try to pet it.

>> No.7775408

Ughhhh potlucks. I hate lolita comm potlucks. I have way too much shit to do especially before a con to spend all night cooking some bullshit and I always feel like an asshole when I show up with obviously pre bought stuff.
Is anyone going to the wine meet in September? It sounds fun but I don't really know anyone.

>> No.7775575
File: 179 KB, 357x582, Screen Shot 2014-08-23 at 3.56.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the facebook page so terrible

>> No.7775614
File: 196 KB, 900x596, kumoricon_2012_012___cosplay_by_danmorrill-d5dogko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's facebook you dumbass.

>> No.7775880

would do all three idgaf

>> No.7775926

Aww, that velma is super cute imo

>> No.7775949


I never go to Portland meets anymore because so many of them involve getting drunk at a karaoke bar, or going drinking, or some other form of alcohol consumption, and I don't drink. I'm not going to sit around and watch other people take shots of hard liquor while wearing nice dresses, and I'm certainly not going to get dressed up nice just to go bar hopping.

>> No.7776026

ohhh shit, I saw this girl everywhere at Sakuracon this year, last I heard she was really, really excited about tumblr. like, telling all the panelists and industry people they should be on tumblr, because it just a really cool, important place.

in other news it warms the cockles of my heart that everyone else who goes also hates this fucking shithole con. this is like my eighth year or something and it's only gotten worse.

>> No.7776094


You brave soul. This is my eighth year there too. I'm not entirely sure why I keep going. Probably just because it's close and it's cheap.

>> No.7776143

I'll be doing private shoots as well as setting up and taking photos of whoever wants some. I was there last year.

Anyone want free badass photos, come say hi. I should be in the park, probably cosplaying while photographing.

>> No.7776222

Thats her with the jacked up teeth alright. She's not disabled she's just stupid and a drama queen.
I agree with you, probably not the best place to introduce your dog in training to the outside world, especially with the music festival. But also o be fair though, there are no requirements for service dogs in Oregon or Washington. So who the fuck is she to say that this other girls dog was going to 'freak out and bite somebody'? She basically just wanted to be a special snowflake.
That is hilarious but I am not surprised.

>> No.7776231
File: 1.55 MB, 1032x2942, bestof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favourites. (The best comments though are all the skinny pretty girls telling the 40-something how good she looks.)

>> No.7776286

that is really vague, you could be anyone

>> No.7776296
File: 38 KB, 600x450, napoleon-dynamite1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No specific anime, but I thought I looked like one!

>> No.7776330
File: 16 KB, 309x206, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember this faggot?

>> No.7776364

Has anyone ever ran into JasonTerror at these things?

>> No.7776366
File: 16 KB, 414x290, Classy Laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plaid button up and jeans
>just thought I looked anime!

>> No.7776372

Those two are actually super nice. Kumo is shit-con. No one cares if you have a joke cosplay.

>> No.7776382
File: 811 KB, 912x972, suchvalue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More brilliant pricing.

>> No.7776390
File: 585 KB, 898x1152, SOPRETTY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black dress + Pigtails = cosplay

>> No.7776394

I've seen him at Sakura-Con before. Never at a meet-up or Kumoricon. Why? He's mediocre at best.

>> No.7776934

Most of the past meets were garden, picnic, museum and cafe meets. A number of us do like to drink at meets but we definitely don't subject the whole comm to it often.

>> No.7776963
File: 42 KB, 512x384, dont like it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Levi costume

I bet half of the con is going to be nothing but Levis. Really shit Levis, like flower crown wearing, Tumblr AU yaoi Levis.

>> No.7777091
File: 768 KB, 664x1000, JasonDeSomerPhotography_Kcon2013_CR-1079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe it's a mystery, oooh.

Just kidding. Here's a photo from last year where I was stationed in the park. I'll have a strobe with me out there, just come say hi and ask and I'll take your picture.

I have some open slots for private shoots if interested too, just ask.

>> No.7777575

I know, but this year that Madoka will be in something a bit more revealing.

>> No.7777577

Because it's been filled with hyperactive weebs

>> No.7777589

Everyone thought that my friend was my bf because he borrowed Mandoka all weekend,
kind of sad I can't make it this year but oh well have fun

>> No.7777591

This is your friend

>> No.7777610

But he said he's wearing it again this year? or are you talking about a different mandoka?

>> No.7777623

OH YEAH. she fainted in the middle of a con once. Don't worry, staff KNOW that she is faking it.

>> No.7777628

Therapy dogs can also be brought into public spaces, anon. It just doesn't happen as often because most people with therapy pets understand that they are not always needed in public spaces and leave them at home.

>> No.7777639

Not finding any information on it. A google search brought me to something... completely different.

>> No.7777644

wh... what
how does this even work
at least oxfest is used to us...

