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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7724283 No.7724283[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7724287

No surprise, probably made up the bullshit story for attention.

>> No.7724353

No one knew what really happened. It was the cosplay community that jumped to conclusions before anything was official
>mah cosplay =/= consent
>mah stop sexual harassment at cons

>> No.7724356


>> No.7724374

"The findings do not affect the charges against Kalior, police said, and because the case involves a minor, San Diego Police say they won't release further information about the incident."

Looks like there was some shifty stuff still going on with the guy arrested.

>> No.7724399

>A 29-year-old man, Justin Kalior, whom the girl got into a fight with before her fall, was arrested on unrelated allegations of having sexual contact with a minor and providing her alcohol. He will not face any other charges, police said.

Because he was never suspected of assault or charged with it.

>> No.7724410

>she fell
You attention whoring sluts really do everything for attention, don't you?

It's pathetic.

And it's funny how her chink boyfriend is going to a sex offenders list because of her.

>> No.7724417

Learn to read.

>> No.7724426


*Who* made it up for attention? The original tumblr post simply asked where she was, then updated to ask people for help on what could have possibly happened to her.

Most of the posts about here merely reiterate that--she was missing, she was hurt, POSSIBLY by persons unknown, come forward with any information if you saw her or know what may have happened.

>> No.7724427

The girls on this server do not care now that its not about a male harassing her.

They can't belittle men so its all over now.

>> No.7724436

>my little anon can't be this /r9k/

>> No.7724450

Suck it Cosplay isn't consent drones.

Fuck you right in the pussies.

>> No.7724466

has she even woken up yet?
seriously it's hard to even find info on her status

>> No.7724468

I can't help but laugh as her retarded ass.

>> No.7724487
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>girls not even once

>> No.7724552

she's consious but has slight memory loss

she's suffered frontal cortex internal bleeding

>> No.7724779

LMFAO at the parents and friends begging for signal boosts and help to solve this mystery when the hotel had security footage all along. Seriously? There's no way they didn't go immediately pull the footage the night this happened.

>> No.7724784

UPDATE (8/1/2014): Police now say the teenager found unconscious and bloody near Comic-Con early Sunday may not have been assaulted, as previously reported, but was likely the victim of a fall. However, ABC San Diego says charges against a 29-year-old man, described below, are still being referred to the district attorney's office for consideration.

>> No.7724788

yeah op's link says this

>> No.7724794


Welp. The man that got arrested for "assaulting" her has already had his name dragged through the mud. Girl didn't want to go home and decided to act childish by running away and getting hurt in the process.

>> No.7724806

He was arrested for something else. People just connected it with this case.

>> No.7724808

>has already had his name dragged through the mud.
His name hasn't even been posted on 4chan, oh no reputation ruined

>> No.7724809

Yeah, the comatose cosplayer wrote this story psychically. Makes perfect sense

>> No.7724814

I love it, more and more ordinary people are starting to understand that cons aren't places where a bunch of innocent nerds go to share their nerd hobby. They're actually disgusting, seedy places, and cosplayers are seedy, nasty little sluts with horrific reputations for promiscuity.

>> No.7724818

He was still arrested for something bullshit. Stat rape is nonsense, if a girl consents it doesn't matter if she's 14 or 17 and the guy is 20 or 30, no case should be brought.

>> No.7724844

The girl is a child in fucking high school and could have been fucking a man 12 years older than her. Regardless of whether or not she consented that is gross as fuck and clearly this guy has issues. Preying on high school girls while nearly 30 is not okay no matter how you slice it.

>> No.7724848
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Despite the fact this girl probably just got drunk and fell over a balcony people are still going to call her a slut and raise the guy who was arrested to some sort of r9k ubermensch.

A girl is in the hospital and you all are just making shitty comments while you're shitting.

>> No.7724850

You would be surprised.

>> No.7724854

Oh didn't expect to see you here Chief Justice Roberts. That's a very interesting interpretation of the law.

>> No.7724859

Oh my god
I hope she pulls through alight

>> No.7724863

14 year old plus girls are attractive to just about all men, why the fuck is it so hard for women to accept this? 16 year old is actually one of the best ages to have kids.

>> No.7724868
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>> No.7724871

It's awful what happened to her but it's surprising to find out this whole thing was just her being a dumb teen ..

>> No.7724872

Just fuck off with that shit, men find young women attractive, end of discussion.

>> No.7724873

Cool explain that to legal precedent.

>> No.7724876

Too obvious

>> No.7724877

16 is the best age to get a fistula when you're pregnant actually.

>> No.7724879

Go dress up as yoko.

>> No.7724887

I'm a /fit/ guy with a hairy chest but if that's what you're into....

>> No.7724890

>I'm a /fit/ beta here to suck up to cosplayers.

You should have said initially, I would have just ignored you.

>> No.7724895

Why is polygon reporting on this? They are a game review site right?

>> No.7724904

Is it? If the picture that was used showed that she was in a fully covering Aeris costume would people have jumped to the same conclusions?

