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7726498 No.7726498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old one autosaged, keep em coming. Share Mail horror stories: destroyed packages, lazy mailmen and absurdly high customs.

>> No.7727195
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my mail lady refuses to walk up the one set of stairs to deliver my packages. Its literally like 16 steps. She stuffed a package into my tiny, narrow mailbox and destroyed my water bill in the process. It was ripped and scrunched to death
not horrifying, but annoying.

>> No.7727208

>live in america
What customs?

>> No.7727209

tfw you've never gotten hit by customs

>> No.7727263

>tfw eurofag
please kill me already

>> No.7727275


File a complaint.

>> No.7727350

I read OP's image as 'WE CAKE'
& thought someone sent a squished cake in the mail.

>> No.7727364

I gotta go read the other thread, didn't know it got so many replies.

>> No.7727369

>tfw eurofag and €80 cutoms on €100 order

i fuckign

>> No.7727374

So happy sweden is a bit softer

>> No.7727376


Wow, where in Europe do you live?

>> No.7727380

Ireland, customs are awful here. They seem to be hit and miss though. Some of the girls don't get hit with them at all, and I've had one BL order where I didn't get charged. One of the girls got a dream dress second hand once and got charged an absolute fortune in customs, I didn't even know they could charge on second-hand stuff? I never get hit from closetchild or any of those...

>> No.7727384

I should probably add that the €80 customs was a few years ago, my very first kawaii lolita bodyrine desu ita order, but man I still get annoyed about it.

>> No.7727434


I was really surprised to hear Ireland is even worse than the Netherlands. You are being taxed way too much.
Pretty much everything that is declared coming from Japan and USA/Canada gets hit really hard here in NL, China always seems to fly under the radar though.
As for charging, they can charge pretty much everything with tax, depending on what it's worth, unfortunately. Clothing is 21% or something in the EU?

>> No.7727449

Not a horror story, but usps has messed up on shipping my bodyline package to me. They sent it to the wrong city, 2 hours away. At first the said they shipped it out of the city at 2:13am, but then at 8:30 last night it said that it shipped out then. Like "I shipped out at 2:13am....JK! I shipped out at 8:30pm, but who knows if I'm telling the truth!"
I paid for EMS shipping, not for usps to ship it to the wrong city and let it sit there! I called to ask about it, but the guy I talked to just sat there saying "I don't know, I can't help you" while sounding like he just got done smoking a damn joint.

>> No.7727490

Living in the Netherlands is suffering. I never even knew customs were a thing until I got my first lolita package from IW of ~300 euros and had to pay 100 euros at the door or they'd take my package away. I didn't even have a 100 so thank the lord for my generous parents.

>> No.7727510


When I need to pay customs I always have my mail man bring it to the nearest Primera (our post office) which is around the corner from where I live for convenience.
Before I order something I use a calculator to find out how much I'll have to pay to customs.
Customs have been getting way too much money from me lately though, so from now on I'd rather look around to find European sellers cause in the last six months I pretty much paid customs around 300 euro's in total.
I could have bought so much with that amount.
No more yahoo auctions unless it's a dream item!

>> No.7727526

If you're in America your packages still get processed by customs, though, no?

>> No.7727554

My mailman is a lazy asshole. Mail and mar age pickup used to both come very early. Because we have a large bush to one side of our driveway, we out our trash cans on the other side - by the mailbox. So the garbage people would leave the empty cans in front of the mailbox. Then the mailman was so lazy that instead of getting out of his stupid truck, he just barreled over the cans. After a few times of this they cracked and broke. You bet we complained. Then the mailman started coming later so we didn't have the can problem anymore. But I have my eyes on you, Mr USPS. I already ratted you out for talking on your cell phone while driving and throwing my package onto my doorstep because you were too lazy to come up six steps...

>> No.7727561

Do we have the same mail lady? She'll refuse to come to my door and if the package doesn't fit in the box, she'll just refuse to deliver it. I've had to go out there several times to flag her down.

I've filed complaints for 10 months now and nothing has been done.

>> No.7727565

I once bought a £150 secondhand AP dress from America, and I got £75 customs. I almost always get customs, I think my local office is just really obsessed with getting more money.

>> No.7727567

Some people may not notice it because it is sometimes labeled as "Arrival at inward office of exchange"

>> No.7727569

I think they meant that they've never had to pay a customs fee. I live in NYC and all my packages from out of the country get hit by customs but I've never had to pay a fee either.

>> No.7727574

Yeah, I usually never have to pay fees.
If I do, it must be hidden in the shipping costs.

>> No.7727578

me too, I thought it was a squashed cake. how sad would that be.

>> No.7727595

I recently got hit by customs fees twice (one on a $400 package and a $280 package) after never having been hit by them for 2 years. Chicago's customs fucking suck.

>> No.7727635

Every time someone talks about customs, I get scared.
Luckily, I've never been hit by it, but has any other Canadia Anons been hit?

>> No.7727639

Ireland's mad inconsistent with customs, I think they just charge a random amount. I paid €200 for an OP from maiden-clothing and got charged €45 on it, and that's literally the only time I've been hit. We can't do anything right here.

>> No.7727650

Anything that crosses borders goes through customs. Americans just don't get fined for it.

>> No.7727711

It's only a matter of time. The more "free" things we get from the government the more tax money they'll need and taxing packages Euro-style would be an irresistible gravy train for them.

>> No.7727716

I haven't yet (fingers crossed), but my roommate from last year got hit every other order. Sad thing was, she's American.

>> No.7727737

Wow where do you live where your mail people are so shit? I'm curious, I've never even heard of mail people being like that let alone it happening to me

>> No.7727748

My mail person never puts the god damn flag up even IF there's a parcel in there.
They also never even bother to attempt to put a SMALL package in the mailbox. Nope you gotta drive 15 miniutes into town to pick up your tiny-ass little parcel.

>> No.7727756

My orders from Japan and taobao managed to slip through without paying any fees.

Except for one time when I ordered something from the US with DHL, I had to pay like $30 for purchasing less than $100 worth of stuff.

This makes me a bit worried because I wanted to order from Lucaille and get DHL shipping, but I don't want my cheap wigs to turn really expensive.

>> No.7727764

How have Brazilian anons been doing with their international packages? I used to be able to avoid customs with small orders, but now even the smallest, silliest thing gets taxed, so frustrating.

>> No.7727772

Not so much of a horror story but really annoying. Last fall I came home from work and my apartments mail box had fallen over, I was going to call about it the next day but it was totally gone the next morning.

I ended up having to forward all my mail to my parents house for over three months, and was late on my utilities that month because the forwarding took so long to take effect. It only ended up getting replaces because I called my landlord at least five times, and he forced them to fix it. I'm really glad I don't live in the that building any more.