>> No.7777695

No I made that outfit my friend borrowed it because my boyfriend is a little bit taller and a little bit thinner but I don't know what my bud is wearing but the outfits with me lol

>> No.7777990

That second pic makes me so sad

>> No.7778041

I'm wanting to go to the wine meet but I don't really know anyone there either (I realize how useless this comment is, since everyone's anon).

>> No.7778164

I really wonder if she's special or something. She posts alot on the Kumo page, she probably has Aspergers or something :/

>> No.7778413


She was in the cosplay contest the year before last I think, in that same terrible Lucy cosplay. She sang something a capella from Skyrim, of all things, and didn't know how to use the mic.

>> No.7778653

Was artist alley in the garage last year too? I remember two years ago it was in an actual room. Will people even visit? This is sounding like AkiCon crap here. Not sure I would have signed up if I knew this.

>> No.7779014

Yes it was in the garage last year. It's underneath the Hilton so it's much more accessible than it was when they had it I the Red Lion. Last year it stayed pretty crowded throughout the weekend.

>> No.7779839

Oh thank goodness. The idea of a garage sounds horrible, but if it was good last year. Any recommendations? Was it drafty, cold, moist, or dim lit?

>> No.7779907

I find PAX to get worse every year. It's just line-con now and has almost no free stuff anymore. I chose Kumoricon before pax tickets even got released.

>> No.7780062

It's usually pretty warm. I remember my friend that had a table last year brought a bunch of fans to stay cool. I don't remember it being damp at all. The lighting was decent but I don't think it was evenly lit.

>> No.7780100

I haven't seen very many alcohol related events? Interesting how some people think all the events are cheap and other people think they are mostly drinking events (which are usually expensive)
I for one am glad the comm is not all "let's go to lunch at this tea house, and for next meet we will go to this tea house" or worse, the dreaded mall/park/mcdonalds ita comm
It's not useless, it's nice to know there will be other newish people there! Did you just move to the area or just not go to the meets a lot?

>> No.7780202

I don't go to meets a lot. I want to be better friends with the girls in the comm but I am pretty shy.

>> No.7780777

not in oregon thank god. they finally changed the law so that businesses only have to allow service animals and therapy dogs don't count as service animals.

>> No.7780836


Yeah, the Modest Medusa guy finally bailed on Kumoricon because it was too hot for his fat ass in the garage, so I'm assuming it's at least warm for normal people.

Assuming that wasn't him covering his ass for not getting in to the AA this year or something.

>> No.7780838

Nice trips.
And when was this changed? I guess I cant take my cat on the bus any more.

>> No.7780840

it was fucking hot, anon. but the staff were really cool and brought tons of water and made sure that everyone was okay. I have to say, I did NOT like spending much time down there...

>> No.7780843

ah, that makes sense. all i know is that he said 'the swag sign is toast' lol
we're rooming with will at k-con

>> No.7780873

I just wanna note I respect anyone who can make an outfit that cool out of just plastic bags, tape and paint. Also, you sound like a total dick.

>> No.7781495

Man I can't wait for a whole weekend of people thinking I'm some crazy Steampunk in my Phantom Blood Speedwagon.

>> No.7781626
File: 89 KB, 837x611, kcon bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a bingo card if you guys have nothing better to do over the weekend.

>> No.7781758

my bae, have fun friend but yeah that sign got jerked around by some drunk lady in the elevator, I still have the dollar sign we seriously made them the night before we left haha

>> No.7781839

Way too easy, man! Could get a blackout in just one day.

>> No.7781855

>MFW I already know people going to this con who are going as three of those things
Bet I can get the thing filled out by noon

>> No.7782225
File: 29 KB, 504x160, Screen Shot 2014-08-26 at 6.37.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my.

>> No.7782370


The fuck is this?

>> No.7782373

I think i'll take some edibles, buy some food from the market and just chill in the park.

>> No.7782598

Oh, yeah.
Almost forgot the Farmer's Market'll be open on Saturday and Sunday during this weekend.

>> No.7782797
File: 93 KB, 837x611, kcon bingo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I guess you're right. I mixed it up a little bit. Is this one better?

>> No.7782825
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>the Johnny Depp trio

>> No.7783389


Oh fuck, I forgot the Depp Squad was even a thing. Why'd you have to go and remind me, dude.

>> No.7783390

No cat ears?

>> No.7783795

cat ears probably would have been too easy. I mean I'm pretty sure there's a "make your own pair of cat ears" booth at the con this year so they're bound to be everywhere.

>> No.7784153

Oxfest is more used to us, but I think I'd rather have a general music festival than a festival for ex drug addicts and alcoholics.
Not the best crowd to have around people as young as most congoers.

>> No.7784162

Ok so I've always been confused about Oxfest. It's for "ex-addicts" but why are all the staff always like... obviously intoxicated?