>> No.7724912 [DELETED] 

And? You dress like a whore, you get treated like a whore.

Go back to your slutwalk, whore.

>> No.7724913 [DELETED] 


You sound like a walrus and probably look like one too.

>> No.7724914

for the attention

>> No.7724917 [DELETED] 

Do you feel in charge?

>> No.7724919 [DELETED] 

I dunno. Does calling random females a whore behind the invisibility of the internet make you feel validated?

>> No.7724920
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>> No.7724923


Remember where you are.

4chan is shameless, honest truth.

>> No.7724935 [DELETED] 
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This is such a bullshit, poisonous statement. Son, I have been on this website for six goddamn years. 4chan is not 'shameless, honest truth'. 4chan is 90% shitposting and hateposting because you can get away with it and it's fun. I have made countless friends from 4chan and away from whatever board we met on, we all admit that we do the same thing. We talk total shit on anon. ESPECIALLY on /r9k/, where you are no doubt from. Even people on /r9k/ omegle admit that the board is full of lies and shitposting for shiggles. So take that lie and shove it up your ass, you have no right using that to try and make people believe that your vile bullshit is true outside of your containment board. How about you hop on back there?

>> No.7724938
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Who let's their 17 year old daughter dress like that, then go to a convention?

>> No.7724942

I doubt she showed it off to them.

>> No.7724946


It really says a lot about the White Knight Brigade and Cosplay isn't Consent goons that wanted this "sexual assault" narrative to be true.

I'm loving every minute of this now that their martyr is just some stupid bitch drunk off her tits that broke her face trying to scale a fence.

I'll just be over here laughing it up while their "muh harassment" soapbox crumbles and cognitive dissonance sets in.

>> No.7724950

I saw uncensored pics of her cosplaying. She looked pretty revealing for an underaged girl.

>> No.7724964

Requesting pictures of her cosplay. Please deliver.

>> No.7724967

Please read the article throughly.

>> No.7724968

I'm linking it due to this already being posted on this board

>> No.7724970

So what? Does that mean she deserves to get a million shitposts that she'll be bombarded with once she's concious? If you guys want to see underaged T & A at least treat her like a lady. Make up your minds.

>> No.7724972

thanks, she's attractive

>> No.7724973

Yeah but it's all over the links and news anon.

>> No.7724975


I'll treat her like a lady wearing a whore's uniform.

>> No.7724976

I'm sorry she chose to dress like a slutty underaged bunny

>> No.7724977

The more stupid 16 year olds running around with kids there are, the more stupid children will be brought into the world. 23 for me would be a good pregnancy time.

>> No.7724979

ah you would be surprised hotels hate doing that shit

>> No.7724983 [DELETED] 

oh my god you've been here for 6 years and still fell for that bait?

>> No.7724986

Why treat someone like a lady who doesn't act like a lady? She's an underage parting druggie whore who likes taking softcore porn pics of herself.

>> No.7724988

My point is that cgl always seem to love it's T & A threads, but are really quick to call all the girls whores. If you want more of that perhaps leave out that last part. Lady probably wasn't the right word.

>> No.7725003 [DELETED] 

I don't think you get it. Obviously I know that what he's saying isn't true, but I'm looking out for the people who would believe his bullshit if it wasn't challenged. Lots of mentally vulnerable and insecure people on this board.

>> No.7725005

Actually anon you are wrong, firstly teenage pregnancy has higher risk of birth complications, defects and other issues. Also women aren't even mist fertile at that age. Where did you even draw such conclusions from?

>> No.7725014
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>> No.7725023 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7725035


yeah but that doesn't mean anons point about not showing her parents beforehand is invalid. she could have worn something over it or something different on the way to the con and changed there. i've known teenagers who did that. just because she ended up in a revealing cosplay doesn't necessarily mean her parents are irresponsible people and let her out like that.

>> No.7725048 [DELETED] 

Your response isn't making much sense though.

The great majority of 4chan (on the boards I frequent at least, I haven't bothered with shit like /r9kj/ and /b/ in eons) just reads like normal internet comments you'd see anywhere else, but with more uses of "faggot" or whatever. Whenever I check on /v/ to see if maybe people are right this one time about it being 90% incoherent shitposting, I still just see people just normally talking about video games the great majority of the time. Occasionally someone makes some obvious troll post and a bunch of idiots reply. There are also "lol funny" threads where people make bad jokes. Insincere shitposting is there but not nearly to the extent that people claim.

Basically people hugely, HUGELY exaggerate the amount of 'incoherent bullshit' on 4chan, acting as if the whole place is just this KUH-RAYZEE random mess when it's actually far more normal.

"People aren't SERIOUS when they're being horrible pieces of shit here!" doesn't really make much sense either way. If someone says "[women/racial minorities/whatever] are garbage and they all deserve to die" it doesn't mean it's a "tongue in cheek, satirical statement", very often it just means someone is venting some kind of earnest dislike at whatever group they're targeting. What they're saying might not be 100% "serious" but it's very often coming from an emotionally genuine place.