>> No.7727781

I live in Ontario and I've only ever been hit with customs once, on a package from Sweden (I bought from Ergi).
I've bought from all over and that was the only time. Super shit too because the package was only worth about $150 and I had to pay $54 in customs fees.

>> No.7727785

There's a clause in the Constitution that ensures they don't, actually. Article 1, section 10, clause 3. "No state shall, without consent from the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws."
The revolutionary generation was a butthurt about taxes in general lol

>> No.7727786
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God bless America.

>> No.7727790

I've never paid any taxes for my things, but the whole post system of my country is hell. You have to wait for at least month for package from anywhere, even from another town situated nearby, and if it has no tracking and you're unlucky it may lay at the local post office for 2+ weeks before the mailman finally find time to notice you.

>> No.7727794

I have a shipping story that's from a selling point of view.

This spring I was selling some Liz Lisa stuff on my Storenvy and I stupidly decided to ship internationally. I sent off a pair of shoes to Germany using the First Class International option from USPS and was confident that it'd be ok. I'd sent a dress internationally already and it was fine. Well a few weeks after I sent the shoes, the buyer opened a Paypal dispute and said that the shoes never arrived. I asked USPS about it, but they said it was out of their hands since it was already in Germany. I tried to contact DHL about it, but all they did was direct me to DHL's tracking site which doesn't work half the time. I tried to find a way to contact them that was more than just an inquiry, but the language barrier was preventing me from getting anywhere. I didn't want to leave my customer hanging so I tried Googling delivery times and posting on Yahoo Answers to see if this was normal. Someone ended up answering that it can take up to 6 weeks to clear customs sometimes. I told the customer this and promised a refund if the item didn't come before the Paypal dispute was going to expire. A few more days passed and the customer messaged me to say that the customs form wasn't on the package (it ripped off or something I guess) and so it had been detained at the post office.

In hindsight, I should have had a better FAQ for shipping ties and I had no proof that the item hadn't been delivered. (The tracking number wasn't working for DHL.) I am glad that the customer was being honest but ugh. The hassle of trying to figure out what happened and worrying about whether I was going to be seen as a bad seller has really put me off international shipping.

>> No.7727795

My old mailman would just throw packages over the gate. Luckily I never bought anything fragile. However I wouldn't be able to get them till after school, and they would get rained on sometimes.

>> No.7727798

my old mail people used to do that. I have two big dogs, who chew up anything they can get their hands on
My mail people would wrap my packages in plastic if it was raining, but that didnt stop the dogs

>> No.7727800

*Paws on

>> No.7727808

I've managed to evade customs fees thus far... The key really seems to be avoiding courier services. The wait might be longer, but no complaints here about Canada Post.

>> No.7727824
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>Order a wig from arda
>See it's been shipped
>look at tracking this morning
>"Your item arrived at our USPS facility in DALLAS, TX 75398 on August 2, 2014 at 12:04 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later."
>mfw i live in wisconsin
I called usps and the lady was even confused. She was getting conflicting information. One was saying that it was out for delivery and then another one saying that my actual delivery date was monday. I've never had a package get shipped out that way only to come back.

>> No.7727830

The mail lady on foot slides the packages that fit under the gate. Anything bigger than that she leaves outside. Then she rings the doorbell and walks away. What if I'm not home and someone steals my package?! At the very least the postman handles my international packages. I've only once been dropped the slip w/o the door bell rung.

Question for EU people, do you still have to pay a lot in customs for domestic shipping (as in one country to another country).

>> No.7727839

There's no customs charges for parcels that travel within the EU.

>> No.7727845

I can remember when I was like 15-ish I ordered a cosplay online and was waiting for it to arrive. It was registered so I had to sign for it. One day the mailman shows up when I'm home alone. We have the following convo:

>"How old are you?"
>Uh, 15?
>"You can't sign for this. You have to be 18 to sign for this."
>I've signed for things before?
>"Nope, can't sign for this. I have to keep it."

I fought with him for a few minutes saying that there was no law that said I couldn't sign for it and that since the package had my name on it, I should be the one who signed for it. He just turned around and walked down my driveway.

I walked up to the post office a few hours later and explained what happened. The lady was like "lol, yeah that's weird" and gave me my package. I don't think I even ended up signing for it?

It still pisses me off today. There was no reason to hold my mail from me.

>> No.7727848

haha, that's horrible! yeah I had dogs to, I am soo lucky they didn't rip them up or pee on them or anything like that

>> No.7727885

Why is it in every mail thread we get people who don't understand how "customs" wors? You're being charged IMPORT TAX, it's not called customs, that's just where the packages are checked in when they enter the country. It's charged to every single package that comes from outside of the EU. Your post office has nothing to do with it and they get no money whatsoever from it. The packages not being charged are either bellow a certain value, from inside the EU, marked a gift or a fluke. Jesus Christ. You'd think people who rely on foreign markets so much would understand this stuff, it's not exactly difficult to grasp.

>> No.7727889

Why so mad, anon?

>> No.7727920
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ordered a cheap pair of socks and some tiny acessories off unicorn shop on taobao bc i had like 20 quid for a review from my ss

came to 15 with shipping
took 4 months to arrive and when it did it got a 40 pounds customs bill

package arrived, original packaging and note from ss torn up. cheap binbag with address written on paper and taped badly onto binbag was used to send from customs to my door (was a really cute card, took effort to rip) customs form says it arrived almost 3 and a half months earlier

I know it's import tax but this seems very odd, and the shoddy package handling too

>> No.7727926

I'm pretty sure most people are aware of that. They're just pissed that it's often so ridiculously high.

>> No.7727927

I have an over-abundance of caring about inconsequential things.

>> No.7727935

in America you generally don't get charged an import tax on items/packages valued at less than $200.
Certain items are exempt from this but I think that's weird shit like live animals or chemicals

>> No.7727982
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always relevant

>> No.7727984

Does US Customs process stuff on Saturday/Sunday?

>> No.7728029

I had a package show up as delivered when it hadn't been. As in, two of the people I live with were outside in the yard when the mailman came and didn't see them drop off the package. I called the post office and the dude said he'd talk to the driver, who swore up and down that they'd delivered it. Dude said the package probably got stolen, even though I said that two housemates had been out in the yard when the mail had been delivered.

My package magically appeared the next day. Like, I don't give a shit if you accidentally marked it as delivered and it was sitting in your truck, but why lie to me about it? Just say you're going to deliver it the next day, Jesus.

>> No.7728054

They probably lied so they wouldn't get fired for making a mistake

>> No.7728066

I had that with a package sent as EMS, it showed as delivered but it actually had a name written down and a signature, except it wasn't any neighbours. After 2 days of asking about, going to possible addresses where they could have misdelivered by being retarded, and lots of phone calls/online complaints it suddenly got delivered, but never got an apology or explanation. No way was I giving up, it was a hard to find lolita dress. Fuck you Parcelforce.