>> No.7784223

Copied the "about me" from their website. Never saw it as a good environment for families or recovered alcoholics, as they claim.

September is National Recovery Month!

National Recovery Month, now in its 25th year, highlights individuals who have reclaimed their lives and are living happy and healthy in long-term recovery .Right here, in the Great Northwest we celebrate with the biggest Recovery Celebration west of the Mississippi River. Hands Across the Bridge and Oxfest come together on Labor Day for an annual celebration.

Hands Across the Bridge started twelve years ago when two women in recovery read an article about National Recovery Month and realized people all over the United States were celebrating their recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. They decided they would stand on top of the bridge at daybreak to celebrate that they were no longer under the bridge in their addictions. Patty Katz and Louise Wedge, along with the support of the community, held the first Hands Across the Bridge celebration on the I-5 Bridge in 2002.That first year saw about 200 people. Over the next eleven years, the event grew with more than 3,000 people joining hands in 2013.

The tradition has been after the completion of the Hands Across the Bridge ceremony, the participants travel to Ester Shore park to the Oxfest celebration. Oxfest is an all day event filled with family fun, including multiple bands, food vendors and family activities. Oxfest, sponsored by the men and women living in the more than 500 hundred Oxford Houses, both Oregon and Washington.

This year’s theme, “Join the Voices for Recovery: Speak Up, Reach Out,” encourages people to openly speak up about mental and substance use disorders and the reality of recovery, and promotes ways individuals can use to recognize behavioral health issues and reach out for help.

September 14, 2014
Hands Across the Bridge / Oxfest
Noon – Dark

>> No.7784227

Day 0 is tomorrow and I haven't gotten my staffing schedule yet......I hope this works out okay.

Although I do have to say that there are more things this year that I'm interested in attending than the last few years. Not to say most of them aren't shit, because over half the schedule is shit, but at least I'll have some things to do. Didn't have the stress of making extra cosplays, so that's nice as well. I'm not super hyped up for this convention but I'm hoping I'll have a pretty good time.

>> No.7784596


I don't even know where the hell to pick up my staff badge. My department head won't be to the con until Friday morning, do I have to wait for her or can I go to ops and pick it up?

>> No.7784876

Meet up is at 7:00 p.m. on Day 1 (Friday) in the lobby of the Hilton.

>> No.7785050

Dude is that con even a thing?

>> No.7785074

I will be doing my first cosplay there. It's from Saint's Row. I hope it'll be cool.

>> No.7785265

has anyone seen that bridget bitch in the kumoricon group?

>> No.7785294

I have alot of fun in that group thought they finally banned me (im brown) this wasn't even one of the more interesting/funnier posts which usually get removed alot quicker

>> No.7785416

Go to ops, second floor for staff badge

also does anyone have a hotel room tonight? Our plans fell through last second with the person we were going to stay with (me and gf)

i can make do but i want to see if i can get my gf to have somewhere to sleep tonight.

>> No.7786095

See all ya'll cgl turds on Friday.

>> No.7786502
File: 53 KB, 540x720, Muscles_Glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy one year went as Muscles Glasses and went to subway and ordered a 12 inch Subway Sub with no vegies, quadruple meat and quadruple bacon. It came out to 20 some dollars.

>> No.7787583

Me too anon. I actually haven't gone to any meets in a year because I'm too shy.

>> No.7787590

When the fuck is the cgl meet?

>> No.7787680

When's the meet, faggots?-

>> No.7788383

Hey I'm in lobby next to the park. Where the fuck is the meet up

>> No.7788671

So did everyone have a good first day?

>> No.7788709

I've had a metric fuck ton of people bothering me for photos for the whole thing, but other than that, first day was swell.

>> No.7789853

lobby, sunday 7pm

>> No.7789876

Goddamn, Saturday had fucking nothing going on. I feel like I missed out by not going on Friday. Hopefully tomorrow has a bit more. Artist Alley was super small this year, as well.

>> No.7790242
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>> No.7790279
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This case was the best

>> No.7790290

this con seems kind of shit. the only other I've been to is ACEN, but it was leagues better than this.

>> No.7790413
File: 930 KB, 3264x2448, WP_20140831_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck was with the gunshots across the street about? Tons of cops showing up.

>> No.7790722

What are your cosplays?

>> No.7790733

It is shit. Lots of angry people. They forced someone to go up on the stage when the person didn't want it.

>> No.7790776

I think i hate kids now.

..that's my overall feeling about this con.

>> No.7790854

All these idiots on the facebook group complaining about stuff being stolen while they're in the park - Complaining about stuff being stolen when left unattended in a public park, while the owners of the stolen items are busy participating in a glomp circle.

How stupid are these people? I feel bad that their stuff's been stolen, but Jesus Christ, use your heads.

>> No.7790884

yeah I was walking around the park and there were some nice shoes just sitting on the ground with no one around. Seriously?