I've been here for nearly 9 years now and the idea that everyone being terrible on 4chan is 'pretending for teh lulz' has always seemed like a placebo to me. People trying to feel better about hanging out with a bunch of Youtube comment-caliber shitheads.

>> No.7725054 [DELETED] 

Basically these claims that every niggerdeath or fuck women post on 4chan is from 'normal, good people just being satirical :^)" would only make even the slightest amount of sense if 4chan was a small, closed-off clique. 4chan was never closed-off; even during its first month of its site's life, Moot on /q/ confirmed that it got thousands of hits from all over the internet and that the Something Awful ADTRW people quickly became the minority.

If there's no barrier of entry and there never was one, it's far more likely that horrible posts come from a place of... maybe not factual, but >emotional< sincerity.

>> No.7725058
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>> No.7725070




>> No.7725074

And the consent fucks will slink away pretending it didn't happen.

Women really are the worst.

>> No.7725086 [DELETED] 
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Like right here:

Is this guy being "satirical, funny, 4chaney :^ )" and not earnest at all by projecting his beef with the english-speaking geek feminist community over the entire female gender, which composes more than half of the entire human population? No, he's just a freakin' manchild venting. Same as some Tumblr girl making posts about how disgusting men are.

>> No.7725089
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Let it be known that this was the only guy who had it right and didn't end up looking like a retard after the report came out.

>> No.7725091 [DELETED] 

>and not earnest at all by projecting his beef with the english-speaking geek feminist community over the entire female gender

They're one in the same. The cosplayer claiming she was raped at a con is no different from the normalfag claiming she was raped at a bar.

This is something intrinsic to women whether they cosplay or not.

>> No.7725095 [DELETED] 

Nah dude, I was just using you to make my point. Not gonna argue with you.

>> No.7725109
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>> No.7725116

Not really

>> No.7725156
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I wonder how culturally enriched the boyfriend is getting all because she lied about her age.

>> No.7725167


He's out on bail.

It's amazing the how the consent brigade still has it out for this guy. There isn't even any proof they were having sexual relations. The cops clearly jumped the gun here when charging him.

>> No.7725171

Where can i read consent brigade's response to this?

>> No.7725173


Just in general.

They don't care he was muck racked during this whole debacle. They are still go on about him being with a minor blah blah.

Get accused of rape and you're an evil person forever.

>> No.7725178

legal shit aside, the girl is a sexual deviant as you can tell by her tumblr

>> No.7725186

I'd say this is what happens when we let tumblr rape hysteria invade everything.

Anything at all happens to a woman and armchair-activists start screaming about consent and oppression. Involve cosplay and fandoms and it gets 10 times worse, because these "cosplay =/= consent!" fuckers keep spreading the narrative that all cons are rapefests.

>> No.7725189


>> No.7725198 [DELETED] 

>No, he's just a freakin' manchild venting. Same as some Tumblr girl making posts about how disgusting men are.

Only difference is that impotent manbaby whining and venting doesn't get treated as valid and thoughtful activism. It doesn't get supported and spread by other idiots who treat "venting" like a valid complaint that needs to be rallied around and spread all over the goddamned internet with a big trending hashtag and its own facebook groups.

Not saying either of them are worth treating seriously at all, but some fat hateful shits get ignored and others get treated as living saints for speaking out against injustice.

>> No.7725202


>> No.7725206
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So she was an all round pervert, but the consent people were going to make her out into a baby jesus? Fuck these whores.

>> No.7725207 [DELETED] 

what is r/mensrights

>> No.7725211 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah I agree with you. No one likes 'UGH FUCKING WOMEN ;_;' types (right-wingers find them whiny and pathetic too), but there's definitely a sub-set of liberals that take the female equivalent of that to be 'valid, respectable lashing out at the oppressor'; often this is mainly due to it being a popular opinion in their group (I had a long talk with a friend about this and ended up changing his mind).

The best you can do is hope it'll largely stay in fringe academic spaces and internet cliques

>> No.7725214 [DELETED] 

I'd agree, but get them out of academic spaces. Most people are going to spend 2 decades of their life being retarded ill-informed children, and we don't need that shit to carry on through college, and we definitely don't need that shit coming from a place that should be a bastion for intellectual integrity and truth.

>> No.7725218 [DELETED] 

You're thinking of the r/redpill page, which is every bit the "women are stupid gold digging inferior parasite whores!" rallying page that people think men's right is.

>> No.7725222 [DELETED] 

Some would say they're tentacles of the same octopus.

>> No.7725232 [DELETED] 

I agree, but at the same time, the idea of "power plus prejudice" which is often used to justify 'correct hate' has been present in colleges for a very long time, way before Tumblr culture took hold of the Internet or even before the Internet became mainstream. And yet I doubt most people really buy that idea. The dictionary hasn't rewritten the definition of 'racism' for one.

>> No.7725238 [DELETED] 

I don't ever side with MRAs whether they are the 'reasonable' type or not but the extent to which people equate the two groups as being the same thing (even though a quick google search reveals the redpill one largely and overtly takes the stance of "MRAs are fucking pussies") along with other cartoonish exaggerations of what MRAs are about will just make people want to side with them out of spite.