>> No.7728073

>without consent from the Congress
Doesn't say they can't, just that it needs to go through Congress.

>> No.7728087

I'm sure this is common knowledge by now, but I had an ex boyfriend who worked for UPS and told me the worst horror stories about how they handle their packages. There were even some coworkers who purposefully kicked around packages marked "fragile". Little naive me was so scandalized. I hear FedEx isn't much better, but I'm not sure about USPS.

>> No.7728103

well then, it's a good thing congress gets jack shit done

>> No.7728114

>Doing literally anything

Good joke, anon!

>> No.7728118

This is how it works in theory, but the actual charging is not as strict. It's more than just a fluke how many get through to me without charges. And the charges that are levied vary wildly, even for parcels marked as similar values and contents.

A Parcelforce delivery man told me customs take random groups of parcels to check and potentially charge, but I don't know how true that is. He seemed kind of pissed off about customs charges ("legalised theft"), perhaps because people do direct their anger at Parcelforce wrongly.

Also Royal Mail charge an £8 handling fee when I seriously doubt it's costing them that much to handle the payment. I know they don't profit from charging import tax, but pretty sure they make money off that.

>> No.7728156

the limit for customs taxes in america is $200 dollars. if you've had packages before that were over $200 that didn't get caught then you got lucky

>> No.7728177

The only thing I can tell about USPS is that if it's a big box that's not marked fragile, they will stack everything on it and it will be crushed to a heap.
They're nice enough to tape the box if it rips, though.

>> No.7728209

You know, I almost added a comment about that but I figured it would be obvious on its own, my mistake.

>> No.7728349

Your america is showing. You haven't ever been hit with customs, have you? Unless it's a really large order, most of the times our customs bills are like 20% actual import taxes/VAT and 80% opportunistic crap (under the name of handling fees, storage fees, duplicated shipping fees, whatever they feel like really). That's what makes us truly mad.

>> No.7728366

No one I know has ever been hit by customs despite routine orders from Taobao, Mbok/y!Japan, and various brands that have not been marked down. Getting hit by customs is really rather rare in the US.

>> No.7728374

Sometimes I wonder why I pay for registered shipping for figurines from Japan when tracking is practically meaningless

>Package is in Japan
>Package is shipped from some prefecture to Tokyo prefecture
>Package just left Japan
>1-2 weeks of no updates
>Package is at my doorstep

>> No.7728421

Anon the flag is there because you're supposed to put it up when you have mail in the box to be sent. The mail person isn't supposed to put it up for any reason.

>> No.7728443

It's because the businesses import almost everything, so it's not a big deal if individuals pay the taxes. They're making plenty off of walmart's shipments of sweatshop clothes.

>> No.7728497

I live in the UK, hence all of the specification about the EU you dipshit. And no, I haven't because unlike everyone here I actually understand what to get marked on the package to stop it happening. The fact you've been "Hit by customs" Shows you're the one who doesn't understand how the system works in the first place.

>> No.7728535

well then oh so informed anon, why don't you enlighten us peasants on how to avoid getting all those fees

>> No.7728546
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>live in Australia
>no import taxes on packages under $1000

>> No.7728593

>shipping internationally
I just opened my Storenvy and it drives me crazy that they won't let you block international buyers. Instead I had to jack the shipping prices up to make sure no one would buy them. But hey, if they want to pay $40 shipping for a $3 item then I'll take that money.

>> No.7728613
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I've gotten a package every day this week. Postal worker carries my 1.5kg package through the rain, super nice while I sign and she scans it.

>Sorry about all the packages lately.
>It's fine! You go order you some packages, girl!

>tfw greatest postal worker ever but I may be moving soon to shadier area of town

>> No.7728644

There's actually two options (in the US) that the sender can pick as far as signing goes.

>Anyone in the house can sign for it
>Anyone 18+ in the house can sign for it

In the situation of a little underage shit gets their hands on a package and ruins it or something, the postman probably didn't want a complaint.

>> No.7728656

I sort of get that, but at the same time, it was anon's name that was on the package. Why would there be a problem signing for your own package.

>> No.7728722

Implying you're the only girl in the UK who doesn't pay ~import taxes~. Does the word customs give you a rash or something? Everyone knows what we're talking about.

>> No.7728750

But how was the postman supposed to know that the name on the package was actually anon? It's not like he personally knows them or something.

>> No.7728853

Could have asked for ID?

>> No.7728857

Most under-18s don't have ID, though.

>> No.7728877

I also live in Ontario and it is really hit or miss with customs.
$220 Dress from QL had about $30 customs about 5 years ago.
Ordered a $250 Dress from an Indie brand in the USA got hit with $40 customs last year.
$35 worth of customs on Perler beads and supplies earlier this year from the USA and the guy would only take a cheque at the door. Good thing my man had some or else I would be doing what I usually end up doing with anyone but Canada Post which is spend a whole day camping my apartment's front door because delivery people can't read notes and sometimes don't even bother to leave a slip.
Canada Post on the other hand are great they also read my notes and call me to come down and grab packages.
I am also lucky a lot of places I order from either mark it as a gift or add customs to shipping which I honestly wish was standard for any method of shipping. Nothing adds to a bad day when you get to the post office to pick up a package you have been waiting on to find you need to shell out more cash for your great deal to actually be yours.

>> No.7728895

I'm planning on opening and account to sell artwork (already printed and I just need to ship) and I'm worried about how international shipping is going to go (and just shipping in general). I just ordered free boxes from USPS and am planning to layer envelopes within boxes within boxes to fortify them. What should I look out for/tips and advice?

Polite sage for not contributing a horror story but wanting to prevent them.

>> No.7729073

Not exactly a horror story because I'm so used to it already, but I got charged $100 customs on a $300 order. 19% import tax, and some arbitrary fee that was "explained" in five abbreviations on the bill.
I also spent around an hour filling in a three page customs form for some shoes that got stuck. Still waiting on those.

>> No.7730000

Actually in my country, the flag is put up by the mail person to let you know you have mail. Shit doesn't get picked up in mail boxes out here in the middle of nowhere, if you wanna mail something, you have to drive to the nearest town.

>> No.7730009

Some schools have student IDs plus if they were 15/16 they could permit/ drivers license.
I never had problems with signing when I was underage they'll be like 'oh she answers the door, she must live here.

>> No.7730233

The mailman asked my phone number so he could tell me when I'd get any new packages so I could pick them up because I was ordering so much. He then started randomly calling and texting me asking me out, I rejected his advances and now in fear he doesn't deliver my packages because he's butthurt I don't order anything from the internet :/ he ruined it for me. Fuck men.