In reality I'd say they're probably comparable to the typical ignorant trendy Tumblr feminist and have the same amount of repressed dislike of the opposite gender. The difference once again being that as far as I know there is more academic backing for the latter's views.

>> No.7725240

Her parents do.

>> No.7725250

I wish /r9k/ would leave already

>> No.7725257


Jesus, what a degenerate.

She might as we start cam whore or better yet porn.

>> No.7725260

14...That is sick man.

>> No.7725575

She's updating her facebook page somehow.

>> No.7725601
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>> No.7725602
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>> No.7725604
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>> No.7725606
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>> No.7725609
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>> No.7725613
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>> No.7725616
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>> No.7725619
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>> No.7725621
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>> No.7725636

in about a few months, she'll be as popular as JNig.


>> No.7725642

If she keeps losing weight and doesn't get ugly... probably. She'll start as that girl who was almost raped and then be a celeb sucking Chris Hardwick's dick in a few months

>> No.7725645
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>> No.7725647
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>> No.7725649
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>> No.7725650
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>> No.7725651

Is anyone even reading the article past the first few sentences? Anyone at all?

>> No.7725655


Nope. Since she wasn't actually assaulted, the consent brigade will move on in about a week or so and she'll fad into obscurity once again.

Also, wasn't there an report earlier one sawing that she lied about her age (told the photographer she was 20). If I remember correctly, her facebook also says she's 20.

>> No.7725660
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>> No.7725664
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>> No.7725666 [DELETED] 

Some say cucumbers are better pickled.

>> No.7725691

isnt 17 the legal consent age? why they arresting him?

>> No.7725695

She had turned 17 that same day she fell. She's also still a minor he provided alcohol to.

>> No.7725702

Not in California.

>> No.7725705

the age of consent varies on state

>> No.7725713

Reading takes away precious time better used for moral outrage against the opposite gender.

>> No.7725715

Seems like he should have dated Velma instead. Damn she's fine.

>> No.7725722

got any pics of this years cosplay?
Saw a face shot of one with red hair?

>> No.7725747
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16 yo in this photo...?

>> No.7725748

For those who won't read the article.

"While Harbor Police was speaking with that witness, Kalior returned without prompting. Harbor Police spoke to Kalior and he denied any dating relationship with [the girl] but admitted to bringing her to a party at the hotel that night where there were a lot of alcohol beverages. A consensual search of Kalior's cellphone revealed a break-up text dated 7/15/14 in which he used her nick-name ... and he referenced their dating relationship. A short time later, [the girl] woke up in the hospital and confirmed she and Kalior have been in a sexual/dating relationship."

>> No.7725751
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this one

>> No.7725756

ugh she's so fucking ugly

>> No.7725760
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>> No.7725761

Moral of the story: If you helped get an underage person drunk, keep a fucking eye on them unless you know they can handle their alcohol.

And this goes double if the two of you just broke up last week.

>> No.7725773


So basically this girl just got shitfaced, fell outside somewhere and ended up looking like an assaulted victim?

I love how police are like "omg she's a minor respect her privacy". Excuse me look at her cosplay photos. All I see is ass and titties. Jailbait ass and titties. Don't act like she's little miss sweet and innocent because she isn't. What a damn insult to real victims of sexual harassment and rape. Whoever milked that line and had the media use it for the sake of Tumblr social justice warriors to shriek their hearts over needs to be shot.

>> No.7725878
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Well then,
>It's good she wasn't assaulted
>It's bad that it was so easy for people to jump to the conclusion that she had been sexually assaulted/raped. But the way the media(polygon) and tumblr/facebook portrayed it it was pretty easy to get that impression
>It's good that she's awake and there probably won't be permanent damage(from what I'm reading)
>It's bad that she was having a sexual relationship with a 29 year old(statutory rape and all)
>It's good that there was no straight up rape
>It's bad there was a shitstorm kicked up over this, but it's really not surprising, goddamn I hate the cosplay community sometimes

>> No.7725881

> I love how police are like "omg she's a minor respect her privacy"
Because photos at a con is the same thing as that, totally.

herpetity derp derp.

>> No.7725891

>cosplayers under the sexual harassment hysteria kept telling police she was assaulted
>It didn't actually happen

The stories made up by cosplayers turned out to not actually be true. Gee, imagine that.

>> No.7725893


>> No.7725901

Does it matter that in many states and many parts of the world the age of consent is 16? Why is it "gross" to have sex with a 17 year old but perfectly fine if she's 18? Is there really a difference?

In any case, there is no actual proof they even had sex. Just that they may have been "dating", whatever that means.

This whole thing is just another example of rape hysteria in the modern west.

>> No.7725903

she admitted to having sexual relations with him you stupid fuck. read the damn report / thread.

>> No.7725917

>Some barely conscious idiotic drunk girl in the hospital may have eluded to socializing with some guy that may/may not be sexual, as reported by a feminist SJW website still trying desperately to correlate her as a victim of something

Yep, totally sounds like rape to me.

>> No.7725963

She also lied about her age and told people she was 20. Even her FB profile says age 20.

>> No.7726028

>I find young women attractive and have to justify my pedophile instincts by claiming that all men feel this way and it's not my fault. End of discussion.

>> No.7726104

I don't think you know what pedophilia is.

>> No.7726132
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>> No.7726143

Just stop posting about her. She's already rocketted into internet fame through this stupid shit. Don't keep encouraging it by circulating her photos too. Eventually the SJWs will slink back to their holes.

>> No.7726250

my biggest problem with them is that they place no blame on her. "Victim blaming!!!1!1!"

She did drugs/got high
She lied about her age
She made really shitty decisions

And somehow, even though this guy had left her to her own devices,where she attempted to scale a fence and fell on her face its his fault because maybe he had sex with her at some point.

>> No.7726260

In other words, not-rape.

>> No.7726278
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>> No.7726279
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>> No.7726281

Damn that's a square torso.

>> No.7726290

The girl ended up that way because she was being drunk and stupid. She's not a victim of anything.

If it happened to some frat boy you'ld probably laugh at him.

>> No.7726408
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>> No.7726411
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>> No.7726423
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>> No.7726429
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>> No.7726432


>> No.7726436
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>> No.7726437
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>> No.7726438
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>> No.7726446
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>> No.7726448
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>> No.7726452
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>> No.7726455
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>> No.7726456

>Woman acts like a drunken whore
>Can't deal with the consequences of her actions
Absolute degeneracy.

>> No.7726458

mmmm nice bikini

>> No.7726459

More like people jumped the gun and ended up blowing it out of proportion from what really happened.

>> No.7726461
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>> No.7726463
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>> No.7726464


Moral of the story. Don't fucking talk to cops or agree to be searched. Make them come get you.

If he would have just walked off and went home, he wouldn't have been charged with anything.

>> No.7726467

she makes my dick hard

>> No.7726471
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>> No.7726477
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>> No.7726483
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>> No.7726485

Why red eyebrows and why that fabric.

>> No.7726487
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>> No.7726490
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>> No.7726493
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>> No.7726495
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>> No.7726497
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>> No.7726500
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>> No.7726504
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>> No.7726507

So are you friends with her on FB or does she have a page somewhere?
Don't see much on per personal page.

>> No.7726509
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>> No.7726512

She has a deviant art you can find it when you google her user name.

>> No.7726514
File: 63 KB, 638x960, 1623694_685144991524317_1301566145_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like cosplay pics and save them all the time. When someone posted her Roger Rabbit I realized I had a lot of her stuff saved in the general folder. Now there was a name, so it was reorganized

>> No.7726515
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>> No.7726521

Gotcha. Pretty easy to find all her accounts by her username.

>> No.7726534

She can't really spell massacre...

>> No.7726542
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>> No.7726549
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>> No.7726552
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>> No.7726566
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>> No.7726574

i'd like to get more of this set

>> No.7726576


Does she have a twitter.

>> No.7726581

Same user name instagram, twitter (underscore between milly and massacre), facebook, deviantart. Lots of baked pics

>> No.7726584

Is her costume hot glued fleece?

>> No.7726586


Her fb, twitter has the correct spelling of 'massacre'
Her deviantart, instagram, tumblr (nsfw warning) has the strange spelling of 'massacure'

>> No.7726589


>> No.7726606


>> No.7726643
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>> No.7726655
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>> No.7726657
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>> No.7726662
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>> No.7726663
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>Eyebrows don't match
>Dirty feet
>Cracked out face

>> No.7726706
File: 945 KB, 1078x1529, Screenshots_2014-08-01-23-23-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This in the anime weekend atlanta facebook group...
The cosplay is not consent leeches are out in force and refuse to accept that this was a case of drunk dumb bitch and not a rape.

This is why real rapists get away with what they do, because you dumb idiots are too busy chasing the fakes. Stay autistic cosplay community!

>> No.7726757

Interview with her

>> No.7726789

totally not fucked up for this interview.

>> No.7726853
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>> No.7726855
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>> No.7726869

Those straps are not flattering her legs.

>> No.7726882


Polygon are clickbaiters even worse than Kotaku.

>> No.7726897

Surely the photographers who've dealt with her more 'sexy' cosplay pictures can all surely get wrapped up in the child pornography issue...I mean she claimed to be 20+ to the one who's getting done for sleeping with her due to her being a minor and him being 29. She's most likely lied to them as well when getting the photos done at cons, and she only just turnt 17/18.

>> No.7726899

her face makes me cringe and her boobs make me sad. then theres her damn construction skills

>> No.7726916
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>> No.7726950

...So, what the fuck happened? Did she just had consented sex with an older guy and ended like a violation because she was underaged and drunk?

>> No.7726962

Oh woe on these adult men, the true victims here.

>> No.7726980
File: 8 KB, 256x192, Images_(99).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey DORKS lol haha this is fukin gross and dont forget it LOL DORKS HAHAHAHAHH

>> No.7726996

that loose hanging thread. fuck me.