>> No.7730239

Bro, why don't you just get him fired then or something. Gosh don't give up on delicious interwebs shoppan just cause of that.

>> No.7730244

That's probably illegal so yeah, definitely file a complaint.

>> No.7730246

My mailman sort of did this as well; although he didn't go so far as outright asking me out, he started sending really suggestive and inappropriate texts. Some of them were hilariously bad (like the cliched "Ohh, I've got a package for you ;)" ) but most were very creepy. I acted like I had switched numbers and henceforth made my roommate get my packages if he stopped by while we were home.

>> No.7730252
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>save money
>ordered my dream dress
>choose the safest shipping
>get tracking number
>check and see the package arrived to my city
>wait again, in my house all the time, didn't get out fearing the dress may come to house and I'm not in there
>check tracking after 3 days
>the packaged arrived to my home (???) and was signed supposely by me (WTF!!!???)
> I tried to talk with the seller but she thinks I'm trying to trick her
> one week more and no one knows about package


>> No.7730254

Report him, he'll get fired.

>> No.7730260

Call your local post office and tell them exactly what happened. They should have a copy of the signature on file and you can say you didn't sign for it. They might be able to find it.

>> No.7730264

Did you call the post office?

>> No.7730276

I called and went to post office
I must say it's 100% reliable and managed by goverment, so the only solution it's tracking is lying...
Because them didn't get any packcaged to me and any signature
This never happened before and I'm so lost
I payed by PayPal, but the seller gave them the tracking info and such, and seems the seller will win the claim...

>> No.7730298

Relevant tangential question: I just had an international package returned because the buyer refused to pay customs on it... It's a custom commission and has been completely paid for, and the customer never messaged me about anything, just paid like normal. It had tracking, but I stopped paying attention when I saw that it had arrived at their local post office safely. This was almost two months ago, and it showed up back at my place on Friday. Wat do?

>> No.7730303

You can ask if she wants to pay for it to be reshipped to her but with the package marked down this time?

>> No.7730305

God I have so many stories. I feel like I'll never get a decent person to deliver my packages.

Ordered Project Diva f for the vita when it first came out. I was a little nervous because I figured it'd be more likely to get stolen since it was a video game. I constantly tracked it every day for like 2 weeks until it was finally listed as arrived. I went home and checked my mailbox but nothing was there? Not even a pink slip. I have to call a 1 800 number because my local post offices don't list their contact info online. When I finally get someone they claim someone signed for my package and it /had/ to be me. I lose my shit and scream and yell at this guy for like 15 minutes saying how could it be me when I'm calling you for the god damn package?? Finally get off the phone and realize some clueless older neighbor in my apartment complex signed for it and later realized it was mine. At least she returned it to me but I still can't believe the postal worker delivered it to the obviously wrong apartment and let someone else sign for it.

Another time there was a postal worker who would just shove packages into my tiny mailbox. One day I finally caught him while he was delivering mail and just asked him if I could grab my packages now if I showed ID. The dude tells me no and that I have to wait until he's put everything in the mailbox. I'm super pissed but I kind of get where he's coming from so I go up to my apartment and wait until he's done. Go back downstairs, find three medium sized packaged shoved into my mailbox. I almost couldn't get them out without ripping the packaging on them, at least they were all clothes and not figures or something.

>> No.7730332

greentext because my english sucks

>live in tiny village in the middle of nowhere, found a new job where I work from home
>buy a lot from taobao, and cheap accessoires from chinese ebay sellers, stuff that always comes in small yellow packages
>have several strange encounters over the last few months: neighbors asking me weird questions about my income
>sometimes I pick up stuff from the post office and the clerks stare like I have three heads
>turns out the fucking mailman gossips about me - he told neighbors I must be unemployed because I don't move my car
>told random people in my street that I order weird little packages from China all the time despite being "unemployed", oooh so mysterious
>pearl-clutching old neighbors think I'm "ordering drugs"
>told everyone I'm a crazy drug addict on welfare

If you live in a small village you know being on welfare (and doing drugs lol) is basically a social death sentence. I filed a complaint, haven't seen the mailman in my area since. I really didn't expect that complaint to work... But who the hell gossips like that, especially a grown man? What the fuck.

>> No.7730341

>Article 1, section 10, clause 3. "No state shall, without consent from the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws."

Fuuuuck. I love how much freedom you have in America, why are you moving away from it?

I'm so jealous. My country is ruled by thieves who want nothing but to tax us on every shit and then give away things for "free". Fuck them.

Sorry for rant; polite sage.

>> No.7730351

Jesus christ, what an ass. I feel your pain, though, I grew up in a very small town and was a pretty weird kid from about 11 to 14, so even when I got my shit together people still made up complete lies about me, and I still get the worst stares from people when I'm back home visiting my parents, even though I've only ever dressed like a normalfag there. God I love anonymous city life.

>> No.7730796


My guess is that it's the post office. If you read the other stories here, postal workers have straight up lied to them and delivered it to the wrong address, that sort of thing. I'd keep checking with the post office/calling customer service. If you're on good terms with your neighbors, maybe ask around if they know anything?

>> No.7730840

Did you ever end up getting the package?

Threads like these remind me of how great my mail lady is. She's always asking me about costumes and stuff and we exchange cards every Christmas.

A while back I was selling off a mistake JSK that I bought a year or two ago, and I ended up selling it to a girl in Australia. I calculated the shipping online and it said it would only cost about $15 to ship it, but when I went to mail it out it ended up being $50 something. Understandably, the girl buying it refused to send me a few extra bucks to pay for the extra shipping costs, it just sucks cause I only ended up keeping about $10 from the sale. Now I always bring my packages to the post office before giving the buyer a shipping estimate.

>> No.7730885

You probably accidentally calculated the cost for domestic instead of international.

>> No.7730918

That's probably it, though I was sure I clicked Australia when choosing a destination. Either way, it's my fault for not being certain before giving a shipping estimate.

>> No.7731348

I have one that pissed me off so much.

My friend was sending me some makeup for a con and she sends it out on Monday and we assumed it wouldn't take long since she put the fastest delivery and it was only being mailed from New York to Michigan. Friday of the con and nothing. I'm quietly losing my shit because its time to leave so I talk to the neighbors and nothing, go to the post office and nothing. I accepted defeat and start on my way to the con. I pass by my house and there's the fucking package on my doorstep.

I mean I was happy to get it but where the fuck did it come from

>> No.7731414

(sage for no contribution)
the newest rumour I've heard about myself is that I had two abortions in the last two years.
I'm a virgin.

>> No.7731653
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>be ausfag
>only drama i had was someone putting my package in the wrong place at the post office and no one could find it for 2 days
>mailman personally delivers it

>> No.7731693

Because usually "freedom" in America was reserved for the straight white Christian people.
We're still feeling the after-affects of that today but it's totally better that 80% of the world

>> No.7731735

>tfw I live in a little townhouse community and have a maillady that delivers on foot
>tfw packages are either put in the mailbox, in the compartment beneath it, in my door, or on my stoop as close to my door as possible

I never want to leave this place

>> No.7731780

>going to move to an apartment soon
>time to set up a PO box

>> No.7731783

I paid extra for EMS shipping for my first cosplay wig from china. And it departed on 23th of July and tracking still doesn't say anything about it arriving in my country. But the estimated shipping time was a week. Should I get worried?

>> No.7732132
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>purchase Ebay wig from China on July 23rd
>Estimated Arrival: Aug 05 - 15
>Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
>Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
>Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
>Status: Acceptance, Aug 01

This is what happens when I order from someone who only has 19 feedback. It was only $7.50 though so I figured I'd chance it.

>> No.7732226

Parcelforce can't find any record of me paying the customs fee on my IW sale order, despite the fact the money has gone out of my bank account. I'm waiting for them to ring me about it now

If anyone remembers the last dress I bought was classed as "dangerous" by Royal Mail and had to undergo examination in Ireland (despite being sent England to England). It has now arrived - the zip broke, but I can't tell if that's them and there's no fucking way I'm sending the dress back to them so I can't claim for compensation.

>> No.7732253

Not sure if this is the right thread for this type of thing, but if I made multiple payments for an item that never arrived, am I still able to file a claim with paypal? It says that you have to pay with one payment on their terms of service, but would that still allow me to file a claim on at least one of the payments I sent?

>> No.7732889

>being sent package from parents
>relevant because contained lolita clothing, plus Christmas gifts
>after about a week (usual delivery time) I check tracking
>says it went out for delivery two days ago
>never delivered, no tracking update from there
>check mailbox, yard, etc
>call post office
>no record of it being delivered
>mailman swears he never saw it
>bullshit as he had to scan it in the truck to have it say out for delivery
>mailman gets really weirdly evasive with questions
>office can't help since it doesn't seem to be there and mailman swears he never saw it
>this goes on for a week
>eventually they just go "wasn't insured, can't help" and shut down all communication
>fast forward to end of month
>box just shows up at parents house
>address torn off completely, leaving just return address
>suddenly there's a new mail-lady
>while dropping off stuff she asks if I"m the one with the lost package
>apparently I have same name as local gun shop owner
>firearms being shipped must be delivered first time and signed for, or they'll be put in holding and sent back
>he put my package in holding despite it not having any kind of firearms paperwork on it
>after i call in about it, he realizes he fucked up and hides it
>then tears off label and processes it as unreadable and sends it back
>needless to say he doesn't work for post anymore

>> No.7732920

>be dollfag
>have $500 doll coming
>have it shipped to boyfriend's family store since our house is surrounded by small thiefy children
>(they are always on our porch and take anything we leave outside, even garden tools)
>check tracking
>signed for by
>who the fuck is Gray
>call boyfriend
>no package
>call post
>sub driver, he's not there, can't help
>spend two days frantically calling
>be at boyfriend's store helping out
>owner of next shop over comes in
>hands me giant box
>top popped open but otherwise everything in there
>postman let her 10 year old sign for it while owner was dealing with an emergency in the back room
>kid opened it up but the doll was scary looking to her and she hid it in a closet
>"Gray" is apparently the post's attempt to read the kid's handwriting, her name is Caty

>> No.7732930

Yeah apparently my mailman got it in his head that all the squishy packages from China were wedding gowns and that my parents were doing some kind of Mormon child bride thing. Problems with this:
>I was already 19 when I started ordering from Taobao
>I am their only daughter and the only one who receives any of the packages
>we are Methodists, rather obviously since we have big signs for the church picnics held on our farm
Luckily there was no one for him to gossip to, since all of our neighbors have known us for decades and let us know about his stories pretty quick. I guess it gets boring being a mailman.

>> No.7732988

>Mormon child bride thing
Your mailman is a creative soul isn't he!

>> No.7733019
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Just shipped a wig to someone on ebay. They got it and the envelope was empty.
They think I am an idiot who either sent it empty or that the envelope was too small when it fit neatly in when braided, flipped and folded.
At least there was insurance but I bet I will get a bad review on Ebay even after I refund it.

>> No.7733299

My boyfriend and I once watched the postman deliver our package to the wrong house. When we went to go knock on the neighbor's door, no one answered and we heard a lot of screaming so we left and decided to ask for it later.
The next day we found the package in our mailbox OPENED. Like, the neighbor checked to see what the package was even though it wasn't theirs, saw that it wasn't anything valuable or anything that they wanted and put it in our mailbox.
Isn't opening someone else's mail again the law? It always pisses me off whenever I think about it. Piece of shit neighbor.

>> No.7733311

In all fairness, I accidentally opened my neighbor's mail once, it was an amazon box and I was expecting something from amazon too so I didn't even bother looking at the name until I saw that it was a bunch of workout DVDs and I was like "...I didn't order this".
I felt really really bad, but I took the box to my neighbor and explained what happened even though I wanted to be a little pussy about it and just leave it on their doorstep. Even though your explanation is more likely, your neighbor might've just been too embarrassed to confront you. Sorry that happened to you anon, good thing you still got your stuff though!

>> No.7733335

wow what the fuck? I'm so glad you got your package though anon.. I would have cried if I lost my doll in the mail.

>> No.7733337

Who needs multiple wedding dresses, too??

This is why I literally keep my Jfashion toned down in the hood and wait until I get to Midtown at least to break out anything not exceedingly normal. I'm glad the neighbors in my apartment mind their own business about my mail too

>> No.7733671

>literally keep my jfashion toned down in the hood

You're the kind of person I hate the most.

>> No.7734818
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>be a mailman
>some houses have no numbers on them
>some of the mailboxes have no name or number on them
>some of the packages have wrong addresses and no numbers to call
>mfw people expect you to be a mind-reader

>> No.7734839

My husband is a mailman and deals with this everyday. Apparently, packages are also sorted separately from regular mail so it's possible to deliver the mail and miss a package first time around. I used to be one of those people who would get super pissed when a package was late or delayed or something, but now that I know what postal people have to put up with, I'm more understanding.

>> No.7735099
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>tfw I have a fake solar rock with house number on it right next to the mail box

>> No.7735179

Why the fuck would you buy a weird dress worth 29,000 yen Stan? Jesus fuck! Do you think we have this much money to spend on some strange fetish of yours?

But it's not mine! I didn't order it!

Then why was it delivered to our house?

Oh, wrong person. Ooops.

>> No.7735650

While not a horror story, our postman once left a slip saying he dropped the package off at house number one three crescent moon in our street. He literally got the 13- part right, followed by a doodle of a crescent moon.