>> No.7726999

I really like this costume to be honest, other than the weird hears. I just wish her wig wasn't so yellow

>> No.7727003 [DELETED] 


Not taken seriously by anyone except internet feminists.

>> No.7727050
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>> No.7727056
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>> No.7727064
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>> No.7727068
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>> No.7727074
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>> No.7727076


She looks underaged here. I think what's so deceiving about her age is her height.

It's not till you see her sitting down you see she's a minor.

>> No.7727078
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>> No.7727080
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>> No.7727086
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>> No.7727088
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>> No.7727092

Dat pit sweat.

>> No.7727093
File: 51 KB, 539x960, 1926834_692714754116908_6137848601486291999_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w/nana doom drops. anyone have a lot of her to start another thread?

>> No.7727094


So is she Cos-infamous now?

I can see her not being well liked in the con circuit now because of the massive shitstorm she caused and ruining a dude's life.

Doubt her parents had any clue of the extent of her whoreness. Probably not till now considering all the press surrounding this debacle.

>> No.7727098
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>> No.7727100


Pretty much. Depends on the state, but a photographer can be arrested for shooting minors in sexualized poses/attire without the presence of an adult or legal guardian.

It's just like the ex-boyfriend being charged for statutory rape, even if his story about not knowing her real age turns out to be true.

>> No.7727105
File: 78 KB, 612x612, 9a87257e51c311e2a3d822000a1f9be5_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she gets baked, drinks, parties out late, and is constantly changing her looks. i doubt her parents "didn't know" she was this fucked up. they knew her screen name right off the bat, everything is under that screen name. they're probably free spirits which is typical of California families on the coast

>> No.7727109
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>> No.7727110
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>> No.7727114
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>> No.7727117


Liberalism truly is a family destroying disease.

>> No.7727118
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>> No.7727124
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>> No.7727128
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>> No.7727133
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>> No.7727134
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>> No.7727135

holy christ this girl is ugly

I'm really tired of guys validating any girl willing to show her ass and telling her she's hot. Just because you're a slut doesn't mean you're cute.

I find it hard to believe she's underage, she looks at least mid 20s

>> No.7727138
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>> No.7727151

I hope this girl gets her fucking act together after ending up in the hospital. I really do. But she probably won't because she'll just drink in all the attention she got from this and just double up on the attention whoring to get shit from people who pity her.

>> No.7727157

I'm counting down the days until she's 18.

>> No.7727534
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>> No.7727620

Yeah, this too. He probably thought he was safe because didn't actually commit any crime.

>> No.7727627

All I can think is Classic example of "butterface "

>> No.7727634

She doesn't have the prettiest face, but her body is nice, and it's not like her face is ugly.

>I find it hard to believe she's underage, she looks at least mid 20s

True. I wouldn't think she's underage just by looking at her.

>> No.7727637

Yeah he's a dumbass and I can't feel any sympathy for someone so purely idiotic as him.

>> No.7727643

On the contrary, he cared so much about his ex-girlfriend he rushed back to see if she was ok.

It was stupid, but it was also gallant.

>> No.7727663

>but her body is nice,
She's a literal box.

>> No.7727664

too bad she probably has just about every kind of dick should could ever want now being offered to her

>> No.7727669
File: 56 KB, 612x612, db8abbdcc1f111e2af9822000a1f9331_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was fatter, she lost a lot of weight. Giove her another year, you will be kicking yourself over her curves.

>> No.7727671

She looks a lot curvier and cuddlier here.

>> No.7727674

It was but he doesn't have to talk to any police when that happens.

His cooperation however could help him in court and wind up with a plea deal, but sex offender is possibly going to be on his permanent record.

>> No.7727679

Bad enough he's gonna get in trouble for a non-crime, but being labeled a "sex offender" all his life and being lumped with actual rapists is going to ruin his life.

>> No.7727741

>fell approximately 6 feet
yeah no.

>> No.7727744


Damn girl. After getting out of the hospital, she goes right back to re blogging nude photos. Her mom is still trying to play it off that she got assaulted and her baby didn't didn't get drunk and fell.

>> No.7727762

those aren't her nudes on tumblr. you don't really know how tumblr works, do you?

>> No.7727766

Are scene kid names popular again? Fucking hell.

>> No.7727768

She's from Lake Elsinore, which is a ghetto city in Riverside that isn't by the coast. That kind of behavior isn't unusual there.

>> No.7727773


I know know they aren't her nudes. That's why I said she's re blogging nudes. If they were hers, I would have said she's posting her nudes.

>> No.7727774

That girl and that Cosplay Unity page are the dumbest people I've come across on the internet. I watch the AWA groups and cringe daily.

>> No.7727777

that sounds more like a short fence to a patio.

>> No.7727793

I wonder how many questions she got

>> No.7727815


Christ, what is going on

>> No.7727852

Can you fix your link?

>> No.7727853

Romeo and Juliet obviously.