>> No.7736002
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I don't have a horror story per say, but this literally just happened to me so I guess I'll share.
I order these cute compartment boxes to store my socks, undies, bras etc.
And I waited a while to have them shipped. And I understand ordering things from ali express isn't always quality, but I don't think there should be excuses for damaged.
One bx came in dented, and the lids are all bent. And the lips are Burnt, chewed and dirty. WTF? Maybe it was just bad packaging on their part (which it didn't look like, they had the item packaging them bubble wrap and postal wrap), but how do you burn the corner?

Anyway, filed for a dispute. is it unfair to request a full refund if you don't plan on shipping the item back? I don't think it is if the items are damaged tbh, but I guess we'll see.

>> No.7736005
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>> No.7736007


>> No.7736981

Same anon, but I swear I fucking have the worst luck with doll deliveries. Before I moved in with my boyfriend, the one mail guy at my parent's place would just drop shit over our fence. We have a farm, so its a sizeable distance from the house to the road. I get it. But he would literally drop large, expensive, insured, MUST BE SIGNED FOR packages over our 6 foot tall fence and into a bush, next to the wide open gate. One of my dolls got dropped not only over the fence but during a fucking blizzard, we didn't even know there was mail delivery that day so doll sat out there for two days.

>> No.7736995

I'm guessing he thought there were multiple daughters and we were just.... hiding them? Around here people seem to think of Mormons as like the redneck version of gypsy myths. Two dozen children to work the farm, selling the daughters off for 5 pounds of chicken feed and a goat, trading wives for tractors, and if anyone "discovers" then its Kool Aid ritual time in the underground bunker. I live in a very classy and well educated society.

>> No.7738324
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>expecting package by FedEx
>hear vehicle, it's the USPS guy driving by
>go outside and get the mail, there's nothing else
>place mail inside and turn around to close the front door
>FedEx package is on the doorstep

>> No.7738329

How much did you pay for these? I think it probably would depend on how much you paid. I haven't had a bad product from aliexpress yet. Did you pay attention to feedback? Look for american reviews on the stores' items? I recently bought similar(jelly color)boxes for $5 for a set of 2, one of them was bent a little, but it was worth the money.

>> No.7738335

Sometimes FedEx sends packages to the USPS and makes them deliver it. I wish this was illegal, it's an awful practice in my opinion. I pay for FedEx or UPS I expect them to deliver it.

>> No.7738336

You have a ninja delivery guy there anon

>> No.7738356

UPS is a literal piece of shit and I hate then so much.
I live on a street that has a east and a west, and my house number exists on both streets. The fucking UPS guy had been delivering ALL my packages to the wrong house for the past 5 years that I've lived in this house.
It's annoying because once complained NUMEROUS times and they don't do jack shit about it. I've had my instax camera almost get sent back to the sender because the other house refused to sign for the package.
Ugh. At least all my lolita comes via usps..

>> No.7738372

Maybe that's what happened then. The site said it would be delivered by USPS but they gave me tracking numbers/a link to Fedex's website. The mail guy usually honks if he has packages for me but I guess he already knew I was there, too.

>> No.7738480

USPS will take better care of it than UPS or FedEx anyway.

>> No.7738723

watch what shipping method you select then. UPS and FedEx both offer a cheaper service where they deliver your package to your local USPS. USPS handles the final delivery.

>> No.7738731

Right now I have $50 of missing ink what's been wrongly delivered to someone else's address and a backlog of orders that need that ink to print with. FML

>> No.7738792

>Be little me, first lolita dress in mail
>Small town, have to get packages at the post office, mailbox is outside of neighborhood
>No license, only bike
>Home alone
>Get text from mom
>You got the orange slip! Your package is here!
>Dance around the house, so excited
>Bike miles to the post office
>Super hot out
>Miserable, but it's okay because rorita
>Get to post office
>I have a package!
>Oh anon, the slip says you can get it two days from now, teehee we have to process it
>Call mom, pissed that she didn't look closely enough
>Bike all the way back in the horrible heat
>Get uggo first rorita dressu later
Not really the post offices fault, but the mail in my hometown was shit.

>> No.7738807

Savvy anon is savvy. I tip my hat to your referencing prowess.

>> No.7738888
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>Order £40 worth of thighhigh socks from 'murrica
>Pay and get it sent out
>Weeks later, wonder why it's taking so long
>Remember customs
>Remember that I ordered some roll-on sock glue too (liquid)
>Slapped in the face with a £30 customs charge for £3 worth of sock glue

>> No.7741951

Updating from last thread.

>Buy small order of makeup from Korea
>Ships to NY ISC
>Ends up in Jamaica, NY for a few days. Tracking says it left on the 20th
>DEAD SILENCE on the tracking number until today.
>Shows up in NJ.
>I live in the Midwest

It took nearly 20 days to get from New York to NJ? What the fuck USPS.

>> No.7742334


Try tracking it from your country's postal service website. I'm not Japanese, but I sell some stuff with registered airmail, almost everything I mail out can only be tracked up until it leaves my country, then the next part of the tracking needs to be done on the recipient country's postal services site. A couple of countries (UK? I think?) change the registration codes when the items arrive in their countries as well, which makes it even harder to track.

>> No.7742340
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>mfw never seen an angry ausfag in any of these threads in mah laif
>mfw my mailman stays at the door for a long as time ringing it and never does a hit and run

>> No.7742345

That sounds hilarious man.

>> No.7743382

not really mail, but

>dad owns an exotic fish store
>fish are delivered at the airport at 6pm every Wednesday
>i drive pick them up since they store doesn't close until 7
>arrive a little early, check at the desk to see if they've gotten in yet
>plane just arrived, should be here soon
>waiting, waiting, waiting
>man, this is taking forever
>it's almost 7 and i'm still waiting wtf
>hear scream from the conveyer belt where the luggage goes out
>bored, so i go to look
>people are scrambling around and i see a broken Styrofoam cooler on the ground
>oh thats weird that what the fish-
>there is water and broken plastic bags all over the floor and fish flopping around everywhere

$7,000 worth of live fish, dead. Some idiot didn't read the gigantic "LIVE ANIMALS" sticker on the side and threw it out on the conveyer belt with the luggage, which it promptly fell over the side of (the part where the luggage comes down in like 5-6 feet above the ground) and smashed letting hundreds of fish out in the airport. My father was not impressed, I was not impressed.

>> No.7743386

That's terrible anon, and sounds really traumatic. Hope you guys got compensated.

>> No.7743396
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>small town

>order dildo and vibrating egg
>made mistake of using postal service
>package comes with sloppy cut marks, opened, re-taped with different color tape.
>see a hole someone had scratching into it to see what was inside

Nosy old bitches at my local post office now know about the amazing nubbies on the shaft of "ol' moany"

>> No.7743406

well, my dad is pretty psycho so as soon as i called him and told him what happened he called the airline and flipped the fuck out on them and threatened to sue them so he got the money back and a vacation out of it in like two days.
funny thing is,at that very same airport and they had a broken pillar in the parking lot he tripped over and promptly broke his leg. he opened the store with the settlement money.

>> No.7743407

>ordered a pair of shoes, free shipping
>only came 1
>package perfect, didn't opened, seems the seller only sent one
>open a paypal claim
>I must send the item to the other part of the world, and pay the shipping (more than the item itself)



>> No.7743412

Not horror, but I'm really irritated.

>pay for next-day shipping for some ballpoint needles
>need to get working on costume ASAP
>Supposed to arrive today
>departed Brooklyn, NY yesterday, never scanned back in
>didn't arrive today

Shit better get here tomorrow or I'm going to be PISSED. I need to work on this costume, and my last needle broke after a lot of use the other day.

>> No.7743415

>Order some things from eBay a few weeks ago
>Tracking info states that it could arrive anywhere from July 30th to September 3rd
>Whatever I don't really mind, as long as it gets in before the end of September
>No update on the tracking info for three weeks
>Tracking info is just "seller has marked as shipped but the tracking number hasn't updated"
>Finally updated a few days ago to in my home city
>Next day marked as "out for delivery"
>Today marked as "delivery status not updated"
I really hope this doesn't turn into some bullshit. I'm not home for another week, but my roommate checks the mail every other day and hasn't mentioned it coming in.
Not nearly as horrific as most of the things in this thread, and for that I am grateful.

>> No.7743428

just don't do it, Paypal cares but the seller probably doesn't give a fuck. Just claim you did it and forget about it

fucking chinese sellers, this happened to two friends of mine. they only received one shoe........

>> No.7743435

Thanks anon, thanks

>> No.7743544
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>the amazing nubbies on the shaft of "ol' moany"

>> No.7743551

Saw this on the news today and thought about this thread.


>> No.7743713
File: 43 KB, 372x312, tumblr_mbxpy6qoYU1qg17al.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this mail lady deserves an award

>> No.7743741

And the worst part is, she's probably union and won't even get fired for it. The postal service is also hurting so badly for workers I'll bet the worst she gets is a slap on the wrist.

>> No.7743970 [DELETED] 

Didn't happen to me but a friend of mine. I was waiting for the bus across the street and I saw the truck drive up and stop in front of his house, and leave after a few min. From across the street I could clearly see the brand names on the boxes of Cooler master and Asus. I called my friend asking if he had ordered some stuff. He said "Yes, why?" I then informed him that they left it on his front porch not hidden or nothing.

MFW he tells me there is about 2000$ worth of computer parts now just sitting there on his porch. Needless to say I was late getting to school (Waited an hour for him to get there and make sure his stuff was not stolen)

>> No.7743980

Didn't happen to me but a friend of mine. I was waiting for the bus across the street and I saw the truck drive up and stop in front of his house, and leave after a few min. From across the street I could clearly see the brand names on the boxes of Cooler master and Asus. I called my friend asking if he had ordered some stuff. He said "Yes, why?" I then informed him that they left it on his front porch not hidden or nothing.

MFW he tells me there is about 2000$ worth of computer parts now just sitting there on his porch. Needless to say I was late getting to school (Waited an hour for him to get there and make sure his stuff was not stolen)

>> No.7744020

You could have just taken the stuff to your house and told him and then give it to him later in the day. Would have been significantly less late.

>> No.7744089

I used to make MLP plushies and one sold on ebay for about $400. Because it was a lot of money, I made sure the buyer got tracking.
After three weeks he emails me to say he never got it. Tracking never even updated, despite me paying extra for it. Auspost says it's a problem on America's side, America post people say it's a problem on Australia's side. No one takes responsibility. I'm begging the customer to wait a bit longer, but it's now been 5 weeks and not looking good.
Suddenly the tracking changed. It'd been sitting in the back of the post office for 5 weeks before they actually sent it out. I felt so sorry for the person who bought it for having to wait for so long. Luckily he just didn't leave any ebay feedback, but I would have understood negative.

>> No.7744093


That bitch should be burned on the stake.

>> No.7744221

>order bodyline shoes on july 20
>leave tokyo july 20
>get to US literally the next day
>shoes arrive at processing facility july 21
>no update since then
>assume they're stuck but no idea what to do
>call USPS, they can't do anything
>call customs, no answer
help what do

what forms did you fill out? how did you do it?

>> No.7744241

Did you pay for the faster shipping? That's hella fast.

>> No.7744277

Is it wrong to ask for PayPal fees? I've been bitched at for adding $4 to a product that i already wasnt charging shipping on because it should be my responsibility or some shit.

>> No.7744285

you're not allowed to add in paypal fees its against paypals terms of service and not typical. Just factor it into the price honestly or tell them to pay as gift.

>> No.7744295

From what I've observed the only buyers that are upset by paying fees are the same people that want a specialty wig '$20 shipped'.

>> No.7744323

Yes. It's a federal offence.

This happens to a friend of mine. What her family does is on the optional second address line they put "NOT [mistake address]". Maybe that would help?

>> No.7744328

Yep, it's a federal offense in the US to open mail not addressed to you.

>> No.7744335


It seems to annoy buyers when there are a lot of add-ons on top of the prices you state, I guess from their point of view, something that was within budget becomes just out of budget once they've added on fees, shipping, customs, whatever else, which makes them angry.

I usually calculate paypal fees into all of my prices and shipping so there are no surprise add-ons for the buyer, if someone asks, then I'll offer a lower price if they can pay via gift payment.

>> No.7744548

>foot mailman is awesome, once even went back an entire street because he saw me enter my apartment
>big packages are being delivered seperately
>all parcels require signature, some valuable ones also ID
>if nobody's home they are always being left at the post office nearby
>leaving a package at the doorstep or at the neighbours can get you fired pronto
>no post office is gonna accept a shoddily packed item
>they even prohibit using multiple packing tapes and stamp the shit out of it so if a package gets opened/retaped you'll know immediately

As a teenager as was constantly annoyed by all the hoops, but now that I'm into BJDs, lolita and taobao I'm so glad I don't risk any of the shit from this thread when a pricy package comes.

Except import taxes, those can eat my ass. EMS always takes 2-4 days to get from Asia to my country, but then it gets stuck for a week or two at customs, regardless of weight or value. And then they stick completely arbitrary numbers on them. At a similar time I had a skirt from Baby for 8k yen and a skirt from Meta for 10k yen - the first one was taxed like 20% higher than the second.