Either way this is still fucking stupid. Age of consent has very little to do with anything other than an arbitrary number. The human brain doesn't stop growing till 25, there is very little difference in mentality from 16 until about 20 so even an 18 year old has the same brain as a 16 year old. Counting 18 year olds as an adult is fucking dumb. As far as age difference, it's only strange now, but think about how many peoples' parents are 10-20 years age difference, it's gross if you think about a 20 year old with a 10 year old, but not a 30 year old with a 20 year old. Perspective, people.

She said lied about her age anyways, and she doesn't look any younger than 25.

>> No.7727857

Sounds like her mother is in complete denial of what the true nature of her daughter is and would rather believe she was assaulted, left there at the gates she reportedly fell against and isn't trying to get her ex 29 year old boyfriend done for anything. Oh and wasn't drunk...

Considering she was fount in the early hours of the morning; a 16 year old just about to turn 17 with no night curfew who clearly enjoys partying, alcohol and most likely drugs. Sounds like great parenting to me.

>> No.7727883

>most likely drugs
you must have missed the last thread with all the instragram pics of her toking up.

>> No.7727891


If a guy had brain injury and possibly damage? No, I actually wouldn't laugh.

Don't try to justify being a prick by insisting the rest of us are too.

I did dumbass shit as a teenager and college student, and I'm lucky I never seriously hurt myself. Most people have made mistakes at some point, and just got lucky enough not to have serious consequences. I always feel bad for the poor fuck that draws the short straw.

>> No.7727897


She didn't "ruin" anyone's life. Get your shit together.

>> No.7727907


Oh look, another CGL slut making up bullshit to prove they aren't sluts.

Just make porn like Alie you fucking sluts.

>> No.7727908


No but the cosplayers who were quick to claim it was sexual assault and spread his name across the internet did.

>> No.7727915

No, she fell bumped her head and ended up in a coma. Some guy was arrested earlier for a different conviction and some idiot at the press thought the two were related so started spreading the news that she was attacked by the guy.

Girl woke up in the hospital said she was dating the guy but he didn't attack her she just fell. Guy is arrested and charged anyway with a different crime.

All the internet is calling her a attention whore. Guess being comatose means you're begging for attention.

>> No.7727919

Right the real people who "ruined" this guy's life would have to be the reporters plus everyone freaking out and spreading shit.

Also there was a message going around asking if anyone knew what had happened to her, since they found her. There was no people freaking out at that point.

>> No.7727921

>If it happened to some frat boy you'ld probably laugh at him.

>implying there wouldn't be a city wide uproar and a temporary memorial made outside of the hospital to commemorate the "tragic accident"
Seriously, have you ever lived in a college town? Do you know what happens to popular people when they get hurt even if they did it to themselves?

>> No.7727936
File: 39 KB, 540x960, milly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These injuries really don't look like they came from a fall...

>> No.7727938
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>> No.7727948
File: 65 KB, 960x540, chole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like she's lying about what happened. Mainly to cover her own ass. She's a teenager, and she's scared. There's so much info going around too, so someone has to be lying.

Chloe Dykstra visited her, that's kind of sweet of her

>> No.7727950


Yes it does actually.

Face plant the concrete hard enough it'll look like you got kicked in the face.

>> No.7727951
File: 32 KB, 474x466, milly3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from her mom's facebook

>> No.7727955

She apparently fell from a 4 foot wall. A fall like that is not going to cause brain damage, or injuries this bad.

>> No.7727956

Who even are you? Everything you've posted is fucking cringeworthy as fuck.

>> No.7727960

Facebook friends with her through mutual friends.
Just posting things from her/her mom's facebook.

She also apparently has bruises on the back of her head, from what her mom says. Really don't think it was just a fall.
Like I said, I feel like Milly is lying about a lot of the situation to cover her own ass, and she needs to come forward and say what really happened before more problems are made.

>> No.7727961


The mom is a moron and should be ashamed of herself for being such a shitty parent.

If she would have actually instilled some decent morals into her daughter she wouldnt be at comic con fucking a dude almost twice her age and getting drunk off her tits.

This is nothing any 17 year old should be doing.

>> No.7727962

Nice dorama. Hope she gets well tho

>> No.7727966
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>> No.7727967

Also, should probably add she's 5'11

Definitely agree. Terrible parent, raised a terrible daughter. They both need to take responsibility for their actions, instead of blaming it on the police (which her mom keeps doing)

>> No.7727968

Have you never been drunk?

Also it's a known fact she does drugs as well.

>> No.7727969


Cosplay isn't consent to be a drunk moron.

Face it the Milly is an out of control teen and she's lucky that this was only a freak accident.

It's as if you people wanted her to be raped and beaten.

>> No.7727977

Not even saying she was beaten and raped, it just doesn't seem too realistic for a 5'11 girl to fall from a 4 foot fence and get injuries like that, or even brain damage

Whatever happened, she definitely needs to take responsibility for, I just don't think what she's saying is true

Her mom also seems to be in complete denial of her daughter's lifestyle, which could be a reason Milly would be lying.

These are just my thoughts and opinions though, and I could be completely wrong. We just have to wait and see.

>> No.7727979

Who let tumblr in?

>> No.7727988

I remember being a stupid teen, and doing things that got me into serious trouble

And instead of getting help and making everything right, I lied to my parents so they would still think of me as a little angel.

Milly seems like more of a stupid teen than I ever was, so I just wouldn't be surprised if this were the case

And like I said, she needs to take responsibility. I am in no way condoning anything that happened, because this is a result of shitty parenting, and being an even shittier child

>> No.7727991
File: 447 KB, 720x528, 1386289692087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This was not a fall from a 4 foot gate"

But if you read the police article:
>"Her injuries, and physical evidence at the scene, were consistent with a fall from the distance of approximately six feet,"

Falling six feet and faceplanting onto concrete will do that

>"Are the police just trying to close out the case because they are 'getting killed on the media' from Cosplayers and the San Diego community"

Again if you read the article:
>A review of footage from surveillance cameras and information gathered from Comic-Con attendees concluded that the girl's injuries were not the result of an assault, but likely that of a fall, police said."

They have video footage of it happening, so no.

Holy fuck her other is a retard.

>> No.7727995

The mom has posted quite a few times that the detective told her the fence was 4 feet tall
I feel a little more obliged to believe that than internet articles that all have different stories of what happened

>Saying my daughter fell over a gate 4 feet tall (she is 5'11) as the detective demonstrated in my living room, holding his hand to his waist saying the gate with this high..... Does not explain the injuries she sustained....

too lazy to screenshot it, from the mom's facebook

>> No.7728000


Isn't cognitive dissonance grand?

There is nothing left of this debacle to wait and see for, it was a complete and utter freak accident. There's even surveillance footage of her falling.

>> No.7728002

Especially since the majority of them are unreliable news sources.
If I see the video mentioned, I'll turn down all of my arguments and will admit that I was wrong. But so far it's another rumour in this clusterfuck of a case.

>> No.7728005

Have you seen the footage? Have you seen a police report from a reliable news website?
I'd like links to this all, because if I'm wrong I'm wrong. But there has been so much false information, and even faked police reports in this case, it's really hard to believe random internet news websites that all have different information.

>> No.7728008

b-b-b-but a website with hardly any credibility said so!!!

>> No.7728017

you have a point, although I do think it's a fall, your argument is reasonable and I'll accept it. There are so many holes in this case, none of us know what happened. Just have to wait and see.
And you're right about the news thing, the fact that we're all so ready to jump on an article from a not well known website is kind of sad.

>> No.7728020

Mikan, I want to to climb a four foot wall(if you're sure that's how tall it was) and jump off off it onto concrete and land on your face, I can assure you that will fuck you up pretty bad.

Also being taller would actually hurt you more when falling and landing on your head.

>> No.7728023

As I said, give me links to credible news sources with the footage and I'll admit I was wrong. Until then these are just my opinions on the case from what I've seen going on on her family's facebook (with actual photos from the incident, which no one had even posted until I did)
Also she wouldn't have jumped, she was probably sitting on it and fell if anything.

>> No.7728059

Silly Milly sat on a wall,
Silly Milly had a great fall.

>> No.7728068

All of tumblr, all of the fems.
Gladly screamed "IT WAS THE MAN"

>> No.7728069

With all these charges against him he will now have "sexual predator" on his file. How is that not ruining his life? I wonder if he really didn't know she was underage, but if so, then she really fucked him over. Even if it was unintentional

>> No.7728075

if he was 29 and knew she was 17 (just turned 17 too), I don't think he would be dumb enough to date an underaged girl more than 10 years younger than him
She definitely lied, and now he's paying the price because of her
She also probably lied to her photographers
Like I said, she seems to like lying to cover her own ass, because then she's not the one who gets in trouble.
She's irresponsible and stupid, she's a teenager.

>> No.7728090

mom posted pics and made a comment finally
fb /jill.weyer.583 /posts/ 1453068141640076

>> No.7728093

We'll need more evidence obviously. Get someplace high and fall, possibly landing on a rock and get back to us.

>> No.7728108

I'm sorry, but what's so wrong with asking for more sources other than a website called "The Polygon"?
Why does that make you so angry?

>> No.7728134

nothing, 4chan is just filled with a bunch of butthurt babies who can't handle being even a little bit wrong

>> No.7728135

I'm not angry, just asking for more evidence obviously. You don't have to be a jerk about it.

>> No.7728207


lol how can a mother be this naive

>> No.7728418

Cap hit, new thread: >>7728411

>> No.7729279

At the end of it all

>>the mom wants her 15 mins of fame and spread some boo hoo bs story
>>her daughter was some druggy as slut bitch
>>bitch fell on her face
>>got a black eye
>>media ensue
>>end of the day! why the fuck are we talking about some skinny fat, dumb Ass, druggie, basic bitch

She looks likes shit. Is a dumb ass. Stop giving her pity likes and let's let her fade into oblivion. Her attention hungry ass needs to get faded out.