>> No.7744597

Sounds like you also live in Sweden

>> No.7744867

Not quite as regulated in NZ but it's still a lot better than this thread. I'm shocked by these stories.
>Small items like contacts and wigs come with the letters/bills and left in the mailbox or by the door
>Large purchases are delivered seperately, delivery always comes to door and waits a couple of minutes to see if you're home.
>Boxes/packaging are treated with care and post office will make you re-package if you try send shit half assed
>Slip left for you to go to mail centre if your not home is sometimes invalidated, had days that I've missed the courier in the morning but caught them on their evening run.

I feel sorry for the EU and their taxes. I think the minimum to be taxed here is $300 and since most of my orders are wigs or buyfaggotry I've never reached that amount.
Kind of scared of moving anywhere except around the country or to Oz cause of things like this and I don't want to be taxed out the ass. As I start earning more money, I'm only going to be buying more and if I wont let a kid even go into the same room as my figures, I sure as hell wont let a postage service that acts worse than most kids deliver them.

>> No.7744886

It's against Paypal's TOS.

>recommending paying as a gift and ensuring you have no recourse if the seller fucks you over


>> No.7744911
File: 674 KB, 245x160, well.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting on package with expensive, 5 month long order from Japanese shopping service
>naturally the attempted delivery is on Saturday, the one day of the week when I'm not at home during the day
>note on door says it will be available at local post office on Monday
>go to local post office on Monday
>they have no record of my package
>they call 3 other local post offices, no one has record of my package
>they can't find out what truck was supposed to deliver it
>they call the other post offices again, one says "oh! we do have it!"
>go to that post office
>they say they have no record of my package
>go back to first post office
>she says she'll call around, but there's nothing more they can do
>go home
>10 minutes later delivery man shows up
>"I tried to deliver Saturday but you weren't home, hahaha"
>mention that the note said it would be at the post office
>"ohh I was going to do that but changed my mind"

>> No.7745141

That's especially strange considering Arda is housed in Chicago. That's so weird...

>> No.7745142

Just factor it into the price and don't say so. Dumb cheap bitches are going to screw you over otherwise.

>> No.7745179


mfw my town
mfw my area of my town

man fuck cincinnati
my apartment complex has a little antechamber with a locked door and a buzzer, but my buzzer is broken. UPS is just fucking hopeless all around. FedEx guy is super cool, if I leave him a note that I'm not around he'll leave it under some stuff in the little chamber thing, but if not he knocks on my porch door really loud if my car's there. USPS guy is cool too, with the exception of this one incident. My partner had ordered a custom made ring for my birthday, to be delivered on my birthday. Package was apparently "too big" for my mailbox. Spent THE ENTIRE day driving to and from the mail place that is stupid far away trying to get this ring, ended up having to bang on the door after hours. I get it, it's like the size of a matchbox.

Fuck cincinnati USPS.

>> No.7745590
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>> No.7745598

How the fuck do you manage that

>> No.7745600

Postal workers are either angels or completely fucked

>> No.7745938

My regular courier guy is awesome (he knows my name by now) and normally mail is fine. But one time I was waiting on an expensive doll ($1000) and my mum had to take over the ringing around for me because I was freaking out and had no idea what to do. I paid the customs fees over the phone, they say it'll take like a week to be delivered because it's near November so they're really busy, I asked if I could go out there to pick it up, they say no. Waited two weeks or something, the package has disappeared, contact the original place and the courier place and no one knows where it is. My mum spends like an hour just ringing around not taking no for an answer, finally gets put onto someone higher up at the customs place, turns out even though they said I couldn't pick it up they took it off of the container to be shipped out by the courier place anyway; package was just sitting on a shelf there and got forgotten about. Drove out to the fucking airport and picked it up no problems after all of that.

>> No.7745999

I've had about 5 fights with the local post office this year.
First one the deliver dropped stuff off at another house. I called them out on it. They made me describe my house's door step before they admitted it went to the wrong house. So thankfully they made the deliver go get it back. It had been opened. Pretty sure that's a crime.
Then they kept forcing packages into my mailbox. So I wrote a note to leave on door step. It worked for a week.
Then they crushed a hat I had ordered with 2 other packages on top of it in the mailbox. Talked to head person at our post office, she gave me her work number to call each time they did it from now on and wrote him up for fucking up shit.

Next day 3 more things in my mailbox. They said I had to leave a note if I wanted it on my door step. When I told them I already had they were all like "Um...well they're very busy people who don't have time to walk your package to your door"
Fucker you're paid to deliver my items to me, I want them at my door because my neighbors are dickbags and your delivery people don't know to not stuff a box full.

>> No.7746012


>> No.7746041

what the fuck ahhahahahahaha, saving image to repost in future threads 5eva

>> No.7746048

yeah EMS
but it doesn't fucking matter because THEY'RE STILL IN CUSTOMS
i filed a complaint online fuck if that does anything for me

>> No.7746064

>$200 taobao order
>see this
>call post office
>speak to manager
>package isn't there
>he talks to delivery guys
>no reports of package
>calls nearby post office
>zipcode is one number off
>check order
>entered all my info right
>he will call back later that day
>never calls back
>call again
>the post office might have sent it back they never responded to me

I am freaking the fuck out so much right now. I had presents for my boyfriend in there and cosplays and a cute gift for my mom's birthday. Fuck! Where is it?

>> No.7746076
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Sorry, dropped pic.

>> No.7746082
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How and why

>> No.7746813

>order first petticoat through friend because group order type thing
>friend ends up cancelling order
>oh so itll go straight to me then thats cool
>package arrives
>go to post office to pick it up
>"sorry anon your name isnt on this package we can't give it to you"
>have had issues with getting my nickname written rather than my real name before
>"well what name does it say?"
>it is the name on my id but the sender wrote it so that two letters are together (think rn looking like m)
>misspelled name doesn't even make sense
>"is there anything I can do?"
>"sorry anon we can't give this to you."
>doesnt have reciept
>doesnt have tracking info
>by now theres a line behind me
>slight panic
>remember that friend got update from the seller with picture of the package and linked it to me
>"hold on i have proof it was meant to be picked up by me"
>its a long shot but whats a cosplayer to do
>spend an eternity scrolling through skype convo
>people in line be like ugh
>girl behind the counter very reluctantly gives me package

Ugh I have so much trouble with my name and postal service it's not even funny.

>> No.7746836

>Jamaica, NY

Every. single. time.
Ordered thing something from Hong Kong and had to wait two months to get my order from from there to Florida.

>> No.7747097

So now it's gone from Brooklyn, NY to fucking Ohio, and I live in southeastern PA.

Why did it not get sent to the center in Philly

Or New Jersey

Why did it have to go all the way to Ohio

>> No.7748193

You've pissed off the mail gods.